Update Dates 9000

9000 * *Advances in Spatial Reasoning, Volume I and II
* *Analysis and Interpretation of Range Images
* *Image Understanding, Volume 3
* *Machine Vision for Three-Dimensional Scenes
* *Vision and Navigation, the Carnegie Mellon NAVLAB
* 2-D Curve Matching Using High Curvature Points: Application to Stereo Vision
* 2.1-D Sketch, The
* 2D C-String: A New Spatial Knowledge Representation for Image Database Systems
* 2D Path Planning: A Configuration Space Heuristic Approach
* 3-D Information Derivation from a Pair of Binocular Images
* 3-D Vision Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles
* 3D Structure from a Monocular Sequence of Images
* About Lacunarity, Some Links Between Fractal and Integral Geometry and an Application to Texture Segmentation
* Access Methods of Image Database
* Accumulator-Based Inexact Matching Using Relational Summaries
* Acquisition and Interpretation of 3-D Sensor Data from Touch
* Active 3D Object Models
* Adaptive image compression using Karhunen-Loeve transform
* Adaptive Image Feature Prediction and Control for Visual Tracking with a Hand-Eye Coordinated Camera
* Adaptive Multi-Scale Contrast Enhancement Through Non-Linear Pyramid Recombination
* Adaptive multiple-band CFAR detection of an optical pattern with unknown spectral distribution
* Adaptive Polygonization of Parametric Surfaces
* Affine Invariant Model-Based Object Recognition
* Algebraic Error Analysis for Surface Curvatures and Segmentation of 3-D Range Images
* Algorithm for Benchmarking an SIMD Pyramid with the Abingdon Cross, An
* Algorithm for the Extraction of the Wire Frame Structure of a Three-Dimensional Object, An
* Algorithm for the Localization of Rotated and Scaled Objects, An
* Amplitude Varying Rate Statistical Approach for Texture Classification, The
* Analog Hardware for Detecting Discontinuities in Early Vision
* Analyse d'Images: Le Modele Pyramidal
* Analysis of Different Robust Methods for Pose Refinement
* Analysis of Knowledge Representation Schemes for High Level Vision, An
* Annotated Maps for Autonomous Land Vehicles
* Appearance-Model-Based Representation and Matching of 3-D Objects
* Application of Adaptive Convolution Masking to the Automation of Visual Inspection
* Application of Random Transform Techniques to Wake Detection in Seasat-A SAR Images
* Applications of Range Image Sensing and Processing
* Applications of Spatial Data Structures
* Approach to Color Constancy Using Multiple Images, An
* Approach to Defect Detection in Materials Characterized by Complex Textures, An
* Approaches for Recognition and Interpretation of Workpiece Surface Features Using Structured Lighting
* Approximate Sequence Comparison: A Study with Histograms
* Approximation of functionals depending on jumps by elliptic functionals via ..-convergence
* Architecture for Multiresolution, Focal, Image Analysis, An
* Architectures and Algorithms for Iconic-to-Symbolic Transformations
* Aspect Graphs: an Introduction and Survey of Recent Results
* Attentive Transmission
* Automated basin delineation from digital elevation models using mathematical morphology
* Automated entry system for printed documents
* Automated Visual Inspection Of Rolled Metal Surfaces
* Automatic Creation of Reasonable Interpretations for Complex Line Figures
* Automatic Delineation of Drainage Basins Within Digital Elevation Data Using the Topographic Primal Sketch
* Automatic Selection of Object Enhancement Operator with Quantitative Justification Based on Fuzzy Set Theoretic Measures
* Automatic Sensor Search and Positioning for Geometric Tasks
* Autonomous Navigation in a Manufacturing Environment
* B-Snakes: Implementation and Application to Stereo
* Bayesian Approach to Optimal Sensor Placement, A
* Bayesian Decision Theoretic Approach for Adaptive Goal-Directed Sensing, A
* Benchmark Evaluation of a Model-Based Object Recognition System
* Binary Image Processing by Polynomial Approach
* Border Delineation in Image Pyramids by Concurrent Tree Growing
* CAD-Based Computer Vision: Modeling and Recognition Strategies
* Calculating Surface Reflectance Using a Single-Bounce Model of Mutual Reflection
* Calibration of a Video Camera Digitising System in the CIE LUV Colour Space
* Camera Calibration Technique Using Three Sets of Parallel Lines, A
* Character Recognition: A Review
* Classifying Symmetry Sets
* Color Segmentation by Hierarchical Connected Components Analysis with Image Enhancements by Symmetric Neighborhood Filters
* Combinatorial Hough Transform, A
* Comments on Dynamic Multi-Sensor Data Fusion System for Intelligent Robots
