Journals starting with moti

Motion02 * *WMVC
* Automatic detection of rigid point matches
* Bayesian-based performance prediction for gait recognition
* Capturing human hand motion in image sequences
* Comparative study of coarse head pose estimation
* Continuous multi-views tracking using tensor voting
* Density estimation-based information fusion for multiple motion computation
* Directed acyclic graph representation of deformable models
* From video sequences to motion panoramas
* Ghost-3D: detecting body posture and parts using stereo
* hierarchical approach for obtaining structure from two-frame optical flow, A
* hierarchical approach to robust background subtraction using color and gradient information, A
* How well can wavelet denoising improve the accuracy of computing fundamental matrices?
* Hybrid Monte Carlo filtering: Edge-based people tracking
* Indexing key positions between multiple videos
* Infinitesimal motion estimation from multiple central panoramic views
* Integrated region- and pixel-based approach to background modelling
* Interactive indoor scene reconstruction from image mosaics using cuboid structure
* Joint Space-Time Motion-Based Segmentation of Image Sequences with Level Set PDES
* linear model for simultaneous estimation of 3D motion and depth, A
* Model-based integration of visual cues for hand tracking
* Multi view image surveillance and tracking
* Object detection with multiple cameras
* Object localization in metric spaces for video linking
* On the binding mechanism of synchronised visual events
* Particle filter with analytical inference for human body tracking
* Real-time posture and activity recognition
* Real-time tracking of quad-marked surfaces
* Robust probabilistic estimation of uncertain appearance for model-based tracking
* robust subspace approach to layer extraction, A
* Segmentation and tracking of interacting human body parts under occlusion and shadowing
* Segmentation of dynamic scenes from image intensities
* Shadow elimination for robust video surveillance
* Stochastic human segmentation from a static camera
* three-mode expressive feature model of action effort, A
* Tracking video objects using active contours
* variational framework for active and adaptative segmentation of vector valued images, A
* Video frame categorization using sort-merge feature selection
* Video synthesis made simple with the x-slits projection
39 for Motion02

Motion05 * *WMVC
* Accurate 3D Tracking of Rigid Objects with Occlusion Using Active Appearance Models
* Adaptive Region-Based Video Registration
* Adaptive Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects Based on Color Histograms and Automatic Parameter Selection
* Analysis of Human Locomotion based on Partial Measurements
* Analysis of Persistent Motion Patterns Using the 3D Structure Tensor
* Assessing Temporal Coherence for Posture Classification with Large Occlusions
* Automatic Recognition of Colloquial Australian Sign Language
* Background Segmentation Using Spatial-Temporal Multi-Resolution MRF
* Background Subtraction Using Markov Thresholds
* Bayesian Pixel Classification for Human Tracking
* Combining View-Based and Model-Based Tracking of Articulated Human Movements
* Dynamic Human Pose Estimation using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach
* Dynamic Texture Recognition by Spatio-Temporal Multiresolution Histograms
* Ego-Motion Estimation and 3D Model Refinement in Scenes with Varying Illumination
* Epipolar Constraints for Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation
* Factorization Method for Structure from Planar Motion, A
* Handsignals Recognition From Video Using 3D Motion Capture Data
* Incorporating Object Tracking Feedback into Background Maintenance Framework
* Isomap and Nonparametric Models of Image Deformation
* Joint Key-Frame Extraction and Object-Based Video Segmentation
* Learning to Track Objects Through Unobserved Regions
* Motion Based Image Segmentation with Unsupervised Bayesian Learning
* Moving Shadow Detection using a Combined Geometric and Color Classification Approach
* Multi-Layer Hierarchical Clustering of Pedestrian Trajectories for Automatic Counting of People in Video Sequences
* Multi-Scale 3D Scene Flow from Binocular Stereo Sequences
* Multiplicative Background-Foreground Estimation Under Uncontrolled Illumination using Intrinsic Images
* Object Level Frame Comparison for Video Shot Detection
* Occlusion Robust Vehicle Tracking based on SOM (Self-Organizing Map)
* Periodic Motion Detection and Estimation via Space-Time Sampling
* Persistent Objects Tracking Across Multiple Non Overlapping Cameras
* Pixels Classification for Moving Object Extraction
* Planar Ego-Motion Without Correspondences
* Pseudopolar-Based Estimation of Large Translations, Rotations, and Scalings in Images
* Real-Time Detection of Independent Motion using Stereo
* Region Tracking via HMMF in Joint Feature-Spatial Space
* Robust Salient Motion Detection with Complex Background for Real-Time Video Surveillance
* Simple Self-Calibration Method To Infer A Non-Parametric Model Of The Imaging System Noise, A
* Simultaneous Localization and Recognition of Dynamic Hand Gestures
* Temporal Synchronization of Video Sequences in Theory and in Practice
* Unified Target Detection and Tracking Using Motion Coherence
41 for Motion05

