* 2D)2LDA: An efficient approach for face recognition
* 2D-Shape Analysis Using Conformal Mapping
* 3-D Shape Reconstruction of Retinal Fundus
* 3-D Virtual Studio for Natural Inter-Acting
* 3D Alignment of Face in a Single Image
* 3D Building Detection and Modeling from Aerial LIDAR Data
* 3D City Modeling Using Cognitive Loops
* 3D Content-Based Search Based on 3D Krawtchouk Moments
* 3D Face Recognition Using 3D Alignment for PCA
* 3D Face Recognition with Region Committee Voting
* 3D Facial Expression Recognition Based on Primitive Surface Feature Distribution
* 3D from Line Segments in Two Poorly-Textured, Uncalibrated Images
* 3D modeling and rendering from multiple wide-baseline images by match propagation
* 3D Modeling Using Planar Segments and Mesh Elements
* 3D Outdoor Scene Scanner Based on a Night-Vision Range-Gated Active Imaging System, A
* 3D People Tracking with Gaussian Process Dynamical Models
* 3D Pose estimation of symmetrical objects of unknown shape
* 3D Reconstruction by Gluing Pair-Wise Euclidean Reconstructions, or How to Achieve a Good Reconstruction from Bad Images
* 3D Reconstruction of Background and Objects Moving on Ground Plane Viewed from a Moving Camera
* 3D Skeleton-Based Body Pose Recovery
* 3D Surface Matching and Recognition Using Conformal Geometry
* a contrario Decision Framework for Region-Based Motion Detection, An
* A Contrario Decision Method for Shape Element Recognition, An
* Absolute motion and structure from stereo image sequences without stereo correspondence and analysis of degenerate cases
* ACC+Stop&Go Maneuvers With Throttle and Brake Fuzzy Control
* Accelerated Kernel Feature Analysis
* Acceleration Strategies for Gaussian Mean-Shift Image Segmentation
* Accuracy and Precision of the Three-Dimensional Assessment of the Facial Surface Using a 3-D Laser Scanner
* Accuracy of the straight line Hough Transform: The non-voting approach
* Accurate Face Alignment using Shape Constrained Markov Network
* Accurate Tracking of Monotonically Advancing Fronts
* Acquiring Height Data from a Single Image of a Face Using Local Shape Indicators
* Active appearance models with occlusion
* Active Graph Cuts
* Activity Analysis in Microtubule Videos by Mixture of Hidden Markov Models
* AdaBoost.MRF: Boosted Markov Random Forests and Application to Multilevel Activity Recognition
* adaptive algorithm for image restoration using combined penalty functions, An
* Adaptive Appearance Model Approach for Model-based Articulated Object Tracking, An
* Adaptive fusion and co-operative training for classifier ensembles
* Adaptive Prediction Trees for Image Compression
* adaptive real-time skin detector based on Hue thresholding: A comparison on two motion tracking methods, An
* Adaptive Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Extraction of the Cortical Surface
* Additive Subsets
* Aerial LiDAR Data Classification Using Support Vector Machines (SVM)
* Affective Understanding in Film
* Affine Approximation for Direct Batch Recovery of Euclidian Structure and Motion from Sparse Data
* Affine Invariance Revisited
* Affine-Invariant Geometric Shape Priors for Region-Based Active Contours
* affine-model-based technique for fast DPIV computation, An
* Age dependency in handwritten dynamic signature verification systems
* agent based evolutionary approach to path detection for off-road vehicle guidance, An
* aggregated clustering approach using multi-ant colonies algorithms, An
* Aligning ASL for Statistical Translation Using a Discriminative Word Model
* Analysis and Architecture Design of an HDTV720p 30 Frames/s H.264/AVC Encoder
* analysis of BioHashing and its variants, An
* Analysis of Errors in Feature-Preserving Mesh Simplification Based on Edge Contraction, An
* Analysis of Gradient-Induced Distortion in ATI-SAR Imagery of Surface Currents, An
* Anatomically-Aware, Automatic, and Fast Registration of 3D Ear Impression Models
* Angle Independent Bundle Adjustment Refinement
* Animals on the Web
* AnnoSearch: Image Auto-Annotation by Search
* Aperture Collimation Correction and Maximum-Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Near-Field Coded Aperture Imaging of Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography
* Application of LVQ to novelty detection using outlier training data
* Applying Ensembles of Multilinear Classifiers in the Frequency Domain
* Approximating Euclidean Distance Using Distances Based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-standard Three-Dimensional Grids
* Are two rotational flows sufficient to calibrate a smooth non-parametric sensor?
* ASDMCon Project: The Challenge of Detecting Defects on Construction Sites, The
* Asymmetric Bagging and Random Subspace for Support Vector Machines-Based Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval
* Atmospheric Correction of Hyperspectral Data Over Dark Surfaces via Simulated Annealing
* Attention-driven image interpretation with application to image retrieval
* Augmented Vessels for Quantitative Analysis of Vascular Abnormalities and Endovascular Treatment Planning
* Augmenting Shape with Appearance in Vehicle Category Recognition
* Automated Alignment of Robotic Pan-Tilt Camera Units Using Vision
* Automated Extraction of Fine Features of Kinetochore Microtubules and Plus-Ends From Electron Tomography Volume
* Automatic 3D Ear Recognition System, An
* Automatic 3D Face Detection, Normalization and Recognition
* Automatic Cast Listing in Feature-Length Films with Anisotropic Manifold Space
* Automatic Commercial Aircraft-Collision Avoidance in Free Flight: The Three-Dimensional Problem
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Grains of Pollen Based on Shape and Texture
* Automatic Discovery of Action Taxonomies from Multiple Views
* Automatic Hole-Filling of Triangular Meshes Using Local Radial Basis Function
* Automatic Kinematic Chain Building from Feature Trajectories of Articulated Objects
* Automatic Landmark Tracking and its Application to the Optimization of Brain Conformal Mapping
* Automatic Locating of Anthropometric Landmarks on 3D Human Models
* Automatic parameter selection for a k-segments algorithm for computing principal curves
* Automatic Registration of Multiple Range Images by the Local Log-Polar Range Images
* Automatic Traffic Surveillance System for Vehicle Tracking and Classification
* Automatic video segmentation using genetic algorithms
* Background recovering in outdoor image sequences: An example of soccer players segmentation
* Balancing search and target response in cooperative unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) teams
* Basis Tensor Decomposition for Restoring Intra-Voxel Structure and Stochastic Walks for Inferring Brain Connectivity in DT-MRI
* Bayes-spectral-entropy-based measure of camera focus using a discrete cosine transform, A
* Bayesian Approach to Building Footprint Extraction from Aerial LIDAR Data, A
* BDPCA Plus LDA: A Novel Fast Feature Extraction Technique for Face Recognition
* Behavioral Priors for Detection and Tracking of Pedestrians in Video Sequences
* Belief Propagation for Panorama Generation
* Beyond Bags of Features: Spatial Pyramid Matching for Recognizing Natural Scene Categories
* Beyond Silhouettes: Surface Reconstruction Using Multi-Flash Photography
* Bidirectional PCA With Assembled Matrix Distance Metric for Image Recognition
* Bilayer Segmentation of Live Video
* Binary Linear Programming Formulation of the Graph Edit Distance, A
* Binary Tomography with Deblurring
* Binocular Stereo Dense Matching in the Presence of Specular Reflections
* Biometric Hash: High-Confidence Face Recognition
* Blind Haze Separation
* Blind MPEG-2 Video Watermarking Robust Against Geometric Attacks: A Set of Approaches in DCT Domain
* Blind Source Separation Approach to Structure from Motion, A
* Body Localization in Still Images Using Hierarchical Models and Hybrid Search
* BoostMotion: Boosting a Discriminative Similarity Function for Motion Estimation
* Bottleneck Geodesic: Computing Pixel Affinity, The
* Bottom-Up and Top-down Object Detection using Primal Sketch Features and Graphical Models
* Boundary Matting for View Synthesis
* Branch Voxels and Junctions in 3D Skeletons
* Building a 3D Virtual Museum of Native American Baskets
* Building Models of Animals from Video
* Calibrating a Real-Time Traffic Crash-Prediction Model Using Archived Weather and ITS Traffic Data
* Calibration of Spaceborne Laser Altimeters: An Algorithm and the Site Selection Problem
* Camera self-calibration from bivariate polynomial equations and the coplanarity constraint
* Carving from Ray-Tracing Constraints: IRT-Carving
* Circular Ultrasound Compounding by Designed Matrix Weighting
* Class-dependent PCA, MDC and LDA: A combined classifier for pattern classification