* Comments on Gray-Level Thresholding of Images Using a Correlation Criterion
* Comparative Results of Some Motion Algorithms on Real Image Sequences
* Comparison of Some One-Pass Parallel Thinnings, A
* Comparison of Two Algorithms for Segmentation Using Edge Detection Techniques, A
* Comparison of Two Shape-from-Shading Algorithms
* Composite Edge Detection with Random Field Models
* Computational Geometric Methods in Volumetric Intersection for 3D Reconstruction
* Computational Vision
* Computer Vision in Electronics Applications
* Computing the Hough Transform on a Pyramid Architecture
* Computing the Orthographic Projection Aspect Graph of Solids of Revolution
* Computing the Visual Potential of an Articulated Assembly of Parts
* Concept Development of Automatic Guidance for Rotorcraft Obstacle Avoidance
* Concept of Virtual Motion in Vision Calculus, The
* Concurrent, Fault Tolerant Detection of 2-D Motion
* Connectionist Robot Motion Planning: A Neurally-Inspired Approach to Visually-Guided Reaching
* Constraints for the Early Detection of Discontinuity from Motion
* Context Dependent Edge Detection and Evaluation
* Continuous Relaxation Labeling Algorithm for Markov Random Fields, A
* Contour Coding Based on the Decomposition of Line Segments
* Contour Coding for Image Description
* Contrast Based Edge Detection
* Control for Mobile Robots in the Presence of Moving Objects
* Convergence Properties of Recursive Rank-Order Filter and Neural Network
* Cooperative Integration of Multiple Stereo Algorithms
* Corner Detection
* Corner Detection from Chain-Code
* Critical View of Pyramid Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Curve Description Using The Inverse Hough Transform
* Curved Inertia Frames and the Skeleton Sketch: Finding Salient Frames of Reference
* Decomposition of Complex Shapes for Their Structural Recognition
* Decomposition Theory and Transformations of Visual Directions
* Dense Depth Maps from 2-D Cepstrum Matching of Image Sequences
* Depth from Focus Using a Pyramid Architecture
* Depth from Relative Normal Flows
* Depth Restoration from Defocused Images Using Simulated Annealing
* Deriving Line and Surface Orientation by Statistical Methods
* Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures
* Detecting and Localizing Edges Composed of Steps, Peaks and Roofs
* Detecting Height from Constrained Motion
* Detecting Moving Objects from a Moving Platform
* Detecting Texture Periodicity from the Cooccurrence Matrix
* Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects Based on a Statistical Regularization Method in Space and Time
* Detection of Convex and Concave Discontinuous Points in a Plane Curve
* Detection of Depth and Orientation Discontinuities in Range Images Using Mathematical Morphology
* Determining Back-Facing Curved Model Surfaces by Analysis at the Boundary
* Determining Camera Rotation from Vanishing Points of Lines on Horizontal Planes
* Determining Stereo Correspondences and Egomotion from a Sequence of Stereo Images
* Determining the 3D Position and Orientation of a Robot Camera Using 2D Monocular Vision
* Developing Robust Techniques for Computer Vision
* Differential A*: An Adaptive Search Method Illustrated with Robot Planning for Moving Obstacles and Goals, and an Uncertain Environment
* Digital Euclidean Skeletons
* Direct Data Approximation Based Motion Estimation Algorithm, A
* Direct dynamic motion vision
* Direct Estimation of Deformable Motion Parameters from Range Image Sequence
* Direct Motion Stereo: Recovery of Observer Motion and Scene Structure
* Discontinuity Preserving Visual Reconstruction by Means of Potential Theory
* Discrete Cosine Transform: Algorithms, Advantages, Applications
* Discrete Gabor expansions
* Discrete Relaxation
* Discrete Techniques for Computer Transformations of Digital Images and Patterns
* Distorted Pattern Analysis with the Help of Node Label Controlled Graph Languages
* Distributed Blackboard System for Vision Applications, A
* Document Image Processing Based on Enhanced Border Following Algorithm
* Document Skew Detection Method Using Run-Length Encoding and the Hough Transform, A
* Drawing Image Understanding Using State Transition Models
* Drawing Understanding Framework Using State Transition Models
* Dynamic Depth Extraction Method, A
* Dynamic Digital Distance Maps in Two Dimensions
* Dynamic Path Planning in Sensor-Based Terrain Acquisition
* Dynamic Two-Strip Algorithm in Curve Fitting
* Dynamical Systems Approach to Integration in Stereo, A
* Edge Detection in Machine Vision Using a Simple L(1) Norm Template Matching Algorithm
* Edge Detection: What About Rotation Invariance?
