* *Automated Spatial and Temporal Anomaly Detection
* *Computer Vision for Earth Observation Applications
* *Computer Vision with Small Data: A Focus on Infants and Endangered Animals
* *Demographic Variations in Performance of Biometric Algorithms
* *Image/Video/Audio Quality in Computer Vision and Generative AI
* *Large Language and Vision Models for Autonomous Driving
* *Manipulation, Adversarial and Presentation Attacks in Biometrics
* *Maritime Computer Vision
* *Physical Retail AI
* *Pretraining Large Vision and Multimodal Models
* *Real-World Surveillance: Applications and Challenges
* *Smart Computing and Internet of Things Design
* *Vision-Based Understanding for Low-Resource Languages
* 2D Feature Distillation for Weakly- and Semi-Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation
* 2nd Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2024: Challenge Results
* 3-D Changes of Tropospheric O3 in Central and Eastern China Induced by Tropical Cyclones over the Northwest Pacific: Recent-Year Characterization with Multi-Source Observations
* 360BEV: Panoramic Semantic Mapping for Indoor Bird's-Eye View
* 3D Brain and Heart Volume Generative Models: A Survey
* 3D Face Style Transfer with a Hybrid Solution of NeRF and Mesh Rasterization
* 3D Human Pose Estimation with Two-step Mixed-Training Strategy
* 3D Object Detection From Images for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* 3D Object Segmentation Using Cross-Window Point Transformer With Latent Semantic Boundary Guidance
* 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Multi-Person in Clothing from a Single Image
* 3D Scene Graph Generation From Point Clouds
* 3D Super-Resolution Model for Vehicle Flow Field Enrichment
* 3D-Aware Talking-Head Video Motion Transfer
* 3SD: Self-Supervised Saliency Detection With No Labels
* 4DPM: Deepfake Detection With a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Mask
* 4K-Resolution Photo Exposure Correction at 125 FPS with ~8K Parameters
* Face Image Quality (H3)
* HIFU: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (H2)
* A*: Atrous Spatial Temporal Action Recognition for Real Time Applications
* Abnormal Ratios Guided Multi-Phase Self-Training for Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Accelerated PALM for Nonconvex Low-Rank Matrix Recovery With Theoretical Analysis
* Accenture-MM1: A Multimodal Person Recognition Dataset
* Accuracy Evaluation for Plan-Reliefs and Historical Maps Created during WWI in Northern Italy
* Active Batch Sampling for Multi-label Classification with Binary User Feedback
* Active Learning for Single-Stage Object Detection in UAV Images
* Active Learning Strategy Using Contrastive Learning and K-means for Aquatic Invasive Species Recognition
* Active Learning with Task Consistency and Diversity in Multi-Task Networks
* Active Transfer Learning for Efficient Video-Specific Human Pose Estimation
* Activity-based Early Autism Diagnosis Using A Multi-Dataset Supervised Contrastive Learning Approach
* Adapt Your Teacher: Improving Knowledge Distillation for Exemplar-free Continual Learning
* Adapting Across Domains via Target-Oriented Transferable Semantic Augmentation Under Prototype Constraint
* Adaptive Activation Network for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive and fuzzy locality discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction
* Adaptive Cross-Modal Transferable Adversarial Attacks From Images to Videos
* Adaptive Deep Neural Network Inference Optimization with EENet
* Adaptive edge detection of rebar thread head image based on improved Canny operator
* Adaptive Feature Learning for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Adaptive Global-Local Representation Learning and Selection for Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition
* Adaptive Latent Diffusion Model for 3D Medical Image to Image Translation: Multi-modal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