* Classifying Human Dynamics Without Contact Forces
* closed-form nonparametric Bayesian estimator in the wavelet domain of images using an approximate alpha-stable prior, A
* Closed-Form Solution to Natural Image Matting, A
* Clustering Appearance for Scene Analysis
* clustering method based on multidimensional texture analysis, A
* Color Object Detection Using Spatial-Color Joint Probability Functions
* Color Subspaces as Photometric Invariants
* Color to Gray and Back: Color Embedding Into Textured Gray Images
* Combinatorial Properties of Scale Space Singular Points
* Combined Depth and Outlier Estimation in Multi-View Stereo
* Combined turbo coding and hierarchical QAM for unequal error protection of H.264 coded video
* Combining Cues: Shape from Shading and Texture
* Combining Generative and Discriminative Models in a Framework for Articulated Pose Estimation
* Combining local features for robust nose location in 3D facial data
* Comparative Study on Shadow Compensation of Color Aerial Images in Invariant Color Models, A
* Comparing Belief Propagation and Graph Cuts for Novelty Detection
* Comparison and Evaluation of Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction Algorithms, A
* comparison between BEM and FEM for elastic registration of medical images, A
* Comparison of Shape Matching Methods for Contour Based Pose Estimation, A
* Composite Templates for Cloth Modeling and Sketching
* Compression of Human Motion Data Sequences
* Computational Anatomy to Assess Longitudinal Trajectory of Brain Growth
* Computational Aspects of Digital Plane and Hyperplane Recognition
* Computationally Efficient Approach to the Estimation of Two- and Three-Dimensional Hidden Markov Models, A
* Computer Vision for Nanoscale Imaging
* Computing camera focal length by zooming a single point
* Computing Exact Discrete Minimal Surfaces: Extending and Solving the Shortest Path Problem in 3D with Application to Segmentation
* Computing the Camera Motion Direction from Many Images
* Conditional Random People: Tracking Humans with CRFs and Grid Filters
* Confidence-Based Active Learning
* Confidence-based classifier design
* Conic Section Classifier and its Application to Image Datasets, A
* Conics-Based Homography Estimation from Invariant Points and Pole-Polar Relationships
* Consensus-based table form recognition of low-quality historical documents
* Consideration of the Embodiment of a New, Human-Centered Interface
* Constrained Band Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Constraint Integration for Multiview Pose Estimation of Humans with Self-Occlusions
* Constructing and Reconstructing Characters, Words, and Sentences by Synthesizing Writing Motions
* Content-based image enhancement in the compressed domain based on multi-scale alpha-rooting algorithm
* Context and Hierarchy in a Probabilistic Image Model
* Context-Based Coding of Bilevel Images Enhanced by Digital Straight Line Analysis
* Contextual Inference in Contour-Based Stereo Correspondence
* Contextual Modeling of Functional MR Images With Conditional Random Fields
* Continuous Super-Resolution for Recovery of 1-D Image Features: Algorithm and Performance Modeling
* Contour Inferences for Image Understanding
* Contour-Based Object Detection in Range Images
* Contour-Based Structure from Reflection
* Control Theory and Fast Marching Techniques for Brain Connectivity Mapping
* Cooperating Basic Puzzle Grammar Systems
* Coplanar circles, quasi-affine invariance and calibration
* Corneal Imaging System: Environment from Eyes
* Correction to An Investigation of Bistatic Calibration Objects
* Correlated Label Propagation with Application to Multi-label Learning
* Correlation Filters With Controlled Scale Response
* Correlation-Based Approach to Calculate Rotation and Translation of Moving Cells, A
* Cosegmentation of Image Pairs by Histogram Matching: Incorporating a Global Constraint into MRFs
* Counting Crowded Moving Objects
* Counting Gaps in Binary Pictures
* Coupled Bayesian Framework for Dual Energy Image Registration
* Covariance Tracking using Model Update Based on Lie Algebra
* Critical View of Context, A
* CSC Based Classification Method for CT Bone Images, A
* CSIFT: A SIFT Descriptor with Color Invariant Characteristics
* Curvature-Driven PDE Methods for Matrix-Valued Images
* Curved Wavelet Transform for Image Coding
* Data complexity assessment in undersampled classification of high-dimensional biomedical data
* Data Consistency Based Translational Motion Artifact Reduction in Fan-Beam CT
* Data representations and generalization error in kernel based learning machines
* Decomposing parameters of mixture Gaussian model using genetic and maximum likelihood algorithms on dental images
* Deformable Mesh Model for Complex Multi-Object 3D Motion Estimation from Multi-Viewpoint Video
* Deformation Modeling for Robust 3D Face Matching
* Depth from Familiar Objects: A Hierarchical Model for 3D Scenes
* Depth Images: Representations and Real-Time Rendering
* Derivation and Comparison of SAR and Frequency-Wavenumber Migration Within a Common Inverse Scalar Wave Problem Formulation
* Design of an end-to-end method to extract information from tables
* Design of High-Level Features for Photo Quality Assessment, The
* Design of Near-Perfect Reconstruction Two-Parallelogram Filter-Banks
* Design Principle for Coarse-to-Fine Classification, A
* Detecting Computer-Induced Errors in Remote-Sensing JPEG Compression Algorithms
* Detection and Analysis of Hair
* Detection and analysis of table of contents based on content association
* Detection and Classification of Highway Lanes Using Vehicle Motion Trajectories
* Detection of a polymorphic Mesoamerican symbol using a rule-based approach
* Detection of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Clusters
* Detection Technique for Degraded Face Images, A
* Determining Scale and Sea State From Water Video
* Development of a Communication Support Device Controlled by Eye Movements and Voluntary Eye Blink
* Dexterous Robot Hand Control with Data Glove by Human Imitation
* Differential Tracking based on Spatial-Appearance Model (SAM)
* Diffusion Distance for Histogram Comparison
* Digital Line Recognition, Convex Hull, Thickness, a Unified and Logarithmic Technique
* Dimensionality Reduction by Learning an Invariant Mapping
* Direct and Indirect 3-D Reconstruction from Opti-Acoustic Stereo Imaging
* Directional Multiscale Modeling of Images Using the Contourlet Transform
* Directionlets: Anisotropic Multidirectional Representation With Separable Filtering
* Discrete Homotopy of a Closed k-Surface
* Discriminative Learning of Mixture of Bayesian Network Classifiers for Sequence Classification
* Discriminative Object Class Models of Appearance and Shape by Correlatons
* Discriminative Random Fields
* Distances between frequency features for 3D visual pattern partitioning
* Distinctiveness of a Curve in a Parameterized Neighborhood: Extraction and Applications, The
* Distortion-Sensitive Synthesis of Texture and Geometry in Interactive 3D Visualization
* Distributed Cost Boosting and Bounds on Mis-classification Cost
* DMOS, a generic document recognition method: application to table structure analysis in a general and in a specific way
* Drift-Resistant SNR Scalable Video Coding
* DTI Segmentation by Statistical Surface Evolution
* Dual unification of bi-class support vector machine formulations
* Dynamic 3D Urban Scene Modeling Using Multiple Pushbroom Mosaics
* Dynamic Appearance Modeling for Human Tracking
* Dynamic Bayesian Network Model for Autonomous 3D Reconstruction from a Single Indoor Image, A
* Dynamic Directional Gradient Vector Flow for Snakes
* Dynamical Statistical Shape Priors for Level Set-Based Tracking
* Dynamics Based Robust Motion Segmentation
* Dynamics of Facial Expression Extracted Automatically from Video
* Edge Suppression by Gradient Field Transformation Using Cross-Projection Tensors
* Edge-Enhancement Postprocessing Using Artificial Dissipation
* Edge-Forming Methods for Color Image Zooming
* Edge-Guided Image Interpolation Algorithm via Directional Filtering and Data Fusion, An
* Edge-Preserving Image Denoising and Estimation of Discontinuous Surfaces
* Effects of Soil Electromagnetic Properties on Metal Detectors
* Efficiency Criterion for 2D Shape Model Selection, An
* Efficient Belief Propagation for Early Vision
* Efficient Chromosome Encoding and Problem-Specific Mutation Methods for the Flexible Bay Facility Layout Problem
* efficient clustering scheme using support vector methods, An
* Efficient Constraint Evaluation Algorithms for Hierarchical Next-Best-View Planning
* Efficient Content-Adaptive Motion-Compensated 3-D DWT With Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Scalability, An
