Update Dates 9500

9500 * *AIPR Workshop on Tools and Techniques for Modeling and Simulation
* *Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Images
* *Computer Vision and Image Understanding
* *Contextual Media: Multimedia and Interpretation
* *Proceedings of the First Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging
* 1995 Special Issue: Automatic Target Recognition - Introduction
* 2-D and 3-D Motion Analysis in Digital Subtraction Angiography
* 2D Segmentation from Fovea Images Based on Eigen-Subspace Learning
* 3-D Model-Based Tracking of Human Upper Body Movement: A Multi-View Approach
* 3-D Object Recognition Through Implicit Model Matching
* 3-D Reconstruction and Camera Calibration from Images with known Objects
* 3-D Reconstruction of Buildings from Stereo Images Using Both Monocular Analysis and Stereo Matching: An Assessment within the Context of Cartographic Production
* 3-D Reconstructions of Urban Scenes from Sequence of Images
* 3-Dimensional Machine-Vision Approach for Automatic Robot Programming, A
* 3-Dimensional Target Recognition Via Sonar: A Neural-Network Model
* 3D Descriptions of Buildings from an Oblique View Aerial Image
* 3D Fully Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Generating Medial Faces, A
* 3D Reconstruction of Blood Vessels by Multi-Modality Data Fusion Using Fuzzy and Markovian Modelling
* 3D Reconstruction of Objects Using Stereo Imaging
* 3D Scene Representation Using A Deformable Surface
* 5+/-2 Eigenimages Suffice: An Empirical Investigation of Low-Dimensional Lighting Models
* Accurate Internal Camera Calibration Using Rotation, with Analysis of Sources of Error
* Accurate Mosaicking of Scanned Maps, or How to Generate a Virtual A0 Scanner
* Action and Perception in Man-Made Environments
* Active Fixation Using Attentional Shifts, Affine Resampling, and Multiresolution Search
* Active Visual Navigation Using Non-Metric Structure
* Adapting to unknown smoothness via wavelets shrinkage
* Adaptive Eigenshape Model, An
* Adaptive Filtering and Indexing for Image Databases
* Adaptive Perceptual Pattern-Recognition by Self-Organizing Neural Networks: Context, Uncertainty, Multiplicity, and Scale
* Adaptive Visual Tracking Algorithm and Real Time Implementation
* Affine Surface Reconstruction by Purposive Viewpoint Control
* Affine Visual Servoing for Robot Relative Positioning and Landmark-Based Docking
* Affordable Optical Seam Tracking: Metatorch Systems Break the Price Barrier
* Algorithms for Implicit Deformable Models
* Alternative Form of the Lee Filter for Speckle Suppression in SAR Images, An
* Alternative Models for Fish-Eye Lenses
* Analog VLSI Neuromorphic Image Acquisition and Preprocessing Systems
* Analysis and 3D Display of 30 MHz Intravascular Ultrasound Images
* Analysis and Design of Parallel Thinning Algorithms: A Generic Approach
* Anatomy-Based Registration for Computer-Integrated Surgery
* Annular Symmetry Operators: A Method for Locating and Describing Objects
* Application of Fuzzy Artmap and Art-Emap to Automatic Target Recognition Using Radar Range Profiles
* Appropriate-Scale Local Centers: A Foundation for Parts-Based Recognition
* Approximate Matching of Polygonal Shapes
* Architecture for Vision and Action, An
* Artificial Convolution Neural-Network for Medical Image Pattern-Recognition
* Aspect Graphs and Their Use in Object Recognition
* Astrometry with Reconstructed Hubble-Space-Telescope Planetary Camera (WF/PC-1) Images
* Automated Extraction and Visualization of Bronchus from 3D CT Images of Lung
* Automatic and Semiautomatic Methods for Image Annotation and Retrieval in Query by Image Content (QBIC)
* Automatic Extraction adn Structuring of Objects form Scanned Topographic Maps: An Alternative to the Extraction from Aerial and Space Images?
* Automatic Extraction of Buildings and Terrain from Aerial Images
* Automatic Generation of Break Points for MDL Based Curve Classification
* Automatic Matching of 3-D Models to Imagery
* Automatic Person Recognition by Acoustic and Geometric Features
* Automatic Reading System for Handwritten Numeral Amounts on French Checks, An
* Automatic Recognition of Human Facial Expressions
* Automatic Retrieval of Anatomical Structures in 3D Medical Images
* Automatic System for Model-Based Coding of Faces, An
* Automatic Target Scoring System Using Machine Vision
* Automatical Adaptation of Anatomical Masks to the Neocortex
* Automating the Creation of a Digital Video Library
* Autonomous Navigation Through Case-Based Learning
* B-Deformable Superquadrics for 3D Reconstruction
* Bayesian Decision Theory, the Maximum Local Mass Estimate
* Bayesian Image Restoration in Astronomy: Application to Images of the Recent Collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy-9 with Jupiter
* Bayesian Registration of Models Using FEM Eigenmodes
* Bayesian Shape Estimation: Shape-from-Shading and Photometric Stereo Revisited
* Benchmark: Performance Evaluation of Dashed Line Detection Algorithms, A
* Binocular Dense Depth Reconstruction Using Isotropy Constraint
* Biologically motivated computationally intensive approaches to image pattern recognition
* Biologically Motivated Cross-Modality Sensory Fusion System for Automatic Target Recognition
* Biomedical Data Exploration Meets Telecollaboration
* Bipartite Matching Approach to Feature Correspondence in Stereo Vision, A
* Bond Percolation Based Gibbs-Markov Random Fields for Image Segmentation
* Bottom-Up Visual Image-Processing Probed with Weighted Hermite-Polynomials
* Building Environmental-Models of Man-Made Environments by Panoramic Sensing
* Building Extraction and Verification from Spaceborne and Aerial Imagery Using Image Understanding Fusion Techniques
