Kak, A.[Avinash]
Co Author Listing * Automation of dormant pruning in specialty crop production: An adaptive framework for automatic reconstruction and modeling of apple trees
* Dual Pose-invariant Embeddings: Learning Category and Object-specific Discriminative Representations for Recognition and Retrieval
* Incorporating Season and Solar Specificity Into Renderings Made by a NeRF Architecture Using Satellite Images
* Laplacian Pyramid Based Generative H&E Stain Augmentation Network, A
* Multi-frame based motion estimation for semantic object tracking in the presence of occlusion
* Novel Benchmark RGBD Dataset for Dormant Apple Trees and Its Application to Automatic Pruning, A
* Novel Visualization Tool for Evaluating the Accuracy of 3D Sensing and Reconstruction Algorithms for Automatic Dormant Pruning Applications, A
Includes: Kak, A.[Avinash] Kak, A.
7 for Kak, A.
Kak, A.C.[Avi C.]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Kak, A.C.[Avi C.]: kak AT ecn purdue edu
* 3-D Object Recognition Using Bipartite Matching Embedded in Discrete Relaxation
* 3D Modeling of Optically Challenging Objects
* 3D-POLY: A Robot Vision System for Recognizing Objects in Occluded Environments
* Accurate 3D Tracking of Rigid Objects with Occlusion Using Active Appearance Models
* Active learning for designing detectors for infrequently occurring objects in wide-area satellite imagery
* Applying Uncertainty Reasoning to Model Based Object Recognition
* ASSERT: A Physician-in-the-Loop Content-Based Retrieval System for HRCT Image Databases
* Automatic Generation of Object Class Descriptions Using Symbolic Learning Techniques
* CBIR for Medical Images: An Evaluation Trial
* Cluster-Based Distributed Face Tracking in Camera Networks
* Collaborative Algorithmic Framework to Track Objects and Events, A
* Color-Encoded Structured Light for Rapid Active Ranging
* Computational Study of Reconstruction Algorithms for Diffraction Tomography: Interpolation versus Filtered Back Propagation, A
* Content-based image retrieval from large medical databases
* Customized-Queries Approach to CBIR Using EM, The
* deformable model for human organ extraction, A
* Depth Perception for Robots
* Determination of the Identification, Position and Orientation of the Topmost Object in a Pile
* Determination of the Identity, Position and Orientation of the Topmost Object in a Pile
* Digital Picture Processing
* Distributed Object Tracking Using a Cluster-Based Kalman Filter in Wireless Camera Networks
* Dual-beam structured-light scanning for 3-D object modeling
* Dynamic Approach to High-Precision Parts Mating, A
* efficient algorithm for the extraction of contours and curvature scale space on SIMD-powered Smart Cameras, An
* Error Analysis of Robust Optical Flow Estimation by Least Median of Squares Methods for the Varying Illumination Model
* Estimating head pose with an RGBD sensor: A comparison of appearance-based and pose-based local subspace methods
* Evidence Accumulation and Flow of Control in a Hierarchial Spatial Reasoning System
* Evidence Accumulation Using Binary Frames of Discernment for Verification Vision
* Fast Vision-Guided Mobile Robot Navigation Using Model-Based Reasoning and Prediction of Uncertainties
* Globally Optimal Interactive Boundary Extraction Using Markov Chain Modeling
* Hierarchical Data Structure for Real-Time Background Subtraction
* INGEN: A Robot Vision System for Generic Object Recognition
* Integrating Sensing, Task Planning, and Execution for Robotic Assembly
* Integration of Geometric and Non-Geometric Attributes for Fast Object Recognition
* Interactive color image segmentation editor driven by active contour model
* Interactive Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Relevance Feedback
* Interactive Framework for Acquiring Vision Models of 3-D Objects From 2-D Images, An
* Interactive Framework for Boundary Delineation for Medical CBIR, An
* Interactive Learning of a Multiple-Attribute Hash Table Classifier for Fast Object Recognition
* Knowledge Based Robotic Vision System, A
* Knowledge-Based Robotic Assembly Cell, A
