* 3-Dimensional Model for Calculating Reflection Functions of Inhomogeneous and Orographically Structured Natural Landscapes, A
* 3D Marching Lines Algorithm, The
* Active Fusion: A New Method Applied to Remote Sensing Image Interpretation
* Adaptive Color Segmentation: A Comparison of Neural and Statistical-Methods
* Adaptive LMS L-Filters For Noise Suppression In Images
* Adaptive Rate Control Scheme for Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Algorithm for Object Reconstruction without Interior Orientation, An
* Arbitrary Topology Shape Reconstruction from Planar Cross-Sections
* Architectures for Wavelet Transforms: A Survey
* Automatic Document Processing: A Survey
* Automatic Feature Generation for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Automatic Visual Inspection Based upon a Variant of the N-Tuple Technique
* Bayesian and Neural Networks for Geographic Information-Processing
* Binary Wavelet Decomposition of Binary Images, A
* CCD Camera Modeling and Simulation
* Cellular Neural Network for Clustering-Based Adaptive Quantization in Subband Video Compression, A
* Circular Backpropagation Networks for Classification
* Class of Adaptive Directional Image Smoothing Filters, A
* Classification of Croplands Through Integration of Remote-Sensing, GIS, and Historical Database
* Coding of Video-Conference Stereo Image Sequences Using 3D Models
* Combinations of Weak Classifiers
* Comparison of Single-Stage and Multistage Classification Approaches for Cover Type Mapping with TM and Spot Data
* Compressed Video Processing for Cut Detection
* Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Enhancing Linear Features in Images, A
* Computer-Aided Surgery: Vision and Feasibility of an Advanced Operation Theater
* Consequences of pixel precision for compression rate and measurement
* Continuous Class Pattern-Recognition for Pathology, with Applications to Non-Hodgkins Follicular Lymphomas
* Contrast Gain-Control in First-Order and 2nd-Order Motion Perception
* Convergence of Mean-Field Procedures for MRFs, The
* Convergence Properties of High-Order Boltzmann Machines
* Curvilinear Component Analysis: A Self-Organizing Neural-Network for Nonlinear Mapping of Data Sets
* Decision Boundary Feature-Extraction for Neural Networks
* Delineating Agricultural Field Boundaries from TM Imagery Using Dyadic Wavelet Transforms
* Detection of Military Vehicles Using Infrared Spectral Radiometric Signatures
* Differential and Topological Properties of Medial Axis Transforms
* Discrimination Gain to Optimize Detection and Classification
* Distributed Fusion Architectures and Algorithms for Target Tracking
* Effects of Camera Alignment Errors on Stereoscopic Depth Estimates
* Efficient Approach for the Detection of Diffuse Edges
* Efficient Block-Matching Criterion for Motion Estimation and Its VLSI Implementation, An
* Efficient Gabor Filter Design for Texture Segmentation
* Efficient Technique for Circle Detection Using Hypothesis Filtering and Hough Transform
* Elastic-Model Driven Analysis of Several Views of a Deformable Cylindrical Object
* Equivalent Background Speed in Recovery from Motion Adaptation
* ERIM Interferometric SAR: IFSARE, The
* Existence and Synthesis of Minimal-Basis Morphological Solutions for a Restoration-Based Boundary-Value Problem
* Experimental Comparison of Neural and Statistical Nonparametric Algorithms for Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images, An
* Exploiting Image Motion for Active Vision in a Visual Servoing Framework
* Extracting Facial Features by an Inhibitory Mechanism-Based on Gradient Distributions
* Face Recognition/Detection by Probabilistic Decision-Based Neural-Network
* Face Recognition: A Convolutional Neural-Network Approach
* Fast Curve Estimation Using Preconditioned Generalized Radon-Transform
* Fast Hierarchical Motion-Compensation Scheme for Video Coding Using Block Feature Matching, A
* Finding of Optimal Binary Morphological Erosion Filter via Greedy and Branch-and-Bound Searching