* Adaptive manifold for imbalanced transductive few-shot learning
* Adaptive Micro-Doppler Corner Feature Extraction Method Based on Difference of Gaussian Filter and Deformable Convolution
* adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system optimized by genetic algorithm for brain tumour detection in magnetic resonance images, An
* Adaptive regularized ensemble for evolving data stream classification
* Adaptive Structure and Texture Similarity Metric for Image Quality Assessment and Optimization
* Adaptive watermarking with self-mutual check parameters in deep neural networks
* Adaptive weighted dictionary representation using anchor graph for subspace clustering
* Advanced Soil Organic Matter Prediction with a Regional Soil NIR Spectral Library Using Long Short-Term Memory-Convolutional Neural Networks: A Case Study
* Advancing 6-DoF Instrument Pose Estimation in Variable X-Ray Imaging Geometries
* Adversarial Likelihood Estimation With One-Way Flows
* Adversarial Medical Image With Hierarchical Feature Hiding
* Aerial View 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Double Vector Quantized-Variational AutoEncoders
* AFTer-SAM: Adapting SAM with Axial Fusion Transformer for Medical Imaging Segmentation
* AG-Meta: Adaptive graph meta-learning via representation consistency over local subgraphs
* AGDF-Net: Learning Domain Generalizable Depth Features With Adaptive Guidance Fusion
* AIRPORT: A Data Consistency Constrained Deep Temporal Extrapolation Method To Improve Temporal Resolution In Contrast Enhanced CT Imaging
* AKVSR: Audio Knowledge Empowered Visual Speech Recognition by Compressing Audio Knowledge of a Pretrained Model
* Aligning Non-Causal Factors for Transformer-Based Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* Alleviating Foreground Sparsity for Semi-Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Alpha-Wolves and Alpha-mammals: Exploring Dictionary Attacks on Iris Recognition Systems
* AMEND: Adaptive Margin and Expanded Neighborhood for Efficient Generalized Category Discovery
* Amodal Intra-class Instance Segmentation: Synthetic Datasets and Benchmark
* Analysis of Initial Training Strategies for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Learning, An
* Analysis of the Influence of Polarization Measurement Errors on the Parameter and Characteristics Measurement of the Fully Polarized Entomological Radar
* Analysis of View Aliasing for the Generalized Radon Transform in R2
* Analyzing the Domain Shift Immunity of Deep Homography Estimation
* Anisotropic Green Tide Patch Information Extraction Based on Deformable Convolution
* Annotation-free Audio-Visual Segmentation
* Anomaly Detection for Medical Images Using Heterogeneous Auto-Encoder
* Anti-Compression Contrastive Facial Forgery Detection
* Anti-occlusion person re-identification via body topology information restoration and similarity evaluation
* Anti-UAV410: A Thermal Infrared Benchmark and Customized Scheme for Tracking Drones in the Wild
* Anycost Network Quantization for Image Super-Resolution
* AnyStar: Domain randomized universal star-convex 3D instance segmentation
* Appearance-Based Curriculum for Semi-Supervised Learning with Multi-Angle Unlabeled Data
* approach for handwritten Chinese text recognition unifying character segmentation and recognition, An
* Approximating Intersections and Differences Between Linear Statistical Shape Models Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Arbitrary-Resolution and Arbitrary-Scale Face Super-Resolution with Implicit Representation Networks
* ArcAid: Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts using Drawings
* ArcGeo: Localizing Limited Field-of-View Images using Cross-view Matching
* Arctic Greening Trends: Change Points in Satellite-Derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Indexes and Their Correlation with Climate Variables over the Last Two Decades
* Are Natural Domain Foundation Models Useful for Medical Image Classification?