* Effect of Indexing on the Complexity of Object Recognition, The
* Efficient Algorithm for Running Window Pel Gray Level Ranking in 2-D Images, An
* Efficient coding of side information in a low bitrate hybrid image coder
* Efficient Implementation of Decomposable Parameter Spaces, An
* Efficient Method For Multiple-Circle Detection, An
* Efficient Parallel Algorithms for the Computation of Two-Dimensional Image Moments
* Energy-Based Segmentation of Very Sparse Range Surfaces
* Estimating the Finite Displacement Using Moments
* Estimation of 3D-Motion and Structure from Tracking 2D-Lines in a Sequence of Images
* Estimation of Length for Digitized Straight Lines in Three Dimensions
* Estimation of Shape, Reflection Coefficients and Illuminant Direction from Image Sequences
* Estimation-Theoretic Framework for Image-Flow Computation, An
* Etude des modeles de contours actifs et d'autres techniques de traitement d'Images
* Evolution and Testing of a Model-Based Object Recognition System, The
* Existence theory for a new class of variational problems
* Experimental Analysis of a Number of Stereo Matching Components Using LMA
* Experimental Page Layout Recognition System for Office Document Automatic Classification: An Integrated Approach for Inductive Generalization, An
* Experiments in Autonomous Navigation
* Experiments in the Machine Interpretation of Visual Motion
* Experiments on the Use of the ATMS to Lagel Features for Object Recognition
* Expert System for Industrial Machine Vision, An
* Exploiting Data Parallelism in Vision on the Connection Machine System
* Extended Binary Tree Representation of Binary Image and Its Application to Engineering Drawing Entry, The
* Extending the Oriented Smoothness Constraint into the Temporal Domain and the Estimation of Derivatives of Optical Flow
* Extending the Radiosity Method to Include Specularly Reflecting and Translucent Materials
* Extraction of Periodicity Vectors from Structural Textures Using Projection Information
* Extraction of the Symmetric Pairs of Contour Points as Well as the Medial Axis from a Planar Figure by a Method Based on Division of the Plane
* Eye-Gaze Word Processing
* fast adaptive approach to the restoration of images degraded by noise, A
* Fast Fourier transforms: A tutorial review and a state of the art
* Fast Generalized Hough Transform
* Fast, High Breakdown Point Robust Estimator for Computer Vision Applications, A
* Feature Point Tracking in Time-Varying Images
* Finding Geometric and Relational Structures in an Image
* Finding Natural Clusters Having Minimal Description Lengths
* Fitting Curves with Discontinuities
* Flexible Tool for Prototyping ALV Road Following Algorithms, A
* Following Boundaries of Discrete Binary Objects in Space
* Formalization and Implementation of Topological Visual Navigation in two Dimensions, A
* Fourier Interpretation of the Frei-Chen Edge Masks, A
* Framework for Uncertainty Reasoning in Hierarchical Visual Evidence Space, A
* Free-Form Surface Matching Problem, The
* From Range to Frame: Extraction of 3-D Information from 2-1/2D Data
* Fundamentals of Bar Code Information Theory
* Fusing dynamic vision and landmark navigation for autonomous driving
* Future Directions in Computer Vision and Image Understanding: ETL Perspectives
* Fuzzy Rectangles
* Fuzzy Thresholding: Mathematical Framework, Bound Functions and Weighted Moving Average Technique
* Gaze Controls with Interactions and Delays
* Generalized Deformable Models, Statistical Physics and Matching Problems
* Generalized Hough Accumulator Space Compactification by Superimposed Coding
* Generalized Knowledge-Based System for the Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals, A
* Generalized Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Clustering with Applications in Computer Vision
* Generation of Affine Invariant Local Contour Feature Data
