Lee Johnson, C.P.
Co Author Listing * Mobile Robot Navigation Modulated by Artificial Emotions
Includes: Lee Johnson, C.P. Lee-Johnson, C.P.
Lee Kwang, H.
Co Author Listing * Modeling and Recognition of Hand Gesture Using Colored Petri Nets
Includes: Lee Kwang, H. Lee-Kwang, H.
Lee Messer, C.[Christopher]
Co Author Listing * ATCON: Attention Consistency for Vision Models
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Sparsely-Labeled Sequential Data: Application to Healthcare Video Processing
Includes: Lee Messer, C.[Christopher] Lee-Messer, C.[Christopher]
Lee Panetta, R.
Co Author Listing * Effect of Particle Shape, Density, and Inhomogeneity on the Microwave Optical Properties of Graupel and Hailstones
Lee, A.
Co Author Listing * Citation-Based Journal Rankings for AI Research: a Business Perspective
* Efficient Inter Prediction Mode Decision Method for Fast Motion Estimation in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Fast motion estimation using priority-based inter-prediction mode decision method in high efficiency video coding
* Geospatial Platform to Manage Large-Scale Individual Mobility for an Urban Digital Twin Platform, A
* Learning Shapes for Image Classification and Retrieval
* Markerless augmented reality system based on planar object tracking
* Multimodal Memorability: Modeling Effects of Semantics and Decay on Video Memorability
* Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Outdoor Point Clouds by Encoder-Decoder Shared MLPs with Multiple Losses
* Sentinel-3A/B SLSTR Pre-Launch Calibration of the Thermal InfraRed Channels
* SPOT-Based Sub-Field Level Monitoring of Vegetation Cover Dynamics: A Case of Irrigated Croplands
* VLAAD: Vision and Language Assistant for Autonomous Driving
* We Have So Much in Common: Modeling Semantic Relational Set Abstractions in Videos
Includes: Lee, A. Lee, A.[Alex] Lee, A.[Ahyun] Lee, A.[Audrey] Lee, A.[Allen] Lee, A.[Ahyoung] Lee, A.[Arrow] Lee, A.[Alexander] Lee, A.[Adam]
12 for Lee, A.
Lee, A.B.[Ann B.]
Co Author Listing * Complex statistics of high contrast patches in natural images, The
* Diffusion Maps and Coarse-Graining: A Unified Framework for Dimensionality Reduction, Graph Partitioning, and Data Set Parameterization
* Nonlinear Statistics of High-Contrast Patches in Natural Images, The
* Occlusion Models for Natural Images: A Statistical Study of a Scale-Invariant Dead Leaves Model
* On Advances in Statistical Modeling of Natural Images
* Optimal Transportation Approach for Nuclear Structure-Based Pathology, An
* Statistics of Natural Images and Models
* Statistics of Range Images
* Toward a Full Probability Model of Edges in Natural Images
Includes: Lee, A.B.[Ann B.] Lee, A.B.
9 for Lee, A.B.
Lee, A.C.
Co Author Listing * Enhanced Simulation of Radar Backscatter From Forests Using LiDAR and Optical Data
Lee, A.D.[Agatha D.]
Co Author Listing * Automated Extraction of the Cortical Sulci Based on a Supervised Learning Approach
* Joint Sulcal Detection on Cortical Surfaces With Graphical Models and Boosted Priors
* Nonconservative Lagrangian Framework for Statistical Fluid Registration: SAFIRA, A
* Statistical Properties of Jacobian Maps and the Realization of Unbiased Large-Deformation Nonlinear Image Registration
Includes: Lee, A.D.[Agatha D.] Lee, A.D.
Lee, A.H.X.[Alina Hui Xiu]
Co Author Listing * Metagrad: Adaptive Gradient Quantization with Hypernetworks
Lee, A.J.
Co Author Listing * Multi-task multiple kernel machines for personalized pain recognition from functional near-infrared spectroscopy brain signals
* Optimal Aviation Security Screening Strategies With Dynamic Passenger Risk Updates
* Using Hyperspatial LiDAR and Multispectral Imaging to Identify Coastal Wetlands Using Gradient Boosting Methods
Includes: Lee, A.J. Lee, A.J.[Aidan Joshua]
Lee, A.J.T.[Anthony J. T.]
Co Author Listing * 2D Z-string: A new spatial knowledge representation for image databases
* 3D C-string: a new spatio-temporal knowledge representation for video database systems
* 3D Z-string: A new knowledge structure to represent spatio-temporal relations between objects in a video
* data mining approach to face detection, A
* novel filtration method in biological sequence databases, A
* Object recognition using discriminative parts
* Similarity retrieval of videos by using 3D C-string knowledge representation
Includes: Lee, A.J.T.[Anthony J. T.] Lee, A.J.T.[Anthony J.T.]
7 for Lee, A.J.T.
Lee, A.R.[A Reum]
Co Author Listing * View-Invariant 3D Action Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Self-Similarities from Depth Camera
Includes: Lee, A.R.[A Reum] Lee, A.R.[A-Reum]
Lee, A.S.[Andrew S.]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Formulation of the Sliding Innovation Filter, An
* Video Representation with Dynamic Features from Multi-Frame Frame-Difference Images
Includes: Lee, A.S.[Andrew S.] Lee, A.S.[Alexander S.]
Lee, A.V.
Co Author Listing * Spatial Statistics for Segmenting Histological Structures in H-E Stained Tissue Images
Lee, A.Y.[Ae Young]
Co Author Listing * Co-registration of in vivo human MRI brain images to postmortem histological microscopic images
* Moisture Content Measurement of Broadleaf Litters Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Technique
Includes: Lee, A.Y.[Ae Young] Lee, A.Y.[Ae-Young] Lee, A.Y.[Ah-Yeong]
Lee, B.[Burt]
Co Author Listing * email: Lee, B.[Burt]: blee AT fuji stanford edu
* 3d Mapping of Serial Histology Sections with Anomalies Using a Novel Robust Deformable Registration Algorithm
* ABCD: Arbitrary Bitwise Coefficient for De-Quantization
* All-Zero Block Detection Scheme for Low-Complexity HEVC Encoders, An
* Autoencoders with exponential deviation loss for weakly supervised anomaly detection
* Bayesian Spatial Models for Projecting Corn Yields
* Bokeh-Loss GAN: Multi-stage Adversarial Training for Realistic Edge-aware Bokeh
* Burstm: Deep Burst Multi-scale SR Using Fourier Space with Optical Flow
* Channel Shuffle Neural Architecture Search for Key Word Spotting
* Character Region Awareness for Text Detection
* Combining Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Stochastic Ensemble Weight Optimization for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Combining of Multiple Deep Networks via Ensemble Generalization Loss, Based on MRI Images, for Alzheimer's Disease Classification
* CU-Level Rate and Distortion Estimation Scheme for RDO of Hardware-Friendly HEVC Encoders Using Low-Complexity Integer DCTs, A
* Deblurring 3d Gaussian Splatting
* Digital Holography and 3D Imaging: introduction to the joint feature issue in Applied Optics and Journal of the Optical Society of America A 2018
* Edge adaptive graph-based transforms: Comparison of step/ramp edge models for video compression
* Efficient object detection using convolutional neural network-based hierarchical feature modeling
* Ensemble of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Gabor Face Representations for Face Recognition
* Evaluation of a Phenology-Dependent Response Method for Estimating Leaf Area Index of Rice Across Climate Gradients
* Fast Computation of Integer DCT-V, DCT-VIII, and DST-VII for Video Coding
* Fast Non-Local Attention network for light super-resolution
* FBRNN: Feedback Recurrent Neural Network for Extreme Image Super-Resolution
* Few-shot Compositional Font Generation with Dual Memory
* Few-Shot Font Generation With Weakly Supervised Localized Representations
* Frame Level Emotion Guided Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition with Emotion Grouping
* Frame-Level Rate Control Scheme Based on Texture and Nontexture Rate Models for High Efficiency Video Coding, A
* From Detection of Individual Metastases to Classification of Lymph Node Status at the Patient Level: The CAMELYON17 Challenge
* GBST: Separable transforms based on line graphs for predictive video coding
* Gradient preserving RGB-to-gray conversion using random forest
* Gray-Scale Thinning Algorithm Using Local Min/Max Operations
* Grouping Method for Neighbor Objects of Moving Object Using Hash Index
* H.264/MVC interleaving for real-time multiview video streaming
* Hard Sample-aware Consistency for Low-resolution Facial Expression Recognition
* Impact of Scent Type on Olfaction-Enhanced Multimedia Quality of Experience, The
* Implicit Neural Image Stitching With Enhanced and Blended Feature Reconstruction
* Information Bottleneck Measurement for Compressed Sensing Image Reconstruction
* Integral imaging using color multiplexed holographic optical element
* KFA: Keyword Feature Augmentation for Open Set Keyword Spotting
* Low Complexity Mode Decision Method for Spatial Scalability Coding, A
* Masked Wavelet Representation for Compact Neural Radiance Fields
* Measure of Utilizing Space Database Information for Improvement of Efficient Disaster Management (Focusing on Nuclear Power Plant Accidents)
* Modeling Rates and Distortions Based on a Mixture of Laplacian Distributions for Inter-Predicted Residues in Quadtree Coding of HEVC
* Multi-projection 3D displays using multiplexing techniques in autostereoscopic displays
* Multimodal Multi-Channel On-Line Speaker Diarization Using Sensor Fusion Through SVM
* Multiple Heads are Better than One: Few-shot Font Generation with Multiple Localized Experts
* Multiview image and video interpolation using weighted vector median filters
* MVP2P: Layer-dependency-aware live MVC video streaming over peer-to-peer networks
* Noisy label facial expression recognition via face-specific label distribution learning
* Novel Approach To Camera Calibration Method For Smart Phones Under Road Environment, A
* Novel Fast CU Encoding Scheme Based on Spatiotemporal Encoding Parameters for HEVC Inter Coding, A
* Novel Rate and Distortion Estimation Method Using Particle Filtering Based Prediction for Intra-Predictive Coding of Deep Block Partitioning Structures, A
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Perceptual Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Super-Resolution (×4): Methods and Results
* Performance analysis of hierarchical transform coding with a large kernel for video codecs
* Prototypical Knowledge Distillation for Noise Robust Keyword Spotting
* Prune Channel and Distill: Discriminative Knowledge Distillation for Semantic Segmentation
* Rate Perceptual-Distortion Optimized Video Coding HEVC, A
* Realistic Bokeh Effect Rendering on Mobile GPUs, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* Rectal cancer: Toward fully automatic discrimination of T2 and T3 rectal cancers using deep convolutional neural network
* Sharp-NeRF: Grid-based Fast Deblurring Neural Radiance Fields using Sharpness Prior
* Simultaneous-Speaker Voice Activity Detection and Localization Using Mid-Fusion of SVM and HMMs
* Statistical Characteristic-Based Road Structure Recognition in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems
* Style Transfer Using Optimal Transport Via Wasserstein Distance
* Table-top display using integral floating display
* Technical development and broadcast trials of 3D service over digital multimedia broadcasting
* Three-Dimensional Cloud Volume Reconstruction from the Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer
* Unsupervised Real-World Super Resolution with Cycle Generative Adversarial Network and Domain Discriminator
* Using Blockchain for Improved Video Integrity Verification
* Video Object Detection Using Object's Motion Context and Spatio-Temporal Feature Aggregation
* VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* Visual tracking in complex scenes through pixel-wise tri-modeling
* Voice activity detection and speaker localization using audiovisual cues
* Volumetric SRP with Refinement Step for Sound Source Localization, A
* VVC Intra Rate Control With Small Bit Fluctuations Using a Lagrange Multiplier Adjustment, A
Includes: Lee, B.[Burt] Lee, B.[Brian] Lee, B.[Byeonghun] Lee, B. Lee, B.[Byungju] Lee, B.[Ben_Seiyon] Lee, B.[Bokyeung] Lee, B.[Bado] Lee, B.[Bumshik] Lee, B.[Byeonghyeon] Lee, B.[Byoungho] Lee, B.[Byungjae] Lee, B.[Bora] Lee, B.[ByeongJu] Lee, B.[Buhm] Lee, B.[Bomi] Lee, B.[Bowon] Lee, B.[Bijun] Lee, B.[Beomyeol] Lee, B.[Boreom] Lee, B.[Bongho] Lee, B.[Byungsuk] Lee, B.[Byeongwon] Lee, B.[Beongju]
74 for Lee, B.
Lee, B.B.[Barry B.]
Co Author Listing * Color coding in the primate visual pathway: a historical view
* Color Vision: Introduction
* Color vision: Introduction by the feature editors
* Color vision: introduction by the feature editors 2016
* Dependence of chromatic responses in V1 on visual field eccentricity and spatial frequency: an fMRI study
* Independence and interaction of luminance and chromatic contributions to spatial hyperacuity performance
* Psychophysical and physiological responses to gratings with luminance and chromatic components of different spatial frequencies
* Spatial distributions of cone inputs to cells of the parvocellular pathway investigated with cone-isolating gratings
8 for Lee, B.B.
Lee, B.C.
Co Author Listing * Fast Cosine Transform, A
* Infinitesimal Drift Diffeomorphometry Models for Population Shape Analysis
* Variance Estimation for Myocardial Blood Flow by Dynamic PET
Includes: Lee, B.C. Lee, B.C.[Brian C.]
Lee, B.D.[Byong Dai]
Co Author Listing * H3Net: Irregular Posture Detection by Understanding Human Character and Core Structures
Includes: Lee, B.D.[Byong Dai] Lee, B.D.[Byong-Dai]
Lee, B.G.[Byung Gook]
Co Author Listing * 1-inch UniTouch System using Kinect
* 3D Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Data Using Moving Least Square Method
* Analyzing Surgeon-Robot Cooperative Performance in Robot-Assisted Intravascular Catheterization
* efficient scattered data approximation using multilevel B-splines based on quasi-interpolants, An
* Egocoord: Self-calibrated Egocentric 3d Body Pose Estimation Using Pixel-wise Coordinate Encoding
* FEGAN: A Feature-Oriented Enhanced GAN for Enhancing Thermal Image Super-Resolution
* IOAM: A Novel Sensor Fusion-Based Wearable for Localization and Mapping
* LDNet: End-to-End Lane Marking Detection Approach Using a Dynamic Vision Sensor
* New Class of Non-stationary Interpolatory Subdivision Schemes Based on Exponential Polynomials, A
* Signal-Symbol Approach to Change Detection, A
* Wearable Glove-Type Driver Stress Detection Using a Motion Sensor
* Wearable Mobile-Based Emotional Response-Monitoring System for Drivers
Includes: Lee, B.G.[Byung Gook] Lee, B.G.[Byung-Gook] Lee, B.G.[Boon-Giin] Lee, B.G.[Boon Giin] Lee, B.G.[Byung-Geun] Lee, B.G.
12 for Lee, B.G.
Lee, B.H.[Byung Hyun]
Co Author Listing * All-in-One Image Restoration for Unknown Degradations Using Adaptive Discriminative Filters for Specific Degradations
* Application of ASTER Data for Differentiating Carbonate Minerals and Evaluating MgO Content of Magnesite in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton
* Detecting the optic cup excavation in retinal fundus images by automatic detection of vessel kinking
* Detection of Magnesite and Associated Gangue Minerals using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: A Laboratory Approach
* Dynamic Tracking Line: Feasible Tracking Region of a Robot in Conveyor Systems
* Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* Efficient Single-image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* Factorization Approach for Sparse Spatio-Temporal Brain-Computer Interface
* Handheld light field camera for intergral imaging with pixel mapping algorithm
* Integrative 3D Geological Modeling Derived from SWIR Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques and UAV-Based 3D Model for Carbonate Rocks
* low-dimensional step pattern analysis algorithm with application to multimodal retinal image registration, A
* Motion-Based Boundary Tracking of Moving Object Using Parametric Active Contour Model
* Online Continual Learning on Hierarchical Label Expansion
* Pseudo-curved integral imaging pickup system with realtime view image generation
* real-time grid map generation and object classification for ground-based 3D LIDAR data using image analysis techniques, A
* sEMG Signal-Based Lower Limb Human Motion Detection Using a Top and Slope Feature Extraction Algorithm
* Viewing window expansion in integral floating display using tilted side mirrors
* Virtual Coupling of Railway Vehicles: Gap Reference for Merge and Separation, Robust Control, and Position Measurement
Includes: Lee, B.H.[Byung Hyun] Lee, B.H.[Bum Han] Lee, B.H.[Beng-Hai] Lee, B.H. Lee, B.H.[Byeong Hyun] Lee, B.H.[Byeong-Hoo] Lee, B.H.[Byoung-Ho] Lee, B.H.[Beng Hai] Lee, B.H.[Boo Hwan] Lee, B.H.[Bo-Hee] Lee, B.H.[Byeong-Hyeon] Lee, B.H.[Byung-Hun]
18 for Lee, B.H.
Lee, B.I.[Byung Il]
Co Author Listing * 2018 Atmospheric Motion Vector (AMV) Intercomparison Study
* Conductivity Image Reconstruction From Defective Data in MREIT: Numerical Simulation and Animal Experiment
* J-substitution algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT): phantom experiments for static resistivity images
Includes: Lee, B.I.[Byung Il] Lee, B.I.[Byung-Il] Lee, B.I.
Lee, B.J.[Bum Jong]
Co Author Listing * Hierarchical Contribution Culling for Fast Rendering of Complex Scenes
* MARS: Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Spatial: Spectral and Temporal Feature Selection in EEG-Based BCI
* Method for extracting fingerprint feature data using ridge orientation model
* MR Performance in the Presence of a Radio Frequency-Penetrable Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Insert for Simultaneous PET/MRI
* Multi-class Multi-object Tracking Using Changing Point Detection
* Multi-image high dynamic range algorithm using a hybrid camera
* Robust pan-tilt-zoom tracking via optimization combining motion features and appearance correlations
* Scale preserving PTZ tracking with size estimation using tilt sensory data
Includes: Lee, B.J.[Bum Jong] Lee, B.J.[Bum-Jong] Lee, B.J.[Byung-Jun] Lee, B.J.[Byun Jin] Lee, B.J. Lee, B.J.[Byung-Jae] Lee, B.J.[Byung-Ju] Lee, B.J.[Byeong-Ju] Lee, B.J.[Byeong Ju]
8 for Lee, B.J.
Lee, B.K.[Byung Kwan]
Co Author Listing * Demystifying Causal Features on Adversarial Examples and Causal Inoculation for Robust Network by Adversarial Instrumental Variable Regression
* Design of Algorithm Development Interface for Fingerprint Verification Algorithms
* Long-Range Prediction for Real-Time MPEG Video Traffic: An H_infty Filter Approach
* Masking Adversarial Damage: Finding Adversarial Saliency for Robust and Sparse Network
* Mitigating Adversarial Vulnerability through Causal Parameter Estimation by Adversarial Double Machine Learning
* Mitigating Dataset Bias in Image Captioning Through Clip Confounder-Free Captioning Network
* Moai: Mixture of All Intelligence for Large Language and Vision Models
* Study on Performance Evaluation of Fingerprint Sensors, A
Includes: Lee, B.K.[Byung Kwan] Lee, B.K.[Byung-Kwan] Lee, B.K.[Bong-Ku] Lee, B.K.
8 for Lee, B.K.
Lee, B.L.
Co Author Listing * Wearable Mobile-Based Emotional Response-Monitoring System for Drivers
Lee, B.M.[Byoung Moo]
Co Author Listing * Development of Early Tunnel Fire Detection Algorithm Using the Image Processing
Includes: Lee, B.M.[Byoung Moo] Lee, B.M.[Byoung-Moo]
Lee, B.R.[Byeong Rae]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Local Binarization Method for Recognition of Vehicle License Plates
* Egocoord: Self-calibrated Egocentric 3d Body Pose Estimation Using Pixel-wise Coordinate Encoding
* Holographic and Light-Field Imaging as Future 3-D Displays
* Increasing the depth of field for multiview 3D images
* Lane boundaries detection algorithm using vector lane concept
* Non-contact eye gaze tracking system by mapping of corneal reflections
* Off-axis complex hologram encoding method for holographic display with amplitude-only modulation
Includes: Lee, B.R.[Byeong Rae] Lee, B.R.[Beom-Ryeol] Lee, B.R. Lee, B.R.[Byung Ryong] Lee, B.R.[Bang Rae]
7 for Lee, B.R.
Lee, B.S.
Co Author Listing * Bottom-Up Saliency Detection Model Based on Human Visual Sensitivity and Amplitude Spectrum
* CamType: assistive text entry using gaze with an off-the-shelf webcam
* Comparison between H.264/AVC and Motion jpeg2000 for super-high definition video coding
* Direct Intermode Selection for H.264 Video Coding Using Phase Correlation
* Explore and Model Better I-Frames for Video Coding
* Feasibility Analysis of Eye Typing with a Standard Webcam
* Long-Term Reference Frame for Hierarchical B-Picture-Based Video Coding, A
* Low-Complexity Video Coding Based on Two-Dimensional Singular Value Decomposition
* McFIS in hierarchical bipredictve pictures-based video coding for referencing the stable area in a scene
* Mode-Dependent Templates and Scan Order for H.264/AVC-Based Intra Lossless Coding
* new reconstruction method in gaze estimation with natural head movement, A
* Optimum bit allocation for FGS video coding
* Pattern based video coding with uncovered background
* Performance analysis, parameter selection and extensions to H.264/AVC FRExt for high resolution video coding
* RFID Technology Study for Traffic Signage Inventory Management Application
* Robust Image Coding Based Upon Compressive Sensing
* Rotated Orthogonal Transform (ROT) for Motion-Compensation Residual Coding
* Two dimensional Singular Value Decomposition (2D-SVD) based video coding
* Unsupervised rumor detection based on users' behaviors using neural networks
Includes: Lee, B.S. Lee, B.S.[Bu-Sung] Lee, B.S.[Bu Sung] Lee, B.S.[Byung Suk]
19 for Lee, B.S.
Lee, B.T.[Byung Tak]
Co Author Listing * Fast Holographic Image Reconstruction Using Phase-Shifting Assisted Depth Detection Scheme for Optical Scanning Holography
Lee, B.U.[Byung Uk]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Chrominance Correction for a Projector Considering Image and Screen Color
* Color Compensation Using Nonlinear Luminance-RGB Component Curve of a Camera
* Color image enhancement with high saturation using piecewise linear gamut mapping
* Depth Completion using Plane-Residual Representation
* Image Segmentation Using Geometric and Physical Constraints
* Improving Brightness for a Multi-projector Display Considering Image Content
* Large-Scale Virtual Dataset and Egocentric Localization for Disaster Responses, A
* Learning to Control Camera Exposure via Reinforcement Learning
* Metric Rectification to Estimate the Aspect Ratio of Camera-Captured Document Images
* Novel 3-D Color Histogram Equalization Method With Uniform 1-D Gray Scale Histogram, A
* Orientation Reliability Matrix for the Iterative Closest Point Algorithm, An
* Removing Boundary Effect of a Patch-Based Super-Resolution Algorithm
* Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation from Thermal Images via Adversarial Multi-spectral Adaptation
* Single View Scene Scale Estimation using Scale Field
* Stable Surface Regularization for Fast Few-Shot NeRF
* Systolic realization of motion compensated interpolation filter
* TTA-COPE: Test-Time Adaptation for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation
* UDA-COPE: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Category-level Object Pose Estimation
* Viewpoint Interpolation Using an Ellipsoid Head Model for Video Teleconferencing
Includes: Lee, B.U.[Byung Uk] Lee, B.U.[Byung-Uk] Lee, B.U.[Byeong-Uk] Lee, B.U.
19 for Lee, B.U.
Lee, B.W.[Byun Woo]
Co Author Listing * Using MODIS Data to Predict Regional Corn Yields
Includes: Lee, B.W.[Byun Woo] Lee, B.W.[Byun-Woo]
Lee, B.Y.[Byung Yun]
Co Author Listing * Automatic gait recognition based on probabilistic approach
* new optimal digital halftoning technique based on the discrete cosine transform, A
* Tunable Ultrahigh Dielectric Constant (tuHDC) Ceramic Technique to Largely Improve RF Coil Efficiency and MR Imaging Performance
Includes: Lee, B.Y.[Byung Yun] Lee, B.Y.[Byung-Yun] Lee, B.Y.[Buh-Yun] Lee, B.Y.
Lee, C.[Chul]
Co Author Listing * 3D Face Tracking from 2D Video through Iterative Dense UV to Image Flow
* 3D mesh and multi-view synthesis implementation using stereo cameras and a depth camera
* Affine transformations of images: a least squares formulation
* Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio SLAM With Terrestrial Signals of Opportunity
* Alignment-Free Cancelable Fingerprint Templates Based on Local Minutiae Information
* Animal pose estimation: A closer look at the state-of-the-art, existing gaps and opportunities
* Assessment of Polar Ionospheric Observations by VIPIR/Dynasonde at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica: Part 1: Ionospheric Densities
* Asymmetric Bilateral Motion Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation
* Attention-Guided Low-Rank Tensor Completion
* Attribute Augmented Convolutional Neural Network for Face Hallucination
* Automated bias-compensation of rational polynomial coefficients of high resolution satellite imagery based on topographic maps
* Automated Generation of a Digital Elevation Model Over Steep Terrain in Antarctica From High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Automated Stereophotogrammetry
* Automatic Video Genre Classification Using Multiple SVM Votes
* Bayes Error Evaluation of the Gaussian ML Classifier
* Bidirectional Motion Estimation with Cyclic Cost Volume for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Blending-NeRF: Text-Driven Localized Editing in Neural Radiance Fields
* Blind Image Deblurring with Noise-robust Kernel Estimation
* BMBC: Bilateral Motion Estimation with Bilateral Cost Volume for Video Interpolation
* Bridging the Semantic Gap between Land Tenure and EO Data: Conceptual and Methodological Underpinnings for a Geospatially Informed Analysis
* Caltech Aerial RGB-Thermal Dataset in the Wild
* Cloud Detection Using a UNet3+ Model with a Hybrid Swin Transformer and EfficientNet (UNet3+STE) for Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Combining Advanced Image Signal Processing With Accelerated Edge Inference for Automotive Viewing and Sensing Camera
* Complexity Reduction by Modified Scale-Space Construction in SIFT Generation Optimized for a Mobile GPU
* Computationally efficient brightness compensation and contrast enhancement for transmissive liquid crystal displays
* Computationally Efficient Truncated Nuclear Norm Minimization for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Content-Aware Supervision for Diffusion-Based Restoration of Extremely Compressed Background for VCM
* Contrast enhancement based on layered difference representation
* Contrast enhancement based on layered difference representation
* Contrast Enhancement Based on Layered Difference Representation of 2D Histograms
* Contrast Enhancement Based on Layered Difference Representation of 2D Histograms
* Contrast enhancement of noisy low-light images based on structure-texture-noise decomposition
* Contrastive Learning Approach for Screenshot Demoiréing, A
* Cross-Modal Transformers for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* Dark image enhancement based onpairwise target contrast and multi-scale detail boosting
* Decision Boundary Feature-Extraction for Neural Networks
* Deep Learning-Based Detection of Urban Forest Cover Change along with Overall Urban Changes Using Very-High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Deep Unfolding Network with Physics-Based Priors for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Deep Unrolled Low-Rank Tensor Completion for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* DeepPhaseCut: Deep Relaxation in Phase for Unsupervised Fourier Phase Retrieval
* Depth Map Decomposition for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Depth-guided adaptive contrast enhancement using 2D histograms
* DetermiNet: A Large-Scale Diagnostic Dataset for Complex Visually-Grounded Referencing using Determiners
* Differential Trellis-Coded Quantization for FDD Massive MIMO Systems in a Spatially Correlated Channel, A
* Dimension Reduction and Pre-emphasis for Compression of Hyperspectral Images
* Drone-View Building Identification by Cross-View Visual Learning and Relative Spatial Estimation
* Dual-domain Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Demoireing
* Dynamic Attention-based Visual Odometry
* Dynamic Video Segmentation Network
* Effective Parallelization of a High-Order Graph Matching Algorithm for GPU Execution
* Efficient Privacy-Preserving Visual Localization Using 3D Ray Clouds
* Efficient Rectification Algorithm for Multi-View Images in Parallel Camera Array, An
* Exact A*-Based Tree Search Algorithm for TSP With Sequence-and-Load Dependent Risk, An
* Exemplar-based frame rate up-conversion with congruent segmentation
* Exposure-Aware Dynamic Weighted Learning for Single-Shot HDR Imaging
* Extracting Urban Road Networks from High-resolution True Orthoimage and Lidar
* Extraction, modelling, and use of linear features for restitution of airborne hyperspectral imagery
* FADE: Feature Aggregation for Depth Estimation With Multi-View Stereo
* Fast and Efficient Panchromatic Sharpening
* Fast Continuous Wavelet Transform: A Least-Squares Formulation
* Feature Decomposition Transformers for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* Frame-Synchronous Network Search Algorithm for Connected Word Recognition, A
* Gap setting control strategy for connected and automated vehicles in freeway lane-drop bottlenecks
* Genie: Show Me the Data for Quantization
* Geno-fuzzy classification trees
* Georegistration of airborne hyperspectral image data
* Ghost-Free HDR Imaging Via Unrolling Low-Rank Matrix Completion
* Ghost-Free High Dynamic Range Imaging via Rank Minimization
* Gradient domain contrast enhancement with histogram-guided boundary conditions
* Gradient domain contrast enhancement with histogram-guided boundary conditions
* Gradient Domain Tone Mapping of High Dynamic Range Videos
* Greedy algorithm for real-time multi-object tracking
* Handwritten Chinese Character Analysis and Preclassification Using Stroke Structural Sequence
* Hardware Architecture for the Affine-Invariant Extension of SIFT, A
* Head gestures for perceptual interfaces: The role of context in improving recognition
* High-Frequency Preserving Image Downscaler
* High-Quality Image Resizing Using Oblique Projection Operators
* Histogram-Based Transformation Function Estimation for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Hourly Ground-Level PM2.5 Estimation Using Geostationary Satellite and Reanalysis Data via Deep Learning
* Hybrid Patient-Dependent Phantoms Covering Statistical Distributions of Body Morphometry in the U.S. Adult and Pediatric Population
* Hybrid Push/Pull Streaming Scheme Using Interval Caching in P2P VOD Systems, A
* Hybrid Screen: Improving the Breed, The
* Improved Digital Image Processing Techniques to Investigate Plastic Zone Formation in Steel
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Bimodal Transformers
* Iotbench: A Benchmark Suite for Intelligent Internet of Things Edge Devices
* Lane-changing control with balancing lane flow at freeway merge bottlenecks in a connected vehicle environment: Application of a PID controller
* Learning Multiple Pixelwise Tasks Based on Loss Scale Balancing
* Learning Reduced-Dimension Models of Human Actions
* Local Wavelet Acoustic Pattern: A Novel Time-Frequency Descriptor for Birdsong Recognition
* Low-Complexity Scaler Based on Convolutional Neural Networks for Adaptive Video Streaming
* MAP estimation framework for HDR video synthesis, A
* MaskGAN: Towards Diverse and Interactive Facial Image Manipulation
* Maximum a Posteriori Estimation Framework for Robust High Dynamic Range Video Synthesis, A
* Method of Real-Time Gesture Recognition for Interactive Systems, A
* MFP: Making Full Use of Probability Maps for Interactive Image Segmentation
* MMSE approach to nonlocal image denoising: Theory and practical implementation, An
* MMSE approach to nonlocal image denoising: Theory and practical implementation, An
* MMSE nonlocal means denoising algorithm for Poisson noise removal
* MMSE nonlocal means denoising algorithm for Poisson noise removal
* Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing With Modular Neural Networks
* Motion Compensation Using Region Constrained Warping Prediction
* Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Based on Multihypothesis Motion Estimation and Texture Optimization
* Mr.BiQ: Post-Training Non-Uniform Quantization based on Minimizing the Reconstruction Error
* Multi-Exit Vision Transformer with Custom Fine-Tuning for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Multi-label Zero-Shot Learning with Structured Knowledge Graphs
* Multi-Objective Optimization and Characterization of Pareto Points for Scalable Coding
* Multi-View Video and Multi-Channel Audio Broadcasting System
* Multiple random walkers and their application to image cosegmentation
* Multiple transformation function estimation for image enhancement
* Multiscale Coarse-to-Fine Guided Screenshot Demoiréing
* NeuralScale: Efficient Scaling of Neurons for Resource-Constrained Deep Neural Networks
* New Method to Measure Directional Modulation Transfer Function Using Sphere Phantoms in a Cone Beam Computed Tomography System, A
* Novel Approach for Vehicle Inertial Parameter Identification Using a Dual Kalman Filter, A
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* On Mean Absolute Error for Deep Neural Network Based Vector-to-Vector Regression
* Optimized Brightness Compensation and Contrast Enhancement for Transmissive Liquid Crystal Displays
* Optimized Brightness Compensation and Contrast Enhancement for Transmissive Liquid Crystal Displays
* Optimized Color Contrast Enhancement For Dichromats Using Local And Global Contrast
* Paired-Point Lifting for Enhanced Privacy-Preserving Visual Localization
* Pegasos Algorithm for One-Class Support Vector Machine
* Photographic composition classification and dominant geometric element detection for outdoor scenes
* Power-constrained backlight scaling and contrast enhancement for TFT-LCD displays
* Power-constrained backlight scaling and contrast enhancement for TFT-LCD displays
* Power-Constrained Contrast Enhancement for Emissive Displays Based on Histogram Equalization
* Power-Constrained Contrast Enhancement for Emissive Displays Based on Histogram Equalization
* Power-constrained contrast enhancement for OLED displays based on histogram equalization
* Power-constrained contrast enhancement for OLED displays based on histogram equalization
* Power-Constrained RGB-to-RGBW Conversion for Emissive Displays: Optimization-Based Approaches
* Primary Object Segmentation in Videos via Alternate Convex Optimization of Foreground and Background Distributions
* Probabilistic depth-guided multi-view image denoising
* Projections onto the Overcomplete Basis Approach for Block Loss Recovery, A
* Public Bus-Assisted Task Offloading for UAVs
* Quantitative Manipulation of Custom Attributes on 3D-Aware Image Synthesis
* QuatNet: Quaternion-Based Head Pose Estimation With Multiregression Loss
* Rate-distortion optimized layered coding of high dynamic range videos
* Recovery of Blurred Video Signals Using Iterative Image Restoration Combined with Motion Estimation
* Regional Typhoon Track Prediction Using Ensemble k-Nearest Neighbor Machine Learning in the GIS Environment
* Residual coding of depth map with transform skipping
* Restoration of Extremely Compressed Background for VCM Using Guided Generative Priors
* RGB-X Object Detection via Scene-Specific Fusion Modules
* Rigorous Mathematical Modeling of Airborne Pushbroom Imaging Systems
* robust and efficient fingerprint image restoration method based on a phase-field model, A
* Robust Lane Detection and Tracking for Real-Time Applications
* Segment-wise online learning based on greedy algorithm for real-time multi-target tracking
* Semantic Line Detection and Its Applications
* ShapeFit and ShapeKick for Robust, Scalable Structure from Motion
* Single-image deraining using an adaptive nonlocal means filter
* Spatial and temporal pyramid-based real-time gesture recognition
* Spatial Perception by Object-Aware Visual Scene Representation
* Special issue on convergence of real-time 3D imaging and optical communications
* Sphere Phantom Approach to Measure Directional Modulation Transfer Functions for Tomosynthesis Imaging Systems, A
* Spike-flownet: Event-based Optical Flow Estimation with Energy-efficient Hybrid Neural Networks
* Template-Based B_1 Inhomogeneity Correction in 3T MRI Brain Studies
* Testing and Validating the Suitability of Geospatially Informed Proxies on Land Tenure in North Korea for Korean (Re-)Unification
* Toward an Ecosystem for Developing and Programming Assistive Environments
* Toward Automating Oral Presentation Scoring During Principal Certification Program Using Audio-Video Low-Level Behavior Profiles
* Training Domain-invariant Object Detector Faster with Feature Replay and Slow Learner
* Two-way partitioning of a recursive Gaussian filter in CUDA
* Video Stabilization Based on Feature Trajectory Augmentation and Selection and Robust Mesh Grid Warping
* Visual Guidance for a Spatial Discrepancy Problem of in Encountered-Type Haptic Display
Includes: Lee, C.[Chul] Lee, C.[Cheon] Lee, C. Lee, C.[Chiawei] Lee, C.[Caleb] Lee, C.[Changsup] Lee, C.[Changno] Lee, C.[Choon] Lee, C.[Chulwoo] Lee, C.[Chanseok] Lee, C.[Cheonjae] Lee, C.[Connor] Lee, C.[Changhui] Lee, C.[Clarence] Lee, C.[Chunghwan] Lee, C.[Chanho] Lee, C.[Chungwon] Lee, C.[Chungman] Lee, C.[Charles] Lee, C.[Changhoon] Lee, C.[Christopher] Lee, C.[Chaeeun] Lee, C.[Changsuk] Lee, C.[Choonhwa] Lee, C.[Chaewon] Lee, C.[Chonghan] Lee, C.[Changki] Lee, C.[Chan_Min] Lee, C.[Changkye] Lee, C.[Chaeyoung] Lee, C.[Choongbum] Lee, C.[Chankyu] Lee, C.[Chaehyeon] Lee, C.[Chang]
161 for Lee, C.
Lee, C.A.[Chi Ang]
Co Author Listing * Applying Check-in Data and User Profiles to Identify Optimal Store Locations in a Road Network
* Continuous K -Nearest Neighbor Query for Moving Objects with Uncertain Velocity
* Efficient evaluation of continuous spatio-temporal queries on moving objects with uncertain velocity
* Evaluation of IMERG Level-3 Products in Depicting the July to October Rainfall over Taiwan: Typhoon Versus Non-Typhoon
* Fast prediction for quality scalability of High Efficiency Video Coding Scalable Extension
* Finding Visible kNN Objects in the Presence of Obstacles within the User's View Field
* Joint Promotion Partner Recommendation Systems Using Data from Location-Based Social Networks
* k-most suitable locations selection
* Near-Real-Time Satellite Image-Processing: Metacomputing in C++
Includes: Lee, C.A.[Chi Ang] Lee, C.A.[Chi-Ang] Lee, C.A.[Cheng-An] Lee, C.A.
9 for Lee, C.A.
Lee, C.B.[Chang Bum]
Co Author Listing * Hurst Parameter Estimation of Long-Range Dependent VBR MPEG Video Traffic in ATM Networks
* Hybrid Mapping Parameter-Estimation Using Hierarchical Structure in Object-Oriented Coding
* Robust Realtime Surveillance System, A
Includes: Lee, C.B.[Chang Bum] Lee, C.B. Lee, C.B.[Chang-Bum]
Lee, C.C.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive image coding based on the discrete wavelet transform
* Adaptive lossless steganographic scheme with centralized difference expansion
* Computational Analyses of Thin-Sliced Behavior Segments in Session-Level Affect Perception
* Content-Adaptive Resizing Framework for Boosting Computation Speed of Background Modeling Methods, A
* Efficient multi-resolution histogram matching for fast image/video retrieval
* Elimination of Redundant Operations for a Fast Sobel Operator
* Enforcing Semantic Consistency for Cross Corpus Emotion Prediction Using Adversarial Discrepancy Learning in Emotion
* Enroll-to-Verify Approach for Cross-Task Unseen Emotion Class Recognition, An
* Higher-Order-Statistics-Based Fractal Dimension for Noisy Bowel Sound Detection
* Learning Enhanced Acoustic Latent Representation for Small Scale Affective Corpus with Adversarial Cross Corpora Integration
* Learning Low-Shot Generative Networks for Cross-Domain Data
* Learning With Rater-Expanded Label Space to Improve Speech Emotion Recognition
* Media-Guided Attentive Graphical Network for Personality Recognition Using Physiology, A
* Mixture models with skin and shadow probabilities for fingertip input applications
* new steganographic scheme based on vector quantisation and search-order coding, A
* Noise Suppression by Minima Controlled Recursive Averaging for SSVEP-Based BCIs With Single Channel
* Road sign detection using eigen colour
* Robust Unsupervised Arousal Rating: A Rule-Based Framework withKnowledge-Inspired Vocal Features
* Segmentation of Solid Objects Using Global and Local Edge Coincidence
* Set-Nas: Sample-Efficient Training for Neural Architecture Search With Strong Predictor and Stratified Sampling
* SFPN: Synthetic FPN for Object Detection
* Social Condition-Enhanced Network for Recognizing Power Distance Using Expressive Prosody and Intrinsic Brain Connectivity, A
* Sparse representation of a blur kernel for out-of-focus blind image restoration
* Unequal Priority Arrangement for Delivering Streaming Videos over Differentiated Service Networks
* Unsupervised Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition Using a Multi-Source Cycle-GAN
Includes: Lee, C.C. Lee, C.C.[Chih-Chiang] Lee, C.C.[Chi-Chun] Lee, C.C.[Chien-Cheng] Lee, C.C.[Chun-Chieh] Lee, C.C.[Chien-Ching] Lee, C.C.[Cheng-Che] Lee, C.C.[Chu-Chuan]
25 for Lee, C.C.
Lee, C.D.[Chad D.]
Co Author Listing * Detecting Recent Crop Phenology Dynamics in Corn and Soybean Cropping Systems of Kentucky
* Generation of Long Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences
* KRF-SLAM: A Robust AI SLAM Based On Keypoint Resampling And Fusion
* Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences of Odd Period 2^m-1
Includes: Lee, C.D.[Chad D.] Lee, C.D.[Chong-Dao] Lee, C.D.
Lee, C.F.[Chin Feng]
Co Author Listing * adaptive data hiding scheme with high embedding capacity and visual image quality based on SMVQ prediction through classification codebooks, An
* improvement of EMD embedding method for large payloads by pixel segmentation strategy, An
* Inventory, Mapping, Geomorphic Characterization, And Validation Of Deep-setated Landslides Using Sky-view Factor Visualization: Northern, Central, And Southern Taiwan
* novel rate predictor based on quantized DCT indices and its rate control mechanism, A
* Overlapping pixel value ordering predictor for high-capacity reversible data hiding
* Relative coordinates oriented symbolic string for spatial relationship retrieval
Includes: Lee, C.F.[Chin Feng] Lee, C.F.[Chin-Feng] Lee, C.F. Lee, C.F.[Chi-Feng]
Lee, C.F.B.[Cheng Fa Benjamin]
Co Author Listing * Simple Cloud-Native Spectral Transformation Method to Disentangle Optically Shallow and Deep Waters in Sentinel-2 Images, A
Includes: Lee, C.F.B.[Cheng Fa Benjamin] Lee, C.F.B.[Cheng-Fa Benjamin]
Lee, C.G.[Chang Gyu]
Co Author Listing * Construction of a haptic-enabled broadcasting system based on the MPEG-V standard
* Exemplar-Based Inpainting Driven by Feature Vectors and Region Segmentation
* Feed-Forward Neural Network Denoising Applied to Goldstone Solar System Radar Images
* Forget to Learn (F2L): Circumventing plasticity-stability trade-off in continuous unsupervised domain adaptation
* Impact of Visual-Haptic Spatial Discrepancy on Targeting Performance
* Interactive Multi-Class Tiny-Object Detection
* Leveraging Multi-Temporal InSAR Technique for Long-Term Structural Behaviour Monitoring of High-Speed Railway Bridges
* Photon-counting three-dimensional integral imaging with compression of elemental images
* PrimeEye: A Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition System Robust to Illumination Changes
* Using video technology for reducing TV energy
* Variability Matters: Evaluating Inter-rater Variability in Histopathology for Robust Cell Detection
Includes: Lee, C.G.[Chang Gyu] Lee, C.G.[Chang-Gyu] Lee, C.G.[Chan-Gun] Lee, C.G.[Clement G.] Lee, C.G.[Chi-Guhn] Lee, C.G. Lee, C.G.[Chung-Gi] Lee, C.G.[Chang-Gil] Lee, C.G.[Chung Ghiu] Lee, C.G.[Chil-Gee] Lee, C.G.[Choong Geun]
11 for Lee, C.G.
Lee, C.H.[Chang Ha]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive active contours based on variable kernel with constant initialisation
* Adaptive Image Content Representation and Segmentation Approach to Automatic Image Annotation, An
* adult image identification system employing image retrieval technique, An
* Albedo Estimation for Scene Segmentation
* algorithm for automatic skin smoothing in digital portraits, An
* Analysis of functional magnetic resonance images by wavelet decomposition
* Analytical Decision Boundary Feature Extraction for Neural Networks with Multiple Hidden Layers
* Analyzing High Dimensional Multispectral Data
* Approximation Technique for Photometric Stereo, An
* architecture of TrueViz: A groundTRUth/metadata editing and VIsualiZing ToolKit, The
* Automatic Classification for Pathological Prostate Images Based on Fractal Analysis
* Automatic classification for solitary pulmonary nodule in CT image by fractal analysis based on fractional Brownian motion model
* Automatic Human Face Location in a Complex Background Using Motion and Color Information
* Automatic recognition of animal vocalizations using averaged MFCC and linear discriminant analysis
* Automatic segmentation for pulmonary nodules in CT images based on multifractal analysis
* Bayesian Learning of Hierarchical Multinomial Mixture Models of Concepts for Automatic Image Annotation
* Biased discriminant analysis with feature line embedding for interactive image retrieval
* Boosting of Maximal Figure of Merit Classifiers for Automatic Image Annotation
* Changeable Face Representations Suitable for Human Recognition
* Collaborative Viseme Subword and End-to-End Modeling for Word-Level Lip Reading
* Color image enhancement by highlight-preserving vector transformation and nonlinear mapping
* Comments on Mohr and Henderson's Path Consistency Algorithm
* Communication-efficient multi-view keyframe extraction in distributed video sensors
* Comprehensive Framework for the Characterization of the Complete Mitral Valve Geometry for the Development of a Population-Averaged Model, A
* Compression of hyperspectral images
* Computing Three-Dimensional Motion Parameters: A Hypothesis Testing Approach
* Continuous Birdsong Recognition Using Gaussian Mixture Modeling of Image Shape Features
* Correspondence Problem in Image Sequence Analysis
* Decision Boundary Feature Extraction for Non-Parametric Classification
* Deep Dichromatic Model Estimation Under AC Light Sources
* Deep Temporal Color Constancy for AC Light Sources
* Deep Unfolding for Topic Models
* Deep Unfolding for Topic Models
* Delineations for Police Patrolling on Street Network Segments with p-Median Location Models
* Depth resolution in three-dimensional images
* Design, performance analysis, and implementation of a super-scalar video-on-demand system
* Determining Plane Orientation from Specular Reflectance
* Direct Encoding for Sampled Color Pictures with Location Consideration
* Distributed video coding: A promising solution for distributed wireless video sensors or not?
* Document retrieval using fuzzy-valued concept networks
* Drone-Based Bathymetry Modeling for Mountainous Shallow Rivers in Taiwan Using Machine Learning
* Effect of Grain Size on Hyperspectral Polarization Data of Particulate Material, The
* Effect of Texture Feature Distribution on Agriculture Field Type Classification with Multitemporal UAV RGB Images
* Efficiency Study of Combined UAS Photogrammetry and Terrestrial LiDAR in 3D Modeling for Maintenance and Management of Fill Dams
* efficient gradient computation approach to discriminative fusion optimization in semantic concept detection, An
* Efficient Interval Type-2 Fuzzy CMAC for Chaos Time-Series Prediction and Synchronization, An
* Efficient QR Code Beautification With High Quality Visual Content
* Efficient Wavelet-Based Framework for Articulated Human Motion Compression, An
* Enhanced visual appearance, punch-style weight and physical characteristics based Leap Motion game
* Enhancing the predictive coding efficiency with control technologies for lossless compression of images
* ensemble classifier learning approach to ROC optimization, An
* experimental study on discriminative concept classifier combination for TRECVID high-level feature extraction, An
* Experimental Study on Speech Enhancement Based on Deep Neural Networks, An
* Explicit Performance Metric Optimization for Fusion-Based Video Retrieval
* Fast Macroblock Mode Decision Algorithm for the Baseline Profile in the H.264 Video Coding Standard, A
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on the Block Sum Pyramid, A
* Fast Multistage Likelihood Classification
* Fast Video Registration Method for Video Quality Assessment
* Feature Extraction Based on Decision Boundaries
* Feature extraction based on the Bhattacharyya distance
* Finding Point Correspondences and Determining Motion of a Rigid Object from Two Weak Perspective Views
* Generation Process for the Reconstruction of Space Curves
* Hand radiograph image segmentation using a coarse-to-fine strategy
* HDR tone mapping algorithm based on difference compression with adaptive reference values
* Hierarchical Bayesian combination of plug-in maximum a posteriori decoders in deep neural networks-based speech recognition and speaker adaptation
* Hybrid Distributed Video Coding with Frame Level Coding Mode Selection
* IIOF: Intra- and Inter-feature orthogonal fusion of local and global features for music emotion recognition
* Illuminant Adaptive Color Reproduction Based on Lightness Adaptation and Flare for Mobile Phone
* Image Correlation-Based Method to Assess Ciliary Beat Frequency in Human Airway Organoids
* Image region annotation based on segmentation and semantic correlation analysis
* Image Surface Approximation with Irregular Samples
* Image Watermarking Resistant To Combined Geometric And Removal Attacks
* Improved Methods of Estimating Shape from Shading Using the Light Source Coordinate System
* Improved shading model in spectral-based ray tracing method
* Improving Accuracy of Binary Neural Networks using Unbalanced Activation Distribution
* Incremental feature extraction based on decision boundaries
* incremental learning framework combining sample confidence and discrimination with an application to automatic image annotation, An
* Indexing with musical events and its application to content-based music identification
* Information-Extraction Approach to Speech Processing: Analysis, Detection, Verification, and Recognition, An
* INSTA-BNN: Binary Neural Network with INSTAnce-aware Threshold
* Intelligent Radical-Based Online Chinese Character-Recognition System
* Interpreting Image Curve from Multiframes
* Iterative Region Segmentation
* Kernel Framework for Content-Based Artist Recommendation System in Music, A
* Lenticular stereoscopic imaging and displaying techniques with no special glasses
* Linear classifier design in the weight space
* Low-complexity background subtraction based on spatial similarity
* Manifoldization of beta-Shapes by Topology Operators
* Minimum Error Rate Training for PHMM-Based Text Recognition
* Model-Based Quality Estimation of Fingerprint Images
* Motion and Structure from Orthographic Projections
* Motion-Compensated Deinterlacing Using Edge Information
* Multigradient: a new neural network learning algorithm for pattern classification
* Multipitch Estimation of Piano Music by Exemplar-Based Sparse Representation
* Never Image Compression Method Using Edge Oriented Classifier and Novel Predictive Noiseless Coding Method
* new 3D model retrieval approach based on the elevation descriptor, A
* Nonuniform Image Motion Estimation from Noisy Data
* Novel Hardware Architecture With Reduced Internal Memory for Real-Time Extraction of SIFT in an HD Video, A
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* oblique subspace projection approach for mixed pixel classification in hyperspectral images, An
* On Correspondence, Line Tokens And Missing Tokens
* Online Chinese Character-Recognition with Effective Candidate Radical and Candidate Character Selections
* Optimal Step-Size Affine Projection Algorithm
* Optimizing Feature Extraction for Multiclass Problems
* Partial Matching of two Dimensional Shapes Using Random Coding
* Perception of a Quadrilateral
* PIVTONS: Pose Invariant Virtual Try-On Shoe with Conditional Image Completion
* Preprocessing of a Fingerprint Image Captured with a Mobile Camera
* PT-2 Caching Algorithm in the Transcoding Proxy Cluster to Facilitate Adaptive Content Delivery, The
* Recursive Region Splitting at Hierarchial Scope Views
* ResMax: Detecting Voice Spoofing Attacks with Residual Network and Max Feature Map
* RSINet: Rotation-Scale Invariant Network for Online Visual Tracking
* Run, Don't Walk: Chasing Higher FLOPS for Faster Neural Networks
* Saliency-Guided Lighting
* Scene Classification via Hypergraph-Based Semantic Attributes Subnetworks Identification
* Scene-based event detection for baseball videos
* Segmentation by temporal detection integration
* Segmenting Brain Tumors with Conditional Random Fields and Support Vector Machines
* Semi-Supervised Text Classification With Universum Learning
* Sensor-based and vision-based human activity recognition: A comprehensive survey
* Sparse Conjugate Gradient Adaptive Filter, A
* Speech Recognition Using Long-Span Temporal Patterns in a Deep Network Model
* Stereo Vision-Based Improving Cascade Classifier Learning for Vehicle Detection
* Strategic Framework for Establishing Additional In Situ Data Acquisition Sites for Satellite Data Calibration and Validation: A Case Study in South Korean Forests, A
* Structure and Motion from Two Perspective Views Via Planar Patch
* Structure and Motion of a Rigid Object Having Unknown Constant Motion
* Study of Dropout-Induced Modality Bias on Robustness to Missing Video Frames for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition, A
* Study of Touchless Fingerprint Recognition System, A
* Study On Planning and Platform for Interactive Exhibition Of Scientific Cultural Heritage, A
* Subjective Portrait Region Cropping on Landscape Video Study
* Time-Varying Images: The Effect of Finite Resolution on Uniqueness
* Towards Deep Learning-Based Sarcopenia Screening with Body Joint Composition Analysis
* Using Highlights to Constrain Object Size and Location
* Video Segmentation Using Spatial and Temporal Statistical Analysis Method
* Video-Based Automatic Wrist Flexion and Extension Classification
* Wide Receptive Field and Channel Attention Network for JPEG Compressed Image Deblurring
Includes: Lee, C.H.[Chang Ha] Lee, C.H.[Chin-Hui] Lee, C.H.[Chang-Hsing] Lee, C.H. Lee, C.H.[Chang-Hyung] Lee, C.H.[Chul-Hee] Lee, C.H.[Cheng-Hsiung] Lee, C.H.[Chul-Han] Lee, C.H.[Cheol-Hee] Lee, C.H.[Chia-Han] Lee, C.H.[Chung-Hao] Lee, C.H.[Chia-Hoang] Lee, C.H.[Chan-Ho] Lee, C.H.[Chao-Hsi] Lee, C.H.[Chang-Ho] Lee, C.H.[Chun-Hae] Lee, C.H.[Chih-Hung] Lee, C.H.[Chris H.] Lee, C.H.[Chun-Han] Lee, C.H.[Ching-Hung] Lee, C.H.[Chien-Han] Lee, C.H.[Chao-Hua] Lee, C.H.[Chang-Hoon] Lee, C.H.[Chin-Hwa] Lee, C.H.[Choong-Hoon] Lee, C.H.[Cheol Hee] Lee, C.H.[Chang-Hun] Lee, C.H.[Cheon-Hee] Lee, C.H.[Chang-Hee] Lee, C.H.[Ching-Hai] Lee, C.H.[Chao-Hao] Lee, C.H.[Cheng-Han] Lee, C.H.[Cheol-Hoon] Lee, C.H.[Chul-Ho] Lee, C.H.[Chong Ho] Lee, C.H.[Chi-Hoon] Lee, C.H.[Ching-Hua] Lee, C.H.[Chung-Hee] Lee, C.H.[Cheol-Ho] Lee, C.H.[Chien-Hung] Lee, C.H.[Cheng-Hsien]
136 for Lee, C.H.
Lee, C.H.T.[Christopher H. T.]
Co Author Listing * Critical Review of Advanced Electric Machines and Control Strategies for Electric Vehicles, A
Lee, C.I.[Cho Il]
Co Author Listing * Accurate User Position Estimation Method Using a Single Camera for 3D Display without Glasses, An
* End-to-End Learning of Fused Image and Non-Image Features for Improved Breast Cancer Classification from MRI
* Long-Term Pattern of Primary Productivity in the East/Japan Sea Based on Ocean Color Data Derived from MODIS-Aqua
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Habitat Suitability Index for the Todarodes Pacificus (Japanese Common Squid) around South Korea
Includes: Lee, C.I.[Cho Il] Lee, C.I.[Cho-Il] Lee, C.I.[Christoph I.] Lee, C.I.[Chung Il] Lee, C.I.[Chung-Il]
Lee, C.J.[Chun Jen]
Co Author Listing * Automated Entry System for Chinese Printed Documents
* Boosting object retrieval by estimating pseudo-objects
* Fingerprint feature reduction by principal Gabor basis function
* OCR based translation system between simplified and complex Chinese characters, An
* Sensor fusion for vehicle tracking based on the estimated probability
* SUBTLE: An Unsupervised Platform with Temporal Link Embedding that Maps Animal Behavior
* Super-resolution reconstruction of video sequences based on wavelet-domain spatial and temporal processing
Includes: Lee, C.J.[Chun Jen] Lee, C.J.[Chun-Jen] Lee, C.J.[Chih-Jen] Lee, C.J.[Chang Joo] Lee, C.J.[C. Justin] Lee, C.J.[Chien-Jung]
7 for Lee, C.J.
Lee, C.K.[Chang Ki]
Co Author Listing * Anaphora resolution with pointer networks
* Automated Prediction of Glasgow Outcome Scale for Traumatic Brain Injury
* Automatic labeling and classification of brain CT images
* Automatic Pathology Annotation on Medical Images: A Statistical Machine Translation Framework
* Comment on Using the Uniformity Measure for Performance-Measure in Image Segmentation
* Dependency-based semantic role labeling using sequence labeling with a structural SVM
* Differentiable Channel Sparsity Search via Weight Sharing within Filters
* Direct Shape from Shading with Improved Rate of Convergence
* Dynamic Monitoring with Video Systems
* Estimation of curvature from sampled noisy data
* Fast Fractal Image Block Coding Based on Local Variances
* Fast traumatic brain injury CT slice indexing via anatomical feature classification
* From hemorrhage to midline shift: A new method of tracing the deformed midline in traumatic brain injury CT images
* Guided co-training for multi-view spectral clustering
* Hemorrhage slices detection in brain CT images
* Higher-Order Recurrent Network with Space-Time Attention for Video Early Action Recognition
* Image Smoothing Using Parametric Relaxation
* Mathematical Morphological Approach for Segmenting Heavily Noise-Corrupted Images, A
* Minimum Cross Entropy Thresholding
* New Hybrid Approach to Handwritten Address Verification, A
* Unified Recurrence Modeling for Video Action Anticipation
Includes: Lee, C.K.[Chang Ki] Lee, C.K.[Chang-Ki] Lee, C.K.[Cheng Kiang] Lee, C.K. Lee, C.K.[Chung-Kuei] Lee, C.K.[Cheng-Kuang]
21 for Lee, C.K.
Lee, C.K.F.[Calvin Ka Fai]
Co Author Listing * Cost-effective and accurate monitoring of flowering across multiple tropical tree species over two years with a time series of high-resolution drone imagery and deep learning
* Mapping the Extent of Mangrove Ecosystem Degradation by Integrating an Ecological Conceptual Model with Satellite Data
* Monitoring leaf phenology in moist tropical forests by applying a superpixel-based deep learning method to time-series images of tree canopies
Includes: Lee, C.K.F.[Calvin Ka Fai] Lee, C.K.F.[Calvin K. F.] Lee, C.K.F.[Calvin K.F.]
Lee, C.K.M.[Carman K. M.]
Co Author Listing * Optimal EV Fast Charging Station Deployment Based on a Reinforcement Learning Framework
Lee, C.L.[Chao Liang]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Improvement of Airborne Lidar Strip Adjustment by Using Height Data and Surface Feature Strength Information Derived from the Tensor Voting Algorithm
* Bi-prediction combining template and block motion compensations
* Classification of leaf images
* Efficient Watermarking Method Based on Significant Difference of Wavelet Coefficient Quantization, An
* motion detection scheme for motion adaptive pro-scan conversion, A
* New Thinning Algorithm, A
* Parallel Implementation of Motion Compensation for HDTV Video Decoder
* Reflection of Income Segregation and Accessibility Cleavages in Sydney's House Prices, The
* Simple and Robust Thinning Algorithm, A
* Spatial Variability of the Airbnb Effect: A Spatially Explicit Analysis of Airbnb's Impact on Housing Prices in Sydney
Includes: Lee, C.L.[Chao Liang] Lee, C.L.[Chao-Liang] Lee, C.L.[Chung-Lin] Lee, C.L.[Chia-Ling] Lee, C.L.[Cheng-Ling] Lee, C.L.[Charng Long] Lee, C.L. Lee, C.L.[Chyi Lin] Lee, C.L.[Chyi-Lin]
10 for Lee, C.L.
Lee, C.M.[Chia Ming]
Co Author Listing * Closer Look at Spatial-Slice Features Learning for COVID-19 Detection, A
* Deformable strokes towards temporally coherent video painting
* DRCT: Saving Image Super-Resolution away from Information Bottleneck
* Dynamic Key Block Decision with Spatio-Temporal Analysis for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* ECOSTRESS and CIMIS: A Comparison of Potential and Reference Evapotranspiration in Riverside County, California
* efficient method for the skew normalization of a document image, An
* Enhanced Side Information Generator with Accurate Evaluations in Block-Based Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Experimental-Study of an Object Recognition System That Learns, An
* Knowledge-Based System for the Image Correspondence Problem, A
* KOR: A Knowledge-Based Object Recognition System
* Minimal Basis Facility Location for Subspace Segmentation
* Minimal Basis Subspace Representation: A Unified Framework for Rigid and Non-rigid Motion Segmentation
* Modified back-propagation algorithm applied to decision-feedback equalisation
* Motion Vector Recovery for Video Error Concealment by Using Iterative Dynamic-Programming Optimization
* Ninth NTIRE 2024 Efficient Super-Resolution Challenge Report, The
* Novel Interpolation Scheme for Rectangularly-Subsampled Images, A
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Image Super-Resolution (×4): Methods and Results
* Practical Matrix Completion and Corruption Recovery Using Proximal Alternating Robust Subspace Minimization
* Robust video transmission using H.264 and real-valued BCH frames
* Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Total Suspended Sediments in the Belize Coastal Lagoon
* Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Suppression Incorporating Spectro-Temporal Correlations
* Super-resolution reconstruction of video sequences based on wavelet-domain spatial and temporal processing
* Travel Route Recommendation Based on Geotagged Photo Metadata
* Video error concealment by using iterative dynamic-programming optimization
Includes: Lee, C.M.[Chia Ming] Lee, C.M.[Chia-Ming] Lee, C.M.[Chang-Min] Lee, C.M.[Chang-Ming] Lee, C.M.[Christine M.] Lee, C.M. Lee, C.M.[Chung-Mong] Lee, C.M.[Choon-Meng] Lee, C.M.[Chi-Man] Lee, C.M.[Choon Meng] Lee, C.M.[Chul Min] Lee, C.M.[Ching May]
24 for Lee, C.M.
Lee, C.M.G.
Co Author Listing * Flat Projection for 3-D
Lee, C.N.[Chung Nan]
Co Author Listing * Analysis and Solutions of the Three Point Perspective Pose Estimation Problem
* Automatic Exposure and Pose Estimation Error
* Background recovery in monocular vision
* Chinese Character Stroke Extraction Algorithm Based on Contour Information, A
* Computing the Euler Number of a 3D Image
* Counting Minimal 18-Paths in 3D Digital Space
* Counting Minimal Paths in 3D Digital Geometry
* Distributed Robust Image Mosaics
* Eliminating Packet Loss Accumulation in Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems
* Holes and Genus of 2D and 3D Digital Images
* Integration of Multiple Levels of Contour Information for Chinese-Character Stroke Extraction
* Morphological scale-space using generalized zero-crossings as feature points
* Multiple Controlled Toffoli Driven Adaptive Quantum Neural Network Model for Dynamic Workload Prediction in Cloud Environments, A
* Pose Estimation from Corresponding Point Data
* Quality-Driven Joint Rate and Power Adaptation for Scalable Video Transmissions Over MIMO Systems
* Recovering 3-D Motion Parameters from Image Sequences with Gross Errors
* Review and Analysis of Solutions of the Three Point Perspective Pose Estimation Problem
* Sample-size adaptive self-organization map for color images quantization
* Scale-Space Using Mathematical Morphology
* Simple Connectivity Is not Locally Computable for Connected 3D Images
* Statistical Estimation for Exterior Orientation from Line-to-Line Correspondences
* Stereo Vision Based on Algebraic Curves
Includes: Lee, C.N.[Chung Nan] Lee, C.N.[Chung-Nan] Lee, C.N.[Cheng-Nan] Lee, C.N.[Cheoung N.] Lee, C.N. Lee, C.N.[Chung-Nim] Lee, C.N.[Chia-Nan]
22 for Lee, C.N.
Lee, C.O.[Chang Ock]
Co Author Listing * Accurate Surface Reconstruction in 3D Using Two-dimensional Parallel Cross Sections
* Fast Nonoverlapping Block Jacobi Method for the Dual Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Model
* Geometric attraction-driven flow for image segmentation and boundary detection
* Individual tooth segmentation in human teeth images using pseudo edge-region obtained by deep neural networks
* Local Harmonic B_z Algorithm With Domain Decomposition in MREIT: Computer Simulation Study
* Nonlinear Structure Tensor with the Diffusivity Matrix Composed of the Image Gradient, A
* Three-Dimensional Volume Reconstruction Using Two-Dimensional Parallel Slices
* variational approach to blending based on warping for non-overlapped images, A
* Variational shape prior segmentation with an initial curve based on image registration technique
Includes: Lee, C.O.[Chang Ock] Lee, C.O.[Chang-Ock] Lee, C.O.
9 for Lee, C.O.
Lee, C.P.[Chang P.]
Co Author Listing * B-frame processing apparatus including a motion compensation apparatus in the unit of a half pixel for an image decoder
* Gait probability image: An information-theoretic model of gait representation
* Gait recognition via optimally interpolated deformable contours
* Gait recognition with Transient Binary Patterns
* Self-taught learning of a deep invariant representation for visual tracking via temporal slowness principle
* Text-to-image synthesis with self-supervised bi-stage generative adversarial network
* Text-to-image synthesis with self-supervised learning
* Time-sliced averaged motion history image for gait recognition
Includes: Lee, C.P.[Chang P.] Lee, C.P.[Chin Poo]
8 for Lee, C.P.
Lee, C.R.[Chang Ryeol]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Content-Aware Projection for 360° Videos
* Confidence analysis of feature points for visual-inertial odometry of urban vehicles
* Data filtering for efficient adversarial training
* Escaping from Collapsing Modes in a Constrained Space
* Knowledge Distillation with Feature Maps for Image Classification
* Latency Attack Resilience in Object Detectors: Insights from Computing Architecture
* Online Multi-object Tracking via Structural Constraint Event Aggregation
* Overload: Latency Attacks on Object Detection for Edge Devices
* Structural Constraint Data Association for Online Multi-object Tracking
* Towards Fast and Robust Adversarial Training for Image Classification
Includes: Lee, C.R.[Chang Ryeol] Lee, C.R.[Chang-Ryeol] Lee, C.R.[Che-Rung]
10 for Lee, C.R.
Lee, C.S.[Chan Su]
Co Author Listing * Analysis and synthesis of facial expressions using decomposable nonlinear generative models
* Applications of Human Motion Tracking: Smart Lighting Control
* Articulated hand configuration and rotation estimation using extended torus manifold embedding
* Carrying Object Detection Using Pose Preserving Dynamic Shape Models
* Color image enhancement by highlight-preserving vector transformation and nonlinear mapping
* Color Image Quantization Using Weighted Distortion Measure of HVS Color Activity
* Coupled Visual and Kinematic Manifold Models for Tracking
* Design of high speed weighted fuzzy mean filters with generic LR fuzzy cells
* Dynamic Hand Shape Manifold Embedding and Tracking from Depth Maps
* Dynamic shape outlier detection for human locomotion
* Efficient and Simple Quad Edge Conversion of Polygonal Mainfold Objects, An
* efficient lane markers detection algorithm using log-polar transform and RANSAC, An
* Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on Adaptive Wavelet Packet for Surface Defect Classification
* Gait Style and Gait Content: Bilinear Models for Gait Recognition Using Gait Re-Sampling
* Gait Tracking and Recognition Using Person-Dependent Dynamic Shape Model
* Genetic-based fuzzy image filter and its application to image processing
* High-Level Synthesis of a Unified 2-D DWT System Architecture for JPEG2000 Using FPGAs
* Homeomorphic Manifold Analysis (HMA): Generalized separation of style and content on manifolds
* Homeomorphic Manifold Analysis: Learning Decomposable Generative Models for Human Motion Analysis
* Human action recognition using histogram of motion intensity and direction from multiple views
* Human Action Recognition Using Tensor Dynamical System Modeling
* Human action silhouette recognition based on tensor analysis using synthetic silhouette data
* Inferring 3D body pose from silhouettes using activity manifold learning
* Initial Radiometric Characteristics of KOMPSAT-3A Multispectral Imagery Using the 6S Radiative Transfer Model, Well-Known Radiometric Tarps, and MFRSR Measurements
* Learning a Joint Manifold Representation from Multiple Data Sets
* Learning representations from multiple manifolds
* Long-Term Variability of Surface Albedo and Its Correlation with Climatic Variables over Antarctica
* Modeling View and Posture Manifolds for Tracking
* Monitoring for Changes in Spring Phenology at Both Temporal and Spatial Scales Based on MODIS LST Data in South Korea
* Multi-modal motion dictionary learning for facial expression recognition
* multiresolutional coding method based on SPIHT, A
* Near-lossless/lossless compression of error-diffused images using a two-pass approach
* Non-linear factorised dynamic shape and appearance models for facial expression analysis and tracking
* Nonlinear Dynamic Shape and Appearance Models for Facial Motion Tracking
* Nonlinear Manifold Learning for Dynamic Shape and Dynamic Appearance
* Nonlinear Shape and Appearance Models for Facial Expression Analysis and Synthesis
* Phenological Changes of Mongolian Oak Depending on the Micro-Climate Changes Due to Urbanization
* Progressive coding of error diffused images
* real-time encoding and decoding system for nonlinear HDTV editor, A
* Real-time smart lighting control using human motion tracking from depth camera
* Role of Manifold Learning in Human Motion Analysis, The
* Separating style and content on a nonlinear manifold
* Simultaneous Inference of View and Body Pose using Torus Manifolds
* Style Adaptive Bayesian Tracking Using Explicit Manifold Learning
* Style adaptive contour tracking of human gait using explicit manifold models
* Towards Scalable View-Invariant Gait Recognition: Multilinear Analysis for Gait
* Tracking Hand Rotation and Grasping from an IR Camera Using Cylindrical Manifold Embedding
* Tracking hand rotation and various grasping gestures from an IR camera using extended cylindrical manifold embedding
* Tracking People on a Torus
* Updating Absolute Radiometric Characteristics for KOMPSAT-3 and KOMPSAT-3A Multispectral Imaging Sensors Using Well-Characterized Pseudo-Invariant Tarps and Microtops II
* Why Is Green Hotel Certification Unpopular in Taiwan? An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach
Includes: Lee, C.S.[Chan Su] Lee, C.S.[Chan-Su] Lee, C.S.[Chae-Soo] Lee, C.S.[Chae Soo] Lee, C.S.[Chang-Shing] Lee, C.S. Lee, C.S.[Chee Siong] Lee, C.S.[Chang-Suk] Lee, C.S.[Chang Suk] Lee, C.S.[Chang Seok] Lee, C.S.[Chul Soo] Lee, C.S.[Ching-Sung]
51 for Lee, C.S.
Lee, C.S.D.[Christopher S. D.]
Co Author Listing * Interpixel-shifted Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography For In Vivo Bladder Cancer Diagnosis
Lee, C.S.G.[C.S. George]
Co Author Listing * 3-D-Point-Cloud System for Human-Pose Estimation, A
* Adaptive Image Feature Prediction and Control for Visual Tracking with a Hand-Eye Coordinated Camera
* Anatomical-plane-based representation for human-human interactions analysis
* Automatic Design of Factors in a Human-Pose Estimation System Using Neural Networks, An
* Computer Recognition of Two Overlapping Parts Using a Single Camera
* Few-shot Image Recognition with Manifolds
* Model-Based Visual Feedback Control for a Hand-Eye Coordinated Robotic System
* Multistage Framework With Mean Subspace Computation and Recursive Feedback for Online Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, A
* Optimal Strategic Recognition of Objects Based on Candidate Discriminating Graph with Coordinated Sensors
* Two-Stage Approach to Few-Shot Learning for Image Recognition, A
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Regularized Hyper-Graph Matching
* Weighted Selection of Image Features for Resolved Rate Visual Feedback Control
Includes: Lee, C.S.G.[C.S. George] Lee, C.S.G. Lee, C.S.G.[C. S. George]
12 for Lee, C.S.G.
Lee, C.T.
Co Author Listing * Experiments with Some Cluster Analysis Algorithms
* Preface: Earth Observations for Addressing Global Challenges
Includes: Lee, C.T. Lee, C.T.[Chyi-Tyi]
Lee, C.U.[Chong U.]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive block size image compression method and system
Lee, C.W.[Chil Woo]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Exemplar-based Particle Filter for 2d Human Pose Estimation
* Adaptive Regularization Parameter for Pseudo Affine Projection Algorithm
* Application of Ensemble-Based Machine Learning Models to Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
* Application of Support Vector Regression and Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Gangneung-si, South Korea
* Assessing the Changes in the Moisture/Dryness of Water Cavity Surfaces in Imlili Sebkha in Southwestern Morocco by Using Machine Learning Classification in Google Earth Engine
* Assessment of Landslide Susceptibility Using Statistical- and Artificial Intelligence-Based FR-RF Integrated Model and Multiresolution DEMs
* Attenuated Sequential Importance Resampling (A-SIR) Algorithm for Object Tracking
* Automatic Recognition of Human Facial Expressions
* Automatic text detection and removal in video sequences
* Centralization problem of contacting interaction in multiple object tracking
* Classified Vector Quantizer Technique for Image-Coding Employing the Linear-Phase Paraunitary M-Band Filter Bank
* Coding unit complexity-based predictions of coding unit depth and prediction unit mode for efficient HEVC-to-SHVC transcoding with quality scalability
* Collaborative Change Detection Approach on Multi-Sensor Spatial Imagery for Desert Wetland Monitoring after a Flash Flood in Southern Morocco, A
* Comparison of Different Algorithms to Map Hydrothermal Alteration Zones Using ASTER Remote Sensing Data for Polymetallic Vein-Type Ore Exploration: Toroud-Chahshirin Magmatic Belt (TCMB), North Iran
* Conditional-entropy-constrained trellis-searched vector quantization for image compression
* Contextual decomposition of multi-label images
* Creation of Wildfire Susceptibility Maps in Plumas National Forest Using InSAR Coherence, Deep Learning, and Metaheuristic Optimization Approaches
* Design and Performance Analysis of Linear Phase Para-Unitary M Band Filter Banks for Image Coding
* Detection and Pose Estimation of Human Face with Synthesized Image Models
* Detection and Tracking of Face by a Walking Robot
* distortion-free authentication method for color images with tampering localization and self-recovery, A
* Document Image Compression by Nonlinear Binary Subband Decomposition and Concatenated Arithmetic Coding
* efficient Huffman table sharing method for memory-constrained entropy coding of multiple sources, An
* efficient memory allocation scheme for Huffman coding of multiple sources, An
* Entropy reduction of symbols by source splitting and its application to video coding
* Estimating the Pre-Historical Volcanic Eruption in the Hantangang River Volcanic Field: Experimental and Simulation Study
* Fast competitive learning with classified learning rates for vector quantization
* Font Classification Using NMF
* General methods for L/M-fold resizing of compressed images using lapped transforms
* General Vocabulary Based Approach for Fine-Grained Object Recognition, A
* Human activity analysis based on a torso-less representation
* Identification of Business Forms Using Relationships Between Adjacent Frames
* Image analysis for automated tracking in robot-assisted endoscopic surgery
* Image compression through projection of wavelet coefficients
* Image compression using projection vector quantization with quadtree decomposition
* Improvement of Earthquake Risk Awareness and Seismic Literacy of Korean Citizens through Earthquake Vulnerability Map from the 2017 Pohang Earthquake, South Korea
* Integration of InSAR Time-Series Data and GIS to Assess Land Subsidence along Subway Lines in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, South Korea
* Interactional promotion content using augmented reality technology
* Land Subsidence Susceptibility Mapping in Jakarta Using Functional and Meta-Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithm Based on Time-Series InSAR Data
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Comparison Using Decision Tree Models: A Case Study of Jumunjin Area, Korea
* Language Model Personalization for Speech Recognition: A Clustered Federated Learning Approach With Adaptive Weight Average
* Learning-based single image dehazing via genetic programming
* Machine Learning-Based and 3D Kinematic Models for Rockfall Hazard Assessment Using LiDAR Data and GIS
* Mapping of Post-Wildfire Burned Area Using a Hybrid Algorithm and Satellite Data: The Case of the Camp Fire Wildfire in California, USA
* Motion-compensated wavelet transform coder for very low bit-rate visual telephony
* Multi-resolution Mosaic Construction Using Resolution Maps
* Multistage temporal motion compensation for motion vector coding
* New Space-Adaptive Regularized Constrained Iterative Image Restoration Algorithms and Analysis of Convergence Condition, A
* Object Recognition by Combining Binary Local Invariant Features and Color Histogram
* On Concise 3-D Simple Point Characterizations: A Marching Cubes Paradigm
* Optimal FEC assignment for scalable video transmission over burst error channel with loss rate feedback
* Pictorial structures-based upper body tracking and gesture recognition
* Pose estimation of human face using synthesized model images
* Preclassification of Handwritten Chinese Characters Based on Basic Stroke Substructures
* Predictive Texture Synthesis-Based Intra Coding Scheme for Advanced Video Coding
* Probabilistic contour mapping using oriented gradient features and SVM-bagging
* ProPanDL: A Modular Architecture for Uncertainty-Aware Panoptic Segmentation
* Real-Time Synthesis of a Human-Like Agent in Response to the Users Moving Image
* Realistic Image Synthesis of a Deformable Living Thing Based on Motion Understanding
* Realtime synthesis of moving human-like agent in response to user's moving image
* Recognition of Human Facial Expressions without Feature Extraction
* Recognition-based gesture spotting in video games
* Review: Cost-Effective Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Platform for Field Plant Breeding Application
* Robust estimation of camera parameters from image sequence for video composition
* robust solution for object recognition by mean field annealing techniques, A
* Secret-Sharing-Based Method for Authentication of Grayscale Document Images via the Use of the PNG Image With a Data Repair Capability, A
* Sequential vector quantization of directionally decomposed DCT coefficients
* Spatial Prediction of Wildfire Susceptibility Using Hybrid Machine Learning Models Based on Support Vector Regression in Sydney, Australia
* Static global scheduling for optimal computer vision and image processing operations on distributed-memory multiprocessors
* Tensor Voting Based Color Clustering
* touch based interactive realbook system with SURF algorithm, A
* Upper-body pose recognition using cylindrical coordinate system
* Variable length coding of interleaved DCT coefficients for digital HDTV
* Video composition based on robust estimation of camera parameters from image sequence
* Virtual playing ground interface using upper-body gesture recognition
* VQ on projection domain of image
* Wavelet transform coding for MCP error images using quadtree decomposition and ECVQ
Includes: Lee, C.W.[Chil Woo] Lee, C.W.[Chil-Woo] Lee, C.W. Lee, C.W.[Chang-Wook] Lee, C.W.[Chang Woo] Lee, C.W.[Cheng-Wei] Lee, C.W.[Choong Woong] Lee, C.W.[Che-Wei] Lee, C.W.[Chun-Wei] Lee, C.W.[Cheol-Whan] Lee, C.W.[Chae-Won] Lee, C.W.[Chul-Woo] Lee, C.W.[Cheong-Woo] Lee, C.W.[Chen-Wei] Lee, C.W.[Chang Won] Lee, C.W.[Choong Wong]
77 for Lee, C.W.