* Building Extraction from Stereo Pairs of Aerial Images: Accuracy and Productivity Constraint of a Topographic Production Line
* Building Wide Area 2-D Site Models from High Resolution Fully Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* CAIR-2: Intelligent Mobile Robot for Guidance and Delivery
* Calibration-Free Visual Control Using Projective Invariance
* Camera Orientation and 3D-Deformation Measurement by Use of Cross Gratings
* Cantata: Visual Programming Environment for the Khoros System
* Characterization of Vision Algorithms: An Experimental Approach
* Class-Based Grouping in Perspective Images
* Classification of Binary Document Images into Textual or Nontextual Data Blocks Using Neural-Network Models
* Classification of Coal Images by a Multi-Scale Segmentation Techniques
* Classifier and Shift-Invariant Automatic Target Recognition Neural Networks
* Closing the Loop on Multiple Motions
* Co-Registration of MRI and Autoradiography of Rat Brain in Three-Dimensions following Automatic Reconstruction of 2D Data Set
* Coding Scheme for Certain Sets of Digital Curves, A
* Color Constancy In Diagonal Chromaticity Space
* Colorimetric Calibration of Color Scanners by Back-Propagation
* Combining Color and Geometric Information for the Illumination Invariant Recognition of 3D Objects
* Combining Color and Geometry for the Active, Visual Recognition of Shadows
* Combining Multiple Neural Networks by Fuzzy Integral for Robust Classification
* Combining Vertical and Horizontal Features from Medical Images
* Comparison of Two Multi-Scale Approaches to Edge Detection in Medical Images
* Competitive and Cooperative Neural Network for Line Detection, A
* Complete System for Recovery of 3D Shapes from Engineering Drawings, A
* Complex Feature Recognition: A Bayesian Approach for Learning to Recognize Objects
* Composition of Biosonar Images for Target Recognition by Echolocating Bats
* Computation of Coherent Optical Flow by Using Multiple Constraints
* Computation of Ego Motion Using the Vertical Cue
* Computation of Optical Flow and Its Derivatives from Local Differential Constraints
* Computational Color Constancy: Taking Theory into Practice
* Computational Models for Integrating Linguistic and Visual Information: A Survey
* Computer Aided Surgery (CAS) System for Stereotactic Neurosurgery
* Computer Assisted Knee Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: First Clinical Tests
* Computer recognition of printed Bangla script
* Computer Tracking of Tagged H MR Images for Motion Analysis
* Computer Vision for General-Purpose Visual Inspection: A Fuzzy-Logic Approach
* Computer-Aided Interactive Object Delineation Using an Intelligent Paintbrush Technique
* Computing Invariants Using Elimination Methods
* Computing Visual Correspondence: Incorporating the Probability of a False Match
* Conformal Mapping-Based Image Processing: Theory and Applications
* Connectionist Visualization of Tonal Structure
* Context-Based Exploitation of Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Contour Fitting Using an Adaptive Spline Model
* Convolution Connection Paradigm Neural Network Enables Linear-System Theory-Based Image-Enhancement
* Cooperating Array Grammar Systems
* Cooperative Use of Aerial Images and Maps for the Interpretation of Urban Scenes
* Coupled, Multi-Resolution Stereo and Motion Analysis
* Critical-Look At Robot Vision, A
* Cueing, Feature Discovery, and One-Class Learning for Synthetic-Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition
* Cursive Script-Recognition System Based on Human Reading Models, A
* Curve and Surface Smoothing Without Shrinkage
* Data Fusion for the Detection and Reconstruction of Buildings
* Deformable Models for Reconstructing Unstructured 3D Data
* Delaunay Triangulation in Three Dimensions
* Demonstrating Polynomial Run-Time Growth for Local Search Matching
* Dense Non-Rigid Motion Estimation in Sequences of 3D Images Using Differential Constraints
* Describing Motion for Recognition
* Design and evaluation of algorithms for image retrieval by spatial similarity
* Design of New Surface Detection Operators in the Case of an Anisotropic Sampling of 3D Volume Data
* Design, Implementation, and Performance of a Scalable Multi-Camera Interactive Video Capture System
* Detecting Kinetic Occlusion
* Detecting Subjective Contours with the Hierarchical Hough Transform
* Detection and Tracking of Vortices on Oceanographic Images
* Detection of Brain Activation from MRI Data by Likelihood-Ratio Test
* Detection of Buildings from Monocular Images
* Detection of visual symmetries
* Determining the Similarity of Deformable Shapes
* Determining Wet Surfaces from Dry
* Development of a Video-Rate Stereo Machine
* Digital Pictures: Representation, Compression, and Standards
* Digital Straightness and the Skeleton Property
* Digital Video Processing
* Digitization Constraints That Preserve Topology and Geometry
* Direct Construction of Polynomial Surfaces from Dense Range Images Through Region Growing
* Direct Estimation of Affine Deformations Using Visual Front-End Operators with Automatic Scale Selection
* Direct estimation of First Order Optic Flow
* Direct Methods for Visual Scene Reconstruction
* Direct perception of three-dimensional motion from patterns of visual motion
* Direct Recovery of Motion and Range from Images of Scenes with Time-Varying Illumination
* Disambiguation Techniques for Recognition in Large Databases and for Under-Constrained Reconstruction
* Discontinuity Preserving Surface Reconstruction Through Global Optimization
* Discrete Distance Operator on Rectangular Grids
* Document Analysis Systems
* Document Image Analysis
* Document Image Binarization Based on Texture Analysis
