Update Dates 9800

9800 * *CV-Online: The Evolving, Distributed, Non-Proprietary, On-Line Compendium of Computer Vision
* *CVonline: Road Extraction from Aerial Imagery
* *Empirical Evaluation Techniques in Computer Vision
* *UCD Colour Face Image Database for Face Detection, The
* *Visual Information Processing VII
* *Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VI
* 1ms VLSI Vision Chip System and Its Applications
* 2-D Non-separable Wavelet Bases for Texture Classification with Genetic Feature Selection
* 2-D-Object Tracking Based on Projection-Histograms
* 2D Affine Transformations Cannot Account for Human 3D Object Recognition
* 2D Fluid Motion Analysis from a Single Image
* 3-D Acquisition and Interpretation for Virtual Reality and Telepresence
* 3-D Facial Pose and Gaze Point Estimation Using a Robust Real-Time Tracking Paradigm
* 3-D Human Motion Sensing by Artificial Retina Chips
* 3-D Modelling of Buildings using High-Level Knowledge
* 3-D Objects Mapping Using Model and Image Based Approach
* 3-D Planar Orientation from Texture: Estimating Vanishing Point from Local Spectral Analysis
* 3-D Reconstruction of Urban Environments from Dense Digital Elevation Models
* 3D Face Modeling from Stereo and Differential Constraints
* 3D Fundus Shape Reconstruction and Display from Stereo Fundus Images
* 3D Head Pose Estimation without Feature Tracking
* 3D Modeling of Human Lip Motions
* 3D Object Depth Recovery from Highlights Using Active Sensor and Illumination Control
* 3D Photography on Your Desk
* 3D Point Distribution Models of the Cortical Sulci
* 3d Reconstruction of Buildings and Vegetation from Synthetic Aperture Radar (sar) Images
* 3d Reconstruction of Skin Surface from Image Sequence
* 3D Reconstruction with Projective Octrees and Epipolar Geometry
* 3D Shape and Motion Analysis from Image Blur and Smear: A Unified Approach
* 3D Shape Modelling through a Constrained Estimation of a Bicubic B-spline Surface
* 3D Shape Reconstruction Using Volume Intersection Techniques
* 3d Trajectories from a Single Viewpoint using Shadows
* Accurate, Real-Time, Unadorned Lip Tracking
* Achieving a Fitts Law Relationship for Visual Guided Reaching
* Acquiring 3d Model of Object by Motion-stereo
* Acquiring 3D Object Models from Specular Motion Using Circular Lights Illumination
* Acquiring a Radiance Distribution to Superimpose Virtual Objects onto a Real Scene
* Acquisition of a Large Pose-Mosaic Dataset
* Action Recognition Using Probabilistic Parsing
* Active Contours: The Application of Techniques from Graphics, Vision, Control Theory and Statistics to Visual Tracking of Shapes in Motion
* Active Hand Tracking
* Adaptive Image Exploitation: Image Understanding at Raytheon
* Adaptive Target Recognition Using Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive Video Segmentation: Theory and Real-Time Implementation
* Advanced Visual Sensor Systems (1998)
* Advances in Cooperative Multi-Sensor Video Surveillance
* Advances in Digital and Computational Geometry
* Advantage of Using an HMM-based Approach for Faxed Word Recognition, The
* Aerial and Ground-Based Video Surveillance at Cornell University
* Affine Invariant Medial Axis and Skew Symmetry
* Agent Orientated Annotation in Model Based Visual Surveillance
* Algorithm Development and Support Database for MSTAR, An
* Ambiguity and Constraint in Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Ambiguity in Reconstruction from Images of Six Points
* Analysis and Computation of an Affine Trifocal Tensor
* Analytical and Empirical Performance Evaluation of Subpixel Line and Edge Detection
* Analyzing the Bidirectional Texture Function
* Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing
* Appearance Matching with Partial Data
* Applications of the creep-and-merge System: Corner Detection
* Applying Augmented Reality Techniques in the Field of Interactive Collaborative Design
* Applying Visual Processing to GPS Mapping of Trackside Structures
* Approach to Vehicle Recognition Using Supervised Learning, An
* Arabic Glove-Talk: A Communication Aid for Vocally Impaired
* Are Edges Sufficient for Object Recognition
* ATR Performance Prediction with Feature Based Optimization
* Auto-calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera
* Autocalibration from planar scenes
* Autocalibration in the Presence of Critical Motions
* Automated Cartographic Feature Attribution Using Panchromatic and Hyperspectral Imagery
* Automated Facial Expression Recognition Based on FACS Action Units
* Automated IFSAR Terrain Analysis System
* Automated Techniques for road Network Modeling
* Automated Urban Model Acquisition: Project Rationale and Status
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University (1998 PI)
* Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University (1998)
* Automatic 3D Model Construction for Turn-Table Sequences
* Automatic camera recovery for closed or open image sequences
* Automatic Detection and Labelling of the Human Cortical Folds in Magnetic Resonance Data Sets
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Objective Parts in Real-world Building Image, The
* Automatic Detection of Human Faces in Natural Scene Images by Use of a Skin Color Model and of Invariant Moments
* Automatic Evaluation of the Appearance of Seam Puckers on Suits Using Fractal Dimensions
* Automatic Face Representation and Classification
* Automatic Hierarchical Classification of Silhouettes of 3D Objects
* Automatic Identification of Perceptually Important Regions in an Image Using a Model of the Human Visual System
* Automatic Judgement of Spinal Deformity from Moire Images Employing Asymmetry of Local Centroids Location
* Automatic Modelling and 3-D Reconstruction of Urban House Roofs from High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Automatic Motion Analaysis of Tongue Surface from Ultrasound Image Sequences
* Automatic Pose Estimation System for Human Faces Based on Bunch Graph Matching Technology
* Automatic Processing of Document Annotations
* Automatic Prostate Cancer Grading System Based on 3-D Histo-pathological Images
* Automatic Reading of Cursive Scripts Using a Reading Model and Perceptual Concepts
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Human Face from CT and Color Photographs
* Automatic Registration of 3-D Ultrasound Images
* Automatic Seal Verification by Calculating Distance Between 2D and 3D Patterns
* Autonomous Robot Navigation by Active Visual Motion Analysis and Understanding
* Average Grain Size Determination Using Mathematical Morphology and Texture Analysis
* Background Modeling for Segmentation of Video-rate Stereo Sequences
* Bagging in Computer Vision
* Beam Search Algorithm for PFSA Inference, A
* Beginning a Transition from a Local to a More Global Point of View in Model-Based Vehicle Tracking
* Benchmarking of Bootstrap Temporal Stereo using Statistical and Physical Scene Modelling
* Best Next View Selection Algorithm Incorporating a Quality Criterion, A
* Beyond Eigenfaces: Probabilistic Matching for Face Recognition
* Beyond the Epipolar Constraint: Integrating 3D Motion and Structure Estimation
* Bi-directional Integrated Model for Non-rigid Motion Analysis, A
* Bilateral Filtering for Gray and Color Images
* Bimodal Expression of Emotion by Face and Voice
* Bimodal System for Interactive Indexing and Retrieval of Pathology Images
* Binary Correlation Matrix Memory k-nn Classifier with Hardware Implementation, A