* Geometric Representation of Swept Volumes with Application to Polyhedral Objects
* Geometric Signal Processing
* Geometrical Learning from Multiple Stereo Views Through Monocular Based Feature Grouping
* Gramians, Generalized Inverses, and the Least-Squares Approximation of Optical Flow
* Group Theoretic Methods in Image Processing
* Group Theoretic Methods in Image Understanding
* Guiding Early Visual Processing with a Scale-Space Primal Sketch
* Hand-Eye System with Three-Dimensional Vision and Microgripper for Handling Flexible Wire
* Hierarchical Image Fusion
* Hierarchical Morphological Image Decomposition, A
* Hierarchical Representation for Random Fields, A
* High-Speed Pipeline Processor for Regional Labelling Based on a New Algorithm, A
* Highlight Separation and Surface Orientation for 3-D Specular Objects
* Highly Robust Estimator for Computer Vision, A
* Human Face Profile Recognition by Computer
* Hypercube Algorithms: With Applications to Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
* Hyperspheres In Digital Geometry
* If We Use 4- or 8-Connectedness for Both the Objects and the Background, the Euler Characteristic Is Not Locally Computable
* Image Analysis Applications
* Image Analysis System, Application for Aerial Imagery Interpretation, An
* Image Enhancement and Analysis with Reaction-Diffusion Paradigm
* Image Interpretation Using Multi-Relational Grammars
* Image Pixel Classification by Chromaticity Analysis
* Image Representation of Moving Nonrigid Objects
* Image Segmentation by a Parallel, Non-Parametric Histogram Based Clustering Algorithm
* Image Segmentation Using Laser Radar Data
* Image Understanding Tools
* Image-Based Navigation Using 360^o Views
* Imprecision of Stereopsis, The
* Improved restoration of noisy images by adaptive least-squares post filtering
* Improving an extended version of the Hough transform
* Incomplete Data in Generalized Linear Models
* Index of Area Coverage of Fuzzy Image Subsets and Object Extraction
* Integrated Treatment of Matching and Measurement Errors for Robust Model-Based Motion Tracking
* Integrating Low-Level Features Computation with Inductive Learning Techniques for Texture Recognition
* Integrating Object Oriented Programming Paradigm Concepts in Designing a Vision and Pattern Recognition System Architecture
* Intelligent Gaze Control in Binocular Vision
* Interactive Histogram Equalization
* Interpolating Cubic Spline Contours by Minimizing Second Derivative Discontinuity
* Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition
* Invariants of Three-Dimensional Contours
* Invariants Under Image Perspective Transformations: Theory and Examples
* Knowledge Based Line Recognition System, A
* Knowledge-Based System for the Image Correspondence Problem, A
* Knowledge-Based Understanding of Road Maps and Other Line Images
* Knowledge-Based Vision System for Industrial Applications, A
* LaneLok: Robust Line and Curve Fitting of Lane Boundaries
* Lattice of Octagonal Distances in Digital Geometry
* Learning 3D Object Recognition Strategies
* Lightness Constancy: Connectionist Architecture for Controlling Sensitivity
* Line Recognition
* Line-Based Structural Matching Via Segment Splitting
* Linear Octree of a 3D Object from 2D Silhouettes Using Segment Tree
* Machine Vision and Digital Image Processing Fundamentals
* Map Building for a Mobile Robot from Sensory Data
* Map-Based Localization: The Drop-Off Problem
* MARIS: Map Recognition Input System
* Matching Algorithm for Motion Analysis of Dense Populations, A
* Maximum likelihood image and blur identification: A Unifying Approach
* Method for Working out the Moments of a Polygon, A
* Method to Calculate the Structure and Motion Parameters from Line Correspondences, A
* Methodology for Pattern Matching of Complex Objects, A
* Metricity of Super-Knight's Distance in Digital Geometry
