Update Dates 1909

1909 * *AI Engineers: The autonomous-vehicle industry wants you: Cruise's AI chief, Hussein Mehanna, talks jobs, careers, and self-driving cars
* *Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns Workshops
* *New Trends in mage Analysis and Processing
* 1-D DCT Domain Analysis for JPEG Double Compression Detection
* 2,2) XOR-based visual cryptography scheme without pixel expansion, A
* 2017 Noneruptive Unrest at the Caldera of Cerro Azul Volcano (Galápagos Islands) Revealed by InSAR Observations and Geodetic Modelling, The
* 2D Partial Unwinding: A Novel Non-Linear Phase Decomposition of Images
* 2D-LBP: An Enhanced Local Binary Feature for Texture Image Classification
* 2q-Order Difference-Set Approach to Eliminate Phase Ambiguity of a Single-Frequency Signal, A
* 3-D Scene Management Method Based on the Triangular Mesh for Large-Scale Web3D Scenes, A
* 3-Dimensional Secured Fingerprint Shell
* 3D Color CLUT Compression by Multi-scale Anisotropic Diffusion
* 3D human pose estimation via human structure-aware fully connected network
* 3D Multi-Resolution Optical Flow Analysis of Cardiovascular Pulse Propagation in Human Brain
* 3D Nose shape net for human gender and ethnicity classification
* 3D Shape Segmentation with Geometric Deep Learning
* 3D-Aided Dual-Agent GANs for Unconstrained Face Recognition
* 3DMM for Accurate Reconstruction of Depth Data
* 3TP-CNN: Radiomics and Deep Learning for Lesions Classification in DCE-MRI
* 500,000 Images Closer to Eyelid and Pupil Segmentation
* 6D Pose Estimation for Industrial Applications
* Abnormal Odor Detection in Electronic Nose via Self-Expression Inspired Extreme Learning Machine
* Accelerated MCMC for Satellite-Based Measurements of Atmospheric CO2
* Accelerated Sequential PCP-Based Method for Ground-Moving Objects Detection From Aerial Videos, An
* Accelerating Flexible Manifold Embedding for Scalable Semi-Supervised Learning
* Acceleration of RED via vector extrapolation
* Acceleration-Level Pseudo-Dynamic Visual Servoing of Mobile Robots With Backstepping and Dynamic Surface Control
* Accurate Geo-Referencing of Trees with No or Inaccurate Terrestrial Location Devices
* Accurate Method to Correct Atmospheric Phase Delay for InSAR with the ERA5 Global Atmospheric Model, An
* Accurate Salient Object Detection via Dense Recurrent Connections and Residual-Based Hierarchical Feature Integration
* Accurate Visual-Inertial Integrated Geo-Tagging Method for Crowdsourcing-Based Indoor Localization, An
* Action Plan Towards Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Altimetry, An
* Action recognition in poor-quality spectator crowd videos using head distribution-based person segmentation
* Active contour model based on local bias field estimation for image segmentation
* Active Two Phase Collaborative Representation Classifier for Image Categorization
* ActiVis: Mobile Object Detection and Active Guidance for People with Visual Impairments
* Acute lymphoblastic leukemia segmentation using local pixel information
* Adaptation of person re-identification models for on-boarding new camera(s)
* Adapted Rules for UML Modelling of Geospatial Information for Model-Driven Implementation as OWL Ontologies
* Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Strategies for Optimal Energy Management and Sizing of a Dual Storage System in a Hybrid Electric Bus
* Adaptive Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Wavelet Coefficients Multiscale Decay, An
* Adaptive Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Scene-Specific Object Detection
* Adaptive Hybrid Representation for Graph-Based Semi-supervised Classification
* Adaptive Image Binarization Based on Multi-layered Stack of Regions
* Adaptive L^p-Penalization Method to Enhance the Spatial Resolution of Microwave Radiometer Measurements, An
* adaptive machine learning approach to improve automatic iceberg detection from SAR images, An
* Adaptive Metric Learning For Zero-Shot Recognition
* Adaptive Morphological Reconstruction for Seeded Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Multi-Projection Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification Across Non-Overlapping Cameras, An
* Adaptive multilayer level set method for segmenting images with intensity inhomogeneity
* Adaptive Radar Detection of Dim Moving Targets in Presence of Range Migration
* ADDTID: An Alternative Tool for Studying Earthquake/Tsunami Signatures in the Ionosphere. Case of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
* AdTree: Accurate, Detailed, and Automatic Modelling of Laser-Scanned Trees
* Advanced deep learning techniques for image style transfer: A survey
* Advanced Moving Camera Object Detection
* Advances in Remote Sensing-Based Disaster Monitoring and Assessment
* Adversarially Approximated Autoencoder for Image Generation and Manipulation
* AEM: Attentional Ensemble Model for personalized classifier weight learning
* Affine Variational Autoencoders
* Airborne Circular W-Band SAR for Multiple Aspect Urban Site Monitoring
* Airborne LiDAR Reveals a Vast Archaeological Landscape at the Nan Madol World Heritage Site
* Airborne Lidar Sampling Strategies to Enhance Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation from Landsat Imagery
* Alignment strength and correlation for graphs
* Alpha cut for interactive image segmentation of thin and elongated objects
* alpha-Divergence-Based Approach for Robust Dictionary Learning, An
* Alternate Structural-Textural Video Inpainting for Spot Defects Correction in Movies
* Analysing roughness of surface through fractal dimension: A review
* Analysis Dictionary Learning Based Classification: Structure for Robustness
* Analysis of Changes and Potential Characteristics of Cultivated Land Productivity Based on MODIS EVI: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province, China
* Analysis of Dynamic Brain Connectivity Through Geodesic Clustering
* Analysis of Ground-Point Classifiers for Terrestrial LiDAR, An
* Analysis of Ship Detection Performance with Full-, Compact- and Dual-Polarimetric SAR
* Analysis of Site-dependent Pinus halepensis Mill. Defoliation Caused by Candidatus Phytoplasma pini through Shape Selection in Landsat Time Series
* Analysis of Skill Improvement Process Based on Movement of Gaze and Hand in Assembly Task
* Analysis of User-Specific Effect and Impact of Operator Skills on Fingerprint PAD Systems
* Analytic Expression for the Phase Noise of the Goldstein-Werner Filter, An
* Analytical Optimal Solution of Perimeter Traffic Flow Control Based on MFD Dynamics: A Pontryagin's Maximum Principle Approach
* anchor-free region proposal network for Faster R-CNN-based text detection approaches, An
* Aorta Centerline Smoothing and Registration Using Variational Models
* Application of Laplace Domain Waveform Inversion to Cross-Hole Radar Data
* Application of Remote Sensing Data for Evaluation of Rockfall Potential within a Quarry Slope
* Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing of Nighttime Light Observations: Advances, Challenges, and Perspectives
* AR Assistive System in Domestic Environment Using HMDs: Comparing Visual and Aural Instructions
* Are 2D-LSTM really dead for offline text recognition?
* ARM-VO: an efficient monocular visual odometry for ground vehicles on ARM CPUs
* Artificial bee colony algorithm with generating neighbourhood solution for large scale coloured traveling salesman problem
* Artpedia: A New Visual-Semantic Dataset with Visual and Contextual Sentences in the Artistic Domain
* ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF Bands: First Results of the 2018 Helicopter-Borne Morocco Desert Campaign, The
* Assessing Interannual Urbanization of China's Six Megacities Since 2000
* Assessing the Effect of Sensor Limitations in Enhanced Flight Vision Systems on Pilot Performance
* Assessing the Impact of Nightlight Gradients on Street Robbery and Burglary in Cincinnati of Ohio State, USA
* Assessing the Intensity of the Population Affected by a Complex Natural Disaster Using Social Media Data
* Assessing the Remotely Sensed Evaporative Drought Index for Drought Monitoring over Northeast China
* Assessments of Ocean Wind Retrieval Schemes Used for Chinese Gaofen-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar Co-Polarized Data
* Assimilation of Remotely-Sensed LAI into WOFOST Model with the SUBPLEX Algorithm for Improving the Field-Scale Jujube Yield Forecasts
* Astute Assistive Device for Mobility and Object Recognition for Visually Impaired People, An
* Asymmetric Behavior of Vegetation Seasonal Growth and the Climatic Cause: Evidence from Long-Term NDVI Dataset in Northeast China
* Asymmetric GAN for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Asymptotically Bias-Corrected Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis for Cost-Sensitive Binary Classification
* Atmospheric Phase Screen Estimation Strategy Based on Multichromatic Analysis for Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, An
* Attention Residual Learning for Skin Lesion Classification
* Attention with structure regularization for action recognition
* Attention-Based 3D-CNNs for Large-Vocabulary Sign Language Recognition
* Attention-based argumentation mining
* Attention-Based Pedestrian Attribute Analysis
* Attention-Based Spatiotemporal Gated Recurrent Unit Network for Point-of-Interest Recommendation, An
* Attentive matching network for few-shot learning
* Attentive Spatial-Temporal Summary Networks for Feature Learning in Irregular Gait Recognition
* AttGAN: Facial Attribute Editing by Only Changing What You Want
* Audio Source Separation Using Variational Autoencoders and Weak Class Supervision
* Augmented Reality (AR) Assisted Laryngoscopy for Endotracheal Intubation Training
* Augmented Reality Based Actuated Monitor Manipulation from Dual Point of View
* Augmented Reality for Human-Robot Teaming in Field Environments
* Augmented Reality for Product Validation: Supporting the Configuration of AR-Based Validation Environments
* Augmented Reality for the Valorization and Communication of Ruined Architecture
* Augmented Reality Gets Real
* Augmented Reality in Education: A Study on Preschool Children, Parents, and Teachers in Bangladesh
* Augmented Reality Shared Mission Planning Scenario: Observations on Shared Experience, An
* Augmenting photographs with textures using the Laplacian pyramid
* Augmenting Reality of Tracked Video Objects Using Homography and Keypoints
* Auto SVD Clutter Filtering for US Doppler Imaging Using 3D Clustering Algorithm
* Autocropping: A Closer Look at Benchmark Datasets
* Automated Built-Up Extraction Index: A New Technique for Mapping Surface Built-Up Areas Using LANDSAT 8 OLI Imagery
* Automated Cloud and Cloud-Shadow Masking for Landsat 8 Using Multitemporal Images in a Variety of Environments
* Automated fusion of forest airborne and terrestrial point clouds through canopy density analysis
* Automated retinal layer segmentation in OCT images of age-related macular degeneration
* Automated Segmentation of Nanoparticles in BF TEM Images by U-Net Binarization and Branch and Bound
* Automatic 3D Bi-Ventricular Segmentation of Cardiac Images by a Shape-Refined Multi- Task Deep Learning Approach
* Automatic Analysis of Facial Actions: A Survey
* Automatic and optimal segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac magnetic resonance images independent of the training sets
* Automatic building change image quality assessment in high resolution remote sensing based on deep learning
* Automatic canola mapping using time series of sentinel 2 images
* Automatic classification of skin burn colour images using texture-based feature extraction
* Automatic Creation of Large Scale Object Databases from Web Resources: A Case Study in Robot Vision
* Automatic Design of Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Automatic Evaluation of Speech Therapy Exercises Based on Image Data
* Automatic Extrinsic Self-Calibration of Mobile Mapping Systems Based on Geometric 3D Features
* Automatic Frame Selection Using MLP Neural Network in Ultrasound Elastography
* Automatic Framework for Multiple Sclerosis Follow-up by Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Reducing Contrast Agents
* Automatic Identification of Overpass Structures: A Method of Deep Learning
* Automatic Method for Detection and Update of Additive Changes in Road Network with GPS Trajectory Data, An
* Automatic Methodology to Detect the Coastline from Landsat Images with a New Water Index Assessed on Three Different Spanish Mediterranean Deltas
* Automatic Segmentation Based on Deep Learning Techniques for Diabetic Foot Monitoring Through Multimodal Images
* Automatically Extracted Antarctic Coastline Using Remotely-Sensed Data: An Update
* Autonomous Agent Teammate-Likeness: Scale Development and Validation
* AVC, HEVC, VP9, AVS2 or AV1?: A Comparative Study of State-of-the-Art Video Encoders on 4K Videos
* Average Performance of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) for Sparse Approximation
* B-line Detection and Localization by Means of Deep Learning: Preliminary In-vitro Results
* Balanced Phase Field Model for Active Contours, A
* Band selection of hyperspectral image by sparse manifold clustering
* Bark recognition using novel rotationally invariant multispectral textural features
* Bayesian Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm for C-Band Polarimetric Radar, A
* Bayesian Learning of Infinite Asymmetric Gaussian Mixture Models for Background Subtraction
* Bayesian Matching Pursuit: A Finite-Alphabet Sparse Signal Recovery Algorithm for Quantized Compressive Sensing
* BDNN: Binary convolution neural networks for fast object detection
* BE-CALF: Bit-Depth Enhancement by Concatenating All Level Features of DNN
* Beamforming Algorithm Based on Maximum Likelihood of a Complex Gaussian Distribution With Time-Varying Variances for Robust Speech Recognition, A
* Behavior-Based Compression for Convolutional Neural Networks
* BEM-RCNN Segmentation Based on the Inadequately Labeled Moving Mesenchymal Stem Cells
* benchmark image dataset for industrial tools, A
* Benchmark on Automatic Six-Month-Old Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2017 Challenge
* Benchmarking HEp-2 specimen cells classification using linear discriminant analysis on higher order spectra features of cell shape
* Bibliography of digital image anti-forensics and anti-anti-forensics techniques
* Binary Classification Using Pairs of Minimum Spanning Trees or N-Ary Trees
* Binary Code for the Compact Palmprint Representation Using Texture Features
* Binary Tomography Using Variants of Local Binary Patterns as Texture Priors
* Biometric surveillance using visual question answering
* biometric system based on Gabor feature extraction with SVM classifier for Finger-Knuckle-Print, A
* Biometric Systems Interaction Assessment: The State of the Art
* Biopen-Fusing password choice and biometric interaction at presentation level
* BitStream: An efficient framework for inference of binary neural networks on CPUs
* Blind Constant Modulus Multiuser Detection via Low-Rank Approximation
* Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Considering the Adjacency Effect
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on the Use of Saliency Maps and a Multivariate Gaussian Distribution
* Blind Print-Cam Data Hiding Exploiting Color Perception
* Blind Quality Assessment of Multiply Distorted Images Using Deep Neural Networks
* Block-Based Union-Find Algorithm to Label Connected Components on GPUs, A
* Blur Invariant Template Matching Using Projection onto Convex Sets
* Boosted negative sampling by quadratically constrained entropy maximization
* Boosting Object Recognition in Point Clouds by Saliency Detection
* Boosting scene character recognition by learning canonical forms of glyphs
* Brain eRacing: An Exploratory Study on Virtual Brain-Controlled Drones
* Breaking Winner-Takes-All: Iterative-Winners-Out Networks for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* bridge-tailored multi-temporal DInSAR approach for remote exploration of deformation characteristics and mechanisms of complexly structured bridges, A
* Brightness Temperature Sensitivity to Whitecap Fraction at Millimeter Wavelengths
* Bringing Lunar LiDAR Back Down to Earth: Mapping Our Industrial Heritage through Deep Transfer Learning
* Broad Area Target Search System for Ship Detection via Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Bundle adjustment of satellite images based on an equivalent geometric sensor model with digital elevation model
* Calibrating GloVe model on the principle of Zipf's law
* Calibration of Turntable Based 3D Scanning Systems
* CAM-RNN: Co-Attention Model Based RNN for Video Captioning
* camera model for cameras with hypercentric lenses and some example applications, A
* Cancelable indexing based on low-rank approximation of correlation-invariant random filtering for fast and secure biometric identification
* Canopy Height and Above-Ground Biomass Retrieval in Tropical Forests Using Multi-Pass X- and C-Band Pol-InSAR Data
* Capacitively Coupled Electrical Impedance Tomography for Brain Imaging
* Caps-TripleGAN: GAN-Assisted CapsNet for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Capturing Feature and Label Relations Simultaneously for Multiple Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Cascaded regression using landmark displacement for 3D face reconstruction
* CCDA: a concise corner detection algorithm
* CESense: Cost-Effective Urban Environment Sensing in Vehicular Sensor Networks
* Challenges and Methods of Violence Detection in Surveillance Video: A Survey
* Challenges of Multi-Temporal and Multi-Sensor Forest Growth Analyses in a Highly Disturbed Boreal Mixedwood Forests
* Challenging Voice Dataset for Robotic Applications in Noisy Environments, A
* Chan-Vese Reformulation for Selective Image Segmentation
* Channel Count Reduction for Plane Wave Ultrasound Through Convolutional Neural Network Interpolation
* Channel Splitting Network for Single MR Image Super-Resolution
* Characterizing the Cognitive Impact of Tangible Augmented Reality
* Characterizing the System Impulse Response Function From Photon-Counting LiDAR Data
* CHARM: Cord-Based Haptic Augmented Reality Manipulation
* Chest X-ray image denoising method based on deep convolution neural network
* Chord Bunch Walks for Recognizing Naturally Self-Overlapped and Compound Leaves
* Cicero VR - Public Speaking Training Tool and an Attempt to Create Positive Social VR Experience
* CIE Color Purity Algorithm to Detect Black and Odorous Water in Urban Rivers Using High-Resolution Multispectral Remote Sensing Images, A
* CLARREO Pathfinder/VIIRS Intercalibration: Quantifying the Polarization Effects on Reflectance and the Intercalibration Uncertainty
* Class-Conditional Data Augmentation Applied to Image Classification
* Classification complexity assessment for hyper-parameter optimization
* Classification of Arabic Poems: from the 5th to the 15th Century
* Classification of Areas Suitable for Fish Farming Using Geotechnology and Multi-Criteria Analysis
* Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder Through the Graph Fourier Transform of fMRI Temporal Signals Projected on Structural Connectome
* Classification of EEG signals to detect alcoholism using machine learning techniques
* Classification of Karst Fenglin and Fengcong Landform Units Based on Spatial Relations of Terrain Feature Points from DEMs
* Classification of Mangrove Species Using Combined WordView-3 and LiDAR Data in Mai Po Nature Reserve, Hong Kong
* Classification of risk areas using a bootstrap-aggregated ensemble approach for reducing Zika virus infection in pregnant women
* Classification of Skin Lesions by Combining Multilevel Learnings in a DenseNet Architecture
* Classifications of Forest Change by Using Bitemporal Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Climate Data Records of Vegetation Variables from Geostationary SEVIRI/MSG Data: Products, Algorithms and Applications
* Climate Prediction of Satellite-Based Spring Eurasian Vegetation Index (NDVI) using Coupled Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Patterns
* Cloud Resource Optimization for Processing Multiple Streams of Visual Data
* Clustering Coastal Land Use Sequence Patterns along the Sea-Land Direction: A Case Study in the Coastal Zone of Bohai Bay and the Yellow River Delta, China
* Clustering Passenger Trip Data for the Potential Passenger Investigation and Line Design of Customized Commuter Bus
* CNN Based HEp-2 Specimen Image Segmentation and Identification of Mitotic Spindle Type Specimens, A
* CNN-based anti-spoofing two-tier multi-factor authentication system
