Journals starting with isvc

ISVC05 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D Hand Pose Reconstruction with ISOSOM
* 3D Model Generation from Image Sequences Using Global Geometric Constraint
* 3D Modeling and Adaptation for Virtual Heritage System
* 3D Shape from Unorganized 3D Point Clouds
* Acceptance of Visual Search Interfaces for the Web: Design and Empirical Evaluation of a Book Search Interface
* Accurate and Efficient Computation of High Order Zernike Moments
* Active View Optimization for Viewing Objects in Motion
* Adaptive Background Subtraction with Multiple Feedbacks for Video Surveillance
* Adaptive Robust Structure Tensors for Orientation Estimation and Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Switching Linear Predictor for Lossless Image Compression
* Adding Hand Motion to the Motion Capture Based Character Animation
* ARISupport: Interaction Support for Augmented Reality Systems
* ARM Based Microcontroller for Image Capturing in FPGA Design
* Artistic Portrait Caricature Model, An
* Automatic Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval Using Belief Functions, An
* Automatic Robust Background Modeling Using Multivariate Non-parametric Kernel Density Estimation for Visual Surveillance
* Background Updating for Visual Surveillance
* Building Statistical Atlas of White Matter Fiber Tract Based on Vector/Tensor Field Reconstruction in Diffusion Tensor MRI
* Capturing and View-Dependent Rendering of Billboard Models
* Color and Edge Refinement Method for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Comparing Sphere-Tree Generators and Hierarchy Updates for Deformable Objects Collision Detection
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Via Vector Quantization
* Contraction Mapping Calibration
* Detection and Tracking Multiple Pedestrians from a Moving Camera
* Detection of Text Region and Segmentation from Natural Scene Images
* Direct Point Rendering on GPU
* Discrimination of Natural Contours by Means of Time-Scale-Frequency Decompositions
* Distributed and Collaborative Biomedical Data Exploration
* Distributed Multi-camera Surveillance for Aircraft Servicing Operations
* Dynamic Visualization of Spatially Referenced Information
* Efficient Compression of Visibility Sets
* Efficient Depth Edge Detection Using Structured Light
* Efficient Shot Boundary Detection for Action Movies Using Blockwise Motion-Based Features
* Emotional Expression in Virtual Agents Through Body Language
* Error-Bounded Solid Voxelization for Polygonal Model Based on Heuristic Seed Filling
* Event Detection in Underground Stations Using Multiple Heterogeneous Surveillance Cameras
* Face Alignment and Adaptive Weight Assignment for Robust Face Recognition
* Face Detection in Low-Resolution Images
* Face Verification in Polar Frequency Domain: A Biologically Motivated Approach
* Fast Full Search Algorithm for Variable Block-Based Motion Estimation of H.264, A
* Geometric and Photometric Analysis for Interactively Recognizing Multicolor or Partially Occluded Objects
* Geometric Approach to Segmentation and Protein Localization in Cell Cultured Assays
* Hifocon: Object and Dimensional Coherence and Correlation in Multidimensional Visualization
* Hybrid HMM/DPA Adaptive Gesture Recognition Method, A
* Image Database Navigation: A Globe-Al Approach
* Image Smoothing and Segmentation by Graph Regularization
* Image-Based Deformation of Objects in Real Scenes
* Inferring Cause/Effect Relationships in Multi-sensor Ambient Intelligence Systems
* Interactive 3D Heart Chamber Partitioning with a New Marker-Controlled Watershed Algorithm
* Interactive Visualization Method for Integrating Digital Elevation Models and Geographic Information Systems Vector Layers, An
* Investigating the Impact of Face Categorization on Recognition Performance
* Large-Scale Geospatial Indexing for Image-Based Retrieval and Analysis
* Loop Removal from Colon Central Path Through Skeleton Scale-Space Tracking
* Lossless Compression of CCD Sensor Data
* Mining Paths of Complex Crowd Scenes
* Motion Based Segmentation Using MPEG Streams and Watershed Method
* Motion Capture System for Sign Language Synthesis: Overview and Related Issues, A
* Motion Visualization of Ultrasound Imaging
* Multi-aspect Target Tracking in Image Sequences Using Particle Filters
* Multi-level Thresholding Using Entropy-Based Weighted FCM Algorithm in Color Image
* Multiscale Segmentation of HRCT Images Using Bipolar Incoherent Filtering
* Novel Approach on Silhouette Based Human Motion Analysis for Gait Recognition, A
* NPR Technique for Pointillistic and Mosaic Images with Impressionist Color Arrangement, An
* Number of Gaps in Binary Pictures, The
* One-Point Hexagonal Inner Search for Fast Motion Estimation
* Oversimplified Euler Operators for a Non-oriented, Non-manifold B-Rep Data Structure
* Pattern Discovery for Video Surveillance
* Real-Time Crowd Density Estimation Using Images
* Real-Time Video Annotations for Augmented Reality
* Recognition of Complex Human Behaviors in Pool Environment Using Foreground Silhouette
* Rendering Optimizations Guided by Head-Pose Estimates and Their Uncertainty
* Retinal Image Registration for NIH's ETDRS
* Riemannian Mean Curvature Flow
* Segmentation and Recognition of Traffic Signs Using Shape Information
* Selecting a Discriminant Subset of Co-occurrence Matrix Features for Texture-Based Image Retrieval
* Self-Describing Context-Based Pixel Ordering
* Self-organizing Deformable Model: A New Method for Fitting Mesh Model to Given Object Surface
* Simulating Complex Organ Interactions: Evaluation of a Soft Tissue Discrete Model
* Splines Interpolation in High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Structural and Textural Skeletons for Noisy Shapes
* Text Localization and Extraction from Complex Color Images
* Three-Level Graph Based Interactive Volume Segmentation System, A
* Tool for Storm Analysis Using Multiple Data Sets
* Toward a Unified Probabilistic Framework for Object Recognition and Segmentation
* Toward Real Time Fractal Image Compression Using Graphics Hardware
* Tree-Structured Model of Visual Appearance Applied to Gaze Tracking, A
* Two Novel Complete Sets of Similarity Invariants
* Using Linguistic Models for Image Retrieval
* Using Multimodal MR Data for Segmentation and Topology Recovery of the Cerebral Superficial Venous Tree
* Vectorial Self-dual Morphological Filter Based on Total Variation Minimization, A
* Video Codec for Classical Cartoon Animations with Hardware Accelerated Playback
* Viewpoint Interpolation Using an Ellipsoid Head Model for Video Teleconferencing
* Visual Tracking for Seamless 3D Interactions in Augmented Reality
* Wavelet Transform Based Gaussian Point Spread Function Estimation
* WYSIWYG-Tool Tips: Enhancing Tool Tips with Translucent Preview Bitmaps
96 for ISVC05

ISVC06 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D and Texture Modelling of Precolombian Objects
* 3D Geometry from Uncalibrated Images
* 3D Segmentation of Mammospheres for Localization Studies
* 3D Surface Reconstruction and Registration for Image Guided Medialization Laryngoplasty
* Accurate Extraction of Reciprocal Space Information from Transmission Electron Microscopy Images
* Active Single Landmark Based Global Localization of Autonomous Mobile Robots
* Active Stabilization of Images Acquired on a Walking Robotic Platform
* Activity Recognition Via Classification Constrained Diffusion Maps
* Adaptive Background Generation for Video Object Segmentation
* Adaptive Real-Time Rendering for Large-Scale Molecular Models
* Affine Camera for 3-D Retinal Surface Reconstruction
* Analysis and Design of Graphical Password Techniques
* Arithmetic Discrete Parabolas
* Auto-focusing in Extreme Zoom Surveillance: A System Approach with Application to Faces
* Automated Procedure for Word Balloon Placement in Cinema Comics, An
* Automated System for Contact Lens Inspection, An
* Automatic Camera Calibration and Scene Reconstruction with Scale-Invariant Features
* Automatic Learning of Articulated Skeletons from 3D Marker Trajectories
* Autonomous Vehicle Video Aided Navigation: Coupling INS and Video Approaches
* Bilateral Edge Detection on a Virtual Hexagonal Structure
* Binocular Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo
* Blob Tracking with Adaptive Feature Selection and Accurate Scale Determination
* Camera Self-calibration in Scheimpflug Condition for Air Flow Investigation
* Characterization of the Closest Discrete Approximation of a Line in the 3-Dimensional Space
* Color Pair Clustering for Texture Detection
* Combinatorial Pyramids and Discrete Geometry for Energy-Minimizing Segmentation
* Combining Pixelization and Dimensional Stacking
* Computing Homology for Surfaces with Generalized Maps: Application to 3D Images
* Constrained Delaunay Triangulation Using Delaunay Visibility
* Convex Shapes and Convergence Speed of Discrete Tangent Estimators
* CPU-GPU Multithreaded Programming Model: Application to the Path Tracing with Next Event Estimation Algorithm
* Creating Multi-layered 3D Images Using Reversible Jump MCMC Algorithms
* Critical Appraisal of the Box Counting Method to Assess the Fractal Dimension of Tree Crowns, A
* Detection and Characterization of Abnormal Vascular Patterns in Automated Cervical Image Analysis
* Detection and Localization of the Top Object in the Stack of Objects
* Development of Early Tunnel Fire Detection Algorithm Using the Image Processing
* Diagnostic Application of Brain Image Processing and Analysis System for Ischemic Stroke, The
* Direct Estimation of the Stereo Geometry from Monocular Normal Flows
* Domain Reduction Algorithm for Incremental Projective Reconstruction, A
* Dynamic Reconstruction of Complex Planar Objects on Irregular Isothetic Grids
* Dynamic Texture Analysis and Synthesis Using Tensor Decomposition
* Edge Detection Using a Complex-Valued Directional Vector Representation
* Effects of Layer Partitioning in Collaborative 3D Visualizations
* Efficient Algorithm for Connected Attribute Thinnings and Thickenings, An
* Efficient Hardware Architecture for Full-Search Variable Block Size Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC, An
* Efficient Motion Search in Large Motion Capture Databases
* Efficient Photon Mapping Algorithm for Rendering Light-Emitting Fluids, An
* Emotion-Based Textile Indexing Using Colors, Texture and Patterns
* Empirical Evaluation of a Visual Interface for Exploring Message Boards
* Enhancing Information on Large Scenes by Mixing Renderings
* Evaluation of Subpixel Tracking Algorithms
* EXDRAP: An Extended Dead Reckoning Architectural Pattern for the Development of Web-Based DVE Applications
* Experiential Approach to Interacting with Biological Information, An
* Face Recognition Using 2D and 3D Multimodal Local Features
* Facial Expression Transformations for Expression-Invariant Face Recognition
* Fast Dense Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Window in Hierarchical Framework
* Fast Prediction Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264 Based on Hierarchical Mode Classification Framework
* Faster Graph-Based Segmentation Algorithm with Statistical Region Merge, A
* Feature Correspondences from Multiple Views of Coplanar Ellipses
* Feature Extraction and Selection for Recognizing Humans by Their Gait
* Finite Sample Bias of Robust Scale Estimators in Computer Vision Problems
* Flexible Segmentation and Smoothing of DT-MRI Fields Through a Customizable Structure Tensor
* Fusing Features in Direct Volume Rendered Images
* Fusing Individual Algorithms and Humans Improves Face Recognition Accuracy
* Generating and Updating Textures for a Large-Scale Environment
* Global Hand Pose Estimation by Multiple Camera Ellipse Tracking
* GLOBAL Topology Preservation in Isosurface Extraction of Volumetric Data
* GPU Accelerated Isosurface Extraction on Tetrahedral Grids
* GPU-Based Active Contour Segmentation Using Gradient Vector Flow
* Graph-Based Multi-resolution Temporal-Based Face Reconstruction
* GrayCut: Object Segmentation in IR-Images
* Hierarchical Image Database Navigation on a Hue Sphere
* High-Resolution Video from Series of Still Photographs
* High-Speed Parallel Architecture for Stereo Matching, A
* History Trees as Descriptors of Macromolecular Structures
* Illumination Normalization for Color Face Images
* Image Retrieval by Local Contrast Patterns and Color
* Image-Based Informatics for Preclinical Biomedical Research
* Immersing Tele-operators in Collaborative Augmented Reality
* Improved Face Recognition Using Extended Modular Principal Component Analysis
* Improved Representation of Junctions Through Asymmetric Tensor Diffusion, An
* Improving Brightness for a Multi-projector Display Considering Image Content
* Improving Spatiotemporal Inpainting with Layer Appearance Models
* Integration of Multiple Methods for Class and Specific Object Recognition
* Interpolation by Piecewise Quadric Polynomial to Scattered Data Points
* Invertible Polygonalization of 3D Planar Digital Curves and Application to Volume Data Reconstruction
* Investigating the Dynamics of Facial Expression
* Iris Recognition Using a Low Level of Details
* Issues and Implementation of C1 and C2 Natural Neighbor Interpolation
* Iterative Closest SIFT Formulation for Robust Feature Matching
* Iterative Estimation of 3D Transformations for Object Alignment
* Lateral and Depth Calibration of PMD-Distance Sensors
* Layout of Multiple Views for Volume Visualization: A User Study
* Learning for Multi-view 3D Tracking in the Context of Particle Filters
* Learning the Stylistic Similarity Between Human Motions
* Light Simulation in a Distributed Driving Simulator
* Lip Detection Using Confidence-Based Adaptive Thresholding
* Low Level Moving-Feature Extraction Via Heat Flow Analogy
* Margin Maximizing Discriminant Analysis for Multi-shot Based Object Recognition
* Markerless Pose Tracking for Augmented Reality
* Mesh Optimisation Using Edge Information in Feature-Based Surface Reconstruction
* Method for the Automatic Analysis of Colour Category Pixel Shifts During Dichromatic Vision, A
* Method of Improving Cloud Predictions for Real-Time Weather Forecasting and Visualization, A
* Mobile Low-Cost Motion Capture System Based on Accelerometers, A
* Motion Detection Using an Improved Colour Model
* Motion Estimation with Edge Continuity Constraint for Crowd Scene Analysis
* Multi-Modal Interface for Road Planning Tasks Using Vision, Haptics and Sound, A
* Multiple Description Coding for Robust Video Transmission Over Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
* Multiple Hypothesis Target Tracking Using Merge and Split of Graph's Nodes
* Natural Interface for Sign Language Mathematics, A
* Networked Heterogeneous Camera System for High Resolution Face Images
* New Algorithm for Solid Texture Synthesis, A
* New Method for Approximating Optimal Parameterization of Polynomial Curves, A
* New Photographing Apparatus for Skin Maps of Human Face Rendering, A
* Next Best View Algorithms for Interior and Exterior Model Acquisition
* Non-photorealistic Rendering of Seurat's Pointillism, A
* Novel 3D Statistical Shape Model for Segmentation of Medical Images, A
* Novel Gait Recognition Method Via Fusing Shape and Kinematics Features, A
* Novelty Detection Approach for Foreground Region Detection in Videos with Quasi-stationary Backgrounds, A
* Object Recognition Using Local Descriptors: A Comparison
* Omnidirectional Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction by Contour Matching
* On Asymmetric Classifier Training for Detector Cascades
* Optic Flow Integration at Multiple Spatial Frequencies: Neural Mechanism and Algorithm
* Optimal Parameterizations of Bézier Surfaces
* Perceptual Grouping Based on Iterative Multi-scale Tensor Voting
* Physically Interacting with Four Dimensions
* Physically-Based Real-Time Diffraction Using Spherical Harmonics
* Planar Surface Detection in Image Pairs Using Homographic Constraints
* Polyhedrization of Discrete Convex Volumes
* Procedural Image Processing for Visualization
* Real Time Hand Gesture Recognition Including Hand Segmentation and Tracking
* Real-Time and Robust Monocular SLAM Using Predictive Multi-resolution Descriptors
* Real-Time Detection of Out-of-Plane Objects in Stereo Vision
* Real-Time GPU-Based Simulation of Dynamic Terrain
* Real-Time Model-Based SLAM Using Line Segments
* Real-Time Multi-view 3D Object Tracking in Cluttered Scenes
* Real-Time Rendering of Light Shafts on GPU
* Recognition of 3D Object Using Attributed Relation Graph of Silhouette's Extended Convex Hull
* Recognizing Action Primitives in Complex Actions Using Hidden Markov Models
* Rectification of Illumination in Images Used for Shape from Focus
* Rendering Dynamic Real-World Scenes Using Image Spheres
* Retinal Spot Lesion Detection Using Adaptive Multiscale Morphological Processing
* Robust Quality-Scalable Transmission of JPEG2000 Images over Wireless Channels Using LDPC Codes
* Scale Consistent Image Completion
* Segmentation of Three Dimensional Cell Culture Models from a Single Focal Plane
* Segmentation of Triangular Meshes Using Multi-scale Normal Variation
* Segmentation-Based Registration of Organs in Intraoperative Video Sequences
* Self-adaptive RBF Neural Networks for Face Recognition
* Self-Calibration with Two Views Using the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
* Semantically Relevant Image Retrieval by Combining Image and Linguistic Analysis
* Semi-automatic 3D Reconstruction Algorithm for Telepresence, A
* Sensor Fusion Based Obstacle Detection/Classification for Active Pedestrian Protection System
* Shape Reconstruction by Line Voting in Discrete Space
* Shape Tracking and Registration for 4D Visualization of MRI and Structure
* Simulation of Artificial Winds Using a Hardware Illumination Technique
* Simulation of Diabetic Retinopathy Neovascularization in Color Digital Fundus Images
* Singular Value Decomposition-Based Illumination Compensation in Video
* Stereo Imaging with Uncalibrated Camera
* Strategies for Part-Based Shape Analysis Using Skeletons
* Surface Fitting to Curves with Energy Control
* Temporal Alignment of Time Varying MRI Datasets for High Resolution Medical Visualization
* Towards a Modular Network-Distributed Mixed-Reality Learning Space System
* Towards Obtaining an Ideal Real Time Panoramic Video
* Tracking of Individuals in Very Long Video Sequences
* Trifocal Transfer Based Novel View Synthesis for Micromanipulation
* Understanding 3D Emotions Through Compact Anthropometric Autoregressive Models
* Unsupervised Custering of Shapes
* Using Visualizations to Support Design and Debugging in Virtual Reality
* Venation Pattern Analysis of Leaf Images
* Video Indexing and Retrieval in Compressed Domain Using Fuzzy-Categorization
* Viewing Scenes Occluded by Smoke
* Viewpoint Selection for Angiographic Volume
* VirtualQWERTY: Textual Communication in Virtual Reality
* Vision-Based Self-localization of Autonomous Guided Vehicle Using Landmarks of Colored Pentagons
* Vision-Based User Interfaces for Health Applications: A Survey
* Visualizing Natural Stereo Images in Short Distance: A New Approach
* VR Game Platform Built Upon Wireless Sensor Network, A
* Web-Based Interface for the Visualization of Microarray Data
* What Can We Learn from Biological Vision Studies for Human Motion Segmentation?
180 for ISVC06

