* *3DIM
* 3-D landmark detection and identification in the CAESAR project
* 3D capture for computer graphics
* 3D laser micro-sensor integrating control and data processing in an FPGA-based calculator, A
* 3D modeling of archaeological vessels using shape from silhouette
* 3D modeling system of human face and full 3D facial caricaturing
* 3D reconstruction from two orthogonal views using simulated annealing approach
* Acquisition of three-dimensional information in a real environment by using the Stereo Omni-directional System (SOS)
* Affine transformations of 3D objects represented with neural networks
* Approaches to a color scannerless range imaging system
* Automatic 3D modeling using range images obtained from unknown viewpoints
* AVENUE: Automated site modeling in urban environments
* Calibration-free approach to 3D reconstruction using light stripe projections on a cube frame
* Combining off- and on-line calibration of a digital camera
* Compact 3D profilometer with grazing incidence diffraction optics
* Compact and portable 3D camera for space applications
* Comparison of HK and SC curvature description methods
* Computing camera positions from a multi-camera head
* Dual-beam structured-light scanning for 3-D object modeling
* Efficient variants of the ICP algorithm
* Estimation of elastic constants from 3D range-flow
* Extract and display moving object in all direction by using stereo omnidirectional system (SOS)
* Fast range image segmentation by an edge detection strategy
* Generation of geometric model by registration and integration of multiple range images
* How much 3D-information can we acquire? optical range sensors at the physical limit, and where to apply them
* In process 3D-sensing for laser material processing
* laser range scanner designed for minimum calibration complexity, A
* method for the registration of attributed range images, A
* method of style discrimination of oil painting based on 3D range data, A
* Modeling from reality
* nearest neighbor method for efficient ICP, A
* parallel iterative closest point algorithm, The
* physically-based model for real-time facial expression animation, A
* Planar patch extraction with noisy depth data
* Processing range data for reverse engineering and virtual reality
* Range image registration: A software platform and empirical evaluation
* Real-time geometrical tracking and pose estimation using laser triangulation and photogrammetry
* Reconstructing urban 3D model using vehicle-borne laser range scanners
* Reconstruction of complex environments by robust pre-aligned ICP
* Reconstruction of surfaces behind occlusions in range images
* Refining triangle meshes by non-linear subdivision
* Reliable 3D surface acquisition, registration and validation using statistical error models
* Robust recognition and pose determination of 3-D objects using range images in eigenspace approach
* self-referenced hand-held range sensor, A
* Shape Recovery and Analysis of Large Screw Threads
* Stroboscopic stereo rangefinder
* Structure and motion from two uncalibrated views using points on planes
* Three-dimensional shape modeling with extended hyperquadrics
* Tolerance control with high resolution 3D measurements
* View planning with a registration constraint
50 for 3DIM01
* *3DIM
* 3-D motion and shape from multiple image sequences
* 3D head pose estimation with optical flow and depth constraints
* 3D optical scanning diagnostics for Leonardo da Vinci's adorazione dei Magi conservation
* 3dD animation of cerebral activity using both spatial and temporal fMRI information
* Accuracy of 3D range scanners by measurement of the slanted edge modulation transfer function
* Accuracy verification and enhancement in 3D modeling: Application to Donatello's Maddalena
* Active balloon model based on 3D skeleton extraction by competitive learning
* Adaptive enhancement of 3D scenes using hierarchical registration of texture-mapped 3D models
* Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstruction
* Approximate K-D tree search for efficient ICP
* Automatic 3D modeling of palatal plaster casts
* Automatic model refinement for 3D reconstruction with mobile robots
* Automatic modeling of animatable virtual humans: A survey
* Calibration of a zooming camera using the normalized image of the absolute conic
* Colour texture fusion of multiple range images
* Combining texture and shape for automatic crude patch registration
* Cramer-Rao bounds for nonparametric surface reconstruction from range data
* Deformable model with adaptive mesh and automated topology changes
* Digital preservation of ancient Cuneiform tablets using 3D-scanning