* Driving Vision by Topology
* Duality of Reconstruction and Positioning from Projective Views
* Dynamic Camera Calibration
* Dynamic Contour: A Texture Approach and Contour Operations
* Dynamic Rigid Motion Estimation from Weak Perspective
* Edge and Mean Based Image Compression
* Edge Detection of Color Images Using the HSL Color Space
* Edge of Light: A new enhanced optical NDI technique
* Edge Thinning Used in the Susan Edge Detector
* Efficient Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Automatic Feature Selection
* Efficient Parallel Object Recognition
* Electronically Directed Focal Stereo
* Elimination: An Approach to the Study of 3D-from-2D
* Entropy-Based Method for Extracting Robust Binary Templates, An
* Epipolar Parameterization for Reconstructing a 3D Rigid Curve
* Epipole and Fundamental Matrix Estimation Using Virtual Parallax
* Equivalence of Subpixel Motion Estimators Based on Optical Flow and Block Matching
* Estimating 3-D Body Parameters from Reflection Component Separating Imagery: A Performance Analysis
* Estimating the Tensor of Curvature of a Surface from a Polyhedral Approximation
* Estimation des Parametres dans les Chaines de Markov Cachees et Segmentation d'Images
* Estimation of Morphological Degradation Parameters
* Euclidean Voronoi Labelling on the Multidimensional Grid
* Evaluating and Validating an Automated Registration System for Enhanced Reality Visualization in Surgery
* Evaluation of an Automatic Markup System, An
* Evaluation of an Interactive Tool for Handwritten Form Description
* Evolutions of Planar Polygons
* Experimental Performance Characterization of Low Level Vision Components in Vision Systems: Theory and Application
* Experiments in Semiautonomous Registration of Disparate Spatial Data: Two New Techniques and a Model for Comparison
* Exploiting Contextual Information for Tracking by Using Closed Worlds
* Exploring Objects by Invariant-Based Tangential Viewpoint Control
* Face Detection by Fuzzy Pattern Matching
* Face Recognition from One Example View
* Facilitating High-Performance Image Analysis on Reduced Hypercube (RH) Parallel Computers
* Fast and Effective Occlusion Detection Algorithm, A
* Fast and Robust Recognition and Localization of 2-D Objects
* Fast LoG Filtering Using Recursive Filters
* Fast Multiresolution Image Querying
* Fast Object Recognition in Noisy Images Using Simulated Annealing
* Fast Segmentation of Brain Magnetic Resonance Tomograms
* Fast Template Matching
* Fast-Learning Viewnet Architectures for Recognizing 3-Dimensional Objects from Multiple 2-Dimensional Views
* Feature Detection using Suppression and Enhancement
* Feature Guided Pixel Matching and Segmentation in Motion Image Sequences
* Feature Identification as an Aid to Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Feature-Extraction and Image Segmentation Using Self-Organizing Networks
* Figure-Ground Segmentation Using Tabu Search
* Finding Curvilinear Structures in Mammograms
* Finding Faces in Cluttered Scenes Using Labelled Random Graph Matching
* Focus of Attention and Gaze Control for Robot Vision
* Focussed Color Intersection for Content Based Retrieval
* Formal Methods in 2-Dimensional Shape-Analysis
* Fractal Image Compression: Theory and Applications
* From Visual Input to Verbal Output in the Visual Translator
* Functional Context In Vision
* Fuzzy Approach for Smoothing and Edge Detection in Color Images, A
* Fuzzy Belief and Scene Interpretation
* Generalization from a Single View in Face Recognition
* Generalized Cross-Validation as a Stopping Rule for the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm
* Generalized Solution to the Quadtree Expected Complexity Problem, A
* Generation of Moment Invariants and Their Uses for Character Recognition
* generic approach for planar patches stereo reconstruction, A
* Geometric Camera Calibration: The Virtual Camera Approach
* Geometric Criterion for Shape-Based Non-Rigid Correspondence, A
* Geometric Properties of Sets of Lines
* Geometric versus Texture Detail in 3-D Models of Real World Buildings
* Geometrie enumerative et contacts de varietes lineares: Application aux graphes d'aspects objets courbes
* Geometry and Algebra of Multiple Projective Transformations
* Geon Recognition Through Robust Feature Grouping
* Global Alignment of Medical Images
* Global Rigidity Constraints in Image Displacement Fields
* Gradient Flows and Geometric Active Contour Models
* Graphics Recognition: General Context and Challenges
* Greyscale Morphology with a Non-Linear Structuring Element
* Grounding Language in Perception
* Handprinted Word Recognition on a NIST Data Set
* Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using a Small Number of Fuzzy Rules with Optimized Defuzzification Parameters
* Head-Eye Calibration
* Helmholtz Machine, The
* Heterogeneous and Reconfigurable Machine-Vision System, A
* Hierarchical Approach to Automatic Road Extraction from Aerial Imagery, A
* Hierarchical Statistical Models for the Fusion of Multiresolution Image Data
* High-Level Surface Descriptions from Composite Range Images
* High-Resolution Stereo for the Detection of Buildings
* High-Speed and Continuous 3D Measurement System, A
* Horizon Computation on a Hierarchical Triangulated Terrain Model
* How to Win a Dashed Line Detection Contest
* HST Image Restoration Developments at the ST-ECF
* Human Face Detection Using Silhouettes
* Illumination Planner for Convex and Concave Lambertian Polyhedral Objects, An
* Image Analysis, Random Fields, and Dynamic Monte Carlo Methods: A Mathematical Introduction
* Image Coding Scheme Based on Perceptually Classified Vector Quantization for High Compression Ratios, An