* Efficient Discriminant Viewpoint Selection for Active Bayesian Recognition
* Efficient Error-Bounded General Camera Model, An
* Efficient Maximally Stable Extremal Region (MSER) Tracking
* Efficient Monte Carlo Based Scatter Artifact Reduction in Cone-Beam Micro-CT
* Efficient Nonparametric Belief Propagation with Application to Articulated Body Tracking
* Efficient Optimal Kernel Placement for Reliable Visual Tracking
* Efficient particle filtering using RANSAC with application to 3D face tracking
* Efficient Reconstruction of 2D-Tiling with t1,2, t2,1, t1,1 Tiles, An
* Efficient selective encryption for JPEG 2000 images using private initial table
* Efficient Sparse 3D Reconstruction by Space Sweeping
* Efficient, Precise, and Accurate Utilization of the Uniqueness Constraint in Multi-View Stereo
* EKF-Based Recursive Dual Estimation of Structure & Motion from Stereo Data
* Element-Free Elastic Models for Volume Fitting and Capture
* Enhanced block motion estimation based on distortion-directional search patterns
* Enhanced Snake algorithm by embedded domain transformation
* Enhanced Soft-Handoff Scheme for Real-Time Streaming Services in Intelligent Transportation Systems Based on CDMA
* Epipolar Geometry of Central Projection Systems Using Veronese Maps
* Equivalence of Non-Iterative Algorithms for Simultaneous Low Rank Approximations of Matrices
* Escaping local minima through hierarchical model selection: Automatic object discovery, segmentation, and tracking in video
* Estimate Large Motions Using the Reliability-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm
* Estimating a-priori Unknown 3D Axially Symmetric Surfaces from Noisy Measurements of Their Fragments
* Estimating Intrinsic Component Images using Non-Linear Regression
* Estimation of Optimal PDE-Based Denoising in the SNR Sense
* Euclidean Structure from Confocal Conics: Theory and Application to Camera Calibration
* Evaluation of National and Global LAI Products Derived From Optical Remote Sensing Instruments Over Canada
* Evolutionary feature synthesis for facial expression recognition
* Evolutionary neural networks for anomaly detection based on the behavior of a program
* Evolving color constancy
* Evolving visual sonar: Depth from monocular images
* Exact Lattice Width of Planar Sets and Minimal Arithmetical Thickness, The
* Experimental study on prototype optimisation algorithms for prototype-based classification in vector spaces
* Exploiting 3D Spatial Continuity for Robust Automatic Horizon Matching across Faults
* Exploring Boundary Concavities in Active Contours and Surfaces
* Expression Compensation for Face Recognition Using a Polar Geodesic Representation
* Extended Mumford-Shah Regularization in Bayesian Estimation for Blind Image Deconvolution and Segmentation
* Extracting 3D Shape Features in Discrete Scale-Space
* Extracting Subimages of an Unknown Category from a Set of Images
* Face detection and tracking in video sequences using the modified census transformation
* Face Recognition Based on Discriminant Fractional Fourier Feature Extraction
* Face Recognition from a Single Image Per Person: A Survey
* Face recognition robust to left/right shadows; facial symmetry
* Face Recognition using 2.5D Shape Information
* Face Recognition Using Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant
* Factorization Based Self-Calibration for Radially Symmetric Cameras, A
* fast and accurate approach for 3D image registration using the scatter search evolutionary algorithm, A
* Fast and Efficient Dense Variational Stereo on GPU
* Fast codebook search algorithms based on tree-structured vector quantization
* Fast Compact City Modeling for Navigation Pre-Visualization
* Fast Constrained Surface Extraction by Minimal Paths
* Fast Human Detection Using a Cascade of Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Fast Level Set Multi-View Stereo on Graphics Hardware
* Fast multiscale clustering and manifold identification
* Fast Point-Based 3-D Alignment of Live Cells
* Fast Safe Spline Surrogates for Large Point Clouds
* Fast Search for Best Representations in Multitree Dictionaries
* Fast Variational Segmentation using Partial Extremal Initialization
* Fast Vector Quantization Algorithms Based on Nearest Partition Set Search
* Feature Based Defuzzification at Increased Spatial Resolution
* Feature representation and discrimination based on Gaussian mixture model probability densities: Practices and algorithms
* Feature Selection for Evaluating Fluorescence Microscopy Images in Genome-Wide Cell Screens
* Feature-based Approach for Dense Segmentation and Estimation of Large Disparity Motion, A
* Feature-based approach to semi-supervised similarity learning
* Feature-based image registration by means of the CHC evolutionary algorithm
* Finding and identifying unknown commercials using repeated video sequence detection
* Fingerprint Recognition by Combining Global Structure and Local Cues
* Fingerprint Recognition Using Model-Based Density Map
* Flatness and Orientation Signature for Modeling and Matching 3D Objects
* Flexible background mixture models for foreground segmentation
* Font Adaptive Word Indexing of Modern Printed Documents
* Formulation of Four Katsevich Algorithms in Native Geometry
* Fourier-Based Reconstruction for Fully 3-D PET: Optimization of Interpolation Parameters
* Fourier-Mellin registration of line-delineated tabular document images
* Framework for Feature Selection for Background Subtraction, A
* framework for multiple snakes and its applications, A
* FS_SFS: A novel feature selection method for support vector machines
* Full-Frame Video Stabilization with Motion Inpainting
* Fully 3-D PET Reconstruction With System Matrix Derived From Point Source Measurements
* Fully Automatic Registration of 3D Point Clouds
* Function Space of an Activity, The
* Fusion of Detection and Matching Based Approaches for Laser Based Multiple People Tracking
* Fusion of Large Scale Classified Side-Scan Sonar Image Mosaics, The
* Fusion of Summation Invariants in 3D Human Face Recognition
* Fuzzy Distance Based Hierarchical Clustering Calculated Using the A? Algorithm
* Fuzzy shape based motion evaluation of left ventricle using genetic algorithm
* GACV: Geodesic-Aided C-V method
* Gauss-Markov Model for Wavelet-Based SAR Image Despeckling
* Gaussian fields for semi-supervised regression and correspondence learning
* Gaze Tracking by Using Factorized Likelihoods Particle Filtering and Stereo Vision
* Gaze tracking for region of interest coding in JPEG 2000
* General Framework and New Alignment Criterion for Dense Optical Flow, A
* General Framework for Combining Visual Trackers: The Black Boxes Approach, A
* Generalization of Frei and Chen's approach to extract the lines and edges of a digital image
* Generalized Camera Calibration Including Fish-Eye Lenses
* Generalized EM Approach for 3D Model Based Face Recognition under Occlusions, A
* Generalized null space uncorrelated Fisher discriminant analysis for linear dimensionality reduction
* Generalized RANSAC Framework for Relaxed Correspondence Problems
* Generative Sketch Model for Human Hair Analysis and Synthesis, A
* Generative-Discriminative Hybrid Method for Multi-View Object Detection, A
* Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses, A
* Genetic algorithms for linear feature extraction
* Geodesic Active Contour Framework for Finding Glass, A
* Geodesic Matching of Triangulated Surfaces
* Geodesic Remeshing Using Front Propagation
* Geometric and Shading Correction for Images of Printed Materials Using Boundary
* Geometric Hashing with Local Affine Frames
* Geometric visualization of clusters obtained from fuzzy clustering algorithms
* Geometrical Analysis of Puppet-Theater and Cardboard Effects in Stereoscopic HDTV Images
* Geometry and Convergence Analysis of Algorithms for Registration of 3D Shapes
* Geometry Refinement of 3D Surfaces Using Kriging
* Geometry-assisted image-based rendering for facial analysis and synthesis
* Gesture Recognition using Hidden Markov Models from Fragmented Observations
* Gesture-Based Control and EMG Decomposition
* Global Depth from Epipolar Volumes: A General Framework for Reconstructing Non-Lambertian Surfaces
* Globally Optimal Grouping for Symmetric Boundaries
* GOP-Based Channel Rate Allocation Using Genetic Algorithm for Scalable Video Streaming Over Error-Prone Networks
* Graph Based Approach for Naming Faces in News Photos, A
* Graph Cut Based Multiple View Segmentation for 3D Reconstruction
* Graph Laplacian Kernels for Object Classification from a Single Example
* Graph Partitioning by Spectral Rounding: Applications in Image Segmentation and Clustering
* Gray-Level Grouping (GLG): An Automatic Method for Optimized Image Contrast Enhancement -- Part I: The Basic Method