Lee, C.Y.[Chung Yi]
Co Author Listing * 2D and 3D visualization with dual-resolution for surveillance
* ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration from Fundus Images
* Anomaly Clustering: Grouping Images into Coherent Clusters of Anomaly Types
* Applying a Functional Neurofuzzy Network to Real-Time Lane Detection and Front-Vehicle Distance Measurement
* Area-Efficient and High-Throughput De-Blocking Filter for Multi-Standard Video Applications, An
* Boosting Flow-based Generative Super-Resolution Models via Learned Prior
* Cascaded Local Implicit Transformer for Arbitrary-Scale Super-Resolution
* Clausius Normalized Field-Based Shape-Independent Motion Segmentation
* CLEval: Character-Level Evaluation for Text Detection and Recognition Tasks
* Computing Correspondence Based on Regions and Invariants without Feature Extraction and Segmentation
* Confronting Ambiguity in 6D Object Pose Estimation via Score-Based Diffusion on SE(3)
* Construction of Error Resilient Synchronization Codeword for Variable-length Code in Image Transmission
* Cost-Effective Lighting Processor for 3D Graphics Application, A
* Cross-Resolution Flow Propagation for Foveated Video Super-Resolution
* Dense SIFT and Gabor descriptors-based face representation with applications to gender recognition
* DualPrompt: Complementary Prompting for Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning
* Efficient VLSI Architecture for Full-Search Block Matching Algorithms, An
* Efficient VLSI Architecture for Separable 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform, An
* Ensemble Fusion for Small Object Detection
* Error-resilient image coding (ERIC) with smart-IDCT error concealment technique for wireless multimedia transmission
* fast VQ codebook generation algorithm via pattern reduction, A
* Feature Consistency Training With JPEG Compressed Images
* Few-Shot and Continual Learning with Attentive Independent Mechanisms
* Finite-State Vector Quantization with Multipath Tree-Search Strategy for Image/Video Coding
* Full-search block matching motion estimation processor
* Generalizing Pooling Functions in CNNs: Mixed, Gated, and Tree
* high throughput low cost context-based adaptive arithmetic codec for multiple standards, A
* High-speed median filter designs using shiftable content-addressable memory
* High-Throughput Memory-Based VLC Decoder with Codeword Boundary Prediction, A
* In/Post-Loop Deblocking Filter With Hybrid Filtering Schedule, An
* Learning to Prompt for Continual Learning
* Local Implicit Normalizing Flow for Arbitrary-Scale Image Super-Resolution
* Low complexity lossless video compression
* low-complexity soft VLC decoder using performance modeling, A
* Meta-RPPG: Remote Heart Rate Estimation Using a Transductive Meta-learner
* Multimodal Prompting with Missing Modalities for Visual Recognition
* MVA2023 Small Object Detection Challenge for Spotting Birds: Dataset, Methods, and Results
* New Anti-aliasing Algorithm for Computer Graphics Images, A
* new approach of group-based VLC codec system with full table programmability, A
* New Soft Variable Length Decoder for Wireless Video Transmission, A
* novel fixed bit plane error resilient image coding for wireless multimedia transmission, A
* Pic2Word: Mapping Pictures to Words for Zero-shot Composed Image Retrieval
* Pixel-Wise Prediction based Visual Odometry via Uncertainty Estimation
* Prefix Conditioning Unifies Language and Label Supervision
* Progressive Hypothesis Transformer for 3D Human Mesh Recovery
* Rainbow UDA: Combining Domain Adaptive Models for Semantic Segmentation Tasks
* Recursive Recurrent Nets with Attention Modeling for OCR in the Wild
* Region-Based Discriminative Feature Pooling for Scene Text Recognition
* Reprojection Errors as Prompts for Efficient Scene Coordinate Regression
* Rethinking Ensemble-Distillation for Semantic Segmentation Based Unsupervised Domain Adaption
* RoomNet: End-to-End Room Layout Estimation
* S2F2: Single-Stage Flow Forecasting for Future Multiple Trajectories Prediction
* Scalable VLSI architectures for full-search block matching algorithms
* Sliced Wasserstein Discrepancy for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Structure and Motion from Region Correspondences and Affine Invariants
* Surface embedding narrow volume reconstruction from unorganized points
* TR-MISI Serial Prefilter for Robustness to ISI and Noise in Indoor Wireless Communication System, A
* Unifying Distribution Alignment as a Loss for Imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning
* Visual Relationship Prediction via Label Clustering and Incorporation of Depth Information
* ViTVO: Vision Transformer based Visual Odometry with Attention Supervision
Includes: Lee, C.Y.[Chung Yi] Lee, C.Y.[Chung-Yi] Lee, C.Y.[Chia-Yen] Lee, C.Y.[Chen-Yu] Lee, C.Y. Lee, C.Y.[Chen-Yi] Lee, C.Y.[Chun-Yi] Lee, C.Y.[Chan-Young] Lee, C.Y.[Chong Yee] Lee, C.Y.[Chao-Yang] Lee, C.Y.[Chae-Young] Lee, C.Y.[Chung-Yong]
60 for Lee, C.Y.
Lee, D.[Deokwoo]
Co Author Listing * 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Structured Circular Light Patterns
* Adapting Style and Content for Attended Text Sequence Recognition
* Adaptive Traffic Prediction at the ITS Edge With Online Models and Blockchain-Based Federated Learning
* Adaptive Two-Step Adjustable Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* Aerial Imagery Can Detect Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Biomass and Stand Health of Miscanthus X giganteus
* Algorithms for Shape from Shading and Occluding Boundaries
* Aligning Latent Spaces for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Analysing Forests Using Dense Point Clouds
* Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Change Using Time-Series Data and Random Forest in North Korea
* Annual New Production of Phytoplankton Estimated from MODIS-Derived Nitrate Concentration in the East/Japan Sea
* Automatic and Semiautomatic Methods for Image Annotation and Retrieval in Query by Image Content (QBIC)
* Automatic Recognition of Children Engagement from Facial Video Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Autoregressive Image Generation using Residual Quantization
* Balancing Hazard Exposure and Walking Distance in Evacuation Route Planning during Earthquake Disasters
* Bridging the Domain Gap Towards Generalization in Automatic Colorization
* Building Component Detection on Unstructured 3D Indoor Point Clouds Using RANSAC-Based Region Growing
* Cancelable Biometrics Using Noise Embedding
* Classification and Identification of Spectral Pixels with Low Maritime Occupancy Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
* Collaborative Learning Of Semi-Supervised Clustering And Classification For Labeling Uncurated Data
* Comprehensive Attribution: Inherently Explainable Vision Model with Feature Detector
* Computation Reduction in Object Detection via Composite Structure of Modified Integral Images, The
* Computational Aspects of Determining Optical Flow
* Computer Vision-Based Human Body Segmentation and Posture Estimation
* Computing Optical Flow
* Contrastive Regularization for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Contribution of Non-scrambled Chroma Information in Privacy-Protected Face Images to Privacy Leakage
* Coping with Discontinuities in Computer Vision: Their Detection, Classification and Measurement
* Deep Learning of High-Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery for Classifying Halophyte Species: A Comparative Study for Small Patches and Mixed Vegetation
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Designed Shinnar-Le Roux RF Pulse Using Root-Flipping: DeepRFSLR
* DeepPRO: Deep Partial Point Cloud Registration of Objects
* Deformable mesh simulation for virtual laparoscopic cholecystectomy training
* DeFT-AN: Dense Frequency-Time Attentive Network for Multichannel Speech Enhancement
* Dense Depth-Guided Generalizable NeRF
* Depth-Based 3D Hand Pose Estimation: From Current Achievements to Future Goals
* Design, Field Evaluation, and Traffic Analysis of a Competitive Autonomous Driving Model in a Congested Environment
* Detecting regions of interest in dynamic scenes with camera motions
* Discontinuity Detection and Thresholding: A Stocastic Approach
* Discrete Radon-Transform and Its Approximate Inversion via the EM Algorithm
* Distinguishing Posed and Spontaneous Smiles by Facial Dynamics
* DP-NeRF: Deblurred Neural Radiance Field with Physical Scene Priors
* DreamMatcher: Appearance Matching Self-Attention for Semantically-Consistent Text-to-Image Personalization
* Dual Aperture Photography: Image and Depth from a Mobile Camera
* Dual Prototype Attention for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Edge Detection Through Residual Analysis
* Edge Detection, Classification, and Measurement
* Efficient Design and Control for Network-Assisted Device-to-Device Content Delivery Network
* Efficient Reference-based Video Super-Resolution (ERVSR): Single Reference Image Is All You Need
* Energy-Efficient Image Compression for Resource-Constrained Platforms
* Estimation of the Particulate Organic Carbon to Chlorophyll-a Ratio Using MODIS-Aqua in the East/Japan Sea, South Korea
* Evaluation of the performance of clustering algorithms in kernel-induced feature space
* ExBluRF: Efficient Radiance Fields for Extreme Motion Blurred Images
* Expanded Adaptive Scaling Normalization for End to End Image Compression
* Explainable time series anomaly detection using masked latent generative modeling
* Face alignment using cascade Gaussian process regression trees
* False Positive Removal for 3D Vehicle Detection With Penetrated Point Classifier
* Fast and Accurate Head Pose Estimation via Random Projection Forests
* Feasibility Study of Low-Dose Single-Scan Dual-Energy Cone-Beam CT in Many-View Under-Sampling Framework, A
* Fix the Noise: Disentangling Source Feature for Controllable Domain Translation
* Fuzzy cluster validation index based on inter-cluster proximity
* Fuzzy clustering of categorical data using fuzzy centroids
* Gaussian process regression flow for analysis of motion trajectories
* Generalizable Implicit Neural Representations via Instance Pattern Composers
* Guided Slot Attention for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Head and Body Orientation Estimation Using Convolutional Random Projection Forests
* Hierarchically Decomposed Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* High-Throughput Hardware Design of a One-Dimensional SPIHT Algorithm, A
* Human-object interaction prediction in videos through gaze following
* Hydrological Utility and Uncertainty of Multi-Satellite Precipitation Products in the Mountainous Region of South Korea
* Image processing by self-generated spatial and spectral masks
* Image Stitching Using Multiple Homographies Estimated by Segmented Regions for Different Parallaxes
* Impacts of Thermal Differences in Surfacing Urban Heat Islands on Vegetation Phenology
* Improving support vector data description using local density degree
* Indexing for Complex Queries on a Query-by-Content Image Database
* Individualness and Determinantal Point Processes for Pedestrian Detection
* Inference of Black Hole Fluid-Dynamics from Sparse Interferometric Measurements
* Information Based Complexity Applied to Optimal Recovery of the 2 1/2-D Sketch
* Information-Centered Approach to Optimal Algorithms Applied to the 2-1/2D Sketch, The
* Inserting Videos Into Videos
* Intention-Conditioned Long-Term Human Egocentric Action Anticipation
* Investigating the Role of Image Retrieval for Visual Localization
* Joint Blind Motion Deblurring and Depth Estimation of Light Field
* Joint Estimation of Pose and Face Landmark
* k-populations algorithm for clustering categorical data, A
* kernel-based subtractive clustering method, A
* Large Scale Multi-Illuminant (LSMI) Dataset for Developing White Balance Algorithm under Mixed Illumination
* Large-scale Localization Datasets in Crowded Indoor Spaces
* Learning a manifold-constrained map between image sets: Applications to matching and pose estimation
* Learning Augmentation Network via Influence Functions
* Learning Discriminative Dynamics with Label Corruption for Noisy Label Detection
* Learning instance-aware object detection using determinantal point processes
* Learning Strategy for Amazon Deforestation Estimations Using Multi-Modal Satellite Imagery, A
* Local to Global: Efficient Visual Localization for a Monocular Camera
* Lossless compression of HDR color filter array image for the digital camera pipeline
* Low-Cost System Using Sparse Vision for Navigation In the Urban-Environment, A
* MAGVLT: Masked Generative Vision-and-Language Transformer
* Metaweather: Few-shot Weather-degraded Image Restoration
* MKConv: Multidimensional feature representation for point cloud analysis
* Modality-Aware Representation Learning for Zero-shot Sketch-based Image Retrieval
* Modified K-Means Algorithm for Vector Quantizer Design
* Multi-view Automatic Lip-Reading Using Neural Network
* Multimodal polymeric contrast agents for MRI and fluorescence imaging in the management of cancer
* Multipath Video Real-Time Streaming by Field-Based Anycast Routing
* New Window-Based Program for Quality Control of GPS Sensing Data, A
* New Zero-Crossing-Based Discontinuity Detector, A
* NICE: CVPR 2023 Challenge on Zero-shot Image Captioning
* novel high dynamic range image compression scheme of color filter array data for the digital camera pipeline, A
* novel initialization scheme for the fuzzy c-means algorithm for color clustering, A
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on NonHomogeneous Dehazing
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* NVS-Adapter: Plug-and-play Novel View Synthesis from a Single Image
* On cluster validity index for estimation of the optimal number of fuzzy clusters
* One-Dimensional Regularization with Discontinuities
* One-Shot Summary Prototypical Network Toward Accurate Unpaved Road Semantic Segmentation
* Optimal Zero-Crossing-Based Discontinuity Detector, An
* Optimizing the Link Directions of Personal Rapid Transit Network
* Outdoor Operation of Structured Light in Mobile Phone
* Poker Bluff Detection Dataset Based on Facial Analysis
* Position estimation of moving liver lesion based on registration between 2D ultrasound and 4D MR images
* Possibilistic support vector machines
* Pre-/post-processing to improve the coding performance of multiview plus depth map
* Precision and Characteristics of Satellite Spatial Quality Estimators' Measurement Using an Edge Target Imaged with KOMPSAT-3A
* Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers Using Tuz GÖlÜ As A Reference Standard
* Prodepth: Boosting Self-supervised Multi-frame Monocular Depth with Probabilistic Fusion
* Provably Convergent Algorithm for Shape from Shading, A
* Pruning from Scratch via Shared Pruning Module and Nuclear norm-based Regularization
* Pruning networks at once via nuclear norm-based regularization and bi-level optimization
* Quality-Oriented Task Allocation and Scheduling in Transcoding Servers With Heterogeneous Processors
* Query by Image and Video Content: The QBIC System
* Query by image content using multiple objects and multiple features: user interface issues
* RADIO: Reference-Agnostic Dubbing Video Synthesis
* Real-Time Feed-Forward Neural Network-Based Forward Collision Warning System Under Cloud Communication Environment
* Real-Time Rear-End Collision-Warning System Using a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network
* Recent progresses of accelerated MRI using annihilating filter-based low-rank interpolation
* Recognizable-Image Selection for Fingerprint Recognition With a Mobile-Device Camera
* Refining Action Segmentation with Hierarchical Video Representations
* Regularization Strategy for Point Cloud via Rigidly Mixed Sample
* Residual Analysis for Feature Detection
* Resolving Class Imbalance for LiDAR-based Object Detector by Dynamic Weight Average and Contextual Ground Truth Sampling
* Robotic Sensing for the Partially Sighted
* Robust CCD and IR Image Registration Using Gradient-Based Statistical Information
* Robust Lane Detection via Expanded Self Attention
* Robust vehicle detection based on shadow classification
* Salient object detection using bipartite dictionary
* Sampling Theorem for a 2D Surface, A
* SChISM: Semantic Clustering via Image Sequence Merging for Images of Human-Decomposition
* Self-supervised Dehazing Network Using Physical Priors
* Single-Temporal Sentinel-2 for Analyzing Burned Area Detection Methods: A Study of 14 Cases in Republic of Korea Considering Land Cover
* Situation-Based Assess Tree for User Behavior Assessment in Persuasive Telehealth
* Some Computational Aspects of Low-Level Computer Vision
* Some results on feature detection using residual analysis
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Habitat Suitability Index for Chub Mackerel (Scomber Japonicus) in the East/Japan Sea and the South Sea of South Korea
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Habitat Suitability Index for the Todarodes Pacificus (Japanese Common Squid) around South Korea
* Spatiotemporal Protein Variations Based on VIIRS-Derived Regional Protein Algorithm in the Northern East China Sea
* Special issue on user profiling and behavior adaptation for human-robot interaction
* Stereo Vision-Based Aid for the Visually-Impaired, A
* Structured Compression by Weight Encryption for Unstructured Pruning and Quantization
* System Identification: 3D Measurement Using Structured Light System
* TMO: Textured Mesh Acquisition of Objects with a Mobile Device by using Differentiable Rendering
* Toward a No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Statistics of Perceptual Color Descriptors
* Towards a Full-Reference Quality Assessment for Color Images Using Directional Statistics
* Towards End-to-End Generative Modeling of Long Videos with Memory-Efficient Bidirectional Transformers
* Training Cartoonization Network without Cartoon
* Tsanet: Temporal and Scale Alignment for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Unsupervised Holistic Image Generation from Key Local Patches
* Variational Distribution Learning for Unsupervised Text-to-Image Generation
* VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of Human Heads
* Weakly Supervised Temporal Anomaly Segmentation with Dynamic Time Warping
* Weather-Aware Drone-View Object Detection Via Environmental Context Understanding
* What, How, and When Should Object Detectors Update in Continually Changing Test Domains?
* Wide Receptive Field and Channel Attention Network for JPEG Compressed Image Deblurring
Includes: Lee, D.[Deokwoo] Lee, D. Lee, D.[Danielle] Lee, D.[Dokyung] Lee, D.[DoKyoung] Lee, D.[Dongkun] Lee, D.[Dabin] Lee, D.[Dennis] Lee, D.[Doyup] Lee, D.[David] Lee, D.[Daeun] Lee, D.[Dongmin] Lee, D.[Daekyeom] Lee, D.[Dongwon] Lee, D.[Daeha] Lee, D.[Dohyoung] Lee, D.[Donguk] Lee, D.[Doohee] Lee, D.[Donghoon] Lee, D.[Deukhee] Lee, D.[Dongheon] Lee, D.[Dongwoo] Lee, D.[Daegyu] Lee, D.[Dongryeol] Lee, D.[Dogyoon] Lee, D.[DongJae] Lee, D.[Dujeong] Lee, D.[Dongman] Lee, D.[Doheon] Lee, D.[Daesoo] Lee, D.[Dongyeun] Lee, D.[Dongheui] Lee, D.[Donghee] Lee, D.[Dohyung] Lee, D.[Daeyoung] Lee, D.[Donghwan] Lee, D.[Daniel] Lee, D.[Dongha] Lee, D.[Dongoo] Lee, D.[Doyeon] Lee, D.[Daehyun] Lee, D.[Dongkwan] Lee, D.[Donghyeon] Lee, D.[Donghyuk] Lee, D.[Dokyu] Lee, D.[Duhgoon] Lee, D.[Dohoon] Lee, D.[Donghan] Lee, D.[Dayoung] Lee, D.[Deaho] Lee, D.[Dylan] Lee, D.[Donggun] Lee, D.[Doi] Lee, D.[Dahye]
170 for Lee, D.
Lee, D.B.
Co Author Listing * Block Adaptive Interpolation Filter Using Trained Dictionary for Sub-Pixel Motion Compensation
* QoE-aware mobile IPTV channel control algorithm over WiMAX network
* Video Deblurring Algorithm Using Accurate Blur Kernel Estimation and Residual Deconvolution Based on a Blurred-Unblurred Frame Pair
* Video deblurring based on bidirectional motion compensation and accurate blur kernel estimation
Includes: Lee, D.B. Lee, D.B.[Dai-Boong] Lee, D.B.[Dong-Bok]
Lee, D.C.[Dong Cheon]
Co Author Listing * Alternative Methodologies for the Internal Quality Control of Parallel LiDAR Strips
* Comprehensive Analysis of Sensor Modeling Alternatives for High-Resolution Imaging Satellites
* Electromagnetic Land Surface Classification Through Integration of Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data
* Error Budget of Lidar Systems and Quality Control of the Derived Data
* Geometric reasoning for single image structure recovery
* LIDAR Strip Adjustment using Conjugate Linear Features in Overlapping Strips
* Occlusion-based Methodology for the Classification of Lidar Data
* Olfactory identification and white matter integrity in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A preliminary study
* Orthogonal Shape Modes Describing Clinical Indices of Remodeling
* Partition Min-Hash for Partial Duplicate Image Discovery
Includes: Lee, D.C.[Dong Cheon] Lee, D.C.[Dong-Cheon] Lee, D.C. Lee, D.C.[David C.] Lee, D.C.[Dong Chang] Lee, D.C.[Daniel C.]
10 for Lee, D.C.
Lee, D.D.[Daniel D.]
Co Author Listing * Fluid Dynamic Models for Bhattacharyya-Based Discriminant Analysis
* Generative Local Metric Learning for Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Jointly Learning Visual Motion and Confidence from Local Patches in Event Cameras
* Learning the Parts of Objects by non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* manifold ways of perception, The
* On-Device Event Filtering with Binary Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection Using Neuromorphic Vision Sensors
* Regularized discriminant analysis for transformation-invariant object recognition
* Surface Hof: Surface Reconstruction From A Single Image Using Higher Order Function Networks
Includes: Lee, D.D.[Daniel D.] Lee, D.D.
8 for Lee, D.D.
Lee, D.E.[Dong Eun]
Co Author Listing * 3D Point Cloud and BIM-Based Reconstruction for Evaluation of Project by As-Planned and As-Built
* BIM-Based Registration and Localization of 3D Point Clouds of Indoor Scenes Using Geometric Features for Augmented Reality
* Robust Watermarking Algorithm Using Attack Pattern Analysis, A
Includes: Lee, D.E.[Dong Eun] Lee, D.E.[Dong-Eun]
Lee, D.G.[Dong Gi]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Suitable Gridded Climate Datasets for Large-Scale Hydrological Modelling over South Korea
* Crowd Behavior Representation Using Motion Influence Matrix for Anomaly Detection
* Dead pixel test using effective receptive field
* Discriminative context learning with gated recurrent unit for group activity recognition
* Fair Feature Distillation for Visual Recognition
* Human activity prediction based on Sub-volume Relationship Descriptor
* Human interaction recognition framework based on interacting body part attention
* Improved robustness of vision transformers via prelayernorm in patch embedding
* Modeling crowd motions for abnormal activity detection
* Motion Influence Map for Unusual Human Activity Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes
* Prediction of partially observed human activity based on pre-trained deep representation
* Shape Preserving Hierarchical Triangular Mesh for Motion Estimation
* Superoscillations with Optimal Numerical Stability
* Three-stream fusion network for first-person interaction recognition
Includes: Lee, D.G.[Dong Gi] Lee, D.G.[Dong-Gi] Lee, D.G.[Dong-Gyu] Lee, D.G.[Dong Gu] Lee, D.G.[Dae Gwan]
14 for Lee, D.G.
Lee, D.H.[Der Horng]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive and Simultaneous Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Agents via Transferable Hierarchical Transformer Network
* Analysis of Jure Landslide Dam, Sindhupalchowk Using GIS and Remote Sensing
* Automatic Extraction of Semantic Relationships from Images Using Ontologies and SVM Classifiers
* Autonomous System for EEG-Based Multiple Abnormal Mental States Classification Using Hybrid Deep Neural Networks Under Flight Environment
* Biprism-Stereo Camera System, A
* Block Poisson Method and its application to large scale image editing
* Bot-Facesort: Bag-of-tricks for Robust Multi-face Tracking in Unconstrained Videos
* Development of a UAS-Based Multi-Sensor Deep Learning Model for Predicting Napa Cabbage Fresh Weight and Determining Optimal Harvest Time
* DnD: Dense Depth Estimation in Crowded Dynamic Indoor Scenes
* ErrIDS: An Enhanced Cumulative Timing Error-Based Automotive Intrusion Detection System
* Experimental service of 3DTV cable broadcasting using dual HD streams
* Face attribute classification using attribute-aware correlation map and gated convolutional neural networks
* fast content-based indexing and retrieval technique by the shape information in large image database, A
* Frugal 3d Point Cloud Model Training via Progressive Near Point Filtering and Fused Aggregation
* Fusion of Lidar and Imagery for Reliable Building Extraction
* Generalised fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm with local information
* GENQ: Quantization in Low Data Regimes with Generative Synthetic Data
* Guest Editorial: IEEE 5th international conference on intelligent transportation systems papers
* High dynamic range image tone mapping based on asymmetric model of retinal adaptation
* Human-aware motion reshaping using dynamical systems
* Hybrid Estimation of Navigation Parameters from Aerial Image Sequence
* Identifying Critical Links in Urban Transportation Networks Based on Spatio-Temporal Dependency Learning
* In-Vehicle Network Intrusion Detection System Using CAN Frame-Aware Features
* Incremental object learning and robust tracking of multiple objects from RGB-D point set data
* Keyhole-3D phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography: A time-resolved reconstruction method
* KOMPSAT-2 Direct Sensor Modeling and Geometric Calibration/Validation
* MAP-Based Object Extraction from Uncalibrated Image Pair
* Measuring Generalisation to Unseen Viewpoints, Articulations, Shapes and Objects for 3d Hand Pose Estimation Under Hand-object Interaction
* MetroZero: Deep Reinforcement Learning and Monte Carlo Tree Search for Optimized Metro Network Expansion
* Multi-Context Aware Human Mobility Prediction Model Based on Motif-Preserving Travel Preference Learning, A
* Multimodal Vehicular Trajectory Prediction With Inverse Reinforcement Learning and Risk Aversion at Urban Unsignalized Intersections
* New Synthesizing Method For Handwriting Korean Scripts, A
* Novel Sensitivity Metric for Mixed-Precision Quantization With Synthetic Data Generation, A
* optimization framework for inverse tone mapping using a single low dynamic range image, An
* OPTIMUS: Online Persistent Tracking and Identification of Many Users for Smart Spaces
* Panel-specific Degradation Representation for Raw Under-display Camera Image Restoration
* Performance of Multiagent Taxi Dispatch on Extended-Runtime Taxi Availability: A Simulation Study
* Physics-Guided Multi-Source Transfer Learning for Network-Scale Traffic Flow Prediction
* Point-To-Pose Voting Based Hand Pose Estimation Using Residual Permutation Equivariant Layer
* Practical Security Architecture for In-Vehicle CAN-FD, A
* Practical Wireless Attack on the Connected Car and Security Protocol for In-Vehicle CAN, A
* Pruning-guided feature distillation for an efficient transformer-based pose estimation model
* Radiometric Characteristics of KOMPSAT-3 Multispectral Images Using the Spectra of Well-Known Surface Tarps
* Reliable Cooperative Authentication for Vehicular Networks
* Secure Privacy-Preserving V2V Communication in 5G-V2X Supporting Network Slicing
* Signal intensity correction for multichannel MR images using radon transformation
* simple auto prescan calibration method for multislice fast spin echo MRI, A
* Simple image intensity compensation (SIMIC) method prior to application of distortion correction algorithms in brain diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Validation test for two cost functions of distortion correction algorithms
* Single Lens Stereo with a Biprism
* Sparsity Sharing Embedding for Face Verification
* Special Issue on ITSC 2006
* Standardizing 3D Medical Imaging
* Summary of Calibration and Validation for KOMPSAT-2
* Temporally x real-time video dehazing
Includes: Lee, D.H.[Der Horng] Lee, D.H.[Der-Horng] Lee, D.H. Lee, D.H.[Dong-Ho] Lee, D.H.[Dae-Hyeok] Lee, D.H.[Doo-Hyun] Lee, D.H.[Dewey H.] Lee, D.H.[Dong-Hwan] Lee, D.H.[Dong Hoon] Lee, D.H.[Dong-Hoon] Lee, D.H.[Dong-Hyun] Lee, D.H.[Dong Hyuk] Lee, D.H.[Dae-Hong] Lee, D.H.[Dong-Heui] Lee, D.H.[Dong Han] Lee, D.H.[Dong Hahk] Lee, D.H.[Dae-Hyun] Lee, D.H.[Dong-Hun] Lee, D.H.[Dae Hyun] Lee, D.H.[Dong-Han] Lee, D.H.[Dong-Hahk]
54 for Lee, D.H.
Lee, D.I.[Dong In]
Co Author Listing * Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution at Windward and Leeward Side over Mountain Area, The
* Classification of Rainfall Types Using Parsivel Disdrometer and S-Band Polarimetric Radar in Central Korea
* Dual-Polarization Radar-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation of Mountain Terrain Using Multi-Disdrometer Data
* Neuro-Fuzzy Gust Front Detection Algorithm With S-Band Polarimetric Radar
* Raindrop Size Distributions of North Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones Observed at the Coastal and Inland Stations in South India
* Time-Lagged Ensemble Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts for Three Landfalling Typhoons in the Philippines Using the CReSS Model, Part II: Verification Using Global Precipitation Measurement Retrievals
* WateRF: Robust Watermarks in Radiance Fields for Protection of Copyrights
Includes: Lee, D.I.[Dong In] Lee, D.I.[Dong-In] Lee, D.I.
7 for Lee, D.I.
Lee, D.J.[Dah Jye]
Co Author Listing * Accurate Head Pose Estimation Using Image Rectification and a Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network
* Accurate Optical Flow Sensor for Obstacle Avoidance
* Algorithm for Detection and Elimination of False Minutiae in Fingerprint Images
* Automated Fish Taxonomy Using Evolution-COnstructed Features
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Evolution-Constructed Features
* Automatic Motion Classification for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Body Motion Analysis for Golf Swing Evaluation
* Color rank and census transforms using perceptual color contrast
* Cramer-Rao analysis of phase-diverse wave-front sensing
* Deep Cross-Modal Steganography Using Neural Representations
* Dense Depth Maps from 2-D Cepstrum Matching of Image Sequences
* Dense Disparity Real-Time Stereo Vision Algorithm for Resource-Limited Systems
* Determine Absolute Soccer Ball Location in Broadcast Video Using SYBA Descriptor
* Edge Detection from Global and Local Views Using an Ensemble of Multiple Edge Detectors
* Edge Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Nematode Development and Adaptation Analysis
* efficient feature descriptor based on synthetic basis functions and uniqueness matching strategy, An
* efficient shape analysis method for shrimp quality evaluation, An
* Efficient stereo vision algorithms for resource-limited systems
* Efficient Training of Evolution-Constructed Features
* Evaluation of shape similarity measurement methods for spine X-ray images
* Expanding Expressiveness of Diffusion Models with Limited Data via Self-Distillation based Fine-Tuning
* Fast and Accurate Tensor-based Optical Flow Algorithm Implemented in FPGA, A
* feature construction method for general object recognition, A
* Fingerprint Fusion Based on Minutiae and Ridge for Enrollment
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement Based on a Half Gabor Filter
* FPGA Implementation of a Feature Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Real-time Applications
* Global Evolution-Constructed Feature for Date Maturity Evaluation
* GSM Based Security Analysis for Add-SS Watermarking
* Hardware-Friendly Adaptive Tensor Based Optical Flow Algorithm, A
* Hardware-Friendly Vision Algorithms for Embedded Obstacle Detection Applications
* High-speed railway rod-insulator detection using segment clustering and deformable part models
* IIRNet: A lightweight deep neural network using intensely inverted residuals for image recognition
* Implementing the Affective Mechanism for Group Emotion Recognition With a New Graph Convolutional Network Architecture
* Improved Fingerprint Indexing Algorithm Based on the Triplet Approach, An
* Improved library shelf reading using color feature matching of book-spine images
* Improving Evolution-Constructed features using speciation for general object detection
* Matching Affine Features with the SYBA Feature Descriptor
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGBW Sensor Fusion: Dataset and Report
* Motion Projection for Floating Object Detection
* Nature-Inspired BASIS Feature Descriptor for UAV Imagery and Its Hardware Implementation, The
* New Hardware Architecture for the Ridge Regression Optical Flow Algorithm, A
* New Methodology for Gray-Scale Character Segmentation and Recognition, A
* Notice of Retraction: E2V-SDE: From Asynchronous Events to Fast and Continuous Video Reconstruction via Neural Stochastic Differential Equations
* on-board vision sensor system for small unmanned vehicle applications, An
* parallel convolutional neural network architecture for stereo vision estimation, A
* Read-only Prompt Optimization for Vision-Language Few-shot Learning
* Real-time accurate optical flow-based motion sensor
* Real-time human detection using histograms of oriented gradients on a GPU
* Real-Time Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy using Lightweight Transformer
* Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Improved Local Binary Pattern
* Review of stereo vision algorithms and their suitability for resource-limited systems
* robust fingerprint matching algorithm using local alignment, A
* Robust Luby Transform Encoding Pattern-Aware Symbol Packetization Algorithm for Video Streaming Over Wireless Network, A
* Robust Sign Recognition System at Subway Stations Using Verification Knowledge
* Robust synthetic basis feature descriptor
* Security Analysis for Spread-Spectrum Watermarking Incorporating Statistics of Natural Images
* Seeing Eye Phone: a smart phone-based indoor localization and guidance system for the visually impaired
* Self-tuned Evolution-Constructed features for general object recognition
* Semantic-Based Brain MRI Image Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Smart phone-based Indoor guidance system for the visually impaired
* Sparse Representation Based Classification Algorithm for Chinese Food Recognition, A
* STCAM: Spatial-Temporal and Channel Attention Module for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition
* Two-frame structure from motion using optical flow probability distributions for unmanned air vehicle obstacle avoidance
* Two-layer color filter array for high quality images
* Typical Facial Expression Network Using a Facial Feature Decoupler and Spatial-Temporal Learning
* Unsupervised clustering using hyperclique pattern constraints
* Unsupervised Video Shot Detection Using Clustering Ensemble with a Color Global Scale-Invariant Feature Transform Descriptor
* Unsupervised Video Shot Segmentation Using Global Color and Texture Information
* Using Accurate Feature Matching for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ground Object Tracking
* Using affine features for an efficient binary feature descriptor
* Using collaborative learning for image contrast enhancement
* Using distance transform to solve real-time machine vision inspection problems
* Using Perceptual Color Contrast for Color Image Processing
* Visual Odometry Drift Reduction Using SYBA Descriptor and Feature Transformation
Includes: Lee, D.J.[Dah Jye] Lee, D.J.[Dah-Jye] Lee, D.J.[Dong-Jae] Lee, D.J.[David J.] Lee, D.J. Lee, D.J.[Dong-Jin] Lee, D.J.[Dong-Jun] Lee, D.J.[Dong-Ju]
74 for Lee, D.J.
Lee, D.K.[Dong Kun]
Co Author Listing * Application of Industrial Risk Management Practices to Control Natural Hazards, Facilitating Risk Communication
* Colourisation in Yxy colour space for purple fringing correction
* Efficient Starting Point Decision for Enhanced Hexagonal Search
* Estimation of Mean Radiant Temperature in Urban Canyons Using Google Street View: A Case Study on Seoul
* Fast CU size decision algorithm using machine learning for HEVC intra coding
* Fast intra coding unit decision for high efficiency video coding based on statistical information
* Fast motion estimation for HEVC on graphics processing unit (GPU)
* Mapping Deforestation in North Korea Using Phenology-Based Multi-Index and Random Forest
* Monitoring Land Use/Land Cover and Landscape Pattern Changes at a Local Scale: A Case Study of Pyongyang, North Korea
* Video Representation with Dynamic Features from Multi-Frame Frame-Difference Images
Includes: Lee, D.K.[Dong Kun] Lee, D.K. Lee, D.K.[Do-Kyung] Lee, D.K.[Dong-Kun] Lee, D.K.[Dong-Kyu] Lee, D.K.[D. Kyungsuk]
10 for Lee, D.K.
Lee, D.L.[Donq Liang]
Co Author Listing * discrete sequential bidirectional associative memory for multistep pattern recognition, A
* Optimal Combination of Nested Clusters by a Greedy Approximation Algorithm
* Recognition of complex static hand gestures by using the wristband-based contour features
Includes: Lee, D.L.[Donq Liang] Lee, D.L.[Donq-Liang] Lee, D.L.[Dik Lun]
Lee, D.N.
Co Author Listing * Optical Flow Field: The Foundation of Vision, The
* Where We Look When We Steer
Lee, D.R.[Duk Ryong]
Co Author Listing * Hangul document image retrieval system using rank-based recognition
* Segmentation-free word spotting using SIFT
Includes: Lee, D.R.[Duk Ryong] Lee, D.R.[Duk-Ryong]
Lee, D.S.[Dar Shyang]
Co Author Listing * Bayesian framework for Gaussian mixture background modeling, A
* Class-Guided Building Extraction from Ikonos Imagery
* Cluster-based WSN protocol that improves network lifetime through CH replacement
* Detecting duplicates among symbolically compressed images in a large document database
* Effective Gaussian Mixture Learning for Video Background Subtraction
* Efficient coding of motion vector and mode information for H.264/AVC
* End-to-End Interpretation of the French Street Name Signs Dataset
* Harmonic Holes as the Submodules of Brain Network and Network Dissimilarity
* Improving transmission method of a cluster head node in a two-level wireless sensor network
* Investigation of Simultaneous Effects of Aerosol Properties and Aerosol Peak Height on the Air Mass Factors for Space-Borne NO2 Retrievals
* Localization of epileptogenic zones in F-18 FDG brain PET of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy using artificial neural network
* Name and Address Block Reader System for Tax Form Processing
* Online Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Learning for Video Applications
* Pan-Tilt IR Scanning Method for the Remote Measurement of Mean Radiant Temperatures at Multi-Location in Buildings
* Persistent Brain Network Homology From the Perspective of Dendrogram
* Photogrammetric Analysis of the Mars Global Surveyor Mapping Data
* Prescient Paper: Multimedia Document Creation with Document Image Matching
* Pseudo-haptic Feedback Design for Virtual Activities in Human Computer Interface
* Simultaneous Highlighting of Paper and Electronic Documents
* Sparse Brain Network Recovery Under Compressed Sensing
* Substitution Deciphering Based on HMMs with Applications to Compressed Document Processing
* Surface embedding narrow volume reconstruction from unorganized points
* System to Read Names and Addresses on Tax Forms, A
* Visualizing multimedia content on paper documents: components of key frame selection for video paper
* Web-based collaborative filtering system, A
Includes: Lee, D.S.[Dar Shyang] Lee, D.S.[Dar-Shyang] Lee, D.S.[D. Scott] Lee, D.S.[Dae-Sung] Lee, D.S.[Dong-Shik] Lee, D.S.[Dong Soo] Lee, D.S.[Dae Sung] Lee, D.S.[Dong-Seok] Lee, D.S. Lee, D.S.[Dong-Sun] Lee, D.S.[Dong-Seop]
25 for Lee, D.S.
Lee, D.T.
Co Author Listing * Boosted Multiple Kernel Learning for Scene Category Recognition
* Computational Geometry: A Survey
* Computing the Visibility Polygon from an Edge
* Discovering joint audio-visual codewords for video event detection
* Dynamic Voronoi Diagrams
* feature fusion framework for hashing, A
* Finding the Diameter of a Set of Lines
* Gridding Spot Centers of Smoothly Distorted Microarray Images
* Ionospheric Correction of SAR Interferograms by Multiple-Aperture Interferometry
* Joint audio-visual bi-modal codewords for video event detection
* JPEG 2000: Retrospective and New Developments
* Medial Axis Transformation of A Planar Shape
* New opportunities in digital imaging systems
* On Finding the Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon
* On K-Nearest Neighbor Voronoi Diagrams in the Plane
* On the X-Y Convex Hull of a Set of X-Y Polygons
* Optimal Illumination Region Algorithm for Convex Polygons, An
* Out-of-Roundness Problem Revisited
* Relative neighborhood graphs in the Li-metric
* Robust visual domain adaptation with low-rank reconstruction
* Special Issue Introduction, JPEG 2000
* Travel-time prediction with support vector regression
* Two Algorithms for Constructing a Delaunay Triangulation
* Unsupervised Feature Learning for RGB-D Image Classification
* Video Event Detection via Multi-modality Deep Learning
* Visibility of a Simple Polygon
* Worst-Case Analysis for Region and Partial Region Searches in Multidimensional Binary Search Trees and Quad Trees
Includes: Lee, D.T. Lee, D.T.[Daniel T.]
27 for Lee, D.T.
Lee, D.T.L.
Co Author Listing * On surface curvature computation from level set contours
* Representing Surface Curvature Discontinuities on Curved Surfaces
Lee, D.U.
Co Author Listing * Precision-Aware Self-Quantizing Hardware Architectures for the Discrete Wavelet Transform
Lee, D.W.[Dong Won]
Co Author Listing * BIM: Image matching using biological gene sequence alignment
* CollaGAN: Collaborative GAN for Missing Image Data Imputation
* Detection and Monitoring of Forest Fires Using Himawari-8 Geostationary Satellite Data in South Korea
* Domain described support vector classifier for multi-classification problems
* Dynamic Characterization of Cluster Structures for Robust and Inductive Support Vector Clustering
* Effect of Error in SO2 Slant Column Density on the Accuracy of SO2 Transport Flow Rate Estimates Based on GEMS Synthetic Radiances
* Fast support-based clustering method for large-scale problems
* Gaussian Process Upsampling Model for Improvements in Optical Character Recognition, A
* Improved Cluster Labeling Method for Support Vector Clustering, An
* Inductive manifold learning using structured support vector machine
* Jointly Learning Visual Motion and Confidence from Local Patches in Event Cameras
* Learning similarity measure for multi-modal 3D image registration
* Lecture Presentations Multimodal Dataset: Towards Understanding Multimodality in Educational Videos
* Low-Resource Adaptation for Personalized Co-Speech Gesture Generation
* Method for extracting fingerprint feature data using ridge orientation model
* Pulse Repetition Interval Modulation Recognition Using Symbolization
* RaScaNet: Learning Tiny Models by Raster-Scanning Images
* Simple image intensity compensation (SIMIC) method prior to application of distortion correction algorithms in brain diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Validation test for two cost functions of distortion correction algorithms
* Style Transfer for Co-speech Gesture Animation: A Multi-speaker Conditional-mixture Approach
* Synergistic Use of Hyperspectral UV-Visible OMI and Broadband Meteorological Imager MODIS Data for a Merged Aerosol Product
* Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* Video linkage: group based copied video detection
* Watermarking two dimensional data object identifier for authenticated distribution of digital multimedia contents
Includes: Lee, D.W.[Dong Won] Lee, D.W.[Dong-Won] Lee, D.W.[Dong-Wook] Lee, D.W.[Dae-Won] Lee, D.W.[Dong-Weon] Lee, D.W.[Do-Wan]
23 for Lee, D.W.
Lee, D.Y.[Dae Youn]
Co Author Listing * 3D mesh compression based on dual-ring prediction and MMSE prediction
* Comparing user experiences in 2D and 3D videoconferencing
* Computerized method of determining surface strain distributions in a deformed body
* Fast background subtraction algorithm using two-level sampling and silhouette detection
* Fast object tracking using color histograms and patch differences
* Fast Search of a Similar Patch for Self-Similarity Based Image Super Resolution
* Joint super-resolution and compression artifact reduction based on dual-learning
* Modeling and Dynamic Radar Cross-Section Estimation of Chaff Clouds for Real-Time Simulation
* Multihypothesis trajectory analysis for robust visual tracking
* Novel Low-Dose Dual-Energy Imaging Method for a Fast-Rotating Gantry-Type CT Scanner, A
* OGRMPI: An Efficient Multiview Integrated Multiplane Image based on Occlusion Guided Residuals
* Perceptual color difference assessment using histogram distance on hue histogram descriptor
* Progressive 3D mesh compression using MOG-based Bayesian entropy coding and gradual prediction
* Progressive compression of 3D triangular meshes using topology-based Karhunen-Loève transform
* Quality Prediction on Deep Generative Images
* R-D optimized progressive compression of 3D meshes using prioritized gate selection and curvature prediction
* SOWP: Spatially Ordered and Weighted Patch Descriptor for Visual Tracking
* Subjective and Objective Study of Space-Time Subsampled Video Quality, A
* Tar Spot Disease Quantification Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Data
* Traffic Accident Recording and Reporting Model at Intersections, A
* Video File Allocation for Wear-Leveling in Distributed Storage Systems With Heterogeneous Solid-State-Disks (SSDs)
* Video Quality Model of Compression, Resolution and Frame Rate Adaptation Based on Space-Time Regularities
* Visual Tracking Using Pertinent Patch Selection and Masking
Includes: Lee, D.Y.[Dae Youn] Lee, D.Y.[Dae-Youn] Lee, D.Y.[Dae Yeol] Lee, D.Y.[Dae-Yong] Lee, D.Y.[Dae-Yeol] Lee, D.Y. Lee, D.Y.[Dong-Yeob] Lee, D.Y.[Dongh-Yeon] Lee, D.Y.[Doh-Young] Lee, D.Y.[Da-Young]
23 for Lee, D.Y.
Lee, E.[Eunseop]
Co Author Listing * Accurate traffic light detection using deep neural network with focal regression loss
* Advection Fog over the Eastern Yellow Sea: WRF Simulation and Its Verification by Satellite and In Situ Observations
* AID-Purifier: A Light Auxiliary Network for Boosting Adversarial Defense
* Alias-and-Separate: Wideband Speech Coding Using Sub-Nyquist Sampling and Speech Separation
* Analysis of GNSS Performance Index Using Feature Points of Sky-View Image
* Assessment of Geo-Kompsat-2A Atmospheric Motion Vector Data and Its Assimilation Impact in the GEOS Atmospheric Data Assimilation System
* Characterizing Vegetation Canopy Structure Using Airborne Remote Sensing Data
* Conductivity Tensor Imaging of In Vivo Human Brain and Experimental Validation Using Giant Vesicle Suspension
* Cross-Resolution Flow Propagation for Foveated Video Super-Resolution
* Dataset Culling: Towards Efficient Training of Distillation-Based Domain Specific Models
* Deep Learning Model Using Satellite Ocean Color and Hydrodynamic Model to Estimate Chlorophyll-a Concentration, A
* Detection of Convectively Induced Turbulence Using in Situ Aircraft and Radar Spectral Width Data, A
* Dial: Dense Image-text Alignment for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* EBDM: Exemplar-guided Image Translation with Brownian-bridge Diffusion Models
* Estimation of Zero-Frequency Noise Power Density in Digital Imaging
* Feasibility Analysis of GNSS-Reflectometry for Monitoring Coastal Hazards
* Few-Shot and Continual Learning with Attentive Independent Mechanisms
* Latent-OFER: Detect, Mask, and Reconstruct with Latent Vectors for Occluded Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning to Detour: Shortcut Mitigating Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Localization Uncertainty-Based Attention for Object Detection
* Measurement of the Lag Correction Factor in Low-Dose Fluoroscopic Imaging
* Memory-guided Unsupervised Image-to-image Translation
* Meta-RPPG: Remote Heart Rate Estimation Using a Transductive Meta-learner
* Multi-task Learning with Future States for Vision-based Autonomous Driving
* Multifocusing and Depth Estimation Using a Color Shift Model-Based Computational Camera
* NeuralScale: Efficient Scaling of Neurons for Resource-Constrained Deep Neural Networks
* Optimal Zonal Design for Flexible Bus Service Under Spatial and Temporal Demand Uncertainty
* Pruning from Scratch via Shared Pruning Module and Nuclear norm-based Regularization
* Pruning networks at once via nuclear norm-based regularization and bi-level optimization
* Reducing Uncertainties in Applying Remotely Sensed Land Use and Land Cover Maps in Land-Atmosphere Interaction: Identifying Change in Space and Time
* Retrieval and Uncertainty Analysis of Land Surface Reflectance Using a Geostationary Ocean Color Imager
* S/W Based Frame-Level Synchronization for Irregular Screen Processing System
* SAINT Self-Adaptive Interactive Navigation Tool for Emergency Service Delivery Optimization
* Semantic-Aware Dynamic Parameter for Video Inpainting Transformer
* Signal Lag Measurements Based on Temporal Correlations
* Towards Efficient Machine Unlearning with Data Augmentation: Guided Loss-Increasing (GLI) to Prevent the Catastrophic Model Utility Drop
* Using Multi-Attribute Decision Factors for a Modified All-or-Nothing Traffic Assignment
* Wearables for frail seniors
Includes: Lee, E.[Eunseop] Lee, E.[Eunjeong] Lee, E.[Eunjung] Lee, E.[Eunkyun] Lee, E. Lee, E.[Eunhee] Lee, E.[Eugene] Lee, E.[Eojin] Lee, E.[Eunju] Lee, E.[Eungbean] Lee, E.[Eungi] Lee, E.[Eunae] Lee, E.[Enoch] Lee, E.[Eunho] Lee, E.[Eungul] Lee, E.[Eunkyung] Lee, E.[Eunjun] Lee, E.[Eunhye] Lee, E.[Eunsun] Lee, E.[Eun_Su]
38 for Lee, E.
Lee, E.C.[Eun Cheol]
Co Author Listing * Character Detection in Animated Movies Using Multi-Style Adaptation and Visual Attention
* Color correction using rotation matrix for HDR rendering in iCAM06
* Facial and Neck Region Analysis for Deepfake Detection Using Remote Photoplethysmography Signal Similarity
* Fake iris detection based on 3D structure of iris pattern
* Fake Iris Detection by Using Purkinje Image
* Finger vein recognition using minutia-based alignment and local binary pattern-based feature extraction
* Illumination Normalization for Sift Based Finger Vein Authentication
* Multi-View Body Image-Based Prediction of Body Mass Index and Various Body Part Sizes
* robust eye gaze tracking method based on a virtual eyeball model, A
* robust gaze detection method by compensating for facial movements based on corneal specularities, A
* Study on Eye Gaze Estimation Method Based on Cornea Model of Human Eye, A
Includes: Lee, E.C.[Eun Cheol] Lee, E.C.[Eun-Cheol] Lee, E.C.[Eui Chul]
11 for Lee, E.C.
Lee, E.D.[Eung Don]
Co Author Listing * Automatinc synchronization of stereoscopic video for 3DTV broadcasting system
Includes: Lee, E.D.[Eung Don] Lee, E.D.[Eung-Don]
Lee, E.G.[Eun Gu]
Co Author Listing * Demonstration of Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network Based on VCSEL Array
Includes: Lee, E.G.[Eun Gu] Lee, E.G.[Eun-Gu]
Lee, E.J.[Eun Joo]
Co Author Listing * Are two rotational flows sufficient to calibrate a smooth non-parametric sensor?
* Automatic Flesh Tone Reappearance for Color Enhancement in TV
* Color Image Quantization Using Weighted Distortion Measure of HVS Color Activity
* Comparative Evaluation of Edge Linking Methods Using Markov Chain and Regression Applied Heuristic
* Cooperative Relaxation Algorithm of Range Images Using Surface Curvatures
* Effects of money simulation application on persons with intellectual disabilities with money transaction difficulties
* Highly Reliable Stochastic Perceptual Watermarking Model Based on Multiwavelet Transform
* Illumination Normalization for Sift Based Finger Vein Authentication
* Optimal Control Formulation of an Image Registration Problem, An
* Perceptual Strength of 3-D Crosstalk in Both Achromatic and Color Images in Stereoscopic 3-D Displays
* SANERV: Scene-Adaptive Neural Representation for Videos
* Watermarking for 3D CAD Drawings Based on Three Components
Includes: Lee, E.J.[Eun Joo] Lee, E.J.[Eun-Joo] Lee, E.J. Lee, E.J.[Eung Joo] Lee, E.J.[Eun-Jin] Lee, E.J.[Eung-Joo] Lee, E.J.[Eun Jung] Lee, E.J.[Eun-Jung] Lee, E.J.[Eun Ji]
12 for Lee, E.J.
Lee, E.K.[Eun Kyung]
Co Author Listing * Generation of high-quality depth maps using hybrid camera system for 3-D video
* High-Resolution Depth Map Generation by Applying Stereo Matching Based on Initial Depth Informaton
* Multi-view 3D video acquisition using hybrid cameras with beam splitter
* Three-dimensional video generation using foreground separation and disocclusion detection
Includes: Lee, E.K.[Eun Kyung] Lee, E.K.[Eun-Kyung]
Lee, E.M.[Eung Min]
Co Author Listing * Implementation of Traffic Flow Measuring Algorithm Using Real-Time Dynamic Image Processing
Includes: Lee, E.M.[Eung Min] Lee, E.M.[Eung-Min]
Lee, E.R.[Eun Ryung]
Co Author Listing * Automatic recognition of a car license plate using color image processing
* Mapping Tree Species Using CNN from Bi-Seasonal High-Resolution Drone Optic and LiDAR Data
Includes: Lee, E.R.[Eun Ryung] Lee, E.R.[Eu-Ru]
Lee, E.S.[Eun Seok]
Co Author Listing * Bimodal Vertex Splitting: Acceleration of Quadtree Triangulation for Terrain Rendering
* Bringing it All Together: Networking Heritage Inventories in England
* Calibrating Panoramic Depth Estimation for Practical Localization and Mapping
* Frequency-domain analysis of discrete wavelet transform coefficients and their adaptive shrinkage for anti-aliasing
* Geometry Splitting: An Acceleration Technique of Quadtree-Based Terrain Rendering Using GPU
* Manufacturing feature recognition toward integration with process planning
* MoDA: Map Style Transfer for Self-supervised Domain Adaptation of Embodied Agents
* MR Image Denoising and Super-Resolution Using Regularized Reverse Diffusion
* Quality analysis of real-time digital broadcasting images applying the Qoe measurement technology
* Real-time super-resolution for digital zooming using finite kernel-based edge orientation estimation and truncated image restoration
* Regularized adaptive high-resolution image reconstruction considering inaccurate subpixel registration
* Regularized adaptive super-resolution using kernel estimation-based edge reconnection and kernel orientation constraints
* Retrieval of Images from Image Databases: Trademarks, The
* Robust multi-lane detection and tracking using adaptive threshold and lane classification
* Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Visual Navigation with Global Map Consistency
Includes: Lee, E.S.[Eun Seok] Lee, E.S.[Eun-Seok] Lee, E.S. Lee, E.S.[Eun Sun] Lee, E.S.[Eun-Sung] Lee, E.S.[Eu-Soo] Lee, E.S.[Eun Sil] Lee, E.S.[Elijah S.]
15 for Lee, E.S.
Lee, E.T.[Ee Taek]
Co Author Listing * Efficient and Simple Quad Edge Conversion of Polygonal Mainfold Objects, An
* Generating Rectangles Using Two-Dimensional Grammars with Time and Space Complexity Analysis
* Shape-Oriented Chromosome Classification
* shape-oriented dissimilarity of polygons and its application to the classification of chromosome images, The
Includes: Lee, E.T.[Ee Taek] Lee, E.T.[Ee-Taek] Lee, E.T.
Lee, E.W.[Eric Waiming]
Co Author Listing * Detecting Undeclared-Leader-Follower Structure in Pedestrian Evacuation Using Transfer Entropy
* Fast Design of Reduced Complexity Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Using Triangular Inequality
* Intelligence-Based Approach for Prediction of Microscopic Pedestrian Walking Behavior, An
Includes: Lee, E.W.[Eric Waiming] Lee, E.W.
Lee, E.W.M.
Co Author Listing * Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach for Simulating Pedestrian Movement, An
* Hybrid Neural Network Model for Noisy Data Regression, A
* Intelligence-Based Optimization Model of Passenger Flow in a Transportation Station, An
* Visual-Information-Driven Model for Crowd Simulation Using Temporal Convolutional Network
Includes: Lee, E.W.M. Lee, E.W.M.[Eric Wai Ming]
Lee, E.Y.[Eun Young]
Co Author Listing * Change in the Recent Warming Trend of Sea Surface Temperature in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) over Decades (1982-2018)
* Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval from the First Korean Geostationary Satellite COMS Data: Validation and Error Assessment
* Validation of Satellite Sea Surface Temperatures and Long-Term Trends in Korean Coastal Regions over Past Decades (1982-2018)
Includes: Lee, E.Y.[Eun Young] Lee, E.Y.[Eun-Young]
Lee, F.
Co Author Listing * Hierarchical Coding of Convolutional Features for Scene Recognition
* Organizing rushes video by visually similar setting
* Quantitative coronary angiography with deformable spline models
Includes: Lee, F. Lee, F.[Felix]
Lee, F.F.[Fei Fei]
Co Author Listing * improved noise loss correction algorithm for learning from noisy labels, An
* Improved spatial pyramid matching for scene recognition
* Scene recognition: A comprehensive survey
* Similarity-preserving hashing based on deep neural networks for large-scale image retrieval
Includes: Lee, F.F.[Fei Fei] Lee, F.F.[Fei-Fei]
Lee, F.M.[Foo Ming]
Co Author Listing * Multiple module architecture for implementing full search block matching
Includes: Lee, F.M.[Foo Ming] Lee, F.M.[Foo-Ming]
Lee, F.T.
Co Author Listing * Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablation Electrode-Induced Displacement Fields: A Feasibility Study
Lee, F.T.P.[Frank Tze Pa]
Co Author Listing * On-line recognition by deviation-expansion model and dynamic programming matching
* Online recognition by deviation-expansion model and A* algorithm-based matching
Includes: Lee, F.T.P.[Frank Tze Pa] Lee, F.T.P.[Frank Tze-Pa]
Lee, F.W.[Fu Wen]
Co Author Listing * Method of separating text and graphs in digital image data
Includes: Lee, F.W.[Fu Wen] Lee, F.W.[Fu-Wen]
Lee, G.
Co Author Listing * 3d Face Modeling Approach for in-The-Wild Facial Expression Recognition on Image Datasets, A
* 3D Segmentation for Multi-Organs in CT Images
* 3D-aware Blending with Generative NeRFs
* Adapting Models to Scarce Target Data Without Source Samples
* Application of ASTER Data for Differentiating Carbonate Minerals and Evaluating MgO Content of Magnesite in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton
* Application of Convolutional Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Bias Correction of Daily Satellite-Based Precipitation
* Application of Random Forest Algorithm for Merging Multiple Satellite Precipitation Products across South Korea
* Audio-Video Based Emotion Recognition Using Minimum Cost Flow Algorithm
* Australian sign language recognition
* Automatic object segmentation using mean shift and growcut
* Automatic Recognition of Colloquial Australian Sign Language
* Autonomous Shape-Variable Crawler: One-Dimensional Displacement Coordination for Constant Upper Frame Posture
* Bi-directional Contrastive Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Binarization of music score images using line width transform
* Camera-Driven Representation Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification
* Case Study on Microphysical Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective System Using Generalized DSD Parameters Retrieved from Dual-Polarimetric Radar Observations, A
* Color structure recovering in strong specular text regions
* combined method for realtime face tracking in smart phones, A
* Computer-aided mammography classification of malignant mass regions and normal regions based on novel texton features
* ConMatch: Semi-supervised Learning with Confidence-Guided Consistency Regularization
* Continuous Hand Gesture Spotting and Classification Using 3D Finger Joints Information
* Deep chest X-ray: Detection and classification of lesions based on deep convolutional neural networks
* Dense prediction for text line segmentation in handwritten document images
* Depth-aware guidance with self-estimated depth representations of diffusion models
* Detailed Cartography of Cotopaxi's 1877 Primary Lahar Deposits Obtained by Drone-Imagery and Field Surveys in the Proximal Northern Drainage
* Detection and Localization of Traffic Lights Using Yolov3 and Stereo Vision
* Detection of Convectively Induced Turbulence Using in Situ Aircraft and Radar Spectral Width Data, A
* Disentangled Representations for Short-Term and Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* Diverse and Admissible Trajectory Forecasting Through Multimodal Context Understanding
* Efficient Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging Algorithm Based on Sequential Computations of Alternating Least Squares, An
* Estimating Hilly Areas Population Using a Dasymetric Mapping Approach: A Case of Sri Lanka's Highest Mountain Range
* Evaluation of Numerous Kinetic Energy-Rainfall Intensity Equations Using Disdrometer Data
* Eye Semantic Segmentation with A Lightweight Model
* Fast computation of the compressive hyperspectral imaging by using alternating least squares methods
* Feature Importance in Nonlinear Embeddings (FINE): Applications in Digital Pathology
* Feature Selection for SAR Target Discrimination and Efficient Two-Stage Detection Method
* FedSOL: Stabilized Orthogonal Learning with Proximal Restrictions in Federated Learning
* Few-shot Compositional Font Generation with Dual Memory
* Flood Evacuation Mapping Using a Time-Distance cartogram
* Future Directions in Precipitation Science
* Fuzzy-Logic-Based Approach for Eliminating Interference Lines in Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2), A
* Generating Hand Posture and Motion Dataset for Hand Pose Estimation in Egocentric View
* Generator Knows What Discriminator Should Learn in Unconditional GANs
* GP22: A Car Styling Dataset for Automotive Designers
* Hierarchical Model For Long-Length Video Summarization With Adversarially Enhanced Audio/Visual Features
* Image Zooming by Curvature Interpolation and Iterative Refinement
* Improving Multi-fidelity Optimization with a Recurring Learning Rate for Hyperparameter Tuning
* Improving Sample Quality of Diffusion Models Using Self-Attention Guidance
* Intermittent Clutter Suppression Method Based on Adaptive Harmonic Wavelet Transform for L-Band Radar Wind Profiler
* Kinematic and Dynamic Structure of the 18 May 2020 Squall Line over South Korea
* Link Adaptation for High-Quality Uncompressed Video Streaming in 60-GHz Wireless Networks
* Lumbar Spine CT synthesis from MR images using CycleGAN - a preliminary study
* Methods and Tools to Construct a Global Indoor Positioning System
* Model Uncertainty for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Model-Guided Segmentation of Liver in CT and PET-CT Images of Child Patients Based on Statistical Region Merging
* Multilevel Post-Processing for Korean Character-Recognition Using Morphological Analysis and Linguistic Evaluation
* Neural Collage Transfer: Artistic Reconstruction via Material Manipulation
* Not All Classes Stand on Same Embeddings: Calibrating a Semantic Distance with Metric Tensor
* novel and effective method for specular detection and removal by tensor voting, A
* Novel Framework for Correcting Satellite-Based Precipitation Products for Watersheds with Discontinuous Observed Data, Case Study in Mekong River Basin, A
* Photographic Composition Guide for Photo Acquisition on Augmented Reality Glasses
* Real-Time User-guided Adaptive Colorization with Vision Transformer
* Recognising moving hand shapes
* Reconstructing Line Drawings from Wings: the Polygonal Case
* Revision of WDM7 Microphysics Scheme and Evaluation for Precipitating Convection over the Korean Peninsula
* Robust Camera Motion Estimation for Point-of-View Video Stabilization
* Satellite View of an Intense Snowfall in Madrid (Spain): The Storm Filomena in January 2021, A
* SATS: Structure-Aware Touch-Based Scrolling
* Segmentation of Breast Masses in Local Dense Background Using Adaptive Clip Limit-CLAHE
* Self-Supervised Feature Enhancement Networks for Small Object Detection in Noisy Images
* Semi-Supervised Learning of Semantic Correspondence with Pseudo-Labels
* Signaling of a downloadable hybrid 3DTV service system using broadcast and broadband channels
* Spatial and Social Patterning of Property and Violent Crime in Toronto Neighbourhoods: A Spatial-Quantitative Approach, The
* Spatial Shape Constrained Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) Clustering for Nucleus Segmentation in Pap Smear Images
* Spill Over of Crime from Urban Centers: An Account of the Changing Spatial Distribution of Violent Crime in Guyana, The
* Statistical Characteristics of Cloud Occurrence and Vertical Structure Observed by a Ground-Based Ka-Band Cloud Radar in South Korea
* Structured Micro-Pattern Based LBP Features for Classification of Masses in Dense Breasts
* Summarizing Long-Length Videos with GAN-Enhanced Audio/Visual Features
* Superpixel texture analysis for classification of breast masses in dense background
* Supervised Learning-Based Prediction of Lightning Probability in the Warm Season
* Supervised Multi-View Canonical Correlation Analysis (sMVCCA): Integrating Histologic and Proteomic Features for Predicting Recurrent Prostate Cancer
* Talking With Hands 16.2M: A Large-Scale Dataset of Synchronized Body-Finger Motion and Audio for Conversational Motion Analysis and Synthesis
* Tensor Voting Based Text Localization in Natural Scene Images
* Texture enhanced Statistical Region Merging with application to automatic knee bones segmentation from CT
* Three-Dimensional DCT/WT Compression Using Motion Vector Segmentation for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Towards Flexible Inductive Bias via Progressive Reparameterization Scheduling
* two-layer regression network for robust and accurate domain adaptation, A
* Uncertainty in Measured Raindrop Size Distributions from Four Types of Collocated Instruments
* Uncertainty-Aware Mesh Decoder for High Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction
* Underutilized Feature Extraction Methods for Burn Severity Mapping: A Comprehensive Evaluation
* Validation of LIDAR Calibration Using A LIDAR Simulator
* Video-based Person Re-identification with Spatial and Temporal Memory Networks
* Visual Sign Language Recognition
* Walking Intent-Based Movement Control for JAIST Active Robotic Walker
* Wavelet Packet-Based Progressive Image Transmission by Prioritized Subband Selection and Multistage Quantization
* Weakly-Supervised Stitching Network for Real-World Panoramic Image Generation
* X-Net-Based Radar Data Assimilation Study over the Seoul Metropolitan Area
Includes: Lee, G. Lee, G.[Gobert] Lee, G.[Gayoung] Lee, G.[Gyemin] Lee, G.[Gilljae] Lee, G.[Giha] Lee, G.[Gareth] Lee, G.[Guee_Sang] Lee, G.[Geunho] Lee, G.[Geon] Lee, G.[Gyu_Won] Lee, G.[Gyuseong] Lee, G.[Gaeun] Lee, G.[Gyuwon] Lee, G.[Gyubok] Lee, G.[Geunseop] Lee, G.[Gunhak] Lee, G.[Gihun] Lee, G.[GyuWon] Lee, G.[Gunill] Lee, G.[Gyunpyo] Lee, G.[Gihyeon] Lee, G.[Geunbae] Lee, G.[Ganghun] Lee, G.[Gyoomin] Lee, G.[Gwanghan] Lee, G.[Geehyuk] Lee, G.[Geonsoo] Lee, G.[Gabby] Lee, G.[Giyol] Lee, G.[Geonseok]
97 for Lee, G.
Lee, G.A.[Gun A.]
Co Author Listing * Improving User Experience in Augmented Reality Mirrors with 3d Displays
Lee, G.C.[Greg C.]
Co Author Listing * Detecting Wings in Quadric Surface Scenes
* Detection of Object Wings in Fused Range and Intensity Imagery
* Determination of ambient light level changes in visual images
* Probabilistic-Based Semantic Image Feature Using Visual Words
* Region Filtering Using Color and Texture Features for Image Retrieval
* Region-based image retrieval using color-size features of watershed regions
* Rotation, scaling, and translation resilient watermarking for images
* Video-Based Face Recognition Using a Probabilistic Graphical Model
Includes: Lee, G.C.[Greg C.] Lee, G.C.[Greg Chungmou] Lee, G.C.[George C.] Lee, G.C.
8 for Lee, G.C.
Lee, G.G.[Gary Geunbae]
Co Author Listing * Adversarial approach to domain adaptation for reinforcement learning on dialog systems
* Automatic Estimation of Pedestrian Flow
* High-throughput low-cost VLSI architecture for AVC/H.264 CAVLC decoding
* Image Segmentation Using Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis and Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithm for Digital Mammography
* Leveraging Efficient Training and Feature Fusion in Transformers for Multimodal Classification
* Motion-Adaptive Deinterlacer via Hybrid Motion Detection and Edge-Pattern Recognition, A
* Motion-based depth estimation for 2D-to-3D video conversion
* Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis of Digital Mammograms Using Gaussian Markov Random Field Model, A
* Multiresolution-Based Texture Adaptive Algorithm for High-Quality Deinterlacing
* Neural sentence embedding using only in-domain sentences for out-of-domain sentence detection in dialog systems
* NICE: CVPR 2023 Challenge on Zero-shot Image Captioning
* On Digital Mammogram Segmentation and Microcalcification Detection Using Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis
* Rate control algorithm based on intra-picture complexity for H.264/AVC
* RVC dataflow description of the AVC Constrained Baseline Profile decoder, An
* Spatial-temporal content-adaptive deinterlacing algorithm
* Statistical Method for Counting Pedestrians in Crowded Environments, A
* Stereoscopic video coding in AVS
Includes: Lee, G.G.[Gary Geunbae] Lee, G.G.[Gwang-Gook] Lee, G.G. Lee, G.G.[Gwo Giun]
17 for Lee, G.G.
Lee, G.G.C.[Gwo Giun C.]
Co Author Listing * Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Visual Computing on Emergent Platforms: Overview and Future Prospects
* Content-adaptive depth map enhancement based on motion distribution
* Special Issue: Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Visual Computing on Emerging Platforms
Includes: Lee, G.G.C.[Gwo Giun C.] Lee, G.G.C.
Lee, G.H.[Gim Hee]
Co Author Listing * 3DFeat-Net: Weakly Supervised Local 3D Features for Point Cloud Registration
* Action-aware Masking Network with Group-based Attention for Temporal Action Localization
* Autonomous flight system using marker recognition on drone
* Baseline Desensitizing in Translation Averaging
* Bayesian Optimization Meets Self-Distillation
* benchmarking tool for MAV visual pose estimation, A
* Boosting Long-tailed Object Detection via Step-wise Learning on Smooth-tail Data
* Cascaded Refinement Network for Point Cloud Completion
* Cascaded Refinement Network for Point Cloud Completion With Self-Supervision
* Closely Interactive Human Reconstruction with Proxemics and Physics-Guided Adaption
* Comparison of incremental linear dimension reduction methods for streaming data
* Complete Face Recovery GAN: Unsupervised Joint Face Rotation and De-Occlusion from a Single-View Image
* ContraNeRF: Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields for Synthetic-to-real Novel View Synthesis via Contrastive Learning
* Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Model for Human Dynamics
* Cross-view Self-fusion for Self-supervised 3d Human Pose Estimation in the Wild
* CVM-Net: Cross-View Matching Network for Image-Based Ground-to-Aerial Geo-Localization
* DBARF: Deep Bundle-Adjusting Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields
* Deblur e-NeRF: NeRF from Motion-blurred Events under High-speed or Low-light Conditions
* DeepI2P: Image-to-Point Cloud Registration via Deep Classification
* DiSR-NeRF: Diffusion-Guided View-Consistent Super-Resolution NeRF
* DReg-NeRF: Deep Registration for Neural Radiance Fields
* Dynamic Markov Random Field Model for Visual Tracking
* Enhancing Generalizability of Representation Learning for Data-Efficient 3D Scene Understanding
* ESCAPE: Encoding Super-keypoints for Category-Agnostic Pose Estimation
* Feature Representation Learning for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Retrieval
* Few-shot 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* From Synthetic to Real: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Animal Pose Estimation
* Generalized Few-Shot Point Cloud Segmentation Via Geometric Words
* Generating Multiple Hypotheses for 3D Human Pose Estimation With Mixture Density Network
* Geogaussian: Geometry-aware Gaussian Splatting for Scene Rendering
* GeT: Generative Target Structure Debiasing for Domain Adaptation
* GHuNeRF: Generalizable Human NeRF from a Monocular Video
* GOV-NeSF: Generalizable Open-Vocabulary Neural Semantic Fields
* Hdnet: Human Depth Estimation for Multi-person Camera-space Localization
* Image-Based Geo-Localization Using Satellite Imagery
* Index compression for vector quantisation using modified coding tree assignment scheme
* Joint Source/Channel Coding to Maximize Perceptual Video Quality on Packet Networks
* Kinematic-aware Hierarchical Attention Network for Human Pose Estimation in Videos
* Learning Iterative Robust Transformation Synchronization
* Line-sweep: Cross-ratio for wide-baseline matching and 3D reconstruction
* MHCanonNet: Multi-Hypothesis Canonical lifting Network for self-supervised 3D human pose estimation in the wild video
* MINE: Towards Continuous Depth MPI with NeRF for Novel View Synthesis
* Minimal Neural Atlas: Parameterizing Complex Surfaces with Minimal Charts and Distortion
* Minimal Solution for Non-perspective Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences, A
* MorphEst: An Automated Toolbox for Measuring Estuarine Planform Geometry from Remotely Sensed Imagery and Its Application to the South Korean Coast
* Motion Estimation for Self-Driving Cars with a Generalized Camera
* Multi-person 3d Pose Estimation in Crowded Scenes Based on Multi-view Geometry
* Multi-Scale 3D Gaussian Splatting for Anti-Aliased Rendering
* Multi-View Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation with Plane Sweep Stereo
* NeRF-DS: Neural Radiance Fields for Dynamic Specular Objects
* Novel Class Discovery in Semantic Segmentation
* Optimizing the Placement of Roadside LiDARs for Autonomous Driving
* Overcoming the TradeOff between Accuracy and Plausibility in 3D Hand Shape Reconstruction
* PDR: Progressive Depth Regularization for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* PointNetVLAD: Deep Point Cloud Based Retrieval for Large-Scale Place Recognition
* Pruning-Guided Curriculum Learning for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* PS2-Net: A Locally and Globally Aware Network for Point-Based Semantic Segmentation
* Real-Time Direct Dense Matching on Fisheye Images Using Plane-Sweeping Stereo
* REGTR: End-to-end Point Cloud Correspondences with Transformers
* Relative Pose Estimation for a Multi-camera System with Known Vertical Direction
* Relative Pose Estimation of Calibrated Cameras with Known Se(3) Invariants
* Rethink Cross-Modal Fusion in Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing
* Rethinking IoU-based Optimization for Single-stage 3D Object Detection
* Robust e-NeRF: NeRF from Sparse & Noisy Events under Non-Uniform Motion
* Robust Point Cloud Based Reconstruction of Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes
* Rolling-Shutter-Aware Differential SfM and Image Rectification
* RPM-Net: Robust Point Matching Using Learned Features
* ScarceNet: Animal Pose Estimation with Scarce Annotations
* Segmentation of Psoriasis Vulgaris Images Using Multiresolution-Based Orthogonal Subspace Techniques
* SESS: Self-Ensembling Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection
* Shape Prior Deformation for Categorical 6d Object Pose and Size Estimation
* SO-Net: Self-Organizing Network for Point Cloud Analysis
* Solving the Perspective-2-Point Problem for Flying-Camera Photo Composition
* Source-Free Open Compound Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Sparse to Dense 3D Reconstruction from Rolling Shutter Images
* Style-Hallucinated Dual Consistency Learning for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation
* Style-Hallucinated Dual Consistency Learning: A Unified Framework for Visual Domain Generalization
* Teaching with Soft Label Smoothing for Mitigating Noisy Labels in Facial Expressions
* Towards Non Co-occurrence Incremental Object Detection with Unlabeled In-the-Wild Data
* Transferable Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection From RGB-D Data
* Treesba: Tree-transformer for Self-supervised Sequential Brick Assembly
* Uncertainty-Aware Human Mesh Recovery from Video by Learning Part-Based 3D Dynamics
* Unikd: Uncertainty-filtered Incremental Knowledge Distillation for Neural Implicit Representation
* Unsupervised Feature Representation Learning for Domain-generalized Cross-domain Image Retrieval
* URS-NeRF: Unordered Rolling Shutter Bundle Adjustment for Neural Radiance Fields
* USIP: Unsupervised Stable Interest Point Detection From 3D Point Clouds
* Vector quantisation index compression based on a coding tree assignment scheme with improved search-order coding algorithms
* Voxel-based Network for Shape Completion by Leveraging Edge Generation
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Point Cloud Segmentation: Towards 10x Fewer Labels
* Weakly-supervised 3D Pose Transfer with Keypoints
Includes: Lee, G.H.[Gim Hee] Lee, G.H.[Gun-Hee] Lee, G.H.[Gun Hyuk] Lee, G.H. Lee, G.H.[Gi-Hyeon] Lee, G.H.[Gyeong-Hoon] Lee, G.H.[Gil-Haeng] Lee, G.H.[Gwo-Her] Lee, G.H.[Geun-Ho] Lee, G.H.[Guan-Hong]
90 for Lee, G.H.
Lee, G.J.[Gil Je]
Co Author Listing * real-time secret image sharing with fairness, A
Includes: Lee, G.J.[Gil Je] Lee, G.J.[Gil-Je]
Lee, G.N.[Gobert N.]
Co Author Listing * Significance of classification scores subsequent to feature selection
Lee, G.Q.[Guang Qing]
Co Author Listing * Diagnosing state-of-the-art object proposal methods
Includes: Lee, G.Q.[Guang Qing] Lee, G.Q.[Guang-Qing]
Lee, G.S.[Guee Sang]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Interpolation for Error Concealment in H.264 Using Directional Histograms
* Affective Behavior Analysis Using Action Unit Relation Graph and Multi-task Cross Attention
* Attention-based Method for Multi-label Facial Action Unit Detection, An
* Automatic detection and recognition of Korean text in outdoor signboard images
* Automatic Segmentation of Natural Scene Images Based on Chromatic and Achromatic Components
* Automatinc synchronization of stereoscopic video for 3DTV broadcasting system
* Binarization of degraded document images based on hierarchical deep supervised network
* Boosted Stable Path for Staff-Line Detection Using Order Statistic Downscaling and Coarse-to-Fine Technique
* Color image segmentation using tensor voting based color clustering
* Comparison of Tensor Voting based clustering and EM based clustering
* Depth-image-based rendering for 3DTV service over T-DMB
* Design of Synchronization and T-STD Model for 3DTV Service over Hybrid Networks
* Distorted Music Score Recognition without Staffline Removal
* Efficient Patch Merging for Atlas Construction in 3DoF+ Video Coding
* Efficient skew estimation and correction algorithm for document images
* Emotion Recognition With Sequential Multi-task Learning Technique
* End-to-End Learning for Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Video With Adaptive Loss
* Facial Expression Recognition Using a Temporal Ensemble of Multi-Level Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast automatic saliency map driven geometric active contour model for color object segmentation
* Feature-Based Adaptive Model for Realtime Face Tracking on Smart Phones, A
* High-definition 3DTV trial service over terrestrial broadcasting network
* Illumination Invariant L1 Tracker Using Photometric Normalization Techniques
* Image Registration using Bayes Theory and a Maximum Likelihood Framework with an EM Algorithm
* Immersive Video Postprocessing for Efficient Video Coding
* Level-Set Segmentation of Brain Tumors Using a New Hybrid Speed Function
* Low Complexity Motion Estimation Based on Spatio-Temporal Correlations and Direction of Motion Vectors
* mixture model using Random Rotation Bounding Box to detect table region in document image, A
* MosaicMVS: Mosaic-Based Omnidirectional Multi-View Stereo for Indoor Scenes
* Motion estimation based on spatio -temporal correlations
* Moving Object Detection Based on Clausius Entropy
* MPEG Immersive Video Standard: Current Status and Future Outlook, The
* MPEG-2 Test Stream with Static Test Patterns in DTV System
* MRF model for binarization of music scores with complex background, An
* Multimodality Pain and related Behaviors Recognition based on Attention Learning
* New Macroblock-Layer Rate Control for H.264/AVC Using Quadratic R-D Model, A
* Noise Removal and Restoration Using Voting-Based Analysis and Image Segmentation Based on Statistical Models
* novel 2D and 3D multimodal approach for in-the-wild facial expression recognition, A
* Positional Multi-Cross-Attention for Bone Age Estimation Using Deep Multiple Instance Learning
* Prediction of evoked expression from videos with temporal position fusion
* Rate Control Algorithm for High Quality Compression of Static Test Image in Digital TV System
* Scalable multiplexing for depth adjustment of ROI in 3D display
* Scene Text Segmentation by Paired Data Synthesis
* Segmentation of 3D object in volume dataset using active deformable model
* Survival Analysis based on Lung Tumor Segmentation using Global Context-aware Transformer in Multimodality
* Technical development and broadcast trials of 3D service over digital multimedia broadcasting
* Tensor Voting Based Color Clustering
* Text line segmentation in Chinese handwritten text images
* Text line segmentation using a fully convolutional network in handwritten document images
* Text localization using image cues and text line information
* View interpolation using a simple block matching and guided image filtering
* Wider Depth Dynamic Range Using Occupancy Map Correction for Immersive Video Coding
* Word segmentation in handwritten Korean text lines based on gap clustering techniques
Includes: Lee, G.S.[Guee Sang] Lee, G.S.[Guee-Sang] Lee, G.S.[Gwang-Soon] Lee, G.S.
52 for Lee, G.S.
Lee, G.W.[Gyu Won]
Co Author Listing * Classification of Precipitation Types Based on Machine Learning Using Dual-Polarization Radar Measurements and Thermodynamic Fields
* Estimation of Precipitation Area Using S-Band Dual-Polarization Radar Measurements
* Quantitative Precipitation Estimates Using Machine Learning Approaches with Operational Dual-Polarization Radar Data
* Retrieval of Drop Size Distribution Parameters Using a Dual-Polarimetric Radar, The
* Vertical Structure of Ice Clouds and Vertical Air Motion from Vertically Pointing Cloud Radar Measurements
Includes: Lee, G.W.[Gyu Won] Lee, G.W.[Gyu-Won]
Lee, G.Y.[Ga Young]
Co Author Listing * Deep Saliency with Encoded Low Level Distance Map and High Level Features
* Depth Map Up-Sampling Using Random Walk
* ELD-Net: An Efficient Deep Learning Architecture for Accurate Saliency Detection
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Moving Object Detection for Real-time Traffic Surveillance, A
* HELA-VFA: A Hellinger Distance-Attention-based Feature Aggregation Network for Few-Shot Classification
* Multi-view 3D video acquisition using hybrid cameras with beam splitter
* Radiance map construction based on spatial and intensity correlations between LE and SE images for HDR imaging
Includes: Lee, G.Y.[Ga Young] Lee, G.Y.[Ga-Young] Lee, G.Y.[Gyo-Yoon] Lee, G.Y.[Gi-Young] Lee, G.Y.[Gao Yu] Lee, G.Y.[Geun-Young]
7 for Lee, G.Y.
