Update Dates 9100

9100 * *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3
* *Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision
* *CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing
* *CVGIP: Image Understanding
* *From Pixels to Features, II
* 3-D Camera Calibration Using Vanishing Point Concept
* 3-D Curve Matching Using Splines
* 3-D Object Recognition from Single Perspective Views
* 3-D Pose Estimation by an Improved Kohonen-Net
* 3-D Structure Inference from Image Sequences
* 3D Medial Surfaces and 3D Skeletons
* 3D Model Recognition from Stereoscopic Cues
* 3D Object Recognition by Integration of Associative and Symbolic Techniques
* 3D Structure Extraction Coding of Image Sequences
* 3D Structure Reconstruction from an Ego Motion Sequence Using Statistical Estimation and Detection Theory
* Active Camera Controlling for Manipulation
* Active Exploration of Robotic Workcell
* Adaptive Contrast Enhancement and De-Enhancement
* Adaptive Estimation of Hysteresis Thresholds
* Adaptive Multi-Scale Approach for Estimating Optical Flow: Computational Theory and Physiological Implementation, An
* Advances in Fingerprint Technology
* Affine Structure from Motion
* Algebraic Feature Extraction of Image for Recognition
* Algebraic Method for Processing Colored Images, An
* Algebraic-Analytic Method for Reconstruction from Image Correspondences, An
* Algorithm for Associating the Features of Two Images, An
* Algorithm for Real-Time Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects, An
* Algorithmic Characterization of Vehicle Trajectories from Image Sequences by Motion Verbs
* Algorithmic Comparison Between Square- and Hexagonal-Based Grids, An
* Analog Computation Structure for Surface Reconstruction
* Analysis of Straight Homogeneous Generalized Cylinders under Perspective Projection
* Analysis of the Properties of Median and Weighted Median Filters Using Threshold Logic and Stack Filter Representation
* Analysis of Video Image Sequences Using Point and Line Correspondences
* Application of a Hybrid Tracking Algorithm to Motion Analysis, The
* Application of Computer Vision to the Removal of Tie-Wires in a Live-Line Maintenance Robotics Manipulation, The
* Application of the Hausdorff Metric in Gray-Scale Mathematical Morphology via Truncated Umbrae
* Applications of Splines to Shape Description
* Approximate Spatial Reasoning: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Constraints
* Architectural Requirements of Image Understanding with Respect to Parallel Processing
* Articulated Object Recognition, or: How to Generalize the Generalized Hough Transform
* Artificial Vision for Mobile Robots: Stereo Vision and Multisensory Perception
* Automatic Camera and Light-Source Placement Using CAD Models
* Automatic Generation of Object Class Descriptions Using Symbolic Learning Techniques
* Automatic Navigation System for Vision Guided Vehicles Using a Double Heuristic and a Finite State Machine, An
* Automatic Registration of Color Separation Films
* Autonomous Robot Calibration for Hand-Eye Coordination
* Belief Network for the Recognition of 3D Geometric Primitives, A
* Binary Space Partitioning Tree Representation of Images
* BLANCHE: An Experiment in Guidance and Navigation of an Autonomous Robot Vehicle
* Block coding for television at 34 Mbit/s
* CAD-Based Feature Utility Measures for Automatic Vision Programming
* Camera Calibration Including Lens Distortion
* Camera Models Determination Using Multiple Frames
* Camera Stability Problem and Dynamic Stereo Vision, The
* CBCV: A CAD-Based Computer Vision System
* CIPLAN: A Model-Based System with Original Features for Understanding French Plats
* Circle-Detection Algorithm Simulating Wave Propagation, A
* Circular Shape Detection in Remote Sensing Multispectral Images
* Classification of Facial Features for Recognition
* Classifying Character Shapes
* Cognitive Model Of Figure Segregation, A
* Combining Stereo and Monocular Information to Compute Dense Depth Maps That Preserve Depth Discontinuities