* Gray-Level Grouping (GLG): An Automatic Method for Optimized Image Contrast Enhancement -- Part II: The Variations
* Grayscale Watersheds on Perfect Fusion Graphs
* Grouping with Asymmetric Affinities: A Game-Theoretic Perspective
* Groupwise point pattern registration using a novel CDF-based Jensen-Shannon Divergence
* GVF-Based Anisotropic Diffusion Models
* Halftone Visual Cryptography
* Hand biometrics
* Hand Motion Gesture Frequency Properties and Multimodal Discourse Analysis
* Handling of Long Objects in Iterative Improvement of Nonexact Reconstruction in Helical Cone-Beam CT
* Harmonic postprocessing to conceal for transmission errors in DWT transmitted images
* Head motion anticipation for virtual-environment applications using kinematics and EMG energy
* Hemispherical Harmonic Surface Description and Applications to Medical Image Analysis
* Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Gesture Recognition
* Hidden Markov Models for Wavelet-Based Blind Source Separation
* Hierarchical PCA Decomposition of Point Clouds
* Hierarchical Procrustes Matching for Shape Retrieval
* Hierarchical Representation of Virtual Cities for Progressive Transmission over Networks
* Hierarchical Statistical Learning of Generic Parts of Object Structure
* Hierarchical Tree of Image Derived by Diffusion Filtering
* Hierarchical Volumetric Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction of Manifold Surfaces based on Dual Graph Embedding
* Hierarchical-Likelihood-Based Wavelet Method for Denoising Signals With Missing Data
* High-Capacity Data Hiding in Halftone Images Using Minimal-Error Bit Searching and Least-Mean Square Filter
* High-capacity image hiding scheme based on vector quantization
* High-Performance Multi-View Reconstruction
* High-Quality Real-Time Stereo Using Adaptive Cost Aggregation and Dynamic Programming
* High-Resolution and High Accuracy Real-Time 3D Sensor Based on Structured Light, A
* High-Resolution Change Estimation of Soil Moisture Using L-Band Radiometer and Radar Observations Made During the SMEX02 Experiments
* High-Throughput Analysis of Multispectral Images of Breast Cancer Tissue
* Higher Order Active Contours
* Highly Concurrent Reduced-Complexity 2-D Systolic Array for Discrete Fourier Transform
* Histogram Matching for Camera Pose Neighbor Selection
* Homography Estimation from Planar Contours
* Homography from Coplanar Ellipses with Application to Forensic Blood Splatter Reconstruction
* How Do Movie Viewers Perceive Scene Structure from Dynamic Cues
* How Far Can We Go with Local Optimization in Real-Time Stereo Matching
* How many planar viewing surfaces are there in noncentral catadioptric cameras? Towards singe-image localization of space lines
* Human Carrying Status in Visual Surveillance
* Hybrid Motion-Vector Coding Scheme Based on an Estimation of the Locality for Motion-Vector Difference, A
* hybrid parallel projection approach to object-based image restoration, A
* Identifying Color in Motion in Video Sensors
* Identifying splice-junction sequences by hierarchical multiclassifier
* Illumination Insensitive Model-Based 3D Object Tracking and Texture Refinement
* Image Analysis Using a Dual-Tree M-Band Wavelet Transform
* Image Based Localization in Urban Environments
* Image Comparison by Compound Disjoint Information
* Image Completion Using Global Optimization
* Image Denoising Via Learned Dictionaries and Sparse representation
* Image Denoising with Shrinkage and Redundant Representations
* Image Guided Geometry Inference
* Image Interpolation by Two-Dimensional Parametric Cubic Convolution
* Image Matching Using Photometric Information
* Image Pre-Conditioning for Out-of-Focus Projector Blur
* Image reconstruction from a complete set of similarity invariants extracted from complex moments
* Image Registration Using the Walsh Transform
* Image retrieval based on color distribution entropy
* Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Connectedness Using Dynamic Weights
* Image segmentation based on merging of sub-optimal segmentations
* Image segmentation by histogram thresholding using hierarchical cluster analysis
* image-based calibration technique of spatial domain depth-from-defocus, An
* Image-Based Multiclass Boosting and Echocardiographic View Classification
* Image-Segmentation Evaluation From the Perspective of Salient Object Extraction
* Immersive Free-Viewpoint Video System Using Multiple Outer/Inner Cameras, An
* Impact of Dynamics on Subspace Embedding and Tracking of Sequences
* Impact of the Cropping Attack on Scalar STDM Data Hiding, The
* Improved 3D Human Face Reconstruction Approach Based on Cubic Splines Models, An
* Improved watershed segmentation using water diffusion and local shape priors
* Improving Border Localization of Multi-Baseline Stereo Using Border-Cut
* Improving image segmentation quality through effective region merging using a hierarchical social metaheuristic
* Improving Recognition of Novel Input with Similarity
* Incorporating the Boltzmann Prior in Object Detection Using SVM
* Incorporation of System Resolution Compensation (RC) in the Ordered-Subset Transmission (OSTR) Algorithm for Transmission Imaging in SPECT
* Incremental and Transitive Discrete Rotations
* Incremental learning of object detectors using a visual shape alphabet
* Incremental training of support vector machines using hyperspheres
* Independent Component Analysis-Based Dimensionality Reduction With Applications in Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* independent component analysis-based filter design for defect detection in low-contrast surface images, An
* Inferring Facial Action Units with Causal Relations
* information-theoretic approach to face recognition from face motion manifolds, An
* Instant 3Descatter
* Integrated Active Contours for Texture Segmentation
* Integrated Model of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Attention for Optimizing Detection Speed, An
* Integrated Segmentation and Classification Approach Applied to Multiple Sclerosis Analysis, An
* Integrating LiDAR, Aerial Image and Ground Images for Complete Urban Building Modeling
* Integrating multiple levels of zoom to enable activity analysis
* Integration of fuzzy spatial relations in deformable models: Application to brain MRI segmentation
* Integration of Top-down and Bottom-up Information for Image Labeling
* Intelligent Collaborative Tracking by Mining Auxiliary Objects
* Intensity-augmented Ordinal Measure for Visual Correspondence, An
* Intensity-Driven Adaptive-Neighborhood Technique for Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR Parameters Estimation
* Interactive Feature Tracking using K-D Trees and Dynamic Programming
* Interactive Modeling with Automatic Online Compression
* Interferometric SAR Coherence Magnitude Estimation Using Second Kind Statistics
* Introduction to the special issue on evolutionary computer vision and image understanding
* Invariances in kernel methods: From samples to objects
* Invariant High Level Reeb Graphs of 3D Polygonal Meshes
* Isoradius Contours: New Representations and Techniques for 3D Face Registration and Matching
* Joint Boosting Feature Selection for Robust Face Recognition
* Joint Demosaicing and Denoising
* Joint Illumination and Shape Model for Visual Tracking, A
* Joint Initiative for Harmonization and Validation of Land Cover Datasets, A
* Joint Recognition of Complex Events and Track Matching
* Joint Signal Processing and Cryptographic Approach to Multimedia Encryption, A
* Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Object-Based Video Communications Utilizing Data Hiding
* Joint Source-Channel Distortion Model for JPEG Compressed Images, A
* JPEG Compression History Estimation for Color Images
* JPEG2000 Encoding With Perceptual Distortion Control
* Kernel Density Estimation and Intrinsic Alignment for Shape Priors in Level Set Segmentation
* Kernel Uncorrelated and Orthogonal Discriminant Analysis: A Unified Approach
* Kernel-based Template Alignment
* Land Cover Classification Using Fuzzy Rules and Aggregation of Contextual Information Through Evidence Theory
* Landmark-Based Geodesic Computation for Heuristically Driven Path Planning
* Large-scale Learning with SVM and Convolutional for Generic Object Categorization
* Large-Scale Modeling of Parametric Surfaces Using Spherical Harmonics
* Large-Scale Urban Modeling by Combining Ground Level Panoramic and Aerial Imagery
* Layered light-field rendering with focus measurement
* Layout Consistent Random Field for Recognizing and Segmenting Partially Occluded Objects, The
* Learning a manifold-constrained map between image sets: Applications to matching and pose estimation
* Learning Boosted Asymmetric Classifiers for Object Detection
* Learning Distance Metrics with Contextual Constraints for Image Retrieval
