Update Dates 2311

2311 * 2D/3D multimodal data simulation approach with applications on urban semantic segmentation, building extraction and change detection, A
* 2OC: A General Automated Orientation and Orthorectification Method for Corona KH-4B Panoramic Imagery
* 3D Face Recognition: Two Decades of Progress and Prospects
* 3D Face Reconstruction: The Road to Forensics
* 3D3M: 3D Modulated Morphable Model for Monocular Face Reconstruction
* 4DHumanOutfit: A multi-subject 4D dataset of human motion sequences in varying outfits exhibiting large displacements
* AA-LMM: Robust Accuracy-Aware Linear Mixture Model for Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Above Ground Level Estimation of Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter by a Fully Supervised Altimetry Enhancement Network
* Accelerating Stereo Image Simulation for Automotive Applications Using Neural Stereo Super Resolution
* Accurate and Efficient BP Algorithm Based on Precise Slant Range Model and Rapid Range History Construction Method for GEO SAR, An
* Accurately Predicting Quality of Services in IoT via Using Self-Attention Representation and Deep Factorization Machines
* Acoustic SLAM With Moving Sound Event Based on Auxiliary Microphone Arrays
* Action Recognition and Benchmark Using Event Cameras
* Active contour and texture features hybrid model for breast cancer detection from ultrasonic images
* Active contour model based on hybrid signed pressure force function
* active learning method based on result quality evaluation for printed circuit board computed tomography image segmentation, An
* ActiveZero++: Mixed Domain Learning Stereo and Confidence-Based Depth Completion With Zero Annotation
* Actor-Aware Self-Supervised Learning for Semi-Supervised Video Representation Learning
* AdaPoinTr: Diverse Point Cloud Completion With Adaptive Geometry-Aware Transformers
* Adaptive Binary rANS With Probability Estimation in Reverse Order, An
* Adaptive Chroma Prediction Based on Luma Difference for H.266/VVC
* Adaptive Collision-Free Trajectory Tracking Control for String Stable Bidirectional Platoons
* adaptive error-correcting output codes algorithm based on gene expression programming and similarity measurement matrix, An
* Adaptive Learning Approach for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Correction, An
* Adaptive local Principal Component Analysis improves the clustering of high-dimensional data
* Adaptive Multi-Hypergraph Convolutional Networks for 3D Object Classification
* Adaptive Multiscale Generative Adversarial Network for the Spatiotemporal Fusion of Landsat and MODIS Data, An
* Adaptive Mutual Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adaptive Mutual Supervision for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Adaptive Recurrent Forward Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion
* Adaptive Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control for Autonomous Vehicle With Unknown Actuator Parameters and Saturated Tire Force Based on the Center of Percussion
* Adaptor: Improving the Robustness and Imperceptibility of Watermarking by the Adaptive Strength Factor
* ADNet: Rethinking the Shrunk Polygon-Based Approach in Scene Text Detection
* Advancing Ultra-High Precision in Satellite-Ground Time-Frequency Comparison: Ground-Based Experiment and Simulation Verification for the China Space Station
* Adversarial and Isotropic Gradient Augmentation for Image Retrieval With Text Feedback
* Adversarial Attacks in Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition with Deep Learning Models
* Adversarial Coreset Selection for Efficient Robust Training
* Adversarial Data Augmentation for HMM-Based Anomaly Detection
* Adversarial Learning Guided Task Relatedness Refinement for Multi-Task Deep Learning
* Adversarial Meta-Training Framework for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning, An
* AEFormer: Zoom Camera Enables Remote Sensing Super-Resolution via Aligned and Enhanced Attention
* Aesthetic Photo Collage With Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Aggregated-Attention Deformable Convolutional Network for Few-Shot SAR Jamming Recognition
* AI-Based Workflow for Fast Registration of UAV-Produced 3D Point Clouds, An
* Air-Ground Coordinated Sensing, Relay and Offloading for Emergency Disposal in ITS System, An
* AlignVE: Visual Entailment Recognition Based on Alignment Relations
* Altered Trends in Light Use Efficiency of Grassland Ecosystem in Northern China
* AMS-Net: Adaptive Multi-Scale Network for Image Compressive Sensing
* Analyses of Land Use and Prevention in High-Density Main Urban Areas under the Constraint of Karst Ground Subsidence: Study of Wuhan City, China, The
* Analysis of Daytime and Night-Time Aerosol Optical Depth from Solar and Lunar Photometry in Valladolid (Spain)
* Analysis of the Evolution of Public Sentiment and Spatio-Temporal Dynamics Regarding Building Collapse Accidents Based on Sina Weibo Data, An
* Analysis of the Vertical Distribution and Driving Factors of Aerosol and Ozone Precursors in Huaniao Island, China, Based on Ground-Based MAX-DOAS
* Anti-Rounding Image Steganography With Separable Fine-Tuned Network
* AnyoneNet: Synchronized Speech and Talking Head Generation for Arbitrary Persons
* Application of AHP-ICM and AHP-EWM in Collapse Disaster Risk Mapping in Huinan County
* Applications of Deep Learning-Based Super-Resolution Networks for AMSR2 Arctic Sea Ice Images
* Applying machine learning to screen for acute myocardial infarction-related biomarkers and immune infiltration features and validate it clinically and experimentally
* Architecture Alternative Deep Multi-View Clustering
* ARCTIC: A knowledge distillation approach via attention-based relation matching and activation region constraint for RGB-to-Infrared videos action recognition
* ARDA-UNIT recurrent dense self-attention block with adaptive feature fusion for unpaired (unsupervised) image-to-image translation
* Assessing Planet Nanosatellite Sensors for Ocean Color Usage
* Assessing the Effect of Urban Growth on Surface Ecological Status Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery: A Multi-City Analysis
* Assessing the Hazard of Deep-Seated Rock Slope Instability through the Description of Potential Failure Scenarios, Cross-Validated Using Several Remote Sensing and Monitoring Techniques
* Assessing the Impacts of Groundwater Depletion and Aquifer Degradation on Land Subsidence in Lahore, Pakistan: A PS-InSAR Approach for Sustainable Urban Development
* Assessing the Influence of Land Cover and Climate Change Impacts on Runoff Patterns Using CA-ANN Model and CMIP6 Data
* Assessing the Water Budget Closure Accuracy of Satellite/Reanalysis-Based Hydrological Data Products over Mainland China
* Assessment of Deep Learning-Based Nowcasting Using Weather Radar in South Korea
* Assessment of Extreme Ocean Winds within Intense Wintertime Windstorms over the North Pacific Using SMAP L-Band Radiometer Observations
* Assessment of Leica CityMapper-2 LiDAR Data within Milan's Digital Twin Project
* Assessment of Ocean Circulation Characteristics off the West Coast of Ireland Using HF Radar
* Assessment of Seven Atmospheric Correction Processors for the Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Imager over Lakes in Qinghai Province
* Assessment of Urban Resilience and Detection of Impact Factors Based on Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis and GeoDetector Model: A Case of Hunan Province
* Assisting Multimodal Named Entity Recognition by cross-modal auxiliary tasks
* Asymmetric Dual-Direction Quasi-Recursive Network for Single Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Asynchronous Trajectory Matching-Based Multimodal Maritime Data Fusion for Vessel Traffic Surveillance in Inland Waterways
* Atmospheric correction algorithm based on deep learning with spatial-spectral feature constraints for broadband optical satellites: Examples from the HY-1C Coastal Zone Imager
* Attack-invariant attention feature for adversarial defense in hyperspectral image classification
* Attribute-Guided Collaborative Learning for Partial Person Re-Identification
* Attribute-Guided Multiple Instance Hashing Network for Cross-Modal Zero-Shot Hashing
* AUC-Oriented Domain Adaptation: From Theory to Algorithm
* Audiovisual Dependency Attention for Violence Detection in Videos
* Augmented and Virtual Reality Simulation in Industry
* Auto-adjustable hypergraph regularized non-negative matrix factorization for image clustering
* Auto-Weighted Layer Representation Based View Synthesis Distortion Estimation for 3-D Video Coding
* Automated Generation of Room Usage Semantics from Point Cloud Data
* Automated Method for SLAM Evaluation in GNSS-Denied Areas
* Automatic Deep Learning Bowhead Whale Whistle Recognizing Method Based on Adaptive SWT: Applying to the Beaufort Sea, An
* Automatic Detection of Tooth-Gingiva Trim Lines on Dental Surfaces
* Automatic Extraction of the Calving Front of Pine Island Glacier Based on Neural Network
* Automatic Identification for the Boundaries of InSAR Anomalous Deformation Areas Based on Semantic Segmentation Model
* Background-Aware Classification Activation Map for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Bailando++: 3D Dance GPT With Choreographic Memory
* Batch Simplification Algorithm for Trajectories over Road Networks
* Bayesian Nonlocal Patch Tensor Factorization for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* BEMF-Net: Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Clouds via Bilateral Neighbor Enhancement and Multi-Scale Fusion
* Benchmarking deep models on salient object detection
* Beyond k-Means++: Towards better cluster exploration with geometrical information
* BF3D: Bi-directional fusion 3D detector with semantic sampling and geometric mapping
* Bi-Objective Pollution Routing Optimisation Problem With Decentralised Cooperation and Split Delivery, A
* Bi-Radial Model for Lens Distortion Correction of Low-Cost UAV Cameras, A
* Bi-RSTU: Bidirectional Recurrent Upsampling Network for Space-Time Video Super-Resolution
* Bias-Correction Feature Learner for Semi-Supervised Instance Segmentation
* Bidirectional Collaborative Mentoring Network for Marine Organism Detection and Beyond
* Bidirectional Semi-Supervised Dual-Branch CNN for Robust 3D Reconstruction of Stereo Endoscopic Images via Adaptive Cross and Parallel Supervisions
* Big Picture: An Improved Method for Mapping Shipping Activities, The
* Bilateral Fast Low-Rank Representation With Equivalent Transformation for Subspace Clustering
* Biomass Burning Plume from Simultaneous Observations of Polarization and Radiance at Different Viewing Directions with SGLI
* BL-JUNIPER: A CNN-Assisted Framework for Perceptual Video Coding Leveraging Block-Level JND
* Blind Image Quality Assessment for Pathological Microscopic Image Under Screen and Immersion Scenarios
* Blind Image Quality Assessment via Cross-View Consistency
* Blind JPEG Compression Artifacts Removal by Integrating Channel Regulation With Exit Strategy
* Boosting Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images by Introducing Edge Extraction Network and Spectral Indices
* Boundary-Aware Network for Shadow Removal, A
* BoundED: Neural boundary and edge detection in 3D point clouds via local neighborhood statistics
* Brain Tumor Classification using Under-Sampled k-Space Data: A Deep Learning Approach
* Brain tumor image segmentation based on prior knowledge via transformer
* Branch Aggregation Attention Network for Robotic Surgical Instrument Segmentation
* Bridging the Gap: Comprehensive Boreal Forest Complexity Mapping through LVIS Full-Waveform LiDAR, Single-Year and Time Series Landsat Imagery
* Bullet-Time Video Synthesis Based on Virtual Dynamic Target Axis
* BVI-VFI: A Video Quality Database for Video Frame Interpolation
* Byzantine Distributed Quickest Change Detection Based on Bounded-Distance-Decoding
* CALDA: Improving Multi-Source Time Series Domain Adaptation With Contrastive Adversarial Learning
* Calibration-Free Cross-Camera Target Association Using Interaction Spatiotemporal Consistency
* CALTracker: Cross-Task Association Learning for Multiple Object Tracking
* Camera Invariant Feature Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Multi-Object Tracking With Camera-LiDAR Fusion
* CamoNet: A Target Camouflage Network for Remote Sensing Images Based on Adversarial Attack
* CAMV: A Crash Alarm Model for Vehicles Based on Internet of Vehicles Data
* Canopy Height Mapping for Plantations in Nigeria Using GEDI, Landsat, and Sentinel-2
* CatBoost-Based Automatic Classification Study of River Network
* CATNet: Convolutional attention and transformer for monocular depth estimation
* CCF-GNN: A Unified Model Aggregating Appearance, Microenvironment, and Topology for Pathology Image Classification
* Centrality Approach to Select Offloading Data Aggregation Points in Vehicular Sensor Networks, A
* Centralized model-predictive cooperative and adaptive cruise control of automated vehicle platoons in urban traffic environments
* Cerebral stroke classification based on fusion model of 3D EmbedConvNext and 3D Bi-LSTM network
* Cformer: An underwater image enhancement hybrid network combining convolution and transformer
* Changes to Captions: An Attentive Network for Remote Sensing Change Captioning
* Chaotic Properties of Gravity Waves during Typhoons Observed by HFSWR
* Characterizing Snow Dynamics in Semi-Arid Mountain Regions with Multitemporal Sentinel-1 Imagery: A Case Study in the Sierra Nevada, Spain
* Characterizing the 2022 Extreme Drought Event over the Poyang Lake Basin Using Multiple Satellite Remote Sensing Observations and In Situ Data
* Characterizing the Uncertainty of Link Progression Speed Using Low-Frequency Probe Vehicle Data
* ChineseCTRE: A Model for Geographical Named Entity Recognition and Correction Based on Deep Neural Networks and the BERT Model
* Classification With Repeated Observations
* Climate Change, Forest Fires, and Territorial Dynamics in the Amazon Rainforest: An Integrated Analysis for Mitigation Strategies
* Climatic and Anthropogenic Contributions to Vegetation Changes in Guangdong Province of South China
* CLIP-Driven Fine-Grained Text-Image Person Re-Identification
* Cloud removal using SAR and optical images via attention mechanism-based GAN
* CLSR: Cross-Layer Interaction Pyramid Super-Resolution Network
* Clustering performance analysis using a new correlation-based cluster validity index
* Clutter Covariance Matrix Estimation for Radar Adaptive Detection Based on a Complex-Valued Convolutional Neural Network
* Coarse Mask Guided Interactive Object Segmentation
* Coarse-to-Fine Multi-Scene Pose Regression With Transformers
* Coarse-to-fine online latent representations matching for one-stage domain adaptive semantic segmentation
* Coastal Flood Mapping with Two Approaches Based on Observations at Furadouro, Northern Portugal
* COBATS: A Novel Consortium Blockchain-Based Trust Model for Data Sharing in Vehicular Networks