* Comments on Grey-Level Thresholding of Images Using a Correlation Criterion
* Comparison Between Fourier-Mellin Descriptors and Moment Based Features for Invariant Object Recognition Using Neural Networks, A
* Comparison of Algorithms for Standard Median Filtering
* Comparison of Splitting Methods for the Identification of Corner-Points, A
* Computational Methods for Task-Directed Sensor Data Fusion and Planning
* Computational Models of Visual Processing
* Computer Vision for Robust 3D Aircraft Recognition with Fast Library Search
* Computer Vision: Past, Present, and Future
* Computer-Aided Performance Evaluation System for the On-Board Data Compression System in HIRIS
* Computing A Shape's Moments from Its Boundary
* Computing Some Distance Functions Between Polygons
* Connected Component Labeling With Linear Octree
* Constrained Nets for Graph matching and Other Quadratic Assignment Problems
* Constraint Networks in Vision
* Constraint Propagation Neural Networks for Huffman-Clowes Scene Labeling
* Context-Constrained Matching of Hierarchical CAD-Based Models for Outdoor Scene Interpretation
* Contour Detection by Using Information Theory of Deterministic Functions
* Contour Estimation Using Global Shape Constraints and Local Forces
* Contour-Based Image Coding Technique with its Texture Information Reconstructed by Polyline Representation, A
* Contour-Oriented Approach to Shape Analysis, A
* Contour-Oriented Approach to Shape Analysis, A
* Correctness and Efficiency of Pattern Matching Algorithms
* Counting Minimal Paths in Digital Geometry
* Curve-Based Stereo: Figural Continuity and Curvature
* Data Structures for Image Processing in C
* Deformable Templates for Face Recognition
* Deformable Templates, Robust Statistics, and Hough Transforms
* Depth Data Segmentation Using Robust Estimation in a Hierarchical Data Structure
* Design of a Neural Network Character Recognizer for a Touch Terminal
* Design of the IMAGINE II Scene Analysis Program, The
* Detecting Clouds and Cloud Shadows on Aerial Photographs
* Detecting Digital Straight Line Segments in O(n^2 )
* Detecting Small, Moving Objects in Image Sequences Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing
* Detection of Generalized Principal Axes in Rotationally Symmetric Shapes
* Determination of Robot Locations by Common Object Shapes
* Determining a Maximum Value Yield of a Log Using an Optical Log Scanner
* Determining Camera Parameters from the Perspective Projection of a Quadrilateral
* Determining Perceptually Significant Points on Noisy Boundary Curves
* Determining Robot Egomotion from Motion Parallax Observed by an Active Camera
* Determining Straight Line Correspondences from Intensity Images
* Differential Properties from Adaptive Thin-Plate Splines
* Digital Coding Techniques for Visual Communications
* Digital Image Processing (Second Edition)
* Digital Image Restoration (Book)
* Digital or Analog Hough Transform
* Direct Computation of Height from Shading, The
* Direct Computation of the Focus of Expansion from Velocity Field Measurements
* Direct Detection of Flow Discontinuities by 3D Curvature Operators
* Direct Estimation of Time-to-Impact from Optical Flow
* Direct Multi-Resolution Estimation of Ego-Motion and Structure from Motion
* Discontinuity Detection and Thresholding: A Stocastic Approach
* Distance Transformation and Skeleton for Shape Feature Analysis
* Distortion-Correction Scheme for Industrial Machine-Vision Applications, A
* Dynamic Edge Warping: An Experimental System for Recovering Disparity Maps in Weakly Constrained Systems
* Dynamic End-to-End Model Testbed for IR Detection Algorithms
* Dynamic Motion Planning of Autonomous Vehicles
* dynamic shape preserving thinning algorithms, A
* Dynamic Stereo in Visual Navigation
* Dynamic System for Object Description and Correspondence, A
* Dynamic Vision for Locomotion Control: An Evolutionary Path to Less-artificial Intelligence
* Edge Detection in Multispectral Images
* Edge Extraction by Active Defocusing