* Learning Exemplar-Based Categorization for the Detection of Multi-View Multi-Pose Objects
* Learning Illumination Models While Tracking
* Learning Joint Top-Down and Bottom-up Processes for 3D Visual Inference
* Learning Non-Metric Partial Similarity Based on Maximal Margin Criterion
* Learning Nonlinear Image Manifolds by Global Alignment of Local Linear Models
* Learning Object Shape: From Drawings to Images
* Learning Patch Dependencies for Improved Pose Mismatched Face Verification
* Learning Semantic Patterns with Discriminant Localized Binary Projections
* Learning stochastic edit distance: Application in handwritten character recognition
* Learning Temporal Sequence Model from Partially Labeled Data
* Learning Weighted Metrics to Minimize Nearest-Neighbor Classification Error
* Lensless Imaging with a Controllable Aperture
* Light Source Calibration for IBR and BTF Acquisition Setups
* Line cluster detection using a variant of the Hough transform for culture row localisation
* Line-Based Structure from Motion for Urban Environments
* Linear Algorithm for Polygonal Representations of Digital Sets, A
* Linear Discrete Line Recognition and Reconstruction Based on a Generalized Preimage
* Linking Feature Lines on 3D Triangle Meshes with Artificial Potential Fields
* LLE and a linear mapping, The
* Local Features, All Grown Up
* local mean-based nonparametric classifier, A
* Local Steerable Phase (LSP) Feature for Face Representation and Recognition
* Local structure based supervised feature extraction
* Locally Adaptive Wavelet-Based Image Interpolation
* Locally Constrained Watershed Transform, A
* Locally linear metric adaptation with application to semi-supervised clustering and image retrieval
* Locally Linear Models on Face Appearance Manifolds with Application to Dual-Subspace Based Classification
* Lossless Compression of Color Mosaic Images
* Low Altitude Wind Simulation over Mount Saint Helens Using NASA SRTM Digital Terrain Model
* Low Computational-Cost Method to Fuse IKONOS Images Using the Spectral Response Function of Its Sensors, A
* Low resolution face recognition based on support vector data description
* MACLAW: A modular approach for clustering with local attribute weighting
* Making a Long Video Short: Dynamic Video Synopsis
* Making virtual reality more accessible
* Manifold Based Analysis of Facial Expression
* Matching of the Multi-channel Images with Improved Nonparametric Transformations and Weighted Binary Distance Measures
* Maximization of Mutual Information for Offline Thai Handwriting Recognition
* Maximum likelihood combination of multiple clusterings
* Mean Field EM-algorithm for Coherent Occlusion Handling in MAP-Estimation Prob, A
* mean subjective utility score, a novel metric for cost-sensitive classifier evaluation, The
* Measure for Mutual Refinements of Image Segmentations, A
* Measure Locally, Reason Globally: Occlusion-sensitive Articulated Pose Estimation
* Measurement integration under inconsistency for robust tracking
* Mesh-Based Disparity Representation Method for View Interpolation and Stereo Image Compression, A
* Mesostructure from Specularity
* Meta-Evaluation of Image Segmentation Using Machine Learning
* Method for Coordinating the Distributed Transmission of Imagery, A
* method of visual metrology from uncalibrated images, A
* Method of Wavelength Selection and Spectral Discrimination of Hyperspectral Reflectance Spectrometry, A
* Metric Approach to Vector-Valued Image Segmentation, A
* Metrics and Optimization Techniques for Registration of Color to Laser Range Scans
* Minimal-latency human action recognition using reliable-inference
* Minimum Classification Error Training for Online Handwriting Recognition
* Minimum Spanning Tree Pose Estimation
* mixture of experts committee machine to design compensators for intensity modulated radiation therapy, A
* Mobile Augmented Reality System with Distributed Tracking, A
* Model Order Selection and Cue Combination for Image Segmentation
* Model Selection for Unsupervised Learning of Visual Context
* Model-Based Joint Source Channel Coding for Subband Video
* Modeling Age Progression in Young Faces
* Modeling and Classifying Breast Tissue Density in Mammograms
* Modeling and Incorporation of System Response Functions in 3-D Whole Body PET
* Modeling Correspondences for Multi-Camera Tracking Using Nonlinear Manifold Learning and Target Dynamics
* Modeling of Transmission-Loss-Induced Distortion in Decoded Video
* Modelling and combining emotions, visual speech and gestures in virtual head models
* Modified M-Band Synthesis Filter Bank for Fractional Scalability of Images
* Modified Phase-Correlation Based Robust Hard-Cut Detection With Application to Archive Film
* Modular Approach to the Analysis and Evaluation of Particle Filters for Figure Tracking, A
* Modular Scheme for 2D/3D Conversion of TV Broadcast, A
* Monocular Precrash Vehicle Detection: Features and Classifiers
* Monogenic Curvature Scale-Space, The
* Morphological Gradient Approach to Color Edge Detection, A
* Motion and Shape Recovery Based on Iterative Stabilization for Modest Deviation from Planar Motion
* Motion Editing in 3D Video Database
* Motion Estimation from Spheres
* Motion Parallax without Motion Compensation in 3D Cluttered Scenes
* Motion Patterns: High-Level Representation of Natural Video Sequences
* Motion-Compensated and Gated Cone Beam Filtered Back-Projection for 3-D Rotational X-Ray Angiography
* Moving object segmentation by background subtraction and temporal analysis
* MRFs for MRIs: Bayesian Reconstruction of MR Images via Graph Cuts
* MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound: Methodology and Applications
* Multi-Aspect Detection of Articulated Objects
* Multi-Camera Scene Flow by Tracking 3-D Points and Surfels
* Multi-Channel Algorithm for Edge Detection Under Varying Lighting, A
* Multi-Chart Geometry Video: A Compact Representation for 3D Animations
* multi-expert approach for robust face detection, A
* Multi-lane architecture for eigenface based real-time face recognition
* Multi-Object Tracking Through Simultaneous Long Occlusions and Split-Merge Conditions
* Multi-Parameter Simultaneous Estimation on Area-Based Matching
* Multi-Resolution Patch Tensor for Facial Expression Hallucination
* Multi-Resolution Spin-Images
* Multi-Target Tracking: Linking Identities using Bayesian Network Inference
* Multi-View Multi-Exposure Stereo
* Multi-View Stereo Revisited
* Multi-view synthesis: A novel view creation approach for free viewpoint video
* multiagent system approach for image segmentation using genetic algorithms and extremal optimization heuristics, A
* Multiclass Object Recognition with Sparse, Localized Features
* Multimodal 3D Shape Recovery from Texture, Silhouette and Shadow Information
* Multiparameter Inversion of a Layer of Vegetation Canopy Over Rough Surface From the System Response Function Based on the Mueller Matrix Solution of Pulse Echoes
* Multiple Camera Calibration Using Robust Perspective Factorization
* Multiple Face Model of Hybrid Fourier Feature for Large Face Image Set
* Multiple Object Class Detection with a Generative Model
* Multiple-Parameter Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform, The
* Multiple-Server Movie-Retrieval Strategies for Distributed Multimedia Applications: A Play-While-Retrieve Approach
* Multiplierless Filter Bank Design: Structures That Improve Both Hardware and Image Compression Performance
* Multiscale contour description for pattern recognition
* Multiscale Expectation-Maximization Semisupervised Classifier Suitable for Badly Posed Image Classification, A
* Multiscale Nonlinear Diffusion and Shock Filter for Ultrasound Image Enhancement
* Multiscale Segmentation With Vector-Valued Nonlinear Diffusions on Arbitrary Graphs
* Multivariate image similarity in the compressed domain using statistical graph matching
* Multiview 3D Tracking with an Incrementally Constructed 3D Model
* Multiview Geometry for Texture Mapping 2D Images Onto 3D Range Data
* Natural color image enhancement and evaluation algorithm based on human visual system
* Neighborhood Aided Implicit Active Contours
* Neighborhood Topologies in Fully Informed and Best-of-Neighborhood Particle Swarms
* Neural Network Approach to Real-Time Discrete Tomography, A
* New 2D Parallel Thinning Algorithms Based on Critical Kernels
* new algorithm for the embedding of a prediction mechanism into the JPEG2000 coding chain, A
* New Deformable Model for Boundary Tracking in Cardiac MRI and Its Application to the Detection of Intra-Ventricular Dyssynchrony, A
* New Formulation for Shape from Shading for Non-Lambertian Surfaces, A
* New Intensity-Hue-Saturation Fusion Approach to Image Fusion With a Tradeoff Parameter, A