* discrete Reeb graph approach for the segmentation of human body scans, A
* Effective 3D modeling of heritage sites
* Effective nearest neighbor search for aligning and merging range images
* Efficient reconstruction of indoor scenes with color
* Efficient surface reconstruction from range curves
* Enhanced, robust genetic algorithms for multiview range image registration
* Evaluating structural constraints for accurate range image registration
* Exploiting mirrors for laser stripe 3D scanning
* fast point-to-tangent plane technique for multi-view registration, A
* Free-form surface reconstruction from multiple images
* Geometrically stable sampling for the ICP algorithm
* hierarchical method for aligning warped meshes, A
* Human figure reconstruction and modeling from single image or monocular video sequence
* Human identification from body shape
* Image-based object editing
* Image-based techniques for digitizing environments and artifacts
* Interactive shape acquisition using marker attached laser projector
* Modelcamera: A Hand-Held Device for Interactive Modeling, The
* Multi-projectors for arbitrary surfaces without explicit calibration nor reconstruction
* multi-resolution ICP with heuristic closest point search for fast and robust 3D registration of range images, A
* Next view planning for a combination of passive and active acquisition techniques
* Optimized position sensors for flying-spot active triangulation systems
* Parallel Alignment of a Large Number of Range Images
* point-and-shoot color 3D camera, A
* range image refinement technique for multi-view 3D model reconstruction, A
* Real-time range scanning of deformable surfaces by adaptively coded structured light
* Recursive model optimization using ICP and free moving 3D data acquisition
* Registration and fusion of intensity and range data for 3D modelling of real world scenes
* Reliable and rapidly-converging ICP algorithm using multiresolution smoothing
* Scanning and processing 3D objects for web display
* Segmentation and modeling of approximately rotationally symmetric objects in 3D ultrasound
* Silhouette and stereo fusion for 3D object modeling
* Solving architectural modelling problems using knowledge
* Stable real-time interaction between virtual humans and real scenes
* Streaming transmission of point-sampled geometry based on view-dependent level-of-detail
* Surface curvature estimation from the signed distance field
* Surflet-Pair-Relation Histograms: A Statistical 3D-Shape Representation for Rapid Classification
* Taking Consensus of Signed Distance Field for Complementing Unobservable Surface
* Three-dimensional reconstruction of the bony structures involved in the articular complex of the human shoulder using shape-based interpolation and contour-based extrapolation
* Using k-d trees for robust 3D point pattern matching
* Virtual reconstruction of broken and unbroken pottery
* Weighted cone-curvature: Applications for 3D shapes similarity
62 for 3DIM03
* *3DIM
* 3D digitization of a large model of imperial Rome
* 3D modeling of outdoor environments by integrating omnidirectional range and color images
* 3D models from extended uncalibrated video sequences: Addressing key-frame selection and projective drift
* 3D registration by textured spin-images
* 3D vision technology for occupant detection and classification
* Accuracy of 3D scanning technologies in a face scanning scenario
* Accurate principal directions estimation in discrete surfaces
* Acquisition of view-based 3D object models using supervised, unstructured data
* adaptive dandelion model for reconstructing spherical terrain-like visual hull surfaces, An
* Automatic burr detection on surfaces of revolution based on adaptive 3D scanning
* Automatic Class Selection and Prototyping for 3-D Object Classification
* Automatic registration of range images based on correspondence of complete plane patches
* Bayesian modelling of camera calibration and reconstruction
* Bootstrapped real-time ego motion estimation and scene modeling
* Capturing 2.5D Depth and Texture of Time-Varying Scenes Using Structured Infrared Light
* complete U-V-disparity study for stereovision based 3D driving environment analysis, A
* Contour point tracking by enforcement of rigidity constraints
* contour-based approach to 3D text labeling on triangulated surfaces, A
* Coordination of appearance and motion data for virtual view generation of traditional dances
* Correction of Color Information of a 3D Model Using a Range Intensity Image
* Detecting cylinders in 3D range data using model selection criteria