* ARES: On Adversarial Robustness Enhancement for Image Steganographic Cost Learning
* Army of Thieves: Enhancing Black-Box Model Extraction via Ensemble based sample selection
* ARNIQA: Learning Distortion Manifold for Image Quality Assessment
* ArtQuest: Countering Hidden Language Biases in ArtVQA
* AssemblyNet: A Point Cloud Dataset and Benchmark for Predicting Part Directions in an Exploded Layout
* Assessing Face Image Quality: A Large-Scale Database and a Transformer Method
* Assessing Neural Network Robustness via Adversarial Pivotal Tuning
* Assessing the Potential of Multi-Temporal Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks in SAR-to-Optical Image Translation for Early-Stage Crop Monitoring
* Assessment of the Improvement in Observation Precision of GNSS, SLR, VLBI, and DORIS Inputs from ITRF2014 to ITRF2020 Using TRF Stacking Methods
* Assist Is Just as Important as the Goal: Image Resurfacing to Aid Model's Robust Prediction
* Asymmetric Image Retrieval with Cross Model Compatible Ensembles
* ATGNN: Audio Tagging Graph Neural Network
* ATS: Adaptive Temperature Scaling for Enhancing Out-of-Distribution Detection Methods
* Attacking Defocus Detection With Blur-Aware Transformation for Defocus Deblurring
* Attention based multi-task interpretable graph convolutional network for Alzheimer's disease analysis
* Attention guided multi-level feature aggregation network for camouflaged object detection
* Attention Modules Improve Image-Level Anomaly Detection for Industrial Inspection: A DifferNet Case Study
* Attention-based prohibited item detection in X-ray images during security checking
* Attention-Guided Prototype Mixing: Diversifying Minority Context on Imbalanced Whole Slide Images Classification Learning
* Attentive Prototypes for Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptive 3D Object Detection
* AU-Aware Dynamic 3D Face Reconstruction from Videos with Transformer
* Augment the Pairs: Semantics-Preserving Image-Caption Pair Augmentation for Grounding-Based Vision and Language Models
* Auto-BPA: An Enhanced Ball-Pivoting Algorithm with Adaptive Radius using Contextual Bandits
* AutoCaCoNet: Automatic Cartoon Colorization Network Using Self-Attention GAN, Segmentation, and Color Correction
* Automated Camera Calibration via Homography Estimation with GNNs
* Automated Crop Residue Estimation via Unsupervised Techniques Using High-Resolution UAS RGB Imagery
* Automated Estimation of Sub-Canopy Topography Combined with Single-Baseline Single-Polarization TanDEM-X InSAR and ICESat-2 Data
* Automated Method for the Creation of Oriented Bounding Boxes in Remote Sensing Ship Detection Datasets, An
* Automated Monitoring of Ear Biting in Pigs by Tracking Individuals and Events
* Automated Sperm Assessment Framework and Neural Network Specialized for Sperm Video Recognition
* Automatic Coronary Artery Plaque Quantification and CAD-RADS Prediction Using Mesh Priors
* Automatic Extraction of Martian Subsurface Layer from Radargrams Based on PDE Denoising and KL Filter
* Automatic Hypergraph Generation for Enhancing Recommendation With Sparse Optimization
* Automatic Martian Polar Ice Cap Extraction Algorithm for Remote Sensing Data and Analysis of Their Spatiotemporal Variation Characteristics
* Automatic Point Cloud Registration for 3D Virtual-to-Real Registration Using Macro and Micro Structures
* Auxiliaries' power and energy demand prediction of battery electric vehicles using system identification and deep learning
* AvatarOne: Monocular 3D Human Animation
* aVCSR: Adaptive Video Compressive Sensing Using Region-of-Interest Detection in the Compressed Domain
* B-CANF: Adaptive B-Frame Coding With Conditional Augmented Normalizing Flows
* Back to Optimization: Diffusion-based Zero-Shot 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Background Also Matters: Background-Aware Motion-Guided Objects Discovery, The
* Background no more: Action recognition across domains by causal interventions
* BadCM: Invisible Backdoor Attack Against Cross-Modal Learning
* Bag of Tricks for Fully Test-Time Adaptation
* BAL: Balancing Diversity and Novelty for Active Learning
* BALF: Simple and Efficient Blur Aware Local Feature Detector
* BALQUE: Batch active learning by querying unstable examples with calibrated confidence
* BASICS: Broad Quality Assessment of Static Point Clouds in a Compression Scenario
* Battery voltage fault diagnosis for electric vehicles considering driving condition variation
* Bayesian Estimate of Mean Proper Scores for Diversity-Enhanced Active Learning
* Bayesian Shared Component Spatial Modeling for Assessing the Shared and Age Group-Specific Mental Health Disorder Risk of Young and Old Age Groups: A Case Study of Toronto Neighborhoods, Canada
* Benchmark Generation Framework with Customizable Distortions for Image Classifier Robustness