* New Method for Multidimensional Optimization and Its Application in Image and Video Processing, A
* New Method of Probability Density Estimation with Application to Mutual Information Based Image Registration
* new perceptual organization approach to 3D measuring system based on the fuzzy integral, A
* New Sub-pixel Map for Image Analysis, A
* Noise Estimation for Video Processing Based on Spatio-Temporal Gradients
* Noise Estimation from a Single Image
* Non-rigid Image Registration Using Geometric Features and Local Salient Region Features
* Non-Rigid Metric Shape and Motion Recovery from Uncalibrated Images Using Priors
* Nonlinear Mean Shift for Clustering over Analytic Manifolds
* Nonparametric Priors on the Space of Joint Intensity Distributions for Non-Rigid Multi-Modal Image Registration
* Novel Automated Hand-Based Personal Identification, A
* novel Bayesian framework for relevance feedback in image content-based retrieval systems, A
* Novel Data Association Algorithm for Object Tracking in Clutter with Application to Tennis Video Analysis, A
* Novel High-Capacity Data-Embedding System, A
* Novel Incremental Principal Component Analysis and Its Application for Face Recognition, A
* Object Centered Stereo: Displacement Map Estimation Using Texture and Shading
* Object detection using spatial histogram features
* Object Modeling with Guaranteed Fulfillment of Geometric Constraints
* Object Pose Detection in Range Scan Data
* Object Recognition as Many-to-Many Feature Matching
* Object tracking apparatus, object tracking method and recording medium
* Object Tracking Using Genetic Evolution Based Kernel Particle Filter
* objective approach to cluster validation, An
* Off-road Path Following using Region Classification and Geometric Projection Constraints
* On 3D Retrieval from Photos
* On Manifold Structure of Cardiac MRI Data: Application to Segmentation
* On Single-Sequence and Multi-Sequence Factorizations
* On solving the face recognition problem with one training sample per subject
* On the Detection of Simple Points in Higher Dimensions Using Cubical Homology
* On the information and representation of non-Euclidean pairwise data
* On the Modeling of Small Sample Distributions With Generalized Gaussian Density in a Maximum Likelihood Framework
* On the Notion of Dimension in Digital Spaces
* On the relation between Memon's and the modified Zeng's palette reordering methods
* On the Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Bodies Buried in a Half-Space With Locally Rough Interface
* On the Use of Hash Functions as Preprocessing Algorithms to Detect Defects on Repeating Definite Textures
* On the use of independent component analysis for image compression
* On Weighting Clustering
* On-demand transmission of 3D models over lossy networks
* On-line Boosting and Vision
* Optimal convex error estimators for classification
* Optimal Pose for Face Recognition
* Optimization of Partition-Based Weighted Sum Filters and Their Application to Image Denoising
* Optimum Bit Allocation and Rate Control for H.264/AVC
* Orientation feature for fingerprint matching
* Orientation of Fragments of Rotationally Symmetrical 3D-Shapes for Archaeological Documentation
* Overview of free viewpoint television
* Owner-customer right protection mechanism using a watermarking scheme and a watermarking protocol
* Panoramic 3D Reconstruction Using Rotational Stereo Camera with Simple Epipolar Constraints
* Panum Proxy Algorithm for Dense Stereo Matching over a Volume of Interest, The
* Parameterized Duration Mmodeling for Switching Linear Dynamic Systems
* Parisian camera placement for vision metrology
* Parity-Object Embedded Streaming for Synthetic Graphics
* Parsing Images into Regions, Curves, and Curve Groups
* Particle Filter for Tracking Two Closely Spaced Objects Using Monopulse Radar Channel Signals, A
* Particle Video: Long-Range Motion Estimation Using Point Trajectories
* Partition-Based Vector Filtering Technique for Suppression of Noise in Digital Color Images
* Pattern Generation Using Likelihood Inference for Cellular Automata
* Perception Strategies in Hierarchical Vision Systems
* Perceptually Driven Model for Transmission of Arbitrary 3D Models over Unreliable Networks, A
* Perceptually-Inspired and Edge-Directed Color Image Super-Resolution
* Performance Modeling and Prediction of Face Recognition Systems
* Person Reidentification Using Spatiotemporal Appearance
* Personal authentication using hand images
* Personal Recognition Using Hand Shape and Texture
* Perturbation Estimation of the Subspaces for Structure from Motion with Noisy and Missing Data
* Philips 3D Solutions: From Content Creation to Visualization
* Picture Collage
* Piecewise Image Registration in the Presence of Multiple Large Motions
* Piecewise planar scene reconstruction from sparse correspondences
* Piecewise-Smooth Dense Optical Flow via Level Sets
* Planar Light Probe, A
* Planar-shape prototype generation using a tree-based random greedy algorithm
* POCS-Based Restoration Algorithm for Restoring Halftoned Color-Quantized Images, A
* Point Containment in Discrete Arbitrary Dimension
* Polarization-based Surface Reconstruction via Patch Matching
* Polygonal Approximation of Point Sets
* POP-TRAFFIC: A Novel Fuzzy Neural Approach to Road Traffic Analysis and Prediction
* Power Matching Approach for GPS Coverage Extension
* Pragmatic Genetic Programming strategy for the problem of vehicle detection in airborne reconnaissance
* Pre-registration of arbitrarily oriented 3D surfaces using a genetic algorithm
* Preliminary study of behavioral and safety effects of driver dependence on a warning system in a driving simulator
* Principal Components Null Space Analysis for Image and Video Classification
* Principled Hybrids of Generative and Discriminative Models
* Probabilistic 3D Polyp Detection in CT Images: The Role of Sample Alignment
* Probabilistic Method for Aligning and Merging Range Images with Anisotropic Error Distribution, A
* Probabilistic Notion of Correspondence and the Epipolar Constraint, A
* Product Code Optimization for Determinate State LDPC Decoding in Robust Image Transmission
* Programmable Imaging: Towards a Flexible Camera
* Progressive Compression of Normal Vectors
* Projected clustering for categorical datasets
* Projective Invariant for Textures, A
* Protocol for Evaluation of Similarity Measures for Rigid Registration, A
* Pursuing Informative Projection on Grassmann Manifold
* Putting Objects in Perspective
* Pyramid segmentation algorithms revisited
* Qualitative Characterization of Deforming Surfaces
* Quality-Aware Images
* Quantitative evaluation of a wavelet-based method in ventricular late potential detection
* Quantitative Evaluation of Near Regular Texture Synthesis Algorithms
* Quasi-isometric and Quasi-conformal Development of Triangulated Surfaces for Computerized Tomography
* Quasi-Periodic Spatiotemporal Filtering
* Radon-Split Method for Helical Cone-Beam CT and Its Application to Nongated Reconstruction, The
* Random Sampling for Subspace Face Recognition
* Random subspace method for multivariate feature selection
* Random Walk Kernel Derived from Graph Edit Distance, A
* Range Camera Collecting Multi-Spectral Texture for Architecture Applications, A
* Range Image Registration Based on Circular Features
* Range Image Segmentation Using Surface Selection Criterion
* Rank-One Projections With Adaptive Margins for Face Recognition
* RANSAC for (Quasi-)Degenerate data (QDEGSAC)
* Rao-Blackwellized Importance Sampling of Camera Parameters from Simple User Input with Visibility Preprocessing in Line Space
* Rapid Object Indexing Using Locality Sensitive Hashing and Joint 3D-Signature Space Estimation
* Rate Distortion Optimal Bit Allocation Methods for Volumetric Data Using JPEG 2000
* Rate-Distortion Analysis and Streaming of SP and SI Frames
* Rate-distortion analysis for light field coding and streaming
* Rate-Distortion Analysis of Motion-Compensated Rate Scalable Video
* RDTC Optimized Streaming for Remote Browsing in Image-Based Scene Representations
* Real Time Localization and 3D Reconstruction
* Real Time Machine Learning Based Car Detection in Images With Fast Training
* Real-Time Disparity Contrast Combination for Onboard Estimation of the Visibility Distance
* Real-Time Face Detection and Lip Feature Extraction Using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
* Real-time Hand Pose Recognition Using Low-Resolution Depth Images
* Real-time Image-Based Guidance Method for Lung-Cancer Assessment
* Real-Time Semi-Automatic Segmentation Using a Bayesian Network
* Real-Time Visual SLAM with Resilience to Erratic Motion
* Realtime Hand Posture Estimation with Self-Organizing Map for Stable Robot Control