* Edge Preserving Filtering by Combining Nonlinear Mean and Median Filters
* Edge-Based Description of Color Images, An
* Edge-Preserving Artifact-Free Smoothing with Image Pyramids
* Effectiveness of Task-Level Parallelism for High-Level Vision, The
* Efficient Serial and Parallel Algorithms for Median Filtering
* Efficient Training of Artificial Neural Networks for Autonomous Navigation
* Efficient Visual Representation and Reconstruction from Generalized Curvature Measures
* Efficiently Using Invariant Theory for Model-Based Matching
* Egomotion from Global Flow Field Data
* Eigenfaces for Recognition
* Elastic, Maximal Matching
* Elliptic Fit of Objects in Two and Three Dimensions by Moment of Inertia Optimization
* Employing Sensor Repositioning to Refine Spatial Reasoning in an Industrial Robotic Environment
* Energy Functions for Regularization Algorithms
* Entropy Scale-Space
* Estimating Curvature by Kalman Filters
* Estimating Three-Dimensional Vehicle Motion in an Outdoor Scene from Monocular and Stereo Image Sequences
* Estimation of Discontinuous Displacement Vector Fields with the Minimum Description Length Criterion
* Estimation of Motion and Structure of Planar Surfaces from a Sequence of Monocular Images
* Estimation of Velocity, Acceleration and Disparity in Time Sequences
* Evaluation of Image Tracker Algorithms
* Exact Euclidean Distance Function by Chain Propagation
* Example of Learning in Knowledge-directed Vision, An
* Experimental Comparison of Optical Binary Phase-Only Filter and High-Pass Matched Filter Correlation
* Experimental Environment for Model Based Document Analysis, An
* Extraction of Accurate Stomach Contour from X-Ray Image of Barium-Filled Stomachs and Its Application to Detect Potential Abnormalities
* Extraction of Stomach Contours from Double Contrast Radiographs Using Predicted Shapes Derived from Barium-Filled Stomach Radiographs
* Extraction of Straight Line Segments Using Rotation Transformation: Generalized Hough Transformation
* Extraction of Surface Orientation Using Gray Level Difference Statistics
* Fast Adaptive Method for Binarization of Document Images, A
* Fast Affine Point Matching: An Output-Sensitive Method
* Fast Algorithm for Encoding the Image Structure by Edge Directions, A
* Fast Boundary Extraction for Industrial Inspection
* Fast Computation of Moment Invariants
* Fast Subspace Methods for Recovering Rigid Motion, A
* Fast Thinning Algorithms for Large Binary Images
* Feature Extraction of the Euclidean Distance Transform
* Feature Matching in 360^o Waveforms for Robot Navigation
* Field Theory Approach for Determining Optical Flow
* Figure/Ground Separation Using Stochastic Pyramid Relinking
* Filling and Analysing Concavities of Digital Patterns Parallelwise
* Finding Junctions Using the Image Gradient
* Finding the kernel of planar shapes
* Finding the Perspective Projection of an Axis of Revolution
* Fingerprint Image Post-Processing: A Combined Statistical and Structural Approach
* Fish Quality Control by Computer Vision
* Flexible Matching for Noisy Structural Descriptions
* Fold Principal Axis: A New Tool for Defining the Orientations of Rotationally Symmetric Shapes
* Forming a Three Dimensional Environment Model Using Multiple Observations
* Forms Structure Form at Ever Higher and Lower Levels
* Frame-Based System for Macro-Typographical Structure Analysis in Scientific Papers
* Fundamentals of Texture Flow Equations in Vision Calculus
* Fuzzy Algorithms to Find Linear and Planar Clusters and Their Application
* Fuzzy Convex Hull Determination in 2-D Space
* Fuzzy Medial Axis Transformation Based on Fuzzy Disks, A
* Generalizing the Aspect Graph Concept to Include Articulated Assemblies
* Generalizing the Generalized Hough Transform
* Generating Contrast Curves for Texture Regularity Analysis
* Geometric Reasoning in a Parallel Network
* Geometric Uncertainties in Polyhedral Object Recognition
* Getting Around the Aperture Problem Using Point and Line Correspondences
* Glossary Of Computer Vision Terms