* Metrics for the Strength of Low-Level Motion Perception
* Minimum Cost Aspect Classification: A Module of a Vision Algorithm Compiler
* Minimum Feature Point Set Representing a Convex Polyhedral Object, The
* Model Driven Edge Detection
* model for fusion of spatial information in dynamic vision, A
* Model for the Detection of Motion over Time, A
* Model-Based Object Recognition by Geometric Hashing
* Model-Based Recognition and Positioning of Polyhedra Using Intensity-Guided Range Sensing and Interpretation in 3-D Space
* Model-Based Segmentation and Estimation of 3D Surfaces from Two or More Intensity Images Using Markov Random Fields
* Model-Based Spatial Reasoning for Hierarchically Organized Structured Objects
* Model-Based Vision for Automatic Alarm Detection
* Model-Directed Mobile Robot Navigation
* Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization of Nonrigid Object Motion
* Modular Object Oriented Image Understanding Environment, A
* Moment Preserving Detection of Elliptical Shapes in Gray-Scale Images
* Moment-Preserving Corner Detection
* Moment-Preserving Pattern Matching
* Morphological Systems for Multidimensional Signal Processing
* Motion Analysis of Long Image Sequence Flow
* Motion and Binocular Stereo Integrated System for Passive Ranging
* Motion Based Segmentation
* Motion from Point Matches: Multiplicity of Solutions
* MRF Model-Based Algorithms for Image Segmentation
* MRF Model-Based Segmentation of Range Images
* Multi-Class Metric Problem in Nearest Neighbour Discrimination Rules, The
* Multi-Frame Feature-Based Motion Analysis
* Multiple Frame Analysis of Translation Dominant Motion
* Multiple-Level Heterogeneous Architecture for Image Understanding, A
* Multiresolution Image Dynamic Thresholding
* Multiresolution Image Motion Detection and Displacement Estimation
* Multiresolution Stereo: A Bayesian Approach
* Multisensor Fusion for Automatic Scene Interpretation
* Multispectral Constraints for Optical Flow Computation
* Multispectral Image Context Classification Using Stochastic Relaxation
* Multistrategy Learning Approach for Target Model Recognition, Acquisition, and Refinement, A
* Nearest Neighbor Median Filter: Some Deterministic Properties and Implementations, The
* Neighboring Direction Runlength Coding: An Efficient Contour Coding Scheme
* Network that Learns to Recognize 3D Objects, A
* Neural Network Approach to Robust Shape Classification, A
* Neural Network Based Autonomous Navigation
* New Fast One-Pass Thinning Algorithm and Its Parallel Hardware Implementation, A
* New Linear Feature Detection Technique Based on Second Order Neighbors, A
* New Method for Circular Object Detection and Location, A
* New Thinning Algorithm for Gray Scale Images by the Relaxation Technique, A
* New Transform For Curve Detection, A
* Non-Linear Filtering for Chaincoded Contours
* Non-Monotonic Decision Rules for Sensor Fusion
* Non-Rigid Object Motion and Deformation Estimation for Three-Dimensional Data
* Nonparametric Test for Comparing Estimators in Markov Random Fields, A
* Note on Thinning of 3-D Images Using the Safe Point Thinning Algorithm (SPTA), A
* Object Detection Using Model Based Prediction and Motion Parallax
* Object Oriented Language for Image and Vision Execution (OLIVE), An
* Object Recognition
* Object Recognition by Computer: The Role of Geometric Constraints
* Object Recognition Using Geometric Hashing on the Connection Machine
* Obtaining Colour Signal Spectra for Colour Constancy
* Occlusion Detection in Early Vision
* Octagonal Distances For Digital Pictures
* On Connectivity Issues of Espta
* On Improving the Accuracy of the Hough Transform
* On Problem Solving with Hopfield Netowrks
* On the Classification of Image Features
* On the Color Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on the Thresholding and the Fuzzy C-Means Techniques