* Book Recognition from Color Images of Book Shelves
* Bosnia Cantonment Area Monitoring System (BCAMS): Rapid Response to the Needs of the U.S. Army Europe
* Boundary Detection through Dynamic Polygons
* Boundary Finding with Correspondence Using Statistical Shape Models
* Brain Imaging Registration by Correlation of First Order Geometry
* Building Detection and Localization Using a Fusion of Interferometric Synthetic Aperature Radar and Multispectral Image
* CAD-based Object Recognition for a Sensor/Actor Measurement Robot
* Calibration Free Augmented Reality
* Calibration, Data Consistency and Model Acquisition with a 3-D Laser Striper
* Camera Calibration and 3D Euclidean Reconstruction from Known Observer Translations
* Camera Stabilization Based on 2.5D Motion Estimation and Inertial Motion Filtering
* Cascaded Hough Transform as an Aid in Aerial Image Interpretation, A
* Change Detection in Midwave Infared Imagery: Thermal Invariants for Site Monitoring
* Changes in Surface Convexity and Topology Caused by Distortions of Stereoscopic Visual Space
* Choosing an Optimal Neural Network Size to aid a Search Through a Large Image Database
* Chromaticity Space for Specularity-, Illumination Color- and Illumination Pose-Invariant 3-D Object Recognition, A
* Classification Based Euclidean Similarity Metric for 3D Image Retrieval, A
* Classification-Driven medical Image Retrieval
* Classifying Moving Objects as Rigid or Non-Rigid without Correspondences
* Closed-form solutions for the Euclidean calibration of a stereo rig
* Clustering Appearances of 3D Objects
* Clustering of Learning Images and Generation of Multiple Prototypes for Object Recognition
* Coding Facial Expressions with Gabor Wavelets
* Color Invariant Snakes
* Color Recognition in Outdoor Images
* Color- and Texture-Based Image Segmentation Using the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm and its Application to Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Color-Based Hands Tracking System for Sign Language Recognition
* Colour model selection and adaptation in dynamic scenes
* Colour Object Search Algorithm, A
* Colour Profiling Using Multiple Colour Spaces
* Combining Classifiers: A Theoretical Framework
* Combining Geometric and Probabilistic Structure for Active Recognition of 3-D Objects
* Combining Multiple Views and Temporal Associations for 3-D Object Recognition
* common framework for multiple view tensors, A
* Compact Sensor for Visual Motion Detection, A
* Comparative Evaluation of Active Appearance Model Algorithms, A
* Comparative Study of Rotation Invariant Classification and Retrieval of Texture Images, A
* Comparing Curved-Surface Range Image Segmenters
* Comparing Images Under Variable Illumination
* Comparing the EMD to other Dissimilarity Measures for Color Images
* Comparison Between Geometry-Based and Gabor-Wavelets-Based Facial Expression Recognition Using Multi-Layer Perceptron
* Comparison of Active Shape Model and Scale Decomposition Based Features for Visual Speech Recognition, A
* Comparison of Linear Processor Arrays for Image Processing, A
* Comparisons between Human and Computer Recognition of Faces
* Competitive Learning Algorithm for Color-based Image Retrieval, A
* Comprehensive colour image normalization
* Computable elastic distances between shapes
* Computation of the quadrifocal tensor
* Computational Approach to the Emulation of Visual Neural Architectures, A
* Computed Imaging System Using Wavelets Sampling Model, A
* Computer Vision
* Computer Vision Aids for the Partially Sighted
* Computing 3D Euclidean Distance from a single View
* Computing Geodetic Coordinates
* Computing Ritz Approximations of Primary Images
* Consensus Surfaces for Modeling 3D Objects from Multiple Range Images
* Constrained Symmetry Exploitation
* Constructing Virtual Worlds Using Dense Stereo
* Contagion-Based Image Segmentation and Labeling
* Content-based 3D Neuroradiologic Image Indexing and Retrieval: Preliminary Results
* Content-based Search Engine for VRML Databases, A
* Context and Quasi-Invariants in ATR with SAR Imagery
* Continuous Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Contour continuity in region-based image segmentation
* Contour Tracer for a Fast and Precise Edge-line Extraction
* Controllability and Observability: Tools for Kalman Filter Design
* Cooperative Distributed Vision
* Cooperative Framework for Segmentation Using 2D Active Contours and 3D Hybrid Models as Applied to Branching Cylindrical Structures, A
* Cooperative Relaxation Algorithm of Range Images Using Surface Curvatures
* Correlation Kernel Reconstruction and Superresolution
* Coupled PDE Model of Nonlinear Diffusion for Image Smoothing and Segmentation, A
* Creaseness from Level Set Extrinsic Curvature
* Creaseness Measures for CT and MR Image Registration
* Cubist Approach to Object Recognition, A
* Cue Circles: Image Feature for Measuring 3-D Motion of Articulated Objects Using Sequential Image Pair
* CUMULI, PANORAMA, and VANGUARD Project Overview
* Curvature-Based Face Surface Recognition Using Spherical Correlation-Principal Directions for Curved Object Recognition
* Curve Extraction Using Genetic Algorithm Based on Closeness and Continuity in Perceptive Grouping Factors
* Definitions of 3-D Model Objects
* Dense Shape and Motion from Region Correspondences by Factorization
* Dense Surface Patches from Thousands of Pose Iamges
* Depth from Defocus: A Real Aperture Imaging Approach
* Depth Measurement by the Multi-focus Camera
* Description and Recognition of Human Gestures Based on the Transition of Curvature from Motion Images
* Design and Evaluation of Gesture Interface of an Immersive Walk-through Application for Exploring Cyberspace
* Design and Implementation of Real Time System for Object Detection and Classification on Parallel Virtual Machine
* Design and Realisation of a Parallel Systolic Architecture Dedicated to Aerial Image Matching
* Detecting Asymmetries in Hippocampal Shape and Receptor Distribution using Statistical Appearance Models and Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Detecting Head Pose from Stereo Image Sequence for Active Face Recognition
* Detecting Salient Motion Using Spatiotemporal Filters and Optical Flow
* Detection and Tracking of Very Small Low Contrast Objects
* Detection of Building Changes from Aerial Images Through Information Fusion
* Detection of Crowds of People by Use of Wavelet Features and Parameter Free Statistical Models
* Detection of Curvilinear Structures Using the Euclidean Distance Transform
* Detection of Small Obstacles at Long Range Using Multibaseline Stereo
* Detection of the Front Vehicle from the Stereoscopic Image Using Hierarchy Process
* Determining a Structured Spatio-Temporal Representation of Video Content for Efficient Visualization and Indexing
* Digital Boundary Tracking
* Digital Processing of Affective Signals
* Direct Estimation of Motion and Extended Scene Structure from a Moving Stereo Rig
* Direct Shape from Texture Using a Parametric Surface Model and an Adaptive Filtering Technique
* Discrete Wavelet Analysis: A New Framework for Fast Optic Flow Computation
* Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components for Face Recognition
* Displaying Motion Parallax by Occlusion Detectable Stereo
* Distance features for neural network-based recognition of handwritten characters
* Do we really need an accurate calibration pattern to achieve a reliable camera calibration?