* Reciprocal Image Features for Uncalibrated Helmholtz Stereopsis
* Recognition of Composite Human Activities through Context-Free Grammar Based Representation
* Recognition of Free-Form Objects in Complex Scenes Using DGI-BS Models
* Recognition of Plural Grouping Patterns in Trademarks for CBIR According to the Gestalt Psychology
* Recognize High Resolution Faces: From Macrocosm to Microcosm
* Recognizing facial action units using independent component analysis and support vector machine
* Reconstructing a 3D Line from a Single Catadioptric Image
* Reconstructing Occluded Surfaces Using Synthetic Apertures: Stereo, Focus and Robust Measures
* Reconstructing Open Surfaces from Image Data
* Reconstruction in the Round Using Photometric Normals and Silhouettes
* Reconstruction with Interval Constraints Propagation
* Recovering 3D Human Body Configurations Using Shape Contexts
* Recovering Camera Motion Using L-inf Minimization
* Recovering Illumination and Texture Using Ratio Images
* Recovery of Spectral Reflectances of Objects Being Imaged Without Prior Knowledge
* Recovery of Surface Orientation From Diffuse Polarization
* Rectification for Cone-Beam Projection and Backprojection
* recurrent neural network classifier for Doppler ultrasound blood flow signals, A
* Recursive estimation of generative models of video
* Recursive Multi-Frame Planar Parallax Algorithm, The
* Recursive Recovery of Position and Orientation from Stereo Image Sequences without Three-Dimensional Structures
* Reduce shadow size in aspect ratio invariant visual secret sharing schemes using a square block-wise operation
* Reference Stream Selection for Multiple Depth Stream Encoding
* Refined Algorithm for Multisensor Image Registration Based on Pixel Migration, A
* Reflectance Modeling for Layered Dielectrics with Rough Surface Boundaries
* Reflectance Sharing: Predicting Appearance from a Sparse Set of Images of a Known Shape
* Refractive Camera for Acquiring Stereo and Super-resolution Images, A
* Region of Interest Reconstruction From Truncated Data in Circular Cone-Beam CT
* Region-based Image Annotation using Asymmetrical Support Vector Machine-based Multiple-Instance Learning
* Region-Based Motion Analysis and 3D Reconstruction for a Translational Video Sequence
* Region-Tree Based Stereo Using Dynamic Programming Optimization
* Registration Problem Revisited: Optimal Solutions From Points, Lines and Planes, The
* Regression-based Hand Pose Estimation from Multiple Cameras
* Regularized Inverse Approach to Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Imaging, A
* Relaxational metric adaptation and its application to semi-supervised clustering and content-based image retrieval
* Relevance Criteria for Data Mining Using Error-Tolerant Graph Matching
* Reliability Framework for Traffic Signal Control, A
* Removing Outliers Using The L-inf Norm
* Reply to Correction to An Investigation of Bistatic Calibration Objects
* Representation Analysis and Synthesis of Lip Images Using Dimensionality Reduction
* Resolution Scalable Coding and Region of Interest Access with Three-Dimensional SBHP Algorithm
* Retrieval of Colored 3D Models
* Revealing Significant Medial Structure in Polyhedral Meshes
* Reverse Projection Correlation Principle for Depth from Defocus, The
* Robust AAM Fitting by Fusion of Images and Disparity Data
* Robust Approach for Structure from Planar Motion by Stereo Image Sequences, A
* Robust Contour Matching Via the Order-Preserving Assignment Problem
* Robust Fragments-based Tracking using the Integral Histogram
* Robust Human Detection Within a Highly Dynamic Aquatic Environment in Real Time
* Robust multi-target tracking using spatio-temporal context
* Robust People Tracking with Global Trajectory Optimization
* Robust Real-Time Face Pose and Facial Expression Recovery
* Robust Regression of Scattered Data With Adaptive Spline-Wavelets
* Robust Tracking and Stereo Matching under Variable Illumination
* Robust Tracking Using Foreground-Background Texture Discrimination
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Case-Based Reasoning with Confidence
* Rotation Recovery from Spherical Images without Correspondences
* SAR Amplitude Probability Density Function Estimation Based on a Generalized Gaussian Model
* SAR Image Segmentation by Stochastic Complexity Minimization With a Nonparametric Noise Model
* Satellite Features for the Classification of Visually Similar Classes
* Scalable Monocular SLAM
* Scalable Recognition with a Vocabulary Tree
* Scalable visual assessment of cluster tendency for large data sets
* Scale Selection for the Analysis of Point-Sampled Curves
* Scale Variant Image Pyramids
* Scale-Driven Iterative Optimization for Brain Extraction and Registration
* Scale-Sets Image Analysis
* Scanline Optimization for Stereo on Graphics Hardware
* Scanning system and calibration method for capturing precise three-dimensional information of objects
* SDG Cut: 3D Reconstruction of Non-lambertian Objects Using Graph Cuts on Surface Distance Grid
* Seamless Image Stitching of Scenes with Large Motions and Exposure Differences
* Searching Off-line Arabic Documents
* Seeing faces in video by computers. Editorial for Special Issue on Face Processing in Video Sequences
* Segmentation by Level Sets and Symmetry
* Segmentation-Based Regularization Term for Image Deconvolution, A
* Selecting Principal Components in a Two-Stage LDA Algorithm
* Self-calibration from one circular motion sequence and two images
* Self-Calibration of Multiple Laser Planes for 3D Scene Reconstruction
* Semi-Supervised Classification Using Linear Neighborhood Propagation
* Separation of Highlight Reflections on Textured Surfaces
* Shadow and Highlight Invariant Colour Segmentation Algorithm for Traffic Signs
* Shape Analysis and Spatio-Temporal Tracking of Mesoscale Eddies in Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model
* Shape from Dynamic Texture for Planes
* Shape from Shading: Recognizing the Mountains through a Global View
* Shape Guided Object Segmentation
* Shape Measure for Identifying Perceptually Informative Parts of 3D Objects
* Shape Registration in Implicit Spaces Using Information Theory and Free Form Deformations
* Shape Representation based on Integral Kernels: Application to Image Matching and Segmentation
* Shape Representation for Planar Curves by Shape Signature Harmonic Embedding, A
* Shape Topics: A Compact Representation and New Algorithms for 3D Partial Shape Retrieval
* Shape-Based Approach to Robust Image Segmentation using Kernel PCA
* Shape-Based Hand Recognition
* ShapeLab: A Unified Framework for 2D and 3D Shape Retrieval
* Shortest Paths in a Cuboidal World
* Signal Processing Approach to Symmetry Detection, A
* Similarity measures on three kinds of fuzzy sets
* Similarity-based analysis for large networks of ultra-low resolution sensors
* Similarity-based pattern recognition
* Simple algorithms for partial point set pattern matching under rigid motion
* simple and effective table detection system from document images, A
* Simple Bayesian Framework for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Simple Framework for Spatio-Temporal Video Segmentation and Delayering Using Dense Motion Fields, A
* Simplified Belief Propagation for Multiple View Reconstruction
* Simultaneous Registration and Modeling of Deformable Shapes
* Single View Reconstruction of Curved Surfaces
* Single-image vignetting correction using radial gradient symmetry
* situated model for sensory-motor coordination in gaze control, A
* Size and Shape Measure of Particles by Image Analysis
* Solving Markov Random Fields using Second Order Cone Programming Relaxations
* Some refinements of rough k-means clustering
* Source-Optimized Irregular Repeat Accumulate Codes With Inherent Unequal Error Protection Capabilities and Their Application to Scalable Image Transmission
* Space-Time Video Montage
* Sparse and Semi-supervised Visual Mapping with the S^3GP
* Spatial Divide and Conquer with Motion Cues for Tracking through Clutter
* Spatial Reflectance Recovery under Complex Illumination from Sparse Images
* Spatial Weighting for Bag-of-Features
* Spatio-Temporal Modeling Method for Shape Representation, A
* Spatiotemporal salient points for visual recognition of human actions
* Special issue on detection and understanding of tables and forms for document processing applications
* Special issue on multi-view image processing and its application in image-based rendering
* Specific object retrieval based on salient regions
* Spectral Curve Fitting for Automatic Hyperspectral Data Analysis
* Spectral feature projections that maximize Shannon mutual information with class labels
* Spectral Methods for Automatic Multiscale Data Clustering
* Specular Flow and the Recovery of Surface Structure