ISVC07 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D Face Recognition Algorithm Based on Nonuniform Re-sampling Correspondence, A
* 3D Face Reconstruction Under Imperfect Tracking Circumstances Using Shape Model Constraints
* 3D Face Scanning Systems Based on Invisible Infrared Coded Light
* 3D Reconstruction and Pose Determination of the Cutting Tool from a Single View
* 3D Shape Recovery by the Use of Single Image Plus Simple Pattern Illumination
* 4D Ventricular Segmentation and Wall Motion Estimation Using Efficient Discrete Optimization
* Adaptive Chrominance Correction for a Projector Considering Image and Screen Color
* Anisotropic Potential Field Maximization Model for Subjective Contour from Line Figure
* Anti-aliasing Technique for Voxel-Based Massive Model Visualization Strategies, An
* Automated Scene-Specific Selection of Feature Detectors for 3D Face Reconstruction
* Automated Trimmed Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
* Automatic Extraction of a Quadrilateral Network of NURBS Patches from Range Data Using Evolutionary Strategies
* Automatic Image Representation for Content-Based Access to Personal Photo Album
* Automatic Inspection of Tobacco Leaves Based on MRF Image Model
* Automatic Subcortical Structure Segmentation Using Probabilistic Atlas
* Autopolis: Allowing User Influence in the Automatic Creation of Realistic Cities
* Binary Decision Tree Based Real-Time Emotion Detection System, A
* Blur in Human Vision and Increased Visual Realism in Virtual Environments
* Boosting with Temporal Consistent Learners: An Application to Human Activity Recognition
* Building Petri Nets from Video Event Ontologies
* ChipViz: Visualizing Memory Chip Test Data
* Classification of High Resolution Satellite Images Using Texture from the Panchromatic Band
* Classification of Structural Cartographic Objects Using Edge-Based Features
* Combinatorial Shape Decomposition
* Combined Statistical-Structural Strategy for Alphanumeric Recognition, A
* Combining Models of Pose and Dynamics for Human Motion Recognition
* Comparing a Transferable Belief Model Capable of Recognizing Facial Expressions with the Latest Human Data
* Comparison of Fast Level Set-Like Algorithms for Image Segmentation in Fluorescence Microscopy, A
* Comparison of Techniques for Mitigating the Effects of Illumination Variations on the Appearance of Human Targets
* Complexity Analysis for Information Visualization Design and Evaluation
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Shape and Depth from an Engineering Database
* Contour Matching in Omnidirectional Images
* Control Architecture for Long-Term Autonomy of Robotic Assistants, A
* Convex Semi-definite Positive Framework for DTI Estimation and Regularization, A
* Creating Stereoscopic (3D) Video from a 2D Monocular Video Stream
* CUDA-Supported Approach to Remote Rendering, A
* Deriving a Priori Co-occurrence Probability Estimates for Object Recognition from Social Networks and Text Processing
* Detection of a Speaker in Video by Combined Analysis of Speech Sound and Mouth Movement
* Determining Atmospheric Dust Concentrations During Strong Flow Perturbations Using a Digital-Optical Technique
* Determining Efficient Scan-Patterns for 3-D Object Recognition Using Spin Images
* Direct Extraction of Normal Mapped Meshes from Volume Data
* Dynamic Balance Control Following Disturbance of Virtual Humans
* Dynamic Component Deforming Model for Face Shape Reconstruction, A
* Easying MR Development with Eclipse and InTml
* Efficient and Realistic Cumulus Cloud Simulation Based on Similarity Approach
* Embedded Multigrid Approach for Real-Time Volumetric Deformation
* Enhanced Visual Experience and Archival Reusability in Personalized Search Based on Modified Spider Graph
* Expression Mimicking: From 2D Monocular Sequences to 3D Animations
* Extraction of Cartographic Features from a High Resolution Satellite Image
* Facial Feature Detection Under Various Illuminations
* Fast Codebook Generation by Sequential Data Analysis for Object Classification
* Fast kd-Tree Construction for 3D-Rendering Algorithms Like Ray Tracing
* Feature-Adaptive Motion Energy Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition
* Feed Forward Genetic Image Network: Toward Efficient Automatic Construction of Image Processing Algorithm
* Fitting the World to the Mind: Transforming Images to Mimic Perceptual Adaptation
* Follow the Beat? Understanding Conducting Gestures from Video
* FPGA Implementation of a Feature Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Real-time Applications
* Framework for Exploring High-Dimensional Geometry, A
* Fuzzy Morphology for Edge Detection and Segmentation
* Genetic Approach to Training Support Vector Data Descriptors for Background Modeling in Video Data, A
* Geographic Image Retrieval Using Interest Point Descriptors
* Global-Local Transformation for Invariant Shape Representation, The
* GPU Framework for the Visualization and On-the-Fly Amplification of Real Terrains, A
* GPU-Based Algorithm for Building Stochastic Clustered-Dot Screens, A
* Gradient-Based Hand Tracking Using Silhouette Data
* Haptic Exploration of Mathematical Knots
* Hardware-Accelerated Volume Rendering for Real-Time Medical Data Visualization
* Hardware-Friendly Adaptive Tensor Based Optical Flow Algorithm, A
* Hill Climbing Algorithm for Random Sample Consensus Methods
* Image and Volume Segmentation by Water Flow
* Image Classification from Small Sample, with Distance Learning and Feature Selection
* Image Compression Using Data-Dependent Triangulations
* Image Segmentation That Optimizes Global Homogeneity in a Variational Framework
* Image-Space Collision Detection Through Alternate Surface Peeling
* Integrating Vision and Language: Semantic Description of Traffic Events from Image Sequences
* Interactive Glyph Placement for Tensor Fields
* Intrinsic Images by Fisher Linear Discriminant
* Iris Recognition: An Entropy-Based Coding Strategy Robust to Noisy Imaging Environments
* Is Pinocchio's Nose Long or His Head Small? Learning Shape Distances for Classification
* Iterative Methods for Visualization of Implicit Surfaces On GPU
* Kernel Fusion for Image Classification Using Fuzzy Structural Information
* Learning 3D Object Recognition from an Unlabelled and Unordered Training Set
* Learning to Recognize Complex Actions Using Conditional Random Fields
* Lip Contour Segmentation Using Kernel Methods and Level Sets
* Locally Adjustable Interpolation for Meshes of Arbitrary Topology
* Measuring Effective Data Visualization
* Mesh Meaningful Segmentation Algorithm Using Skeleton and Minima-Rule, A
* Motion Projection for Floating Object Detection
* Multiple Combined Constraints for Optical Flow Estimation
* Multiplicative Path Toward Prior-Shape Guided Active Contour for Object Detection, The
* Neural Networks for Exudate Detection in Retinal Images
* New Approach for Vehicle Detection in Congested Traffic Scenes Based on Strong Shadow Segmentation, A
* New Set of Normalized Geometric Moments Based on Schlick's Approximation, A
* New Statistical Model Combining Shape and Spherical Harmonics Illumination for Face Reconstruction, A
* Nonuniform Segment-Based Compression of Motion Capture Data
* Novel Approach for Iris Recognition Using Local Edge Patterns, A
* Novel Approach for Storm Detection Based on 3-D Radar Image Data, A
* Novel Hierarchical Technique for Range Segmentation of Large Building Exteriors, A
* Novel Optical Tracking Algorithm for Point-Based Projective Invariant Marker Patterns, A
* Object Recognition: A Focused Vision Based Approach
* Object Tracking Via Uncertainty Minimization
* On Shape-Mediated Enrolment in Ear Biometrics
* Optical Flow and Total Least Squares Solution for Multi-scale Data in an Over-Determined System
* Optimized HLOD Refinement Driven by Hardware Occlusion Queries
* Pedestrian Tracking from a Moving Host Using Corner Points
* Phase Space Rendering
* Photo-Realistic Depth-of-Field Effects Synthesis Based on Real Camera Parameters
* Playfield and Ball Detection in Soccer Video
* Portable Projection-Based AR System
* Pose Sampling for Efficient Model-Based Recognition
* Probabilistic Combination of Visual Cues for Object Classification
* Probe-It! Visualization Support for Provenance
* Progressive Edge-Based Stereo Correspondence Method, A
* Quantitative Comparison of Two New Motion Estimation Algorithms, A
* Quantitative Object-Level Metric for Segmentation Performance and Its Application to Cell Nuclei, A
* Radial Edge Configuration for Semi-local Image Structure Description
* Real-Time 3D Face Tracking with Mutual Information and Active Contours
* Real-Time Subspace-Based Background Modeling Using Multi-channel Data
* Recognition of Household Objects by Service Robots Through Interactive and Autonomous Methods
* Reliable Depth Map Regeneration Via a Novel Omnidirectional Stereo Sensor
* RISE-SIMR: A Robust Image Search Engine for Satellite Image Matching and Retrieval
* Robust Classification of Strokes with SVM and Grouping
* Robust Image Segmentation Model Based on Integrated Square Estimation, A
* Robust Infants Face Tracking Using Active Appearance Models: A Mixed-State CONDENSATION Approach
* Robust Method for Near Infrared Face Recognition Based on Extended Local Binary Pattern, A
* Robust Self-calibration from Single Image Using RANSAC
* Robust Two Level Classification Algorithm for Text Localization in Documents, A
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Recognition
* Rule-Based Multiple Object Tracking for Traffic Surveillance Using Collaborative Background Extraction
* Scalable Aural-Visual Environment for Security Event Monitoring, Analysis, and Response, A
* Scene Context Modeling for Foreground Detection from a Scene in Remote Monitoring
* Shape Evolution Driven by a Perceptually Motivated Measure
* Shape from Texture of Developable Surfaces Via Fourier Analysis
* Shape-from-Shading Algorithm for Oblique Light Source
* Simulation of Flexible Tubes in VR
* Single-View Matching Constraints
* Six Degrees of Freedom Incremental Occlusion Horizon Culling Method for Urban Environments
* Skeleton-Based Data Compression for Multi-camera Tele-Immersion System
* SketchSurfaces: Sketch-Line Initialized Deformable Surfaces for Efficient and Controllable Interactive 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Superpixel Analysis for Object Detection and Tracking with Application to UAV Imagery
* Surface Reconstruction from Constructive Solid Geometry for Interactive Visualization
* Surface Signature-Based Method for Modeling and Recognizing Free-Form Objects
* Teniæ Coli Detection from Colon Surface: Extraction of Anatomical Markers for Virtual Colonoscopy
* Tensor Lines in Tensor Fields of Arbitrary Order
* Texture-Based Objects Recognition for Vehicle Environment Perception Using a Multiband Camera
* Unsupervised Intrusion Detection Using Color Images
* Unsynchronized 4D Barcodes
* Using Gaussian Processes for Human Tracking and Action Classification
* Utilizing Semantic Interpretation of Junctions for 3D-2D Pose Estimation
* Video Segmentation for Markerless Motion Capture in Unconstrained Environments
* Video Sequence Querying Using Clustering of Objects' Appearance Models
* Visible and Infrared Sensors Fusion by Matching Feature Points of Foreground Blobs
* Vision System for Recognizing Objects in Complex Real Images, A
* Vision-Based Architecture for Intent Recognition, A
* Visual Print Quality Evaluation Using Computational Features
* Visualization of Resource Allocation in Large-Scale Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
* Wavelet-Based Stratified Irradiance Caching for Efficient Indirect Illumination
158 for ISVC07

ISVC08 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 2D Shape Decomposition Based on Combined Skeleton-Boundary Features
* 3D Human Motion Tracking Using Progressive Particle Filter
* 3D Line Reconstruction of a Road Environment Using an In-Vehicle Camera
* 3D Object Modeling and Segmentation Based on Edge-Point Matching with Local Descriptors
* 3D Textural Mapping and Soft-Computing Applied to Cork Quality Inspection
* Accurate Optical Flow Sensor for Obstacle Avoidance
* Acquisition of High Quality Planar Patch Features
* Active Contours Driven by Supervised Binary Classifiers for Texture Segmentation
* Adaptive CPU Scheduling to Conserve Energy in Real-Time Mobile Graphics Applications
* Algorithms for the Automatic Design of Non-formal Urban Parks
* Analysis of Breast Thermograms Based on Statistical Image Features and Hybrid Fuzzy Classification
* Augmented Reality Using Projective Invariant Patterns
* Automatic Lung Segmentation of Volumetric Low-Dose CT Scans Using Graph Cuts
* Automatic Segmentation of the Apparent Contour for 3D Modeling of Cutting Tools from Single View
* Automatic Structure-Aware Inpainting for Complex Image Content
* Automotive Spray Paint Simulation
* Benefits of Co-located Collaboration and Immersion on Assembly Modeling in Virtual Environments, The
* Bio-imaging Toolkit for Indexing, Searching, Navigation, Discovery and Annotation
* Braille Document Parameters Estimation for Optical Character Recognition
* Brain Lesion Segmentation through Physical Model Estimation
* Browsing a Large Collection of Community Photos Based on Similarity on GPU
* Building New Mixed Reality Devices
* Calibration and Pose Estimation of a Pox-slits Camera from a Single Image
* Calibration of Bi-planar Radiography with a Rangefinder and a Small Calibration Object
* Cartesian vs. Radial: A Comparative Evaluation of Two Visualization Tools
* Change Detection with SPOT-5 and FORMOSAT-2 Imageries
* Classification of Multispectral High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Using LIDAR Elevation Data
* Collage of Hexagonal Arrays
* Combined Registration Methods for Pose Estimation
* Combining Line and Point Correspondences for Homography Estimation
* Comics Stylization from Photographs
* Comparison of Discrete Curvature Estimators and Application to Corner Detection
* Comparison Study on Two Multi-scale Shape Matching Schemes, A
* Computing and Visualizing Constant-Curvature Metrics on Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds with Boundaries
* Computing Fundamental Group of General 3-Manifold
* Connection between Z n and Generalized Triangular Grids, A
* Context Dependent Distance Measure for Shape Clustering, A
* Continuous Labeling for Multiphase Graph Cut Image Partitioning, A
* Contour Extraction Using Particle Filters
* Covariance Matrices for Crowd Behaviour Monitoring on the Escalator Exits
* Cumulus Cloud Synthesis with Similarity Solution and Particle/Voxel Modeling
* Curvature and Torsion Estimators for 3D Curves
* Deformation-Based Animation of Snake Locomotion
* Detecting Thalamic Abnormalities in Autism Using Cylinder Conformal Mapping
* Detection of a Large Number of Overlapping Ellipses Immersed in Noise
* Difference of Gaussian Edge-Texture Based Background Modeling for Dynamic Traffic Conditions
* Discrete Contour Extraction from Reference Curvature Function
* Dual Marching Tetrahedra: Contouring in the Tetrahedronal Environment
* Edge Detection from Global and Local Views Using an Ensemble of Multiple Edge Detectors
* Edge-Based Template Matching and Tracking for Perspectively Distorted Planar Objects
* Effective Active Vision System for Gaze Control, An
* Effective and Fast Lane Detection Algorithm, An
* Effective Frame Rate Decision by Lagrange Optimization for Frame Skipping Video Transcoding
* Efficient Algorithms for Reconstruction of 2D-Arrays from Extended Parikh Images
* Efficient Facial Feature Detection Using Entropy and SVM
* Efficient Quality-Based Camera Path Planning Method for Volume Exploration, An
* Efficient Schemes for Monte Carlo Markov Chain Algorithms in Global Illumination
* Efficient Wavelet-Based Framework for Articulated Human Motion Compression, An
* Enclosed Five-Wall Immersive Cabin
* Enhancing Boundary Primitives Using a Multiscale Quadtree Segmentation
* Environment-Independent VR Development
* Estimating Atmospheric Visibility Using General-Purpose Cameras
* Evaluation of Brain MRI Alignment with the Robust Hausdorff Distance Measures
* Evaluation of Gradient Vector Flow for Interest Point Detection
* Experimental Study of Reconstruction of Tool Cutting Edge Features Using Space Carving Method, An
* Extension of B-Spline Curves with G 2 Continuity
* Extraction of Illumination Effects from Natural Images with Color Transition Model
* Face Recognition Based on Normalization and the Phase Spectrum of the Local Part of an Image
* Facial Trait Code and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Fairing of Discrete Surfaces with Boundary That Preserves Size and Qualitative Shape
* Fast and Effective Dichotomy Based Hash Algorithm for Image Matching, A
* Fast and Simple Heuristic for Metro Map Path Simplification, A
* Fast Decimation of Polygonal Models
* Fingerprint Images Enhancement in Curvelet Domain
* Four Point Algorithm for Fast Metric Cone Reconstruction from a Calibrated Image, A
* Frontal Face Recognition from Video
* Full Camera Calibration from a Single View of Planar Scene
* Gabor Quotient Image for Face Recognition under Varying Illumination, A
* Generating Reflection Transparent Image Using Image Fusion Space
* Generation of Unit-Width Curve Skeletons Based on Valence Driven Spatial Median (VDSM)
* Generic and Parallel Algorithm for 2D Image Discrete Contour Reconstruction, A
* Geometry Independent Raindrop Splash Rendering for Generic, Complex Scenes
* Gesture Recognition for a Webcam-Controlled First Person Shooter
* Gibbsian Kohonen Network for Online Arabic Character Recognition, A
* GPU-Supported Image Compression for Remote Visualization: Realization and Benchmarking
* GpuCV: A GPU-Accelerated Framework for Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Graph-Based Approach for Image Segmentation, A
* Graph-Based Visual Analytic Tools for Parallel Coordinates
* Hardware Accelerated Per-Texel Ambient Occlusion Mapping
* Hardware-Accelerated Particle-Based Volume Rendering for Multiple Irregular Volumes
* High Resolution and High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction from Differently Exposed Images
* High Resolution Satellite Classification with Graph Cut Algorithms
* Hybrid Shading Model Based on Device Performance for LOD Adaptive Service
* Identification of Cell Nucleus Using a Mumford-Shah Ellipse Detector
* Identification of Oceanic Eddies in Satellite Images
* Image Matching Using High Dynamic Range Images and Radial Feature Descriptors
* Image Representation in Differential Space
* Image-Based Information Guide on Mobile Devices
* Immersive 3d Visualizations for Software-Design Prototyping and Inspection
* Immersive Simulator for Fluvial Combat Training
* Immersive Visualization and Analysis of LiDAR Data
* Immersive Visualization of Casting Flow and Solidification
* Improved Adaptive Spatial Information Clustering for Image Segmentation
* Improving Recognition through Object Sub-categorization
* Incremental Texture Compression for Real-Time Rendering
* Indirect Tracking to Reduce Occlusion Problems
* Integrated Method for Multiple Object Detection and Localization, An
* Integration of Local Image Cues for Probabilistic 2D Pose Recovery
* Intuitive Visualization and Querying of Cell Motion
* Iris Recognition: A Method to Segment Visible Wavelength Iris Images Acquired On-the-Move and At-a-Distance
* Iterative Method for Fast Mesh Denoising, An
* LDR-LLE: LLE with Low-Dimensional Neighborhood Representation
* Leaking Fluids
* Learning Pairwise Dissimilarity Profiles for Appearance Recognition in Visual Surveillance
* Level Set Segmentation of Cellular Images Based on Topological Dependence
* Linear Time Constant-Working Space Algorithm for Computing the Genus of a Digital Object
* Lloyd's Algorithm on GPU
* Local Non-planarity of Three Dimensional Surfaces for an Invertible Reconstruction: k-Cuspal Cells
* Low-Cost, Linux-Based Virtual Environment for Visualizing Vascular Structures, A
* Markerless Vision-Based Tracking of Partially Known 3D Scenes for Outdoor Augmented Reality Applications
* Measuring an Animal Body Temperature in Thermographic Video Using Particle Filter Tracking
* Medical Image Zooming Algorithm Based on Bivariate Rational Interpolation
* Merging Active Contours
* Modeling and Visualization Approaches for Time-Varying Volumetric Data
* Multi-dimensional Scale Saliency Feature Extraction Based on Entropic Graphs
* Multi-image Fusion in Remote Sensing: Spatial Enhancement vs. Spectral Characteristics Preservation
* Multi-source Airborne IR and Optical Image Fusion and Its Application to Target Detection
* Multi-view Feature Matching and Image Grouping from Multiple Unordered Wide-Baseline Images
* Multi-view Video Analysis of Humans and Vehicles in an Unconstrained Environment
* Multiple Aligned Characteristic Curves for Surface Fairing
* Multiple Camera, Multiple Person Tracking with Pointing Gesture Recognition in Immersive Environments
* Mutual Information Based Semi-Global Stereo Matching on the GPU
* New Accumulator-Based Approach to Shape Recognition, A
* New Adaptive Combination Approach to Score Level Fusion for Face and Iris Biometrics Combining Wavelets and Statistical Moments, A
* New Global Alignment Method for Feature Based Image Mosaicing, A
* New Parallel Approach to Fuzzy Clustering for Medical Image Segmentation, A
* New Shape Benchmark for 3D Object Retrieval, A
* New Variant of the Optimum-Path Forest Classifier, A
* Noise Analysis of a SFS Algorithm Formulated under Various Imaging Conditions
* Novel 2D Marker Design and Application for Object Tracking and Event Detection, A
* Novel Acceleration Coding/Reconstruction Algorithm for Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Presence of Static Magnetic Field In-Homogeneities, A
* Novel Algorithm for Automatic Brain Structure Segmentation from MRI, A
* Novel Macroblock-Level Rate-Distortion Optimization Scheme for H.264/AVC, A
* Novel Segmentation Algorithm for Digital Subtraction Angiography Images: First Experimental Results, A
* Novel Shape Registration Framework and Its Application to 3D Face Recognition in the Presence of Expressions, A
* Numismatic Object Identification Using Fusion of Shape and Local Descriptors
* Offset Approach to Defining 3D Digital Lines
* OmniMap: Projective Perspective Mapping API for Non-planar Immersive Display Surfaces
* On Semantic Object Detection with Salient Feature
* On Smooth Bicubic Surfaces from Quad Meshes
* On the Advantages of Asynchronous Pixel Reading and Processing for High-Speed Motion Estimation
* On the Performance and Scalability of a GPU-Limited Commodity Cluster
* Optimized Software-Based Implementation of a Census-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, An
* PAD Model Based Facial Expression Analysis
* Particle Filter Based Object Tracking with Discriminative Feature Extraction and Fusion
* PDE-Based Facial Animation: Making the Complex Simple
* Personal Identification Using Palmprint and Contourlet Transform
* Personalized News Video Recommendation Via Interactive Exploration
* Progressive Focusing: A Top Down Attentional Vision System
* Proximity Graphs Based Multi-scale Image Segmentation
* Quick 3D-to-2D Points Matching Based on the Perspective Projection, A
* Random Subwindows for Robust Peak Recognition in Intracranial Pressure Signals
* Real Time Fingers Detection by Symmetry Transform Using a Two Cameras System, A
* Real Time Hand Based Robot Control Using 2D/3D Images
* Real Time Object Tracking in a Video Sequence Using a Fixed Point DSP
* Real-Time Face Verification for Mobile Platforms
* Real-Time Lip Contour Extraction and Tracking Using an Improved Active Contour Model
* Recognizing Ancient Coins Based on Local Features
* Reconstruction of Binary Images with Few Disjoint Components from Two Projections
* Reconstruction of Some Segmented and Dynamic Scenes: Trifocal Tensors in P4 Theoretical Set Up for Critical Loci, and Instability
* Registration of 2D Histological Images of Bone Implants with 3D SRmuCT Volumes
* Removing Pose from Face Images
* Results on Hexagonal Tile Rewriting Grammars
* Robust Estimation Approach for NL-Means Filter
* Robust Two-View External Calibration by Combining Lines and Scale Invariant Point Features
* Satellite Image Segmentation Using Wavelet Transforms Based on Color and Texture Features
* Scaling Up a Metric Learning Algorithm for Image Recognition and Representation
* Security Analysis for Spread-Spectrum Watermarking Incorporating Statistics of Natural Images
* Self-Organizing Maps for the Automatic Interpretation of Crowd Dynamics
* Semi-supervised Edge Learning for Building Detection in Aerial Images
* Shading through Defocus
* Shape Extraction through Region-Contour Stitching
* Shape from Texture Via Fourier Analysis
* Similarity Measure of the Visual Features Using the Constrained Hierarchical Clustering for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Simple Feedforward Control for Responsive Motion Capture-Driven Simulations
* Simple Steps for Simply Stepping
* Sketch-Based Approach for Detecting Common Human Actions, A
* Smile Detection for User Interfaces
* Sparse Representation for Ear Biometrics
* Spatial Filtering with Multi-scale Segmentation Based on Gaussian Function
* Spatially Enhanced Bags of Words for 3D Shape Retrieval
* Stabilizing Stereo Correspondence Computation Using Delaunay Triangulation and Planar Homography
* Stable Image Descriptions Using Gestalt Principles
* Stereoscopic View Synthesis by View Morphing
* Stitching Video from Webcams
* Streaming Mesh Optimization for CAD
* SudokuVis How to Explore Relationships of Mutual Exclusion
* SUNVIZ: A Real-Time Visualization Environment for Space Physics Applications
* Symmetry of Shapes Via Self-Similarity
* System for Rapid Interactive Training of Object Detectors, A
* Temporal Computational Objects: A Process for Dynamic Surface Generation
* Texture-Based Shadow Removal from a Single Color Image
* Threshold Selection for Segmentation of Dense Objects in Tomograms
* Towards Real-Time Monocular Video-Based Avatar Animation
* Tracking Data Structures Coherency in Animated Ray Tracing: Kalman and Wiener Filters Approach
* Two-Handed and One-Handed Techniques for Precise and Efficient Manipulation in Immersive Virtual Environments
* Type-2 Fuzzy Mixture of Gaussians Model: Application to Background Modeling
* Ubiquitous Interactive Visualization of 3-D Mantle Convection through Web Applications Using Java
* Unsupervised Clustering Algorithm for Video Shots Using Spectral Division
* Unsupervised Video Shot Segmentation Using Global Color and Texture Information
* User Driven Two-Dimensional Computer-Generated Ornamentation
* User Experience of Hurricane Visualization in an Immersive 3D Environment
* User Verification by Combining Speech and Face Biometrics in Video
* Using Augmented Reality and Interactive Simulations to Realize Hybrid Prototypes
* Using Multiple Masks to Improve End-to-End Face Recognition Performance
* Variational Level Set Method for Multiple Object Detection, A
* View-Invariant Pose Recognition Using Multilinear Analysis and the Universum
* Visibility-Based Test Scene Understanding by Real Plane Search
* Vision-Based Localization for Mobile Robots Using a Set of Known Views
* Visual Servoing for Patient Alignment in Proton-Therapy
* Visual Tracking Framework for Intent Recognition in Videos, A
* Visual Verification of Hypotheses
* Visualization of Dynamic Connectivity in High Electrode-Density EEG
* Visualization of Industrial Structures with Implicit GPU Primitives
* Visualizing Argument Structure
* VoxelBars: An Informative Interface for Volume Visualization
* VR Visualisation as an Interdisciplinary Collaborative Data Exploration Tool for Large Eddy Simulations of Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
* Wind Field Retrieval and Display for Doppler Radar Data
229 for ISVC08

