Journals starting with aipr

AIPR * *AIPR Workshop

AIPR00 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop

AIPR01 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop

AIPR02 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* Analysis of multispectral imagery and modeling contaminant transport
* architecture for sensor data fusion target tracking, An
* Atmospheric correction of spectral imagery: evaluation of the FLAASH algorithm with AVIRIS data
* Automatic target detection using multispectral imaging
* empire that was Russia: the Prokudin-Gorskii photographic record re-created, The
* Enhancing spatial resolution for exploitation in hyperspectral imagery
* Fingerprint enhancement by spectral analysis techniques
* From X-rays to radar: using color to understand imagery
* Hand held imaging spectrometer
* Hyperspectral imaging of Kaposi's Sarcoma for disease assessment and treatment monitoring
* Hyperspectral sensor testbed for real-time algorithm evaluation
* ICA mixture model based unsupervised classification of hyperspectral imagery
* level set method for the extraction of roads from multispectral imagery, A
* Lippmann photography and the glory of frozen light: Eternal photographic color real and false
* Matched affine joint subspace detection in remote hyperspectral reconnaissance
* non-invasive spectral reflectance method for mapping blood oxygen saturation in wounds, A
* Onboard processor for compressing HSI data
* Overview of Hyperion on-orbit instrument performance, stability, and artifacts
* PNNL quantitative IR database for infrared remote sensing and hyperspectral imaging, The
* Real-time embedded hyperspectral image compression for tactical military platforms
* Sensor fusion for target detection and tracking
* Simulation of LWIR polarimetric observations of space objects
* Spectral imaging and biomedicine: new devices, new approaches
* Spectral reflectance technique for retinal blood oxygen evaluation in humans
* Unsupervised hyperspectral image segmentation using a new class of neuro-fuzzy systems based on weighted incremental neural networks
* Use of physics based models in hyperspectral image exploitation
* Using hyperspectral reflectance data for discrimination between healthy and diseased plants, and determination of damage-level in diseased plants
* Using optical imagery to enhance radar tracking performance
* Video-rate visible to LWIR hyperspectral imaging and image exploitation
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AIPR03 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* 3-dimensional object reconstruction from frequency diverse RF systems
* Access control system with high level security using fingerprints
* Associative memory based on ratio learning for real time skin color detection
* Automated multisensor image registration
* Band selection using independent component analysis for hyperspectral image processing
* Children's understanding of imagery in picture books
* Data association for fusion in spatial and spectral imaging
* Defect detection on patterned jacquard fabric
* Dual band (MWIR/LWIR) hyperspectral imager
* Eigenviews for object recognition in multispectral imaging systems
* Fused spectropolarimetric visible near-IR imaging
* Fusing face and ECG for personal identification
* Fusion for registration of medical images: A study
* Fusion techniques for automatic target recognition
* Geo-spatial active visual surveillance on wireless networks
* Heterogeneity of MR signal intensity mapped onto brain surface models
* hybrid approach to character segmentation of Gurmukhi script characters, A
* Image formation through walls using a distributed radar sensor array
* Imaging of moving targets using a Doppler compensated multiresolution method
* License plate surveillance system using weighted template matching
* Modified luminance based MSR for fast and efficient image enhancement
* Multisensor and spectral image fusion and mining: From neural systems to applications
* Multispectral imaging of the Archimedes palimpsest
* Neural network based skin color model for face detection
* Next generation IR focal plane arrays and applications
* Performance evaluation of color based road detection using neural nets and support vector machines
* Personal authentication using feature points on finger and palmar creases
* Perspectives on the fusion of image and non-image data
* Photo-realistic representation of anatomical structures for medical education by fusion of volumetric and surface image data
* Projectile identification system
* Quantitative fusion of performance results from actual and simulated image data
* Quantum image processing (QuIP)
* Quick response airborne deployment of VIPER muzzle flash detection and location system during DC sniper attacks
* Real time face detection from color video stream based on PCA method
* real-time wide field of view passive millimeter-wave imaging camera, A
* Registration of range data from unmanned aerial and ground vehicles
* research of semantic content applied to image fusion, The
* Sensor and classifier fusion for outdoor obstacle detection: An application of data fusion to autonomous off-road navigation