* Determining characteristic views of a 3D object by visual hulls and Hausdorff distance
* Digitizing archaeological excavations from multiple views
* Discrete pose space estimation to improve ICP-based tracking
* Efficient discovery service for a digital library of 3D models
* Efficient photometric stereo technique for three-dimensional surfaces with unknown BRDF
* efficient scattered data approximation using multilevel B-splines based on quasi-interpolants, An
* Euclidean reconstruction from translational motion using multiple cameras
* Evaluating collinearity constraint for automatic range image registration
* Extracting main modes of human body shape variation from 3D anthropometric data
* Fast alignment of 3D geometrical models and 2D color images using 2D distance maps
* Fast multiple-baseline stereo with occlusion
* Fast simultaneous alignment of multiple range images using index images
* Fitting of 3D circles and ellipses using a parameter decomposition approach
* flexible 3D modeling system based on combining shape-from-silhouette with light-sectioning algorithm, A
* From range data to animated anatomy-based faces: A model adaptation method
* Further improving geometric fitting
* Gaussian scale-space dense disparity estimation with anisotropic disparity-field diffusion
* Globally convergent range image registration by graph kernel algorithm
* Hierarchical coarse to fine depth estimation for realistic view interpolation
* Hierarchical segmentation of range images with contour constraints
* Identifying the interface between two sand materials
* Image-Gradient-Guided Real-Time Stereo on Graphics Hardware
* improved calibration technique for coupled single-row telemeter and CCD camera, An
* Incremental Catmull-Clark subdivision
* light modulation/demodulation method for real-time 3D imaging, A
* mechanism for range image integration without image registration, A
* Micro-stereoscopic vision system for the determination of air bubbles and aqueous droplets content within oil drops in simulated processes of multiphase fermentations
* MRF formulation for coded structured light, A
* Multi-resolution modeling and locally refined collision detection for haptic interaction
* Multiresolution interactive modeling with efficient visualization
* Multisensor fusion for volumetric reconstruction of large outdoor areas
* Non-parametric 3D surface completion
* Partial surface integration based on variational implicit functions and surfaces for 3D model building
* Planar: a mobile VR tool with pragmatic pose estimation for generation and manipulation of 3D data in industrial environments, The
* Projection-based registration using a multi-view camera for indoor scene reconstruction
* Projective surface matching of colored 3D scans
* Real-Time Image Based Rendering from Uncalibrated Images
* Realistic human head modeling with multi-view hairstyle reconstruction
* Registration of multiple range scans as a location recognition problem: hypothesis generation, refinement and verification
* Relighting acquired models of outdoor scenes
* Robust and accurate partial surface registration based on variational implicit surfaces for automatic 3D model building
* robust image-based method for 3D registration, A
* Scale selection for classification of point-sampled 3D surfaces
* Semi-automatic range to range registration: A feature-based method
* Shape reconstruction of human foot from multi-camera images based on PCA of human shape database
* Simultaneous Determination of Registration and Deformation Parameters among 3D Range Images
* Spatio-temporal fusion of multiple view video rate 3D surfaces
* Stereo by multiperspective imaging under 6 DOF camera motion
* Toward a near optimal quad/triangle subdivision surface fitting
* Transform-based methods for indexing and retrieval of 3D objects
* Uncalibrated multiple image stereo system with arbitrarily movable camera and projector for wide range scanning
* Unsupervised 3D object recognition and reconstruction in unordered datasets
* Virtual clay modeling system using multi-viewpoint images
75 for 3DIM05
* *3DIM
* 3D Challenges and a Non-In-Depth Overview of Recent Progress
* 3D laser measurement system for large scale architectures using multiple mobile robots
* Aerial Lidar Data Classification using AdaBoost
* Automated Reverse Engineering of Free Form Objects Using Morse Theory
* Automatic Pose Estimation for Range Images on the GPU
* Automatic Registration for Model Building using Variable Dimensional Local Shape Descriptors
* Bayesian Framework for Simultaneous Matting and 3D Reconstruction, A
* Cable-driven Parallel Mechanism for Capturing Object Appearance from Multiple Viewpoints, A