* Knowledge-Based Robotics
* Knowledge-Based Stereo and Structured Light for 3-D Robot Vision
* Light-Weight Event-Driven Protocol for Sensor Clustering in Wireless Camera Networks, A
* Local Approach for Robust Optical Flow Estimation under Varying Illumination, A
* Local versus global features for content-based image retrieval
* Measuring and modeling apple trees using time-of-flight data for automation of dormant pruning applications
* Modeling and Calibration of a Structured Light Scanner for 3-D Robot Vision
* multi-Kalman filtering approach for video tracking of human-delineated objects in cluttered environments, A
* Multi-Peak Range Imaging for Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Specular Objects
* Multi-view face recognition from single RGBD models of the faces
* New Approach for Active Stereo Camera Calibration, A
* New Approach to the Use of Edge Extremities for Model-based Object Tracking, A
* New Kalman-Filter-Based Framework for Fast and Accurate Visual Tracking of Rigid Objects, A
* novel evidence accumulation framework for robust multi-camera person detection, A
* Novel Parameter Estimation Algorithm for the Multivariate t-Distribution and Its Application to Computer Vision, A
* Object Representation for Object Recognition
* On combining graph-partitioning with non-parametric clustering for image segmentation
* parallel color-based particle filter for object tracking, A
* Parallel Implementation of the Color-Based Particle Filter for Object Tracking, A
* PCA versus LDA
* Person Tracking with a Mobile Robot using Two Uncalibrated Independently Moving Cameras
* Planning Sensing Strategies in Robot Work Cell with Multi-Sensor Capabilities
* Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging
* probabilistic framework for joint segmentation and tracking, A
* Production System Environment for Integrating Knowledge with Vision Data, A
* QoS Evaluation Testbed for Mac Protocols for Wireless Camera Networks, A
* Range Data Extraction and Interpretation by Structural Light
* Reconstruction from Projections: Applications in Computerized Tomography
* Recursive Least Squares Smoothing of Noise in Images
* Robot Vision for Recovering 3-D Objects in Low-Order Polynomial Time, A
* Robot Vision System for Recognition of Generic Shaped Objects, A
* Robotic Manipulation Experiments Using Structural Stereopsis for 3D Vision
* Robotic vision: what happened to the visions of yesterday?
* Robust motion estimation under varying illumination
* Robust tracking of articulated human movements through Component-Based Multiple Instance Learning with particle filtering
* Rule-Based Approach to Binocular Stereopsis, A
* Sensors for Intelligent Robots
* Sensory Aspects of Robotic Intelligence
* Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (SART): A Superior Implementation of the Art Algorithm
* SPAR: A Planner That Satisfies Operational and Geometric Goals in Uncertain Environments
* Special Issue on Computerized Medical Imaging
* Special issue on current issues and trends in computer vision
* Specularity elimination in range sensing for accurate 3D modeling of specular objects
* Stereo Vision
* Structural Stereo for 3-D Vision
* subsumptive, hierarchical, and distributed vision-based architecture for smart robotics, A
* Symbolic Stereo from Structural Descriptions
* Testing for Human Perceptual Categories in a Physician-in-the-Loop CBIR System for Medical Imagery
* Tracking articulated human movements with a component based approach to boosted multiple instance learning
* Unsupervised feature selection applied to content-based retrieval of lung images
* Using Human Perceptual Categories for Content-Based Retrieval from a Medical Image Database
* Using objective ground-truth labels created by multiple annotators for improved video classification: A comparative study
* variance-based Bayesian framework for improving Land-Cover classification through wide-area learning from large geographic regions, A
* Vision for Mobile Robot Navigation: A Survey
Includes: Kak, A.C.[Avi C.] Kak, A.C. Kak, A.C.[Avinash C.]
97 for Kak, A.C.