* CNN-Based Land Cover Classification Combining Stratified Segmentation and Fusion of Point Cloud and Very High-Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image Data
* CNN-Based Real-Time Parameter Tuning for Optimizing Denoising Filter Performance
* CNN-Based Spatial Feature Fusion Algorithm for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification, A
* CNN-Based Watershed Marker Extraction for Brick Segmentation in Masonry Walls
* Coarse-to-fine document localization in natural scene image with regional attention and recursive corner refinement
* Coarse-to-Fine Image DeHashing Using Deep Pyramidal Residual Learning
* Coastal Tidal Effects on Industrial Thermal Plumes in Satellite Imagery
* Cockpit of Measures for Image Quality Assessment in Digital Film Restoration, A
* COCO-CN for Cross-Lingual Image Tagging, Captioning, and Retrieval
* Collecting Retail Data Using a Deep Learning Identification Experience
* Color Channel Transfer for Image Dehazing
* Color Visual Cryptography with Completely Randomly Coded Colors
* Combination of domain knowledge and deep learning for sentiment analysis of short and informal messages on social media
* Combination of PROBA-V/MODIS-Based Products with Sentinel-1 SAR Data for Detecting Wet and Dry Snow Cover in Mountainous Areas, A
* Combinatorial Spatial Data Model for Building Fire Simulation and Analysis
* Combined Electricity and Traffic Short-Term Load Forecasting Using Bundled Causality Engine
* Combined Static and Motion Features for Deep-Networks-Based Activity Recognition in Videos
* Combined training strategy for low-resolution face recognition with limited application-specific data
* Combined Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and UAV Photogrammetry in Mapping Alpine Terrain
* Combining ASNARO-2 XSAR HH and Sentinel-1 C-SAR VH/VV Polarization Data for Improved Crop Mapping
* Combining Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-context Microcalcification Detection in Mammograms
* Combining Deep Learning and Prior Knowledge for Crop Mapping in Tropical Regions from Multitemporal SAR Image Sequences
* Combining Design Patterns and Topic Modeling to Discover Regions That Support Particular Functionality
* Combining graph edit distance and triplet networks for offline signature verification
* Combining Saliency Estimation Methods
* Comic MTL: optimized multi-task learning for comic book image analysis
* Comments on The Influence of Equatorial Scintillation on L-Band SAR Image Quality and Phase
* Common Mode Component and Its Potential Effect on GPS-Inferred Three-Dimensional Crustal Deformations in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
* Communicating Information in Virtual Reality: Objectively Measuring Team Performance
* Compact and Low-Complexity Binary Feature Descriptor and Fisher Vectors for Video Analytics
* Compact Light Field Camera for Real-Time Depth Estimation, A
* Compact Representation of Histopathology Images Using Digital Stain Separation and Frequency-Based Encoded Local Projections, A
* Comparative Analysis of Two Commercial Digital Photogrammetry Software for Cultural Heritage Applications, A
* Comparative Study and Proof of Single-Pass Connected Components Algorithms
* Comparative Study for Multiple Coordinated Views Across Immersive and Non-immersive Visualization Systems
* Comparative Study of Spatial and Temporal Preferences for Waterfronts in Wuhan based on Gender Differences in Check-In Behavior, A
* Comparing Residents' Fear of Crime with Recorded Crime Data: Case Study of Ostrava, Czech Republic
* Comparison of Deep Learning-Based Recognition Techniques for Medical and Biomedical Images
* Comparison of FOSS4G Supported Equal-Area Projections Using Discrete Distortion Indicatrices
* Comparison of LiDAR and Digital Aerial Photogrammetry for Characterizing Canopy Openings in the Boreal Forest of Northern Alberta
* comparison of local features for camera-based document image retrieval and spotting, A
* Comparison of Methods for Modeling Fractional Cover Using Simulated Satellite Hyperspectral Imager Spectra
* Comparison of Passive Microwave Data with Shipborne Photographic Observations of Summer Sea Ice Concentration along an Arctic Cruise Path
* Comparison of surface and canopy urban heat islands within megacities of eastern China
* Comparisons of Visual Activity Primitives for Voice Activity Detection
* Compensated Row-Column Ultrasound Imaging Systems with Data-Driven Point Spread Function Learning
* Compensation of Dispersion in Sinuous Antennas for Polarimetric Ground Penetrating Radar Applications
* Complementary Cost Functions for Complex and Quaternion Widely Linear Estimation
* Complex-Valued Nonlinear Adaptive Filters With Applications in alpha-Stable Environments
* Comprehensive Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images
* Compressing Audio Signals with Inpainting-Based Sparsification
* Compressing CNN-DBLSTM models for OCR with teacher-student learning and Tucker decomposition
* Compressive domain spatial-temporal difference saliency-based realtime adaptive measurement method for video recovery
* Computer Vision and Deep Learning-Enabled UAVs: Proposed Use Cases for Visually Impaired People in a Smart City
* Computer Vision Pipeline that Uses Thermal and RGB Images for the Recognition of Holstein Cattle, A
* Computer-Aided Tumor Segmentation from T2-Weighted MR Images of Patient-Derived Tumor Xenografts
* Computing Nonlinear Eigenfunctions via Gradient Flow Extinction
* Concept Development and Risk Reduction for MISTiC Winds, A Micro-Satellite Constellation Approach for Vertically Resolved Wind and IR Sounding Observations in the Troposphere
* Conditional Random Field Model for Robust Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* Connection Between Image Processing and Artificial Neural Networks Layers Through a Geometric Model of Visual Perception, A
* Consecutive Dual-Vortex Interactions between Quadruple Typhoons Noru, Kulap, Nesat and Haitang during the 2017 North Pacific Typhoon Season
* Consensus-Based Odor Source Localization by Multiagent Systems
* Consistency of SSM/I vs. SSMIS and the Influence on Snow Cover Detection and Snow Depth Estimation over China, The
* Construction and Optimization of Feature Descriptor Based on Dynamic Local Intensity Order Relations of Pixel Group
* Construction of a flexible and scalable 4D light field camera array using Raspberry Pi clusters
* Contactless approach for heart rate estimation for QoE assessment
* Content-oriented image quality assessment with multi-label SVM classifier
* Content-sensitive superpixel segmentation via self-organization-map neural network
* Context Aware Lung Cancer Annotation in Whole Slide Images Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
* Context-Aware Group-Oriented Location Recommendation in Location-Based Social Networks
* Context-Aware Semantic Inpainting
* Context-Enabled Extraction of Large-Scale Urban Functional Zones from Very-High-Resolution Images: A Multiscale Segmentation Approach
* continuation approach for training Artificial Neural Networks with meta-heuristics, A
* Continuous Human Motion Recognition With a Dynamic Range-Doppler Trajectory Method Based on FMCW Radar
* Contrasting Performance of the Remotely-Derived GPP Products over Different Climate Zones across China
* Contrastive Explanations to Classification Systems Using Sparse Dictionaries
* Controller Independent Software-in-the-Loop Approach to Evaluate Rule-Based Traffic Signal Retiming Strategy by Utilizing Floating Car Data
* Convergence of the Newton Structure Transfer Function to the Ideal Fractional Delay Filter
* Convex-Hull-Stripping Median Approximates Affine Curvature Motion, The
* Convolutional Neural Network for Virtual Screening of Molecular Fingerprints, A
* Cooperative media control parameter optimization of the integrated mixing and paving machine based on the fuzzy cuckoo search algorithm
* Cooperative perception in autonomous ground vehicles using a mobile-robot testbed
* Coordinated Freight Routing With Individual Incentives for Participation
* Coordination of Connected Vehicles on Merging Roads Using Pseudo-Perturbation-Based Broadcast Control
* Copula Ordinal Regression Framework for Joint Estimation of Facial Action Unit Intensity
* Cortical-Inspired Model for Orientation-Dependent Contrast Perception: A Link with Wilson-Cowan Equations, A
* CoSMIR Performance During the GPM OLYMPEX Campaign
* Cotton Yield Estimate Using Sentinel-2 Data and an Ecosystem Model over the Southern US
* Coupled Biospheric Synchrony of the Coastal Temperate Ecosystem in Northern Patagonia: A Remote Sensing Analysis
* Coupled Higher-Order Tensor Factorization for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Fusion and Classification
* Cramér-Rao Bound Under Norm Constraint
* Crash Mitigation in Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles
* Crime Geographical Displacement: Testing Its Potential Contribution to Crime Prediction
* Crop Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 Data: A Case Study from The Netherlands
* Cross Sensor Simulation of Tomographic SAR Stacks
* Cross-Domain Mapping Learning for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
* Cross-domain neural-kernel networks
* Cross-modal retrieval in challenging scenarios using attributes
* Cross-view gait recognition based on a restrictive triplet network
* Cross-view image synthesis using geometry-guided conditional GANs
* Crowd-Driven and Automated Mapping of Field Boundaries in Highly Fragmented Agricultural Landscapes of Ethiopia with Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery
* CT lesion recognition algorithm based on improved particle reseeding method
* CU-Net: Component Unmixing Network for Textile Fiber Identification
* Currents and Finite Elements as Tools for Shape Space
* CutESC: Cutting edge spatial clustering technique based on proximity graphs
* Cybersickness and Postural Sway Using HMD Orientation
* Data Clustering Using Variational Learning of Finite Scaled Dirichlet Mixture Models with Component Splitting
* Data embedding in high efficiency video coding (HEVC) videos by modifying the partitioning of coding units
* data hiding scheme based on multidirectional line encoding and integer wavelet transform, A
* Data Set for Airborne Maritime Surveillance Environments, A
* Data-driven Bicycle Network Analysis Based on Traditional Counting Methods and GPS Traces from Smartphone
* Data-Driven Multivariate Signal Denoising Using Mahalanobis Distance
* Database for Face Presentation Attack Using Wax Figure Faces, A
* Decision Tree for Automatic Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease from Offline Drawing Samples: Experiments and Findings, A
* Decoding Simultaneous Multi-DOF Wrist Movements From Raw EMG Signals Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Decomposition of Repulsive Clusters in Complex Point Processes with Heterogeneous Components
* Deep and Structured Metric Learning Method for Robust Person Re-Identification, A
* Deep anticipation: lightweight intelligent mobile sensing for unmanned vehicles in IoT by recurrent architecture
* Deep CNNs for Object Detection Using Passive Millimeter Sensors
* Deep Compact Person Re-Identification with Distractor Synthesis via Guided DC-GANs
* Deep compression of probabilistic graphical networks
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Species Characterization Based on Leaf Midrib
* Deep Demosaicing for Edge Implementation
* Deep Dictionary Learning: A PARametric NETwork Approach
* Deep Eikonal Solvers
* Deep Group-Wise Fully Convolutional Network for Co-Saliency Detection With Graph Propagation
* Deep Information Sharing Network for Multi-Contrast Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction, A
* Deep Integration: A Multi-Label Architecture for Road Scene Recognition
* Deep Learning Approach for Multi-Frame In-Loop Filter of HEVC, A
* Deep Learning Approach for Real-Time 3D Human Action Recognition from Skeletal Data, A
* Deep Learning Approaches for Gynaecological Ultrasound Image Segmentation: A Radio-Frequency vs B-mode Comparison
* Deep Learning Based on Striation Images for Underwater and Surface Target Classification
* Deep Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification: An Overview
* Deep Learning for Segmentation Using an Open Large-Scale Dataset in 2D Echocardiography
* Deep Learning for Soil and Crop Segmentation from Remotely Sensed Data
* Deep learning for source camera identification on mobile devices
* Deep Learning Model for Skin Lesion Segmentation: Fully Convolutional Network
* Deep Learning Using Bayesian Optimization for Facial Age Estimation
* Deep learning-based embedded license plate localisation system
* Deep Learning-Based Noise-Resilient Keyword Spotting Engine for Embedded Platforms, A
* Deep Motion Model for Pedestrian Tracking in 360 Degrees Videos
* Deep Multi-Modality Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Deep Multi-View Learning Using Neuron-Wise Correlation-Maximizing Regularizers
* Deep multi-Wasserstein unsupervised domain adaptation
* deep one-shot network for query-based logo retrieval, A
* Deep point-to-subspace metric learning for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval
* Deep Proximal Unrolling: Algorithmic Framework, Convergence Analysis and Applications
* Deep Residual Autoencoder with Multiscaling for Semantic Segmentation of Land-Use Images
* Deep Sparse Representation Classifier for facial recognition and detection system
* Deep spatial attention hashing network for image retrieval
* Deep supervised hashing using symmetric relative entropy
* Deep transfer network for rotating machine fault analysis
* Deep-ECG: Convolutional Neural Networks for ECG biometric recognition
* Deep-network based method for joint image deblocking and super-resolution
* DeepAge: Deep Learning of face-based age estimation
* DeepCorrect: Correcting DNN Models Against Image Distortions
* DeepDSAIR: Deep 6-DOF camera relocalization using deblurred semantic-aware image representation for large-scale outdoor environments
* DeepNautilus: A Deep Learning Based System for Nautical Engines' Live Vibration Processing
* Demo: Accelerating Depth-Map on Mobile Device Using CPU-GPU Co-processing
* Demosaicking Using a Spatial Reference Image for an Anti-Aliasing Multispectral Filter Array
* Denoising Prior Driven Deep Neural Network for Image Restoration
* Dense Dilated Network for Video Action Recognition
* Dependence-biased clustering for variable selection with random forests
* Depth Information Guided Crowd Counting for complex crowd scenes
* Depth perceptual quality assessment for symmetrically and asymmetrically distorted stereoscopic 3D videos
* Deriving Aerosol Absorption Properties from Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Spectral Measurements at Thessaloniki, Greece
* Descriptor System Approach for Estimation of Incipient Faults With Application to High-Speed Railway Traction Devices, A
* Design and Analysis of a UWB MIMO Radar System with Miniaturized Vivaldi Antenna for Through-Wall Imaging
* Design Implications from Cybersickness and Technical Interactions in Virtual Reality
* Design of an End-to-End Dual Mode Driver Distraction Detection System
* Design of multi-scale receptive field convolutional neural network for surface inspection of hot rolled steels
* Design of museum advertisement picture management system based on web
* Design of Optimal Adaptive Filters for Two-Dimensional Filamentary Structures Segmentation
* Design of Virtual Reality for Humanoid Robots with Inspiration from Video Games
* Designing Educational Virtual Environments for Construction Safety: A Case Study in Contextualizing Incident Reports and Engaging Learners
* Designing Inclusive Virtual Reality Experiences
* Detecting and classifying online dark visual propaganda
* Detecting Forest Changes Using Dense Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1 Time Series Data in Tropical Seasonal Forests
* Detecting Parkinson's disease with sustained phonation and speech signals using machine learning techniques
* Detecting Sounds of Interest in Roads with Deep Networks
* Detecting Sub-Image Replicas: Retrieval and Localization of Zoomed-In Images
* Detecting Vegetation Variations and Main Drivers over the Agropastoral Ecotone of Northern China through the Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Method
* Detection of Liquefaction Phenomena from the 2017 Pohang (Korea) Earthquake Using Remote Sensing Data
* Detection of Radio Frequency Interference in Microwave Radiometers Operating in Shared Spectrum
* Detection of Small Target Using Schatten 1/2 Quasi-Norm Regularization with Reweighted Sparse Enhancement in Complex Infrared Scenes
* Detection of Soil Pipes Using Ground Penetrating Radar
* Detection of Strong NOX Emissions from Fine-scale Reconstruction of the OMI Tropospheric NO2 Product
* Deterministic Design of Toeplitz Matrices With Small Coherence Based on Weyl Sums
* Developing a New Machine-Learning Algorithm for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Optically Complex Waters: A Case Study for High Northern Latitude Waters by Using Sentinel 3 OLCI
* Developing a VR Training Program for Geriatric Patients with Chronic Back Pain
* Development and Intercomparison Study of an Atmospheric Motion Vector Retrieval Algorithm for GEO-KOMPSAT-2A
* Development and Optimization of an Automated Fixed-Location Time Lapse Photogrammetric Rock Slope Monitoring System
* Development of a Parameterized Model to Estimate Microwave Radiation Response Depth of Frozen Soil
* Development of an Indoor Space Semantic Model and Its Implementation as an IndoorGML Extension
* Development of an Object-Based Interpretive System Based on Weighted Scoring Method in a Multi-Scale Manner
* Development of an Operational Algorithm for Automated Deforestation Mapping via the Bayesian Integration of Long-Term Optical and Microwave Satellite Data
* Development of Enhanced Vortex-Scale Atmospheric Motion Vectors for Hurricane Applications
* Diagnosis of diabetes diseases using optimized fuzzy rule set by grey wolf optimization
* Diagnosis of Xinmo (China) Landslide Based on Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Observation and Modeling
* Diffusion-based kernel matrix model for face liveness detection
* Digital Signature Based Control Integrity for JPEG HDR Images
* Digital Terrain Model Retrieval in Tropical Forests Through P-Band SAR Tomography
* Dimension reduction of image deep feature using PCA
* Dimensionality Reduction Using Discriminative Autoencoders for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Dip Filter and Random Noise Suppression for GPR B-Scan Data Based on a Hybrid Method in f-x Domain
* Direct Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Cardiac and Chest CT
* Direct MRI Segmentation from k-Space Data by Iterative Potts Minimization
* Direct, ECOC, ND and END Frameworks: Which One Is the Best? An Empirical Study of Sentinel-2A MSIL1C Image Classification for Arid-Land Vegetation Mapping in the Ili River Delta, Kazakhstan
* Direction-Aware Continuous Moving K-Nearest-Neighbor Query in Road Networks
* Directional relative total variation for structure-texture decomposition
* Dirichlet densifier bounds: Densifying beyond the spectral gap constraint
* Discovering Latent Domains for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Through Consistency
* Discovering Latent Topics With Saliency-Weighted LDA for Image Scene Understanding
* Discovery Radiomics for Detection of Severely Atypical Melanocytic Lesions (SAML) from Skin Imaging via Deep Residual Group Convolutional Radiomic Sequencer
* Discrete Approach for Polygonal Approximation of Irregular Noise Contours, A
* Discrete Mumford-Shah on Graph for Mixing Matrix Estimation
* Discriminative clustering using regularized subspace learning
* Discriminative Supervised Hashing for Cross-Modal Similarity Search
* Disparity estimation in stereo video sequence with adaptive spatiotemporally consistent constraints
* Disparity Image Analysis for 3D Characterization of Surface Anomalies
* Distance-based camera network topology inference for person re-identification
* Distortion propagation modeling and its applications on frame level quantization control for predictive video coding
* Distributed Differential Utility/Cost Analysis for Privacy Protection
* Distributed Processing of Location-Based Aggregate Queries Using MapReduce
* Distributed training of deep neural networks with spark: The MareNostrum experience
* Distribution Pattern of the Railway Network in China at the County Level, The
* Document image binarization with cascaded generators of conditional generative adversarial networks
* Does Earlier and Increased Spring Plant Growth Lead to Reduced Summer Soil Moisture and Plant Growth on Landscapes Typical of Tundra-Taiga Interface?