* Cached K-D tree search for ICP algorithms
* Comparative Analysis of Depth-Discontinuity and Mixed-Pixel Detection Algorithms, A
* Construction of Feature Landmark Database Using Omnidirectional Videos and GPS Positions
* Data-Driven Feature-Based 3D Face Synthesis
* Deformable Registration of Textured Range Images by Using Texture and Shape Features
* Dense 3D Reconstruction method using Coplanarities and Metric Constraints for Line Laser Scanning
* Dense Depth and Color Acquisition of Repetitive Motions
* Discrete Delaunay: Boundary extraction from voxel objects
* Dual-Mode Deformable Models for Free-Viewpoint Video of Sports Events
* Estimating the Location of a Camera with Respect to a 3D Model
* Examplar-based Shape from Shading
* Fast Omnidirectional 3D Scene Acquisition with an Array of Stereo Cameras
* Generalized MPU Implicits Using Belief Propagation
* Hybrid Scene Reconstruction by Integrating Scan Data and Stereo Image Pairs
* Image-based Model Completion
* Interactive Scanning of Haptic Textures and Surface Compliance
* Joint Reconstruction and Registration of a Deformable Planar Surface Observed by a 3D Sensor
* Light stripe triangulation for multiple of moving rigid objects
* Light Transport Analysis for 3D Photography
* Modeling and Calibration of Coupled Fish-Eye CCD Camera and Laser Range Scanner for Outdoor Environment Reconstruction
* Multi-View Edge-based Stereo by Incorporating Spatial Coherence
* Online Registration of Multi-view Range Images using Geometric and Photometric Feature Tracking
* Orientation of Image Sequences in a Point-based Environment Model
* Outlier Robust ICP for Minimizing Fractional RMSD
* Pose Determination by Potential Well Space Embedding
* Predetermination of ICP Registration Errors And Its Application to View Planning
* Range Image Segmentation for Modeling and Object Detection in Urban Scenes
* Real-time full-field 3-D surface-shape measurement using off-the-shelf components and a single processor
* Robust 2D-3D alignment based on geometrical consistency
* Sampling Criterion for Optimizing a Surface Light Field, A
* Scaling up multiprojector immersive displays: the LightTwist project
* Self-organizing Deformable Model for Mapping 3D Object Model onto Arbitrary Target Surface
* Sensor for Simultaneously Capturing Texture and Shape by Projecting Structured Infrared Light, A
* Shape-merging and interpolation using class estimation for unseen voxels with a GPU-based efficient implementation
* Silhouette Extraction with Random Pattern Backgrounds for the Volume Intersection Method
* Stratified Self-calibration and Metric Reconstruction of a Trinocular Structured Light Vision System
* Study of Shape Similarity for Temporal Surface Sequences of People, A
* Super-Resolution Stereo- and Multi-View Synthesis from Monocular Video Sequences
* Surface Modelling of Plants from Stereo Images
* Surface reconstruction from point clouds by transforming the medial scaffold
* Surround Structured Lighting for Full Object Scanning
* Tensor Algebraic Approach to Image Synthesis, Analysis and Recognition, A
* Three-dimensional reconstruction using the perpendicularity constraint
* Tracking of Human Body Parts using the Multiocular Contracting Curve Density Algorithm
* Two-frame frequency-based estimation of local motion parallax direction in 3D cluttered scenes
54 for 3DIM07
* *3DIM
* 3D-color video camera
* Automatic bootstrapping of a morphable face model using multiple components
* Automation of 3D view acquisition for geometric tolerances verification
* Color matching and illumination estimation for urban scenes
* compact representation for scanned 3D objects, A
* Complex 3D shape recovery using hybrid geometric shape features in a hierarchical shape segmentation approach
* Consistency and confidence: A dual metric for verifying 3D object detections in multiple LiDAR scans
* Context-Consistent stereo matching
* Creating compact architectural models by geo-registering image collections
* Disparity map refinement and 3D surface smoothing via Directed Anisotropic Diffusion
* efficient data-driven tissue deformation model, An
* Elastic convolved ICP for the registration of deformable objects
* Environment modelling using spherical stereo imaging
* Fast 3D surface reconstruction by unambiguous compound phase coding
* Fast computation of 3D spherical Fourier harmonic descriptors: A complete orthonormal basis for a rotational invariant representation of three-dimensional objects
* Freeform shape clustering for customized design automation
* Fully automatic calibration of LIDAR and video streams from a vehicle