Lee, H. .Y.[Hsin Ying]
Co Author Listing * Make-A-Story: Visual Memory Conditioned Consistent Story Generation
Includes: Lee, H. .Y.[Hsin Ying] Lee, H. .Y.[Hsin- Ying]
Lee, H.[Hansol]
Co Author Listing * 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Multi-Person in Clothing from a Single Image
* 3D-Aware Generative Model for Improved Side-View Image Synthesis
* Activity of Okgye Limestone Mine in South Korea Observed by InSAR Coherence and PSInSAR Techniques
* AdaCoF: Adaptive Collaboration of Flows for Video Frame Interpolation
* Adaptive confidence thresholding for monocular depth estimation
* Adaptive Quantization Algorithm for Video Coding, An
* Adversarial anchor-guided feature refinement for adversarial defense
* Adversarial Defense via Learning to Generate Diverse Attacks
* Adversarial Vertex Mixup: Toward Better Adversarially Robust Generalization
* Atmospheric Correction Using High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Models for Satellite-Borne Single-Channel Mid-Wavelength and Thermal Infrared Imaging Sensors, An
* Attribute Augmented Convolutional Neural Network for Face Hallucination
* Automatic Skull Segmentation and Registration for Tissue Change Measurement After Mandibular Setback Surgery
* Background Subtraction Using Background Sets With Image- and Color-Space Reduction
* Bayesian Optimization Meets Self-Distillation
* BigColor: Colorization Using a Generative Color Prior for Natural Images
* Binary segmentation algorithm for English cursive handwriting recognition
* Blind Deblurring of Text Images Using a Text-Specific Hybrid Dictionary
* Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Graph Total Variation Regularization
* Blind Source Separation for Myelin Water Fraction Mapping Using Multi-Echo Gradient Echo Imaging
* Blurred image region detection and segmentation
* Bridging the Domain Gap Towards Generalization in Automatic Colorization
* BshapeNet: Object detection and instance segmentation with bounding shape masks
* Building a Breast-Sentence Dataset: Its Usefulness for Computer-Aided Diagnosis
* Building a Two-Way Hyperspectral Imaging System with Liquid Crystal Tunable Filters
* Building Reliable Explanations of Unreliable Neural Networks: Locally Smoothing Perspective of Model Interpretation
* Byel: Bootstrap Your Emotion Latent
* cascade algorithm for estimating and compensating motion error for synthetic aperture sonar imaging, A
* CDMAD: Class-Distribution-Mismatch-Aware Debiasing for Class-Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning
* Cell morphology based classification for red cells in blood smear images
* Channel-Aware Energy Efficient Transmission Strategies for Large Wireless Sensor Networks
* Character recognition for the machine reader zone of electronic identity cards
* Character Region Attention for Text Spotting
* Character Region Awareness for Text Detection
* CLEval: Character-Level Evaluation for Text Detection and Recognition Tasks
* CLIPtone: Unsupervised Learning for Text-Based Image Tone Adjustment
* Collabonet: Collaboration of Generative Models by Unsupervised Classification
* Collaborative node localization in surveillance networks using opportunistic target observations
* Comparison of Three Image Fidelity Metrics of Different Computational Principles for JPEG2000 Compressed Abdomen CT Images, A
* Complexity Reduced Face Detection Using Probability-Based Face Mask Prefiltering and Pixel-Based Hierarchical-Feature Adaboosting
* CompressNet: Generative Compression at Extremely Low Bitrates
* Content-Aware Image Resizing Detection Using Deep Neural Network
* Controllable Multi-Lingual Multi-Speaker Multi-Style Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Multivariate Information Minimization, A
* Coreset Selection for Object Detection
* CRVOS: Clue Refining Network For Video Object Segmentation
* CTRL-C: Camera calibration TRansformer with Line-Classification
* Curvature-Based Approach to Terrain Recognition, A
* Daily River Discharge Estimation Using Multi-Mission Radar Altimetry Data and Ensemble Learning Regression in the Lower Mekong River Basin
* DBF: Dynamic Belief Fusion for Combining Multiple Object Detectors
* Deblurring 3d Gaussian Splatting
* Deep CNNs Along the Time Axis With Intermap Pooling for Robustness to Spectral Variations
* Deep Heterogeneous Face Recognition Networks Based on Cross-Modal Distillation and an Equitable Distance Metric
* Deep Learning Applications on Multitemporal SAR (Sentinel-1) Image Classification Using Confined Labeled Data: The Case of Detecting Rice Paddy in South Korea
* Deep Network Shrinkage Applied to Cross-Spectrum Face Recognition
* Defending Person Detection Against Adversarial Patch Attack by Using Universal Defensive Frame
* Demonstration of Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network Based on VCSEL Array
* Dense Hand-object (ho) Graspnet with Full Grasping Taxonomy and Dynamics
* Dense Time Series Generation of Surface Water Extents through Optical-SAR Sensor Fusion and Gap Filling
* Depth Image Based Rendering for 3D Data Service Over T-DMB
* Depth map estimation based on geometric scene categorization
* Depth-image-based rendering for 3DTV service over T-DMB
* Design and Implementation of an MPEG-2 Transport Stream Multiplexer for HDTV Satellite Broadcasting
* Detection-Identification Balancing Margin Loss for One-Stage Multi-Object Tracking
* Development of a Truck-Mounted Arc-Scanning Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Development of Collision Avoidance System in Slippery Road Conditions
* Development of Collision Avoidance System Integrated With Real-Time Tire-Road Friction Coefficient Estimator
* Development of Raman Lidar for Remote Sensing of CO2 Leakage at an Artificial Carbon Capture and Storage Site
* DIFu: Depth-Guided Implicit Function for Clothed Human Reconstruction
* Discriminative Bimodal Networks for Visual Localization and Detection with Natural Language Queries
* Disentangled Knowledge Distillation for Unified Multi-Class Anomaly Detection
* Distilled non-semantic speech embeddings with binary neural networks for low-resource devices
* Driving Skill Modeling Using Neural Networks for Performance-Based Haptic Assistance
* Dual Aperture Photography: Image and Depth from a Mobile Camera
* Dynamic belief fusion for object detection
* Dynamic Order Picking Method for Multi-UAV System in Intelligent Warehouse
* Effect of Error in SO2 Slant Column Density on the Accuracy of SO2 Transport Flow Rate Estimates Based on GEMS Synthetic Radiances
* Effective Parallelization of a High-Order Graph Matching Algorithm for GPU Execution
* Effects of Aerosol on the Retrieval Accuracy of NO2 Slant Column Density, The
* Effects of Continuous Auditory Feedback on Drawing Trajectory-Based Finger Gestures
* Efficient Adversarial Training With Transferable Adversarial Examples
* Efficient Fusion-Based Defogging, An
* Efficient Unified Demosaicing for Bayer and Non-Bayer Patterned Image Sensors
* EGformer: Equirectangular Geometry-biased Transformer for 360 Depth Estimation
* Egocoord: Self-calibrated Egocentric 3d Body Pose Estimation Using Pixel-wise Coordinate Encoding
* EGTR: Extracting Graph from Transformer for Scene Graph Generation
* Elevation Change of CookE2 Subglacial Lake in East Antarctica Observed by DInSAR and Time-Segmented PSInSAR
* Emerging Property of Masked Token for Effective Pre-training
* Enhanced object detection via fusion with prior beliefs from image classification
* Enhanced Standard Compatible Image Compression Framework Based on Auxiliary Codec Networks
* Enhancing Machine Learning Performance in Estimating CDOM Absorption Coefficient via Data Resampling
* Enhancing Multiple Reliability Measures via Nuisance-Extended Information Bottleneck
* Enhancing Rainfall Nowcasting Using Generative Deep Learning Model with Multi-Temporal Optical Flow
* Environment Agnostic Representation for Visual Reinforcement learning
* Estimating the Impacts of Ungauged Reservoirs Using Publicly Available Streamflow Simulations and Satellite Remote Sensing
* Estimation of Moving Direction and Size of Vehicle in High-Resolution Automotive Radar System
* Estimation of Perceived Temperature of Road Workers Using Radiation and Meteorological Observation Data
* Estimation of Residual Motion Errors in Airborne SAR Interferometry Based on Time-Domain Backprojection and Multisquint Techniques
* Estimation of Surface NO2 Volume Mixing Ratio in Four Metropolitan Cities in Korea Using Multiple Regression Models with OMI and AIRS Data
* Estimation of Water Level Changes of Large-Scale Amazon Wetlands Using ALOS2 ScanSAR Differential Interferometry
* Evaluation of Disaster Response System Using Agent-Based Model With Geospatial and Medical Details
* EXP-GAN: 3D-Aware Facial Image Generation with Expression Control
* Expanded Adaptive Scaling Normalization for End to End Image Compression
* Exploiting mixing regularization for truly unsupervised font synthesis
* Exploring Discontinuity for Video Frame Interpolation
* Exploring Positional Characteristics of Dual-Pixel Data for Camera Autofocus
* Exploring the Potential of Synthetic Data to Replace Real Data
* Extended Lifetime In Vivo Pulse Stimulated Ultrasound Imaging
* Extrapolative-Interpolative Cycle-Consistency Learning For Video Frame Extrapolation
* Extreme Point Supervised Instance Segmentation
* Fashion Attributes-to-Image Synthesis Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial Network
* Fast Hardware-Based IME With an Idle Cycle and Computational Redundancy Reduction
* Fast Quantization Method With Simplified Rate-Distortion Optimized Quantization for an HEVC Encoder
* Feasibility of Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Environmental Heavy Metal Monitoring
* Feature2Mass: Visual Feature Processing in Latent Space for Realistic Labeled Mass Generation
* Few-shot Compositional Font Generation with Dual Memory
* Few-Shot Object Detection by Attending to Per-Sample-Prototype
* Finding 3D Point Correspondences in Motion Estimation
* First Approach to Aerosol Classification Using Space-Borne Measurement Data: Machine Learning-Based Algorithm and Evaluation, A
* First TROPOMI Retrieval of Aerosol Effective Height Using O4 Absorption Band at 477 nm and Aerosol Classification
* Flexibly Connectable Light Field System For Free View Exploration
* Forecasting Flood Inundation in U.S. Flood-Prone Regions Through a Data-Driven Approach (FIER): Using VIIRS Water Fractions and the National Water Model
* Fusion of Saliency Map and Deep Feature-Based Correlation Filter for Enhancing Tracking Performances
* Gaussian YOLOv3: An Accurate and Fast Object Detector Using Localization Uncertainty for Autonomous Driving
* Generalizable Novel-View Synthesis Using a Stereo Camera
* GLAD: Global-Local View Alignment and Background Debiasing for Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation with Large Domain Gap
* Gloss-Free Sign Language Production with Discrete Representation, A
* Going Deeper With Contextual CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Guiding Users to Where to Give Color Hints for Efficient Interactive Sketch Colorization via Unsupervised Region Prioritization
* Hardware Architecture for the Affine-Invariant Extension of SIFT, A
* Hierarchical Model For Long-Length Video Summarization With Adversarially Enhanced Audio/Visual Features
* Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Transformers for Video Object Segmentation
* High-Spatial Resolution Monitoring of Phycocyanin and Chlorophyll-a Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Histogram ordering model-based fast motion estimation
* Holographic and Light-Field Imaging as Future 3-D Displays
* How Long should the MISR Record Be when Evaluating Aerosol Optical Depth Climatology in Climate Models?
* Human Gait and Posture Analysis for Diagnosing Neurological Disorders
* Human Pose Estimation in Extremely Low-Light Conditions
* Hybrid Metaheuristic-Based Spatial Modeling and Analysis of Logistics Distribution Center
* Hybrid Surface- and Voxel-Based Registration for MR-PET Brain Fusion
* Hybrid Video Diffusion Models with 2d Triplane and 3d Wavelet Representation
* Identification of Alpine Glaciers in the Central Himalayas Using Fully Polarimetric L-Band SAR Data
* Image Enhancement for Improved Visibility of Digital Displays Under The Sunlight
* Image Enhancement for Reducing LCD Backlight Power Based on Human Visual Characteristics
* Image Recapture Prevention Using Secure Display Schemes on Polarized 3D System
* Image-based view rendering in endoscopy
* Impact of Aerosol Property on the Accuracy of a CO2 Retrieval Algorithm from Satellite Remote Sensing
* Impact of Smartphone Activity on Pedestrian Safety: A Case Study in Seoul
* Improved B-Picture Coding Scheme for Next Generation Video Compression
* Improving Spatial Coverage of Satellite Aerosol Classification Using a Random Forest Model
* Increasing the depth of field for multiview 3D images
* Inducing Data Amplification Using Auxiliary Datasets in Adversarial Training
* Instance-wise Occlusion and Depth Orders in Natural Scenes
* Integrated Raw Data Simulator for Airborne Spotlight ECCM SAR, An
* Integrative Remote Sensing Application of Stacked Autoencoder for Atmospheric Correction and Cyanobacteria Estimation Using Hyperspectral Imagery, An
* Integrity Verification Scheme of Video Contents in Surveillance Cameras for Digital Forensic Investigations
* interpolation method for strong barrel lens distortion, An
* Investigation of Aerosol Peak Height Effect on PBL and Volcanic Air Mass Factors for SO2 Column Retrieval from Space-Borne Hyperspectral UV Sensors
* Investigation of Simultaneous Effects of Aerosol Properties and Aerosol Peak Height on the Air Mass Factors for Space-Borne NO2 Retrievals
* JH2R: Joint Homography Estimation for Highlight Removal
* Joint Clock and Frequency Synchronization for OFDM-Based Cellular Systems
* Joint reversible watermarking and progressive compression of 3D meshes
* KNN Local Attention for Image Restoration
* KOLOMVERSE: Korea Open Large-Scale Image Dataset for Object Detection in the Maritime Universe
* KOMPSAT-3 Digital Elevation Model Correction Based on Point-to-Surface Matching
* KoreALBERT: Pretraining a Lite BERT Model for Korean Language Understanding
* Large Scale Video Representation Learning via Relational Graph Clustering
* Large-Scale L_0-Norm and L_1-Norm 2-D Phase Unwrapping
* Learning Equi-Angular Representations for Online Continual Learning
* Learning Geometry-aware Representations by Sketching
* Learning Transferrable Knowledge for Semantic Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Lightweight and Effective Facial Landmark Detection using Adversarial Learning with Face Geometric Map Generative Network
* Live Demonstration: PINK: Polarity-based Anti-flicker for Event Cameras
* Local 3D Editing via 3D Distillation of CLIP Knowledge
* Local-Guided Global: Paired Similarity Representation for Visual Reinforcement Learning
* LYTNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time Pedestrian Traffic Lights and Zebra Crossing Recognition for the Visually Impaired
* Mapping Deforestation and Age of Evergreen Trees by Applying a Binary Coding Method to Time-Series Landsat November Images
* Matching and Motion Estimation of Three-Dimensional Point and Line Sets Using Eigenstructure without Correspondences
* ME R-CNN: Multi-Expert R-CNN for Object Detection
* Membership representation for detecting block-diagonal structure in low-rank or sparse subspace clustering
* Memory Model Based on the Siamese Network for Long-Term Tracking, A
* Meshgs: Adaptive Mesh-aligned Gaussian Splatting for High-quality Rendering
* Method for Computing the Scene-Illuminant Chromaticity from Specular Highlights
* Mobile Cloud-Based Interactive 3D Rendering and Streaming System Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* Model-Based Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI for Robust z-Spectrum Analysis
* Modeling and Implementation of a Joint Airborne Ground Penetrating Radar and Magnetometer System for Landmine Detection
* Modeling and Implementation of a Joint Airborne Ground Penetrating Radar and Magnetometer System for Landmine Detection
* Modeling Residual Magnetic Anomalies of Landmines Using UAV-Borne Vector Magnetometer: Flight Simulations and Experimental Validation
* Monitoring Reservoir Drought Dynamics with Landsat and Radar/Lidar Altimetry Time Series in Persistently Cloudy Eastern Brazil
* Monitoring River Basin Development and Variation in Water Resources in Transboundary Imjin River in North and South Korea Using Remote Sensing
* Motion Analysis of Nonridgid Surfaces
* Motion compensation by phase correction for synthetic-aperture side-scan sonar imaging
* Motion Estimation from 3-D Point Sets with and without Correspondences
* Moving Object Detection and Tracking Based on Interaction of Static Obstacle Map and Geometric Model-Free Approachfor Urban Autonomous Driving
* Moving Objects Tracking Based on Geometric Model-Free Approach With Particle Filter Using Automotive LiDAR
* Moving Objects Tracking Based on Geometric Model-Free Approach With Particle Filter Using Automotive LiDAR
* Multi-modal user interaction method based on gaze tracking and gesture recognition
* Multi-scale Contrastive Learning for Complex Scene Generation
* Multi-Scale Structural Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Multi-task Learning with Future States for Vision-based Autonomous Driving
* N-RPN: Hard Example Learning For Region Proposal Networks
* Negative Samples are at Large: Leveraging Hard-Distance Elastic Loss for Re-identification
* Neural Geometric Parser for Single Image Camera Calibration
* Neural Image Compression via Attentional Multi-scale Back Projection and Frequency Decomposition
* Neural Kinematic Networks for Unsupervised Motion Retargetting
* NEV-NCD: Negative Learning, Entropy, and Variance Regularization Based Novel Action Categories Discovery
* New Adaptive Quantization Method To Reduce Blocking Effect, A
* new progressive coding algorithm of dithered images, A
* new progressive coding scheme for halftone dithered images using bit-interleaving, A
* Nonlinear Ranking Loss on Riemannian Potato Embedding
* Nonlinear, Regularized, and Data-Independent Modulation for Continuously Interactive Image Processing Network, A
* Nonstationary Background Removal Via Multiple Camera Collaboration
* Novel Method for Deformation Estimation Based on Multibaseline InSAR Phase Unwrapping, A
* Novel Robust Watermarking Technique in Dithering Halftone Images
* Novel Vital-Sign Sensing Algorithm for Multiple Subjects Based on 24-GHz FMCW Doppler Radar, A
* Object Bounding Box-Critic Networks for Occlusion-Robust Object Detection in Road Scene
* Object classification using CNN for video traffic detection system
* Object Contour Detection with a Fully Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network
* On Creating Multimedia Interfaces for Hybrid Biological-digital Art Installations
* On Recognizing Texts of Arbitrary Shapes with 2D Self-Attention
* Online Continuous Generalized Category Discovery
* Optimal Baseline Design for Multibaseline InSAR Phase Unwrapping
* Optimal Parameter Inflation to Enhance the Availability of Single-Frequency GBAS for Intelligent Air Transportation
* Optimizing Semi-Analytical Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a and Phycocyanin Concentrations in Inland Waters in Korea
* Oriented Modulation for Watermarking in Direct Binary Search Halftone Images
* Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting With Unlabeled Data in the Wild
* Paired Subimage Matching Watermarking Method on Ordered Dither Images and Its High-Quality Progressive Coding
* Parallel mesh simplification using embedded tree collapsing
* PaReNeRF: Toward Fast Large-Scale Dynamic NeRF with Patch-Based Reference
* Partitioning Image Representation in Contrastive Learning
* Patch-level Representation Learning for Self-supervised Vision Transformers
* Per-gaussian Embedding-based Deformation for Deformable 3d Gaussian Splatting
* Phase-Decomposition-Based PSInSAR Processing Method, A
* PIDiffu: Pixel-aligned Diffusion Model for High-Fidelity Clothed Human Reconstruction
* Pixel-Level Bijective Matching for Video Object Segmentation
* Plankton classification on imbalanced large scale database via convolutional neural networks with transfer learning
* Point-to-surface Matching for DEM Correction Using Icesat Data
* Prediction of L-band signal attenuation in forests using 3D vegetation structure from airborne LiDAR
* Preliminary Estimation of Postseismic Deformation Parameters from Continuous GPS Data in Korea Peninsula and IEODO after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki MW9.0 Earthquake
* Principal Observation Ray Calibration for Tiled-Lens-Array Integral Imaging Display
* Principal view determination for camera selection in distributed smart camera networks
* Progressive Seed Generation Auto-Encoder for Unsupervised Point Cloud Learning
* Progressive Transformation Learning for Leveraging Virtual Images in Training
* Prototypical class-wise test-time adaptation
* Pseudo-Blind Convolutional Neural Network for the Reduction of Compression Artifacts, A
* Pulse-Echo Microwave Imaging for NDE of Civil Structures: Image-Reconstruction, Enhancement, and Object Recognition
* Quantification of Phycocyanin in Inland Waters through Remote Measurement of Ratios and Shifts in Reflection Spectral Peaks
* Radar Backscattering of Lake Ice During Freezing and Thawing Stages Estimated by Ground-Based Scatterometer Experiment and Inversion From Genetic Algorithm
* Radial Bright Channel Prior for Single Image Vignetting Correction
* Rate-distortion optimization for progressive compression of 3D mesh with color attributes
* Real-Time Localization for Underwater Moving Object Using Precalculated DC Electric Field Template
* Real-Time Stereo Matching Network with High Accuracy
* Real-Time Underwater Object Detection Based on DC Resistivity Method
* Rebalancing Using Estimated Class Distribution for Imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning Under Class Distribution Mismatch
* RefQSR: Reference-Based Quantization for Image Super-Resolution Networks
* Regularization Strategy for Point Cloud via Rigidly Mixed Sample
* Reinforcement Learning-Based Black-Box Model Inversion Attacks
* Relaxation Algorithm for Shape Matching of Two-Dimensional Objects
* Reluifying Smooth Functions: Low-cost Knowledge Distillation to Obtain High-performance Relu Networks
* Rescoring of N-Best Hypotheses Using Top-Down Selective Attention for Automatic Speech Recognition
* Resilient Urban Public Transportation Infrastructure: A Comparison of Five Flow-Weighted Metro Networks in Terms of the Resilience Cycle Framework
* Resolution trade-off analysis for aperture size and signaling bandwidth of diffraction tomography based on spatial-frequency spectral coverage
* Responses to Take-Over Request in Autonomous Vehicles: Effects of Environmental Conditions and Cues
* Rethinking Online Knowledge Distillation with Multi-Exits
* Retrieval Accuracy of HCHO Vertical Column Density from Ground-Based Direct-Sun Measurement and First HCHO Column Measurement Using Pandora
* Retrieval of NO2 Column Amounts from Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor Measurements
* Retrieving XCO2 from GOSAT FTS over East Asia Using Simultaneous Aerosol Information from CAI
* Revisiting Role of Autoencoders in Adversarial Settings
* Robust and Real-Time Image Stabilization and Rectification
* Robust detection system of illegal lane changes based on tracking of feature points
* Robust Shipping Label Recognition and Validation for Logistics by Using Deep Neural Networks
* RPM-Net: Robust Pixel-Level Matching Networks for Self-Supervised Video Object Segmentation
* Salient Region-Based Online Object Tracking
* Satellite-Based Aerosol Classification for Capital Cities in Asia Using a Random Forest Model
* Scanning tomographic acoustic microscopy
* Segment Anything Model Can Not Segment Anything: Assessing AI Foundation Model's Generalizability in Permafrost Mapping
* Self-knowledge distillation via dropout
* Self-Mutating Network for Domain Adaptive Segmentation of Aerial Images
* Self-Navigated Three-Dimensional Ultrashort Echo Time Technique for Motion-Corrected Skull MRI
* Self-Pair: Synthesizing Changes from Single Source for Object Change Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Self-Supervised Audio Spatialization with Correspondence Classifier
* Self-Supervised Dense Consistency Regularization for Image-to-Image Translation
* Sensitivity and Resolution Limit of Pulse-Echo Diffraction Tomography Imaging Systems
* SF-CNN: A Fast Compression Artifacts Removal via Spatial-To-Frequency Convolutional Neural Networks
* Sharp-NeRF: Grid-based Fast Deblurring Neural Radiance Fields using Sharpness Prior
* Simultaneous Multi-VENC and Simultaneous Multi-Slice Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* Slot-VPS: Object-centric Representation Learning for Video Panoptic Segmentation
* Smart Count System Based on Object Detection Using Deep Learning
* SoftmaxOut Transformation-Permutation Network for Facial Template Protection
* Spatial Perception by Object-Aware Visual Scene Representation
* Spatio-Temporal Corridor-Based Motion Planning of Lane Change Maneuver for Autonomous Driving in Multi-Vehicle Traffic
* Spatio-Temporal Outdoor Lighting Aggregation on Image Sequences Using Transformer Networks
* Spectral Characteristics of the Antarctic Vegetation: A Case Study of Barton Peninsula
* Spectral segmentation and multiple frequency-band tomographic backward propagation technique for high-resolution sonar imaging
* Spectral Subsurface Scattering for Material Classification
* Spectral weighting for distributed backward propagation image reconstruction in diffraction tomography
* SPIHT Algorithm With Adaptive Selection of Compression Ratio Depending on DWT Coefficients
* SRM: A Style-Based Recalibration Module for Convolutional Neural Networks
* SSAT: Self-Supervised Associating Network for Multiobject Tracking
* STAD: Stable Video Depth Estimation
* Statistical Modeling of Sea Ice Concentration Using Satellite Imagery and Climate Reanalysis Data in the Barents and Kara Seas, 1979-2012
* Stereo images in millimeter-wave regime
* Stochastic Relational Network
* Street Crossing Aid Using Light-Weight CNNs for the Visually Impaired
* Structure for 2D/3D Mixed Service Based on Terrestrial DMB System, A
* Sub-optimal Camera Selection in Practical Vision Networks through Shape Approximation
* Summarizing Long-Length Videos with GAN-Enhanced Audio/Visual Features
* Surprisingly Straightforward Scene Text Removal Method with Gated Attention and Region of Interest Generation: A Comprehensive Prominent Model Analysis, The
* Synthetic-aperture technique for high-resolution composite imaging of the inside walls of tubular specimens
* Tackling Background Distraction in Video Object Segmentation
* Technical development and broadcast trials of 3D service over digital multimedia broadcasting
* Temporal and Spatial Autocorrelation as Determinants of Regional AOD-PM2.5 Model Performance in the Middle East
* Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* Toward Estimating Wetland Water Level Changes Based on Hydrological Sensitivity Analysis of PALSAR Backscattering Coefficients over Different Vegetation Fields
* Towards Maximum Likelihood Training for Transducer-Based Streaming Speech Recognition
* Training Multi-Object Detector by Estimating Bounding Box Distribution for Input Image
* TunnelSlice: Freehand Subspace Acquisition Using an Egocentric Tunnel for Wearable Augmented Reality
* Two-Stream Network for Detecting Double Compression of H.264 Videos
* UGPNet: Universal Generative Prior for Image Restoration
* UGPNet: Universal Generative Prior for Image Restoration
* Unpaired Speech Enhancement by Acoustic and Adversarial Supervision for Speech Recognition
* Unpriortized Autoencoder For Image Generation
* UNSPAT: Uncertainty-Guided SpatioTemporal Transformer for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation on Videos
* Unsupervised Discovery of Object Landmarks as Structural Representations
* Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement Using Bright Channel Prior
* Using Linear Regression, Random Forests, and Support Vector Machine with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multispectral Images to Predict Canopy Nitrogen Weight in Corn
* VAN: Versatile Affinity Network for End-to-end Online Multi-object Tracking
* Vehicle Verification Using Features From Curvelet Transform and Generalized Gaussian Distribution Modeling
* Video Analysis of Human Gait and Posture to Determine Neurological Disorders
* Video Object Segmentation-aware Video Frame Interpolation
* Viewing enhancement in video-endoscopy
* Viewpoint-Agnostic Change Captioning with Cycle Consistency
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* VOP generation tool: automatic segmentation of moving objects in image sequences based on spatio-temporal information, A
* Watermarking in halftone images with mixed halftone techniques
* Watermarking in halftone images with noise balance strategy
* Weakly Supervised Localization Using Deep Feature Maps
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Using Web-Crawled Videos
* Weakly-Supervised Stitching Network for Real-World Panoramic Image Generation
* What Is Wrong With Scene Text Recognition Model Comparisons? Dataset and Model Analysis
Includes: Lee, H.[Hansol] Lee, H.[Hyunjoon] Lee, H.[Hoseung] Lee, H. Lee, H.[Hunsang] Lee, H.[Hakmin] Lee, H.[Hongtak] Lee, H.[Ho] Lee, H.[Hyeonsoo] Lee, H.[Hwayoon] Lee, H.[Hong] Lee, H.[Hyukzae] Lee, H.[Hyejin] Lee, H.[Hyunku] Lee, H.[Haebom] Lee, H.[Hyeonseok] Lee, H.[Hyungjun] Lee, H.[Hyuck] Lee, H.[Howard] Lee, H.[Hyeogjin] Lee, H.[Hwalsuk] Lee, H.[Hyeongmin] Lee, H.[Huang] Lee, H.[Hyeonseung] Lee, H.[Hojun] Lee, H.[Hyongki] Lee, H.[Hyungtae] Lee, H.[Howoong] Lee, H.[Hyunjae] Lee, H.[Hyokeun] Lee, H.[Hyun] Lee, H.[Heansung] Lee, H.[Hwangjae] Lee, H.[Hanlim] Lee, H.[HeeKyung] Lee, H.[Hayeon] Lee, H.[Harlin] Lee, H.[Hojin] Lee, H.[Hank] Lee, H.[Heungjae] Lee, H.[Hua] Lee, H.[Haechang] Lee, H.[Hyoung] Lee, H.[Hyungmin] Lee, H.[Hyuk] Lee, H.[Hankook] Lee, H.[Hyesook] Lee, H.[Hyeonmin] Lee, H.[Hankyung] Lee, H.[Hyunsoo] Lee, H.[Hana] Lee, H.[Hyeonjun] Lee, H.[Haechan] Lee, H.[Hyogun] Lee, H.[Huije] Lee, H.[Haneol] Lee, H.[Hongjae] Lee, H.[Huikyo] Lee, H.[Heejin] Lee, H.[Hoonjae] Lee, H.[Hasik] Lee, H.[Hahyun] Lee, H.[Hyungyu] Lee, H.[Hyunmin] Lee, H.[Haemin] Lee, H.[Heejo] Lee, H.[Hyungkeun] Lee, H.[Hyunbeom] Lee, H.[Hyeopwoo] Lee, H.[Hyoseong] Lee, H.[Hyundo] Lee, H.[Hyunji] Lee, H.[Heon] Lee, H.[Hankyeol] Lee, H.[Haengseon] Lee, H.[Hojoon] Lee, H.[Hyunsung] Lee, H.[Heekyung] Lee, H.[Hanbit] Lee, H.[Hyemin] Lee, H.[Hojae] Lee, H.[Honggu] Lee, H.[Hun] Lee, H.[Hyeryeong] Lee, H.[Hakyung] Lee, H.[Halim] Lee, H.[Hyunho] Lee, H.[Hyunsub] Lee, H.[Heezin] Lee, H.[Hoyoung] Lee, H.[Haeil] Lee, H.[Hyunseung] Lee, H.[Hellas] Lee, H.[Hucheol] Lee, H.[Hojung] Lee, H.[Hyoje] Lee, H.[Haeyun] Lee, H.[Hakjin] Lee, H.[Huijin] Lee, H.[Hakjun] Lee, H.[Hakyoung] Lee, H.[Heeseong] Lee, H.[Hyoungseok] Lee, H.[Haejoon] Lee, H.[Hosang] Lee, H.[Hyeonsu] Lee, H.[Hyunjeong] Lee, H.[Hwang] Lee, H.[Hyungseok] Lee, H.[Hyung] Lee, H.[Honglak]
340 for Lee, H.
Lee, H.B.[Hak Beom]
Co Author Listing * Feasibility Analysis of GPS L2C Signals for SSV Receivers on SBAS GEO Satellites
* Invertible Watermarking Algorithm with Detecting Locations of Malicious Manipulation for Biometric Image Authentication
* Reversible watermarking with localization for biometric images
Includes: Lee, H.B.[Hak Beom] Lee, H.B.[Hak-Beom] Lee, H.B.[Hyo-Bin]
Lee, H.C.
Co Author Listing * 3-D Shape from Contour and Selective Confirmation
* Adaptive active-mask image segmentation for quantitative characterization of mitochondrial morphology
* Advances in Fingerprint Technology
* Balanced template tracker for tracking an object image sequence
* Color brightness model and its imaging applications
* Computer Vision System for Generating Object Descriptions, A
* Feature-Based Synchronization of Video and Background Music
* Finger vein recognition using minutia-based alignment and local binary pattern-based feature extraction
* Flexible Delivery Routing for Elastic Logistics: A Model and an Algorithm
* Generating Object Descriptions for Model Retrieval
* High Voltage Driving Chiplet in Standard 0.18-µm CMOS for Micro-Pixelated LED Displays Integrated With LTPS TFTs, A
* Incorporation of derivative priors in adaptive Bayesian color image segmentation
* Iterative key frame selection in the rate-constraint environment
* Kinstyle: A Strong Baseline Photorealistic Kinship Face Synthesis with an Optimized Stylegan Encoder
* Method and apparatus for image processing using sub-pixel differencing
* Modeling Light Reflection for Computer Color Vision
* Novel Color Transfer Algorithm for Impressionistic Paintings, A
* On the Time Complexity for Circumscribing a Convex Polygon
* PIVTONS: Pose Invariant Virtual Try-On Shoe with Conditional Image Completion
* Rate-constrained key frame selection using iteration
* Spectral Preprocessing for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Heavy Metals In Water
* Towards Physics-Based Segmentation of Photographic Color Images
* Using the FFT to Determine Digital Straight Line Chain Codes
Includes: Lee, H.C. Lee, H.C.[Hao-Chih] Lee, H.C.[Harry C.] Lee, H.C.[Hsien-Che] Lee, H.C.[Hyun-Chul] Lee, H.C.[Hyeon Chang] Lee, H.C.[Hong-Chul] Lee, H.C.[Hsu-Chi] Lee, H.C.[Hun-Cheol] Lee, H.C.[Hsiu-Chieh] Lee, H.C.[Ho-Chang] Lee, H.C.[Hyun-Chan] Lee, H.C.[Hu-Cheng]
23 for Lee, H.C.
Lee, H.D.[Hyun Dong]
Co Author Listing * Temporal Attention Mechanism with Conditional Inference for Large-Scale Multi-label Video Classification
Includes: Lee, H.D.[Hyun Dong] Lee, H.D.[Hyun-Dong]
Lee, H.E.[Hyong Euk]
Co Author Listing * ATTIQA: Generalizable Image Quality Feature Extractor Using Attribute-aware Pretraining
* Controllable Image Restoration for Under-Display Camera in Smartphones
* Designing Phase Masks for Under-Display Cameras
* Exploring Positional Characteristics of Dual-Pixel Data for Camera Autofocus
* Large Scale Multi-Illuminant (LSMI) Dataset for Developing White Balance Algorithm under Mixed Illumination
* Real-World Efficient Blind Motion Deblurring via Blur Pixel Discretization
Includes: Lee, H.E.[Hyong Euk] Lee, H.E.[Hyong-Euk]
Lee, H.G.[Hyung Gu]
Co Author Listing * Changeable Face Representations Suitable for Human Recognition
* Co-occurrence Matrix-Based Image Segmentation
* Development of a Block-Based Real-Time People Counting System
* discriminative SPD feature learning approach on Riemannian manifolds for EEG classification, A
* Effective integration of morphological analysis and named entity recognition based on a recurrent neural network
* GF-Net: Improving machine reading comprehension with feature gates
* Grain-oriented segmentation of scanning electron microscope images
* Modeling structural dissimilarity based on shape embodiment for cell segmentation
* Performance Improvement of Deep Learning Based Gesture Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Demosaicing Technique
* Using a convolutional neural network model to derive imaging landmarks for lumbar spine numbering on axial magnetic resonance images
* Weighted SVM with classification uncertainty for small training samples
Includes: Lee, H.G.[Hyung Gu] Lee, H.G.[Hyung-Gu] Lee, H.G.[Hyong Gun] Lee, H.G.[Hong-Gu] Lee, H.G.[Hyeon-Gu] Lee, H.G.[Hyun-Gyu] Lee, H.G. Lee, H.G.[Hyun Goo] Lee, H.G.[Hee-Gone]
11 for Lee, H.G.
Lee, H.H.[Hyo Haeng]
Co Author Listing * Automatic recognition of flower species in the natural environment
* Demonstration of Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network Based on VCSEL Array
* Effects of Upstream Incoherent Crosstalk Caused by ASE Noise from Tx-Disabled ONUs in XG-PONs and TWDM-PONs
* Maximum a Posterior Estimation of Darts, The
* Resampling approach for one-Class classification
* Teaching Computer Programming with Mathematics for Generating Digital Videos and Machine Learning Optimization
* TriCoLo: Trimodal Contrastive Loss for Text to Shape Retrieval
Includes: Lee, H.H.[Hyo Haeng] Lee, H.H.[Hyo-Haeng] Lee, H.H.[Han Hyub] Lee, H.H.[Han-Hung] Lee, H.H.[Hae-Hwan] Lee, H.H.[Hakeoung Hannah]
7 for Lee, H.H.
Lee, H.J.[Hyuk Jae]
Co Author Listing * AAGAN: Accuracy-Aware Generative Adversarial Network for Supervised Tasks
* Active Learning for Deep Object Detection via Probabilistic Modeling
* Adaptive parallax control based on 3D scene change detection
* Adversarially Robust Multi-Sensor Fusion Model Training Via Random Feature Fusion for Semantic Segmentation
* Advertisement Revenue and Exposure Optimization for Digital Screens in Subway Networks Using Smart Card Data
* Agricultural Drought Assessment in East Asia Using Satellite-Based Indices
* Analysis of the Novel Transformer Module Combination for Scene Text Recognition
* Application of LVQ to novelty detection using outlier training data
* Attentive Composite Residual Network for Robust Rain Removal from Single Images
* Automatic upright adjustment of photographs
* Automatic Upright Adjustment of Photographs With Robust Camera Calibration
* BAAM: Monocular 3D pose and shape reconstruction with bi-contextual attention module and attention-guided modeling
* Bayesian Optimization Meets Self-Distillation
* Bezier curve-based approach to shape description for Chinese calligraphy characters, A
* Binarization of color document images via luminance and saturation color features
* Blind Source Separation for Myelin Water Fraction Mapping Using Multi-Echo Gradient Echo Imaging
* Block-Based Pass-Parallel SPIHT Algorithm, A
* Camera Models Determination Using Multiple Frames
* Car manufacturer and model recognition based on scale invariant feature transform
* Cascaded Direction Filtering for Fast Multidirectional Inter-Prediction in H.264/AVC Main and High Profile Compression
* Chinese Handwritten Character Segmentation in Form Documents
* Class-specific mid-level feature learning with the Discriminative Group-wise Beta-Bernoulli process restricted Boltzmann machines
* Class-Specific Weighted Dominant Orientation Templates for Object Detection
* Classification of Bluffing Behavior and Affective Attitude from Prefrontal Surface Encephalogram During On-Line Game
* Complexity Reduction by Modified Scale-Space Construction in SIFT Generation Optimized for a Mobile GPU
* Cross-pose face recognition based on multiple virtual views and alignment error
* CUA Loss: Class Uncertainty-Aware Gradient Modulation for Robust Object Detection
* Defending Person Detection Against Adversarial Patch Attack by Using Universal Defensive Frame
* Design of a Chinese name card understanding system
* Design of a Mathematical Expression Understanding System
* Determination of 3D Human Body Postures from a Single View
* Digital halftoning algorithm using visual-optimized binary patterns
* Dual-binarization and anisotropic diffusion of Chinese characters in calligraphy documents
* Early Decision of Prediction Direction with Hierarchical Correlation for HEVC Compression
* Efficient Algorithm for Form Structure Extraction Using Strip Projection, An
* Efficient Sampling Algorithm With a K-NN Expanding Operator for Depth Data Acquisition in a LiDAR System, An
* Efficient Viewer-Centric Depth Adjustment Based on Virtual Fronto-Parallel Planar Projection in Stereo 3D Images
* Efficiently extracting and classifying objects for analyzing color documents
* EGformer: Equirectangular Geometry-biased Transformer for 360 Depth Estimation
* Error Propagation Algorithm for Reduction of Errors Due to Total Load and Line Load in a Plasma Panel Display
* Evaluation of Disaster Response System Using Agent-Based Model With Geospatial and Medical Details
* Extraction and recognition of license plates of motorcycles and vehicles on highways
* Face detection for video summary using illumination-compensation and morphological processing
* Face Recognition Using Fisherface Algorithm and Elastic Graph Matching
* Face Tells Detailed Expression: Generating Comprehensive Facial Expression Sentence Through Facial Action Units
* Fake Video Detection With Certainty-Based Attention Network
* Fast Integer Motion Estimation With Bottom-Up Motion Vector Prediction for an HEVC Encoder
* Fast merge mode decision for diamond search in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Field data extraction for form document processing using a gravitation-based algorithm
* Field-Data Grouping for Form Document Processing Using a Gravitation-Based Algorithm
* First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results, The
* Generative Adversarial Multi-Task Learning for Face Sketch Synthesis and Recognition
* Geometry Compression of 3-D Mesh Model using Predictive Two-Stage Quantization
* GPS-GLASS: Learning Nighttime Semantic Segmentation Using Daytime Video and GPS data
* H.264 High-Profile Intra-Prediction with Adaptive Selection Between the Parallel and Pipelined Executions of Prediction Modes, An
* hierarchical model-guided generation of Chinese characters, A
* High Throughput CBAC Hardware Encoder With Bin Merging for AVS 2.0 Video Coding
* High-precision two-kernel Chinese character recognition in general document processing systems
* High-Throughput Hardware Design of a One-Dimensional SPIHT Algorithm, A
* Human Silhouette Extraction based on HMM
* Image decomposition using deconvolution
* Impact of Using a New High-Resolution Solar Reference Spectrum on OMI Ozone Profile Retrievals
* Impacts of the Kuroshio and Tidal Currents on the Hydrological Characteristics of Yilan Bay, Northeastern Taiwan
* Improving domain action classification in goal-oriented dialogues using a mutual retraining method
* Improving Multi-fidelity Optimization with a Recurring Learning Rate for Hyperparameter Tuning
* Increasing Character-Recognition Accuracy by Detection and Correction of Erroneously Identified Characters
* Interfered-Character Recognition by Removing Interfering-Lines and Adjusting Feature Weights
* Knowledge-Guided Visual Perception of 3-D Human Gait from a Single Image Sequence
* LA-VITON: A Network for Looking-Attractive Virtual Try-On
* Language Model-Based on Semantically Clustered Words in a Chinese Character-Recognition System, A
* Layer-Specific Optimization for Mixed Data Flow With Mixed Precision in FPGA Design for CNN-Based Object Detectors
* Learning Style Correlation for Elaborate Few-Shot Classification
* Learning Trimodal Relation for Audio-visual Question Answering with Missing Modality
* Lightweight and Effective Facial Landmark Detection using Adversarial Learning with Face Geometric Map Generative Network
* Line-Based Structural Matching Via Segment Splitting
* Local Connectivity-Based Density Estimation for Face Clustering
* Low-Power Video Recording System With Multiple Operation Modes for H.264 and Light-Weight Compression, A
* Luminance-aware Color Transform for Multiple Exposure Correction
* Merge Mode Estimation for a Hardware-Based HEVC Encoder
* Method of fingerprint verification
* Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation for Intra-Mode Blocks
* Multi-frame ship detection and tracking in an infrared image sequence
* Multistage Pre-Candidate Selection In Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition Systems
* Nocturnal Boundary Layer Height Uncertainty in Particulate Matter Simulations during the KORUS-AQ Campaign
* Novel Form Structure Extraction Method Using Strip Projection, A
* Novel Hardware Architecture of the Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow for Reduced Frame Memory Access, A
* Novel Hardware Architecture With Reduced Internal Memory for Real-Time Extraction of SIFT in an HD Video, A
* Numerical Analysis of the Changes in O3 Concentration in a Wildfire Plume, A
* Off-line recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by on-line model-guided matching
* On End-to-End Architecture for Transporting MPEG-4 Video Over the Internet
* On-line novelty detection using the Kalman filter and extreme value theory
* Optimal Search Procedures for 3D Human Movement Determination
* Option compatible reward inverse reinforcement learning
* Outlier Removal by Convex Optimization for L-Infinity Approaches
* Ozone Continues to Increase in East Asia Despite Decreasing NO2: Causes and Abatements
* Partitioned Centerpose Network for Bottom-Up Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Performance Analysis of an OCR System Via an Artificial Handwritten Chinese Character Generator
* Performance improvement techniques for Chinese character recognition
* Photo Aesthetics Analysis via DCNN Feature Encoding
* Pick-a-back: Selective Device-to-device Knowledge Transfer in Federated Continual Learning
* Practical remote sensing image fusion method based on guided filter and improved SML in the NSST domain
* probabilistic stroke-based Viterbi algorithm for handwritten Chinese characters recognition, A
* Real-Time H.264/AVC Encoder With Complexity-Aware Time Allocation, A
* Recognition of Chinese Business Cards
* Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters via Short Line Segments
* Recognition-based handwritten Chinese character segmentation using a probabilistic Viterbi algorithm
* Reducing Domain Gap by Reducing Style Bias
* Region Matching and Depth Finding for 3D Objects in Stereo Aerial Photographs
* Relaxation Algorithm for Detection of Face Outline and Eye Locations
* Removing outliers by minimizing the sum of infeasibilities
* Residual dense U-Net for abnormal exposure restoration from single images
* Retraining a Novelty Detector with Impostor Patterns for Keystroke Dynamics-Based Authentication
* RL-GAN-Net: A Reinforcement Learning Agent Controlled GAN Network for Real-Time Point Cloud Shape Completion
* Robust Video Facial Authentication With Unsupervised Mode Disentanglement
* Satellite-Based Diagnosis and Numerical Verification of Ozone Formation Regimes over Nine Megacities in East Asia
* Scalable Rate Control for MPEG-4 Video
* Scalable Rate Control for Very Low Bit Rate (VLBR) Video
* Scalable Wavelet Coding for Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Images
* semi-global motion estimation of a repetition pattern region for frame interpolation, A
* Single Image Super-Resolution Algorithm Using Non-Local-Mean Self-Similarity and Noise-Robust Saliency Map, A
* Sparse Structures in L-Infinity Norm Minimization for Structure and Motion Reconstruction
* Speeding up chinese character recognition in an automatic document reading system
* Stereoscopic 3D objects evoke stronger saliency for nonverbal working memory: An fMRI study
* Structure Boundary Preserving Segmentation for Medical Image With Ambiguous Boundary
* Subfield Coding Algorithm for the Reduction of Gray Level Errors Due to Line Load in a Plasma Display Panel, A
* Surface Reconstruction for Efficient Colon Unfolding
* Teacher and Student Joint Learning for Compact Facial Landmark Detection Network
* Temporal Variation and Spatial Structure of The Kuroshio-Induced Submesoscale Island Vortices Observed from GCOM-C and Himawari-8 Data
* Three-Frame Corner Matching and Moving Object Object Extraction in a Sequence of Images
* Three-Frame Corner Matching and Moving Object Object Extraction in a Sequence of Images
* Toward Real-World Multi-View Object Classification: Dataset, Benchmark, and Analysis
* Typeface Identification for Printed Chinese Characters
* Understanding mathematical expressions using procedure-oriented transformation
* Unsupervised Disentangling of Viewpoint and Residues Variations by Substituting Representations for Robust Face Recognition
* USDN: A Unified Sample-wise Dynamic Network with Mixed-Precision and Early-Exit
* Using Unconditional Diffusion Models in Level Generation for Super Mario Bros
* Virtual Halo Effect Using Graph-Cut Based Video Segmentation
* Virtual Keyboards With Real-Time and Robust Deep Learning-Based Gesture Recognition
Includes: Lee, H.J.[Hyuk Jae] Lee, H.J.[Hyuk-Jae] Lee, H.J.[Hoon-Jae] Lee, H.J.[Hong Joo] Lee, H.J.[Haeng-Ju] Lee, H.J.[Hee-Jin] Lee, H.J.[Hyug-Jae] Lee, H.J.[Hyoung-Joo] Lee, H.J.[Hyo Jong] Lee, H.J.[Hyun-Joon] Lee, H.J.[Hyo-Jun] Lee, H.J.[Hyun-Jae] Lee, H.J.[Hsi-Jian] Lee, H.J. Lee, H.J.[Hui-Jin] Lee, H.J.[Hyung-Jin] Lee, H.J.[Hyung-Jun] Lee, H.J.[Hong-Jae] Lee, H.J.[Hyun-Jun] Lee, H.J.[Hyo-Jung] Lee, H.J.[Hung-Jen] Lee, H.J.[Hyun-Jung] Lee, H.J.[Hwang J.] Lee, H.J.[Han-Jin] Lee, H.J.[Hyung-June] Lee, H.J.[Hyunjoo Jenny] Lee, H.J.[Hui Jung] Lee, H.J.[Hui Joong] Lee, H.J.[Hye-Jin] Lee, H.J.[Hyeon Joon]
138 for Lee, H.J.
Lee, H.K.[Hyeon Kyu]
Co Author Listing * email: Lee, H.K.[Hyeon Kyu]: hklee AT microsoft com
* 3D Clothed Human Reconstruction from Sparse Multi-View Images
* Adaptive Adjustment of the Search Window for Block-Matching Algorithm with Variable Block Size
* Adaptive Rate Control Scheme for Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Application of Monte Carlo simulation with block-spin transformation based on the Mumford-Shah segmentation model to three-dimensional biomedical images
* Automated mitosis detection based on eXclusive Independent Component Analysis
* Automatic Personal TV Scheduler Based on HMM for Intelligent Broadcasting Services, An
* Blind 3D Mesh Watermarking Based on Sphere-Shape Template
* Block-matching algorithm based on an adaptive reduction of the search area for motion estimation
* CAT-Net: Compression Artifact Tracing Network for Detection and Localization of Image Splicing
* Color Extended Visual Cryptography Using Error Diffusion
* Color laser printer identification by analyzing statistical features on discrete wavelet transform
* Comments on A Robust Fuzzy Local Information C-Means Clustering Algorithm
* Comparison of multi-label graph cuts method and Monte Carlo simulation with block-spin transformation for the piecewise constant Mumford-Shah segmentation model
* Cross-Layer Optimization for Downlink Wavelet Video Transmission
* Cross-Layer Optimization for Scalable Video Coding and Transmission Over Broadband Wireless Networks
* D-LORD for Motion Stylization
* DE-Based Reversible Data Hiding With Improved Overflow Location Map
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Identifying Seam-Carving Forgery
* DeepPore: Fingerprint Pore Extraction Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Design of an Active Set Top Box in a Wireless Network for Scalable Streaming Services
* Detecting composite image manipulation based on deep neural networks
* Detecting Re-captured Videos Using Shot-Based Photo Response Non-Uniformity
* Detecting Trace of Seam Carving for Forensic Analysis
* Detection of Hue Modification Using Photo Response Nonuniformity
* Digital Cinema Watermarking for Estimating the Position of the Pirate
* Double JPEG Detection in Mixed JPEG Quality Factors Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Dynamic Residual Filtering With Laplacian Pyramid for Instance Segmentation
* Efficient Block-Matching Criterion for Motion Estimation and Its VLSI Implementation, An
* End-to-End Image Stitching Network via Multi-Homography Estimation
* Enhancing Machine Learning Performance in Estimating CDOM Absorption Coefficient via Data Resampling
* Enhancing perceptual quality of watermarked high-definition video through composite mask
* Estimation of linear transformation by analyzing the periodicity of interpolation
* Extraction of digital elevation models from satellite stereo images through stereo matching based on epipolarity and scene geometry
* Fingerprint-PKI authentication using Zernike moments
* Fuzzy Logic Based Satellite Image Classification: Generation of Fuzzy Membership Function and Rule from Training Set
* Gesture Spotting from Continuous Hand Motion
* HMM-Based Threshold Model Approach for Gesture Recognition, An
* Hue modification estimation using sensor pattern noise
* hybrid watermarking scheme for CCL-applied video contents, A
* Identification of Cell Nucleus Using a Mumford-Shah Ellipse Detector
* Identifying photorealistic computer graphics using convolutional neural networks
* Image Watermarking Resistant To Combined Geometric And Removal Attacks
* Improved Retrieval of Coastal Sea Surface Heights by Retracking Modified Radar Altimetry Waveforms, The
* Improved shading model in spectral-based ray tracing method
* Improved watermark detection robust to camcorder capture based on quadrangle estimation
* Interpreting mechanisms of prediction for skin cancer diagnosis using multi-task learning
* Invariant Image Watermark Using Zernike Moments
* Joint Source/Channel Coding to Maximize Perceptual Video Quality on Packet Networks
* Learning Dynamical Shape Prior for Level Set based Cell Tracking
* Learning JPEG Compression Artifacts for Image Manipulation Detection and Localization
* Level Set Segmentation of Cellular Images Based on Topological Dependence
* Median Filtered Image Restoration and Anti-Forensics Using Adversarial Networks
* Multi Bit Plane Image Steganography
* Multiresolution Stochastic Level Set Method for Mumford-Shah Image Segmentation, A
* new block compressive sensing to control the number of measurements, A
* Optimal Carrier Loading for Maximizing Visual Entropy Over OFDMA Cellular Networks
* Optimal Channel Adaptation of Scalable Video Over a Multicarrier-Based Multicell Environment
* Paired mini-batch training: A new deep network training for image forensics and steganalysis
* Perceptually tuned robust watermarking scheme for digital images
* Practical Real-Time Video Watermarking Scheme Robust against Downscaling Attack, A
* Predictive Estimation Method to Track Occluded Multiple Objects Using Joint Probabilistic Data Association Filter
* Ranking Algorithm Using Dynamic Clustering for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Recaptured video detection based on sensor pattern noise
* Region Graph Spectra as Geometric Global Image Features
* Reversible data hiding exploiting spatial correlation between sub-sampled images
* Reversible Data Hiding Using Prediction Error Values Embedding
* robust 3D mesh watermarking scheme against cropping, A
* Robust control point estimation with an out-of-focus camera calibration pattern
* Robust watermark detection against D-A/A-D conversion for digital cinema using local auto-correlation function
* Scanner identification using spectral noise in the frequency domain
* Screenshot identification by analysis of directional inequality of interlaced video
* Segmentation of neural stem cells/neurospheres in high content brightfield microscopy images using localized level sets
* Segmentation of neural stem cells/neurospheres in unevenly illuminated brightfield images with shading reduction
* Segmentation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells Nuclei within 3-D Neurospheres
* Semi-Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Semisupervised Segmentation Model for Collections of Images, A
* Source camera identification from significant noise residual regions
* Spatial self-synchronizing video watermarking technique
* Spherical Panorama Image Watermarking Using Viewpoint Detection
* Variational Model for Segmentation of Overlapping Objects With Additive Intensity Value, A
* Vector Watermarking Robust to Both Global and Local Geometrical Distortions
* Visual Data Rate Gain for Wavelet Foveated Image Coding
* Visual Entropy Gain for Wavelet Image Coding
* Visually Weighted Compressive Sensing: Measurement and Reconstruction
Includes: Lee, H.K.[Hyeon Kyu] Lee, H.K.[Hyeon-Kyu] Lee, H.K.[Hee Kyung] Lee, H.K. Lee, H.K.[Hwee Kuan] Lee, H.K.[Hwee-Kuan] Lee, H.K.[Han-Kyu] Lee, H.K.[Heung-Kyu] Lee, H.K.[Hyung-Keuk] Lee, H.K.[Heung Ki] Lee, H.K.[Heung Kyu] Lee, H.K.[Hyong-Ki] Lee, H.K.[Ho Keun] Lee, H.K.[Hyun-Ki] Lee, H.K.[Hye-Kyoung]
85 for Lee, H.K.
Lee, H.L.[Hong Lak]
Co Author Listing * Attribute2Image: Conditional Image Generation from Visual Attributes
* Augmenting CRFs with Boltzmann Machine Shape Priors for Image Labeling
* Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning for Text-to-Image Generation
* Distilling Effective Supervision From Severe Label Noise
* Dynamic Bayesian Network Model for Autonomous 3D Reconstruction from a Single Indoor Image, A
* efficient branch-and-bound algorithm for optimal human pose estimation, An
* Efficient learning of sparse, distributed, convolutional feature representations for object recognition
* Enriched CNN-Transformer Feature Aggregation Networks for Super-Resolution
* Evaluation of output embeddings for fine-grained image classification
* Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Learning Deep Architectures
* Hierarchical Discriminative Learning Improves Visual Representations of Biomedical Microscopy
* Hierarchical Novelty Detection for Visual Object Recognition
* High-fidelity Synthesis with Disentangled Representation
* Improving object detection with deep convolutional networks via Bayesian optimization and structured prediction
* Inferring Semantic Layout for Hierarchical Text-to-Image Synthesis
* L-Verse: Bidirectional Generation Between Image and Text
* Learning Deep Representations of Fine-Grained Visual Descriptions
* Learning hierarchical representations for face verification with convolutional deep belief networks
* MT-VAE: Learning Motion Transformations to Generate Multimodal Human Dynamics
* NICE: CVPR 2023 Challenge on Zero-shot Image Captioning
* On the Existence of Epipolar Matrices
* Pathdreamer: A World Model for Indoor Navigation
* SemantiCADV: Generating Adversarial Examples via Attribute-conditioned Image Editing
* Show, Think, and Tell: Thought-Augmented Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models for Video Captioning
* Story Visualization by Online Text Augmentation with Context Memory
* Super-resolution of biomedical volumes with 2D supervision
* Text-to-Image Generation Grounded by Fine-Grained User Attention
* View Selection for 3d Captioning via Diffusion Ranking
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Mid-Level Features with Beta-Bernoulli Process Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Includes: Lee, H.L.[Hong Lak] Lee, H.L.[Hong-Lak] Lee, H.L.[Hon-Leung]
29 for Lee, H.L.
Lee, H.M.[Hyung Min]
Co Author Listing * Accurate segmentation of land regions in historical cadastral maps
* Effect of Error in SO2 Slant Column Density on the Accuracy of SO2 Transport Flow Rate Estimates Based on GEMS Synthetic Radiances
* Generalised Hough Transform in Object Recognition
* Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Based on Primitive and Fuzzy Features via the SEART Neural Net Model
* Optimal Image Selection Method to Improve Quality of Relative Radiometric Calibration for Uav Multispectral Images, An
* Preclassification Method for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition via Fuzzy Rules and SEART Neural Net
* Relative Radiometric Calibration Using Tie Points and Optimal Path Selection for UAV Images
Includes: Lee, H.M.[Hyung Min] Lee, H.M.[Hyung-Min] Lee, H.M. Lee, H.M.[Hae-Min]
7 for Lee, H.M.
Lee, H.N.[Hae Na]
Co Author Listing * Detecting defects in repeatedly patterned image with spatially different level of noise
* Super-Resolution Neural Radiance Field via Learning High Frequency Details for High-Fidelity Novel View Synthesis
Includes: Lee, H.N.[Hae Na] Lee, H.N.[Hae-Na] Lee, H.N.[Han-Nyoung]
Lee, H.P.
Co Author Listing * Blind Restoration of Images Degraded by Space-Variant Blurs Using Iterative Algorithms for Both Blur Identification and Image Restoration
* Modified support vector novelty detector using training data with outliers
* Multichannel Image Restorations Using an Iterative Algorithm in Space Domain
* Shot Change Detection via Local Keypoint Matching
* Simulation-Based Joint Estimation of Body Deformation and Elasticity Parameters for Medical Image Analysis
Includes: Lee, H.P. Lee, H.P.[Heow Pueh] Lee, H.P.[Huai-Ping]
Lee, H.R.[Hong Rae]
Co Author Listing * efficient delay-constrained ARQ scheme for MMT packet-based real-time video streaming over IP networks, An
* Estimation of accurate effective loss rate for FEC video transmission
* Novel Iterative Optimizing Quantization Technique and Its Application to X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy for 3-Dimensional Reconstruction from a Limited Number of Views
* Visualization of White Matter Fiber Tracts of Brain Tissue Sections With Wide-Field Imaging Mueller Polarimetry
Includes: Lee, H.R.[Hong Rae] Lee, H.R.[Hong-Rae] Lee, H.R.
Lee, H.S.[Hyung Soo]
Co Author Listing * email: Lee, H.S.[Hyung Soo]: sooz AT olaworks com
* 2:1 Candidate Position Subsampling Technique for Fast Optimal Motion Estimation
* Adaptive Image Interpolation Based on Local Gradient Features
* Analog VLSI Systems for Image Acquisition and Fast Early Vision Processing
* Anterior Cruciate Ligament Segmentation from Knee MR Images Using Graph Cuts with Geometric and Probabilistic Shape Constraints
* Automatic gait recognition based on probabilistic approach
* Dense 3D Reconstruction from Severely Blurred Images Using a Single Moving Camera
* Depth map upsampling with a confidence-based joint guided filter
* Discriminative and Heteroscedastic Linear Feature Transformation for Multiclass Classification, A
* DTM extraction of Lidar returns via adaptive processing
* effective successive elimination algorithm for fast optimal block-matching motion estimation, An
* efficient design of a nearest neighbor classifier for various-scale problems, An
* efficient gait recognition based on a selective neural network ensemble, An
* End-to-End Lane Marker Detection via Row-wise Classification
* Entropy Minimization for Groupwise Planar Shape Co-alignment and its Applications
* Estimating the Focus of Expansion in Analog VLSI
* Expression-invariant face recognition by facial expression transformations
* Facial Expression Transformations for Expression-Invariant Face Recognition
* Fast Block Matching Technique Using a Gradual Voting Strategy, A
* Follicular Unit Classification Method Using Angle Variation of Boundary Vector for Automatic Hair Implant System
* Generating frontal view face image for pose invariant face recognition
* Geometric Particle Filter for Template-Based Visual Tracking, A
* Geometric particle swarm optimization for robust visual ego-motion estimation via particle filtering
* Illumination-robust face recognition using ridge regressive bilinear models
* Illumination-robust face recognition using tensor-based active appearance model
* Improved Face Clustering Method Using Weighted Graph for Matched SIFT Keypoints in Face Region, An
* Laplacian based structure-aware error diffusion
* Locally Adaptive Channel Attention-Based Spatial-Spectral Neural Network for Image Deblurring
* LPI adaptive descreening method with Hadamard domain analysis
* Message Expansion of Homomorphic Encryption Using Product Pairing
* Method for extracting fingerprint feature data using ridge orientation model
* Motion prediction apparatus and method
* Motion prediction apparatus and method
* Multi-Target Extractor and Detector for Unknown-Number Speaker Diarization
* Multi-temporal Approach For Detecting Snow Cover Area Using Geostationary Imagery Data, A
* Mutiswarm particle filter for robust tracking under observation ambiguity
* new image super resolution by texture transfer, A
* novel method for salient object detection via compactness measurement, A
* Novel Template Matching Scheme for Fast Full-Search Boosted by an Integral Image, A
* Optical Flow via Locally Adaptive Fusion of Complementary Data Costs
* Pose Invariant Face Recognition Using Linear Pose Transformation in Feature Space
* POSTECH face database (PF07) and performance evaluation, The
* Probabilistic Anchor Assignment with IoU Prediction for Object Detection
* Probabilistic gait modelling and recognition
* Qualitative estimation of camera motion parameters from the linear composition of optical flow
* Real-Time Color Correction Method for a Low-Cost Still/Video Camera
* Region-based Image Retrieval System Using Efficient Feature Description
* Robust face tracking by integration of two separate trackers: Skin color and facial shape
* Robust Face-Tracking Using Skin Color and Facial Shape
* Seed growing for interactive image segmentation with geodesic voting
* Segmentation of Overlapping Cervical Cells in Microscopic Images with Superpixel Partitioning and Cell-Wise Contour Refinement
* Simultaneous localization, mapping and deblurring
* Simultaneous Super-Resolution of Depth and Images Using a Single Camera
* Simultaneous Traffic Sign Detection and Boundary Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Study on the Generation of the KOMPSAT-1 RPC Model, A
* Tensor-Based AAM with Continuous Variation Estimation: Application to Variation-Robust Face Recognition
* Towards Practical Plug-and-Play Diffusion Models
* UASNet: Uncertainty Adaptive Sampling Network for Deep Stereo Matching
* Visual tracking based on edge field with object proposal association
Includes: Lee, H.S.[Hyung Soo] Lee, H.S.[Hyung-Soo] Lee, H.S.[Hwal-Suk] Lee, H.S.[Hwang Soo] Lee, H.S. Lee, H.S.[Han-Sang] Lee, H.S.[Hee-Sung] Lee, H.S.[Hee Seok] Lee, H.S.[Hean Sung] Lee, H.S.[Hung-Shin] Lee, H.S.[H. Seok] Lee, H.S.[Hyon-Soo] Lee, H.S.[Ho Sub] Lee, H.S.[Hyun-Seung] Lee, H.S.[Hyang-Sook] Lee, H.S.[Hwi Seok] Lee, H.S.[Hee Sub] Lee, H.S.[Hwa-Seon] Lee, H.S.[Hyoung-Soo] Lee, H.S.[Hyoung-Suk] Lee, H.S.[Hak-Sung] Lee, H.S.[Hyo Sung] Lee, H.S.[Hyun Seung] Lee, H.S.[Hong-Seok] Lee, H.S.[Han-Sung]
59 for Lee, H.S.
Lee, H.T.[Hyung Tae]
Co Author Listing * Clauselets: Leveraging Temporally Related Actions for Video Event Analysis
* Extending the HIRS Data Record with IASI Measurements
* HIRS Outgoing Longwave Radiation: Daily Climate Data Record: Application toward Identifying Tropical Subseasonal Variability
* IronMask: Modular Architecture for Protecting Deep Face Template
* large-scale benchmark dataset for event recognition in surveillance video, A
* Qualitative Pose Estimation by Discriminative Deformable Part Models
* Robust Pose Features for Action Recognition
* Spatio-temporal de-interlacing based on maximum likelihood estimation
Includes: Lee, H.T.[Hyung Tae] Lee, H.T.[Hyung-Tae] Lee, H.T.[Hai-Tien] Lee, H.T.[Ho-Taek]
8 for Lee, H.T.
Lee, H.W.[Hai Wu]
Co Author Listing * Design of Face Recognition Attendance
* Improving Brightness for a Multi-projector Display Considering Image Content
* Indexing of Fictional Video Content for Event Detection and Summarisation
* Interactive Experiments in Object-Based Retrieval
* MediAssist: Using Content-Based Analysis and Context to Manage Personal Photo Collections
* Mo Músaem Fíorúil: A Web-Based Search and Information Service for Museum Visitors
* S/W Based Frame-Level Synchronization for Irregular Screen Processing System
* Smart Battery Swapping Control for an Electric Motorcycle Fleet With Peak Time Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* TAB: Text-Align Anomaly Backbone Model for Industrial Inspection Tasks
* Understanding the User Perception in Visual Lifelogging: A Pilot Study in Malaysian Context
Includes: Lee, H.W.[Hai Wu] Lee, H.W.[Hai-Wu] Lee, H.W.[Hee-Won] Lee, H.W.[Hyo-Won] Lee, H.W.[Hyun-Woo] Lee, H.W.[Ho-Weng]
10 for Lee, H.W.
Lee, H.Y.[Hsin Ying]
Co Author Listing * 3DAvatarGAN: Bridging Domains for Personalized Editable Avatars
* Activity of Okgye Limestone Mine in South Korea Observed by InSAR Coherence and PSInSAR Techniques
* Adaptively-Realistic Image Generation from Stroke and Sketch with Diffusion Model
* Analysis of a Bistatic Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar System and Indoor Experiments
* Analysis of topographic decorrelation in SAR interferometry using ratio coherence imagery
* BlackVIP: Black-Box Visual Prompting for Robust Transfer Learning
* Color laser printer identification by analyzing statistical features on discrete wavelet transform
* Consistent depth maps recovery from a trinocular video sequence
* Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors
* Controllable Image Synthesis via SegVAE
* Correction to A New Type of Space Telescope for Observation of Extreme Lightning Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere
* Cross-modal 3D Shape Generation and Manipulation
* D2ADA: Dynamic Density-Aware Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* Data Hiding in Spatial Color Images on Smartphones by Adaptive R-G-B LSB Replacement
* Detecting Re-captured Videos Using Shot-Based Photo Response Non-Uniformity
* Detecting Trace of Seam Carving for Forensic Analysis
* Development and Application of a QGIS-Based Model to Estimate Monthly Streamflow
* DisCoScene: Spatially Disentangled Generative Radiance Fields for Controllable 3D-aware Scene Synthesis
* Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations
* DNN-Based Feature Enhancement Using DOA-Constrained ICA for Robust Speech Recognition
* DRIT++: Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations
* Elevation Change of CookE2 Subglacial Lake in East Antarctica Observed by DInSAR and Time-Segmented PSInSAR
* Enhancement for temporal resolution of video based on multi-frame feature trajectory and occlusion compensation
* Enhancing perceptual quality of watermarked high-definition video through composite mask
* Experiments on a Ground-Based Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Exploiting Diffusion Prior for Generalizable Dense Prediction
* Exploiting Diffusion Prior for Generalizable Dense Prediction
* Extraction of digital elevation models from satellite stereo images through stereo matching based on epipolarity and scene geometry
* Extraction of Textured Regions in Aerial Imagery
* Generation of high resolution image based on accumulated feature trajectory
* Harmonic Holes as the Submodules of Brain Network and Network Dissimilarity
* Indoor Experiments of Bistatic/Multistatic GB-SAR with One-Stationary and One-Moving Antennae
* InfiniCity: Infinite-Scale City Synthesis
* InOut: Diverse Image Outpainting via GAN Inversion
* Interannual Variability of Atmospheric CH4 and Its Driver Over South Korea Captured by Integrated Data in 2019
* It's All In the Teacher: Zero-Shot Quantization Brought Closer to the Teacher
* Mode Seeking Generative Adversarial Networks for Diverse Image Synthesis
* Multi-Agent Context Learning Strategy for Interference-Aware Beam Allocation in mmWave Vehicular Communications
* Multi-View 3D Video Transport using Application Layer Multicast with View Switching Delay Constraints
* Multi-view Synthesis Based on Single View Reference Layer
* Multisensor Interface to Improve the Learning Experience in Arc Welding Training Tasks, A
* Neural Design Network: Graphic Layout Generation with Constraints
* New Wide-Gamut RGB Primary Set and Efficient Color Encoding Methods for Ultrahigh-Definition Television (UHDTV), A
* Non-negative matrix factorization with alpha-divergence
* Panda-70M: Captioning 70M Videos with Multiple Cross-Modality Teachers
* Persistent Brain Network Homology From the Perspective of Dendrogram
* Predictive coding of CU quadtree structure for HEVC quality scalability
* Progressive Compression of Geometry Information with Smooth Intermediate Meshes
* Real-world Blur Dataset for Learning and Benchmarking Deblurring Algorithms
* ReDAL: Region-based and Diversity-aware Active Learning for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* RedEye: Preventing Collisions Caused by Red-Light Running Scooters With Smartphones
* Region-based tampering detection and recovery using homogeneity analysis in quality-sensitive imaging
* RetrieveGAN: Image Synthesis via Differentiable Patch Retrieval
* Reversible data hiding exploiting spatial correlation between sub-sampled images
* Robust learning-based super-resolution
* Robust watermark detection against D-A/A-D conversion for digital cinema using local auto-correlation function
* ScanEnts3D: Exploiting Phrase-to-3D-Object Correspondences for Improved Visio-Linguistic Models in 3D Scenes
* SceneTex: High-Quality Texture Synthesis for Indoor Scenes via Diffusion Priors
* Screenshot identification by analysis of directional inequality of interlaced video
* SDFusion: Multimodal 3D Shape Completion, Reconstruction, and Generation
* Semantic View Synthesis
* Show Me What and Tell Me How: Video Synthesis via Multimodal Conditioning
* Soft-Segmentation Guided Object Motion Deblurring
* Sparse Brain Network Recovery Under Compressed Sensing
* Special Issue on Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018
* Straightest Paths on Meshes by Cutting Planes
* Sub-GAN: An Unsupervised Generative Model via Subspaces
* Survey on Resource Allocation in Vehicular Networks, A
* Temporal Frame Interpolation Based on Multiframe Feature Trajectory
* Text2Tex: Text-driven Texture Synthesis via Diffusion Models
* Topological Surgery Encoding Improvements Based on Adaptive Bit Allocation and DFSVQ
* Towards Text-guided 3D Scene Composition
* Unsupervised Representation Learning by Sorting Sequences
* Unsupervised sound localization via iterative contrastive learning
* Unsupervised Volumetric Animation
* UpFusion: Novel View Diffusion from Unposed Sparse View Observations
* Urban Green Accessibility Index: A Measure of Pedestrian-Centered Accessibility to Every Green Point in an Urban Area
* Vector Quantized Image-to-Image Translation
* Vector Watermarking Robust to Both Global and Local Geometrical Distortions
* Velocity Anomaly of Campbell Glacier, East Antarctica, Observed by Double-Differential Interferometric SAR and Ice Penetrating Radar
* Views Rather than Radiosity: A Study on Urban Cover View Factor Mapping and Utilization
Includes: Lee, H.Y.[Hsin Ying] Lee, H.Y.[Hsin-Ying] Lee, H.Y.[Hoon-Yol] Lee, H.Y.[Hee-Young] Lee, H.Y.[Hae-Yeoun] Lee, H.Y.[Ho Young] Lee, H.Y. Lee, H.Y.[Hae-Young] Lee, H.Y.[Han-Yong] Lee, H.Y.[Ho-Yeong] Lee, H.Y.[Hae-Yeon] Lee, H.Y.[Ho-Young] Lee, H.Y.[Hyek-Young] Lee, H.Y.[Hye Yoon] Lee, H.Y.[Hyun-Yong] Lee, H.Y.[Hoi-Yin] Lee, H.Y.[Hae-Yun] Lee, H.Y.[Hye-Yeong]
81 for Lee, H.Y.
Lee, I.
Co Author Listing * 3-D Human Behavior Understanding Using Generalized TS-LSTM Networks
* 3d Modelling Of An Indoor Space Using A Rotating Stereo Frame Camera System
* 3d Reconstruction of Unstable Underwater Environment with SFM Using SLAM
* AMPFLUID: Aggregation Magnified Post-Assay Fluorescence for Ultrasensitive Immunodetection on Digital Microfluidics
* Angelic Patches for Improving Third-Party Object Detector Performance
* Applicability Analysis of Ultra-Light UAV for Flooding Site Survey in South Korea
* Assessment of hydrogen fluoride damage to vegetation using optical remote sensing data
* Automatic Georeferncing of Close-range FaÇade Images Acquired In An Narrow and Long Alleyway Using Rtk Drone Images
* Automatic Relevance Feedback for Distributed Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Automatic UAV Mapping System for Supporting UN (United Nations) Field Operations, An
* Building Emotional Machines: Recognizing Image Emotions Through Deep Neural Networks
* Chaining Convolution and Correlation in Practice: A Case Study in Visual Tracking
* Classification Matters: Improving Video Action Detection with Class-specific Attention
* Classification Of Lidar Data For Generating A High-precision Roadway Map
* Clustering with obstacles for Geographical Data Mining
* Crime analysis through spatial areal aggregated density patterns
* Density peaks clustering algorithm based on fuzzy and weighted shared neighbor for uneven density datasets
* Detection and Localization of Traffic Lights Using Yolov3 and Stereo Vision
* Development of deep learning-based facial expression recognition system
* Distributed Algorithms for Network Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks
* dpvaes: Fixing Sample Generation for Regularized VAEs
* effective web document clustering algorithm based on bisection and merge, An
* Energy Efficient Online Power Allocation for Two Users With Energy Harvesting
* Ensemble Deep Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Using Temporal Sliding LSTM Networks
* Fast Cluster Polygonization and its Applications in Data-Rich Environments
* Guess The Unseen: Dynamic 3D Scene Reconstruction from Partial 2D Glimpses
* Improving Smartphone Position and Attitude for Geospatial Augmented Reality Applications
* Joint Design of Fronthaul and Access Links for C-RAN With Wireless Fronthauling
* Kinematic Diversity and Rhythmic Alignment in Choreographic Quality Transformers for Dance Quality Assessment
* Latent-OFER: Detect, Mask, and Reconstruct with Latent Vectors for Occluded Facial Expression Recognition
* Latentgaze: Cross-domain Gaze Estimation Through Gaze-aware Analytic Latent Code Manipulation
* Leveraging Multi-Temporal InSAR Technique for Long-Term Structural Behaviour Monitoring of High-Speed Railway Bridges
* Lidar Waveform Simulation Over Complex Targets
* Multi-Level Clustering and its Visualization for Exploratory Spatial Analysis
* Multi-modal user interaction method based on gaze tracking and gesture recognition
* Multi-Sensor Micro UAV Based Automatic Rapid Mapping System for Damage Assessment in Disaster Areas, A
* Multiple particle tracking in time-lapse synchrotron X-ray images using discriminative appearance and neighbouring topology learning
* Nonparametric Sparse Matrix Decomposition for Cross-View Dimensionality Reduction
* Online Reinforcement Learning of X-Haul Content Delivery Mode in Fog Radio Access Networks
* Optimized Video Multicasting Over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Using Distributed Algorithm
* PairAug: What Can Augmented Image-Text Pairs Do for Radiology?
* PG-RCNN: Semantic Surface Point Generation for 3D Object Detection
* Possibilities of UAS for Maritime Monitoring
* Propagating LSTM: 3D Pose Estimation Based on Joint Interdependency
* Real-time Drone Mapping Based on Reference Images for Vehicle Facility Monitoring
* Real-time Drone Mapping Platform for Marine Surveillance, A
* Shark detection using optical image data from a mobile aerial platform
* Sorted Random Matrix for Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* stitching of aerial videos from UAVs, The
* Study On Real-time Flood Monitoring System Based On Sensors Using Flood Damage Insurance Map, A
* Study on Storm and Flood Insurance Management Mapping: Case Study of Incheon Metropolitan City, A
* Towards Robust and Smooth 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation from Monocular Videos in the Wild
* Track Everything: Limiting Prior Knowledge in Online Multi-Object Recognition
* Validation of LIDAR Calibration Using A LIDAR Simulator
* Video Analysis of Human Gait and Posture to Determine Neurological Disorders
* Weighted hybrid fusion with rank consistency
Includes: Lee, I. Lee, I.[Insup] Lee, I.[Ivan] Lee, I.[Inwoong] Lee, I.[Ickjai] Lee, I.[Injae] Lee, I.[Iain] Lee, I.[Ingyu] Lee, I.[Inhee] Lee, I.[Isack] Lee, I.[Ilwha] Lee, I.[Iris] Lee, I.[Inyoung] Lee, I.[Insu] Lee, I.[Inhoe]
56 for Lee, I.
Lee, I.C.
Co Author Listing * Applications of Panoramic Images: FROM 720° Panorama to Interior 3D Models of Augmented Reality
* Reconstruction of Indoor Models Using Point Clouds Generated from Single-Lens Reflex Cameras and Depth Images
Lee, I.G.[Im Geun]
Co Author Listing * Lip Localization Based on Active Shape Model and Gaussian Mixture Model
Includes: Lee, I.G.[Im Geun] Lee, I.G.[Im-Geun]
Lee, I.H.
Co Author Listing * Accurate Registration Using Adaptive Block Processing for Multispectral Images
* Automated delineation of non-small cell lung cancer: A step toward quantitative reasoning in medical decision science
* Cost-Effective Groundwater Potential Mapping by Integrating Multiple Remote Sensing Data and the Index-Overlay Method
* Fast Ray-Triangle Intersection Computation Using Reconfigurable Hardware
* Guided image filtering in shape-from-focus: A comparative analysis
* Incorporating structural prior for depth regularization in shape from focus
* Locally adaptive regularized super-resolution on video with arbitrary motion
* Loli-street: Benchmarking Low-light Image Enhancement and Beyond
* Moving Object Removal Based on Global Feature Registration
* New Photographing Apparatus for Skin Maps of Human Face Rendering, A
* New Seamless Bitstream Switching Scheme for H.264 Video Adaptation with Enhanced Coding Performance, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Super-Resolution and Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Super-Resolution (×4): Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Blind Enhancement of Compressed Image: Methods and Results
* Quantitative Evaluations of Pumping-Induced Land Subsidence and Mitigation Strategies by Integrated Remote Sensing and Site-Specific Hydrogeological Observations
* Sequential Motion and Scene Reconstruction from Image Sequences Captured by a Multi-camera System
* Style transformation super-resolution GAN for extremely small infrared target image
Includes: Lee, I.H. Lee, I.H.[Ik Hyun] Lee, I.H.[I-Hsian] Lee, I.H.[In-Ho] Lee, I.H.[I-Hsien] Lee, I.H.[IK Hyun] Lee, I.H.[In Ho]
18 for Lee, I.H.
Lee, I.J.[In Jae]
Co Author Listing * CRN: Camera Radar Net for Accurate, Robust, Efficient 3D Perception
* Predict to Detect: Prediction-guided 3D Object Detection using Sequential Images
* Reduced Uneven Multi-hexagon-grid Search for Fast Integer Pel Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC
* Study on the Development of a Mixed Reality System Applied to the Practice of Socially Interactive Behaviors of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, A
Includes: Lee, I.J.[In Jae] Lee, I.J.[In-Jae] Lee, I.J.[In-Jik] Lee, I.J.[I-Jui]
Lee, I.K.