ISVC09 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D Active Surface Model for the Accurate Segmentation of Drosophila Schneider Cell Nuclei and Nucleoli, A
* 3D Lunar Terrain Reconstruction from Apollo Images
* 3D Model Reconstruction from Turntable Sequence with Multiple-View Triangulation
* 3D Object Mapping by Integrating Stereo SLAM and Object Segmentation Using Edge Points
* 3D Visualisation to Enhance Cognition in Software Product Line Engineering, A
* Accurate and Efficient Computation of Gabor Features in Real-Time Applications
* Accurate Real-Time Disparity Estimation with Variational Methods
* Action Recognition Based on Non-parametric Probability Density Function Estimation
* Active Contour Approach for a Mumford-Shah Model in X-Ray Tomography, An
* Active Learning Image Spam Hunter
* Adaptive Contextual Energy Parameterization for Automated Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Cutaway with Volume Context Preservation, An
* Adaptive Deblurring for Camera-Based Document Image Processing
* Adaptive Digital Makeup
* Adaptive Partitioning of Vertex Shader for Low Power High Performance Geometry Engine
* Adaptive Sample Consensus for Efficient Random Optimization
* Adaptive Tuboid Shapes for Action Recognition
* Analysis of Numerical Methods for Level Set Based Image Segmentation
* Animated Classic Mosaics from Video
* Approximated Curvature Penalty in Non-rigid Registration Using Pairwise MRFs
* Asbestos Detection Method with Frequency Analysis for Microscope Images
* Asymmetry-Based Quality Assessment of Face Images
* Augmenting Exercise Systems with Virtual Exercise Environment
* Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumors in MRI Using Force Data Clustering Algorithm
* Automatic Data-Driven Parameterization for Phase-Based Bone Localization in US Using Log-Gabor Filters
* Autonomous Lighting Agents in Photon Mapping
* Background Subtraction in Video Using Recursive Mixture Models, Spatio-Temporal Filtering and Shadow Removal
* Bag of Features Approach for 3D Shape Retrieval, A
* Bilateral Filtered Shadow Maps
* Biometric Recognition: When Is Evidence Fusion Advantageous?
* Cartoon Animation Style Rendering of Water
* Closing Curves with Riemannian Dilation: Application to Segmentation in Automated Cervical Cancer Screening
* Codebook-Based Background Subtraction to Generate Photorealistic Avatars in a Walkthrough Simulator
* Color Matching for Metallic Coatings
* Combinatorial Preconditioners and Multilevel Solvers for Problems in Computer Vision and Image Processing
* Common Motion Map Based on Codebooks
* Comparison of Optimisation Algorithms for Deformable Template Matching
* Comparison of Segmentation Algorithms for the Zebrafish Heart in Fluorescent Microscopy Images
* Concurrent CT Reconstruction and Visual Analysis Using Hybrid Multi-resolution Raycasting in a Cluster Environment
* Conditions for Segmentation of Motion with Affine Fundamental Matrix
* Contrast Constrained Local Binary Fitting for Image Segmentation
* Cross-Correlation and Rotation Estimation of Local 3D Vector Field Patches
* Curve Enhancement Using Orientation Fields
* Data Vases: 2D and 3D Plots for Visualizing Multiple Time Series
* Deconvolving Active Contours for Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Deformable 2D Shape Matching Based on Shape Contexts and Dynamic Programming
* Deformable Proximity Queries and Their Application in Mobile Manipulation Planning
* Dense Depth Maps from Low Resolution Time-of-Flight Depth and High Resolution Color Views
* Depth from Encoded Sliding Projections
* Design of Searchable Commemorative Coins Image Library
* Detection of Unusual Objects and Temporal Patterns in EEG Video Recordings
* Distance Learning Based on Convex Clustering
* Diverging Color Maps for Scientific Visualization
* Drawing Motion without Understanding It
* DRONE: A Flexible Framework for Distributed Rendering and Display
* Dynamic Chunking for Out-of-Core Volume Visualization Applications
* Edge-Preserving Laplacian Pyramid
* Effective Adaptation to Experience of Different-Sized Hand
* Efficient Hypothesis Generation through Sub-categorization for Multiple Object Detection
* Efficient Object Pixel-Level Categorization Using Bag of Features
* Efficient Random Sampling for Nonrigid Feature Matching
* Efficient Strategies for Acceleration Structure Updates in Interactive Ray Tracing Applications on the Cell Processor
* Empirical Study of Categorical Dataset Visualization Using a Simulated Bee Colony Clustering Algorithm, An
* Energetic Path Finding across Massive Terrain Data
* Evaluation of Affine Invariant-Based Classification for Image Matching, An
* Evaluation of Cardiac Ultrasound Data by Bayesian Probability Maps
* Exploiting Mutual Camera Visibility in Multi-camera Motion Estimation
* Extracting Principal Curvature Ridges from B-Spline Surfaces with Deficient Smoothness
* Facial Shape Recovery from a Single Image with an Arbitrary Directional Light Using Linearly Independent Representation
* Factorization of Correspondence and Camera Error for Unconstrained Dense Correspondence Applications
* Fast 3D Reconstruction of the Spine Using User-Defined Splines and a Statistical Articulated Model
* Fast and Accurate Structure and Motion Estimation
* Fast Cube Cutting for Interactive Volume Visualization
* Fast Occlusion Sweeping
* Fast Reconstruction Method for Diffraction Imaging
* Fast Spherical Mapping for Genus-0 Meshes
* Feature Matching under Region-Based Constraints for Robust Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* Focused Volumetric Visual Hull with Color Extraction
* Framework for Long Distance Face Recognition Using Dense and Sparse Stereo Reconstruction, A
* Framework for Object-Oriented Shader Design, A
* Generalization of Moment Invariants on 2D Vector Fields to Tensor Fields of Arbitrary Order and Dimension, A
* Generation of an Importance Map for Visualized Images
* Gloss and Normal Map Acquisition of Mesostructures Using Gray Codes
* GPU-Based Ray Casting of Multiple Multi-resolution Volume Datasets
* Graph Cut Based Point-Cloud Segmentation for Polygonal Reconstruction
* Group Action Recognition Using Space-Time Interest Points
* Grouping and Summarizing Scene Images from Web Collections
* Height and Tilt Geometric Texture
* High Performance Implementation of License Plate Recognition in Image Sequences
* High-Quality Rendering of Varying Isosurfaces with Cubic Trivariate C1-Continuous Splines
* Human Activity Recognition Based on R Transform and Fourier Mellin Transform
* Human Activity Recognition Using the 4D Spatiotemporal Shape Context Descriptor
* Human Understandable Features for Segmentation of Solid Texture
* Image Compression Based on Visual Saliency at Individual Scales
* Image Processing Methods Applied in Mapping of Lubrication Parameters
* Image Registration Approach for Accurate Satellite Attitude Estimation, An
* Image Registration Guided by Particle Filter
* Impact of Image Choices on the Usability and Security of Click Based Graphical Passwords, The
* Instability Problem of Region Growing Segmentation Algorithms and Its Set Median Solution, An
* Integral Active Contour Model for Convex Hull and Boundary Extraction, An
* Interactive Assembly Guide Using Augmented Reality
* Interactive Image Inpainting Using DCT Based Exemplar Matching
* JanusVF: Adaptive Fiducial Selection
* Lattice Boltzmann Model for Rotationally Invariant Dithering, A
* Layered Volume Splatting
* Learning Higher-Order Markov Models for Object Tracking in Image Sequences
* Level Set Gait Analysis for Synthesis and Reconstruction
* Lighting-Aware Segmentation of Microscopy Images for In Vitro Fertilization
* LightShop: An Interactive Lighting System Incorporating the 2D Image Editing Paradigm
* Locating Facial Features and Pose Estimation Using a 3D Shape Model
* Lossless Compression Using Joint Predictor for Astronomical Images
* Lung Nodule Modeling: A Data-Driven Approach
* Matching Planar Features for Robot Localization
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation Sample Consensus with Validation of Individual Correspondences
* Measurement of Pedestrian Groups Using Subtraction Stereo
* Metric Rectification to Estimate the Aspect Ratio of Camera-Captured Document Images
* Modeling and Rendering Physically-Based Wood Combustion
* Morse-Theory Based Method for Segmentation of Triangulated Freeform Surfaces, A
* Motion-Based View-Invariant Articulated Motion Detection and Pose Estimation Using Sparse Point Features
* Multi-label MRF Optimization via a Least Squares s-t Cut
* Multi-target and Multi-camera Object Detection with Monte-Carlo Sampling
* Multi-view Reconstruction of Unknown Objects within a Known Environment
* Multimedia Mining on Manycore Architectures: The Case for GPUs
* Multiple-view Video Coding Using Depth Map in Projective Space
* Natural Facial Expression Recognition Using Dynamic and Static Schemes
* Natural Pose Generation from a Reduced Dimension Motion Capture Data Space
* New Algorithm for Inverse Consistent Image Registration, A
* New Scalar Measures for Diffusion-Weighted MRI Visualization
* Noise-Residue Filtering Based on Unsupervised Clustering for Phase Unwrapping
* Novel 3D Segmentation of Vertebral Bones from Volumetric CT Images Using Graph Cuts, A
* Novel Method for Enhanced Needle Localization Using Ultrasound-Guidance, A
* Novel Vision-Based Approach for Autonomous Space Navigation Systems, A
* Object Detection and Localization in Clutter Range Images Using Edge Features
* On Using Projective Relations for Calibration and Estimation in a Structured-Light Scanner
* Online Video Textures Generation
* Optical Flow Based Detection in Mixed Human Robot Environments
* Optical Flow Computation from an Asynchronised Multiresolution Image Sequence
* Optimal Weights for Convex Functionals in Medical Image Segmentation
* Parallel 3D Image Segmentation of Large Data Sets on a GPU Cluster
* Parallel Poisson Surface Reconstruction
* PedVed: Pseudo Euclidian Distances for Video Events Detection
* Photometric Recovery of Ortho-Images Derived from Apollo 15 Metric Camera Imagery
* Practical Guide to Large Tiled Displays, A
* Probabilistic Facial Feature Extraction Using Joint Distribution of Location and Texture Information
* Probabilistic Model of Visual Attention and Perceptual Organization for Constructive Object Recognition, A
* Progressive Presentation of Large Hierarchies Using Treemaps
* Propagation of Pixel Hypotheses for Multiple Objects Tracking
* Protected Progressive Meshes
* Quality Pre-processor for Biological Cell Images, A
* Randomized Tree Ensembles for Object Detection in Computational Pathology
* Ray Traced Virtual Reality
* Reaction Centric Layout for Metabolic Networks
* Real-Time 3D Reconstruction for Occlusion-Aware Interactions in Mixed Reality
* Real-Time Articulated Hand Detection and Pose Estimation
* Real-Time Dynamic Wrinkles of Face for Animated Skinned Mesh
* Real-Time Feature Acquisition and Integration for Vision-Based Mobile Robots
* Real-Time Hand Detection and Gesture Tracking with GMM and Model Adaptation
* Real-Time Parallel Implementation of SSD Stereo Vision Algorithm on CSX SIMD Architecture
* Real-Time Road Sign Detection Using Bilateral Chinese Transform, A
* Real-Time Soft Shadows Using Temporal Coherence
* Recognition of Semantic Basketball Events Based on Optical Flow Patterns
* Recognizability of Polyhexes by Tiling and Wang Systems
* Reconstruction of Facial Shape from Freehand Multi-viewpoint Snapshots
* Reducing Artifacts between Adjacent Bricks in Multi-resolution Volume Rendering
* Region Graph Spectra as Geometric Global Image Features
* Relighting Forest Ecosystems
* Rendering Virtual Objects with High Dynamic Range Lighting Extracted Automatically from Unordered Photo Collections
* Residential Building Reconstruction Based on the Data Fusion of Sparse LiDAR Data and Satellite Imagery
* Revisiting the PnP Problem with a GPS
* RiverLand: An Efficient Procedural Modeling System for Creating Realistic-Looking Terrains
* Robust 3D Marker Localization Using Multi-Spectrum Sequences
* Robust Estimation of Camera Motion Using Optical Flow Models
* Robust Facial Feature Detection and Tracking for Head Pose Estimation in a Novel Multimodal Interface for Social Skills Learning
* Robust Harris-Laplace Detector by Scale Multiplication
* Robust Registration of Aerial Image Sequences
* Rooftop Detection and 3D Building Modeling from Aerial Images
* Scale Analysis of Several Filter Banks for Color Texture Classification
* Scene Categorization by Introducing Contextual Information to the Visual Words
* Segmentation of Chinese Postal Envelope Images for Address Block Location
* Segmentation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells Nuclei within 3-D Neurospheres
* Shadows Removal by Edges Matching
* Shape and Energy Based Approach to Vertical People Separation in Video Surveillance, A
* Skin Paths for Contextual Flagging Adult Videos
* Spatial Configuration of Local Shape Features for Discriminative Object Detection
* Spatial-Temporal Junction Extraction and Semantic Interpretation
* Speech-Driven Facial Animation Using a Shared Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
* Statistical Model for Daylight Spectra, A
* Stochastic Method for Face Image Super-Resolution, A
* Stochastic Optimization for Rigid Point Set Registration
* TOCSAC: TOpology Constraint SAmple Consensus for Fast and Reliable Feature Correspondence
* Top-Down Segmentation of Histological Images Using a Digital Deformable Model
* Two Algorithms for Measuring Human Breathing Rate Automatically
* Two Step Variational Method for Subpixel Optical Flow Computation
* Unification of Multichannel Motion Feature Using Boolean Polynomial
* Unifying View of Contour Length Bias Correction, A
* Unsupervised Video Analysis for Counting of Wood in River during Floods
* Using a Virtual World to Design a Simulation Platform for Vision and Robotic Systems
* Using Coplanar Circles to Perform Calibration-Free Planar Scene Analysis under a Perspective View
* Using Subspace Multiple Linear Regression for 3D Face Shape Prediction from a Single Image
* V-Volcano: Addressing Students' Misconceptions in Earth Sciences Learning through Virtual Reality Simulations
* Variational Approach to Semiautomatic Generation of Digital Terrain Models, A
* Video Super-Resolution by Adaptive Kernel Regression
* Visibility-Based Observation Model for 3D Tracking with Non-parametric 3D Particle Filters
* Vision-Based Obstacle Avoidance Using SIFT Features
* Visual Computing for Scattered Electromagnetic Fields
* Visual Data Exploration Framework for Complex Problem Solving Based on Extended Cognitive Fit Theory, A
* Visual Intention Detection for Wheelchair Motion
* Visualization of Gene Regulatory Networks
* Visualization of the Molecular Dynamics of Polymers and Carbon Nanotubes
* Visualized Index-Based Search for Digital Libraries
* Visualizing Arcs of Implicit Algebraic Curves, Exactly and Fast
* Wavelet-Based Representation of Biological Shapes
* Weight, Sex, and Facial Expressions: On the Manipulation of Attributes in Generative 3D Face Models
* Which Shape Representation Is the Best for Real-Time Hand Interface System?
* Woolz IIP: A Tiled On-the-Fly Sectioning Server for 3D Volumetric Atlases
216 for ISVC09