* Domain Adaptation for Privacy-Preserving Pedestrian Detection in Thermal Imagery
* Dominant Sets for Constrained Image Segmentation
* Drainage Network Analysis and Structuring of Topologically Noisy Vector Stream Data
* Drift Detection Using SVM in Structured Object Tracking
* Drone Based Quantification of Channel Response to an Extreme Flood for a Piedmont Stream
* Drone-Borne Hyperspectral and Magnetic Data Integration: Otanmäki Fe-Ti-V Deposit in Finland
* Dual Frequency Orbiter-Radar System for the Observation of Seas and Tides on Titan: Extraterrestrial Oceanography from Satellite
* Dust Properties and Radiative Impacts at a Suburban Site during 2004-2017 in the North China Plain
* Dynamic gesture recognition by directional pulse coupled neural networks for human-robot interaction in real time
* Dynamic temporal residual network for sequence modeling
* Dynamic Texture Classification Using Deterministic Partially Self-avoiding Walks on Networks
* Easing Function as a Tool of Color Correction for Display Stitching in Virtual Reality
* ECG-based personal recognition using a convolutional neural network
* Ecological Adaptive Cruise Control and Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on Heuristic Dynamic Programming
* Edge detection of retinal OCT image based on complex shearlet transform
* Edge Heuristic GAN for Non-Uniform Blind Deblurring
* Editorial for Special Issue Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications
* Editorial for special issue on Advanced Topics in Document Analysis and Recognition
* Editorial for Special Issue: Remote Sensing of Environmental Changes in Cold Regions
* Editorial for Special Issue: Remotely Sensed Albedo
* Editorial for the Special Issue Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data into Earth System Models
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration (ET)
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Water Quality
* Education and Training in Applied Remote Sensing in Africa: The ARCSSTE-E Experience
* EEG-Based Biometric Verification Using Siamese CNNs
* Effect of Anisotropy on Ionospheric Scintillations Observed by SAR
* Effect of Microgeometry on Modeling Accuracy of Fluid-Saturated Rock Using Dielectric Permittivity
* Effect of Onomatopoeia to Enhancing User Experience in Virtual Reality, The
* effective approach for color video recovery based on balanced tensor, An
* Effective quality metric for contrast-distorted images based on SVD
* Effective Style Token Weight Control Technique for End-to-End Emotional Speech Synthesis, An
* Effects of Character Guide in Immersive Virtual Reality Stories
* Effects of Data Sources: A Baseline Evaluation of the MoCA Dataset, The
* Effects of Embodiment in Virtual Reality on Implicit Gender Bias, The
* Effects of Free-Floating Shared Bicycles on Urban Public Transportation
* Effects of Seismogenic Faults on the Predictive Mapping of Probability to Earthquake-Triggered Landslides
* Effects of Weight and Balance of Head Mounted Display on Physical Load
* Effects of Wind Wave Spectra on Radar Backscatter From Sea Surface at Different Microwave Bands: A Numerical Study
* Efficient Algorithm for Computing the Derivative of Mean Structural Similarity Index Measure, An
* Efficient algorithm for sparse symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization
* Efficient Anaglyph 3D Video Watermarking Approach Based on Hybrid Insertion, An
* Efficient and robust large-scale structure-from-motion via track selection and camera prioritization
* Efficient and secure cipher scheme with dynamic key-dependent mode of operation
* Efficient Approximate kNN Graph Method for Diffusion on Image Retrieval, An
* Efficient Bandwidth Estimation in 2D Filtered Backprojection Reconstruction
* Efficient clustering approach for adaptive unsupervised colour image segmentation
* Efficient Coupled Dictionary Learning Method, An
* Efficient deep learning of image denoising using patch complexity local divide and deep conquer
* efficient initial guess for the ICP method, An
* Efficient large-scale geometric verification for structure from motion
* Efficient medical image enhancement based on CNN-FBB model
* Efficient Syndrome Calculation via the Inverse Cyclotomic Discrete Fourier Transform
* Eigenvector Spatial Filtering-Based Logistic Regression for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment
* embedded implementation of CNN-based hand detection and orientation estimation algorithm, An
* Embedded Prototype Subspace Classification: A Subspace Learning Framework
* Embracing Crowdsensing: An Enhanced Mobile Sensing Solution for Road Anomaly Detection
* Emergency Response Using HoloLens for Building Evacuation
* Emotion Classification Using Segmentation of Vowel-Like and Non-Vowel-Like Regions
* Emotion Recognition with Spatial Attention and Temporal Softmax Pooling
* Emotional State Recognition with Micro-expressions and Pulse Rate Variability
* Emotions Recognition Using EEG Signals: A Survey
* empirical mode decomposition (EMD)-based scheme for alcoholism identification, An
* Enabling Immunology Learning in Virtual Reality Through Storytelling and Interactivity
* End-to-End Deep Learning Based Gesture Recognizer for Vehicle Self Parking System, An
* Energy Flow Domain Reverse-Time Migration for Borehole Radar
* enhanced bloom index for quantifying floral phenology using multi-scale remote sensing observations, An
* Enhanced embedding capacity for the SMSD-based data-hiding method
* Enhanced Feature Representation in Detection for Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Enhanced fuzzy-logic-based power-assisted control with user-adaptive systems for human-electric bikes
* Enhanced Motion-Compensated Video Coding With Deep Virtual Reference Frame Generation
* Enhancing In-Vehicle Driving Assistance Information Under Connected Vehicle Environment
* Enhancing Low Quality Face Image Matching by Neurovisually Inspired Deep Learning
* Enriching Character-Based Neural Machine Translation with Modern Documents for Achieving an Orthography Consistency in Historical Documents
* Enterprise architecture within railway systems engineering
* Enterprise LST Algorithm Development and Its Evaluation with NOAA 20 Data
* Environmental Differences between Migratory and Resident Ungulates: Predicting Movement Strategies in Rocky Mountain Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) with Remotely Sensed Plant Phenology, Snow, and Land Cover
* Epistle to Cangrande Through the Lens of Computational Authorship Verification, The
* Error-tolerant geometric graph similarity and matching
* Essential Tensor Learning for Multi-View Spectral Clustering
* Estimating 3D Chlorophyll Content Distribution of Trees Using an Image Fusion Method Between 2D Camera and 3D Portable Scanning Lidar
* Estimating Aboveground Biomass and Its Spatial Distribution in Coastal Wetlands Utilizing Planet Multispectral Imagery
* Estimating Driver's Lane-Change Intent Considering Driving Style and Contextual Traffic
* Estimating Forest Volume and Biomass and Their Changes Using Random Forests and Remotely Sensed Data
* Estimating Nitrogen from Structural Crop Traits at Field Scale: A Novel Approach Versus Spectral Vegetation Indices
* Estimating Peanut Leaf Chlorophyll Content with Dorsiventral Leaf Adjusted Indices: Minimizing the Impact of Spectral Differences between Adaxial and Abaxial Leaf Surfaces
* Estimating Root Zone Soil Moisture Across the Eastern United States with Passive Microwave Satellite Data and a Simple Hydrologic Model
* Estimating Stand Age from Airborne Laser Scanning Data to Improve Models of Black Spruce Wood Density in the Boreal Forest of Ontario
* Estimating the Noise Level Function with the Tree of Shapes and Non-parametric Statistics
* Estimating Travel Speed of a Road Section Through Sparse Crowdsensing Data
* Estimation of 3D Category-Specific Object Structure: Symmetry, Manhattan and/or Multiple Images
* Estimation of Alpine Grassland Forage Nitrogen Coupled with Hyperspectral Characteristics during Different Growth Periods on the Tibetan Plateau
* Estimation of Source Wavelet From Seismic Traces Using Groebner Bases
* Estimation of Speed and Distance of Surrounding Vehicles from a Single Camera
* Estimation of the Maturity Date of Soybean Breeding Lines Using UAV-Based Multispectral Imagery
* Evaluating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks as Texture Feature Extractors
* Evaluating Empirical Regression, Machine Learning, and Radiative Transfer Modelling for Estimating Vegetation Chlorophyll Content Using Bi-Seasonal Hyperspectral Images
* Evaluating Impacts of Motion Correction on Deep Learning Approaches for Breast DCE-MRI Segmentation and Classification
* Evaluating k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) Imputation Models for Species-Level Aboveground Forest Biomass Mapping in Northeast China
* Evaluating the Drought-Monitoring Utility of Four Satellite-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Products at Global Scale
* Evaluating the Temperature Difference Parameter in the SSEBop Model with Satellite-Observed Land Surface Temperature Data
* Evaluation of a Wearable Hand Kinesthetic Feedback System for Virtual Reality: Psychophysical and User Experience Evaluation
* Evaluation of Continuous Image Features Learned by ODE Nets
* Evaluation of GPM IMERG V05B and TRMM 3B42V7 Precipitation Products over High Mountainous Tributaries in Lhasa with Dense Rain Gauges
* Evaluation of Immersive Interfaces for Tactical Decision Support
* Evaluation of Remotely-Sensed and Model-Based Soil Moisture Products According to Different Soil Type, Vegetation Cover and Climate Regime Using Station-Based Observations over Turkey
* Evaluation of the MODIS collections 5 and 6 for change analysis of vegetation and land surface temperature dynamics in North and South America
* Evaluation of the Uncertainty in Satellite-Based Crop State Variable Retrievals Due to Site and Growth Stage Specific Factors and Their Potential in Coupling with Crop Growth Models
* Examination of the Distribution of White-Collar Worker Residences in Tokyo and Osaka during the Modernizing Period, An
* Examining Error Likelihood When Using Enhanced Vision Systems for Approach and Landing
* Existence, Uniqueness and Asymptotic Behaviour of Intensity-Based Measures Which Conform to a Generalized Weber's Model of Perception
* Experimental Characterization of Multi-Polarization Radar Backscatter Response of Vehicles at J-Band
* Explainable AI-Based Computer Aided Detection System for Diabetic Retinopathy Using Retinal Fundus Images, An
* Exploiting Images for Video Recognition: Heterogeneous Feature Augmentation via Symmetric Adversarial Learning
* Exploiting Typicality for Selecting Informative and Anomalous Samples in Videos
* Explorations in AR: Finding Its Value
* Exploring Applications of Storm-Scale Probabilistic Warn-on-Forecast Guidance in Weather Forecasting
* Exploring Extended Reality as a Simulation Training Tool Through Naturalistic Interactions and Enhanced Immersion
* Exploring Influence of Sampling Strategies on Event-Based Landslide Susceptibility Modeling
* Exploring Temporal Dependencies in Multimodal Referring Expressions with Mixed Reality
* Exploring the Distribution Patterns of Flickr Photos
* Exploring the effects of non-local blocks on video captioning networks
* Exploring Trusted Relations among Virtual Interactions in Social Networks for Detecting Influence Diffusion
* Exploring uncertainty in pseudo-label guided unsupervised domain adaptation
* Exploring weight symmetry in deep neural networks
* Expressing History through a Geo-Spatial Ontology
* Extended-depth-of-field object detection with wavefront coding imaging system
* Extracting Flooded Roads by Fusing GPS Trajectories and Road Network
* Extracting Raft Aquaculture Areas from Remote Sensing Images via an Improved U-Net with a PSE Structure
* Extreme learning machines with expectation kernels
* Eyes have it: New iris-recognition techniques can tell whether an Eye is healthy, diseased: or dead, The
* Fabric Classification and Matching Using CNN and Siamese Network for E-commerce
* Face Hallucination via Coarse-to-Fine Recursive Kernel Regression Structure
* Face Validation Study for the Investigation of Proteus Effects Targeting Driving Behavior, A
* Facial expression recognition boosted by soft label with a diverse ensemble
* Facial Landmark Machines: A Backbone-Branches Architecture With Progressive Representation Learning
* Facilitating Emergency Response Vehicles' Movement Through a Road Segment in a Connected Vehicle Environment
* Factor Analysis of Dynamic PET Images: Beyond Gaussian Noise
* Fast 3-D Imaging Algorithm Based on Unitary Transformation and Real-Valued Sparse Representation for MIMO Array SAR
* Fast A3RL: Aesthetics-Aware Adversarial Reinforcement Learning for Image Cropping
* Fast and Effective Techniques for LWIR Radiative Transfer Modeling: A Dimension-Reduction Approach
* Fast and Robust Detection of Solar Modules in Electroluminescence Images
* Fast Blind Quality Assessment of DIBR-Synthesized Video Based on High-High Wavelet Subband
* Fast Computation of Integer DCT-V, DCT-VIII, and DST-VII for Video Coding
* Fast face detection on mobile devices by leveraging global and local facial characteristics
* Fast HSI super resolution using linear regression
* Fast Hyperspectral Unmixing via Reweighted Sparse Regression
* Fast inter mode decision exploiting intra-block similarity in HEVC
* Fast Landmark Recognition in Photo Albums
* Fast motion estimation for field sequential imaging: Survey and benchmark
* Fast Multi-layer Approximation to Semi-discrete Optimal Transport, A
* Fast Recursive Nonnegative Standard and Hierarchical Tucker Decomposition
* Fast System Calibration With Coded Calibration Scenes for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* fast temporal and hybrid SHVC encoder, A
* Faster Visual-Based Localization with Mobile-PoseNet
* FD-based detector for medical image watermarking
* Feasibility of Three Prediction Techniques of the Artificial Neural Network, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, and Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization for Assessing the Safety Factor of Cohesive Slopes, The
* Feature fusion method using BoVW framework for enhancing image retrieval
* Feature Fusion With Predictive Weighting for Spectral Image Classification and Segmentation
* Feature GANs: A Model for Data Enhancement and Sample Balance of Foreign Object Detection in High Voltage Transmission Lines
* Feature Pyramid Reconfiguration With Consistent Loss for Object Detection
* Feature Selection on Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery for Mapping a Landscape Infested by Parthenium Weed
* Feature-Based Image Patch Classification for Moving Shadow Detection
* Feature-Based SLAM Algorithm for Small Scale UAV with Nadir View
* Female Facial Beauty Analysis Using Transfer Learning and Stacking Ensemble Model
* FengYun-3 B Satellite Medium Resolution Spectral Imager Visible On-Board Calibrator Radiometric Output Degradation Analysis
* Filtering-Based Approach for Improving Crowdsourced GNSS Traces in a Data Update Context, A
* Finding autofocus region in low contrast surveillance images using CNN-based saliency algorithm
* Finding significant keywords for document databases by two-phase Maximum Entropy Partitioning
* Finding Structure in Point Cloud Data with the Robust Isoperimetric Loss
* Fine-Resolution Population Mapping from International Space Station Nighttime Photography and Multisource Social Sensing Data Based on Similarity Matching
* Fingerprint liveness detection using local quality features
* First Demonstration of Joint Wireless Communication and High-Resolution SAR Imaging Using Airborne MIMO Radar System
* First steps toward CNN based source classification of document images shared over messaging app
* FISH: Face intensity-shape histogram representation for automatic face splicing detection
* Fitting Smooth Manifolds to Point Clouds in a Level Set Formulation
* Fleckmentation: rapid segmentation using repeated 2-means
* Fleet Size and Rebalancing Analysis of Dockless Bike-Sharing Stations Based on Markov Chain
* Flood Management in Aqala through an Agent-Based Solution and Crowdsourcing Services in an Enterprise Geospatial Information System
* Flow-guided feature propagation with occlusion aware detail enhancement for hand segmentation in egocentric videos
* Foothill: A Quasiconvex Regularization for Edge Computing of Deep Neural Networks
* Forecasting of Meteorological Weather Time Series Through a Feature Vector Based on Correlation
* Foreground detection by probabilistic modeling of the features discovered by stacked denoising autoencoders in noisy video sequences
* Foreground Fisher Vector: Encoding Class-Relevant Foreground to Improve Image Classification
* Foreground Gating and Background Refining Network for Surveillance Object Detection
* Forest Damage Assessment Using Deep Learning on High Resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Format-Compliant Selective Secret 3-D Object Sharing Scheme
* Forward and Backward Visual Fusion Approach to Motion Estimation with High Robustness and Low Cost
* Fourier Disparity Layer Representation for Light Fields, A
* Fourier Phase Retrieval With Extended Support Estimation via Deep Neural Network
* Fractal Study of the 1997-2017 Italian Seismic Sequences: A Joint Analysis of Seismological Data and DInSAR Measurements
* Fractal-Based Approach to Network Characterization Applied to Texture Analysis, A
* Fractional Harris-Laplace Feature Detector, The
* Frame Interpolation Using Phase Information and Guided Image Filtering
* Framework for Learning Depth From a Flexible Subset of Dense and Sparse Light Field Views, A
* framework of tracking by multi-trackers with multi-features in a hybrid cascade way, A
* From BIM to Scan Planning and Optimization for Construction Control
* From Manual to Intelligent: A Review of Input Data Preparation Methods for Geographic Modeling
* FS2Net: Fiber Structural Similarity Network (FS2Net) for Rotation Invariant Brain Tractography Segmentation Using Stacked LSTM Based Siamese Network
* Full-Duplex With Self-Energy Recycling in the RF Powered Multi-Antenna Relay Channels
* Full-Polarization Bistatic Scattering From an Inhomogeneous Rough Surface
* Functional Liftings of Vectorial Variational Problems with Laplacian Regularization
* Fused Transparent Visualization of Point Cloud Data and Background Photographic Image for Tangible Cultural Heritage Assets
* Fusion global and local deep representations with neural attention for aesthetic quality assessment
* Fusion of Various Band Selection Methods for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Fusion of Visual and Anamnestic Data for the Classification of Skin Lesions with Deep Learning
* Fuzzy commonsense reasoning for multimodal sentiment analysis
* Fuzzy Histogram of Optical Flow Orientations for Micro-Expression Recognition
* GADA: Generative Adversarial Data Augmentation for Image Quality Assessment
* Gait metric learning siamese network exploiting dual of spatio-temporal 3D-CNN intra and LSTM based inter gait-cycle-segment features
* GaitNet: An end-to-end network for gait based human identification
* Gaussian process variance reduction by location selection
* Gaze-Based Human-Robot Interaction by the Brunswick Model
* Gender Differences in Multimodal Contact-Free Deception Detection
* Gender recognition in smartphones using touchscreen gestures
* general framework for scalable spectral clustering based on document models, A
* Generalised Gradient Vector Flow for Content-Aware Image Resizing
* Generalised median of graph correspondences
* Generalizable Data-Free Objective for Crafting Universal Adversarial Perturbations
* Generalized framework for summarization of fixed-camera lecture videos by detecting and binarizing handwritten content