* Image Data Compression: Block Truncation Coding
* Image Difference Threshold Strategies and Shadow Detection
* Image dynamic range enhancement and stabilization in the context of the logarithmic image processing model
* Image enhancements with symmetric Daubechies' Wavelets
* Image Filter Design for Fingerprint Enhancement
* Image Processing based Navigation with an Autonomous Car
* Image Processing, Theory, Algorithms and Architectures
* Image Recognition by Integration of Connectionist and Symbolic Approaches
* Image Recognition with an Analog Neural-Net Chip
* Image Technology: Advances in Image Processing, Multimedia, and Machine Vision
* Image Warping with Scattered Data Interpolation
* Image-Reconstruction and Restoration in Astronomy
* Imaging with terahertz waves
* Improving Laser Triangulation Sensors Using Polarization
* Improving Model Accuracy Using Optimal Linear Combinations of Trained Neural Networks
* Improving OCR Performance with Word Image Equvalence
* Including Interaction in an Automated Modelling System
* Incremental Learning-Experiments with Scriptor: An Engine for Online Recognition of Cursive Handwriting
* Indexing in Video Databases
* Indexing Visual Representations Through the Complexity Map
* Information Extraction from Digital Images: A KTH Approach
* Information in the Direction of Image Flow, The
* Information Processing in Medical Imaging
* Integrated Stereo-Based Approach to Automatic Vehicle Guidance, An
* Integrating Neural Networks with Image Pyramids to Learn Target Context
* Integration of Lexical and Syntactic Knowledge in a Handwriting-Recognition System
* Integration of Natural-Language and Vision Processing: More Computational Models and Systems
* Intelligent Assembly Robotic System Based on Relative Pose Measurements, An
* Intelligent Vision Systems Are Set to Take-Off
* Interest Operator Based on Perceptual Grouping, An
* Introducing the Reduced Aspect Graph
* Introduction to the Kalman Filter, An
* Is Object Recognition Mediated by Viewpoint Invariant Parts or Viewpoint Dependent Features
* Iso-Distortion Contours and Egomotion Estimation
* Kernel Smoothing
* Knowledge Extraction and Acquisition During Real-Time Navigation in Unknown Environments
* Knowledge-Based Approach to the Layout Analysis, A
* Labeled Graphs and Dynamic Link Matching for Face Recognition and Scene Analysis
* Layered Abduction Model of Building Recognition, A
* Layered Representations for Vision and Video
* Learning Geometric Hashing Functions for Model Based Object Recognition
* Learning Membership Functions in a Function-Based Object Recognition System
* Learning Networks for Face Analysis and Synthesis
* Learning Visual Behavior for Gesture Analysis
* Learning-Based Hand Sign Recognition Using SHOSLIF-M
* Lie Group Approach to Steerable Filters, A
* Line Feature-Based Recognition Using Hausdorff Distance
* Linear Algorithm for Segmentation of Digital Curves, A
* Linear Feature Extraction with Dynamic Programming and Globally Enforced Least Squares Matching
* Linear Method for Reconstruction from Lines and Points, A
* Linear Time Recognition of Digital Arcs, The
* Linguistic Context In Vision
* Linking Models for Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Live cell image segmentation
* Live cell image segmentation
* Liver Definition in CT Using a Population-Based Shape Model
* Local Projective and Affine Invariants
* Lola: Object Manipulation in an Unstructured Environment
* Lola: Probabilistic Navigation for Topological Maps
* Low Level Segmentation Using CMOS Smart Hexagonal Image Sensor
* M(2)Vip: Variety in Mechatronics and Vision
* Machine Vision
* Map-Based Semantic Modeling for the Extraction of Objects from Aerial Images
* Markers Elucidated and Applied in Local 3-Space
* Markov Random Field Modeling in Computer Vision
* Matching and Learning Structural and Spatial Representation with Neural Networks
* Matching and Recognition Using Deformable Intensity Surfaces
* Matching Deformed Delaunay Triangulations
* Matching of 3D Curves Using Semi-Differential Invariants
* Mathematical Morphology for Edge and overlap Detection for Medical Images
* Mavis: A Special-Purpose Neural Computational System for ATR
* Mean-Absolute-Error Representation and Optimization of Computational-Morphological Filters
* Measuring Microcirculation Using Spatiotemporal Image Analysis
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Topologically Adaptable Snakes
* Method of Analyzing a Shape with Potential Symmetry and Its Application to Detecting Spinal Deformity, A
* Methodes Variationnelles pour le Traitement d'images
* Methodology for Evaluating Edge Detection Techniques for Range Images, A
* Metric Calibration of a Stereo Rig
* Mid-Level Vision Processes for Automatic Building Extraction
* Miniaturized Space-Variant Active Vision System: Cortex-I, A
* Model Based Part Segmentation of Range Data: Hyperquadrics and Dividing Planes
* Model of Figure-Ground Segregation from Kinetic Occlusion, A
* Model Registration and Validation
* Model-Based 2D and 3D Dominant Motion Estimation for Mosaicing and Video Representation
* Model-Based Aircraft Recognition in Perspective Aerial Imagery
* Model-Based Analysis of Hand Posture
* Model-Based Integrated Approach to Track Myocardial Deformation Using Displacement and Velocity Constraints, A
* Model-Based Matching of Line Drawings by Linear Combinations of Prototypes
* Model-Based Road Extraction from Images
* Model-Based Tracking of Self-Occluding Articulated Objects
* Modeling and Testing the Stability of Edge Segments: Length and Orientation
* Modeling Foreshortening in Stereo Vision using Local Spatial Frequency
* Modelling Elasticity In Solids Using Active Cubes - Application To Simulated Operations