* Space weather research: a major application of imagery and data fusion
* Spectral histogram representations for visual modeling
* Stereo mosaics with slanting parallel projections from many cameras or a moving camera
* Superresolution from image sequence
* survey of recent developments in theoretical neuroscience and machine vision, A
* Tracking and handoff between multiple perspective camera views
* Vehicle detection approaches using the NVESD Sensor Fusion Testbed
* Visual literacy: an overview
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AIPR04 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* Adaptive road detection through continuous environment learning
* Advanced algorithms for autonomous hyperspectral change detection
* Approach to target detection based on relevant metric for scoring performance
* Assessing the performance of an automated video ground truthing application
* Biologically inspired approaches to automated feature extraction and target recognition
* Comparison of non-parametric methods for assessing classifier performance in terms of ROC parameters
* Complex neural networks as future tools in imagery analysis
* Computation in the higher visual cortices: map-seeking circuit theory and application to machine vision
* computational framework for real-time detection and recognition of large number of classes, A
* computational framework for real-time detection and recognition of large number of classes, A
* Designing templates for cellular neural networks using particle swarm optimization
* efficient selected feature set for the middle age Persian character recognition, An
* Embedded reading device for blind people: a user-centered design
* Face recognition by capturing eye illumination spot
* Feasibility study for the development of a motion imagery quality metric
* Fusion of intensity, texture, and color in video tracking based on mutual information
* fuzzy find matching tool for image text analysis, A
* Illumination invariant faces
* Image primitive signatures
* Image Retrieval System Using Multispectral Random Field Models, Color, and Geometric Features, An
* mammography database and view system for the African American patients, A
* Minimizing uncertainty in determinants and ratios of determinants for invariant relationships employed in SAR imagery pattern recognition
* Monitoring and reporting of fingerprint image quality and match accuracy for a large user application
* Mountain clustering on nonuniform grids
* multi-view approach on modular PCA for illumination and pose invariant face recognition, A
* Multiple-aperture imaging spectrometer: Computer simulation and experimental validation
* multiresolution time domain approach to RF image formation, A
* NaviGaze: enabling access to digital media for the profoundly disabled
* Neurally-based algorithms for image processing
* nonlinear technique for enhancement of color images: An architectural perspective for real-time applications, A
* Online handwritten circuit recognition on a tablet PC
* Rapid pose estimation of Mongolian faces using projective geometry
* Real time texture classification using field programmable gate arrays
* Recognition of middle age Persian characters using a set of invariant moments
* Robust detection and recognition of buildings in urban environments from LADAR data
* simple OCR method from strong perspective view, A
* Swarmed feature selection
* System capabilities, requirements and design of the GDL gunfire detection and location system
* Texture discrimination and classification using pulse images
* Top-down approach to segmentation of prostate boundaries in ultrasound images
* Toward view-invariant representations of object structure learned using object constancy cues in natural movies
* Unsupervised fuzzy-membership estimation of terms in semantic and syntactic lexical classes
* Visual adaptation of scale and imprecision in a noisy world
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AIPR05 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* 3D scene modeling using sensor fusion with laser range finder and image sensor
* Adaptive confidence level assignment to segmented human face regions for improved face recognition
* Automatic inspection system using machine vision
* Automatic registration of multisensor airborne imagery
* Civilian target detection using hierarchical fusion
* Constrained optimal interferometric imaging of extended objects
* Content based object retrieval with image primitive database
* Content-based 3D mosaic representation for video of dynamic 3D scenes
* control theoretic method for categorizing visual imagery as human motion behaviors, A
* Discretization error based mesh generation for diffuse optical tomography
* Dual-modality imager based on ultrasonic modulation of incoherent light in turbid medium
* Face recognition using multispectral random field texture models, color content, and biometric features
* fast piecewise deformable method for multi-modality image registration, A
* field-portable simultaneous dual-band infrared hyperspectral imager, A