* Generalized Zero-Shot Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Generate adversarial examples by spatially perturbing on the meaningful area
* Generating Video Descriptions With Latent Topic Guidance
* Generation of Lane-Level Road Networks Based on a Trajectory-Similarity-Join Pruning Strategy
* Generative adversarial networks model for visible watermark removal
* Genuine Personality Recognition from Highly Constrained Face Images
* Geo-Referencing and Mapping 1901 Census Addresses for England and Wales
* Geometrical and Statistical Properties of the Rational Order Pyramid Transform and Dilation Filtering
* Geometry-Based Skin Colour Estimation for Bare Torso Surface Reconstruction
* GeoNode-Based Platform for an Effective Exploitation of Advanced DInSAR Measurements, A
* Geospatial Disaggregation of Population Data in Supporting SDG Assessments: A Case Study from Deqing County, China
* Geosynchronous SAR Tomography: Theory and First Experimental Verification Using Beidou IGSO Satellite
* Gestalt-grouping based on path analysis for saliency detection
* Gesture Recognition by Leap Motion Controller and LSTM Networks for CAD-oriented Interfaces
* GFZ GRACE RL06 Monthly Gravity Field Time Series: Processing Details and Quality Assessment, The
* Ghosting-free DCT based multi-exposure image fusion
* GiantClient: Video HotSpot for Multi-User Streaming
* Glance and Stare: Trapping Flying Birds in Aerial Videos by Adaptive Deep Spatio-Temporal Features
* Global 3D Non-Rigid Registration of Deformable Objects Using a Single RGB-D Camera
* Global Adjustment Method for Photogrammetric Processing of Chang'E-2 Stereo Images, A
* global and local context integration DCNN for adult image classification, A
* Global Detection of Long-Term (1982-2017) Burned Area with AVHRR-LTDR Data
* Global Ionospheric Model Accuracy Analysis Using Shipborne Kinematic GPS Data in the Arctic Circle
* Global Model for Estimating Tropospheric Delay and Weighted Mean Temperature Developed with Atmospheric Reanalysis Data from 1979 to 2017, A
* Global Sensitivity Analysis of Leaf-Canopy-Atmosphere RTMs: Implications for Biophysical Variables Retrieval from Top-of-Atmosphere Radiance Data
* Global Similarity with Additive Smoothness for Spectral Segmentation
* Global weighted LBP based entropy features for the assessment of pulmonary hypertension
* Global-connected network with generalized ReLU activation
* Global-Matching Framework for Multi-View Stereopsis, A
* Gradient of the Mutual Information in Stochastic Systems: A Functional Approach
* Gradient-Based Spatial Color Algorithm for Image Contrast Enhancement, A
* Grain Segmentation in Atomic Force Microscopy for Thin-Film Deposition Quality Control
* Granger-causality: An efficient single user movement recognition using a smartphone accelerometer sensor
* Graph-Based Color Lines Model for Image Analysis, A
* Ground Deformation Revealed by Sentinel-1 MSBAS-InSAR Time-Series over Karamay Oilfield, China
* Ground Subsidence Susceptibility (GSS) Mapping in Grosseto Plain (Tuscany, Italy) Based on Satellite InSAR Data Using Frequency Ratio and Fuzzy Logic
* Groundwater Depletion Estimated from GRACE: A Challenge of Sustainable Development in an Arid Region of Central Asia
* Group morphology
* Guest Editor's Editorial Cognitive Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for GIS
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Compact and Efficient Feature Representation and Learning in Computer Vision
* Guided Patchwise Nonlocal SAR Despeckling
* Guiding intelligent surveillance system by learning-by-synthesis gaze estimation
* GVRf and Blender: A Path for Android Apps and Games Development
* Hand Detection Using Zoomed Neural Networks
* Hand Gesture Recognition for Collaborative Workstations: A Smart Command System Prototype
* Hand Gestures for the Human-Car Interaction: The Briareo Dataset
* Hand pose estimation and tracking in real and virtual interaction: A review
* Handheld Photoacoustic Imager for Theranostics in 3D
* Handwriting Analysis to Support Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis: A Preliminary Study
* Handwritten Arabic text recognition using multi-stage sub-core-shape HMMs
* Handwritten pattern recognition for early Parkinson's disease diagnosis
* HARDI Segmentation via Fourth-Order Tensors and Anisotropy Preserving Similarity Measures
* Hashing with Mutual Information
* Hebbian Learning Meets Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Hierarchical Clustering-Based Graphs for Large Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Hierarchical Deep Cosegmentation of Primary Objects in Aerial Videos
* Hierarchical Heuristic Approach for Solving Air Traffic Scheduling and Routing Problem With a Novel Air Traffic Model, A
* High resolution fingerprint recognition using pore and edge descriptors
* High-Contrast, Low-Cost, 3-D Visualization of Skin Cancer Using Ultra-High-Resolution Millimeter-Wave Imaging
* High-Frequency Ionospheric Monitoring System for Over-the-Horizon Radar in Canada
* High-Performance Automotive Radar: A review of signal processing algorithms and modulation schemes
* High-Resolution Airborne Color-Infrared Camera Water Mask for the NASA ABoVE Campaign, A
* High-Resolution Topography of Titan Adapting the Delay/Doppler Algorithm to the Cassini RADAR Altimeter Data
* High-Speed Maneuvering Platforms Squint Beam-Steering SAR Imaging Without Subaperture
* HMDHBN: Hidden Markov Inducing a Dynamic Hierarchical Bayesian Network for Tumor Growth Prediction
* HMM Based Keyword Spotting System in Printed/Handwritten Arabic/Latin Documents with Identification Stage
* Homogeneity Index as Stopping Criterion for Anisotropic Diffusion Filter
* Homological Region Adjacency Tree for a 3D Binary Digital Image via HSF Model
* Hough Based Evolutions for Enhancing Structures in 3D Electron Microscopy
* Hourly PM2.5 Estimates from a Geostationary Satellite Based on an Ensemble Learning Algorithm and Their Spatiotemporal Patterns over Central East China
* How Does Connected Components Labeling with Decision Trees Perform on GPUs?
* How Does Scale Effect Influence Spring Vegetation Phenology Estimated from Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indexes?
* How much do cross-modal related semantics benefit image captioning by weighting attributes and re-ranking sentences?
* How reliable is your reliability diagram?
* How Well Current Saliency Prediction Models Perform on UAVs Videos?
* Human motions and emotions recognition inspired by LMA qualities
* Human-Computer Interaction for Space Situational Awareness (SSA): Towards the SSA Integrated Sensor Viewer (ISV)
* Human-Human Interactional Synchrony Analysis Based on Body Sensor Networks
* Human-Robot Interaction During Virtual Reality Mediated Teleoperation: How Environment Information Affects Spatial Task Performance and Operator Situation Awareness
* Human-Vehicle Collaborative Driving Framework for Driver Assistance, A
* Hybrid data-driven approach for truck travel time imputation
* Hybrid Function Sparse Representation Towards Image Super Resolution
* Hybrid HMM/DNN System for Arabic Handwriting Keyword Spotting
* Hybrid Truncated Norm Regularization Method for Matrix Completion, A
* Hybrid Urban Canyon Pedestrian Navigation Scheme Combined PDR, GNSS and Beacon Based on Smartphone
* Hydra: An Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks for Geospatial Land Classification
* Hydrological Response of Dry Afromontane Forest to Changes in Land Use and Land Cover in Northern Ethiopia
* Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction Using Spatially Weighted Simplex Strategy
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Convolutional Neural Network Based on Dilation Layers
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Subspace-Based Low Tensor Multi-Rank Regularization
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Species Composition Based on Transfer Learning
* Hyperspectral Sea Ice Image Classification Based on the Spectral-Spatial-Joint Feature with Deep Learning
* Identification of coronary arteries in CT images by Bayesian analysis of geometric relations among anatomical landmarks
* Identification of Sun Glint Contamination in GMI Measurements Over the Global Ocean
* Identify and Delimitate Urban Hotspot Areas Using a Network-Based Spatiotemporal Field Clustering Method
* Identifying Computer Generated Images Based on Quaternion Central Moments in Color Quaternion Wavelet Domain
* Identifying Diagnostically Complex Cases Through Ensemble Learning
* Identifying Heavy Goods Vehicle Driving Styles in the United Kingdom
* Identifying Stable Patterns over Time for Emotion Recognition from EEG
* Illumination-Guided Video Composition via Gradient Consistency Optimization
* Image Anomaly Detection with Capsule Networks and Imbalanced Datasets
* Image classification toward lung cancer recognition by learning deep quality model
* Image compression system with an optimisation of compression ratio
* Image Denoising Based on Nonlocal Bayesian Singular Value Thresholding and Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimator
* Image Memorability Using Diverse Visual Features and Soft Attention
* Image mosaicing: A deeper insight
* Image quality assessment for advertising applications based on neural network
* Image quality assessment for intelligent emergency application based on deep neural network
* Image Recognition by Predicted User Click Feature With Multidomain Multitask Transfer Deep Network
* Image Retrieval Based on Learning to Rank and Multiple Loss
* Image saliency prediction by learning deep probability model
* Image segmentation algorithm based on superpixel clustering
* Image Structure Subspace Learning Using Structural Similarity Index
* Image super-resolution using TV priori guided convolutional network
* Image-Based Ground Visibility for Aviation: Is What You See What You Get?
* Image-to-Image Translation to Unfold the Reality of Artworks: An Empirical Analysis
* Impact of Acquisition Date on the Prediction Performance of Topsoil Organic Carbon from Sentinel-2 for Croplands, The
* Impact of Foveated Rendering on Procedural Task Training
* Impact of Motion on Individual Simulator Sickness in a Moving Base VR Simulator with Head-Mounted Display (HMD), The
* Impact of Padding on Image Classification by Using Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks, The
* Impact of Signal Quantization on the Performance of RFI Mitigation Algorithms
* Impacts of Growth and Environmental Parameters on Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at Seasonal and Diurnal Scales, The
* Impacts of Radiometric Uncertainty and Weather-Related Surface Conditions on Soil Moisture Retrievals with Sentinel-1
* Implementation of the Mean Shift Algorithm, An
* Improved Conceptual Model Quantifying the Effect of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activities on Vegetation Change in Arid Regions, An
* Improved Empirical Coefficients for Estimating Water Vapor Weighted Mean Temperature over Europe for GNSS Applications
* Improved Estimates of Geocenter Variability from Time-Variable Gravity and Ocean Model Outputs
* Improved Generalized Chirp Scaling Algorithm Based on Lagrange Inversion Theorem for High-Resolution Low Frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging, An
* Improved Global Analysis of Population Distribution in Proximity to Active Volcanoes, 1975-2015, An
* improved Kernelized Correlation Filter tracking algorithm based on multi-channel memory model, An
* Improved localization accuracy by LocNet for Faster R-CNN based text detection in natural scene images
* Improved Search in Hamming Space Using Deep Multi-Index Hashing
* Improved Simulated Annealing Approach for Reconstructing Binary Images with Fixed Number of Strips, An
* Improved Stationarity Test Based on Surrogates, An
* Improved Weighted Average Reprojection Image Denoising Method, An
* Improvement of Image Denoising Algorithms by Preserving the Edges
* Improvements in the Beam-Mismatch Correction of Precipitation Radar Data After the TRMM Orbit Boost
* Improving Ancient Cham Glyph Recognition from Cham Inscription Images Using Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning
* Improving Facial Emotion Recognition Systems with Crucial Feature Extractors
* Improving Lesion Segmentation for Diabetic Retinopathy Using Adversarial Learning
* Improving Multi-scale Face Recognition Using VGGFace2
* Improving Person Re-identification by Background Subtraction Using Two-Stream Convolutional Networks
* Improving SWE Estimation by Fusion of Snow Models with Topographic and Remotely Sensed Data
* Improving the Accuracy of Regional Ionospheric Mapping with Double-Difference Carrier Phase Measurement
* Improving the Performance of Thinning Algorithms with Directed Rooted Acyclic Graphs
* Improving the Positional Accuracy of Traditional Cadastral Index Maps with Membrane Adjustment in Slovenia
* In-Line Burr Inspection Through Backlight Vision
* In-Season Diagnosis of Rice Nitrogen Status Using Proximal Fluorescence Canopy Sensor at Different Growth Stages
* Inceptive Event Time-Surfaces for Object Classification Using Neuromorphic Cameras
* Incorporating Graph Attention and Recurrent Architectures for City-Wide Taxi Demand Prediction
* Incorporating Topological Representation in 3D City Models
* Incorporation of Structural Tensor and Driving Force Into Log-Demons for Large-Deformation Image Registration
* Incremental Re-Identification by Cross-Direction and Cross-Ranking Adaption
* Individual Behavior Simulation Based on Grid Object and Agent Model
* Indoor Crowd Counting by Mixture of Gaussians Label Distribution Learning
* Inertial Nonconvex Alternating Minimizations for the Image Deblurring
* Influence of Signal to Noise Ratio of Legacy Airborne and Satellite Sensors for Simulating Next-Generation Coastal and Inland Water Products, The
* Influence of Soil Background on Spectral Reflectance of Winter Wheat Crop Canopy
* Information Design for XR Immersive Environments: Challenges and Opportunities
* Information Fusion via Multimodal Hashing with Discriminant Canonical Correlation Maximization
* Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Facet Kernel and Random Walker
* Initial Conditions of Reaction-Diffusion Algorithm Designed for Image Edge Detection
* Instance selection based on boosting for instance-based learners
* Integer Alternative for the Region-Adaptive Hierarchical Transform
* Integrated BIM-GIS Method for Planning of Water Distribution System, An
* Integrated Hyperspectral and Geochemical Study of Sediment-Hosted Disseminated Gold at the Goldstrike District, Utah
* Integrated Indicator Framework for the Assessment of Multifunctional Green Infrastructure: Exemplified in a European City, An
* Integrated Precision Farming Application Based on 5G, UAV and Deep Learning Technologies, An
* Integrating Historical Content with Augmented Reality in an Open Environment
* Integrating SEBAL with in-Field Crop Water Status Measurement for Precision Irrigation Applications: A Case Study
* Integration of Machine Learning and Open Access Geospatial Data for Land Cover Mapping
* Intellectual Structure of CORINE Land Cover Research Applications in Web of Science: A Europe-Wide Review
* Intelligent GPS L1 LOS/Multipath/NLOS Classifiers Based on Correlator-, RINEX- and NMEA-Level Measurements
* Intelligent Recognition of TCP Intrusions for Embedded Micro-controllers
* Intensity Inhomogeneity Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means for Infrared Pedestrian Segmentation
* Interaction Paradigms for Air Traffic Control and Management in Mixed Reality
* Interactive Hierarchical Object Proposals
* Interactive image segmentation using geodesic appearance overlap graph cut
* Interannual Calibration and Global Nighttime Light Fluctuation Assessment Based on Pixel-Level Linear Regression Analysis, The
* Intercomparison of AVHRR GIMMS3g, Terra MODIS, and SPOT-VGT NDVI Products over the Mongolian Plateau
* Intercomparison of Integrated Water Vapor Measurements at High Latitudes from Co-Located and Near-Located Instruments
* Interference Covariance Matrix Structure Classification in Heterogeneous Environment
* Interference in Automotive Radar Systems: Characteristics, mitigation techniques, and current and future research
* Internet GIS-Based Multimodal Public Transport Trip Planning Information System for Travelers in Lithuania
* Interpolation of Instantaneous Air Temperature Using Geographical and MODIS Derived Variables with Machine Learning Techniques
* Interpretable Relative Squeezing bottleneck design for compact convolutional neural networks model
* Intrinsic Calibration of Depth Cameras for Mobile Robots Using a Radial Laser Scanner
* Introducing a New Remote Sensing-Based Model for Forecasting Forest Fire Danger Conditions at a Four-Day Scale
* Introduction to the special issue on robustness, security and regulation aspects in current biometric systems (RSRA-BS)
* Introduction to the Special Section on Deep Learning for Visual Surveillance
* Invertibility-Driven Interpolation Filter for Video Coding
* Invertible secret image sharing with steganography and authentication for AMBTC compressed images
* Investigating Fold-River Interactions for Major Rivers Using a Scheme of Remotely Sensed Characteristics of River and Fold Geomorphology
* Investigating the Automatic Classification of Algae Using the Spectral and Morphological Characteristics via Deep Residual Learning
* Investigating the Norse Harbour of Igaliku (Southern Greenland) Using an Integrated System of Side-Scan Sonar and High-Resolution Reflection Seismics
* Investigating the Potential Effectiveness of Allocentric Mixed Reality Deictic Gesture
* Investigating the Spatiotemporally Varying Correlation between Urban Spatial Patterns and Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of Nansihu Lake Basin, China
* Investigation of a Small Landslide in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by InSAR and Absolute Deformation Model
* Ionospheric Correction of InSAR Time Series Analysis of C-band Sentinel-1 TOPS Data
* IOT Edge-Fog-Cloud Architecture for Vision Based Pallet Integrity, An
* Irrigation Optimization Under a Limited Water Supply by the Integration of Modern Approaches into Traditional Water Management on the Cotton Fields
* Is that my hand? An egocentric dataset for hand disambiguation
* Iteration Method for X-Ray CT Reconstruction from Variable-Truncation Projection Data, An
* Iterative Pointing Angle Calibration Method for the Spaceborne Photon-Counting Laser Altimeter Based on Small-Range Terrain Matching
* Iterative Sampled Methods for Massive and Separable Nonlinear Inverse Problems
* Japanese Lexical Variation Explained by Spatial Contact Patterns
* Joint 3D-Wind Retrievals with Stereoscopic Views from MODIS and GOES
* Joint CNN and Variational Model for Fully-Automatic Image Colorization
* Joint Correlation Measurements for PRNU-Based Source Identification
* Joint Estimation of Camera Orientation and Vanishing Points from an Image Sequence in a Non-Manhattan World
* Joint-Sparse Signal Reconstruction Based on Common Support Set Refinement
* JupyTEP IDE as an Online Tool for Earth Observation Data Processing
* K-center algorithm for hierarchical binary template matching
* K-Graphs: An Algorithm for Graph Signal Clustering and Multiple Graph Learning
* K-Matrix: A Novel Change-Pattern Mining Method for SAR Image Time Series
* k-means as a variational EM approximation of Gaussian mixture models
* Kernel modified optimal margin distribution machine for imbalanced data classification
* Key pose recognition toward sports scene using deeply-learned model
* Key-Track: A Lightweight Scalable LSTM-based Pedestrian Tracker for Surveillance Systems
* KFBin: Kalman Filter-Based Approach for Document Image Binarization