* Graph Canonization Method For Pattern Recognition, A
* Graph Matching Approach to 3-D Point Correspondences, A
* Grapheme-Based Segmentation Technique for Cursive Script Recognition, A
* Gripping Information for a Robot from Silhouettes
* Grouping Contours by Iterated Pairing Network
* Halftoning Without Dither or Edge Enhancement
* Handwritten Alphanumeric Character Recognition by the Neocognitron
* Handwritten Numerical Recognition Based on Multiple Algorithms
* Hierarchical Evidence Combining Edge Detection, A
* Hierarchical Local Symmetries
* High-Speed Range Estimation Based on Intensity Gradient Analysis
* Histogramic In-Motion Mapping for Mobile Robot Obstacle Avoidance
* How Accurately Can Direct Motion Vision Determine Depth
* Human Face Motion Analysis
* Hyperbf Networks For Real Object Recognition
* Hypothesis Management for Structured Document Recognition
* Iconic Representation of Visual Data and Models
* Identification of Human Faces Based on Isodensity Maps
* Identification of Interreflection in Color Images Using a Physics-Based Reflection Model
* Image Analysis by Morphological Automata
* Image Description of Dynamic Scenes
* Image interpolation based on variational principles
* Image Model, Poisson Distribution and Object Extraction
* Image Representation by Integrating Curvatures and Delaunay Triangulations
* Image Segmentation by Succesive Background Extraction
* Image-Flow Computation: An Estimation-Theoretic Framework, Unification and Integration
* Images, Objects, and Surfaces in Z[N]
* Implementation and Evaluation of Hough Transform Algorithms on a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor
* Improving Edge Measurement on Noisy Images by Hierarchical Neural Networks
* Improving Resolution by Image Registration
* Improving the Translation Parameter Estimation of Linear Algorithms
* Inferring Convex Parts from Slice Data
* Influence of Speckle on Laser Range Finders
* Integrated Vision System for Object Identification and Localization Using 3-D Geometrical Models
* Integrated Visual Language and Software Development Environment, An
* Integration and Interpretation of Incomplete Stereo Scene Data
* Intelligent Image Processing in Prolog
* Interpretation Qualitative Du Mouvement a Partir d'une Sequence d'Images
* Interval-Based Geometric Reasoning in a Parallel Network
* Introductory Computer Vision And Image Processing
* Invariants and Pose Determination
* Isthmus Critical Points for Solving Jigsaw Puzzles in Computer Vision
* It Can Be Done Without Camera Calibration
* Kalman Filtering: With Real-Time Applications
* Knowledge-Based Thinning Algorithm, A
* Label Inspection using the Hough Transform on Transputer Networks
* Layered Network for Correspondence of 3-D Objects, A
* Levels of Knowledge for Object Extraction
* Lie Group Theoretical Approach to the Invariance Problem in Feature Extraction and Object Recognition, A
* Line Detection Using an Optimal IIR Filter
* Line Labeling and Junction Labeling: A Coupled System for Image Interpretation
* Linear Algorithm for Computing the Phase Portraits of Oriented Textures, A
* Local Distances for Distance Transformations in Two and Three Dimensions
* Localized Measurement of Image Fractal Dimension Using Gabor Filters
* Log-Tracker: An Attribute-Based Approach to Tracking Human Body Motion
* Long-Range Spatiotemporal Motion Understanding Using Spatiotemporal Flow Curves
* Low-Level Grouping of Straight Line Segments
* Machine Recognition as representation and search: A Survey
* Machine Vision in the 1990s: Applications and How to Get There
* Machine Vision: Automated Visual Inspection and Robot Vision
* MAP Representations and Coding-Based Priors for Segmentation
* MAP: Multi-Angled Parallelism for Feature Extraction from Topographical Map
* Markov/Gibbs Image Modeling: Temperature and Texture
* Markov/Gibbs Texture Modeling: Aura Matrices and Temperature Effects
* Matching 3-D Smooth Surfaces with Their 2-D Projections Using 3-D Distance Maps
* Mathematical Theories of Shape: Do They Model Perception?