* Grouping sensory primitives for object recognition and tracking
* Hierarchical Bayesian algorithm for diffuse optical tomography
* Hyperspectral aural cueing
* Hyperspectral detection algorithms: operational, next generation, on the horizon
* illuminance-reflectance nonlinear video enhancement model for homeland security applications, An
* image metric-based ATR performance prediction testbed, An
* improved SNoW based classification technique for head-pose estimation and face detection, An
* Medical image watermarking for multiple modalities
* Millimeter-wave weapons detection system
* Multimodal biometric identification for large user population using fingerprint, face and iris recognition
* Multimodal polymeric contrast agents for MRI and fluorescence imaging in the management of cancer
* multisensor image fusion and enhancement system for assisting drivers in poor lighting conditions, A
* noninvasive, multimodality approach based on MRS and MRI techniques for monitoring intracranial brain tumor angiogenesis, A
* Nonlinear acoustic concealed weapons detection
* Optimizing image segmentation using color model mixtures
* overview of concealed weapons detection for homeland security, An
* overview of through the wall surveillance for homeland security, An
* Performance assessment of mammography image segmentation algorithms
* rate distortion method for waveform design in RF image formation, A
* See-through-wall imaging using ultra wideband pulse systems
* Segmentation approach and comparison to hyperspectral object detection algorithms
* study of seismic inverse methods for radar signal processing, A
* Terahertz laser based standoff imaging system
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AIPR06 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* 3D Image Reconstruction and Range-Doppler Tracking with Chirped AM Ladar Data
* 3D shape estimation and texture generation using texture foreshortening cues
* Adaptive and Non Linear Technique for Enhancement of Extremely High Contrast Images, An
* Adaptive Thresholding Based Cell Segmentation for Cell-Destruction Activity Verification
* Advanced Techniques for Watershed Visualization
* Anatomically Guided Registration for Multimodal Images
* Application Development Framework for the Rapid Integration of High Performance Image Processing Algorithms
* Automatic Alignment of Color Imagery onto 3D Laser Radar Data
* Automatic Identification of Shot Body Region from Clinical Photographies
* Automatic Target Classifier using Model Based Image Processing, An
* Autonomous Hyperspectral Target Detection with Quasi-Stationarity Violation at Background Boundaries
* Cramer-Rao Lower Bound Calculations for Registration of Linearly-Filtered Images
* Data Fusion, De-noising, and Filtering to Produce Cloud-Free High Quality Temporal Composites Employing Parallel Temporal Map Algebra
* Data Level Fusion of Multilook Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) Images
* Estimation of Estuary Phytoplankton using a Web-based Tool for Visualization of Hyper-spectral Images
* Evaluation of Algorithms for Tracking Multiple Objects in Video
* Gabor Wavelet Based Modular PCA Approach for Expression and Illumination Invariant Face Recognition
* Identification of Objects-of-Interest in X-Ray Images
* image metric-based ATR performance prediction testbed, An
* Model Analysis Geometry Imagery Correlation Tool Kit (MAGIC-TK) for Model Development and Image Analysis
* Modeling of Target Shadows for SAR Image Classification
* Nonlinear 3D and 2D Transforms for Image Processing and Surveillance
* Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PerMIS) 2006 Workshop: Summary and Review
* Rapid Automated Polygonal Image Decomposition
* Rapid Development of a Gunfire Detection Algorithm Using an Imagery Database
* Rate Distortion Method for Beamforming in RF Image Formation, A
* Real-Time 3D Ladar Imaging
* Recovering Spheres from 3D Point Data
* Robust Adjusted Likelihood Function for Image Analysis
* Segmentation and Classification of Human Forms using LADAR Data
* Semi-automated 3-D Building Extraction from Stereo Imagery
* Some Unmixing Problems and Algorithms in Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging
* Symbolic Road Perception-based Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments
* Validation Techniques for Image-Based Simulations
* Viewpoint-Invariant and Illumination-Invariant Classification of Natural Surfaces Using General-Purpose Color and Texture Features with the ALISA dCRC Classifier
* Visualization Tool to convey Quantitative in vivo, 3D Knee Joint Kinematics, A
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AIPR07 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* 3D Organization of 2D Urban Imagery
* 3D Scene Reconstruction through a Fusion of Passive Video and Lidar Imagery
* Adapting to Change: The CFAR Problem in Advanced Hyperspectral Detection
* Automated Registration Evaluation System (ARES)
* Biologically Inspired Object Categorization in Cluttered Scenes
* Combining Rule-based and Machine Learning Approaches for Shape Recognition