Motion07 * *WMVC
* Activity Identification Utilizing Data Mining Techniques
* Activity Recognition using Dynamic Bayesian Networks with Automatic State Selection
* Alternative Formulation for Five Point Relative Pose Problem, An
* Analysis of Irregularities in Human Actions with Volumetric Motion History Images
* Analysis-by-Synthesis Approach to Tracking of Textiles, An
* Body Part Detection for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking
* Cascaded change detection for foreground segmentation
* Coupled Hidden Semi Markov Models for Activity Recognition
* Detection and Tracking of Moving Vehicles in Crowded Scenes
* Enhanced Video Mosaicing using Camera Motion Properties
* Fusion of Multiple Camera Views for Kernel-Based 3D Tracking
* Gait Analysis For Human Identification Through Manifold Learning and HMM
* GPU Acceleration of Real-time Feature Based Algorithms
* Human Limb Delineation and Joint Position Recovery Using Localized Boundary Models
* Map-Enhanced Detection and Tracking from a Moving Platform with Local and Global Data Association
* Monocular Video Foreground/Background Segmentation by Tracking Spatial-Color Gaussian Mixture Models
* Motion Analysis in Compressed Video: An Hybrid Approach
* Multi-frame Approaches To Improve Face Recognition
* Multiscale Parametric Background Model for Stationary Foreground Object Detection, A
* New Evaluation Approach for Video Processing Algorithms, A
* Non-orthogonal Binary Expansion of Gabor Filters with Applications in Object Tracking
* Object-Based Spatial Segmentation of Video Guided by Depth and Motion Information
* Performance of Low-Level Motion Estimation Methods for Confocal Microscopy of Plant Cells in vivo
* Practical Camera Auto Calibration using Semidefinite Programming
* Real Time Viterbi Optimization of Hidden Markov Models for Multi Target Tracking
* Recovering the Basic Structure of Human Activities from a Video-Based Symbol String
* Shape Background Modeling: The Shape of Things That Came
* Spectral Methods for 3-D Motion Segmentation of Sparse Scene-Flow
* Tracking vehicle targets with large aspect change
* Two-stage Multi-view Analysis Framework for Human Activity and Interactions, A
* Video Representation with Dynamic Features from Multi-Frame Frame-Difference Images
32 for Motion07

Motion08 * *WMVC
* Context-Based Tracker Switching Framework, A
* Detecting Semantic Group Activities Using Relational Clustering
* Estimating Gait Phase using Low-Level Motion
* Event-Based Tracking Evaluation Metric
* Face Pose Estimation From Video Sequence Using Dynamic Bayesian Network
* Fast Body Posture Estimation using Volumetric Features
* Fast construction of object correspondence in stereo camera system: An example to human face capturing system
* Incorporating Long-Term Observations of Human Actions for Stable 3D People Tracking
* Integrated Detection and Tracking for Multiple Moving Objects using Data-Driven MCMC Data Association
* Learning Motion Patterns in Surveillance Video using HMM Clustering
* Location-specific Transition Distributions for Tracking
* Model generation for robust object tracking based on temporally stable regions
* Online, Real-time Tracking and Recognition of Human Actions
* Optimal Multi-View Fusion of Object Locations
* Optimal shape from motion estimation with missing and degenerate data
* Pedestrian Tracking by Associating Tracklets using Detection Residuals
* Recognition of High-level Group Activities Based on Activities of Individual Members
* Robust Object Tracking based on Detection with Soft Decision
* Segmentation of Video Sequences using Spatial-temporal Conditional Random Fields
* Space-Time Shapelets for Action Recognition
* Spatial-Temporal correlatons for unsupervised action classification
* Steepest Descent For Efficient Covariance Tracking
* Two-Frames Accurate Motion Segmentation Using Tensor Voting and Graph-Cuts
* Using Inactivity to Detect Unusual behavior
25 for Motion08