Co Author Listing * Application of U-net Convolutional Neural Network to Bushfire Monitoring In Australia With Sentinel-1/-2 Data
* Character Detection in Animated Movies Using Multi-Style Adaptation and Visual Attention
* Co-occurrence Matrix-Based Image Segmentation
* Determination of camera parameters for character motions using motion area
* Efficient oriented particle arrangements for position-based dynamics simulation
* Emotional Landscape Image Generation Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Enriching a motion database by analogous combination of partial human motions
* Extracting hurricane eye morphology from spaceborne SAR images using morphological analysis
* Feature-Based Synchronization of Video and Background Music
* Gaussian Kernel-Based Multi-Histogram Equalization
* Histogram Equalization-Based Thresholding
* HUMBI: A Large Multiview Dataset of Human Body Expressions
* Image-Based Deformation of Objects in Real Scenes
* Interactive System for Efficient Video Cartooning
* On Surface Approximation Using Developable Surfaces
* Planar Curve Offset Based on Circle Approximation
* Plausibility-Based Approach to Image Thresholding
* Polynomial/Rational Approximation of Minkowski Sum Boundary Curves
* Threshold Selection Based on Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets
Includes: Lee, I.K. Lee, I.K.[In-Kwon] Lee, I.K.[In Keun] Lee, I.K.[Isabella K.] Lee, I.K.[In Kyu]
19 for Lee, I.K.
Lee, I.M.[In Mo]
Co Author Listing * Recursive reservoir concatenation for salt-and-pepper denoising
Includes: Lee, I.M.[In Mo] Lee, I.M.[In-Mo]
Lee, I.S.[I Shi]
Co Author Listing * Data Hiding in Binary Images with Distortion-Minimizing Capabilities by Optimal Block Pattern Coding and Dynamic Programming Techniques
* Data hiding in grayscale images by dynamic programming based on a human visual model
* Gaze correction in video communication with single camera
* Study Of Insurance Premium Rate Gis Mapping Considering The Storm And Flood Hazard Risks, The
Includes: Lee, I.S.[I Shi] Lee, I.S.[I-Shi] Lee, I.S.[In-Suh] Lee, I.S.
Lee, I.Y.[Imp Yeong]
Co Author Listing * 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challenge Results
* Automatic Extraction of Large Complex Buildings Using Lidar Data and Digital Maps
* Bundle block adjustment of omni-directional images obtained from a ground mobile mapping system
* Data Simulation of Ladar Sensor: Focusing on Geometric Modeling
* Design Framework for an Integrated Sensor Orientation Simulator, A
* Determination Of Exterior Orientation Parameters Through Direct Geo-referencing In A Real-time Aerial Monitoring System
* Estimation of Camera Extrinsic Parameters of Indoor Omni-Directional Images Acquired by a Rotating Line Camera
* Feature Based Approach to Automatic Change Detection from Lidar Data in Urban Areas, A
* Local Generic Representation for Face Recognition with Single Sample per Person
* Perceptual Organization of 3D Surface Points
* Project Overview for the Development of a Light and Flexible Rapid Mapping System for Emergency Response, A
* Sequential Aerial Triangulation Algorithm for Real-time Georeferencing of Image Sequences Acquired by an Airborne Multi-Sensor System, A
Includes: Lee, I.Y.[Imp Yeong] Lee, I.Y.[Imp-Yeong] Lee, I.Y.[Il-Yong]
12 for Lee, I.Y.
Lee, J.[Joonseok]
Co Author Listing * 2nd YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding Challenge, The
* 3-D Atrous Convolution Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Denoising, A
* 3D Human Motion Generation from the Text Via Gesture Action Classification and the Autoregressive Model
* 3D Non-rigid Registration of Deformable Object Using GPU
* 3D road curb extraction from image sequence for automobile parking assist system
* 3D Segmentation of Trees Through a Flexible Multiclass Graph Cut Algorithm
* 5D Video Stabilization through Sensor Vision Fusion
* Accelerating Framework for Simultaneous Optimization of Model Architectures and Training Hyperparameters
* Accuracy of Regional Centrality Using Social Network Analysis: Evidence from Commuter Flow in South Korea
* Acoustic Hazard Detection for Pedestrians With Obscured Hearing
* Action-conditioned contrastive learning for 3D human pose and shape estimation in videos
* Active Learning With Long-Range Observation
* Active Speakers in Context
* actively decoupled dual transceiver coil system for continuous ASL at 7 T, An
* Adaptive Metering Algorithm for Electronic Commercial Vehicle Preclearance Systems
* Adaptive Real-Time Rendering for Large-Scale Molecular Models
* Adaptive Selection of Sampling-Reconstruction in Fourier Compressed Sensing
* Advanced Operational Approach for Tropical Cyclone Center Estimation Using Geostationary-Satellite-Based Water Vapor and Infrared Channels, An
* Advances in Signal Processing for GNSSs
* Advancing Agricultural Land Suitability in Urbanized Semi-Arid Environments: Insights from Geospatial and Machine Learning Approaches
* Advancing Cross-Domain Generalizability in Face Anti-Spoofing: Insights, Design, and Metrics
* AesPA-Net: Aesthetic Pattern-Aware Style Transfer Networks
* Agricultural Expansion in Mato Grosso from 1986-2000: A Bayesian Time Series Approach to Tracking Past Land Cover Change
* AIBM: Accurate and Instant Background Modeling for Moving Object Detection
* Ambiguity of objective image quality metrics: A new methodology for performance evaluation
* Analysis of the BOLD characteristics in pass-band bSSFP fMRI
* Analysis on Coupled Line Cameras Using Projective Geometry
* Analyze the Impact of Habitat Patches on Wildlife Road-Kill
* AnimeCeleb: Large-Scale Animation CelebHeads Dataset for Head Reenactment
* AnimeCeleb: Large-Scale Animation CelebHeads Dataset for Head Reenactment
* Anomaly Detection using Score-based Perturbation Resilience
* Anomaly Score: Evaluating Generative Models and Individual Generated Images Based on Complexity and Vulnerability
* Anti-Adversarially Manipulated Attributions for Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Anti-Adversarially Manipulated Attributions for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation and Object Localization
* Application of Industrial Risk Management Practices to Control Natural Hazards, Facilitating Risk Communication
* Application Possibility of Smartphone As Payload for Photogrammetric UAV System
* AS-CRI: A New Metric of FTIR-Based Apparent Spectral-Contrast Radiant Intensity for Remote Thermal Signature Analysis
* Assessment of Perceived and Physical Walkability Using Street View Images and Deep Learning Technology
* Automated Log-Scale Quantization for Low-Cost Deep Neural Networks
* Automatic 2D-to-3D conversion using multi-scale deep neural network
* Automatic Registration Between Dental Cone-Beam CT and Scanned Surface via Deep Pose Regression Neural Networks and Clustered Similarities
* Automatic Registration Between Dental Cone-Beam CT and Scanned Surface via Deep Pose Regression Neural Networks and Clustered Similarities
* AZ-NAS: Assembling Zero-Cost Proxies for Network Architecture Search
* Backprojection Filtration Image Reconstruction Approach for Reducing High-Density Object Artifacts in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
* BASSL: Boundary-aware Self-supervised Learning for Video Scene Segmentation
* BBAM: Bounding Box Attribution Map for Weakly Supervised Semantic and Instance Segmentation
* Beamforming Algorithm Based on Maximum Likelihood of a Complex Gaussian Distribution With Time-Varying Variances for Robust Speech Recognition, A
* BiaSwap: Removing Dataset Bias with Bias-Tailored Swapping Augmentation
* Binary Morphology: Working in the Sampled Domain
* BlindHarmony: Blind Harmonization for MR Images via Flow model
* Blocks-World Cameras
* BNUDC: A Two-Branched Deep Neural Network for Restoring Images from Under-Display Cameras
* Bridging the Domain Gap Towards Generalization in Automatic Colorization
* Bridging the Gap between Classification and Localization for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Bridging the Gap Between Model Explanations in Partially Annotated Multi-Label Classification
* BULC-U: Sharpening Resolution and Improving Accuracy of Land-Use/Land-Cover Classifications in Google Earth Engine
* CAFA: Class-Aware Feature Alignment for Test-Time Adaptation
* Can Language Beat Numerical Regression? Language-Based Multimodal Trajectory Prediction
* Canonicalfusion: Generating Drivable 3d Human Avatars from Multiple Images
* Capturing Long-Range Dependencies in Video Captioning
* Cell Membrane Tracking in Living Brain Tissue Using Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy
* Character Region Attention for Text Spotting
* Classification Matters: Improving Video Action Detection with Class-specific Attention
* CLEval: Character-Level Evaluation for Text Detection and Recognition Tasks
* CNN-based Multi-scale Super-resolution Architecture on FPGA for 4k/8k Uhd Applications, A
* Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis-Based Semi-Supervised Training for Object Detection
* Co2L: Contrastive Continual Learning
* Collaborative Method for Incremental Learning on Classification and Generation
* Coloring With Limited Data: Few-Shot Colorization via Memory Augmented Networks
* Comparison of 16-Channel Asymmetric Sleeve Antenna and Dipole Antenna Transceiver Arrays at 10.5 Tesla MRI
* Compressive Imaging Through Optical Fiber with Partial Speckle Scanning
* Connectivity-based convolutional neural network for classifying point clouds
* Conservative Approach for Unbiased Learning on Unknown Biases, A
* Continual Learning With Extended Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature
* Continuous point projection to planar freeform curves using spiral curves
* Contour Propagation in CT Scans with Convolutional Neural Networks
* ContraCluster: Learning to Classify without Labels by Contrastive Self-Supervision and Prototype-Based Semi-Supervision
* Controllable Text-to-Image Synthesis for Multi-Modality MR Images
* Convergence analysis of connection center evolution and faster clustering
* Coreset Selection for Object Detection
* Correction to A New Type of Space Telescope for Observation of Extreme Lightning Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere
* Cost-constrained feature selection in multilabel classification using an information-theoretic approach
* CPrune: Compiler-Informed Model Pruning for Efficient Target-Aware DNN Execution
* Creation of One Excavator as an Obstacle in C-Space for Collision Avoidance during Remote Control of the Two Excavators Using Pose Sensors
* CTRL-C: Camera calibration TRansformer with Line-Classification
* Data-Free Network Quantization With Adversarial Knowledge Distillation
* Decoding Scheme with Successive Aggregation of Multi-Level Features for Light-Weight Semantic Segmentation, A
* Dedicated 36-Channel Receive Array for Fetal MRI at 3T, A
* Deep Learning for Audio-Based Music Classification and Tagging: Teaching Computers to Distinguish Rock from Bach
* Deep Learning of High-Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery for Classifying Halophyte Species: A Comparative Study for Small Patches and Mixed Vegetation
* Deep Learning-Based Emergency Rescue Positioning Technology Using Matching-Map Images
* Deep Learning-Based Generalized System for Detecting Pine Wilt Disease Using RGB-Based UAV Images, A
* Deep Neural Networks Improve Radiologists' Performance in Breast Cancer Screening
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Designed Shinnar-Le Roux RF Pulse Using Root-Flipping: DeepRFSLR
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Designed Shinnar-Le Roux RF Pulse Using Root-Flipping: DeepRFSLR
* Deep Residual Network with Enhanced Upscaling Module for Super-Resolution
* Deep Step Pattern Representation for Multimodal Retinal Image Registration, A
* Deep-Hurricane-Tracker: Tracking and Forecasting Extreme Climate Events
* Defining the Framework of Address Systems Based on Street-Based Address System in Korea
* Dense but Efficient VideoQA for Intricate Compositional Reasoning
* Depth Prompting for Sensor-Agnostic Depth Estimation
* Depth-Wise Separable Convolution Neural Network with Residual Connection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Detection-Identification Balancing Margin Loss for One-Stage Multi-Object Tracking
* Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Group Activity Recognition
* Determination Of Exterior Orientation Parameters Through Direct Geo-referencing In A Real-time Aerial Monitoring System
* Determining the Existence of Objects in an Image and Its Application to Image Thumbnailing
* Developing a Method to Generate IndoorGML Data from the Omni-Directional Image
* Development and Evaluation of a Cooperative Vehicle Intersection Control Algorithm Under the Connected Vehicles Environment
* Development of Indoor Spatial Data Model Using CityGML ADE
* Dformer: Learning Efficient Image Restoration with Perceptual Guidance
* Different Spectral Domain Transformation for Land Cover Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery
* Different Spectral Domain Transformation for Land Cover Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery
* Differentiable Duration Refinement Using Internal Division for Non-Autoregressive Text-to-Speech
* DIFFnet: Diffusion Parameter Mapping Network Generalized for Input Diffusion Gradient Schemes and b-Value
* Diffusion-based Image-to-image Translation by Noise Correction via Prompt Interpolation
* Discovering and Mitigating Visual Biases Through Keyword Explanation
* Discriminative deep attributes for generalized zero-shot learning
* Disposable Transfer Learning for Selective Source Task Unlearning
* Distance-aware Quantization
* Distort-and-Recover: Color Enhancement Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Divide et impera: Acceleration of DTI tractography using multi-GPU parallel processing
* DLCFT: Deep Linear Continual Fine-Tuning for General Incremental Learning
* DN-ResNet: Efficient Deep Residual Network for Image Denoising
* DNN-Based Approach to Mitigate Multipath Errors of Differential GNSS Reference Stations
* DNN-Based Approach to Mitigate Multipath Errors of Differential GNSS Reference Stations
* Driver Gaze Region Estimation without Use of Eye Movement
* Dual-Path Small Convolution Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Dual-Teacher Class-Incremental Learning With Data-Free Generative Replay
* Dynamic Algorithm for Measuring Pedestrian Congestion and Safety in Urban Alleyways, A
* Dynamic Safety Estimation of Airport Pick-Up Area Based on Video Trajectory Data
* EcoTTA: Memory-Efficient Continual Test-Time Adaptation via Self-Distilled Regularization
* Edge-Preserving Reference Sample Filtering and Mode-Dependent Interpolation for Intra-Prediction
* Effects of Continuous Auditory Feedback on Drawing Trajectory-Based Finger Gestures
* Effects of Visual Feedback on Out-of-Body Illusory Tactile Sensation When Interacting With Augmented Virtual Objects
* Efficient Motion Estimation Using Edge-based Binary Block-matching and Refinement Based on Motion Vector Correlation
* Efficient Tracking of Sparse Signals via an Earth Mover's Distance Dynamics Regularizer
* Eliminating bandwidth estimation from adaptive video streaming in wireless networks
* Energy Efficient Canny Edge Detector for Advanced Mobile Vision Applications
* Enhancing real-time traffic volume prediction: A two-step approach of object detection and time series modelling
* Environment-Detection-and-Mapping Algorithm for Autonomous Driving in Rural or Off-Road Environment
* Error Analysis of Nonconstant Admittivity for MR-Based Electric Property Imaging
* Evaluating Feature Extraction Methods with Synthetic Noise Patterns for Image-Based Modelling of Texture-Less Objects
* Event-guided Deblurring of Unknown Exposure Time Videos
* Exact Reduced-Complexity Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction of Multiple 3-D Objects From Unlabeled Unoriented 2-D Projections and Electron Microscopy of Viruses
* Exploratory Assessment of Focused Septal Growth in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, An
* Exploring Spatial Mismatch between Primary Care and Older Populations in an Aging Country: A Case Study of South Korea
* Exploring the effects of non-local blocks on video captioning networks
* Extending Segment Anything Model into Auditory and Temporal Dimensions for Audio-Visual Segmentation
* Extraction of Airways From CT (EXACT'09)
* Facial Attribute Recognition by Recurrent Learning With Visual Fixation
* Fair Contrastive Learning for Facial Attribute Classification
* Fall Detection using Biometric Information Based on Multi-Horizon Forecasting
* False Positive Removal for 3D Vehicle Detection With Penetrated Point Classifier
* Fast and Efficient Panchromatic Sharpening
* Fast CU Size Decision Algorithm for HEVC, A
* Fast intermode decision algorithm based on general and local residual complexity in H.264/AVC
* Fast PU Skip and Split Termination Algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction
* Feasibility Study of Low-Dose Single-Scan Dual-Energy Cone-Beam CT in Many-View Under-Sampling Framework, A
* FickleNet: Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Image Segmentation Using Stochastic Inference
* FickleNet: Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Image Segmentation Using Stochastic Inference
* Finding Nemo: Negative-mined Mosaic Augmentation for Referring Image Segmentation
* Finding Nemo: Negative-mined Mosaic Augmentation for Referring Image Segmentation
* Fire Evacuation Simulation Considering the Movement of Pedestrian According To Fire Spread
* Forecasting Hands and Objects in Future Frames
* Forecasting Urban Vacancy Dynamics in a Shrinking City: A Land Transformation Model
* Formant-based acoustic features for cow's estrus detection in audio surveillance system
* Frame-Based Recovery of Corrupted Video Files Using Video Codec Specifications
* Frame-to-Frame Aggregation of Active Regions in Web Videos for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Frame-to-Frame Aggregation of Active Regions in Web Videos for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Frdiff: Feature Reuse for Universal Training-free Acceleration of Diffusion Models
* Future Transformer for Long-term Action Anticipation
* GATSBI: Generative Agent-centric Spatio-temporal Object Interaction
* Generating Hand Posture and Motion Dataset for Hand Pose Estimation in Egocentric View
* Geographic Information System-Based Framework for Sustainable Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Logistics Operations
* GIS-Based Evaluation of Spatial Interactions by Geographic Disproportionality of Industrial Diversity
* Global Positional Self-Attention for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Gradient-Based Camera Exposure Control for Outdoor Mobile Platforms
* Gradient-based local affine invariant feature extraction for mobile robot localization in indoor environments
* Gradients as a Measure of Uncertainty in Neural Networks
* Graph contrastive learning with consistency regularization
* Graph Regularization Network with Semantic Affinity for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* GSANet: Semantic Segmentation With Global And Selective Attention
* Guest editorial: Special issue on neuroimaging
* Guided Slot Attention for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Guiding Users to Where to Give Color Hints for Efficient Interactive Sketch Colorization via Unsupervised Region Prioritization
* Hierarchical Block Matching Algorithm in MRME
* Hierarchical Video Indexing and Retrieval for Subband-Coded Video
* Hierarchically Decomposed Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* HOTR: End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection with Transformers
* Hough Forest With Optimized Leaves for Global Hand Pose Estimation With Arbitrary Postures
* How to Estimate Global Motion Non-Iteratively From a Coarsely Sampled Motion Vector Field
* Hybrid Cone-Beam Tomographic Reconstruction: Incorporation of Prior Anatomical Models to Compensate for Missing Data
* HyperCon: Image-To-Video Model Transfer for Video-To-Video Translation Tasks
* Hyperpixel Flow: Semantic Correspondence With Multi-Layer Neural Features
* Identification of Expert Tower Controller Visual Scanning Patterns in Support of the Development of Automated Training Tools
* Identification of multi-scale corresponding object-set pairs between two polygon datasets with hierarchical co-clustering
* Identifying First-Person Camera Wearers in Third-Person Videos
* Identifying Women With Mammographically-Occult Breast Cancer Leveraging GAN-Simulated Mammograms
* Image Aesthetic Assessment Based on Pairwise Comparison A Unified Approach to Score Regression, Binary Classification, and Personalization
* Image Deblurring Using Deep Multi-Scale Distortion Prior
* Image Enhancement for Improved Visibility of Digital Displays Under The Sunlight
* Impact of Meteorological Conditions and Emissions on Tropospheric Column Ozone Trends in Recent Years, The
* Impacts of Scale on Geographic Analysis of Health Data: An Example of Obesity Prevalence
* Improved Real-Time Monocular SLAM Using Semantic Segmentation on Selective Frames
* Improving Key Human Features for Pose Transfer
* In Search of a Data Transformation that Accelerates Neural Field Training
* Indoor Subspacing to Implement IndoorGML for Indoor Navigation
* Information Extraction Method Without Original Image Using Turbo Code
* Information Extraction Method Without Original Image Using Turbo Code
* Intelligent Mobile Video Surveillance System as a Bayesian Coalition Game in Vehicular Sensor Networks: Learning Automata Approach
* Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform Architecture Exploiting Sparseness and Symmetry Properties
* Job Accessibility as a Lens for Understanding the Urban Structure of Colonial Cities: A Digital Humanities Study of the Colonial Seoul in the 1930s Using GIS
* K-Hairstyle: A Large-Scale Korean Hairstyle Dataset for Virtual Hair Editing and Hairstyle Classification
* Large Loss Matters in Weakly Supervised Multi-Label Classification
* Large Motion Estimation for Omnidirectional Vision
* Large Scale Video Representation Learning via Relational Graph Clustering
* Large-Scale Content-Only Video Recommendation
* Layer Separation via a Spatial-Attention GAN
* Learnable Counter-Condition Analysis Framework for Functional Connectivity-Based Neurological Disorder Diagnosis, A
* Learning by Aligning: Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification using Cross-Modal Correspondences
* Learning Discriminative Part Features Through Attentions For Effective And Scalable Person Search
* Learning Dual Hierarchical Representation for 3d Surface Reconstruction
* Learning Optimized Low-Light Image Enhancement for Edge Vision Tasks
* Learning Rotation-Equivariant Features for Visual Correspondence
* Learning Semantic Correspondence Exploiting an Object-Level Prior
* Learning to Distill Convolutional Features into Compact Local Descriptors
* Learning Visual Emotion Representations From Web Data
* Learning with Privileged Information for Efficient Image Super-resolution
* Learning-Based Early Transform Skip Mode Decision for VVC Screen Content Coding
* Leveraging Spatio-Temporal Dependency for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* LiDAR Depth Completion Using Color-Embedded Information via Knowledge Distillation
* LiDAR-UDA: Self-ensembling Through Time for Unsupervised LiDAR Domain Adaptation
* Light-in-Flight for a World-in-Motion
* Lightweight Speaker Recognition in Poincaré Spaces
* Locomotion-Action-Manipulation: Synthesizing Human-Scene Interactions in Complex 3D Environments
* Lossless Color Image Compression Architecture Using a Parallel Golomb-Rice Hardware CODEC, A
* Low rank matrix recovery via augmented lagrange multiplier with nonconvex minimization
* low-energy video event data recorder using dual image/video codec, A
* LSQ+: Improving low-bit quantization through learnable offsets and better initialization
* MAC Protocol Using Road Traffic Estimation for Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Communications on Highways, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Delineating Neighborhoods from Geocoded Appraisal Data, A
* Machine Learning Based Algorithms for Global Dust Aerosol Detection from Satellite Images: Inter-Comparisons and Evaluation
* Machine Learning Classification of Buildings for Map Generalization
* Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation System With a Whole Brain Coil Array for Nonhuman Primates at 3 T, A
* Mart: Multiscale Relational Transformer Networks for Multi-agent Trajectory Prediction
* MCW-Net: Single image deraining with multi-level connections and wide regional non-local blocks
* Membership representation for detecting block-diagonal structure in low-rank or sparse subspace clustering
* Memory-Efficient Architecture of Full HD Around View Monitor Systems, A
* Memory-Free Stochastic Weight Averaging by One-Way Variational Pruning
* Merging Deep Neural Networks for Mobile Devices
* Mitigating AC and DC Interference in Multi-ToF-Camera Environments
* Mitigating Search Interference With Task-Aware Nested Search
* Mocap Everyone Everywhere: Lightweight Motion Capture with Smartwatches and a Head-Mounted Camera
* Modality-Aware Representation Learning for Zero-shot Sketch-based Image Retrieval
* Model Uncertainty for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Model-Based Analysis of Hand Posture
* Model-Based Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI for Robust z-Spectrum Analysis
* Model-Based Vasculature Extraction From Optical Fluorescence Cryomicrotome Images
* Modeling and Implementation of a Joint Airborne Ground Penetrating Radar and Magnetometer System for Landmine Detection
* Modeling and Implementation of a Joint Airborne Ground Penetrating Radar and Magnetometer System for Landmine Detection
* Modeling Residual Magnetic Anomalies of Landmines Using UAV-Borne Vector Magnetometer: Flight Simulations and Experimental Validation
* Monitoring and Mitigation of Ionospheric Anomalies for GNSS-Based Safety Critical Systems: A review of up-to-date signal processing techniques
* Monitoring and Mitigation of Ionospheric Anomalies for GNSS-Based Safety Critical Systems: A review of up-to-date signal processing techniques
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Whole Strip Masking and Reliability-Based Refinement
* Monte Carlo sampling for visual pose tracking
* Motion Estimation with Incomplete Information Using Omni-directional Vision
* MRI Imputation based on Fused Index- and Intensity-Registration
* MSTR: Multi-Scale Transformer for End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection
* mToFNet: Object Anti-Spoofing with Mobile Time-of-Flight Data
* Multi-Contextual Predictions with Vision Transformer for Video Anomaly Detection
* Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Using Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Auto-Tagging
* Multi-scale Image Segmentation Using MSER
* Multi-Scale Structural Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Multi-Sensor Image Classification Using the Random Forest Algorithm in Google Earth Engine with KOMPSAT-3/5 and CAS500-1 Images
* Multi-Task Learning of Depth from Tele and Wide Stereo Image Pairs
* Multi-task Learning with Future States for Vision-based Autonomous Driving
* Multilabel Naïve Bayes classification considering label dependence
* Multimodal Machine Learning in Image-Based and Clinical Biomedicine: Survey and Prospects
* Music Popularity: Metrics, Characteristics, and Audio-Based Prediction
* Music Popularity: Metrics, Characteristics, and Audio-Based Prediction
* MUTE: Inter-class Ambiguity Driven Multi-hot Target Encoding for Deep Neural Network Design
* N-Gram in Swin Transformers for Efficient Lightweight Image Super-Resolution
* Network Quantization with Element-wise Gradient Scaling
* Neural Geometric Parser for Single Image Camera Calibration
* New Approach for Image-content Adaptive Mesh Generation, A
* Noise reduction using multiscale bilateral decomposition for digital color images
* Non-uniform Step Size Quantization for Accurate Post-training Quantization
* Nonlinear Dynamic Projection for Noise Reduction of Dispersed Manifolds
* Nonparametric Image Registration of Airborne LiDAR, Hyperspectral and Photographic Imagery of Wooded Landscapes
* Novel Framework of Detecting Convective Initiation Combining Automated Sampling, Machine Learning, and Repeated Model Tuning from Geostationary Satellite Data, A
* novel illumination-robust face recognition using statistical and non-statistical method, A
* Novel Tropical Cyclone Size Estimation Model Based on a Convolutional Neural Network Using Geostationary Satellite Imagery, A
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Perceptual Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Video Quality Mapping: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Blind Enhancement of Compressed Image: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Low Light Image Enhancement: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2024 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
* NVS-Adapter: Plug-and-play Novel View Synthesis from a Single Image
* Object Recognition Under Multifarious Conditions: A Reliability Analysis and a Feature Similarity-Based Performance Estimation
* Object Tracking and Target Reacquisition Based on 3-D Range Data for Moving Vehicles
* Objectivity and Subjectivity in Aesthetic Quality Assessment of Digital Photographs
* Observing Pianist Accuracy and Form with Computer Vision
* OCELOT: Overlapped Cell on Tissue Dataset for Histopathology
* Offline mobile diagnosis system for citrus pests and diseases using deep compression neural network
* OIMNet++: Prototypical Normalization and Localization-Aware Learning for Person Search
* On Recognizing Texts of Arbitrary Shapes with 2D Self-Attention
* On the Angular Update and Hyperparameter Tuning of a Scale-Invariant Network
* On the Step-Size Bounds of Frequency-Domain Block LMS Adaptive Filters
* Onion-Peel Networks for Deep Video Completion
* Only-Reference Video Quality Assessment for Video Coding Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Open-Set Recognition With Gradient-Based Representations
* Optimal Control for Speed Harmonization of Automated Vehicles
* Optimal Parameter Inflation to Enhance the Availability of Single-Frequency GBAS for Intelligent Air Transportation
* Optimized Quadtree for Karhunen-Loeve Transform in Multispectral Image Coding
* Outdoor Operation of Structured Light in Mobile Phone
* Owl and Lizard: Patterns of head pose and eye pose in driver gaze classification
* PAC-Net: Pairwise Aesthetic Comparison Network for Image Aesthetic Assessment
* Parallelized Inter-Image k-Means Clustering Algorithm for Unsupervised Classification of Series of Satellite Images
* Parameterization of Vegetation Scattering Albedo in the Tau-Omega Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval on Croplands
* Particle filters and occlusion handling for rigid 2D-3D pose tracking
* Perception Prioritized Training of Diffusion Models
* Perception-Based Framework for Wide Color Gamut Content Selection, A
* Perception-Based Framework for Wide Color Gamut Content Selection, A
* Perceptual Image Quality Assessment with Transformers
* Performance Evaluation of Feature Matching Techniques for Detecting Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall Displacement
* Performance Evaluation of the Multiple Quantile Regression Model for Estimating Spatial Soil Moisture after Filtering Soil Moisture Outliers
* Performance of Drought Indices in Assessing Rice Yield in North Korea and South Korea under the Different Agricultural Systems
* Person re-identification transformer with patch attention and pruning
* Personalized Face Authentication Based on Few-Shot Meta-Learning
* Phase-Sensitive Joint Learning Algorithms for Deep Learning-Based Speech Enhancement
* Photographic Composition Guide for Photo Acquisition on Augmented Reality Glasses
* Photometric Transformer Networks and Label Adjustment for Breast Density Prediction
* Physics-inspired approach to realistic and stable water spray with narrowband air particles
* Physics-inspired controllable flame animation
* PIDiffu: Pixel-aligned Diffusion Model for High-Fidelity Clothed Human Reconstruction
* PLoPS: Localization-aware person search with prototypical normalization
* Point Cloud Transformation Using Sensor Calibration Information for Map Data Adjustment
* Polarimetric Simulations of SAR at L-Band Over Bare Soil Using Scattering Matrices of Random Rough Surfaces From Numerical Three-Dimensional Solutions of Maxwell Equations
* PoseDiff: Pose-conditioned Multimodal Diffusion Model for Unbounded Scene Synthesis from Sparse Inputs
* Predicting Speaker Head Nods and the Effects of Affective Information
* Prefetching scheme for image processing on shared memory multiprocessors
* Probenet: Probing Deep Networks
* Prostate Brachytherapy Seed Reconstruction With Gaussian Blurring and Optimal Coverage Cost
* Public Bike Trip Purpose Inference Using Point-of-Interest Data
* Quad-Contrast Imaging: Simultaneous Acquisition of Four Contrast-Weighted Images (PD-Weighted, T2-Weighted, PD-FLAIR and T2-FLAIR Images) With Synthetic T1-Weighted Image, T1- and T2-Maps
* Quadtree Based Least Squares Prediction for Multispectral Image Coding
* Railroad is not a Train: Saliency as Pseudo-pixel Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Range based object tracking and segmentation
* RankMixup: Ranking-Based Mixup Training for Network Calibration
* RDQS: A Geospatial Data Analysis System for Improving Roads Directionality Quality
* Re-VoxelDet: Rethinking Neck and Head Architectures for High-Performance Voxel-based 3D Detection
* Real Image Denoising Based on Multi-Scale Residual Dense Block and Cascaded U-Net with Block-Connection
* Real-time adult authentication scheme for digital contents using X.509 certificate in ubiquitous Web environment
* Real-Time Downward View Generation of a Vehicle Using Around View Monitor System
* Real-Time Ionospheric Threat Adaptation Using a Space Weather Prediction for GNSS-Based Aircraft Landing Systems
* Real-Time Ionospheric Threat Adaptation Using a Space Weather Prediction for GNSS-Based Aircraft Landing Systems
* Real-time lip reading system for isolated Korean word recognition
* Real-Time Spatial Surface Modeling System Using Wand Traversal Patterns of Grid Edges
* Reassembly of fractured objects using surface signature
* Recent progresses of accelerated MRI using annihilating filter-based low-rank interpolation
* Reciprocal Attention Mixing Transformer for Lightweight Image Restoration
* Recognition of Highway Workzones for Reliable Autonomous Driving
* Rectal cancer: Toward fully automatic discrimination of T2 and T3 rectal cancers using deep convolutional neural network
* Recurrent Neural Network for Particle Tracking in Microscopy Images Using Future Information, Track Hypotheses, and Multiple Detections, A
* REDMAPS: Reduced-Dimensionality Matching for Prostate Brachytherapy Seed Reconstruction
* REFA: Real-time Egocentric Facial Animations for Virtual Reality
* Reference-Based Sketch Image Colorization Using Augmented-Self Reference and Dense Semantic Correspondence
* Regularization Strategy for Point Cloud via Rigidly Mixed Sample
* Regularization Strategy for Point Cloud via Rigidly Mixed Sample
* Regularizing Dynamic Radiance Fields with Kinematic Fields
* Relay-Aided NOMA in Uplink Cellular Networks
* Remote Diagnosis of Architectural Heritage Based on 5W1H Model-Based Metadata in Virtual Reality
* ResMax: Detecting Voice Spoofing Attacks with Residual Network and Max Feature Map
* Resource-Efficient Mobile Multimedia Streaming With Adaptive Network Selection
* Revealing Land-Use Dynamics on Thermal Environment of Riverine Cities Under Climate Variability Using Remote Sensing and Geospatial Techniques
* Reversible watermarking with localization for biometric images
* Revisiting Image Pyramid Structure for High Resolution Salient Object Detection
* Revisiting Image Pyramid Structure for High Resolution Salient Object Detection
* RMFER: Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning for Facial Expression Recognition with Reaction Mashup Video
* RNA: Video Editing with Roi-based Neural Atlas
* Robust Camera Motion Estimation for Point-of-View Video Stabilization
* Robust detection system of illegal lane changes based on tracking of feature points
* Robust Disaster Assessment from Aerial Imagery Using Text-to-Image Synthetic Data
* Robust Fundamental Frequency Estimation Combining Contrast Enhancement and Feature Unbiasing
* Robust Lane Detection via Expanded Self Attention
* Robust Non-Rigid Motion Compensation of Free-Breathing Myocardial Perfusion MRI Data
* Robust optical flow estimation for continuous blurred scenes using RGB-motion imaging and directional filtering
* Robust PCA Based on Incoherence With Geometrical Interpretation
* Robust spherical principal curves
* Role of Masking for Efficient Supervised Knowledge Distillation of Vision Transformers, The
* SAC-GAN: Face Image Inpainting with Spatial-aware Attribute Controllable Gan
* SACReg: Scene-Agnostic Coordinate Regression for Visual Localization
* SAINT Self-Adaptive Interactive Navigation Tool for Emergency Service Delivery Optimization
* Saliency as Pseudo-Pixel Supervision for Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* SAM-Net: LiDAR Depth Inpainting for 3D Static Map Generation
* Save: Protagonist Diversification with Structure Agnostic Video Editing
* Scale invariant small target detection by optimizing signal-to-clutter ratio in heterogeneous background for infrared search and track
* Secure Self-Certified Broadcast Authentication Protocol for Intelligent Transportation Systems in UAV-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing Environments, A
* Segmentation of Vehicles and Roads by a Low-Channel Lidar
* Self-Supervised Equivariant Learning for Oriented Keypoint Detection
* Self-training Room Layout Estimation via Geometry-aware Ray-casting
* SelfReg: Self-supervised Contrastive Regularization for Domain Generalization
* Selfswapper: Self-supervised Face Swapping via Shape Agnostic Masked Autoencoder
* SemCity: Semantic Scene Generation with Triplane Diffusion
* SFNet: Learning Object-Aware Semantic Correspondence
* Shuffle and Divide: Contrastive Learning for Long Text
* simulated annealing algorithm with a dual perturbation method for clustering, A
* Single-Image Depth Estimation Based on Fourier Domain Analysis
* SIPSA-Net: Shift-Invariant Pan Sharpening with Moving Object Alignment for Satellite Imagery
* SlaBins: Fisheye Depth Estimation using Slanted Bins on Road Environments
* Smartadapt: Multi-branch Object Detection Framework for Videos on Mobiles
* Smooth-Swap: A Simple Enhancement for Face-Swapping with Smoothness
* SmoothMix: a Simple Yet Effective Data Augmentation to Train Robust Classifiers
* SNeRV: Spectra-Preserving Neural Representation for Video
* SNIDER: Single Noisy Image Denoising and Rectification for Improving License Plate Recognition
* Sparse Bayesian Non-linear Regression for Multiple Onsets Estimation in Non-invasive Cardiac Electrophysiology
* Spatial Prediction of Wildfire Susceptibility Using Hybrid Machine Learning Models Based on Support Vector Regression in Sydney, Australia
* Speed Is All You Need: On-Device Acceleration of Large Diffusion Models via GPU-Aware Optimizations
* Spherical Principal Curves
* Standardized Max Logits: A Simple yet Effective Approach for Identifying Unexpected Road Obstacles in Urban-Scene Segmentation
* Statistical Characteristic-Based Road Structure Recognition in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems
* Statistical Prediction of Typhoon-Induced Rainfall over China Using Historical Rainfall, Tracks, and Intensity of Typhoon in the Western North Pacific
* Stereo Disparity Estimation via Joint Supervised, Unsupervised, and Weakly Supervised Learning
* Stochastic Approach to Diffeomorphic Point Set Registration with Landmark Constraints, A
* Stochastic Exposure Coding for Handling Multi-ToF-Camera Interference
* Study on Storm and Flood Insurance Management Mapping: Case Study of Incheon Metropolitan City, A
* Study on the Construction of Disaster Information Contents for the Storm and Flood Damage Insurance Map, A
* Study on the Improvement of Cadastral System in Mongolia: Focused on National Land Information System, A
* Style-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning
* Surface embedding narrow volume reconstruction from unorganized points
* SUW-Learn: Joint Supervised, Unsupervised, Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Monocular Depth Estimation
* SVD-Based Adaptive QIM Watermarking on Stereo Audio Signals
* SwitchLight: Co-Design of Physics-Driven Architecture and Pre-training Framework for Human Portrait Relighting
* Talking Face Generation with Multilingual TTS
* Tcan: Animating Human Images with Temporally Consistent Pose Guidance Using Diffusion Models
* Teaching Where to Look: Attention Similarity Knowledge Distillation for Low Resolution Face Recognition
* Teaching Where to Look: Attention Similarity Knowledge Distillation for Low Resolution Face Recognition
* Technologies and the development of the Automated Metadata Indexing and Analysis (AMIA) system
* Tensor Train Decomposition for Efficient Memory Saving in Perceptual Feature-Maps
* Text-Conditioned Sampling Framework for Text-to-Image Generation with Masked Generative Models
* Think before You Simulate: Symbolic Reasoning to Orchestrate Neural Computation for Counterfactual Question Answering
* Time-of-Flight Sensor Calibration for a Color and Depth Camera Pair
* Toward Int4 Fixed-point Training via Exploring Quantization Error for Gradients
* Toward Measuring the Level of Spatiotemporal Clustering of Multi-Categorical Geographic Events
* Toward Spatially Unbiased Generative Models
* Towards Detailed Characteristic-Preserving Virtual Try-On
* Towards Fair Federated Learning with Zero-Shot Data Augmentation
* Towards Open-Set Test-Time Adaptation Utilizing the Wisdom of Crowds in Entropy Minimization
* Towards Representing Transitional Spaces: Developmental Direction for IndoorGML Anchor Node
* Towards Robust and Smooth 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation from Monocular Videos in the Wild
* Towards the Perceptual Quality Enhancement of Low Bit-rate Compressed Images
* Tracking an RGB-D Camera on Mobile Devices Using an Improved Frame-to-Frame Pose Estimation Method
* Tracking WebVR User Activities through Hand Motions: An Attack Perspective
* Training Method for Image Compression Networks to Improve Perceptual Quality of Reconstructions, A
* Transferring Skin Weights to 3D Scanned Clothes
* TREND: Truncated Generalized Normal Density Estimation of Inception Embeddings for GAN Evaluation
* TricubeNet: 2D Kernel-Based Object Representation for Weakly-Occluded Oriented Object Detection
* Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation Using Multi-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks from Geostationary Satellite Data
* TwohandsMusic: Multitask Learning-Based Egocentric Piano-Playing Gesture Recognition System for Two Hands
* Underground Object Classification for Urban Roads Using Instantaneous Phase Analysis of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Data
* Unified Framework for Robustness on Diverse Sampling Errors, A
* Uniform Subdivision of Omnidirectional Camera Space for Efficient Spherical Stereo Matching
* Unsupervised CT Metal Artifact Learning Using Attention-Guided ß-CycleGAN
* Unsupervised MR-to-CT Synthesis Using Structure-Constrained CycleGAN
* Urban Land Surface Temperature Downscaling in Chicago: Addressing Ethnic Inequality and Gentrification
* Using Remotely-Sensed Land Cover and Distribution Modeling to Estimate Tree Species Migration in the Pacific Northwest Region of North America
* Using social media for disaster emergency management
* Using Whole Slide Image Representations from Self-supervised Contrastive Learning for Melanoma Concordance Regression
* Validation of Ionospheric Spatial Decorrelation Observed During Equatorial Plasma Bubble Events
* Variable Rate Deep Image Compression With a Conditional Autoencoder
* Variation-aware semantic image synthesis
* Vegetation Drought Vulnerability Mapping Using a Copula Model of Vegetation Index and Meteorological Drought Index
* Velocity Anomaly of Campbell Glacier, East Antarctica, Observed by Double-Differential Interferometric SAR and Ice Penetrating Radar
* Vertigo Effect on Your Smartphone: Dolly Zoom via Single Shot View Synthesis, The
* Video File Allocation for Wear-Leveling in Distributed Storage Systems With Heterogeneous Solid-State-Disks (SSDs)
* Video Panoptic Segmentation
* Video Summarization by Learning Relationships between Action and Scene
* Video-based Person Re-identification with Spatial and Temporal Memory Networks
* Virtual ball player
* Vision Processor With a Unified Interest-Point Detection and Matching Hardware for Accelerating a Stereo-Matching Algorithm, A
* Vision-Based Horizon Detection and Target Tracking for UAVs
* Weakly Supervised Referring Image Segmentation with Intra-Chunk and Inter-Chunk Consistency
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation using Out-of-Distribution Data
* Web image-based super-resolution
* What Is Wrong With Scene Text Recognition Model Comparisons? Dataset and Model Analysis
* What Makes Deviant Places?
* Wide Color Gamut Image Content Characterization: Method, Evaluation, and Applications
* Wideband Noise Radar System Using a Phased Array with True Time Delay, A
* XIOSIS: An X-Ray-Based Intra-Operative Image-Guided Platform for Oncology Smart Material Delivery
* XYDeblur: Divide and Conquer for Single Image Deblurring
* YouTube-8M: A Large-Scale Video Classification Benchmark
* Zero-Shot Learning of A Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Data-Free Network Quantization
Includes: Lee, J.[Joonseok] Lee, J. Lee, J.[Junyeop] Lee, J.[Junesuk] Lee, J.[Jongsang] Lee, J.[Jangwon] Lee, J.[Jiho] Lee, J.[Jongho] Lee, J.[Jun] Lee, J.[Juhyun] Lee, J.[Jinwook] Lee, J.[Jiyoon] Lee, J.[Junsoo] Lee, J.[Jacky] Lee, J.[Junhyeop] Lee, J.[Junghyuk] Lee, J.[Jinwoo] Lee, J.[Jaeseong] Lee, J.[Jonghyeon] Lee, J.[Jungbeom] Lee, J.[Jongook] Lee, J.[Jinyong] Lee, J.[Jongeun] Lee, J.[Ji_Young] Lee, J.[Junghyup] Lee, J.[Jihyeon] Lee, J.[Jangho] Lee, J.[Jaekoo] Lee, J.[Jungwoo] Lee, J.[Jungsoo] Lee, J.[Junoh] Lee, J.[Junmyeong] Lee, J.[Jinsung] Lee, J.[Jaehyup] Lee, J.[Jaeho] Lee, J.[John] Lee, J.[Jinwon] Lee, J.[Jieun] Lee, J.[Jimin] Lee, J.[Jaemin] Lee, J.[Junhoo] Lee, J.[Jaesung] Lee, J.[Jemin] Lee, J.[Joosung] Lee, J.[Jingyo] Lee, J.[Jungho] Lee, J.[Joonwhoan] Lee, J.[Jay] Lee, J.[Junghye] Lee, J.[Junghee] Lee, J.[Jaeuk] Lee, J.[Junsung] Lee, J.[Jewook] Lee, J.[Janghyeon] Lee, J.[Jungwon] Lee, J.[Jiyun] Lee, J.[Jinsil] Lee, J.[Jaeyoung] Lee, J.[Junghwan] Lee, J.[Juyeob] Lee, J.[Junyoung] Lee, J.[Jaehyun] Lee, J.[Jeongmin] Lee, J.[Jack] Lee, J.[Jinhyung] Lee, J.[Jumin] Lee, J.[Junho] Lee, J.[Jaekyung] Lee, J.[Jonguk] Lee, J.[Joong] Lee, J.[Jaewoong] Lee, J.[Jonathan] Lee, J.[Jemyung] Lee, J.[Junsuk] Lee, J.[Jihyo] Lee, J.[Jaehwan] Lee, J.[Junhyun] Lee, J.[Junehyung] Lee, J.[Jeabin] Lee, J.[Juhun] Lee, J.[Jeongguk] Lee, J.[Junmin] Lee, J.[James] Lee, J.[Jinkyu] Lee, J.[Junwoo] Lee, J.[Jinsol] Lee, J.[Jiwon] Lee, J.[Jongmin] Lee, J.[Jeehwan] Lee, J.[JoonHo] Lee, J.[Jiye] Lee, J.[Jungeon] Lee, J.[Jenny] Lee, J.[Jaeeun] Lee, J.[Junseok] Lee, J.[Jwajin] Lee, J.[Junghan] Lee, J.[Jaehan] Lee, J.[Jehoon] Lee, J.[Jaehyeon] Lee, J.[Jooyeon] Lee, J.[Jinseon] Lee, J.[Jeonghee] Lee, J.[Joonyeong] Lee, J.[Joonsang] Lee, J.[Jino] Lee, J.[Juheon] Lee, J.[Jinseok] Lee, J.[Jaayeon] Lee, J.[Jinhee] Lee, J.[Junghsi] Lee, J.[Jeongho] Lee, J.[Johan] Lee, J.[Jeongki] Lee, J.[Jiwan] Lee, J.[Jaese] Lee, J.[Joonjae] Lee, J.[Jung] Lee, J.[Jungeun] Lee, J.[Jongwuk] Lee, J.[Josh] Lee, J.[Joohyun] Lee, J.[Jaeil] Lee, J.[Jin] Lee, J.[Jaeeung] Lee, J.[Jusung] Lee, J.[Joohyung] Lee, J.[Jaebong] Lee, J.[Jaeha] Lee, J.[Jongwook] Lee, J.[Junhee] Lee, J.[Jaekyeong] Lee, J.[Jee_Hang] Lee, J.[JongMin] Lee, J.[Joohyoung] Lee, J.[JoonYoung] Lee, J.[Julian] Lee, J.[Jongsung] Lee, J.[Jayoung] Lee, J.[Jihoon] Lee, J.[Jihoo] Lee, J.[Juyong] Lee, J.[Jihu] Lee, J.[Jisoo] Lee, J.[Junhyeok] Lee, J.[Joosoon] Lee, J.[Jessy] Lee, J.[Jiyeon] Lee, J.[Jaesun] Lee, J.[Junghyun] Lee, J.[Joanna] Lee, J.[Jason] Lee, J.[Jeonghoon] Lee, J.[Joohan] Lee, J.[Joonho] Lee, J.[Jeongkyu] Lee, J.[Junghoon]
495 for Lee, J.
Lee, J.A.[Jimmy Addison]
Co Author Listing * Appearance-based object recognition using weighted longest increasing subsequence
* BIND: Binary Integrated Net Descriptors for Texture-Less Object Recognition
* BORDER: An Oriented Rectangles Approach to Texture-Less Object Recognition
* Combining Invariant and Corner-Like Features to Optimize Image Matching
* Comparative Study With New Accuracy Metrics for Target Volume Contouring in PET Image Guided Radiation Therapy
* Contrast Enhancement Using Adaptively Modified Histogram Equalization
* Edge-Preserving Filtering of Images with Low Photon Counts
* Effect of a nonplanar wavefront in spotlight-mode synthetic aperture radar
* Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in the urinary bladder: the effect of inflammation and edema on identification of malignancy
* F-SORT: An Alternative for Faster Geometric Verification
* Image Recognition for Mobile Applications
* Image-Based Information Guide on Mobile Devices
* Integrated Noise Modeling for Image Sensor Using Bayer Domain Images
* Locating Corresponding Regions in Urban Environments
* low-dimensional step pattern analysis algorithm with application to multimodal retinal image registration, A
* Modeling of urban industrial economy through utilization of thermal band
* Multi-organ Segmentation of Chest CT Images in Radiation Oncology: Comparison of Standard and Dilated UNet
* Real-Time Texture-less Object Recognition on Mobile Devices
* Robust matching of building facades under large viewpoint changes
* RONELD: Robust Neural Network Output Enhancement for Active Lane Detection
* Runway Imaging from an Approaching Aircraft Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Scale-independent quality criteria for dimensionality reduction
* Subjective Image-Quality Estimation Based on Psychophysical Experimentation
* Winscale: an image-scaling algorithm using an area pixel model
Includes: Lee, J.A.[Jimmy Addison] Lee, J.A. Lee, J.A.[Jin-Aeon] Lee, J.A.[John A.] Lee, J.A.[Jung Ah] Lee, J.A.[Jin A.]
24 for Lee, J.A.
Lee, J.A.C.[Jung Ah Choi]
Co Author Listing * Effectiveness of spatially-variant apodization
* Spatially Variant Apodization for Image Reconstruction from Partial Fourier Data
Includes: Lee, J.A.C.[Jung Ah Choi] Lee, J.A.C.
Lee, J.B.[Jae Bin]
Co Author Listing * Adjustment for Discrepancies Between ALS Data Strips Using a Contour Tree Algorithm
* Egocoord: Self-calibrated Egocentric 3d Body Pose Estimation Using Pixel-wise Coordinate Encoding
* Improvement the Positional Accuracy of the 3D Terrain Data Extracted from IKONOS-2 Satellite Imagery
* Indoor Traveling Salesman Problem (ITSP) Path Planning
* Inverse Histogram-Based Clustering Approach to Seafloor Segmentation from Bathymetric Lidar Data
* Motion-Based Conceptual Space Model to Support 3D Evacuation Simulation in Indoor Environments, A
* Moxifloxacin-Based Extended Depth-of-Field Fluorescence Microscopy for Real-Time Conjunctival Goblet Cell Examination
* MPEG4 Shape Coding with Morphological Enhancement
* Optimal buffered compression and coding mode selection for MPEG-4 shape coding
* Optimal shape coding under buffer constraints
* Ozone Continues to Increase in East Asia Despite Decreasing NO2: Causes and Abatements
* P-Frame Transcoding in VC-1 to H.264 Transcoders
* Pathology Deep Learning System Capable of Triage of Melanoma Specimens Utilizing Dermatopathologist Consensus as Ground Truth *, A
* Programmable Deblocking Filter Architecture for a VC-1 Video Decoder
* Satellite-Based Diagnosis and Numerical Verification of Ozone Formation Regimes over Nine Megacities in East Asia
* Spatio-Temporal Model-Assisted Compatible Coding for Low and Very Low Bitrate Videotelephony
* Spatio-temporal model-assisted very low-bit-rate coding with compatibility
* VC-1 and H.264 Video Compression Standards for Broadband Video Services, The
Includes: Lee, J.B.[Jae Bin] Lee, J.B.[Jae-Bin] Lee, J.B.[Jong-Bae] Lee, J.B.[Jinwoo Brian] Lee, J.B.[Jung-Bin] Lee, J.B.[Jae-Beom] Lee, J.B.[Jae-Bum] Lee, J.B.[Jason B.] Lee, J.B.
18 for Lee, J.B.
Lee, J.C.[Joo Chan]
Co Author Listing * Compact 3D Gaussian Representation for Radiance Field
* Computation Approach for Quantitative Dielectric Constant from Time Sequential Data Observed by CYGNSS Satellites
* Continuous Memory Representation for Anomaly Detection
* Copy-move image forgery detection based on Gabor magnitude
* Demonstration of Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network Based on VCSEL Array
* Development of Cross Section Management System in Tunnel Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technique
* Dorsal hand vein recognition based on directional filter bank
* Dorsal hand vein recognition based on EP-tree
* Empirical Mode Decomposition Approach for Iris Recognition, An
* Extraction of Geometric Information on Highway Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology
* Fault tree based diagnostics using fuzzy logic
* Image Watermarking Scheme with Hidden Signatures, An
* Masked Wavelet Representation for Compact Neural Radiance Fields
* Matching range images of human faces
* Mixed-Signal VLSI Neuroprocessor for Image Restoration, A
* Novel Approach for Iris Recognition Using Local Edge Patterns, A
* novel biometric system based on palm vein image, A
* On fast supervised learning for normal mixture models with missing information
* Order-ViT: Order Learning Vision Transformer for Cancer Classification in Pathology Images
* Recognizing Human Iris by Modified Empirical Mode Decomposition
* VLSI Neuroprocessors for Video Motion Detection
Includes: Lee, J.C.[Joo Chan] Lee, J.C.[Jun-Chan] Lee, J.C.[Jen-Chun] Lee, J.C.[Jyung Chan] Lee, J.C.[Jong Chool] Lee, J.C.[Jong-Chool] Lee, J.C. Lee, J.C.[Jong Chan] Lee, J.C.[Jack C.] Lee, J.C.[Ju Cheon]
21 for Lee, J.C.
Lee, J.C.M.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Video Data Structuring Through Shot Partitioning and Key-Frame Computing
* Average Optimal Vector Transform for VQ-Based Image and Video Compression
* Color image segmentation and parameter estimation in a markovian framework
* Efficient and Effective Texture Classification Approach Using a New Notion in Wavelet Theory, An
* Efficient Scene Change Detection and Camera Motion Annotation for Video Classification
* Enhancing Object Recognition Using Regency and Cooccurrence Heuristics
* Special Issue: Image Databases
* Video Annotation by Motion Interpretation Using Optical-Flow Streams
* VIMS: A Video Information Management System
Includes: Lee, J.C.M. Lee, J.C.M.[John Chung-Mong]
9 for Lee, J.C.M.
Lee, J.D.
Co Author Listing * 3D Photographs in Cultural Heritage
* 3d Textured Modelling of Both Exterior And Interior of Korean Styled Architectures
* Adaptive ICP Registration for Facial Point Data, An
* Analysis of Concrete Reflectance Characteristics Using Spectrometer and VNIR Hyperspectral Camera
* Assessing Route Choice to Mitigate Older Driver Risk
* BARNet: Boundary Aware Refinement Network for Crack Detection
* Brain MRI/SPECT Registration System Using an Adaptive Similarity Metric: Application on the Evaluation of Parkinson's Disease, A
* Changes in the Correlation Between Eye and Steering Movements Indicate Driver Distraction
* Close range vehicle detection and tracking by vehicle lights
* Correcting DEM Extracted from Aster Stereo Images by Combining Cartographic DEM
* Determining Location and Orientation of a Labelled Cylinder Using Point-Pair Estimation Algorithm
* Diagnostic Application of Brain Image Processing and Analysis System for Ischemic Stroke, The
* Differentiating Alcohol-Induced Driving Behavior Using Steering Wheel Signals
* Driver-Pedestrian Perceptual Models Demonstrate Coupling: Implications for Vehicle Automation
* Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Scheduling In-Vehicle Messages, A
* Effect of Vehicle Automation Styles on Drivers' Emotional State, The
* Efficient Halftoning Based on Multiple Look-Up Tables
* Face recognition based on a two-view projective transformation using one sample per subject
* Filling gaps in cultural heritage documentation by 3D photography
* Halftone Image Classification Using LMS Algorithm and Naive Bayes
* High efficient Direct Binary Search using Multiple Lookup Tables
* Imaging a Sustainable Future in 3D
* Improving MMI with enhanced-FCM for the fusion of brain MR and SPECT images
* Influence of Familiarity on the Driving Behavior, Route Risk, and Route Choice of Older Drivers
* Interdependence in Vehicle-Pedestrian Encounters and its Implications for Vehicle Automation
* Inverse Halftoning Based on Bayesian Theorem
* Inverse Halftoning Based on the Bayesian Theorem
* Inverse Halftoning With Context Driven Prediction
* MR Image Segmentation Using a Power Transformation Approach
* Multi-polyhedron reconstruction in a three-view system using relaxation
* Novel Driving Pattern Recognition and Status Monitoring System, A
* Novel Multi-stage Classifier for Face Recognition, A
* Ocular Recognition for Blinking Eyes
* Oriented Modulation for Watermarking in Direct Binary Search Halftone Images
* Panoramic Face Recognition
* Real-Time Detection of Driver Cognitive Distraction Using Support Vector Machines
* Remote Virtual-Surgery Training and Teaching System, A
* Secure Watermarking for JPEG-2000, A
* Three-Dimensional Topology Preserving Reduction on the 4-Subfields
* Tone-Replacement Error Diffusion for Multitoning
* Watermarking for position-mapping-based halftoning
Includes: Lee, J.D. Lee, J.D.[Jiann-Der] Lee, J.D.[Jin-Duk] Lee, J.D.[John D.] Lee, J.D.[Jainn-Der]
41 for Lee, J.D.
Lee, J.E.[Jeong Eun]
Co Author Listing * Characteristics of the Bright Band Based on Quasi-Vertical Profiles of Polarimetric Observations from an S-Band Weather Radar Network
* Content-based image retrieval: An application to tattoo images
* Gaze estimation using a webcam for region of interest detection
* Image Retrieval in Forensics: Tattoo Image Database Application
* Morphological geodesic active contour algorithm for the segmentation of the histogram-equalized welding bead image edges
* Rank-based distance metric learning: An application to image retrieval
* Real-Time Calibration and Monitoring of Radar Reflectivity on Nationwide Dual-Polarization Weather Radar Network
* Reducing the Pain: A Novel Tool for Efficient Ground-Truth Labelling in Images
* Segmentation with saliency map using colour and depth images
* Tattoo Image Matching and Retrieval
* Unpaired MR Motion Artifact Deep Learning Using Outlier-Rejecting Bootstrap Aggregation
* Unsupervised Ensemble Ranking: Application to Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Vertical Profiles of PM2.5 and O3 Measured Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Their Relationships with Synoptic- and Local-Scale Air Movements
* Volumetric Object Reconstruction Using the 3D-MRF Model-Based Segmentation
Includes: Lee, J.E.[Jeong Eun] Lee, J.E.[Jeong-Eun] Lee, J.E.[Jung-Eun] Lee, J.E. Lee, J.E.[Jae Eun] Lee, J.E.[Ji-Eun] Lee, J.E.[Ju Eun]
14 for Lee, J.E.
Lee, J.F.[Jeng Feng]
Co Author Listing * On 3D Model Construction by Fusing Heterogeneous Sensor Data
* Orientation-based Unique Representation for Planar Curves and Shapes
* Unification Scheme for 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Physically Based Models
Includes: Lee, J.F.[Jeng Feng] Lee, J.F.[Jeng-Feng]
Lee, J.G.[Jae Gil]
Co Author Listing * Active Prompt Learning in Vision Language Models
* Building an Indoor Digital Twin: A Use-Case for a Hospital Digital Twin to Analyze COVID-19 Transmission
* Classification of gene-expression data: The manifold-based metric learning way
* Computer-Assisted Diagnosis for Quantitative Image-Based Analysis of Crohn's Disease in CT Enterography
* Deep chest X-ray: Detection and classification of lesions based on deep convolutional neural networks
* Development of a High Resolution 3D Infant Stomach Model for Surgical Planning
* Discriminative Method For Semi-Automated Tumorous Tissues Segmentation of MR Brain Images, A
* Estimation of Necrosis Volumes in Focal Liver Lesions Based on Multi-phase Hepatic CT Images
* Evaluation of Space Filling Curves for Lower-Dimensional Transformation of Image Histogram Sequences
* Graph Based Multi-class Semi-supervised Learning Using Gaussian Process
* MG-TAR: Multi-View Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Accident Risk Prediction
* Mosaic Decomposition: An Electronic Cleansing Method for Inhomogeneously Tagged Regions in Noncathartic CT Colonography
* Tightly-coupled spatial database features in the Odysseus/OpenGIS DBMS for high-performance
* Visual object recognition using probabilistic kernel subspace similarity
Includes: Lee, J.G.[Jae Gil] Lee, J.G.[Jae-Gil] Lee, J.G.[Jun-Gi] Lee, J.G.[Jian-Guo] Lee, J.G.[June-Goo] Lee, J.G.[Jeong-Gyu] Lee, J.G.[Jeong-Gon] Lee, J.G.
14 for Lee, J.G.
Lee, J.H M.
Co Author Listing * Bibliographic Attributes Extraction with Layer-upon-Layer Tagging
Includes: Lee, J.H M. Lee, J.H-M.
Lee, J.H.[Jing Huei]
Co Author Listing * 3D Method of Using Spatial-Varying Gaussian Mixture and Local Information to Segment MR Brain Volumes
* Accurate and Efficient 3D Human Pose Estimation Algorithm Using Single Depth Images for Pose Analysis in Golf
* Adapting Models to Scarce Target Data Without Source Samples
* Algorithm for Improved Stereoscopic Cloud-Top Height Retrieval Based on Visible and Infrared Bands for Himawari-8 and FY-4A
* Ambiguity-aware robust teacher (ART): Enhanced self-knowledge distillation framework with pruned teacher network
* Analysis of the BOLD characteristics in pass-band bSSFP fMRI
* Analysis on Coupled Line Cameras Using Projective Geometry
* Application adaptation methods of gesture recognition based user interface
* Artistic Line Drawing Rendering With Priors of Depth and Edge Density
* Automatic Segmentation of MR Brain Images Using Spatial-Varying Gaussian Mixture and Markov Random Field Approach
* Balanced steady state free precession fMRI
* Bathymetric Inversion and Uncertainty Estimation from Synthetic Surf-Zone Imagery with Machine Learning
* Bias-Corrected RADARSAT-2 Soil Moisture Dynamics Reveal Discharge Hysteresis at An Agricultural Watershed
* Bilinear Illumination Model for Robust Face Recognition, A
* Bimodal Vertex Splitting: Acceleration of Quadtree Triangulation for Terrain Rendering
* Block motion estimation based on selective integral projections
* CAIR-2: Intelligent Mobile Robot for Guidance and Delivery
* Camera calibration from a single image based on coupled line cameras and rectangle constraint
* Classification of Bluffing Behavior and Affective Attitude from Prefrontal Surface Encephalogram During On-Line Game
* Cloud Top-Height Retrieval Algorithm Using Simultaneous Observations from the Himawari-8 and FY-2E Satellites, A
* Cluster-Promoting Quantization with Bit-Drop for Minimizing Network Quantization Loss
* color halftoning algorithm for low-bit flat panel displays, A
* Color Noise Reduction Method in Non-constant Luminance Signal for High Dynamic Range Video Service
* Complexity reduction algorithm for prediction unit decision process in high efficiency video coding
* Compression of hyperspectral images
* Computationally efficient, real-time motion recognition based on bio-inspired visual and cognitive processing
* Constructing heads from 3D models and 2D silhouettes
* Coordinate-Invariant Approach to Multiresolution Motion Analysis, A
* Deep Hough Voting for Robust Global Registration
* Demonstration of Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network Based on VCSEL Array
* Demonstration of Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network Based on VCSEL Array
* Depth Map Decomposition for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Design and Implementation of Two-Dimensional Fully Recursive Digital Filters
* Design of Two-Channel IIR Filter Banks with Arbitrary Group Delay
* Design of two-channel linear-phase QMF banks based on real IIR all-pass filters
* Design of two-channel low-delay IIR nonuniform-division filter banks using L1 error criteria
* Detection of Strong NOX Emissions from Fine-scale Reconstruction of the OMI Tropospheric NO2 Product
* Development of a Truck-Mounted Arc-Scanning Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Difference-Frequency MUSIC for DOAs
* Digital Color Halftoning
* Direct Encoding for Sampled Color Pictures with Location Consideration
* Direction-of-Departure and Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Algorithm Based on Compressive Sensing: Data Fitting
* DPICT: Deep Progressive Image Compression Using Trit-Planes
* Edge Direction-Based Simple Resampling Algorithm
* Effects of Upstream Incoherent Crosstalk Caused by ASE Noise from Tx-Disabled ONUs in XG-PONs and TWDM-PONs
* Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* efficient architecture for motion estimation and compensation in the transform domain, An
* efficient detection of vanishing points using inverted coordinates image space, An
* Efficient Diffusion-driven Corruption Editor for Test-time Adaptation
* Efficient Forward Solver in Electrical Impedance Tomography by Spectral Element Method, An
* Efficient Single-image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* Enhancement of interlaced images by fuzzy reasoning approach
* Enriching a motion database by analogous combination of partial human motions
* Entropy difference-based early skip detection technique for high-efficiency video coding
* Exmatch: Self-Guided Exploitation for Semi-Supervised Learning with Scarce Labeled Samples
* Fast and Adaptive Method to Estimate Texture Statistics by the Spatial Gray Level Dependence Matrix for Texture Image Segmentation, A
* Fast encoding algorithm for high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) system based on spatio-temporal correlation
* fast multi-resolution block matching algorithm and its LSI architecture for low bit-rate video coding, A
* Fast partial distortion elimination based on a maximum error constraint for motion estimation
* FeatLoc: Absolute pose regressor for indoor 2D sparse features with simplistic view synthesizing
* Feature2Mass: Visual Feature Processing in Latent Space for Realistic Labeled Mass Generation
* Finding optimal views for 3D face shape modeling
* Finite Scalar Quantization as Facial Tokenizer for Dyadic Reaction Generation
* Flat Panel Light-Field 3-D Display: Concept, Design, Rendering, and Calibration
* Fully Recursive Filter: A General 2-D Recursive Filter, The
* Gesture recognition system based on Adaptive Resonance Theory
* Globally Optimal Object Tracking with Complementary Use of Single Shot Multibox Detector and Fully Convolutional Network
* Group inference of default-mode networks from functional magnetic resonance imaging data: comparison of random- and mixed-effects group statistics
* Handheld iris imaging apparatus and method
* High-Dimensional Convolutional Networks for Geometric Pattern Recognition
* High-quality Non-blind Image Deconvolution
* High-quality non-blind image deconvolution with adaptive regularization
* Human motion control with physically plausible foot contact models
* iCaps: An Interpretable Classifier via Disentangled Capsule Networks
* ICE-NeRF: Interactive Color Editing of NeRFs via Decomposition-Aware Weight Optimization
* IGNORE: Information Gap-based False Negative Loss Rejection for Single Positive Multi-label Learning
* Image analysis as a tool for printer characterization and halftoning algorithm development
* Impact of 2D and 3D display watching on EEG power spectra: A standardized low-resolution tomography (sLORETA) study
* Improved Adaptive Smoothing Method, An
* Improving the Accuracy of Vehicle Position in an Urban Environment Using the Outlier Mitigation Algorithm Based on GNSS Multi-Position Clustering
* Independent vector analysis (IVA) for group fMRI processing of subcortical area
* Infrared transmission for intervehicle ranging and vehicle-to-roadside communication systems using spread-spectrum technique
* Inkjet Printer Model-Based Halftoning
* Integrated approach of multiple face detection for video surveillance
* Integrated Drought Monitoring and Evaluation through Multi-Sensor Satellite-Based Statistical Simulation
* International Survey on Automated and Electric Vehicles: Austria, Germany, South Korea, and USA, An
* Investigation of spectrally coherent resting-state networks using non-negative matrix factorization for functional MRI data
* It's All In the Teacher: Zero-Shot Quantization Brought Closer to the Teacher
* iterative method of palette-based image steganography, An
* Language Model Personalization for Speech Recognition: A Clustered Federated Learning Approach With Adaptive Weight Average
* Laplacian Patch-Based Image Synthesis
* Learning Multiple Pixelwise Tasks Based on Loss Scale Balancing
* Learning with Structural Labels for Learning with Noisy Labels
* Listening-oriented response generation by exploiting user responses
* Masked Spatial Propagation Network for Sparsity-Adaptive Depth Refinement
* MCSIP Net: Multichannel Satellite Image Prediction via Deep Neural Network
* Memory-restricted latent semantic analysis to accumulate term-document co-occurrence events
* Method and apparatus of recognizing face using 2nd-order independent component analysis (ICA)/principal component analysis (PCA)
* Method of and apparatus for motion estimation of video data
* Method to Improve the Stego-Image Quality for Palette-Based Image Steganography, A
* Minimax Design of Recursive Digital-Filters with a Lattice Denominator
* Minimax Design of Two-Channel IIR QMF Banks with Arbitrary Group Delay
* Minimax design of two-channel low-delay perfect-reconstruction FIR filter banks
* Model-based 3D face capture with shape-from-silhouettes
* Modernizing Old Photos Using Multiple References via Photorealistic Style Transfer
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Relative Depth Maps
* MPEG reconfigurable graphics coding framework: Overview and applications
* MR Brain Imaging Segmentation Based On Spatial Gaussian Mixture Model And Markov Random Field
* Multi-Level Confined Error Diffusion Algorithm for Flat Panel Display
* Multi-loss Rebalancing Algorithm for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Multi-Mode Modulator for Multi-Domain Few-Shot Classification, A
* Multi-sensor image registration based on intensity and edge orientation information
* Multilevel Post-Processing for Korean Character-Recognition Using Morphological Analysis and Linguistic Evaluation
* Multiple Face Model of Hybrid Fourier Feature for Large Face Image Set
* Neurofeedback fMRI-mediated learning and consolidation of regional brain activation during motor imagery
* neuroprotective effect of a traditional herbal (kyung-ok-ko) on transient middle cerebral artery occlusion-Induced ischemic rat brain, The
* New Chain-Coding Algorithm for Binary Images Using Run-Length Codes, A
* new distortion measure for motion estimation in motion-compensated hybrid video coding, A
* New Geometric Interpretation and Analytic Solution for Quadrilateral Reconstruction
* New Intra Luma Prediction Mode in H.264/AVC Using Collocated Weighted Chroma Pixel Value
* New Solution for Projective Reconstruction Based on Coupled Line Cameras, A
* new vertex-based binary shape coder for high coding efficiency, A
* New VLSI Architecture of a Hierarchical Motion Estimator for Low Bit-rate Video Coding, A
* Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* Noiseless GPU rendering of isotropic BRDF surfaces
* Noisy and incomplete fingerprint classification using local ridge distribution models
* Non-rigid Point Matching using Topology Preserving Constraints for Medical Computer Vision
* NormalFusion: Real-Time Acquisition of Surface Normals for High-Resolution RGB-D Scanning
* Novel Bias Correction Method for Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Soil Moisture: Retrieval Ensembles, A
* novel direction-finding method for cyclostationary signals, A
* Novel fast PU decision algorithm for the HEVC video standard
* Novel Low-Dose Dual-Energy Imaging Method for a Fast-Rotating Gantry-Type CT Scanner, A
* Novel Template Matching Scheme for Fast Full-Search Boosted by an Integral Image, A
* novel three-dimensional transform and its supporting tools for improving inter coding performance in H.264/AVC, A
* Old Is Gold: Redefining the Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier Training Paradigm
* One-Shot Structure-Aware Stylized Image Synthesis
* Online Video Segmentation by Bayesian Split-Merge Clustering
* PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signals Using a Reduced Complexity PTS Technique
* Part-aware Measurement for Robust Multi-View Multi-Human 3D Pose Estimation and Tracking
* Partial-update dimensionality reduction for accumulating co-occurrence events
* PeerAiD: Improving Adversarial Distillation from a Specialized Peer Tutor
* Perceptual Strength of 3-D Crosstalk in Both Achromatic and Color Images in Stereoscopic 3-D Displays
* Physically Based Susceptibility Assessment of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides Using a Fuzzy Point Estimate Method
* PNI: Industrial Anomaly Detection using Position and Neighborhood Information
* Propagation Regularizer for Semi-supervised Learning with Extremely Scarce Labeled Samples
* Protection Switching Methods for Point-to-Multipoint Connections in Packet Transport Networks
* Quantification and Standardized Description of Color Vision Deficiency Caused by Anomalous Trichromats: Part I: Simulation and Measurement
* Quantification and Standardized Description of Color Vision Deficiency Caused by Anomalous Trichromats: Part II: Modeling and Color Compensation
* Re-VoxelDet: Rethinking Neck and Head Architectures for High-Performance Voxel-based 3D Detection
* Real-Time 4K Super-Resolution of Compressed AVIF Images. AIS 2024 Challenge Survey
* real-time encoding and decoding system for nonlinear HDTV editor, A
* Real-Time HDR Video Tone Mapping Using High Efficiency Video Coding
* Real-time motion estimation based on event-based vision sensor
* Recognition of partially occluded objects using probabilistic ARG-based matching
* Recognizing 3D Objects with 3D Information from Stereo Vision
* Reduced Resolution Update method on transform domain for H.264/AVC, A
* Regression Tree CNN for Estimation of Ground Sampling Distance Based on Floating-Point Representation
* Regularized adaptive super-resolution using kernel estimation-based edge reconnection and kernel orientation constraints
* Regularized polychromatic reconstruction for transmission tomography
* Relation Enhanced Vision Language Pre-Training
* ResNet-Based Vehicle Classification and Localization in Traffic Surveillance Systems
* RIS-Assisted Secure UAV Communication Scheme Against Active Jamming and Passive Eavesdropping
* Robust CCD and IR Image Registration Using Gradient-Based Statistical Information
* Robust stereo matching using adaptive random walk with restart algorithm
* Safeguard Text-to-image Diffusion Models with Human Feedback Inversion
* Search Method of Time Sensitive Frequent Itemsets in Data Streams
* Segmentation of the lumen and media-adventitial borders in intravascular ultrasound images using a geometric deformable model
* Self-Reconfigurable Platform for Scalable DCT Computation Using Compressed Partial Bitstreams and BlockRAM Prefetching, A
* SetVAE: Learning Hierarchical Composition for Generative Modeling of Set-Structured Data
* Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* Simple and Effective Out-of-Distribution Detection via Cosine-based Softmax Loss
* Simplified Triangular Partitioning Mode in Versatile Video Coding
* Simultaneous Estimation of Rigid and Non-rigid Face Motion, A
* Single-image deblurring with neural networks: A comparative survey
* Single-Image Depth Estimation Using Relative Depths
* SNR Dependence of Optimal Parameters for Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Measurements
* Spatio-temporal Information-Based Simple Deinterlacing Algorithm
* SRTube: Video-Language Pre-Training with Action-Centric Video Tube Features and Semantic Role Labeling
* Stability-based validation of bicluster solutions
* Stabilizing Adversarially Learned One-Class Novelty Detection Using Pseudo Anomalies
* Statistical region selection for robust image stabilization using feature-histogram
* Stochastic Bias Correction and Uncertainty Estimation of Satellite-Retrieved Soil Moisture Products
* Study of Phase-Based Optical Flow Technique Using an Adaptive Bilateral Filter, The
* Subpixel rendering for diamond-shaped PenTile displays using patch-based adaptive filters
* Synchronization Error Compensation of Multi-view RGB-D 3D Modeling System
* text-based visual context modulation neural model for multimodal machine translation, A
* Texture Classification Method Using Multiple Space Filling Curves
* TextureFusion: High-Quality Texture Acquisition for Real-Time RGB-D Scanning
* Topology Preserving Relaxation Labeling for Nonrigid Point Matching
* Touchless hand gesture UI with instantaneous responses
* Towards Scalable Multi-View Reconstruction of Geometry and Materials
* Trap-Based Pest Counting: Multiscale and Deformable Attention CenterNet Integrating Internal LR and HR Joint Feature Learning
* Two-Dimensional IIR Filter Design with Magnitude and Phase Error Criteria
* Uniform depth region-based registration between colour channels and its application to single camera-based multifocusing
* Unsupervised Accuracy Estimation of Deep Visual Models using Domain-Adaptive Adversarial Perturbation without Source Samples
* Versatile depth estimator based on common relative depth estimation and camera-specific relative-to-metric depth conversion
* Versatile Incremental Learning: Towards Class and Domain-agnostic Incremental Learning
* Video Summarization and Retrieval System Using Face Recognition and MPEG-7 Descriptors
* Video-Text Compliance: Activity Verification Based on Natural Language Instructions
* VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VLSI architecture design of motion vector processor for H.264/AVC
* Wav2NeRF: Audio-driven realistic talking head generation via wavelet-based NeRF
* Weakly Supervised Segmentation of Small Buildings with Point Labels
* When Two Cameras Are a Crowd
* Zoom Motion Estimation Using Block-Based Fast Local Area Scaling
Includes: Lee, J.H.[Jing Huei] Lee, J.H.[Jing-Huei] Lee, J.H.[Jae-Ho] Lee, J.H.[Joon-Ho] Lee, J.H.[Jong-Hyuk] Lee, J.H.[Jae-Hyeok] Lee, J.H.[Jin Hyung] Lee, J.H.[Joo-Haeng] Lee, J.H.[Jin-Ho] Lee, J.H.[Jong-Hyun] Lee, J.H.[Ju Hyoung] Lee, J.H.[Jin-Hee] Lee, J.H.[Jae Hun] Lee, J.H. Lee, J.H.[Joo Hwan] Lee, J.H.[Jung Hyun] Lee, J.H.[Je-Ho] Lee, J.H.[Jong-Hyeok] Lee, J.H.[Jong-Hwa] Lee, J.H.[Jun Haeng] Lee, J.H.[Je-Hee] Lee, J.H.[Jun-Ha] Lee, J.H.[Jie Hyun] Lee, J.H.[Jong Hyun] Lee, J.H.[Jae-Han] Lee, J.H.[Jae-Hyeong] Lee, J.H.[Jeung-Hoon] Lee, J.H.[Jae-Hoon] Lee, J.H.[Joo-Hyun] Lee, J.H.[Joon-Hee] Lee, J.H.[Joo-Heung] Lee, J.H.[Jung-Hwa] Lee, J.H.[Jee-Hyong] Lee, J.H.[Joo-Ho] Lee, J.H.[Jong-Hwan] Lee, J.H.[James Henry] Lee, J.H.[Jong-Ho] Lee, J.H.[Jong-Ha] Lee, J.H.[Joo Han] Lee, J.H.[Jae Hong] Lee, J.H.[Joo-Heon] Lee, J.H.[Ju-Hwan] Lee, J.H.[Jia-Hong] Lee, J.H.[Jae-Hong] Lee, J.H.[Joo Ho] Lee, J.H.[Jong H.] Lee, J.H.[Ji Hyung] Lee, J.H.[Jun-Hak] Lee, J.H.[Ju-Ho] Lee, J.H.[Jae Hak] Lee, J.H.[Jeong-Hwan] Lee, J.H.[Jee-Hong] Lee, J.H.[Jung-Ho] Lee, J.H.[Jin-Hak] Lee, J.H.[Jae-Hun] Lee, J.H.[Jun Ha] Lee, J.H.[Ju-Hong] Lee, J.H.[Jin-Ha] Lee, J.H.[Jung-Hyun] Lee, J.H.[Jae-Hyeon] Lee, J.H.[Jong Hwa] Lee, J.H.[Jin Hak] Lee, J.H.[Ji-Hyo] Lee, J.H.[Ju-Hee] Lee, J.H.[Jin Han] Lee, J.H.[Ju Hwan] Lee, J.H.[Jong Hyuk] Lee, J.H.[Jang-Ho] Lee, J.H.[Jeong-Hwa] Lee, J.H.[Ji-Hoon]
206 for Lee, J.H.