* Fuzzy Edge Detection in Biometric Systems
* General Shape Generation by Contouring Fractals and Applying Linear Boundary Regression
* Image Differencing Approaches to Medical Image Classification
* Imagery Pattern Recognition and Pub/Sub Information Management
* In Situ Adaptive Feature Extraction for Underwater Target Classification
* lambda-Connectedness Determination for Image Segmentation
* Mathematical Architecture for Molecular Computing, A
* Methodology for Automated Vector-to-Image Registration, A
* Moving Vehicle Registration and Super-Resolution
* Regional Variance Dependant Sub-frame Reduction for Face Detection in High Definition Video Frames
* Robust Method for Multiple Face Tracking Using Kalman Filter, A
* Super-Resolution of Video Sequences Using Local Motion Estimates
* Using a High-Fidelity Simulation Framework for Performance Singularity
* Using Tactic-Based Learning (formerly Mentoring) to Accelerate Recovery of an Adaptive Learning System in a Changing Environment
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AIPR08 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* Automated image registration to 3-D scene models
* Bandwidth efficient sensor architectures with feature extraction
* Behavior recognition architecture for surveillance applications
* Boosted multi image features for improved face detection
* Classification of indecent videos by low complexity repetitive motion detection
* comparative study of multilinear principal component analysis for face recognition, A
* Comparison of 2D median filter hardware implementations for real-time stereo video
* Current challenges in automating visual perception
* Detection of ephemeral changes in sequences of images
* Dominant component suppression with applications to spectral analysis
* Dual IR spectral video inspection of a concealed live animal
* edge detection technique in images, An
* Evaluation of compression schemes for wide area video
* Exploitation of massive numbers of simple events
* Fault tolerant integrated information management support for physically constrained iterative deconvolution
* Fractal encoding of low resolution iris imagery for improved matching
* Full body tracking using an agent-based architecture
* Hyper-spectral content aware resizing
* Identity dominance: Using fingerprints to link an individual to a larger social structure
* Image enhancement for minutiae-based fingerprint identification
* Image fusion with multiband linear arrays
* Integrating monomodal biometric matchers through logistic regression rank aggregation approach
* Intelligent multimodal and hyperspectral sensing for real-time moving target tracking
* Investigating useful and distinguishing features around the eyelash region
* Localization of fiducial skin markers in MR images using correlation pattern recognition for PET/MRI nonrigid breast image registration
* Low-cost, high-speed computer vision using NVIDIA's CUDA architecture
* MirrorTrack: A real-time multiple camera approach for multi-touch interactions on glossy display surfaces
* Multi features hybrid Active Shape Model for automated lip contours tracking in video sequence
* Multicamera-multispectral video library: An algorithm development tool
* Non-Gaussian methods in biomedical imaging
* nonlinear manifold learning framework for real-time motion estimation using low-cost sensors, A
* Overhead image statistics
* Principles of local polynomial interpolation
* Quantifying interpretability for motion imagery with applications to image compression
* Rapid training of image classifiers through adaptive, multi-frame sampling method
* Real-time mapping and navigation by fusion of multiple electro-optic sensors
* Real-time, multiple hot-target tracking and multi-spectral fusion
* Remote sensing data assimilation in environmental models
* robust segmentation approach to iris recognition based on video, A
* spatial feature enhanced MMI algorithm for multi-modal wild-fire image registration, A
* survey on behavior analysis in video surveillance for homeland security applications, A
* Tear-duct detector for identifying left versus right iris images
* Temporal structure methods for image-based change analysis
* video-based face detection and recognition system using cascade face verification modules, A
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AIPR09 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* 3D shape retrieval by visual parts similarity
* Adaptive coherence conditioning
* Advanced hyperspectral detection based on elliptically contoured distribution models and operator feedback
* Applications of 3D shape analysis and retrieval
* Automated 3D object identification using Bayesian networks
* Biologically inspired motion detection neural network models evolved using genetic algorithms
* Biologically-inspired visible and infrared camera technology development
* comparison of bicubic and biquintic interpolators suitable for real-time hardware implementation, A
* Computational model of cortical neuronal receptive fields for self-motion perception