* Fusion of Different Resolution SAR Images, The
* Fuzzy Substroke Extractor for Handwritten Chinese Characters, A
* Fuzzy-Logic and Neural Techniques Integration: An Application to Remotely-Sensed Data
* Geodesic Saliency of Watershed Contours and Hierarchical Segmentation
* Geometric Sensing of Known Planar Shapes
* Growing Subspace Pattern-Recognition Methods and Their Neural-Network Models
* Hand gesture machine control system
* How Big Is a Gabor Patch, and Why Should We Care
* How Big Is a Gabor Patch, and Why Should We Care
* Hybrid Approach to Fuzzy Land-Cover Mapping, A
* Hybrid cell loss concealment methods for MPEG-II-based packet video
* Image Compression Using Binary Space Partitioning Trees
* Image Indexing Applied to Typewriter Font Identification
* Image stabilization apparatus for telescopic devices
* Image transmission over noisy channels using multicarrier modulation
* Image-Coding Using Wavelet Transform and Classified Vector Quantization
* IMM Estimation for Multitarget-Multisensor Air-Traffic Surveillance
* Improved Image Reproduction from DC Components
* Incorporating Language Syntax in Visual Text Recognition with a Statistical-Model
* Incorporating Mixed Pixels in the Training, Allocation and Testing Stages of Supervised Classifications
* Installation for quality control of printed sheets, especially security paper
* Interactively producing indices into image and gesture-based data using unrecognized graphical objects
* Introduction To Multisensor Data Fusion, An
* Irrelevance and Parameter Learning in Bayesian Networks
* Iterative Restoration of Fast-Moving Objects in Dynamic Image Sequences
* Knowledge-Guided Segmentation of 3D Imagery
* Learning Symbolic Descriptions of Shape for Object Recognition in X-Ray Images
* Low bit rate audio-visual communication having improved face and lip region detection
* Method and apparatus for recognizing gestures on a computer system
* Method for detecting and separating the shadow of moving objects in a sequence of digital images
* Modeling the Manifolds of Images of Handwritten Digits
* Modified Dempster-Shafer Approach to Classification, The
* Motion Estimation With Quadtree Splines
* Multichannel filters for image processing
* Multicolour Analysis and Local Image Correlation in Confocal Microscopy
* Multiple Constraints to Compute Optical-Flow
* Multiresolution Methodology for Signal-Level Fusion and Data Assimilation with Applications to Remote Sensing, A
* Multiresolution Mosaic
* Multiresolution Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals with Wavelet Transform and Multilayer Cluster Neural-Network
* Network of Networks Processing Model for Image Regularization, A
* Neural and Statistical Classifiers: Taxonomy and Two Case-Studies
* Neural Model of Visual Stereomatching: Slant, Transparency and Clouds
* Neural-Net Inference and Content-Addressable Memory
* Neural-Network Classifiers for Recognizing Totally Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals
* New Optical Measuring System for Solder Joint Inspection
* New-Generation of Real-Time Software-Based Video Coder: Popular-Video-Coder-II (PVC-II)
* Noninvasive 3-D Patient Registration for Image-Guided Skull Base Surgery
* Numeric and Symbolic Data Fusion: A Soft Computing Approach to Remote Sensing Images Analysis
* OCR image pre-processor for detecting and reducing skew of the image of textual matter of a scanned document
* On Neurobiological, Neuro-Fuzzy, Machine Learning, and Statistical Pattern-Recognition Techniques
* On the Consistency of Line-Drawings, Obtained by Projections of Piecewise Planar Objects
* On the Development of the Agile Eye
* On the Estimation of Spatial-Spectral Mixing with Classifier Likelihood Functions
* On the Positioning of Multisensor Imagery for Exploitation and Target Recognition
* On Theory and Regularization of Scale-Limited Extrapolation
* Online Cursive Script Recognition: A User-Adaptive System for Word Identification