* Document Image Similarity and Equivalence Detection
* Driver Behaviour Evaluation System, A
* Dual Classifier System for Handwritten Alphanumeric Character Recognition
* Duality, Rigidity and Planar Parallax
* Dualizing Scene Reconstruction Algorithms
* Dynamic Models of Human Motion
* DyPERS: Dynamic Personal Enhanced Reality System
* Edge/region-based Segmentation and Reconstruction of Underwater Acoustic Images By Markov Random Fields
* Effective Corner Matching
* Efficient 3-D Scene Visualization by Image Extrapolation
* efficient and accurate method for mapping forest clearcuts in the Pacific northwest using Landsat imagery, An
* Efficient Combination of 2-D and 3-D Shape Descriptions for Contour-Based Tracking of Moving Objects, An
* Efficient Dense Matching for Textured Scenes using Region Growing
* Efficient Matching Algorithm for Segment-based Stereo Vision Using Dynamic Programming Technique, An
* Efficient Query Refinement for Image Retrieval
* Efficient Shape Matching and Retrieval at Multiple Scales
* Efficient Technique for Motion Recovery Based on Multiple Views, An
* Efficiently Computing a Good Segmentation
* Ego-Motion and Omnidirectional Cameras
* Egomotion Estimation Using Log-Polar Images
* Elliptical Head Tracking Using Intensity Gradients and Color Histograms
* Empirical Evaluation of Automatically Extracted Road Axes
* Empirical Evaluation of Laser Radar Recognition Algorithms Using Synthetic and Real Data
* Empirical Performance Analysis of Linear Discriminant Classifiers
* Enhanced Vision for the Teleoperator of an All-terrain Fast Mobile Robot
* Enhancement of 3d Information Acquisition from 2d Spatio-temporal Image
* Enhancement of Temporally Variable Features in Nailfold Capillary Patterns
* Epipolar Geometry for Panoramic Cameras
* Error Sources and Error Reduction in Gradient-based Method with Local Optimization
* Error-Tolerant Visual Planning of Planar Grasp
* Estimating 3D Facial Pose Using the EM Algorithm
* Estimating Image Motion in Layers: The Skin and Bones Model
* Euclidean and Affine Structure/Motion for Uncalibrated Cameras from Affine Shape and Subsidiary Information
* Euclidean Structure from Uncalibrated Images Using Fuzzy Domain Knowledge: Application to Facial Images Synthesis
* Evaluation of a Road-Centerline Data Model
* Evaluation of Edge Detection Algorithms Using a Structure from Motion Task
* Event Management Architecture for Activity Recognition in a Multi-Stream Video Database, An
* Event Recognition and Reliability Improvements for the Autonomous Video Surveillance System
* Evolution of Optimal Projection Axes (OPA) for Face Recognition
* Exhaustive Detection of Manufacturing Flaws as Abnormalities
* Experimental Evaluation of OCR Text Representations for Learning Document Classifiers, An
* Experimental Study of Light Source Determination for Computer Graphics, An
* Experimentation with a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation System for Functional Brain Mapping
* Experimentical Measurement System for Industrial Inspection of 3D Parts, An
* Exploitation of Natural Image Statistics by Biological Vision Systems: 1/f2 Power Spectra and Self-Similar Bandpass Decompositions
* Explorations of 3D Virtual Spaces: Applications of VR
* Extended Edge Detection: Modeling, Estimation, and Aggregation
* Extended Geometric Approach in Active Vision to Detect and Eliminate Specularity in Shiny Colored Objects, An
* Extra Set of Eyes
* Extracting Gestural Motion Trajectories
* Extraction and Classification of Visual Motion Patterns for Hand Gesture Recognition
* Extraction and Tracking of the Tongue Surface from Ultrasound Image Sequences
* Extraction of Character Strings from House Maps
* Extraction of Moving Articulated-objects by Evidence Gathering
* Face Detection Based on Color and Local Symmetry Information
* Face Identification Using a 3D Gray-Scale Image: A Method for Lessening Restrictions on Facial Directions
* Face Indexing on Video Data: Extraction, Recognition, Tracking and Modeling
* Face Recognition Based on Nearest Linear Combinations
* Face recognition using active appearance models
* Face Recognition Using Temporal Image Sequence
* Face Similarity Space as Perceived by Humans and Artificial Systems
* Face Surveillance
* Facet Matching from an Uncalibrated Pair of Images
* Facial Contour Extraction Model
* Facial Expression Space for Smooth Tele-Communications
* Facial Image Reconstruction by Estimated Muscle Parameter
* Factorization Approach to Grouping, A
* Factorization Method for Projective and Euclidean Reconstruction from Multiple Perspective Views via Iterative Depth Estimation, A
* Faithful Least-Squares Fitting of Spheres, Cylinders, Cones and Tori for Reliable Segmentation
* Fast Approximate Fourier Transforms for Irregularly Spaced Data
* Fast Discrete Approximation Algorithm for the Radon Transform, A
* Fast Matching Method for Color Uncalibrated Images using Differential Invariants, A
* Fast Prototyping of Image Processing Applications Using Functional Skeletons on a MIMD-DM Architecture
* Fast Search Algorithms for IC Printed Mark Quality Inspection
* Fast Stereovision with Subpixel-Precision
* Feature Extraction for Electronic Equipment Manufacturing
* Feature Extraction using Attributed Scattering Center Models for Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition
* Feature Representation for Map Building and Path Planning, A
* Feature-based Image Mosaicing
* FERET Verification Testing Protocol for Face Recognition Algorithms, The
* Filtering and Segmentation of Digitized Land Use Map Images
* Finding Boundaries in Natural Images: A New Method Using Point Descriptors and Area Completion
* Finding Optimal Neural Networks for Land Use Classification
* Finding Periodicity in Space and Time
* Finding Pose of Hand in Video Images: A Stereo-Based Approach
* Fingerprint Preselection using Eigenfeatures
* Fish-Scales: Representing Fuzzy Manifolds
* Fitting Geometrical Deformable Models to Registered Range Images
* Fitting Undeformed Superquadrics to Range Data: Improving Model Recovery and Classification
* Flexible Features in Texture with Similarity
* Flexible Histograms: A Multiresolution Target Discrimination Model
* FOCUS: A Shared Vision Project Report on Progress in 1997-1998
* Forest of Sensors: Using Adaptive Tracking to Classify and Monitor Activities in a Site
* Frame-Rate Multi-Body Tracking for Surveillance
* framework for detecting changes in terrain, A
* From Ordinal to Euclidean Reconstruction with Partial Scene Calibration
* From Parametric Warping to the Cooperation of Local Features and Global Models
* From Projective to Euclidean Space Under any Practical Situation, a Criticism of Self-Calibration
* From Reference Frames to Reference Planes: Multi-View Parallax Geometry and Applications
* Front Propagation and Level-Set Approach for Geodesic Active Stereovision
* Fusion of Images Interpreted by a New Fuzzy Classifier
* Fuzzy Convergence
* Fuzzy Logic Based Satellite Image Classification: Generation of Fuzzy Membership Function and Rule from Training Set
* Fuzzy Relational Distance for Large-scale Object Recognition
* Gait Classification with HMMS for Trajectories of Body Parts Extracted by Mixture Densities
* Gaze Estimation Using Morphable Models
* Gender and Ethnic Classification of Face Images
* General Framework for Object Detection, A
* Generalizing Capacity of Face Database for Face Recognition
