Update Dates 8900

8900 * *Alvey Conference
* *Progress in Image Analysis and Processing
* *Robotics Science
* *Shape from Shading
* 2-D Adaptive Smoothing by 3-D Distance Transformation
* 3-D Modeling of Indoor Scenes by Fusion of Noisy Range and Stereo Data
* 3D Object Recognition Via Simulated Particles Diffusion
* 3D Representation and Recognition Using Object Wings
* 3D Visual Information from Vanishing Points
* About the Integrability Constraint in a Shape-from-Shading Algorithm
* Active Computer Vision by Cooperative Focusing and Stereo
* Adaptive Model Base Indexing
* Algebraic Methods in 3-D Motion Estimation from Two-View Point Correspondences
* Algorithm for Automatic Road Recognition on Digitized Map Images
* American Sign Language: The Phonological Base
* Analysis of a Distributed Multiresolution Vision System, An
* Analysis of Differential and Matching Methods for Optical Flow
* Analysis of Image Deformation under Orthographic Projection and Flow Parameter Estimation
* Analysis of Textual Images Using the Hough Transform
* Application of Differential Geometry to Recognize and Locate Partially Occluded Objects
* Application of Dynamical Systems Theory to Shape from Shading, An
* Applying Uncertainty Reasoning to Model Based Object Recognition
* Approach to Fingerprint Filter Design, An
* Approach to Object Recogniton: Aligning Pictorial Descriptions, An
* Architecture for Region Boundary Extraction in Raster Scan Images Suitable for VLSI Implementation, An
* Array Grammars, Patterns, and Recognizers
* Attributed Image Matching Using a Minimum Representation Size Criterion
* Automated Inspection of Solder Bumps Using Visual Signatures of Specular Image-Highlights
* Automatic Thresholding Algorithm Based on an Illumination-Independent Contrast Measure, An
* Back-Propagation Applied to Handwritten Zip Code Recognition
* Bayesian Inference in Model-Based Machine Vision
* Binary Hough Transform and Its Efficient Implementation in a Systolic Array Architecture, A
* Building a World Model for a Mobile Robot Using Dynamic Semantic Constraints
* Building Hierarchical Solid Models from Sensor Data
* CAD-Based Grasp Synthesis Utilizing Polygons, Edges, and Vertices
* Calculating Geometric Properties from Fourier Representation
* Calibration of Wrist-Mounted Robotic Sensors by Solving Homogeneous Transform Equations of the Form Ax = Xb
* Camera Calibration Using Geometric Constraints
* Chromatic Stereopsis
* Classification of Natural Textures by Means of Two-Dimensional Orthogonal Masks
* Coarse-Fine Bimodality Analysis of Circular Histogram
* Color Image Segmentation Using Markov Random Fields
* Color-Edge Detectors for a VLSI Convolver
* Combined Decision Theoretic and Syntactic Approach to Image Segmentation
* Combining Evidence in Probabilistic Relaxation
* Comparison of the Space Requirements of Multi-Dimensional Quadtree-Based File Structures, A
* Complexity of Perceptual Search Tasks, The
* Compressing Quadtrees Via Common Subtree Merging
* Computational Approach to Motion Perception, A
* Computer Analysis of Regular Repetitive Textures
* Computer-generated barrier-strip autostereography
* Computing Optical Flow
* Computing The Convex Hull Of A Simple Polygon
* Concise Vector Equations for Stereopsis
* Constraint-Based Modeling
* Constraints for the Computation of Optical Flow
* Context-Sensitivity of Two-Dimensional Regular Array Grammars
* Coordinate Grammars Revisited: Generalized Isometric Grammars
* Corner Detection on Digital Curves Based on Local Symmetry of the Shape
* Correspondence of 2-D Projections by Bipartite Matching
* Data Set for Quantitative Motion Analysis, A
* Depth Recovery Algorithm Using Defocus Information, A
* Derivation of 3-D Surface Shape from Shadows, The
* Describing and Recognizing 3-D Objects Using Surface Properties
* Detection of Airborne Compact Sources in Infra-Red Scenes Using Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Determination of Camera Location and Orientation
* Determining Camera Parameters from the Perspective Projection of a Rectangle
* Determining Perspective Structures using Hierarchical Hough Transform
* Developing the Aspect Graph Representation for Use in Image Understanding
* Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Digital Optics
* Direct Determination of the Orientation of a Translating 3D Straight Line
* Discrimination of Planar Shapes Using Shape Matrices
* Distance Transformations on Hexagonal Grids
* Domain Dependence in Parallel Constraint Satisfaction