ISVC10 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D Camera Pose Estimation Using Line Correspondences and 1D Homographies
* 3D Curvature-Based Shape Descriptors for Face Segmentation: An Anatomical-Based Analysis
* 3D DCT Based Compression Method for Integral Images
* 3D Vector Flow Guided Segmentation of Airway Wall in MSCT
* Acquisition Scenario Analysis for Face Recognition at a Distance
* Adaptive Neighbor Pairing for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
* Adding Facial Actions into 3D Model Search to Analyse Behaviour in an Unconstrained Environment
* Aggregating Low-Level Features for Human Action Recognition
* Analysis of Time Domain Information for Footstep Recognition
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Approach to Rope Condition Monitoring, An
* Arm-Hand Behaviours Modelling: From Attention to Imitation
* Attention-Based Target Localization Using Multiple Instance Learning
* Attribute-Filtering and Knowledge Extraction for Vessel Segmentation
* Automatic Detection of Morphologically Distinct Objects in Biomedical Images Using Second Generation Wavelets and Multiple Marked Point Process
* Automatic Learning of Gesture Recognition Model Using SOM and SVM
* Automatic Liver Segmentation from CT Scans Using Multi-layer Segmentation and Principal Component Analysis
* Biomedical Image Retrieval in a Fuzzy Feature Space with Affine Region Detection and Vector Quantization of a Scale-Invariant Descriptor
* Bivariate Feature Localization for SIFT Assuming a Gaussian Feature Shape
* Blurring Mean-Shift with a Restricted Data-Set Modification for Applications in Image Processing
* Camera Pose Estimation Based on Angle Constraints
* Chromatic Sensitivity of Illumination Change Compensation Techniques
* Color Constancy Algorithms for Object and Face Recognition
* Color Gamut Extension by Projector-Camera System
* Combining Automated and Interactive Visual Analysis of Biomechanical Motion Data
* Comics Stylizations of 3D Scenes Using GPU
* Compliant Interframe Coding for Motion-JPEG2000
* Compressive Sensing Algorithm for Many-Core Architectures, A
* Computational Hemodynamics in Intracranial Vessels Reconstructed from Biplane Angiograms
* Computer-Assisted Creation of 3D Models of Freeway Interchanges
* Computer-Generated Tie-Dyeing Using a 3D Diffusion Graph
* Conservative Motion Estimation from Multi-image Sequences
* Contact Geometry and Visual Factors for Vibrotactile-Grid Location Cues
* Contour Based Shape Retrieval
* Correlation-Based Approach for Real-Time Stereo Matching, A
* Creating Passion for Augmented Reality Applications: A Teaching Concept for a Lab Course
* CT Image Segmentation Using Structural Analysis
* Curve Filter Transform: A Robust Method for Curve Enhancement, The
* Depth Assisted Occlusion Handling in Video Object Tracking
* Design and Costs Estimation of Electrical Substations Based on Three-Dimensional Building Blocks
* Detecting Straight Line Segments Using a Triangular Neighborhood
* Differential-Geometrical Framework for Color Image Quality Measures, A
* Discovering Novelty in Gene Data: From Sequential Patterns to Visualization
* Distance Field Illumination: A Rendering Method to Aid in Navigation of Virtual Environments
* Driving Fatigue Detection Using Active Shape Models
* Efficient Algorithms for Image and High Dimensional Data Processing Using Eikonal Equation on Graphs
* Efficient Marker Matching Using Pair-Wise Constraints in Physical Therapy
* Efficient Method for the Visualization of Spectral Images Based on a Perception-Oriented Spectrum Segmentation, An
* Egocentric Visual Event Classification with Location-Based Priors
* Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation with Graph Cuts Utilizing Estimated Symmetric Three-Dimensional Shape Prior
* Enhancing Iris Matching Using Levenshtein Distance with Alignment Constraints
* Evaluation of a Difference of Gaussians Based Image Difference Metric in Relation to Perceived Compression Artifacts
* EVP-Based Multiple-View Triangulation
* Experimental Study on Approximation Algorithms for Guarding Sets of Line Segments
* Exploiting Multiple Cameras for Environmental Pathlets
* Face Recognition in Videos Using Adaptive Graph Appearance Models
* Face Recognition Using Sparse Representations and Manifold Learning
* Face Verification Using Indirect Neighbourhood Components Analysis
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Facial Features and Manifold Learning
* Facial Fraud Discrimination Using Detection and Classification
* Fast and Reliable Decimation of Polygonal Models Based on Volume and Normal Field
* Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm for Region-Based Active Contours, A
* Fast Motion Estimation Based on Search Range Adjustment Using Neighboring MVDs
* Fast Parallel Model Estimation on the CELL Broadband Engine
* Feature-Based Lung Nodule Classification
* Feature-Preserving 3D Thumbnail Creation with Voxel-Based Two-Phase Decomposition
* Fiducial-Based Tangible User Interface for White Matter Tractography, A
* Fractal Map: Fractal-Based 2D Expansion Method for Multi-scale High-Dimensional Data Visualization
* Framework for Visual and Haptic Collaboration in Shared Virtual Spaces, A
* Generating Shaded Image with Lighting Using Image Fusion Space
* GPU Acceleration of Robust Point Matching
* Gradient-Based Modified Census Transform for Optical Flow
* Graph-Based Segmentation of Lymph Nodes in CT Data
* Hand Detection and Gesture Recognition Exploit Motion Times Image in Complicate Scenarios
* How to Overcome Perceptual Aliasing in ASIFT?
* Human Activity Recognition: A Scheme Using Multiple Cues
* Human Behavior Analysis at a Point of Sale
* Human Inspired Local Ratio-Based Algorithm for Edge Detection in Fluorescent Cell Images, A
* Human Pose Recognition Using Chamfer Distance in Reduced Background Edge for Human-Robot Interaction
* Illumination Normalization for Robust Face Recognition Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Image Enhancement by Median Filters in Algebraic Reconstruction Methods: An Experimental Study
* Imaging-Based Computation of the Dynamics of Pelvic Floor Deformation and Strain Visualization Analysis
* Immersive Molecular Visualization and Interactive Modeling with Commodity Hardware
* Improved Shape Matching Algorithm for Deformable Objects Using a Global Image Feature, An
* Incorporating Social Entropy for Crowd Behavior Detection Using SVM
* Incremental PCA-HOG Descriptor for Robust Visual Hand Tracking, An
* Indented Pixel Tree Plots
* Indirect Shader Domain Rendering
* Inferring Planar Patch Equations from Sparse View Stereo Images
* Influence of Multimodal 3D Visualizations on Learning Acquisition, The
* Integrating Multiple Uncalibrated Views for Human 3D Pose Estimation
* Interactive Visualisation of Time-Based Vital Signs
* Interpolating 3D Diffusion Tensors in 2D Planar Domain by Locating Degenerate Lines
* Introducing a Statistical Behavior Model into Camera-Based Fall Detection
* Introducing Fuzzy Spatial Constraints in a Ranked Partitioned Sampling for Multi-object Tracking
* IQ-Station: A Low Cost Portable Immersive Environment
* Lattice-Boltzmann Water Waves
* Learning and Prediction of Soft Object Deformation Using Visual Analysis of Robot Interactions
* Learning Scene Entries and Exits Using Coherent Motion Regions
* Linear Dimensionality Reduction through Eigenvector Selection for Object Recognition
* Local Descriptors for Document Layout Analysis
* Local-Frame Based Method for Vector Field Construction on Raw Point Cloud, A
* Lossy/Lossless Coding Algorithm Using Histogram, A
* Low Cost VR Meets Low Cost Multi-touch
* Lunar Image Classification for Terrain Detection
* Lunar Terrain and Albedo Reconstruction of the Apollo 15 Zone
* Markov Random Field-Based Clustering for the Integration of Multi-view Range Images
* Meshless Method for Variational Nonrigid 2-D Shape Registration, A
* Method of Interest Points Characterization Based C-HOG Local Descriptor
* Mitosis Extraction in Breast-Cancer Histopathological Whole Slide Images
* Mixture of Gaussians Exploiting Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Background Subtraction
* Mobile-Oriented Hand Segmentation Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Multiscale Aggregation, A
* Model Distribution Dependant Complexity Estimation on Textures
* Modeling Clinical Tumors to Create Reference Data for Tumor Volume Measurement
* Modified Region Growing for Stereo of Slant and Textureless Surfaces
* Multi-institutional Collaboration in Delivery of Team-Project-Based Computer Graphics Studio Courses
* Multi-relational Learning Approach for Knowledge Extraction in in Vitro Fertilization Domain, A
* Multi-scale Topo-morphometric Opening of Arteries and Veins: An Evaluative Study via Pulmonary CT Imaging
* Multiple Camera Self-calibration and 3D Reconstruction Using Pedestrians
* Multiple-object Tracking in Cluttered and Crowded Public Spaces
* Multiscale Analysis of Volumetric Motion Field Using General Order Prior
* Multiscale Information Fusion by Graph Cut through Convex Optimization
* Near-Optimal Selection of Views and Surface Regions for ICP Pose Estimation
* New Approach for Lighting Effect Rendering, A
* New Marching Cubes Algorithm for Interactive Level Set with Application to MR Image Segmentation, A
* New Simple Method to Stitch Images with Lens Distortion, A
* Non-rigid Multimodal Image Registration Method Based on Particle Filter and Optical Flow, A
* Novel Consistency Regularizer for Meshless Nonrigid Image Registration, A
* Novel Hardware Architecture for Rapid Object Detection Based on Adaboost Algorithm, A
* Novel Histogram-Based Feature Representation and Its Application in Sport Players Classification, A
* Novel Photometric Method for Real-Time 3D Reconstruction of Fingerprint, A
* Object Category Classification Using Occluding Contours
* Object Distance Estimation Based on Stereo Vision and Color Segmentation with Region Matching
* Object Material Classification by Surface Reflection Analysis with a Time-of-Flight Range Sensor
* Object Tracking and Segmentation in a Closed Loop
* On Contrast-Preserving Visualisation of Multispectral Datasets
* On Supervised Human Activity Analysis for Structured Environments
* Ontology-Driven Image Analysis for Histopathological Images
* Optical Flow Estimation with Prior Models Obtained from Phase Correlation
* Organizing and Browsing Image Search Results Based on Conceptual and Visual Similarities
* Outlier Removal in Stereo Reconstruction of Orbital Images
* Phase Space for Face Pose Estimation
* Photometric Stereo under Low Frequency Environment Illumination
* PixelLaser: Computing Range from Monocular Texture
* Plant Texture Classification Using Gabor Co-occurrences
* Platform for Monitoring Aspects of Human Presence in Real-Time, A
* Predicting Segmentation Accuracy for Biological Cell Images
* Preprocessed Global Visibility for Real-Time Rendering on Low-End Hardware
* Prismfields: A Framework for Interactive Modeling of Three Dimensional Caves
* Probabilistic Learning of Visual Object Composition from Attended Segments
* Projective Reconstruction of General 3D Planar Curves from Uncalibrated Cameras
* Propagating Uncertainty in Petri Nets for Activity Recognition
* Random Sampling Nonlinear Optimization for Camera Self-calibration with Modeling of Intrinsic Parameter Space
* Reconstruction of Spectra Using Empirical Basis Functions
* Region and Edge-Adaptive Sampling and Boundary Completion for Segmentation
* Region-Based Randomized Voting Scheme for Stereo Matching, A
* Retinal Vessel Extraction with the Image Ray Transform
* Retrieving Images of Similar Geometrical Configuration
* RibbonView: Interactive Context-Preserving Cutaways of Anatomical Surface Meshes
* Robust Mosaicking of Stereo Digital Elevation Models from the Ames Stereo Pipeline
* Robust Radial Distortion from a Single Image
* Robust Rigid Shape Registration Method Using a Level Set Formulation
* Robust Wide Baseline Scene Alignment Based on 3D Viewpoint Normalization
* Segmentation for Hyperspectral Images with Priors
* Segmentation of Abdominal Organs Incorporating Prior Knowledge in Small Animal CT
* SemaTime: Timeline Visualization of Time-Dependent Relations and Semantics
* Semi-uniform, 2-Different Tessellation of Triangular Parametric Surfaces
* Shading Attenuation in Human Skin Color Images
* Shaped Wavelets for Curvilinear Structures for Ear Biometrics
* Sharp Concentration-Based Adaptive Segmentation Algorithm, A
* Simultaneous Vanishing Point Detection and Camera Calibration from Single Images
* Single Camera Stereo System Using Prism and Mirrors
* Size Distribution Estimation of Stone Fragments via Digital Image Processing
* Spatial-Temporal Frequency Approach to Estimate Cardiac Motion, A
* Spatio-Spectral Algorithm for Robust and Scalable Object Tracking in Videos, A
* Spectral Approach to Nonlocal Mesh Editing, A
* Spectral Image Decolorization
* Speeding Up HOG and LBP Features for Pedestrian Detection by Multiresolution Techniques
* Split Bregman Method for Minimization of Region-Scalable Fitting Energy for Image Segmentation
* Stereo Matching in Mean Shift Attractor Space
* Stereo-Based Object Segmentation Combining Spatio-Temporal Information
* Stitching of Microscopic Images for Quantifying Neuronal Growth and Spine Plasticity
* Study of Hierarchical Correlation Clustering for Scientific Volume Data, A
* Study on Image Color Stealing in Log-Polar Space
* Subversion Statistics Sifter
* Super-Resolution Mosaicking of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Surveillance Video Using Levenberg Marquardt (LM) Algorithm
* Surface Modeling of the Corpus Callosum from MRI Scans
* Symmetry Enhanced Adaboost
* Synthetic Shape Reconstruction Combined with the FT-Based Method in Photometric Stereo
* System Structures for Efficient Rendering in Virtual Worlds and Virtual Testbeds
* Teaching Geometric Modeling Algorithms and Data Structures through Laser Scanner Acquisition Pipeline
* Texture-Based Approach for Hatching Color Photographs, A
* Three Dimensional Reconstruction Using Vertical Constraints from a Photograph
* Tissue Fate Prediction in Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Cuboid Models
* Toward an Automatic Hole Characterization for Surface Correction
* Towards Computational Understanding of Skill Levels in Simulation-Based Surgical Training via Automatic Video Analysis
* Track Detection for Autonomous Trains
* Undecimated Wavelet Transform-Based Image Interpolation
* Universal Seed Skin Segmentation
* Using Perceptual Color Contrast for Color Image Processing
* Using R-Trees for Interactive Visualization of Large Multidimensional Datasets
* Utilizing Invariant Descriptors for Finger Spelling American Sign Language Using SVM
* Video Event Detection as Matching of Spatiotemporal Projection
* View Invariant Activity Recognition with Manifold Learning
* Visual Exploration of Stream Pattern Changes Using a Data-Driven Framework
* Visual Network Analysis of Dynamic Metabolic Pathways
* Visualizing Gene Co-expression as Google Maps
* Visualizing Multivariate Hierarchic Data Using Enhanced Radial Space-Filling Layout
* VR Menus: Investigation of Distance, Size, Auto-scale, and Ray Casting vs. Pointer-Attached-to-Menu
* Wavelet-Based Face Recognition System Using Partial Information, A
* Workflow Based Process Visual Analyzer (ProVisZer) for Teaching and Learning, A
211 for ISVC10

ISVC11 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D Facial Feature Detection Using Iso-Geodesic Stripes and Shape-Index Based Integral Projection
* 3D Model Retrieval Using the Histogram of Orientation of Suggestive Contours
* 3D Object Modeling with Graphics Hardware Acceleration and Unsupervised Neural Networks
* 3D Reconstruction of Buildings with Automatic Facade Refinement
* 3D-City Modeling: A Semi-automatic Framework for Integrating Different Terrain Models
* Adaptive and Nonlinear Techniques for Visibility Improvement of Hazy Images
* Adaptive Coded Aperture Photography
* Adaptive Discrete Laplace Operator
* Adaptive Two-Step Adjustable Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* Analysis of Impostor Based Level of Detail Approximations for LIDAR Data, An
* Approach to Point Based Approximate Color Bleeding with Volumes, An
* Architectural Style Classification of Building Facade Windows
* Are Current Monocular Computer Vision Systems for Human Action Recognition Suitable for Visual Surveillance Applications?
* Attempt to Segment Foreground in Dynamic Scenes, An
* Augmenting Heteronanostructure Visualization with Haptic Feedback
* Automated Fish Taxonomy Using Evolution-COnstructed Features
* Automatic Generation of Aesthetic Patterns with the Use of Dynamical Systems
* Avoiding Mesh Folding in 3D Optimal Surface Segmentation
* Bag-of-Visual-Words Approach to Abnormal Image Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Videos
* BiCluster Viewer: A Visualization Tool for Analyzing Gene Expression Data
* BlenSor: Blender Sensor Simulation Toolbox
* Branches and Roots: Project Selection in Graphics Courses for Fourth Year Computer Science Undergraduates
* Closed Form Algorithm for Superresolution, A
* Collaborative Track Analysis, Data Cleansing, and Labeling
* CollisionExplorer: A Tool for Visualizing Droplet Collisions in a Turbulent Flow
* Color Compensation Using Nonlinear Luminance-RGB Component Curve of a Camera
* Color-Based Extensions to MSERs
* Comparative Evaluation of Feature Detectors on Historic Repeat Photography, A
* Computing Range Flow from Multi-modal Kinect Data
* Controllable Simulation of Particle System
* Deformable Object Shape Refinement and Tracking Using Graph Cuts and Support Vector Machines
* Denoising Time-Of-Flight Data with Adaptive Total Variation
* Depth Map Enhancement Using Adaptive Steering Kernel Regression Based on Distance Transform
* Detection and Tracking Faces in Unconstrained Color Video Streams
* Detection of Defect in Textile Fabrics Using Optimal Gabor Wavelet Network and Two-Dimensional PCA
* Direct Spherical Parameterization of 3D Triangular Meshes Using Local Flattening Operations
* Disambiguation of Horizontal Direction for Video Conference Systems
* Display Pixel Caching
* Distortion Compensation for Movement Detection Based on Dense Optical Flow
* DTTM: A Discriminative Temporal Topic Model for Facial Expression Recognition
* Efficient City-Sized 3D Reconstruction from Ultra-High Resolution Aerial and Ground Video Imagery
* Efficient Detection of Consecutive Facial Expression Apices Using Biologically Based Log-Normal Filters
* Efficient Starting Point Decision for Enhanced Hexagonal Search
* EM+TV Based Reconstruction for Cone-Beam CT with Reduced Radiation
* EM-Type Algorithms for Image Reconstruction with Background Emission and Poisson Noise
* Embedding Gestalt Laws on Conditional Random Field for Image Segmentation
* Evaluating Feature Combination in Object Classification
* Event-Based Stereo Matching Approaches for Frameless Address Event Stereo Data
* Evolving Content-Driven Superpixels for Accurate Image Representation
* Experiences in Disseminating Educational Visualizations
* Extensible Interactive 3D Visualization Framework for N-Dimensional Datasets Used in Heterogeneous Software Display Environments, An
* Fast Video Stabilization System Based on Speeded-up Robust Features, A
* Feature Trajectory Retrieval with Application to Accurate Structure and Motion Recovery
* Flight Tested Wake Turbulence Aware Altimeter, A
* Free Boundary Conditions Active Contours with Applications for Vision
* From Saliency to Eye Gaze: Embodied Visual Selection for a Pan-Tilt-Based Robotic Head
* Fuzzy Logic Based Sensor Fusion for Accurate Tracking
* Generating EPI Representations of 4D Light Fields with a Single Lens Focused Plenoptic Camera
* Global Image Registration by Fast Random Projection
* GPU-Based Ray Casting of Stacked Out-of-Core Height Fields
* Ground Truth Estimation by Maximizing Topological Agreements in Electron Microscopy Data
* Handymap: A Selection Interface for Cluttered VR Environments Using a Tracked Hand-Held Touch Device
* High Level Video Temporal Segmentation
* High-Quality Shadows with Improved Paraboloid Mapping
* Higher Order Markov Networks for Model Estimation
* Human Body Shape and Motion Tracking by Hierarchical Weighted ICP
* Hybrid Face Recognition Based on Real-Time Multi-camera Stereo-Matching
* Image Relighting by Analogy
* Image Segmentation Based on k-Means Clustering and Energy-Transfer Proximity
* Image Set-Based Hand Shape Recognition Using Camera Selection Driven by Multi-class AdaBoosting
* Immersive Out-of-Core Visualization of Large-Size and Long-Timescale Molecular Dynamics Trajectories
* Immersive Visualization and Interactive Analysis of Ground Penetrating Radar Data
* Improving Collaborative Visualization of Structural Biology
* Indented Pixel Tree Browser for Exploring Huge Hierarchies
* Interactive Editing Framework for Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation, An
* Interactive Object Graphs for Debuggers with Improved Visualization, Inspection and Configuration Features
* Introducing Confidence Maps to Increase the Performance of Person Detectors
* Investigation into the Use of Partial Face in the Mobile Environment, An
* Investigation of Secondary Views in a Multimodal VR Environment: 3D Lenses, Windows, and Mirrors
* Involve Me and I Will Understand!: Abstract Data Visualization in Immersive Environments
* Kernel-Based Motion-Blurred Target Tracking
* Learning Image Transformations without Training Examples
* Linear Clutter Removal from Urban Panoramas
* Localization Framework under Non-rigid Deformation for Robotic Surgery, A
* Magic Marker: A Color Analytics Interface for Image Annotation
* Material Information Acquisition Using a ToF Range Sensor for Interactive Object Recognition
* MethMorph: Simulating Facial Deformation Due to Methamphatamine Usage
* Model-Based Chart Image Classification
* Monocular Human Detection System Based on EOH and Oriented LBP Features, A
* Monocular Online Learning for Road Region Labeling and Object Detection from a Moving Platform
* Multi Level Time Model for Interactive Multiple Dataset Visualization: The Dataset Sequencer, A
* Multi-class Object Layout with Unsupervised Image Classification and Object Localization
* Multi-view Head Detection and Tracking with Long Range Capability for Social Navigation Planning
* Multi-View Stereo Point Clouds Visualization
* Multiview 3D Pose Estimation of a Wand for Human-Computer Interaction
* Near-Optimal Time Function for Secure Dynamic Visual Cryptography
* Neuromorphic Approach to Object Detection and Recognition in Airborne Videos with Stabilization, A
* New 3D Imaging System Using a Portable Two-Camera Omni-Imaging Device for Construction and Browsing of Human-Reachable Environments, A
* New Image Steganography via Secret-Fragment-Visible Mosaic Images by Nearly-Reversible Color Transformation
* Non-intrusive Method for Copy-Move Forgery Detection, A
* Non-Parametric Sequential Frame Decimation for Scene Reconstruction in Low-Memory Streaming Environments
* OmegaDesk: Towards a Hybrid 2D and 3D Work Desk, The
* Open-Source Medical Image Processing and Visualization Tool to Analyze Cardiac SPECT Images, An
* Optimal Multiclass Classifier Threshold Estimation with Particle Swarm Optimization for Visual Object Recognition
* Orthographic Stereo Correlator on the Terrain Model for Apollo Metric Images
* Panoramic Background Generation and Abnormal Behavior Detection in PTZ Camera Networks
* Parallel Hybrid Video Coding Method Based on Noncausal Prediction with Multimode, A
* Parameter-Free Locality Sensitive Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to Coarse 3D Head Pose Estimation, A
* Parametric Active Polygon for Leaf Segmentation and Shape Estimation, A
* Physical Navigation to Support Graph Exploration on a Large High-Resolution Display
* Raydiance: A Tangible Interface for Teaching Computer Vision
* Real-Time Object Tracking on iPhone
* Region-Based Segmentation of Parasites for High-throughput Screening
* Registration for 3D Morphological Comparison of Brain Aneurysm Growth
* Registration of 3D Geometric Model and Color Images Using SIFT and Range Intensity Images
* Relevance Feedback Framework for Image Retrieval Based on Ant Colony Algorithm, A
* Retinal Vessel Extraction Using First-Order Derivative of Gaussian and Morphological Processing
* Retrieval of 3D Polygonal Objects Based on Multiresolution Signatures
* Robust Classification of Curvilinear and Surface-Like Structures in 3d Point Cloud Data
* Robust Foreground Detection in Videos Using Adaptive Color Histogram Thresholding and Shadow Removal
* Segmentation and Cell Tracking of Breast Cancer Cells
* Segmentation and Visualization of Multivariate Features Using Feature-Local Distributions
* Segmentation-Free, Area-Based Articulated Object Tracking
* SERP: SURF Enhancer for Repeated Pattern
* Shape Abstraction through Multiple Optimal Solutions
* Solving Geometric Co-registration Problem of Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Imagery Using SIFT-Based Features toward Precise Change Detection
* Stereo Vision-Based Improving Cascade Classifier Learning for Vehicle Detection
* Subvoxel Super-Resolution of Volumetric Motion Field Using General Order Prior
* Supporting Display Scalability by Redundant Mapping
* Surface Reconstruction of Maltese Cisterns Using ROV Sonar Data for Archeological Study
* Synthesizing Physics-Based Vortex and Collision Sound in Virtual Reality
* Terramechanics Based Terrain Deformation for Real-Time Off-Road Vehicle Simulation
* Time to Collision and Collision Risk Estimation from Local Scale and Motion
* Towards a Universal and Limited Visual Vocabulary
* Towards Realtime Handheld MonoSLAM in Dynamic Environments
* UI Generation for Data Visualisation in Heterogenous Environment
* Using the Shadow as a Single Feature for Real-Time Monocular Vehicle Pose Determination
* Variational Model for the Restoration of MR Images Corrupted by Blur and Rician Noise, A
* Virtual Excavation: Combining 3D Immersive Virtual Reality and Geophysical Surveying, A
* Virtual Interrupted Suturing Exercise with the Endo Stitch Suturing Device
* Vision-Based Horizon Detection and Target Tracking for UAVs
* Visual Tracking Based on Log-Euclidean Riemannian Sparse Representation
* Visualizing Translation Variation: Shakespeare's Othello
144 for ISVC11