* Generalizing Over Aspect and Location for Rooftop Detection
* Generating Virtual Environments for Human Communications: Virtual Metamorphosis System and Novel View Generation
* Generation and Update of 3d-city Models from Maps and Elevation Data
* Generation of Missing Medical Slices Using Morphing Technology
* Generation of the Euclidean Skeleton from the Vector Distance Map by a Bisector Decision Rule
* Genetic Hough Transform for Curves Detection
* Geometric Grouping of Repeated Elements within Images
* Geometrical and Magnitude Invariants for Recognition of Articulated and Non-Standard Objects in MSTAR Images
* Geometrically Constrained Structure from Motion: Points on Planes
* Geometry of Multiple Affine Views
* Gesture Recognition for Visually Mediated Interaction Using Probabilistic Event Trajectories
* Gesture Recognition Using HLAC Features of PARCOR Images and HMM Based Recognizer
* Ghost: A Human Body Part Labeling System Using Silhouettes
* GRADE: Gibbs Reaction and Diffusion Equation
* Gradient Estimation in Uncertain Data
* Graph Isomorphism Algorithm for Object Recognition, A
* Gray Level Corner Detection
* Grouping Based on Projective Geometry Constraints and Uncertainty
* Guided Tour Through Multiview Relations, A
* Hand Gesture Estimation and Model Refinement Using Monocular Camera: Ambiguity Limitation by Inequality Constraints
* Handling uncertainty in 3-D object recognition using Bayesian networks
* Handwritten Chinese Character Segmentation Using Local Potential Threshold and Minimum Potential Search
* Hatched Image Representation of Human Faces Based on a Cognitive Model
* Head Pose Determination from One Image Using a Generic Model
* Head Tracking via Robust Registration in Texture Map Images
* Hidden Markov Model approach to on-line handwritten signature verification
* Hierarchical Classifier Design for Airborne SAR Images of Ships
* Hierarchical Dictionary Constructing Method for the Parametric Eigenspace Method
* hierarchical hidden markov model: Analysis and applications, The
* Hierarchical Method of Recognizing Plant Species by Leaf Shapes, A
* Hierarchical Morphable Models
* Hierarchical Organization of Appearance Based Parts and Relations for Object Recognition
* High Speed 3d Reconstruction by Video Image Pipeline Processing and Division of Spatio-temporal Space
* High-Level Motion Processing: Computational, Neurobiological, and Psychophysical Perspectives
* Holistic matching
* Homography-Based 3D Scene Analysis of Video Sequences
* Homologue Matching Applications: Recognition of Overlapped Chromosomes
* Human Action Detection Using PNF Propagation of Temporal Constraints
* Human Face Recognition: A Minimal Evidence Approach
* Human Face Structure Estimation from Multiple Images Using the 2D Affine Space
* Hybrid Defect Detection Method Based on Shape Measurement and Feature Extraction for Complex Patterns
* Hyperbolic Smoothing of Shapes
* Iamascope: A Musical Application for Image Processing
* Illumination Cones for Recognition under Variable Lighting: Faces
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Photometric Stereo
* Illumination-Invariant Color Object Recognition via Compressed Chromaticity Histograms of Color-Channel-Normalized Images
* Image Alignment for Precise Camera Fixation and Aim
* Image and Data Analysis: The Multiscale Approach
* Image Databases and Multi-Media Search
* Image Guided Navigation System for Accurate Alignment in Total Hip Replacement Surgery, An
* Image Indexing and Retrieval Based on Human Perceptual Color Clustering
* Image Indexing using Composite Color and Shape Invariant Features
* Image Quality Estimation Using Edge Intensity Histogram and a Mixture Model
* Image Registration using Multiresolution Frequency Domain Correlation
* Image Segmentation Based on the Integration of Pixel Affinity and Deformable Models
* Image Segmentation for Human Tracking using Sequential-Image-Based Hierarchical Adaptation
* Image Segmentation Using Local Variation
* Image Segmentation with Topological Maps and Inter-Pixel Representation
* Image Sequence Retrieval for Forecasting Weather Radar Echo Pattern
* Image Understanding at Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems
* Image Understanding Environment Progress Since IUW'97, The
* Image Understanding Environment Service Model: An Elegant Approach to Providing Class Services, The
* Image Understanding from Thermal Emission Polarization
* Image Understanding Research at GE
* Image Understanding Research at Rochester
* Image Understanding Research at UC Irvine: Automated Invariant Recognition in Huperspectral Imagery
* Image Understanding Research for Battlefield Awareness at Johns Hopkins University
* Image-based Control of Robot and Target Object Motions by Eigen Space Method
* Image-Based Visualization from Widely-Separated Views
* Imaging Through Scattering Media
* Implicit Scene Reconstruction for Probability Density Functions
* Imposing Euclidean Constraints During Self-Calibration Processes
* Improved Illumination Assessment for Vision-Based Traffic Monitoring
* Improved Video Mosaic Construction by Accumulated Alignment Error Distribution
* Improvement in Accuracy of Respiration Pattern Detection on Visual Sensing System
* Improving Block-Based Disparity Estimation by Considering the Non-uniform Distribution of the Estimation Error
* Improving Rooftop Detection with Interactive Visual learning
* Improving Stereo Performance in Regions of Low Texture
* Improving Stereovision Matching through Supervised Learning
* Incorporating Local Consistency Information into the On-line Signature Verification Process
* Incremental Eigenanalysis for Classification
* Incremental Tracking of Human Actions from Multiple Views
* Independent 3D Motion Detection Using Residual Parallax Normal Flow Fields
* Indexing Images by Trees of Visual Content
* Indoor Monitoring Via the Collaboration Between a Peripheral Sensor and a Foveal Sensor
* Inferring Segmented Surface Description from Stereo Data
* Initialization of Deformable Models from 3D Data
* Integrated Feasibility Demonstration for Automatic Population of Geospatial Databases, An
* Integrated Memory/Logic Architecture for Image Processing
* Integrated Recognition, Learning and Image Databases: Image Understanding Research at UC Riverside
* Integrated Techniques for Self-organisation, Sampling, Habituation, and Motion-tracking in Visual Robotics Applications
* Integrated Vision and Sensing for Human Sensory Augmentation
* Integrated Vision/control System for Autonomous Planetary Rovers
* Integrating Iconic and Structured Matching
* Integration of Eigentemplate and Structure Matching for Automatic Facial Feature Detection
* Integration of Multiple Range Maps through Consistency Processing
* Intensity and Feature Based Stereo Matching by Disparity Parametrization
* Intensity Calibration for Stereo Images Based on Segment Correspondence
* Interactive 3D Modeling from Multiple Images Using Scene Regularities
* Interactive Construction of 3D Models from Panoramic Mosaics
* Interactive Sensor Planning
* Interactive Target Recognition Using a Database-Retrieval Oriented Approach
* Interface for Visualizing Feature Space in Image Retrieval, An
* Interpreting Face Images Using Active Appearance Models
* Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision
* Is machine colour constancy good enough?