* Data driven approach to estimating fire danger from satellite images and weather information
* Detection and recognition of 3D targets in panchromatic gray scale imagery using a biologically-inspired algorithm
* Enhancing the surgeons reality: Smart visualization of bolus time of arrival and blood flow anomalies from time lapse series for safety and speed of cerebrovascular surgery
* Evaluation methods for curvilinear feature extraction
* Face recognition using a hybrid model
* Fuzzy rule based unsupervised approach for salient gene extraction
* Image-based querying of urban photos and videos
* Kalman filter based video background estimation
* Large-scale functional models of visual cortex for remote sensing
* MRI brain image segmentation for spotting tumors using improved mountain clustering approach
* Objective performance evaluation of a moving object super-resolution system
* Overhead imagery research data set: An annotated data library & tools to aid in the development of computer vision algorithms
* Passive vision: The global webcam imaging network
* Persistence and tracking: Putting vehicles and trajectories in context
* procedural template for the qualification of imaging as a biomarker, using volumetric CT as an example, A
* Remote detection of humans and animals
* Retinal venous caliber abnormality: Detection and analysis using matrix edge fields-based simultaneous smoothing and segmentation
* Robust object recognition using a cascade of geometric consistency filters
* Spatial-spectral cross correlation for reliable multispectral image registration
* Technical maturity evaluations for sensor fusion technologies
* Towards real-time hardware gamma correction for dynamic contrast enhancement
* User guided visualization for target search
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AIPR10 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* adaptive parameterization method for SIFT based video stabilization, An
* Adaptive selection of visual and infra-red image fusion rules
* Advanced image processing techniques for extracting regions of interest using multimode IR processing
* Algorithms with attitude
* Automated cross-sensor registration, orthorectification and geopositioning using LIDAR digital elevation models
* Classification of levees using polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery
* combinatorial method for tracing objects using semantics of their shape, A
* Comparing one-class and two-class SVM classifiers for normal mammogram detection
* Evaluation of ISR technologies for counter insurgency warfare
* Gray-level co-occurrence matrices as features in edge enhanced images
* Head pose estimation from images using Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Histo-pathological image analysis using OS-FCM and level sets
* Hull convexity defects features for human activity recognition
* implementation and performance evaluation of a space variant OT-MACH filter for a security detection application using FLIR sensor, An
* Intelligent management of multiple sensors for enhanced situational awareness
* Laplacian based image fusion
* manifold based methodology for color constancy, A
* Material detection with a CCD polarization imager
* Modeling spatial dependencies in high-resolution overhead imagery
* Motion imagery metadata standards assist in object and activity classification
* Object identification in dynamic environment using sensor fusion
* On detecting abnormalities in digital mammography
* Optimal wavelet features for an infrared satellite precipitation estimate algorithm
* Performance evaluation of color image retrieval
* Point cloud processing strategies for noise filtering, structural segmentation, and meshing of ground-based 3D Flash LIDAR images
* Pre-attentive detection of depth saliency using stereo vision
* Prediction of satellite images using fuzzy rule based Gaussian regression
* probabilistic framework for unsupervised evaluation and ranking of image segmentations, A
* Real-time adaptive pixel replacement
* Rock image segmentation using watershed with shape markers
* Speech Emotion Recognition using a backward context
* Standoff video analysis for the detection of security anomalies in vehicles
* Successful design of biometric tests in a constrained environment
* Supervised semantic classification for nuclear proliferation monitoring
* Synchronizing disparate video streams from laparoscopic operations in simulation-based surgical training
* system and method for auto-correction of first order lens distortion, A
* Tactical geospatial intelligence from full motion video
* Tracking cables in sonar and optical imagery
* Use of remote sensing to screen earthen levees
* Vehicle load estimation from observation of vibration response
* Vision physiology applied to hyperspectral short wave infrared imaging
* Visual attention based detection of signs of anthropogenic activities in satellite imagery
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AIPR11 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* 3D exploitation of 2D ground-level & aerial imagery
* Are face recognition methods useful for classifying ships?
