Bajcinca, N.[Naim]
Co Author Listing * Cluster-based Convolutional Baseline for Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-identification
Bajcinovci, V.[Viliams]
Co Author Listing * No-reference artifacts measurements based video quality metric
Bajcsy, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * email: Bajcsy, P.[Peter]: pbajcsy AT cognex com
* Automated image processing of historical maps
* Automated Placement of Multiple Stereo Cameras for Tele-Immersive Applications
* Automation of digital historical map analyses
* Characterization of AI Model Configurations for Model Reuse
* Deep Zoom tool for advanced interactivity with high-resolution images
* Enabling Stem Cell Characterization from Large Microscopy Images
* Gridline: Automatic Grid Alignment in DNA Microarray Scans
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Using Similarity Analysis
* Location Based and Density Based Hierarchical Clustering Using Similarity Analysis
* Methodology for Increasing the Measurement Accuracy of Image Features
* Multicore speedup for automated stitching of large images
* New Framework for Hierarchical Segmentation Using Homogeneity Analysis, A
* Overview of DNA Microarray Image Requirements for Automated Processing, An
* Quantifying Variability in Microscopy Image Analyses for COVID-19 Drug Discovery
* Real time localization and 3D depth estimation across disparate sensing systems: Toward hazard aware and tele-immersive spaces
* Segmentation of Multidimensional Images
* Spatial Intensity Correction of Fluorescent Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Images
* Three-Dimensional Volume Reconstruction Based on Trajectory Fusion from Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Images
* Trajectory fusion for three-dimensional volume reconstruction
* Understanding the impact of image quality on segmentation accuracy
* Uniformity and Homogeneity Based Hierarchical Clustering
Includes: Bajcsy, P.[Peter] Bajcsy, P.
22 for Bajcsy, P.
Bajcsy, R.[Ruzena]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Bajcsy, R.[Ruzena]: bajcsy AT eecs berkeley edu
* 3-D Acquisition and Interpretation for Virtual Reality and Telepresence
* 3D Imaging Techniques and Multimedia Applications: Guest editor's introduction
* 3D Reconstruction of Environements for Virtual Collaboration
* 3D Representation for Computer Graphics and Computer Vision
* Active Investigation of Functionality
* Active Observer, An
* Active Part-Decomposition, Shape and Motion Estimation of Articulated Objects: A Physics-based Approach
* Active Vision for Reliable Ranging: Cooperating Focus, Stereo, and Vergence
* Advances in Computer Vision
* Augmented Telemedicine Platform for Real-Time Remote Medical Consultation
* Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumors in MRI Using Force Data Clustering Algorithm
* Berkeley MHAD: A comprehensive Multimodal Human Action Database
* Bio-inspired Dynamic 3D Discriminative Skeletal Features for Human Action Recognition
* Building a 3D Virtual Museum of Native American Baskets
* Calculating Reachable Workspace Volume for Use in Quantitative Medicine
* Camera Networks for Healthcare, Teleimmersion, and Surveillance
* Catadioptric Sensors that Approximate Wide-Angle Perspective Projections
* Classification and Analysis of 3D Teleimmersive Activities
* Closed Form Solutions for Reconstruction Via Complex Analysis
* Combining Color and Geometry for the Active, Visual Recognition of Shadows
* Complex Analysis for Reconstruction from Controlled Motion
* Conceptual and Visual Focusing in the Recognition Process as Induced by Queries
* Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
* Conscious Observer: A Coordinated Effort in Computer Vision, A
* Cooperation of visually guided behaviors
* Descriptive and Prescriptive Languages for Mobility Tasks: Are They Different?
* Detection of Specularity Using Colour and Multiple Views
* Discrete-Event Modeling of Visually Guided Behaviors
* Discrete-time rigidity-constrained optical flow
* Distributed Sensor Perception via Sparse Representation
* Distributed Topological Camera Network Representation for Tracking Applications, A
* Elastic Matching of Diffusion Tensor MRIs
* Feature learning using Generalized Extreme Value distribution based K-means clustering
* Finding Parametric Curves in an Image
* Fish-Scales: Representing Fuzzy Manifolds
* GEOBIT: A Geodesic-Based Binary Descriptor Invariant to Non-Rigid Deformations for RGB-D Images
* Geometric and Color Calibration of Multiview Panoramic Cameras for Life-Size 3D Immersive Video
* Geometric Methods for Building CAD Models from Range Data
* High-Quality Visualization for Geographically Distributed 3-D Teleimmersive Applications
* Inferring 2D Object Structure from the Deformation of Apparent Contours
* Integrated Approach for Surface and Volumetric Segmentation of Range Images Using Biquadrics and Superquadrics
* Integrating Intuitive Driver Models in Autonomous Planning for Interactive Maneuvers
* Interactive Recognition and Representation of Functionality
* Investigating Functionality: The Case of Piercing Operation
* Learning Physical Activities in Immersive Virtual Environments
* Linear Structure From Motion
* Local Occlusion Detection under Deformations Using Topological Invariants
* Methodology for Evaluation of Task-Performance in Robotic Systems: A Case-Study in Vision-Based Localization, A
* Model Driven Visualization of Coronary Arteries
* Model-Based Gaze Control