* Iterative Multi-Step Explicit Camera Calibration
* Joint Estimation-Segmentation of Optic Flow
* Knowledge-Based Building Detection and Description: 1997-1998
* Knowledge-Based Road Extraction from Multisensor Imagery
* Knowledge-Based Road Interpretation in Aerial Images
* Knowledge-based Spatiotemporal Linear Abstraction
* Layered Approach to Stereo Reconstruction, A
* Learning Enhanced 3d Models for Vehicle Tracking
* Learning Image Annotation: The Cite System
* Learning Models of Animal Behaviour for a Robotic Sheepdog
* Learning to Associate Faces across Views in Vector Space of Similarities to Prototypes
* Learning to Form Large Groups of Salient Image Features
* Learning to Identify and Track Faces in Image Sequences
* LED Cosmetic Flaw Inspection System
* Light Adaptive 4000 Pixels Analog Silicon Retina for Edge Extraction and Motion Detection, A
* Linear and nonlinear transparency in binocular vision
* Lip Motion Capture and Its Application to 3-D Molding
* Lip Movement Synthesis from Speech Based on Hidden Markov Models
* Lip Posture Estimation using Kinematically Constrained Mixture Models
* Local Scale Controlled Anisotropic Diffusion with Local Noise Estimate for Image Smoothing and Edge Detection
* Localization Based on the Gradient Information for Dem matching
* Localization of Objects in Noisy Scenes for Robotics Applications Using Wigner Distribution
* Locating Salient Facial Features Using Image Invariants
* Locating Salient Object Features
* Looming Detection in Log-Polar Coordinates
* Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII
* MAGELLAN: Map Acquisition of Geographic Labels by Legend Analysis
* Making Good Features to Track Better
* Manipulative Hand Gesture Recognition Using Task Knowledge for Human Computer Interaction
* Map-based Approach to Extracting Object Information from Aerial Images, A
* Markov Random Fields with Efficient Approximations
* Matching Document Images with Ground Truth
* Matching of 3d Graphs for Human Motion Analysis
* Mathematical Modeling and Estimation Techniques in Computer Vision
* Maximum Likelihood Rover Localization by Matching Range Maps
* Maximum-Flow Formulation of the N-Camera Stereo Correspondence Problem, A
* Mean Fields and Two Dimensional Markov Random Fields
* Meaningful Gestures for Human Computer Interaction: Beyond Hand Postures
* Medical Image-Atlas Registration Using Deformable Models
* Method for Dynamic Clustering of Data, A
* Method of Counting the Passing People by Using the Method of the Template Matching, A
* Method of Robust Seam Feature Detection from Profiles for Robotic Sealing, A
* Metric Rectification for Perspective Images of Planes
* Minimal conditions on Intrinsic Parameters
* Minimally Supervised Classification
* Minimax Entropy and Learning by Diffusion
* Minimizing Algebraic Error in Geometric Estimation Problems
* Mis?-) Using DRT for Generation of Natural Language Text from Image Sequences
* Mixtures of Eigen Features for Real-Time Structure from Texture
* Mixtures of Local Linear Subspaces for Face Recognition
* MMID: Multimodal Multi-view Integrated Database for Human Behavior Understanding
* Mobile Motion-tracking System for Rescue Work at Destroyed Buildings
* Mobile Robot Navigation Using Active Vision
* Model Acquisition from Range Imagery
* Model Based Detection of Targets in FOPEN SAR Images
* Model Based Road Extraction for the Registration and Interpretation of Remote Sensing Data
* Model based tracking for navigation and segmentation
* Model Driven 3-d Shape Reconstruction by Matching Synthesized Images with Actual Images
* Model Management in the System Generating Vision Inspections
* Model-Based Recognition of 3-D Objects from One View
* Model-Free Voting Approach for Integrating Multiple Cues, A
* Modeling Geometric Structure and Illumination Variation of a Scene from Real Images
* Modeling of Urban Scenes by Aerial Photographs and Simply Reconstructed Buildings
* Moment Functions in Image Analysis: Threoy and Applications
* Moment Invariants and Quantization Effects
* Monte Carlo Evaluation of the Moving Method, K-means and Self-Organising Neural Networks, A
* Morphological Approach to Fish Discrimination, A
* Morphological Corner Detection
* Mosaics of Scenes with Moving Objects
* Motion Feature Detection Using Steerable Flow Fields
* Motion Segmentation and Tracking Using Normalized Cuts
* moving image genre-form guide, The
* MRF Model Based Image Segmentation Using Hierarchical Distributed Genetic Algorithm
* Multi-Level 3D Reconstruction with Visibility Constraints
* Multi-Scale and Snakes for Automatic Road Extraction
* Multi-Sensor Representation of Extended Scenes Using Multi-View Geometry
* Multi-View Modeling and Synthesis
* Multichannel shape from shading techniques for moving specular surfaces
* Multimodal Human Emotion/Expression Recognition
* Multiple Feature Integration for Robust Object Localization
* Multiple Motion Detection Using Genetic Algorithms
* Multiple Perspective Interactive Video Architecture for VSAM, A
* Multiple-Instance Learning for Natural Scene Classification
* Multispectral Optic Flow
* Neural Network Based Handwritten Character Recognition for Conflict Resolution
* New Approach to Minimize the Energy of Deformable Contours, A
* new characterization of the trifocal tensor, A
* New Complex Basis for Implicit Polynomial Curves and its Simple Exploitation for Pose Estimation and Invariant Recognition, A
* New Design and Implementation of On-sensor-compression
* New Image Sensor with Space Variant Sampling Control on a Focal Plane, A
* New Linear Method for Euclidean Motion/structure from Three Calibrated Affine Views, A
* New Robust Real-Time Method for Extracting Human Silhouettes from Color Images
* New Voronoi-Based Surface Reconstruction Algorithm, A
* New windowing techniques for variable-size block motion compensation
* Non Parametric Image Segmentation
* Non-rigid Image Registration Using a Parameter-free Elastic Model
* Non-Rigid Parallax for 3D Linear Motion
* Nonlinear Method for Estimating the Projective Geometry of Three Views, A
* Nonverbal Information Recognition and Its Application to Communications
* Novel Application of Real-time Face Tracking and Microphones Array to Pick up Human Voice Remotely and Clearly, A
* Novel Approach to Real-time Non-intrusive Gaze Finding, A
* Novel ATR Classifier Exploiting Pose Estimation, A
* Novel Confidence-based Framework for Multiple Expert Decision Fusion, A
* Novel Lane Model for Lane Boundary Detection, A
* Novel Multilevel Thresholding Method Based on Finding the Consistent Peak of Correlation Function, A
* Object Localization by Dynamic Template Warping
* Object Oriented Face Detection Using Range and Color Information
* Object-oriented motion estimation in color image sequences
* Objective Comparison Methodology of Edge Detection Algorithms Using a Structure from Motion Task, An
* Objective Evaluation of Edge Detectors Using a Formally Defined Framework
* Occam Filters for Stochastic Sources with Application to Digital Images