* Dual Representation of Gray-Scale Morphological Filters, The
* Early Identification of Occlusion in Stereo-Motion Image Sequences
* Edge Detection and Thinning in Time-Varying Image Sequences Using Spatio-Temporal Templates
* Edge Detection by Associative Mapping
* Edge Detection is a Projection
* Efficient Algorithm for Extrema Detection in Digital Images, An
* Efficient Processing of 2-D Images
* Efficient Recognition of Partially Visible Objects Using a Logarithmic Complexity Matching Technique
* Elliptical Feature Extraction via an Improved Hough Transform
* Encryption-Decryption Techniques for Pictures
* Estimating the Orientation of Multiple Textured Planes
* Exact Maximum a Posterori Estimation for Binary Images
* Experiments in Fitting Discrete Markov Random Fields to Textures
* Experiments in Segmenting Texton Patterns Using Localized Spatial Filters
* Experiments with a Network-Based Geometric Reasoning Engine
* Expert Systems Simulating Human Visual Perception
* Extraction of Boundary Keypoints and Completion of Simple Figures
* Extraction of graphic primitives from images of paper based line drawings
* Fast Parallel Algorithm for Labeling Connected Components, A
* Fast Parallel Method for Synthesis of Random Patterns, A
* Feature Based Object Decomposition for Finite Element Meshing
* Few Steps Toward Artificial 3-D Vision, A
* Finding Ellipses Using the Generalised Hough Transform
* Fine Grain Image Computations on Electro-Optical Arrays
* Fingerprint Theorems for Curvature and Torsion Zero-Crossings
* Finite Images Generated by GL-Systems
* Flexible Shape Recognition Approach Through Hashing, A
* Fractal Based Criteria to Evaluate the Performance of Digital Image Magnification Techniques
* From Surfaces to Objects: Computer Vision and Three Dimensional Scene Analysis
* fruit-tracking system for robotic harvesting, A
* Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing
* FUR: Understanding FUnctional Reasoning
* Fuzzy Skeletonization of an Image
* Gabor Filters as Texture Discriminator
* General Photogrammetric Method for Determining Object Position and Orientation, A
* Generalized Neighborhoods: A New Approach to Complex Parameter Feature Extraction
* Generalized Symmetry and Its Application to 3D Shape Generation
* Generating Aspect Graphs for Curved Objects
* Generating Rectangles Using Two-Dimensional Grammars with Time and Space Complexity Analysis
* Geometer: A System for Modeling and Algebraic Manipulation
* Geometric Modelling: A Projective Approach
* Geometric Reasoning
* Geometrical Modeling from Multiple Stereo Views
* Grammars on the Hexagonal Array
* Handbook of Research on Face Processing
* Haptic Object Recognition Using a Multi-Fingered Dextrous Hand
* Hierarchical and Robust Process for Information Retrieval, A
* Hierarchical Picture Coding Scheme, A
* Hierarchical Region Based Stereo Matching
* Hierarchical Strategy for Path Planning Among Moving Obstacles, A
* Homogeneous Framework for Visual Recognition, A
* Human-computer interaction using eye-gaze input
* Image and Boundary Segmentation Via Minimal-Length Encoding on the Connection Machine
* Image Coding via Morphological Transformations: A General Theory
* Image Fusion by a Ratio of Low-Pass Pyramid
* Image Irradiance Equations for a Zooming Camera
* Image Understanding and Robotics Research at Columbia University
* Image Understanding at the University of Rochester
* Image Understanding Research At Carnegie Mellon
* Image Understanding Research at the University of Maryland (January 1988-February 1989)
* Improved Parallel Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns, An
* Improvement of Kittler and Illingworth's Minimum Error Thresholding
* Improvements and Systolic Implementation of the Hough Transformation for Straight Line Detection
* Inferring Ignorance from the Locality of Visual Perception
* Inferring Surface Shape from Specular Reflections
* Inferring the Presence of Objects from Feature Data
* Integrated Modelling of Thermal and Visual Image Generation
* Integration of Visual Modules: An Extension of the Marr Paradigm
* Interpretation of 3D Structure and Motion Using Structured Lighting
* Interpretation of Image Sequence by Spatio-Temporal Analysis
* Interpretation of Visual Motion: Recognizing Moving Light Displays, The
* Inverse Perspective Transform from Zero-Curvature Curve Points Application to the Localization of Some Generalized Cylinders
* Is Geometric Hashing a Hough Transform?