* Coded Real Number Matrix Multiplication for On-Device Edge Computing
* Cognitive Radar Waveform Design Method under the Joint Constraints of Transmit Energy and Spectrum Bandwidth
* Coherent Accumulation for Measuring Maneuvering Weak Targets Based on Stepped Dechirp Generalized Radon-Fourier Transform
* Coherent chord computation and cross ratio for accurate ellipse detection
* Collaborative contrastive learning for hypergraph node classification
* Collaborative Foreground, Background, and Action Modeling Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Collaborative Generation of Local Conflict Free Trajectories With Weather Hazards Avoidance
* Collaborative Multilingual Continuous Sign Language Recognition: A Unified Framework
* Combination of UAV Photogrammetry and Field Inventories Enables Description of Height-Diameter Relationship within Semi-Arid Silvopastoral Systems
* Combined Retrieval of Oil Film Thickness Using Hyperspectral and Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
* Combining Minkowski and Cheyshev: New distance proposal and survey of distance metrics using k-nearest neighbours classifier
* Combining Satellite Optical and Radar Image Data for Streamflow Estimation Using a Machine Learning Method
* Compact Temporal Trajectory Representation for Talking Face Video Compression
* Comparative Assessment of Spire and COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data Quality
* Comparative Study of Factor Graph Optimization-Based and Extended Kalman Filter-Based PPP-B2b/INS Integrated Navigation, A
* Comparing Phenology of a Temperate Deciduous Forest Captured by Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Vegetation Indices
* Comparison and Assessment of Different Land Cover Datasets on the Cropland in Northeast China
* Comparison of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations Based on GOSAT, OCO-2 Observations and Ground-Based TCCON Data
* Comparison of Terrestrial Water Storage Changes in the Tibetan Plateau and Its Surroundings Derived from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Solutions of Different Processing Centers
* Compete to Win: Enhancing Pseudo Labels for Barely-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Complementary Parts Contrastive Learning for Fine-Grained Weakly Supervised Object Co-Localization
* Completing 3D Point Clouds of Thin Corn Leaves for Phenotyping Using 3D Gridding Convolutional Neural Networks
* Composition-Guided Neural Network for Image Cropping Aesthetic Assessment
* Compositional Semantic Mix for Domain Adaptation in Point Cloud Segmentation
* Compositional Zero-Shot Learning using Multi-Branch Graph Convolution and Cross-layer Knowledge Sharing
* Comprehensive Assessment of Multiple High-Resolution Precipitation Grid Products for Monitoring Heavy Rainfall during the 7.20 Extreme Rainstorm Event in China, A
* Comprehensive Vulnerability Evaluation of Face Recognition Systems to Template Inversion Attacks via 3D Face Reconstruction
* Compressive Detection of Stochastic Sparse Signals With Unknown Sparsity Degree
* Computational Imaging Through Atmospheric Turbulence
* Computational Intelligence in Remote Sensing
* Computing Arterial Travel Time Distributions From Loop Detector and Probe Datasets
* ConCs-Fusion: A Context Clustering-Based Radar and Camera Fusion for Three-Dimensional Object Detection
* Conditional feature generation for transductive open-set recognition via dual-space consistent sampling
* Conditional-pooling for improved data transmission
* Confidence-Aware Active Feedback for Interactive Instance Search
* Connected Cruise and Traffic Control for Pairs of Connected Automated Vehicles
* Consensus Low-Rank Multi-View Subspace Clustering With Cross-View Diversity Preserving
* Conservative-Progressive Collaborative Learning for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Consistent Video Inpainting Using Axial Attention-Based Style Transformer
* Consortium Blockchain-Based Security and Efficient Resource Trading in V2V-Assisted Intelligent Transport Systems
* Constituent Attention for Vision Transformers
* Constructing a Consistent and Continuous Cyanobacteria Bloom Monitoring Product from Multi-Mission Ocean Color Instruments
* Constructing a Regional Ionospheric TEC Model in China with Empirical Orthogonal Function and Dense GNSS Observation
* Context Adaptive Network for Image Inpainting
* Context-Aware 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation With Plane Guidance
* Continuous Tracking of Forest Disturbance and Recovery in the Greater Khingan Mountains from Annual Landsat Imagery
* Contour-Aware Equipotential Learning for Semantic Segmentation
* Contrastive clustering with a graph consistency constraint
* Contrastive Transformer Hashing for Compact Video Representation
* Controllable Style Transfer via Test-time Training of Implicit Neural Representation
* Convolutional neural networks rarely learn shape for semantic segmentation
* Cooperative decision making for connected automated vehicles in multiple driving scenarios
* Cooperative Incident Management in Mixed Traffic of CAVs and Human-Driven Vehicles
* Cooperative Localization With the Fusion of GNSS and Relative Range Information in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* Coordinate Descent Optimized Trace Difference Model for Joint Clustering and Feature Extraction
* Coordinated Motion Planning for Heterogeneous Autonomous Vehicles Based on Driving Behavior Primitives
* Coping with change: Learning invariant and minimum sufficient representations for fine-grained visual categorization
* Correlation Recurrent Units: A Novel Neural Architecture for Improving the Predictive Performance of Time-Series Data
* Coupling the Calibrated GlobalLand30 Data and Modified PLUS Model for Multi-Scenario Land Use Simulation and Landscape Ecological Risk Assessment
* COutfitGAN: Learning to Synthesize Compatible Outfits Supervised by Silhouette Masks and Fashion Styles
* Coverage Path Planning With Budget Constraints for Multiple Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* COVID-19: A systematic review of prediction and classification techniques
* CPNet: Continuity Preservation Network for infrared video colorization
* Crop Classification and Growth Monitoring in Coal Mining Subsidence Water Areas Based on Sentinel Satellite
* Crop Type Identification Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on an Improved DeepLabV3+ Network
* Cross-Domain Alignment for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Cross-Lingual Summarization method based on cross-lingual Fact-relationship Graph Generation, A
* Cross-Lingual Text Image Recognition via Multi-Hierarchy Cross-Modal Mimic
* Cross-Modal Enhancement Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Cross-Modality Neuroimage Synthesis: A Survey
* Cross-scale contrastive triplet networks for graph representation learning
* Crowd Counting From Limited Labeled Data Using Active Learning
* Crowd Counting via Unsupervised Cross-Domain Feature Adaptation
* Crowd-Driven Deep Learning Tracks Amazon Deforestation
* CryoSat Long-Term Ocean Data Analysis and Validation: Final Words on GOP Baseline-C
* CS-GAC: Compressively sensed geodesic active contours
* Customized Data Fusion Tensor Approach for Interval-Wise Missing Network Volume Imputation, A
* Customized meta-dataset for automatic classifier accuracy evaluation
* CycleMLP: A MLP-Like Architecture for Dense Visual Predictions
* Cyprus Surface Water Area Variation Based on the 1984-2021 Time Series Built from Remote Sensing Products
* C^2 DFNet: Criss-Cross Dynamic Filter Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* DANet: Dual-Branch Activation Network for Small Object Instance Segmentation of Ship Images
* DASI: Learning Domain Adaptive Shape Impression for 3D Object Reconstruction
* Data Collection for Target Localization in Ocean Monitoring Radar-Communication Networks
* Data Freshness Optimization Under CAA in the UAV-Aided MECN: A Potential Game Perspective
* Data-Driven Approaches for Wildfire Mapping and Prediction Assessment Using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
* Data-Driven Fault-Tolerant Platooning Control Under Aperiodic DoS Attacks
* Data-Driven Iterative Multi-Attribute Clustering Algorithm and Its Application in Port Congestion Estimation, A
* Data-Driven Landslide Spatial Prediction and Deformation Monitoring: A Case Study of Shiyan City, China
* DataMap: Dataset transferability map for medical image classification
* DBCNet: Dynamic Bilateral Cross-Fusion Network for RGB-T Urban Scene Understanding in Intelligent Vehicles
* DBiased-P: Dual-Biased Predicate Predictor for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* DCA: Delayed Charging Attack on the Electric Shared Mobility System
* DDistill-SR: Reparameterized Dynamic Distillation Network for Lightweight Image Super-Resolution
* De-END: Decoder-Driven Watermarking Network
* Decentralized iLQR for Cooperative Trajectory Planning of Connected Autonomous Vehicles via Dual Consensus ADMM
* Deciphering Complex Morphology and Structural Connectivity of High-Magnitude Deep-Seated Landslides via Airborne Laser Scanning: A Case Study in the Vrancea Seismic Region, Romanian Carpathians
* Decomposable Causal View of Compositional Zero-Shot Learning, A
* Decoupling-Cooperative Framework for Referring Expression Comprehension
* Deep CNN-based classification of motor imagery tasks from EEG signals using 2D wavelet transformed images of adaptively reconstructed signals from MVMD decomposed modes
* Deep image clustering with contrastive learning and multi-scale graph convolutional networks
* Deep Label Prior: Pre-Training-Free Salient Object Detection Network Based on Label Learning
* Deep Learning Enabled IRS for 6G Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Comprehensive Study
* Deep learning for COVID-19 contamination analysis and prediction using ECG images on Raspberry Pi 4
* Deep Learning Model Transfer in Forest Mapping Using Multi-Source Satellite SAR and Optical Images
* Deep Learning-Based Enhanced ISAR-RID Imaging Method
* Deep Learning-Based Image Retrieval With Unsupervised Double Bit Hashing
* Deep learning-based robust hybrid approaches for brain tumor classification in magnetic resonance images
* Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Highway On-Ramp Merging in Mixed Traffic
* Deep Object Co-Segmentation and Co-Saliency Detection via High-Order Spatial-Semantic Network Modulation
* Deep orientated distance-transform network for geometric-aware centerline detection
* Deep Texton-Coherence Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Deep Unfolding Sparse Bayesian Learning Network for Off-Grid DOA Estimation with Nested Array
* Deep Video Stabilization via Robust Homography Estimation
* Deep-Learning-Based 3-D Surface Reconstruction: A Survey
* Deep-Learning-Based Annotation Extraction Method for Chinese Scanned Maps
* DeepCAN: Hybrid Method for Road Type Classification Using Vehicle Sensor Data for Smart Autonomous Mobility
* DeepComboSAD: Spectro-Temporal Correlation Based Speech Activity Detection for Naturalistic Audio Streams
* Deformation Monitoring and Dynamic Analysis of Long-Runout Bedding Landslide Based on InSAR and Particle Flow Code
* Deformation of High Rise Cooling Tower through Projection of Coordinates Resulted from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Observations onto a Vertical Plane
* Dense Hybrid Proposal Modulation for Lane Detection
* Depth Map Denoising Network and Lightweight Fusion Network for Enhanced 3D Face Recognition
* Depth super-resolution from explicit and implicit high-frequency features
* Depth-Aware and Semantic Guided Relational Attention Network for Visual Question Answering
* Describing the Urban Jungle: A Multicriteria Urbanization Index for the Amazon
* Design and analysis of a super compact UWB antenna for accurate detection of breast tumors using monostatic radar-based microwave imaging technique
* Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber Dual-Polarization Coherent Doppler Lidar for Atmospheric Aerosol Measurements, The
* Design of a Data Acquisition, Correction and Retrieval of Na Doppler Lidar for Diurnal Measurement of Temperature and Wind in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Region
* DETA: A Point-Based Tracker With Deformable Transformer and Task-Aligned Learning
* Detecting Changes in Impervious Surfaces Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning Methodology in a Metropolitan Area
* Detection Ground Deformation Characteristics of Reclamation Land with Time-Series Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar in Tianjin Binhai New Area, China
* Detection of Large-Scale Floods Using Google Earth Engine and Google Colab
* Developing a Dynamic Speed Control System for Mixed Traffic Flow to Reduce Collision Risks Near Freeway Bottlenecks
* Developing a More Reliable Framework for Extracting Traffic Data From a UAV Video
* Development of an Algorithm to Evaluate the Quality of Geolocated Addresses in Urban Areas
* Development of an Index for Forest Fire Risk Assessment Considering Hazard Factors and the Hazard-Formative Environment
* Development of GNSS Buoy for Sea Surface Elevation Observation of Offshore Wind Farm
* Diabetic retinopathy grading review: Current techniques and future directions
* Dif-Fusion: Toward High Color Fidelity in Infrared and Visible Image Fusion With Diffusion Models
* Differential Fault Attack on Security Vehicle System Applied SIMON Block Cipher, A
* Differential Weight Quantization for Multi-Model Compression
* Digging Into Uncertainty-Based Pseudo-Label for Robust Stereo Matching
* Direction of Arrival Estimation with Nested Arrays in Presence of Impulsive Noise: A Correlation Entropy-Based Infinite Norm Strategy
* Discrete and Balanced Spectral Clustering With Scalability
* Disentangled Multimodal Representation Learning for Recommendation
* Distractor-Aware Event-Based Tracking
* Distributed Adaptive Platoon Secure Control on Unmanned Vehicles System for Lane Change Under Compound Attacks
* Distributed autoencoder classifier network for small-scale and scattered COVID-19 dataset classification
* Distributed Intelligent Traffic Data Processing and Analysis Based on Improved Longhorn Whisker Algorithm
* Distributionally Robust Memory Evolution With Generalized Divergence for Continual Learning
* Disturbed Augmentation Invariance for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning
* Diversity Analysis of Safety Metrics Comparing Vehicle Performance in the Lead-Vehicle Interaction Regime, A
* DMAGNet: Dual-path multi-scale attention guided network for medical image segmentation
* DMEF: Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based on a Novel Deep Decomposition Method
* Do Locations of Employment and Residence Influence whether People Use Virtual Social Networks? A Case Study of Residents in Wuhan, China
* DO-SA&R: Distant Object Augmented Set Abstraction and Regression for Point-Based 3D Object Detection
* Does Thermal Really Always Matter for RGB-T Salient Object Detection?