* Monocular Stereovision : Depth Map from two Blurred Images
* Monocular Tracking of the Human Arm in 3D
* Morphological Multiscale Representation for Boundaries and Surfaces
* Morphological Scale-Space with Application to Three-Dimensional Object Recognition
* Mosaic Based Representations of Video Sequences and Their Applications
* Motion Detectors and Motion Segregation
* Motion from the Frontier of Curved Surfaces
* Motion Segmentation and Outlier Detection
* Motion warping
* Moving Object Extraction Method Robust Against Illumination Level Changes for a Pedestrian Counting System, A
* MRF Based Random Graph Modelling the Human Cortical Topography, A
* MRI Texture Analysis Applied to Trabecular Bone: An Experimental Study
* Multi-Image Camera Calibration and Object-Point Estimation
* Multi-Spectral Based Cell Segmentation and Analysis
* Multi-Variate Cross-Correlation and Image Matching
* Multibaseline Stereo System with Active Illumination and Real-Time Image Acquisition, A
* Multilayer Self-Organizing Feature Map for Range Image Segmentation, A
* Multilevel Fusion Approach to Object Identification in Outdoor Road Scenes, A
* Multiple Network Fusion Using Fuzzy Logic
* Multiple Shape Recognition Using Pairwise Geometric Histogram Based Algorithms
* Multiresolution in Astronomical Image-Processing: A General Framework
* Multiscale Detection of Curvilinear Structures in 2D and 3D Image Data
* Multisensor ATR and Identification of Friend or Foe Using MLANS
* Multivalued Morphology and Segmentation-based Coding
* Natural Basis Functions and Topographic Memory for Face Recognition
* Near Pattern-Matching Scheme Based upon Principal Component Analysis, A
* Neural Networks for Automatic Target Recognition
* Neural Processing of Targets in Visible Multispectral IR and SAR Imagery
* Neural Structures for Visual-Motion Tracking
* Neural System for Automatic Target Learning and Recognition Applied to Bare and Camouflaged SAR Targets, A
* Neural-Network Classifier for OCR Using Structural Descriptions, A
* Neural-Network Dynamics For Path Planning And Obstacle Avoidance
* Neural-Network Model in Stereovision Matching, A
* Neuromorphic Architecture for Cortical Multilayer Integration of Early Visual Tasks, A
* Neurosurgical Guidance Using The Stereo Microscope
* New 26-Connected Objects Surface Tracking Algorithm and Its Related PRAM Version, A
* New Approach to 2D Shapes Characterization, A
* New Architectural Solutions for Computer Vision Systems
* New Framework for Fusing Stereo Images with Volumetric Medical Images, A
* New Geometric Stochastic Technology for Finding and Recognizing Roads and Their Features in Aerial Images
* New Shape Recognition Method Using Morphological Hit-Miss Transform and Algebraic Representation of Images, A
* new structural technique for recognizing printed Arabic text, A
* Noise and Intensity Invariant Moments
* Non-Maximal Suppression Method for Edge Detection with Sub-Pixel Accuracy, A
* Non-Parametric Classification Algorithm with an Unknown Class
* Non-Polyhedral Landmark Recognition using 3D Depth Images and Partially Correct Models
* Nonlinear Extension of the Mace Filter, A
* Nonlinear Finite Element Methods for Nonrigid Motion Analysis
* Nonlinear Manifold Learning for Visual Speech Recognition
* Nonparametric Approach for Camera Calibration, The
* Note on the Nagendraprasad-Wang-Gupta Thinning Algorithm, A
* Novel Virtual Reality Tool for Teaching Dynamic 3D Anatomy, A
* Object Indexing Using an Iconic Sparse Distributed Memory
* Object Locating Using a Single Model View
* Object Matching by Means of Matching Likelihood Coefficients
* Object Parts Matching Using Hopfield Neural Networks
* Object Pose: Links Between Paraperspective and Perspective
* Object Recognition through Invariant Indexing
* Object-Based 3D X-Ray Imaging
* Obstacle Avoidance and Visually-Induced Navigation
* Occamian Approach in the Image Restoration and Other Inverse Problems
* Off-line Handwriting Recognition from Forms
* On Combining the Hough Transform and Multiresolution MRFs for Robust Analysis of Complex Motion
* On Computing Connected Components of Line Segments
* On Dimensionality in Multiscale Morphological Scale-Space with Elliptic Poweroid Structuring Functions
* On Multi-Feature Integration for Deformable Boundary Finding
* On Reconstructing Curved Object Boundaries from Sparse Sets of X-Ray Images
* On the Behavior of the Laplacian of Gaussian for Junction Models
* On the Geometry and Algebra of the Point and Line Correspondences between N Images
* On the Selection of Candidates for Point and Line Correspondences
* On Topology Preservation in 2-D and 3-D Thinning
* Online Cursive Script Recognition Using Time-Delay Neural Networks and Hidden Markov-Models
* Optical Flow Estimation While Preserving its Discontinuities: A Variational Approach
* Optimal Implementation of Morphological Operations on Neighborhood-Connected Parallel Computers
* Optimal Matching of General Polygons Based on the Minimum Zone Error
* Optimal RBF Networks for Visual Learning
* Optimal Subpixel Matching of Contour Chains and Segments
* Optimal Thresholding Using Multi-State Stochastic Connectionist Approach
* ORE Differential Invariants of Planar Curves and Recognizing Partially Occluded Planar Shapes
* Orientation histograms for hand gesture recognition
* Pairwise Geometric Histograms: A Scalable Solution for the Recognition of 2D rigid Shape
* Parallel Algorithm for 2D and 3D Object Recogniton and Its Implementation on a MIMD Machine, A
* Parallel Image analysis: Theory and Applications
* Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Medial Surfaces, A
* Pattern Recognition and Image Processing in C++
* Perception and Action in Man-Made Environments