* Model-Based Learning of Segmentations
* Modelling and Removing Radial and Tangential Distortions in Spherical Lenses
* Modular Feedback System for Image Segmentation, A
* Multi-camera tele-immersion system with real-time model driven data compression: A new model-based compression method for massive dynamic point data
* New Emergency Medicine Paradigm via Augmented Telemedicine
* Object Representation for Object Recognition
* On Occluding Contour Artifacts in Stereo Vision
* On the Development of an Acoustic-Driven Method to Improve Driver's Comfort Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Packing Volumes by Spheres
* Partially Ordered World Model and Natural Outdoor Scenes, A
* Perception with Feedback
* Peripheral Visual Field, Fixation and Direction of Heading
* Projective Epipolar Rectification for a Linear Multi-imager Array
* Quantitative and Qualitative Measures for the Evaluation of the Superquadric Models
* Rapid Design and Prototyping of Customized Rehabilitation Aids
* Real-Time Tele-Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Heart-Failure Using a Smartphone: Lessons Learned
* Recognition of Human Actions using an Optimal Control Based Motor Model
* Reflective surfaces as computational sensors
* Robots Are Coming
* Robust rank-4 affine factorization for structure from motion
* Robust topological features for deformation invariant image matching
* RSTA on the Move
* RSTA on the Move: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from an Autonomous Mobile Platform
* RSTA on the Move: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from an Autonomous Mobile Platform: Final Report
* Scaling the Dynamic Approach to Autonomous Path Planning: Planning Horizon Dynamics
* Segmentation as the Search for the Best Description of Images in Terms of Primitives
* Segmentation Characterization for Change Detection
* Segmentation modeling
* Segmentation of Range Images as the Search for Geometric Parametric Models
* Segmentation Versus Object Representation: Are They Separable?
* Semiautonomous Vehicular Control Using Driver Modeling
* Sensor Errors and the Uncertainties in Stereo Reconstruction
* Sequence of the most informative joints (SMIJ): A new representation for human skeletal action recognition
* Signal-to-Symbol Transformation and Vice-Versa: From Fundamental Processes to Representation
* Similarity Measures for Matching Diffusion Tensor Images
* Single-View-Point Omnidirectional Catadioptric Cone Mirror Imager
* Single-viewpoint, catadioptric cone mirror omnidirectional imaging theory and analysis
* Skeleton-Based Compression of 3-D Tele-Immersion Data
* Skeleton-Based Data Compression for Multi-camera Tele-Immersion System
* Spectral Gradient: A Material Descriptor Invariant to Geometry and Incident Illumination
* Spline representations in 3-D vision
* Stereo Processing of Aerial, Urban Images
* Surface and Volumetric Segmentation of Range Images Using Biquadrics and Superquadrics
* Teleimmersive 3D collaborative environment for cyberarchaeology
* Three Dimensional Object Representation Revisited
* Three-Dimensional Scene Analysis
* Three-Dimensional Segmentation Using the Gaussian Image and Spatial Information
* True Single View Point Cone Mirror Omni-Directional Catadioptric System
* Using a Structured World Model in Flexible Recognition of Two Dimensional Patterns
* Using Scene Context to Model Segmentations
* Visual and Conceptual Hierarchy: A Paradigm for Studies of Automated Generation of Recognition Strategies
* Visual Focusing and Defocusing: An Essential Part of Pattern Recognition Process
* Visual Observation under Uncertainty as a Discrete Event Process
* Volumetric Segmentation of Range Images of 3D Objects Using Superquadric Models
* What One Can See on the Earth from Different Altitudes: A Hierarchical Control Structure in Computer Vision
* Wide-area external multi-camera calibration using vision graphs and virtual calibration object
Includes: Bajcsy, R.[Ruzena] Bajcsy, R.
108 for Bajcsy, R.
Bajcsy, R.K.
Co Author Listing * Acquiring 3-D Spatial Data of a Real Object
* Active and Exploratory Perception
* Active Perception
* Active Perception vs. Passive Perception
* Color Image Segmentation with Detection of Highlights and Local Illumination Induced by Inter-Reflections
* Computational Sensors
* Computer Description of Real Outdoor Scenes
* Computer Description of Textured Surfaces
* Computer Identification of Textured Visual Scene
* Computer Identification of Visual Surfaces
* Computer Recognition of Roads from Satellite Pictures
* Detection of Diffuse and Specular Interface Reflections and Inter-Reflections by Color Image Segmentation
* Generalised cylinders from local aggregation of sections
* Generalized Cylinders from Serial Sections
* How to Decide from the First View Where to Look Next
* Matching of Deformed Images
* Models of Errors and Mistakes in Machine Perception, Part 1. First Results for Computer Vision Range Measurements
* Multiresolution Elastic Matching
* Occlusions as a Guide for Planning the Next View
* Program for Describing Complex Three-Dimensional Objects Using Generalized Cylinders as Primitives, A
* Range Image Interpretation of Mail Pieces with Superquadrics
* Recovery of Parametric Models from Range Images: The Case for Superquadrics with Global Deformations
* Steps Toward the Representation of Complex Three-Dimensional Objects
* Texture Gradient as a Depth Cue
Includes: Bajcsy, R.K. Bajcsy, R.K.[Ruzena K.]
24 for Bajcsy, R.K.