Motion83 * *Motion: Representation and Perception
* Adapting Optical-Flow to Measure Object Motion in Reflectance and X-Ray Image Sequences
* Complex Logarithmic Mapping and the Focus of Expansion
* Computing the Velocity Field along Contours
* Cross-ratio and the Perception of Motion and Structure, The
* Determining 3-D Motion Parameters of a Rigid Body: A Vector-Geometrical Approach
* Determining Motion Parameters for Scenes with Translation and Rotation
* Determining the Instantaneous Axis of Translation from Optic Flow Generated by Arbitrary Sensor Motion
* Hybrid Approach to Structure-from-Motion, A
* Look at Motion in the Frequency Domain, A
* Motion and Time-Varying Imagery
* Motion from Continuous or Discontinuous Arrangements
* Motion Graphics, Description and Control
* Multicomputer Architectures for Real-Time Perception
* On the Estimation of Dense Displacement Vector Fields from Image Sequences
* Optical Flow
* Perception of Coherent Motion in 2-D Patterns, The
* Perception of Rotation in Depth: The Psychophysical Evidence
* Real and Apparent Motion: One Mechanism or Two?
* Scope of Motion Research: From Image Intensity Changes to Semantic Abstraction, The
* Tracking Three Dimensional Moving Light Displays
21 for Motion83

Motion86 * *Workshop on Motion: Representation and Analysis
* 3-D Motion from Image Sequences: Modeling, Understanding and Prediction
* Accuracy of 3D Parameters in Correspondence-Based Techniques: Startup and Updating, The
* Active Navigation: Tracking an Environmental Point Considered Beneficial
* Binocular Image Flows
* Determining the 3-D Motion of a Rigid Planar Patch Without Correspondence, under Perspective Projection
* Estimation of Rigid Body Motion Using Straight Line Correspondences
* Extraction of Spatio-Temporal Energy in Human and Machine Vision, The
* How to Use more than Two Frames to Estimate Motion
* Image Flow Continuity Equations for Motion and Density
* Incremental Recovery of Structure from Motion: Position vs. Velocity Based Formulations, The
* Inexact Vision
* Interpretation of Image Motion Fields: A Spatio-Temporal Approach
* Investigation of Multigrid Algorithms for the Estimation of Optical Flow Fields in Image Sequences
* Kinematics and Structure of a Rigid Object from a Sequence of Noisy Images
* Line-Based Computation of Structure and Motion Using Angular Invariance
* Motion and Time-Varying Imagery: An Overview
* Projective Duality and the Analysis of Image Sequences
* Refinement of Environmental Depth Maps over Multiple Frames
* Robust Algorithms for Motion Estimation Based on Two Sequential Stereo Image Pairs
* Seeing Structure Through Chaos
* Structure and Motion of a Rigid Object Having Unknown Constant Motion
* Transformation of Optical Flow by Camera Rotation
* Versatile Method for the Estimation of Displacement Vector Fields from Image Sequences, A
24 for Motion86

Motion89 * *Workshop on Visual Motion
* Analysis of Differential and Matching Methods for Optical Flow
* Calibration of a Mobile Robot with Application to Visual Navigation
* Computing Optical Flow
* Constraints for the Computation of Optical Flow
* Experiments and Uniqueness Results on Object Structure and Kinematics from a Sequence of Monocular Images
* Implementation of a Nonlinear Approach to the Motion Correspondence Problem
* Interpretation of Image Sequence by Spatio-Temporal Analysis
* Interpretation of Visual Motion: Recognizing Moving Light Displays, The
* Issues in Extracting Motion Parameters and Depth from Approximate Translation Motion
* Mathematical Properties of the 2D Motion Field: From Singular Points to Motion Parameters
* Measuring Trajectory
* Motion from Images: Image Matching Parameter Estimation and Intrinsic Stability
* Motion from Point Matches: Multiplicity of Solutions
* Object Tracking with a Moving Camera
* On Combining Points and Lines in an Image Sequence to Recover 3D Structure and Motion
* On the Mathematical Foundations of Smoothness Constraints for the Determination of Optical Flow and for Surface Reconstruction
* On the Tracking of Featureless Objects with Occlusion
* Optimal Motion Estimation
* Parallel Motion Algorithm Consistent with Psychophysics and Physiology, A
* Recovering 3-D Motion Parameters from Image Sequences with Gross Errors
* Recovering 3-D Translational Motion and Establishing Stereo Correspondence from Binocular Image Flows
* Regularization of Discontinuous Flow Fields
* Relative Motion Parallax and the Perception of Structure from Motion
* Representing Motion Using Chronogeneous Transformations
* Structure-from-Motion by Tracking Occlusion Boundaries
* Subject-Object Discrimination in 4D-Dynamic Scene Interpretation for Machine Vision
* Tracking Points and Line Segments in Image Sequences
* Using Motion from Orthographic Projections to Prune 3-D Point Matches
29 for Motion89