* Perception of age in adult caucasian male faces: computer graphic manipulation of shape and colour information
* Perceptual Convexity
* Perceptual Organization in an Interactive Sketch Editing Application
* Performance Evaluation of Spatial Dynamic Motion Compensation Algorithms
* Peripheral Inspection of Objects
* Peripheral Visual Field, Fixation and Direction of Heading
* Perspective Projection: The Wrong Imaging Model
* Perspective Theory for Motion and Shape Estimation in Machine Vision, A
* Photo-Based 3D Graphics in C++: Compositing, Warping, Morphing, and Other Digital Special Effects
* Physical-Model Based Reconstruction of the Global Instantaneous Velocity Field from Velocity Measurements at a Few Points
* Physically-Valid View Synthesis by Image Interpolation
* Physics-like Invariants for Vision
* PIC1: A Visual Database Interface
* Picture Interpretation: A Symbolic Approach
* PIKS Foundation C Programmer's Guide
* Pixon-Based Multiresolution Image-Reconstruction and the Quantification of Picture Information-Content
* Plenoptic Modeling: An Image-Based Rendering Approach
* PMAC: A Polygon Matching Chip
* Point Correspondence in Unstructured Nonrigid Motion
* Polarization Based Removal of Spurious Inter-Reflections in Active Ranging
* Polymorphic Grouping for Image Segmentation
* Pose Estimation of Multi-Part Curved Objects
* Power Functions and Their Use in Selecting Distance Functions for Document Degradation Model Validation
* Practical Method for Estimating Fractal Dimension, A
* PRAM Nets for Detection of Small Targets in Sequences of Infrared Images
* Principal Components Analysis and Neural Network Implementation of Photometric Stereo
* Probabilistic Hyperstack Segmentation of MR Brain Data
* Probabilistic Multiscale Image Segmentation by the Hyperstack
* Programming Chip for the IJCAI-95 Robot Competition
* Proteus: A Reconfigurable Computational Network for Computer Vision
* Quadtree Algorithms for Template Matching on Mesh Connected Computer
* Quantitative Vascular Shape Analysis for 3D MR-Angiography Using Mathematical Morphology
* Random Model for Analyzing Region Quadtrees, A
* Random Planar Shapes and Their Statistical Recognition
* Range Image Segmentation: The User's Dilemma
* Range Measurement from Defocus Gradient
* Range Segmentation Using Focus Cues
* Ray-Based Computational Model of Light Sources and Illumination, A
* Real-Time Color Recognition in Symbolic Programming for Machine Vision Systems
* Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Using Central Flow Divergence and Peripheral Flow
* Real-Time Synthesis of a Human-Like Agent in Response to the Users Moving Image
* Real-Time Tracking of Cplan Rows Using a Hough Transform
* Real-Time Visual Inspection of Moulded Plastics Drippers
* Real-Time X-Ray Inspection of 3D Defects in Circuit Board Patterns
* Real-Time, Unsupervised Neural-Network for the Low-Level Control of a Mobile Robot in a Nonstationary Environment, A
* Realtime Camera Calibration for Enhanced Reality Visualization
* Reasoning Strategies for 3D Object Detection
* Recent Advances in the Automatic Inspection of Integrated-Circuits for Pattern Defects
* Recognition Network Model-Based Approach to Dynamic Image Understanding, A
* Recognition of Hand-Written Rotated Digits by Neural Networks
* Recognition of Human Body Motion Using Phase Space Constraints
* Recognition of Noise Polyfont Printed Text Using Combined HMMS, The
* Recognizing 3D Objects Using Photometric Invariant
* Reconfigurable Architecture for Image Processing and Computer Vision, A
* Recording, Processing, and Analysis of Digital High-Speed Sequences in Glottography
* Recovering 3-D Motion Parameters from Optical Flow Field Using Randomized Hough Transform
* Recovering 3D Shape of Unfolded Book Surface from a Scanner Image
* Recovering Object Surfaces from Viewed Changes in Surface Texture Patterns
* Recovery of Shapes by Evolution of Zero-Crossings
* Recursive Filter for Phase Velocity Assisted Shape-Based Tracking of Cardiac Non-Rigid Motion, A
* Recursive Surface Structure Recognition for Safe Navigation
* Reduction of Rank-Reduced Orientation-from-Color Problem with Many Unknown Lights to Two-Image Known-Illuminant Photometric Stereo
* Reflectance Analysis Under Solar Illumination
* Region Correspondence by Inexact Attributed Planar Graph Matching
* Region Tracking Through Image Sequences
* Registration of 3-D Surface Data for Intra-Operative Guidance and Visualization in Frameless Stereotactic Neurosurgery
* Registration of 3D Objects Using Linear Algebra
* Regularization Methods in Image Restoration: An Application to HST Images
* Regularized Multichannel Restoration Using Cross-Validation
* Relational Matching with Dynamic Graph Structures
* Relational Matching with Stochastic Optimisation
* Reliability of Conic Fitting
* Renaissance for Handwriting, A
* Rendering Real-World Objects Using View Interpolation
* Representation and Matching of Feature Patterns for Robot Operation Monitoring
* Representation and Reconstruction of Polygons and Polyhedra Using Hierarchical Extended Gaussian Images
* Representation for Mammographic Image Processing, A
* Representation of Deformable Object Structure and Motion for Autonomous Manipulation Using Relative Elasticity
* Representation of Linear Granulometric Moments for Deterministic and Random Binary Euclidean Images
* Representation of Scenes from Collections of Images
* Representation of Similarity as a Goal of Early Visual Processing
* Representing Pattern Recognition-Embedded Systems through Object-Process Diagrams: The Case of the Machine Drawing Understanding System
* Research in Computer and Robot Vision
* Retrospective Correction of MRI Amplitude Inhomogeneities