ISVC12 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D Action Classification Using Sparse Spatio-temporal Feature Representations
* 3D Texture Mapping in Multi-view Reconstruction
* Accelerated Centre-of-Gravity Calculation for Massive Numbers of Image Patches
* Adaptive Exemplar-based Particle Filter for 2d Human Pose Estimation
* Adaptive Spectral Mapping for Real-time Dispersive Refraction
* Advanced Coincidence Processing of 3D Laser Radar Data
* Analysis of Deformation of Mining Chains Based on Motion Tracking
* Appearance Similarity Flow for Quantification of Anatomical Landmark Uncertainty in Medical Images
* Architectural Style Classification of Domes
* Asynchronous Occlusion Culling on Heterogeneous PC Clusters for Distributed 3D Scenes
* Augmented Multitouch Interaction upon a 2-DoF Rotating Disk
* Auto-calibration of Pan-tilt Cameras Including Radial Distortion and Zoom
* Automatic Human Body Parts Detection in a 2d Anthropometric System
* Automatic Improvement of Graph Based Image Segmentation
* Automatic Reference Selection for Parametric Color Correction Schemes for Panoramic Video Stitching
* Automatic Segmentation of Wood Logs by Combining Detection and Segmentation
* Building an Effective Visual Codebook: Is K-means Clustering Useful?
* Bundle Adjustment Constrained Smoothing for Multi-view Point Cloud Data
* Bundle Visualization Strategies for HARDI Characteristics
* Car License Plate Detection under Large Variations Using Covariance and Hog Descriptors
* Cell Nuclei Detection Using Globally Optimal Active Contours with Shape Prior
* Characterization of Similar Areas of Two 2d Point Clouds
* Clustered Deep Shadow Maps for Integrated Polyhedral and Volume Rendering
* Comparative Analysis of Thermal and Visual Modalities for Automated Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Comparing 3d Descriptors for Local Search of Craniofacial Landmarks
* Comprehensible and Interactive Visualizations of GIS Data in Augmented Reality
* Compressive Matting
* Context-preserving Volumetric Data Set Exploration Using a 3D Painting Metaphor
* Continuous Pain Intensity Estimation from Facial Expressions
* Contour Detection by Image Analogies
* Customizable Time-Oriented Visualizations
* Depth Auto-calibration for Range Cameras Based on 3d Geometry Reconstruction
* Design Framework for an Integrated Sensor Orientation Simulator, A
* Detecting Periodicity in Serial Data through Visualization
* Detection and Normalization of Blown-out Illumination Areas in Grey-scale Images
* Diffusion-based Image Compression in Steganography
* Dual Method for Constructing Multi-material Solids from Ray-reps, A
* Edge Detection and Smoothing-filter of Volumetric Data
* Efficient Scale and Rotation Invariant Object Detection Based on HOGs and Evolutionary Optimization Techniques
* Ego-motion Estimation Using Rectified Stereo and Bilateral Transfer Function
* Estimation of Camera Extrinsic Parameters of Indoor Omni-Directional Images Acquired by a Rotating Line Camera
* Evaluation of Open Source Physics Engines for Use in Virtual Reality Assembly Simulations, An
* Exploiting 3d Digital Representations of Ancient Inscriptions to Identify Their Writer
* Fast Illustrative Visualization of Fiber Tracts
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Using the Angle of the Pixel Differences along the Horizontal and Vertical Direction for H.264/avc
* Fmfinder: Search and Filter Your Favorite Songs
* Focal Liver Lesion Tracking in Ceus for Characterisation Based on Dynamic Behaviour
* Frame Cache Management for Multi-frame Rate Systems
* Framework for User Tests in a Virtual Environment, A
* Function Field Analysis for the Visualization of Flow Similarity in Time-varying Vector Fields
* Fusing Low-resolution Depth Maps into High-resolution Stereo Matching
* Gait Recognition Based on Normalized Walk Cycles
* Gaussian Mixture Background Modelling Optimisation for Micro-controllers
* Gaze-dependent Ambient Occlusion
* Gender Recognition from Face Images with Dyadic Wavelet Transform and Local Binary Pattern
* Generative 2d and 3d Human Pose Estimation with Vote Distributions
* GPU-based Multi-resolution Image Analysis for Synthesis of Tileable Textures
* Guided Sampling in Multiple View Robust Motion Estimation Using Regression Diagnostics
* Hand Shape and 3d Pose Estimation Using Depth Data from a Single Cluttered Frame
* Hierarchical Visualization of BGP Routing Changes Using Entropy Measures
* Higher Rank Support Tensor Machines
* Human Body Orientation Estimation in Multiview Scenarios
* Hybrid Algorithm for Procedural Generation of Virtual Scene Components, The
* Illumination Normalization for Sift Based Finger Vein Authentication
* Impact of Unfocused Vickers Indentation Images on the Segmentation Performance, The
* Implementation and Analysis of Jpeg2000 System on a Chip
* Initialization of Model-based Camera Tracking with Analysis-by-Synthesis
* Inshape: In-situ Shape-based Interactive Multiple-view Exploration of Diffusion MRI Visualizations
* Interactive Control of Mesh Topology in Quadrilateral Mesh Generation Based on 2d Tensor Fields
* Interpolation of Reference Images in Sparse Dictionary for Global Image Registration
* Iris Recognition in Image Domain: Quality-metric Based Comparators
* Keypoint Detection Based on the Unimodality Test of HOGs
* Knot Detection in X-Ray CT Images of Wood
* Large Scale Sketch Based Image Retrieval Using Patch Hashing
* Local Alignment of Gradient Features for Face Sketch Recognition
* Mass Detection in Digital Mammograms Using Optimized Gabor Filter Bank
* Methods for Approximating Loop Subdivision Using Tessellation Enabled GPUs
* Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation with a Symmetric Optical Flow Constraint
* Motion History of Skeletal Volumes for Human Action Recognition
* Moving Object Detection by Robust PCA Solved via a Linearized Symmetric Alternating Direction Method
* Moving Object Detection via Robust Low Rank Matrix Decomposition with Irls Scheme
* Multi-scale Integral Modified Census Transform for Eye Detection
* Multigrid Narrow Band Surface Reconstruction via Level Set Functions
* Mutual Information for Multi-modal, Discontinuity-preserving Image Registration
* Neural Network Based Methodology for Automatic Detection of Whale Blows in Infrared Video
* New Visibility Walk Algorithm for Point Location in Planar Triangulation, A
* Non-rigid and Partial 3d Model Retrieval Using Hybrid Shape Descriptor and Meta Similarity
* Novel Algorithm for Computing Riemannian Geodesic Distance in Rectangular 2d Grids, A
* Novel Color Transfer Algorithm for Impressionistic Paintings, A
* Novel Gait Recognition System Based on Hidden Markov Models, A
* Novel Locally Adaptive Dynamic Programming Approach for Color Structured Light System, A
* Object Detection from Multiple Images Based on the Graph Cuts
* Object Recognition for Service Robots through Verbal Interaction about Multiple Attribute Information
* Off-road Terrain Mapping Based on Dense Hierarchical Real-time Stereo Vision
* On Making Projector Both a Display Device and a 3d Sensor
* Optimization Based Framework for Human Pose Estimation in Monocular Videos, An
* Panorama Image Construction Using Multiple-photos Stitching from Biological Data
* Perceiving Ribs in Single-view Wireframe Sketches of Polyhedral Shapes
* Poisson Reconstruction of Extreme Submersed Environments: The Endurance Exploration of an Under-ice Antarctic Lake
* Polynomiography via Ishikawa and Mann Iterations
* Practical Implementation of a Graphics Turing Test
* Practical Volume Rendering in Mobile Devices
* Profile-based Feature Representation Based on Guide Curve Approximation Using Line and Arc Segments
* Protrusion Fields for 3d Model Search and Retrieval Based on Range Image Queries
* Real-time Algorithms Optimization Based on a Gaze-point Position
* Real-time Illumination for Two-level Volume Rendering
* Real-time Rendering of Teeth with No Preprocessing
* Real-time Semantic Clothing Segmentation
* Real-time Simulation of Ship Motions in Waves
* Real-time Visualization of a Sparse Parametric Mixture Model for BTF Rendering
* Robust 2d/3d Calibration Using RANSAC Registration
* Robust Hand Tracking with Hough Forest and Multi-cue Flocks of Features
* Rotation Invariant Texture Recognition Using Discriminant Feature Transform
* Scar: Dynamic Adaptation for Person Detection and Persistence Analysis in Unconstrained Videos
* Segmentation of Brain Tumors in CT Images Using Level Sets
* Segmentation of Parasites for High-content Screening Using Phase Congruency and Grayscale Morphology
* Segmentation of the Hippocampus for Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
* Similarity Registration for Shapes Based on Signed Distance Functions
* Simulation of the Abdominal Wall and Its Arteries after Pneumoperitoneum for Guidance of Port Positioning in Laparoscopic Surgery
* Sketch-line Interactions for 3D Image Visualization and Analysis
* Solving MRF Minimization by Mirror Descent
* Spatial Colour Gamut Mapping by Orthogonal Projection of Gradients onto Constant Hue Lines
* Spatial-based Approach for Groups of Objects, A
* Spatter Tracking in Laser Machining
* Surface Construction with Fewer Patches
* Synthesis-and-analysis Approach to Image Based Lighting, A
* TCAS: A Multiclass Object Detector for Robot and Computer Vision Applications
* Template-based Completion Framework for Videos with Dynamic Backgrounds, A
* Towards the Usage of Optical Flow Temporal Features for Facial Expression Classification
* Tracking Technical Objects in Outdoor Environment Based on Cad Models
* TV-L1 Optical Flow Estimation with Image Details Recovering Based on Modified Census Transform
* Unsupervised Evaluation Measure of Image Segmentation: Application to Flower Image Segmentation, An
* User Driven 3d Reconstruction Environment
* Using Detailed Independent 3d Sub-models to Improve Facial Feature Localisation and Pose Estimation
* Using Synthetic Data for Planning, Development and Evaluation of Shape-from-silhouette Based Human Motion Capture Methods
* Vertebrae Tracking in Lumbar Spinal Video-fluoroscopy Using Particle Filters with Semi-automatic Initialisation
* Video Analysis Algorithms for Automated Categorization of Fly Behaviors
* Vision-based Tracking of Complex Macroparasites for High-content Phenotypic Drug Screening
* Visual Cross-database Comparison of Metabolic Networks, A
* Visual Rating for Given Deployments of Graphical User Interface Elements Using Shadows Algorithm
* Visualization of Taxi Drivers' Income and Mobility Intelligence
* What the Eye Did Not See: A Fusion Approach to Image Coding
* Wide Field of View Kinect Undistortion for Social Navigation Implementation
144 for ISVC12