* On the Distribution of a Deforming Triangle
* On the Extensive Reconstruction of Hough Transforms
* On the Motion of 3D Curves and Its Relationship to Optical Flow
* On the Sensitivity of Geometric Hashing
* On-Line Recognition of Handprinted Characters: Survey and Beta Tests
* One-Pass Encoding of Connected Components in Multi-Valued Images
* Optic Flow Computation: A Unified Perspective
* Optimal Affine-Invariant Point Matching
* Optimal Circular Fit to Objects in Two and Three Dimensions
* Optimal Grid-Free Path Planning Across Arbitrarily Contoured Terrain with Anisotropic Friction and Gravity Effects
* Optimal Thresholding: A New Approach
* Optimization of 2-Dimensional Model Matching
* Order-Configuration Functions: Mathematical Characterizations and Applications to Digital Signal and Image Processing
* Overview of Architecture Research for Image Understanding at the University of Massachusetts, An
* Panoramic Scene Analysis with Conic Projection
* Parallel Algorithms for Contour Extraction and Coding on an EREW PRAM Computer
* Parallel Algorithms for Machine Intelligence and Vision
* Parallel Architecture for Probabilistic Relaxation Operations on Images, A
* Parallel Computation of Optic Flow
* Parallel Distance Transforms on Pyramid Machines: Theory and Implementation
* Parallel Multiscale Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Smoothing
* Parallel Structure Recognition with Uncertainty: Coupled Segmentation and Matching
* Parallelrechner-basierte Bildfolgen-Interpretation zur autonomen Fahrzeugsteuerung
* Parametric Block Estimation of Motion and Application to Temporal Interpolation of Video Sequences
* Parametrisable Skeletonization of Binary and Multilevel Images
* Partitioned Hough Transform For Ellipsoid Detection
* Path Planning for Two Cooperating Robots
* Path Planning in the Presence of Vertical Obstacles
* Pattern Classification Algorithms for Real-Time Image Segmentation
* Pattern Recognition Using 3-D Moments
* Pattern Recognition: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications
* Perceptual Buildup of Three-Dimensional Structure from Motion, The
* Perceptual Organization of Occluding Contours
* Photometric Invariant and Shape Constraints at Parabolic Points, A
* Plan-Guided Reaction
* Polygonal Representation by Edge K-D Trees
* Position Independent Pattern Matching by Neural Network
* Principles of Psychology, The
* Probabilistic Analysis of Hierarchical Geometric Data Structures, A
* Probabilistic Models of Observed Features and Aspects with Application to Weighted Aspect Graphs
* Probability of a Random Straight Line in Two and Three Dimensions, The
* Progress in Low-Light-Lefel Charge-Coupled Device Imageing in Astronomy
* projective geometry of ambiguous surfaces, The
* Pyramid Algorithms For Finding Global Structures In Images
* Pyramid Programming Environment on the Connection Machine, A
* Pyramid-Based Image Segmentation Using Multisensory Data
* Pyramidal Stereovision Algorithm Based on Contour Chain Points, A
* Qualitative Route Scene Description Using Autonomous Landmark Detection
* Qualitative Understanding of Scene Dynamics for Mobile Robots
* Qualitative Visual Control of a Robot Manipulator
* Quantitative Analysis of a Moment-Based Edge Operator
* Range Image Segmentation Based on 2D Quadratic Function Approximation
* Range Image Segmentation with Applications to Robot Bin-Picking Using Vacuum Gripper
* Range Imaging Laser Radar
* Range-Video Fusion and Comparison of Inverse Perspective Algorithms in Static Images
* Reactive and Preplanned Control in a Mobile Robot
* Reading Newspaper Text
* Real-Time System for Accurate Three-Dimensional Position Determination and Verification
* Real-Time Visual Servoing
* Recent Progress in CYCLOPS: A System for Stereo Cartography
* Recognition and Positioning of Piecewise Algebraic Objects