* KLUM: An Urban VNIR and SWIR Spectral Library Consisting of Building Materials
* Knee Osteoarthritis Detection Using Power Spectral Density: Data from the OsteoArthritis Initiative
* Knee Pain Patient Simulation for Recommendation of Sit-to-Stand Handrail Positions
* KnobCollector: Custom Device Controller for Dynamic Real-Time Subjective Data Collection in Virtual Reality
* KPTransfer: Improved Performance and Faster Convergence from Keypoint Subset-Wise Domain Transfer in Human Pose Estimation
* Krasnoselskii-Mann Algorithm With an Improved EM Preconditioner for PET Image Reconstruction, A
* L1-norm-based kernel entropy components
* Label Consistent Matrix Factorization Hashing for Large-Scale Cross-Modal Similarity Search
* Label Propagation Guided by Hierarchy of Partitions for Superpixel Computation
* Land Cover Maps Production with High Resolution Satellite Image Time Series and Convolutional Neural Networks: Adaptations and Limits for Operational Systems
* Land-Cover Classification of Coastal Wetlands Using the RF Algorithm for Worldview-2 and Landsat 8 Images
* Landslides detection through optimized hot spot analysis on persistent scatterers and distributed scatterers
* Language-aware weak supervision for salient object detection
* Large Field/Close-Up Image Classification: From Simple to Very Complex Features
* Large Scale Agricultural Plastic Mulch Detecting and Monitoring with Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Xinjiang, China
* Large Scale Trajectory Dataset for Shopper Behaviour Understanding, A
* Large-Scale Multi-Institutional Evaluation of Advanced Discrimination Algorithms for Buried Threat Detection in Ground Penetrating Radar, A
* Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Based on Semi-Supervised Adversarial Hashing
* Laser-based SLAM automatic parallel parking path planning and tracking for passenger vehicle
* Late Fusion Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Lattice Metric Space Application to Grain Defect Detection
* Layered Embeddings for Amodal Instance Segmentation
* LCEval: Learned Composite Metric for Caption Evaluation
* Lead-Induced Changes in Fluorescence and Spectral Characteristics of Pea Leaves
* Leading Progress in Digital Terrain Analysis and Modeling
* Learnable Gated Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation in Remote-Sensing Images
* Learned Pre-processing for Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Detection on Eye Fundus Images
* Learning a multi-level guided residual network for single image deraining
* Learning a Probabilistic Model for Diffeomorphic Registration
* Learning a virtual codec based on deep convolutional neural network to compress image
* Learning Adaptive Discriminative Correlation Filters via Temporal Consistency Preserving Spatial Feature Selection for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Learning Adaptive Regularization for Image Labeling Using Geometric Assignment
* Learning an Optimisable Semantic Segmentation Map with Image Conditioned Variational Autoencoder
* Learning and Adapting Robust Features for Satellite Image Segmentation on Heterogeneous Data Sets
* Learning Approach for Informative-Frame Selection in US Rheumatology Images, A
* Learning Composite Latent Structures for 3D Human Action Representation and Recognition
* Learning Controllable Face Generator from Disjoint Datasets
* Learning Deep Features for One-Class Classification
* Learning deep features for online person tracking using non-overlapping cameras: A survey
* Learning discriminative subregions and pattern orders for facial gender classification
* Learning Discriminatory Deep Clustering Models
* Learning edit cost estimation models for graph edit distance
* Learning Human Pose Models from Synthesized Data for Robust RGB-D Action Recognition
* Learning Latent Stable Patterns for Image Understanding With Weak and Noisy Labels
* Learning local feature representation from matching, clustering and spatial transform
* Learning motion field of LiDAR point cloud with convolutional networks
* Learning Pedestrian Detection from Virtual Worlds
* Learning Probabilistic Trajectory Models of Aircraft in Terminal Airspace From Position Data
* Learning representations of multivariate time series with missing data
* Learning Semantics-Preserving Attention and Contextual Interaction for Group Activity Recognition
* Learning sparse discriminant low-rank features for low-resolution face recognition
* Learning Temporal Features for Detection on Maritime Airborne Video Sequences Using Convolutional LSTM
* Learning the Graph Edit Distance Parameters for Point-Set Image Registration
* Learning to Find Unpaired Cross-Spectral Correspondences
* Learning to Predict Bus Arrival Time From Heterogeneous Measurements via Recurrent Neural Network
* Learning to Rank Food Images
* Learning to remove reflections from windshield images
* Learning Transparent Object Matting
* Learning Visual Dictionaries from Class-Specific Superpixel Segmentation
* LEO Precise Orbit Determination with Inter-satellite Links
* Lessons Learned from the NOAA CoastWatch Ocean Satellite Course Developed for Integrating Oceanographic Satellite Data into Operational Use
* Levellings based on spatially adaptive scale spaces using local image features
* Leveraging Smartphone Sensors to Detect Distracted Driving Activities
* LiDAR DEM Smoothing and the Preservation of Drainage Features
* Lidar Estimates of the Anisotropy of Wind Turbulence in a Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer
* Lightweight cascade framework for optic disc segmentation
* Lightweight Deep Learning Pipeline for Detection, Segmentation and Classification of Breast Cancer Anomalies
* Line Drawings from 3D Models: A Tutorial
* Lip biometric template security framework using spatial steganography
* LLP norm regularization based group sparse representation for image compressed sensing recovery
* Local difference-based active contour model for medical image segmentation and bias correction
* Local Force Pattern (LFP): Descriptor for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* local image descriptor based on radial and angular gradient intensity histogram for blurred image matching, A
* Locality Preserving Joint Transfer for Domain Adaptation
* Locally Linear Image Structural Embedding for Image Structure Manifold Learning
* Long Integral Time Continuous Panorama Scanning Imaging Based on Bilateral Control with Image Motion Compensation
* Long term activity prediction in first person viewpoint
* Long-Form Video Question Answering via Dynamic Hierarchical Reinforced Networks
* Looking Under the Hood: Visualizing What LSTMs Learn
* Low-Complexity Scene Understanding Network
* Low-Cost Computer Vision System for Real-Time Tennis Analysis, A
* Low-Light Image Enhancement via the Absorption Light Scattering Model
* lp-ICP Coastline Inflection Method for Geolocation Error Estimation in FY-3 MWRI Data
* LumaPath: An Immersive Virtual Reality Game for Encouraging Physical Activity for Senior Arthritis Patients
* Lung segmentation based on random forest and multi-scale edge detection
* LYTNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time Pedestrian Traffic Lights and Zebra Crossing Recognition for the Visually Impaired
* Macrocanonical Models for Texture Synthesis
* Magnitude-Orientation Stream network and depth information applied to activity recognition
* Mandible and skull segmentation in cone beam computed tomography using super-voxels and graph clustering
* Manual Annotations on Depth Maps for Human Pose Estimation
* Mapping Crop Residue by Combining Landsat and WorldView-3 Satellite Imagery
* Mapping dead forest cover using a deep convolutional neural network and digital aerial photography
* Mapping Growing Stem Volume of Chinese Fir Plantation Using a Saturation-based Multivariate Method and Quad-polarimetric SAR Images
* Mapping Height and Aboveground Biomass of Mangrove Forests on Hainan Island Using UAV-LiDAR Sampling
* Mapping Physiognomic Types of Indigenous Forest using Space-Borne SAR, Optical Imagery and Air-borne LiDAR
* Mapping Plastic Mulched Farmland for High Resolution Images of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Deep Semantic Segmentation
* Mapping Recent Lava Flows at Mount Etna Using Multispectral Sentinel-2 Images and Machine Learning Techniques
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Data to RDF: A SPARQL Endpoint for Brussels
* Mapping the Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Vegetation Response Lag to Drought in a Semi-Arid Region
* Mapping with Pléiades: End-to-End Workflow
* Marker Concealment Using Print Color Correction and Its Application
* Mask Guided Fusion for Group Activity Recognition in Images
* Mask Sparse Representation Based on Semantic Features for Thermal Infrared Target Tracking
* Master and Rookie Networks for Person Re-identification
* Mathematical Integration of Remotely-Sensed Information into a Crop Modelling Process for Mapping Crop Productivity
* Matrix regression-based classification with block-norm
* Max-Margin Majority Voting for Learning from Crowds
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Low-Rank Probability Mass Tensor From Partial Observations
* May Radiomic Data Predict Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness?
* MDAD: A Multimodal and Multiview in-Vehicle Driver Action Dataset
* Measurement of the Propensity to Trust Automation, The
* Measuring and Predicting Urban Expansion in the Angkor Region of Cambodia
* Mediating Human-Robot Interactions with Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality
* Memory Efficient Deployment of an Optical Flow Algorithm on GPU Using OpenMP
* Mesh-based camera pairs selection and occlusion-aware masking for mesh refinement
* metadata-free pure soft broadcast scheme for image and video transmission, A
* Metaheuristic FIR filter with game theory based compression technique- A reliable medical image compression technique for online applications
* MetalGAN: A Cluster-Based Adaptive Training for Few-Shot Adversarial Colorization
* Method for the Destriping of an Orbita Hyperspectral Image with Adaptive Moment Matching and Unidirectional Total Variation, A
* Method for Validating the Structural Completeness of Understory Vegetation Models Captured with 3D Remote Sensing, A
* Methodology for Generating Service Areas That Accounts for Linear Barriers, A
* Methods and Application of Archeological Cloud Platform for Grand Sites Based on Spatio-Temporal Big Data
* Metric for Evaluating the Geometric Quality of Land Cover Maps Generated with Contextual Features from High-Dimensional Satellite Image Time Series without Dense Reference Data, A
* Microphysical Characteristics of Three Convective Events with Intense Rainfall Observed by Polarimetric Radar and Disdrometer in Eastern China
* Min-Entropy Latent Model for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Minimal Lipschitz Extensions for Vector-Valued Functions on Finite Graphs
* Minimax Design of Constant Modulus MIMO Waveforms for Active Sensing
* Minimizing Training Data for Reliable Writer Identification in Medieval Manuscripts
* Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who's Got the Clearest Image of Them All?: A Tailored Approach to Single Image Reflection Removal
* MIVIABot: A Cognitive Robot for Smart Museum
* Mobile terminal trajectory recognition based on improved LSTM model
* Model for Complex Subsidence Causality Interpretation Based on PS-InSAR Cross-Heading Orbits Analysis, A
* Modeling 3D Free-geometry Volumetric Sources Associated to Geological and Anthropogenic Hazards from Space and Terrestrial Geodetic Data
* Modeling and Measurement Approach for the Uncertainty of Features Extracted from Remote Sensing Images, A
* Modeling Housing Rent in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area Using Textual Information and Deep Learning
* Modeling the Effects of Prevention and Early Diagnosis on HIV/AIDS Infection Diffusion
* Modelling marginal ranking distributions: The uncertainty tree
* Modern art challenges face detection
* Modern vs Diplomatic Transcripts for Historical Handwritten Text Recognition
* Modified clipping based image enhancement scheme using difference of histogram bins
* modified contrastive loss method for face recognition, A
* MODIS Reflective Solar Bands On-Orbit Calibration and Performance
* Monitoring Drought Impact on Annual Forage Production in Semi-Arid Grasslands: A Case Study of Nebraska Sandhills
* Monitoring Trace Gases over the Antarctic Using Atmospheric Infrared Ultraspectral Sounder Onboard GaoFen-5: Algorithm Description and First Retrieval Results of O3, H2O, and HCl
* Monitoring Tropical Forest Structure Using SAR Tomography at L- and P-Band
* Motion Correction in Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy
* Motion-Augmented Inference and Joint Kernels in Structured Learning for Object Tracking
* Motion-Compensated Spatio-Temporal Filtering for Multi-Image and Multimodal Super-Resolution
* MSDH: Matched subspace detector with heterogeneous noise
* Multi-Aspect Analysis of Object-Oriented Landslide Detection Based on an Extended Set of LiDAR-Derived Terrain Features
* Multi-Branch Spatial-Temporal Network for Action Recognition
* Multi-Channel Decomposition in Tandem With Free-Energy Principle for Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-Criteria High Voltage Power Line Routing: An Open Source GIS-Based Approach
* Multi-focus image fusion based on joint sparse representation and optimum theory
* Multi-Hazard Exposure Mapping Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Case Study from Iran
* Multi-Kernel Coupled Projections for Domain Adaptive Dictionary Learning
* Multi-kernel sparse subspace clustering on the Riemannian manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices
* Multi-label image classification with recurrently learning semantic dependencies
* Multi-Level Cooperative Fusion of GM-PHD Filters for Online Multiple Human Tracking
* multi-metric approach for block-level video quality assessment, A
* Multi-Modality Multi-Task Recurrent Neural Network for Online Action Detection
* Multi-objective genetic algorithm on hexagonal search for fast motion estimation
* Multi-perspective gait recognition based on classifier fusion
* Multi-procedural Virtual Reality Simulator for Orthopaedic Training, A
* Multi-projection deep learning network for segmentation of 3D medical images
* Multi-Scale Flow Field Mapping Method Based on Real-Time Feature Streamlines
* Multi-Scale Gradient Image Super-Resolution for Preserving SIFT Key Points in Low-Resolution Images
* Multi-Scale Interpretation Model for Convolutional Neural Networks: Building Trust Based on Hierarchical Interpretation
* Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Semantic Analysis Based on a Global Perspective
* multi-scheme semi-supervised regression approach, A
* Multi-Sensor Geodetic Observations and Modeling of the 2017 Mw 6.3 Jinghe Earthquake
* Multi-sensor prediction of Eucalyptus stand volume: A support vector approach
* Multi-Source Data Integration to Investigate a Deep-Seated Landslide Affecting a Bridge
* Multi-Source Geo-Information Fusion in Transition: A Summer 2019 Snapshot
* Multi-stream Convolutional Autoencoder and 2D Generative Adversarial Network for Glioma Classification
* Multi-stream Convolutional Networks for Indoor Scene Recognition
* Multi-tasking to Correct: Motion-Compensated MRI via Joint Reconstruction and Registration
* Multi-Threshold Segmentation for Tree-Level Parameter Extraction in a Deciduous Forest Using Small-Footprint Airborne LiDAR Data, A
* Multi-View Linear Discriminant Analysis Network
* Multi-View Vehicle Type Recognition With Feedback-Enhancement Multi-Branch CNNs
* Multifaceted Geometric Assessment towards Simplified Urban Surfaces Built by 3D Reconstruction
* Multilinear Subspace Method Based on Geodesic Distance for Volumetric Object Classification
* Multimedia for Autonomous Driving
* Multimedia Retrieval Through Unsupervised Hypergraph-Based Manifold Ranking
* Multimodal Head-Mounted Virtual-Reality Brain-Computer Interface for Stroke Rehabilitation
* Multimodal Interface for Virtual Information Environments, A
* Multimodal Route Planning With Public Transport and Carpooling
* Multipath Residual Network for Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiple classifier-based fast coding unit partition for intra coding in future video coding
* Multiple Organs Segmentation in Abdomen CT Scans Using a Cascade of CNNs
* Multiple Pyramids Based Image Inpainting Using Local Patch Statistics and Steering Kernel Feature
* Multiple-Feature Kernel-Based Probabilistic Clustering for Unsupervised Band Selection
* Multiple-Instance Discriminant Analysis for Weakly Supervised Segment Annotation
* Multiple-Oriented and Small Object Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks for Aerial Image
* Multiple-view geospatial comparison using web-based virtual globes
* Multiscale Edge Detection Using First-Order Derivative of Anisotropic Gaussian Kernels
* Multiscale Locality and Rank Preservation for Robust Feature Matching of Remote Sensing Images
* Multiscale Structure Tensor for Improved Feature Extraction and Image Regularization
* Multisensor Characterization of Urban Morphology and Network Structure
* Multispectral UAS Data Accuracy for Different Radiometric Calibration Methods
* Multitask learning for large-scale semantic change detection
* Multitemporal Remote Sensing Based on an FVC Reference Period Using Sentinel-2 for Monitoring Eichhornia crassipes on a Mediterranean River
* Multiview gait-based gender classification through pose-based voting
* Narrow Gap Detection in Microscope Images Using Marked Point Process Modeling
* Natural image segmentation with non-extensive mixture models
* Nerve Contour Tracking for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia
* NetScore: Towards Universal Metrics for Large-Scale Performance Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for Practical On-Device Edge Usage
* New Adaptive Image Interpolation Method to Define the Shoreline at Sub-Pixel Level, A
* New Descriptor for Keypoint-Based Background Modeling, A
* New discretization of total variation functional for image processing tasks
* New ECOSTRESS and MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data Reveal Fine-Scale Heat Vulnerability in Cities: A Case Study for Los Angeles County, California
* New Hybrid Method for Gland Segmentation in Histology Images, A
* new hyperparameters optimization method for convolutional neural networks, A
* new image size reduction model for an efficient visual sensor network, A
* New Iterative Method for CT Reconstruction with Uncertain View Angles, A
* new method to identify coronary artery disease with ECG signals and time-Frequency concentrated antisymmetric biorthogonal wavelet filter bank, A
* New Perspectives in Landslide Displacement Detection Using Sentinel-1 Datasets
* New Practice Method Based on KNN Model to Improve User Experience for an AR Piano Learning System, A
* New Pseudoinvariant Near-Infrared Threshold Method for Relative Radiometric Correction of Aerial Imagery, A
* New Retrieval Algorithm for Soil Moisture Index from Thermal Infrared Sensor On-Board Geostationary Satellites over Europe and Africa and Its Validation, A
* New Traversal Method for Virtual Reality:, A
* New Vegetation Index to Detect Periodically Submerged Mangrove Forest Using Single-Tide Sentinel-2 Imagery, A
* Night on South Korea: Unraveling the Relationship between Urban Development Patterns and DMSP-OLS Night-Time Lights
* Nighttime Reflectance Generation in the Visible Band of Satellites
* No-reference artifacts measurements based video quality metric
* No-reference image quality assessment focusing on human facial region
* No-Reference Quality Evaluator of Transparently Encrypted Images