* Hierarchical shape-based surface reconstruction for dense multi-view stereo
* high speed iterative closest point tracker on an FPGA platform, A
* Improving photometric stereo with laser sectioning
* In-hand scanning with online loop closure
* Iterative mesh deformation for dense surface tracking
* Large-scale urban environment modeling from videos using image content segmentation and alignment
* Learning shape priors for single view reconstruction
* LiDAR inpainting from a single image
* Local Potential Well Space Embedding
* locally global approach to stereo correspondence, A
* Markerless reconstruction of dynamic facial expressions
* Measuring 3D shape similarity by matching the medial scaffolds
* minimum cover approach for extracting the road network from airborne LIDAR data, A
* Mobile phone-based 3D modeling framework for instant interaction
* Monocular structure from motion for near to long ranges
* Multi-view image and ToF sensor fusion for dense 3D reconstruction
* On-line 3-D inspection of deformable parts using FEM trained radial basis functions
* One-shot scanning using De Bruijn spaced grids
* Online segmentation of free-viewpoint video
* Optimal consensus set for digital plane fitting
* Plenoptic depth estimation from multiple aliased views
* Posture invariant correspondence of triangular meshes in shape space
* probabilistic approach to camera pose and calibration from a small set of point and line correspondences, A
* Real-time free viewpoint video from uncalibrated cameras using plane-sweep algorithm
* Real-time photo-realistic visualization of 3D environments for enhanced tele-operation of vehicles
* Region extraction in large-scale urban LIDAR data
* Robust 3D street-view reconstruction using sky motion estimation
* Robust multi-view stereo without matching
* Robust range image registration using local distribution of albedo
* Sampled medial loci and boundary differential geometry
* Scalable multi-view stereo
* Self-correction of 3D reconstruction from multi-view stereo images
* Shade Face: Multiple image-based 3D face recognition
* Shape from depth discontinuities under orthographic projection
* Shape-Colour Histograms for matching 3D video sequences
* Spatio-temporal image-based texture atlases for dynamic 3-D models
* Structure-and-motion pipeline on a hierarchical cluster tree
* Tackling the coplanarity problem in 3D camera calibration by means of fuzzy landmarks: A performance study in forensic craniofacial superimposition
* Tracking human joint motion for turntable-based static model reconstruction
* Training many-parameter shape-from-shading models using a surface database
* Virtual 3D bone fracture reconstruction via inter-fragmentary surface alignment
59 for 3DIM09
* *3DIM
* 3D Imager for Dimensional Gauging of Industrial Workpieces
* 3D Modeling of Human Hand with Motion Constraints
* 3D Modelling from Range Imagery: An Incremental Method with a Planning Component
* Active Modeling of 3D Objects: Planning on the Next Best Pose (NBP) for Acquiring Range Images
* Automatic 3D Digitization Using a Laser Rangefinder with a Small Field of View
* Automatic CAD Modelling of Industrial Pipes from Range Images
* Automatic Editing and Curve Fitting of 3D Surface Scanned Data of the Human Body
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Objects Using a Mobile Monoscopic Camera
* Building 3D City Models from Multiple Unregistered Profile Maps
* Constructing Models of Articulating Objects: Range Data Partitioning
* Design Considerations for a Range Image Sensor Containing a PSD Array and an On-Chip Multiplexor
* Estimation of 3D Rigid Motion in the Frequency Domain Based on Range and Intensity Data
* Extracting Surface Patches from Complete Range Descriptions
* Fast and Accurate 3D Rangefinder Using the Biris Technology: Trid, A
* Fast Global Registration of 3D Sampled Surfaces Using a Mini-Buffer Technique
* From Coarse to Fine Correspondence of 3D Facial Images
* Fusing and Guiding Range Measurements with Colour Video Images
* Generalized Cylinder Extraction in Range Images
* Geometric Matching of 3D Objects, Assessing the Range of Successful Configurations
* Industrial Painting Inspection Using Specular Sharpness
* Multi Resolution Geometric Fusion
* Nefertetti: A Query by Content Software for 3D Database Management
* Object Model Creation From Multiple Range Images
* Optimal Postures and Positioning for Human Body Scanning
* Portable Three-Dimensional Digitizer, A
* Rangefinder Using Time Correlated Single Photon Counting
* Reducing Movement Artifacts in Whole Body Scanning
* Registration Aid, A
* Registration and Integration of Textured 3-D Data
