Neural Info
* *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3
Neural Info(3)
* Grouping Contours by Iterated Pairing Network
NeurComp( Vol No. )
* *Neural Computation
* Back-Propagation Applied to Handwritten Zip Code Recognition
* Optimization in Model Matching and Perceptual Organization
* Modeling the Surround of MT Cells and Their Selectivity for Surface Orientation in Depth Specified by Motion
* Self-Organizing Neural-Network Architecture for Navigation Using Optic Flow, A
* computational model for visual selection, A
* New Support Vector Algorithms
* Training products of experts by minimizing contrastive divergence
* Greedy learning of multiple objects in images using robust statistics and factorial learning
* Bayesian population coding of motor cortical activity using a Kalman filter
* Generalized Deformable Models, Statistical Physics and Matching Problems
* Visual Perception of Three-Dimensional Motion
* Constrained Nets for Graph matching and Other Quadratic Assignment Problems
* Efficient Training of Artificial Neural Networks for Autonomous Navigation
* Models of Perceptual Learning in Vernier Hyperacuity
* Hierarchical Mixture of experts and the EM Algorithm
* Competitive Stochastic Neural Networks for Vector Quantization of Images
* Helmholtz Machine, The
* Image Recognition Neural-Network: IRNN
* Regularization Theory and Neural Networks Architectures
* Representation of Similarity in 3-Dimensional Object Discrimination
* Learning with Preknowledge: Clustering with Point and Graph Matching Distance Measures
* Statistical Approach to Shape from Shading: Reconstruction of 3-Dimensional Face Surfaces from Single 2-Dimensional Images
* Theory of the Visual-Motion Coding in the Primary Visual-Cortex, A
* Dynamic-Model of Visual Recognition Predicts Neural Response Properties in the Visual-Cortex
* Image Segmentation Based on Oscillatory Correlation
* Image Segmentation Based on Oscillatory Correlation
* Marr Theory of the Neocortex as a Self-Organizing Neural-Network
* Minimax Entropy Principles and Its Application to Texture Modeling
* Mobile Robot That Learns Its Place, A
* Optimal, Unsupervised Learning in Invariant Object Recognition
* Seemore: Combining Color, Shape, and Texture Histogramming in a Neurally Inspired Approach to Visual Object Recognition
* Shape quantization and recognition with randomized trees
* Similarity, Connectionism, and the Problem of Representation in Vision
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NeurCompApp( Vol No. )
* *Neural Computing and Applications
* Image Indexing Applied to Typewriter Font Identification
* Deformation Invariant Visual Object Recognition: Experiments with a Self-Organizing Neural Architecture
* Empirical-Comparison of Neural Techniques for Edge Linking of Images, An
* Focus of Expansion Estimation by an Error Backpropagation Neural-Network
* Image Segmentation with the SolNN Unsupervised Logic Neural-Network
* Noisy Fingerprints Classification with Directional FFT Based Features Using MLP
NeurNet( Vol No. )
* *Neural Networks
* Local-Structure of Space-Variant Images, The
* Neuro Fuzzy Approach to Pattern-Recognition
* Hybrid Neural Network Model in Handwritten Word Recognition, A
* Vision-Guided Navigation Using SHOSLIF
* Organization of face and object recognition in modular neural network models
* Enhanced LBG Algorithm, The
* S-TREE Self-Organizing Trees for Data Clustering and Online Vector Quantization
* adaptive incremental LBG for vector quantization, An
* Principal components, minor components, and linear neural networks
* Recognition and Segmentation of Connected Characters with Selective Attention
* 1995 Special Issue: Automatic Target Recognition - Introduction
* 3-Dimensional Target Recognition Via Sonar: A Neural-Network Model
* Adaptive Perceptual Pattern-Recognition by Self-Organizing Neural Networks: Context, Uncertainty, Multiplicity, and Scale
* Analog VLSI Neuromorphic Image Acquisition and Preprocessing Systems