ISVC13 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D Face Pose and Animation Tracking via Eigen-Decomposition Based Bayesian Approach
* 3D Human Tracking in a Top View Using Depth Information Recorded by the Xtion Pro-Live Camera
* 3D Shape Estimation Based on Sparsity in Stereo Matching
* 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Polynomial Texture Mapping
* Active Vision Approach to Height Estimation with Optical Flow, An
* Adaptive Semantic Visualization for Bibliographic Entries
* Analysing User Needs for a Unified 3D Metadata Recording and Exploitation of Cultural Heritage Monuments System
* Analyzing and Reducing DTI Tracking Uncertainty by Combining Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches
* Automatic Pain Intensity Estimation with Heteroscedastic Conditional Ordinal Random Fields
* Automatic Quantitative Assessment of the Small Bowel Motility with Cine-MRI Sequence Analysis
* Automatically Extracting Hairstyles from 2D Images
* Barrel-Type Distortion Compensated Fourier Feature Extraction
* Basic Shape Classification Using Spatially Normalised Fourier Shape Signature
* Beat Synchronous Dance Animation Based on Visual Analysis of Human Motion and Audio Analysis of Music Tempo
* Camera Distance from Face Images
* Classifier Comparison for Repeating Motion Based Video Classification
* Collaborative Sparse Representation in Dissimilarity Space for Classification of Visual Information
* Color Edge Preserving Smoothing
* Color Image Compression by Riemannian B-Tree Triangular Coding
* Combining Unsupervised Clustering with a Non-linear Deformation Model for Efficient Petroglyph Recognition
* Connected Components Labeling on the GPU with Generalization to Voronoi Diagrams and Signed Distance Fields
* Constraint Inductive Learning-Spectral Clustering Methodology for Personalized 3D Navigation, A
* Corner Detection in Spherical Images via the Accelerated Segment Test on a Geodesic Grid
* Curvelet Transform and Local Texture Based Image Forgery Detection
* Depth Peeling Algorithm for the Distance Field Computation of Overlapping Objects
* Detecting and Tracking Unknown Number of Objects with Dirichlet Process Mixture Models and Markov Random Fields
* Determination of Object Directions Using Optical Flow for Crowd Monitoring
* Differential Progressive Path Tracing for High-Quality Previsualization and Relighting in Augmented Reality
* Digital Circlism as Algorithmic Art
* Direct Encoding for Sampled Color Pictures with Location Consideration
* Distortion Adaptive Image Classification: An Alternative to Barrel-Type Distortion Correction
* Efficient Transmission and Rendering of RGB-D Views
* Energy-Transfer Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Evaluating 3D Vision for Command and Control Applications
* Evaluating and Comparing of 3D Shape Descriptors for Object Recognition
* Evaluation of Color Based Keypoints and Features for the Classification of Melanomas Using the Bag-of-Features Model
* Evaluation of Image Forgery Detection Using Multi-scale Weber Local Descriptors
* Evaluation of Rendering Algorithms Using Position-Dependent Scene Properties
* Evolutionary Techniques for Procedural Texture Automation
* Examination of Hybrid Image Feature Trackers
* Face Box Shape and Verification
* Face Verification Using Local Binary Patterns and Maximum A Posteriori Vector Quantization Model
* Fast and Accurate Unknown Object Segmentation for Robotic Systems
* Feature Weight Optimization and Pruning in Historical Text Recognition
* Foreground Detection with a Moving RGBD Camera
* FractVis: Visualizing Microseismic Events
* Framework for Quick and Accurate Access of Interesting Visual Events in Surveillance Videos, A
* Framework for the Visualization of Finite-Time Continuum Mechanics Effects in Time-Varying Flow, A
* Fully Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Two MRI Modalities
* Gender Recognition Using Fusion of Local and Global Facial Features
* Good Appearance and Shape Descriptors for Object Category Recognition
* Grassmannian Spectral Regression for Action Recognition
* Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB-D Image
* Hand-Held 3-D Display System with Haptic Sensation, A
* Hierarchical Image Geo-location on a World-Wide Scale
* Human Activity Recognition Using Hierarchically-Mined Feature Constellations
* Human Tracking and Counting Using the KINECT Range Sensor Based on Adaboost and Kalman Filter
* Image Based Approach for Content Analysis in Document Collections, An
* Image Segmentation Using Iterated Graph Cuts with Residual Graph
* Implementation of Source Engine for Virtual Tours in Manufacturing Factories
* Improving Accessibility of Virtual Worlds by Automatic Object Labeling
* Improving Image-Based Localization through Increasing Correct Feature Correspondences
* Improving Robustness and Precision in GEI + HOG Action Recognition
* Interactive Web Based Spatio-Temporal Visualization System, An
* Keypoint Detection and Matching on High Resolution Spherical Images
* Layered RC Circuit Model for Background Subtraction
* Local Orientation Patterns for 3D Surface Texture Analysis of Normal Maps: Application to Facial Skin Condition Classification
* Localization of Multi-pose and Occluded Facial Features via Sparse Shape Representation
* Machine Learning Approach to Horizon Line Detection Using Local Features, A
* Memory Efficient Shortest Path Algorithms for Cactus Graphs
* Mesh Generation from Layered Depth Images Using Isosurface Raycasting
* Methodology for Interactive Spatial Visualization of Automotive Function Architectures for Development and Maintenance, A
* Mixing Geometrically Diverse Window Managers
* Moving Horizon Estimation of Pedestrian Interactions Based on Multiple Velocity Fields
* Multiple Velocity Fields Approach to the Detection of Pedestrians Interactions Using HMM and Data Association Filters, A
* Navigation Recommendations for Exploring Hierarchical Graphs
* New Visual Comfort-Based Stereoscopic Image Retargeting Method, A
* Normalized Matting of Interest Region
* Novel Approach to Retrieval of Similar Patterns in Biological Images, A
* Novel Technique for Space-Time-Interest Point Detection and Description for Dance Video Classification, A
* Object Categorization in Context Based on Probabilistic Learning of Classification Tree with Boosted Features and Co-occurrence Structure
* Object Recognition for Service Robots through Verbal Interaction Based on Ontology
* On Connectedness of Discretized Objects
* One-to-Two Digital Earth
* Organizing Visual Data in Structured Layout by Maximizing Similarity-Proximity Correlation
* Pairwise Kernels for Human Interaction Recognition
* Parallel 3D 12-Subiteration Thinning Algorithms Based on Isthmuses
* People Tracking Based on Predictions and Graph-Cuts Segmentation
* Performance Anchored Score Normalization for Multi-biometric Fusion
* Pharynx Segmentation from MRI Data for Analysis of Sleep Related Disoders
* Pose Invariant Deformable Shape Priors Using L_1 Higher Order Sparse Graphs
* Precise 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Objects Using Combined Multi-component Image Matching and Active Contours Segmentation
* Pressure Based Segmentation in Volumetric Images
* Primitive Human Action Recognition Based on Partitioned Silhouette Block Matching
* Projection on Suitable Sub-surface Selected in Indoor Environment
* Rapid Disparity Prediction for Dynamic Scenes
* Real-Time 3D Rendering of Heterogeneous Scenes
* Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition for Uncontrolled Environments Using Adaptive SURF Tracking and Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Real-Time Simulation of Vehicle Tracks on Soft Terrain
* Reconstructing Plants in 3D from a Single Image Using Analysis-by-Synthesis
* Reconstruction of Wire Structures from Scanned Point Clouds
* Reflection Layer Extension to the Stereoscopic Highlight Technique for Node-Link Diagrams: An Empirical Study, The
* Robot Trajectory Planning Using OLP and Structured Light 3D Machine Vision
* Rotation-Aware LayerPaint System
* Saliency-Guided Color Transfer between Images
* Scene Perception and Recognition in Industrial Environments for Human-Robot Interaction
* Shared Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition
* Simultaneous Bidirectional Geometric Model Synchronization between CAD and VR Applications
* Simultaneous Color Camera and Depth Sensor Calibration with Correction of Triangulation Errors
* Sketch-Based Image Warping Interface
* Sky Segmentation by Fusing Clustering with Neural Networks
* Solution to the Similarity Registration Problem of Volumetric Shapes, A
* Speeding Up SURF
* Storygraph: Telling Stories from Spatio-temporal Data
* Structure Descriptor for Articulated Shape Analysis
* TimeExplorer: Similarity Search Time Series by Their Signatures
* Tool for Visualizing Large-Scale Interactions between Turbulence and Particles in 3D Space through 2D Trajectory Visualization, A
* Towards a Contextualized Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Manufacturing Data
* Towards Robust Gait Recognition
* Unified Framework for 3D Hand Tracking, A
* Variational Model for Image Segmentation
* Vision-Based Algorithm for Parking Lot Utilization Evaluation Using Conditional Random Fields, A
* Visual Access to Optimization Problems in Strategic Environmental Assessment
* Visual Query Specification and Interaction with Industrial Engineering Data
* Visual Statistics Cockpits for Information Gathering in the Policy-Making Process
* Visualization of Frequent Itemsets with Nested Circular Layout and Bundling Algorithm
* Visualizing 3D Time-Dependent Foam Simulation Data
* Voxel-Based Harmonic Map for Voxel-Based Model Deformation/Manipulation
* What Is the Role of Color Symmetry in the Detection of Melanomas?
130 for ISVC13

ISVC14 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3-D Model Alignment for Retrieval from Part of Model Considering the Rotation, Scaling and Translation with Projections around an Axis
* 3D Deformable Spatial Pyramid for Dense 3D Motion Flow of Deformable Object
* 3D Estimation of Isometric Surfaces Using a ToF-Based Approach
* 3D Gesture Analysis Using a Large-Scale Gesture Database
* 3D Microscopy Vision Using Multiple View Geometry and Differential Evolutionary Approaches
* 3D Previsualization Using a Computational Photography Camera
* 3D Tracker for Ground-Moving Objects, A
* Adaptive Visualization of Linked-Data
* Adaptive Visualization of Social Media Data for Policy Modeling
* Adding Color Sensitivity to the Shape Adaptive Image Ray Transform
* Affine Invariant Harris-Bessel Interest Point Detector
* Analysis of Biomedical Images Based on Automated Methods of Image Registration
* AR-Based Hologram Detection on Security Documents Using a Mobile Phone
* Artificial Intelligence Gaming Assistant for Google Glass
* Automated Assessment of Pulmonary Arterial Morphology in Multi-row Detector CT Imaging Using Correspondence with Anatomic Airway Branches
* Automated Bird Plumage Coloration Quantification in Digital Images
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Evolution-Constructed Features
* Automatic Identification of CAPTCHA Schemes
* Automatic Multi-light White Balance Using Illumination Gradients and Color Space Projection
* Automatic Photorealistic 3D Inner Mouth Restoration from Frontal Images
* Automatic Recognition of Microcalcifications in Mammography Images through Fractal Texture Analysis
* Bayesian Framework for Accurate Eye Center Localization, A
* Bayesian Shape Models with Shape Priors for MRI Brain Segmentation
* Biological Motivated Multi-scale Keypoint Detector for local 3D Descriptors, A
* Body Joint Tracking in Low Resolution Video Using Region-Based Filtering
* Boosted Fractal Integral Paths for Object Detection
* Cell Classification in 3D Phase-Contrast Microscopy Images via Self-Organizing Maps
* Colour Perception Graph for Characters Segmentation
* Combining Computational Models and Interactive Visualization to Support Rational Decision Making
* Commonality Preserving Image-Set Clustering Based on Diverse Density
* Compact Description of the Segments on the Segmented Digital Image
* Compression of 3-D Polygon Mesh Geometry Data by Wavelets with Structuring Surrounding Vertices Remeshing
* Concealed Target Detection with Fusion of Visible and Infrared
* Constrained PatchMatch for Image Completion
* Constructing Point Clouds from Underwater Stereo Movies
* Contextual Combination of Appearance and Motion for Intersection Videos with Vehicles and Pedestrians
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Steel Surface Defect Detection from Photometric Stereo Images
* Cost Aggregation Table: Cost Aggregation Method Using Summed Area Table Scheme for Dense Stereo Correspondence
* Counting the Crowd at a Carnival
* Coupled Dictionary Learning for Automatic Multi-Label Brain Tumor Segmentation in Flair MRI images
* Depth Data-Driven Real-Time Articulated Hand Pose Recognition
* Depth Estimation within a Multi-Line-Scan Light-Field Framework
* Determine Absolute Soccer Ball Location in Broadcast Video Using SYBA Descriptor
* Direct Estimation of Dense Scene Flow and Depth from a Monocular Sequence
* Disocclusion Mitigation for Image Based Point Cloud Imposters
* Efficient Object Localization and Segmentation in Weakly Labeled Videos
* Embedded Image Processing System for Automatic Page Segmentation of Open Book Images
* Enhancement of 3D Capture of Room-Sized Dynamic Scenes with Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras
* Enhancement of Hazy Color Images Using a Self-Tunable Transformation Function
* Ensemble Registration: Incorporating Structural Information into Groupwise Registration
* Evaluating Depth-Based Computer Vision Methods for Fall Detection under Occlusions
* Evaluation of Image Feature Descriptors for Marker-Less AR Applications
* Evaluation of Perceptual Biases in Facial Expression Recognition by Humans and Machines
* Experimental Evaluation of Different Features and Nodal Costs for Horizon Line Detection, An
* Extracting Noise-Resistant Skeleton on Digital Shapes for Graph Matching
* Extrinsic Calibration between 2D Laser Range Finder and Fisheye Camera
* Face Detection and Tracking for Intent Recognition
* Facial Point Localization Using Combination Method under Occlusion
* Fast Algorithm for Reconstructing hv-Convex Binary Images from Their Horizontal Projection, A
* Fast Human Pose Tracking with a Single Depth Sensor Using Sum of Gaussians Models
* Fast Mesh-Based Medical Image Registration
* Fast TGV-l1 RGB-D Flow Estimation, A
* Formation Control of Multiple Rectangular Agents with Limited Communication Ranges
* Fuzzy-Based Automatic Landmark Recognition in Aerial Images Using ORB for Aerial Auto-localization
* Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for Emotion Recognition
* Generating Super-Resolved Depth Maps Using Low-Cost Sensors and RGB Images
* Gesture Recognition Supporting the Interaction of Humans with Socially Assistive Robots
* GPU Based Particle Coding Scheme for Virtual Cutting of Meshfree Particle Systems
* Handwritten Signature Verification Based on Enhanced Direction and Grid Features
* Haptic-Based Application for Active Exploration of Facial Expressions by the Visually Impaired, A
* Hardware/Software Co-design of Embedded Real-Time KD-Tree Based Feature Matching Systems
* Hierarchical Spanning Tree-Structured Approximation for Conditional Random Fields: An Empirical Study
* High-Order Diffusion Tensor Connectivity Mapping on the GPU
* HLAC between Cells of HOG Feature for Crowd Counting
* Human Action Recognition Using Histograms of Oriented Optical Flows from Depth
* Human Centered Scene Understanding Based on Depth Information: How to Deal with Noisy Skeleton Data?
* Human Perception Based Performance Evaluation of Image Quality Metrics, A
* Image Classification via Semi-supervised Feature Extraction with Out-of-Sample Extension
* Image Dehazing Using Regularized Optimization
* Image Retrieval Based on Statistical and Geometry Features
* Improving Human Gait Recognition Using Feature Selection
* Initial Closed-Form Solution to Mapping from Unknown Planar Motion of an Omni-directional Vision Sensor
* IntelliViz: A Tool for Visualizing Social Networks with Hashtags
* Interactive Segmentation of High-Resolution Video Content Using Temporally Coherent Superpixels and Graph Cut
* Intuitive Alignment of Point-Clouds with Painting-Based Feature Correspondence
* Iris and Pupil Measurement on Low Resolution Images for Driver Observation
* Layered Depth Image Based HEVC Multi-view Codec
* Learning and Association of Features for Action Recognition in Streaming Video
* Learning Splines for Sparse Tomographic Reconstruction
* Learning with Adaptive Rate for Online Detection of Unusual Appearance
* Local, Polynomial G1 PN Quads
* Loop Closing for Visual Pose Tracking during Close-Range 3-D Modeling
* Markerless Planar Tracking in Augmented Reality Using Geometric Structure
* Matching Affine Features with the SYBA Feature Descriptor
* micro-UAV Based Dynamic Target Tracking for Surveillance and Exploration
* Modified Adaptive Extended Bilateral Motion Estimation with Scene Change Detection for Motion Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion
* Multi-view Profilometry System Using RGB Channel Separated Fringe Patterns and Unscented Kalman Filter, A
* Multimodal Approach for Natural Biomedical Multi-scale Exploration
* Multimodal Non-Rigid Registration Methods Based on Demons Models and Local Uncertainty Quantification Used in 3D Brain Images
* Multiple Robotic Wheelchair System Considering Group Communication
* NetTimeView: Applying Spatio-temporal Data Visualization Techniques to DDoS Attack Analysis
* New Coin Segmentation and Graph-Based Identification Method for Numismatic Application, A
* Noise Analysis and Removal in 3D Electron Microscopy
* Non-rigid Registration of Vascular Structures for Aligning 2D X-ray Angiography with 3D CT Angiography
* Nonstationary Hidden Markov Model with Approximately Infinitely-Long Time-Dependencies, A
* Novel Modeling for Video Summarization Using Constraint Satisfaction Programming, A
* Object Classification Using a Semantic Hierarchy
* Object Detection Based on Multiresolution CoHOG
* Object Detection Using Deformable Part Model in RGB-D Data
* Object Recognition Using Constraints from Primitive Shape Matching
* On Detectability of Moroccan Coastal Upwelling in Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Images
* One-Shot Learning of Sketch Categories with Co-regularized Sparse Coding
* Optical Flow Computation in the Presence of Spatially-Varying Motion Blur
* Parkinson Data Analysis and Interpretation with Data Visualization Methods
* Passive 3D Scene Reconstruction via Hyperspectral Imagery
* Pedestrian-Pedestrian and Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction Motion Model for Pedestrians Tracking, A
* Personalized Modeling of Facial Action Unit Intensity
* PixSearcher: Searching Similar Images in Large Image Collections through Pixel Descriptors
* Pose-Aware Smoothing Filter for Depth Images
* Precise 3D Measurements for Tracked Objects from Synchronized Stereo-Video Sequences
* Principal Axes-Based Asymmetry Assessment Methodology for Skin Lesion Image Analysis
* Proactive 3D Robot Mapping in Environments with Sparse Features
* Proximity Clustering for Revealing a Semantically Dominant Class
* Pyramid Mean Representation of Image Sequences for Fast Face Retrieval in Unconstrained Video Data
* Real-Time 3D Reconstruction of Traffic Scenes Under an Images-to-Model Framework
* Real-Time Depth-Image-Based Rendering for 3DTV Using OpenCL
* Reconstruction of a Complex Mirror Surface from a Single Image
* Resistance-Geodesic Distance and Its Use in Image Processing and Segmentation
* Rigid Multimodal/Multispectral Image Registration Based on the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* Robust and Efficient Tracker Using Dictionary of Binary Descriptors and Locality Constraints
* Robust, Marker-Based Head Tracking for Testing Cognitive Vehicles in the Loop
* Roles of Various Brain Structures on Non-Invasive Lateralization of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
* Scale-Adaptive Object Tracking with Diverse Ensembles
* Scene Understanding for Auto-Calibration of Surveillance Cameras
* Segmentation of Lungs with Interstitial Lung Disease in CT Scans: A TV-L 1 Based Texture Analysis Approach
* Semantic Segmentation of Low Frame-Rate Image Sequence Using Statistical Properties of Optical Flow for Remote Exploration
* Sequential 3D Curve-Thinning Algorithm Based on Isthmuses, A
* Shape from Refocus
* Shape from Specular Flow with Near-Field Environment Motion Field
* Shape Modeling with Fractals
* Shortest Enclosing Walks with a Non-zero Winding Number in Directed Weighted Planar Graphs: A Technique for Image Segmentation
* Simple Visual Words Selection Strategy for Pedestrian Detection, A
* Sparse Depth Calculation Using Real-Time Key-Point Detection and Structure from Motion for Advanced Driver Assist Systems
* Spatial Uncertainty Model of a Three-View RGB-D Camera System
* Spatio-temporal Level-Set Based Cell Segmentation in Time-Lapse Image Sequences
* Sphere Packing Aided Surface Reconstruction for Multi-view Data
* Statistical Estimation of Fluid Flow: An Image Restoration Approach
* Strokes Detection for Skeletonisation of Characters Shapes
* Study of 2D Vibration Summing for Improved Intensity Control in Vibrotactile Array Rendering
* Telemetry-Based Search Window Correction for Airborne Tracking
* Texture Retrieval Using Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence and Generalized Gaussian Mixtures
* Thresholding a Random Forest Classifier
* Towards an Embedded Real-Time High Resolution Vision System
* Towards Visual Based Navigation with Power Line Detection
* Ultrasound Surface Extraction Using Radial Basis Functions
* Unified Approach for On-Road Visual Night-Time Vehicle Light Detection, A
* Using Accurate Feature Matching for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ground Object Tracking
* Video-Based Self-positioning for Intelligent Transportation Systems Applications
* VideoZoom: An Interactive System for Video Summarization, Browsing and Retrieval
* View-Constrained Latent Variable Model for Multi-view Facial Expression Classification
* Violence Detection in Video by Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Visual Analysis of 3D Data by Isovalue Clustering
* Visual Tracking Extensions for Accurate Target Recovery in Low Frame Rate Videos
* Volumetric Topological Analysis on In Vivo Trabecular Bone Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Voronoi Diagrams of Line Segments in 3D, with Application to Automatic Rigging
* Weighted Pooling Based on Visual Saliency for Image Classification
* Weighted Regional Voting Based Ensemble of Multiple Classifiers for Face Recognition, A
* Which Phoneme-to-Viseme Maps Best Improve Visual-Only Computer Lip-Reading?
* Who Shot the Picture and When?
170 for ISVC14