* Registration of 3D Partial Surfaces Using Luminance and Depth Information
* Road Surface Inspection Using Laser Scanners
* Robust Approximate Meshes from a Collection of Range Maps
* Scene Analysis System for the Generation of 3D Models, A
* Segmentation of Range Images into Planar Regions
* Segmenting Human Body Data
* Shape Measurement of Discontinuous Objects Using Projected Fringes and Temporal Phase Warping
* Surface Registration by Matching Oriented Points
* System for Semi-Automated Modelling of Complex Environments, A
* Towards Optimal Structured Light Patterns
* Using PCA to Model Shape for Process Control
41 for 3DIM97
* *3DIM
* 3D scanning system based on low-occlusion approach, A
* 3D shape recovery and registration based on the projection of non-coherent structured light
* 3D statistical shape models for medical image segmentation
* Advances in the cooperation of shape from shading and stereo vision
* Appearance-Based Virtual View Generation of Temporally-Varying Events from Multi-Camera Images in the 3D Room
* Automatic body measurement for mass customization of garments
* Automatic feature correspondence for scene reconstruction
* automation system for industrial 3-D laser digitizing, An
* Bayesian estimation of distance and surface normal with a time-of-flight laser rangefinder
* Building 3D facial models and detecting face pose in 3D space
* Building symbolic information for 3D human body modeling from range data
* CAD-based range sensor placement for optimum 3D data acquisition
* CAESAR project: a 3-D surface anthropometry survey, The
* Calibration of a laser stripe profiler
* Computations on a spherical view space for efficient planning of viewpoints in 3-D object modeling
* Computing consistent normals and colors from photometric data
* Constructing NURBS surface model from scattered and unorganized range data
* Curvature estimation for segmentation of triangulated surfaces
* Curve and surface models to drive 3D reconstruction using stereo and shading
* Dense disparity estimation using Gabor filters and image derivatives
* Digital 3D imaging system for rapid response on remote sites
* digital Michelangelo project, The
* Dynamic gaze-controlled levels of detail of polygonal objects in 3-D environment modeling
* Edge-based approach to mesh simplification
* Efficient and reliable template set matching for 3D object recognition
* Estimating pose through local geometry
* Experimental analysis of Harmonic Shape Images
* Extraction and tracking of surfaces in range image sequences
* Faithful recovering of quadric surfaces from 3D range data
* Fast and robust registration of 3D surfaces using low curvature patches
* Generating smooth surfaces with bicubic splines over triangular meshes: toward automatic model building from unorganized 3D points
* geometric approach to the segmentation of range images, A
* Hand posture estimation from 2D monocular image
* Hand-held acquisition of 3D models with a video camera
* Indoor Scene Reconstruction from Sets of Noisy Range Images
* Is appearance-based structure from motion viable?
* Joined segmentation of cortical surface and brain volume in MRI using a homotopic deformable cellular model
* Large Data Sets and Confusing Scenes in 3-D Surface Matching and Recognition
* Locking onto 3D-structure by a combined vergence- and fusion system
* Low-Cost Range Finder using a Visually Located, Structured Light Source, A
* mapping of texture on VR polygonal models, The
* Model-based scanning path generation for inspection
* Modeling structured environments by a single moving camera
* Moving Objects Detection from Time-Varied Background: An Application of Camera 3D Motion Analysis
* Multiview registration for large data sets
* On estimating the position of fragments on rotational symmetric pottery
* On the detection of feature points of 3D facial image and its application to 3D facial caricature
* On-line hand-eye calibration
* OSCAR: object segmentation using correspondence and relaxation
* PALM: portable sensor-augmented vision system for large-scene modeling
* Progressive multilevel meshes from octree particles
* Recovery of shape and surface reflectance of specular object from rotation of light source
* Registering two overlapping range images
* Robust surface matching for registration
* Self-calibration of a light striping system by matching multiple 3-D profile maps
* Three-dimensional modelling and rendering of the human skeletal trunk from 2D radiographic images
* Virtual environment modeling by integrated optical and acoustic sensing
* Virtual environments for critical intervention support: Modeling, Design and Implementation Issues