* Application of Fuzzy Artmap and Art-Emap to Automatic Target Recognition Using Radar Range Profiles
* Artificial Convolution Neural-Network for Medical Image Pattern-Recognition
* Biologically Motivated Cross-Modality Sensory Fusion System for Automatic Target Recognition
* Bottom-Up Visual Image-Processing Probed with Weighted Hermite-Polynomials
* Classifier and Shift-Invariant Automatic Target Recognition Neural Networks
* Composition of Biosonar Images for Target Recognition by Echolocating Bats
* Cueing, Feature Discovery, and One-Class Learning for Synthetic-Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition
* Fast-Learning Viewnet Architectures for Recognizing 3-Dimensional Objects from Multiple 2-Dimensional Views
* Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using a Small Number of Fuzzy Rules with Optimized Defuzzification Parameters
* Integrating Neural Networks with Image Pyramids to Learn Target Context
* Mavis: A Special-Purpose Neural Computational System for ATR
* Multilayer Self-Organizing Feature Map for Range Image Segmentation, A
* Multisensor ATR and Identification of Friend or Foe Using MLANS
* Neural Networks for Automatic Target Recognition
* Neural Processing of Targets in Visible Multispectral IR and SAR Imagery
* Neural System for Automatic Target Learning and Recognition Applied to Bare and Camouflaged SAR Targets, A
* Neural-Network Dynamics For Path Planning And Obstacle Avoidance
* Neural-Network Model in Stereovision Matching, A
* Nonlinear Extension of the Mace Filter, A
* PRAM Nets for Detection of Small Targets in Sequences of Infrared Images
* Real-Time, Unsupervised Neural-Network for the Low-Level Control of a Mobile Robot in a Nonstationary Environment, A
* Signal-Processing for Target Recognition in Biosonar
* Sonar Recognition of Targets Embedded in Sediment
* Space-Variant Active Vision: Definition, Overview and Examples
* Studies on Object Recognition from Degraded Images Using Neural Networks
* Synthetic-Aperture Radar Processing by a Multiple Scale Neural System for Boundary and Surface Representation
* VARTAC: A Foveal Active Vision ATR System
31 for NeurNet(8)
* Adaptive Neural-Network: Application to Character-Recognition on X-Ray-Films, An
* Convergence Properties of High-Order Boltzmann Machines
* Dynamic Linking Among Neural Oscillators Leads to Flexible Pattern-Recognition with Figure-Ground Separation
* Dynamic Linking Among Neural Oscillators Leads to Flexible Pattern-Recognition with Figure-Ground Separation
* Edge-Based Binocular Stereopsis Algorithm: A Matching Mechanism with Probabilistic Feedback
* Feature Vectors for Road Vehicle Scene Classification
* Feature-Based Classification of Aerospace Radar Targets Using Neural Networks
* Generalization of Shift-Invariant Neural Networks: Image-Processing of Corneal Endothelium
* net work of chaotic elements for information processing, A
* Network Model for the Optic Flow Computation of the MST Neurons, A
* Neural Network Adaptive Filter for the Removal of Impulse Noise in Digital Images, A
* Neural-Network Positioning and Classification of Handwritten Characters
* Radar Target Recognition Using a Radial Basis Function Neural-Network
* Using Spatiotemporal Correlations to Learn Invariant Object Recognition
* Wavelet Transforms and Neural Networks for Compression and Recognition
15 for NeurNet(9)
* Replicator Equations, Maximal Cliques, and Graph Isomorphism
* modified self-organizing neural net for shape extraction, A
* Viewpoint independent face recognition by competition of the viewpoint dependent classifiers
* Adaptively weighted sub-pattern PCA for face recognition
* Approximation to the Fisher-Rao metric for the focus of expansion
* View-independent face recognition with Mixture of Experts
* Cortical cartography using the discrete conformal approach of circle packings
* Diffeomorphic demons: Efficient non-parametric image registration
* Do we know what the early visual system does?