Lee, J.I.[Jeong In]
Co Author Listing * Deforming NURBS Surfaces to Target Curves for Immersive VR Sketching
Includes: Lee, J.I.[Jeong In] Lee, J.I.[Jeong-In]
Lee, J.J.[Jong Jae]
Co Author Listing * 3D GPR Image-based UcNet for Enhancing Underground Cavity Detectability
* 3D Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Data Using Moving Least Square Method
* Accurate segmentation of land regions in historical cadastral maps
* AdaBoost for Text Detection in Natural Scene
* Adaptive nonlocal range filter in depth map coding
* Adaptive Vocabulary Forests for Dynamic Indexing and Category Learning
* Analysis of mode correlation between texture and depth images in multi-view video plus depth format
* Automatic Segmentation and Registration of Lung Surfaces in Temporal Chest CT Scans
* Automatic Skull Segmentation and Registration for Tissue Change Measurement After Mandibular Setback Surgery
* Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation From CT Datasets
* Depth manipulation using disparity histogram analysis for stereoscopic 3D
* Digital Subtraction CT Lung Perfusion Image Based on 3D Affine Registration
* Directional Filter Bank-Based Fingerprint Feature Extraction and Matching
* Edge-aware intra prediction for depth-map coding
* Effect of a synthesized depth view on multi-view rendering quality
* Efficient Object Recognition and Image Retrieval for Large-Scale Applications
* efficient scattered data approximation using multilevel B-splines based on quasi-interpolants, An
* Evaluating the Correlation between Thermal Signatures of UAV Video Stream versus Photomosaic for Urban Rooftop Solar Panels
* Extracting and Combining Multimodal Directional Iris Features
* Facial and Eye Gaze Detection
* Fast concurrent object classification and localization
* Fast concurrent object localization and recognition
* Fingerprint Matching Based on Directional Image Feature in Polar Coordinate System
* Fingerprint Matching Using the Distribution of the Pairwise Distances Between Minutiae
* Gaze position detection by computing the three dimensional facial positions and motions
* Iris Feature Extraction and Matching Based on Multiscale and Directional Image Representation
* Iris Recognition in Wearable Computer
* Iris-Based Personal Authentication Using a Normalized Directional Energy Feature
* Knowledge-based gear-position decision
* LIBPMK: A Pyramid Match Toolkit
* Multi-View Video Coding Based on High Efficiency Video Coding
* New Lookup Tables and Searching Algorithms for Fast H.264/AVC CAVLC Decoding
* Object Segmentation Ensuring Consistency Across Multi-Viewpoint Images
* Real-Time CNN Training and Compression for Neural-Enhanced Adaptive Live Streaming
* Region-based adaptive bilateral filter in depth map coding
* Residual coding of depth map with transform skipping
* Scalable classifiers for Internet vision tasks
* Singular point detection by shape analysis of directional fields in fingerprints
* Stereo Correspondence Using the Hopfield Neural-Network of a New Energy Function
* Stereo Matching Algorithm-Based on Modified Wavelet Decomposition Process
* Tree-d Fusion: Simulation-ready Tree Dataset from Single Images with Diffusion Priors
* Video Sequence Matching Using Singular Value Decomposition
* View synthesis for mixed resolution multivew 3D videos
Includes: Lee, J.J.[Jong Jae] Lee, J.J.[Jong-Jae] Lee, J.J.[Joon-Jae] Lee, J.J.[Jeong-Jin] Lee, J.J.[Jung-Jin] Lee, J.J.[Jae-Joon] Lee, J.J.[John J.] Lee, J.J. Lee, J.J.[Joon Jae] Lee, J.J.[Jung-Joo] Lee, J.J.[Jeong Jun] Lee, J.J.[Ju-Jang] Lee, J.J.[Jae-Jin] Lee, J.J.[Jun Jae] Lee, J.J.[Jun-Jae] Lee, J.J.[Jae Joong]
43 for Lee, J.J.
Lee, J.K.
Co Author Listing * Accurate Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Convolutional Networks
* Automated detection of solar loops by the oriented connectivity method
* Automatic Modelling Method for Steel Structures Using Photogrammetry
* BIM: Image matching using biological gene sequence alignment
* complex cepstrum applied to two-dimensional images, The
* Conversion Scheme for DCT-Domain Transcoding of MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC
* Deeply-Recursive Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Dynamic Aperture-based Solar Loop Segmentation
* Efficiency Improvement of Bridge Maintenance and Inspection By An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Error-Pooling Empirical Bayes Model for Enhanced Statistical Discovery of Differential Expression in Microarray Data
* Exploring GPU- and Cluster-Based Improvements for Over-Sampled Volume Ray Casting Opacity Correction
* GPS-Based Radio Tomography With Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Half-Pixel Correction for MPEG-2/H.264 Transcoding
* HMM-Based Character-Recognition Network Using Level Building, An
* Joint Estimation of Camera Orientation and Vanishing Points from an Image Sequence in a Non-Manhattan World
* Joint Layout Estimation and Global Multi-view Registration for Indoor Reconstruction
* Manual for Monitoring Wild Boars (Sus scrofa) Using Thermal Infrared Cameras Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), A
* Method for FEA-Based Design of Heterogeneous Objects, A
* Online Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Characters Based on Hidden Markov-Models
* Oriented connectivity-based method for segmenting solar loops
* Re-VoxelDet: Rethinking Neck and Head Architectures for High-Performance Voxel-based 3D Detection
* Real-time joint estimation of camera orientation and vanishing points
* Recovery of 3D Solar Magnetic Field Model Parameter Using Image Structure Matching
* robust fuzzy-bilateral filtering method and its application to video deinterlacing, A
* ROMA: Run-Time Object Detection To Maximize Real-Time Accuracy
* Temporally Consistent Road Surface Profile Estimation Using Stereo Vision
* Three-Point Direct Stereo Visual Odometry
* Very fast ellipse detection using GPU-based RHT
* Video linkage: group based copied video detection
* Visibility-based modelling and control for network-based robotics
* Visibility-Based Test Scene Understanding by Real Plane Search
Includes: Lee, J.K. Lee, J.K.[Jong Kwan] Lee, J.K.[Jeong-Kyu] Lee, J.K.[James K.] Lee, J.K.[Joo-Kyong] Lee, J.K.[Jong Kook] Lee, J.K.[Jeong-Kyun] Lee, J.K.[Jong-Koo] Lee, J.K.[Jin-Koo] Lee, J.K.[Jae-Keun] Lee, J.K.[Jong-Kyu] Lee, J.K.[Jun-Kyu] Lee, J.K.[Jae-Kyu]
31 for Lee, J.K.
Lee, J.L.[Jie Long]
Co Author Listing * DiSR-NeRF: Diffusion-Guided View-Consistent Super-Resolution NeRF
* Edge-based segmentation of 3-D magnetic resonance images
Includes: Lee, J.L.[Jie Long] Lee, J.L.
Lee, J.M.[Jang Myung]
Co Author Listing * Applications of moving windows technique to autonomous vehicle navigation
* Assessing spatial probabilistic distributional differences in the common space between schizophrenics and normal controls based on a novel automated probabilistic pattern analysis method
* Attention-Based Ensemble for Deep Metric Learning
* Attentive Semantic Alignment with Offset-Aware Correlation Kernels
* Collaborative drawing shared between mobile devices using MQTT
* Comparative Study of Rotation Angle Estimation Methods Based on Complex Moments, A
* Construction of metadata of video for effective video search
* Contour Matching in Omnidirectional Images
* Contrast Enhancement Using Adaptively Modified Histogram Equalization
* Coregistration of Small Animal PET and Autoradiography for in vivo-ex vivo Comparison
* Development of translation telephone system by using MQTT protocol
* Falsification Detection System for IoV Using Randomized Search Optimization Ensemble Algorithm
* Feature correspondence and deformable object matching via agglomerative correspondence clustering
* Fully automated pipeline for quantification and localization of white matter hyperintensity in brain magnetic resonance image
* Graph Matching Algorithm Using Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling, A
* Hyper-graph matching via reweighted random walks
* Image-Based Absolute Positioning System for Mobile Robot Navigation
* implementation of searchable video player, An
* Learning to Compose Hypercolumns for Visual Correspondence
* Multi-scale Local Implicit Keypoint Descriptor for Keypoint Matching
* Multi-view Automatic Lip-Reading Using Neural Network
* Neural-edge-based vehicle detection and traffic parameter extraction
* New Shape Description Method Using Angular Radial Transform, A
* Omnidirectional Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction by Contour Matching
* Regional thinning of cerebral cortical thickness in first-episode and chronic schizophrenia
* Reweighted Random Walks for Graph Matching
* simulation of multiple grouping movements for pedestrians, A
* Specular highlight region restoration using image clustering and inpainting
* U-Mosquitto: extension of Mosquitto broker for delivery of urgent MQTT message
Includes: Lee, J.M.[Jang Myung] Lee, J.M.[Jong-Min] Lee, J.M.[Jung-Min] Lee, J.M.[Jae Moon] Lee, J.M.[Jae-Man] Lee, J.M.[Jong-Myung] Lee, J.M.[Joung-Min] Lee, J.M.[Jae-Min] Lee, J.M.[Jang-Myung] Lee, J.M. Lee, J.M.[Jong Min]
29 for Lee, J.M.
Lee, J.N.[Jae N.]
Co Author Listing * GEO-GEO Stereo Observation of Diurnal Cloud Variations over the Eastern Pacific, A
* Interannual Variations of TOA Albedo over the Arctic, Antarctic and Tibetan Plateau in 2000-2019
* Investigation on Seasonal and Diurnal Cycles of TOA Shortwave Radiations from DSCOVR/EPIC, CERES, MERRA-2, and ERA5, An
* MISR Radiance Anomalies Induced by Stratospheric Volcanic Aerosols
* Modeling Quiet Solar Luminosity Variability from TSI Satellite Measurements and Proxy Models during 1980-2018
* Sensitivity of Polar Mesospheric Clouds to Mesospheric Temperature and Water Vapor, The
Includes: Lee, J.N.[Jae N.] Lee, J.N.[Jae Nyung]
Lee, J.P.Y.
Co Author Listing * Online Clustering Algorithms for Radar Emitter Classification
Lee, J.Q.[Jie Qi]
Co Author Listing * Brain-Computer Interface for Mental Arithmetic Task from Single-Trial Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Brain Signals, A
Lee, J.R.[Jeong Ryong]
Co Author Listing * Relevance-CAM: Your Model Already Knows Where to Look
Lee, J.R.H.[J. R. Hou]
Co Author Listing * TimeConvNets: A Deep Time Windowed Convolution Neural Network Design for Real-time Video Facial Expression Recognition
Lee, J.R.J.
Co Author Listing * mathematical morphology approach to image based 3D particle shape analysis, A
Lee, J.S.[Jui Sheng]
Co Author Listing * 3D depth map generation for embedded stereo applications
* Accelerating Multi-Label Feature Selection Based on Low-Rank Approximation
* Accurate Spatial Gene Expression Prediction by Integrating Multi-Resolution Features
* Adversarially Robust Deep Image Super-resolution Using Entropy Regularization
* Ambiguity of objective image quality metrics: A new methodology for performance evaluation
* Analysis of Class Separation and Combination of Class-Dependent Features for Handwriting Recognition
* Anomaly Score: Evaluating Generative Models and Individual Generated Images Based on Complexity and Vulnerability
* Application of Mixture Regression for Improved Polarimetric SAR Speckle Filtering
* Assessing Land Cover Classification Accuracy: Variations in Dataset Combinations and Deep Learning Models
* Assessment of hydrogen fluoride damage to vegetation using optical remote sensing data
* Assessment of System Polarization Quality for Polarimetric SAR Imagery and Target Decomposition
* Assessment of the GNSS-RTK for Application in Precision Forest Operations
* Binary classification trees for multi-class classification problems
* Binocular Fusion Revisited Utilizing a Log-Polar Tessellation
* class-modularity for character recognition, A
* Classification comparisons between dual-pol, compact polarimetric and quad-pol SAR imagery
* Color face image enhancement using adaptive singular value decomposition in fourier domain for face recognition
* Compact Polarimetry Based on Symmetry Properties of Geophysical Media: The pi/4 Mode
* Comparison of Compact Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Modes
* Comparison of objective quality metrics on the scalable extension of H.264/AVC
* Compensation of Terrain Azimuthal Slope Effects in Geophysical Parameter Studies Using Polarimetric SAR Data
* Construction Of Disaster Prevention Map Based On Digital Imagery
* Contrast-Adaptive Removable Visible Watermarking (CARVW) mechanism
* Convergence analysis of connection center evolution and faster clustering
* DEAP: A Database for Emotion Analysis Using Physiological Signals
* Decomposition of Submesoscale Ocean Wave and Current Derived from UAV-Based Observation
* Deep Geodesic Learning for Segmentation and Anatomical Landmarking
* Deep Image Destruction: Vulnerability of Deep Image-to-Image Models against Adversarial Attacks
* Design and Modeling of the Generally Adopted Progressive Image Transmission Regulator and Its Application
* Development and Initial Results of a Brain PET Insert for Simultaneous 7-Tesla PET/MRI Using an FPGA-Only Signal Digitization Method
* Digital Image Enhancement and Noise Filtering by Use of Local Statistics
* Digital Image Smoothing and the Sigma Filter
* Distortion-free secret image sharing mechanism using modulus operator
* Dual Digital Watermarking for Internet Media Based on Hybrid Strategies
* Dynamic bandwidth allocation for multiple VBR MPEG video sources
* EEG-Based Emotional Video Classification via Learning Connectivity Structure
* Effect of Orientation Angle Compensation on Coherency Matrix and Polarimetric Target Decompositions, The
* effective motion vector re-estimation method for low bit-rate video transcoding, An
* Efficient video coding based on audio-visual focus of attention
* Electrical Resistance Imaging of Two-Phase Flow Through Rod Bundles
* Embodied User Interface for Increasing Physical Activities in Game, An
* End-to-End Vision Transformer Approach for Image Copy Detection, An
* Endocardial boundary detection using a neural network
* Enhanced fuzzy-logic-based power-assisted control with user-adaptive systems for human-electric bikes
* Enhanced Ridge Structure for Improving Fingerprint Image Quality Based on a Wavelet Domain
* Estimation and analysis of urban traffic flow
* Evaluating Robustness of Deep Image Super-Resolution Against Adversarial Attacks
* Evaluation of objective quality metrics for multidimensional video scalability
* EvoTunes: Crowdsourcing-Based Music Recommendation
* Exmatch: Self-Guided Exploitation for Semi-Supervised Learning with Scarce Labeled Samples
* Exploring Adversarial Robustness of Vision Transformers in the Spectral Perspective
* Face Recognition Based on Projected Color Space With Lighting Compensation
* Facet Approach to Optic Flow, The
* Fast multi-label feature selection based on information-theoretic feature ranking
* Fast Road Detection by CNN-Based Camera-Lidar Fusion and Spherical Coordinate Transformation
* Feature Extraction for Bank Note Classification Using Wavelet Transform
* Feature selection for multi-label classification using multivariate mutual information
* First Person Action Recognition via Two-stream ConvNet with Long-term Fusion Pooling
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Synthetic Aperture Radar Technologies and Techniques
* Frame Based Multiple Description Image Coding in the Wavelet Domain
* Gaze pattern analysis for video contents with different frame rates
* Generalized Polarimetric Model-Based Decompositions Using Incoherent Scattering Models
* Generative Adversarial Network-Based Image Super-Resolution Using Perceptual Content Losses
* Hierarchical Blur Identification from Severely Out-of-Focus Images
* Hierarchical hub location problem for freight network design
* High-Frequency Preserving Image Downscaler
* Highly Accurate Recognition of Printed Korean Characters Through an Improved Grapheme Recognition Method
* Highly accurate recognition of printed Korean characters through an improved two-stage classification method
* Hough Transform Modified By Line Connectivity And Line Thickness
* Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection
* IGNORE: Information Gap-based False Negative Loss Rejection for Single Positive Multi-label Learning
* Implicit Analysis of Perceptual Multimedia Experience Based on Physiological Response: A Review
* Improved Sigma Filter for Speckle Filtering of SAR Imagery
* Integer Quantized Learned Image Compression
* Integration of Optical and Radar Classifications for Mapping Pasture Type in Western Australia
* Intensity-Driven Adaptive-Neighborhood Technique for Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Parameters Estimation
* Iterative Object Localization Algorithm Using Visual Images with a Reference Coordinate
* Joint Global and Local Hierarchical Priors for Learned Image Compression
* Just One Moment: Structural Vulnerability of Deep Action Recognition against One Frame Attack
* Learning with Structural Labels for Learning with Noisy Labels
* Local and Global Collaboration for Object Detection Enhancement with Information Redundancy
* Local search-embedded genetic algorithms for feature selection
* Localization of epileptogenic zones in F-18 FDG brain PET of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy using artificial neural network
* LSTC-rPPG: Long Short-Term Convolutional Network for Remote Photoplethysmography
* Method for extracting object region
* Morphologic Edge Detection
* Moving Target Tracking Algorithm Based on the Confidence Measure of Motion Vectors
* Multi-Label Learning Using Mathematical Programming
* Multiscale Corner Detection by Using Wavelet Transform
* Multitarget association and tracking in 3-D space based on particle filter with joint multitarget probability density
* Naked image detection based on adaptive and extensible skin color model
* New Algorithm to Estimate Chlorophyll-A Concentrations in Turbid Yellow Sea Water Using a Multispectral Sensor in a Low-Altitude Remote Sensing System, A
* New Technique for Noise Filtering of SAR Interferometric Phase Images
* Nonstationary phase boundary estimation in electrical impedance tomography using unscented Kalman filter
* Novel Illumination-Balance Technique for Improving the Quality of Degraded Text-Photo Images, A
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* Object Identification From Multiple Images Based on Point Matching Under A General Transformation
* Occluded objects recognition using multiscale features and Hopfield neural networks
* Occluded Objects Recognition Using Multiscale Features and Hopfield Neural-Network
* On Designing Paired Comparison Experiments for Subjective Multimedia Quality Assessment
* On Evaluating Perceptual Quality of Online User-Generated Videos
* On the estimation of radar polarization orientation shifts induced by terrain slopes
* On the transformed entropy-constrained vector quantizers employing Mandala block for image coding
* Open-Vocabulary Video Question Answering: A New Benchmark for Evaluating the Generalizability of Video Question Answering Models
* Optimization approach for feature selection in multi-label classification
* Orientation Angle Preserving A Posteriori Polarimetric SAR Calibration
* Particle Swarm Optimization Technique For Elliptic Region Boundary stimation In Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Passive sensor based dynamic object association with particle filtering
* Polarimetric SAR Data Compensation for Terrain Azimuth Slope Variation
* Polarimetric SAR Speckle Filtering and Its Implication for Classification
* Polarimetric SAR Speckle Filtering and the Extended Sigma Filter
* Polarization Orientation Angle and Polarimetric SAR Scattering Characteristics of Steep Terrain
* Pragmatic Approach to the Design of Advanced Precision Terrain-Aided Navigation for UAVs and Its Verification, A
* Prediction of Car Design Perception Using EEG and Gaze Patterns
* Projection onto the Narrow Vector Quantization Constraint Set for Postprocessing of Vector Quantized Images
* Rate-Constrained Hierarchical Grid Interpolation for Object-Based Motion Compensation, A
* Refined Filtering of Interferometric Phase From InSAR Data
* Refined Noise Filtering Using Local Statistics
* Renovating Contaminative Image Archives Based on Patch Propagation and Adaptive Confidence Collation
* requantization algorithm for the transcoding of JPEG images, A
* Rethinking Online Knowledge Distillation with Multi-Exits
* RII: Renovating the irregular illumination of digital image archives
* Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Based on Late Integration
* Sargassum Detection Using Machine Learning Models: A Case Study with the First 6 Months of GOCI-II Imagery
* Scattering-Model-Based Speckle Filtering of Polarimetric SAR Data
* SCLS: Multi-label feature selection based on scalable criterion for large label set
* Self-Recognized Image Protection Technique that Resists Large-Scale Cropping
* Semantic-Preserving Metric Learning for Video-Text Retrieval
* Similarity of Neural Architectures Using Adversarial Attack Transferability
* Simple Speckle Smoothing Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, A
* Single Scatter Model for X-ray CT Energy Spectrum Estimation and Polychromatic Reconstruction, A
* Speckle Analysis and Smoothing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Speckle filtering and coherence estimation of polarimetric SAR interferometry data for forest applications
* Study Of Insurance Premium Rate Gis Mapping Considering The Storm And Flood Hazard Risks, The
* study on the elements of game development using the content of the Nuri curriculum, A
* Study on the Monitoring of Floating Marine Macro-Litter Using a Multi-Spectral Sensor and Classification Based on Deep Learning, A
* Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Compressed 4K UHD Videos for Immersive Experience
* Subjective Quality Evaluation via Paired Comparison: Application to Scalable Video Coding
* Surface roughness and slope measurements using polarimetric SAR data
* Suspended Sediment Concentration Estimation along Turbid Water Outflow Using a Multispectral Camera on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Synthesizing the Artistic Effects of Ink Painting
* Systematic Approach to Identify Shipping Emissions Using Spatio-Temporally Resolved TROPOMI Data, A
* Target Detection and Texture Segmentation in Polarimetric SAR Images Using a Wavelet Frame: Theoretical Aspects
* Temporal resolution vs. visual saliency in videos: Analysis of gaze patterns and evaluation of saliency models
* Temporal synchronization in stereoscopic video: Influence on quality of experience and automatic asynchrony detection
* Texture and speckle statistics in polarimetric SAR synthesized images
* Threshold Selection Using Estimates from Truncated Normal Distribution
* Time-Lagged Ensemble Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts for Three Landfalling Typhoons in the Philippines Using the CReSS Model, Part II: Verification Using Global Precipitation Measurement Retrievals
* Topographic Mapping Using Polarimetric SAR Data
* Towards high efficiency video coding: Subjective evaluation of potential coding technologies
* TREND: Truncated Generalized Normal Density Estimation of Inception Embeddings for GAN Evaluation
* Two-Level Bimodal Association for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Unsupervised Classification of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Using Fuzzy Clustering and EM Clustering
* Unsupervised Classification Using Polarimetric Decomposition and the Complex Wishart Classifier
* Unsupervised segmentation of dual-polarization SAR images based on amplitude and texture characteristics
* Unsupervised Terrain Classification Preserving Polarimetric Scattering Characteristics
* use of fully polarimetric information for the fuzzy neural classification of SAR images, The
* Using Class Separation for Feature Analysis and Combination of Class-Dependent Features
* Utilizing Consistency Context for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Video Cataloging System for Real-Time Scene Change Detection of News Video
* ViPLO: Vision Transformer Based Pose-Conditioned Self-Loop Graph for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Wavelet Based Corner Detection
* Wavelet Transformation for Gray-Level Corner Detection
* Wide Color Gamut Image Content Characterization: Method, Evaluation, and Applications
Includes: Lee, J.S.[Jui Sheng] Lee, J.S.[Jui-Sheng] Lee, J.S.[Jae-Sung] Lee, J.S.[Joo Sang] Lee, J.S.[Jong-Seok] Lee, J.S.[Jin-Seon] Lee, J.S. Lee, J.S.[Jung-Soo] Lee, J.S.[Jong-Sen] Lee, J.S.[Jiann-Shu] Lee, J.S.[Jung-San] Lee, J.S.[Jae Sung] Lee, J.S.[Jeong Su] Lee, J.S.[June-Sok] Lee, J.S.[Jeong Seong] Lee, J.S.[Juck-Sik] Lee, J.S.[Jiahe Steven] Lee, J.S.[Jin-Shyan] Lee, J.S.[Joon-Soo] Lee, J.S.[Jin-Seop] Lee, J.S.[Jong Soo] Lee, J.S.[Jae-Seol] Lee, J.S.[Jin S.] Lee, J.S.[Jin Su] Lee, J.S.[Jin-Soo] Lee, J.S.[Jin-Seok] Lee, J.S.[Jun Seong] Lee, J.S.[Jin Soo] Lee, J.S.[Jong Seok] Lee, J.S.[Ji Soo] Lee, J.S.[Jung-Shin] Lee, J.S.[Jun Seo] Lee, J.S.[Jhih-Shian] Lee, J.S.[Jun-Suk] Lee, J.S.[Ji-Sun] Lee, J.S.[Jae Seung] Lee, J.S.[Jin-Sung]
164 for Lee, J.S.
Lee, J.S.H.[Janice Ser Huay]
Co Author Listing * Comprehensive Database of Indonesian Dams and Its Spatial Distribution, A
Lee, J.S.J.[James S.J.]
Co Author Listing * Context Dependent Edge Detection
* Context Dependent Edge Detection and Evaluation
* Multi-Resolution Morphology
* Novel Approach to Real-Time Motion Detection, A
Includes: Lee, J.S.J.[James S.J.] Lee, J.S.J.
Lee, J.T.[Jung Tae]
Co Author Listing * Content-based mobile spam classification using stylistically motivated features
* Deep Learning-Based Vehicle Classification Using an Ensemble of Local Expert and Global Networks
* Depth-guided adaptive contrast enhancement using 2D histograms
* Efficient Action Recognition via Dynamic Knowledge Propagation
* ELLAR: An Action Recognition Dataset for Extremely Low-light Conditions with Dual Gamma Adaptive Modulation
* Few-Shot Common Action Localization via Cross-Attentional Fusion of Context and Temporal Dynamics
* Iddiffuse: Dual-conditional Diffusion Model for Enhanced Facial Image Anonymization
* large-scale benchmark dataset for event recognition in surveillance video, A
* Leaky Gated Cross-Attention for Weakly Supervised Multi-Modal Temporal Action Localization
* Learning 2d Human Poses for Better 3d Lifting via Multi-model 3d-guidance
* Moving Shadow Detection from Background Image and Deep Learning
* Multi-Scale Temporal Feature Fusion for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Photographic composition classification and dominant geometric element detection for outdoor scenes
* Pruning-guided feature distillation for an efficient transformer-based pose estimation model
* Real-time detection of illegally parked vehicles using 1-D transformation
* Real-Time Illegal Parking Detection in Outdoor Environments Using 1-D Transformation
* Recognizing human-vehicle interactions from aerial video without training
* Semantic Line Detection and Its Applications
* Semantic Line Detection Using Mirror Attention and Comparative Ranking and Matching
* Task-Agnostic Open-Set Prototype for Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition
* Video scene analysis of interactions between humans and vehicles using event context
* View independent recognition of human-vehicle interactions using 3-D models
Includes: Lee, J.T.[Jung Tae] Lee, J.T.[Jung-Tae] Lee, J.T. Lee, J.T.[Jun-Tae] Lee, J.T.[Jong Taek]
22 for Lee, J.T.
Lee, J.W.[Jong W.]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Segmentation of Remote-Sensing Images for Aerial Surveillance
* analysis of a stochastic differential approach for langevine comepetitive learning algorithm, The
* Artificial Neural Network Model Development to Predict Theft Types in Consideration of Environmental Factors
* Assessing the Applicability of Mobile Laser Scanning for Mapping Forest Roads in the Republic of Korea
* B-Spline Texture Coefficients Estimator for Screen Content Image Super-Resolution
* Bit allocation for MPEG-4 video coding with spatio-temporal tradeoffs
* Color Image Enhancement in HSV Space Using Nonlinear Transfer Function and Neighborhood Dependent Approach with Preserving Details
* Combining self-learning based super-resolution with denoising for noisy images
* Compact class-conditional domain invariant learning for multi-class domain adaptation
* comparative study on the sign-language communication systems between Korea and Japan through 2D and 3D character models on the Internet, A
* Comparison of three bounding regions with cubic convergence to planar freeform curves
* Content-based image classification using a neural network
* CT-SRCNN: Cascade Trained and Trimmed Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Super Resolution
* Delivery Format for Unified Stereoscopic Video Content Transmissions over Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Scheme, A
* Designing Extremely Memory-efficient CNNs for On-device Vision Tasks
* Detecting Re-captured Videos Using Shot-Based Photo Response Non-Uniformity
* Domain described support vector classifier for multi-classification problems
* Dual learning based compression noise reduction in the texture domain
* Dynamic Characterization of Cluster Structures for Robust and Inductive Support Vector Clustering
* Dynamic pattern denoising method using multi-basin system with kernels
* Effective Comparison Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Efficient and Scalable Simulation Model for Autonomous Vehicles With Economical Hardware, An
* Enhancing perceptual quality of watermarked high-definition video through composite mask
* Extraction of Line Features in a Noisy Image
* Face Representation Method Using Pixel-to-Vertex Map (PVM) for 3D Model Based Face Recognition
* Fast Frame Type Selection Technique for Very Low Bit Rate Coding using MPEG-1, A
* Fast support-based clustering method for large-scale problems
* Field-based stereoscopic video codec for multiple display methods
* Frugal 3d Point Cloud Model Training via Progressive Near Point Filtering and Fused Aggregation
* Fused DNN: A Deep Neural Network Fusion Approach to Fast and Robust Pedestrian Detection
* Fuzzy Similarity-Based Emotional Classification of Color Images
* Generating Transferable Adversarial Examples for Speech Classification
* GradDiv: Adversarial Robustness of Randomized Neural Networks via Gradient Diversity Regularization
* hybrid watermarking scheme for CCL-applied video contents, A
* Image Super Resolution Based on Fusing Multiple Convolution Neural Networks
* Implicit Neural Image Stitching With Enhanced and Blended Feature Reconstruction
* Improved Cluster Labeling Method for Support Vector Clustering, An
* Improving Radar Data Assimilation Forecast Using Advanced Remote Sensing Data
* Improving the utility of differentially private clustering through dynamical processing
* In-Distribution Public Data Synthesis With Diffusion Models for Differentially Private Image Classification
* Interaction Paradigms for Air Traffic Control and Management in Mixed Reality
* Joint Clock and Frequency Synchronization for OFDM-Based Cellular Systems
* Joint Optimization of Block Size and Quantization for Quadtree Based Motion Estimation
* Joint optimization of frame type selection and bit allocation for MPEG video encoders
* Joint super-resolution and compression artifact reduction based on dual-learning
* L3: Accelerator-Friendly Lossless Image Format for High-Resolution, High-Throughput DNN Training
* Lane estimation by particle-filtering combined with likelihood computation of line boundaries and motion compensation
* Lane-Curve Detection Based on an LCF, A
* lane-departure identification based on LBPE, Hough transform, and linear regression, A
* Learning Local Implicit Fourier Representation for Image Warping
* Learning representative exemplars using one-class Gaussian process regression
* Learning Robot Activities from First-Person Human Videos Using Convolutional Future Regression
* Least squares approach for predictive coding of 3-D images
* Local Texture Estimator for Implicit Representation Function
* Machine Vision System for Lane-Departure Detection, A
* MAP-Based probabilistic reasoning to vehicle segmentation
* Method and apparatus for video data compression using temporally adaptive motion interpolation
* MPEG-4 video object-based rate allocation with variable temporal rates
* New image quality metric using derivative filters and compressive sensing
* Nonlinear Transfer Function-Based Image Detail Preserving Dynamic Range Compression for Color Image Enhancement
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Optimal quadtree for variable block size motion estimation
* Parameterized quantization matrix adaptation for video encoding
* Point Cloud Augmentation with Weighted Local Transformations
* Rate-distortion optimization of parametrized quantization matrix for MPEG-2 encoding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Frame Type Selection for MPEG Encoding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Motion Smoothing for MPEG-2 Encoding
* Real time color purity and convergence measurement algorithms for automatic ITC adjustment system
* Real-World Super-Resolution using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Region-based tampering detection and recovery using homogeneity analysis in quality-sensitive imaging
* Reluifying Smooth Functions: Low-cost Knowledge Distillation to Obtain High-performance Relu Networks
* Screenshot identification by analysis of directional inequality of interlaced video
* Semantic-Aware Implicit Template Learning via Part Deformation Consistency
* Sentiment visualization and classification via semi-supervised nonlinear dimensionality reduction
* Shape-indifferent stereo disparity based on disparity gradient estimation
* Some Accuracy and Resolution Aspects of Computer Vision Distance Measurements
* SPECT reconstruction with sub-sinogram acquisitions
* Subband Video Coding with Scene-Adaptive Hierarchical Motion Estimation
* Temporally adaptive motion interpolation exploiting temporal masking in visual perception
* Variational cycle-consistent imputation adversarial networks for general missing patterns
* Very Fast Concentric Circle Partition-Based Replica Detection Method
* Vision-Based Self-localization of Autonomous Guided Vehicle Using Landmarks of Colored Pentagons
* X-Net-Based Radar Data Assimilation Study over the Seoul Metropolitan Area
Includes: Lee, J.W.[Jong W.] Lee, J.W.[Jeun-Woo] Lee, J.W.[Jae-Wook] Lee, J.W.[Joon-Woo] Lee, J.W.[Jae-Won] Lee, J.W.[Jeong-Woo] Lee, J.W.[Joon-Whoan] Lee, J.W.[Jong-Woo] Lee, J.W.[Jae Won] Lee, J.W.[Jung-Won] Lee, J.W.[Jang-Won] Lee, J.W.[Ji-Won] Lee, J.W. Lee, J.W.[Joon-Woong] Lee, J.W.[Jong-Weon] Lee, J.W.[Jung-Woo] Lee, J.W.[Jinh-Wan] Lee, J.W.[Jae W.] Lee, J.W.[Jong Weon] Lee, J.W.[Joon Woong] Lee, J.W.[Jung Woo] Lee, J.W.[Jong-Woon] Lee, J.W.[Jeong-Whan] Lee, J.W.[Jun-Woo]
84 for Lee, J.W.
Lee, J.W.T.[John W.T.]
Co Author Listing * Hierarchical clustering based on ordinal consistency
* Improving Text Classifier Performance based on AUC
Includes: Lee, J.W.T.[John W.T.] Lee, J.W.T.[John W. T.]
Lee, J.X.[Jun Xian]
Co Author Listing * Video Object Segmentation Using Kernel-based Models and Spatiotemporal Similarity
Includes: Lee, J.X.[Jun Xian] Lee, J.X.[Jun-Xian]
Lee, J.Y.[Juhn Young]
Co Author Listing * Absolute: An Information Visualization System for Decision Support in Sourcing
* Activity Identification Utilizing Data Mining Techniques
* Adaptive competition for motion vector prediction in multi-view video coding
* Adaptive fractional motion and disparity estimation skipping in MV-HEVC
* Adaptive Intra-Frame Assignment and Bit-Rate Estimation for Variable GOP Length in H.264
* Adaptive Reduction Procedure for the Piecewise Linear Approximation of Digitized Curves, An
* Analysis of mode correlation between texture and depth images in multi-view video plus depth format
* Anatomy of Video Editing: A Dataset and Benchmark Suite for AI-Assisted Video Editing, The
* APES: Audiovisual Person Search in Untrimmed Video
* Applicability of 3DVE Indicator for Cultural Heritage Landscape Management
* AttentionNet: Aggregating Weak Directions for Accurate Object Detection
* Automatic Content-Aware Color and Tone Stylization
* Automatic generation of structured hyperdocuments from document images
* Automatic Generation of Structured Hyperdocuments from Multi-column Document Images
* Bridge to Answer: Structure-aware Graph Interaction Network for Video Question Answering
* Bridging Images and Videos: A Simple Learning Framework for Large Vocabulary Video Object Detection
* CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module
* Cluster-based WSN protocol that improves network lifetime through CH replacement
* CMSNet: Deep Color and Monochrome Stereo
* Color Transfer Using Probabilistic Moving Least Squares
* COMPASS: High-Efficiency Deep Image Compression with Arbitrary-scale Spatial Scalability
* Complementary Sets of Shutter Sequences for Motion Deblurring
* Complex-Valued Disparity: Unified Depth Model of Depth from Stereo, Depth from Focus, and Depth from Defocus Based on the Light Field Gradient
* Concept Weaver: Enabling Multi-Concept Fusion in Text-to-Image Models
* Construction and inspection management system using mobile augmented reality
* Contemplating Visual Emotions: Understanding and Overcoming Dataset Bias
* Content-Aware Supervision for Diffusion-Based Restoration of Extremely Compressed Background for VCM
* Context-Aware Emotion Recognition Networks
* Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Anomaly Detection in Multi-Illumination/Focus Display Images
* Cubic Convolution Scaler Optimized for Local Property of Image Data
* Deep Blind Video Decaptioning by Temporal Aggregation and Recurrence
* Deep Defocus Map Estimation Using Domain Adaptation
* Deep Video Inpainting
* Defining a Model for Integrating Indoor and Outdoor Network Data to Support Seamless Navigation Applications
* Defining Geospatial Data Fusion Methods Based On Topological Relationships
* Defining Spatial Neighborhoods for 3D Topological Analysis in Indoor Space
* Dense Hand-object (ho) Graspnet with Full Grasping Taxonomy and Dynamics
* Dense Pixel-Level Interpretation of Dynamic Scenes With Video Panoptic Segmentation
* Dense Text-to-Image Generation with Attention Modulation
* Depth based two-step disparity vector derivation for AVS2-3D
* Depth-Based Texture Coding in AVC-Compatible 3D Video Coding
* Design and implementation of an interactive HMD for wearable AR system
* Determining Location and Orientation of a Labelled Cylinder Using Point-Pair Estimation Algorithm
* Developing a Model to Express Spatial Relationships on Omnidirectional Images for Indoor Space Representation to Provide Location-Based Services
* Development of fixed and mobile hybrid 3DTV for next generation terrestrial DTV
* Discriminative action tubelet detector for weakly-supervised action detection
* DIVeR: Real-time and Accurate Neural Radiance Fields with Deterministic Integration for Volume Rendering
* Dual-Path Adaptation from Image to Video Transformers
* Dynamic search-window adjustment and interlaced search for block-matching algorithm
* Effect of a synthesized depth view on multi-view rendering quality
* efficient and fast mode decision method for inter slice of H.264/AVC, An
* Efficient coding mode decision in MPEG-4 part-10 AVC/H.264 main profile
* Efficient Parallel Audio Generation Using Group Masked Language Modeling
* Efficient Synthesis-Based Depth Map Coding in AVC-Compatible 3D Video Coding
* End-to-End Learnable Multi-Scale Feature Compression for VCM
* Enhanced classification of focal hepatic lesions in ultrasound images using novel texture features
* Exemplar-Based Open-Set Panoptic Segmentation Network
* Face Parsing from RGB and Depth Using Cross-Domain Mutual Learning
* Fast and Efficient Multi-View Depth Image Coding Method Based on Temporal and Inter-View Correlations of Texture Images, A
* Fast Coding Mode Selection With Rate-Distortion Optimization for MPEG-4 Part-10 AVC/H.264
* Fast Mode Decision Method Based on Motion Cost and Intra Prediction Cost for H.264/AVC, A
* Fast partial distortion elimination based on a maximum error constraint for motion estimation
* Fast User-Guided Video Object Segmentation by Interaction-And-Propagation Networks
* Fast Video Object Segmentation by Reference-Guided Mask Propagation
* FBRNN: Feedback Recurrent Neural Network for Extreme Image Super-Resolution
* FEATS: Synthetic Feature Tracks for Structure from Motion Evaluation
* Fine-Scale Surface Normal Estimation Using a Single NIR Image
* Fix the Noise: Disentangling Source Feature for Controllable Domain Translation
* FlowTrack: Revisiting Optical Flow for Long-Range Dense Tracking
* Fluttering Pattern Generation Using Modified Legendre Sequence for Coded Exposure Imaging
* FS-NCSR: Increasing Diversity of the Super-Resolution Space via Frequency Separation and Noise-Conditioned Normalizing Flow
* Generalized Framework for Video Instance Segmentation, A
* Generating Fluttering Patterns with Low Autocorrelation for Coded Exposure Imaging
* Harivo: Harnessing Text-to-image Models for Video Generation
* Hierarchical Memory Matching Network for Video Object Segmentation
* Hierarchical Visual Primitive Experts for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* High dynamic range imaging by a rank-1 constraint
* high performance and low complexity sampling-based intra coding method for H.264/AVC, A
* High Quality Shape from a Single RGB-D Image under Uncalibrated Natural Illumination
* human-oriented image retrieval system using interactive genetic algorithm, A
* I See-Through You: A Framework for Removing Foreground Occlusion in Both Sparse and Dense Light Field Images
* Im2Hands: Learning Attentive Implicit Representation of Interacting Two-Hand Shapes
* Image coding by fitting RBF-surfaces to subimages
* Image Navigation: A Massively Interactive Model for Similarity Retrieval of Images
* IMIL: Interactive Medical Image Learning Framework
* Improved Depth-Based Motion Vector Prediction in 3D Video Coding
* Improving transmission method of a cluster head node in a two-level wireless sensor network
* Indoor Space Subspacing Framework for Implementing a 3D Hierarchical Network-Based Topological Data Model, An
* Integrating Pose and Mask Predictions for Multi-person in Videos
* InterHandGen: Two-Hand Interaction Generation via Cascaded Reverse Diffusion
* Iterative Filter Adaptive Network for Single Image Defocus Deblurring
* Language-free Training for Zero-shot Video Grounding
* Learning a Deep Convolutional Network for Light-Field Image Super-Resolution
* Learning to Associate Every Segment for Video Panoptic Segmentation
* Learning to Blend Photos
* Learning Video Representations From Correspondence Proposals
* Light-Field Image Super-Resolution Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Local All-pair Correspondence for Point Tracking
* Long-range Multimodal Pretraining for Movie Understanding
* Looking into Your Speech: Learning Cross-modal Affinity for Audio-visual Speech Separation
* MaGGIe: Masked Guided Gradual Human Instance Matting
* Mapping Sugarcane in Central India with Smartphone Crowdsourcing
* Markerless augmented reality system based on planar object tracking
* Mask-Guided Matting in the Wild
* Memory Attention: Robust Alignment Using Gating Mechanism for End-to-End Speech Synthesis
* Method of fingerprint verification
* MMT: An Emerging MPEG Standard for Multimedia Delivery over the Internet
* Modeling photo composition and its application to photo re-arrangement
* monotonic-decreasing rate scheduler for variable-bit-rate video streaming, A
* Motion-compensated layered video coding for playback scalability
* Multi-Image Deblurring Using Complementary Sets of Fluttering Patterns
* Multi-Modal Recurrent Attention Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-scale foreground-background separation for light field depth estimation with deep convolutional networks
* Multi-scale pyramid pooling for deep convolutional representation
* Multi-Temporal Analysis of Forest Fire Probability Using Socio-Economic and Environmental Variables
* Mutual Interference Suppression Using Wavelet Denoising in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems
* New Lookup Tables and Searching Algorithms for Fast H.264/AVC CAVLC Decoding
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Learning the Super-Resolution Space
* on-line signature verification system using hidden markov model in polar space, An
* One-Day Outdoor Photometric Stereo Using Skylight Estimation
* One-day outdoor photometric stereo via skylight estimation
* One-Trimap Video Matting
* Optimal Camera Geometry and Performance Analysis of a Trinocular Vision System, The
* Panel-specific Degradation Representation for Raw Under-display Camera Image Restoration
* ParamISP: Learned Forward and Inverse ISPs Using Camera Parameters
* PatchMatch-Based Neighborhood Consensus for Semantic Correspondence
* PatchMatch-RL: Deep MVS with Pixelwise Depth, Normal, and Visibility
* Per-Clip Video Object Segmentation
* Personal driving diary: Automated recognition of driving events from first-person videos
* Personal driving diary: Constructing a video archive of everyday driving events
* Physically-Based Rendering for Indoor Scene Understanding Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Pin the Memory: Learning to Generalize Semantic Segmentation
* PointFix: Learning to Fix Domain Bias for Robust Online Stereo Adaptation
* Polygonal Point Set Tracking
* Polyhedron Recognition Using Three-View Analysis
* Polyhedron Reconstruction Using Three-View Analysis
* Pop-Out Motion: 3D-Aware Image Deformation via Learning the Shape Laplacian
* POSTECH face database (PF07) and performance evaluation, The
* Probabilistic moving least squares with spatial constraints for nonlinear color transfer between images
* Probabilistic Representations for Video Contrastive Learning
* Protection Switching Methods for Point-to-Multipoint Connections in Packet Transport Networks
* Prototype-Guided Attention Distillation for Discriminative Person Search
* Putting the Object Back into Video Object Segmentation
* Radiometric Calibration by Rank Minimization
* Radiometric calibration by transform invariant low-rank structure
* Rate Control Algorithm for DCT-Based Video Coding Using Simple Rate Estimation and Linear Source Model, A
* Real-time motion detection based on Discrete Cosine Transform
* Real-Time Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy using Lightweight Transformer
* Real-Time System for Counting the Number of Passing People Using a Single Camera
* Realistic Blur Synthesis for Learning Image Deblurring
* Recurrent Temporal Aggregation Framework for Deep Video Inpainting
* Reduction of Aliasing Artifacts by Sign Function Approximation in Light Field Depth Estimation Based on Foreground-Background Separation
* Reference-Based Video Super-Resolution Using Multi-Camera Video Triplets
* Refining faster-RCNN for accurate object detection
* Reflectance Capture Using Univariate Sampling of BRDFs
* Region-Based Representations Revisited
* Region-Based Wavelet Transform For Image Compression
* Restoration of Extremely Compressed Background for VCM Using Guided Generative Priors
* Robot Location Determination In A Complex Environment By Multiple Marks
* Robust Binary Feature Using the Intensity Order
* Robust Computer Vision Techniques for High-Quality 3D Modeling
* Robust High Dynamic Range Imaging by Rank Minimization
* Robust upright adjustment of 360 spherical panoramas
* Self-Balanced Learning for Domain Generalization
* Semantic-guided de-attention with sharpened triplet marginal loss for visual place recognition
* Signaling of a downloadable hybrid 3DTV service system using broadcast and broadband channels
* Simple and Light-Weight Attention Module for Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Single Image Defocus Deblurring Using Kernel-Sharing Parallel Atrous Convolutions
* Skin Condition Estimation Using Mobile Handheld Camera
* Smart Traffic Monitoring System Using Computer Vision and Edge Computing
* SNAC: Speaker-Normalized Affine Coupling Layer in Flow-Based Architecture for Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker Text-to-Speech
* Space-Time Memory Networks for Video Object Segmentation With User Guidance
* Spatial Access-Oriented Implementation of a 3-D GIS Topological Data Model for Urban Entities, A
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Impact of Population Mobility on Local Business Sales in Response to COVID-19 in Seoul, Korea
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Nighttime Crimes in Vienna, Austria
* Specular Detection and Rendering for Immersive Multimedia
* Specular highlight removal using Quaternion transformer
* Stereo Matching with Color and Monochrome Cameras in Low-Light Conditions
* Study of relationship between a session of video games with respect to the permanent time frames of gaming process
* Studying the Effects of Self-Attention for Medical Image Analysis
* Studying the Impact of Augmentations on Medical Confidence Calibration
* Sumgraph: Video Summarization via Recursive Graph Modeling
* Temporal and inter-view skip modes for multi-view video coding
* Temporal Domain Neural Encoder for Video Representation Learning
* Three Recipes for Better 3D Pseudo-GTs of 3D Human Mesh Estimation in the Wild
* Topology-Based Component Extractor for Understanding Electronic Circuit Diagrams, A
* Tracking Anything with Decoupled Video Segmentation
* Tracking by Associating Clips
* Two-Stage Refinement of Magnitude and Complex Spectra for Real-Time Speech Enhancement
* Unsupervised Learning of Debiased Representations with Pseudo-Attributes
* Unsupervised Real-World Super Resolution with Cycle Generative Adversarial Network and Domain Discriminator
* Urvos: Unified Referring Video Object Segmentation Network with a Large-scale Benchmark
* Using geometric extrema for segment-to-segment characteristics comparison in online signature verification
* Vertical Profiles of PM2.5 and O3 Measured Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Their Relationships with Synoptic- and Local-Scale Air Movements
* Video Object Segmentation Using Space-Time Memory Networks
* Video: A Shot Boundary Detection Method for Video Data with Fading Effects
* Vision and Action in the Language-Ready Brain: From Mirror Neurons to SemRep
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2017 Challenge Results, The
* What Do I Annotate Next? An Empirical Study of Active Learning for Action Localization
* XMem++: Production-level Video Segmentation From Few Annotated Frames
Includes: Lee, J.Y.[Juhn Young] Lee, J.Y.[Juhn-Young] Lee, J.Y.[Jae Young] Lee, J.Y.[Jin Young] Lee, J.Y. Lee, J.Y.[Jau-Yien] Lee, J.Y.[Joon-Young] Lee, J.Y.[Jae-Yong] Lee, J.Y.[Ji-Yeon] Lee, J.Y.[Ji-Young] Lee, J.Y.[Jong-Yong] Lee, J.Y.[Joo-Young] Lee, J.Y.[Jae-Young] Lee, J.Y.[Jih-Yun] Lee, J.Y.[Jae-Yung] Lee, J.Y.[Jun-Yong] Lee, J.Y.[Ji-Yeong] Lee, J.Y.[Jae Yong] Lee, J.Y.[Je-Yun] Lee, J.Y.[Joun Yeop] Lee, J.Y.[Jun-Yeop] Lee, J.Y.[Jae-Yeon] Lee, J.Y.[Ju Young] Lee, J.Y.[Jae Y.] Lee, J.Y.[Jong-Yeol] Lee, J.Y.[Jun-Young] Lee, J.Y.[Jae-Yeong] Lee, J.Y.[Ju-Young] Lee, J.Y.[Joong-Yun] Lee, J.Y.[Jo-Young] Lee, J.Y.[Jung Yeop] Lee, J.Y.[Jin-Young] Lee, J.Y.[Jae Yeon] Lee, J.Y.[Jin-Yong]
201 for Lee, J.Y.
Lee, J.Y.B.
Co Author Listing * Buffer management and dimensioning for a pull-based parallel video server
* Design, performance analysis, and implementation of a super-scalar video-on-demand system
* Optimizing channel allocation in a unified video-on-demand system
* Path Selection in Streaming Video Over Multioverlay Application Layer Multicast
* Rate estimation for H.264/AVC spatial resolution reduction
* Supporting Interactive Video-on-Demand With Adaptive Multicast Streaming
* Supporting Server-Level Fault Tolerance in Concurrent-Push-Based Parallel Video Servers
* Turbo-slice-and-patch: An Algorithm for Metropolitan Scale VBR Video Streaming
8 for Lee, J.Y.B.
Lee, K.[Kyoungoh]
Co Author Listing * 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challenge Results
* 3D Multi-Trajectory and Pick-Up Optimization of UAV for Minimizing Delivery Time With Weight Restriction
* 3D Visual Activity Assessment Based on Natural Scene Statistics
* AdamsFormer for Spatial Action Localization in the Future
* Adaptive modulation method for MGS video streaming
* Agreement Between Saliency Maps and Human-Labeled Regions of Interest: Applications to Skin Disease Classification
* Are Reactions to Ego Vehicles Predictable Without Data?: A Semi-Supervised Approach
* Assimilation of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Schemes into a Remote Sensing-Incorporated Crop Model to Simulate Barley and Wheat Productivities
* Augmented Reality for Human-Robot Teaming in Field Environments
* Auto-Scaling of Geo-Based Image Processing in an OpenStack Cloud Computing Environment
* Autoencoder-based Graph Construction for Semi-supervised Learning
* Automatic coding of facial expressions displayed during posed and genuine pain
* Autonomous Vehicle Cut-In Algorithm for Lane-Merging Scenarios via Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning Nested Within Finite-State Machine
* Block Selection Method for Using Feature Norm in Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Brain-Computer Interface for Mental Arithmetic Task from Single-Trial Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Brain Signals, A
* Burned-Area Mapping Using Post-Fire PlanetScope Images and a Convolutional Neural Network
* C2N: Practical Generative Noise Modeling for Real-World Denoising
* Can't make an Omelette without Breaking some Eggs: Plausible Action Anticipation using Large Video-Language Models
* Chupa: Carving 3D Clothed Humans from Skinned Shape Priors using 2D Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* Classification accuracy of wavelet-based fusion image with texture filtering using high resolution satellite images
* Classification of Landscape Affected by Deforestation Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data and Deep-Learning Techniques
* CleanNet: Transfer Learning for Scalable Image Classifier Training with Label Noise
* Cloud Removal of Satellite Images Using Convolutional Neural Network With Reliable Cloudy Image Synthesis Model
* Color-cued Efficient Densification Method for 3D Gaussian Splatting
* Computationally efficient, real-time motion recognition based on bio-inspired visual and cognitive processing
* Conditional Wasserstein Generator
* Conflict Management Considering a Smooth Transition of Aircraft Into Adjacent Airspace
* Content-adaptive Style Transfer: A Training-free Approach with Vq Autoencoders
* Context-Aware Deep Feature Compression for High-Speed Visual Tracking
* Convolution Block Feature Addition Module (CBFAM) for Lightweight and Fast Object Detection on Non-GPU Devices
* Cross-domain Ensemble Distillation for Domain Generalization
* CSS-Net: Classification and Substitution for Segmentation of Rotator Cuff Tear
* D3T: Distinctive Dual-Domain Teacher Zigzagging Across RGB-Thermal Gap for Domain-Adaptive Object Detection
* Data-Driven Air Traffic Sequencing Model Based on Pairwise Preference Learning, A
* Data-Driven Sparse GLM for fMRI Analysis Using Sparse Dictionary Learning With MDL Criterion, A
* Depth Completion using Plane-Residual Representation
* Determination of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with Top-of-Canopy (TOC) Reflectance from a KOMPSAT-3A Image Using Orfeo ToolBox (OT
* Development of a Background Filtering Algorithm to Improve the Accuracy of Determining Underground Cavities Using Multi-Channel Ground-Penetrating Radar and Deep Learning
* Discovering and Mitigating Visual Biases Through Keyword Explanation
* Disentangling Human Dynamics for Pedestrian Locomotion Forecasting with Noisy Supervision
* Domain Adaptive Transfer Attack-Based Segmentation Networks for Building Extraction From Aerial Images
* Domain Generalization by Mutual-Information Regularization with Pre-trained Models
* Domain-Specific Block Selection and Paired-View Pseudo-Labeling for Online Test-Time Adaptation
* Dual Contradistinctive Generative Autoencoder
* Dynamic Robust Sequencing and Scheduling Under Uncertainty for the Point Merge System in Terminal Airspace
* Effect of Incidence Angle on Temperature Measurement of Solar Panel with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Thermal Infrared Camera
* Effects of Auditory Feedback on Menu Selection in Hand-Gesture Interfaces
* Enhancing Multi-Camera People Tracking with Anchor-Guided Clustering and Spatio-Temporal Consistency ID Re-Assignment
* Estimation of Travel Cost between Geographic Coordinates Using Artificial Neural Network: Potential Application in Vehicle Routing Problems
* Examining the Impacts of Pre-Fire Forest Conditions on Burn Severity Using Multiple Remote Sensing Platforms
* Exploring using jigsaw puzzles for out-of-distribution detection
* Extraction and Restoration of Digits Touching or Overlapping Lines
* FBRNN: Feedback Recurrent Neural Network for Extreme Image Super-Resolution
* Fidelity-Embedded Regularization Method for Robust Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* flexible framework for online document segmentation by pairwise stroke distance learning, A
* Follow the Rules: Reasoning for Video Anomaly Detection with Large Language Models
* Free-Form Video Inpainting With 3D Gated Convolution and Temporal PatchGAN
* From Human Pose Similarity Metric to 3D Human Pose Estimator: Temporal Propagating LSTM Networks
* GCISG: Guided Causal Invariant Learning for Improved Syn-to-Real Generalization
* Hand-Priming in Object Localization for Assistive Egocentric Vision
* Handling Points of Interest (POIs) on a Mobile Web Map Service Linked to Indoor Geospatial Objects: A Case Study
* Handwritten Digit Verifier for Improving Recognition Error
* HARP: Autoregressive Latent Video Prediction with High-Fidelity Image Generator
* Head Motion Correction Based on Filtered Backprojection in Helical CT Scanning
* Hierarchical Novelty Detection for Visual Object Recognition
* Hierarchical Novelty Detection for Visual Object Recognition
* Hourly Ground-Level PM2.5 Estimation Using Geostationary Satellite and Reanalysis Data via Deep Learning
* Hybrid Stereoscopic Video Coding Scheme Based on MPEG-2 and HEVC for 3DTV Services, A
* Hybrid Video Diffusion Models with 2d Triplane and 3d Wavelet Representation
* Implementation of Open Source-Based Software as a Service (SaaS) to Produce TOA and TOC Reflectance of High-Resolution KOMPSAT-3/3A Satellite Image, An
* Improving Diffusion Models for Authentic Virtual Try-on in the Wild
* Integration of Remote Sensing and Field Surveys to Detect Ecologically Damaged Areas for Restoration in South Korea, The
* ISCL: Interdependent Self-Cooperative Learning for Unpaired Image Denoising
* Iterative Scale-Up ExpansionIoU and Deep Features Association for Multi-Object Tracking in Sports
* Joint Optimization of UAV Trajectory and Communication Resources With Complete Avoidance of No-Fly-Zones
* Joint person re-identification and camera network topology inference in multiple cameras
* Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Performance
* Learning action symbols for hierarchical grammar induction
* Learning and Segmenting Dense Voxel Embeddings for 3D Neuron Reconstruction
* Learning Instance Occlusion for Panoptic Segmentation
* Learning to Control Camera Exposure via Reinforcement Learning
* Learning-Based Method for Solving Ill-Posed Nonlinear Inverse Problems: A Simulation Study of Lung EIT, A
* Leveraging Hand-Object Interactions in Assistive Egocentric Vision
* LiDAR Depth Completion Using Color-Embedded Information via Knowledge Distillation
* Linear Frequency Modulation and Orthogonal Code Modulation for Co-Located Multiple-Input Multiple-Output High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar
* Linkage of OGC WPS 2.0 to the e-Government Standard Framework in Korea: An Implementation Case for Geo-Spatial Image Processing
* Look Around for Anomalies: Weakly-Supervised Anomaly Detection via Context-Motion Relational Learning
* Loss-aware automatic selection of structured pruning criteria for deep neural network acceleration
* M2d2m: Multi-Motion Generation from Text with Discrete Diffusion Models
* Marker Concealment Using Print Color Correction and Its Application
* Mart: Multiscale Relational Transformer Networks for Multi-agent Trajectory Prediction
* Meta-Learning With Differentiable Convex Optimization
* MMGAN: Manifold-Matching Generative Adversarial Networks
* Multi-Sensor Image Classification Using the Random Forest Algorithm in Google Earth Engine with KOMPSAT-3/5 and CAS500-1 Images
* Multi-View Body Image-Based Prediction of Body Mass Index and Various Body Part Sizes
* Multimodal Segmentation of Optic Disc and Cup From SD-OCT and Color Fundus Photographs Using a Machine-Learning Graph-Based Approach
* Neural Contrast Enhancement of CT Image
* New Framework for Measuring 2D and 3D Visual Information in Terms of Entropy, A
* New Robust 3d Motion Estimation Under Perspective Projection, A
* NICE: CVPR 2023 Challenge on Zero-shot Image Captioning
* Noise Localization Method for Model Tests in a Large Cavitation Tunnel Using a Hydrophone Array
* Nonlinear Conflict Resolution and Flow Management Using Particle Swarm Optimization
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Object-Based High-Rise Building Detection Using Morphological Building Index and Digital Map
* Object-centric Video Representation for Long-term Action Anticipation
* Observation Centric and Central Distance Recovery for Athlete Tracking
* Observation weights matching approach for causal inference
* OmDet: Large-scale vision-language multi-dataset pre-training with multimodal detection network
* On Exact Inversion of DPM-Solvers
* On Scaling Up a Multilingual Vision and Language Model
* Open-domain Visual Entity Recognition: Towards Recognizing Millions of Wikipedia Entities
* Optimal Camera Point Selection Toward the Most Preferable View of 3-D Human Pose
* Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting With Unlabeled Data in the Wild
* Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting With Unlabeled Data in the Wild
* PaletteNet: Image Recolorization with Given Color Palette
* PanAf20K: A Large Video Dataset for Wild Ape Detection and Behaviour Recognition
* Panel-specific Degradation Representation for Raw Under-display Camera Image Restoration
* Pano-AVQA: Grounded Audio-Visual Question Answering on 360° Videos
* Parameterizing Marching Cubes Isosurfaces with Natural Neighbor Coordinates
* Perception-based Image Transcoding for Universal Multimedia Access
* Performance Evaluation of a Geo-Spatial Image Processing Service Based on Open Source PaaS Cloud Computing Using Cloud Foundry on OpenStack, A
* Performance Improvement of Deep Learning Based Gesture Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Demosaicing Technique
* Probability propagation for faster and efficient point cloud segmentation using a neural network
* Promptable Behaviors: Personalizing Multi-Objective Rewards from Human Preferences
* Propagating LSTM: 3D Pose Estimation Based on Joint Interdependency
* Range unfolding for Time-of-Flight depth cameras
* Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Embedded System for Intelligent ADAS with RNN-Based Deep Risk Prediction using Stereo Camera, A
* Real-time human body parts localization from dynamic vision sensor
* Real-time motion estimation based on event-based vision sensor
* Realistic 3D face modeling using feature-preserving surface registration
* Regression-Based Prediction for Blocking Artifact Reduction in JPEG-Compressed Images
* Regularized polychromatic reconstruction for transmission tomography
* Regularizing Class-Wise Predictions via Self-Knowledge Distillation
* Removing Imaging Artifacts in Electron Microscopy using an Asymmetrically Cyclic Adversarial Network without Paired Training Data
* Resource-Efficient Mobile Multimedia Streaming With Adaptive Network Selection
* Rethinking Few-Shot Object Detection on a Multi-Domain Benchmark
* RFG-HDR: Representative Feature-Guided Transformer for Multi-Exposure High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Robust Facial Pose Estimation Using Landmark Selection Method for Binocular Stereo Vision
* Robust Multiscale Stereo Matching from Fundus Images with Radiometric Differences
* Robust online multiple object tracking based on the confidence-based relative motion network and correlation filter
* Robust Trajectory and Resource Allocation for UAV Communications in Uncertain Environments With No-Fly Zone: A Deep Learning Approach
* Segmentation of the Optic Disc in 3-D OCT Scans of the Optic Nerve Head
* Segmenting Unseen Industrial Components In A Heavy Clutter Using RGB-D Fusion And Synthetic Data
* Self-Mutating Network for Domain Adaptive Segmentation of Aerial Images
* Self-supervised Image Denoising with Downsampled Invariance Loss and Conditional Blind-Spot Network
* Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation from Thermal Images via Adversarial Multi-spectral Adaptation
* Self-Updatable Database System Based on Human Motion Assessment Framework
* Separable bilateral nonlocal means
* Spatio-Temporal Graph for Video Captioning With Knowledge Distillation
* Spectral and Spatial Dependencies in the Validation of Satellite-Based Aerosol Optical Depth from the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager Using the Aerosol Robotic Network
* Spectral Response of the Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager, The
* STARE: Spatio-Temporal Attention Relocation for Multiple Structured Activities Detection
* Stereoview to Multiview Conversion Architecture for Auto-Stereoscopic 3D Displays
* Stratified Sampling Voxel Classification for Segmentation of Intraretinal and Subretinal Fluid in Longitudinal Clinical OCT Data
* Study on Hand Gesture Recognition with CNN-Based Deep Learning
* Study on Leveraging Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Collaborative Driving and Aerial Photography Systems to Improve the Accuracy of Crop Phenotyping, A
* study on the potential roles of a robot peer in socio-emotional development of children, A
* Super resolution of historic Landsat imagery using a dual generative adversarial network (GAN) model with CubeSat constellation imagery for spatially enhanced long-term vegetation monitoring
* Symmetric Graph Convolutional Autoencoder for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning
* Synthesis of Robust Lane Keeping Systems: Impact of Controller and Design Parameters on System Performance
* Task Agnostic Robust Learning on Corrupt Outputs by Correlation-Guided Mixture Density Networks
* Teaching Where to Look: Attention Similarity Knowledge Distillation for Low Resolution Face Recognition
* Techniques for Canopy to Organ Level Plant Feature Extraction via Remote and Proximal Sensing: A Survey and Experiments
* Temperature Accuracy Analysis by Land Cover According to the Angle of the Thermal Infrared Imaging Camera for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Theoretical Calculations of Directional Scattering Intensities of Small Nonspherical Ice Crystals: Implications for Forward Scattering Probes
* Three-Dimensional Analysis of Retinal Layer Texture: Identification of Fluid-Filled Regions in SD-OCT of the Macula
* Three-Dimensional Segmentation of Fluid-Associated Abnormalities in Retinal OCT: Probability Constrained Graph-Search-Graph-Cut
* Toward Improving The Visual Characterization of Sport Activities With Abstracted Scene Graphs
* Transformed-Key Asymmetric Watermarking System
* two-layer regression network for robust and accurate domain adaptation, A
* UAV-Assisted Wireless-Powered Two-Way Communications
* Ufeel: Using haptics and stereo to place landmarks in three-dimensional volumetric images
* Uncertainty-aware Action Decoupling Transformer for Action Anticipation
* Unified Framework for Automated Person Re-identification and Camera Network Topology Inference in Camera Networks
* Unsupervised Accuracy Estimation of Deep Visual Models using Domain-Adaptive Adversarial Perturbation without Source Samples
* Unsupervised Contour Tracking of Live Cells by Mechanical and Cycle Consistency Losses
* Unsupervised Real-World Super Resolution with Cycle Generative Adversarial Network and Domain Discriminator
* Use of physics based models in hyperspectral image exploitation
* Using Dynamically Promoted Experts for Music Recommendation
* Using Dynamically Promoted Experts for Music Recommendation
* Validation Experiment of the Reflectance Products of KOMPSAT-3A Based on RadCalNet Data and Its Applicability to Vegetation Indexing, A
* VAMOS: Versatile Action Models for Video Understanding
* Variographic Analysis of Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Imageries by Wavelet-based Approaches
* Videopatchcore: An Effective Method to Memorize Normality for Video Anomaly Detection
* VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results
* Visual entropy: A new framework for quantifying visual information based on human perception
* Visual Speech Recognition Using Weighted Dynamic Time Warping
* Vocal Separation from Monaural Music Using Temporal/Spectral Continuity and Sparsity Constraints
* Wasserstein Introspective Neural Networks
* YCbCr Color Depth Packing Method and its Extension for 3D Video Broadcasting Services, A
Includes: Lee, K.[Kyoungoh] Lee, K.[Kisong] Lee, K.[Kwanghyun] Lee, K.[Kwonjoon] Lee, K.[Kyesan] Lee, K. Lee, K.[Kibeom] Lee, K.[Kyungdo] Lee, K.[Kevin] Lee, K.[Kiwon] Lee, K.[Kang] Lee, K.[Kyoobin] Lee, K.[Kerry] Lee, K.[Kyungil] Lee, K.[Kyoungmu] Lee, K.[Kwangho] Lee, K.[Kwon] Lee, K.[Kyungjin] Lee, K.[Kyungbok] Lee, K.[Kyoungmin] Lee, K.[Kangin] Lee, K.[Kyungmoon] Lee, K.[Kyungsu] Lee, K.[Keonho] Lee, K.[Kyunghyun] Lee, K.[Kicheol] Lee, K.[Kyungmin] Lee, K.[Kyungjae] Lee, K.[Keumjin] Lee, K.[Kirim] Lee, K.[Kyogu] Lee, K.[Keyju] Lee, K.[Kangsan] Lee, K.[Kanghyu] Lee, K.[Kibok] Lee, K.[Kyungjun] Lee, K.[Kimin] Lee, K.[Kyunghwa] Lee, K.[Kwanghee] Lee, K.[Kanggeun] Lee, K.[Kyuewang] Lee, K.[Kenton] Lee, K.[Kyuhwa] Lee, K.[Kisuk] Lee, K.[Kyounghun.] Lee, K.[Kilho] Lee, K.[Kanghoon] Lee, K.[Kunyoung] Lee, K.[Kamin] Lee, K.[Keunhwa] Lee, K.[Kangbok] Lee, K.[Kyusong] Lee, K.[Kyeonghyun] Lee, K.[Keuntek] Lee, K.[Kangil] Lee, K.[Kun] Lee, K.[Keechang] Lee, K.[Kyuho] Lee, K.[Kangeui] Lee, K.[Kyungmoo] Lee, K.[Kyoung_Hee] Lee, K.[Kangbeen] Lee, K.[Kyung_Ok] Lee, K.[Kiju] Lee, K.[Kyoungmi] Lee, K.[Kichun] Lee, K.[Karen] Lee, K.[Kwonho] Lee, K.[Kwonmoo] Lee, K.[Kijung] Lee, K.[Kyungsun]
190 for Lee, K.
Lee, K.A.[Kong Aik]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of Categorical Attribute Data Clustering Methods, A
* Cosine Scoring With Uncertainty for Neural Speaker Embedding
* Generalized Variability Model for Speaker Verification
* Neural Acoustic-Phonetic Approach for Speaker Verification With Phonetic Attention Mask
* Quasi-Factorial Prior for i-vector Extraction
* Spoken Language Recognition: From Fundamentals to Practice
* t-EER: Parameter-Free Tandem Evaluation of Countermeasures and Biometric Comparators
* Unifying Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis Variants in Biometric Authentication
* Xi-Vector Embedding for Speaker Recognition
Includes: Lee, K.A.[Kong Aik] Lee, K.A.
9 for Lee, K.A.
Lee, K.B.
Co Author Listing * Architecture Design of Shape-Adaptive Discrete Cosine Transform and Its Inverse for MPEG-4 Video Coding
* Efficient Binary Motion Estimation Algorithm and its Architecture for MPEG-4 Shape Encoding, An
* Efficient Quality-Aware Memory Controller for Multimedia Platform SoC, An
* multisymbol context-based arithmetic coding architecture for MPEG-4 shape coding, A
* Smart Count System Based on Object Detection Using Deep Learning
Includes: Lee, K.B. Lee, K.B.[Kun-Bin] Lee, K.B.[Ki-Baek]
Lee, K.C.[Kuang Chih]
Co Author Listing * Acquiring Linear Subspaces for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting
* bottom-up framework for robust facial feature detection, A
* Clustering appearances of objects under varying illumination conditions
* Contextual Identity Recognition in Personal Photo Albums
* Fast Automatic Single-View 3-d Reconstruction of Urban Scenes
* Grounding Stylistic Domain Generalization with Quantitative Domain Shift Measures and Synthetic Scene Images
* Image Clustering with Metric, Local Linear Structure, and Affine Symmetry
* In Vivo Measurement of Brain Tissue Response After Irradiation: Comparison of T2 Relaxation, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, and Electrical Conductivity
* Markov random field models for hair and face segmentation
* Nine Points of Light: Acquiring Subspaces for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting
* Novel 2D Marker Design and Application for Object Tracking and Event Detection, A
* Online Learning of Probabilistic Appearance Manifolds for Video-Based Recognition and Tracking
* Parallel String Search Algorithm, A
* Pseudo-haptic Feedback Design for Virtual Activities in Human Computer Interface
* Resident Location-Recognition Algorithm Using a Bayesian Classifier in the PIR Sensor-Based Indoor Location-Aware System
* Toward a Unified Probabilistic Framework for Object Recognition and Segmentation
* Video-based face recognition using probabilistic appearance manifolds
* Visual tracking and recognition using probabilistic appearance manifolds
* Visual tracking using learned linear subspaces
Includes: Lee, K.C.[Kuang Chih] Lee, K.C.[Kuang-Chih] Lee, K.C.[Kee-Chang] Lee, K.C.[Kuan-Cheng] Lee, K.C.
19 for Lee, K.C.
Lee, K.D.[Keun Dong]
Co Author Listing * Accelerating Local Feature Extraction Using Two Stage Feature Selection and Partial Gradient Computation
* analysis of the effect of different image preprocessing techniques on the performance of SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features, An
* Dynamic range compression based on statistical analysis
* Extensive analysis of feature selection for compact descriptor
* Face recognition using LBP for personal image management system and its analysis
* Intensity comparison based compact descriptor for mobile visual search
* Potential of Hybrid CNN-RF Model for Early Crop Mapping with Limited Input Data
* Self-Learning Based Land-Cover Classification Using Sequential Class Patterns from Past Land-Cover Maps
* Street searching service framework for navigation
* Two-Dimensional Simulation of Barley Growth and Yield Using a Model Integrated with Remote-Controlled Aerial Imagery
Includes: Lee, K.D.[Keun Dong] Lee, K.D.[Keun-Dong] Lee, K.D.[Kyung-Do] Lee, K.D.[Kyung Do]
10 for Lee, K.D.
Lee, K.H.[Kwan H.]
Co Author Listing * 3D avatar modeling of realworld objects using a depth camera, A
* Adaptive Basis Matrix for the Morphological Function Processing Opening and Closing
* Analysis of Long-Term Aerosol Optical Properties Combining AERONET Sunphotometer and Satellite-Based Observations in Hong Kong
* Application of LiDAR Sensors for Crop and Working Environment Recognition in Agriculture: A Review
* Arbitrary Style Transfer With Style-Attentional Networks
* attention emphasized bit arrangement in 3-D SPIHT video coding for human vision, An
* Brain image segmentation using a combination of expectation-maximization algorithm and watershed transform
* Camera self-calibration from tracking of moving persons
* Canopy Volume Extraction of Citrus reticulate Blanco cv. Shatangju Trees Using UAV Image-Based Point Cloud Deep Learning
* Character Recognition Based on Attribute-Dependent Programmed Grammar
* Character Recognition Using Attributed Grammar
* CoCon: Cooperative-Contrastive Learning
* Color Calibration of HDR Image under a Known Illumination for Measuring Reflectance Property of Materials
* Color-Stripe Structured Light Robust to Surface Color and Discontinuity
* Colour image segmentation using the self-organizing map and adaptive resonance theory
* Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Retrieval of Water Quality Indicators in Case-II Waters: A Case Study of Hong Kong
* Comparison of Three Image Fidelity Metrics of Different Computational Principles for JPEG2000 Compressed Abdomen CT Images, A
* Depth Image Processing Technique for Representing Human Actors in 3DTV using Single Depth Camera
* Depth manipulation using disparity histogram analysis for stereoscopic 3D
* Depth video camera based temporal alpha matting for natural 3D scene generation
* Deterministic Fitting of Multiple Structures Using Iterative MaxFS with Inlier Scale Estimation
* Digital Image Stabilizing Algorithms Based on Bit-Plane Matching
* diverging radial-type stereoscopic camera for small mobile devices, A
* Document Reverse Engineering: From Paper to XML
* Efficient Feature-Based Nonrigid Registration of Multiphase Liver CT Volumes
* Evaluation of the performance of clustering algorithms in kernel-induced feature space
* Extracting Table Information from the Web
* Extraction of Straight Line Segments Using Rotation Transformation: Generalized Hough Transformation
* Face Recognition Using Support Vector Machines with the Feature Set Extracted by Genetic Algorithms
* Fast Multi Frames Selection Algorithm Based on Macroblock Reference Map for H.264/AVC
* Fast Recursive Algorithms for Morphological Operators Based on the Basis Matrix Representation
* Fully automatic 3-D segmentation of knee bone compartments by iterative local branch-and-mincut on MR images from osteoarthritis initiative (OAI)
* Fusion for Multimodal Biometric Identification
* Fuzzy cluster validation index based on inter-cluster proximity
* Fuzzy clustering of categorical data using fuzzy centroids
* Geometric Structure Analysis of Document Images: A Knowledge-Based Approach
* Gesture-based control of avatars for social TV
* Ground-Moving-Platform-Based Human Tracking Using Visual SLAM and Constrained Multiple Kernels
* Holographic and Light-Field Imaging as Future 3-D Displays
* Image segmentation of UV pattern for automatic paper-money inspection
* Image Size Invariant Visual Cryptography for General Access Structures Subject to Display Quality Constraints
* Improved Reference Frame by Adopting a Video Stabilization Technique
* Improving support vector data description using local density degree
* Initial Radiometric Characteristics of KOMPSAT-3A Multispectral Imagery Using the 6S Radiative Transfer Model, Well-Known Radiometric Tarps, and MFRSR Measurements
* Intellectual Property Rights Management Using Combination Encryption in MPEG-4
* It Is Not the Journey But the Destination: Endpoint Conditioned Trajectory Prediction
* k-populations algorithm for clustering categorical data, A
* kernel-based subtractive clustering method, A
* Knowledge-Based Automated Vectorizing System for Geographic Information System, A
* LFI-CAM: Learning Feature Importance for Better Visual Explanation
* Local and Global Feature Extraction for Face Recognition
* Mesh Simplification Method Using Noble Optimal Positioning, A
* Mesh Simplification with Vertex Color
* Model-Based Vehicle Localization Based on 3-D Constrained Multiple-Kernel Tracking
* Multi-projector color structured-light vision
* New TDOA-Based Three-Dimensional Positioning Method for 3GPP LTE System
* novel initialization scheme for the fuzzy c-means algorithm for color clustering, A
* On cluster validity index for estimation of the optimal number of fuzzy clusters
* On-Road Pedestrian Tracking Across Multiple Driving Recorders
* Possibilistic support vector machines
* Quality-of-Content-Based Joint Source and Channel Coding for Human Detections in a Mobile Surveillance Cloud, A
* Radiative Energy Budget for East Asia Based on GK-2A/AMI Observation Data
* Reflectance Model for Metallic Paints Using a Two-Layer Structure Surface with Microfacet Distributions, A
* Reflectance Transformation Imaging Method for Large-Scale Objects
* Robust Mid-Sagittal Plane Extraction in 3-D Ultrasound Fetal Volume for First Trimester Screening
* S2Net: Stochastic Sequential Pointcloud Forecasting
* Segmentation of color images using a two-stage self-organizing network
* Sharing Visual Secrets in Single Image Random Dot Stereograms
* Solid texture synthesis for heterogeneous translucent materials
* Stacked Cross Attention for Image-Text Matching
* Temporal pooling of video quality estimates using perceptual motion models
* Three-Dimensional Imaging for Creating Real-World-Like Environments
* Tightly-coupled spatial database features in the Odysseus/OpenGIS DBMS for high-performance
* Triplanar convolution with shared 2D kernels for 3D classification and shape retrieval
* Two Factor Face Authentication Scheme with Cancelable Feature
* Visibility enhancement via optimal gamma tone mapping for OST displays under ambient light
* Volcanic Ash Retrieval Using a New Geostationary Satellite
Includes: Lee, K.H.[Kwan H.] Lee, K.H. Lee, K.H.[Kwon Ho] Lee, K.H.[Kyu-Ho] Lee, K.H.[Kwang Hee] Lee, K.H.[Kuan-Hui] Lee, K.H.[Kun Ho] Lee, K.H.[Kyeong-Hwan] Lee, K.H.[Kyung-Han] Lee, K.H.[Kwang-Hoon] Lee, K.H.[Kyong-Ho] Lee, K.H.[Kyoung Ho] Lee, K.H.[Kwang H.] Lee, K.H.[Kwae-Hi] Lee, K.H.[Kyung-Hee] Lee, K.H.[Kang Hoon] Lee, K.H.[Keon-Ho] Lee, K.H.[Kai-Hui] Lee, K.H.[Ki-Hoon] Lee, K.H.[Kwon-Ho] Lee, K.H.[Kwan-Hee] Lee, K.H.[Kyung-Hoon] Lee, K.H.[Kuang-Huei] Lee, K.H.[Kwang-Hyun]
77 for Lee, K.H.
Lee, K.I.[Kuhn Il]
Co Author Listing * 3d mesh watermarking using projection onto convex sets
* Accurate Eye Pupil Localization Using Heterogeneous CNN Models
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Color and Pattern Histogram Adaptive to Block Classification Characteristics
* Deep Learning-based Pupil Center Detection for Fast and Accurate Eye Tracking System
* Effective Search Point Reduction Algorithm and its VLSI Design for HDTV H.264/AVC Variable Block Size Motion Estimation
* Efficient Inter Mode Prediction Based on Model Selection and Rate Feedback for H.264/AVC
* Video Watermarking Using the 3-D Wavelet Transform and Two Perceptual Watermarks, A
* Watermarking for 3d polygonal meshes using normalvector distributions of each patch
Includes: Lee, K.I.[Kuhn Il] Lee, K.I.[Kuhn-Il] Lee, K.I.[K. Il] Lee, K.I.[Kang Il] Lee, K.I.[Kuan-I] Lee, K.I.
8 for Lee, K.I.
Lee, K.J.[Kyong Joon]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive large window correlation for optical flow estimation with discrete optimization
* Advanced Fast 3-D Electromagnetic Solver for Microwave Tomography Imaging
* Classification of Landscape Affected by Deforestation Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data and Deep-Learning Techniques
* Comparison of Different Green Space Measures and Their Impact on Dementia Cases in South Korea: A Spatial Panel Analysis
* Deformable 3D Volume Registration Using Efficient MRFs Model with Decomposed Nodes
* Development of a Conceptual Data Model for 3D Geospatial Road Management Based on LandInfra Standard: A Case Study of Korea
* Earth Observation from KOMPSAT Optical, Thermal, and Radar Satellite Images
* Effects of GPS-Based Buffer Size on the Association between Travel Modes and Environmental Contexts, The
* Environmental Influences on Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity in the U.S.: An Exploration of Spatial Non-Stationarity
* Estimation of Intrinsic Image Sequences from Image+Depth Video
* Gray-Level Corner Detector Using Fuzzy-Logic, A
* Interactive Hierarchical Level of Detail Level Selection Algorithm for Point Based Rendering
* Joint Design of Fronthaul and Access Links for C-RAN With Wireless Fronthauling
* Late-resizing: A Simple but Effective Sketch Extraction Strategy for Improving Generalization of Line-art Colorization
* Method and apparatus for omni-directional image and 3-dimensional data acquisition with data annotation and dynamic range extension method
* Method of Generalized Projections (MGP) Ghost Correction Algorithm for Interleaved EPI, A
* Model-Based Machine Vision System Using Fuzzy-Logic, A
* Nonrigid Image Registration Using Dynamic Higher-Order MRF Model
* Occlusion detecting window matching scheme for optical flow estimation with discrete optimization
* Optical flow estimation with adaptive convolution kernel prior on discrete framework
* Socioeconomic Disparities in the Usage of Urban Opportunities in South Korea During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Using Land Use/Land Cover and Mobile Phone Data
* Solving MRFs with Higher-Order Smoothness Priors Using Hierarchical Gradient Nodes
* Spatial Sharpening of KOMPSAT-3A MIR Images Using Optimal Scaling Factor
* Triplanar convolution with shared 2D kernels for 3D classification and shape retrieval
* Weakly supervised Branch Network with Template Mask for Classifying Masses in 3D Automated Breast Ultrasound
Includes: Lee, K.J.[Kyong Joon] Lee, K.J. Lee, K.J.[Kwang-Jae] Lee, K.J.[Kang-Jae] Lee, K.J.[Ki-Jung] Lee, K.J.[Kwang-Jin] Lee, K.J.[Ku-Jin]
25 for Lee, K.J.