* Issues in Extracting Motion Parameters and Depth from Approximate Translation Motion
* Knowledge Based Vision for Terrestrial Robots
* Knowledge-Based Approach to the Detection, Tracking and Classification of Target Formations in Infrared Image Sequences, A
* Knowledge-Based Contextual Recognition and Seiving of Digital Images
* Knowledge-Based Vision Technology Overview for Obstacle Detection and Avoidance
* Knowledge-directed inspection for complex multilayered patterns
* Learning Early-Vision Computations
* Least Square Error Estimation of the Center and Radii of Concentric Arcs, A
* Local Operations on Labelled Dots Patterns
* Locating Human Faces in Newspaper Photographs
* Low-Level Processing Techniques In Geophysical Image Interpretation
* Machine recognition and correction of printed Arabic text
* Majority Systems and the Condorcet Jury Theorem
* Marked Grid Labeling
* Matching Polygon Fragments
* Matching Topographic Structures in Stereo Vision
* Mathematical Properties of the 2D Motion Field: From Singular Points to Motion Parameters
* Mathematical Transforms and Correlation Techniques for Object Recognition Using Tactile Data
* Measurement in Three Dimensions by Motion Stereo and Spherical Mapping
* Memory-Based Reasoning Approach for Pattern Recognition of Binary Images
* Method for Shape-from-Shading Using Multiple Images Acquired under Different Viewing and Lighting Conditions, A
* Metricity Preserving Transforms
* Minimising the Search Space for Polygon Detection Using the Generalised Hough Transform
* MIT Progress in Understanding Images
* Mode Estimation and Non-Linear Image Smoothing with Adaptive Rank-Order Filters
* Model Learning and Recognition of Nonrigid Objects
* Model-Based Computer Vision System for Recognizing Handwritten ZIP Codes, A
* Model-Guided Attributed String Matching by Split-and-Merge for Shape Recognition
* Modeling Sensor Detectability with VANTAGE Geometric/Sensor Modeler
* Models for Neighbor Dependency in Planar Point Patterns
* Monocular Vision Using Inverse Perspective Projection Geometry: Analytic Relations
* More on Path Generated Digital Metrics
* Morphological Pyramidal Image Decomposition, A
* Motion Estimation Algorithm under Time-Varying Illumination, A
* Motion Planning in a Plane Using Generalized Voronoi Diagrams
* Multi-Scale Contour Matching in a Motion Sequence
* Multifrequency Channel Decompositions of Images and Wavelet Models
* Multilevel Vision Based Spatial Reasoning for Robotic Tasks
* Multiple-View Model-Based Inspection Of Quadric Objects
* Multiresolution Approximation and Wavelet Orthogonal Bases of L2(R)
* Multistage Algorithm for Fast Classification of Patterns, A
* Need for Accuracy Verification of Machine Vision Algorithms and Systems, The
* Neural networks, principal components, and subspace
* New Method for Computing Intrinsic Surface Properties, A
* New System for Automatic Segmentation and Recognition of Unconstrained Zip Codes, A
* New Technique for Fully Autonomous and Efficient 3D Robotics Hand/Eye Calibration, A
* New Views of Linearity and Connectedness in Digital Geometry
* Non-Linear Optimization Algorithm for the Estimation of Structure and Motion Parameters, A
* Non-Sequential Contour Detection with a Priori Knowledge, A
* Nonlinear Filters for Efficient Shock Computation
* Note On Binary Template Matching, A
* O(log n) Bimodality Analysis
* O(log n) Pyramid Hough Transforms, An
* Object Recognition Strategy in a Multi-Resolution System
* Object Tracking with a Moving Camera
* Objective Functions for Feature Discrimination
* Obtaining a Solid Model from Optical Serial Sections
* On Combining Points and Lines in an Image Sequence to Recover 3D Structure and Motion
* On Reliable Curvature Estimation
* On the Identity of Optimal Strategies for Multistage Classifiers