* Measurement of Non-Rigid Motion Using Contour Shape Descriptors
* Mechanisms for Isolating Component Patterns in the Sequential Analysis of Multiple Motion
* Medial Axis Representation and Encoding of Scanned Documents
* Minimal Match Graph and its Use to Speed Identification of Maximal Cliques, The
* Minimizing the Cost of Errors with a Markov Random Field
* Mobile Robot Location by Tracking Geometric Beacons
* Mobile Robot Navigation by an Active Control of the Vision System
* Mobile Robots
* Model Based Layout Understanding Method for the Document Recognition System, A
* Model Based Recognition Using Pruned Correspondence Search
* Model-Based Morphology: Simple and Complex Shapes
* Model-Based Object Recognition Using Probabilistic Logic and Maximum Entropy
* Model-based Tracking
* Model-Group Indexing for Recognition
* Modeling a Three-Dimensional Shape from a Silhouette by Detecting Symmetry
* Modeling and Animating Faces Using Scanned Data
* Modeling Generic Polyhedral Objects with Constraints
* Modeling Spaces for Toleranced Objects
* Modelling Solids of Revolution by Monocular Vision
* Modified Beta Density Function as a Model for Synthetic Aperature Radar Clutter Statistics, The
* Morphological Hit-or-Miss Transformation for Shape Recognition
* Morphological shape and region description
* Morphological transformations of binary images with arbitrary structuring elements
* Morphometric Tools for Landmark Data: Geometry and Biology
* Motion Analysis and Epicardial Deformation Estimation from Angiography Data
* Motion Analysis and Modeling of Epicardial Surfaces from Point and Line Correspondences
* Motion Analysis of a Homogeneously Deformable Object Using Subset Correspondences
* Motion Analysis of Multiple Moving Objects Using Hartley Transform
* Motion Analysis Using the Novelty Filter
* Motion and Structure from Long Stereo Image Sequences
* Motion and Structure in rigid Multi-Surfaced Stationary Environments Using Time-Varying Image Velocity: Linear Solutions
* Multi-Dimensional Robust Edge Detection
* Multiscale Approach for Recognizing Complex Annotations in Engineering Documents, A
* Multiscale Texture Element Detection
* Multisensor Fusion Methodologies Compared
* Natural Object Recognition: A Theoretical Framework and Its Implementation
* Nearest Neighbor (NN) Norms: NN Pattern Classification Techniques
* neural Network Approach to Labelling of Line Drawings, A
* Neural Network Approach to the Labeling of Line Drawings, A
* Neural Network-Based On-Line Chinese Character Recognition System, A
* Neural networks for ATR parameters adaptation
* New Approach to Polygonal Approximation, A
* New Contour Generation Thinning Algorithm, A
* new image compression method using dynamic predictor based on current context, A
* New Method for Sensor Data Fusion in Machine Vision
* New Method of Analysis for Discrete Straight Lines, A
* New Miscibility Measure Explains the Behavior of Grayscale Texture Synthesized By Gibbs Random Fields
* Non-Linear Alignment of Neural Net Outputs for Partial Shape Classification
* Non-Parametric Dominant Point Detection
* Non-Rigid Motion and Structure from Contour
* Note on Efficient Parallel Algorithms for the Computation of Two-Dimensional Image Moments, A
* Note on Minimum Error Thresholding, A
* Note on the Orthonormal Discriminant Vector Method for Feature Extraction, A
* Object Extraction from Laser Radar Imagery
* Object Recognition by a Hopfield Neural Network
* Object Recognition: A Survey of the Literature
* Object Structure and Action Requirements: A Compatibility Model for Functional Recognition
* Objective and Subjective Evaluation of Edge Detection Methods in Images, An
* Occlusions and Perspective in an Image Sequence
* On Detecting Dominant Points
* On modeling the focus blur in image restoration
* On Representation of a Shape's Skeleton
* On Similarity Between Finite Sets in Plane
* On Surface Orientation Detection in 3-D