* Domain Adaptive Object Detection via Balancing Between Self-Training and Adversarial Learning
* Domain generalization via Inter-domain Alignment and Intra-domain Expansion
* Domain-Invariant Feature and Generative Adversarial Network Boundary Enhancement for Multi-Source Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Doubly Stochastic Distance Clustering
* DPAN: A Deep Light-Weight Attention-Based Image Super Resolution Network Using Multi-Dimensional Filter Design Technique
* DPCN++: Differentiable Phase Correlation Network for Versatile Pose Registration
* DreamStone: Image as a Stepping Stone for Text-Guided 3D Shape Generation
* Driver Fatigue Detection Algorithm Based on Dynamic Tracking of Small Facial Targets Using YOLOv7, A
* Drought Monitoring from Fengyun Satellite Series: A Comparative Analysis with Meteorological-Drought Composite Index (MCI)
* DSP-Based Traffic Target Detection for Intelligent Transportation
* Dual Path Attention Network (DPANet) for Intelligent Identification of Wenchuan Landslides
* Dual Transformer for Point Cloud Analysis
* Dual-Gradients Localization Framework With Skip-Layer Connections for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Dual-scale point cloud completion network based on high-frequency feature fusion
* Dual-Stream Transformer With Distribution Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Dual-Tuning: Joint Prototype Transfer and Structure Regularization for Compatible Feature Learning
* Dual-Uncertainty Guided Cycle-Consistent Network for Zero-Shot Learning
* Dynamic Context Removal: A General Training Strategy for Robust Models on Video Action Predictive Tasks
* Dynamic contrastive learning guided by class confidence and confusion degree for medical image segmentation
* Dynamic Edge Computation Offloading for Internet of Vehicles With Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Dynamic gradient reactivation for backward compatible person re-identification
* Dynamic Keypoint Detection Network for Image Matching
* Dynamic Loss for Robust Learning
* Dynamic Monitoring of Surface Water Bodies and Their Influencing Factors in the Yellow River Basin
* Dynamic Plant-Herbivore Interactions between Bison Space Use and Vegetation Heterogeneity in a Tallgrass Prairie
* Dynamic Programming Model for Joint Optimization of Electric Drayage Truck Operations and Charging Stations Planning at Ports, A
* Dynamic Residual Filtering With Laplacian Pyramid for Instance Segmentation
* Dynamics of Spring Snow Cover Variability over Northeast China
* E-Navigation: A Distributed Decision Support System With Extended Reality for Bridge and Ashore Seafarers
* EarlGAN: An enhanced actor-critic reinforcement learning agent-driven GAN for de novo drug design
* Early Detection and Analysis of an Unpredicted Convective Storm over the Negev Desert
* Early Identification of Cotton Fields Based on Gf-6 Images in Arid and Semiarid Regions (China)
* Edge Guided GANs With Multi-Scale Contrastive Learning for Semantic Image Synthesis
* Edge Intelligence Empowered Vehicle Detection and Image Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles
* Edge-Computing-Empowered Vehicle Tracking and Speed Estimation Against Strong Image Vibrations Using Surveillance Monocular Camera
* Edge-Computing-Facilitated Nighttime Vehicle Detection Investigations With CLAHE-Enhanced Images
* Editorial for the Special Issue Entitled Hyperspectral Remote Sensing from Spaceborne and Low-Altitude Aerial/Drone-Based Platforms: Differences in Approaches, Data Processing Methods, and Applications
* Editorial on the Advances, Innovations and Applications of UAV Technology for Remote Sensing
* Effects of Temperature and Humidity on the Absorption Spectrum and Concentration of N2O Using an Open-Path Sensor System
* Effects of Topside Ionosphere Modeling Parameters on Differential Code Bias (DCB) Estimation Using LEO Satellite Observations
* Efficient 2D Tikhonov smoothness regularization with recursive filtering
* Efficient and Accurate Convolution-Based Similarity Measure for Uncertain Trajectories, An
* Efficient Annotation and Learning for 3D Hand Pose Estimation: A Survey
* efficient deep learning algorithm for the segmentation of cardiac ventricles, An
* efficient deep multi-task learning structure for COVID-19 disease, An
* Efficient disentangled representation learning for multi-modal finger biometrics
* Efficient Federated Learning Via Local Adaptive Amended Optimizer With Linear Speedup
* Efficient Fire Segmentation for Internet-of-Things-Assisted Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Efficient Light Field Angular Super-Resolution With Sub-Aperture Feature Learning and Macro-Pixel Upsampling
* Efficient Long-Short Temporal Attention Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Efficient Package Delivery Task Assignment for Truck and High Capacity Drone
* Efficient Pose Estimation Algorithm for Non-Cooperative Space Objects Based on Dual-Channel Transformer, An
* efficient quantification of COVID-19 in chest CT images with improved semantic segmentation using U-Net deep structure, An
* Efficient search of comprehensively robust neural architectures via multi-fidelity evaluation
* efficient skin cancer detection and classification using Improved Adaboost Aphid-Ant Mutualism model, An
* Efficient Spatially Sparse Inference for Conditional GANs and Diffusion Models
* Efficient Spatially Sparse Inference for Conditional GANs and Diffusion Models
* Efficient Supervised Graph Embedding Hashing for large-scale cross-media retrieval
* Efficient VVC Intra Prediction Based on Deep Feature Fusion and Probability Estimation
* EFP-Net: A Novel Building Change Detection Method Based on Efficient Feature Fusion and Foreground Perception
* ELWNet: An Extremely Lightweight Approach for Real-Time Salient Object Detection
* Embedding-Driven Multi-Hop Spatio-Temporal Attention Network for Traffic Prediction, An
* Empirical study on using adapters for debiased Visual Question Answering
* Empowering Climate Resilience: Leveraging Cloud Computing and Big Data for Community Climate Change Impact Service (C3IS)
* Enabling Trimap-Free Image Matting With a Frequency-Guided Saliency-Aware Network via Joint Learning
* End-to-End Alternating Optimization for Real-World Blind Super Resolution
* End-to-End Blind Video Quality Assessment Based on Visual and Memory Attention Modeling
* End-to-End One-Shot Human Parsing
* Energy Efficiency Optimization for Backscatter Enhanced NOMA Cooperative V2X Communications Under Imperfect CSI
* Energy-Based Assessment and Driving Behavior of ACC Systems and Humans Inside Platoons
* Enhanced Federated Learning for Edge Data Security in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Enhanced grasshopper optimization-based selection of ultrasound and elastography features for breast lesion classification
* Enhanced Impact of Land Reclamation on the Tide in the Guangxi Beibu Gulf
* Enhanced OCT chorio-retinal segmentation in low-data settings with semi-supervised GAN augmentation using cross-localisation
* Enhanced Point Feature Network for Point Cloud Salient Object Detection
* Enhanced Ship/Iceberg Classification in SAR Images Using Feature Extraction and the Fusion of Machine Learning Algorithms
* Enhancing Person Identification Through Data Augmentation of Footstep-Based Seismic Signals
* Enhancing Rainfall Nowcasting Using Generative Deep Learning Model with Multi-Temporal Optical Flow
* Enhancing texture representation with deep tracing pattern encoding
* Enhancing the Understanding of the EU Gender Equality Index through Spatiotemporal Visualizations
* ENInst: Enhancing weakly-supervised low-shot instance segmentation
* Enriching Large-Scale Trips With Fine-Grained Travel Purposes: A Semi-Supervised Deep Graph Embedding Framework
* ensemble learning method for low visibility prediction on freeway using meteorological data, An
* EPT-Net: Edge Perception Transformer for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* ErrIDS: An Enhanced Cumulative Timing Error-Based Automotive Intrusion Detection System
* Essential Low-Rank Sample Learning for Group-Aware Subspace Clustering
* Estimating Crop Sowing and Harvesting Dates Using Satellite Vegetation Index: A Comparative Analysis
* Estimating Probability Distributions of Travel Times by Fitting a Markovian Velocity Model
* Estimation of a Fundamental Diagram with Heterogeneous Data Sources: Experimentation in the City of Santander
* Estimation of Soil Salt Content at Different Depths Using UAV Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing Combined with Machine Learning Algorithms
* Evaluating SAR Radiometric Terrain Correction Products: Analysis-Ready Data for Users
* Evaluating the Effects of UAS Flight Speed on Lidar Snow Depth Estimation in a Heterogeneous Landscape
* Evaluating the Generalization Ability of Super-Resolution Networks
* Evaluating the Transferability of Spectral Variables and Prediction Models for Mapping Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Transfer Learning Methods
* Evaluating the Usability of a Gaze-Adaptive Approach for Identifying and Comparing Raster Values between Multilayers
* Evaluation Mechanism for Decentralized Collaborative Pattern Learning in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
* Evaluation of CRA40 and ERA5 Precipitation Products over China, An
* Evaluation of Five Satellite-Based Precipitation Products for Extreme Rainfall Estimations over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Evaluation of Improvement Schemes for FY-3B Passive Microwave Soil-Moisture Estimates Retrieved Using the Land Parameter Retrieval Model
* Evaluation of MAX-DOAS Profile Retrievals under Different Vertical Resolutions of Aerosol and NO2 Profiles and Elevation Angles
* Evaluation of Multi-Spectral Band Efficacy for Mapping Wildland Fire Burn Severity from PlanetScope Imagery
* Evaluation of Multiple Satellite, Reanalysis, and Merged Precipitation Products for Hydrological Modeling in the Data-Scarce Tributaries of the Pearl River Basin, China
* Evaluation of Temperature and Humidity Profiles Retrieved from Fengyun-4B and Implications for Typhoon Assimilation and Forecasting
* Evaluation of the Connected Vehicle Environment Effectiveness at Tunnel Entrance
* Evaluation of Tree-Growth Rate in the Laurentides Wildlife Reserve Using GEDI and Airborne-LiDAR Data
* Event Transformer^+. A Multi-Purpose Solution for Efficient Event Data Processing
* Evolving Domain Generalization via Latent Structure-Aware Sequential Autoencoder
* Evolving Into a Transformer: From a Training-Free Retrieval-Based Method for Anomaly Obstacle Segmentation
* Examining the potential for early detection of spruce bark beetle attacks using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 and harvester data
* Examining the Potential of Sentinel Imagery and Ensemble Algorithms for Estimating Aboveground Biomass in a Tropical Dry Forest
* ExhibitXplorer: Enabling Personalized Content Delivery in Museums Using Contextual Geofencing and Artificial Intelligence
* Experimental Investigation on Fragmentation Identification in Loose Slope Landslides by Infrared Emissivity Variability Features
* Experimental Study and Modeling of the Lower-Level Controller of Automated Vehicle
* Explicit Local Coupling Global Structure Clustering
* Explicitly Semantic Guidance for Face Sketch Attribute Recognition With Imbalanced Data
* Exploiting Earth Observations to Enable Groundwater Modeling in the Data-Sparse Region of Goulbi Maradi, Niger
* Exploiting Mechanics-Based Priors for Lateral Displacement Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography
* Exploiting spatial relationships for visual tracking
* Exploring Cross-Video Matching for Few-Shot Video Classification via Dual-Hierarchy Graph Neural Network Learning
* Exploring Explicitly Disentangled Features for Domain Generalization
* Exploring global information for session-based recommendation
* Exploring Kernel-Based Texture Transfer for Pose-Guided Person Image Generation
* Exploring the Point Feature Relation on Point Cloud for Multi-View Stereo
* Extending function mixture network for improved spectral super-resolution
* Extraction of Urban Road Boundary Points from Mobile Laser Scanning Data Based on Cuboid Voxel
* Eye-Gaze-Guided Vision Transformer for Rectifying Shortcut Learning
* F-DARTS: Foveated Differentiable Architecture Search Based Multimodal Medical Image Fusion
* F-TPE: Flexible Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption Based on Multi-Pixel Sum-Preserving Encryption
* FABNet: Frequency-Aware Binarized Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* FaceScape: 3D Facial Dataset and Benchmark for Single-View 3D Face Reconstruction
* Facial Expression Guided Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease via High-Quality Data Augmentation
* FakePoI: A Large-Scale Fake Person of Interest Video Detection Benchmark and a Strong Baseline
* Fast Adversarial Training With Adaptive Step Size
* Fast anchor graph preserving projections
* Fast generalized ramp loss support vector machine for pattern classification
* Fast Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Balance Anchors Guidance
* Fast Observation Operator for Global Navigation Satellite System Tropospheric Gradients
* Fast-SNN: Fast Spiking Neural Network by Converting Quantized ANN
* FAUNet: Frequency Attention U-Net for Parcel Boundary Delineation in Satellite Images
* FCNet: Learning Noise-Free Features for Point Cloud Denoising
* Feature disentanglement in one-stage object detection
* Feature Importance Ranking of Random Forest-Based End-to-End Learning Algorithm
* Feature incremental learning with causality
* Federated Learning Approach With Imperfect Labels in LoRa-Based Transportation Systems, A
* Federated Unsupervised Cluster-Contrastive learning for person Re-identification: A coarse-to-fine approach
* Few-shot classification guided by generalization error bound
* Few-Shot High-Resolution Range Profile Ship Target Recognition Based on Task-Specific Meta-Learning with Mixed Training and Meta Embedding
* Few-Shot Segmentation With Optimal Transport Matching and Message Flow
* FFFN: Frame-By-Frame Feedback Fusion Network for Video Super-Resolution
* FGDNet: Fine-Grained Detection Network Towards Face Anti-Spoofing
* Fidelity-driven Optimization Reconstruction and Details Preserving Guided Fusion for Multi-Modality Medical Image
* Fine Detailed Texture Learning for 3D Meshes With Generative Models
* Fine-Grained Data Sharing With Enhanced Privacy Protection and Dynamic Users Group Service for the IoV
* Fine-Grained Image Classification by Class and Image-Specific Decomposition With Multiple Views
* Fine-Grained Spatio-Temporal Parsing Network for Action Quality Assessment
* Fine-Grained Species Recognition With Privileged Pooling: Better Sample Efficiency Through Supervised Attention
* First Assessment of Bistatic Geometric Calibration and Geolocation Accuracy of Innovative Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar LuTan-1
* FLAMNet: A Flexible Line Anchor Mechanism Network for Lane Detection
* Flood Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 SAR for Agricultural Disaster Assessment in Poyang Lake Region
* Florence multi-resolution 3D facial expression dataset, The
* Flow-Data-Based Global Spatial Autocorrelation Measurements for Evaluating Spatial Interactions
* Focal Inverse Distance Transform Maps for Crowd Localization
* Focus on Hard Samples: Hierarchical Unbiased Constraints for Cross-Domain 3D Model Retrieval
* FoodMask: Real-time food instance counting, segmentation and recognition
* Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Machine Learning Ensembles: Active Learning Strategies for Model Transfer and Field Sampling Reduction
* Foreword to Special Section on SIBGRAPI 2022
* Format Compliant Encryption Method for 3D Objects Allowing Hierarchical Decryption, A
* Forward selection-based ensemble of deep neural networks for melanoma classification in dermoscopy images
* FP-AGL: Filter Pruning With Adaptive Gradient Learning for Accelerating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* FPIseg: Iterative segmentation network based on feature pyramid for few-shot segmentation
* Free^3 Net: Gliding Free, Orientation Free, and Anchor Free Network for Oriented Object Detection
* Frequency and content dual stream network for image dehazing
* Frequency-Aware Feature Aggregation Network with Dual-Task Consistency for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Frequency-Domain Deep Guided Image Denoising
* From External to Internal: Structuring Image for Text-to-Image Attributes Manipulation
* From Global to Local: Multi-Scale Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Front wheel angle control for steering system of intelligent commercial vehicle based on model predictive control
* FS-Net: LiDAR-Camera Fusion with Matched Scale for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Full-Scale Connected CNN-Transformer Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection, A
* Fully-attentive iterative networks for region-based controllable image and video captioning
* Game-Theoretic Approach on Conflict Resolution of Autonomous Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections, A
* GAN-Based Facial Attribute Manipulation