Lee, K.K.[Ki K.]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive classification with ellipsoidal regions for multidimensional pattern classification problems
* Extended Kalman filtering approach to stereo video stabilization
* Extracting eyebrow contour and chin contour for face recognition
* Hand-Held 3-D Display System with Haptic Sensation, A
* keystone-free hand-held mobile projection system, A
* novel 3-D motion estimation approach to virtual viewpoint control, A
* projector-based movable hand-held display system, A
Includes: Lee, K.K.[Ki K.] Lee, K.K.[Kai Ki] Lee, K.K.[Kar-Kin] Lee, K.K.[Kai-Ki]
7 for Lee, K.K.
Lee, K.L.[Kuen Long]
Co Author Listing * efficient computation method for the texture browsing descriptor of MPEG-7, An
* Hardware-accelerated Parallel-split Shadow Maps
* New Method for Circular Object Detection and Location, A
Includes: Lee, K.L.[Kuen Long] Lee, K.L.[Kuen-Long] Lee, K.L.[Kit-Lun] Lee, K.L.
Lee, K.M.[Kyoung Mu]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Lee, K.M.[Kyoung Mu]: kmlee AT wow hongik ac kr
* 2D-3D pose consistency-based conditional random fields for 3D human pose estimation
* 3D Clothed Human Reconstruction in the Wild
* 3d Hand Sequence Recovery from Real Blurry Images and Event Stream
* 3D target recognition based on projective invariant relationships
* 3DIAS: 3D Shape Reconstruction with Implicit Algebraic Surfaces
* Abnormal Object Detection by Canonical Scene-Based Contextual Model
* Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation for Whole-Body 3D Human Mesh Estimation
* Accurate Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Convolutional Networks
* ACL-SPC: Adaptive Closed-Loop System for Self-Supervised Point Cloud Completion
* AdaBM: On-the-Fly Adaptive Bit Mapping for Image Super-Resolution
* Adaptive rate control algorithms for low bit rate video under networks supporting bandwidth renegotiation
* Adaptive Visual Tracking with Minimum Uncertainty Gap Estimation
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Video Temporal Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Alpha Matting of Motion-Blurred Objects in Bracket Sequence Images
* AP-BSN: Self-Supervised Denoising for Real-World Images via Asymmetric PD and Blind-Spot Network
* Asymmetric Multi-Phase Deformable Model for Colon Segmentation
* Attentive Fine-Grained Structured Sparsity for Image Restoration
* Authority-shift clustering: Hierarchical clustering by authority seeking on graphs
* Automatic Image Segmentation and Classification Using On-line Shape Learning
* Batch Normalization Tells You Which Filter is Important
* Beyond Image Super-Resolution for Image Recognition with Task-Driven Perceptual Loss
* Beyond Static Features for Temporally Consistent 3D Human Pose and Shape from a Video
* Bi-Directional Seed Attention Network for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Bilateral Symmetry Detection via Symmetry-growing
* CADyQ: Content-Aware Dynamic Quantization for Image Super-Resolution
* Camera Distance-Aware Top-Down Approach for 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation From a Single RGB Image
* Closer: Towards Better Representation Learning for Few-shot Class-incremental Learning
* Clustering Convolutional Kernels to Compress Deep Neural Networks
* CNC-Net: Self-Supervised Learning for CNC Machining Operations
* Co-recognition of Actions in Video Pairs
* Co-recognition of Image Pairs by Data-Driven Monte Carlo Image Exploration
* CoLaNet: Adaptive Context and Latent Information Blending for Face Image Inpainting
* Color-Based Image Retrieval Using Perceptually Modified Hausdorff Distance
* Component-based face detection and verification
* Content-Aware Local GAN for Photo-Realistic Super-Resolution
* Continual Learning by Asymmetric Loss Approximation With Single-Side Overestimation
* Continuous Markov Random Field Optimization Using Fusion Move Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technique
* CVF-SID: Cyclic multi-Variate Function for Self-Supervised Image Denoising by Disentangling Noise from Image
* Cyclic Test-Time Adaptation on Monocular Video for 3D Human Mesh Reconstruction
* DAQ: Channel-Wise Distribution-Aware Quantization for Deep Image Super-Resolution Networks
* Deep Meta Learning for Real-Time Target-Aware Visual Tracking
* Deep Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Deephandmesh: A Weakly-supervised Deep Encoder-decoder Framework for High-fidelity Hand Mesh Modeling
* Deeply-Recursive Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Dense 3D Reconstruction from Severely Blurred Images Using a Single Moving Camera
* Dense Depth-Guided Generalizable NeRF
* Dense Stereo Matching Using Two-Pass Dynamic Programming with Generalized Ground Control Points, A
* Depth Estimation Network for Dual Defocused Images with Different Depth-of-Field
* Depth-Based 3D Hand Pose Estimation: From Current Achievements to Future Goals
* Depth-Regularized Optimization for 3D Gaussian Splatting in Few-Shot Images
* Direct Shape from Texture Using a Parametric Surface Model and an Adaptive Filtering Technique
* Direct Surface Reconstruction from Textured Images
* Discrete Tabu Search for Graph Matching
* Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Dynamic Video Deblurring Using a Locally Adaptive Blur Model
* DynaVSR: Dynamic Adaptive Blind Video Super-Resolution
* Edge-Preserving Colorization Using Data-Driven Random Walks with Restart
* Efficient Measurement of Shape Dissimilarity Between 3D Models Using Z-Buffer and Surface Roving Method
* Enhanced Deep Residual Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* ExBluRF: Efficient Radiance Fields for Extreme Motion Blurred Images
* Extract-and-Adaptation Network for 3D Interacting Hand Mesh Recovery
* Face detection using the 1st-order RCE classifer
* Face Recognition Using Face-ARG Matching
* Fast Retrieval of Cloud Parameters Using a Triplet of Wavelengths of Oxygen Dimer Band around 477 nm, A
* Feature correspondence and deformable object matching via agglomerative correspondence clustering
* Fine-grained neural architecture search for image super-resolution
* FPGA Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Stereo Vision System
* Fusion of Lidar and Imagery for Reliable Building Extraction
* Generalized video deblurring for dynamic scenes
* Generative Image Segmentation Using Random Walks with Restart
* Geometric Particle Filter for Template-Based Visual Tracking, A
* Geometric particle swarm optimization for robust visual ego-motion estimation via particle filtering
* Ghost-Free High Dynamic Range Imaging
* GPU-friendly multi-view stereo reconstruction using surfel representation and graph cuts
* Graph Matching Algorithm Using Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling, A
* Graph Matching via Sequential Monte Carlo
* HandOccNet: Occlusion-Robust 3D Hand Mesh Estimation Network
* Highly Nonrigid Object Tracking via Patch-Based Dynamic Appearance Modeling
* Human Part-wise 3D Motion Context Learning for Sign Language Recognition
* hybrid approach for MRF optimization problems: Combination of stochastic sampling and deterministic algorithms, A
* Hyper-graph matching via reweighted random walks
* I2l-meshnet: Image-to-lixel Prediction Network for Accurate 3d Human Pose and Mesh Estimation from a Single RGB Image
* ICF-SRSR: Invertible scale-Conditional Function for Self-Supervised Real-world Single Image Super-Resolution
* Illumination and camera invariant stereo matching
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Photometric Stereo
* Incorporating Higher-order Cues in Image Colorization
* Incremental feature weight learning and its application to a shape-based query system
* IntegralAction: Pose-driven Feature Integration for Robust Human Action Recognition in Videos
* Interhand2.6m: A Dataset and Baseline for 3d Interacting Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image
* Interval Tracker: Tracking by Interval Analysis
* Introduction to the Special Section on Augmented Video
* Joint Blind Motion Deblurring and Depth Estimation of Light Field
* Joint Depth Map and Color Consistency Estimation for Stereo Images with Different Illuminations and Cameras
* Joint Estimation of Camera Pose, Depth, Deblurring, and Super-Resolution from a Blurred Image Sequence
* Joint Reconstruction of 3D Human and Object via Contact-Based Refinement Transformer
* Joint Weakly and Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for Localization and Classification of Masses in Breast Ultrasound Images
* Large margin learning of hierarchical semantic similarity for image classification
* Learning Controllable ISP for Image Enhancement
* Learning Full Pairwise Affinities for Spectral Segmentation
* Learning object relationships via graph-based context model
* Learning to Estimate Robust 3D Human Mesh from In-the-Wild Crowded Scenes
* Learning to Forget for Meta-Learning
* Learning to Forget for Meta-Learning via Task-and-Layer-Wise Attenuation
* Learning to Learn Task-Adaptive Hyperparameters for Few-Shot Learning
* Learning to Remember Past to Predict Future for Visual Tracking
* Line Feature Matching Technique Based on an Eigenvector Approach, A
* Look Wider to Match Image Patches With Convolutional Neural Networks
* MAP-MRF approach for binarization of degraded document image
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo combined with deterministic methods for Markov random field optimization
* Meta-Learning with Task-Adaptive Loss Function for Few-Shot Learning
* Minimum Uncertainty Gap for Robust Visual Tracking
* Mode-seeking on graphs via random walks
* Model-based detection, segmentation, and classification for image analysis using on-line shape learning
* Model-Based Object Recognition Using Geometric Invariants of Points and Lines
* Models and algorithms for efficient multiresolution topology estimation of measured 3-D range data
* Monocular SLAM with locally planar landmarks via geometric rao-blackwellized particle filtering on Lie groups
* MonoNHR: Monocular Neural Human Renderer
* Motion-Aware Dynamic Architecture for Efficient Frame Interpolation
* MRF optimization by graph approximation
* Multi-image matching for a general motion stereo camera model
* Multi-modal/multi-scale convolutional neural network based in-loop filter design for next generation video codec
* Multi-object reconstruction from dynamic scenes: An object-centered approach
* Multiview normal field integration using level set methods
* Mutiswarm particle filter for robust tracking under observation ambiguity
* Mutual information-based stereo matching combined with SIFT descriptor in log-chromaticity color space
* NeuralAnnot: Neural Annotator for 3D Human Mesh Training Sets
* New 3-D Model Retrieval System Based on Aspect-Transition Descriptor, A
* New Similarity Measure for Random Signatures: Perceptually Modified Hausdorff Distance, A
* New Stereo Matching Model Using Visibility Constraint Based on Disparity Consistency, A
* NICE: CVPR 2023 Challenge on Zero-shot Image Captioning
* Nonparametric higher-order learning for interactive segmentation
* Novel Stochastic Attributed Relational Graph Matching Based on Relation Vector Space Analysis, A
* NTIRE 2017 Challenge on Single Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image and Video Deblurring
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
* Occlusion Invariant Face Recognition Using Selective LNMF Basis Images
* Occlusion invariant face recognition using selective local non-negative matrix factorization basis images
* Occlusion Invariant Face Recognition Using Two-Dimensional PCA
* Online Video Deblurring via Dynamic Temporal Blending Network
* Optical Flow via Locally Adaptive Fusion of Complementary Data Costs
* Overcoming Distribution Mismatch in Quantizing Image Super-resolution Networks
* Part-Aligned Bilinear Representations for Person Re-identification
* Partially Occluded Object-Specific Segmentation in View-Based Recognition
* Perceptual Grouping of 3-D Features in Aerial Images Using Decision Tree Classifier
* Perceptual Grouping of Line Features in 3-D Space: A Model-Based Framework
* PolyNet: Polynomial Neural Network for 3D Shape Recognition with PolyShape Representation
* Pose2mesh: Graph Convolutional Network for 3d Human Pose and Mesh Recovery from a 2d Human Pose
* PoseFix: Model-Agnostic General Human Pose Refinement Network
* Probabilistic Model for Correspondence Problems Using Random Walks with Restart, A
* Progressive encoding of binary voxel models using pyramidal decomposition
* Progressive graph matching: Making a move of graphs via probabilistic voting
* Real-Time Video Super-Resolution on Smartphones with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Real-time visual tracking by deep reinforced decision making
* Recognition and Reconstruction of 3-d Objects Using Model-based Perceptual Grouping
* Recognition of 2D Object Contours Using Starting-Point-Independent Wavelet Coefficient Matching
* Recognition of partially occluded objects using probabilistic ARG-based matching
* Recovering 3D Hand Mesh Sequence from a Single Blurry Image: A New Dataset and Temporal Unfolding
* Recurrent Neural Networks With Intra-Frame Iterations for Video Deblurring
* Reweighted Random Walks for Graph Matching
* Robust Adaptive Segmentation of Range Images
* Robust and Efficient Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences
* Robust Light Field Depth Estimation Using Occlusion-Noise Aware Data Costs
* Robust Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Normalized Cross-Correlation
* Robust visual tracking using autoregressive hidden Markov Model
* Robust Visual Tracking with Double Bounding Box Model
* Rotation Invariant Face Detection Using a Model-Based Clustering Algorithm
* Scanline Sampler without Detailed Balance: An Efficient MCMC for MRF Optimization
* Scene-Adaptive Video Frame Interpolation via Meta-Learning
* Searching for Controllable Image Restoration Networks
* SeedNet: Automatic Seed Generation with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robust Interactive Segmentation
* Segmentation-Free Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Sequential Approach to 3D Human Pose Estimation: Separation of Localization and Identification of Body Joints, A
* Shape from Photometric Ratio and Stereo
* Shape from Shading Using Graph Cuts
* Shape from Shading with a Generalized Reflectance Map Model
* Shape from Shading with a Linear Triangular Element Surface Model
* Shape from Shading with Perspective Projection
* Shape Reconstruction from Photometric Stereo
* Shape Reconstruction from Shading with Perspective Projection
* Shot Boundary Detection with Graph Theory Using Keypoint Features and Color Histograms
* Simultaneous color consistency and depth map estimation for radiometrically varying stereo images
* Simultaneous Depth Reconstruction and Restoration of Noisy Stereo Images using Non-local Pixel Distribution
* Simultaneous localization, mapping and deblurring
* Simultaneous Super-Resolution of Depth and Images Using a Single Camera
* Simultaneous video synchronization and rare event detection via Cross-Entropy Monte Carlo optimization
* Special Issue on Visual Tracking
* SPNet: Deep 3D Object Classification and Retrieval Using Stereographic Projection
* SRWarp: Generalized Image Super-Resolution under Arbitrary Transformation
* statistical error analysis for voxel coloring, A
* Stereo Matching Using Iterated Graph Cuts and Mean Shift Filtering
* Stereo matching using iterative reliable disparity map expansion in the color-spatial-disparity space
* Stereo Matching Using Population-Based MCMC
* Stereo Matching Using Scanline Disparity Discontinuity Optimization
* Stereo reconstruction using high order likelihood
* Stereo reconstruction using high-order likelihoods
* Stochastic Class-Based Hard Example Mining for Deep Metric Learning
* Structural Object Recognition Using Entropy Correspondence Measure of Line Features
* Subgraph matching using compactness prior for robust feature correspondence
* Surface Reconstruction from Photometric Stereo Images
* T2LM: Long-Term 3D Human Motion Generation from Multiple Sentences
* Task-Aware Image Downscaling
* Tensor-Based High-Order Semantic Relation Transfer for Semantic Scene Segmentation
* Test-Time Adaptation for Video Frame Interpolation via Meta-Learning
* Toward Global Minimum through Combined Local Minima
* Toward Real-World Super-Resolution via Adaptive Downsampling Models
* Tracking by Sampling and Integrating Multiple Trackers
* Tracking by Sampling Trackers
* Tracking of a non-rigid object via patch-based dynamic appearance modeling and adaptive Basin Hopping Monte Carlo sampling
* Tracking of Abrupt Motion Using Wang-Landau Monte Carlo Estimation
* Triplanar convolution with shared 2D kernels for 3D classification and shape retrieval
* Unified Framework for Event Summarization and Rare Event Detection from Multiple Views, A
* unified framework for event summarization and rare event detection, A
* Unified Probabilistic Approach to Feature Matching and Object Segmentation, A
* Unsupervised detection and segmentation of identical objects
* V2V-PoseNet: Voxel-to-Voxel Prediction Network for Accurate 3D Hand and Human Pose Estimation from a Single Depth Map
* Visual Tracking by Tridentalign and Context Embedding
* Visual tracking decomposition
* Visual tracking via geometric particle filtering on the affine group with optimal importance functions
* Wang-Landau Monte Carlo-Based Tracking Methods for Abrupt Motions
* Window annealing for pixel-labeling problems
* Window Annealing over Square Lattice Markov Random Field
Includes: Lee, K.M.[Kyoung Mu] Lee, K.M. Lee, K.M.[Kyoung-Mi] Lee, K.M.[Kuoung Mu] Lee, K.M.[Kyoung-Mu] Lee, K.M.[Kwang-Mog] Lee, K.M.[K. Mu] Lee, K.M.[Kok-Meng] Lee, K.M.[Kyong Mu] Lee, K.M.[Kyoung-Min]
224 for Lee, K.M.
Lee, K.R.[Ki Rim]
Co Author Listing * B-GPS: Blockchain-Based Global Positioning System for Improved Data Integrity and Reliability
* Multi-unit Biometric Fusion in Fingerprint Verification
* Realistic surface geometry reconstruction using a hand-held RGB-D camera
* Robust tracking and mapping with a handheld RGB-D camera
* Study on Multi-unit Fingerprint Verification, A
Includes: Lee, K.R.[Ki Rim] Lee, K.R.[Ki-Rim] Lee, K.R.[Kang-Rok] Lee, K.R.[Kyoung-Rok]
Lee, K.S.[Kam Sum]
Co Author Listing * 3D Face Modeling from Perspective-Views and Contour-Based Generic-Model
* Analysis of cerebral blood flow in Parkinson's disease with dementia versus subcortical ischemic vascular dementia using single photon emission computed tomography
* Application of The Steep Slope Risk Assessment Using Three Dimensional Information Data
* Assessment for a Condition Using Terrestrial Lidar Data
* Attack on JPEG2000 Steganography Using LRCA
* Can COMT-inhibitor delay the clinical progression of Parkinson's disease? 2 years follow up pilot study
* Category Attack for LSB Steganalysis of JPEG Images
* Creating Virtual Walkthrough Environment from Vertical Panoramic Mosaic
* Development of Geo-KOMPSAT-2A Algorithm for Sea-Ice Detection Using Himawari-8/AHI Data
* Effects of nicergoline treatment on regional cerebral blood flow in early Alzheimer's disease
* Evaluation of Sea Ice Radiative Forcing according to Surface Albedo and Skin Temperature over the Arctic from 1982-2015
* Flood Mapping Using Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Data and Logistic Regression in the Heterogeneous Mountainous Regions in North Korea
* Image Enhancement Based on Signal Subspace Approach
* Improvement of GOCI-II Water Vapor Absorption Correction through Fusion with GK-2A/AMI Data
* InfoMax-GAN: Improved Adversarial Image Generation via Information Maximization and Contrastive Learning
* Investigation of Forest Fire Characteristics in North Korea Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS
* Long-Term Variability of Surface Albedo and Its Correlation with Climatic Variables over Antarctica
* Multi-temporal Approach For Detecting Snow Cover Area Using Geostationary Imagery Data, A
* neuroprotective effect of a traditional herbal (kyung-ok-ko) on transient middle cerebral artery occlusion-Induced ischemic rat brain, The
* NIRVANA: Neural Implicit Representations of Videos with Adaptive Networks and Autoregressive Patch-Wise Modeling
* Panoramic Video Segmentation Using Color Mixture Models
* Practical Approach for Calibration of Omnidirectional Stereo Cameras, A
* Restricted Boltzmann Machine-Based Voice Conversion for Nonparallel Corpus
* Retrieval and Uncertainty Analysis of Land Surface Reflectance Using a Geostationary Ocean Color Imager
* Secure Steganographic Scheme against Statistical Analyses, A
* Semantic Feature Extraction Based on Video Abstraction and Temporal Modeling
* Single-Cell Tracking With PET Using a Novel Trajectory Reconstruction Algorithm
* Traffic Light Detection Using Rotated Principal Component Analysis for Video-Based Car Navigation System
Includes: Lee, K.S.[Kam Sum] Lee, K.S.[Kam-Sum] Lee, K.S.[Kwang-Soo] Lee, K.S. Lee, K.S.[Kwan-Sung] Lee, K.S.[Kyeong-Sang] Lee, K.S.[Kyoo-Seock] Lee, K.S.[Ki Seung] Lee, K.S.[Kwot Sin] Lee, K.S.[Kyu-Sung] Lee, K.S.[Kang-San] Lee, K.S.[Kwang Su] Lee, K.S.[Ki-Sung]
28 for Lee, K.S.
Lee, K.T.[Kuang Ting]
Co Author Listing * ADMM-SRNet: Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Based Sparse Representation Network for One-Class Classification
* Radiation Component Calculation and Energy Budget Analysis for the Korean Peninsula Region
* Radiative Energy Budget for East Asia Based on GK-2A/AMI Observation Data
* Retrieval of Reflected Shortwave Radiation at the Top of the Atmosphere Using Himawari-8/AHI Data
* Using the Himawari-8 AHI Multi-Channel to Improve the Calculation Accuracy of Outgoing Longwave Radiation at the Top of the Atmosphere
* Volcanic Ash Retrieval Using a New Geostationary Satellite
Includes: Lee, K.T.[Kuang Ting] Lee, K.T.[Kuang-Ting] Lee, K.T.[Kyu-Tae] Lee, K.T.
Lee, K.W.[Kun Woo]
Co Author Listing * 3D object recognition using scale-invariant features
* Apparatus for estimating a half-pel motion in a video compression method
* Automatic microarray image segmentation based on watershed transformation
* Content-based event retrieval using semantic scene interpretation for automated traffic surveillance
* Fast and Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Dental Models
* Forward error correction (FEC) codes based multiple description coding for internet video streaming and multicast
* Geospatial Platform to Manage Large-Scale Individual Mobility for an Urban Digital Twin Platform, A
* High-Performance Geospatial Big Data Processing System Based on MapReduce
* Latency-Free Driving Scene Prediction for On-Road Teledriving With Future-Image-Generation
* Map aided SLAM in neighbourhood environments
* MapReduce-Based D_ELT Framework to Address the Challenges of Geospatial Big Data
* Polygonal mesh regularization for subdivision surfaces interpolating meshes of curves
* Reassembly of fractured objects using surface signature
* Roadmap constrained SLAM in neighborhood environment
* Robust Index Code to Distribute Digital Images and Digital Contents Together
Includes: Lee, K.W.[Kun Woo] Lee, K.W.[Kun-Woo] Lee, K.W.[Kang Whan] Lee, K.W.[Kwang-Woo] Lee, K.W.[Kyu-Won] Lee, K.W. Lee, K.W.[Kang-Woo] Lee, K.W.[Kang-Won]
15 for Lee, K.W.
Lee, K.Y.[Kir Yung]
Co Author Listing * Amplitude-modification resilient watermarking based on a-law compounding
* Asymmetric Watermarking System With Many Embedding Watermarks Corresponding to One Detection Watermark, An
* Block-Coordinate Gauss-Newton Optimization and Constrained Monotone Regression for Image Registration in the Presence of Outlier Objects
* Block-Coordinate Gauss-Newton/regression Method for Image Registration with Efficient Outlier Detection
* Cloud Detection Of Optical Satellite Images Using Support Vector Machine
* Colour matching for soft proofing using a camera
* Designing discriminative spatial filter vectors in motor imagery brain-computer interface
* Do Pre-trained Models Benefit Equally in Continual Learning?
* EM Estimation of Scale Factor for Quantization-Based Audio Watermarking
* Evaluation of the performance of clustering algorithms in kernel-induced feature space
* Image coding based on wavelet feature vector
* Improvement of Earthquake Risk Awareness and Seismic Literacy of Korean Citizens through Earthquake Vulnerability Map from the 2017 Pohang Earthquake, South Korea
* Improving support vector data description using local density degree
* Joint Optimization of Image Registration and Comparametric Exposure Compensation Based on the Lucas-Kanade Algorithm
* k-populations algorithm for clustering categorical data, A
* kernel-based subtractive clustering method, A
* Local fuzzy PCA based GMM with dimension reduction on speaker identification
* MPEG-21 and Its Interoperability with Rights-Information Standards
* Multiple Recognizers System Using Two Stage Combinations
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Perceptual Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Possibilistic support vector machines
* Probabilistic learning of similarity measures for tensor PCA
* Radiometric normalization and cloud detection of optical satellite images using invariant pixels
* Robust video stitching using adaptive pixel transfer
* Scene warping: Layer-based stereoscopic image resizing
* Singular Value Decomposition-Based Illumination Compensation in Video
* Spectral Methods for Passive Imaging: Nonasymptotic Performance and Robustness
* Towards Reliable Design and Operation of Electric Road Systems for Heavy-Duty Vehicles Under Realistic Traffic Scenarios
* Training sequence size in clustering algorithms and averaging single-particle images
* Video Stabilization Using Robust Feature Trajectories
* Warping Residual Based Image Stitching for Large Parallax
Includes: Lee, K.Y.[Kir Yung] Lee, K.Y.[Kir-Yung] Lee, K.Y.[Kuan-Yi] Lee, K.Y. Lee, K.Y.[Kyeong-Yeon] Lee, K.Y.[Kuan-Ying] Lee, K.Y.[Ki Young] Lee, K.Y.[Kuo-Yuan] Lee, K.Y.[Ki-Young] Lee, K.Y.[Ki Yong] Lee, K.Y.[Keun-Young] Lee, K.Y.[Kwan-Yong] Lee, K.Y.[Kangh-Yu] Lee, K.Y.[Kyu-Yul] Lee, K.Y.[Ken-Yi] Lee, K.Y.[Ki-Youn] Lee, K.Y.[Kil Young]
31 for Lee, K.Y.
Lee, K.Z.[Kual Zheng]
Co Author Listing * Contact-Free Heart Rate Measurement Using a Camera
* Simple Calibration Approach to Single View Height Estimation, A
Includes: Lee, K.Z.[Kual Zheng] Lee, K.Z.[Kual-Zheng]
Lee, L.[Lim]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Analysis of Cos-7 Binding Assay Imagery for Malaria Vaccination Experiments
* Deep Variation-Structured Reinforcement Learning for Visual Relationship and Attribute Detection
* Dual Adversarial Calibration Framework for Automatic Fetal Brain Biometry, A
* Dual Motion GAN for Future-Flow Embedded Video Prediction
* Evaluation of FY-3E/HIRAS-II Radiometric Calibration Accuracy Based on OMB Analysis
* Fine-grain uncommon object detection from satellite images
* Forest of Sensors: Using Adaptive Tracking to Classify and Monitor Activities in a Site
* FY-3D HIRAS Radiometric Calibration and Accuracy Assessment
* Gait Analysis for Classification
* Gait analysis for recognition and classification
* Gait Dynamics for Recognition and Classification
* Geodesic Landmark Shooting Algorithm for Template Matching and Its Applications, A
* High Spectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder (HIRAS): System Overview and On-Orbit Performance Assessment
* Integrated Face and Gait Recognition from Multiple Views
* Landmark-based algorithms for group average and pattern recognition
* Learning pedestrian models for silhouette refinement
* Monitoring Activities from Multiple Video Streams: Establishing a Common Coordinate Frame
* Solar Contamination on HIRAS Cold Calibration View and the Corrected Radiance Assessment
* Texture Classification by Means of HMM Modeling of AM-FM Features
* Using Adaptive Tracking to Classify and Monitor Activities in a Site
Includes: Lee, L.[Lim] Lee, L.[Lisa] Lee, L.[Lokhin] Lee, L.[Lu] Lee, L. Lee, L.[Lily] Lee, L.[Long]
20 for Lee, L.
Lee, L.C.[Li Chien]
Co Author Listing * Band Subset Selection for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Band-Specified Virtual Dimensionality for Band Selection: An Orthogonal Subspace Projection Approach
* Effect of spatial resolution on classification errors of pure and mixed pixels in remote sensing
* Posteriori Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection for Unlabeled Classification, A
* Regional Atmospheric CO2 Response to Ecosystem CO2 Budgets in China
* Validation of Equilibrated Warping: Image Registration with Mechanical Regularization: On 3D Ultrasound Images
Includes: Lee, L.C.[Li Chien] Lee, L.C.[Li-Chien] Lee, L.C. Lee, L.C.[Lien-Chieh] Lee, L.C.[Lik Chuan]
Lee, L.H.[Lik Hang]
Co Author Listing * AICP: Augmented Informative Cooperative Perception
* Data-Driven and Optimal Bus Scheduling Model With Time-Dependent Traffic and Demand, A
* Dreamscene: 3d Gaussian-based Text-to-3d Scene Generation via Formation Pattern Sampling
* Knowledge-based Approach to Urban Feature Classification Using Aerial Imagery with Lidar Data, A
* Machine Learning Method for Automated Description and Workflow Analysis of First Trimester Ultrasound Scans, A
* Memetic Algorithm for Real-Time Combinatorial Stochastic Simulation Optimization Problems With Performance Analysis
* Survey on Deep Learning for Design and Generation of Virtual Architecture, A
* Towards Augmented Reality Driven Human-City Interaction: Current Research on Mobile Headsets and Future Challenges
Includes: Lee, L.H.[Lik Hang] Lee, L.H.[Lik-Hang] Lee, L.H. Lee, L.H.[Liang-Hwei] Lee, L.H.[Lok Hin]
8 for Lee, L.H.
Lee, L.J.
Co Author Listing * Parametric contour estimation by simulated annealing
* Probabilistic Living Cell Segmentation Model, A
Includes: Lee, L.J. Lee, L.J.[Leo J.]
Lee, L.K.[Lae Kyoung]
Co Author Listing * SLAM with salient line feature extraction in indoor environments
Includes: Lee, L.K.[Lae Kyoung] Lee, L.K.[Lae-Kyoung]
Lee, L.L.[Luan L.]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Method and System for Real Time Verification of Dynamic Human Signatures
* Disconnected Handwritten Character Image Recognition
* Feature extraction based on fuzzy set theory for handwriting recognition
* Freehand Ultrasound Image Simulation with Spatially-Conditioned Generative Adversarial Networks
* Lossless Image Compression Method for Human Static Signatures, A
* off-line method for human signature verification, An
* On-Line Systems for Human Signature Verification
* Optimization of a Signature Verification System Using a Neural Network
* Reliable on-line human signature verification system for point-of-sales applications
* Reliable Online Human Signature Verification Systems
* simple and efficient method for global handwritten word recognition applied to Brazilian bankchecks, A
Includes: Lee, L.L.[Luan L.] Lee, L.L.[Luan Ling] Lee, L.L.[Li-Lin] Lee, L.L.
11 for Lee, L.L.
Lee, L.M.[Lee Min]
Co Author Listing * Adaptation of Hidden Markov Models for Recognizing Speech of Reduced Frame Rate
Includes: Lee, L.M.[Lee Min] Lee, L.M.[Lee-Min]
Lee, L.S.[Lin Shan]
Co Author Listing * hierarchical tag-graph search scheme with layered grammar rules for spontaneous speech understanding, A
* Mandarin dictation machine based upon a hierarchical recognition approach and Chinese natural language analysis, A
Includes: Lee, L.S.[Lin Shan] Lee, L.S.[Lin-Shan] Lee, L.S.
Lee, L.W.[Liang Wei]
Co Author Listing * Dynamic search-window adjustment and interlaced search for block-matching algorithm
Includes: Lee, L.W.[Liang Wei] Lee, L.W.[Liang-Wei]
Lee, M.
Co Author Listing * 3D natural hand interaction for AR applications
* Adaptive Graph Convolution Module for Salient Object Detection
* Application of Spectral Mixture Analysis to Vessel Monitoring Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* Audience measurement system and method
* Automated visual analysis in large scale sensor networks
* Automatic detection and recognition of Korean text in outdoor signboard images
* Burst Image Super-Resolution with Base Frame Selection
* Chupa: Carving 3D Clothed Humans from Skinned Shape Priors using 2D Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* Coarse facial feature detection in sheep
* Collision Probability Field Based Interaction-Aware Longitudinal Motion Prediction
* Complex Non-rigid 3D Shape Recovery Using a Procrustean Normal Distribution Mixture Model
* Consensus of Non-rigid Reconstructions
* Curvilinear-Coordinate-Based Object and Situation Assessment for Highly Automated Vehicles
* Deep pose consensus networks
* Deep Sheep: kinship assignment in livestock from facial images
* Disparity Refinement with Guided Filtering of Soft 3D Cost Function in Multi-view Stereo System
* DP-NeRF: Deblurred Neural Radiance Field with Physical Scene Priors
* Dual Prototype Attention for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Dyadic Conversation Dataset on Moral Emotions, A
* Edge Detection by Genetic Algorithm
* EdgeConv with Attention Module for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Elastic-net regularization of singular values for robust subspace learning
* Enhancing Multi-Label Long-Tailed Classification on Chest X-Rays through ML-GCN Augmentation
* Facial Shape Recovery from a Single Image with an Arbitrary Directional Light Using Linearly Independent Representation
* Fast facial shape recovery from a single image with general, unknown lighting by using tensor representation
* Fast GPS-DR Sensor Fusion Framework: Removing the Geodetic Coordinate Conversion Process
* Fast Holographic Image Reconstruction Using Phase-Shifting Assisted Depth Detection Scheme for Optical Scanning Holography
* Fast video anomaly detection via context-aware shortcut exploration and abnormal feature distance learning
* FastAno: Fast Anomaly Detection via Spatio-temporal Patch Transformation
* Feasibility Evaluation of Oversize Load Transportation Using Conditional Rewarded Deep Q-Networks
* Feasibility of Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Environmental Heavy Metal Monitoring
* Fire Evacuation Simulation Considering the Movement of Pedestrian According To Fire Spread
* GA-Based Filter Selection for Representation in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Generalized Mean For Feature Extraction in One-Class Classification Problems
* Graph-matching-based correspondence search for nonrigid point cloud registration
* Guided Slot Attention for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Hazardous Noxious Substance Detection Based on Ground Experiment and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Hierarchically Decomposed Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Identifying Urban Neighborhood Names through User-Contributed Online Property Listings
* Improved Orthogonal Fractal Super-Resolution Using Range Adjustment and Domain Extension
* Incremental N-Mode SVD for Large-Scale Multilinear Generative Models
* Integrating lidar into the Community Sensor Model construct
* L-Shape Model Switching-Based Precise Motion Tracking of Moving Vehicles Using Laser Scanners
* Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Learning Equi-Angular Representations for Online Continual Learning
* Learning-Based Prediction Model for Baby Accidents, A
* Level-Set Segmentation of Brain Tumors Using a New Hybrid Speed Function
* Leveraging Spatio-Temporal Dependency for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Lidar Waveform Simulation Over Complex Targets
* Lifting GIS maps into strong geometric context for scene understanding
* Local Path Planning for Off-Road Autonomous Driving With Avoidance of Static Obstacles
* Many-Task Federated Learning: A New Problem Setting and A Simple Baseline
* Membership representation for detecting block-diagonal structure in low-rank or sparse subspace clustering
* MM1: Methods, Analysis and Insights from Multimodal LLM Pre-training
* Modulation of Tidal Channel Signatures on SAR Images Over Gyeonggi Bay in Relation to Environmental Factors
* MUSE-VAE: Multi-Scale VAE for Environment-Aware Long Term Trajectory Prediction
* Navigating through Triangle Meshes Implemented as Linear Quadtrees
* Neural Collage Transfer: Artistic Reconstruction via Material Manipulation
* Non-rigid surface recovery with a robust local-rigidity prior
* Objective Detection of Eloquent Axonal Pathways to Minimize Postoperative Deficits in Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Using Diffusion Tractography and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Optimization and integration of high-performance ground penetrating imaging radar system: A research prototype
* Origin-destination-based Public Transport Service Gap
* Painter: Teaching Auto-regressive Language Models to Draw Sketches
* Parallel Implementation of Elastic Grid Matching Using Cellular Neural Networks
* Photovoltaics Plant Fault Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques
* Private-Shared Disentangled Multimodal VAE for Learning of Latent Representations
* Probabilistic Occupancy Filter for Parking Slot Marker Detection in an Autonomous Parking System Using AVM
* Procrustean Markov Process for Non-rigid Structure Recovery, A
* Procrustean Normal Distribution for Non-Rigid Structure from Motion
* Procrustean Regression Networks: Learning 3d Structure of Non-rigid Objects from 2d Annotations
* Procrustean Regression: A Flexible Alignment-Based Framework for Nonrigid Structure Estimation
* Railroad is not a Train: Saliency as Pseudo-pixel Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Rapidly Deployable Video Analysis Sensor units for wide area surveillance
* Real Time Skin Region Detection with a Single-chip Digital Camera
* Real-time facial shape recovery from a single image under general, unknown lighting by rank relaxation
* Rebalancing Batch Normalization for Exemplar-Based Class-Incremental Learning
* Reference-Based Video Super-Resolution Using Multi-Camera Video Triplets
* Regularization Strategy for Point Cloud via Rigidly Mixed Sample
* Road Slope Aided Vehicle Position Estimation System Based on Sensor Fusion of GPS and Automotive Onboard Sensors
* Robust action recognition using local motion and group sparsity
* Robust albedo estimation from a facial image with cast shadow
* Robust Albedo Estimation From a Facial Image With Cast Shadow Under General Unknown Lighting
* Robust All-in-Focus Super-Resolution for Focal Stack Photography
* Robust Elastic-Net Subspace Representation
* Robust Lane Detection via Expanded Self Attention
* robust real-time algorithm for facial shape recovery from a single image containing cast shadow under general, unknown lighting, A
* Saliency as Pseudo-Pixel Supervision for Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Saliency Detection via Global Context Enhanced Feature Fusion and Edge Weighted Loss
* Scalable Framework for Data-Driven Subspace Representation and Clustering, A
* Segmentation of 3D object in volume dataset using active deformable model
* Segmentation, Tracking and Interpretation using Panoramic Video
* Seit++: Masked Token Modeling Improves Storage-efficient Training
* Selectively Dilated Convolution for Accuracy-Preserving Sparse Pillar-based Embedded 3D Object Detection
* Self-Feedback DETR for Temporal Action Detection
* Show, Think, and Tell: Thought-Augmented Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models for Video Captioning
* Single image 3D human pose estimation using a procrustean normal distribution mixture model and model transformation
* Space-Time Localization and Mapping
* Spectral Preprocessing for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Heavy Metals In Water
* SPSN: Superpixel Prototype Sampling Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Superpixel Group-Correlation Network for Co-Saliency Detection
* survey of MPEG-1 audio, video and semantic analysis techniques, A
* SVD-Based Adaptive QIM Watermarking on Stereo Audio Signals
* Symmetric Graph Convolutional Autoencoder for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning
* Tackling Background Distraction in Video Object Segmentation
* Threshold Matters in WSSS: Manipulating the Activation for the Robust and Accurate Segmentation Model Against Thresholds
* Towards Automated Understanding of Student-Tutor Interactions Using Visual Deictic Gestures
* Track Fusion and Behavioral Reasoning for Moving Vehicles Based on Curvilinear Coordinates of Roadway Geometries
* Tracking and Behavior Reasoning of Moving Vehicles Based on Roadway Geometry Constraints
* Transmission Control Method for Data Retention Taking into Account the Low Vehicle Density Environments
* Treating Motion as Option to Reduce Motion Dependency in Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Tsanet: Temporal and Scale Alignment for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Tumor detection on brain MR images using regional features: Method and preliminary results
* Ultra-Compact Microsystems-Based Confocal Endomicroscope
* Unsupervised 3D Reconstruction Networks
* Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation via Prototype Memory Network
* Use of remote sensing to screen earthen levees
* Using Moments to Reduce Object Recognition to a One-Dimensional Search
* Video Matting Using Multi-frame Nonlocal Matting Laplacian
* Viewpoint-aware Channel-wise Attentive Network for Vehicle Re-identification
* Wavelets-based smoothness comparisons for volume data
* ZIGNeRF: Zero-shot 3D Scene Representation with Invertible Generative Neural Radiance Fields
Includes: Lee, M. Lee, M.[Minhyeok] Lee, M.[Moonjin] Lee, M.[Morris] Lee, M.[Myunghun] Lee, M.[Minjung] Lee, M.[Myunggi] Lee, M.[Michael] Lee, M.[Minchul] Lee, M.[Minsik] Lee, M.[MinHyuk] Lee, M.[Munseob] Lee, M.[Minseok] Lee, M.[Minsu] Lee, M.[Minki] Lee, M.[Myeong] Lee, M.[Moojae] Lee, M.[Mark] Lee, M.[Myungje] Lee, M.[Minjae] Lee, M.[Myungeun] Lee, M.[Myungjin] Lee, M.[Mihee] Lee, M.[Mingu] Lee, M.[Malrey] Lee, M.[Minhyun] Lee, M.[Moontae] Lee, M.[Myeonghee] Lee, M.[Miso] Lee, M.[Monique] Lee, M.[Myung] Lee, M.[Matthew] Lee, M.[Minhaeng]
121 for Lee, M.
Lee, M.A.[Ming An]
Co Author Listing * Assessing Summertime Primary Production Required in Changed Marine Environments in Upwelling Ecosystems Around the Taiwan Bank
* Detection of slump slides on earthen levees using polarimetric SAR imagery
* Early Detection of Crop Injury from Glyphosate on Soybean and Cotton Using Plant Leaf Hyperspectral Data
* Ensemble Three-Dimensional Habitat Modeling of Indian Ocean Immature Albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga) Using Remote Sensing Data
* Evaluating a Suitable Aquaculture Site Selection Model for Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) during Extreme Events in the Inner Bay of the Penghu Islands, Taiwan
* Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Feeding Ground of Immature Albacore in the Southern Indian Ocean Using Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll Data
* Multisatellite-Based Feeding Habitat Suitability Modeling of Albacore Tuna in the Southern Atlantic Ocean
* Predicting Skipjack Tuna Fishing Grounds in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Based on High-Spatial-Temporal-Resolution Satellite Data
* Satellite Observations of Typhoon-Induced Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Upwelling Region off Northeastern Taiwan
* Self-Supervised Spectral-Spatial Vision Transformer Network for Accurate Prediction of Wheat Nitrogen Status from UAV Imagery, The
* Using Remote-Sensing Environmental and Fishery Data to Map Potential Yellowfin Tuna Habitats in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
* Variability in the Spatiotemporal Distribution Patterns of Greater Amberjack in Response to Environmental Factors in the Taiwan Strait Using Remote Sensing Data
Includes: Lee, M.A.[Ming An] Lee, M.A.[Ming-An] Lee, M.A. Lee, M.A.[Matthew A.] Lee, M.A.[Mark A.]
12 for Lee, M.A.
Lee, M.C.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Edge-Oriented Shot Boundary Detection
* Complex Zernike Moments Features for Shape-Based Image Retrieval
* Distance Measure for Video Sequences, A
* Document Analysis and Recognition System, A
* Effective Detection of Various Wipe Transitions
* Efficient Spatiotemporal Attention Model and Its Application to Shot Matching, An
* Efficient Texture Analysis of SAR Imagery
* Extraction of Shift Invariant Wavelet Features for Classification of Images with Different Sizes
* Feature segmentation
* Image compression and affine transformation for image motion compensation
* Layered Video Object Coding System Using Sprite and Affine Motion Model, A
* Localization of epileptogenic zones in F-18 FDG brain PET of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy using artificial neural network
* Log-polar wavelet energy signatures for rotation and scale invariant texture classification
* Method and system for filtering compressed video images
* Method and system for unrestricted motion estimation for video
* Method for expanding contracted video images
* Method for generating sprites for object-based coding sytems using masks and rounding average
* Monitoring Mechanism in Preservation of Monuments in Hot and Wet Climate Area
* Multiplierless Fast DCT Algorithms with Minimal Approximation Errors
* Object-based video compression process employing arbitrarily-shaped features
* Occupancy Model for Image Retrieval and Similarity Evaluation, An
* On Ratio-Based Color Indexing
* Overlapped motion compensation for object coding
* Pixel block correlation process
* Polygon block matching method
* Region extraction in vector images
* Repetitive and Morphological Padding for Object-Based Video Coding
* Representation and encoding of general arbitrary shapes
* Robust and Efficient Transform Domain Video Sequence-Analysis: An Approach from the Generalized Color Ratio Model
* Robust Controller for Pursuing Trajectory and Force Estimations of a Bilateral Tele-Operated Hydraulic Manipulator
* Rotation-invariant texture classification using a two-stage wavelet packet feature approach
* Semantic video object segmentation and tracking
* Semantic Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Using Mathematical Morphology and Perspective Motion Model
* Semantic video object tracking using region-based classification
* Semiautomatic Segmentation and Tracking of Semantic Video Objects
* Separate shape and texture coding of transparency data for video coding applications
* Seven-Channel Compression in Video Coding
* Sprite coding
* Techniques for Fast Partitioning of Compressed and Uncompressed Video
* Tracking semantic objects in vector image sequences
* Transform coding of dense motion vector fields for frame and object based video coding applications
* Transformation block optimization method
* Transparent block skipping in object-based video coding systems
* Understanding mathematical expressions using procedure-oriented transformation
* Windows Media Video 9: Overview and Applications
Includes: Lee, M.C. Lee, M.C.[Moon-Chuen] Lee, M.C.[Ming-Chieh] Lee, M.C.[Myung Chul] Lee, M.C.[Min Cheol] Lee, M.C.[Min-Chou]
45 for Lee, M.C.
Lee, M.C.H.[M. C. H.]
Co Author Listing * DeepCut: Object Segmentation From Bounding Box Annotations Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* TeTrIS: Template Transformer Networks for Image Segmentation With Shape Priors
Includes: Lee, M.C.H.[M. C. H.] Lee, M.C.H.
Lee, M.C.J.
Co Author Listing * Damage Risk Assessment of Painting On The Wood Construction in Typical Taiwanese Temple By Hot and Humid Climate
Lee, M.E.[Myung Eun]
Co Author Listing * Image Registration using Bayes Theory and a Maximum Likelihood Framework with an EM Algorithm
* Signature verification apparatus and method utilizing relative angle measurements
* Watermarking Technique for Authentication of 3-D Polygonal Meshes
Includes: Lee, M.E.[Myung Eun] Lee, M.E.[Myung-Eun] Lee, M.E.[Michael E.]
Lee, M.F.R.[Min Fan Ricky]
Co Author Listing * Machine vision system for curved surface inspection
Includes: Lee, M.F.R.[Min Fan Ricky] Lee, M.F.R.[Min-Fan Ricky]
Lee, M.G.[Myung Gi]
Co Author Listing * Few-Shot Object Detection by Attending to Per-Sample-Prototype
* Motion Feature Network: Fixed Motion Filter for Action Recognition
* Multimodal Human Action Recognition for Rehabilitation Exercise of Upper Body for Individuals With Cerebral Palsy
Includes: Lee, M.G.[Myung Gi] Lee, M.G.[Myung-Gi] Lee, M.G.[Min-Goo]
Lee, M.H.[Man Hee]
Co Author Listing * Active 3D shape acquisition using smartphones
* Adaptive Bias Discovery for Learning Debiased Classifier
* Applying Vision Guidance in Robotic Food Handling
* Biologically Inspired Saliency Map Model for Bottom-up Visual Attention
* car test for the estimation of GPS/INS alignment errors, A
* Comparison of MPEG Domain Elements for Low-Level Shot Boundary Detection
* Compressed sensing with MCT and I(2D)2PCA processing for efficient face recognition
* CSS-Net: Classification and Substitution for Segmentation of Rotator Cuff Tear
* Cubic Convolution Scaler Optimized for Local Property of Image Data
* Deep Relational Reasoning for the Prediction of Language Impairment and Postoperative Seizure Outcome Using Preoperative DWI Connectome Data of Children With Focal Epilepsy
* Disk and File System-Design for MPEG-2 Video on Demand Servers
* Dissolve Detection Using Intensity Change Information of Edge Pixels
* Edge-based semantic classification of sports video sequences
* Efficient design and implementation of visual computing algorithms on the GPU
* Efficient image down-conversion for mixed field/frame-mode macroblocks
* Encoder-decoder cycle for visual question answering based on perception-action cycle
* Enhancing Binocular Depth Estimation Based on Proactive Perception and Action Cyclic Learning for an Autonomous Developmental Robot
* fast hybrid Jacket-Hadamard matrix based diagonal block-wise transform, A
* Feature description using local neighborhoods
* FedFSLAR: A Federated Learning Framework for Few-shot Action Recognition
* Fusion of SAR and Multispectral Images Using Random Forest Regression for Change Detection
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Moving Object Detection for Real-time Traffic Surveillance, A
* Geometry Compression of 3-D Mesh Model using Predictive Two-Stage Quantization
* High cursive traditional Asian character recognition using integrated adaptive constraints in ensemble of DenseNet and Inception models
* Human implicit intent recognition based on the phase synchrony of EEG signals
* ICA-Evolution Based Data Augmentation with Ensemble Deep Neural Networks Using Time and Frequency Kernels for Emotion Recognition from EEG-Data
* Image denoising via coded aperture photography
* Improving the Performance of Brain-Computer Interface Using Multi-modal Neuroimaging
* Method for objects segmentation in video sequences by object tracking and user assistance
* Mobile photo collage
* Modeling the Calibration Pipeline of the Lytro Camera for High Quality Light-Field Image Reconstruction
* Moving object segmentation in video sequences by user interaction and automatic object tracking
* Multi-Scale Adaptive Grey World Algorithm, A
* Multispectral Imaging Using Multiplexed Illumination
* On applying linear discriminant analysis for multi-labeled problems
* Optical flow-motion history image (OF-MHI) for action recognition
* Optimal illumination spectrum for endoscope
* Performance Evaluation of Local Descriptors for Affine Invariant Region Detector
* Performance evaluation of local descriptors for maximally stable extremal regions
* Photorealistic 3D face modeling on a smartphone
* Portable Projection-Based AR System
* Probing of human implicit intent based on eye movement and pupillary analysis for augmented cognition
* Radiometrically-Compensated Projection onto Non-Lambertian Surface Using Multiple Overlapping Projectors
* Robust pan-sharpening via color samples relocation and edge aware interpolation
* Robust Wavelet-Based Information Hiding through Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) Codes
* Simultaneous Geometric and Radiometric Adaptation to Dynamic Surfaces With a Mobile Projector-Camera System
* Subject-dependent classification for robust idle state detection using multi-modal neuroimaging and data-fusion techniques in BCI
* Surface-Independent Direct-Projected Augmented Reality
* Undistorted Projection onto Dynamic Surface
* Visual Inpainting Method Based on the Compressed Domain, A
* VOP generation tool: automatic segmentation of moving objects in image sequences based on spatio-temporal information, A
Includes: Lee, M.H.[Man Hee] Lee, M.H.[Min-Ho] Lee, M.H. Lee, M.H.[Man Hyung] Lee, M.H.[Moon Hwan] Lee, M.H.[Myung-Ho] Lee, M.H.[Myang-Hee] Lee, M.H.[Moon Ho] Lee, M.H.[Mi Hee] Lee, M.H.[Min-Haeng] Lee, M.H.[Myoung Ho] Lee, M.H.[Moon-Hyun] Lee, M.H.[Moon-Hwi] Lee, M.H.[Men-Han] Lee, M.H.[Moon-Ho]
51 for Lee, M.H.
Lee, M.I.[Myong In]
Co Author Listing * Detection of Convective Initiation Using Meteorological Imager Onboard Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite Based on Machine Learning Approaches
* Detection of Tropical Overshooting Cloud Tops Using Himawari-8 Imagery
* Machine Learning Approaches for Detecting Tropical Cyclone Formation Using Satellite Data
* Observing System Simulation Experiment Framework for Air Quality Forecasts in Northeast Asia: A Case Study Utilizing Virtual Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer and Surface Monitored Aerosol Data, An
* Prediction of Drought on Pentad Scale Using Remote Sensing Data and MJO Index through Random Forest over East Asia
* Recent ENSO influence on East African drought during rainy seasons through the synergistic use of satellite and reanalysis data
* Seasonal Dependence of Aerosol Data Assimilation and Forecasting Using Satellite and Ground-Based Observations
Includes: Lee, M.I.[Myong In] Lee, M.I.[Myong-In]
7 for Lee, M.I.
Lee, M.J.[Myung Jin]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Deep Neural Network Inference Optimization with EENet
* Adaptive Key Frame Selection for Efficient Video Coding
* Blind Image Deblurring with Noise-robust Kernel Estimation
* Classification of Landscape Affected by Deforestation Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data and Deep-Learning Techniques
* DePS: Delayed-espilon-shrinking for Faster Once-for-all Training
* Digital Cinema Watermarking for Estimating the Position of the Pirate
* direction-constrained k nearest neighbor query, The
* Efficient Reference-based Video Super-Resolution (ERVSR): Single Reference Image Is All You Need
* Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Improved watermark detection robust to camcorder capture based on quadrangle estimation
* Intelligent Wheelchair to Enable Safe Mobility of the Disabled People with Motor and Cognitive Impairments, An
* Interior Tomography Using 1D Generalized Total Variation. Part I: Mathematical Foundation
* Interior Tomography Using 1D Generalized Total Variation. Part II: Multiscale Implementation
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using an Optimized Group Method of Data Handling Model
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Comparison Using Decision Tree Models: A Case Study of Jumunjin Area, Korea
* Mapping Forest Vertical Structure in Jeju Island from Optical and Radar Satellite Images Using Artificial Neural Network
* Oil Spill Mapping from Kompsat-2 High-Resolution Image Using Directional Median Filtering and Artificial Neural Network
* Rapid Change Detection of Flood Affected Area after Collapse of the Laos Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Dam Using Sentinel-1 GRD Data
* Reduction of False Alarm Rate in SAR-MTI Based on Weighted Kurtosis
* Region-based tampering detection and recovery using homogeneity analysis in quality-sensitive imaging
* Reversible data hiding exploiting spatial correlation between sub-sampled images
* Robust Evaluation of Diffusion-Based Adversarial Purification
* Robust Maritime Target Detector in Short Dwell Time
* Robust watermark detection against D-A/A-D conversion for digital cinema using local auto-correlation function
* Scanner identification using spectral noise in the frequency domain
* Screenshot identification by analysis of directional inequality of interlaced video
* Spatial self-synchronizing video watermarking technique
* Superfednas: Cost-efficient Federated Neural Architecture Search for On-device Inference
* Susceptibility Analysis of the Mt. Umyeon Landslide Area Using a Physical Slope Model and Probabilistic Method
* Tightly-coupled spatial database features in the Odysseus/OpenGIS DBMS for high-performance
* Video Representation with Dynamic Features from Multi-Frame Frame-Difference Images
* VLAAD: Vision and Language Assistant for Autonomous Driving
Includes: Lee, M.J.[Myung Jin] Lee, M.J.[Myung-Jin] Lee, M.J.[Myung-Jung] Lee, M.J.[Myung-Jun] Lee, M.J.[Moung-Jin] Lee, M.J. Lee, M.J.[Min-Joong] Lee, M.J.[Min-Ji] Lee, M.J.[Myung-Je] Lee, M.J.[Min-Jeong] Lee, M.J.[Myeong-Jin] Lee, M.J.[Min-Jong] Lee, M.J.[Min-Jae] Lee, M.J.[Michelle J.]
32 for Lee, M.J.
Lee, M.K.
Co Author Listing * ASIC Implementation of an Optimized Digital Video Encoder, An
* Channel Pruning Via Gradient Of Mutual Information For Light-Weight Convolutional Neural Networks
* Flexible VLSI Architecture of Motion Estimator for Video Image Compression
* High-Throughput Block-Matching VLSI Architecture with Low Memory Bandwidth
* Hybrid Time-Frequency: Texture Compensation Technique for Image Coding
* Macro unit-based convolutional neural network for very light-weight deep learning
* MUNet: Macro Unit-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Mobile Devices
* Two-level regression of body mass distribution from X-ray image database
* Volumetric reconstruction from multi-energy single-view radiography
Includes: Lee, M.K. Lee, M.K.[Min Kyu] Lee, M.K.[Mei Kay]
9 for Lee, M.K.
Lee, M.L.[Mong Li]
Co Author Listing * Automated Microaneurysm Segmentation and Detection using Generalized Eigenvectors
* Automated Optic Disc Localization and Contour Detection Using Ellipse Fitting and Wavelet Transform
* Constrained-MSER detection of retinal pathology
* Differential-Based Approach for Vessel Type Classification in Retinal Images, A
* Effective Approach to Detect Lesions in Color Retinal Images, An
* End-to-End Vision Transformer Approach for Image Copy Detection, An
* Normal Similarity Network for Generative Modelling
* Patch-Level Regularizer for Convolutional Neural Network
* piecewise Gaussian model for profiling and differentiating retinal vessels, A
* Propagation Mechanism for Deep and Wide Neural Networks
* Reconstruction of vascular structures in retinal images
* Robot-Assisted Disassembly Sequence Planning With Real-Time Human Motion Prediction
* Role of Domain Knowledge in the Detection of Retinal Hard Exudates, The
* Segmentation of Retinal Vessels Using Nonlinear Projections
* Sniffer: Multimodal Large Language Model for Explainable Out-of-Context Misinformation Detection
* Techniques for temporal registration of retinal images
Includes: Lee, M.L.[Mong Li] Lee, M.L.[M. Li] Lee, M.L. Lee, M.L.[Meng-Lun]
16 for Lee, M.L.
Lee, M.P.
Co Author Listing * Rigorous Error Modeling for sUAS Acquired Image-Derived Point Clouds
Lee, M.S.[Mi Suen]
Co Author Listing * email: Lee, M.S.[Mi Suen]: misuen lee AT activeye com
* ABC-Norm Regularization for Fine-Grained and Long-Tailed Image Classification
* Activity Recognition Using First-Person-View Cameras Based on Sparse Optical Flows
* Apparatus for encoding a video signal using feature point based motion estimation
* Automatic Video Parsing Using Shot Boundary Detection and Camera Operation Analysis
* Computational Framework for Segmentation and Grouping, A
* Computer Vision System for Home Monitoring, A
* Computer Vision System for On-Screen Item Selection by Finger Pointing, A
* Derivation of Red Tide Index and Density Using Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Data
* Design Pseudo Ground Truth with Motion Cue for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Detecting People in Cluttered Indoor Scenes
* DuETNet: Dual Encoder based Transfer Network for thoracic disease classification
* EM-GPA: Generalized Procrustes analysis with hidden variables for 3D shape modeling
* End-to-end Video Matting with Trimap Propagation
* Epipolar Geometry Estimation by Tensor Voting in 8D
* Face Recognition under Variant Illumination Using PCA and Wavelets
* Fast digital pan tilt zoom video
* GaIA: Graphical Information Gain based Attention Network for Weakly Supervised Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Grouping ., -, -->, 0, into Regions, Curves, and Junctions
* Human action recognition using Action Trait Code
* Image Similarity Comparison Using Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform
* Inference of Segmented Overlapping Surfaces from Binocular and Multiple-View Stereo
* Inference of Segmented Overlapping Surfaces from Binocular Stereo
* Inferring Segmented Surface Description from Stereo Data
* low-complexity upsampling technique for H.264, A
* LSR: A Light-Weight Super-Resolution Method
* Method and apparatus for detecting moving objects in video conferencing and other applications
* Method and apparatus for determining true motion vectors for selected pixels
* Method and apparatus for encoding a video signal using feature point based motion estimation
* Method and apparatus for encoding/decoding a video signal
* Method and apparatus for tracking moving objects using combined video and audio information in video conferencing and other applications
* Method for detecting motion vectors
* Method for encoding a video signal using feature point based motion estimation
* Motion vector estimation method and apparatus for use in an image signal encoding system
* MT-DETR: Robust End-to-end Multimodal Detection with Confidence Fusion
* N-Dimensional Tensor Voting and Application to Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* New View Generation with a Bi-centric Camera
* Object tracking with temporal prediction and spatial refinement (TPSR)
* Online CNN-based multiple object tracking with enhanced model updates and identity association
* Online object tracking via motion-guided convolutional neural network (MGNet)
* Psychoacoustic Calibration of Loss Functions for Efficient End-to-End Neural Audio Coding
* Reconstruct as Far as You Can: Consensus of Non-Rigid Reconstruction from Feasible Regions
* Sift for Dense Point Cloud Matching and Aero Triangulation
* Similarity Matches of Gene Expression Data Based on Wavelet Transform
* Speckle reduction with edges preservation for ultrasound images: Using Function Spaces Approach
* Structure and Motion from a Sparse Set of Views
* System Optimization for Dynamic Wireless Charging Electric Vehicles Operating in a Multiple-Route Environment
* UNSPAT: Uncertainty-Guided SpatioTemporal Transformer for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation on Videos
* Unsupervised video object segmentation with distractor-aware online adaptation
* Video Aesthetic Quality Assessment by Temporal Integration of Photo- and Motion-Based Features
* Video object tracking and segmentation with box annotation
* View Synthesis from Unregistered 2D Images
* VITON-HD: High-Resolution Virtual Try-On via Misalignment-Aware Normalization
* VR Sickness Assessment with Perception Prior and Hybrid Temporal Features
Includes: Lee, M.S.[Mi Suen] Lee, M.S.[Mi-Suen] Lee, M.S.[Ming-Sui] Lee, M.S.[Min-Sup] Lee, M.S.[Mee-Sook] Lee, M.S. Lee, M.S.[Min-Sun] Lee, M.S.[Min Seok] Lee, M.S.[Min-Sik] Lee, M.S.[Mong-Shu] Lee, M.S.[Min-Sub] Lee, M.S.[Min-Soo]
54 for Lee, M.S.
Lee, M.T.[Meng Tu]
Co Author Listing * Epipolar geometry of catadioptric stereo systems with planar mirrors
Includes: Lee, M.T.[Meng Tu] Lee, M.T.[Meng-Tu]
Lee, M.W.[Mun Wai]
Co Author Listing * 3D Body Reconstruction for Immersive Interaction
* 3D deformable face model for pose determination and face synthesis
* 3D Human Action Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Motion Templates
* ArcGeo: Localizing Limited Field-of-View Images using Cross-view Matching
* BAMM: Bidirectional Autoregressive Motion Model
* Body Part Detection for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking
* Dynamic Human Pose Estimation using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach
* Human body tracking with auxiliary measurements
* Human Pose Tracking in Monocular Sequence Using Multilevel Structured Models
* Human Pose Tracking Using Multi-level Structured Models
* Human Upper Body Pose Estimation in Static Images
* I2T: Image Parsing to Text Description
* Image transformation for object tracking in high-resolution video
* integrated face detection and recognition system, An
* Integrating component cues for human pose tracking
* Joint Video and Text Parsing for Understanding Events and Answering Queries
* Keyhole-3D phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography: A time-resolved reconstruction method
* Local Learning Matters: Rethinking Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning
* MMM: Generative Masked Motion Model
* Model-Based Approach for Estimating Human 3D Poses in Static Images, A
* MutualNet: Adaptive ConvNet via Mutual Learning From Different Model Configurations
* Optimal Global Mosaic Generation from Retinal Images
* PaCa-ViT: Learning Patch-to-Cluster Attention in Vision Transformers
* Particle filter with analytical inference for human body tracking
* Pose Invariant Face Recognition by Face Synthesis
* Pose-invariant face recognition using a 3D deformable model
* Proposal maps driven MCMC for estimating human body pose in static images
* rank constrained continuous formulation of multi-frame multi-target tracking problem, A
* SAVE: A framework for semantic annotation of visual events
* Semantic video event search for surveillance video
* Semantic Video-to-Video Search Using Sub-graph Grouping and Matching
* Signal intensity correction for multichannel MR images using radon transformation
* simple auto prescan calibration method for multislice fast spin echo MRI, A
* Spatial skyline queries: exact and approximation algorithms
* Traffic analysis with low frame rate camera networks
Includes: Lee, M.W.[Mun Wai] Lee, M.W.[Min-Woo] Lee, M.W. Lee, M.W.[Man-Woo] Lee, M.W.[Mun-Wai] Lee, M.W.[Mu-Woong]
35 for Lee, M.W.
Lee, M.X.[Ming Xian]
Co Author Listing * Most Important Person-guided Dual-branch Cross-Patch Attention for Group Affect Recognition
Includes: Lee, M.X.[Ming Xian] Lee, M.X.[Ming-Xian]
Lee, M.Y.[Myong Young]
Co Author Listing * Color Signal Decomposition Method Using 3-D Gamut Boundary of Multi-Primary Display
* Flexible Delivery Routing for Elastic Logistics: A Model and an Algorithm
* Hard Samples Rectification for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Improved shading model in spectral-based ray tracing method
* Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Multi-Stream Sequence Learning Framework for Human Interaction Recognition, A
* On Creating Multimedia Interfaces for Hybrid Biological-digital Art Installations
* Power Efficient Video Super-resolution on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
* Radiative Energy Budget for East Asia Based on GK-2A/AMI Observation Data
* Text-Guided Variational Image Generation for Industrial Anomaly Detection and Segmentation
Includes: Lee, M.Y.[Myong Young] Lee, M.Y.[Myong-Young] Lee, M.Y.[Min-Young] Lee, M.Y.[Man-Yu] Lee, M.Y.[Mi Young] Lee, M.Y.[Mung-Yu] Lee, M.Y.[Mi-Young] Lee, M.Y.[Ming-Yu]
10 for Lee, M.Y.
Lee, M.Z.
Co Author Listing * Morphological Filtering and Hierarchical Deformation for Partially Overlapping Cell Segmentation
Lee, N.
Co Author Listing * Bayesian Matching Pursuit: A Finite-Alphabet Sparse Signal Recovery Algorithm for Quantized Compressive Sensing
* Computer-generated iron filing art
* DESIRE: Distant Future Prediction in Dynamic Scenes with Interacting Agents
* Efficient Deep Models for Real-Time 4K Image Super-Resolution. NTIRE 2023 Benchmark and Report
* Forecasting Interactive Dynamics of Pedestrians with Fictitious Play
* Framework for Mining Signatures from Event Sequences and Its Applications in Healthcare Data, A
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
* Predicting wide receiver trajectories in American football
* PSIGAN: Joint Probabilistic Segmentation and Image Distribution Matching for Unpaired Cross-Modality Adaptation-Based MRI Segmentation
* Role of Masking for Efficient Supervised Knowledge Distillation of Vision Transformers, The
* shrinkage method for causal network detection of brain regions, A
* Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* Synthesizing a Scene-Specific Pedestrian Detector and Pose Estimator for Static Video Surveillance
Includes: Lee, N. Lee, N.[Namil] Lee, N.[Namhoon] Lee, N.[Nakyung] Lee, N.[Noah] Lee, N.[Namgil]
13 for Lee, N.
Lee, N.I.
Co Author Listing * Fast and Adaptive Method to Estimate Texture Statistics by the Spatial Gray Level Dependence Matrix for Texture Image Segmentation, A
Lee, N.K.[Nam Kyung]
Co Author Listing * S/W Based Frame-Level Synchronization for Irregular Screen Processing System
* Simulation of Artificial Winds Using a Hardware Illumination Technique
Includes: Lee, N.K.[Nam Kyung] Lee, N.K.[Nam-Kyung]
Lee, N.Y.[Nam Yong]
Co Author Listing * Block-iterative Richardson-Lucy methods for image deblurring
* Image reconstruction using the wavelet transform for positron emission tomography
* Nonlinear Wavelet Image-Processing: Variational-Problems, Compression, and Noise Removal Through Wavelet Shrinkage
* Wavelet Methods for Inverting the Radon Transform with Noisy Data
Includes: Lee, N.Y.[Nam Yong] Lee, N.Y.[Nam-Yong] Lee, N.Y.
Lee, O.[Ouseb]
Co Author Listing * Active Mesh: A Feature Seeking and Tracking Image Sequence Representation Scheme
* Capturing and View-Dependent Rendering of Billboard Models
* Compressive Diffuse Optical Tomography: Noniterative Exact Reconstruction Using Joint Sparsity
* Estimation of Basis Line-Integrals in a Spectral Distortion-Modeled Photon Counting Detector Using Low-Order Polynomial Approximation of X-ray Transmittance
* Estimation of Basis Line-Integrals in a Spectral Distortion-Modeled Photon Counting Detector Using Low-Rank Approximation-Based X-Ray Transmittance Modeling: K-Edge Imaging Application
* Region segmentation based on active mesh representation of motion: comparison of parallel and sequential approaches
* Unified Sparse Recovery and Inference Framework for Functional Diffuse Optical Tomography Using Random Effect Model, A
* Use of 2-Dimensional Deformable Mesh Structures for Video Coding: I The Synthesis Problem: Mesh-Based Function Approximation and Mapping
* Use of 2-Dimensional Deformable Mesh Structures for Video Coding: II The Analysis Problem and a Region-Based Coder Employing an Active Mesh Representation
* Usefulness of Global Root Zone Soil Moisture Product for Streamflow Prediction of Ungauged Basins
* Vegetation Drought Vulnerability Mapping Using a Copula Model of Vegetation Index and Meteorological Drought Index
Includes: Lee, O.[Ouseb] Lee, O.[Oliver] Lee, O. Lee, O.[Okjeong]
11 for Lee, O.
Lee, O.N.[O. New]
Co Author Listing * Fusarium Wilt of Radish Detection Using RGB and Near Infrared Images from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Lee, O.S.[Ouk Seh]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Extraction of Semantic Relationships from Images Using Ontologies and SVM Classifiers
Includes: Lee, O.S.[Ouk Seh] Lee, O.S.[Ouk-Seh]
Lee, O.S.M.[Olivia Shuk Ming]
Co Author Listing * Observation of Turbulent Mixing Characteristics in the Typical Daytime Cloud-Topped Boundary Layer over Hong Kong in 2019
Includes: Lee, O.S.M.[Olivia Shuk Ming] Lee, O.S.M.[Olivia Shuk-Ming]
Lee, O.Y.[Oh Young]
Co Author Listing * Combining self-learning based super-resolution with denoising for noisy images
* Dual learning based compression noise reduction in the texture domain
* Image interpolation using Gabor filter
* Joint super-resolution and compression artifact reduction based on dual-learning
Includes: Lee, O.Y.[Oh Young] Lee, O.Y.[Oh-Young]
Lee, P.[Pilhyeon]
Co Author Listing * AesPA-Net: Aesthetic Pattern-Aware Style Transfer Networks
* Analysis, Comparison, and Assessment of Latent Fingerprint Image Preprocessing
* BAM-DETR: Boundary-aligned Moment Detection Transformer for Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos
* Combined Geometric Transformation and Illumination Invariant Object Recognition in RGB Color Images
* Conservative Downscaling of Satellite-Detected Chemical Compositions: NO2 Column Densities of OMI, GOME-2, and CMAQ, A
* Decomposed Cross-Modal Distillation for RGB-based Temporal Action Detection
* Design Considerations in the Real-Time Implementation of Multiple Expert Image Classifiers within a Modular and Flexible Multiple-platform Design Environment
* Exploiting shape cues for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* Exploiting Transferable Knowledge for Fairness-aware Image Classification
* Face posture estimation using eigen analysis on an IBR (image based rendered) database
* Fair Contrastive Learning for Facial Attribute Classification
* generative statistical model for tracking multiple smooth trajectories, A
* Improving Diversity in Zero-Shot GAN Adaptation with Semantic Variations
* Interpreting Optical Mapping Recordings in the Ischemic Heart: A Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation
* Learning Action Completeness from Points for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization
Includes: Lee, P.[Pilhyeon] Lee, P. Lee, P.[Peter] Lee, P.[Pius] Lee, P.[Philip]
15 for Lee, P.
Lee, P.A.
Co Author Listing * Fronto-normal gait incorporating accurate practical looming compensation
* Image analysis by Tchebichef moments
Lee, P.C.
Co Author Listing * Fast Encoding Algorithm for Fractal Image Compression Using the DCT Inner Product, A
Lee, P.D.
Co Author Listing * Iterative CT Reconstruction Algorithm for Fast Fluid Flow Imaging, An
Lee, P.F.[Pai Feng]
Co Author Listing * High quality surface remeshing with equilateral triangle grid
* Octree Subdivision Using Coplanar Criterion for Hierarchical Point Simplification
Includes: Lee, P.F.[Pai Feng] Lee, P.F.[Pai-Feng]
Lee, P.G.[Philip G.]
Co Author Listing * Automatic, fast, online calibration between depth and color cameras
* L1 matting
* Nonlocal matting
Includes: Lee, P.G.[Philip G.] Lee, P.G.[Philip Greggory]
Lee, P.H.[Pyoung Hean]
Co Author Listing * AdaBoost for Text Detection in Natural Scene
* Automatic Gender Recognition Using Fusion of Facial Strips
* Blood vessel extraction from OCT data by short-time RPCA
* Extracting Blood Vessels From Full-Field OCT Data of Human Skin by Short-Time RPCA
* Face verification and identification using Facial Trait Code
* Facial Trait Code
* Facial Trait Code and Its Application to Face Recognition
* High-precision panoramic imaging system
* Illumination Compensation Using Oriented Local Histogram Equalization and its Application to Face Recognition
* Intelligent Environment-Adaptive GNSS/INS Integrated Positioning with Factor Graph Optimization
* Kinstyle: A Strong Baseline Photorealistic Kinship Face Synthesis with an Optimized Stylegan Encoder
* On efficient multi-angle face prototype collection
* On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and Speaker Verification Evaluation
* Polymorphous Facial Trait Code
* Probabilistic Facial Trait Code for face recognition
* Real-time hand tracking on depth images
* Robust Face Recognition Using Probabilistic Facial Trait Code
* Subject-Specific and Pose-Oriented Facial Features for Face Recognition Across Poses
* Viewpoint-Independent Object Detection Based on Two-Dimensional Contours and Three-Dimensional Sizes
Includes: Lee, P.H.[Pyoung Hean] Lee, P.H.[Pyoung-Hean] Lee, P.H.[Ping-Han] Lee, P.H. Lee, P.H.[Philip H.] Lee, P.H.[Pin-Hsun] Lee, P.H.[Pin-Hua] Lee, P.H.[Ping-Hsien]
19 for Lee, P.H.
Lee, P.J.[Pei Jyun]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Learning for Target Tracking and True Linking Discovering Across Multiple Non-Overlapping Cameras
* adaptive learning method for target tracking across multiple cameras, An
* Decoder picture buffer reduction based effective reference frame selection algorithm for multiview video coding
* Fast Inter Mode Selection Algorithm for Motion Estimation in MPEG-4 AVC/JVT/H.264
* Nongeometric Distortion Smoothing Approach for Depth Map Preprocessing
Includes: Lee, P.J.[Pei Jyun] Lee, P.J.[Pei-Jyun] Lee, P.J.[Pei-Jun] Lee, P.J.
Lee, P.K.[Philip K.]
Co Author Listing * Distortion-Free Diffusion Imaging Using Self-Navigated Cartesian Echo-Planar Time Resolved Acquisition and Joint Magnitude and Phase Constrained Reconstruction
* Shape-Based Floor Plan Retrieval Using Parse Tree Matching
Lee, P.L.
Co Author Listing * Analysis Of The Temporal And Spatial Controlling Factors In Affecting The Accuracy Of Landslide Predicting Model At Taiwan
* Brain-Wave-Actuated Small Robot Car Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition-Based Approach, A
* Discrete signal matching using coarse-to-fine wavelet basis functions
* MRI image segmentation based on fast global minimization of snake model
* Unsupervised active contours driven by density distance and local fitting energy with applications to medical image segmentation
Includes: Lee, P.L. Lee, P.L.[Po-Lei]
Lee, P.S.[Peik Shyan]
Co Author Listing * Individual Recognition Based on Human Iris Using Fractal Dimension Approach
Lee, P.Y.[Pei Yean]
Co Author Listing * 3D Mapping of Surface Temperature Using Thermal Stereo
* Camera motion estimation via optimization-on-a-manifold
* Essential Matrix Estimation Using Gauss-Newton Iterations on a Manifold
* Feature selection in multimedia: The state-of-the-art review
* Reground: Improving Textual and Spatial Grounding at No Cost
* Space-time template matching for human action detection using volume-based Generalized Hough transform
Includes: Lee, P.Y.[Pei Yean] Lee, P.Y.[Pui Yi] Lee, P.Y.[Phillip Y.] Lee, P.Y.[Po-Yen]
Lee, P.Z.
Co Author Listing * Efficient Algorithm for the 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform, An
* new computation of shape moments via quadtree decomposition, A
Includes: Lee, P.Z. Lee, P.Z.[Pei-Zong]
Lee, R.[Rokkyu]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Novel Transformer Module Combination for Scene Text Recognition
* Deep Neural Network–Based Enhancement for Image and Video Streaming Systems: A Survey and Future Directions
* GS-Pose: Category-level Object Pose Estimation via Geometric and Semantic Correspondence
* HarvestNet: A Dataset for Detecting Smallholder Farming Activity Using Harvest Piles and Remote Sensing
* Journey Towards Tiny Perceptual Super-Resolution
* LA-VITON: A Network for Looking-Attractive Virtual Try-On
* Landweber Algorithm for 3D Confocal Microscopy Restoration, A
* Meta-Learned Kernel For Blind Super-Resolution Kernel Estimation
* Moment Preserving Detection of Elliptical Shapes in Gray-Scale Images
* Multimedia Over Coax Alliance, The
* robust regularised restoration algorithm based on Topkis-Veinott optimisation method, A
* Sensitive-Sample Fingerprinting of Deep Neural Networks
* Stability Assessment of OCO-2 Radiometric Calibration Using Aqua MODIS as a Reference
* Temporal Kernel Consistency for Blind Video Super-Resolution
* Using lidar networks to explore aloft plume properties
Includes: Lee, R.[Rokkyu] Lee, R.[Royson] Lee, R.[Robert] Lee, R.[Richard] Lee, R. Lee, R.[Ruby]
15 for Lee, R.
Lee, R.A.
Co Author Listing * Vicarious Calibration of Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
Lee, R.A.M.[Richard A. M.]
Co Author Listing * Cross-Calibration of Spectral Radiances and Cross-Validation of CO2 Estimates from GOSAT and OCO-2, The
* Preflight Radiometric Calibration of Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2
* Preflight Spectral Calibration of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2
Includes: Lee, R.A.M.[Richard A. M.] Lee, R.A.M.
Lee, R.B.
Co Author Listing * Algorithmic and architectural enhancements for real-time MPEG-1 decoding on a general purpose RISC workstation
* Hardware and Software Cache Prefetching Techniques for MPEG Benchmarks
* Measurement of the Point Response Functions of CERES Scanning Radiometers
Lee, R.C.T.
Co Author Listing * Applications of Game Tree Searching Techniques to Sequential Pattern Recognition
* Near Pattern-Matching Scheme Based upon Principal Component Analysis, A
* Systolic Algorithm for Extracting Regions from a Planar Graph, A
* Systolic Algorithms to Examine All Pairs of Elements
Lee, R.H.[Roger H.]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Stage Approach Combining Very High-Resolution Satellite Image, GIS Database and Post-Classification Modification Rules for Habitat Mapping in Hong Kong, A
Lee, R.J.
Co Author Listing * Context-dependent judgments of color that might allow color constancy in scenes with multiple regions of illumination
* Low levels of specularity support operational color constancy, particularly when surface and illumination geometry can be inferred
Includes: Lee, R.J. Lee, R.J.[Robert J.]
Lee, R.K.[Rok Kyu]
Co Author Listing * Enhancement of interlaced images by fuzzy reasoning approach
* On Enhancing the Speed of Splatting Using Both Object- and Image-Space Coherence
* Spatio-temporal Information-Based Simple Deinterlacing Algorithm
Includes: Lee, R.K.[Rok Kyu] Lee, R.K.[Rok-Kyu] Lee, R.K.[Rae Kyoung]
Lee, R.L.
Co Author Listing * Using graphs for statistical object models
Lee, R.R.[Ruen Rone]
Co Author Listing * Method and apparatus for controlling a stereo video display with non-stereo video source
* simulation on grass swaying with dynamic wind force, A
* Sports Field Registration via Keypoints-aware Label Condition
Includes: Lee, R.R.[Ruen Rone] Lee, R.R.[Ruen-Rone]
Lee, R.S.K.[Regina S.K.]
Co Author Listing * Computation Approach for Quantitative Dielectric Constant from Time Sequential Data Observed by CYGNSS Satellites
* Technology Demonstration of Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Mission on Stratospheric Balloon Platform
Includes: Lee, R.S.K.[Regina S.K.] Lee, R.S.K.[Regina S. K.]
Lee, R.S.T.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Satellite Interpretation of Tropical Cyclone Patterns Using Elastic Graph Dynamic Link Model, An
* elastic contour matching model for tropical cyclone pattern recognition, An
* Human gait recognition by the fusion of motion and static spatio-temporal templates
* Human Identification by Using the Motion and Static Characteristic of Gait
* iJADE surveillant: An intelligent multi-resolution composite neuro-oscillatory agent-based surveillance system
* New Representation for Human Gait Recognition: Motion Silhouettes Image (MSI), A
* Scene analysis using an integrated composite neural oscillatory elastic graph matching model
Includes: Lee, R.S.T. Lee, R.S.T.[Raymond S.T.]