* Occlusions, discontinuities, and epipolar lines in stereo
* Offset Vertical Stereo System for Real-time Range-finding to Preceding Vehicles
* Omnidirectional Sensing and Combined Multiple Sensing
* Omnidirectional Vision Systems: 1998 PI Report
* Omnifocused 3D Display Using the Nonfrontal Imaging Camera
* On 3-D Surface Reconstruction Using Shape from Shadows
* On a High-speed Hough Transform Algorithm MRHT
* On the role of pattern matching in information theory
* On the Synthesis of a Controller for Handling Borders in Systolic Architectures for 1-d Discrete Wavelet Transform
* On-the-Fly Road Tracking from video
* Online Facial Expression Recognition Based on Personalized Galleries
* Online Gesture Recognition Using Predicative Statistical Feature Extraction and Multivariate Analysis
* Optical Flow Estimation Using Wavelet Motion Model
* Optical Flow-based Person Tracking by Multiple Cameras
* Optimal estimation of three-dimensional rotation and reliability evaluation
* Optimal Polyline Tracking for Artery Motion Compensation in Coronary Angiography
* Optimal Recovery of Depth from Defocused Images Using an MRF Model
* Optimal Weighting Functions for Feature Detection
* Optimized Interaction Strategy for Bayesian Reference Feedback, An
* Optimum Design Parameters of the Classifiers for Omni-font Machine-printed Numeral Recognition Based on the Minimum Classification Error Criterion
* Optimum Template Selection for Image Registration Using ICMM
* Orassyll: Object Recognition with Autonomously Learned and Sparse Symbolic Representations Based on Local Line Detectors
* Orientation and Scale Invariant Text Region Extraction in WWW Images
* Overview of Work in Empirical Evaluation of Computer Vision Algorithms
* Panorama: A What I See Is What I Want Contactless Visual Interface
* Parallel Vision Computing on a Network of Workstation Clusters
* Parameterized Image Varieties: A Novel Approach to the Analysis and Synthesis of Image Sequences
* Parametric Attributed Scattering Center Model for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Partial Face Recognition Using Radial Basis Function Networks
* Passive Depth from Defocus Using a Spatial Domain Approach
* Pattern Recognition Basis of Artificial Intelligence
* Pattern Recognition Methods for Object Boundary Detection
* PDE-Based Level-Set Approach for Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects, A
* Perceptual Grouping from Gabor Filter Responses
* Perceptual Smoothing and Segmentation of Colour Textures
* Performance Assessment by Resampling: Rigid Motion Estimators
* Performance Characterization and Comparison of Video Indexing Algorithms
* Performance Evaluation of Clustering Algorithms for Scalable Image Retrieval
* Performance Evaluation of the CFAR Vehicle Detection Algorithm
* PersonSpotter: Fast and Robust System for Human Detection, Tracking and Recognition
* Photometric Invariant Region Detection
* Physical Facial Model Based on 3D-CT Data for Facial Image Analysis and Synthesis
* Physics-based 3D Position Analysis of a Soccer Ball from Monocular Image Sequences
* Pictorial Relief
* PIMs and Invariant Parts for Shape Recognition
* Planar Curve Representation and Matching
* Planning for the Efficient Employment of Image Understanding Assets
* Pointwise flow from a Variational Principle
* Pose Estimation and Object Identification using Complex Algebraic Representation
* Pose Estimation for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Pose Imagery and Automated Three-Dimensional Modeling of Urban Environments
* Practical Method to Recognize a Flat Object Using a Combination of Intenstity Profiles, A
* Priority and Segmentation Algorithm for the 3-D Motion Estimation of Two Heads Partly Overlapped
* Probabilistic Affine Invariants for Recognition
* Probabilistic Approach to Object Recognition Using Local Photometry and Global Geometry, A
* Probabilistic Contour Discriminant for Object Localisation, A
* Probabilistic Feature Relevance Learning for Online Indexing
* Probabilistic Formulation for Hausdorff Matching, A
* Probabilistic Framework for Edge Detection and Scale Selection, A
* Progress in Computer Vision at the University of Massachusetts (1998)
* Progressive Coding Of 3-D Graphic Models
* Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform
* Progressive resolution motion indexing of video object
* Progressive search and retrieval in large image archives
* Project Summary: Context and Quasi-Invariants in ATR
* Projection Profile Based Skew Estimation
* Projective Subgroups for Grouping
* Projective Translations and Affine Stereo Calibration
* Proposal of Query by Short-time Action Descriptions in a Scene
* Prototype System for Intuitive Film Planning, A
* Quadric Reconstruction from Dual-Space Geometry
* Qualitative and Quantitative Car Tracking from a Range Image Sequence
* Qualitative Approach to Classifying Gaze Direction, A
* Quantative Description of Camera Motion from Histograms of Normal Flow
* Radial Cumulative Similarity Transform for Robust Image Correspondence, A
* Randomized Adaptive Algorithms for Mosaicing Systems
* Range and Motion Segmentation: A Robust Approach
* Range Finder by Using a Rotary Cubic Mirror, A
* Reach Out and Touch Space (Motion Learning)
* Reading between the Lines: A Method for Extracting Dynamic 3D with Texture
* Real Time Analysis and Tracking of Mouths for Expression Recognition
* Real Time Tracking for Enhanced Tennis Broadcasts
* Real time visual servoing around a complex Object
* Real-Time 2-D Feature Detection on a Reconfigurable Computer
* Real-Time Active Visual Surveillance by Integrating Peripheral Motion Detection With Foveated Tracking
* Real-Time Continuous Gesture Recognition System for Sign Language, A
* Real-Time Face and Eye finding with an Active Vision System
* Real-Time Face Recognition Using Feature Combination
* Real-Time Human Posture Estimation Using Monocular Thermal Images
* Real-Time Omnidirectional and Panoramic Stereo
* Real-time Panoramic Mosaics and Augmented Reality
* Real-Time Segmentation of Plants and Weeds
* Real-time Visual Recovery of Pose using Line Tracking in Multiple Cameras
* Realisable Classifiers: Improving Operating Performance on Variable Cost Problems
* Realtime Gesture Recognition under the Multi-Layered Parallel Recognition Framework of QVIPS
* Recent Advances in Detection and Description of Buildings from Multiple Images
* Reclustering Techniques Improve Early Vision Feature Maps
* Recognition of 2D Object Contours Using Starting-Point-Independent Wavelet Coefficient Matching
* Recognition of 3-d Object Shape and Forward Moving Distance by Monocular Motion Stereo for Mobile Robot
* Recognition of Hand-printed Chinese Characters Using Decision Trees/Machine Learning C4.5 System
* Recognition of Legal Amounts on Bank Cheques
* Recognition of Plane Projective Symmetry
* Recognizing 3-D objects with linear support vector machines
* Recognizing Abruptly Changing Facial Expressions from Time-Sequential Face Images