* Automated georegistration of motion imagery
* Automated segmentation of epiphysis and metaphysis for computerized bone age analysis
* CFAR fusion: A replacement for the generalized likelihood ratio test for Neyman-Pearson problems
* Development of staring hyperspectral imagers
* Earthen levee monitoring with Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Effect of vegetation height and volume scattering on soil moisture classification using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images
* Error propagation for DEM-based georegistration of motion imagery
* Estimation of hyperspectral covariance matrices
* Evaluating and improving local hyperspectral anomaly detectors
* Fusion of anomaly algorithm decision maps and spectrum features for detecting buried explosive Hazards in forward looking infrared imagery
* Fusion of differential morphological profiles for multi-scale weighted feature pyramid generation in remotely sensed imagery
* Fusion of infrared and visible images using empirical mode decomposition and spatial opponent processing
* Generic framework for organ localization in CT and MR images
* Handling pose variation in face recognition using SIFT
* Hyperspectral remote sensing subpixel object detection performance
* image analysis method for quantification of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, An
* Image denoising with a multi-phase kernel principal component approach and an ensemble version
* Image registration and a metric to assess the transformation function
* Implementation of FPGA for decision making in portable automatic testing systems for IC's library & digital circuits
* Indexing and keyword search to ease navigation in lecture videos
* Integrating lidar into the Community Sensor Model construct
* Integration of geometric and topological uncertainties for geospatial Data Fusion and Mining
* Kent mixture model for classification of remote sensing data on spherical manifolds
* Mobile robot navigation under duct environment
* Multi-domain data modeling for biometrics
* Multimodal image matching using self similarity
* Multiple human body tracking using the fusion of CCD and thermal image sensor
* Object recognition in ocean imagery using feature selection and compressive sensing
* On the use of covariance and correlation matrices in hyperspectral detection
* Organ localization through anatomy-aware non-rigid registration with atlas
* palm print authentication system using quantized phase feature representation, A
* Rapid extraction and updating of road network from airborne LiDAR data
* Real-time eye tracking using a smart camera
* Real-time web-based hyperspectral data viewing and control
* Robust classification using support vector machine in low-dimensional manifold space for automatic target recognition
* Segmentation of color images of plants with a Markovian Mean Shift
* Sparse linearized iterative coherence estimation (SLICE) and risk assessment in image analysis
* system for change detection and human recognition in voxel space using the Microsoft Kinect sensor, A
* Texture analysis of GPR data as a tool for depicting soil mineralogy
* Vision algorithms for automated census of animals
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AIPR12 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* Action classification in polarimetric infrared imagery via diffusion maps
* Attribute analyses of GPR data for heavy minerals exploration
* Automatic ship hull inspection using fuzzy logic
* Centralized multi-scale singular value decomposition for feature construction in LIDAR image classification problems
* Contextual video clip classification
* Deriving economic and social indicators from imagery
* Detection of slump slides on earthen levees using polarimetric SAR imagery
* Distributed adaptive spectral and spatial sensor fusion for super-resolution classification
* Enhanced event recognition in video using image quality assessment
* Evidence filtering in a sequence of images for recognition
* Exploring the uses of fingerprint patterns and ridge-counts in biographical associations
* Focal plane array folding for efficient information extraction and tracking
* Fusion of LIDAR data with hyperspectral and high-resolution imagery for automation of DIRSIG scene generation
* Fusion of LIDAR data with hyperspectral and high-resolution imagery for automation of DIRSIG scene generation
* Future image frame generation using Artificial Neural Network with selected features
* Generation of Future Image Frames Using Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System on Spatiotemporal Framework
* Image search system
* new approach to graph analysis for activity based intelligence, A
* Novel features for silhouette based gait recognition systems
* Obtaining accurate change detection results from high-resolution satellite sensors
* Online biometric authentication using facial thermograms
* Path-based constraints for accurate scene reconstruction from aerial video
* Polarization Imaging for crystallographic orientation of large mercurous halide crystals