* On the Analysis of Linear Textures
* On the Error Analysis of Geometric Hashing
* On the Morphological Representation of Binary Images in a Noisy Environment
* On the Recognition of Digital Planes in Three-Dimensional Space
* On the Structure of Aura and Co-Occurrence Matrices for the Gibbs Texture Model
* On The Use of Time Varying Shading and Surface Rim Irradiance
* On Unified Optical Flow Field
* On-Line Run-On Character Recognizer: Design and Performance
* Optical Character Recognition: A Survey
* Optimal Algorithm to Find the Degrees of Connectedness in an Undirected Edge-Weighted Graph, An
* Optimal Algorithms for Extracting Spatial Regularity in Images
* Optimal Contour Approximation by Deformable Piecewise Cubic Splines
* Optimal Matching of Planar Models in 3D Scenes
* Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Region Labeling and Medial Axis Transform of Binary Images
* Optimization Framework for Feature Extraction, An
* Orthogonal Zig-Zag: An Efficient Method for Extracting Straight Lines from Engineering Drawings
* Page Segmentation by White Streams
* Parallel (PRAM EREW) Algorithms for Contour-Based 2D Shape Recognition
* Parallel Algorithm for Decomposition of Binary Objects Through Skeletonization, A
* Parallel Algorithm for Detection of Linear Structures in Satellite Images, A
* Parallel Algorithm for Incremental Stereo Matching on SIMD Machines, A
* Parallel Algorithms for Testing if a Point is Inside a Closed Curve
* Parallel Architecture for Fast 3-D Machine Vision
* Parallel Calculation of 3-D Pose of a Known Object in a Single View
* Parallel Computable Contour Based Feature Strings for 2-D Shape Recognition
* Parallel Greytone Thinning Algorithm, A
* Parametric Analysis of Target/Decoy Performance
* Pattern Recognition With Moment Invariants: A Comparative Study and New Results
* Pel-Recursive Motion Field Estimation from Image Sequences
* Perception Multisensorielle et Interpretation de Scenes
* Performance Analysis of Total Least Squares Methods in Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation
* Physically Based and Probabilistic Models for Computer Vision
* Picture Algebra for Spatial Reasoning of Iconic Images Represented in 2D C-String
* Piecewise Linear Approximation Method Preserving Visual Feature Points of Original Figures, A
* Piecewise Surface Flattening for Non-Distorted Texture Mapping
* Pixel labelling for 3-D scenes based on Markov mesh models
* Plenoptic Function and the Elements of Early Vision, The
* Polygonal Shape Recognition Using String-Matching Techniques
* Polyhedral Object Recognition Using View Density
* Pose Clustering on Constraints for Object Recognition
* Pose Verification as an Optimal Assignment Problem
* Postal Check Reading System, A
* Practical Image Processing in C
* PREMIO: An Overview
* Primary Set of Characteristic Views for 3-D Objects
* Probabilistic Hough Transform, A
* Probability Distributions of Optical Flow
* Processing Images of Faces
* Product Label Inspection Using Transputers
* Properties of Space-Time Sampling and the Extraction of the Optical Flow: The Effects of Motion Uncertainty, The
* Pseudo One Pass Thinning Algorithm
* Puzzle Grammars And Context-Free Array Grammars
* Pyramid Cluster Detection and Delineation by Consensus
* pyramid image coder using classified transform vector quantization, A
* Qualitative Motion Analysis Using a Spatio-Temporal Approach
* Qualitative Shape: Some Computational Aspects
* Quantitative Approach to Camera Fixation, A
* Quantitative Interpretation of Image Velocities in Real Time
* Range Image Analysis by Using Morphological Signal Decomposition
* Range imaging for autonomous navigation of robotic land vehicles
* Real-Time Generation of Environmental Map and Obstacle Avoidance Using Omnidirectional Image Sensor with Conic Mirror
* Real-time holography using the high-resolution LCTV-SLM