* Recognition Method for Roughly Hand-Drawn Logical Diagrams Based on Hybrid Utilization of Multi-Layered Knowledge, The
* Recognition of Handwritten Symbols
* Recognition of Occluded Objects with Heuristic Search
* Recognition of Partial Planar Shapes in Limited Memory Environments
* Recognition of Planar Objects in 3-D Space from Single Perspective Views Using Cross Ratio
* Recognition of the Spatial Position of Industrial 3D-Objects Using Relaxation Techniques
* Recognition-Based Reconstruction of an Indoor Scene Using an Integration of Active and Passive Sensing Techniques
* Reconstructing 3D Lines from a Sequence of 2D Projections: Representation and Estimation
* Reconstructing a Convex Polygon from Binary Perspective Projections
* Reconstructing Line Drawings from Wings: the Polygonal Case
* Reconstruction of 3-D Road Geometry from Images for Autonomous Land Vehicles
* Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Signals from Level Crossings
* Recovering 3D Motion and Structure from Stereo and 2D Token Tracking Cooperation
* Recursive Block Coding for Image Data Compression
* Recursive subband image coding with adaptive prediction and finite state vector quantization
* reduced edge distortion median filtering algorithm for binary images, A
* Reducing the Expected Computational Cost of Template Matching Using Run Length Representation
* Reducing Viewsphere Complexity
* Region Grouping Using the Minimum-Description-Length Principle
* Region Matching and Depth Finding for 3D Objects in Stereo Aerial Photographs
* Registration of a SPOT Image and a SAR Image Using Multiresolution Representation of a Coastline
* Relaxation Method for Image Segmentation Using a Spatially Dependent Stochastic Model, A
* Representation of Event, Behaviour and Scene, The
* Representing Surface Curvature Discontinuities on Curved Surfaces
* Review of Segmentation and Contextual Analysis Techniques for Text Recognition, A
* RGYB Color Geometry, The
* Rigid Object Motion Estimation from Intensity Images Using Straight Line Correspondences
* Road following algorithm using a panned plan-view transformation
* Roads, Rivers, and Obstacles: Optimal Two-Dimensional Path Planning Around Linear Features for a Mobile Agent
* Robust Computational Vision
* Robust Curve Detection by Temporal Geodesics
* Robust Drawing Recognition System Based On Contour Shape Analysis, A
* Robust Dynamic Stereo for Incremental Disparity Map Refinement
* Robust Edge Detection
* Robust Line-Drawing Extraction for Polyhedra Using Weighted Polarized Hough Transform
* Robust Motion Estimation Using Stereo Vision
* Robust Multi-Sensor Fusion: A Decision-Theoretic Approach
* Robust Obstacle Detection Using Optical Flow
* Robust Partial Shape Classification Using Invariant Breakpoints and Dynamic Alignment
* Robust Recovery of Precursive Polynomial Image Structure
* Robust Techniques for Edge Detection in Multiplicative Weibull Image Noise
* Robust Vision-Programs Based on Statistical Feature Measurements
* Robust, Correspondenceless, Translation-Determining Algorithm, A
* Robustness of Correspondence-Based Structure from Motion
* Rotation Invariant Image Recognition Using Features Selected via a Systematic Method
* Rule-Based Approach to Binocular Stereopsis, A
* Scale-Space Tree and Its Hierarchy
* Scanning Electron Microscope-Based Stereo Analysis
* Scene Recognition Using Genetic Algorithms with Semantic Nets
* SCILAIM: A Multi-Level Interactive Image Processing Environment
* Search-Effective Multi-Class Texture Classification
* Segmentation by Minimal Description
* Segmentation by Minimum Length Encoding
* Segmentation Method Based on Motion from Image Sequence and Depth, A
* Segmentation of Optical Flow and 3D Data for the Interpretation of Mobile Objects
* Segmentation of Three-Dimensional Surfaces
* Segmentation Versus Object Representation: Are They Separable?