59 for 3DIM99
* *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* 3D Data Segmentation by Local Classification and Markov Random Fields
* 3D Human Action Recognition for Multi-view Camera Systems
* 3D Reconstruction of Interior Wall Surfaces under Occlusion and Clutter
* 3D Reconstruction of Urban Areas
* 6DoF Registration of 2D Laser Scans
* Accurate Estimation of Gaussian and Mean Curvature in Volumetric Images
* Approach for Shape from Surface Normals with Local Discontinuity Detection, An
* Automatic Keypoint Detection on 3D Faces Using a Dictionary of Local Shapes
* Best-Next-View-Selection Algorithm for Multi-view Rendering, A
* Calibration of Nodal and Free-Moving Cameras in Dynamic Scenes for Post-Production
* Cutting-Plane Training of Non-associative Markov Network for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation
* Dynamic Shape Capture via Periodical-Illumination Optical Flow Estimation and Multi-view Photometric Stereo
* Efficient Generation of Multi-perspective Panoramas
* Electric Appliance Parts Classification Using a Measure Combining the Whole Shape and Local Shape Distribution Similarities
* Enhanced 'Optimization-on-a-Manifold' Framework for Global Registration of 3D Range Data, An
* Evaluation of Volumetric Interest Points, An
* Fast and Accurate 3D Scanning Using Coded Phase Shifting and High Speed Pattern Projection
* Fast Stereo Matching of Feature Links
* Façade Segmentation in a Multi-view Scenario
* Feature-Preserved Canonical Form for Non-rigid 3D Meshes, A
* Finding the Best Feature Detector-Descriptor Combination
* Hierarchical Shape Matching for Temporally Consistent 3D Video
* Higher Order CRF for Surface Reconstruction from Multi-view Data Sets
* Human Body Shape Prediction and Analysis Using Predictive Clustering Tree
* Image-Space Marker Detection and Recognition Using Projective Invariants
* Integrating LIDAR into Stereo for Fast and Improved Disparity Computation
* Lightweight 3D Modeling of Urban Buildings from Range Data
* Multi-camera, Multi-projector Super-Resolution Framework for Structured Light, A
* Multi-target Tracking and Segmentation via Discriminative Appearance Model
* Multiscale 3D Feature Extraction and Matching
* Non-cooperative Game for 3D Object Recognition in Cluttered Scenes, A
* Performance Evaluation of 3D Keypoint Detectors, A
* Pose Alignment for 3D Models and Single View Stereo Point Clouds Based on Stable Planes
* Procedural 3D Building Reconstruction Using Shape Grammars and Detectors
* Pseudo-Immersive Real-Time Display of 3D Scenes on Mobile Devices
* Real Time Detection of Repeated Structures in Point Clouds of Urban Scenes
* Real-Time Accurate Stereo Matching Using Modified Two-Pass Aggregation and Winner-Take-All Guided Dynamic Programming
* Reconstruction and Accurate Alignment of Feature Maps for Augmented Reality
* Robust ICP Registration Using Bi-unique Correspondence
* Sampling Relevant Points for Surface Registration
* Scalable Object Classification Using Range Images
* Scene Cut: Class-Specific Object Detection and Segmentation in 3D Scenes
* Scene Segmentation Assisted by Stereo Vision
* Skull Assembly and Completion Using Template-Based Surface Matching
* Space-Time Body Pose Estimation in Uncontrolled Environments
* Speeding up Cloth Simulation by Linearizing the Bending Function of the Physical Mass-Spring Model
* Stereo Matching with Reliable Disparity Propagation
* Stereo Reconstruction of Building Interiors with a Vertical Structure Prior
* Surface Reconstruction in Photometric Stereo with Calibration Error
* System for Capturing Textured 3D Shapes Based on One-Shot Grid Pattern with Multi-band Camera and Infrared Projector, A
* Temporally-Consistent Phase Unwrapping for a Stereo-Assisted Structured Light System
* Toward Automatic 3D Generic Object Modeling from One Single Image
* Visual Hull from Imprecise Polyhedral Scene
* Visual Words for 3D Reconstruction and Pose Computation
55 for 3DIMPVT11
* *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* 3D City Modeling from Street-Level Data for Augmented Reality Applications
* 3D Facial Surface and Texture Synthesis Using 2D Landmarks from a Single Face Sketch
* 3D Human Motion Analysis to Detect Abnormal Events on Stairs
* 3D Object Detection and Localization Using Multimodal Point Pair Features
* Accurate and Automatic Alignment of Range Surfaces
* Accurate Full Body Scanning from a Single Fixed 3D Camera
* Adaptive Hierarchical Approach to the Extraction of High Resolution Medial Surfaces, An
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Texture Reconstruction