* GATraj: A graph- and attention-based multi-agent trajectory prediction model
* Gaze estimation with semi-supervised eye landmark detection as an auxiliary task
* GDB: Gated Convolutions-based Document Binarization
* GDiPAYOLO: A Fault Detection Algorithm for UAV Power Inspection Scenarios
* GE-DDRL: Graph Embedding and Deep Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Reliable Shortest Path: A Universal and Scale Free Solution
* General Framework to Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images With Multiple Two-Dimensional Histograms
* General Relative Radiometric Correction Method for Vignetting Noise Drift, A
* General vs. Long-Tailed Age Estimation: An Approach to Kill Two Birds With One Stone
* Generalized Gradient Flow Based Saliency for Pruning Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Generalized Score Distribution: A Two-Parameter Discrete Distribution Accurately Describing Responses From Quality of Experience Subjective Experiments
* Generalized Zero-Shot Space Target Recognition Based on Global-Local Visual Feature Embedding Network
* Generating 60-100 m, hourly, all-weather land surface temperatures based on the Landsat, ECOSTRESS, and reanalysis temperature combination (LERC)
* Generative Adversarial and Spatiotemporal Differential Fusion Method in Radar Echo Extrapolation, A
* Generative adversarial networks via a composite annealing of noise and diffusion
* Generative Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning
* Generic Approach to Eco-Driving of Connected Automated Vehicles in Mixed Urban Traffic and Heterogeneous Power Conditions, A
* Generic Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) Framework for Representation Learning from Spectral-Spatial Features of Unlabeled Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Geological Hazard Identification and Susceptibility Assessment Based on MT-InSAR
* Geometric correction code-based robust image watermarking
* Geometric Deep Learning Using Vascular Surface Meshes for Modality-Independent Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysm Detection
* GeometryMotion-Transformer: An End-to-End Framework for 3D Action Recognition
* Geovisualization of Temporal Change in Urban Racial Geography: A Step towards Explaining Persistent Segregation
* GF-1 WFV Surface Reflectance Quality Evaluation in Countries along the Belt and Road
* GFFT: Global-local feature fusion transformers for facial expression recognition in the wild
* GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Methods for Aquaculture Site Selection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
* GITGAN: Generative inter-subject transfer for EEG motor imagery analysis
* Glacial Lake Outburst Flood Monitoring and Modeling through Integrating Multiple Remote Sensing Methods and HEC-RAS
* GLARE: A Dataset for Traffic Sign Detection in Sun Glare
* GLENet: Boosting 3D Object Detectors with Generative Label Uncertainty Estimation
* Global Representation Guided Adaptive Fusion Network for Stable Video Crowd Counting
* Global semantic enhancement network for video captioning
* Global Temporal Difference Network for Action Recognition
* Globally quantitative analysis of the impact of atmosphere and spectral response function on 2-band enhanced vegetation index (EVI2) over Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8
* GLTF-Net: Deep-Learning Network for Thick Cloud Removal of Remote Sensing Images via Global-Local Temporality and Features
* GMAT-DU: Traffic Anomaly Prediction With Fine Spatiotemporal Granularity in Sparse Data
* GMRLNet: A Graph-Based Manifold Regularization Learning Framework for Placental Insufficiency Diagnosis on Incomplete Multimodal Ultrasound Data
* GNaN: A natural neighbor search algorithm based on universal gravitation
* GNSS Spoofing Detection Using Q Channel Energy
* GNSS-IR Soil Moisture Inversion Derived from Multi-GNSS and Multi-Frequency Data Accounting for Vegetation Effects
* GPU-Accelerated Monte Carlo Simulation for a Single-Photon Underwater Lidar
* GPU-Accelerated Signal Processing for Passive Bistatic Radar
* GQE-Net: A Graph-Based Quality Enhancement Network for Point Cloud Color Attribute
* Gradient-based multi-label feature selection considering three-way variable interaction
* Grading of steatosis, fibrosis, lobular inflammation, and ballooning from liver pathology images using pre-trained convolutional neural networks
* Graph Attention U-Net for Retinal Layer Surface Detection and Choroid Neovascularization Segmentation in OCT Images
* Graph Contrastive Partial Multi-View Clustering
* Graph Convolutional Network With Unknown Class Number
* Graph fairing convolutional networks for anomaly detection
* Graph-Based Progressive Fusion Network for Multi-Modality Vehicle Re-Identification
* Graph-Time Convolutional Neural Networks: Architecture and Theoretical Analysis
* Gridless DOA Estimation Method for Sparse Sensor Array, A
* Group-Privacy Threats for Geodata in the Humanitarian Context
* Growth Simulations of Urban Underground Space with Ecological Constraints Using a Patch-Based Cellular Automaton
* GSMFlow: Generation Shifts Mitigating Flow for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Internet of Things in Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure
* Guided by Meta-Set: A Data-Driven Method for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* H4MER: Human 4D Modeling by Learning Neural Compositional Representation With Transformer
* Handling Multi-Class Problem by Intuitionistic Fuzzy Twin Support Vector Machines Based on Relative Density Information
* Hash Bit Selection With Reinforcement Learning for Image Retrieval
* HCIU: Hybrid clustered inception-based UNET for the automatic segmentation of organs at risk in thoracic computed tomography images
* Heterogeneity-Enhancement and Homogeneity-Restraint Network (HEHRNet) for Change Detection from Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Heterogeneous Feature Alignment and Fusion in Cross-Modal Augmented Space for Composed Image Retrieval
* Heterogeneous Trajectory Forecasting via Risk and Scene Graph Learning
* Heuristic Approach for Resolving Spatial Conflicts of Buildings in Urban Villages, A
* HexNet: An Orientation-Aware Deep Learning Framework for Omni-Directional Input
* HHF: Hashing-Guided Hinge Function for Deep Hashing Retrieval
* HIE-EDT: Hierarchical interval estimation-based evidential decision tree
* Hierarchical Attention-Based Age Estimation and Bias Analysis
* Hierarchical Graph Pattern Understanding for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* Hierarchical image-to-image translation with nested distributions modeling
* Hierarchical long-tailed classification based on multi-granularity knowledge transfer driven by multi-scale feature fusion
* Hierarchical Model Compression via Shape-Edge Representation of Feature Maps: An Enlightenment From the Primate Visual System
* Hierarchical Optimization-Derived Learning
* Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based on Attention Mechanism for UAV Autonomous Navigation, A
* HiFiSketch: High Fidelity Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis and Manipulation
* High Efficiency Vibrotactile Codec Based on Gate Recurrent Network
* High-Accuracy Quasi-Geoid Determination Using Molodensky's Series Solutions and Integrated Gravity/GNSS/Leveling Data
* High-Frequency Normalizing Flow for Image Rescaling
* High-order knowledge-based Discriminant features for kinship verification
* High-order relational generative adversarial network for video super-resolution
* High-Resolution Real-Time Coastline Detection Using GNSS RTK, Optical, and Thermal SfM Photogrammetric Data in the Po River Delta, Italy
* High-Resolution Spatial Distribution-Based Integration Machine Learning Algorithm for Urban Fire Risk Assessment: A Case Study in Chengdu, China, A
* Higher Order Fractal Belief Rényi Divergence With Its Applications in Pattern Classification
* Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parsing: From Supervised to Self-Supervised Learning
* HoloSync: Frame Synchronisation for Multi-Source Holographic Teleportation Applications
* How Many Annotations Do We Need for Generalizing New-Coming Shadow Images?
* How to Simulate Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Vegetation? A Forest Carbon Sequestration Model across a Typical Mountain City in China
* HR-Net: A Landmark Based High Realistic Face Reenactment Network
* Human Body-Aware Feature Extractor Using Attachable Feature Corrector for Human Pose Estimation
* Human-Guided Reinforcement Learning With Sim-to-Real Transfer for Autonomous Navigation
* Human-Like Trajectory Planning Method on a Curve Based on the Driver Preview Mechanism, A
* Hunter: Exploring High-Order Consistency for Point Cloud Registration With Severe Outliers
* Hybrid Algorithm with Swin Transformer and Convolution for Cloud Detection, A
* Hybrid Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Label Similarity for Solving Point-Feature Label Placement Problem, A
* Hybrid POI Recommendation System Combining Link Analysis and Collaborative Filtering Based on Various Visiting Behaviors, A
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection with Auto-Encoder and Independent Target
* ICAFusion: Iterative cross-attention guided feature fusion for multispectral object detection
* Identification of the Initial Anthesis of Soybean Varieties Based on UAV Multispectral Time-Series Images
* Identifying active retrogressive thaw slumps from ArcticDEM
* Identifying the Drivers of Caribbean Severe Weather Impacts
* Identifying Urban Park Events through Computer Vision-Assisted Categorization of Publicly-Available Imagery
* Identifying Winter Wheat Using Landsat Data Based on Deep Learning Algorithms in the North China Plain
* IIANet: Information Interactivity Attention Network with adversarial learning for infrared small object detection
* Illumination Guided Attentive Wavelet Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Image Captioning With Novel Topics Guidance and Retrieval-Based Topics Re-Weighting
* image denoising method based on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and spectral subband decomposition, An
* Image Hazing and Dehazing: From the Viewpoint of Two-Way Image Translation With a Weakly Supervised Framework
* Image Operation Chain Detection with Machine Translation Framework
* Image Segmentation and Filtering of Anaerobic Lagoon Floating Cover in Digital Elevation Model and Orthomosaics Using Unsupervised k-Means Clustering for Scum Association Analysis
* Image segmentation by selecting eigenvectors based on extended information entropy
* Image to Image Deep Learning for Enhanced Vegetation Height Modeling in Texas
* Image-Range Stitching and Semantic-Based Crack Detection Methods for Tunnel Inspection Vehicles
* Image-to-Image Translation With Disentangled Latent Vectors for Face Editing
* Impact and Correction of Sensitive Environmental Factors on Spectral Reflectance Measured In Situ, The
* Impact of a Severe Dust Event on Diurnal Behavior of Surface Water Temperature in Subtropical Lake Kinneret
* Impact of Climate Change and Human Activities to Runoff in the Du River Basin of the Qinling-Daba Mountains, China
* Impact of Dam Construction on Downstream Vegetation Area in Dry Areas Using Satellite Remote Sensing: A Case Study, The
* Impact of Meteorological Conditions and Emissions on Tropospheric Column Ozone Trends in Recent Years, The
* Impact of Satellite-Derived Land Cover Resolution Using Machine Learning and Hydrological Simulations
* Impact of V2V Warning Information on Traffic Stream Performance Using Microscopic Simulation Based on Real-World Connected Vehicle Driving Behavior
* Impacts of Thermal Differences in Surfacing Urban Heat Islands on Vegetation Phenology
* Implementation of Web Map Services for Old Cadastral Maps
* Importance-Aware Information Bottleneck Learning Paradigm for Lip Reading
* Improved Acceleration Approach by Utilizing K-Band Range Rate Observations, An
* Improved Carrier-Smoothing Code Algorithm for BDS Satellites with SICB, An
* Improved domain adaptive object detector via adversarial feature learning
* Improved Initial Orbit Determination Based on the Gooding Method of Low Earth Orbit Space Debris Using Space-Based Observations
* Improved Medium Baseline RTK Positioning Performance Based on BDS/Galileo/GPS Triple-Frequency-Only Observations
* improved method for thyroid nodule ultrasound image segmentation based on U2-Net, An
* Improved multiple sclerosis diagnosis with advanced deep learning techniques
* Improved Principal Component Analysis Method for the Interpolation of Missing Data in GNSS-Derived PWV Time Series, An
* Improving 3D Digital Soil Mapping Based on Spatialized Lab Soil Spectral Information
* Improving agricultural field parcel delineation with a dual branch spatiotemporal fusion network by integrating multimodal satellite data
* Improving Autonomous Vehicle Visual Perception by Fusing Human Gaze and Machine Vision
* Improving Cloud Detection in WFV Images Onboard Chinese GF-1/6 Satellite
* Improving HJ-1B/IRS LST Retrieval of the Generalized Single-Channel Algorithm with Refined ERA5 Atmospheric Profile Database
* Improving human-object interaction with auxiliary semantic information and enhanced instance representation
* Improving Person Re-Identification With Multi-Cue Similarity Embedding and Propagation
* Improving Resources in Internet of Vehicles Transportation Systems Using Markov Transition and TDMA Protocol
* Improving Rock Classification with 1D Discrete Wavelet Transform Based on Laboratory Reflectance Spectra and Gaofen-5 Hyperspectral Data
* Improving the Accuracy of Soil Organic Carbon Estimation: CWT-Random Frog-XGBoost as a Prerequisite Technique for In Situ Hyperspectral Analysis
* Improving the matching of deformable objects by learning to detect keypoints
* Improving the STARFM Fusion Method for Downscaling the SSEBOP Evapotranspiration Product from 1 km to 30 m in an Arid Area in China
* In-Situ Radar Observation of Shallow Lunar Regolith at the Chang'E-5 Landing Site: Research Progress and Perspectives
* Incorporating Optimization in Strategic Conflict Resolution for UAS Traffic Management
* Incremental Learning for Simultaneous Augmentation of Feature and Class
* Individual Tree Species Identification and Crown Parameters Extraction Based on Mask R-CNN: Assessing the Applicability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Optical Images
* InflateSAR Campaign: Evaluating SAR Identification Capabilities of Distressed Refugee Boats, The
* Influence of Climate, Topography, and Hydrology on Vegetation Distribution Patterns: Oasis in the Taklamakan Desert Hinterland
* Influence of Validation Colocation on XCO2 Satellite-Terrestrial Joint Observations, The
* Information Bottleneck and Aggregated Learning
* Information geometry based extreme low-bit neural network for point cloud
* Information Maximizing Adaptation Network With Label Distribution Priors for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Infrared Moving Small Target Detection Based on Space-Time Combination in Complex Scenes
* Infrared Small and Dim Target Detection With Transformer Under Complex Backgrounds
* Infrared Small-Target Detection Based on Background-Suppression Proximal Gradient and GPU Acceleration
* Insights into the Movement and Diffusion Accumulation Characteristics of a Catastrophic Rock Avalanche Debris: A Case Study
* Integrated Remote Sensing Observations of Radiative Properties and Sources of the Aerosols in Southeast Asia: The Case of Thailand
* Integration of Geophysical and Geospatial Techniques to Evaluate Geothermal Energy at Siwa Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt
* Integration of Residual Terrain Modelling and the Equivalent Source Layer Method in Gravity Field Synthesis for Airborne Gravity Gradiometer Test Site Determination
* Intelligent Traffic Data Transmission and Sharing Based on Optimal Gradient Adaptive Optimization Algorithm
* Intelligent Typography: Artistic Text Style Transfer for Complex Texture and Structure
* Intelligent UAV Path-Planning Method Based on the Theory of the Three-Dimensional Subdivision of Earth Space, An
* Intelligent Virtual Standard Patient for Medical Students Training Based on Oral Knowledge Graph, An
* Intelligent Vision-Based Nutritional Assessment Method for Handheld Food Items, An
* Inter-domain mixup for semi-supervised domain adaptation
* Interaction-Aware Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter
* Interaction-Matrix Based Personalized Image Aesthetics Assessment
* Interactive Decision-Making With Switchable Game Modes for Automated Vehicles at Intersections
* Interactive NeRF Geometry Editing With Shape Priors
* Interactive Two-Stream Network Across Modalities for Deepfake Detection
* Internet of Things Positioning Technology Based Intelligent Delivery System
* Interpretation of Bridge Health Monitoring Data from Satellite InSAR Technology
* Interval-Extraction Affine Projection Algorithm
* Introducing instance label correlation in multiple instance learning. Application to cancer detection on histopathological images
* Introduction to Dione's Wispy Terrain as a Putative Model Region for Micro Wilson Cycles on Icy Satellites