* Selected Papers on Digital Image Processing
* Semiregular Image Grid, A
* Shading from Shape, the Eikonal Equation Solved by Grey-Weighted Distance Transform
* Shadow Detection and Removal Algorithm for 2-D Images, A
* Shadows and Texture in Computer Vision
* Shape and Motion without Depth
* Shape Determination from Intensity Images: A New Algorithm
* Shape from Contour Using Symmetries
* Shape from Focus: An Effective Approach for Rough Surfaces
* Shape from Shading via the Fusion of Specular and Lambertian Image Components
* Shape Information from Shading: A Theory about Human Perception
* Shape Transformation Models and Their Applications in Pattern Recognition
* SIGMA: A Knowledge-Based Aerial Image Understanding System
* Similarity Extraction and Modelling
* Simple Method for Computing 3D Motion and Depth
* Simple Method for Improved Color Printing of Monitor Images, A
* Simple Parallel 3D Thinning Algorithm, A
* Single-Pixel Target Detection and Tracking System, A
* Skeleton Sketch: Finding Salient Frames of Reference, The
* Solid Representation and Operation Using Extended Octrees
* Solid Shape
* Some Adaptive Rank Order Filters for Image Enhancement
* Some Characterizations of the Chessboard Metric and the City Block Metric
* Some Geometric Operations on Binary Pictures and Their Shape Preserving Properties
* SPAR: A Planner That Satisfies Operational and Geometric Goals in Uncertain Environments
* Spatial Context in an Image Analysis System
* Spatial Localization of Modelled Objects of Revolution in Monocular Perspective Vision
* Spatial Reasoning Using Modular Inference Engines
* Spatio-Temporal Edge Focusing
* Spatio-Temporal Generalization of Canny's Edge Detector, A
* Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
* Stationary Background Generation: An Alternative to the Difference of Two Images
* Stochastic Optimization Algorithms: An Application to Pattern Matching
* Strategies for Diagram Understanding: Generalized Equivalence, Spatial/Object Pyramids and Animate Vision
* Structure from Motion Using Line Correspondences
* Subband Image Coding with Three-tap Pyramids
* Subband Transforms
* Subpixel Registration Using a Concentric Ring Fiducial
* Surfaces over Dirichlet tessellations
* Symbolic Image Matching by Simulated Annealing
* Symbolic Subtraction from Fixed Formatted Graphics and Text from Filled in Forms
* Systematic Approach to Analytic Determination of Camera Parameters by Line Features, A
* Systematic Methodology for Determining/Optimizing a Machine Vision System's Capability, A
* Task Oriented Vision
* Taxonomy for Texture Description and Identification, A
* Temporal Integration of Visual Surface Reconstruction
* Temporally Integrated Surface Reconstruction
* Tethered Robot Problem, The
* Texture Classification Using Texture Spectrum
* Texture Feature Performance for Image Segmentation
* Texture Segmentation Using a Diffusion Region Growing Technique
* Theory and Practice of Bayesian Image Labeling, The
* Theory of Image Matching, A
* Three-Dimensional Camera Space Manipulation
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction by Active Integration of Visual Cues
* Tiling with polyominoes and combinatorial group theory
* Toboggan Contrast Enhancement for Contrast Segmentation
* Toward a Computational Theory of Shape
* Toward a Computational Theory of Shape: An Overview
* Toward Automatic Cartographic Feature Extraction
* Toward the Automating of Mathematical Morphology Procedures Using Predicate Logic
* Toward The Unsupervised Interpretation Of Outdoor Imagery
* Towards A Computational Theory Of Model Based Vision And Perception
* Tracking and Grouping 3D Line Segments
* Trinocular Stereo Analysis of Optical Flow
* Two Data Structures for Building Tetrahedralizations
* Two-Stage Hybrid Approach to the Correspondence Problem Via Forward-Searching and Backward-Correcting, A
* Uncertainty in Interpretation of Range Imagery
* Understanding Object Motion: Recognition, Learning And Spatiotemporal Reasoning
* Understanding Vision
* Unified Theory of Structure from Motion, A
* Uniqueness, the Minimum Norm Constraint, and Analog Networks for Optical Flow Along Contours
* Use of Characteristic View Classes for 3D Object Recognition, The
* Use of Gray Value Distribution of Run Lengths for Texture Analysis
* Use of Maximum Curvature Points for the Recognition of Partially Occluded Objects, The
* Use of Multisensor Data for Robotic Applications, The
* Using a Combined Stereo/Temporal Matcher to Determine Ego-motion
* Using Moments to Reduce Object Recognition to a One-Dimensional Search
* Vanishing Point Calculation as a Statistical Inference on the Unit Sphere
* Variance based color image quantization for frame buffer display
* Vector Median Filters
* VIEW-Station Environment: Tools and Architecture for a Platform-Independent Image-Processing Workstation, The
* Vision-Aided Robotic Welding: An Approach and a Flexible Implementation
* Visual Dynamic Scene Understanding Exploiting High-Level Spatio-Temporal Models
* Visual Obstacle Detection for Automatically Guided Vehicles
* Visual Perception of Three-Dimensional Motion
* VLSI Curve Detector
* VLSI Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Image Segmentation Processor
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.