* Automatic Calibration of a Range Sensor and Camera System
* Boosting the Computational Performance of Feature-Based Multiple 3D Scan Alignment by iat-k-means Clustering
* Cage-Based Motion Recovery Using Manifold Learning
* Calibrating an Optical See-Through Rig with Two Non-overlapping Cameras: The Virtual Camera Framework
* Classification and Pose Estimation of Vehicles in Videos by 3D Modeling within Discrete-Continuous Optimization
* Complex Terrain Mapping with Multi-camera Visual Odometry and Realtime Drift Correction
* Dense Non-rigid Structure from Motion
* Difference of Normals as a Multi-scale Operator in Unorganized Point Clouds
* Dynamic Mosaics
* Efficient Multi-scale Stereo of High-Resolution Planar and Spherical Images
* Error Correcting 3D Scanning Technique Using Dual Pseudorandom Arrays, An
* Evaluation Method for Multiview Surface Reconstruction Algorithms, An
* Exploiting Physical Inconsistencies for 3D Scene Understanding
* Extension of Tamura Texture Features for 3D Fluorescence Microscopy
* Fast and Stable Color Balancing for Images and Augmented Reality
* Generating Dense Point Correspondence Ground-Truth across Multiple Views
* Global Motion Estimation from Point Matches
* Grid-Based Active Stereo with Single-Colored Wave Pattern for Dense One-shot 3D Scan
* Handling Occlusions for Accurate 3D Urban Cartography: A New Approach Based on Characterization and Multiple Passages
* High Resolution Surface Reconstruction from Multi-view Aerial Imagery
* High-Detail 3D Capture and Non-sequential Alignment of Facial Performance
* High-Level Bottom-Up Cues for Top-Down Parsing of Facade Images
* High-Resolution Performance Capture by Zoom-in Pan-Tilt Cameras
* HyperSfM
* Increasing the Efficiency of Local Stereo by Leveraging Smoothness Constraints
* Incremental Large Scale 3D Reconstruction
* Incremental Reconstruction of Manifold Surface from Sparse Visual Mapping
* Interactive Disparity Map Post-processing
* Least Commitment, Viewpoint-Based, Multi-view Stereo
* Leveraging Topographic Maps for Image to Terrain Alignment
* Markerless Motion Capture of Human Body Using PSO with Single Depth Camera
* Modeling Kinect Sensor Noise for Improved 3D Reconstruction and Tracking
* Multi-view Photometric Stereo Using Semi-isometric Mappings
* Multiple View Stereo by Reflectance Modeling
* Non Local Point Set Surfaces
* On the Affinity between 3D Detectors and Descriptors
* Online Algorithms for Classification of Urban Objects in 3D Point Clouds
* Online Gaze Disparity via Bioncular Eye Tracking on Stereoscopic Displays
* Optimising Light Source Positions to Minimise Illumination Variation for 3D Vision
* Patch Prior for Dense 3D Reconstruction in Man-Made Environments, A
* PatchMatch-Based Content Completion of Stereo Image Pairs
* Photo Tours
* Pinhole-to-Projection Pyramid Subtraction for Reconstructing Non-rigid Objects from Range Images
* Polarization-Based Surface Normal Estimation of Black Specular Objects from Multiple Viewpoints
* Rapid Skin: Estimating the 3D Human Pose and Shape in Real-Time
* Real-Time Reshaping of Humans
* Registration of Spherical Panoramic Images with Cadastral 3D Models
* Repeatable and Efficient Canonical Reference for Surface Matching, A
* Robust Multi-camera 3D Ellipse Fitting for Contactless Measurements, A
* Robust Probabilistic Occupancy Grid Estimation from Positive and Negative Distance Fields
* Robust Simultaneous 3D Registration via Rank Minimization
* Sampling-Based Multiview Reconstruction without Correspondences for 3D Edges
* Semi-dense Piecewise Planar Stereo Reconstruction Using SymStereo and PEARL
* Sensor Fusion for Depth Estimation, including TOF and Thermal Sensors
* Simple, Accurate, and Robust Projector-Camera Calibration
* Solving the PnP Problem with Anisotropic Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis
* Space-Time Joint Multi-layer Segmentation and Depth Estimation
* Sparse Modeling of Shape from Structured Light
* Structure from Motion Using Augmented Lagrangian Robust Factorization
* Texture Generation from a Large Set of Registered Images Using Markov Random Fields
* Through-the-Lens Multi-camera Synchronisation and Frame-Drop Detection for 3D Reconstruction
* Toward Compressed 3D Descriptors
* Towards Bundle Adjustment with GIS Constraints for Online Geo-Localization of a Vehicle in Urban Center
* Tracking Complete Deformable Objects with Finite Elements
* Uncalibrated View Synthesis with Homography Interpolation
* Visual Landmark-Based Localization for MAVs Using Incremental Feature Updates
* Watertight As-Built Architectural Floor Plans Generated from Laser Range Data
76 for 3DIMPVT12