* Recognizing Buildings in Urban Scene of Distant View
* Recognizing faces by weakly orthogonalizing against perturbations
* Recognizing Novel 3-D Objects Under New Illumination and Viewing Position Using a Small Number of Examples
* Recognizing Objects in Cluttered Images Using Subgraph Isomorphism
* Recognizing People by Their Gait: The Shape of Motion
* Recognizing Temporal Trajectories Using the CONDENSATION Algorithm
* Reconstructing 3d Pose and Motion from a Single Camera View
* Reconstruction of Smooth Surfaces with Arbitrary Topology Adaptive Splines
* Recovering Dynamic Information from Static, Handwritten Word Images
* Recovering Epipolar Geometry by Reactive Tabu Search
* Recovering Motion Fields: An Evaluation of Eight Optical Flow Algorithms
* Recovering Surface Invariants from Curves
* Recovery of Building Structure from SAR and IFSAR Images
* Recursive Optical Flow Estimation: Adaptive Filtering Approach
* Recursive Recovery of Three-Dimensional Scenes
* Reflectance Estimation and Material Classification for 3D Objects in outdoor Hyperspectral Images
* Registering, Integrating, and Building CAD Models from Range Data
* Registration of Complex Free-form Objects from 3D Image Edge Using the Hausdorff Distance
* Relations Spatiales Structurelles et Interpretation d'Images
* Relaxation Algorithm for Detection of Face Outline and Eye Locations
* Reliable Tracking of Human Arm Dynamics by Multiple Cue Integration and Constraint Fusion
* Reliable Video Event Recognition for Network Cameras
* Remote Reality Demonstration
* Remote Reality Omnidirectional Imaging
* Representation de la Position Relativ d'Objets 2D au Moyen d'un Histogramme de Froces
* Research in Image Understanding and Automated Cartography: 1997-1998
* Resolution of Pattern Recognition Problems using a Hybrid Genetic/Random Neural Network Learning Algorithm
* Resolution-Appropriate Shape Representation
* Resolving Ambiguities in Auto-Calibration
* Retrieval of Commercials by Video Semantics
* Retrieving Color, Patterns, Texture, and Faces
* Retrospective Document Conversion Application to the Library Domain
* Robot Stereo-hand Coordination for Grasping Curved Parts
* Robust Computation and Parametrization of Multiple View Relations
* Robust Contour Tracking in Echocardiographic Sequences
* Robust Defect Segmentation in Woven Fabrics
* Robust Extraction of 3d Structures by Fusion of Intensity-based and Contour-based Junction Features
* Robust Face Identification against Lighting Fluctuation for Lock Control
* Robust Real-Time Motion Analysis
* Robust Recognition of Scaled Eigenimages Through a Hierarchical Approach
* Robust Techniques for the Estimation of Structure from Motion in the Uncalibrated Case
* Robust Video Mosaicing Through Topology Inference and Local to Global Alignment
* Robust, Real-Time People Tracking in Open Environments Using Integrated Stereo, Color, and Face Detection
* Rotated Wedge Averaging Method for Junction Classification
* Rotation Invariant Neural Network-based Face Detection
* S-Tools for Windows
* Saliency-Based Robust Correlation for Real-time Face Registration and Verification
* Salient and Multiple Illusory Surfaces
* Sample Tree: A Sequential Hypothesis Testing Approach to 3D Object Recognition, The
* SAR/EO Vehicular Activity Analysis System Guided by Temporal and Contextual Information
* Scale Invariant Face Detection Method Using Higher-Order Local Autocorrelation Features Extracted from Log-Polar Image
* Scenario Recognition in Airborne Video Imagery
* Scene Segmentation from 3D Motion
* Seafloor Texture Classification with a Multiscale Discriminant Analysis on High Resolution Sonar Images
* Second-order motions contribute to vection
* Segmentation by Grouping Junctions
* Segmentation of Global Motion using Temporal Probabilistic Classification
* Segmentation of Handwritten Kanji Numerals Integrating Peripheral Information by Bayesian Rule
* Segmentation of Images via Scale-space Trees, The
* Segmentation of Neurons Using Mathematical Morphology
* Segmenting 3-d Surfaces using Multicolored Illumination
* Segmenting Cortical Gray Matter for Functional MRI Visualization
* Selection/substitution of Visual Features for Object Tracking
* Self-Calibrating a Stereo Head: An Error Analysis in the Neighbourhood of Degenerate Configurations
* Self-calibrating Surface Reconstruction for the Modelmaker
* Self-Calibration and Euclidean Reconstruction Using Motions of a Stereo Rig
* Self-calibration of a Rotating Camera with Varying Intrinsic Parameters
* Self-Consistency: A Novel Approach to Characterizing the Accuracy and Reliability of Point Correspondence Algorithms
* Self-Inducing Relational Distance and its Application to Image Segmentation
* Sensor Errors and the Uncertainties in Stereo Reconstruction
* Separability of Pose and Expression in Facial Tracing and Animation
* Several Experiments on Texture Analysis, Coding and Synthesis by Gabor Wavelets
* Shading Primitives: Finding Folds and Shallow Grooves
* Shape and Motion Engine for Parameterized Models, A
* Shape for Video: Beyond the Epipolar Constraint
* Shape from Chebyshev nets
* Shape Recovery Using Dynamic Subdivision Surfaces
* Shape representations from shading primitives
* Sheep, Goats, Lambs and Wolves: A Statistical Analysis of Speaker Performance in the NIST 1998 Speaker Recognition Evaluation
* Signfinder: Using Color to Detect, Localize and Identify Informational Signs
* Similarity Retrieval by 2d C-Tree(s) Matching in Image Databases
* Similarity Retrieval of Trademark Images
* Similarity-Based Method for the Generalization of Face Recognition over Pose and Expression
* Simultaneous estimation of viewing geometry and structure
* Single camera three-dimensional endoscope system using a ferroelectric liquid crystal device
* Single Lens Stereo with a Biprism
* Site Model Based Exploitation of TESAR Imagery
* Skeletonization: An Electrostatic Field-Based Approach
* Skill Recognition
* Slanted Ellipse Detection by a Circle Detecting Hough Transform Using a Pair of Arcs, A
* Smart Ultrasonic Vision System for Mobile Robots
* Soccer Image Sequence Computed by a Virtual Camera
* Space Envelope Representation for 3D Scenes, The
* Spatial dependence in the observation of visual contours
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Face Profiles: Detection, Segmentation, and Registration
* Spatiotemporal Motion Model for Video Summarization, A
* Spatiotemporally Adaptive Estimation and Segmentation of Optical Flow Fields
* Specialized Multibaseline Stereo Technique for Obstacle Detection, A
* Stable Gesture Verification in Eigen Space
* State Space Construction for Behavior Acquisition in Multi Agent Environments with Vision and Action
* Statistical Analysis of Gabor-Filter Representation
* Statistical Framework for Long-Range Feature Matching in Uncalibrated Image Mosaicing, A
* Statistical Learning Theory
* Statistical Models of Visual Shape and Motion
* Statistical shape analysis
* Statistically Independent Feature Extraction for SAR Imagery