* Registration of region of interest for object tracking applications in wide area motion imagery
* Robust needle recognition using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC)
* Simulating vision through time: Hierarchical, sparse models of visual cortex for motion imagery
* Spatial feature evaluation for aerial scene analysis
* Spatial oversampling in imaging sensors: Benefits in sensitivity and detection
* Template matching localization for GPS denied environments
* Toward a common lexicon for exploiting activity data
* Unsupervised land cover classification in multispectral imagery with sparse representations on learned dictionaries
* Vessel detection in video with dynamic maritime background
* Video track screening using syntactic activity-based methods
* Visualization of scene structure uncertainty in multi-view reconstruction
* Wide-area motion imagery (WAMI) exploitation tools for enhanced situation awareness
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AIPR13 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* Aircraft navigation by means of image registration
* Anomaly prediction in seismic signals using neural networks
* Application of commercial remote sensing to issues in human geography
* case study on data fusion with overlapping segments, A
* Combining the advice of experts with randomized boosting for robust pattern recognition
* Dense 3D point-cloud model using optical flow for a monocular reconstruction system
* Detection of Abnormal behavior in Dynamic Crowded Gatherings
* Development of an efficient perception system and a path planning algorithm for autonomous mobile robots
* Do you see what I see?
* Dynamic multistatic synthetic aperture radar (DMSAR) with image reconstruction algorithms and analysis
* Edge grouping around a fixation point
* Electroencephelograph based brain machine interface for controlling a robotic arm
* Error characterization of flight trajectories reconstructed using Structure from Motion
* Face recognition using Elastic bunch graph matching
* Fast compensation of illumination changes for background subtraction
* Feature track summary visualization for sequential multi-view reconstruction
* Generation of Future Image Frames Using Optical Flow
* Human object interactions recognition based on social network analysis
* Image georegistration methods: A framework for application guidelines
* Indoor location with Wi-Fi fingerprinting
* Landslide detection on earthen levees with X-band and L-band radar data
* Linear cyclic pursuit based prediction of personal space violation in surveillance video
* Multi-perspective anomaly prediction using neural networks
* Multi-scale decomposition tool for Content Based Image Retrieval
* multimodal approach to high resolution image classification, A
* Nonlinear dimensionality reduction for structural discovery in image processing
* Physical modeling of nuclear detonations in dirsig
* Plenoptic camera range finding
* Robust feature vector for efficient human detection
* Sensor fusion framework for robust occupancy grid mapping
* Skeletonization using the divergence of an anisotropic vector field flow
* Stressed vegetation identification by SAR time series as an indicator of slope instability in Mississippi River levee segments
* Video image quality analysis for enhancing tracker performance
* Video-based activity analysis using the L1 tracker on VIRAT data
* Vision systems and the lives of people with disabilities
* Vision-based navigation system for obstacle avoidance in complex environments
* When to engage video resilience options
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AIPR14 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* 3D pointcloud registration algorithm based on fast coherent point drift, A
* 3D sparse point reconstructions of atmospheric nuclear detonations
* Accurate coverage summarization of UAV videos
* Adaptive automatic object recognition in single and multi-modal sensor data
* Against conventional wisdom: Longitudinal inference for pattern recognition in remote sensing
* Analysis of diurnal, long-wave hyperspectral measurements of natural background and manmade targets under different weather conditions
* automated workflow for observing track data in 3-dimensional geo-accurate environments, An
* Automatic segmentation of carcinoma in radiographs
* Bayesian solutions to non-Bayesian detection problems: Unification through fusion
* Change detection and classification of land cover in multispectral satellite imagery using clustering of sparse approximations (CoSA) over learned feature dictionaries
* comparative study of methods to solve the watchman route problem in a photon mapping-illuminated 3D virtual environment, A
* container-based elastic cloud architecture for real-time full-motion video (FMV) target tracking, A
* Democratizing the visualization of 500 million webcam images
* Depth data assisted structure-from-motion parameter optimization and feature track correction
* Development of spectropolarimetric imagers for imaging of desert soils