* Noise Variance Estimation Through Joint Analysis of Intrinsic Dimension and Differential Entropy
* Non-contact Heart Rate Monitoring Using Multiple RGB Cameras
* Non-convex Nonseparable Approach to Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy, A
* Non-rigid medical image registration using image field in Demons algorithm
* Non-rigid registration of serial section images by blending transforms for 3D reconstruction
* Noncooperative Target Detection of Spacecraft Objects Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
* Novel Anomaly Score for Isolation Forests, A
* novel approach for mitigating atmospheric turbulence using weighted average Sobolev gradient and Laplacian, A
* Novel Approach to SAR Ocean Wind Retrieval, A
* Novel Audio Feature Projection Using KDLPCCA-Based Correlation with EEG Features for Favorite Music Classification
* novel correlation filter based on variational calculus, A
* novel correlation filter based on variational calculus, A
* novel deep learning based framework for the detection and classification of breast cancer using transfer learning, A
* Novel event analysis for human-machine collaborative underwater exploration
* Novel Hyperspectral Image Classification Pattern Using Random Patches Convolution and Local Covariance, A
* Novel Inpainting Algorithm for Recovering Landsat-7 ETM+ SLC-OFF Images Based on the Low-Rank Approximate Regularization Method of Dictionary Learning With Nonlocal and Nonconvex Models, A
* Novel Method Based on OMPGW Method for Feature Extraction in Automatic Music Mood Classification, A
* novel multi-core algorithm for frequent itemsets mining in data streams, A
* Novel Multi-Scale Filter Profile-Based Framework for VHR Remote Sensing Image Classification
* novel pattern with high-level commands for encoding motor imagery-based brain computer interface, A
* Nowcasting of Surface Solar Irradiance Using FengYun-4 Satellite Observations over China
* NWCSAF High Resolution Winds (NWC/GEO-HRW) Stand-Alone Software for Calculation of Atmospheric Motion Vectors and Trajectories
* O2O Method for Fast 2D Shape Retrieval
* Object Contour and Edge Detection with RefineContourNet
* Object Instance Segmentation in Digital Terrain Models
* Object occlusion guided stereo image retargeting
* Object-Based Flood Analysis Using a Graph-Based Representation
* Observed Relationship Between BRF Spectral-Continuum Variance and Macroscopic Roughness of Clay Sediments
* Occlusion-Aware Depth Map Coding Optimization Using Allowable Depth Map Distortions
* Ocean Color Quality Control Masks Contain the High Phytoplankton Fraction of Coastal Ocean Observations
* Ocean Surface Wind Speed Retrieval Using Simulated RADARSAT Constellation Mission Compact Polarimetry SAR Data
* Oceanic Mesoscale Eddy Detection Method Based on Deep Learning
* Oculus Rift Versus HTC Vive: Usability Assessment from a Teleportation Task
* On Complex Conjugate Pair Sums and Complex Conjugate Subspaces
* On Estimating the Norm of a Gaussian Vector Under Additive White Gaussian Noise
* On Generative Modeling of Cell Shape Using 3D GANs
* On Image Enhancement for Unsupervised Image Description and Matching
* On Input/Output Architectures for Convolutional Neural Network-Based Cross-View Gait Recognition
* On optimal stopping strategies for text recognition in a video stream as an application of a monotone sequential decision model
* On Schatten-q quasi-norm induced matrix decomposition model for salient object detection
* On the Combination of Remote Sensing and Geophysical Methods for the Digitalization of the San Lázaro Middle Paleolithic Rock Shelter (Segovia, Central Iberia, Spain)
* On the Computation of the Euler Characteristic of Binary Images in the Triangular Grid
* On the Cross-Finger Similarity of Vein Patterns
* On the Detection of GAN-Based Face Morphs Using Established Morph Detectors
* On the Minimum Perceptual Temporal Video Sampling Rate and Its Application to Adaptive Frame Skipping
* On the Null-Space of the Shape-Color Moment Invariants
* On the Optimal Two-Antenna Static Beamforming With Per-Antenna Power Constraints
* On the Product of Complex Gaussians With Applications to Radar
* On the Safe Road Toward Autonomous Driving: Phase noise monitoring in radar sensors for functional safety compliance
* On the Segmentation of the Cephalonia-Lefkada Transform Fault Zone (Greece) from an InSAR Multi-Mode Dataset of the Lefkada 2015 Sequence
* On the Use of Single-, Dual-, and Quad-Polarimetric SAR Observation for Landslide Detection
* On Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of Plastic Pollution in Natural Waters
* On visual BMI analysis from facial images
* On Visual Periodicity Estimation Using Singular Value Decomposition
* On-Demand Scalable Model for Geographic Information System (GIS) Data Processing in a Cloud GIS, An
* On-Orbit Radiance Calibration of Nighttime Sensor of LuoJia1-01 Satellite Based on Lunar Observations
* One-Bit SAR Imaging Based on Single-Frequency Thresholds
* Online Kernel-Based Structured Output SVM for Early Expression Detection
* Online learning of contexts for detecting suspicious behaviors in surveillance videos
* Online Reinforcement Learning of X-Haul Content Delivery Mode in Fog Radio Access Networks
* Ontology-Driven Food Category Classification in Images
* Open Set Recognition for Unique Person Counting via Virtual Gates
* Open Vocabulary Arabic Diacritics Restoration
* Operational Workflow of Deciduous-Dominated Forest Species Classification: Crown Delineation, Gap Elimination, and Object-Based Classification, An
* Optimal Adaptive Quantization Based on Temporal Distortion Propagation Model for HEVC
* Optimal and suboptimal channel precoding and decoding matrices for linear video coding
* Optimal Charging Scheduling by Pricing for EV Charging Station With Dual Charging Modes
* Optimal Network Parameter Estimation: Single-Shot Exchange of Local Decisions
* Optimal Vehicle Trajectory Planning With Control Constraints and Recursive Implementation for Automated On-Ramp Merging
* optimization framework for inverse tone mapping using a single low dynamic range image, An
* Optimization of the Local Split-Window Algorithm for FY-4A Land Surface Temperature Retrieval
* Optimized Deep Learning Architecture for the Diagnosis of Pneumonia Through Chest X-Rays
* Oracle Bone Inscription Detector Based on SSD
* Orientation- and Scale-Invariant Multi-Vehicle Detection and Tracking from Unmanned Aerial Videos
* Orogenic Gold in Transpression and Transtension Zones: Field and Remote Sensing Studies of the Barramiya-Mueilha Sector, Egypt
* Orthogonal Affine Invariants from Gaussian-Hermite Moments
* Orthogonal sparse fractal coding algorithm based on image texture feature
* Orthographic Projection Model for Pose Calibration of Long Focal Images, The
* OS-Flow: A Robust Algorithm for Dense Optical and SAR Image Registration
* Out-of-Sample Extension to Manifold Learning via Meta-Modeling, An
* Over Time RF Fitting for Jitter Free 3D Vertebra Reconstruction from Video Fluoroscopy
* Packing Convolutional Neural Networks in the Frequency Domain
* Page-Based Reject Option for Writer Identification in Medieval Books, A
* Palmprint recognition with an efficient data driven ensemble classifier
* Parallel SBAS Approach for Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide Swath Deformation Time-Series Generation: Algorithm Description and Products Quality Assessment, The
* Parallelizing Multiple Flow Accumulation Algorithm using CUDA and OpenACC
* Parameter optimization of a multiscale descriptor for shape analysis on healthcare image datasets
* Parameters determination and sensor correction method based on virtual CMOS with distortion for the GaoFen6 WFV camera
* Parametric Classification of Bingham Distributions Based on Grassmann Manifolds
* Partial Linear NMF-Based Unmixing Methods for Detection and Area Estimation of Photovoltaic Panels in Urban Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
* Particle Filtering for Tracking in 360 Degrees Videos Using Virtual PTZ Cameras
* Partitioning 2D Images into Prototypes of Slope Region
* Pattern Recognition Techniques for Non Verbal Human Behavior (NVHB)
* Pattern Statistics Network for Classification of High-Resolution SAR Images
* Payload Scaling for Adaptive Steganography: An Empirical Study
* PCA-OLS Model for Assessing the Impact of Surface Biophysical Parameters on Land Surface Temperature Variations, A
* PDE Evolutions for M-Smoothers: From Common Myths to Robust Numerics
* PDF Tile Model for Geographic Map Data, A
* Pedestrian detection using multi-channel visual feature fusion by learning deep quality model
* Peeking behind objects: Layered depth prediction from a single image
* People Counting in Dense Crowd Images Using Sparse Head Detections
* Performance Assessment of SM2RAIN-CCI and SM2RAIN-ASCAT Precipitation Products over Pakistan
* Performance Evaluation of a Potential Component of an Early Flood Warning System: A Case Study of the 2012 Flood, Lower Niger River Basin, Nigeria
* Performance Evaluation of Learned 3D Features
* Performance Evaluation of Local Features for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction, A
* Performance of POLYMER Atmospheric Correction of Ocean Color Imagery in the Presence of Absorbing Aerosols
* Performance of Selected Ionospheric Models in Multi-Global Navigation Satellite System Single-Frequency Positioning over China
* Performance of the State-Of-The-Art Gridded Precipitation Products over Mountainous Terrain: A Regional Study over Austria
* Performance Testing on Marker Clustering and Heatmap Visualization Techniques: A Comparative Study on JavaScript Mapping Libraries
* Performance visualization spaces for classification with rejection option
* Person Reidentification by Deep Structured Prediction: A Fully Parameterized Approach
* Personal Identity Verification by EEG-Based Network Representation on a Portable Device
* Personalized Expression Synthesis Using a Hybrid Geometric-Machine Learning Method
* Perspectives in Autonomous Systems Research
* Phase Correlation Decomposition: The Impact of Illumination Variation for Robust Subpixel Remotely Sensed Image Matching
* Phenotyping of Corn Plants Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images
* Photogrammetric Solution for Analysis of Out-Of-Plane Movements of a Masonry Structure in a Large-Scale Laboratory Experiment
* Physically Extended Virtual Reality (PEVR) as a New Concept in Railway Driver Training
* Physically-Based Bimanual Volumetric Selection for Immersive Visualizations
* PhysioUnicaDB: a dataset of EEG and ECG simultaneously acquired
* Piecewise Classifier Mappings: Learning Fine-Grained Learners for Novel Categories With Few Examples
* Pixelwise Deep Sequence Learning for Moving Object Detection
* Place Recognition in Gardens by Learning Visual Representations: Data Set and Benchmark Analysis
* Planar Block Adjustment for China's Land Regions with LuoJia1-01 Nighttime Light Imagery
* PLANHEAT's Satellite-Derived Heating and Cooling Degrees Dataset for Energy Demand Mapping and Planning
* Planning Sustainable Economic Development in the Russian Arctic
* Point Cloud Saliency Detection by Local and Global Feature Fusion
* Polarized Backscattering From Spatially Anisotropic Rough Surface
* PolSAR Change Detection Index Based on Neighborhood Information for Flood Mapping, A
* Pornographic Image Recognition via Weighted Multiple Instance Learning
* Positioning Optimization for Sum-Rate Maximization in UAV-Enabled Interference Channel
* Practical Adaptive Clock Offset Prediction Model for the Beidou-2 System, A
* Practical Procedure to Integrate the First 1:500 Urban Map of Valencia into a Tile-Based Geospatial Information System, A
* Pre-Attention and Spatial Dependency Driven No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Precise Crop Classification Using Spectral-Spatial-Location Fusion Based on Conditional Random Fields for UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Precise Orbit Determination for GNSS Maneuvering Satellite with the Constraint of a Predicted Clock
* Preconditioned P-ULA for Joint Deconvolution-Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* Predicting Slope Stability Failure through Machine Learning Paradigms
* Predicting Structural Properties of Cortical Bone by Combining Ultrasonic Attenuation and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN): 2-D FDTD Study
* Predicting the Quality of Images Compressed After Distortion in Two Steps
* Prediction error expansion-based reversible data hiding in encrypted images with public key cryptosystem
* Prediction of Sea Ice Motion With Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks
* Prediction of Social Image Popularity Dynamics
* Preliminary Experiment of the Interactive Registration of a Trocar for Thoracoscopy with HoloLens Headset
* Preregistration Classification of Mobile LIDAR Data Using Spatial Correlations
* Presence, Immersion and Usability of Mobile Augmented Reality
* Preservation of Piecewise Constancy under TV Regularization with Rectilinear Anisotropy
* Principal Component Analysis Using Structural Similarity Index for Images
* Prior Information Guided Regularized Deep Learning for Cell Nucleus Detection
* Probabilistic guided polycystic ovary syndrome recognition using learned quality kernel
* Problems with Saliency Maps
* Product Recommendation Through Real-Time Object Recognition on Image Classifiers
* Protocol for Aerial Survey in Coastal Areas Using UAS, A
* Provably Scale-Covariant Networks from Oriented Quasi Quadrature Measures in Cascade
* Proximal Splitting Networks for Image Restoration
* Pseudo-Marginal MCMC Sampling for Image Segmentation Using Nonparametric Shape Priors
* Pseudodifferential Inpainting: The Missing Link Between PDE- and RBF-Based Interpolation
* Pyrboxes: An efficient multi-scale scene text detector with feature pyramids
* Quality Analysis of Fingerprint Images Using Local Phase Quantization
* Quality assessment of stereoscopic video in free viewpoint video system
* Quality assessment on remote sensing image based on neural networks
* Quality Evaluation of Image Dehazing Methods Using Synthetic Hazy Images
* Quality of Experience Comparison Between Binocular and Monocular Augmented Reality Display Under Various Occlusion Conditions for Manipulation Tasks with Virtual Instructions
* Quality-guided image classification toward information management applications
* Quantification of Hydrocarbon Abundance in Soils Using Deep Learning with Dropout and Hyperspectral Data
* Quantification of Ventilation and Gas Uptake in Free-Breathing Mice With Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI
* Quantifying the Spatio-Temporal Process of Township Urbanization: A Large-Scale Data-Driven Approach
* Quantitative Association between Nighttime Lights and Geo-Tagged Human Activity Dynamics during Typhoon Mangkhut
* Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land Surface Variables: Progress and Perspective
* Quarter-Point Product Quantization for approximate nearest neighbor search
* Querying 3D Cadastral Information from BIM Models
* Radar Measurements of Morphological Parameters and Species Identification Analysis of Migratory Insects
* Radar-on-Chip/in-Package in Autonomous Driving Vehicles and Intelligent Transport Systems: Opportunities and Challenges
* Radical aggregation network for few-shot offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Radiomic and Dosiomic Profiling of Paediatric Medulloblastoma Tumours Treated with Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
* Radon-Augmented Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery to Derive Wave-Patterns and Regional Bathymetry
* Random cross-observation intensity consistency method for large-scale SAR images mosaics: An example of Gaofen-3 SAR images covering China
* Random Field Computational Adaptive Optics Framework for Optical Coherence Microscopy, A
* Random Slope method for generation of cancelable biometric features
* Rapid Assessment of Flood Inundation and Damaged Rice Area in Red River Delta from Sentinel 1A Imagery
* RaspiReader: Open Source Fingerprint Reader
* Re-Discovering Ancient Landscapes: Archaeological Survey of Mound Features from Historical Maps in Northwest India and Implications for Investigating the Large-Scale Distribution of Cultural Heritage Sites in South Asia
* re-OBJ: Jointly Learning the Foreground and Background for Object Instance Re-identification
* real time aggressive human behaviour detection system in cage environment across multiple cameras, A
* Real Time Object Detection on Aerial Imagery
* Real-time 6D Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image
* Real-Time Deep Tracking via Corrective Domain Adaptation
* Real-Time Geophysical Applications with Android GNSS Raw Measurements
* Real-Time Integrated Holding and Priority Control Strategy for Transit Systems
* Real-Time Micro-expression Detection in Unlabeled Long Videos Using Optical Flow and LSTM Neural Network
* Real-Time Neurodegenerative Disease Video Classification with Severity Prediction
* Real-Time On-Orbit Signal Tracking Algorithm for GNSS Surface Observations, A
* Real-Time Person Re-identification at the Edge: A Mixed Precision Approach
* Real-Time Processing Stand-Alone Multiple Object Visual Tracking System, A
* Real-Time Style Transfer with Strength Control
* Realtime dehazing using colour uniformity principle
* Recognition of Human Activities in Daubechies Complex Wavelet Domain
* Reconstruction of Stochastic 3D Signals With Symmetric Statistics From 2D Projection Images Motivated by Cryo-Electron Microscopy
* Reconstruction-Free Projection Selection Procedure for Binary Tomography Using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Recovery of urban 3D road boundary via multi-source data
* Recurrent age estimation
* Reference-Free Quality Assessment of Sonar Images via Contour Degradation Measurement
* Refined Deep Learning for Digital Objects Recognition via Betti Invariants
* Refitting Solutions Promoted by L12 Sparse Analysis Regularizations with Block Penalties
* Reflection symmetry aware image retargeting
* Refugee Camp Monitoring and Environmental Change Assessment of Kutupalong, Bangladesh, Based on Radar Imagery of Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2
* Region Proposal Approach for Cells Detection and Counting from Microscopic Blood Images, A
* Region Proposal Network Based Small-Footprint Keyword Spotting
* Region-Division-Based Joint Sparse Representation Classification for Hyperspectral Images
* Regional Scale Dryland Vegetation Classification with an Integrated Lidar-Hyperspectral Approach
* Regularized asymmetric nonnegative matrix factorization for clustering in directed networks
* Regularized Evolutionary Algorithm for Dynamic Neural Topology Search
* Reinforcement learning for neural architecture search: A review
* Relation, Transition and Comparison Between the Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Rule and the Hypersphere Classifier
* Relative Importance of Binocular Disparity and Motion Parallax for Depth Estimation: A Computer Vision Approach
* Reliability of Results and Fairness in the Comparison of Rates Among 3D Facial Expression Recognition Works
* Reliable identification of redundant kernels for convolutional neural network compression
* REMAP: Multi-Layer Entropy-Guided Pooling of Dense CNN Features for Image Retrieval
* Remote Diagnosis of Architectural Heritage Based on 5W1H Model-Based Metadata in Virtual Reality
* Remote Sensing Based Binary Classification of Maize. Dealing with Residual Autocorrelation in Sparse Sample Situations
* Remote Sensing Estimation of Lake Total Phosphorus Concentration Based on MODIS: A Case Study of Lake Hongze
* Remote Sensing for the Quantification of Land Surface Dynamics in Large River Delta Regions: A Review
* Remote Sensing of Environmental Changes in Cold Regions: Methods, Achievements and Challenges