* Inventory of Glacial Lake in the Southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Derived from Sentinel-1 SAR Image and Sentinel-2 MSI Image
* Inverse Image Frequency for Long-Tailed Image Recognition
* Inverse-Occurrence Sampling Approach for Urban Flood Susceptibility Mapping, An
* Investigating a Persistent Stratospheric Aerosol Layer Observed over Southern Europe during 2019
* Investigating the Identification and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Camellia oleifera Plantations Using High-Resolution Imagery
* Investigating the Relationship between Topographic Factors and Vegetation Spatial Patterns in the Alpine Plateau: A Case Study in the Southwestern Tibetan Plateau
* Investigating the Spatiotemporal Relationship between the Built Environment and COVID-19 Transmission
* InvFlow: Involution and multi-scale interaction for unsupervised learning of optical flow
* IPCONV: Convolution with Multiple Different Kernels for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* IRA-FSOD: Instant-Response and Accurate Few-Shot Object Detector
* Is Not the Truth the Truth?: Analyzing the Impact of User Validations for Bus In/Out Detection in Smartphone-Based Surveys
* Jacobian norm with Selective Input Gradient Regularization for interpretable adversarial defense
* JHPFA-Net: Joint Head Pose and Facial Action Network for Driver Yawning Detection Across Arbitrary Poses in Videos
* Joint 2D-DOD and 2D-DOA Estimation in Bistatic MIMO Radar via Tensor Ring Decomposition
* Joint Contextual Representation Model-Informed Interpretable Network With Dictionary Aligning for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Classification
* Joint Denoising-Demosaicking Network for Long-Wave Infrared Division-of-Focal-Plane Polarization Images With Mixed Noise Level Estimation
* Joint Optimization of Class-Specific Training- and Test-Time Data Augmentation in Segmentation
* Joint Routing and Charging Problem of Electric Vehicles With Incentive-Aware Customers Considering Spatio-Temporal Charging Prices
* Joint Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for Fog-Based Intelligent Transportation Systems: A UAV-Enabled Multi-Hop Collaboration Paradigm
* Joint Wavelet Sub-Bands Guided Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Key Frame Mechanism for Efficient Conformer Based End-to-End Speech Recognition
* Knowledge Graph Construction to Facilitate Indoor Fire Emergency Evacuation
* Knowledge-Guided Fusion Visualisation Method of Digital Twin Scenes for Mountain Highways, A
* Knowledge-Induced Multiple Kernel Fuzzy Clustering
* L0 regularized logistic regression for large-scale data
* L1-norm discriminant analysis via Bhattacharyya error bounds under Laplace distributions
* LA-HDR: Light Adaptive HDR Reconstruction Framework for Single LDR Image Considering Varied Light Conditions
* Label Efficient Regularization and Propagation for Graph Node Classification
* LaFea: Learning Latent Representation Beyond Feature for Universal Domain Adaptation
* LAGRS-Soil: A Full-Polarization GNSS-Reflectometry Model for Bare Soil Applications in FY-3E GNOS-R Payload
* Landsat-8 to Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery Super-Resolution-Based Multiscale Dilated Transformer Generative Adversarial Networks
* Landslide Dynamic Susceptibility Mapping Base on Machine Learning and the PS-InSAR Coupling Model
* Lane-changing control with balancing lane flow at freeway merge bottlenecks in a connected vehicle environment: Application of a PID controller
* Language-Based Image Manipulation Built on Language-Guided Ranking
* Language-Guided Multi-Granularity Context Aggregation for Temporal Sentence Grounding
* Large-Scale Automatic Identification of Industrial Vacant Land
* large-scale climate-aware satellite image dataset for domain adaptive land-cover semantic segmentation, A
* LAST: LAtent Space-Constrained Transformers for Automatic Surgical Phase Recognition and Tool Presence Detection
* Latency-Energy Tradeoff in Connected Autonomous Vehicles: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Scheme
* Latent Feature Disentanglement for Visual Domain Generalization
* LCReg: Long-tailed image classification with Latent Categories based Recognition
* Learn by Oneself: Exploiting Weight-Sharing Potential in Knowledge Distillation Guided Ensemble Network
* Learnable Information-Preserving Image Resizer for Face Forgery Detection
* Learning a Compact Spatial-Angular Representation for Light Field
* Learning a High Fidelity Identity Representation for Face Frontalization
* Learning Canonical Embeddings for Unsupervised Shape Correspondence With Locally Linear Transformations
* Learning consensus-aware semantic knowledge for remote sensing image captioning
* Learning correlation information for multi-label feature selection
* Learning Degradation-Robust Spatiotemporal Frequency-Transformer for Video Super-Resolution
* Learning disentangled representations for controllable human motion prediction
* Learning Dynamic Graph for Overtaking Strategy in Autonomous Driving
* Learning Fashion Compatibility With Context Conditioning Embedding
* Learning Foreground Information Bottleneck for few-shot semantic segmentation
* Learning From Partially Labeled Data for Multi-Organ and Tumor Segmentation
* Learning Gait Representation From Massive Unlabelled Walking Videos: A Benchmark
* Learning General Descriptors for Image Matching With Regression Feedback
* Learning geometric consistency and discrepancy for category-level 6D object pose estimation from point clouds
* Learning Heavily-Degraded Prior for Underwater Object Detection
* Learning Latent Dynamics for Autonomous Shape Control of Deformable Object
* Learning Localization-Aware Target Confidence for Siamese Visual Tracking
* Learning node representations against perturbations
* Learning Relation Models to Detect Important People in Still Images
* Learning Relative Feature Displacement for Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition
* Learning Safe and Human-Like High-Level Decisions for Unsignalized Intersections From Naturalistic Human Driving Trajectories
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Semantics and Cluster Relation for Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* Learning Strategy for Amazon Deforestation Estimations Using Multi-Modal Satellite Imagery, A
* Learning the Distribution-Based Temporal Knowledge with Low Rank Response Reasoning for UAV Visual Tracking
* Lesion-aware network for diabetic retinopathy diagnosis
* LgNet: A Local-Global Network for Action Recognition and Beyond
* LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
* lightweight deep learning model for real-time face recognition, A
* Lightweight multi-scale attention-guided network for real-time semantic segmentation
* Lightweight Multiattention Recursive Residual CNN-Based In-Loop Filter Driven by Neuron Diversity
* Lightweight Pixel Difference Networks for Efficient Visual Representation Learning
* Line Segment Detection Based on False Peak Suppression and Local Hough Transform and Application to Nuclear Emulsion
* LIQA: Lifelong Blind Image Quality Assessment
* LiVLR: A Lightweight Visual-Linguistic Reasoning Framework for Video Question Answering
* LKDA-GAN: Cross-modality image synthesis via Generative Adversarial Network aggregating large kernel decomposable attention bottleneck block
* LMQFormer: A Laplace-Prior-Guided Mask Query Transformer for Lightweight Snow Removal
* Local Correspondence-Aware Hybrid CNN-GCN Model for Single-Image Human Body Reconstruction, A
* Local Linear Generalized Autoencoder-Based Incipient Fault Detection for Electrical Drive Systems of High-Speed Trains
* Localized Sparse Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* LOFReg: An outlier-based regulariser for deep metric learning
* Long and Short-Range Dependency Graph Structure Learning Framework on Point Cloud
* Long Time Span-Specific Emitter Identification Method Based on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, A
* Long-Term Observations of the Thermospheric 6 h Oscillation Revealed by an Incoherent Scatter Radar over Arecibo
* Look&listen: Multi-Modal Correlation Learning for Active Speaker Detection and Speech Enhancement
* Looking and Hearing Into Details: Dual-Enhanced Siamese Adversarial Network for Audio-Visual Matching
* LOS Signal Identification for Passive Multi-Target Localization in Multipath Environments
* Lottery Jackpots Exist in Pre-Trained Models
* Low-light image enhancement using gamma correction prior in mixed color spaces
* Low-Visibility Vehicle-Road Environment Perception Based on the Multi-Modal Visual Features Fusion of Polarization and Infrared
* LPR Instantaneous Centroid Frequency Attribute Based on the 1D Higher-Order Differential Energy Operator, The
* LRTransDet: A Real-Time SAR Ship-Detection Network with Lightweight ViT and Multi-Scale Feature Fusion
* LTReID: Factorizable Feature Generation With Independent Components for Long-Tailed Person Re-Identification
* Luminance and Detail Enhancement for HDR Images Based on Surround-Aware Perceptual Quantization Under Ambient Illumination
* Lung lobe segmentation in computed tomography images based on multi-feature fusion and ensemble learning framework
* MA-SARNet: A one-shot nowcasting framework for SAR image prediction with physical driving forces
* Machine and Deep Learning Regression of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Lakes Using PRISMA Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery
* Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database via Multi-Modality Feature Selection for Bayesian Reconstruction of Low-Dose CT
* Machine Learning Based Channel Estimation for 5G NR-V2V Communications: Sparse Bayesian Learning and Gaussian Progress Regression
* Machine Learning Downscaling of SoilMERGE in the United States Southern Great Plains
* Machine Learning Solution for Video Delivery to Mitigate Co-Tier Interference in 5G HetNets, A
* MADANet: A Lightweight Hyperspectral Image Classification Network with Multiscale Feature Aggregation and a Dual Attention Mechanism
* MALN: Multimodal Adversarial Learning Network for Conversational Emotion Recognition
* Management of Positioning Functions in Cellular Networks for Time-Sensitive Transportation Applications
* Mapping and Pre- and Post-Failure Analyses of the April 2019 Kantutani Landslide in La Paz, Bolivia, Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Mapping annual center-pivot irrigated cropland in Brazil during the 1985-2021 period with cloud platforms and deep learning
* Mapping crop phenophases in reproductive growth period by satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: A case study in mid-temperate zone in China
* Mapping Forest Abrupt Disturbance Events in Southeastern China: Comparisons and Tradeoffs of Landsat Time Series Analysis Algorithms
* Mapping Fractional Vegetation Cover Using Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle Imagery to Guide Conservation of a Rare Riparian Shrub Ecosystem in Southern California
* Mapping intertidal topographic changes in a highly turbid estuary using dense Sentinel-2 time series with deep learning
* Mapping of Rubber Forest Growth Models Based on Point Cloud Data
* Mapping snow depth distribution from 1980 to 2020 on the Tibetan plateau using multi-source remote sensing data and downscaling techniques
* Mapping Suspended Sediment Changes in the Western Pacific Coasts
* Mapping the Mine: Combining Portable X-ray Fluorescence, Spectroradiometry, UAV, and Sentinel-2 Images to Identify Contaminated Soils: Application to the Mostardeira Mine (Portugal)
* Mask-guided multiscale feature aggregation network for hand gesture recognition
* MaskFaceGAN: High-Resolution Face Editing With Masked GAN Latent Code Optimization
* Mass-based omni-directional risk indicator (MORI) for multi-participant traffic
* Match Maximization of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Energy Charging With Double-Sided Auction
* Matrix randomized autoencoder
* Maximizing the Connectivity of Network Slicing Enabled Internet of Vehicle With Differentiated Services
* Maximum Gaussianality training for deep speaker vector normalization
* Maximum isotope accumulation in the retrosplenial cortex during amnesia attack and its temporal change suggest cortical spreading depression as a pathophysiology of patients with transient global amnesia
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Mixed Integer Linear Models
* MCNet: Magnitude consistency network for domain adaptive object detection under inclement environments
* MDSC-Net: A multi-scale depthwise separable convolutional neural network for skin lesion segmentation
* Measuring the Influence of Multiscale Geographic Space on the Heterogeneity of Crime Distribution
* Memory Network With Pixel-Level Spatio-Temporal Learning for Visual Object Tracking
* MeshNet-SP: A Semantic Urban 3D Mesh Segmentation Network with Sparse Prior
* Message Passing Based Block Sparse Signal Recovery for DOA Estimation Using Large Arrays
* Method for Convergent Deformation Analysis of a Shield Tunnel Incorporating B-Spline Fitting and ICP Alignment, A
* Method for Detecting Ionospheric TEC Anomalies before Earthquake: The Case Study of Ms 7.8 Earthquake, February 06, 2023, Turkiye, A
* Method for Estimating Ship Surface Wind Parameters by Combining Anemometer and X-Band Marine Radar Data, A
* Method of Chestnut Forest Identification Based on Time Series and Key Phenology from Sentinel-2, A
* Method of Extracting the SWH Based on a Constituted Wave Slope Feature Vector (WSFV) from X-Band Marine Radar Images, A
* Methods to Improve the Accuracy and Robustness of Satellite-Derived Bathymetry through Processing of Optically Deep Waters
* Metropolitan Segment Traffic Speeds From Massive Floating Car Data in 10 Cities
* MeViT: A Medium-Resolution Vision Transformer for Semantic Segmentation on Landsat Satellite Imagery for Agriculture in Thailand
* MF-Net: Multi-frequency intrusion detection network for Internet traffic data
* MFAN: Mixing Feature Attention Network for trajectory prediction
* MFANet: Multifaceted Feature Aggregation Network for Oil Stains Detection of High-Speed Trains
* MHCanonNet: Multi-Hypothesis Canonical lifting Network for self-supervised 3D human pose estimation in the wild video
* MIGN: Multiscale Image Generation Network for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* Minimum description length clustering to measure meaningful image complexity
* Minimum error adaptive RGB calibration in a context of colorimetric uncertainty for cultural heritage preservation
* MISL: Multi-grained image-text semantic learning for text-guided image inpainting
* Mitigating AC and DC Interference in Multi-ToF-Camera Environments
* Mix-Teaching: A Simple, Unified and Effective Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* MLNet: A Multi-Domain Lightweight Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* MNET++: Music-Driven Pluralistic Dancing Toward Multiple Dance Genre Synthesis
* Modality Exploration, Retrieval and Adaptation for Trajectory Prediction
* Model-Aware Pre-Training for Radial Distortion Rectification
* Model-Based Method for Enabling Source Mapping and Intrusion Detection on Proprietary Can Bus, A
* Modeling Noisy Annotations for Point-Wise Supervision
* Modeling of Suspended Particulate Matter Concentration in an Extremely Turbid River Based on Multispectral Remote Sensing from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* Modified High-Precision Imaging Algorithm Based on Imaging Plane Optimization with Minimum Entropy Applied to UAV SAR, A
* Modified Version of the Direct Sampling Method for Filling Gaps in Landsat 7 and Sentinel 2 Satellite Imagery in the Coastal Area of Rhone River, A
* Monocular Depth Estimation for Glass Walls With Context: A New Dataset and Method
* Monte Carlo DropBlock for modeling uncertainty in object detection
* MPPM: A Mobile-Efficient Part Model for Object re-ID
* MSND: Modified Standard Normal Deviate Incident Detection Algorithm for Connected Autonomous and Human-Driven Vehicles in Mixed Traffic
* MuA-SAR Fast Imaging Based on UCFFBP Algorithm with Multi-Level Regional Attention Strategy
* multi-center study of ultrasound images using a fully automated segmentation architecture, A
* Multi-Factors Synthetically Contribute to Ulva prolifera Outbreaks in the South Yellow Sea of China
* Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastography (S-WAVE) System for the Prostate
* Multi-Hypothesis Marginal Multi-Target Bayes Filter for a Heavy-Tailed Observation Noise
* Multi-label borderline oversampling technique
* Multi-label feature selection by strongly relevant label gain and label mutual aid
* Multi-Label Radar Compound Jamming Signal Recognition Using Complex-Valued CNN with Jamming Class Representation Fusion
* Multi-Lane Coordinated Control Strategy of Connected and Automated Vehicles for On-Ramp Merging Area Based on Cooperative Game
* Multi-layer capsule network with joint dynamic routing for fire recognition
* Multi-Level Auto-Adaptive Noise-Filtering Algorithm for Land ICESat-2 Photon-Counting Data, A
* Multi-Level Content-Aware Boundary Detection for Temporal Action Proposal Generation
* Multi-Mission Oriented Joint Optimization of Task Assignment and Flight Path Planning for Heterogeneous UAV Cluster