* On the Kinetic Depth Effect
* On the Order Induced by a Set of Rays: Application to the Probing of Nonconvex Polygons
* On the Tracking of Featureless Objects with Occlusion
* On the Use of Gibbs Markov Chain Models in the Analysis of Images Based on Second-Order Pairwise Interactive Distributions
* On the Use of the Horizon of a Translating Planar Curve
* One-Pixel-Wide Edge Detection
* Optimal Matching of Convex Polygons
* Optimization in Model Matching and Perceptual Organization
* Outdoor Vehicle Navigation Using Passive 3D Vision
* Parallel Algorithm for Determining Two-Dimensional Object Positions Using Incomplete Information About Their Boundaries, A
* Parallel Algorithm for Real-time Computation of Optical Flow, A
* Parallel Algorithm to Generate a Markov Random Field Image on a SIMD Hypercube Machine, A
* Parallel B-Spline Surface Fitting Algorithm, A
* Parallel Color Algorithm for Segmenting Images of 3-D Scenes, A
* Parallel Computer Vision on Polymorphic Torus Architecture
* Parallel Generation of Finite Images
* Parallel Memory Systems for Image Processing
* Parallel Processing of Region Boundaries
* Parallel-Symmetric Thinning Algorithm, A
* Pattern Recognition with Moment Invariants on a Machine Vision System
* Perception of Non-Rigid Motion: Inference of Shape, Material and Force
* Perceptual Grouping of Curved Lines
* Performance Analysis of Image Registration Techniques
* Performance Assessment of Near-Perfect Machines
* Performance Bounds for Estimating Three-Dimensional Motion Parameters from a Sequence of Noisy Images
* Polygonal Entropy: A Convexity Measure
* Polyhedral Objects Identification Through the Orthographic Projection Views Generation
* Polyhedron Reconstruction Using Three-View Analysis
* Polyominoes which Tile Rectangles
* Probabilistic Analysis of Two Stage Matching
* Probability-Based Control for Computer Vision
* Processing of Engineering Line Drawings for Automatic Input to CAD
* Pseudo-Interferometric Laser Range Finder for Robot Applications, A
* Pushdown Recognizers for Array Patterns
* Qualitative Target Motion Detection and Tracking
* Quantitative and Qualitative Measures for the Evaluation of the Superquadric Models
* Quantization Error in Spatial Sampling: Comparison between Square and Hexagonal Pixels
* Random Field Models in Image Analysis
* Range Estimation from Intensity Gradient Analysis
* Range Imaging Sensors Development at NRC Laboratories
* Real-Time Model Based Geometric Reasoning for Vision-Guided Navigation
* Real-Time Motion Tracking Using Spatio-Temporal Filters
* Reasoning About Nonlinear Inequality Constraints: A Multi-Level Approach
* Recognition of 3-D Objects in Range Images Using a Butterfly Multiprocessor
* Recognizing Shapes in Planar Binary Images
* Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Patterns from Fourier Descriptors
* Recovering 3-D Motion Parameters from Image Sequences with Gross Errors
* Recovering 3-D Translational Motion and Establishing Stereo Correspondence from Binocular Image Flows
* Reference Frames for Animate Vision
* Region-Based Stereo Algorithm, A
* Regularization Model for Stereo Vision with Controlled Continuity, A
* Regularization of Discontinuous Flow Fields
* Relational Pyramid Approach to View Class Determination, A
* Relationship Between Coordinate Grammars and Path Controlled Graph Grammars
* Relative Motion Parallax and the Perception of Structure from Motion
* Relaxation Algorithm for Shape Matching of Two-Dimensional Objects
* Rendering fur with three dimensional textures
* Report on Range Image Understanding Workshop
* Report on the Results of the DARPA Integrated Image Understanding Benchmark Exercise, A
* Representation and Recognition of 3-D Curves
* Representation and Segmentation of a Cluttered Scene Using Fused Edge and Surface Data