* Real-Time Vision Feedback for Servoing Robotic Manipulator with Self-Tuning Controller
* Realistic Image Synthesis of a Deformable Living Thing Based on Motion Understanding
* Realizing Active Vision by a Mobile Robot
* Reasoning Visually about Spatial Interactions
* Recognition and Localization of Objects with Curved Surfaces
* Recognition and Positioning of Partially Occluded 3-D Objects
* Recognition and Positioning of Rigid Objects Using Algebraic Moment Invariants
* Recognition and Semi-Differential Invariants
* Recognition of Cursive Script Words in a Small Lexicon
* Recognition of Distorted Patterns by Invariance Kernels
* Recognition of Facial Expression from Optical Flow
* Recognition of Handwritten Digits Using Template and Model Matching
* Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects Using B-Spline Representation
* Recognizing and Locating a Known Object from Multiple Images
* Recognizing Human Eyes
* Reconstructing Partially Occluded Object Boundaries
* Recovery of 3D Motion of a Single Particle
* Recursive Estimation of Ego-Motion and Scene Structure from a Moving Platform
* Recursive Tracking of Image Points Using Labelled Graph Matching
* Region Based Stereo Matching Oriented Image Processing
* Relative 3-D-state Estimation for Autonomous Visual Guidance of Road Vehicles
* Relative Positioning from Geometric Invariants
* Relaxation Using Models from Quantum Mechanics
* Retraction Method for Learned Navigation in Unknown Terrains for a Circular Robot, A
* Retrieval of Similar Pictures on Pictorial Databases
* Reversible Skeletonization by (5,7,11)-Erosion
* Road Extraction from Multi-Temporal Satellite Images by an Evidential Reasoning Approach
* Robust Computation of Image-Motion and Scene Depth
* Robust Estimation of a Multi-Layered Motion Representation
* Robustness by Consensus
* Robustness of Structure from Binocular Known Motion
* Sampling and Reconstruction with Adaptive Meshes
* Scale- and Orientation-Invariant Generalized Hough Transform: A New Approach
* Screw Motion Approach to Uniqueness Analysis of Head-Eye Geometry, A
* Search and Replace of 2-D Objects in Digital Images
* Segmentation and Grouping of Object Boundaries Using Energy Minimization
* Segmentation of People in Motion
* Self-Organizing Multiple-View Representation of 3D objects, A
* Sensitivity Analysis for Matching and Pose Computation Using Dihedral Junctions
* Sensor-Driven Intelligent Robotics
* Separating Handwritten Text from Non-Textual Interference
* Sequences, Structure, and Active Vision
* Shading-Based Two-View Matching
* Shape Adaptation for Modelling of 3D Objects in Natural Scenes
* Shape Classification by Using Associative Memories
* Shape Decomposition Using Structured Light Vision
* Shape Description Using Geons as 3D Primitives
* Shape Detection with Limited Memory
* Shape from Occluding Contours: A Regularization Method
* Shape From Rotation
* Shape Recognition Scheme Based on Relative Distances of Feature Points from the Centroid, A
* Shape Recognition under Affine Distortions
* Shape Splitting from Medial Lines Using the 3-4 Chamfer Distance
* Simple and Fast Computation of Moments
* Simultaneous Estimation of 3D Shape and Motion of Objects by Computer Vision
* Singularity Detection and Processing with Wavelets
* Skeletonization of Arabic Characters Using Clustering Based Skeletonization Algorithm (CBSA)
* Some Results Concerning Connected Fuzzy Digital Pictures
* Some Shape Definitions in Fuzzy Geometry of Space
* Sources from Shading
* Spatial Distributions from Contour Lines: An Efficient Methodology Based on Distance Transformations
* Statistical Model for Signature Verification, A
* Stereopsis and Image Registration from Extended Edge Features in the Absence of Camera Pose Information
* Strategies of Robust Object Recognition for Automatic Identification of Human Faces
* Structural Image Restoration through Deformable Templates
* Structure and Motion from Uniform 3D Acceleration