* Enhanced material identification using polarimetric hyperspectral imaging
* Enhanced view invariant gait recognition using feature level fusion
* Entropy metric regularization for computational imaging with sensor arrays
* Evaluating the Lidar/HSI direct method for physics-based scene modeling
* Extension of no-reference deblurring methods through image fusion
* Fast orthorectified mosaics of thousands of aerial photographs from small UAVs
* Gender and age recognition for video analytics solution
* High dynamic range (HDR) video processing for the exploitation of high bit-depth sensors in human-monitored surveillance
* Human activity detection using sparse representation
* Human re-identification in multi-camera systems
* Imagery-based modeling of social, economic, and governance indicators in sub-Saharan Africa
* Images don't forget: Online photogrammetry to find lost graves
* KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation framework
* Large displacement optical flow based image predictor model
* Learning tree-structured approximations for conditional random fields
* Machine learning nuclear detonation features
* Mathematical model and experimental methodology for calibration of a LWIR polarimetric-hyperspectral imager
* Medical image segmentation using multi-scale and super-resolution method
* Mobile ISR: Intelligent ISR management and exploitation for the expeditionary warfighter
* Modified deconvolution using wavelet image fusion
* Multi-resolution deblurring
* Novel geometric coordination registration in cone-beam computed Tomogram
* On Parzen windows classifiers
* Performance benefits of sub-diffraction sized pixels in imaging sensors
* Physical modeling of nuclear detonations in DIRSIG
* Range invariant anomaly detection for LWIR polarimetric imagery
* Rapid location of radiation sources in complex environments using optical and radiation sensors
* Representing pictures with sound
* Road sign detection on a smartphone for traffic safety
* Robust vehicle edge detection by cross filter method
* Secret communication in colored images using saliency map as model
* Sparse generalized Fourier series via collocation-based optimization
* Timing mark detection on nuclear detonation video
* Volumetric features for object region classification in 3D LiDAR point clouds
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AIPR15 * *Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
* 3D camera identification for enabling robotic manipulation
* AEGIS autonomous targeting for the Curiosity rover's ChemCam instrument
* Applying attributes to improve human activity recognition
* Automated variability selection in time-domain imaging surveys using sparse representations with learned dictionaries
* Autonomous on-board Near Earth Object detection
* Bandelet transformation based image registration
* Change detection analysis of tornado disaster using conditional copulas and Data Fusion for cost-effective disaster management
* Comprehensive review of evolution of satellite sensor specifications against speedup performance of pattern recognition algorithms in remote sensing
* Contourlet image preprocessing for enhanced control point selection in airborne image registration
* Discovering compositional trends in Mars rock targets from ChemCam spectroscopy and remote imaging
* Efficient dense reconstruction using geometry and image consistency constraints
* Error estimation for gridded bathymetry
* Fine-grain uncommon object detection from satellite images
* High Accuracy Optical Flow Based Future Image Frame Predictor Model
* Hybrid sensing face detection and recognition
* Hyperspectral target detection using manifold learning and multiple target spectra
* Image reconstruction using the reconfiguration technique
* Improved Gait recognition based on specialized deep convolutional neural networks
* Indexing open imagery to create tools to fight sex trafficking
* Integrating temporal and spectral features of astronomical data using wavelet analysis for source classification
* Machine vision algorithms for robust animal species identification
* Online signature verification using the entropy function
* Parallel photon mapping computations to enable fast approximate solutions to the art gallery and watchman route problems
* Perceived X-ray image quality for baggage screening
* ROC curve analysis for validating objective image fusion metrics
* role of imaging in the detection, identification, and treatment of cancer, The
* Runway assessment via remote sensing
* Seeing the Earth in the Cloud: Processing one petabyte of satellite imagery in one day
* Spectral ship surveillance from space
* Suspicious Face Detection based on Eye and other facial features movement monitoring
* Unsupervised approach for object matching using Speeded Up Robust Features
* Unsupervised classification of SAR imagery using polarimetric decomposition to preserve scattering characteristics
33 for AIPR15

AIPR91 * RADIUS Common Development Environment, The

Index for "a"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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