* Representation of Iterative Patterns
* Representations in High-Level Vision: Reassessing the Inverse Optics Paradigm
* Representing and Comparing Shapes Using Shape Polynomials
* Representing Motion Using Chronogeneous Transformations
* Rigid Body Motion Analysis from the Correspondence of Interest Points
* Robust Computer Vision: A Least Median of Squares Based Approach
* Robust Estimation of Image Flow
* Robust Window Operators
* Scene Description for Object Manipulation in Unstructured Environments
* Scene Description Using Range Data
* Segmentation of Textured Images
* Segmentation of the Needle Map of Objects with Curved Surfaces
* Shape From Shading Using The Facet Model
* Shape from shadows
* Shape from Shadows: Theoretical and Computational Aspects
* Shape Matching Utilizing Indexed Hypothesis Generation and Testing
* Shape Normalization Through Compacting
* Shape Understanding from Lambertian Photometric Flow Fields
* Similarity Retrieval of Iconic Image Database
* Simple Vision Algorithm for 3-D Position Determination Using a Single Calibration Object, A
* Simple, Real-Time Range Camera, A
* Simulation of Two-Dimensional One-Marker Automata by Three-Way Turing Machines, The
* Siromoney Array Grammars and Applications
* Situated Vision in a Dynamic World: Chasing Objects
* Skeleton-Based Image Warping
* Skeletonizing Binary Patterns on the Homogeneous Multiprocessor
* Skeletons and Perceptual Graphs
* Small Leakage Model for Diffusion Smoothing of Image Data, A
* Some Experiments in Applying Inductive Inference Principles to Surface Reconstruction
* Spatial Knowledge Representation
* Spatial Understanding: The Successor System
* Special Issue on Sensor Data Fusion
* Special Issue on Sensor-Based Planning and Control in Robotics
* Spectre: An Improved Phantom Edge Finder
* Statistical Pattern Matching
* Stereo Vision In Multi-Resolution
* String Matching for Stereo Vision
* Structure-from-Motion by Tracking Occlusion Boundaries
* Structured Edge Map of Curved Objects in a Range Image
* Subject-Object Discrimination in 4D-Dynamic Scene Interpretation for Machine Vision
* Survey of the Statistical Theory of Shape, A
* Systematic Approach for Designing 2-Subcycle and Pseudo 1-Subcycle Parallel Thinning Algorithms, A
* Systolic Pyramid Automata, Cellular Automata and Array Languages
* Techniques for Real-Time Generation of Range Images
* Thinning of 3-D Images Using the Safe Point Thinning Algorithm (SPTA)
* Three-Dimensional Interpretation of Quadrilaterals
* Towards Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation
* Towards Dynamic Vision
* Tracking a Maneuvering Target Using Input Estimation Versus the Interacting Multiple Model Algorithm
* Tracking Feature Points in Time-Varying Images Using an Opportunistic Selection Approach
* Tracking Objects with Eye Movements
* Tracking Points and Line Segments in Image Sequences
* Trajectory Primal Sketch: A Multi-Scale Scheme for Representing Motion Characteristics, The
* Truncated Subband Coding of Images
* Two-Dimensional Three-Way Array Grammars and Their Acceptors
* Uncertainty Estimates for Polyhedral Object Recognition
* Unifying Shading and Texture Through an Active Observer
* USC Image Understanding Research: 1988-89
* Using Generic Knowledge in Analysis of Aerial Scenes: A Case Study
* Using Line Correspondence Stereo to Measure Surface Orientation
* Verification of Recognition and Alignment Hypotheses by Means of Edge Verification Statistics
* Visual Estimation of 3-D Line Segments from Motion: A Mobile Robot Vision System
* Visual Re-Acquisition of Geographic Locations
* Visual Recognition Using Concurrent and Layered Parameter Networks
* Visual Terrain Matching for a Mars Rover
334 for 8900

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.