7 for Lee, R.S.T.
Lee, R.Y.[Re Yang]
Co Author Listing * Pineapples' Detection and Segmentation Based on Faster and Mask R-CNN in UAV Imagery
Includes: Lee, R.Y.[Re Yang] Lee, R.Y.[Re-Yang]
Lee, S.
Co Author Listing * 12-in-1: Multi-Task Vision and Language Representation Learning
* 2017 ICCV Challenge: Detecting Symmetry in the Wild
* 3-D Human Behavior Understanding Using Generalized TS-LSTM Networks
* 3d Adaptive Structural Convolution Network for Domain-invariant Point Cloud Recognition
* 3D Tracking of Multi-objects Using Color and Stereo for HCI
* 3D Visual Discomfort Predictor: Analysis of Disparity and Neural Activity Statistics
* 3D-PSSIM: Projective Structural Similarity for 3D Mesh Quality Assessment Robust to Topological Irregularities
* A2: Adaptive Augmentation for Effectively Mitigating Dataset Bias
* AAPL: Adding Attributes to Prompt Learning for Vision-Language Models
* accurate estimation of 3-D position and orientation of a moving object for robot stereo vision: Kalman filter approach, An
* Accurate estimation of the boundaries of a structured light pattern
* AdaCoF: Adaptive Collaboration of Flows for Video Frame Interpolation
* Adaptive FSP: Adaptive Architecture Search with Filter Shape Pruning
* Adaptive Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using Genetic And Hybrid Search Methods
* ADM-HIPaR: An efficient background subtraction approach
* Adversarial Vertex Mixup: Toward Better Adversarially Robust Generalization
* Aerosol Property Retrieval Algorithm over Northeast Asia from TANSO-CAI Measurements Onboard GOSAT
* AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and Results
* Alignment-Free Cancelable Fingerprint Templates Based on Local Minutiae Information
* All-Sky 1 km MODIS Land Surface Temperature Reconstruction Considering Cloud Effects Based on Machine Learning
* Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 1. Model Optimization and Testing over Continental USA
* Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 2. Site Based Testing of the Model
* Analysis of radial symmetric interpolation in hologram generation
* Analyzing the Problems of a District-Based Administration Using Monte Carlo Simulation: The Case of Sex Offender Notifications in Korea
* Analyzing Visible Articulatory Movements in Speech Production for Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation
* Anomaly Detection using Score-based Perturbation Resilience
* Application of Convolutional Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Bias Correction of Daily Satellite-Based Precipitation
* Application of Ensemble-Based Machine Learning Models to Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
* Application of Support Vector Regression and Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Gangneung-si, South Korea
* Approach for Video Classification with Multi-label on YouTube-8M Dataset
* Assessing Individual VR Sickness Through Deep Feature Fusion of VR Video and Physiological Response
* Assessment and Combination of SMAP and Sentinel-1A/B-Derived Soil Moisture Estimates With Land Surface Model Outputs in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA
* Atmospheric-correction-free red tide quantification algorithm for GOCI based on machine learning combined with a radiative transfer simulation
* Attention-Based Dropout Layer for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Attention-Based Dropout Layer for Weakly Supervised Single Object Localization and Semantic Segmentation
* Attentive and Contrastive Learning for Joint Depth and Motion Field Estimation
* Audio Visual Scene-Aware Dialog
* Audio-Visual Glance Network for Efficient Video Recognition
* Audio-Visual Mismatch-Aware Video Retrieval via Association and Adjustment
* Auto-focusing technique in a projector-camera system
* AutoCaCoNet: Automatic Cartoon Colorization Network Using Self-Attention GAN, Segmentation, and Color Correction
* Automated Log-Scale Quantization for Low-Cost Deep Neural Networks
* Automated Python Language-Based Tool for Creating Absence Samples in Groundwater Potential Mapping, An
* Autonomous Campus Mobility Services Using Driverless Taxi
* Auxiliary Tasks for Efficient Learning of Point-Goal Navigation
* Available parking slot recognition based on slot context analysis
* B-GPS: Blockchain-Based Global Positioning System for Improved Data Integrity and Reliability
* BEHAVIOR Vision Suite: Customizable Dataset Generation via Simulation
* Behavioral Analysis of Vision-and-Language Navigation Agents
* Benchmarking Out-of-Distribution Detection in Visual Question Answering
* Beyond RGB: A Real World Dataset for Multispectral Imaging in Mobile Devices
* Beyond the Nav-Graph: Vision-and-Language Navigation in Continuous Environments
* Bi-directional Contextual Attention for 3d Dense Captioning
* Bidirectional Beam Search: Forward-Backward Inference in Neural Sequence Models for Fill-in-the-Blank Image Captioning
* Bitstream-Level Film Noise Cancellation for Damaged Video Playback
* Blind Deep S3D Image Quality Evaluation via Local to Global Feature Aggregation
* Blind Image Deblurring with Noise-robust Kernel Estimation
* Blind Sharpness Prediction for Ultrahigh-Definition Video Based on Human Visual Resolution
* Block Selection Method for Using Feature Norm in Out-of-Distribution Detection
* BMAN: Bidirectional Multi-Scale Aggregation Networks for Abnormal Event Detection
* Boosting Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction Using Pre-evaluation
* Canonicalfusion: Generating Drivable 3d Human Avatars from Multiple Images
* Channel Pruning Via Gradient Of Mutual Information For Light-Weight Convolutional Neural Networks
* Chest X-Ray Feature Pyramid Sum Model with Diseased Area Data Augmentation Method
* Choose Your Neuron: Incorporating Domain Knowledge Through Neuron-Importance
* Class Incremental Learning With Task-Selection
* Click Sequence Prediction in Android Mobile Applications
* Closed-Loop Adaptive Image Segmentation
* CNN-Based Blind Quality Prediction On Stereoscopic Images Via Patch To Image Feature Pooling
* Coarse-to-Fine Deep Learning of Continuous Pedestrian Orientation Based on Spatial Co-Occurrence Feature
* Collabonet: Collaboration of Generative Models by Unsupervised Classification
* Combating Label Distribution Shift for Active Domain Adaptation
* Combined shape and feature-based video analysis and its application to non-rigid object tracking
* Comparing user experiences in 2D and 3D videoconferencing
* Comparison of Mangrove Canopy Height Using Multiple Independent Measurements from Land, Air, and Space, A
* Comparison of Novel Hybrid and Benchmark Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Groundwater Potentiality: Case of a Drought-Prone Region of Medjerda Basin, Northern Tunisia
* Compensating for the Lack of Extra Training Data by Learning Extra Representation
* Competitive Learning of Facial Fitting and Synthesis Using UV Energy
* Comprehensive Facial Expression Synthesis Using Human-Interpretable Language
* Compressed image reproduction based on block decomposition
* ConcatNet: A Deep Architecture of Concatenation-Assisted Network for Dense Facial Landmark Alignment
* Conductivity Image Reconstruction From Defective Data in MREIT: Numerical Simulation and Animal Experiment
* Consistency Learning via Decoding Path Augmentation for Transformers in Human Object Interaction Detection
* Consistent 3D Human Shape from Repeatable Action
* Consistent color and detail transfer from multiple source images for video and images
* Contextual Gradient Scaling for Few-Shot Learning
* Contextual Information Based Quality Assessment for Contrast-Changed Images
* Continuous Car Driving Intent Detection Using Structural Pattern Recognition
* Controllable Image Restoration for Under-Display Camera in Smartphones
* Convergence Analysis of MAP Based Blur Kernel Estimation
* Copy-and-Paste Networks for Deep Video Inpainting
* Correlation Analysis between Air Temperature and MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Prediction of Air Temperature Using TensorFlow Long Short-Term Memory for the Period of Occurrence of Cold and Heat Waves
* Correlation Verification for Image Retrieval
* Correspondence and Line Field Estimation Using Map-based Probabilistic Diffusion Algorithm
* Creation of various skin sensations using pulsed focused ultrasound: Evidence for functional neuromodulation
* Cross-modal alignment and translation for missing modality action recognition
* CrossFormer: Cross-guided attention for multi-modal object detection
* CRVOS: Clue Refining Network For Video Object Segmentation
* CUA Loss: Class Uncertainty-Aware Gradient Modulation for Robust Object Detection
* DAT: Domain Adaptive Transformer for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Data Orchestration for Accelerating GPU-Based Light Field Rendering Aiming at a Wide Virtual Space
* Daytime Cloud Detection Algorithm Based on a Multitemporal Dataset for GK-2A Imagery
* Decadal Measurements of the First Geostationary Ocean Color Satellite (GOCI) Compared with MODIS and VIIRS Data
* Decompose, Adjust, Compose: Effective Normalization by Playing with Frequency for Domain Generalization
* Deep Blind Video Quality Assessment Based on Temporal Human Perception
* Deep Cybersickness Predictor Based on Brain Signal Analysis for Virtual Reality Contents, A
* Deep Cybersickness Predictor Based on Brain Signal Analysis for Virtual Reality Contents, A
* Deep Defocus Map Estimation Using Domain Adaptation
* Deep Edge-Aware Interactive Colorization against Color-Bleeding Effects
* Deep Learning Applications on Multitemporal SAR (Sentinel-1) Image Classification Using Confined Labeled Data: The Case of Detecting Rice Paddy in South Korea
* Deep Learning of Human Visual Sensitivity in Image Quality Assessment Framework
* Deep Objective Assessment Model Based on Spatio-Temporal Perception of 360-Degree Video for VR Sickness Prediction
* Deep Visual Discomfort Predictor for Stereoscopic 3D Images
* Deep Visual Saliency on Stereoscopic Images
* Delegated Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Demonstration of Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network Based on VCSEL Array
* Depth Scaling of Multiview Images for Automultiscopic 3D Monitors
* Design of an FPGA-Based High-Quality Real-Time Autonomous Dehazing System
* Designing Extremely Memory-efficient CNNs for On-device Vision Tasks
* Detection of Magnesite and Associated Gangue Minerals using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: A Laboratory Approach
* Development and Initial Results of a Brain PET Insert for Simultaneous 7-Tesla PET/MRI Using an FPGA-Only Signal Digitization Method
* Development of deep learning-based facial expression recognition system
* Differential Security Barriers for Virtual Emotion Detection in Maritime Transportation Stations With Cooperative Mobile Robots and UAVs
* Differential Security Barriers for Virtual Emotion Detection in Maritime Transportation Stations With Cooperative Mobile Robots and UAVs
* Diffusion Prior-based Amortized Variational Inference for Noisy Inverse Problems
* DiffusionPoser: Real-Time Human Motion Reconstruction From Arbitrary Sparse Sensors Using Autoregressive Diffusion
* Discovering an inference recipe for weakly-supervised object localization
* Distribution Padding in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Domain Adaptive Video Semantic Segmentation via Cross-Domain Moving Object Mixing
* DRANet: Disentangling Representation and Adaptation Networks for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Adaptation
* Drop to Adapt: Learning Discriminative Features for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Dual Prototype Attention for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* DVC-Net: A deep neural network model for dense video captioning
* Dynamic Graph Generation Network: Generating Relational Knowledge from Diagrams
* Dynamic Receptive Field Generation for Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Effect of User Cooperation on Smart Meter Privacy With Rechargeable Batteries
* Effects of Upstream Incoherent Crosstalk Caused by ASE Noise from Tx-Disabled ONUs in XG-PONs and TWDM-PONs
* Efficient Algorithms for Constructing Enhanced Quadtrees Using MapReduce, The
* Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* Efficient homography estimation method for panorama
* Efficient naturalness restoration for non-uniform illumination images
* Efficient Single-image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* Efficient Target Classification Based on Vehicle Volume Estimation in High-Resolution Radar Systems
* Ego-lane index-aware vehicular localisation using the DeepRoad Network for urban environments
* Embedded Computing Framework for Vision-Based Real-Time Surround Threat Analysis and Driver Assistance
* Embodied Question Answering
* Embodied Question Answering
* Embodied Question Answering in Photorealistic Environments With Point Cloud Perception
* Energy-Based Domain Adaptation Without Intermediate Domain Dataset for Foggy Scene Segmentation
* Energy-efficient Image Processing Using Binary Neural Networks with Hadamard Transform
* Enhanced Correlation Matching based Video Frame Interpolation
* Enhanced Network Mobility Management for Vehicular Networks
* Enhancing road safety through misbehaviour detection in vehicle-to-everything systems of Korea
* Enriched CNN-Transformer Feature Aggregation Networks for Super-Resolution
* Ensemble Deep Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Using Temporal Sliding LSTM Networks
* Ensemble of Machine-Learning Methods for Predicting Gully Erosion Susceptibility
* Ensembles of Lasso Screening Rules
* Entropy-Constrained Implicit Neural Representations for Deep Image Compression
* Epileptic Seizure Prediction: A Semi-Dilated Convolutional Neural Network Architecture
* ErrIDS: An Enhanced Cumulative Timing Error-Based Automotive Intrusion Detection System
* Error Correction Regression Framework for Enhancing the Decoding Accuracies of Ear-EEG Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Estimating bedrock and surface layer boundaries and confidence intervals in ice sheet radar imagery using MCMC
* Estimating VR Sickness Caused By Camera Shake in VR Videography
* Estimation of Diffuse and Specular Appearance
* Estimation of Moving Direction and Size of Vehicle in High-Resolution Automotive Radar System
* Evaluating Pavement Lane Markings in Metropolitan Road Networks with a Vehicle-Mounted Retroreflectometer and AI-Based Image Processing Techniques
* Evaluating Weakly Supervised Object Localization Methods Right
* Evaluation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization: Protocol, Metrics, and Datasets
* Evaluation of Large-Sized LCD Touch Panel Using Differential Sensing Circuit and Algorithm
* Evidence filtering in a sequence of images for recognition
* Examining the Dynamics of Vegetation in South Korea: An Integrated Analysis Using Remote Sensing and In Situ Data
* Exploring lane change safety issues for manually driven vehicles in vehicle platooning environments
* Expressive chromatic accumulation buffering for defocus blur
* Expressive chromatic accumulation buffering for defocus blur
* Extending Segment Anything Model into Auditory and Temporal Dimensions for Audio-Visual Segmentation
* Extracting Major Lines by Recruiting Zero-Threshold Canny Edge Links along Sobel Highlights
* Extrapolative-Interpolative Cycle-Consistency Learning For Video Frame Extrapolation
* Extrapolative-Interpolative Cycle-Consistency Learning For Video Frame Extrapolation
* Face Recognition Using Shallow Age-Invariant Data
* Facility Location-Allocation Problem for Emergency Medical Service With Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Factors Influencing the Accuracy of Shallow Snow Depth Measured Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry
* Fail-Safe Multi-Modal Localization Framework Using Heterogeneous Map-Matching Sources
* FairDeDup: Detecting and Mitigating Vision-Language Fairness Disparities in Semantic Dataset Deduplication
* Fake Video Detection With Certainty-Based Attention Network
* Fall Detection using Biometric Information Based on Multi-Horizon Forecasting
* False Positive Removal for 3D Vehicle Detection With Penetrated Point Classifier
* Fashion Attributes-to-Image Synthesis Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial Network
* fast computational method for minimum square error transform, A
* Fast CU Size Decision Algorithm for HEVC, A
* Fast motion estimation based on search range adjustment and matching point decimation
* Fast PU Skip and Split Termination Algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction
* Feasibility Analyses of Real-Time Detection of Wildlife Using UAV-Derived Thermal and RGB Images
* Feasibility of employing a smartphone as the payload in a photogrammetric UAV system
* FIFO: Learning Fog-invariant Features for Foggy Scene Segmentation
* Finding Objects in a 3d Environment by Combining Distance Measurement and Color Indexing
* Fitting Facial Models to Spatial Points: Blendshape Approaches and Benchmark
* Flood Spatial Modeling in Northern Iran Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Comparison between Evidential Belief Functions and Its Ensemble with a Multivariate Logistic Regression Model
* Flow-assisted Motion Learning Network for Weakly-supervised Group Activity Recognition
* Flying Warehouse Delivery System: A Quantitative Approach for the Optimal Operation Policy of Airborne Fulfillment Center, The
* Forget and Diversify: Regularized Refinement for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Frame-to-Frame Aggregation of Active Regions in Web Videos for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Framework for Moving Least Squares Method with Total Variation Minimizing Regularization, A
* Frest: Feature Restoration for Semantic Segmentation Under Multiple Adverse Conditions
* Fully automatic 3-D segmentation of knee bone compartments by iterative local branch-and-mincut on MR images from osteoarthritis initiative (OAI)
* Fusing Explicit and Implicit Flow for Optical Flow Estimation
* Generalized Zero-Shot Chest X-Ray Diagnosis Through Trait-Guided Multi-View Semantic Embedding With Self-Training
* Generating 3D Bio-Printable Patches Using Wound Segmentation and Reconstruction to Treat Diabetic Foot Ulcers
* Generation of Structurally Realistic Retinal Fundus Images with Diffusion Models
* Generative Adversarial Network With Robust Discriminator Through Multi-Task Learning for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* Generative adversarial networks and their application to 3D face generation: A survey
* Geometric Direct Search Algorithms for Image Registration
* Global-Local Embedding Module for Fashion Landmark Detection, A
* GradDiv: Adversarial Robustness of Randomized Neural Networks via Gradient Diversity Regularization
* Gradient Flow Evolution for 3D Fusion From a Single Depth Sensor
* Graph contrastive learning with consistency regularization
* Graph R-CNN for Scene Graph Generation
* Grounding Counterfactual Explanation of Image Classifiers to Textual Concept Space
* H.264/AVC UHD decoder implementation on multi-cluster platform using hybrid parallelization method
* Handwritten Numeral Recognition Based on Hierarchically Self-Organizing Learning Networks with Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition
* Head pose estimation using image abstraction and local directional quaternary patterns for multiclass classification
* Hi-CMD: Hierarchical Cross-Modality Disentanglement for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Hierarchical Memory Matching Network for Video Object Segmentation
* Hierarchical MRF of globally consistent localized classifiers for 3D medical image segmentation
* Hierarchical Trajectory Planning of an Autonomous Car Based on the Integration of a Sampling and an Optimization Method
* High-Resolution Virtual Try-On with Misalignment and Occlusion-Handled Conditions
* Human Facial Expression Recognition Using Stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis and Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Human Pose Estimation in Extremely Low-Light Conditions
* Hybrid beamformation for volumetric ultrasound imaging scanners using 2-D array transducers
* Hybrid spatial and channel attention in post-accident object detection
* Hybrid Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving in On-Road Dynamic Scenarios
* Hybrids of Support Vector Regression with Grey Wolf Optimizer and Firefly Algorithm for Spatial Prediction of Landslide Susceptibility
* Ice Velocity Variations of the Cook Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, from 2017 to 2022 from Sentinel-1 SAR Time-Series Offset Tracking
* iColoriT: Towards Propagating Local Hints to the Right Region in Interactive Colorization by Leveraging Vision Transformer
* Image Compression with Recurrent Neural Network and Generalized Divisive Normalization
* Image Fusion-Based Land Cover Change Detection Using Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Image-free Domain Generalization via CLIP for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Impact of Airbnb on Long-Term Rental Markets in San Francisco: A Geospatial Analysis Using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression, The
* Implementation of The Distributed Parallel Program for Geoid Heights Computation Using MPI and Openmp
* Improved Video Compression Efficiency Through Flexible Unit Representation and Corresponding Extension of Coding Tools
* Improving 3D Imaging with Pre-Trained Perpendicular 2D Diffusion Models
* Improving 3d Mesh Quality Using Multi-directional UAV Images
* Improving Occlusion and Hard Negative Handling for Single-Stage Pedestrian Detectors
* Improving Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Graphs via Hierarchical Semantic Environments
* Improving Robustness to Texture Bias via Shape-focused Augmentation
* Improving Vision-and-language Navigation with Image-text Pairs from the Web
* In Search of a Data Transformation that Accelerates Neural Field Training
* In-Vehicle Network Intrusion Detection System Using CAN Frame-Aware Features
* Inducing Data Amplification Using Auxiliary Datasets in Adversarial Training
* Instantaneous Extraction of Indoor Environment from Radar Sensor-Based Mapping
* Integrating multiple character proposals for robust scene text extraction
* Integrating stereo and photometric stereo to monitor the development of glaucoma
* Interpreting Undesirable Pixels for Image Classification on Black-Box Models
* Introduction to the special section on 3D representation, compression, and rendering
* Iterative Vision-and-Language Navigation
* IVIST: Interactive Video Search Tool in VBS 2022
* Joint Fine-Tuning in Deep Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Joint Weakly and Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for Localization and Classification of Masses in Breast Ultrasound Images
* JPSS-1 VIIRS Radiometric Characterization and Calibration Based on Pre-Launch Testing
* Kalman Filter Approach for Accurate 3-D Motion Estimation from a Sequence of Stereo Images, A
* L-Verse: Bidirectional Generation Between Image and Text
* L-Verse: Bidirectional Generation Between Image and Text
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using an Optimized Group Method of Data Handling Model
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Comparison Using Decision Tree Models: A Case Study of Jumunjin Area, Korea
* LaPred: Lane-Aware Prediction of Multi-Modal Future Trajectories of Dynamic Agents
* Large-Scale Bidirectional Training for Zero-Shot Image Captioning
* Learning 2d Human Poses for Better 3d Lifting via Multi-model 3d-guidance
* Learning Color Representations for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Learning Cooperative Visual Dialog Agents with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Learning from Better Supervision: Self-distillation for Learning with Noisy Labels
* Learning Multiple Probabilistic Degradation Generators for Unsupervised Real World Image Super Resolution
* Learning representative exemplars using one-class Gaussian process regression
* Learning Style Correlation for Elaborate Few-Shot Classification
* Learning to Discriminate Information for Online Action Detection: Analysis and Application
* Learning to Generate Multi-Exposure Stacks With Cycle Consistency for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Learning to Quantize Deep Networks by Optimizing Quantization Intervals With Task Loss
* Learning to Visually Localize Sound Sources from Mixtures without Prior Source Knowledge
* Learning-Based Automation of Robotic Assembly for Smart Manufacturing
* Lending A Hand: Detecting Hands and Recognizing Activities in Complex Egocentric Interactions
* Leveraging Class Hierarchy in Fashion Classification
* Leveraging Hidden Positives for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation
* Lightweight Random Ferns using binary representation
* Linearity Assessment from the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and Ocean Ecosystem Ocean Color Instrument Pre-Launch Testing and On-Orbit Operations
* Linearly Controllable GAN: Unsupervised Feature Categorization and Decomposition for Image Generation and Manipulation
* Linking Past to Present: Discovering Style in Two Centuries of Architecture
* M-estimator for reduced-rank system identification, An
* Mammogram Analysis Using Two-Dimensional Autoregressive Models: Sufficient or Not?
* Mapping Forest Vertical Structure in Jeju Island from Optical and Radar Satellite Images Using Artificial Neural Network
* Mapping Forest Vertical Structure in Sogwang-ri Forest from Full-Waveform Lidar Point Clouds Using Deep Neural Network
* Mathematical Framework for Abdominal Electrical Impedance Tomography to Assess Fatness
* Maximally flat bandwidth allocation for variable bit rate video
* Measuring the Distance between Trees and Power Lines under Wind Loads to Assess the Heightened Potential Risk of Wildfire
* Memory Access Scheduling for a Smart TV
* Memory Network Approach for Story-Based Temporal Summarization of 360° Videos, A
* Mitigating Background Shift in Class-incremental Semantic Segmentation
* ML-BPM: Multi-teacher Learning with Bidirectional Photometric Mixing for Open Compound Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* MoDA: Leveraging Motion Priors from Videos for Advancing Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Modality Mixer for Multi-modal Action Recognition
* Modeling Multimodal Social Interactions: New Challenges and Baselines with Densely Aligned Representations
* MODIS Aqua Optical Throughput Degradation Impact on Relative Spectral Response and Calibration of Ocean Color Products
* MODIS Aqua Reflective Solar Band Calibration for NASA's R2018 Ocean Color Products
* Motion Feature Network: Fixed Motion Filter for Action Recognition
* Motion information sharing mode for depth video coding
* Motion Recovery from Image Sequences Using First-Order Optical Flow Information
* MPEG reconfigurable graphics coding framework: Overview and applications
* Multi-Criteria Token Fusion with One-Step-Ahead Attention for Efficient Vision Transformers
* Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based on the Adaptive Weights Reflecting the Relative Pixel Intensity and Global Gradient, A
* Multi-resolution distillation for self-supervised monocular depth estimation
* Multi-view prediction structure for free viewpoint video
* Multilabel Image Classification with Deep Transfer Learning for Decision Support on Wildfire Response
* Multimodal Human Action Recognition for Rehabilitation Exercise of Upper Body for Individuals With Cerebral Palsy
* Multiple Level Feature-Based Universal Blind Image Quality Assessment Model
* Mutual Interference Suppression Using Wavelet Denoising in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems
* N-RPN: Hard Example Learning For Region Proposal Networks
* Navigating to Objects Specified by Images
* New 3-D Model Retrieval System Based on Aspect-Transition Descriptor, A
* New Detection Algorithm for an Obstacle's Information in Low Speed Vehicles, The
* New Robust 3d Motion Estimation Under Perspective Projection, A
* NICE: CVPR 2023 Challenge on Zero-shot Image Captioning
* No-reference perceptual sharpness assessment for ultra-high-definition images
* nocaps: novel object captioning at scale
* Noisetransfer: Image Noise Generation with Contrastive Embeddings
* Novel Credal Decision Tree-Based Ensemble Approaches for Predicting the Landslide Susceptibility
* Novel Ensemble of MCDM-Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Groundwater-Potential Mapping in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions (Iran)
* Novel Ensemble of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline with Spatial Logistic Regression and Boosted Regression Tree for Gully Erosion Susceptibility
* Novel Machine Learning Approaches for Modelling the Gully Erosion Susceptibility
* Object Detection-Based Video Retargeting With Spatial-Temporal Consistency
* Object Recognition and Localization Using Optical Proximity Sensor System: Polyhedral Case
* Observing System Simulation Experiment Framework for Air Quality Forecasts in Northeast Asia: A Case Study Utilizing Virtual Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer and Surface Monitored Aerosol Data, An
* Offline Tracing and Representation of Signatures
* Offline-to-Online Knowledge Distillation for Video Instance Segmentation
* On-Orbit Camera Misalignment Estimation Framework and Its Application to Earth Observation Satellite
* On-the-Fly Facial Expression Prediction Using LSTM Encoded Appearance-Suppressed Dynamics
* Onion-Peel Networks for Deep Video Completion
* Online Information Augmented SiamRPN
* Online recognition of handwritten music symbols
* Optic Disk Boundary Detection
* optical reconstruction of hologram recorded by OSH using amplitude-only SLM and phase-only SLM, An
* Optimal Sensing Strategy for Recognition and Localization of 3-D Natural Quadric Objects, An
* Optimization of local shape and appearance probabilities for segmentation of knee cartilage in 3-D MR images
* Painting Outside as Inside: Edge Guided Image Outpainting via Bidirectional Rearrangement with Progressive Step Learning
* Panoramic Vision Transformer for Saliency Detection in 360° Videos
* Parameter Optimization of Robust Low-Bit-Rate Video Coders
* PASS: Privacy aware secure signature scheme for surveillance systems
* Patchmatch-Based Robust Stereo Matching Under Radiometric Changes
* Perceptual Crosstalk Prediction on Autostereoscopic 3D Display
* Perceptual intra-frame coding for HEVC still picture profile based on invisible signal suppression
* Perceptually Scalable Extension of H.264
* Performance evaluation of patterns for image-based 3D model reconstruction of textureless objects
* Photo Aesthetics Analysis via DCNN Feature Encoding
* Physiological Fusion Net: Quantifying Individual VR Sickness with Content Stimulus and Physiological Response
* Point Cloud Augmentation with Weighted Local Transformations
* Point Cloud Deformation for Single Image 3d Reconstruction
* PoseDiff: Pose-conditioned Multimodal Diffusion Model for Unbounded Scene Synthesis from Sparse Inputs
* Pragmatic Approach to the Design of Advanced Precision Terrain-Aided Navigation for UAVs and Its Verification, A
* Predicting Geo-informative Attributes in Large-Scale Image Collections Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Prelaunch Radiometric Characterization and Calibration of the S-NPP VIIRS Sensor
* Probabilistic 3D object recognition and pose estimation using multiple interpretations generation
* Probabilistic 3D Object Recognition Based on Multiple Interpretations Generation
* Probabilistic 3D object recognition with both positive and negative evidences
* Probabilistic context integration-based aircraft behaviour intention classification at airport ramps
* Progressive Proxy Anchor Propagation for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation
* Properties of the Singular Value Decomposition for Efficient Data Clustering
* Prostate detection and segmentation based on convolutional neural network and topological derivative
* Prototypical class-wise test-time adaptation
* Public Bus-Assisted Task Offloading for UAVs
* Quadtree Based Nonsquare Block Structure for Inter Frame Coding in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Quantitative Evaluation of Symmetry Detection Algorithms, A
* Query-Based Video Synopsis for Intelligent Traffic Monitoring Applications
* Radar Technologies for Earth Remote Sensing From CubeSat Platforms
* Radiance-Reflectance Combined Optimization and Structure-Guided L_0-Norm for Single Image Dehazing
* Railroad is not a Train: Saliency as Pseudo-pixel Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Ramp Distribution-Based Image Enhancement Techniques for Infrared Images
* Random tree walk toward instantaneous 3D human pose estimation
* Range Data Processing: Representation of Surfaces by Edges
* RDFNet: RGB-D Multi-level Residual Feature Fusion for Indoor Semantic Segmentation
* Re-Plannable Automated Parking System With a Standalone Around View Monitor for Narrow Parking Lots
* Re-Plannable Automated Parking System With a Standalone Around View Monitor for Narrow Parking Lots
* Read-only Prompt Optimization for Vision-Language Few-shot Learning
* Real-Time Downward View Generation of a Vehicle Using Around View Monitor System
* Real-Time Estimation of Lane-to-Lane Turning Flows at Isolated Signalized Junctions
* Reciprocal Attention Mixing Transformer for Lightweight Image Restoration
* Recovery of Blurred Video Signals Using Iterative Image Restoration Combined with Motion Estimation
* Regularizing Dynamic Radiance Fields with Kinematic Fields
* Remote Sensing and Geoscience Information Systems Applied to Groundwater Research
* Remote Sensing and GIS-based Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and its Cross-validation in Three Test Areas Using a Frequency Ratio Model
* Representation of Specular Appearance, A
* Resident Location-Recognition Algorithm Using a Bayesian Classifier in the PIR Sensor-Based Indoor Location-Aware System
* ResNet or DenseNet? Introducing Dense Shortcuts to ResNet
* Restoration of Hand-Drawn Architectural Drawings using Latent Space Mapping with Degradation Generator
* Retrieval of Daily Reference Evapotranspiration for Croplands in South Korea Using Machine Learning with Satellite Images and Numerical Weather Prediction Data
* Retrieving XCO2 from GOSAT FTS over East Asia Using Simultaneous Aerosol Information from CAI
* Reverse and Boundary Attention Network for Road Segmentation
* review on dark channel prior based image dehazing algorithms, A
* Revisiting Self-Similarity: Structural Embedding for Image Retrieval
* RGBD Camera Based Material Recognition via Surface Roughness Estimation
* Robust bilayer video segmentation by adaptive propagation of global shape and local appearance
* Robust convolutional neural networks against adversarial attacks on medical images
* Robust Facial Pose Estimation Using Landmark Selection Method for Binocular Stereo Vision
* Robust Road Marking Detection and Recognition Using Density-Based Grouping and Machine Learning Techniques
* Robust Single-Image Haze Removal Using Optimal Transmission Map and Adaptive Atmospheric Light
* Robust stereo matching using adaptive random walk with restart algorithm
* Robust Unsupervised Domain Adaptation through Negative-View Regularization
* Robust Video Facial Authentication With Unsupervised Mode Disentanglement
* Robust Video Frame Interpolation With Exceptional Motion Map
* S/W Based Frame-Level Synchronization for Irregular Screen Processing System
* Saca Net: Cybersickness Assessment of Individual Viewers for VR Content via Graph-Based Symptom Relation Embedding
* Safe and Efficient Lane Change Maneuver for Obstacle Avoidance Inspired From Human Driving Pattern
* Saliency as Pseudo-Pixel Supervision for Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Sample adaptive offset in AVS2 video standard
* SBNet: Segmentation-based Network for Natural Language-based Vehicle Search
* Scattered Data Interpolation with Multilevel B-Splines
* Schema Retrieval for Korean Geographic Knowledge Base Question Answering Using Few-Shot Prompting
* Seasonal Dependence of Aerosol Data Assimilation and Forecasting Using Satellite and Ground-Based Observations
* Self-Optimizing Control System for Adaptive Image Segmentation
* Self-Positioning Point-Based Transformer for Point Cloud Understanding
* Self-Supervised Debiasing Using Low Rank Regularization
* Self-Supervised Monocular Depth and Motion Learning in Dynamic Scenes: Semantic Prior to Rescue
* SemCity: Semantic Scene Generation with Triplane Diffusion
* Semi-supervised Learning of Optical Flow by Flow Supervisor
* Semi-Supervised Scene Change Detection by Distillation from Feature-metric Alignment
* Sensor Fusion and Planning with Perception-Action Network
* Sensor Fusion for Aircraft Detection at Airport Ramps Using Conditional Random Fields
* Sensor-realistic Synthetic Data Engine for Multi-frame High Dynamic Range Photography
* Seqhand: RGB-sequence-based 3d Hand Pose and Shape Estimation
* SF-CNN: A Fast Compression Artifacts Removal via Spatial-To-Frequency Convolutional Neural Networks
* Shallow Landslide Prediction Using a Novel Hybrid Functional Machine Learning Algorithm
* Sim-2-Sim Transfer for Vision-and-Language Navigation in Continuous Environments
* Simple Deposition Model for Debris Flow Simulation Considering the Erosion-Entrainment-Deposition Process, A
* Simultaneous line matching and epipolar geometry estimation based on the intersection context of coplanar line pairs
* Sketch-based Video Object Localization
* SlaBins: Fisheye Depth Estimation using Slanted Bins on Road Environments
* Small Objects Matters in Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation
* SmoothMix: a Simple Yet Effective Data Augmentation to Train Robust Classifiers
* Sparse-View CT Image Recovery Using Two-Step Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm
* Spatial Mapping of the Groundwater Potential of the Geum River Basin Using Ensemble Models Based on Remote Sensing Images
* Spatio-temporal Proximity-aware Dual-path Model for Panoramic Activity Recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Impact of Population Mobility on Local Business Sales in Response to COVID-19 in Seoul, Korea
* Spectral Gradient: A Material Descriptor Invariant to Geometry and Incident Illumination
* Split and merge algorithm for deep learning and its application for additional classes
* SRG: Snippet Relatedness-Based Temporal Action Proposal Generator
* Statistical Characteristic-Based Road Structure Recognition in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems
* Statistical Convolution On Unordered Point Set
* Stereoscopic 3D Visual Discomfort Prediction: A Dynamic Accommodation and Vergence Interaction Model
* STMAC: Spatio-Temporal Coordination-Based MAC Protocol for Driving Safety in Urban Vehicular Networks
* Stochastic Relational Network
* Stratified Self-Calibration Method for a Stereo Rig in Planar Motion with Varying Intrinsic Parameters, A
* stratified self-calibration method for circular motion in spite of varying intrinsic parameters, A
* StRDAN: Synthetic-to-Real Domain Adaptation Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Structure Boundary Preserving Segmentation for Medical Image With Ambiguous Boundary
* Structured-light-based highly dense and robust 3D reconstruction
* study on the trustworthiness of store rating in restaurant recommendation O2O service, A
* Style Neophile: Constantly Seeking Novel Styles for Domain Generalization
* Style-Controlled Synthesis of Clothing Segments for Fashion Image Manipulation
* Subpixel Analysis of Landsat (rm ETM) Using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Neural Networks for Urban Land Cover Characterization
* Suomi NPP VIIRS Day/Night Band Stray Light Characterization and Correction Using Calibration View Data
* Surface embedding narrow volume reconstruction from unorganized points
* Surface IR Reflectance Estimation and Material Recognition using ToF Camera
* Surface IR Reflectance Estimation and Material Recognition using ToF Camera
* Susceptibility Analysis of the Mt. Umyeon Landslide Area Using a Physical Slope Model and Probabilistic Method
* System Optimal Speed Advisory Framework for a Network of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Taking a HINT: Leveraging Explanations to Make Vision and Language Models More Grounded
* Temporally Averaged Regression for Semi-Supervised Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* Text-aware image dehazing using stroke width transform
* Text-guided distillation learning to diversify video embeddings for text-video retrieval
* THDA: Treasure Hunt Data Augmentation for Semantic Navigation
* Third Eye: A Shopping Assistant for the Visually Impaired
* This Hand Is My Hand: A Probabilistic Approach to Hand Disambiguation in Egocentric Video
* Three Dimensional Fluorescence Microscopy Image Synthesis and Segmentation
* Time-of-Flight Cameras: Principles, Methods and Applications
* TimelyFL: Heterogeneity-aware Asynchronous Federated Learning with Adaptive Partial Training
* Towards Detailed Characteristic-Preserving Virtual Try-On
* Towards Sequence-Level Training for Visual Tracking
* Towards Synthesizing Realistic Data for Efficient On-Device Image Deblurring
* Training Debiased Subnetworks with Contrastive Weight Pruning
* Transformer-based Unified Recognition of Two Hands Manipulating Objects
* Transition of Visual Attention Assessment in Stereoscopic Images With Evaluation of Subjective Visual Quality and Discomfort
* Treating Motion as Option to Reduce Motion Dependency in Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* TricubeNet: 2D Kernel-Based Object Representation for Weakly-Occluded Oriented Object Detection
* Triplanar convolution with shared 2D kernels for 3D classification and shape retrieval
* Tsanet: Temporal and Scale Alignment for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Two-stage algorithm for traffic signal optimization and web-service system development
* Two-Stage Mesh Deep Learning for Automated Tooth Segmentation and Landmark Localization on 3D Intraoral Scans
* TwohandsMusic: Multitask Learning-Based Egocentric Piano-Playing Gesture Recognition System for Two Hands
* Uncertainty-Aware Mesh Decoder for High Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction
* Unequal Error Protection for Foveation-based Error Resilience Over Mobile Networks
* Unpaired Speech Enhancement by Acoustic and Adversarial Supervision for Speech Recognition
* Unsupervised Intra-Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Through Self-Supervision
* Unsupervised Multistage Image Classification Using Hierarchical Clustering With a Bayesian Similarity Measure
* USD: Uncertainty-Based One-Phase Learning to Enhance Pseudo-Label Reliability for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* Utterance Generation With Variational Auto-Encoder for Slot Filling in Spoken Language Understanding
* Variational cycle-consistent imputation adversarial networks for general missing patterns
* Variational Prototyping-Encoder: One-Shot Learning With Prototypical Images
* Vehicle Detection with Automotive Radar Using Deep Learning on Range-Azimuth-Doppler Tensors
* Vehicle Path Prediction Using Yaw Acceleration for Adaptive Cruise Control
* vid-TLDR: Training Free Token merging for Light-Weight Video Transformer
* Video Inpainting for Arbitrary Foreground Object Removal
* Video Quality Pooling Adaptive to Perceptual Distortion Severity
* View synthesis for mixed resolution multivew 3D videos
* Viewpoint-Aware Visual Grounding in 3D Scenes
* VIsCUIT: Visual Auditor for Bias in CNN Image Classifier
* Visual Dialog
* Visual entropy: A new framework for quantifying visual information based on human perception
* Visual Image Processing RAM: Memory Architecture With 2-D Data Location Search and Data Consistency Management for a Multicore Object Recognition Processor
* VLSlice: Interactive Vision-and-Language Slice Discovery
* VPGNet: Vanishing Point Guided Network for Lane and Road Marking Detection and Recognition
* VR Sickness Versus VR Presence: A Statistical Prediction Model
* VRSA Net: VR Sickness Assessment Considering Exceptional Motion for 360° VR Video
* WarpingFusion: Accurate Multi-View TSDF Fusion with Local Perspective Warp
* Wavelet Synthesis Net for Disparity Estimation to Synthesize DSLR Calibre Bokeh Effect on Smartphones
* Waypoint Models for Instruction-guided Navigation in Continuous Environments
* Weakly Paired Associative Learning for Sound and Image Representations via Bimodal Associative Memory
* WEB-VC: Visual Cryptography for Web Image
* When Meta-Learning Meets Online and Continual Learning: A Survey
* Wide-baseline stereo matching based on the line intersection context for real-time workspace modeling
* WildNet: Learning Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation from the Wild
* Zero-Shot Single-Microphone Sound Classification and Localization in a Building Via the Synthesis of Unseen Features
Includes: Lee, S. Lee, S.[Soomok] Lee, S.[Seongmin] Lee, S.[Sangyup] Lee, S.[Seokju] Lee, S.[Sukhan] Lee, S.[Seungju] Lee, S.[Sanghee] Lee, S.[Seohyeon] Lee, S.[Siwoo] Lee, S.[Suyun] Lee, S.[Sangmin] Lee, S.[Sangmoon] Lee, S.[Seungsoo] Lee, S.[Saro] Lee, S.[Seungbin] Lee, S.[Sunju] Lee, S.[Seungho] Lee, S.[Stefan] Lee, S.[Sumin] Lee, S.[Seungpeel] Lee, S.[Sugil] Lee, S.[Seunghyeon] Lee, S.[Sharon] Lee, S.[Sangyoon] Lee, S.[Soonyoung] Lee, S.[Sinwook] Lee, S.[Seungmin] Lee, S.[Seongju] Lee, S.[Sang_Bum] Lee, S.[Sangyool] Lee, S.[Sohyun] Lee, S.[Seonwoo] Lee, S.[SeungKuk] Lee, S.[Sangwon] Lee, S.[SeungJun] Lee, S.[Sangeun] Lee, S.[Soochahn] Lee, S.[Sanghyuk] Lee, S.[Siwoon] Lee, S.[Suhyeon] Lee, S.[Sungon] Lee, S.[Seungik] Lee, S.[Soobong] Lee, S.[Seonju] Lee, S.[Sangrok] Lee, S.[Sungkil] Lee, S.[Sanghyeon] Lee, S.[Sangsoo] Lee, S.[Seno] Lee, S.[Seulki] Lee, S.[Sangin] Lee, S.[Seungeun] Lee, S.[Sihaeng] Lee, S.[Sooeon] Lee, S.[Seungheyon] Lee, S.[Sojin] Lee, S.[Seunghwan] Lee, S.[Sanghuk] Lee, S.[Seunghun] Lee, S.[Seunghoon] Lee, S.[Sujin] Lee, S.[Seokjoo] Lee, S.[Seunggyu] Lee, S.[Sanukeun] Lee, S.[Seongwook] Lee, S.[Sunhyeok] Lee, S.[Sunggu] Lee, S.[Sungho] Lee, S.[Sangseok] Lee, S.[Seunghak] Lee, S.[Soonbin] Lee, S.[Soojin] Lee, S.[Seyoung] Lee, S.[Sangyum] Lee, S.[Seok_Woo] Lee, S.[Sanghun] Lee, S.[Seolyoung] Lee, S.[Sebin] Lee, S.[Sangku] Lee, S.[Sheayun] Lee, S.[Seongkyu] Lee, S.[Seokcheon] Lee, S.[Solae] Lee, S.[Sukho] Lee, S.[Sungwon] Lee, S.[Suan] Lee, S.[Sungyoon] Lee, S.[Soohong] Lee, S.[Sungjin] Lee, S.[Shihwa] Lee, S.[Suwon] Lee, S.[Sangyun] Lee, S.[Seungheun] Lee, S.[Siung] Lee, S.[Soungki] Lee, S.[Seongyeong] Lee, S.[Seonjin] Lee, S.[Sangseon] Lee, S.[Sangjun] Lee, S.[Saehyung] Lee, S.[Seong_Hun] Lee, S.[Simon] Lee, S.[Shihyan] Lee, S.[Seokhwan] Lee, S.[Sujee] Lee, S.[Siyeong] Lee, S.[Seohyung] Lee, S.[SuBeen] Lee, S.[Sehyung] Lee, S.[Seonjoo] Lee, S.[Sarah] Lee, S.[Sunmin] Lee, S.[Seungri] Lee, S.[Seulbi] Lee, S.[Seungeui] Lee, S.[Seok] Lee, S.[Sanghyeok] Lee, S.[Sinjae] Lee, S.[Seunghee] Lee, S.[Seungwoo] Lee, S.[Sangkuk] Lee, S.[Sehun] Lee, S.[Sankeun] Lee, S.[Seonoh] Lee, S.[Seoyoung] Lee, S.[Sangwoo] Lee, S.[Su_Kyoung] Lee, S.[Seungjae] Lee, S.[Sungmin] Lee, S.[Seung_Kyu] Lee, S.[Seonghee] Lee, S.[Seokyong] Lee, S.[Seonhoon] Lee, S.[Seungjun] Lee, S.[Seongoh] Lee, S.[Sooyeul] Lee, S.[Soyoung] Lee, S.[Sanha] Lee, S.[Seok_Yeong] Lee, S.[Sunwoo] Lee, S.[Seungkwan] Lee, S.[Soohyeong] Lee, S.[Seungyeop] Lee, S.[Seungil] Lee, S.[Soochan]
520 for Lee, S.
Lee, S.A.
Co Author Listing * Displacement Imaging for Focused Ultrasound Peripheral Nerve Neuromodulation
* FUS-Net: U-Net-Based FUS Interference Filtering
Includes: Lee, S.A. Lee, S.A.[Stephen A.]
Lee, S.B.[Su Bin]
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Radio Frequency Compatibility for New Radio Navigation Satellite Service Signal Design in the L6-Band
* branch-and-bound algorithm for globally optimal camera pose and focal length, A
* Data augmentation method for improving the accuracy of human pose estimation with cropped images
* Image In-painting by Band Matching, Seamless Cloning and Area Sub-division
* Multi-View Video and Multi-Channel Audio Broadcasting System
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Super-Resolution (×4): Methods and Results
* Olfactory identification and white matter integrity in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A preliminary study
* Optimal Image-Selection Algorithm for Large-Scale Stereoscopic Mapping of UAV Images, An
* Rate Control Using Adaptive Model-Based Quantization, A
* Segment-Based Multi-View Depth Map Estimation Using Belief Propagation from Dense Multi-View Video
* Task Discrepancy Maximization for Fine-grained Few-Shot Classification
* Temporally consistent depth video filter using temporal outlier reduction
* View-consistent multi-view depth estimation for three-dimensional video generation
Includes: Lee, S.B.[Su Bin] Lee, S.B.[Su-Bin] Lee, S.B.[Sang-Baek] Lee, S.B.[Sang-Beom] Lee, S.B.[Sang Bong] Lee, S.B.[Suk-Bae] Lee, S.B.[Sang-Bong] Lee, S.B.[Su-Been]
13 for Lee, S.B.
Lee, S.C.[Sang Chul]
Co Author Listing * Application of a Two-Level Self Organizing Map for Korean Online Game Market Segmentation
* Automatic Integration of Facade Textures into 3D Building Models with a Projective Geometry Based Line Clustering
* Automatic pose estimation of complex 3D building models
* CLEAR'07 Evaluation of USC Human Tracking System for Surveillance Videos
* Conditional Bayesian networks for action detection
* Determining a Maximum Value Yield of a Log Using an Optical Log Scanner
* Evaluating Concentrated Flowpaths in Riparian Forest Buffer Contributing Areas Using LiDAR Imagery and Topographic Metrics
* Event classification for vehicle navigation system by regional optical flow analysis
* Extraction and integration of window in a 3D building model from ground view images
* Frequency Filtering for Data Augmentation in X-Ray Image Classification
* FSDA: Frequency re-scaling in data augmentation for corruption-robust image classification
* Grain-oriented segmentation of scanning electron microscope images
* Hierarchical abnormal event detection by real time and semi-real time multi-tasking video surveillance system
* How Can We Evaluate Object Recognition Algorithms Using a Public Object Image Database?
* Integrating ground and aerial views for urban site modeling
* Interactive 3D building modeling using a hierarchical representation
* LiDAR-Based Localization on Highways Using Raw Data and Pole-Like Object Features
* Low-complexity high-quality adaptive deblocking filter for H.264/AVC system
* M3FPolypSegNet: Segmentation Network with Multi-Frequency Feature Fusion for Polyp Localization in Colonoscopy Images
* Mapping Forested Wetland Inundation in the Delmarva Peninsula, USA Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Modality-Agnostic Domain Generalizable Medical Image Segmentation by Multi-Frequency in Multi-Scale Attention
* Modeling 3-D Complex Buildings With User Assistance
* Modeling structural dissimilarity based on shape embodiment for cell segmentation
* Multiple Description Video Codec With Adaptive Residual Distributed Coding, A
* Multisensor raster and vector data fusion based on uncertainty modeling
* New Method for Quadratic Curve Detection Using K-Ransac with Acceleration Techniques, A
* Pairwise Threshold for Gaussian Mixture Classification and Its pplication on Human Tracking Enhancement
* Random image frequency aggregation dropout in image classification for deep convolutional neural networks
* Real-time Person Tracking and Association on Doorbell Cameras
* Robust camera calibration tool for video surveillance camera in urban environment
* Semi-automated 3-D Building Extraction from Stereo Imagery
* Spatial Intensity Correction of Fluorescent Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Images
* spatio-temporal pyramid matching for video retrieval, A
* Speed Performance Improvement of Vehicle Blob Tracking System
* systems level approach to perimeter protection, A
* Three-Dimensional Volume Reconstruction Based on Trajectory Fusion from Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Images
* Trajectory fusion for three-dimensional volume reconstruction
* Tropospheric and Surface Nitrogen Dioxide Changes in the Greater Toronto Area during the First Two Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic
* User interactive multiple aerial view analysis for reconstructing a large number of 3D architectural models
* Vizecgnet: Visual ECG Image Network for Cardiovascular Diseases Classification with Multi-Modal Training and Knowledge Distillation
* Weighted SVM with classification uncertainty for small training samples
Includes: Lee, S.C.[Sang Chul] Lee, S.C.[Sang-Chul] Lee, S.C.[Sung Chun] Lee, S.C. Lee, S.C.[Soo Chahn] Lee, S.C.[Sheng-Cheng] Lee, S.C.[Sheng-Chieh] Lee, S.C.[Samuel C.] Lee, S.C.[Sum Chi]
41 for Lee, S.C.
Lee, S.D.[Seong Deok]
Co Author Listing * Color Processing for Multi-Primary Display Devices
* Evaluation of polyvinyl alcohol cryogel as an acoustic coupling medium for low-intensity transcranial focused ultrasound
* Factors affecting the psychophysical image quality evaluation of mobile phone displays: the case of transmissive liquid-crystal displays
* Improving the spatail resolution based on 4D light field data
* Low-light imaging method with visible-band and wide-band image pair
* Motion artifact-free HDR imaging under dynamic environments
* Multiple object decomposition based on independent component analysis of multi-energy x-ray projections
* Neural substrates in secondary somatosensory area for the perception of different tactile sensations
* Regularized learning framework in the estimation of reflectance spectra from camera responses
* Wide-band image guided visible-band image enhancement
Includes: Lee, S.D.[Seong Deok] Lee, S.D.[Stephanie D.] Lee, S.D.[Seong-Deok]
10 for Lee, S.D.
Lee, S.E.[Sang Eun]
Co Author Listing * OSANet: Object Semantic Attention Network for Visual Sentiment Analysis
Includes: Lee, S.E.[Sang Eun] Lee, S.E.[Sang-Eun]
Lee, S.G.[Sang Gyun]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive grid pattern artifact reduction in radiography imaging based on the significant-signal bandwidth
* Analysis of postal address fields for efficient encoding of Korean mail pieces
* Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Estimation from CryoSat-2 Satellite Data Using Machine Learning-Based Lead Detection
* Comparison of KOMPSAT-5 and Sentinel-1 Radar Data for Soil Moisture Estimations Using a New Semi-Empirical Model
* Detection of Convective Initiation Using Meteorological Imager Onboard Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite Based on Machine Learning Approaches
* Determination of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with Top-of-Canopy (TOC) Reflectance from a KOMPSAT-3A Image Using Orfeo ToolBox (OT
* Enhanced Motion Forecasting with Visual Relation Reasoning
* Grid artifact reduction in radiography with arctan(1/2)-degree rotated grid
* Hydrological Response of Dry Afromontane Forest to Changes in Land Use and Land Cover in Northern Ethiopia
* Multi-scale Contrastive Learning for Complex Scene Generation
* Novel Framework of Detecting Convective Initiation Combining Automated Sampling, Machine Learning, and Repeated Model Tuning from Geostationary Satellite Data, A
* Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning for Mobile Robot Based on Multi Colony Ant Algorithm
* On the Use of Single-, Dual-, and Quad-Polarimetric SAR Observation for Landslide Detection
* Performance analysis of the gain correction in radiography imaging
* Performance of select color-difference formulas in the blue region
* Radiometric Cross-calibration of Kompsat-3a with Landsat-8
* Variable length coding of interleaved DCT coefficients for digital HDTV
* Walking Intent-Based Movement Control for JAIST Active Robotic Walker
Includes: Lee, S.G.[Sang Gyun] Lee, S.G.[Sang-Gyun] Lee, S.G.[Seok-Goo] Lee, S.G.[Sun-Gu] Lee, S.G.[Seung-Gwan] Lee, S.G.[Sle-Gee] Lee, S.G.[Sang-Goo] Lee, S.G. Lee, S.G.[Sang Gil] Lee, S.G.[Soon-Geul]
18 for Lee, S.G.
Lee, S.H.[Se Hwan]
Co Author Listing * 2D)2 DLDA for Efficient Face Recognition
* 3D Active Vessel Tracking Using an Elliptical Prior
* 3D CAD Drawing Watermarking Based on Three Components
* 3d mesh watermarking using projection onto convex sets
* 3D perception based quality pooling on stereoscopic image
* 3D Visual Activity Assessment Based on Natural Scene Statistics
* 3D visual discomfort predictor based on neural activity statistics
* 3D-PSSIM: Projective Structural Similarity for 3D Mesh Quality Assessment Robust to Topological Irregularities
* 3DTV System using Depth Image-Based Video in the MPEG-4 Multimedia Framework
* ACAV100M: Automatic Curation of Large-Scale Datasets for Audio-Visual Video Representation Learning
* Acute lymphoid leukemia classification using two-step neural network classifier
* Adaptive Colorimetric Characterization of Digital Camera with White Balance
* Adaptive feature extraction for blurred face images in facial expression recognition
* Adaptive Video Watermarking Utilizing Video Characteristics in 3D-DCT Domain
* ADAS: A Direct Adaptation Strategy for Multi-Target Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* AFI-GAN: Improving feature interpolation of feature pyramid networks via adversarial training for object detection
* Analysis of the correlation between infrared thermal sequence images of nostril area and respiratory rate
* Annual New Production of Phytoplankton Estimated from MODIS-Derived Nitrate Concentration in the East/Japan Sea
* Apparatus and method of converting frame and/or field rate using adaptive motion compensation
* Assessment and Improvement of Global Gridded Sea Surface Temperature Datasets in the Yellow Sea Using In Situ Ocean Buoy and Research Vessel Observations
* Assessment of testicular uptake in flourine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography
* Augmenting the Discrimination Power of HMM by NN for Online Cursive Script Recognition
* Automatic Defect Classification Using Frequency and Spatial Features in a Boosting Scheme
* Automatic image resizing in android application development
* Automatic Mura Detection for Display Film Using Mask Filtering in Wavelet Transform
* Autonomous Campus Mobility Services Using Driverless Taxi
* BASSL: Boundary-aware Self-supervised Learning for Video Scene Segmentation
* Bayesian Image Interpolation Based on the Learning and Estimation of Higher Bandwavelet Coefficients
* Bayesian object extraction from uncalibrated image pairs
* Binary Shape Coding Using 1-D Distance Values from Baseline
* Binary Shape Coding Using Baseline-Based Method
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Geometric Order Learning
* Brand New Dance Partner: Music-Conditioned Pluralistic Dancing Controlled by Multiple Dance Genres, A
* CAM-based HDR image reproduction using CA-TC decoupled JCh decomposition
* Camera-Driven Representation Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification
* Cancelable Biometrics Using Noise Embedding
* Cell motion analysis without explicit tracking
* Centralized Gradient Pattern for Face Recognition
* Channel Pruning Via Gradient Of Mutual Information For Light-Weight Convolutional Neural Networks
* CityGML-Based Road Information Model for Route Optimization of Snow-Removal Vehicle
* Classification of Landscape Affected by Deforestation Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data and Deep-Learning Techniques
* Closed-Form Optimal Two-View Triangulation Based on Angular Errors
* Collaborative expression representation using peak expression and intra class variation face images for practical subject-independent emotion recognition in videos
* Color Correction System Using a Color Compensation Chart for the Images from Digital Camera
* Color correction using rotation matrix for HDR rendering in iCAM06
* Colorization-Based Compression Using Optimization
* Combining the rate adaptation and quality adaptation schemes for wireless video streaming
* Comparative Study of Color Texture Features for Face Analysis, A
* Comparison of eigenvector-based pattern recognition algorithms for hybrid systems
* Compensation of de-saturation effect in HDR imaging using a real scene adaptation model
* Competitive Learning of Facial Fitting and Synthesis Using UV Energy
* Complementary combination of holistic and component analysis for recognition of low-resolution video character images
* Compressed Domain Video Saliency Detection Using Global and Local Spatiotemporal Features
* Conditional Multi-Task learning for Plant Disease Identification
* Construction and inspection management system using mobile augmented reality
* Content-based image retrieval using color features of salient regions
* Contextual Gradient Scaling for Few-Shot Learning
* Contour-Constrained Superpixels for Image and Video Processing
* Cooperative Localization With Constraint Satisfaction Problem in 5G Vehicular Networks
* Cross-Layer Optimization for Downlink Wavelet Video Transmission
* Cross-Layer Optimization for Scalable Video Coding and Transmission Over Broadband Wireless Networks
* DCPNet: Deformable Control Point Network for image enhancement
* Decode-MOT: How Can We Hurdle Frames to Go Beyond Tracking-by-Detection?
* Deep blind image quality assessment by employing FR-IQA
* Deep Clustering and Block Hashing Network for Face Image Retrieval
* Deep Convolutional Neural Models for Picture-Quality Prediction: Challenges and Solutions to Data-Driven Image Quality Assessment
* Deep Video Quality Assessor: From Spatio-Temporal Visual Sensitivity to a Convolutional Neural Aggregation Network
* Deep-plant: Plant identification with convolutional neural networks
* Defect Detection of Stainless Steel Plates Using Deep Learning Technology
* Depth Measurement Using Frequency Analysis with an Active Projection
* Design and implementation of an interactive HMD for wearable AR system
* Design of a Chinese name card understanding system
* Design of V2X-Based Vehicular Contents Centric Networks for Autonomous Driving
* Detection of Strong NOX Emissions from Fine-scale Reconstruction of the OMI Tropospheric NO2 Product
* Development of a global batch clustering with gradient descent and initial parameters in colour image classification
* Digital Image Stabilizing Algorithms Based on Bit-Plane Matching
* Discrimination and description of repetitive patterns for enhancing object recognition performance
* Discrimination and description of repetitive patterns for enhancing the performance of feature-based recognition
* Disparity estimation using color coherence and stochastic diffusion
* Dual Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network for Short-Term Bike Sharing Usage Demand Prediction, A
* Dual Task Learning by Leveraging Both Dense Correspondence and Mis-Correspondence for Robust Change Detection With Imperfect Matches
* Dual-branch vision transformer for blind image quality assessment
* Dynamic bandwidth allocation for multiple VBR MPEG video sources
* Dynamic-Programming Approach to Line Segment Matching in Stereo Vision, A
* efficient motion magnification system for real-time applications, An
* Efficient Wavelet-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm, An
* Enhancement of Visual Comfort and Sense of Presence on Stereoscopic 3D Images
* Ensemble Knowledge Guided Sub-network Search and Fine-Tuning for Filter Pruning
* Estimation of the Particulate Organic Carbon to Chlorophyll-a Ratio Using MODIS-Aqua in the East/Japan Sea, South Korea
* Evaluating Feature Extraction Methods with Synthetic Noise Patterns for Image-Based Modelling of Texture-Less Objects
* Evaluation of Motion Blur Considering Temporal Frequency Characteristics of Video Camera and LCD Systems
* Face image assessment learned with objective and relative face image qualities for improved face recognition
* Fast algorithms for foveated video processing
* Fast Block Motion Estimation for Overlapped Motion Compensation Using Selective Pixel Matching
* Feasibility Evaluation of Oversize Load Transportation Using Conditional Rewarded Deep Q-Networks
* Finding Nemo: Negative-mined Mosaic Augmentation for Referring Image Segmentation
* Fingerprint Fusion Based on Minutiae and Ridge for Enrollment
* Fingerprint Image Mosaicking by Recursive Ridge Mapping
* Fire recognition based on correlation of segmentations by image processing techniques
* Force Field-Based Control of Dynamic Particles with User-Specified Paths
* Foveated video compression with optimal rate control
* From Human Pose Similarity Metric to 3D Human Pose Estimator: Temporal Propagating LSTM Networks
* Fusing Explicit and Implicit Flow for Optical Flow Estimation
* Generative Adversarial Network Using Weighted Loss Map and Regional Fusion Training for LDR-to-HDR Image Conversion
* Generative Unlearning for Any Identity
* Global Illumination Invariant Object Detection With Level Set Based Bimodal Segmentation
* Gradient Flow Evolution for 3D Fusion From a Single Depth Sensor
* Graph contrastive learning with consistency regularization
* Graphical Models and Inference on Graphs in Genomics: Challenges of high-throughput data analysis
* GraphX-Convolution for Point Cloud Deformation in 2D-to-3D Conversion
* H.264 decoder on embedded dual core with dynamically load-balanced functional paritioning
* H.264/AVC based color filter array compression with inter-channel prediction model
* hand tracking framework using the 3D active tracking volume, A
* HARA: A Hierarchical Approach for Robust Rotation Averaging
* Hash function for 3D mesh model authentication
* HGO-CNN: Hybrid generic-organ convolutional neural network for multi-organ plant classification
* hierarchical method of map-based stochastic diffusion and disparity estimation, A
* Hierarchical stochastic diffusion for disparity estimation
* High quality, low delay foveated visual communications over mobile channels
* High-performance memory interface architecture for high-definition video coding application
* HoloGaussian Digital Twin: Reconstructing 3D Scenes with Gaussian Splatting for Tabletop Hologram Visualization of Real Environments
* Horizontal parallax distortion correction method in toed-in camera with wide-angle lens
* How deep learning extracts and learns leaf features for plant classification
* HVPR: Hybrid Voxel-Point Representation for Single-stage 3D Object Detection
* Hybrid Resolution Switching Method for Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Hybrid Resolution Switching Method for Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* ILBPSDNet: Based on improved local binary pattern shallow deep convolutional neural network for character recognition
* Image coding and decoding method and apparatus considering human visual characteristics
* Image cropping based on order learning
* Image Enhancement for Improved Visibility of Digital Displays Under The Sunlight
* Image Restoration by Estimating Frequency Distribution of Local Patches
* Image segmentation algorithms based on the machine learning of features
* Image-based coin recognition using rotation-invariant region binary patterns based on gradient magnitudes
* Image-Based Relighting of Moving Objects with Specular Reflection
* Imagination-Augmented Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Safe and Interactive Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments
* Imprementation Of Vgi-based Geoportal For Empowering Citizen's Geospatial Observatories Related To Urban Disaster Management
* Improved Fingerprint Indexing Algorithm Based on the Triplet Approach, An
* Improved H.264/AVC lossless intra compression using multiple partition prediction for 4X4 intra block
* Improved License Plate Recognition for Low-Resolution CCTV Forensics by Integrating Sparse Representation-Based Super-Resolution
* Improving Color Constancy in an Ambient Light Environment Using the Phong Reflection Model
* Improving discrimination ability of convolutional neural networks by hybrid learning
* Information-Theoretic Privacy in Smart Metering Systems Using Cascaded Rechargeable Batteries
* Infrared image super-resolution using auxiliary convolutional neural network and visible image under low-light conditions
* Intelligent Video Security System Using Object Tracking and Shape Recognition, An
* Interpolation of Multi-Spectral Images In Wavelet Domain for Satellite Image Fusion
* Intra prediction method based on the linear relationship between the channels for YUV 4:2:0 intra coding
* Intra-Class Variation Reduction Using Training Expression Images for Sparse Representation Based Facial Expression Recognition
* ISAR Imaging of High-Speed Maneuvering Target Using Gapped Stepped-Frequency Waveform and Compressive Sensing
* Iterative Sparse Coding for Colorization Based Compression
* Kinematic Diversity and Rhythmic Alignment in Choreographic Quality Transformers for Dance Quality Assessment
* Landmark MDS ensemble
* Learning by Aligning: Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification using Cross-Modal Correspondences
* Level Set-Based Bimodal Segmentation With Stationary Global Minimum
* Lightning Detection Using GEO-KOMPSAT-2A/Advanced Meteorological Imager and Ground-Based Lightning Observation Sensor LINET Data
* Local age group modeling in unconstrained face images for facial age classification
* Local color vector binary pattern for face recognition
* Local Color Vector Binary Patterns From Multichannel Face Images for Face Recognition
* Long-Term Pattern of Primary Productivity in the East/Japan Sea Based on Ocean Color Data Derived from MODIS-Aqua
* Low Cost 3D Tracker for Parallax Barrier Display, A
* Low Delay Foveated Visual Communications over Wireless Channels
* Low-complexity and robust comic fingerprint method for comic identification
* low-energy video event data recorder using dual image/video codec, A
* Luminance adapted skin color modeling for the robust detection of skin areas
* Machine Learning-Based Approach for Spatial Estimation Using the Spatial Features of Coordinate Information, A
* Macro unit-based convolutional neural network for very light-weight deep learning
* MAP-Based Object Extraction from Uncalibrated Image Pair
* MAP-Based Object Extraction from Uncalibrated Image Pair
* MAP-Based Stochastic Diffusion for Stereo Matching and Line Fields Estimation
* MAP-MRF Estimation Based Weather Radar Visualization
* Markerless augmented reality system based on planar object tracking
* Maximizing image quality over Visual Sensor Networks via DCT bit allocation
* Measurement of 3D Visual Fatigue Using Event-Related Potential (ERP): 3D Oddball Paradigm
* Melt Pond Mapping With High-Resolution SAR: The First View
* Method and apparatus for encoding a motion vector
* Metric-Based Regularization and Temporal Ensemble for Multi-Task Learning using Heterogeneous Unsupervised Tasks
* MFP: Making Full Use of Probability Maps for Interactive Image Segmentation
* MNET++: Music-Driven Pluralistic Dancing Toward Multiple Dance Genre Synthesis
* mobile spherical mosaic system, A
* Model-Based Quality Estimation of Fingerprint Images
* Motion Estimation and Compensation for Foveated Video
* Motion tracking based on area and level set weighted centroid shifting
* motion vector prediction method for multi-view video coding, A
* motion vector prediction method for multi-view video coding, A
* Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation for Intra-Mode Blocks
* Moving Parallax Barrier Design for Eye-Tracking Autostereoscopic Displays
* Moving Window Regression: A Novel Approach to Ordinal Regression
* MPEG Postprocessing System Using Edge Signal Variable Filter
* MPEG-2 Test Stream with Static Test Patterns in DTV System
* Multi-Organ Plant Classification Based on Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks
* Multi-unit Biometric Fusion in Fingerprint Verification
* Multiclass Maximum-Likelihood Symmetry Determination and Motif Reconstruction of 3-D Helical Objects From Projection Images for Electron Microscopy
* Multimodal Interactive Continuous Scoring of Subjective 3D Video Quality of Experience
* Multiple particle tracking in time-lapse synchrotron X-ray images using discriminative appearance and neighbouring topology learning
* Multiscale Coarse-to-Fine Guided Screenshot Demoiréing
* MUNet: Macro Unit-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Mobile Devices
* Natural stereo images from a glasses-free, 3D display
* new block compressive sensing to control the number of measurements, A
* new clustering validity index for arbitrary shape of clusters, A
* New Framework for Measuring 2D and 3D Visual Information in Terms of Entropy, A
* New Integral Image Structure for Memory Size Reduction, A
* New Method of Storing Integral Image for Memory Efficiency Using Modified Block Structure, A
* New Space-Adaptive Regularized Constrained Iterative Image Restoration Algorithms and Analysis of Convergence Condition, A
* No-Reference Sharpness Assessment of Camera-Shaken Images by Analysis of Spectral Structure
* Noise Removal With Gauss Curvature-Driven Diffusion
* Object Segmentation in Stereo Image Using Cooperative Line Field in Stochastic Diffusion
* Object tracking based on area weighted centroids shifting with spatiality constraints
* Occlusion detection and stereo matching in a stochastic method
* OIMNet++: Prototypical Normalization and Localization-Aware Learning for Person Search
* On the adaptive three-dimensional transform coding techniques for moving images
* On-Road Object Collision Point Estimation by Radar Sensor Data Fusion
* Optical Recognition of Phase-Encrypted Biometrics
* Optimal Camera Point Selection Toward the Most Preferable View of 3-D Human Pose
* Optimal Carrier Loading for Maximizing Visual Entropy Over OFDMA Cellular Networks
* Optimal Channel Adaptation of Scalable Video Over a Multicarrier-Based Multicell Environment
* Optimal image transmission over Visual Sensor Networks
* Optimal power allocation for minimizing visual distortion over MIMO communication systems
* Order Learning Using Partially Ordered Data via Chainization
* Pairwise Feature Learning for Unseen Plant Disease Recognition
* Parrot: Pareto-optimal Multi-reward Reinforcement Learning Framework for Text-to-image Generation
* Partial Matching of Facial Expression Sequence Using Over-Complete Transition Dictionary for Emotion Recognition
* Pattern matching assisted motion estimation and motion vector histogram analysis for interlaced-to-progressive conversion
* Perceptually Unequal Packet Loss Protection by Weighting Saliency and Error Propagation
* Phase boundary estimation in electrical resistance tomography with weighted multi-layered neural networks and front point approach
* PLoPS: Localization-aware person search with prototypical normalization
* Pnoramic mosaic system for mobile devices
* PointCT: Point Central Transformer Network for Weakly-supervised Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Power of Sound (TPoS): Audio Reactive Video Generation with Stable Diffusion, The
* Prediction of visual fatigue from spatiotemporal characteristics in stereoscopic video
* Preprocessing of a Fingerprint Image Captured with a Mobile Camera
* PrimeEye: A Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition System Robust to Illumination Changes
* Progressive Contextual Aggregation Empowered by Pixel-Wise Confidence Scoring for Image Inpainting
* Progressive Feature Matching: Incremental Graph Construction and Optimization
* Propagating LSTM: 3D Pose Estimation Based on Joint Interdependency
* Protecting GIS vector map using the k-means clustering algorithm and odd-even coding
* Quality assessment of perceptual crosstalk in autostereoscopic display
* Quality Assessment of Perceptual Crosstalk on Two-View Auto-Stereoscopic Displays
* Quality index evaluation of videos based on fuzzy interface system
* Radiance map construction based on spatial and intensity correlations between LE and SE images for HDR imaging
* Rate control for foveated MPEG/H.263 video
* Read-Write Memory Network for Movie Story Understanding, A
* Reconstruction of Ocean Color Data Using Machine Learning Techniques in Polar Regions: Focusing on Off Cape Hallett, Ross Sea
* restoration method for distorted comics to improve comic contents identification, A
* restoration method for distorted comics to improve comic contents identification, A
* Restore from Restored: Video Restoration with Pseudo Clean Video
* Retrieval of Reflected Shortwave Radiation at the Top of the Atmosphere Using Himawari-8/AHI Data
* RGB-D image segmentation based on multiple random walkers
* Robust skin-roughness estimation based on co-occurrence matrix
* Rotation and flipping robust region binary patterns for video copy detection
* Rotation-Only Bundle Adjustment
* SAF-Nets: Shape-Adaptive Filter Networks for 3D point cloud processing
* Saliency Prediction on Stereoscopic Videos
* satellite image watermarkig scheme based on perspective distance, A
* SBNet: Segmentation-based Network for Natural Language-based Vehicle Search
* Scan interleaving based scalable binary shape coding
* Scene Text Extraction by Superpixel CRFs Combining Multiple Character Features
* Scene Text Extraction Using Focus of Mobile Camera
* Scene Text Extraction with Edge Constraint and Text Collinearity
* Segmentation based disparity estimation using color and depth information
* Self-supervised Knowledge Distillation Using Singular Value Decomposition
* Self-Updatable Database System Based on Human Motion Assessment Framework
* Sensitivity map generation in electrical capacitance tomography using mixed normalization models
* SERP: SURF Enhancer for Repeated Pattern
* Shape Recovery of Hybrid Reflectance Surface Using Neural Network
* Simultaneous object extraction and disparity estimation using stochastic diffusion
* Single image dehazing based on reliability map of dark channel prior
* Single-View Based Framework for Robust Estimation of Height and Position of Moving People, A
* Sound-Guided Semantic Image Manipulation
* Sound-Guided Semantic Video Generation
* Spatio-temporal quality pooling accounting for transient severe impairments and egomotion
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Habitat Suitability Index for Chub Mackerel (Scomber Japonicus) in the East/Japan Sea and the South Sea of South Korea
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Habitat Suitability Index for the Todarodes Pacificus (Japanese Common Squid) around South Korea
* Spatio-temporal video filtering algorithm based on 3-D anisotropic diffusion equation
* Spatiotemporal Protein Variations Based on VIIRS-Derived Regional Protein Algorithm in the Northern East China Sea
* Stereo matching using hierarchical belief propagation along ambiguity gradient
* Stereo Matching using Multi-Directional Dynamic Programming and Edge Orientations
* Stereoscopic 3D objects evoke stronger saliency for nonverbal working memory: An fMRI study
* Stochastic Approach to Separate Diffuse and Specular Reflections
* Stochastic Diffusion for Correspondence Estimation and Objects Segmentation
* StRDAN: Synthetic-to-Real Domain Adaptation Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Stroke Verification with Gray-level Image for Hangul Video Text Recognition
* STSPhys: Enhanced Remote Heart Rate Measurement With Spatial-Temporal SwiftFormer
* Study of Touchless Fingerprint Recognition System, A
* Study on Assembly Part Recognition using Part-based Superquadric Model, A
* Study on making omnistereo images for HMD using longer focal length
* Study on Multi-unit Fingerprint Verification, A
* StyleVC: Non-Parallel Voice Conversion with Adversarial Style Generalization
* Supervising Neural Attention Models for Video Captioning by Human Gaze Data
* survey of tag-based information retrieval, A
* synthesis of complex spatial filters for coherent optical data processing, The
* Temporal pooling of video quality estimates using perceptual motion models
* Temporal Superpixels Based on Proximity-Weighted Patch Matching
* Tighter Converse for the Locally Differentially Private Discrete Distribution Estimation Under the One-bit Communication Constraint, A
* Towards Detailed Characteristic-Preserving Virtual Try-On
* Towards Practical Plug-and-Play Diffusion Models
* Transfer Function Model of Physiological Mechanisms Underlying Temporal Visual Discomfort Experienced When Viewing Stereoscopic 3D Images
* Transformation of a high-dimensional color space for material classification
* Two-Dimensional Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Two-step multi-illuminant color constancy for outdoor scenes
* Unified-IO 2: Scaling Autoregressive Multimodal Models with Vision, Language, Audio, and Action
* Unsupervised Classification Using Spatial Region Growing Segmentation and Fuzzy Training
* unsupervised image segmentation algorithm based on the machine learning of appropriate features, An
* Unsupervised multistage segmentation using Markov random field and maximum entropy principle
* Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation via Prototype Memory Network
* Upscaling image resolution of compact imaging systems using wavefront coding and a property of the point-spread function
* Using color texture sparsity for facial expression recognition
* Using colour local binary pattern features for face recognition
* video object segmentation algorithm based on the feature learning and shape tracking, A
* Video saliency detection based on spatiotemporal feature learning
* Video Watermarking Using the 3-D Wavelet Transform and Two Perceptual Watermarks, A
* Visual Data Rate Gain for Wavelet Foveated Image Coding
* Visual Entropy Gain for Wavelet Image Coding
* Visual Preference Prediction for Enhanced Images on Ultra-High-Definition Display
* Visual Presence: Viewing Geometry Visual Information of UHD S3D Entertainment
* Visually Weighted Compressive Sensing: Measurement and Reconstruction
* WarpingFusion: Accurate Multi-View TSDF Fusion with Local Perspective Warp
* Watermarking for 3D CAD Drawings Based on Three Components
* Watermarking for 3D Keyframe Animation Based on Geometry and Interpolator
* Watermarking for 3d polygonal meshes using normalvector distributions of each patch
Includes: Lee, S.H.[Se Hwan] Lee, S.H.[Se-Hwan] Lee, S.H.[Sang-Hoon] Lee, S.H.[Suk-Hwan] Lee, S.H.[Seung-Hyun] Lee, S.H.[Sang-Ho] Lee, S.H.[Sung-Hak] Lee, S.H.[Seung Ho] Lee, S.H.[Sung Hyun] Lee, S.H.[Seung-Hun] Lee, S.H.[Seong-Ho] Lee, S.H.[Shin-Hsiung] Lee, S.H.[Sang Heon] Lee, S.H.[Sung-Hee] Lee, S.H. Lee, S.H.[Sung-Hyun] Lee, S.H.[Seung-Ho] Lee, S.H.[Sang Hwa] Lee, S.H.[Seon-Ho] Lee, S.H.[Sang-Heon] Lee, S.H.[Seong-Hyeok] Lee, S.H.[Seok-Han] Lee, S.H.[Suk-Ho] Lee, S.H.[Sun-Hun] Lee, S.H.[Seong-Hun] Lee, S.H.[Se-Ho] Lee, S.H.[Sue Han] Lee, S.H.[Sang Hyun] Lee, S.H.[Seok Hee] Lee, S.H.[Shih-Hsiung] Lee, S.H.[Sun-Ho] Lee, S.H.[Shan-Hung] Lee, S.H.[Sang-Hyun] Lee, S.H.[Seon-Hoon] Lee, S.H.[Shing-Huan] Lee, S.H.[Sang-Hee] Lee, S.H.[Soo-Hong] Lee, S.H.[Su-Hsing] Lee, S.H.[Sung-Hoon] Lee, S.H.[Shi-Hwa] Lee, S.H.[Seong Hun] Lee, S.H.[Shi Hwa] Lee, S.H.[Sang Hak] Lee, S.H.[Seung Hyun] Lee, S.H.[Seung-Hak] Lee, S.H.[Seung-Hee] Lee, S.H.[Seung-Han] Lee, S.H.[Sang Hoon] Lee, S.h. Lee, S.H.[Soo-Hyun] Lee, S.H.[Su-Hyun] Lee, S.H.[Shin Ho] Lee, S.H.[Seung-Hi] Lee, S.H.[Sung Hee] Lee, S.H.[Se-Hyung] Lee, S.H.[Seung-Hwan] Lee, S.H.[Sang Hun] Lee, S.H.[Suk Ho] Lee, S.H.[Sing H.] Lee, S.H.[Si-Hyeon] Lee, S.H.[Seung-Hoon] Lee, S.H.[Sang-Hyuck] Lee, S.H.[Suk-Hawn]
318 for Lee, S.H.
Lee, S.I.[Seung Ik]
Co Author Listing * Anomaly Detection System via Moving Surveillance Robots with Human Collaboration, An
* AVC Based Stereoscopic Video Codec for 3D DMB
* Claws: Clustering Assisted Weakly Supervised Learning with Normalcy Suppression for Anomalous Event Detection
* CO2 Emissions Associated with Groundwater Storage Depletion in South Korea: Estimation and Vulnerability Assessment Using Satellite Data and Data-Driven Models
* Deep Learning Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Evaluation of Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 Images for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Lake Chad, Africa
* Follicular Unit Classification Method Using Angle Variation of Boundary Vector for Automatic Hair Implant System
* Fusion of Multi-Satellite Data and Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Total Discharge
* GaussianMask: Uncertainty-aware Instance Segmentation based on Gaussian Modeling
* Generative Cooperative Learning for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Improvement of segment-based depth estimation using a novel segment extraction
* Multi-Platform Satellite Based Estimates of Runoff in Ungauged Areas
* Multispectral Image-Based Estimation of Drought Patterns and Intensity around Lake Chad, Africa
* Old Is Gold: Redefining the Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier Training Paradigm
* Predicting Visual Discomfort of Stereoscopic Images Using Human Attention Model
* Robust video fingerprinting based on 2D-OPCA of affine covariant regions
* Robust Video Fingerprinting Based on Symmetric Pairwise Boosting
* Robust Video Fingerprinting for Content-Based Video Identification
* Self-Reasoning Framework for Anomaly Detection Using Video-Level Labels, A
* Semantic-guided de-attention with sharpened triplet marginal loss for visual place recognition
* Stabilizing Adversarially Learned One-Class Novelty Detection Using Pseudo Anomalies
* Synthetic Temporal Anomaly Guided End-to-End Video Anomaly Detection
* Tremor detection using motion filtering and SVM
* Video Codec Using Flexible Block Partitioning and Advanced Prediction, Transform and Loop Filtering Technologies
* Visibility-based modelling and control for network-based robotics
* Visual Comfort Amelioration Technique for Stereoscopic Images: Disparity Remapping to Mitigate Global and Local Discomfort Causes
* Visual Importance- and Discomfort Region-Selective Low-Pass Filtering for Reducing Visual Discomfort in Stereoscopic Displays
Includes: Lee, S.I.[Seung Ik] Lee, S.I.[Seung-Ik] Lee, S.I.[Soo-In] Lee, S.I.[Sang-Il] Lee, S.I.[Seul-I] Lee, S.I.[Soo In] Lee, S.I.[Seung Il] Lee, S.I. Lee, S.I.[Sun-Il] Lee, S.I.[Su-In] Lee, S.I.[Sang Il]
27 for Lee, S.I.