* Speeding up the similarity search in high-dimensional image database by multiscale filtering and dynamic programming
* Spherical Catadioptric Arrays: Construction, Multi-View Geometry, and Calibration
* Staircasing Effect in Neighborhood Filters and its Solution, The
* Statistical Analysis of Local 3D Structure in 2D Images
* Statistical Inference of Biological Structure and Point Spread Functions in 3D Microscopy
* Statistical Performance Analysis of Super-Resolution
* Statistical Strategy for Anisotropic Adventitia Modelling in IVUS
* Stereo Matching with Color-Weighted Correlation, Hierachical Belief Propagation and Occlusion Handling
* Stereo Matching with Symmetric Cost Functions
* Stereo Vision in Structured Environments by Consistent Semi-Global Matching
* Stochastic Motion and the Level Set Method in Computer Vision: Stochastic Active Contours
* Strong-Continuation, Contrast-Invariant Inpainting With a Third-Order Optimal PDE
* Structure and View Estimation for Tomographic Reconstruction: A Bayesian Approach
* Structure from Motion with Known Camera Positions
* Structure from Motion with Wide Circular Field of View Cameras
* Structured Light Based Reconstruction under Local Spatial Coherence Assumption
* Structured Light Range Imaging System Using a Moving Correlation Code, A
* Subclass Discriminant Analysis
* Subpixel Analysis of Landsat (rm ETM) Using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Neural Networks for Urban Land Cover Characterization
* Subpixel Estimation of Shifts Directly in the Fourier Domain
* subspace method for projective reconstruction from multiple images with missing data, A
* Successive Convex Matching for Action Detection
* Superresolution and Noise Filtering Using Moving Least Squares
* Supervised Learning of Edges and Object Boundaries
* Surface Geometric Constraints for Stereo in Belief Propagation
* Surface Reconstruction of Bone from X-ray Images and Point Distribution Model Incorporating a Novel Method for 2D-3D Correspondence
* Surface Registration Markers from Range Scan Data
* SVM-KNN: Discriminative Nearest Neighbor Classification for Visual Category Recognition
* Switching Median Filter With Boundary Discriminative Noise Detection for Extremely Corrupted Images, A
* Synthesis of 3D Model of a Magnetic Field-Influenced Body from a Single Image
* Synthesis, Construction, and Validation of a Fractal Surface
* System and method for calibrating a camera with one-dimensional objects
* System and method for panoramic imaging
* System and method of three-dimensional image capture and modeling
* System for Reconstructing Integrated Texture Maps for Large Structures, A
* system for rotational velocity computation from image sequences, A
* systematic method for fingerprint ridge orientation estimation and image segmentation, A
* Systolic Algorithm for Euclidean Distance Transform, A
* Table Detection in Online Ink Notes
* Table form document analysis based on the document structure grammar
* Table-processing paradigms: a research survey
* Temporal Shape Error Concealment by Global Motion Compensation With Local Refinement
* Texture and Objects: Interruption of Same-Object Effect in Human Vision
* Texture Characterization for Joint Compression and Classification Based on Human Perception in the Wavelet Domain
* Three-Dimensional Volume Reconstruction Based on Trajectory Fusion from Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Images
* Time Series of Remote Sensing Data for Land Change Science
* Time to Line Crossing for Lane Departure Avoidance: A Theoretical Study and an Experimental Setting
* Topological Map: An Efficient Tool to Compute Incrementally Topological Features on 3D Images
* Topology Preserving Digitization with FCC and BCC Grids
* Toward Optimal Kernel-based Tracking
* Toward Robust Distance Metric Analysis for Similarity Estimation
* Towards a Multinational Car License Plate Recognition System
* Towards a theory of tables
* Towards Cardiac C-Arm Computed Tomography
* Towards Multi-View Object Class Detection
* Towards On-Line Digital Doubles
* Towards Urban 3D Reconstruction from Video
* Tracking a Detected Face with Dynamic Programming
* Tracking of Multiple, Partially Occluded Humans based on Static Body Part Detection
* Tracking of the Articulated Upper Body on Multi-View Stereo Image Sequences
* Tracking With Sobolev Active Contours
* Training Cellular Automata for Image Processing
* Training Deformable Models for Localization
* Transformation invariant component analysis for binary images
* Transformation model estimation of image registration via least square support vector machines
* Transforming Least Squares to Weighted Least Squares for Accurate Range Image Registration
* Tunable Kernels for Tracking
* Two Stage View Planning for Large-Scale Site Modeling
* Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional NUFFT Migration Method for Landmine Detection Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Two-dimensional cellular automata and the analysis of correlated time series
* Two-Dimensional Discrete Shape Matching and Recognition
* Ultrasound-Specific Segmentation via Decorrelation and Statistical Region-Based Active Contours
* Uncertainty Models in Quasiconvex Optimization for Geometric Reconstruction
* Understanding gestures with systematic variations in movement dynamics
* Unsupervised Bayesian Detection of Independent Motion in Crowds
* Unsupervised Discovery of Action Classes
* Unsupervised Learning of Categories from Sets of Partially Matching Image Features
* Unsupervised Learning of Image Manifolds by Semidefinite Programming
* use of attention and spatial information for rapid facial recognition in video, The
* Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the Projector/Backprojector Pair of Iterative Reconstruction for Compensation of Known Rigid-Body Motion in SPECT
* Using Bilinear Models for View-invariant Action and Identity Recognition
* Using Dependent Regions for Object Categorization in a Generative Framework
* Using Gaussian distribution to construct fitness functions in genetic programming for multiclass object classification
* Using Genetic Algorithms to Estimate Confidence Intervals for Missing Spatial Data
* Using Language to Drive the Perceptual Grouping of Local Image Features
* Using Multiple Segmentations to Discover Objects and their Extent in Image Collections
* Using natural class hierarchies in multi-class visual classification
* Using Stationary-Dynamic Camera Assemblies for Wide-area Video Surveillance and Selective Attention
* Using the Low-Resolution Properties of Correlated Images to Improve the Computational Efficiency of Eigenspace Decomposition
* Validation of Active Fire Detection From Moderate-Resolution Satellite Sensors: The MODIS Example in Northern Eurasia
* Validation of the Global Land Cover 2000 Map
* Validation of the MODIS Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function and Albedo Retrievals Using Combined Observations From the Aqua and Terra Platforms
* Vanishing Hull
* Variational Denoising of Partly Textured Images by Spatially Varying Constraints
* Variational Model for Object Segmentation Using Boundary Information and Shape Prior Driven by the Mumford-Shah Functional, A
* Variational Model for P+XS Image Fusion, A
* Vehicle Detection by Means of Stereo Vision-Based Obstacles Features Extraction and Monocular Pattern Analysis
* Velocity Selective Filters Recursively Implemented in the Spatiotemporal Domain
* Vertical Parallax from Moving Shadows
* Vessel Crawlers: 3D Physically-based Deformable Organisms for Vasculature Segmentation and Analysis
* Video Completion by Motion Field Transfer
* Virtual View Specification and Synthesis in Free Viewpoint Television Application
* Visible Surface Reconstruction from Normals with Discontinuity Consideration
* VisTRE: A Visualization Tool to Evaluate Errors in Terrain Representation
* Visual Acuity in Day for Night
* Visual Hull Construction in the Presence of Partial Occlusion
* Visual Shapes of Silhouette Sets
* Visual Vocabulary for Flower Classification, A
* Visualization Methods for Outdoor See-Through Vision
* Wavelet feature selection based neural networks with application to the text independent speaker identification
* Weakly Supervised Top-down Image Segmentation
* weighted probabilistic approach to face recognition from multiple images and video sequences, A
* When are Simple LS Estimators Enough? An Empirical Study of LS, TLS, and GTLS
* When Fisher meets Fukunaga-Koontz: A New Look at Linear Discriminants
* Where physically is the optical center?
* Wire Structure Pattern Extraction and Tracking From X-Ray Images of Composite Mechanisms
* Zernike velocity moments for sequence-based description of moving features
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