* Benchmarking Out-of-Distribution Detection in Visual Question Answering
* Best BiCubic Method to Compute the Planimetric Misregistration between Images with Sub-Pixel Accuracy: Application to Digital Elevation Models
* Best of Both Worlds: Learning Arbitrary-scale Blind Super-Resolution via Dual Degradation Representations and Cycle-Consistency
* BEVMap: Map-Aware BEV Modeling for 3D Perception
* Beyond Active Learning: Leveraging the Full Potential of Human Interaction via Auto-Labeling, Human Correction, and Human Verification
* Beyond Classification: Definition and Density-based Estimation of Calibration in Object Detection
* Beyond Document Page Classification: Design, Datasets, and Challenges
* Beyond Fusion: Modality Hallucination-based Multispectral Fusion for Pedestrian Detection
* Beyond RGB: A Real World Dataset for Multispectral Imaging in Mobile Devices
* Beyond Self-Attention: Deformable Large Kernel Attention for Medical Image Segmentation
* Beyond SOT: Tracking Multiple Generic Objects at Once
* Bi-DexHands: Towards Human-Level Bimanual Dexterous Manipulation
* Bi-directional Training for Composed Image Retrieval via Text Prompt Learning
* Bias and Diversity in Synthetic-based Face Recognition
* Bibimbap: Pre-trained models ensemble for Domain Generalization
* BigSmall: Efficient Multi-Task Learning for Disparate Spatial and Temporal Physiological Measurements
* Bijective Density-Equalizing Quasiconformal Map for Multiply Connected Open Surfaces
* Bilateral Context Modeling for Residual Coding in Lossless 3D Medical Image Compression
* Binary Graph Convolutional Network With Capacity Exploration
* Biomass Estimation with GNSS Reflectometry Using a Deep Learning Retrieval Model
* Bipartite Graph Diffusion Model for Human Interaction Generation
* BirdSAT: Cross-View Contrastive Masked Autoencoders for Bird Species Classification and Mapping
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Separate Representations and Adaptive Interaction of Content and Distortion
* Blind Quality Enhancement for Compressed Video
* Blurry Video Compression A Trade-off between Visual Enhancement and Data Compression
* Booster-SHOT: Boosting Stacked Homography Transformations for Multiview Pedestrian Detection with Attention
* Boosting Salient Object Detection With Transformer-Based Asymmetric Bilateral U-Net
* Boosting Weakly Supervised Object Detection using Fusion and Priors from Hallucinated Depth
* BoostRad: Enhancing Object Detection by Boosting Radar Reflections
* Boundary Integral Equation Method for the Complete Electrode Model in Electrical Impedance Tomography with Tests on Experimental Data, A
* Boundary Refinement Network for Colorectal Polyp Segmentation in Colonoscopy Images
* Bounding Box Vectorization for Oriented Object Detection With Tanimoto Coefficient Regression
* BPKD: Boundary Privileged Knowledge Distillation For Semantic Segmentation
* Brainomaly: Unsupervised Neurologic Disease Detection Utilizing Unannotated T1-weighted Brain MR Images
* Brake disc positioning and defect detection method based on improved Canny operator
* Brave the Wind and the Waves: Discovering Robust and Generalizable Graph Lottery Tickets
* Bridging Generalization Gaps in High Content Imaging Through Online Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation
* Bridging the gap between crop breeding and GeoAI: Soybean yield prediction from multispectral UAV images with transfer learning
* Bridging the Gap between Multi-focus and Multi-modal: A Focused Integration Framework for Multi-modal Image Fusion
* BSDSNet: Dual-Stream Feature Extraction Network Based on Segment Anything Model for Synthetic Aperture Radar Land Cover Classification
* BSRAW: Improving Blind RAW Image Super-Resolution
* C-CLIP: Contrastive Image-Text Encoders to Close the Descriptive-Commentative Gap
* C2AIR: Consolidated Compact Aerial Image Haze Removal
* C2F: An effective coarse-to-fine network for video summarization
* C2T-Net: Channel-Aware Cross-Fused Transformer-Style Networks for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* CAD: Contextual Multi-modal Alignment for Dynamic AVQA
* CADC++: Advanced Consensus-Aware Dynamic Convolution for Co-Salient Object Detection
* CAILA: Concept-Aware Intra-Layer Adapters for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* Calligraphy Font Generation via Explicitly Modeling Location-Aware Glyph Component Deformations
* Camera-aware cluster-instance joint online learning for unsupervised person re-identification
* Camera-Independent Single Image Depth Estimation from Defocus Blur
* CamoFocus: Enhancing Camouflage Object Detection with Split-Feature Focal Modulation and Context Refinement
* CAMOT: Camera Angle-aware Multi-Object Tracking
* Camouflaged Object Detection via Cross-Level Refinement and Interaction Network
* Can CLIP Help Sound Source Localization?