* Remote Sensing of Ice Phenology and Dynamics of Europe's Largest Coastal Lagoon (The Curonian Lagoon)
* Remote Sensing-Guided Sampling Design with Both Good Spatial Coverage and Feature Space Coverage for Accurate Farm Field-Level Soil Mapping
* Remotely Sensed Variables of Ecosystem Functioning Support Robust Predictions of Abundance Patterns for Rare Species
* Remotely Sensed Water Limitation in Vegetation: Insights from an Experiment with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
* Reply to Comments on Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Representation Learning With Class Level Autoencoder for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis
* Representation of Surfaces with Normal Cycles and Application to Surface Registration
* Research on classification and influencing factors of metro commuting patterns by combining smart card data and household travel survey data
* Research on image quality in decision management system and information system framework
* Research on the Spatial Features of the E-Retailing-Economic Linkages at County Level: A Case Study for Zhejiang Province, China
* Research on Urban Ecological Network Under the Threat of Road Networks: A Case Study of Wuhan
* Residual Convolutional Neural Networks to Automatically Extract Significant Breast Density Features
* Response of Tallgrass Prairie to Management in the U.S. Southern Great Plains: Site Descriptions, Management Practices, and Eddy Covariance Instrumentation for a Long-Term Experiment
* Restoration of Colour Images Using Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Reflection
* Retinal Blood Vessels Segmentation: Improving State-of-the-Art Deep Methods
* Retinal Image Synthesis and Semi-Supervised Learning for Glaucoma Assessment
* Retraction: Attention-Based Deep Feature Fusion for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* RETRACTION: Identifying Asphalt Pavement Distress Using UAV LiDAR Point Cloud Data and Random Forest Classification
* Retrieval of Cloud Optical Thickness from Sky-View Camera Images using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network based on Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer
* Retrieved Image Refinement by Bootstrap Outlier Test
* Retrieving Surface Soil Moisture over Wheat and Soybean Fields during Growing Season Using Modified Water Cloud Model from Radarsat-2 SAR Data
* Reverse-nearest neighborhood based oversampling for imbalanced, multi-label datasets
* reversible and multipurpose ECG data hiding technique for telemedicine applications, A
* Reversible data hiding using B-tree triangular decomposition based prediction
* reversible visible watermarking for 2D CAD engineering graphics based on graphics fusion, A
* Review of Big Data and Processing Frameworks for Disaster Response Applications
* Review of underwater image restoration algorithms
* Review on IoT Deep Learning UAV Systems for Autonomous Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance, A
* Revisiting correlation-based filters for low-resolution and long-term visual tracking
* Revisiting inaccuracies of time series averaging under dynamic time warping
* RGB-T object tracking: Benchmark and baseline
* Rise of Radar for Autonomous Vehicles: Signal processing solutions and future research directions, The
* Riverine Plastic Litter Monitoring Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
* Road Curb Detection and Localization With Monocular Forward-View Vehicle Camera
* Road Detection and Centerline Extraction Via Deep Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network U-Net
* Road Network Extraction from Low-Frequency Trajectories Based on a Road Structure-Aware Filter
* Road Rutting Measurement Using Mobile LiDAR Systems Point Cloud
* Robot Authority in Human-Machine Teams: Effects of Human-Like Appearance on Compliance
* Robust Adaptive Median Binary Pattern for Noisy Texture Classification and Retrieval
* Robust Alignment for Panoramic Stitching Via an Exact Rank Constraint
* Robust background generation based on an effective frames selection method and an efficient background estimation procedure (FSBE)
* Robust Band-Dependent Spatial-Detail Approaches for Panchromatic Sharpening
* Robust Classification of Head Pose from Low Resolution Images
* Robust estimation for image noise based on eigenvalue distributions of large sample covariance matrices
* Robust face anti-spoofing using CNN with LBP and WLD
* Robust Face Image Super-Resolution via Joint Learning of Subdivided Contextual Model
* Robust H 8 state feedback control for handling stability of intelligent vehicles on a novel all-wheel independent steering mode
* Robust Histogram Estimation Under Gaussian Noise
* Robust Inhibition-Augmented Operator for Delineation of Curvilinear Structures
* Robust Kalman Filters Based on Gaussian Scale Mixture Distributions With Application to Target Tracking
* Robust Kronecker Component Analysis
* Robust Landmark Detection and Position Measurement Based on Monocular Vision for Autonomous Aerial Refueling of UAVs
* Robust part-based visual tracking via adaptive collaborative modelling
* Robust Rule-Based Ensemble Framework Using Mean-Shift Segmentation for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Robust Subspace Clustering With Compressed Data
* Robust Target Detection Within Sea Clutter Based on Graphs
* Robust Weighting Nearest Regularized Subspace Classifier for PolSAR Imagery
* Robustness of functional connectivity metrics for EEG-based personal identification over task-induced intra-class and inter-class variations
* ROI-CSNet: Compressive sensing network for ROI-aware image recovery
* Rotated cascade R-CNN: A shape robust detector with coordinate regression
* Rule-based hidden relation recognition for large scale knowledge graphs
* Runtime Network Routing for Efficient Image Classification
* Safely Caching HOG Pyramid Feature Levels, to Speed up Facial Landmark Detection
* Saliency From Growing Neural Gas: Learning Pre-Attentional Structures for a Flexible Attention System
* Saliency-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Table and Chart Detection in Digitized Documents, A
* Salient Object Detection Using Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks and Adversarial Learning
* Salient object detection via reciprocal function filter
* Sample Fusion Network: An End-to-End Data Augmentation Network for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* SAR Speckle Nonlocal Filtering With Statistical Modeling of Haar Wavelet Coefficients and Stochastic Distances
* SAR-to-Optical Image Translation Based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks: Optimization, Opportunities and Limits
* Satellite Earth Observation Data in Epidemiological Modeling of Malaria, Dengue and West Nile Virus: A Scoping Review
* Satellite-Based Bathymetric Modeling Using a Wavelet Network Model
* Scalable Framework for Data-Driven Subspace Representation and Clustering, A
* Scalable Representation Learning for Long-Term Augmented Reality-Based Information Delivery in Collaborative Human-Robot Perception
* Scalable Supervised Asymmetric Hashing With Semantic and Latent Factor Embedding
* Scale Accuracy Evaluation of Image-Based 3D Reconstruction Strategies Using Laser Photogrammetry
* Scale-Free Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Scaling Gain and Eyeheight While Locomoting in a Large VE
* SCAN: Self-and-Collaborative Attention Network for Video Person Re-Identification
* Scene Invariant Virtual Gates Using DNNs
* Scene-Based Augmented Reality Framework for Exhibits, A
* Scheduled sampling for one-shot learning via matching network
* Scheme for the Long-Term Monitoring of Impervious-Relevant Land Disturbances Using High Frequency Landsat Archives and the Google Earth Engine, A
* Science of Landsat Analysis Ready Data
* Score-level fusion for cancelable multi-biometric verification
* SE(3) invariant description for 3D face recognition, An
* Sea Surface Roughness Observed by High Resolution Radar
* Searching for Viking Age Fortresses with Automatic Landscape Classification and Feature Detection
* Seasonal Progression of Ground Displacement Identified with Satellite Radar Interferometry and the Impact of Unusually Warm Conditions on Permafrost at the Yamal Peninsula in 2016
* Secchi Depth Algorithm Considering the Residual Error in Satellite Remote Sensing Reflectance Data, A
* SegLink++: Detecting Dense and Arbitrary-shaped Scene Text by Instance-aware Component Grouping
* Segmentation and recognition of characters on Tulu palm leaf manuscripts
* Segmentation Guided Scoring of Pathological Lesions in Swine Through CNNs
* Segmentation of 2D and 3D Objects with Intrinsically Similarity Invariant Shape Regularisers
* Segmentation of Aliasing Artefacts in Ultrasound Color Flow Imaging Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Segmentation of Breast MRI Scans in the Presence of Bias Fields
* Segmentation of Multi-temporal UV-Induced Fluorescence Images of Historical Violins
* Segmentation of Pigment Signs in Fundus Images for Retinitis Pigmentosa Analysis by Using Deep Learning
* Seismic Phase Picking Using Convolutional Networks
* self-adaptive local metric learning method for classification, A
* Self-Guiding Multimodal LSTM: When We Do Not Have a Perfect Training Dataset for Image Captioning
* Self-reinforced diffusion for graph-based semi-supervised learning
* Self-Supervised Optical Flow Estimation by Projective Bootstrap
* Semantic 3D Object Maps for Everyday Robotic Retail Inspection
* Semantic Guided Deep Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* Semantic Profiles for Easing SensorML Description: Review and Proposal
* Semantics-enhanced supervised deep autoencoder for depth image-based 3D model retrieval
* Semi-dense and robust image registration by shift adapted weighted aggregation and variational completion
* Semi-Supervised PolSAR Image Classification Based on Self-Training and Superpixels
* Semiautomated Detection and Mapping of Vegetation Distribution in the Antarctic Environment Using Spatial-Spectral Characteristics of WorldView-2 Imagery
* Sensor Bias Estimation for Track-to-Track Association
* Sentiment Analysis from Images of Natural Disasters
* Sentinel-2 Sharpening Using a Reduced-Rank Method
* Sequential CNN Approach for Foreign Object Detection in Hyperspectral Images, A
* Sequential Image Synthesis for Human Activity Video Generation
* Serious Game to Support Decision Making in Medical Education, A
* SfM-MVS Photogrammetry for Rockfall Analysis and Hazard Assessment Along the Ancient Roman Via Flaminia Road at the Furlo Gorge (Italy)
* Shadowing Mitigation Approach for Sea State Parameters Estimation Using X-Band Remotely Sensing Radar Data in Coastal Areas, A
* Shape Analysis of Framed Space Curves
* Shape Optimization of an Electric Dipole Array for 7 Tesla Neuroimaging
* Ship Detection Based on Complex Signal Kurtosis in Single-Channel SAR Imagery
* Ship Detection in Optical Satellite Images via Directional Bounding Boxes Based on Ship Center and Orientation Prediction
* Ship Detection Using a Fully Convolutional Network with Compact Polarimetric SAR Images
* Ship ISAR Imaging Algorithm Based on Generalized Radon-Fourier Transform With Low SNR, A
* Short-Term Prediction of Bus Passenger Flow Based on a Hybrid Optimized LSTM Network
* Shot Boundary Detection for Automatic Video Analysis of Historical Films
* Show, Attend, and Translate: Unsupervised Image Translation With Self-Regularization and Attention
* Side Information for Face Completion: A Robust PCA Approach
* SiGAN: Siamese Generative Adversarial Network for Identity-Preserving Face Hallucination
* Sightseeing Support System Using Augmented Reality and Pictograms within Urban Tourist Areas in Japan, A
* Similarity preservation in dimensionality reduction using a kernel-based cost function
* Simple Method to Improve Estimates of County-Level Economics in China Using Nighttime Light Data and GDP Growth Rate, A
* Simulation Environment for Validation and Verification of Real Time Hyperspectral Processing Algorithms on-Board a UAV, A
* Simulation of Reflectance and Vegetation Indices for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Monitoring of Paddy Fields
* Simultaneous Feature Aggregating and Hashing for Compact Binary Code Learning
* Simultaneous Mapping of Coastal Topography and Bathymetry From a Lightweight Multicamera UAS
* Single Image Rain Removal Model Using Pure Rain Dictionary Learning
* Single image super resolution via neighbor reconstruction
* Single Image Super-Resolution for Optical Satellite Scenes Using Deep Deconvolutional Network
* Single Space Object Image Denoising and Super-Resolution Reconstructing Using Deep Convolutional Networks
* Single-image super-resolution using online kernel adaptive filters
* Single-Resolution Fully Convolutional Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation in Raw Fundus Images, A
* Sit-to-Stand Analysis in the Wild Using Silhouettes for Longitudinal Health Monitoring
* Skin Lesion Segmentation Ensemble with Diverse Training Strategies
* Skin Lesions Classification: A Radiomics Approach with Deep CNN
* Skip Attention Mechanism for Monaural Singing Voice Separation, A
* Skyline recommendation with uncertain preferences
* Slepian-Bangs Formula and Cramér-Rao Bound for Circular and Non-Circular Complex Elliptical Symmetric Distributions
* Slide Screening of Metastases in Lymph Nodes via Conditional, Fully Convolutional Segmentation
* Smart Media Transport: A Burgeoning Intelligent System for Next Generation Multimedia Convergence Service Over Heterogeneous Networks in China
* Smart Monitoring of Crops Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Smartphone picture organization: A hierarchical approach
* SMF-POLOPT: An Adaptive Multitemporal Pol(DIn)SAR Filtering and Phase Optimization Algorithm for PSI Applications
* Snow Depth Estimation with GNSS-R Dual Receiver Observation
* Social Media Use in American Counties: Geography and Determinants
* Soil Organic Carbon Mapping Using LUCAS Topsoil Database and Sentinel-2 Data: An Approach to Reduce Soil Moisture and Crop Residue Effects
* Solving Traffic Signal Scheduling Problems in Heterogeneous Traffic Network by Using Meta-Heuristics
* Sound Transformation: Applying Image Neural Style Transfer Networks to Audio Spectograms
* Source Characteristics of the 28 September 2018 Mw 7.4 Palu, Indonesia, Earthquake Derived from the Advanced Land Observation Satellite 2 Data
* Sparse approximation to discriminant projection learning and application to image classification
* Sparse deep feature learning for facial expression recognition
* Sparse Recovery on Intrinsic Mode Functions for the Micro-Doppler Parameters Estimation of Small UAVs
* sparse regularized nuclear norm based matrix regression for face recognition with contiguous occlusion, A
* Sparse subspace clustering via smoothed LP minimization
* Sparsification Scale-Spaces
* Spatial Disaggregation of Historical Census Data Leveraging Multiple Sources of Ancillary Information
* Spatial Dynamics of Invasive Para Grass on a Monsoonal Floodplain, Kakadu National Park, Northern Australia
* Spatial non-local attention for thoracic disease diagnosis and visualisation in weakly supervised learning
* Spatial Perception of Size in a Virtual World
* Spatial Variation of NO2 and Its Impact Factors in China: An Application of Sentinel-5P Products
* Spatial-Spectral Feature Fusion Coupled with Multi-Scale Segmentation Voting Decision for Detecting Land Cover Change with VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Spatial-Spectral Local Discriminant Projection for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image
* Spatially-Coherent Segmentation Using Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Reduction Based on Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Deformation at San Emidio Geothermal Field, Nevada, USA Between 1992 and 2010
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Ice Sheet Snowmelt in Antarctica and Greenland Using Microwave Radiometer Data
* Spatio-Temporal Data Fusion for Satellite Images Using Hopfield Neural Network
* Spatio-Temporal Flow Model of Urban Dockless Shared Bikes Based on Points of Interest Clustering, A
* Spatiotemporal Change Analysis of Earthquake Emergency Information Based on Microblog Data: A Case Study of the 8.8 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake
* Spatiotemporal Characterization of Mangrove Phenology and Disturbance Response: The Bangladesh Sundarban
* Spatiotemporal Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Pain Intensity Estimation from Facial Dynamics, A
* Spatiotemporal Symmetric Convolutional Neural Network for Video Bit-Depth Enhancement
* Spectral and Radiometric Calibration of the Next Generation Airborne Visible Infrared Spectrometer (AVIRIS-NG)
* Spectral Fitting Algorithm to Retrieve the Fluorescence Spectrum from Canopy Radiance, A
* Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification with Superpixel Pattern and Extreme Learning Machine
* Spectrum Recovery for Clutter Removal in Penetrating Radar Imaging
* Spherical Layout with Proximity-Based Multimodal Feedback for Eyes-Free Target Acquisition in Virtual Reality
* Split Multiplicative Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Split Window Algorithm for Retrieving Land Surface Temperature from FY-3D MERSI-2 Data, A
* Splitting-Based Algorithm for Multi-view Stereopsis of Textureless Objects, A
* ST-CNN: Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network for crowd counting in videos
* Stability Assessment of Coastal Cliffs Incorporating Laser Scanning Technology and a Numerical Analysis
* Stable Explicit p-Laplacian Flows Based on Nonlinear Eigenvalue Analysis
* Stable Implementation of Zero Frequency Filtering of Speech Signals for Efficient Epoch Extraction
* Stacked Fisher autoencoder for SAR change detection
* STag: A stable fiducial marker system
* Star-Based Calibration of the Installation Between the Camera and Star Sensor of the Luojia 1-01 Satellite
* statistical evaluation of eye-tracking data of screening mammography: Effects of expertise and experience on image reading, A
* Statistical Model for Rigid Image Registration Performance: The Influence of Soft-Tissue Deformation as a Confounding Noise Source, A
* Stepwise Disaggregation of SMAP Soil Moisture at 100 m Resolution Using Landsat-7/8 Data and a Varying Intermediate Resolution
* Stereoscopic image quality assessment by analysing visual hierarchical structures and binocular effects
* StfNet: A Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Image Fusion
* Strategies for Improving Single-Head Continual Learning Performance
* Structural network inference from time-series data using a generative model and transfer entropy
* Structure from Motion Point Clouds for Structural Monitoring
* Structure-Aware Collaborative Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Structure-Based Human Facial Age Estimation Framework Under a Constrained Condition, A
* Study of a High Spectral Resolution Hyperspectral LiDAR in Vegetation Red Edge Parameters Extraction
* study of divisive clustering with Hausdorff distances for interval data, A
* Study of English Neologisms Through Large-Scale Probabilistic Indexing of Bentham's Manuscripts, A
* Study of Subjective Quality and Objective Blind Quality Prediction of Stereoscopic Videos
* Study of Two CNN Demosaicking Algorithms, A
* Study on a Matching Algorithm for Urban Underground Pipelines, A
* Study on the Development of a Mixed Reality System Applied to the Practice of Socially Interactive Behaviors of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, A
* Study on the performance of three-dimensional ghost image affected by target
* Studying the Construction of Floor Mosaics in the Roman Villa of Pisões (Portugal) Using Noninvasive Methods: High-Resolution 3D GPR and Photogrammetry