* Multi-Modal Cross-Domain Alignment Network for Video Moment Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Learning for Predicting the Genotype of Glioma
* Multi-Objective Optimization of Evacuation Route for Heterogeneous Passengers in the Metro Station Considering Node Efficiency
* Multi-Query Vehicle Re-Identification: Viewpoint-Conditioned Network, Unified Dataset and New Metric
* Multi-Robot Plume Source Localization by Distributed Quantum-Inspired Guidance With Formation Behavior
* Multi-Scale Discrete Cosine Transform Network for Building Change Detection in Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Scale Ground Deformation Analysis and Investigation of Driver Factors Based on Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of Zhuhai City
* Multi-scale self-supervised representation learning with temporal alignment for multi-rate time series modeling
* Multi-Scale Transformer Network With Edge-Aware Pre-Training for Cross-Modality MR Image Synthesis
* Multi-Sourced Knowledge Integration for Robust Self-Supervised Facial Landmark Tracking
* Multi-Stage Semantic Segmentation Quantifies Fragmentation of Small Habitats at a Landscape Scale
* Multi-Stream Attention-Aware Convolutional Neural Network: Monitoring of Sand and Dust Storms from Ordinary Urban Surveillance Cameras, A
* Multi-Task Consistency Enhancement Network for Semantic Change Detection in HR Remote Sensing Images and Application of Non-Agriculturalization, A
* Multi-Temporal Analysis of Environmental Carrying Capacity and Coastline Changes in Yueqing City
* Multi-Temporal and Multiscale Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery Analysis for Detecting Pasture Area Changes after Grazing Cessation Due to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
* Multi-View Deep Gaussian Processes for Supervised Learning
* Multi-View Discrete Clustering: A Concise Model
* Multi-year hyperspectral remote sensing of a comprehensive set of crop foliar nutrients in cranberries
* Multibranch Reconstruction Error (MbRE) Intrusion Detection Architecture for Intelligent Edge-Based Policing in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* MultiCardioNet: Interoperability between ECG and PPG biometrics
* Multimodal Affective Computing With Dense Fusion Transformer for Inter- and Intra-Modality Interactions
* Multimodal Core Tensor Factorization and its Applications to Low-Rank Tensor Completion
* Multimodal Emotion Classification With Multi-Level Semantic Reasoning Network
* Multimodal Image Synthesis and Editing: The Generative AI Era
* Multimodal Pre-Training Based on Graph Attention Network for Document Understanding
* Multimodal Robust Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Approach Driven by Geodesic Coordinates for Coal Mine Mobile Robots, A
* Multimodal Vehicular Trajectory Prediction With Inverse Reinforcement Learning and Risk Aversion at Urban Unsignalized Intersections
* Multimodal-Based and Aesthetic-Guided Narrative Video Summarization
* Multiobjective Optimization for Vehicle Routing Optimization Problem in Low-Carbon Intelligent Transportation
* Multiple Agile Satellite Staring Observation Mission Planning Method for Dense Regions, A
* Multiple instance learning from similarity-confidence bags
* Multipolar Acoustic Source Reconstruction From Sparse Far-Field Data Using ALOHA
* Multiscale and multidirection depth map super resolution with semantic inference
* Multiscale attention network for retinal vein occlusion classification with multicolor image
* Multiscale Dynamic Graph Representation for Biometric Recognition With Occlusions
* Mutual Domain Adaptation
* Mutual-Assistance Learning for Object Detection
* NCSiam: Reliable Matching via Neighborhood Consensus for Siamese-Based Object Tracking
* Near Real-Time Mapping of Tropical Forest Disturbance Using SAR and Semantic Segmentation in Google Earth Engine, A
* Neighborhood Rough Residual Network-Based Outlier Detection Method in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Neighbourhood Representative Sampling for Efficient End-to-End Video Quality Assessment
* Network Car Hailing Pricing Model Optimization in Edge Computing-Based Intelligent Transportation System
* network classification method based on density time evolution patterns extracted from network automata, A
* Network pruning via resource reallocation
* Neural Maximum a Posteriori Estimation on Unpaired Data for Motion Deblurring
* Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Denoising by Combining Spatial-Spectral Information, A
* Neuromorphic Similarity Measurement of Tactile Stimuli in Human-Machine Interface
* NeuroZoom: Denoising and Super Resolving Neuromorphic Events and Spikes
* New Approach for Feeding Multispectral Imagery into Convolutional Neural Networks Improved Classification of Seedlings, A
* New Few-Shot Learning-Based Model for Prohibited Objects Detection in Cluttered Baggage X-Ray Images Through Edge Detection and Reverse Validation, A
* New Method for Bare Permafrost Extraction on the Tibetan Plateau by Integrating Machine Learning and Multi-Source Information, A
* New Risk-Based Method in Decision Making to Create Dust Sources Maps: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia, A
* New Strategy for Extracting 3D Deformation of Mining Areas from a Single-Geometry Synthetic Aperture Radar Dataset, A
* NMS-Free Oriented Object Detection Based on Channel Expansion and Dynamic Label Assignment in UAV Aerial Images
* No Reference Quality Assessment of Contrast-Distorted SEM Images Based on Global Features
* NO2 Concentration Estimation at Urban Ground Level by Integrating Sentinel 5P Data and ERA5 Using Machine Learning: The Milan (Italy) Case Study
* Non-Aligned Multi-View Multi-Label Classification via Learning View-Specific Labels
* non-invertible transformation based technique to protect a fingerprint template, A
* non-regularization self-supervised Retinex approach to low-light image enhancement with parameterized illumination estimation, A
* Nonrigid Point Cloud Registration Using Piecewise Tricubic Polynomials as Transformation Model
* NOPE-SAC: Neural One-Plane RANSAC for Sparse-View Planar 3D Reconstruction
* Novel Adaptive Edge Aggregation and Multiscale Feature Interaction Detector for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, A
* novel approach for securing data against adversary attacks in UAV embedded HetNet using identity based authentication scheme, A
* Novel Attention-Driven Framework for Unsupervised Pedestrian Re-identification with Clustering Optimization, A
* Novel Copernicus Global Dataset of Atmospheric Total Water Vapour Content with Related Uncertainties from GNSS Observations, The
* Novel Human Image Sequence Synthesis Method by Pose-Shape-Content Inference, A
* novel interval dual convolutional neural network method for interval-valued stock price prediction, A
* novel method for identification of disturbance from surface coal mining using all available Landsat data in the GEE platform, A
* Novel MIMO Radar Orthogonal Waveform Design Algorithm Based on the Multi-Objective Improved Archimedes Optimization Algorithm, A
* novel minutiae-oriented approach for partial fingerprint-based MasterPrint mitigation, A
* Novel Mix-Normalization Method for Generalizable Multi-Source Person Re-Identification, A
* Novel Single Differencing Measurement for Multipath Detection, A
* NPT-Loss: Demystifying Face Recognition Losses With Nearest Proxies Triplet
* Objformer: Boosting 3D object detection via instance-wise interaction
* Observation of Precipitation during Cooling with Ka-Band Cloud Radar in Wuhan, China, An
* Offline Model-Based Adaptable Policy Learning for Decision-Making in Out-of-Support Regions
* Omni-Training: Bridging Pre-Training and Meta-Training for Few-Shot Learning
* Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment With Knowledge Distillation
* On learning distribution alignment for video-based visible-infrared person re-identification
* On the Power of Gradual Network Alignment Using Dual-Perception Similarities
* On-Board Geometric Rectification for Micro-Satellite Based on Lightweight Feature Database
* One-Shot Generative Prior in Hankel-k-Space for Parallel Imaging Reconstruction
* One-shot Ultra-high-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network That Synthesizes 16K Images On A Single GPU
* Open set transfer learning through distribution driven active learning
* OpenCCO: An Implementation of Constrained Constructive Optimization for Generating 2D and 3D Vascular Trees
* OpenMix+: Revisiting Data Augmentation for Open Set Recognition
* Optical Flow Computation for Video Under the Dynamic Illumination
* Optimal Design of Tractive Layout for Minimizing the Insufficient Displacement of Railway Turnout
* Optimal Partition Assignment for Universal Object Detection
* Optimal Polarization SAR Three-Component Target Decomposition Based on Semi-Definite Programming, An
* Optimal Transport-Based Patch Matching for Image Style Transfer
* Optimization of the Vertical Wavenumber for PolInSAR Inversion Performance Based on Numerical CRLB Analysis
* Optimization-Inspired Learning with Architecture Augmentations and Control Mechanisms for Low-Level Vision
* Optimizing Resource and Service Allocations for IoT-Assisted Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Orientation Cues-Aware Facial Relationship Representation for Head Pose Estimation via Transformer
* OSANet: Object Semantic Attention Network for Visual Sentiment Analysis
* Outbreak Mechanism of Locust Plagues under Dynamic Drought and Flood Environments Based on Time Series Remote Sensing Data: Implication for Identifying Potential High-Risk Locust Areas
* PAC-Bayes Bounds for Bandit Problems: A Survey and Experimental Comparison
* PaCS: A Parallel Computation Framework for Field-Based Crowd Simulation
* PAF-Net: A Progressive and Adaptive Fusion Network for Pavement Crack Segmentation
* Pairwise DomMix Attentive Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Object Detection, A
* PAMI: Partition Input and Aggregate Outputs for Model Interpretation
* Panretinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Parallel disentangling network for human-object interaction detection
* Parametrical Model for Instance-Dependent Label Noise, A
* Passing-yielding intention estimation during lane change conflict: A semantic-based Bayesian inference method
* pdRide: Privacy-Preserving Distributed Online Ride-Hailing Matching Scheme
* Pedestrian Detection Using Multi-Scale Structure-Enhanced Super-Resolution
* Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in Pedestrian-Vehicle Mixed Environments: A Systematic Review
* Perception-and-Regulation Network for Salient Object Detection
* Perception-Aware Cross-Modal Signal Reconstruction: From Audio-Haptic to Visual
* Perceptually Weighted Rate Distortion Optimization for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Performance Analysis of Multi-RIS-Aided mmWave MIMO Systems Using Poisson Point Processes
* Performance evaluation of RW-Quadrotor and Bi-Quadrotor for payload delivery
* Performance of Common Scene Stacking Atmospheric Correction on Nonlinear InSAR Deformation Retrieval
* Performance of Smartphone BDS-3/GPS/Galileo Multi-Frequency Ionosphere-Free Precise Code Positioning
* Personalized Fashion Recommendation With Discrete Content-Based Tensor Factorization
* Personalized recommendation via inductive spatiotemporal graph neural network
* Phase Characteristics and Angle Deception of Frequency-Diversity-Array-Transmitted Signals Based on Time Index within Pulse
* Phase Randomization: A data augmentation for domain adaptation in human action recognition
* Phenological Changes and Their Influencing Factors under the Joint Action of Water and Temperature in Northeast Asia
* Phenology-guided Bayesian-CNN (PB-CNN) framework for soybean yield estimation and uncertainty analysis, A
* PIDray: A Large-Scale X-ray Benchmark for Real-World Prohibited Item Detection
* PLGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Power-Line Segmentation in Aerial Images
* Plumb-Line Matching Algorithm for UAV Oblique Photographic Photos, The
* POCE: Pose-Controllable Expression Editing
* Point Cloud Soft Multicast for Untethered XR Users
* Point-Supervised Video Temporal Grounding
* Polar Cloud Detection of FengYun-3D Medium Resolution Spectral Imager II Imagery Based on the Radiative Transfer Model
* Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Speckle Filter Based on Joint Similarity Measurement Criterion
* Portraying the Influence Factor of Urban Vibrancy at Street Level Using Multisource Urban Data
* Pose Estimation of Point Sets Using Residual MLP in Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure
* Positional Attention Guided Transformer-Like Architecture for Visual Question Answering
* Positive-Negative Receptive Field Reasoning for Omni-Supervised 3D Segmentation
* Positive-Unlabeled Learning With Label Distribution Alignment
* Potential Game Based Task Offloading in the High-Speed Railway With Reinforcement Learning
* Potential Routes Extraction for Urban Customized Bus Based on Vehicle Trajectory Clustering
* Power Flow Optimization and Control Strategy for Energy Router in Dual Mode Traction Power Supply System
* Practical Star Image Registration Algorithm Using Radial Module and Rotation Angle Features, A
* Predicting Label Distribution From Tie-Allowed Multi-Label Ranking
* Prediction Failure Risk-Aware Decision-Making for Autonomous Vehicles on Signalized Intersections
* Prediction of Sea Surface Reflectivity under Different Sea Conditions Based on the Clustering of Marine Environmental Parameters
* Present-Day Crustal Deformation of the Northwestern Tibetan Plateau Based on InSAR Measurements
* Privacy-Aware Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Task Offloading in VANET
* Privacy-Preserving Image Acquisition for Neural Vision Systems
* PRSeg: A Lightweight Patch Rotate MLP Decoder for Semantic Segmentation
* PSCFormer: A lightweight hybrid network for gas identification in electronic nose system
* Pseudo-label estimation via unsupervised Identity Link Prediction for one-shot person Re-Identification
* Pyramid Attention Network for Image Restoration
* P^2-GAN: Efficient Stroke Style Transfer Using Single Style Image
* QBER: Quantum-based Entropic Representations for un-attributed graphs
* QDTrack: Quasi-Dense Similarity Learning for Appearance-Only Multiple Object Tracking
* Quality Assessment of the Atmospheric Radio Occultation Profiles from FY-3E/GNOS-II BDS and GPS Measurements
* Quality-Aware Network for Human Parsing
* Quantification of Loss of Access to Critical Services during Floods in Greater Jakarta: Integrating Social, Geospatial, and Network Perspectives
* Quantification of Vegetation Phenological Disturbance Characteristics in Open-Pit Coal Mines of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Using Harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2
* Quantitative Analysis of Tidal Creek Evolution and Vegetation Variation in Silting Muddy Flats on the Yellow Sea
* quantitative method for the assessment of facial attractiveness based on transfer learning with fine-grained image classification, A
* Quantitative Retrieval of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in the Bohai-Yellow Sea Using GOCI Surface Reflectance Products
* Question Classification for Intelligent Question Answering: A Comprehensive Survey
* Radar Performance Degradation Elimination for Sub-Pulse-Based FMCW in DFRC
* Rainfall Erosivity in Peru: A New Gridded Dataset Based on GPM-IMERG and Comprehensive Assessment (2000-2020)
* Rainfall Erosivity Mapping for Tibetan Plateau Using High-Resolution Temporal and Spatial Precipitation Datasets for the Third Pole
* Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslide Recognition and Transferability Using Object-Based Image Analysis in Brazil
* Rangeland Brush Estimation Tool (RaBET): An Operational Remote Sensing-Based Application for Quantifying Woody Cover on Western Rangelands
* Rapid-Convergence Precise Point Positioning Approach Using Double Augmentations of Low Earth Orbit Satellite and Atmospheric Information, A
* RAV: Learning-Based Adaptive Streaming to Coordinate the Audio and Video Bitrate Selections
* Real-Time Permittivity Estimation Method for Stepped-Frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar by Full-Waveform Inversion, A
* Real-world efficient fall detection: Balancing performance and complexity with FDGA workflow
* Real-World Image Super-Resolution by Exclusionary Dual-Learning
* Real-World Reinforcement Learning Framework for Safe and Human-Like Tactical Decision-Making, A
* RealVR: Efficient, Economical, and Quality-of-Experience-Driven VR Video System Based on MPEG OMAF
* Recaptured Screen Image Demoiréing in Raw Domain
* Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Radar Deception Electronic Counter-Countermeasures
* Reconstruction Guided Meta-Learning for Few Shot Open Set Recognition
* Reconstruction of Land Surface Temperature Derived from FY-4A AGRI Data Based on Two-Point Machine Learning Method
* Recovering 3D Human Mesh From Monocular Images: A Survey
* Recovery performance improvement of image compressive sensing using complex-valued Vandermonde matrix