ISVC15 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D Perception for Autonomous Robot Exploration
* Accidental Fall Detection Based on Skeleton Joint Correlation and Activity Boundary
* Adaptive Flocking Control of Multiple Unmanned Ground Vehicles by Using a UAV
* Analyzing Activities in Videos Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Granger Causality
* Aperio: A System for Visualizing 3D Anatomy Data Using Virtual Mechanical Tools
* Architectural Style Classification of Building Facade Towers
* As-Rigid-As-Possible Character Deformation Using Point Handles
* Automated Habit Detection System: A Feasibility Study
* Automatic Affect Analysis: From Children to Adults
* Automatic Crater Detection Using Convex Grouping and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Motion Classification for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Automatic Segmentation of Extraocular Muscles Using Superpixel and Normalized Cuts
* Automatic Verification of Properly Signed Multi-page Document Images
* Autonomous Guidance for a UAS Along a Staircase
* Autonomous Robotic Aerial Tracking, Avoidance, and Seeking of a Mobile Human Subject
* Basic Study of Automated Diagnosis of Viral Plant Diseases Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Bicycle Detection Using HOG, HSC and MLBP
* Building of Readable Decision Trees for Automated Melanoma Discrimination
* CINAPACT-Splines: A Family of Infinitely Smooth, Accurate and Compactly Supported Splines
* Classifying Frog Calls Using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Comparative Analysis of Two Approaches to Periocular Recognition in Mobile Scenarios, A
* Computer Vision System for Automatic Classification of Most Consumed Brazilian Beans, A
* Computing Voronoi Diagrams of Line Segments in R K in O(n log n) Time
* Condition Monitoring for Image-Based Visual Servoing Using Kalman Filter
* Conductor Tutoring Using the Microsoft Kinect
* Congestion-Aware Warehouse Flow Analysis and Optimization
* CRFs and HCRFs Based Recognition for Off-Line Arabic Handwriting
* DAcImPro: A Novel Database of Acquired Image Projections and Its Application to Object Recognition
* Deep Belief Network for Classifying Remotely-Sensed Hyperspectral Data, A
* Deep Learning of Neuromuscular Control for Biomechanical Human Animation
* Deep Learning-Based Man-Made Object Detection from Hyperspectral Data
* Deformable Object Behavior Reconstruction Derived Through Simultaneous Geometric and Material Property Estimation
* Dense Correspondence and Optical Flow Estimation Using Gabor, Schmid and Steerable Descriptors
* Detecting Road Users at Intersections Through Changing Weather Using RGB-Thermal Video
* DPN-LRF: A Local Reference Frame for Robustly Handling Density Differences and Partial Occlusions
* Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Using Generalized Time Warping and Deep Belief Networks
* Dynamic Target Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance using a Drone
* Edge Based Segmentation of Left and Right Ventricles Using Two Distance Regularized Level Sets
* Effective Information and Contrast Based Saliency Detection
* Efficient Algorithms for Indoor MAV Flight Using Vision and Sonar Sensors
* Efficient Hand Articulations Tracking Using Adaptive Hand Model and Depth Map
* Efficient Non-parametric Background Modeling Technique with CUDA Heterogeneous Parallel Architecture, An
* Efficient Training of Evolution-Constructed Features
* Estimating the Dominant Orientation of an Object Using Image Segmentation and Principal Component Analysis
* Evaluation of Fatigue Measurement Using Human Motor Coordination for Gesture-Based Interaction in 3D Environments
* Evaluation of Vision-Based Human Activity Recognition in Dense Trajectory Framework
* Examining Classic Color Harmony Versus Translucency Color Guidelines for Layered Surface Visualization
* Experimental Evaluation of Rigid Registration Using Phase Correlation Under Illumination Changes
* Extracting Surface Geometry from Particle-Based Fracture Simulations
* Eye Gaze Correction with a Single Webcam Based on Eye-Replacement
* Facial Fattening and Slimming Simulation Based on Skull Structure
* Facial Landmark Localization Using Robust Relationship Priors and Approximative Gibbs Sampling
* Finding the N-cuts of Watershed Partitions for Image Segmentation
* Fingerprint Matching with Optical Coherence Tomography
* Free-Form Tetrahedron Deformation
* Fuzzy Skeletonization Improves the Performance of Characterizing Trabecular Bone Micro-architecture
* Gaussian Mixture Representation of Gesture Kinematics for On-Line Sign Language Video Annotation, A
* Gaussian Processes for Slice-Based Super-Resolution MR Images
* Generalized Wishart Processes for Interpolation Over Diffusion Tensor Fields
* Generation of 3D/4D Photorealistic Building Models. The Testbed Area for 4D Cultural Heritage World Project: The Historical Center of Calw (Germany)
* Gradient Local Auto-Correlations and Extreme Learning Machine for Depth-Based Activity Recognition
* Graph-Based Visualization of Neuronal Connectivity Using Matrix Block Partitioning and Edge Bundling
* Ground Extraction from Terrestrial LiDAR Scans Using 2D-3D Neighborhood Graphs
* Group Based Asymmetry: A Fast Saliency Algorithm
* Groupwise Shape Correspondences on 3D Brain Structures Using Probabilistic Latent Variable Models
* Guidance on the Selection of Central Difference Method Accuracy in Volume Rendering
* Guided High-Quality Rendering
* Guided Structure-Aligned Segmentation of Volumetric Data
* Hierarchical Frame-by-Frame Association Method Based on Graph Matching for Multi-object Tracking, A
* High Performance and Efficient Facial Recognition Using Norm of ICA/Multiwavelet Features
* High-Quality Consistent Illumination in Mobile Augmented Reality by Radiance Convolution on the GPU
* HMM Based Evaluation of Physical Therapy Movements Using Kinect Tracking
* Home Oriented Virtual e-Rehabilitation
* Human Body Volume Recovery from Single Depth Image
* Hybrid Example-Based Single Image Super-Resolution
* Hybrid Real-Time Visual Tracking Using Compressive RGB-D Features, A
* Hyperspectral Scene Analysis via Structure from Motion
* Ice Detection on Electrical Power Cables
* If We Did Not Have ImageNet: Comparison of Fisher Encodings and Convolutional Neural Networks on Limited Training Data
* Illumination Invariant Robust Likelihood Estimator for Particle Filtering Based Target Tracking
* Image Annotation Incorporating Low-Rankness, Tag and Visual Correlation and Inhomogeneous Errors
* Image Based Approaches for Tunnels' Defects Recognition via Robotic Inspectors
* Impact of the Number of Atlases in a Level Set Formulation of Multi-atlas Segmentation
* Improve Non-graph Matching Feature-Based Face Recognition Performance by Using a Multi-stage Matching Strategy
* Innovative Virtual Reality Application for Road Safety Education of Children in Urban Areas
* Inspection Operations Using an Aerial Robot Powered-over-Tether by a Ground Vehicle
* Interactive Node-Link Visualization of Convolutional Neural Networks, An
* Interactive Procedural Building Generation Using Kaleidoscopic Iterated Function Systems
* InVesalius: An Interactive Rendering Framework for Health Care Support
* Investigating Pill Recognition Methods for a New National Library of Medicine Image Dataset
* JackVR: A Virtual Reality Training System for Landing Oil Rigs
* Joint Visual Phrase Detection to Boost Scene Parsing
* Label Propagation for Large Scale 3D Indoor Scenes
* Lateral Touch Detection and Localization for Interactive, Augmented Planar Surfaces
* Learning Discriminative Spectral Bands for Material Classification
* Lens Distortion Rectification Using Triangulation Based Interpolation
* Many-Lights Real Time Global Illumination Using Sparse Voxel Octree
* Markov Random Field and Active Contour Image Segmentation Model for Animal Spots Patterns, A
* Mass Segmentation in Mammograms Based on the Combination of the Spiking Cortical Model (SCM) and the Improved CV Model
* Modelling and Experimental Study for Automated Congestion Driving
* More Usable V-EGI for Volumetric Dataset Registration
* Motion Priors Estimation for Robust Matching Initialization in Automotive Applications
* Multi-modal Computer Vision for the Detection of Multi-scale Crowd Physical Motions and Behavior in Confined Spaces
* Multi-target Tracking Using Sample-Based Data Association for Mixed Images
* Neighbors Based Discriminative Feature Difference Learning for Kinship Verification
* NEURONAV: A Tool for Image-Guided Surgery - Application to Parkinson's Disease
* Nonlinear Controller of Quadcopters for Agricultural Monitoring
* Novel Infrastructure for Supporting Display Ecologies, A
* Novel Word Segmentation Method Based on Object Detection and Deep Learning, A
* Off-the-Shelf CNN Features for Fine-Grained Classification of Vessels in a Maritime Environment
* On Calibration and Alignment of Point Clouds in a Network of RGB-D Sensors for Tracking
* Ontology-Based Visual Query Formulation: An Industry Experience
* Patch Selection for Single Image Deblurring Based on a Coalitional Game
* Probabilistic Labeling of Cerebral Vasculature on MR Angiography
* Prototype of Super-Resolution Camera Array System
* Quasi-Conformal Hybrid Multi-modality Image Registration and its Application to Medical Image Fusion
* Range Image Processing for Real Time Hospital-Room Monitoring
* Real-Time 3-D Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Cameras
* Real-Time Depth Estimation Approach for a Focused Plenoptic Camera, A
* Realtime Face Verification with Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks
* Reconstruction of Face Texture Based on the Fusion of Texture Patches
* Region Growing Selection Technique for Dense Volume Visualization
* Relighting for an Arbitrary Shape Object Under Unknown Illumination Environment
* Restoration of Blurred-Noisy Images Through the Concept of Bilevel Programming
* RGB-D Camera Based Walking Pattern Detection Method for Smart Rollators, An
* Robust Energy Minimization Algorithm for MS-Lesion Segmentation, A
* Robust Real-Time Road Detection Algorithm Using Color and Edge Information, A
* Safety Quantification of Intersections Using Computer Vision Techniques
* Segmentation of Building Facade Towers
* Segmentation of Partially Overlapping Nanoparticles Using Concave Points
* Segmentation of Saimaa Ringed Seals for Identification Purposes
* SeLibCV: A Service Library for Computer Vision Researchers
* Semantic Web Technologies for Object Tracking and Video Analytics
* Shared Autonomy Perception and Manipulation of Physical Device Controls
* Spatio-Temporal Fusion for Learning of Regions of Interests Over Multiple Video Streams
* Statistical Adaptive Metric Learning for Action Feature Set Recognition in the Wild
* Stereo Correspondence Evaluation Methods: A Systematic Review
* Stereo-Matching in the Context of Vision-Augmented Vehicles
* Study of Hand Motion/Posture Recognition in Two-Camera Views, A
* Symmetry Similarity of Human Perception to Computer Vision Operators
* Temporally Object-Based Video Co-segmentation
* Thermal Infrared Image Processing to Assess Heat Generated by Magnetic Nanoparticles for Hyperthermia Applications
* Time-Varying Surface Reconstruction of an Actor's Performance
* Traffic Light Detection at Night: Comparison of a Learning-Based Detector and Three Model-Based Detectors
* Use of a Large Image Repository to Enhance Domain Dataset for Flyer Classification
* User-Assisted Inverse Procedural Facade Modeling and Compressed Image Rendering
* UT-MARO: Unscented Transformation and Matrix Rank Optimization for Moving Objects Detection in Aerial Imagery
* Variational Inference for Background Subtraction in Infrared Imagery
* Vehicles Detection in Stereo Vision Based on Disparity Map Segmentation and Objects Classification
* Victim Detection from a Fixed-Wing UAV: Experimental Results
* Vis3D+: An Integrated System for GPU-Accelerated Volume Image Processing and Rendering
* Vision-Based Vehicle Counting with High Accuracy for Highways with Perspective View
* Visual Autonomy via 2D Matching in Rendered 3D Models
* Visual Perception and Analysis as First Steps Toward Human-Robot Chess Playing
* Visualization Techniques for the Developing Chicken Heart
* Visualizing Aldo Giorgini's Ideal Flow
* Visualizing Document Image Collections Using Image-Based Word Clouds
* Visualizing Software Metrics in a Software System Hierarchy
* WebPhysics: A Parallel Rigid Body Simulation Framework for Web Applications
* WHAT2PRINT: Learning Image Evaluation
161 for ISVC15

ISVC16 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3-D Shape Recovery from Image Focus Using Rank Transform
* 3D Human Activity Recognition Using Skeletal Data from RGBD Sensors
* Abnormal Detection by Iterative Reconstruction
* Adaptive Isosurface Reconstruction Using a Volumetric-Divergence-Based Metric
* Adaptive Video Transition Detection Based on Multiscale Structural Dissimilarity
* Adding Turbulence Based on Low-Resolution Cascade Ratios
* Age Classification from Facial Images: Is Frontalization Necessary?
* Age Estimation by LS-SVM Regression on Facial Images
* Animal Identification in Low Quality Camera-Trap Images Using Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Confidence Thresholds
* Automated Rebar Detection for Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Automated Reconstruction of Neurovascular Networks in Knife-Edge Scanning Microscope Rat Brain Nissl Data Set
* Automatic Content-Aware Non-photorealistic Rendering of Images
* Automatic Detection of Deviations in Human Movements Using HMM: Discrete vs Continuous
* Automatic Environment Map Construction for Mixed Reality Robotic Applications
* Automatic Oil Reserve Analysis Through the Shadows of Exterior Floating Crest Oil Tanks in Highlight Optical Satellite Images
* Automatic Optic Disk Segmentation in Presence of Disk Blurring
* Automatic Web Page Coloring
* Bioplausible Model for Explaining Café Wall Illusion: Foveal vs. Peripheral Resolution, A
* Camera Motion Estimation with Known Vertical Direction in Unstructured Environments
* Capturing Photorealistic and Printable 3D Models Using Low-Cost Hardware
* Chan-Vese Revisited: Relation to Otsu's Method and a Parameter-Free Non-PDE Solution via Morphological Framework
* Change Detection and Object Recognition Using Aerial Robots
* Character Animation: An Automated Gait Cycle for 3D Characters Using Mathematical Equations
* Chasing Rainbows: A Color-Theoretic Framework for Improving and Preserving Bad Colormaps
* Classifying Pollen Using Robust Sequence Alignment of Sparse Z-Stack Volumes
* Combinatorial Optimization for Human Body Tracking
* Combining Visual Tracking and Person Detection for Long Term Tracking on a UAV
* Comparative Analysis of Deep and Shallow Features for Multimodal Face Recognition in a Novel RGB-D-IR Dataset, A
* Complementary Keypoint Descriptors
* Comprehensive Parameter Sweep for Learning-Based Detector on Traffic Lights
* Creating Feasible Reflectance Data for Synthetic Optical Flow Datasets
* CutPointVis: An Interactive Exploration Tool for Cancer Biomarker Cutpoint Optimization
* DeTEC: Detection of Touching Elongated Cells in SEM Images
* Detecting Tracking Failures from Correlation Response Maps
* Direct Visual-Inertial Odometry and Mapping for Unmanned Vehicle
* Distributed Optimal Flocking Design for Multi-agent Two-Player Zero-Sum Games with Unknown System Dynamics and Disturbance
* Dual Back-to-Back Kinects for 3-D Reconstruction
* Efficient Algorithm for Feature-Based 3D Point Cloud Correspondence Search, An
* Efficient CU Splitting Method for HEVC Intra Coding Based on Visual Saliency
* Efficient Pedestrian Detector Based on Saliency and HOG Features Modeling, An
* Enhancing the Communication Spectrum in Collaborative Virtual Environments
* Evaluating the Change of Directional Patterns for Fingerprints with Missing Singular Points Under Rotation
* Evaluation of Collaborative Actions to Inform Design of a Remote Interactive Collaboration Framework for Immersive Data Visualizations
* Extraction of Vascular Intensity Directional Derivative on Computed Tomography Angiography
* False Positive Reduction in Breast Mass Detection Using the Fusion of Texture and Gradient Orientation Features
* Fast and Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Dental Models
* Fast, Deep Detection and Tracking of Birds and Nests
* Feature Evaluation for Handwritten Character Recognition with Regressive and Generative Hidden Markov Models
* Features of Internal Jugular Vein Contours for Classification
* Flood Detection and Warning System Based on Video Content Analysis, A
* Foveated Path Tracing: A Literature Review and a Performance Gain Analysis
* Fully Automatic and Robust 3D Modeling for Range Scan Data of Complex 3D Objects
* Gathering Event Detection by Stereo Vision
* Gaussian Mixture Model Feature for Wildlife Detection, A
* Global Evolution-Constructed Feature for Date Maturity Evaluation
* Guided Text Spotting for Assistive Blind Navigation in Unfamiliar Indoor Environments
* Image Dataset of Text Patches in Everyday Scenes, An
* Image Enhancement by Volume Limitation in Binary Tomography
* Image Fusion Quality Measure Based on a Multi-scale Approach
* Image-Based Post-processing for Realistic Real-Time Rendering of Scenes in the Presence of Fluid Simulations and Image-Based Lighting
* Immersive Industrial Process Environment from a P&ID Diagram
* Improved Aircraft Recognition for Aerial Refueling Through Data Augmentation in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Improved Stereo Vision of Indoor Dense Suspended Scatterers Scenes from De-scattering Images
* Improving Visual Feature Representations by Biasing Restricted Boltzmann Machines with Gaussian Filters
* Integrated Cyber-Physical Immersive Virtual Reality Framework with Applications to Telerobotics, An
* Integrated Octree-RANSAC Technique for Automated LiDAR Building Data Segmentation for Decorative Buildings, An
* Interpolation-Based Extraction of Representative Isosurfaces
* Joint Keystone Correction and Shake Removal for a Hand Held Projector
* Large Image Collection Visualization Using Perception-Based Similarity with Color Features
* Leaf Classification Using Convexity Moments of Polygons
* Leveraging Multi-modal Analyses and Online Knowledge Base for Video Aboutness Generation
* Manifold Interpolation for an Efficient Hand Shape Recognition in the Irish Sign Language
* Maximum Correntropy Based Dictionary Learning Framework for Physical Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors
* MinMax Radon Barcodes for Medical Image Retrieval
* Mobile Recognition System for Analog Energy Meter Scanning, A
* Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM for Fixed-Wing UAVs Using Sliding Window Based Nonlinear Optimization
* Motion of Oriented Magnitudes Patterns for Human Action Recognition
* Multi-Kernel Fuzzy-Based Local Gabor Patterns for Gait Recognition
* Multiple Object Tracking Evaluation Analysis Framework, A
* Narrative Approach to Assess Fear of Heights in Virtual Environments
* New Method for Fall Detection of Elderly Based on Human Shape and Motion Variation, A
* Nonparametric Hierarchical Bayesian Model and Its Application on Multimodal Person Identity Verification, A
* Object Detection Based on Image Blur Using Spatial-Domain Filtering with Haar-Like Features
* Object Splitting Model Using Higher-Order Active Contours for Single-Cell Segmentation, An
* OCR as a Service: An Experimental Evaluation of Google Docs OCR, Tesseract, ABBYY FineReader, and Transym
* Optimization-Based Multi-view Head Pose Estimation for Driver Behavior Analysis
* Optimizing Intersection-Over-Union in Deep Neural Networks for Image Segmentation
* Parallelized Iterative Closest Point for Autonomous Aerial Refueling
* Particle Detection in Crowd Regions Using Cumulative Score of CNN
* Performance Evaluation of 3D Keypoints and Descriptors
* Performance Evaluation of Video Summaries Using Efficient Image Euclidean Distance
* PH-BRINT: Pooled Homomorphic Binary Rotation Invariant and Noise Tolerant Representation for Face Recognition Under Illumination Variations
* Physiological Features of the Internal Jugular Vein from B-Mode Ultrasound Imagery
* Pollen Grain Recognition Using Deep Learning
* Portable and Unified CPU/GPU Parallel Implementation of Surface Normal Generation Algorithm from 3D Terrain Data, A
* Practical Hand Skeleton Estimation Method Based on Monocular Camera
* Pre-processing of Video Streams for Extracting Queryable Representation of Its Contents
* Preliminary Studies on Personalized Preference Prediction from Gaze in Comparing Visualizations
* Preventing Drowning Accidents Using Thermal Cameras
* Quantitative Performance Optimisation for Corner and Edge Based Robotic Vision Systems: A Monte-Carlo Simulation
* Rare Class Oriented Scene Labeling Using CNN Incorporated Label Transfer
* RDEPS: A Combined Reaction-Diffusion Equation and Photometric Similarity Filter for Optical Image Restoration
* Real-Time Automated Aerial Refueling Using Stereo Vision
* Real-Time Detection and Tracking of Multiple Humans from High Bird's-Eye Views in the Visual and Infrared Spectrum
* Real-Time Multi-object Tracking with Occlusion and Stationary Objects Handling for Conveying Systems
* Realistic 3D Modeling of the Liver from MRI Images
* Reduction of Missing Wedge Artifact in Oblique-View Computed Tomography
* Reliability-Based Local Features Aggregation for Image Segmentation
* Resolution-Independent Superpixels Based on Convex Constrained Meshes Without Small Angles
* Robustness of Rotation Invariant Descriptors for Texture Classification
* SAHF: Unsupervised Texture-Based Multiscale with Multicolor Method for Retinal Vessel Delineation
* Semantic-Based Brain MRI Image Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Semi-automated Extraction of Retinal Blood Vessel Network with Bifurcation and Crossover Points
* Signature Embedding: Writer Independent Offline Signature Verification with Deep Metric Learning
* Similarity Metric Learning for 2D to 3D Registration of Brain Vasculature
* Simulating a Predator Fish Attacking a School of Prey Fish in 3D Graphics
* SINN: Shepard Interpolation Neural Networks
* Sparse Representation Based Classification Algorithm for Chinese Food Recognition, A
* Spatiotemporal LOD-Blending for Artifact Reduction in Multi-resolution Volume Rendering
* Stacked Autoencoders for Medical Image Search
* Stereo-Image Normalization of Voluminous Objects Improves Textile Defect Recognition
* Teacher-Student VR Telepresence with Networked Depth Camera Mesh and Heterogeneous Displays
* Tensor Voting Extraction of Vessel Centerlines from Cerebral Angiograms
* Towards Estimating Heart Rates from Video Under Low Light
* Towards Landmine Detection Using Ubiquitous Satellite Imaging
* Two Phase Classification for Early Hand Gesture Recognition in 3D Top View Data
* Unsupervised Caries Detection in Non-standardized Bitewing Dental X-Rays
* Unsupervised Deep Networks for Temporal Localization of Human Actions in Streaming Videos
* Using Dense 3D Reconstruction for Visual Odometry Based on Structure from Motion Techniques
* Vessel Detection on Cerebral Angiograms Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Video Anomaly Detection Based on Adaptive Multiple Auto-Encoders
* Video Cut Detector via Adaptive Features using the Frobenius Norm
* Video Tracking with Probabilistic Cooccurrence Feature Extraction
* View-Based 3D Objects Recognition with Expectation Propagation Learning
* Virtual Reality Integration with Force Feedback in Upper Limb Rehabilitation
* Vision-Based Self-contained Target Following Robot Using Bayesian Data Fusion
* Visual Analytics Using Graph Sampling and Summarization on Multitouch Displays
138 for ISVC16