* Can Vision-Language Models be a Good Guesser? Exploring VLMs for Times and Location Reasoning
* Can you even tell left from right? Presenting a new challenge for VQA
* CARE: Counterfactual-based Algorithmic Recourse for Explainable Pose Correction
* Cartographic Metadata for Improving Accessibility and Facilitating Knowledge Extraction and Validation in Planetary Mapping Based on Remote-Sensing Observations
* Cascade transformers with dynamic attention for video question answering
* Cascaded and Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields for Fast View Synthesis
* Cascaded Iterative Transformer for Jointly Predicting Facial Landmark, Occlusion Probability and Head Pose
* CATS: Combined Activation and Temporal Suppression for Efficient Network Inference
* Causal Analysis for Robust Interpretability of Neural Networks
* Causal Feature Alignment: Learning to Ignore Spurious Background Features
* CCDet: Confidence-Consistent Learning for Dense Object Detection
* CCMR: High Resolution Optical Flow Estimation via Coarse-to-Fine Context-Guided Motion Reasoning
* CCR: Facial Image Editing with Continuity, Consistency and Reversibility
* CDCM: ChatGPT-Aided Diversity-Aware Causal Model for Interactive Recommendation
* CDEST: Class Distinguishability-Enhanced Self-Training Method for Adopting Pre-Trained Models to Downstream Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* CenterNet++ for Object Detection
* CFENet: Boosting Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation With Complementary Feature-Enhanced Network
* CGAPoseNet+GCAN: A Geometric Clifford Algebra Network for Geometry-aware Camera Pose Regression
* CHAI: Craters in Historical Aerial Images
* Chain-of-LoRA: Enhancing the Instruction Fine-Tuning Performance of Low-Rank Adaptation on Diverse Instruction Set
* Challenges in Video-Based Infant Action Recognition: A Critical Examination of the State of the Art
* Changes in the Arctic Traffic Occupancy and Their Connection to Sea Ice Conditions from 2015 to 2020
* Changes in Vegetation NDVI and Its Response to Climate Change and Human Activities in the Ferghana Basin from 1982 to 2015
* Channel-spatial knowledge distillation for efficient semantic segmentation
* Channel-Wise Multi-Scale Network for Single Image Super-Resolution, A
* Characterizing Smoke Haze Events in Australia Using a Hybrid Approach of Satellite-Based Aerosol Optical Depth and Chemical Transport Modeling
* Cheating Depth: Enhancing 3D Surface Anomaly Detection via Depth Simulation
* CHROMA-FIT Dataset: Characterizing Human Ranges of Melanin For Increased Tone-awareness, The
* CL-MAE: Curriculum-Learned Masked Autoencoders
* Classification of Lakebed Geologic Substrate in Autonomously Collected Benthic Imagery Using Machine Learning
* Classifying Cable Tendency with Semantic Segmentation by Utilizing Real and Simulated RGB Data
* CLID: Controlled-Length Image Descriptions with Limited Data
* CLIP-DIY: CLIP Dense Inference Yields Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation For-Free
* CLIPAG: Towards Generator-Free Text-to-Image Generation
* Closer Look at Robustness of Vision Transformers to Backdoor Attacks, A
* CLRerNet: Improving Confidence of Lane Detection with LaneIoU
* ClusterFix: A Cluster-Based Debiasing Approach without Protected-Group Supervision
* Clustering-Guided Contrastive Fusion for Multi-View Representation Learning, A
* CMCF-Net: An End-to-End Context Multiscale Cross-Fusion Network for Robust Copy-Move Forgery Detection
* CNet: A Novel Seabed Coral Reef Image Segmentation Approach Based on Deep Learning
* Co-Guiding for Multi-Intent Spoken Language Understanding
* Co-Speech Gesture Detection through Multi-Phase Sequence Labeling
* Coarse-to-Fine Pseudo-Labeling (C2FPL) Framework for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection, A
* CoD: Coherent Detection of Entities from Images with Multiple Modalities
* Coherent Integration Method for Moving Target Detection in Frequency Agile Signal-Based Passive Bistatic Radar, A
* CoLive: Edge-Assisted Clustered Learning Framework for Viewport Prediction in 360° Live Streaming
* Collage Diffusion
* Colour Creation Muse (CCM): Focusing on Primary Colours for An Imagination Based Creativity Generation