Motion91 * *Workshop on Visual Motion
* 3D Structure Reconstruction from an Ego Motion Sequence Using Statistical Estimation and Detection Theory
* Adaptive Multi-Scale Approach for Estimating Optical Flow: Computational Theory and Physiological Implementation, An
* Computing Motion Using Analog VLSI Vision Chips: An Experimental Comparison among Different Approaches
* Direct Computation of the Focus of Expansion from Velocity Field Measurements
* Direct Estimation of Time-to-Impact from Optical Flow
* Direct Multi-Resolution Estimation of Ego-Motion and Structure from Motion
* Egomotion from Global Flow Field Data
* Estimating Three-Dimensional Vehicle Motion in an Outdoor Scene from Monocular and Stereo Image Sequences
* Estimation of Velocity, Acceleration and Disparity in Time Sequences
* Factoring Images Sequences into Shape and Motion
* Factorization-Based Segmentation of Motions
* Fast Subspace Methods for Recovering Rigid Motion, A
* Forming a Three Dimensional Environment Model Using Multiple Observations
* Getting Around the Aperture Problem Using Point and Line Correspondences
* Hierarchical Feature Based Matching for Motion Correspondence
* Incorporating Motion Error in Multi-Frame Structure from Motion
* Incremental Estimation of Image-Flow Using a Kalman Filter
* Mechanisms for Isolating Component Patterns in the Sequential Analysis of Multiple Motion
* Motion Analysis and Modeling of Epicardial Surfaces from Point and Line Correspondences
* Motion and Structure from Long Stereo Image Sequences
* Motion Recovery from Image Sequences Using First-Order Optical Flow Information
* Motion Tracking on the Spatiotemporal Surface
* New Approach to Vision and Control for Road Following, A
* Non-Rigid Motion and Structure from Contour
* Parallel Visual Motion Analysis Using Multiscale Markov Random Fields
* Passive Navigation in a Partially Known Environment
* Pointwise Tracking of Left-Ventricular Motion in 3D
* Principle of Superposition: A Common Computational Framework for Analysis of Multiple Motion
* Quantitative Interpretation of Image Velocities in Real Time
* Realizing Active Vision by a Mobile Robot
* Recovering A Boundary-Level Structural Description From Dynamic Stereo
* Recursive Estimation of Shape and Nonrigid Motion
* Relative Depth from Motion Using Normal Flow: An Active and Purposive Solution
* Robust Estimation of a Multi-Layered Motion Representation
* Robustness of Structure from Binocular Known Motion
* Segmentation of People in Motion
* Segmentation, Matching and Estimation of Structure and Motion of Textured Piecewise Planar Surfaces
* Simultaneous Estimation of 3D Shape and Motion of Objects by Computer Vision
* Stability of Phase Information
* Structure and Motion from Uniform 3D Acceleration
* Structure and Motion in Two Dimensions from Multiple Images: A Least Squares Approach
* Towards Structure from Motion for Linear Features Through Reference Points
43 for Motion91

Motion98 * *IEEE Interpretation of Visual Motion Workshop
* Scenario Recognition in Airborne Video Imagery

MotionRep16 * *Brave New Ideas For Motion Representations
* Autonomous Driving Challenge: To Infer the Property of a Dynamic Object Based on Its Motion Pattern
* Back to Basics: Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow via Brightness Constancy and Motion Smoothness
* Human Action Recognition Without Human
* Human Pose Estimation in Space and Time Using 3D CNN
* Making a Case for Learning Motion Representations with Phase
* Motion Representation with Acceleration Images
* Segmentation Free Object Discovery in Video
* Temporal Convolutional Networks: A Unified Approach to Action Segmentation
9 for MotionRep16

MotionRep17 * *Brave New Ideas For Motion Representations
* Interpretable 3D Human Action Analysis with Temporal Convolutional Networks
* Learning Dynamic GMM for Attention Distribution on Single-Face Videos
* Optical Acceleration for Motion Description in Videos
* RATM: Recurrent Attentive Tracking Model
* Unsupervised Human Action Detection by Action Matching

Index for "m"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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