Lee, S.J.[Su Jin]
Co Author Listing * 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) on Meshes with Hierarchical Control Modes
* 3D Surface Reconstruction and Registration for Image Guided Medialization Laryngoplasty
* Accelerating Local Feature Extraction Using Two Stage Feature Selection and Partial Gradient Computation
* AETTA: Label-Free Accuracy Estimation for Test-Time Adaptation
* Age estimation using a hierarchical classifier based on global and local facial features
* Animation data compression in MPEG-4: interpolators
* ASTER-Derived High-Resolution Ice Surface Temperature for the Arctic Coast
* Atmospheric Profile Retrieval Algorithm for Next Generation Geostationary Satellite of Korea and Its Application to the Advanced Himawari Imager
* Attack on JPEG2000 Steganography Using LRCA
* attention controlled multi-core architecture for energy efficient object recognition, An
* Automatic handwriting recognition and writer matching on anthrax-related handwritten mail
* Behavior Hierarchy-Based Affordance Map for Recognition of Human Intention and Its Application to Human-Robot Interaction
* Biometric Key Binding: Fuzzy Vault Based on Iris Images
* CaBins: CLIP-based Adaptive Bins for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Category Attack for LSB Steganalysis of JPEG Images
* Changes in a Giant Iceberg Created from the Collapse of the Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, Derived from Sentinel-1 and CryoSat-2 Data
* CoDISP: Exploring Compressed Domain Camera ISP with RGB-guided Encoder
* comparative study of facial appearance modeling methods for active appearance models, A
* comparative study of local feature extraction for age estimation, A
* Conditional-entropy-constrained trellis-searched vector quantization for image compression
* Configurable Heterogeneous Multicore Architecture With Cellular Neural Network for Real-Time Object Recognition, A
* Controllable Image Restoration for Under-Display Camera in Smartphones
* Correlation between Ionospheric TEC and the DCB Stability of GNSS Receivers from 2014 to 2016
* Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Few-Shot Learning and Domain Adaptation
* Decadal Measurements of the First Geostationary Ocean Color Satellite (GOCI) Compared with MODIS and VIIRS Data
* Decomposition of morphological structuring elements with integer linear programming
* Defect detection for corner cracks in steel billets using a wavelet reconstruction method
* Detection of Damaged Buildings Using Temporal SAR Data with Different Observation Modes
* Development of Integrated Crop Drought Index by Combining Rainfall, Land Surface Temperature, Evapotranspiration, Soil Moisture, and Vegetation Index for Agricultural Drought Monitoring
* DiCo-NeRF: Difference of Cosine Similarity for Neural Rendering of Fisheye Driving Scenes
* dimension-reduction based multilayer perception method for supporting the medical decision making, A
* Efficient Demosaiced Image Enhancement Method for a Low Cost Single-Chip CMOS Image Sensor, An
* efficient Huffman table sharing method for memory-constrained entropy coding of multiple sources, An
* efficient memory allocation scheme for Huffman coding of multiple sources, An
* Elaborate Monocular Point and Line SLAM With Robust Initialization
* Establishing handwriting individuality using pattern recognition techniques
* Estimation of High-Resolution Soil Moisture in Canadian Croplands Using Deep Neural Network with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Images
* Evaluation of Air-Cavities behind Concrete Tunnel Linings Using GPR Measurements
* Evolution of Backscattering Coefficients of Drifting Multi-Year Sea Ice during End of Melting and Onset of Freeze-up in the Western Beaufort Sea
* Expanded Adaptive Scaling Normalization for End to End Image Compression
* Exploring Discontinuity for Video Frame Interpolation
* Extensive analysis of feature selection for compact descriptor
* Familiarity based unified visual attention model for fast and robust object recognition
* Fast and Robust Vanishing Point Detection on Un-Calibrated Images
* Forced intra refreshment method based on the propagation model of uncertainties in the reference pixels for H.264 streaming service
* H.264/AVC UHD decoder implementation on multi-cluster platform using hybrid parallelization method
* High Quality Perceptual Steganographic Techniques
* Image Enhancement for Reducing LCD Backlight Power Based on Human Visual Characteristics
* Image reconstruction for emission tomography using intensity normalised patch-based regularisation
* Incorporating Anatomical Side Information Into PET Reconstruction Using Nonlocal Regularization
* Incremental Learning with Neural Network Algorithm for the Monitoring Pre-Convective Environments Using Geostationary Imager
* Incremental Update of Linear Appearance Models and Its Application to AAM: Incremental AAM
* Individuality of handwriting: a validation study
* Individuality of handwritten characters
* Individuality of numerals
* Intensity comparison based compact descriptor for mobile visual search
* Interpolator Data Compression for MPEG-4 Animation
* ISAR Imaging of High-Speed Maneuvering Target Using Gapped Stepped-Frequency Waveform and Compressive Sensing
* Kernel-Based Structural Binary Pattern Tracking
* Learning Framework for Robust Obstacle Detection, Recognition, and Tracking
* Local Density Encoding for Robust Stereo Matching
* Local to Global: Efficient Visual Localization for a Monocular Camera
* LSTC-rPPG: Long Short-Term Convolutional Network for Remote Photoplethysmography
* Mart: Multiscale Relational Transformer Networks for Multi-agent Trajectory Prediction
* Maximizing image quality over Visual Sensor Networks via DCT bit allocation
* MCRD-Net: An unsupervised dense network with multi-scale convolutional block attention for multi-focus image fusion
* Mobile Aware Denoiser Network (MADNet) for Quad Bayer Images
* MobileSense: A robust sound classification system for mobile applications
* Motion-compensated wavelet transform coder for very low bit-rate visual telephony
* Multistage temporal motion compensation for motion vector coding
* new coding algorithm for arbitrarily shaped image segments, A
* New Method for Generating an Invariant Iris Private Key Based on the Fuzzy Vault System, A
* New Multimodal Map Building Method Using Multiple Object Tracking and Gaussian Process Regression, A
* Noise-aware Learning from Web-crawled Image-Text Data for Image Captioning
* NTIRE 2021 Learning the Super-Resolution Space Challenge
* Object Detection-Based Video Retargeting With Spatial-Temporal Consistency
* On Security Notions of Steganographic Systems
* On Unsupervised Multiclass Change Detection Using Dual-Polarimetric SAR Data
* Online Video Recommendation through Tag-Cloud Aggregation
* Online Video Recommendation through Tag-Cloud Aggregation
* Optimal decomposition of morphological structuring elements
* Optimal image transmission over Visual Sensor Networks
* Pairwise Distance Distillation for Unsupervised Real-world Image Super-resolution
* Pattern Fusion in Feature Recognition Neural Networks for Handwritten Character-Recognition
* Phytoplankton Bloom Changes under Extreme Geophysical Conditions in the Northern Bering Sea and the Southern Chukchi Sea
* Pixel-Level Matching for Video Object Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Predicting Mind-Wandering with Facial Videos in Online Lectures
* Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition using the STAAM, A
* Real-Time Gaze Estimator Based on Driver's Head Orientation for Forward Collision Warning System
* Recent Changes in Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity in Asia from 1982 to 2011
* Reduction of False Alarm Rate in SAR-MTI Based on Weighted Kurtosis
* Retrieval of Summer Sea Ice Concentration in the Pacific Arctic Ocean from AMSR2 Observations and Numerical Weather Data Using Random Forest Regression
* Retrieval of Total Precipitable Water from Himawari-8 AHI Data: A Comparison of Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting, and Deep Neural Network
* Revisiting Dead Leaves Model: Training With Synthetic Data
* Secure Steganographic Scheme against Statistical Analyses, A
* SFA-Net: Semantic Feature Adjustment Network for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* SfM-based 3D face reconstruction method robust to self-occlusion by using a shape conversion matrix, A
* Sonar Mapping of a Mobile Robot Considering Position Uncertainty
* Special issue on breakthrough architectures for image and video systems
* Steganographic Scheme Using a Block Cipher
* Street searching service framework for navigation
* Surface Material Dataset for Robotics Applications (SMDRA): A Dataset with Friction Coefficient and RGB-D for Surface Segmentation
* Synergistic Benefits of Intercomparison Between Simulated and Measured Radiances of Imagers Onboard Geostationary Satellites
* Test-Time Adaptation for Out-Of-Distributed Image Inpainting
* Thin-Plate as a Regularizer in Bayesian SPECT Reconstruction, The
* Total Column Ozone Retrieval From the Infrared Measurements of a Geostationary Imager
* Traffic sign recognition by combining global and local features based on semi-supervised classification
* Transfer learning of a deep convolutional neural network for localizing handwritten slab identification numbers
* UDAC: Under-Display Array Cameras
* Understanding Objects with Curved Surfaces from a Single Perspective View of Boundaries
* Wavelet transform coding for MCP error images using quadtree decomposition and ECVQ
* Weakly Supervised Learning for Transmission Line Detection Using Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Weakly Supervised Referring Image Segmentation with Intra-Chunk and Inter-Chunk Consistency
Includes: Lee, S.J.[Su Jin] Lee, S.J.[Su-Jin] Lee, S.J.[Sang-Joon] Lee, S.J.[Seung-Jae] Lee, S.J.[Sung-Ju] Lee, S.J.[Sung Joo] Lee, S.J.[Shin Jun] Lee, S.J.[Sung Jae] Lee, S.J.[Su Jeong] Lee, S.J.[Sang-Jin] Lee, S.J.[Seung-Jin] Lee, S.J.[Sang-Jik] Lee, S.J. Lee, S.J.[Sang Jun] Lee, S.J.[Sung-Jae] Lee, S.J.[Seok-Jun] Lee, S.J.[Seung Jun] Lee, S.J.[Sang Jeong] Lee, S.J.[Sun-Ju] Lee, S.J.[Shie-Jue] Lee, S.J.[Soo-Jin] Lee, S.J.[Shin-Jye] Lee, S.J.[Seong-Joo] Lee, S.J.[Sung-Jin] Lee, S.J.[Sang-Jo] Lee, S.J.[Su-Jeong] Lee, S.J.[Sang-Jae] Lee, S.J.[Seung-Jun] Lee, S.J.[Seong-Ju] Lee, S.J.[Sang-Jee] Lee, S.J.[Sung-Jun] Lee, S.J.[Seok-Ju] Lee, S.J.[Shih Jong]
113 for Lee, S.J.
Lee, S.K.[San Kan]
Co Author Listing * 3-D localization of clustered microcalcifications using cranio-caudal and medio-lateral oblique view
* Adaptive Antenna Pattern Notching of Interference in Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Using Digital Beamforming
* Adaptive descriptor-based robust stereo matching under radiometric changes
* Adaptive image segmentation system
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Using Multi-Objective Evaluation and Hybrid Search Methods
* Automatic Computer-Aided Detection System for Meniscal Tears on Magnetic Resonance Images, An
* Bi-layer inpainting for novel view synthesis
* Bilateral symmetry detection based on scale invariant structure feature
* Burrow Opening Measurements of Intertidal Macroinvertebrates from Optical Drone Images
* Content-based image enhancement in the compressed domain based on multi-scale alpha-rooting algorithm
* Continual Learning with Neuron Activation Importance
* Curved Glide-Reflection Symmetry Detection
* D-mago: A novel visual entity for storing emotional feeling with visual imprint
* Dense femur reconstruction from two x-ray images using generic 3D model with twist correction
* Depth camera image processing and applications
* Depth Measurement Using Frequency Analysis with an Active Projection
* Disparity-selective stereo matching using correlation confidence measure
* Efficient Content-Based Image Enhancement in the Compressed Domain Using Retinex Theory, An
* Estimating Mangrove Canopy Height and Above-Ground Biomass in the Everglades National Park with Airborne LiDAR and TanDEM-X Data
* Event-Specific EEG-FNIRS Feature Fusion FOR Alzheimer's Disease Classification
* Face modeling and tracking with Gabor Wavelet Network prior
* fast clustering algorithm for video abstraction, A
* Fast partial distortion elimination based on a maximum error constraint for motion estimation
* Forest Height Estimation by Means of Pol-InSAR Data Inversion: The Role of the Vertical Wavenumber
* Frequency guided bilateral symmetry Gabor Wavelet Network
* Fusion of Time-of-Flight and Stereo for Disambiguation of Depth Measurements
* Genetic Learning for Adaptive Image Segmentation
* Human Body Volume Recovery from Single Depth Image
* Impulse noise reduction using distance weighted average filter
* JT-MGCN: Joint-temporal Motion Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Localization of epileptogenic zones in F-18 FDG brain PET of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy using artificial neural network
* Lossless Data Hiding for Medical Images with Patient Information
* Low-Complexity Topological Derivative-Based Segmentation
* Non-parametric single image super resolution
* ORBIT: A Multiresolution Framework for Deformable Registration of Brain Tumor Images
* Performance evaluation of state-of-the-art discrete symmetry detection algorithms
* Pixel Correlation-based Impulse Noise Reduction
* Projective alignment of range and parallax data
* PSU Near-Regular Texture Database
* Public Key Watermarking for Reversible Image Authentication
* Radio-Frequency Vector Magnetic Field Mapping in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Real time localization and 3D depth estimation across disparate sensing systems: Toward hazard aware and tele-immersive spaces
* Real-Time Localization for Underwater Moving Object Using Precalculated DC Electric Field Template
* Real-Time Underwater Object Detection Based on DC Resistivity Method
* Recovering Translucent Objects Using a Single Time-of-Flight Depth Camera
* Reflection Symmetry Detection via Appearance of Structure Descriptor
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Structure-Preserving Sparse Learning
* Rotation symmetry group detection via frequency analysis of frieze-expansions
* Rotation Symmetry Object Classification Using Structure Constrained Convolutional Neural Network
* Shape Variation-Based Frieze Pattern for Robust Gait Recognition
* Simple and Efficient Image Enhancement in the Compressed Domain, A
* simple and fast color-based human face detection scheme for content-based indexing and retrieval, A
* Skewed Rotation Symmetry Group Detection
* Skewed stereo time-of-flight camera for translucent object imaging
* Statistical region selection for robust image stabilization using feature-histogram
* Stratified Self-calibration and Metric Reconstruction of a Trinocular Structured Light Vision System
* Surface reflectance estimation and segmentation from single depth image of ToF camera
* SVD-Based Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Image Authentication, A
* Symmetry Detection from RealWorld Images Competition 2013: Summary and Results
* Symmetry-driven shape description for image retrieval
* Theoretical Investigation of Random Noise-Limited Signal-to-Noise Ratio in MR-Based Electrical Properties Tomography
* Three-Dimensional Watermarking Algorithm Using the DCT Transform of Triangle Strips, A
* Time-of-Flight Depth Camera Motion Blur Detection and Deblurring
* Tissue Electrical Property Mapping From Zero Echo-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Universal Bounding Box Regression and Its Applications
* Vegetation Height Estimate in Rice Fields Using Single Polarization TanDEM-X Science Phase Data
* Wide range stereo time-of-flight camera
Includes: Lee, S.K.[San Kan] Lee, S.K.[San-Kan] Lee, S.K.[Seung-Kuk] Lee, S.K.[Sang-Keun] Lee, S.K.[Sung-Kee] Lee, S.K.[Seung-Kyu] Lee, S.K.[Suk Kyu] Lee, S.K. Lee, S.K.[Sun-Kyung] Lee, S.K.[Sang-Kun] Lee, S.K.[Sang-Kwang] Lee, S.K.[Seugn-Kyu] Lee, S.K.[Seung-Kyun] Lee, S.K.[Seung-Kwan]
67 for Lee, S.K.
Lee, S.L.[Sheng Long]
Co Author Listing * Biomedical compound figure detection using deep learning and fusion techniques
* Cascaded and Recursive ConvNets (CRCNN): An effective and flexible approach for image denoising
* Constrained Statistical Modelling of Knee Flexion From Multi-Pose Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* General Framework for Context-Specific Image Segmentation Using Reinforcement Learning, A
* Late fusion of deep learning and handcrafted visual features for biomedical image modality classification
* Localization of diffusion model-based inpainting through the inter-intra similarity of frequency features
* Long Integration Fine Resolution SAR Image Formation
* Multiscale Curvature-Based Shape Representation Using B-Spline Wavelets
* Physical-Based Statistical Shape Modeling of the Levator Ani
* Scale-Space Derived from B-splines
* Semantic Image Networks for Human Action Recognition
* Statistical Atlases for Electroanatomical Mapping of Cardiac Arrhythmias
* Subject-Specific Cardiac Segmentation Based on Reinforcement Learning with Shape Instantiation
Includes: Lee, S.L.[Sheng Long] Lee, S.L.[Seok-Lyong] Lee, S.L. Lee, S.L.[Su-Lin] Lee, S.L.[Seung-Lee] Lee, S.L.[Sze Li]
13 for Lee, S.L.
Lee, S.L.A.
Co Author Listing * Automated detection of lung nodules in computed tomography images: a review
Lee, S.M.[Sang Mook]
Co Author Listing * Active Contours on Statistical Manifolds And Texture Segmentation
* Analysis of Isometry Transforms in Frequency Domain for Fast Fractal Encoding, An
* Conservative Downscaling of Satellite-Detected Chemical Compositions: NO2 Column Densities of OMI, GOME-2, and CMAQ, A
* CoSMo: Content-Style Modulation for Image Retrieval with Text Feedback
* Deep chest X-ray: Detection and classification of lesions based on deep convolutional neural networks
* Designing JPEG Quantization Tables based on Human Visual System
* Diffusion on Statistical Manifolds
* Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering on Statistical Manifolds
* Estimation of Arctic Basin-Scale Sea Ice Thickness From Satellite Passive Microwave Measurements
* FickleNet: Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Image Segmentation Using Stochastic Inference
* Image signal transmitting system using image frames differences
* Long-Term Arctic Snow/Ice Interface Temperature from Special Sensor for Microwave Imager Measurements
* Prediction-Based Preview Control of Motion Platform With Time Delay
* real-time grid map generation and object classification for ground-based 3D LIDAR data using image analysis techniques, A
* Segmentation on statistical manifold with watershed transform
* Shape Representation for Planar Curves by Shape Signature Harmonic Embedding, A
* Video Prediction Recalling Long-term Motion Context via Memory Alignment Learning
* Wavelet-based hierarchical surface approximation from height fields
Includes: Lee, S.M.[Sang Mook] Lee, S.M.[Sang-Mook] Lee, S.M. Lee, S.M.[Sang-Mi] Lee, S.M.[Seung-Min] Lee, S.M.[Sang Min] Lee, S.M.[Shiuh-Ming] Lee, S.M.[Sang-Moo] Lee, S.M.[Sung-Min] Lee, S.M.[Sang M.] Lee, S.M.[Seong-Min] Lee, S.M.[Sang-Min]
18 for Lee, S.M.
Lee, S.N.[San Nien]
Co Author Listing * Segmentation of Sinus Images for Grading of Severity of Sinusitis
Lee, S.O.[Sung Oh]
Co Author Listing * Feature Map Consisting of Orientation and Inter-ridge Spacing for Fingerprint Retrieval, A
* Spin Image Revisited: Fast Candidate Selection Using Outlier Forest Search
Includes: Lee, S.O.[Sung Oh] Lee, S.O.[Sung-Oh] Lee, S.O.[Seong-Oh]
Lee, S.P.[Shih Po]
Co Author Listing * Error Detection in Egocentric Procedural Task Videos
* HuPR: A Benchmark for Human Pose Estimation Using Millimeter Wave Radar
* Multiple Moving Object Estimation in Image Sequences of a Natural Scene
Includes: Lee, S.P.[Shih Po] Lee, S.P.[Shih-Po] Lee, S.P.
Lee, S.R.[Seung Rae]
Co Author Listing * Fast Reverse Jacket Transform As an Alternative Representation of the N-Point Fast Fourier Transform
* finger-vein verification system using mean curvature, A
* HF (5 MHz) Imaging of the Moon by Kaguya Lunar Radar Sounder Off Nadir Echo Data
* Korean Lunar Lander: Concept Study For Landing-site Selection For Lunar Resource Exploration
* Nadir Detection of Lunar Lava Tube by Kaguya Lunar Radar Sounder
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing of Kaguya Lunar Radar Sounder Data for Lunar Subsurface Imaging
Includes: Lee, S.R.[Seung Rae] Lee, S.R.[Seung-Rae] Lee, S.R.[Seung Ryeol] Lee, S.R.[Seung-Ryeol] Lee, S.R.
Lee, S.S.
Co Author Listing * Adversarial Spatial Frequency Domain Critic Learning for Age and Gender Classification
* Algorithms for Scene Restoration and Visibility Estimation from Aerosol Scatter Impaired Images
* Analysis of Concrete Reflectance Characteristics Using Spectrometer and VNIR Hyperspectral Camera
* Building a Quadtree and Its Applications on a Reconfigurable Mesh
* Correcting DEM Extracted from Aster Stereo Images by Combining Cartographic DEM
* Entropy Thresholding and Its Parallel Algorithm on the Reconfigurable Array of Processors with Wider Bus Networks
* fingerprint matching algorithm based on alignment using LPD and GCD minutia descriptors, A
* high-performance and low-power unified 4X4 / 8X8 transform architecture for the H.264/AVC Codec, A
* Image-Processing on a Reconfigurable Array of Processors with Wider Bus Networks
* Impacts of Single-Scattering and Microphysical Properties of Ice Particles Smaller Than 100 muM on the Bulk Radiative Properties of Tropical Cirrus, The
* improved occlusion handling for appearance-based tracking, An
* Low-Hardware-Cost Motion Estimation with Large Search Range for VLSI Multimedia Processors
* Low-Power H.264 Deblocking Filter Algorithm and Its SoC Implementation
* MCSIP Net: Multichannel Satellite Image Prediction via Deep Neural Network
* Method of fingerprint verification
* method to Improve metric index VP-tree for multimedia databases, A
* New Motion Estimation Algorithm Using Adaptively Quantized Low Bit-Resolution Image and Its VLSI Architecture for MPEG2 Video Encoding
* Noise reduction and object enhancement in passive millimeter wave concealed weapon detection
* Novel Low-Cost High-Throughput CAVLC Decoder for H.264/AVC, A
* Optimal Computing Hough Transform on a Reconfigurable Array of Processors with Wider Bus Networks
* Optimal Speed-Up Parallel Image Template Matching Algorithms on Processor Arrays with a Reconfigurable Bus System
* Parallel Hierarchical-Clustering Algorithms on Processor Arrays with a Reconfigurable Bus System
* Parallel Image Segmentation with Adaptive Mesh
* Residual Filter for Improving Coding Performance of Noisy Video Sequences
* Scale-based formulations of statistical self-similarity in images
* Self-Similar Random Field Models in Discrete Space
* Theoretical Calculations of Directional Scattering Intensities of Small Nonspherical Ice Crystals: Implications for Forward Scattering Probes
* Two-step motion estimation algorithm using low-resolution quantization
* View synthesis for mixed resolution multivew 3D videos
Includes: Lee, S.S. Lee, S.S.[Seung-Sin] Lee, S.S.[Shung-Shing] Lee, S.S.[Sung-Soon] Lee, S.S.[Seong-Soo] Lee, S.S.[Seoung Soo] Lee, S.S.[Seong Soo] Lee, S.S.[Sangmin S.] Lee, S.S.[Sang S.] Lee, S.S.[Samuel Sangkon] Lee, S.S.[Sang-Seol] Lee, S.S.[Sang Sun]
29 for Lee, S.S.
Lee, S.T.[Shin Tseng]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive ICP Registration for Facial Point Data, An
* Assessment of Regression Models for Predicting Rice Yield and Protein Content Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Multispectral Imagery
* Pattern Analysis of Movement Behavior of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) A Decision Tree Approach
* Remote Virtual-Surgery Training and Teaching System, A
Includes: Lee, S.T.[Shin Tseng] Lee, S.T.[Shin-Tseng] Lee, S.T.[Seong-Tae] Lee, S.T.[Seng-Tai]
Lee, S.U.[Sang Uk]
Co Author Listing * 3-D Geometry Compression using Multiscale Plane Based Representation and Zerotree Based Coding
* 3-Dimensional Subband Coding of an Image Sequence Based on Temporally Adaptive Decomposition
* 3D hand reconstruction from a monocular view
* 3D target recognition based on projective invariant relationships
* Absolute position estimation using IRS satellite images
* Adaptive large window correlation for optical flow estimation with discrete optimization
* Adaptive multiple reference frame based scalable video coding algorithm
* Adaptive Quantization Algorithm for Video Coding, An
* Asymmetric Multi-Phase Deformable Model for Colon Segmentation
* Attributed relational graph matching based on the nested assignment structure
* Automatic 3-D Model Synthesis from Measured Range Data
* Boundary-trimmed 3D triangular mesh segmentation based on iterative merging strategy
* CDV-DVC: Transform-domain distributed video coding with multiple channel division
* Classified Vector Quantizer Technique for Image-Coding Employing the Linear-Phase Paraunitary M-Band Filter Bank
* Coding Order Decision of B Frames for Rate-Distortion Performance Improvement in Single-View Video and Multiview Video Coding
* Coding Technique for the Contours in Smoothly Perfect Eight-Connectivity Based on Two-Stage Motion Compensation
* Color image retrieval using hybrid graph representation
* Color Image Segmentation Based on 3-D Clustering: Morphological Approach
* Color-Based Image Retrieval Using Perceptually Modified Hausdorff Distance
* Compact encoding of 3-D voxel surfaces based on pattern code representation
* Comparative Performance Study of Several Global Thresholding Techniques for Segmentation, A
* Compression of 3-D Point Visual Data Using Vector Quantization and Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Compression of 3-D triangle mesh sequences based on vertex-wise motion vector prediction
* Constructing NURBS surface model from scattered and unorganized range data
* Correspondence Matching of Multi-View Video Sequences Using Mutual Information Based Similarity Measure
* DCT Coefficients Recovery Based Error Concealment Technique and Its Application to the MPEG-2 Bit Stream Error
* DCT-Based Spatially Adaptive Post-Processing Technique to Reduce the Blocking Artifacts in Transform Coded Images, A
* Deformable 3D Volume Registration Using Efficient MRFs Model with Decomposed Nodes
* Dense Stereo Matching Using Two-Pass Dynamic Programming with Generalized Ground Control Points, A
* Design and Performance Analysis of Linear Phase Para-Unitary M Band Filter Banks for Image Coding
* Edge-based approach to mesh simplification
* Edge-Preserving Colorization Using Data-Driven Random Walks with Restart
* efficient 3D mesh compression technique based on triangle fan structure, An
* Efficient Coding of Computer Generated Compound Images
* Efficient Feature-Based Nonrigid Registration of Multiphase Liver CT Volumes
* Efficient macroblock ordering for chrominance planes in rich color image compression
* Efficient Measurement of Shape Dissimilarity Between 3D Models Using Z-Buffer and Surface Roving Method
* efficient motion compensation algorithm based on double reference frame method, An
* Efficient Subtree Pruning Scheme in Tree-Structured Hierarchy
* Efficient video indexing scheme for content-based retrieval
* Enhanced motion compensation algorithm based on second-order prediction
* Error Detection and Recovery Algorithm for Compressed Video Signal Using Source Level Redundancy, An
* Error resilient coding of 3-D meshes
* Error-resilient video coding using long-term memory prediction and feedback channel
* Estimation of Intrinsic Image Sequences from Image+Depth Video
* Face detection using the 1st-order RCE classifer
* Face Recognition Using Face-ARG Matching
* Fingerprint Matching Method Using Minutiae Clustering and Warping
* Fractal Coding of Video Sequence Using Circular Prediction Mapping and Noncontractive Interframe Mapping
* Fractal Vector Quantizer for Image Coding, A
* Fully automatic 3-D segmentation of knee bone compartments by iterative local branch-and-mincut on MR images from osteoarthritis initiative (OAI)
* Fusion of Lidar and Imagery for Reliable Building Extraction
* Generative Image Segmentation Using Random Walks with Restart
* Geometric Modeling from Scattered 3-D Range Data
* Ghost-Free High Dynamic Range Imaging
* GPU-friendly multi-view stereo reconstruction using surfel representation and graph cuts
* Graph Theoretical Optimization of Prediction Structure in Multiview Video Coding
* Graph-based representation for 2-d shape using decomposition scheme
* Hierarchical MRF of globally consistent localized classifiers for 3D medical image segmentation
* Hierarchical Optical Flow Estimation Algorithm Based on the Interlevel Motion Smoothness Constraint, A
* Hierarchical Synchronization Technique Based on the EREC for Robust Transmission of H.263 Bit Stream, A
* How Can We Evaluate Object Recognition Algorithms Using a Public Object Image Database?
* Hybrid and parallel face classifier based on artificial neural networks and principal component analysis
* Hybrid Estimation of Navigation Parameters from Aerial Image Sequence
* Illumination and camera invariant stereo matching
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Photometric Stereo
* Image and video colorization based on prioritized source propagation
* Incorporating Higher-order Cues in Image Colorization
* Integrated approach of multiple face detection for video surveillance
* Integrated Position Estimation Using Aerial Image Sequences
* Interactive 3-D Shape Retrieval System Using the Attributed Relational Graph
* Joint Depth Map and Color Consistency Estimation for Stereo Images with Different Illuminations and Cameras
* Joint Image Segmentation and Motion Estimation for Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Learning Full Pairwise Affinities for Spectral Segmentation
* Line Feature Matching Technique Based on an Eigenvector Approach, A
* Mesh Simplification Using the Edge Attributes
* Model-Based Object Recognition Using Geometric Invariants of Points and Lines
* Model-based object recognition Using the Hausdorff Distance with Explicit Pairing
* Models and algorithms for efficient color image indexing
* Models and algorithms for efficient multiresolution topology estimation of measured 3-D range data
* Modified Hausdorff distance for model-based 3-D object recognition from a single view
* Multi-bit Video Watermarking Based on 3D DFT Using Perceptual Models
* Multi-hypothesis error concealment algorithm for H.26l video
* Multi-image matching for a general motion stereo camera model
* Multiple channel division for efficient distributed video coding
* Multiple description coding of motion fields for robust video transmission
* Multiple Description Coding of Plane-Based 3-D Surfaces
* Multiscale surface representation and rendering for point clouds
* Multiview normal field integration using level set methods
* Mutual information-based stereo matching combined with SIFT descriptor in log-chromaticity color space
* Navigation parameter estimation from sequential aerial images
* New 3-D Model Retrieval System Based on Aspect-Transition Descriptor, A
* new attributed relational graph matching algorithm using the nested structure of earth mover's distance, A
* New MRF Parameter Estimation Technique for Texture Image Segmentation using Hierarchical GMRF Model Based on Random Spatial Interaction and Mean Field Theory
* new shape decomposition scheme for graph-based representation, A
* New Similarity Measure for Random Signatures: Perceptually Modified Hausdorff Distance, A
* New Stereo Matching Model Using Visibility Constraint Based on Disparity Consistency, A
* Non-iterative post-processing technique for transform coded image sequence
* Nonparametric higher-order learning for interactive segmentation
* Nonrigid Image Registration Using Dynamic Higher-Order MRF Model
* Novel fractal image compression method with non-iterative decoder
* Novel Stochastic Attributed Relational Graph Matching Based on Relation Vector Space Analysis, A
* object inpainting algorithm for multi-view video sequences, An
* Occlusion Invariant Face Recognition Using Selective LNMF Basis Images
* Occlusion invariant face recognition using selective local non-negative matrix factorization basis images
* Occlusion Invariant Face Recognition Using Two-Dimensional PCA
* On Testing Trained Vector Quantizer Codebooks
* On the adaptive three-dimensional transform coding techniques for moving images
* On the Color Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on the Thresholding and the Fuzzy C-Means Techniques
* On the Fast Shape Recovery Technique Using Multiple Ring Lights
* On the fixed-point-error analysis of several fast DCT algorithms
* On the POCS Based Postprocessing Technique to Reduce the Blocking Artifacts in Transform Coded Images
* On the robust transmission technique for H.263 video data stream over wireless networks
* On the transformed entropy-constrained vector quantizers employing Mandala block for image coding
* Optical flow estimation with adaptive convolution kernel prior on discrete framework
* Optimization of local shape and appearance probabilities for segmentation of knee cartilage in 3-D MR images
* Perceptual Grouping of 3-D Features in Aerial Images Using Decision Tree Classifier
* Perceptual Grouping of Line Features in 3-D Space: A Model-Based Framework
* Probabilistic depth-guided multi-view image denoising
* Probabilistic Model for Correspondence Problems Using Random Walks with Restart, A
* Progressive compression and transmission of PointTexture images
* Progressive compression of 3d dynamic mesh sequences
* Progressive encoding of binary voxel models using pyramidal decomposition
* Progressive mesh compression using cosine index predictor and 2-stage geometry predictor
* Projection-Based Post-Processing Technique to Reduce Blocking Artifact Using a Priori Information on DCT Coefficients of Adjacent Blocks, A
* pyramid image coder using classified transform vector quantization, A
* Rate-Constrained Hierarchical Grid Interpolation for Object-Based Motion Compensation, A
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Compression and View-Dependent Transmission of 3-D Normal Meshes
* Real-Time Facial Feature Detection for Person Identification System
* Real-Time Implementation of the Relative Position Estimation Algorithm Using the Aerial Image Sequence
* Recognition and Reconstruction of 3-d Objects Using Model-based Perceptual Grouping
* Recognition of 2D Object Contours Using Starting-Point-Independent Wavelet Coefficient Matching
* Recognition of partially occluded objects using probabilistic ARG-based matching
* Recovery of 3-D shape using hybrid reflectance model
* Recovery of Corrupted Image Data Based on the NURBS Interpolation
* Region-based backlight compensation algorithm for images and videos
* Registration of Multiple-Range Views Using the Reverse-Calibration Technique
* Regular polyhedral descriptor for 3-D object retrieval system
* Relevance Graph-Based Image Retrieval
* Riemannian Manifold Learning for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* Robust bilayer video segmentation by adaptive propagation of global shape and local appearance
* Robust image watermarking using local Zernike moments
* Robust stereo matching under radiometric variations based on cumulative distributions of gradients
* Robust Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Normalized Cross-Correlation
* Robust Transmission of Video Over Noisy Channel Using Parity Motion Vector
* Robust Transmission of Video Sequence over Noisy Channel Using Parity-Check Motion Vector
* Robust transmission of video sequence using double-vector motion compensation
* Robust Warping Method for Fingerprint Matching, A
* Rolled Fingerprint Construction Using MRF-Based Nonrigid Image Registration
* Rotation Invariant Face Detection Using a Model-Based Clustering Algorithm
* Semi-Regular Representation and Progressive Compression of 3-D Dynamic Mesh Sequences
* Shape from Shading Using Graph Cuts
* Simultaneous color consistency and depth map estimation for radiometrically varying stereo images
* Simultaneous Depth Reconstruction and Restoration of Noisy Stereo Images using Non-local Pixel Distribution
* SNR and temporal scalable coding of 3-D mesh sequences using singular value decomposition
* Solving MRFs with Higher-Order Smoothness Priors Using Hierarchical Gradient Nodes
* Split-and-merge segmentation employing thresholding technique
* statistical error analysis for voxel coloring, A
* Stereo matching using hierarchical belief propagation along ambiguity gradient
* Stereo Matching Using Iterated Graph Cuts and Mean Shift Filtering
* Stereo matching using iterative reliable disparity map expansion in the color-spatial-disparity space
* Stereo Matching Using Scanline Disparity Discontinuity Optimization
* Stereo reconstruction using high order likelihood
* Stereo reconstruction using high-order likelihoods
* target recognition technique employing geometric invariants, A
* Temporal Feature Modulation for Video Watermarking
* Toward Global Minimum through Combined Local Minima
* transform domain classified vector quantizer for image coding, A
* Unified Probabilistic Approach to Feature Matching and Object Segmentation, A
* Unsupervised segmentation of textured image using Markov random field in random spatial interaction
* Video Fingerprinting Based on Frame Skipping
* Video saliency detection based on random walk with restart
* Window annealing for pixel-labeling problems
* Window Annealing over Square Lattice Markov Random Field
Includes: Lee, S.U.[Sang Uk] Lee, S.U.[Sang-Uk] Lee, S.U. Lee, S.U.[Sung Uk] Lee, S.U.[Sung-Uk] Lee, S.U.[Sand Uk] Lee, S.U.[Song Uk]
174 for Lee, S.U.
Lee, S.W.[Seong Whan]
Co Author Listing * email: Lee, S.W.[Seong Whan]: swlee AT image korea ac kr
* Accurate object contour tracking based on boundary edge selection
* Action-aware Masking Network with Group-based Attention for Temporal Action Localization
* AdaBoost for Text Detection in Natural Scene
* Adaptive compressed sensing for depthmap compression using graph-based transform
* Adaptive Motion Search Range Prediction for Video Encoding
* Adaptive Nonlinear Shape-Matching for Unconstrained Handwritten Character-Recognition
* Adaptive occlusion state estimation for human pose tracking under self-occlusions
* Address Block Location on Handwritten Korean Envelopes by the Merging and Splitting Method
* Alternative Intra Prediction for Screen Content Coding in HEVC
* AM-BQA: Enhancing blind image quality assessment using attention retractable features and multi-dimensional learning
* Analysis Of Debris Flow Behavior Using Airborne Lidar And Image Data
* Analyzing human interactions with a network of dynamic probabilistic models
* Appearance debiased gaze estimation via stochastic subject-wise adversarial learning
* Appearance Representation for Multiple Reflection Components, An
* Authenticating corrupted face image based on noise model
* Authenticating Corrupted Facial Images on Stand-Alone DSP System
* Authenticating Corrupted Facial Images on Stand-Alone DSP System
* Authenticating corrupted photo images based on noise parameter estimation
* Authenticating corrupted photo images based on noise parameter estimation
* Automatic Document Processing: A Survey
* Automatic generation of structured hyperdocuments from document images
* Automatic Generation of Structured Hyperdocuments from Multi-column Document Images
* Automatic Gesture Recognition for Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction
* Automatic microarray image segmentation based on watershed transformation
* Automatic Pedestrian Detection and Tracking for Real-Time Video Surveillance
* Automatic Physiognomic Analysis by Classifying Facial Component Feature
* Automatic Quality Measurement of Gray-scale Handwriting Based on Extended Average Entropy
* Automatic Video Parsing Using Shot Boundary Detection and Camera Operation Analysis
* Autonomous System for EEG-Based Multiple Abnormal Mental States Classification Using Hybrid Deep Neural Networks Under Flight Environment
* Birdsnap: Large-Scale Fine-Grained Visual Categorization of Birds
* Blur Identification and Image Restoration Based on Evolutionary Multiple Object Segmentation for Digital Auto-focusing
* Brain decoding: Opportunities and challenges for pattern recognition
* Brain image segmentation using a combination of expectation-maximization algorithm and watershed transform
* branch-and-bound algorithm for globally optimal calibration of a camera-and-rotation-sensor system, A
* Cascaded MultiTask 3-D Fully Convolutional Networks for Pancreas Segmentation
* Character spotting using image-based stochastic models
* Chromaticity Space for Specularity-, Illumination Color- and Illumination Pose-Invariant 3-D Object Recognition, A
* Classification-based Multi-task Learning for Efficient Pose Estimation Network
* Coarse-to-Fine Deep Metric Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Color Image Segmentation with Detection of Highlights and Local Illumination Induced by Inter-Reflections
* Color-Stripe Structured Light Robust to Surface Color and Discontinuity
* Colour matching for soft proofing using a camera
* Complete Face Recovery GAN: Unsupervised Joint Face Rotation and De-Occlusion from a Single-View Image
* Complexity Modeling for Motion Compensation in H.264/AVC Decoder
* Complexity Modeling of Spatial and Temporal Compensations in H.264/AVC Decoding
* Control Model for Vergence Movement on a Stereo Robotic Head Using Disparity Flux, A
* Correlation Verification for Image Retrieval
* Corrupted Face Image Authentication Based on Noise Model
* Corrupted Face Image Authentication Based on Noise Model
* Counterfactual explanation based on gradual construction for deep networks
* Cross-view Self-fusion for Self-supervised 3d Human Pose Estimation in the Wild
* Crowd Behavior Representation Using Motion Influence Matrix for Anomaly Detection
* Deep learning network selection and optimized information fusion for enhanced COVID-19 detection
* Dependency-based Framework of Combining Multiple Experts for the Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals, A
* Depth manipulation using disparity histogram analysis for stereoscopic 3D
* Detection of Diffuse and Specular Interface Reflections and Inter-Reflections by Color Image Segmentation
* Detection of Specularity Using Colour and Multiple Views
* Detection of Specularity Using Stereo in Color and Polarization Space
* Deterministic Fitting of Multiple Structures Using Iterative MaxFS with Inlier Scale Estimation
* Development of a consistent color reproduction software for digital cinema
* Direct Extraction of Topographic Features for Gray Scale Character Recognition
* Discriminative context learning with gated recurrent unit for group activity recognition
* Distance Estimation with a Two or Three Aperture SLR Digital Camera
* Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Condition-Adaptive Representation Learning Framework
* Dynamic programming approach to optimal vertex selection for polygon-based shape approximation
* Efficient Postprocessing Algorithms for Error-Correction in Handwritten Hangul Address and Human Name Recognition
* Efficient Shot Boundary Detection for Action Movies Using Blockwise Motion-Based Features
* Enhanced Autofocus Algorithm Using Robust Focus Measure and Fuzzy Reasoning
* Enhancing low-resolution facial images using error back-projection for human identification at a distance
* Estimating 3D Human Body Pose from Stereo Image Sequences
* Evaluation on selection criteria of multiple numeral recognizers with the fixed number of recognizers
* Example-Based Face Hallucination Method for Single-Frame, Low-Resolution Facial Images, An
* Experimental results on the construction of multiple classifiers recognizing handwritten numerals
* Extraction of reference lines and items from form document images with complicated background
* Face Detection and Facial Component Extraction by Wavelet Decomposition and Support Vector Machines
* Face detection and facial feature extraction using support vector machines
* Face recognition under arbitrary illumination using illuminated exemplars
* Face recognition under arbitrary illumination using illuminated exemplars
* Face Reconstruction from a Small Number of Feature Points
* Face Reconstruction from Partial Information Based on a Morphable Face Model
* Face reconstruction with a morphable face model
* Face Reconstruction with Low Resolution Facial Images by Feature Vector Projection in Kernel Space
* Face Reconstruction with Low Resolution Facial Images by Feature Vector Projection in Kernel Space
* Facial component extraction and face recognition with support vector machines
* Facial Image Reconstruction by SVDD-Based Pattern De-noising
* Facial Image Reconstruction by SVDD-Based Pattern De-noising
* Factorization Approach for Sparse Spatio-Temporal Brain-Computer Interface
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm Using Directional Gradients for H.264
* Fast Scene Change Detection Using Direct Feature Extraction from MPEG Compressed Videos
* Fast Shape Matching Using Statistical Features of Shape Contexts
* Few-Shot Object Detection with Proposal Balance Refinement
* Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
* Full-Body Gesture Database for Automatic Gesture Recognition, A
* Geometrical transformation-based ghost artifacts removing for high dynamic range image
* Gesture Detection in Low-Quality Video
* Gesture spotting for low-resolution sports video annotation
* Gesture Spotting in Continuous Whole Body Action Sequences Using Discrete Hidden Markov Models
* Gesture Spotting in Low-Quality Video with Features Based on Curvature Scale Space
* GITGAN: Generative inter-subject transfer for EEG motor imagery analysis
* Glasses Removal from Facial Image Using Recursive Error Compensation
* Glasses Removal from Facial Image Using Recursive PCA Reconstruction
* Global optimization for estimating a BRDF with multiple specular lobes
* Global optimization for estimating a multiple-lobe analytical BRDF
* Gray-Scale Nonlinear Shape Normalization Method for Handwritten Oriental Character Recognition
* Group Activity Recognition with Group Interaction Zone
* Guest editorial: Special issue on pattern recognition in neuroimaging
* H.264/AVC entropy decoder complexity analysis and its applications
* Hand gesture recognition based on dynamic Bayesian network framework
* Hierarchical active shape model with motion prediction for real-time tracking of non-rigid objects
* Hierarchical Memory Matching Network for Video Object Segmentation
* hierarchical model of peripheral vision, A
* High-Contrast Color-Stripe Pattern for Rapid Structured-Light Range Imaging
* HMM-based Human Action Recognition Using Multiview Image Sequences
* HMMRF-based statistical approach for off-line handwritten character recognition, An
* Human Action Recognition Using Multi-View Image Sequences Features
* Human action recognition using shape and CLG-motion flow from multi-view image sequences
* Human activity prediction based on Sub-volume Relationship Descriptor
* Human interaction recognition framework based on interacting body part attention
* Human-Robot Interaction by Whole Body Gesture Spotting and Recognition
* Hybrid Neural System for Phonematic Transformation, A
* ICP Registration Using Invariant Features
* Illuminating Salient Contributions in Neuron Activation With Attribution Equilibrium
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Linear Combination of Face Exemplars
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Linear Combination of Face Exemplars
* Improved Side Information Generation Using Field Coding for Wyner-Ziv Codec
* Improving FastText with inverse document frequency of subwords
* Improving the Performance of Brain-Computer Interface Using Multi-modal Neuroimaging
* Increasing the Discrimination Power of Spectral Spatial Gradients
* InfoGCN: Representation Learning for Human Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Information-theoretic regularization for Multi-source Domain Adaptation
* Information-theoretic Strategy for Constructing Multiple Classifier Systems, An
* Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Numerals with Cascade Neural Network
* Integrity Verification Scheme of Video Contents in Surveillance Cameras for Digital Forensic Investigations
* Interactive Multi-View Video and View-Dependent Audio Under MPEG-21 DIA (Digital Item Adaptation)
* Isotropic Blur Identification for Fully Digital Auto-focusing
* Kinematic-aware Hierarchical Attention Network for Human Pose Estimation in Videos
* LC-MSM: Language-Conditioned Masked Segmentation Model for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Lightweight Random Ferns using binary representation
* Locating destination address block on handwritten Korean envelopes
* Low resolution face recognition based on support vector data description
* Low resolution face recognition based on support vector data description
* Low-complexity background subtraction based on spatial similarity
* Mammographic mass segmentation using multichannel and multiscale fully convolutional networks
* Maximum-Likelihood Registration of Range Images with Missing Data
* Method for segmenting and estimating a moving object motion using a hierarchy of motion models
* MHCanonNet: Multi-Hypothesis Canonical lifting Network for self-supervised 3D human pose estimation in the wild video
* Mixup Mask Adaptation: Bridging the gap between input saliency and representations via attention mechanism in feature mixup
* Modeling and Recognition of Cursive Words with Hidden Markov-Models
* Modeling crowd motions for abnormal activity detection
* Moments Added Statistical Shape Model for Boundary Extraction
* Motion Influence Map for Unusual Human Activity Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes
* Motion Sickness Prediction Based on Dry EEG in Real Driving Environment
* MPEG reconfigurable graphics coding framework: Overview and applications
* Multi-Contextual Predictions with Vision Transformer for Video Anomaly Detection
* Multi-projector color structured-light vision
* Multi-View Video and Multi-Channel Audio Broadcasting System
* Multiple pedestrian detection and tracking based on weighted temporal texture features
* Multiple People Tracking Using Appearance Model Based on Temporal Color
* Multiresolution Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals with Wavelet Transform and Multilayer Cluster Neural-Network
* Multiview Registration of 3D Scenes by Minimizing Error between Coordinate Frames
* Network of Dynamic Probabilistic Models for Human Interaction Analysis, A
* Neural Architecture Adaptation for Object Detection by Searching Channel Dimensions and Mapping Pre-trained Parameters
* NeuroGrasp: Real-Time EEG Classification of High-Level Motor Imagery Tasks Using a Dual-Stage Deep Learning Framework
* new image quality assessment method to detect and measure strength of blocking artifacts, A
* New Methodology for Gray-Scale Character Segmentation and Recognition, A
* New Methodology to the Design of Associative Memories Based on Cellular Neural Networks, A
* New Recurrent Neural Network Architecture for Pattern Recognition, A
* Nighttime face recognition at large standoff: Cross-distance and cross-spectral matching
* Nighttime Face Recognition at Long Distance: Cross-Distance and Cross-Spectral Matching
* Nonlinear Shape Normalization Methods for Gray-Scale Handwritten Character Recognition
* Nonlinear Shape Normalization Methods for the Recognition of Large-Set Handwritten Characters
* Nonlinear Shape Restoration of Distorted Images with Coons Transformation
* Nonnegative Tensor Cofactorization and Its Unified Solution
* Normalization Domain Watermarking Method Based on Pattern Extraction
* Novel Bayesian Framework for Discriminative Feature Extraction in Brain-Computer Interfaces, A
* novel contrast enhancement forensics based on convolutional neural networks, A
* Novel H.264/AVC entropy coding mode decision
* Novel Linelet-Based Representation for Line Segment Detection, A
* novel online action detection framework from untrimmed video streams, A
* Novel Sensitivity Metric for Mixed-Precision Quantization With Synthetic Data Generation, A
* Object Boundary Edge Selection for Accurate Contour Tracking Using Multi-level Canny Edges
* Object boundary edge selection using normal direction derivatives of a contour in a complex scene
* Object Detection and Classification for Outdoor Walking Guidance System
* Oblique aerial image matching based on iterative simulation and homography evaluation
* Off-Line Recognition of Large-Set Handwritten Characters with Multiple Hidden Markov-Models
* Off-Line Recognition of Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals Using Multilayer Cluster Neural-Network
* Offline Recognition of Chinese Handwriting by Multifeature and Multilevel Classification
* Optical flow-based real-time object tracking using non-prior training active feature model
* Optimal-Design of Reference Models for Large-Set Handwritten Character-Recognition
* Outlier Removal by Convex Optimization for L-Infinity Approaches
* Parallel algorithms for hidden markov models on the orthogonal multiprocessor
* Parallel implementation of prime-factor discrete cosine transform on the orthogonal multiprocessor
* Parameter-Free Geometric Document Layout Analysis
* Parameter-independent Geometric Document Layout Analysis
* Parser description-based bitstream parser generation for MPEG RMC framework
* Performance evaluation of face recognition algorithms on Asian face database
* Performance Evaluation of Face Recognition Algorithms on the Asian Face Database, KFDB
* Performance Evaluation of Nonlinear Shape Normalization Methods for the Recognition of Large-Set Handwritten Characters
* Performance Evaluation of Skeletonization Algorithms for Document Analysis Processing
* Person authentication from neural activity of face-specific visual self-representation
* Photometric Stereo from Maximum Feasible Lambertian Reflections
* Pill-ID: Matching and retrieval of drug pill images
* PILL-ID: Matching and Retrieval of Drug Pill Imprint Images
* Pre-attentive Detection of Perceptually Important Regions in Facial Images
* Prediction of partially observed human activity based on pre-trained deep representation
* Progressive Side Information Refinement Algorithm for Wyner-Ziv Codec
* Pruning-Guided Curriculum Learning for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Qualitative estimation of camera motion parameters from the linear composition of optical flow
* Range Data Registration Using Photometric Features
* Real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition for mobile robots with cascade HMM and particle filter
* Real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition in mobile space
* Real-Time Implementation of Face Recognition Algorithms on DSP Chip
* Real-Time Implementation of Face Recognition Algorithms on DSP Chip
* Real-time tracking of multiple objects in space-variant vision based on magnocellular visual pathway
* Recognizing Conversational Expressions Using Latent Dynamic Conditional Random Fields
* Recognizing hand gestures using dynamic Bayesian network
* Recognizing Hand-Drawn Electrical Circuit Symbols with Attributed Graph Matching
* Recognizing human actions based on silhouette energy image and global motion description
* Reconstructing 3D Human Body Pose from Stereo Image Sequences Using Hierarchical Human Body Model Learning
* Reconstructing a Whole Face Image from a Partially Damaged or Occluded Image by Multiple Matching
* Reconstruction of 3D Human Body Pose for Gait Recognition
* Reconstruction of 3D human body pose from stereo image sequences based on top-down learning
* Reconstruction of High-Resolution Facial Image Using Recursive Error Back-Projection
* Reconstruction of partially damaged face images based on a morphable face model
* Reference line extraction from form documents with complicated backgrounds
* Region tracking using perspective motion model
* Regularized Marching Cubes Mesh
* Reliably fast adversarial training via latent adversarial perturbation
* Removing outliers by minimizing the sum of infeasibilities
* Representation Learning, Scene Understanding, and Feature Fusion for Drowsiness Detection
* Resolution enhancement of facial image using an error back-projection of example-based learning
* Retrieval of the Top n Matches with Support Vector Machines
* Revisiting Self-Similarity: Structural Embedding for Image Retrieval
* Robust Lane Detection Method Based on Vanishing Point Estimation Using the Relevance of Line Segments, A
* Robust Mid-Sagittal Plane Extraction in 3-D Ultrasound Fetal Volume for First Trimester Screening
* Robust modeling and recognition of hand gestures with dynamic Bayesian network
* Robust Player Gesture Spotting and Recognition in Low-Resolution Sports Video
* Robust sign language recognition by combining manual and non-manual features based on conditional random field and support vector machine
* Robust Sign Language Recognition with Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields
* Robust Spotting of Key Gestures from Whole Body Motion Sequence
* Robust Watermarking Algorithm Using Attack Pattern Analysis, A
* Role of Context for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation in the Wild, The
* Rotation Invariant Aerial Image Retrieval with Group Convolutional Metric Learning
* Scene Segmentation Using a Combined Criterion of Motion and Intensity
* Scene Text Extraction in Complex Images
* Self Organizing Hierarchical Classifier for Multilingual Large Set Oriental Character Recognition, A
* Self-Supervised Debiasing Using Low Rank Regularization
* Shape restoration of nonlinear distorted images
* Sign language spotting based on semi-Markov Conditional Random Field
* Sign Language Spotting with a Threshold Model Based on Conditional Random Fields
* Significance Tree Image Sequence Coding with DCT-based Pyramid Structure
* Simultaneous spotting of signs and fingerspellings based on hierarchical conditional random fields and boostmap embeddings
* Skew Estimation and Correction for Form Documents Using Wavelet Decomposition
* Sparse Structures in L-Infinity Norm Minimization for Structure and Motion Reconstruction
* Spatial error concealment method based on POCS with a correlation-based initial block
* Spatial reasoning for few-shot object detection
* Spatiotemporal Video Segmentation Using a Joint Similarity Measure
* Special Issue on Awards from ICPR 2010
* Special Issue: Advances in Oriental Document Analysis and Recognition Techniques: Part I: Preface
* Special Issue: Oriental Character-Recognition
* Spectral gradients for color-based object recognition and indexing
* Spectro-Spatial Gradients for Color-Based Object Recognition and Indexing
* Stability Analysis of Medial Axis Transform Under Relative Hausdorff Distance
* Stepwise Reconstruction of High-Resolution Facial Image Based on Interpolated Morphable Face Model
* Strength and similarity guided group-level brain functional network construction for MCI diagnosis
* StyleVC: Non-Parallel Voice Conversion with Adversarial Style Generalization
* Subject and class specific frequency bands selection for multiclass motor imagery classification
* Subject-dependent classification for robust idle state detection using multi-modal neuroimaging and data-fusion techniques in BCI
* Superimposing 3D Virtual Objects using Markerless Tracking
* Superimposing 3D Virtual Objects using Markerless Tracking
* Surface Smoothing for Enhancement of 3D Data Using Curvature-Based Adaptive Regularization
* SVDD-Based Illumination Compensation for Face Recognition
* SVDD-Based Illumination Compensation for Face Recognition
* Synthesis of High-Resolution Facial Image Based on Top-Down Learning
* Systematic Evaluation of Skeletonization Algorithms, A
* TE-TAD: Towards Full End-to-End Temporal Action Detection via Time-Aligned Coordinate Expression
* Temporal Segmentation and Selective Attention in the Stochastic Oscillator Neural Network
* Text Extraction in MPEG Compressed Video for Content-based Indexing
* Thinning Methodologies, a Comprehensive Study
* Thinning Methodologies: A Comprehensive Survey
* Three-stream fusion network for first-person interaction recognition
* Tracking 3D Human Body using Particle Filter in Moving Monocular Camera
* Tracking non-rigid objects using probabilistic Hausdorff distance matching
* Training Debiased Subnetworks with Contrastive Weight Pruning
* Truly 2-D hidden Markov model for off-line handwritten character recognition
* Two-Stream Symmetric Network with Bidirectional Ensemble for Aerial Image Matching, A
* Uncertainty-Aware Human Mesh Recovery from Video by Learning Part-Based 3D Dynamics
* Unconstrained seal imprint verification using attributed stroke graph matching
* Using Chromaticity Distributions and Eigenspace Analysis for Pose-, Illumination- and Specularity-Invariant Recognition of 3D Objects
* Variable silhouette energy image representations for recognizing human actions
* View Invariant Body Pose Estimation Based on Biased Manifold Learning
* View-Independent Human Action Recognition with Volume Motion Template on Single Stereo Camera
* View-Invariant 3D Action Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Self-Similarities from Depth Camera
* Virtual Mouse interface based on Two-layered Bayesian Network, A
* Vision-based adaptive and recursive tracking of unpaved roads
* VLSI Design of a Wavelet Processing Core
* Volume Motion Template for View-Invariant Gesture Recognition
* Volume Motion Template for View-Invariant Gesture Recognition
* Watermarking two dimensional data object identifier for authenticated distribution of digital multimedia contents
* Weighted graph regularized sparse brain network construction for MCI identification
* WildNet: Learning Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation from the Wild
Includes: Lee, S.W.[Seong Whan] Lee, S.W.[Seong-Whan] Lee, S.W.[Sung-Won] Lee, S.W. Lee, S.W.[Si-Woong] Lee, S.W.[Sang-Woong] Lee, S.W.[Sang W.] Lee, S.W.[Seung Woo] Lee, S.W.[Seong-Won] Lee, S.W.[Sang Wook] Lee, S.W.[Szu-Wei] Lee, S.W.[Seung Won] Lee, S.W.[Sang-Woo] Lee, S.W.[Song-Woo] Lee, S.W.[Seung-Won] Lee, S.W.[Sang-Wook] Lee, S.W.[Sang Wan] Lee, S.W.[Seung-Wook] Lee, S.W.[Sang-Won] Lee, S.W.[Shin-Wen] Lee, S.W.[Seung-Woo]
302 for Lee, S.W.
Lee, S.X.
Co Author Listing * Simple Parallel EM Algorithm for Statistical Learning via Mixture Models, A
Lee, S.Y.
Co Author Listing * 2D C-String: A New Spatial Knowledge Representation for Image Database Systems
* 3D ball trajectory reconstruction from single-camera sports video for free viewpoint virtual replay
* 3D Face Recognition Based on Facial Shape Indexes with Dynamic Programming
* Access Methods of Image Database
* Adaptive Graph Convolution Module for Salient Object Detection
* Adaptive Key Frame Selection for Efficient Video Coding
* adaptive local binary pattern for 3D hand tracking, An
* Adaptive Projection Selection for Computed Tomography
* AIBM: Accurate and Instant Background Modeling for Moving Object Detection
* Assessing Safety and Suitability of Old Trails for Hiking Using Ground and Drone Surveys
* Automatic Pose-Normalized 3D Face Modeling and Recognition Systems
* Automatic upright adjustment of photographs
* Automatic Upright Adjustment of Photographs With Robust Camera Calibration
* Biometric scores fusion based on total error rate minimization
* Cancellable biometrics and annotations on BioHash
* Car model recognition by utilizing symmetric property to overcome severe pose variation
* Clinical Decision Support Service for elderly people in smart home environment
* Coalignment and synchronization of the AIRS instrument suite
* Combination of Spatial Domain Filters to Detect Surface Ocean Current from Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data, A
* Conductivity Image Reconstruction From Defective Data in MREIT: Numerical Simulation and Animal Experiment
* Content-Aware Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm
* Correspondence Matching of Multi-View Video Sequences Using Mutual Information Based Similarity Measure
* CostDCNet: Cost Volume Based Depth Completion for a Single RGB-D Image
* Deep Arbitrary HDRI: Inverse Tone Mapping With Controllable Exposure Changes
* Deep CNNs Along the Time Axis With Intermap Pooling for Robustness to Spectral Variations
* Deep Cost Ray Fusion for Sparse Depth Video Completion
* Deep Defocus Map Estimation Using Domain Adaptation
* Deep Recursive HDRI: Inverse Tone Mapping Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Deep Upright Adjustment of 360 Panoramas Using Multiple Roll Estimations
* Deep Virtual Markers for Articulated 3D Shapes
* Depth-image-based rendering for 3DTV service over T-DMB
* Description of shape patterns using circular arcs for object detection
* Detection-Identification Balancing Margin Loss for One-Stage Multi-Object Tracking
* Differentiable Display Photometric Stereo
* Digital shallow depth-of-field adapter for photographs
* Discontinuity-preserving Normal Integration with Auxiliary Edges
* DP-NeRF: Deblurred Neural Radiance Field with Physical Scene Priors
* Dual Prototype Attention for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* DynaVSR: Dynamic Adaptive Blind Video Super-Resolution
* ECG Authentication System Design Based on Signal Analysis in Mobile and Wearable Devices
* EdgeConv with Attention Module for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Editorial of the special issue on Computational Image Editing
* EEG-Based Classification of Implicit Intention During Self-Relevant Sentence Reading
* Effective Five Directional Partial Derivatives-Based Image Smoothing and a Parallel Structure Design
* Enhanced Autofocus Algorithm Using Robust Focus Measure and Fuzzy Reasoning
* Enhanced classification of focal hepatic lesions in ultrasound images using novel texture features
* Enhanced Standard Compatible Image Compression Framework Based on Auxiliary Codec Networks
* Ensembles for Normal and Surface Reconstructions
* Estimating initial pose by utilizing symmetric property for real-time intelligent transportation system
* Expanded Adaptive Scaling Normalization for End to End Image Compression
* Exploring Discontinuity for Video Frame Interpolation
* Face detection based on skin color likelihood
* Face recognition using the embedded HMM with second-order block-specific observations
* Face recognition using the second-order mixture-of-eigenfaces method
* Fast determination of textural periodicity using distance matching function
* Fast exposure simulation for large circuit patterns in electron beam lithography
* Fast intermode decision algorithm based on general and local residual complexity in H.264/AVC
* Fast multi-view people localization using a torso-high reference plane
* Fast video anomaly detection via context-aware shortcut exploration and abnormal feature distance learning
* FastAno: Fast Anomaly Detection via Spatio-temporal Patch Transformation
* Feature Disentanglement Learning with Switching and Aggregation for Video-based Person Re-Identification
* framework for temporal similarity measures of content-based scene retrieval, A
* Fusing Aligned and Non-aligned Face Information for Automatic Affect Recognition in the Wild: A Deep Learning Approach
* Fusion of visual and infra-red face scores by weighted power series
* Geometry-Aware Deep Video Deblurring via Recurrent Feature Refinement
* Guided Slot Attention for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Handling outliers in non-blind image deconvolution
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition Via Part Adaptive and Relation Attention Module, A
* Hierarchically Decomposed Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* HMM-based ball hitting event exploration system for broadcast baseball video
* Human action recognition using star skeleton
* Image decomposition using deconvolution
* Image retargeting using importance diffusion
* Improvement on PCA and 2DPCA Algorithms for Face Recognition
* Improving golf swing skills using intelligent glasses
* Improving image tag recommendation using favorite image context
* Interpreting Mangrove Habitat and Coastal Land Cover Change in the Greater Bay Area, Southern China, from 1924 to 2020 Using Historical Aerial Photos and Multiple Sources of Satellite Data
* Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Structure-Texture Separation and Surface Normals
* Invertible Watermarking Algorithm with Detecting Locations of Malicious Manipulation for Biometric Image Authentication
* Iterative Filter Adaptive Network for Single Image Defocus Deblurring
* J-substitution algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT): phantom experiments for static resistivity images
* Joint Estimation of Multiple Notes and Inharmonicity Coefficient Based on f_0 -Triplet for Automatic Piano Transcription
* Joint Optimization of Image Registration and Comparametric Exposure Compensation Based on the Lucas-Kanade Algorithm
* Learning One-to-Many Mapping With Locally Linear Maps Based on Manifold Structure
* Learning-Based Automation of Robotic Assembly for Smart Manufacturing
* Leveraging Spatio-Temporal Dependency for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* LiDAR Depth Completion Using Color-Embedded Information via Knowledge Distillation
* Look Around for Anomalies: Weakly-Supervised Anomaly Detection via Context-Motion Relational Learning
* MAIR: Multi-View Attention Inverse Rendering with 3D Spatially-Varying Lighting Estimation
* MAP-based image tag recommendation using a visual folksonomy
* Maximizing area under ROC curve for biometric scores fusion
* Micro-Pulse Lidar Cruising Measurements in Northern South China Sea
* MKConv: Multidimensional feature representation for point cloud analysis
* Motif analysis of noisy regular textures
* Motion-Aware Dynamic Architecture for Efficient Frame Interpolation
* Mssnet: Multi-scale-stage Network for Single Image Deblurring
* MSV-RGNN: Multiscale Voxel Graph Neural Network for 3D Object Detection
* Multi-Scale Structural Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Multidimensional Interval Filter: A New Indexing Method for Subpicture Query of Image Retrieval
* Multimodal Video-to-Near-Scene Annotation
* Neural mesh ensembles
* New Method for Suomi-NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration, A
* NIC: A Robust Background Extraction Algorithm for Foreground Detection in Dynamic Scenes
* Nonlinear, Regularized, and Data-Independent Modulation for Continuously Interactive Image Processing Network, A
* Novel Approach of Image Compression in Digital Cameras with a Bayer Color Filter Array, A
* Novel Low-Dose Dual-Energy Imaging Method for a Fast-Rotating Gantry-Type CT Scanner, A
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
* object inpainting algorithm for multi-view video sequences, An
* On-Line Handwriting Recognition of Chinese Characters via a Rule-Based Approach
* On-line signature verification based on logarithmic spectrum
* Online Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition Via A Fuzzy Attribute Representation
* Online mining maximal frequent structures in continuous landmark melody streams
* Online Signature Verification Based on Split and Merge Matching Mechanism
* Online Signature Verification Using LPC Cepstrum and Neural Networks
* Parallel 2-D Convolution On A Mesh Connected Array Processor
* Parallel image normalization on a mesh connected array processor
* ParamISP: Learned Forward and Inverse ISPs Using Camera Parameters
* Pattern-Based Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval and Localization on Web-Scale Videos
* Physics-based ball tracking and 3D trajectory reconstruction with applications to shooting location estimation in basketball video
* Picture Algebra for Spatial Reasoning of Iconic Images Represented in 2D C-String
* Pixel-Level Bijective Matching for Video Object Segmentation
* Posed Face Image Synthesis Using Nonlinear Manifold Learning
* Prodepth: Boosting Self-supervised Multi-frame Monocular Depth with Probabilistic Fusion
* Protuberance of depth: Detecting interest points from a depth image
* Radial Bright Channel Prior for Single Image Vignetting Correction
* Rapid 3D Face Data Acquisition Using a Color-Coded Pattern and a Stereo Camera System
* Rapid Pattern Inspection of Shadow Masks by Machine Vision Integrated with Fourier Optics
* Realistic Blur Synthesis for Learning Image Deblurring
* Recognition of Human Front Faces Using Knowledge-Based Feature-Extraction and Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm
* Recognizing tactic patterns in broadcast basketball video using player trajectory
* Reconstruction-Based Pairwise Depth Dataset for Depth Image Enhancement Using CNN
* Reference-Based Video Super-Resolution Using Multi-Camera Video Triplets
* Regularization Strategy for Point Cloud via Rigidly Mixed Sample
* Removal of ring artifacts in micro-CT imaging using iterative morphological filters
* Removing Non-Uniform Motion Blur from Images
* Rescoring of N-Best Hypotheses Using Top-Down Selective Attention for Automatic Speech Recognition
* Retrieval of Similar Pictures on Pictorial Databases
* Reversible watermarking with localization for biometric images
* Robust Compressed Domain Object Extraction in MPEG Videos
* Robust detection of key captions for sports video understanding
* Robust Face-Tracking Using Skin Color and Facial Shape
* Robust Fundamental Frequency Estimation Combining Contrast Enhancement and Feature Unbiasing
* Robust Lane Detection via Expanded Self Attention
* Robust upright adjustment of 360 spherical panoramas
* Robust video sequence retrieval using a novel object-based T2D-histogram descriptor
* S-NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band On-Orbit Calibration/Characterization and Current State of SDR Products, The
* Saliency Detection via Global Context Enhanced Feature Fusion and Edge Weighted Loss
* SAM-Net: LiDAR Depth Inpainting for 3D Static Map Generation
* Screen-strategy analysis in broadcast basketball video using player tracking
* Self-supervised Dehazing Network Using Physical Priors
* Serve receive-to-attack period extraction and histogram-based player localization in broadcast volleyball videos
* Signature File as a Spatial Filter for Iconic Image Database
* Similarity Retrieval by 2d C-Tree(s) Matching in Image Databases
* Similarity Retrieval of Iconic Image Database
* Single Image Defocus Deblurring Using Kernel-Sharing Parallel Atrous Convolutions
* Spanning Tree-Based Human Activity Prediction System Using Life Logs from Depth Silhouette-Based Human Activity Recognition, A
* Spatial Knowledge Representation for Iconic Image Database
* Spatial Reasoning and Similarity Retrieval of Images Using 2D C-String Knowledge Representation
* SPSN: Superpixel Prototype Sampling Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* SRFeat: Single Image Super-Resolution with Feature Discrimination
* SSAT: Self-Supervised Associating Network for Multiobject Tracking
* SSIM-based distortion metric for film grain noise in HEVC
* Straightest Paths on Meshes by Cutting Planes
* Study of the Application and the Limitations of GPR Investigation on Underground Survey of the Korean Expressways, A
* Superpixel Group-Correlation Network for Co-Saliency Detection
* SVM-based feature extraction for face recognition
* System Design / Scheduling Strategy for Parallel Image Processing, A
* Tackling Background Distraction in Video Object Segmentation
* Tag refinement in an image folksonomy using visual similarity and tag co-occurrence statistics
* Text Image Deblurring Using Text-Specific Properties
* Texture map generation for 3D reconstructed scenes
* Treating Motion as Option to Reduce Motion Dependency in Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Tri-level optimization-based image rectification for polydioptric cameras
* Tsanet: Temporal and Scale Alignment for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Unified Training of Feature Extractor and HMM Classifier for Speech Recognition
* Unsupervised video anomaly detection via normalizing flows with implicit latent features
* Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation via Prototype Memory Network
* Using weighted dynamic range for histogram equalization to improve the image contrast
* Vessel enhancement filter using directional filter bank
* Video Content Representation, Indexing, and Matching in Video Information Systems
* Video deblurring for hand-held cameras using patch-based synthesis
* Video Information-System for Sport Motion Analysis, A
* Video Representation with Dynamic Features from Multi-Frame Frame-Difference Images
* Vision-Based Road Bump Detection Using a Front-Mounted Car Camcorder
* Whitened LDA for face recognition
* Yoga Posture Recognition for Self-training
Includes: Lee, S.Y. Lee, S.Y.[Suh-Yin] Lee, S.Y.[Sang-Youn] Lee, S.Y.[Sun-Young] Lee, S.Y.[Soo Yeol] Lee, S.Y.[Shiou Yih] Lee, S.Y.[Seung-Yong] Lee, S.Y.[Sung-Young] Lee, S.Y.[Sung-Yung] Lee, S.Y.[Shih-Yu] Lee, S.Y.[Soon-Young] Lee, S.Y.[Si-Yeong] Lee, S.Y.[Su-Young] Lee, S.Y.[Soo-Young] Lee, S.Y.[Sih-Young] Lee, S.Y.[Shing-Yip] Lee, S.Y.[Su Yeon] Lee, S.Y.[Sangh-Young] Lee, S.Y.[Seok-Yeong] Lee, S.Y.[Shao-Yi] Lee, S.Y.[Shih-Yan] Lee, S.Y.[Seo-Young] Lee, S.Y.[Su Young] Lee, S.Y.[Sung-Yeol] Lee, S.Y.[Sang-Yum] Lee, S.Y.[Sung Young]
187 for Lee, S.Y.
Lee, T.[Taekgu]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive locomotion on slopes and stairs using pelvic rotation
* AdvIT: Adversarial Frames Identifier Based on Temporal Consistency in Videos
* AETTA: Label-Free Accuracy Estimation for Test-Time Adaptation
* Anomaly Detection using Score-based Perturbation Resilience
* Anticipated Capabilities of the ODYSEA Wind and Current Mission Concept to Estimate Wind Work at the Air-Sea Interface
* Assessing Remote Sensing Vegetation Index Sensitivities for Tall Fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) Plant Health with Varying Endophyte and Fertilizer Types: A Case for Improving Poultry Manuresheds
* Assessment of Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity
* Block Partitioning Structure in the HEVC Standard
* Checkerboard-Type Filtering for a Low-Power Gradient-Based Optical Flow Estimation System
* Cross-Domain Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval by View Sequence Learning
* Drone-View Building Identification by Cross-View Visual Learning and Relative Spatial Estimation
* Efficient and Fast Block Size Decision Exploiting Boundary Information on Inner Block for H.264/AVC Intra Prediction, An
* Enlarging Discriminative Power by Adding an Extra Class in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Evaluation and Intercomparison of SMOS, Aquarius, and SMAP Sea Surface Salinity Products in the Arctic Ocean
* Evaluation of Blended Wind Products and Their Implications for Offshore Wind Power Estimation
* Evaluation of Disaster Response System Using Agent-Based Model With Geospatial and Medical Details
* Fast Sound Source Localization Using Two-Level Search Space Clustering
* Feasibility Study of Low-Dose Single-Scan Dual-Energy Cone-Beam CT in Many-View Under-Sampling Framework, A
* Fencing Tactics Analysis in Broadcast Video: A Point-by-Point Analytical System
* FluxSat: Measuring the Ocean-Atmosphere Turbulent Exchange of Heat and Moisture from Space
* FX-GAN: Self-Supervised GAN Learning via Feature Exchange
* Generating Realistic Images from In-the-wild Sounds
* Grid Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation
* Human Part-wise 3D Motion Context Learning for Sign Language Recognition
* Image Analysis by Accumulative Hopfield Matching
* Image Retargetability
* Image Vectorization With Real-Time Thin-Plate Spline
* Improved Video Compression Efficiency Through Flexible Unit Representation and Corresponding Extension of Coding Tools
* Improving the Accuracy of the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform (CCMP) Ocean Vector Winds
* Indentation and protrusion detection and its applications
* InstaFormer++: Multi-Domain Instance-Aware Image-to-Image Translation with Transformer
* Isolated word recognition using modular recurrent neural networks
* KNN Local Linear Regression for Demarcating River Cross-Sections with Point Cloud Data from UAV Photogrammetry URiver-X
* Learning to Combine Mid-Level Cues for Object Proposal Generation
* Low-complexity HOG for efficient video saliency
* Memory Access Scheduling for a Smart TV
* Motion normalization method based on an inverted pendulum model for clustering
* Multi-cue Mid-level Grouping
* Novel Color Transfer Algorithm for Impressionistic Paintings, A
* Object recognition and articulated object learning by accumulative Hopfield matching
* Optimal Linear Attitude Estimator for Alignment of Point Clouds
* Piecewise Linear Classification Using Seniority Logic Committee Methods, with Application to Remote Sensing
* Potential and Challenges of Using Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Sea Surface Salinity to Monitor Arctic Ocean Freshwater Changes, The
* PreciPatch: A Dictionary-based Precipitation Downscaling Method
* Predicting Mind-Wandering with Facial Videos in Online Lectures
* Quadtree Based Nonsquare Block Structure for Inter Frame Coding in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Remote Sensing-Based Rainfall Variability for Warming and Cooling in Indo-Pacific Ocean with Intentional Statistical Simulations
* Robust adaptive quasi-Newton algorithms for eigensubspace estimation
* Robust Attentional Pooling via Feature Selection
* robust facial feature detection on mobile robot platform, A
* Salinity Pilot-Mission Exploitation Platform (Pi-MEP): A Hub for Validation and Exploitation of Satellite Sea Surface Salinity Data, The
* Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Sea Surface Salinity Near Major River Mouths of the World Ocean Inferred from Gridded Satellite and In-Situ Salinity Products
* Seven Years of SMOS Sea Surface Salinity at High Latitudes: Variability in Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions
* Shifted-Delta MLP Features for Spoken Language Recognition
* Spatial Downscaling of MODIS Chlorophyll-a with Genetic Programming in South Korea
* Stable Surface Regularization for Fast Few-Shot NeRF
* Status of Aquarius and Salinity Continuity
* Structure From Motion Technique for Scene Detection Using Autonomous Drone Navigation
* Surface registration using a dynamic genetic algorithm
* T2LM: Long-Term 3D Human Motion Generation from Multiple Sentences
* TMO: Textured Mesh Acquisition of Objects with a Mobile Device by using Differentiable Rendering
* Towards Robustness of Deep Neural Networks via Regularization
* Training Method for Image Compression Networks to Improve Perceptual Quality of Reconstructions, A
* TTA-COPE: Test-Time Adaptation for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation
* UDA-COPE: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Category-level Object Pose Estimation
* Vehicle Tracking System in Underground Parking Lots Using Smartphone
Includes: Lee, T.[Taekgu] Lee, T. Lee, T.[Taeckyung] Lee, T.[Taehan] Lee, T.[Tong] Lee, T.[Trey] Lee, T.[Teahyung] Lee, T.[Takgi] Lee, T.[Taeyoung] Lee, T.[Taegyeong] Lee, T.[Taeryung] Lee, T.[Tan] Lee, T.[Taesam] Lee, T.[Taekhee] Lee, T.[Tom] Lee, T.[Taemin] Lee, T.[Tsengdar] Lee, T.[Taigun] Lee, T.[Taeyeop] Lee, T.[Taejae] Lee, T.[Thomas] Lee, T.[Taikjin]
66 for Lee, T.
Lee, T.B.[Tae Bok]
Co Author Listing * Deep Feature Prior Guided Face Deblurring
Lee, T.C.
Co Author Listing * Building Skeleton Models Via 3-D Medial Surface Axis Thinning Algorithms
* Comparison Between Pre-Log and Post-Log Statistical Models in Ultra-Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* Virtual view synthesis quality refinement
* Virtual view synthesis using RGB-D cameras
Lee, T.C.A.[Tsong Chi Ang]
Co Author Listing * Robot Location Determination In A Complex Environment By Multiple Marks
Includes: Lee, T.C.A.[Tsong Chi Ang] Lee, T.C.A.[Tsong-Chi-Ang]
Lee, T.C.M.[Thomas C.M.]
Co Author Listing * Automatic parameter selection for a k-segments algorithm for computing principal curves
* Data Adaptive Median Filters for Signal and Image Denoising Using a Generalized SURE Criterion
* Extraction of curvilinear features from noisy point patterns using principal curves
* Locally linear embedding with additive noise
* Nonparametric log spectrum estimation using disconnected regression splines and genetic algorithms
* On a K-Segments Algorithm for Computing Principal Curves
* Pattern Generation Using Likelihood Inference for Cellular Automata
* Segmenting Images Corrupted By Correlated Noise
* Some Models and Methods in Image Segmentation
* Stabilized thresholding with generalized sure for image denoising
* Statistically consistent image segmentation
* Variants of seeded region growing
Includes: Lee, T.C.M.[Thomas C.M.] Lee, T.C.M. Lee, T.C.M.[Thomas C. M.]
12 for Lee, T.C.M.
Lee, T.F.[Thomas F.]
Co Author Listing * Illuminating the Capabilities of the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band
Lee, T.G.[Tack Gon]
Co Author Listing * Extraction of Geometric Information on Highway Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology
* Fast Mode Decision by Exploiting Spatio-temporal Correlation in H.264
Includes: Lee, T.G.[Tack Gon] Lee, T.G