* COMEDIAN: Self-Supervised Learning and Knowledge Distillation for Action Spotting Using Transformers
* Comment-Context Dual Collaborative Masked Transformer Network for Fake News Detection
* Common Diffusion Noise Schedules and Sample Steps are Flawed
* Comparative analysis of cone-beam breast computed tomography and digital breast tomosynthesis for breast cancer diagnosis: A comprehensive study on reconstruction algorithms
* Comparison of Cloud-Mask Algorithms and Machine-Learning Methods Using Sentinel-2 Imagery for Mapping Paddy Rice in Jianghan Plain
* Complementary-Contradictory Feature Regularization against Multimodal Overfitting
* Complex Organ Mask Guided Radiology Report Generation
* Composite Diffusion: whole >= Sigma-parts
* Compressed-SDR to HDR Video Reconstruction
* Compressive Sensing Based Image Codec With Partial Pre-Calculation
* Computer Vision on the Edge: Individual Cattle Identification in Real-time with ReadMyCow System
* Concept-Centric Transformers: Enhancing Model Interpretability through Object-Centric Concept Learning within a Shared Global Workspace
* Concurrent Band Selection and Traversability Estimation from Long-Wave Hyperspectral Imagery in Off-Road Settings
* Conditional Velocity Score Estimation for Image Restoration
* Conditional Video Diffusion Network for Fine-Grained Temporal Sentence Grounding
* Conductivity Imaging from Internal Measurements with Mixed Least-Squares Deep Neural Networks
* ConeQuest: A Benchmark for Cone Segmentation on Mars
* ConfTrack: Kalman Filter-based Multi-Person Tracking by Utilizing Confidence Score of Detection Box
* ConGMC: Consistency-Guided Multimodal Clustering via Mutual Information Maximin
* Consistent Multimodal Generation via A Unified GAN Framework
* Consolidating Separate Degradations Model via Weights Fusion and Distillation
* Constrained Probabilistic Mask Learning for Task-specific Undersampled MRI Reconstruction
* Constructing Rainfall Threshold for Debris Flows of a Defined Hazardous Magnitude
* Construction of Aerosol Model and Atmospheric Correction in the Coastal Area of Shandong Peninsula
* Consumer Evaluation Using Machine Learning for the Predictive Analysis of Consumer Purchase Indicators
* Content-Adaptive Rate-Distortion Modeling for Frame-Level Rate Control in Versatile Video Coding
* Content-Aware Image Color Editing with Auxiliary Color Restoration Tasks
* Context Disentangling and Prototype Inheriting for Robust Visual Grounding
* Context in Human Action through Motion Complementarity
* Context-Aware Interaction Network for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation
* Context-based Interpretable Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Human Motion Forecasting
* Contextual Affinity Distillation for Image Anomaly Detection
* Continual atlas-based segmentation of prostate MRI
* Continual learning for adaptive social network identification
* Continual Learning of Unsupervised Monocular Depth from Videos
* Continual Test-time Domain Adaptation via Dynamic Sample Selection
* Continuous Adaptation for Interactive Segmentation Using Teacher-Student Architecture
* Continuous Emotion-Based Image-to-Music Generation
* Contrastive Learning for Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers
* Contrastive Multi-View Learning for 3D Shape Clustering
* Contrastive Viewpoint-aware Shape Learning for Long-term Person Re-Identification
* Controllable Image Synthesis of Industrial Data using Stable Diffusion
* Controllable Text-to-Image Synthesis for Multi-Modality MR Images
* Controlling Character Motions without Observable Driving Source
* Controlling Rate, Distortion, and Realism: Towards a Single Comprehensive Neural Image Compression Model
* Controlling Virtual Try-on Pipeline Through Rendering Policies
* Convergence Analysis for Learning Orthonormal Deep Linear Neural Networks
* ConvMatch: Rethinking Network Design for Two-View Correspondence Learning
* Convoluted Neighborhood-Based Ordered-Dither Block Truncation Coding for Ear Image Retrieval
* Convolution-Enhanced Bi-Branch Adaptive Transformer With Cross-Task Interaction for Food Category and Ingredient Recognition
* Convolutional Cross-View Pose Estimation