* Road Tracing by Profile Matching and Kalman Filtering
* Robot Aerobics: Four Easy Steps to a More Flexible Calibration
* Robotic Eye-in-Hand Calibration by Calibrating Optical-Axis and Target Pattern
* Robotic Radiosurgery with Beams of Adaptable Shapes
* Robust and Accurate Image Segmentation Using Deformable Templates in Scale Space
* Robust Estimation of Multiple Surface Shapes from Occluded Textures
* Robust Real Time Tracking and Classification of Facial Expressions
* Robust Real-Time Lane and Road Detection in Critical Shadow Conditions
* Robust Stereo Analysis
* Robust Variable Order Facet Model For Image Data, A
* Robust Video-Based Object Recognition Using CAD Models
* role of Saliency and Error Propagation in Visual Object Recognition, The
* Saliency Maps and Attention Selection in Scale and Spatial Coordinates: An Information Theoretic Approach
* SAR Interferometric Technique for Scene Analysis
* Satellite Digital Elevation Model on the Heterogeneous OPENVISION Parallel Computer
* Scalable, Real-Time, Image-Processing Pipeline, A
* Scene Change Detection in a MPEG Compressed Video Sequence
* Script Determination in Document Images
* Seeing Physics or, Physics Is for Prediction
* Segment-Based Structure from an Imprecisely Located Moving Camera
* Segmentation and Tracking of Piglets in Images
* Segmentation of 3D Objects from MRI Volume Data Using Constrained Elastic Deformations of Flexible Fourier Surface Models
* Segmentation of Cardiac Cine MR Images for Extraction of Right and Left Ventricular Chambers
* Segmentation of the Yellow Pages
* Segmented Shape Description from 3-View Stereo
* Segmenting Textures Using Cells with Adaptive Receptive Fields
* Selection of Edge Detectors Using Local Image Structure, The
* Semi-Automatic Detection and Extraction of Man-Made Objects in Multispectral Aerial and Satellite Images
* Semi-Automatic Feature Extraction by Snakes
* Separable 2-D Filters for the Detection of Ramp Edges
* Sequential and Competitive Methods for the Estimation of Multiple Motions
* Set-Based Benchmarking Method for Address Block Location on Arbitrarily Complex Grey Level Images, A
* Shape Blending Using the Star-Skeleton Representation
* Shape Decomposition Based on Erosion Model
* Shape Recognition Using a Fixed-Size VLSI Architecture
* Shape Representation for Computer Vision Based on Differential Topology, A
* Shape Tensors for Efficient and Learnable Indexing
* Sigmoidal Approximations for Self-Interactive Line Processes in Edge-Preserving Image Restoration
* Signal-Processing for Target Recognition in Biosonar
* Similarity Measures for Image Databases
* Simplification of Irregular Surface Meshes in 3D Medical Images
* Simulation and Visualization of Integrated Sensory-Motor Systems
* Simulation of Endoscopy
* Single lens stereoscopic video camera
* Site Model Acquisition and Extension from Aerial Images
* Slow Visual Search in a Fast-Changing World
* Smooth Curve Extraction by Mean-Field Annealing
* Snake for Model-Based Segmentation, A
* Solution of Nonlinear Diffusion Appearing in Image Smoothing and Edge Detection
* Solution to the Correspondence Problem in Multi-View Imagery, A
* Some Early Radiotherapy Optimization Work
* Some Practical Aspects of Image Restoration
* Sonar Recognition of Targets Embedded in Sediment
* Sophocle: A Retinal Laser Photocoagulation Simulator: Overview
* Space-Variant Active Vision: Definition, Overview and Examples
* Space-Variant Approach to Oculomotor Control, A
* Spatially Adaptive Iterative Algorithm for the Restoration of Astronomical Images
* Spatiotemporal Operators and Optic Flow
* Special Issue on Computer-Aided Measurement and Inspection
* Special Section on Artificial Neural Networks for Machine Vision
* Special Section on Image Technology in Italy
* Spectral and Rank Order Approaches to Texture Analysis
* Spiderweb Algorithm for Extracting 3D Objects from Volume Data, The
* Statistical Learning, Localization, and Identification of Objects
* Step Towards Reconstruction of 3-D CAD Models from Engineering Drawings, A
* Stereo Disparity from Multiscale Processing of Local Image Phase
* Stereo Matching Technique Based on the Perceptron Criterion Function
* Stereo Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Stereo Vision System on Mobile Robots for Measuring Road Surfaces
* Stereopsis, Vertical Disparity and Relief Transformations
* Stochastic Completion Fields: A Neural Model of Illusory Contour Shape and Salience
* Straight Line Extraction Using Iterative Total Least Squares Methods
* Strategies for Cursive Script Recognition Using Hidden Markov-Models
* Structural 3D-Analysis of Aerial Images with a Blackboard-Based Production System
* Structural-Analysis of Arabic Handwriting: Segmentation and Recognition
* Structure and Motion from a Sparse Set of Views
* Structure and Semi-Fluid Motion Analysis of Stereoscopic Satellite Images for Cloud Tracking
* Studies on Object Recognition from Degraded Images Using Neural Networks
* Subband DFT I: Definition, Interpretation and Extensions
* Subband DFT II: Accuracy, Complexity and Applications
* Superresolution of images: algorithms, principles, performance
* Supporting System for Getting Tomograms and Screening with a Computerized 3D Brain Atlas and a Knowledge Database, A
* Surface Approximation Of Complex Multipart Objects
* Surface Feature Attributed Hypergraph Representation for 3-D Object Recognition, A
* Surface Orientation and Curvature from Differential Texture Distortion
* Surface Reconstruction: GNCs and MFA
* Symmetry Interpretation of Complex Moments and the Local Power Spectrum
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry: A Markovian Approach for Phase Unwrapping