* Structure and Motion in Two Dimensions from Multiple Images: A Least Squares Approach
* Structure from Motion: A Critical Analysis of Methods
* Study on Using Structured Lighting to Analyze Time Varying Image Sequences, A
* Surface and Volumetric Segmentation of Complex 3D Objects Using Parametric Shape Models
* Surface Extraction from Line Drawings of a Polyhedron
* Surface Profile Measurement Using Color Fringe Projection
* Surface Reconstruction from Stereoscopy and Shape from Shading in SEM Images
* Symmetry Analysis of Line Drawings Using the Hough Transform
* Symmetry-Based Recognition of Vehicle Rears
* System for the Interpretation of 3-D Moving Scenes from 2-D Image Sequences, A
* Technique for Ground/Image Truthing Using a Digital Map to Reduce the Number of Required Measurements
* Techniques for Segmenting Image Curves into Meaningful Descriptions
* Temporal Analysis of Stereo Image Sequences of Traffic Scenes
* Temporal Slice Analysis of Image Sequences
* Temporal Surface Reconstruction
* Textural Analysis of Range Images
* Texture and Shape Generation by Neural Network Creation Paradigm
* Texture Features Based on Gabor Phase
* Texture Features Based On Texture Spectrum
* Texture Segregation and Orientation Gradient
* Thinning Methodologies, a Comprehensive Study
* Three-Dimensional Gauging with Stereo Computer Vision
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Using Homocentric Spherical Spatiotemporal Image Analysis
* Three-Dimensional Surface Reconstruction Using Delaunay Triangulation in the Image Plane
* Top-down Document Analysis Method for Logical Structure Recognition, A
* Towards Infrared Image Understanding
* Towards Structure from Motion for Linear Features Through Reference Points
* Tracking Lines in a Stereo Image Sequence
* Tracking Lines Using a Rigid Motion Assumption
* Trainable Gesture Recognizer, A
* Trajectories and Events
* Transition Region Determination Based Thresholding
* Two Convergence Theorems on Deterministic Properties of Median Filters
* Two-Dimensional Object Detection in Correlated Noise
* Two-Dimensional Object Recognition Using a Two-Dimensional Polar Transform
* Two-Dimensional Pattern Matching with K Mismatches
* Two-Step String Matching Procedure, A
* Two-Way String-Matching
* Uber die Stetige Abbildung einer Linie auf ein Flachenstck
* Ultrasonic Holography Techniques for Localizing and Imaging Solid Objects
* Uncertainty Update and Dynamic Search Window for Model-Based Object Recognition
* Understanding Handwritten Text in a Structured Environment
* Unification Scheme for 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Physically Based Models
* Unified Computational Theory for Motion Transparency and Motion Boundaries Based on Eigenenergy Analysis, A
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Gabor Filters
* use of eye movements in human-computer interaction techniques: What you look at is what you get, The
* Use of Perceptual Organization in the Prediction of Geometric Structures, The
* Using a Finite Element Method for Active Contour Models and 3-D Reconstruction from Cross Sections
* Using Stereomotion to Track Binocular Targets
* Variable-Resolution Character Thinning
* Variations on a Theme in Binary Mathematical Morphology
* Vector Field Histogram: Fast Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robots, The
* Very Fast VLSI Rangefinder, A
* View Angle Transformations
* View-Class Representation and Matching of 3D Objects
* Vision, Instruction and Action
* Vision-Based Automatic Theodolite for Robot Calibration
* VISIT: An Efficient Computational Model of Human Visual Attention
* Visual Tracking with Deformation Models
* VLSI Architecture for a Half-Edge-Based Corner Detector, A
* Weighted Selection of Image Features for Resolved Rate Visual Feedback Control
* WPFM: The Workspace Prediction and Fast Matching System
506 for 9100

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.