* Convolutional Masked Image Modeling for Dense Prediction Tasks on Pathology Images
* ConvTEBiLSTM: A Neural Network Fusing Local and Global Trajectory Features for Field-Road Mode Classification
* Coordinating explicit and implicit knowledge for knowledge-based VQA
* Correlation-aware active learning for surgery video segmentation
* Cortical V1 Transform as a Heterogeneous Poisson Problem, The
* Cosine Scoring With Uncertainty for Neural Speaker Embedding
* Coupling travel characteristics identifying and deep learning for demand forecasting on car-hailing tourists: A case study of Beijing, China
* Covariant Peak Constraint for Accurate Keypoint Detection and Keypoint-Specific Descriptor Learning
* CPSeg: Finer-grained Image Semantic Segmentation via Chain-of-Thought Language Prompting
* CR-Net: Robot grasping detection method integrating convolutional block attention module and residual module
* CRADA: Cross Domain Object Detection With Cyclic Reconstruction and Decoupling Adaptation
* CrashCar101: Procedural Generation for Damage Assessment
* CreativeSeg: Semantic Segmentation of Creative Sketches
* Critical Gap Between Generalization Error and Empirical Error in Active Learning
* Crop Type Mapping and Winter Wheat Yield Prediction Utilizing Sentinel-2: A Case Study from Upper Thracian Lowland, Bulgaria
* Cross-Attention Between Satellite and Ground Views for Enhanced Fine-Grained Robot Geo-Localization
* Cross-Aware Early Fusion With Stage-Divided Vision and Language Transformer Encoders for Referring Image Segmentation
* Cross-Domain Detection Transformer Based on Spatial-Aware and Semantic-Aware Token Alignment
* Cross-Domain Few-Shot Incremental Learning for Point-Cloud Recognition
* Cross-Domain Scene Unsupervised Learning Segmentation With Dynamic Subdomains
* Cross-feature Contrastive Loss for Decentralized Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Data
* Cross-Image Disentanglement for Low-Light Enhancement in Real World
* Cross-Layer Contrastive Learning of Latent Semantics for Facial Expression Recognition
* Cross-lingual few-shot sign language recognition
* Cross-Modal Adaptive Dual Association for Text-to-Image Person Retrieval
* Cross-modal Contrastive Learning with Asymmetric Co-attention Network for Video Moment Retrieval
* Cross-Modal Retrieval With Noisy Correspondence via Consistency Refining and Mining
* Cross-Modality Hierarchical Clustering and Refinement for Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Cross-Modality Proposal-Guided Feature Mining for Unregistered RGB-Thermal Pedestrian Detection
* Cross-Shaped Adversarial Patch Attack
* CrossFormer++: A Versatile Vision Transformer Hinging on Cross-Scale Attention
* Crossing Boundaries: The Ethics of AI and Geographic Information Technologies
* CrowdCaption++: Collective-Guided Crowd Scenes Captioning
* CryoRL: Reinforcement Learning Enables Efficient Cryo-EM Data Collection
* Cryptanalyzing an Image Encryption Algorithm Underpinned by 2-D Lag-Complex Logistic Map
* CSAM: A 2.5D Cross-Slice Attention Module for Anisotropic Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation
* Customizing 360-Degree Panoramas through Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
* CVTHead: One-shot Controllable Head Avatar with Vertex-feature Transformer
* CXR-IRGen: An Integrated Vision and Language Model for the Generation of Clinically Accurate Chest X-Ray Image-Report Pairs
* CycleCL: Self-supervised Learning for Periodic Videos
* D3GU: Multi-target Active Domain Adaptation via Enhancing Domain Alignment
* D4: Detection of Adversarial Diffusion Deepfakes Using Disjoint Ensembles
* dacl-challenge: Semantic Segmentation during Visual Bridge Inspections
* dacl10k: Benchmark for Semantic Bridge Damage Segmentation
* DaGAN++: Depth-Aware Generative Adversarial Network for Talking Head Video Generation
* DARTScore: DuAl-Reconstruction Transformer for Video Captioning Evaluation
* Data Augmentation for Object Detection via Controllable Diffusion Models
* Data filtering for efficient adversarial training
* Data-Centric Debugging: Mitigating Model Failures Via Targeted Image Retrieval
* Dataset and Benchmark for 3D Scene Plausibility Assessment, A