ISVC18 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* Accuracy of a Driver-Assistance System in a Collision Scenario
* Accurate and Efficient Non-Parametric Background Detection for Video Surveillance
* Alternative Treatment of Psychological Disorders Such as Spider Phobia Through Virtual Reality Environments
* Analysis and Visualization of Sports Performance Anxiety in Tennis Matches
* Augmented Reality System for Training and Assistance in the Management of Industrial Equipment and Instruments
* Authentication-Based on Biomechanics of Finger Movements Captured Using Optical Motion-Capture
* Automatic Registration of Serial Cerebral Angiography: A Comparative Review
* Autonomous Bus Boarding Robotic Wheelchair Using Bidirectional Sensing Systems
* Biomimetic Perception Learning for Human Sensorimotor Control
* Bird Gets Caught by the WORM: Tracking Multiple Deformable Objects in Noisy Environments Using Weight ORdered Logic Maps, The
* Budget-Constrained Online Video Summarisation of Egocentric Video Using Control Charts
* Can Deep Learning Learn the Principle of Closed Contour Detection?
* Classify Broiler Viscera Using an Iterative Approach on Noisy Labeled Training Data
* Comparative Study of Virtual UI for Risk Assessment and Evaluation, A
* Convolutional Adaptive Particle Filter with Multiple Models for Visual Tracking
* Deep Convolutional Correlation Filters for Forward-Backward Visual Tracking
* Dense-Depth Representation for VLAD Descriptors in Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* DensSiam: End-to-End Densely-Siamese Network with Self-Attention Model for Object Tracking
* Detailed Sentence Generation Architecture for Image Semantics Description
* DUPL-VR: Deep Unsupervised Progressive Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Efficient Nearest Neighbors Search for Large-Scale Landmark Recognition
* Evaluation of Smoothing and Remeshing Techniques to Represent the Evolution of Real-World Phenomena, An
* Fast Image Dehazing Methods for Real-Time Video Processing
* Gender Classification Based on Facial Shape and Texture Features
* GPU Accelerated Non-Parametric Background Subtraction
* Heart Modeling by Convexity Preserving Segmentation and Convex Shape Decomposition
* Hough Space Feature for Vehicle Detection, A
* Instance-level Object Recognition Using Deep Temporal Coherence
* Large Scale Application Response Time Measurement Using Image Recognition and Deep Learning
* Low-Power Neuromorphic System for Real-Time Visual Activity Recognition, A
* Marker Based Thermal-Inertial Localization for Aerial Robots in Obscurant Filled Environments
* Multi-branch Siamese Networks with Online Selection for Object Tracking
* Multiple Object Tracking in Urban Traffic Scenes with a Multiclass Object Detector
* Mumford-Shah Style Unified Framework for Layering: Pitfalls and Solutions, A
* New Algorithm for Local Blur-Scale Computation and Edge Detection, A
* Non-stationary Generalized Wishart Processes for Enhancing Resolution over Diffusion Tensor Fields
* Object Detection to Assist Visually Impaired People: A Deep Neural Network Adventure
* Oil Processes VR Training
* p-Laplacian Regularization of Signals on Directed Graphs
* Parallel Curves Detection Using Multi-agent System
* Particle Filter Based Tracking and Mapping
* Patch-Based Potentials for Interactive Contour Extraction
* Patient's Body Motion Study Using Multimodal RGBDT Videos
* Porous Structure Design in Tissue Engineering Using Anisotropic Radial Basis Functions
* PSO-Based Newton-Like Method and Iteration Processes in the Generation of Artistic Patterns
* Pupil Localization Using Geodesic Distance
* Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Improved Local Binary Pattern
* Road User Abnormal Trajectory Detection Using a Deep Autoencoder
* Robust Incremental Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Human Action Recognition
* Rotation Symmetry Object Classification Using Structure Constrained Convolutional Neural Network
* Scale-Aware RPN for Vehicle Detection
* Semantic Segmentation by Integrating Classifiers for Different Difficulty Levels
* Sensory Fusion and Intent Recognition for Accurate Gesture Recognition in Virtual Environments
* Shape-Based Smoothing of Binary Digital Objects Using Signed Distance Transform
* Skin Cancer Segmentation Using a Unified Markov Random Field
* Skull Stripping Using Confidence Segmentation Convolution Neural Network
* Skyline as a Marker for Augmented Reality in Urban Context, The
* Specific Document Sign Location Detection Based on Point Matching and Clustering
* Traffic Flow Classification Using Traffic Cameras
* Training in Virtual Environments for Hybrid Power Plant
* Video-Based Human Action Recognition Using Kernel Relevance Analysis
* Virtual Reality System for Children Lower Limb Strengthening with the Use of Electromyographic Sensors
* Vision-Depth Landmarks and Inertial Fusion for Navigation in Degraded Visual Environments
* Visualization of Parameter Sensitivity of 2D Time-Dependent Flow
* Visualizing Viewpoint Movement on Driving by Space Information Rendering
* Web System for Visualization of Weather Data of the Hydrometeorological Network of Tungurahua, Ecuador
67 for ISVC18

ISVC20 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D Articulated Body Model Using Anthropometric Control Points and an Articulation Video
* 3D-CNN for Facial Emotion Recognition in Videos
* AI Playground: Unreal Engine-based Data Ablation Tool for Deep Learning
* Approach Towards Action Recognition Using Part Based Hierarchical Fusion, An
* Asynchronous Corner Tracking Algorithm Based on Lifetime of Events for Davis Cameras
* Automated Classification of Parkinson's Disease Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data
* Automatic 3d Object Detection from RGB-D Data Using PU-GAN
* Automatic Extraction of Joint Orientations in Rock Mass Using Pointnet and Dbscan
* Biologically Inspired Sleep Algorithm for Variational Auto-encoders
* Body Motion Analysis for Golf Swing Evaluation
* BVNET: A 3d End-to-end Model Based on Point Cloud
* Cd2: Combined Distances of Contrast Distributions for Image Quality Analysis
* CNN, Segmentation or Semantic Embeddings: Evaluating Scene Context for Trajectory Prediction
* Coarse-to-fine Object Tracking Using Deep Features and Correlation Filters
* Concurrenthull: A Fast Parallel Computing Approach to the Convex Hull Problem
* Conditional GAN for Prediction of Glaucoma Progression with Macular Optical Coherence Tomography
* Controlled Autoencoders to Generate Faces from Voices
* CSC-GAN: Cycle and Semantic Consistency for Dataset Augmentation
* Data-driven Creativity Measure for 3d Shapes, A
* Deep Facial Expression Recognition with Occlusion Regularization
* Deep Genetic Programming Based Methodology for Art Media Classification Robust to Adversarial Perturbations, A
* Deep Partial Occlusion Facial Expression Recognition via Improved CNN
* Deeptkaclassifier: Brand Classification of Total Knee Arthroplasty Implants Using Explainable Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Depthwise Separable Convolutions and Variational Dropout within the context of YOLOv3
* Domain Adaptive Transfer Learning on Visual Attention Aware Data Augmentation for Fine-grained Visual Categorization
* Driver Guidance System to Support the Stationary Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles, A
* Efficient Tiny Feature Map Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation, An
* Emotion Categorization from Video-frame Images Using a Novel Sequential Voting Technique
* Empirical Methodological Study of Evaluation Methods Applied to Educational Timetabling Visualizations, An
* Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks for the Detection of Microscopic Fusarium Oxysporum
* Evaluating Single Image Dehazing Methods Under Realistic Sunlight Haze
* Event-based Hierarchical Method for Customer Activity Recognition in Retail Stores, An
* FA3D: Fast and Accurate 3d Object Detection
* Face Reenactment Based Facial Expression Recognition
* Facial Expression Recognition and Ordinal Intensity Estimation: A Multilabel Learning Approach
* Feature Map Retargeting to Classify Biomedical Journal Figures
* Fetal Brain Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Fusion Strategies
* Few-shot Image Recognition with Manifolds
* Flow Map Processing by Space-time Deformation
* Fully Autonomous UAV-Based Action Recognition System Using Aerial Imagery
* Fundus2angio: A Conditional Gan Architecture for Generating Fluorescein Angiography Images from Retinal Fundus Photography
* Gastrointestinal Tract Anomaly Detection from Endoscopic Videos Using Object Detection Approach
* Gaussian Process Upsampling Model for Improvements in Optical Character Recognition, A
* Gender and Age Estimation Without Facial Information from Still Images
* Generalized Inverted Dirichlet Optimal Predictor for Image Inpainting
* Generator from Edges: Reconstruction of Facial Images
* Genexplorer: Visualizing and Comparing Gene Expression Levels via Differential Charts
* Hand Gesture Recognition Based on the Fusion of Visual and Touch Sensing Data
* Hierarchical Action Classification with Network Pruning
* Highway Traffic Classification for the Perception Level of Situation Awareness
* Homework Helper: Providing Valuable Feedback on Math Mistakes
* How Does Computer Animation Affect Our Perception of Emotions in Video Summarization?
* Hybrid Approach for Improved Image Similarity Using Semantic Segmentation, A
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Pyramid Graph Reasoning
* Image Categorization Using Agglomerative Clustering Based Smoothed Dirichlet Mixtures
* Improvements on the Superpixel Hierarchy Algorithm with Applications to Image Segmentation and Saliency Detection
* Improving Chinese Reading Comprehensions of Dyslexic Children via VR Reading
* Improving User Experience in Augmented Reality Mirrors with 3d Displays
* Ink Marker Segmentation in Histopathology Images Using Deep Learning
* Interface Design for HCI Classroom: From Learners' Perspective
* Interpreting Galaxy Deblender GAN from the Discriminator's Perspective
* Investigating the Effects of Display Fidelity of Popular Head-mounted Displays on Spatial Updating and Learning in Virtual Reality
* Iterative Closest Point with Minimal Free Space Constraints
* Light-weight Monocular Depth Estimation with Edge-guided Occlusion Fading Reduction, A
* Lightless Fields: Enhancement and Denoising of Light-deficient Light Fields
* Minimal Free Space Constraints for Implicit Distance Bounds
* Mobile Manipulator Robot Visual Servoing and Guidance for Dynamic Target Grasping
* Modified Syn2real Network for Nighttime Rainy Image Restoration, A
* Multi-label Classification of Panoramic Radiographic Images Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-modal Image Fusion Based on Weight Local Features and Novel Sum-modified-laplacian in Non-subsampled Shearlet Transform Domain
* Multimodal High Level Video Segmentation for Content Targeted Online Advertising, A
* Multiscale Detection of Cancerous Tissue in High Resolution Slide Scans
* Mysnapfoodlog: Culturally Sensitive Food Photo-logging App for Dietary Biculturalism Studies
* Natural Disaster Building Damage Assessment Using a Two-encoder U-net
* Near-Optimal Concentric Circles Layout
* Nodule Generation of Lung CT Images Using a 3d Convolutional LSTM Network
* Nonconvex Regularization for Network Slimming: Compressing CNNS Even More
* Nonlocal Adaptive Biharmonic Regularizer for Image Restoration
* Novel Contractive GAN Model for a Unified Approach Towards Blind Quality Assessment of Images from Heterogeneous Sources, A
* Offline Versus Online Triplet Mining Based on Extreme Distances of Histopathology Patches
* Optical Coherence Tomography Latent Fingerprint Image Denoising
* Optical Flow Based Background Subtraction with a Moving Camera: Application to Autonomous Driving
* Overscan Detection in Digitized Analog Films by Precise Sprocket Hole Segmentation
* P-fidenet: Plasmodium Falciparum Identification Neural Network
* Passenger Anxiety About Virtual Driver Awareness During a Trip with a Virtual Autonomous Vehicle
* Pixel-level Corrosion Detection on Metal Constructions by Fusion of Deep Learning Semantic and Contour Segmentation
* Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
* Prostate MRI Registration Using Siamese Metric Learning
* RCGAN: Learning a Generative Model for Arbitrary Size Image Generation
* Real-time Contrast Enhancement for 3d Medical Images Using Histogram Equalization
* Real-time Person Tracking and Association on Doorbell Cameras
* Reducing Triangle Inequality Violations with Deep Learning and Its Application to Image Retrieval
* Referenced Based Color Transfer for Medical Volume Rendering
* Regularization and Sparsity for Adversarial Robustness and Stable Attribution
* Robust Approach to Plagiarism Detection in Handwritten Documents, A
* Robust Prostate Cancer Classification with Siamese Neural Networks
* Salsanext: Fast, Uncertainty-aware Semantic Segmentation of Lidar Point Clouds
* SAT-CNN: A Small Neural Network for Object Recognition from Satellite Imagery
* Scale-aware Yolo Model for Pedestrian Detection, A
* Scene Classification of Remote Sensing Images Based on Convnet Features and Multi-Grained Forest
* Self-competitive Neural Networks
* Semantic Segmentation with Peripheral Vision
* Semi-supervised Fine-tuning for Deep Learning Models in Remote Sensing Applications
* Simple Camera-to-2d-lidar Calibration Method for General Use
* Simulation of High-definition Pixel-headlights
* Sketch-inspector: A Deep Mixture Model for High-quality Sketch Generation of Cats
* Systematic Optimization of Image Processing Pipelines Using GPUS
* Tagcn: Topology-aware Graph Convolutional Network for Trajectory Prediction
* Towards an Effective Approach for Face Recognition with DCGANS Data Augmentation
* Towards Optimal Ship Navigation Using Image Processing
* Uncertainty Estimates in Deep Generative Models Using Gaussian Processes
* Understanding Flooding Detection Using Overhead Imagery - Lessons Learned
* Unsupervised Anomaly Detection of the First Person in Gait from an Egocentric Camera
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification with Few and Unlabeled Target Data
* Variational Bayesian Sequence-to-sequence Networks for Memory-Efficient Sign Language Translation
* Video Based Fire Detection Using Xception and Conv-LSTM
* Walking in a Crowd Full of Virtual Characters: Effects of Virtual Character Appearance on Human Movement Behavior
* Where's Wally: A Gigapixel Image Study for Face Recognition in Crowds
119 for ISVC20

ISVC21 * *Advances in Visual Computing
* 3D Registration of Deformable Objects Using a Time-of-Flight Camera
* Adaptive Feature Norm for Unsupervised Subdomain Adaptation
* Adding Color Information to Spatially-Enhanced, Bag-of-Visual-Words Models
* Analysis of Macular Thickness Deviation Maps for Diagnosis of Glaucoma
* Analysis of Multi-temporal Image Series for the Preventive Conservation of Varnished Wooden Surfaces
* Art-Directable Cloud Animation
* Augmented Reality Gamification of Intra- and Production Logistics
* Automated Bite-block Detection to Distinguish Colonoscopy from Upper Endoscopy Using Deep Learning
* BEAPS: Integrating Volumetric Dynamics in Virtual Agent Prototyping
* Behaviour of Sample Selection Techniques Under Explicit Regularization
* Bodily Expression of Emotions in Animated Agents
* BRDF Measurement of Real Materials Using Handheld Cameras
* Building 3D Virtual Worlds from Monocular Images of Urban Road Traffic Scenes
* Car Pose Estimation Through Wheel Detection
* Cervical Cancer Detection and Classification in Cytology Images Using a Hybrid Approach
* Chicken Detection in Occlusion Scenes with Modified Single Shot MultiBox Detector
* Color Point Pair Feature Light
* Compressed Domain Consistent Motion Based Frame Scoring for IoT Edge Surveillance Videos
* Computer-Assisted Heuristic Evaluation of Data Visualization
* Cross Your Body: a Cognitive Assessment System for Children
* CT Perfusion Imaging of the Brain with Machine Learning
* Data-Driven Approach to Improve 3D Head-Pose Estimation, A
* Data-Driven Estimation of Temporal-Sampling Errors in Unsteady Flows
* Deep Tiling: Texture Tile Synthesis Using a Constant Space Deep Learning Approach
* DeepSolfège: Recognizing Solfège Hand Signs Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Dynamic Antenna Pattern Visualization for Aviation Safety Incorporating Multipath and Situational Awareness
* Ensemble Learning to Perform Instance Segmentation over Synthetic Data
* Evaluating User Interfaces for a Driver Guidance System to Support Stationary Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles
* Evaluation and Selection of Autoencoders for Expressive Dimensionality Reduction of Spatial Ensembles
* Extraction and Merging of Stroke Structure of Chinese Characters
* FamSearch: Visual Analysis of Genealogical Data
* Fast Approximation of Color Morphology
* Fast Point Voxel Convolution Neural Network with Selective Feature Fusion for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Frame Fields for CAD Models
* Generation of Virtual Reality Environment Based on 3D Scanned Indoor Physical Space
* Hierarchical Point Distance Fields
* Hierarchical Sankey Diagram: Design and Evaluation
* Holistically-Nested Structure-Aware Graph Neural Network for Road Extraction
* How Does Heterogeneous Label Noise Impact Generalization in Neural Nets?
* Hyperspectral Video Super-Resolution Using Beta Process and Bayesian Dictionary Learning
* Image Prior Transfer and Ensemble Architectures for Parkinson's Disease Detection
* Improving Automatic Quality Inspection in the Automotive Industry by Combining Simulated and Real Data
* Improving Efficient Semantic Segmentation Networks by Enhancing Multi-scale Feature Representation via Resolution Path Based Knowledge Distillation and Pixel Shuffle
* Integration of a BCI with a Hand Tracking System and a Motorized Robotic Arm to Improve Decoding of Brain Signals Related to Hand and Finger Movements
* IVS3D: An Open Source Framework for Intelligent Video Sampling and Preprocessing to Facilitate 3D Reconstruction
* JobNet: 2D and 3D Visualization for Temporal and Structural Association in High-Performance Computing System
* Learning Self-supervised Audio-Visual Representations for Sound Recommendations
* Method for Transferring Robot Motion Parameters Using Functional Attributes of Parts, A
* MissFormer: (In-)Attention-Based Handling of Missing Observations for Trajectory Filtering and Prediction
* MOBA Coach: Exploring and Analyzing Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Data
* Multimodal Multi-tasking for Skin Lesion Classification Using Deep Neural Networks
* NeoUNet: Towards Accurate Colon Polyp Segmentation and Neoplasm Detection
* Neuromuscular Control of the Face-Head-Neck Biomechanical Complex with Learning-Based Expression Transfer from Images and Videos
* Non-homogeneous Haze Removal Through a Multiple Attention Module Architecture
* Normal Image Generation-Based Defect Detection by Generative Adversarial Network with Chaotic Random Images
* Novel Similarity Measure for Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images, A
* Omnichannel Retail Customer Experience with Mixed-Reality Shopping Assistant Systems
* Parallel Sphere Packing for Arbitrary Domains
* Patch-Based Convolutional Neural Networks for TCGA-BRCA Breast Cancer Classification
* Perceived Naturalness of Interpolation Methods for Character Upper Body Animation
* Physically Based Rendering of Simple Thin Volume Natural Nanostructures
* Pose Estimation of Texture-Less Targets for Unconstrained Grasping
* PoseTED: A Novel Regression-Based Technique for Recognizing Multiple Pose Instances
* Privacy-Aware Anomaly Detection Using Semantic Segmentation
* Procedural Modeling of the Great Barrier Reef
* Putting Table Cartograms into Practice
* PW-MAD: Pixel-Wise Supervision for Generalized Face Morphing Attack Detection
* QR Code Style Transfer Method Based on Conditional Instance Regularization
* Quantum 3D Convolutional Neural Network with Application in Video Classification, A
* Real-World Thermal Image Super-Resolution
* ReGenMorph: Visibly Realistic GAN Generated Face Morphing Attacks by Attack Re-generation
* Security Automation Through a Multi-processing Real-Time System for the Re-Identification of Persons
* Semi Automatic Hand Pose Annotation Using a Single Depth Camera
* Simple Generative Network, A
* SORGATE: Extracting Geometry and Texture from Images of Solids of Revolution
* SPNet: Multi-shell Kernel Convolution for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Subspace Discrimination Method for Images Using Singular Value Decomposition
* Synthesized Image Datasets: Towards an Annotation-Free Instance Segmentation Strategy
* Towards Stereoscopic Video Deblurring Using Deep Convolutional Networks
* Towards the Creation of Spontaneous Datasets Based on Youtube Reaction Videos
* Uncooperative Satellite 6D Pose Estimation with Relative Depth Information
* Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Final Batch Normalization Layer, The
* Unsupervised Pixel-Wise Weighted Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Variational Conditional Dependence Hidden Markov Models for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Vehicle Detection and Tracking from Surveillance Cameras in Urban Scenes
* Video-Based Hand Tracking for Screening Cervical Myelopathy
* Virtual Training System Based on the Physiological Cycle of the Potato INIAP Suprema
* Wearable Augmented Reality System Using Head-Mounted Projector
89 for ISVC21

Index for "i"

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