* Optimal Variable-Rate Mean-Gain-Shape Vector Quantization for Image-Coding
* Parallel Consensual Neural Networks
* Pattern-Recognition Using Sequential Matched Filtering of Wavelet Coefficients
* Perception Control for Obstacle Detection by a Cross Country Rover
* Perception-Based Learning for Motion in Contact in Task Planning
* Performance of Several Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) Image Classification Methods for Crop Extent Estimates in an Irrigation District
* Physics-Based Integration of Multiple Sensing Modalities for Scene Interpretation
* Positron emission tomography
* Possibilistic Reasoning: A Mini-Survey and Uniform Semantics
* Principal Feature Classification
* Probabilistic Conflicts in a Search Algorithm for Estimating Posterior Probabilities in Bayesian Networks
* Propagating Imprecise Probabilities in Bayesian Networks
* Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hulls, The
* Rational Ruled Surfaces and Their Offsets
* Real-Time Focus Range Sensor
* Reductions in the Search Space for Deriving a Fractal Set of an Arbitrary Shape
* Redundancy reducing coding of moving object shapes
* Regressive Structure for Online Computation of Arbitrary Length DCT-IV and DST-IV Transforms, A
* Relative Value of Labeled and Unlabeled Samples in Pattern-Recognition with an Unknown Mixing Parameter, The
* Rigidity Checking of 3D Point Correspondences Under Perspective Projection
* Robust Boundary-Based Object Recognition in Occlusion Environment by Hybrid Hopfield Neural Networks, A
* Segmentation of Gabor-Filtered Textures Using Deterministic Relaxation
* Sensor Fusion for Mobile Robot Navigation
* Sensor Fusion Potential Exploitation: Innovative Architectures and Illustrative Applications
* Shape-Adaptive DCT for Generic Coding of Video: Comment
* Sketching a Grey-Tone Pattern from Its Distance Transform
* Sonar Image Segmentation by Fuzzy C-Means
* Spatial Reasoning and Similarity Retrieval for Image Database-Systems Based on RS-Strings
* Special Issue on Artificial Neural Networks and Statistical Pattern-Recognition
* Special Issue on Data Fusion
* Special Issue on Nonconventional Pattern Analysis in Remote Sensing
* Surface Triangulation for 3-D Scene Model Construction from Stereo
* Target Detection and Tracking with HF Radar Using Reciprocal SAR Techniques
* Task-Specific Gesture Analysis in Real-Time Using Interpolated Views
* Temperature Imaging and Image-Processing in the Steel-Industry
* Three-Dimensional (3-D) Image-Reconstruction from Series of Light-Microscopic Exposures
* Three-Dimensional Object Representation and Invariant Recognition Using Continuous Distance Transform Neural Networks
* Tracking Motion and Intensity Variations Using Hierarchical 2-D Mesh Modeling for Synthetic Object Transfiguration
* Transform for Multiscale Image Segmentation by Integrated Edge and Region Detection, A
* Unified Formulation of a Class of Image Thresholding Techniques
* Use of 2-Dimensional Deformable Mesh Structures for Video Coding: I The Synthesis Problem: Mesh-Based Function Approximation and Mapping
* Use of 2-Dimensional Deformable Mesh Structures for Video Coding: II The Analysis Problem and a Region-Based Coder Employing an Active Mesh Representation
* Using Hidden Nodes in Bayesian Networks
* Using Spatiotemporal Correlations to Learn Invariant Object Recognition
* Utilization of the MV Spectrum for Diagnosis and Estimation of Harmonic Fields
* Variable Block Size Coding of Images with Hybrid Quantization
* Video Data Compression for Multimedia Computing Statistically Based and Biologically Inspired Techniques
* Video encoder using global motion estimation and polygonal patch motion estimation
* Voronoi Diagrams of Polygons: A Framework for Shape Representation
* Walsh-Like Functions And Their Relations
* Wavelet Transform for Local Image-Enhancement, The
* Wide-Band Imaging and Parameter-Estimation of Distributed Objects Using the Continuous Wavelet Transform
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