* Reflection Removal With NIR and RGB Image Feature Fusion
* Region Assisted Sketch Colorization
* Region Separable Stereo Matching
* Region-Aware Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection With Progressive Fusion
* Regional Contribution and Attribution of the Interannual Variation of Net Primary Production in the Yellow River Basin, China
* Regression-Selective Feature-Adaptive Tracker for Visual Object Tracking
* Regularized Optimal Transport Layers for Generalized Global Pooling Operations
* Reinforcement Shrink-Mask for Text Detection
* Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature in the Douro Demarcated Region, Portugal, The
* Relationship between reduced scattering coefficient and intracranial pressure in clinical patients under different brain edema states
* Relative-position embedding based spatially and temporally decoupled Transformer for action recognition
* Reliability-Aware Restoration Framework for 4D Spectral Photoacoustic Data
* Remote Measurements of Industrial CO2 Emissions Using a Ground-Based Differential Absorption Lidar in the 2 mu-m Wavelength Region
* Remote Sensing of Climate-Vegetation Dynamics and Their Effects on Ecosystems
* Remote Sensing of Planetary Boundary Layer Thermodynamic and Material Structures over a Large Steel Plant, China
* Remote Sensing-Based Hydro-Extremes Assessment Techniques for Small Area Case Study (The Case Study of Poland)
* Reparameterizing and dynamically quantizing image features for image generation
* Research on Reliable Long-Baseline NRTK Positioning Method Considering Ionospheric Residual Interpolation Uncertainty
* Research on the Real-Time Ambiguity Resolution Algorithm of GPS/Galileo/BDS Based on CNES Real-Time Products
* Research on Time-Aware Group Query Method with Exclusion Keywords
* Residual Learning Approach to Deblur and Generate High Frame Rate Video With an Event Camera, A
* Resilient Countermeasures Against Cyber-Attacks on Self-Driving Car Architecture
* Resource Allocation Control of UAV-Assisted IoT Communication Device
* RestoreFormer++: Towards Real-World Blind Face Restoration From Undegraded Key-Value Pairs
* Restoring vision in hazy weather with hierarchical contrastive learning
* Rethinking and Improving Few-Shot Segmentation From a Contour-Aware Perspective
* Retinex-Based Variational Framework for Low-Light Image Enhancement and Denoising
* Retrieval of an On-Orbit Bidirectional Reflectivity Reference in the Mid-Infrared Bands of FY-3D/MERSI-2 Channels 20
* Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Green Volume in Urban Green Space from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Revealing the Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity of the Association between the Built Environment and Urban Vitality in Shenzhen
* Reverse Engineering of Generative Models: Inferring Model Hyperparameters From Generated Images
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With Secret Sharing and Hybrid Coding
* Reversible Data Hiding of Grayscale Images Using General Distortion Metric
* Review of Ocean Color Algorithms to Detect Trichodesmium Oceanic Blooms and Quantify Chlorophyll Concentration in Shallow Coral Lagoons of South Pacific Archipelagos, A
* Review of Root Zone Soil Moisture Estimation Methods Based on Remote Sensing, A
* Review of Selected Applications of GNSS CORS and Related Experiences at the University of Palermo (Italy), A
* Review of the Monothematic Series of Publications Concerning Research on Statistical Distributions of Navigation Positioning System Errors
* Revisiting AUC-Oriented Adversarial Training With Loss-Agnostic Perturbations
* Rewarded Semi-Supervised Re-Identification on Identities Rarely Crossing Camera Views
* RFMask: A Simple Baseline for Human Silhouette Segmentation With Radio Signals
* RIC-CNN: Rotation-Invariant Coordinate Convolutional Neural Network
* RIVIE: Robust Inherent Video Information Embedding
* Robust Adaptive Fuzzy-Free Fault-Tolerant Path Planning Control for a Semi-Submersible Platform Dynamic Positioning System With Actuator Constraints
* Robust Coverless Image Steganography Based on Neglected Coverless Image Dataset Construction
* Robust embedding regression for semi-supervised learning
* Robust Frequency-Domain-Based Graph Adaptive Network for Parkinson's Disease Detection From Gait Data, A
* Robust Fusion of Multi-Source Images for Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Complex Urban Scenes
* Robust implementation of foreground extraction and vessel segmentation for X-ray coronary angiography image sequence
* Robust Local Texture Descriptor in the Parametric Space of the Weibull Distribution, A
* Robust multi-agent reinforcement learning via Bayesian distributional value estimation
* Robust Multimodal Sentiment Analysis via Tag Encoding of Uncertain Missing Modalities
* Robust online hashing with label semantic enhancement for cross-modal retrieval
* Robust Reflection Removal With Flash-Only Cues in the Wild
* Robust Sparse Direct Localization of Smart Vehicle With Partly Calibrated Time Modulated Arrays
* Robustness Meets Low-Rankness: Unified Entropy and Tensor Learning for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Rolling-Horizon Strategy for Dynamic Rebalancing of Free-Floating Bike-Sharing Systems, A
* Rooftop PV Segmenter: A Size-Aware Network for Segmenting Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems from High-Resolution Imagery
* Rotated and Masked Image Modeling: A Superior Self-Supervised Method for Classification
* RPMG-FSS: Robust Prior Mask Guided Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* RSG-Net: A Recurrent Similarity Network With Ghost Convolution for Wheelset Laser Stripe Image Inpainting
* Rule-constrained reinforcement learning control for autonomous vehicle left turn at unsignalized intersection
* RV-TMO: Large-Scale Dataset for Subjective Quality Assessment of Tone Mapped Images
* RZSR: Reference-Based Zero-Shot Super-Resolution With Depth Guided Self-Exemplars
* SACuP: Sonar Image Augmentation with Cut and Paste Based DataBank for Semantic Segmentation
* SAN: Side Adapter Network for Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation
* Satellite Monitoring of the Urban Expansion in the Pearl River-Xijiang Economic Belt and the Progress towards SDG11.3.1
* Satellite-Derived Bathymetry in Shallow Waters: Evaluation of Gokturk-1 Satellite and a Novel Approach
* SaTransformer: Semantic-aware transformer for breast cancer classification and segmentation
* Scalable frame resolution for efficient continuous sign language recognition
* Scale Information Enhancement for Few-Shot Object Detection on Remote Sensing Images
* SCAN++: Enhanced Semantic Conditioned Adaptation for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Scene-aware refinement network for unsupervised monocular depth estimation in ultra-low altitude oblique photography of UAV
* Scene-Text Oriented Referring Expression Comprehension
* Scene-Text Synthesis Engine Achieved Through Learning From Decomposed Real-World Data, A
* SceneDreamer: Unbounded 3D Scene Generation From 2D Image Collections
* Scheme for Cooperative-Escort Multi-Submersible Intelligent Transportation System Based on SDN-Enabled Underwater IoV, A
* SDAUNet: A simple dual attention mechanism UNet for mixed noise removal
* SDE-RAE:CLIP-based realistic image reconstruction and editing network using stochastic differential diffusion
* SDSS: Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Edge Enabled IoV Networks
* Sea Clutter Suppression Using Smoothed Pseudo-Wigner-Ville Distribution-Singular Value Decomposition during Sea Spikes
* Seasonal and Diurnal Changes of Air Temperature and Water Vapor Observed with a Microwave Radiometer in Wuhan, China
* Seasonal Migrants Spatially Affect the Park Green Space Accessibility and Equity under Different Travel Modes: Evidence from Sanya, China, The
* Seasonal Variations in Ion Density, Ion Temperature, and Migrating Tides in the Topside Ionosphere Revealed by ICON/IVM
* Second-Order Unsupervised Feature Selection via Knowledge Contrastive Distillation
* Secure Intelligent System for Internet of Vehicles: Case Study on Traffic Forecasting, A
* Secure Vehicular Communications With Varying QoS and Environments: A Unified Cross-Layer Policy-Adaptation Approach
* segmentation method based on the deep fuzzy segmentation model in combined with SCANDLE clustering, A
* Segmenting white matter hyperintensities in brain magnetic resonance images using convolution neural networks
* Self-Attention Model for Next Location Prediction Based on Semantic Mining, A
* Self-Consistent Contrastive Attributed Graph Clustering With Pseudo-Label Prompt
* Self-distillation and self-supervision for partial label learning
* Self-Learned Autonomous Driving at Unsignalized Intersections: A Hierarchical Reinforced Learning Approach for Feasible Decision-Making
* Self-Scalable Tanh (Stan): Multi-Scale Solutions for Physics-Informed Neural Networks
* Self-Supervised 3D Behavior Representation Learning Based on Homotopic Hyperbolic Embedding
* Self-Supervised Contrastive Representation Learning for Semi-Supervised Time-Series Classification
* Self-supervised cross-modal visual retrieval from brain activities
* Self-Supervised Fine-Grained Cycle-Separation Network (FSCN) for Visual-Audio Separation
* Self-Supervised Learning for Multimedia Recommendation
* Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Frequency-Based Recurrent Refinement
* Self-Supervised Point Cloud Representation Learning via Separating Mixed Shapes
* Self-Supervised Scene-Debiasing for Video Representation Learning via Background Patching
* Self-supervised Vision Transformers for 3D pose estimation of novel objects
* Self-Weighted Anchor Graph Learning for Multi-View Clustering
* Semantic Attention and Structured Model for Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation in Optical and SAR Remote Sensing Imagery
* Semantic augmentation by mixing contents for semi-supervised learning
* Semantic Contrastive Bootstrapping for Single-Positive Multi-label Recognition
* Semantic Segmentation of Urban Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds Based on Fusion Attention Mechanism and Multi-Scale Features
* Semantic-Aware Graph Matching Mechanism for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* Semantic-Aware Transmission With Adaptive Control Scheme for Volumetric Video Service, A
* Semantic-Context Graph Network for Point-Based 3D Object Detection
* Semantic-Guided Information Alignment Network for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Semi-Airborne UAV-TEM System Data Inversion with S-Plane Method: Case Study over Lake Baikal
* Semi-Fragile Reversible Watermarking for 3D Models Using Spherical Crown Volume Division
* Semi-Supervised Authentically Distorted Image Quality Assessment with Consistency-Preserving Dual-Branch Convolutional Neural Network
* Semi-supervised class-conditional image synthesis with Semantics-guided Adaptive Feature Transforms
* Semi-supervised medical image segmentation via hard positives oriented contrastive learning
* Semi-Supervised Urban Change Detection Using Multi-Modal Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 MSI Data
* Sensing Human Activity of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area by Ambient Seismic Noise
* Sequence-level affective level estimation based on pyramidal facial expression features
* Sequential Joint State Estimation and Track Extraction Algorithm Based on Improved Backward Smoothing
* SERE: Exploring Feature Self-Relation for Self-Supervised Transformer
* Serialized Recommendation Prediction for Steering Point Behavior of Intelligent Transportation Vehicles Based on Deep Learning
* SFHN: Spatial-Frequency Domain Hybrid Network for Image Super-Resolution
* SFTN: Fast object detection for aerial images
* Shadow-aware dynamic convolution for shadow removal
* Shadow-Based False Target Identification for SAR Images
* Shared-Specific Feature Learning With Bottleneck Fusion Transformer for Multi-Modal Whole Slide Image Analysis
* Sharing Visual Secrets Among Multiple Groups With Enhanced Performance
* Sharing-Net: Lightweight feedforward network for skeleton-based action recognition based on information sharing mechanism
* Ship Collision Avoidance Navigation Signal Recognition via Vision Sensing and Machine Forecasting
* Short-term traffic flow prediction based on AST-MTL-CNN-GRU
* Siamese Multiscale Attention Decoding Network for Building Change Detection on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* Signal-dependent Video Noise Estimator Via Inter-frame Signal Suppression, A
* Simple but Effective Method for Balancing Detection and Re-Identification in Multi-Object Tracking, A
* Simple yet efficient downscaling of land surface temperatures by suitably integrating kernel- and fusion-based methods
* Simulating the Land Use and Carbon Storage for Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) under Multi-Scenarios in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area: Integration of Remote Sensing Data and the RF-Markov-CA-InVEST Model
* Simulation-Based Self-Supervised Line Extraction for LiDAR Odometry in Urban Road Scenes
* Single Channel Multiple Signal Classification Using Pseudo-Doppler
* Single Image Reflection Removal Based on Dark Channel Sparsity Prior
* Skill-Transferring Knowledge Distillation Method
* Skip Connection YOLO Architecture for Noise Barrier Defect Detection Using UAV-Based Images in High-Speed Railway
* Smart IoT Enabled End-to-End 3D Object Detection System for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Smart Traffic Navigation System for Fault-Tolerant Edge Computing of Internet of Vehicle in Intelligent Transportation Gateway
* Snow Avalanche Hazard Mapping Using a GIS-Based AHP Approach: A Case of Glaciers in Northern Pakistan from 2012 to 2022
* Snow Cover Reconstruction in the Brunswick Peninsula, Patagonia, Derived from a Combination of the Spectral Fusion, Mixture Analysis, and Temporal Interpolation of MODIS Data
* Software-Defined Satellite Observation: A Fast Method Based on Virtual Resource Pools
* Soil Data Cube and Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Generating National-Scale Topsoil Thematic Maps: A Case Study in Lithuanian Croplands
* Soil Texture Mapping in Songnen Plain of China Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Solar Potential Analysis of Bus Shelters in Urban Environments: A Study Case in Avila (Spain)
* Source-free domain adaptation with Class Prototype Discovery
* SPA2Net: Structure-Preserved Attention Activated Network for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Space Targets with Micro-Motion Classification Using Complex-Valued GAN and Kinematically Sifted Methods
* Sparse Bayesian Learning for End-to-End EEG Decoding
* Sparse Local Binary Pattern extraction algorithm applied to event sensor data for object classification, A
* Sparse R-CNN: An End-to-End Framework for Object Detection
* Sparse self-attention transformer for image inpainting
* Spatial and Temporal Variation in Water Use Efficiency and Ecosystem Photosynthetic Efficiency in Central Asia
* Spatial constraint for efficient semi-supervised video object segmentation
* Spatial Downscaling of Near-Surface Air Temperature Based on Deep Learning Cross-Attention Mechanism
* Spatial Prediction of Fluvial Flood in High-Frequency Tropical Cyclone Area Using TensorFlow 1D-Convolution Neural Networks and Geospatial Data
* Spatial Reconstruction of Quantitative Precipitation Estimates Derived from Fengyun-2G Geostationary Satellite in Northeast China
* Spatial Structure and Driving Mechanisms of Multi-Source Networks in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle of China, The
* Spatial transcriptomics analysis of gene expression prediction using exemplar guided graph neural network
* Spatial-Intensity Transforms for Medical Image-to-Image Translation
* Spatial-Temporal Variation Characteristics and Driving Factors of Net Primary Production in the Yellow River Basin over Multiple Time Scales
* Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Ice-Snow Freezing and Its Impact on Subtropical Forest Fires in China
* Spatio-Temporal Detail Information Retrieval for Compressed Video Quality Enhancement
* Spatio-Temporal Dynamics, Driving Mechanism, and Management Strategies for International Students in China under the Background of the Belt and Road Initiatives, The
* Spatio-Temporal Lattice Planning Using Optimal Motion Primitives
* Spatio-temporal registration of plants non-rigid 3-D structure
* Spatio-Temporal Two-stage Fusion for video question answering
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban Blue Space in Beijing and the Identification of Multifactor Driving Mechanisms Using Remote Sensing
* Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Water Conservation Function and Its Driving Factors in the Upper Yangtze River Basin
* Spatiotemporal Pattern Evolution and Driving Force of Tourism Information Flow in the Chengdu-Chongqing City Cluster, The
* Spatiotemporal Pattern of Carbon Compensation Potential and Network Association in Urban Agglomerations in the Yellow River Basin
* Spatiotemporal Vegetation Variability and Linkage with Snow-Hydroclimatic Factors in Western Himalaya Using Remote Sensing and Google Earth Engine (GEE)