* Synthetic-Aperture Radar Processing by a Multiple Scale Neural System for Boundary and Surface Representation
* System for Automated Site Model Acquisition
* System for Form-Feature-Based Interpretation of Technical Drawings, A
* Systolic Merging and Ranking of Votes for the Generalized Hough Transform
* Talairach-Tournoux / Schaltenbrand-Wahren Based Electronic Brain Atlas System
* Test Driving Three 1995 Genetic Algorithms: New Test Functions and Geometric Matching
* Texture Boundary Tracking with Gabor Phase
* Texture Crack Detection
* Texture Segmentation and Shape in the Same Image
* Theory And Applications of Image Analysis II: Selected Papers from the 9th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis
* Thermophysical Affine Invariants from IR Imagery for Object Recognition
* Three Conditions of a Good Line Parameterization, The
* Three Dimensional Automatic Motion Analysis
* Three-Dimensional Object Perception for Automated Assembly by the Structured Light Method Using Cone Sections
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Volume Rendering of Intravascular Ultrasound Slices Imaged on a Curved Arterial Path
* Time-Optimal Digital Geometry Algorithms on Meshes with Multiple Broadcasting
* Time-Optimal Multiple-Query Nearest-Neighbor Algorithm on Meshes with Multiple Broadcasting, A
* To What Extent Do Unique Parts Influence Recognition Across Changes in Viewpoint
* Topological Clustering of Maps Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Total Stroke SLALOM Method for Searching for the Optimal Drawing Order of Off-Line Handwriting, A
* Towards a Unified IU Environment: Coordination of Existing IU Tools with the IUE
* Towards an Active Visual Observer
* Towards More Capable and Less Invasive Robotic Surgery in Orthopaedics
* Towards Real-Time Stereo Employing Parallel Algorithms for Edge-Based and Dense Stereo Matching
* Towards Realistic Visualization for Surgery Rehearsal
* Tracking 2D Structures Using Perceptual Organizational Principles
* Tracking Moving Contours Using Energy-Minimizing Elastic Contour Models
* Tracking Roads in Satellite Images by Playing Twenty Questions
* Transputer Implementation of a Multiple Agent Model for Object Tracking
* Transputer-Based Automated Visual Inspection System for Electronic Devices and PCBs, A
* Treatment Planning for Image-Guided Robotic Radiosurgery
* Trilinearity of Three Perspective Views and its Associated Tensor
* Two Methodologies to Implement 3D Thinning Algorithms on Distributed Memory Machines
* Two-Dimensional Imaging
* Understanding Images: Finding Meaning in Digital Imagery
* Understanding People Pointing: The Perseus System
* Unified Framework to Assess Myocardial Function from 4D Images, A
* Uniform Bayesian Framework for Integration, A
* Unifying Framework for Structure and Motion Recovery from Image Sequences, A
* Use of Captions and Other Collateral Text in Understanding Photographs
* Use of Context in Cursive Script Recognition, The
* Use of Context in Vision, The
* Use of DTMs/DSMs and Ortohimages to Support Building Extraction
* Using a 3D Position Sensor for Registration of Spect and US Images of the Kidney
* Using Approximate Models as Source of Contextual Information for Vision Processing
* Using Context to Control Computer Vision Algorithms
* Using Geometric Hashing with Information Theoretic Clustering for Fast Recognition from a Large CAD Modelbase
* Using Partial Shape Knowledge for Stereo Reconstruction
* VARTAC: A Foveal Active Vision ATR System
* Video-rate Pyramid Optical Flow Computations on the Linear SIMD Array IVP
* Virtual Reality as an Operative Tool During Scoliosis Surgery
* Virtual Reality Medical Training System, A
* Virtual Simulation In Radiotherapy Planning
* Virtual Space Editing of Tagged MRI Heart Data
* Vision as Process
* Vision as Process: Basic Research on Computer Vision Systems
* Vision Based Hand Modeling and Tracking for Virtual Teleconferencing and Telecollaboration
* Vision Of The Future
* Vision System for Robot Guidance and Quality Measurement Systems in Automotive Industry
* Vision-Based Mobile Robots on Highways
* Vision-Based Object Registration for Real-Time Image Overlay
* Vision-Based Road Detection in Automotive Systems: A Real-Time Expectation-Driven Approach
* Vision-Based Robotic Convoy Driving
* Vision-Based Robotics: A Challenge to Real-World Artificial-Intelligence
* Vision-Guided Robot Grows Up: A Look at the New Machine Vision Technology for Robots, The
* Visual Navigation for a Mobile Robot Using Landmarks
* Visual Navigation Using a Single Camera
* Visual Object Recognition Using Deformable Models of Vehicles
* Visual Servoing in ISAC, a Decentralized Robot System for Feeding the Disabled
* Visual Servoing in the Task-Function Framework: A Contour Following Task
* Visual Space Task Specification, Planning and Control
* Visual Tracking Technique Suitable for Control of Convoys, A
* Visual Vehicle Detection and Tracking Based on the Sign Pattern
* Visualisation of Multimodal Images for Neurosurgical Planning and Guidance
* VLSI Implementation of an Efficient ASIC Architecture for Real-Time Rotation of Digital Images
* Volumetric Deformable Models with Parameter Functions: A New Approach to the 3D Motion Analysis of the LV from MRI-SPAMM
* Voronoi Diagrams for Planar Shapes
* Wavelet Basics
* Wavelet Shrinkage: Asymptopia?
* Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Stochastic Image Models
* Weakly-Calibrated Stereo Perception for Rover Navigation
* Weighted-Fitting-Based Adaptive Filtering of Images
* Zone Classification in a Document Using the Method of Feature Vector Generation
688 for 9500

Index for "9"

Last update:26-Nov-24 17:17:54
Use price@usc.edu for comments.