* Studying the Impact on Urban Health over the Greater Delta Region in Egypt Due to Aerosol Variability Using Optical Characteristics from Satellite Observations and Ground-Based AERONET Measurements
* Subdictionary-Based Joint Sparse Representation for SAR Target Recognition Using Multilevel Reconstruction
* Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Stitched Images for Virtual Reality
* Suitability of UAS for Mass Movement Monitoring Caused by Torrential Rainfall: A Study on the Talus Cones in the Alpine Terrain in High Tatras, Slovakia, The
* Super-Resolution Sparse Aperture ISAR Sensors Imaging Algorithm via the MUSIC Technique, A
* Super-Resolved Multiple Scatterers Detection in SAR Tomography Based on Compressive Sensing Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (CS-GLRT)
* Supervised Deep Feature Embedding With Handcrafted Feature
* Supervised discriminative manifold learning with subsidiary-view information for near infrared spectroscopic classification of crop seeds
* Supervised Distance-Based Feature Selection for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* supervised learning to index model for approximate nearest neighbor image retrieval, A
* Supervised Two-Stage Transfer Learning on Imbalanced Dataset for Sport Classification
* Support vector machines resilient against training data integrity attacks
* Surface Prediction for Spatial Augmented Reality Using Cubature Kalman Filtering
* survey on freehand sketch recognition and retrieval, A
* SwapGAN: A Multistage Generative Approach for Person-to-Person Fashion Style Transfer
* SWIR Camera-Based Localization and Mapping in Challenging Environments
* SylNet: An Adaptable End-to-End Syllable Count Estimator for Speech
* Synergy of Satellite, In Situ and Modelled Data for Addressing the Scarcity of Water Quality Information for Eutrophication Assessment and Monitoring of Swedish Coastal Waters
* System for Controlling How Carefully Surgeons Are Cleaning Their Hands, A
* Systematic Comparison of Power Corridor Classification Methods from ALS Point Clouds
* Tackling Partial Domain Adaptation with Self-supervision
* Take a Ramble into Solution Spaces for Classification Problems in Neural Networks
* Target Aware Visual Object Tracking
* Target recognition in SAR images via sparse representation in the frequency domain
* Tattoo Image Search at Scale: Joint Detection and Compact Representation Learning
* tCheXNet: Detecting Pneumothorax on Chest X-Ray Images Using Deep Transfer Learning
* TDCC: top-down semantic aggregation for colour constancy
* Template-Based 3D Road Modeling for Generating Large-Scale Virtual Road Network Environment
* Temporal Evolution of Corn Mass Production Based on Agro-Meteorological Modelling Controlled by Satellite Optical and SAR Images
* Tensor Decomposition and Non-linear Manifold Modeling for 3D Head Pose Estimation
* Terrestrial Validation of ICESat Elevation Measurements and Implications for Global Reanalyses, A
* TextField: Learning a Deep Direction Field for Irregular Scene Text Detection
* Texture Retrieval in the Wild Through Detection-Based Attributes
* Texture spectral similarity criteria
* Texture Variation Adaptive Image Denoising With Nonlocal PCA
* TGLSTM: A time based graph deep learning approach to gait recognition
* Thermal Image Super-Resolution Through Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Thermal Infrared Pedestrian Segmentation Based on Conditional GAN
* Thermodynamic edge entropy in Alzheimer's disease
* Thick Cloud Removal in High-Resolution Satellite Images Using Stepwise Radiometric Adjustment and Residual Correction
* Thick Line Segment Detection with Fast Directional Tracking
* Thigh fracture detection using deep learning method based on new dilated convolutional feature pyramid network
* ThiNet: Pruning CNN Filters for a Thinner Net
* Three-dimensional fusion of clustered and classified features for enhancement of liver and lesions from abdominal radiology images
* Three-Zone Segmentation-Based Motion Compensation for Video Compression
* Through-the-wall radar imaging algorithm for moving target under wall parameter uncertainties
* Timber Tracing with Multimodal Encoder-Decoder Networks
* Time Discrete Geodesics in Deep Feature Spaces for Image Morphing
* Time series classification via divergence measures between probability density functions
* Time Series of Landsat Imagery Shows Vegetation Recovery in Two Fragile Karst Watersheds in Southwest China from 1988 to 2016
* Timetable Optimization for Regenerative Energy Utilization in Subway Systems
* To Speak or to Text: Effects of Display Type and I/O Style on Mobile Virtual Humans Nurse Training
* TOA-Based Localization With NLOS Mitigation via Robust Multidimensional Similarity Analysis
* TOST: A Topological Semantic Model for GPS Trajectories Inside Road Networks
* Total Directional Variation for Video Denoising
* Total Variation and Mean Curvature PDEs on the Space of Positions and Orientations
* Total Variation Based Regularizer Promoting Piecewise-Lipschitz Reconstructions, A
* Toward New Spherical Harmonic Shannon Entropy for Surface Modeling
* Toward Optimal Rate Allocation to Sampling Sets for Bandlimited Graph Signals
* Towards 3D Indoor Cadastre Based on Change Detection from Point Clouds
* Towards a Framework to Model Intelligent Avatars in Immersive Virtual Environments for Studying Human Behavior in Building Fire Emergencies
* Towards a Mixed Reality Assistance System for the Inspection After Final Car Assembly
* Towards an Automatic Annotation of French Sign Language Videos: Detection of Lexical Signs
* Towards an Underground Utilities 3D Data Model for Land Administration
* Towards Automated Ship Detection and Category Recognition from High-Resolution Aerial Images
* Towards controllable image descriptions with semi-supervised VAE
* Towards Multi-source Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Towards PDE-Based Video Compression with Optimal Masks and Optic Flow
* Towards Real-Time Image Enhancement GANs
* Towards the Development of Agenda 2063 Geo-Portal to Support Sustainable Development in Africa
* Towards the interpretation of time-varying regularization parameters in streaming penalized regression models
* TPUAR-Net: Two Parallel U-Net with Asymmetric Residual-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Tracking in Urban Traffic Scenes from Background Subtraction and Object Detection
* Traffic Accident Spatial Simulation Modeling for Planning of Road Emergency Services
* Training Data Classification Algorithms for Radar Applications
* Training Deep Learning Models via Synthetic Data: Application in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Training Efficient Semantic Segmentation CNNs on Multiple Datasets
* Trajectory prediction of vehicles turning at intersections using deep neural networks
* Trajectory-Pooled Spatial-Temporal Architecture of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Video Event Detection
* Transfer Learning for Improving Lifelog Image Retrieval
* Transferred Deep Learning-Based Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Transform with residual rearrangement for HEVC intra coding
* Transformations of Landscape Topography of the Belchatów Coal Mine (Central Poland) and the Surrounding Area Based on DEM Analysis
* Transparent Collision Visualization of Point Clouds Acquired by Laser Scanning
* Transverse Spectrum Deconvolution Technique for MIMO Short-Range Fourier Imaging, A
* Tree Species Mapping Method from UAV Images over Urban Area Using Similarity in Tree-Crown Object Histograms, A
* TreeUNet: Adaptive Tree convolutional neural networks for subdecimeter aerial image segmentation
* TRINet: Tracking and Re-identification Network for Multiple Targets in Egocentric Videos Using LSTMs
* TriResNet: A Deep Triple-Stream Residual Network for Histopathology Grading
* TurtleGO: Application with Cubes for Children's Spatial Ability Based on AR Technology
* Two-dimensional line segment-triangle intersection test: revision and enhancement
* Two-dimensional shape-adaptive windowing functions for image analysis
* Two-fold calibration approach for microscopic traffic simulation models
* Two-Level Approach for No-Reference Consumer Video Quality Assessment
* Two-Parts Step-by-Step Ionospheric Assimilation Based on Ground-Based/Spaceborne Observations and Its Verification, The
* two-stage method for text line detection in historical documents, A
* Two-Stage Outlier Filtering Framework for City-Scale Localization Using 3D SfM Point Clouds, A
* Two-Stage RGB-Based Action Detection Using Augmented 3D Poses
* Two-Step Accuracy Improvement of Motion Compensation for Airborne SAR With Ultrahigh Resolution and Wide Swath
* Two-Step System Based on Deep Transfer Learning for Writer Identification in Medieval Books, A
* Two-Stream Region Convolutional 3D Network for Temporal Activity Detection
* UAS for Wetland Mapping and Hydrological Modeling
* UAV Autonomous Warehouse Inventorying by Deep Learning, An
* UAV first view landmark localization with active reinforcement learning
* UAV Image Based Crop and Weed Distribution Estimation on Embedded GPU Boards
* UAV Imaging of a Martian Brine Analogue Environment in a Fluvio-Aeolian Setting
* UAV Photogrammetry-Based 3D Road Distress Detection
* UAV-Based Slope Failure Detection Using Deep-Learning Convolutional Neural Networks
* UAV-IoT for Next Generation Virtual Reality
* Ultrafast 3D Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Using a 32X32 Matrix Array
* Uncertainty Based Adaptive Projection Selection Strategy for Binary Tomographic Reconstruction
* Underdetermined DOA Estimation for Wideband Signals via Joint Sparse Signal Reconstruction
* Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition: A Combination of Multi-Dimensional Fusion Features and Modified Deep Neural Network
* Underwater Image Enhancement Using Adaptive Retinal Mechanisms
* Unified Single-Image and Video Super-Resolution via Denoising Algorithms
* Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction, A
* Uniform and Variational Deep Learning for RGB-D Object Recognition and Person Re-Identification
* Universal Intensity Standardization Method Based on a Many-to-One Weak-Paired Cycle Generative Adversarial Network for Magnetic Resonance Images, A
* Unmixing K-Gaussians With Application to Hyperspectral Imaging
* Unrest at Domuyo Volcano, Argentina, Detected by Geophysical and Geodetic Data and Morphometric Analysis
* Unstructured road detection via combining the model-based and feature-based methods
* Unsupervised Deep Shape from Template
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Full-Feature Whitening and Colouring
* Unsupervised Effectiveness Estimation Through Intersection of Ranking References
* Unsupervised Labeling by Geometric and Spatially Regularized Self-assignment
* Unsupervised learning of depth estimation based on attention model and global pose optimization
* Unsupervised learning-based long-term superpixel tracking
* Unsupervised Routine Discovery in Egocentric Photo-Streams
* Unsupervised Spatial-Spectral Feature Learning by 3D Convolutional Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Classification
* Unsupervised Variational Learning of Finite Generalized Inverted Dirichlet Mixture Models with Feature Selection and Component Splitting
* Upcoming Mood Prediction Using Public Online Social Networks Data: Analysis over Cyber-Social-Physical Dimension
* Urban Health Related Air Quality Indicators over the Middle East and North Africa Countries Using Multiple Satellites and AERONET Data
* Urban rail transit passenger flow forecast based on LSTM with enhanced long-term features
* Use of an Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS) for Taxiing in Low-Visibility Environments
* Use of Ground Penetrating Radar and Microwave Tomography for the Detection of Decay and Cavities in Tree Trunks, The
* Use of Neumann series decomposition to fit the Weighted Euclidean distance and Inner product scoring models in automatic speaker recognition
* User Evaluation of Map-Based Visual Analytic Tools
* User Guidance for Interactive Camera Calibration
* User Study on the Capability of Three Geo-Based Features in Analyzing and Locating Trajectories, A
* User-Centered Framework for Designing Midair Gesture Interfaces, A
* Using Canopy Height Model Obtained with Dense Image Matching of Archival Photogrammetric Datasets in Area Analysis of Secondary Succession
* Using down-sampling for multiscale analysis of texture images
* Using Handwriting Features to Characterize Cognitive Impairment
* Using High-Spatiotemporal Thermal Satellite ET Retrievals for Operational Water Use and Stress Monitoring in a California Vineyard
* Using HMD for Immersive Training of Voice-Based Operation of Small Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* Using Intelligent Clustering to Implement Geometric Computation for Electoral Districting
* Using Saildrones to Validate Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Salinity and Sea Surface Temperature along the California/Baja Coast
* Using temporal information for recognizing actions from still images
* Using the Properties of Primate Motion Sensitive Neurons to Extract Camera Motion and Depth from Brief 2-D Monocular Image Sequences
* Using Vehicle Synthesis Generative Adversarial Networks to Improve Vehicle Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Utilizing A Game Engine for Interactive 3D Topographic Data Visualization
* Valid oversampling schemes to handle imbalance
* Validating the Predictive Power of Statistical Models in Retrieving Leaf Dry Matter Content of a Coastal Wetland from a Sentinel-2 Image
* Validation of AERONET-Estimated Upward Broadband Solar Fluxes at the Top-Of-The-Atmosphere with CERES Measurements
* Validation of Fengyun4A Temperature and Humidity Profile Products by Radiosonde Observations, A
* Validation of the Analytical Model of Oceanic Lidar Returns: Comparisons with Monte Carlo Simulations and Experimental Results
* Value of Sentinel-2 Spectral Bands for the Assessment of Winter Wheat Growth and Development, The
* Variational Autoencoder Inspired by Brain's Convergence-Divergence Zones for Autonomous Driving Application
* Variational Convex Hull Algorithm, A
* Variational Image Registration for Inhomogeneous-Resolution Pairs
* Variational Optical Flow: Warping and Interpolation Revisited
* Variational Perspective on the Assignment Flow, A
* Variational Registration of Multiple Images with the SVD Based SqN Distance Measure
* Variations in Persistence and Regenerative Zones in Coastal Forests Triggered by Sea Level Rise and Storms
* VEDI: Vision Exploitation for Data Interpretation
* Vehicle Speed Prediction Using a Markov Chain With Speed Constraints
* Vehicle Trajectories from Unlabeled Data Through Iterative Plane Registration
* Vehicle type detection and passenger satisfaction analysis using smartphone sensors and digital surveys
* Velocity-Free Leader-Follower Cooperative Attitude Tracking of Multiple Rigid Bodies on SO(3)
* Vending Shopper Science Lab: Deep Learning for Consumer Research, The
* Very Low Bitrate Semantic Compression of Airplane Cockpit Screen Content
* Vessel Optimal Transport for Automated Alignment of Retinal Fundus Images
* VF3-Light: A lightweight subgraph isomorphism algorithm and its experimental evaluation
* Video Person Re-Identification for Wide Area Tracking Based on Recurrent Neural Networks
* Video Question Answering with Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
* Video retargeting through spatio-temporal seam carving using Kalman filter
* Video saliency detection by gestalt theory
* Video Saliency Detection via Sparsity-Based Reconstruction and Propagation
* Video Synthesis from Intensity and Event Frames
* Video-Based Convolutional Attention for Person Re-Identification
* View-Invariant Pose Analysis for Human Movement Assessment from RGB Data
* Virtual Crowds: An LSTM-Based Framework for Crowd Simulation
* Virtual Dome System Using HMDs: An Alternative to the Expensive and Less Accessible Physical Domes
* Virtual Nature: A Psychologically Beneficial Experience
* Vision Based Driver Smoking Behavior Detection Using Surveillance Camera Images
* Vision-based road slope estimation methods using road lines or local features from instant images
* Vision-Based Target Objects Recognition and Segmentation for Unmanned Systems Task Allocation
* Visual and Textual Sentiment Analysis of Daily News Social Media Images by Deep Learning
* Visual Attention Prediction for Stereoscopic Video by Multi-Module Fully Convolutional Network
* Visual Communication with UAV: Use Cases and Achievements
* Visual Effects of Turning Point and Travel Direction for Outdoor Navigation Using Head-Mounted Display
* Visual Inspection with Federated Learning
* Visual Quality Evaluation for Semantic Segmentation: Subjective Assessment Database and Objective Assessment Measure
* Visual search over billions of aerial and satellite images
* Visual tracking based on robust appearance model
* Visualizations for Communicating Intelligent Agent Generated Courses of Action
* Visualizations Out of Context: Addressing Pitfalls of Real-Time Realistic Hazard Visualizations
* Volcano Monitoring from Space Using High-Cadence Planet CubeSat Images Applied to Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
* Volumes of Blurred-Invariant Gaussians for Dynamic Texture Classification
* Volumetric Analysis of Reservoirs in Drought-Prone Areas Using Remote Sensing Products
* Wafer Defect Map Classification Using Sparse Convolutional Networks
* WaveM-CNN for Automatic Recognition of Sub-cellular Organelles
* Weakly labeled fine-grained classification with hierarchy relationship of fine and coarse labels
* Weakly supervised label distribution learning based on transductive matrix completion with sample correlations
* Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection by Learning A Classifier-Driven Map Generator
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Using Constrained Dominant Sets
* Web-Based System to Assess Texture Analysis Methods and Datasets, A
* Web-Net: A Novel Nest Networks with Ultra-Hierarchical Sampling for Building Extraction from Aerial Imageries
* Weighted correlation filters guidance with spatial-temporal attention for online multi-object tracking
* weighted feature extraction method based on temporal accumulation of optical flow for micro-expression recognition, A
* What Does 2D Geometric Information Really Tell Us About 3D Face Shape?
* Which Is Which? Evaluation of Local Descriptors for Image Matching in Real-World Scenarios
* Wide baseline pose estimation from video with a density-based uncertainty model
* Wide context learning network for stereo matching
* Wind Condition Analysis of Japanese Rural Landscapes in the 19th Century: A Case Study of Kichijoji Village in Musashino Upland
* Winds of Change for Future Operational AMV at EUMETSAT
* Within-Network Ensemble for Face Attributes Classification
* WOF-SWAT: A Web-Based Open-Source Framework for Investigating the Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities Through Online Simulation and Visualization of SWAT Models
* Work Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Exact Euclidean Distance Transform, A
* Working with Gaussian Random Noise for Multi-Sensor Archaeological Prospection: Fusion of Ground Penetrating Radar Depth Slices and Ground Spectral Signatures from 0.00 m to 0.60 m below Ground Surface
* Worldly Eyes on Video: Learnt vs. Reactive Deployment of Attention to Dynamic Stimuli
* WorldView-2 Data for Hierarchical Object-Based Urban Land Cover Classification in Kigali: Integrating Rule-Based Approach with Urban Density and Greenness Indices
* Xavier Electromyographic Wheelchair Control and Virtual Training
1790 for 1909

Index for "1"

Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.