* Spectral Dual-Channel Encoding for Image Dehazing
* SPTS v2: Single-Point Scene Text Spotting
* SpVOS: Efficient Video Object Segmentation With Triple Sparse Convolution
* SRRNet: A Semantic Representation Refinement Network for Image Segmentation
* SSL-Net: Sparse semantic learning for identifying reliable correspondences
* SSTNet: Saliency sparse transformers network with tokenized dilation for salient object detection
* STAR-TM: STructure Aware Reconstruction of Textured Mesh From Single Image
* Statistical Seismic Analysis by b-Value and Occurrence Time of the Latest Earthquakes in Italy
* STDFormer: Spatial-Temporal Motion Transformer for Multiple Object Tracking
* Stochastic Velocity Prediction for Connected Vehicles Considering V2V Communication Interruption
* STP-SOM: Scale-Transfer Learning for Pansharpening via Estimating Spectral Observation Model
* StrokeNet: Stroke Assisted and Hierarchical Graph Reasoning Networks
* StructNeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Indoor Scenes With Structural Hints
* Structure-Aware Graph Convolution Network for Point Cloud Parsing
* Structure-Enriched Topology Learning For Cross-Domain Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Structure-Informed Shadow Removal Networks
* Structure-preserving feature alignment for old photo colorization
* Structured Knowledge Distillation for Accurate and Efficient Object Detection
* StudioGAN: A Taxonomy and Benchmark of GANs for Image Synthesis
* Study of Recent Deformations in the Bogota Savanna and the City of Bogota (Colombia) Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Radar Interferometry
* Study of Regional Innovation Network Structure: Evidence from the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, The
* Study of the OLR Anomalies before the 2023 Turkey M7.8 Earthquake
* Study on Surface Reflectance Sampling Method and Uncertainty Based on Airborne Hyperspectral Images
* Study on the Impact of Offshore Wind Farms on Surrounding Water Environment in the Yangtze Estuary Based on Remote Sensing
* Studying Conditions of Intense Harmful Algal Blooms Based on Long-Term Satellite Data
* Sub-Nyquist Sampling and Gridless Frequency Estimation Based on Channelization
* Subjective Functionality and Comfort Prediction for Apartment Floor Plans and Its Application to Intuitive Online Property Search
* Super Resolution of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature Using a Transformer-Based Model
* Super Vision Transformer
* Super-Resolution Degradation Model: Converting High-Resolution Datasets to Optical Zoom Datasets
* Super-Resolution Flexible Video Coding Solution for Improving Live Streaming Quality, A
* Superposition Assessment Framework of Multi-Source Traffic Risks for Mega-Events Using Risk Field Model and Time-Series Generative Adversarial Networks, A
* Supervised penalty-based aggregation applied to motor-imagery based brain-computer-interface
* Supervision Adaptation Balancing In-Distribution Generalization and Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Surface Motion and Topographic Effects on Ice Thickness Inversion for High Mountain Asia Glaciers: A Comparison Study from Three Numerical Models
* Surface Reflectance and Aerosol Retrieval from SPOT-VGT and PROBA-V in the Mission Exploitation Platform Environment
* Survey of Vectorization Methods in Topological Data Analysis, A
* Survey on Motion Planning for Multirotor Aerial Vehicles in Plan-Based Control Paradigm
* Survey on the Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management, A
* Swin-ResUNet+: An edge enhancement module for road extraction from remote sensing images
* Synthetic Image Detection: Highlights from the IEEE Video and Image Processing Cup 2022 Student Competition [SP Competitions]
* T-Net: Deep Stacked Scale-Iteration Network for Image Dehazing
* Tackling Micro-Expression Data Shortage via Dataset Alignment and Active Learning
* TaG-Net: Topology-Aware Graph Network for Centerline-Based Vessel Labeling
* Tangent-Based Path Planning for UAV in a 3-D Low Altitude Urban Environment
* Target Search for Joint Local and High-Level Semantic Information Based on Image Preprocessing Enhancement in Indoor Low-Light Environments
* Task Scheduling of Real-Time Traffic Information Processing Based on Digital Twins
* Task-Oriented Compact Representation of 3D Point Clouds via A Matrix Optimization-Driven Network
* TCX: Texture and channel swappings for domain generalization
* TD3-Based Optimization Framework for RSMA-Enhanced UAV-Aided Downlink Communications in Remote Areas
* Teach-DETR: Better Training DETR With Teachers
* Temporal Context Mining for Learned Video Compression
* Temporal segment dropout for human action video recognition
* Terrestrial vs. UAV-Based Remote Measurements in Log Volume Estimation
* Text-Enhanced Scene Image Super-Resolution via Stroke Mask and Orthogonal Attention
* TextDCT: Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection via Discrete Cosine Transform Mask
* Textural and Directional Information Based Offset In-Loop Filtering in AVS3
* Tighter Regret Analysis and Optimization of Online Federated Learning
* Time-Constrained Ensemble Sensing With Heterogeneous IoT Devices in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Time-Oriented Joint Clustering and UAV Trajectory Planning in UAV-Assisted WSNs: Leveraging Parallel Transmission and Variable Velocity Scheme
* Time-Series InSAR with Deep-Learning-Based Topography-Dependent Atmospheric Delay Correction for Potential Landslide Detection
* TokenCut: Segmenting Objects in Images and Videos With Self-Supervised Transformer and Normalized Cut
* Tolerating Annotation Displacement in Dense Object Counting via Point Annotation Probability Map
* topic modeling and image classification framework: The Generalized Dirichlet variational autoencoder, A
* Toward a Unified Transformer-Based Framework for Scene Graph Generation and Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Toward Fine-Grained Talking Face Generation
* Toward Practical Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Point-Level Supervision
* Toward the Achievable Rate-Distortion Bound of VVC Intra Coding: A Beam Search-Based Joint Optimization Scheme
* Towards a Deeper Understanding of Global Covariance Pooling in Deep Learning: An Optimization Perspective
* Towards Adaptive Consensus Graph: Multi-View Clustering via Graph Collaboration
* Towards Learning Multi-Domain Crowd Counting
* Towards Neural Charged Particle Tracking in Digital Tracking Calorimeters With Reinforcement Learning
* Towards Real-World Visual Tracking With Temporal Contexts
* Towards reliable multi-person pose estimation using Conditional Random Fields
* Towards Robust Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Under Uncertain Signal Missing
* Towards Scalable Multi-View Reconstruction of Geometry and Materials
* Towards self-explainable graph convolutional neural network with frequency adaptive inception
* Towards Transferable Adversarial Attacks on Image and Video Transformers
* Towards Unbiased Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning With Pyramid and Semantic Attention
* Tracking With Mutual Attention Network
* Traffic sign attack via pinpoint region probability estimation network
* Traffic speed prediction using GARCH-GRU hybrid model
* Training a Radial Basis Function Network Under Transformed Probability Measure
* Training feedforward neural nets in Hopfield-energy-based configuration: A two-step approach
* TrajMatch: Toward Automatic Spatio-Temporal Calibration for Roadside LiDARs Through Trajectory Matching
* TransBoNet: Learning camera localization with Transformer Bottleneck and Attention
* Transfer easy to hard: Adversarial contrastive feature learning for unsupervised person re-identification
* Transformer in UAV Image-Based Weed Mapping
* Transformer-Based End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition Algorithm, A
* Transformer-based network with temporal depthwise convolutions for sEMG recognition
* Transformer-based visual object tracking via fine-coarse concatenated attention and cross concatenated MLP
* TransHSI: A Hybrid CNN-Transformer Method for Disjoint Sample-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* TransOSV: Offline Signature Verification with Transformers
* Tree Recovery by Dynamic Programming
* Tree-CRowNN: A Network for Estimating Forest Stand Density from VHR Aerial Imagery
* Trend analysis of traffic management based on literature data mining and graph analysis tools
* Trust Your Good Friends: Source-Free Domain Adaptation by Reciprocal Neighborhood Clustering
* TSFNet: Triple-Steam Image Captioning
* TSINIT: A Two-Stage Inpainting Network for Incomplete Text
* TTN-FCN: A Tangut character classification framework by tree tensor network and fully connected neural network
* Two Mw >= 6.5 Earthquakes in Central Pamir Constrained by Satellite SAR Observations
* Two-Path Object Knowledge Injection for Detecting Novel Objects with Single-Stage Dense Detector
* Two-stage coarse-to-fine image anomaly segmentation and detection model
* Two-stage fine-grained image classification model based on multi-granularity feature fusion
* Two-Way Complementary Tracking Guidance
* Txt2Img-MHN: Remote Sensing Image Generation From Text Using Modern Hopfield Networks
* U-Net Approach for InSAR Phase Unwrapping and Denoising, A
* UACENet: Uncertain area attention and cross-image context extraction network for polyp segmentation
* Uncertainty Modeling for Robust Domain Adaptation Under Noisy Environments
* Uncertainty-Aware Dual-Evidential Learning for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Uncertainty-aware iterative learning for noisy-labeled medical image segmentation
* Uncertainty-Guided Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning With Knowledge Distillation
* Understanding open-set recognition by Jacobian norm and inter-class separation
* Underwater Image Quality Assessment Metric, An
* Underwater Single-Photon Lidar Equipped with High-Sampling-Rate Multi-Channel Data Acquisition System
* Unified Low-Rank Tensor Learning and Spectral Embedding for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* uniform representation model for OCT-based fingerprint presentation attack detection and reconstruction, A
* Unimodular Waveform Design for the DFRC System with Constrained Communication QoS
* Unpaired Image Captioning by Image-Level Weakly-Supervised Visual Concept Recognition
* Unsharp Structure Guided Filtering for Self-Supervised Low-Dose CT Imaging
* Unsupervised Embedding Learning with Mutual-Information Graph Convolutional Networks
* Unsupervised Learning-Based Framework for Deepfake Video Detection
* Unsupervised Local Discrimination for Medical Images
* Unsupervised Methodology for Large-Scale Tree Seedling Mapping in Diverse Forestry Settings Using UAV-Based RGB Imagery
* Unsupervised Single-Image Reflection Removal
* Unsupervised Techniques for Identifying the Mode of a Multi-Functional Radar with Varying Pulse Sequences
* Unsupervised Underexposed Image Enhancement via Self-Illuminated and Perceptual Guidance
* Untrained Low-Rank Neural Network Prior for Multi-Dimensional Image Recovery
* UP-Net: Uncertainty-Supervised Parallel Network for Image Manipulation Localization
* Updatable Siamese tracker with two-stage one-shot learning
* Updating of the IONORT Tool to Perform a High-Frequency Ionospheric Ray Tracing, An
* Urban-rural gradient in vegetation phenology changes of over 1500 cities across China jointly regulated by urbanization and climate change
* Use of the iPhone 13 Pro LiDAR Scanner for Inspection and Measurement in the Mineshaft Sinking Process
* User Navigation Modeling, Rate-Distortion Analysis, and End-to-End Optimization for Viewport-Driven 360° Video Streaming
* Using Dual Spatial Clustering Models for Urban Fringe Areas Extraction Based on Night-time Light Data: Comparison of NPP/VIIRS, Luojia 1-01, and NASA's Black Marble
* Using Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing for Flood Mapping: A Case Study in Lake Vembanad, India
* Using Multisource High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data (2 m) with a Habitat-Tide-Semantic Segmentation Approach for Mangrove Mapping
* Using Remote and Proximal Sensing Data and Vine Vigor Parameters for Non-Destructive and Rapid Prediction of Grape Quality
* Using Satellite Data to Characterize Land Surface Processes in Morocco
* Using Tabu Search to Avoid Concave Obstacles for Source Location
* Utility of Leaf Area Index for Monitoring Phenology of Russian Forests
* V2V-enabled cooperative adaptive cruise control strategy for improving driving safety and travel efficiency of semi-automated vehicle fleet
* Value-Function-Based Sequential Minimization for Bi-Level Optimization
* Vector Field Visualization Method for Trajectory Big Data, A
* Vectorized Evidential Learning for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Vegetation Stress Monitor: Assessment of Drought and Temperature-Related Effects on Vegetation in Germany Analyzing MODIS Time Series over 23 Years
* Vehicle Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Review of Algorithms and Datasets
* Vehicle Trajectory Data Mining for Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Traffic Information Extraction
* Velocity Dealiasing for 94 GHz Vertically Pointing MMCR with Dual-PRF Technique
* Vertical Layering of Quantized Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Inference
* Vertical Profiles of Particle Number Size Distribution and Variation Characteristics at the Eastern Slope of the Tibetan Plateau
* Very Lightweight Photo Retouching Network With Conditional Sequential Modulation
* Video Denoising for Scenes With Challenging Motion: A Comprehensive Analysis and a New Framework
* Video Instance Segmentation by Instance Flow Assembly
* Video Super-Resolution Based on Inter-Frame Information Utilization for Intelligent Transportation
* View-Aware Salient Object Detection for 360° Omnidirectional Image
* Virtual Method for Optimizing Deployment of Roadside Monitoring Lidars at As-Built Intersections, A
* Virtual Sensors With 3D Digital Human Motion for Interactive Simulation
* Virtual Try-On With Garment Self-Occlusion Conditions
* Vision Image Monitoring on Transportation Infrastructures: A Lightweight Transfer Learning Approach
* vision transformer for fine-grained classification by reducing noise and enhancing discriminative information, A
* Vision Transformer-Based Ensemble Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Vision-Based Plane Estimation and Following for Building Inspection with Autonomous UAV
* Vision-Language Matching for Text-to-Image Synthesis via Generative Adversarial Networks
* Visual camera relocalization using both hand-crafted and learned features
* Visual Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance Control for Agricultural Robots via LiDAR and Camera
* VPFNet: Improving 3D Object Detection With Virtual Point Based LiDAR and Stereo Data Fusion
* VQAPT: A New visual question answering model for personality traits in social media images
* Vulnerability Assessment of Coupled Transportation and Multi-Energy Networks Considering Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles
* Vulnerability of Feature Extractors in 2D Image-Based 3D Object Retrieval
* W-Net: Structure and Texture Interaction for Image Inpainting
* Wave Period Parameterization of Ocean Waves and Its Application to Ocean Wave Simulations, The
* Waveform Design of DFRC System for Target Detection in Clutter Environment
* Wavelet Analysis of a Sentinel-2 Time Series to Detect Land Use Changes in Agriculture in the Vega Alta of the Guadalquivir River: Cantillana Case Study (Seville)
* Wavelet Approximation-Aware Residual Network for Single Image Deraining
* Weakly Supervised Gradient Attribution Constraint for Interpretable Classification and Anomaly Detection, A
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Box-Driven Masking and Filling Rate Shifting
* Weakly-Supervised Crack Detection
* Weakly-Supervised Video Object Grounding via Learning Uni-Modal Associations
* Weighted side-window based gradient guided image filtering
* Weighted subspace anomaly detection in high-dimensional space
* What Happens in Crowd Scenes: A New Dataset About Crowd Scenes for Image Captioning
* When Two Cameras Are a Crowd
* Windowed Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform Concentration and Its Application to ISAR Imaging
* YDTR: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Y-Shape Dynamic Transformer
* Year of Volcanic Hot-Spot Detection over Mediterranean Europe Using SEVIRI/MSG, A
* Yield Estimation of Wheat Using Cropland Masks from European Common Agrarian Policy: Comparing the Performance of Enhanced Vegetation Index 2, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, and MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index in Spanish Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics Level 2 Regions
* zero-shot learning boosting framework via concept-constrained clustering, A
* µPEWFace: Parallel ensemble of weighted deep convolutional neural networks with novel loss functions for face-based authentication
1388 for 2311

Index for "2"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.