* Steerable Filters from Erlang Functions
* Stepwise Recovery of Arc Segmentation in Complex Line Environments
* Stereo Depth Estimation: A Confidence Interval Approach
* Stereo Matching with Implicit Detection of Occlusions
* Stereo vision-based navigation in unknown indoor environment
* Stereo Vision-based Obstacle Detection for Partially Sighted People
* Stereo with Mirrors
* Stereoscopic viewing system using a two dimensional lens system
* Structure of Digital Straight Line Segments and Euclid's Algorithm, The
* Structure-driven SAR image registration
* Study of Dynamical Processes with Tensor-Based Spatiotemporal Image Processing Techniques
* Sub-Aperature Extensions to the Flexible Histogram Approach for SAR ATR
* Subtly Different Facial Expression Recognition and Expression Intensity Estimation
* Successive Pose Clustering for Steroscopic Object Recognition
* Surface Approximation and Geometric Partitions
* Survey of Medical Image Registration, A
* Symmetry in perspective
* Synthesis of Facial Images with Lip Motion from Several Real Views
* System for Automated Generation of Deformed Maps, A
* System for Extracting Aesthetic Information from Architectural Drawings, A
* System for Screening Objectionable Images
* T3wT: Tracking Turning Trucks with Trailers
* Task Driven 3D Object Recognition System Using Bayesian Networks, A
* Temporal Differences in Eye and Mouth Movements Classifying Facial Expressions of Smiles
* Text Image Clean-Up and Thresholding: A Comparative Study
* Texture Image Segmentation Using Wavelet Filters and Cellular Neural Network
* Texture Recognition Using a Non-parametric Multi-scale Statistical Model
* Thin Film Magnetic Head Wafer Inspection Technique Using Geometrical Feature Based Image Comparison
* Three Dimensional MR Brain Segmentation
* Three Steps to Make Shape from Shading Work Consistently on Real Scenes
* Three-Dimensional Imaging, Optical Metrology, and Inspection IV
* Top-down influences on stereoscopic depth-perception
* Toward a General 3-D matching Engine: Multiple Models, Complex scenes, and Efficient Data Filtering
* Toward a Generic Framework for Recognition Based on Uncertain Geometric Features
* Toward Automation of Learning: The State Self-Organization Problem for a Face Recognizer
* Towards Real-Time Voxel Coloring
* Towards the Computational Perception of Action
* Tracking and Segmenting People in Varying Lighting Conditions Using Colour
* Tracking Facial Features Using Probabilistic Network
* Tracking Meteorological Structures Through Curve Matching Using Geodesic Paths
* Trainable Object Detection System, A
* Transinformation for Active Object Recognition
* Two-Dimensional Affine Invariants that Distribute Uniformly and Can Be Tuned to any Convex Feature Domain
* Two-Dimensional Mesh-Based Visual-Object Representation for Interactive Synthetic/Natural Digital Video
* Two-stage Algorithm for Planning the Next View From Range Images, A
* two-stage probabilistic approach for object recognition, A
* Two-Stage Robust Statistical Method for Temporal Registration from Features of Various Type, A
* Unified Factorization Algorithm for Points, Line Segments and Planes with Uncertainty Models, A
* Unified, Multiresolution Framework for Automatic Target Recognition, A
* Universal Mosaicing using Pipe Projection
* Use of Cues from Range Data for Automatic Building Modeling
* Use of Reality Models in Augmented Reality Applications, The
* Use Your Hand as a 3-D Mouse or Relative Orientation from Extended Sequences of Sparse Point and Line Correspondences Using the Affine Trifocal Tensor
* User Interface Technologies for a Virtual Communication Space
* User Localisation for Visually-Based Human-Machine-Interaction
* Using a DEM to Determine Geospatial Object Trajectories
* Using Adaptive Tracking to Classify and Monitor Activities in a Site
* Using Conic Correspondence in Two Images to Estimate the Epipolar Geometry
* Using Hierarchical Shape Models to Spot Keywords in Cursive Handwriting Data
* Using IFs and Moments to Build a Quasi Invariant Image Index
* Utilization of Stereo Disparity and Optical Flow Information for Human Interaction
* VADIS: A Video Analysis, Display and Indexing System
* Variable-Scale Smoothing and Edge Detection Guided by Stereoscopy
* Varying Focal Length Self-calibration and Pose Estimation
* Vehicle Identification System by Automated Korean License Plate Reading
* Vehicle Trajectory Approximation and Classification
* Verification Protocol and Statistical Performance Analysis for Face Recognition Algorithms, A
* Video Processing and Integration from Multiple Camera
* Video Scene Segmentation Via Continuous Video Coherence
* Video-based System Methodology for Detecting Red Light Runners, A
* View Alignment with Dynamically Updated Affine Tracking
* View Planning for Site Modeling
* View-Based Interpretation of Real-Time Optical Flow for Gesture Recognition
* View-Based Object Matching
* Viewpoint Selection for Complete Surface Coverage of Three Dimensional Objects
* Virage Video Cataloger 2.0: An Extensible, COTS Architecture for Media Cataloging, The
* Virtual Mirror Interface Using Real-Time Robust Face Tracking, A
* Virtual Worlds Using Computer Vision
* Vision-based Interpretation of Hand Gestures by Modeling Appearance Changes in Image Sequences
* Visual Detection of Obstacles Assuming a Locally Planar Ground
* Visual Learning of Weight from Shape Using Support Vector Machines
* Visual Motion Estimation and Prediction: A Probabilistic Network Model for Temporal Coherence
* Visual Recognition Using Local Appearance
* Visual Routines for Autonomous Driving
* Visual Similarity, Judgemental Certainty and Stereo Correspondence
* Visual Surveillance and Monitoring
* Visual Surveillance of Activities
* Visual/Haptic Interface to Virtual Environment (WYSIWYF Display) and Its Application
* VLSI Hardware for Example-Based Learning
* VSAM at the MIT Media Laboratory and CBCL: Learning and Understanding Action in Video Imagery PI Report 1998
* Wavelet-Domain Principal Component Analysis Applied to Facial Similarity Trees, Caricaturing, and Nonlinear Illumination-Invariant Processing
* Way to Exploit Highlights in Metallic Environment for Pipes Localization, A
* Weak Orthogonalization of Face and Perturbation for Recognition
* Weighted Combination of Classifiers Employing Shared and Distinct Representations, A
* Well-behaved, Tunable 3D Affine Invariants
* What Can Projections of Flow Fields Tell Us About Visual Motion
* What is the Spectral Dimensionality of Illumination Functions in Outdoor Scenes?
* Wide Baseline Stereo Matching
* Wipe scene change detector for use with video compression algorithm and MPEG 7
* Wormholes in Shape Space: Tracking Through Discontinuous Changes in Shape
* Writer Identification from Non-uniformly Skewed Handwriting Images
* WWW-Accessible 3D Image and Model Database for Computer Vision Research, A
* XR-US Data Fusion for Non-destructive Evaluation of Steel Components
855 for 9800

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.