* DBVC: An End-to-End 3-D Deep Biomedical Video Coding Framework
* DDAM-PS: Diligent Domain Adaptive Mixer for Person Search
* Debiasing, calibrating, and improving Semi-supervised Learning performance via simple Ensemble Projector
* Deblur-NSFF: Neural Scene Flow Fields for Blurry Dynamic Scenes
* DECDM: Document Enhancement using Cycle-Consistent Diffusion Models
* Decoupled representation for multi-view learning
* Deep anomaly detection on set data: Survey and comparison
* Deep Color Compensation for Generalized Underwater Image Enhancement
* Deep Counterfactual Representation Learning for Visual Recognition Against Weather Corruptions
* deep feature fusion network with global context and cross-dimensional dependencies for classification of mild cognitive impairment from brain MRI, A
* Deep Hashing Network With Hybrid Attention and Adaptive Weighting for Image Retrieval
* Deep Image Fingerprint: Towards Low Budget Synthetic Image Detection and Model Lineage Analysis
* Deep Joint Semantic Adaptation Network for Multi-source Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Deep Learning for Plant Identification and Disease Classification from Leaf Images: Multi-prediction Approaches
* Deep Learning Framework for Diffeomorphic Mapping Problems via Quasi-conformal Geometry Applied to Imaging, A
* Deep Lossy Plus Residual Coding for Lossless and Near-Lossless Image Compression
* Deep Metric Learning with Chance Constraints
* Deep Neighborhood-Preserving Hashing With Quadratic Spherical Mutual Information for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep Optics for Optomechanical Control Policy Design
* Deep Plug-and-play Nighttime Non-blind Deblurring with Saturated Pixel Handling Schemes
* Deep Q-network based multi-layer safety lane changing strategy for vehicle platoon
* Deep Stereo Network With MRF-Based Cost Aggregation
* Deep Subdomain Alignment for Cross-domain Image Classification
* Deep Unrestricted Document Image Rectification
* Deep Visual-Genetic Biometrics for Taxonomic Classification of Rare Species
* Deeper Analysis of Volumetric Relightable Faces, A
* Deepfake Detection by Exploiting Surface Anomalies: The Surfake Approach
* DeepLIR: Attention-Based Approach for Mask-Based Lensless Image Reconstruction
* DeepMesh: Mesh-Based Cardiac Motion Tracking Using Deep Learning
* DeepM^2CDL: Deep Multi-Scale Multi-Modal Convolutional Dictionary Learning Network
* DeepTree: Pathological Image Classification Through Imitating Tree-Like Strategies of Pathologists
* Defending Object Detection Models against Image Distortions
* Defense against Adversarial Cloud Attack on Remote Sensing Salient Object Detection
* Deformable Constraint Transport Network for Optimal Aortic Segmentation From CT Images, A
* DeGCN: Deformable Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Dempster-Shafer Approach to Trustworthy AI With Application to Fetal Brain MRI Segmentation, A
* Denoising and Selecting Pseudo-Heatmaps for Semi-Supervised Human Pose Estimation
* Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model with Adversarial Learning for Remote Sensing Super-Resolution
* Dense Time Series Generation of Surface Water Extents through Optical-SAR Sensor Fusion and Gap Filling
* Density-Based Flow Mask Integration via Deformable Convolution for Video People Flux Estimation
* Depth from Asymmetric Frame-Event Stereo: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach
* Depth-Aware Unpaired Video Dehazing
* Depth-Guided Deep Video Inpainting
* Derivation of 3D Coseismic Displacement Field from Integrated Azimuth and LOS Displacements for the 2018 Hualien Earthquake
* Describe Images in a Boring Way: Towards Cross-Modal Sarcasm Generation
* Design Choices for Enhancing Noisy Student Self-Training
* Designing a Hybrid Neural System to Learn Real-world Crack Segmentation from Fractal-based Simulation
* Designing a Secure and Scalable Service Model Using Blockchain and MQTT for IoT Devices
* Detecting Content Segments from Online Sports Streaming Events: Challenges and Solutions
* Detecting Line Segments in Motion-Blurred Images With Events
* Detecting Marine pollutants and Sea Surface features with Deep learning in Sentinel-2 imagery
* Detection and Attribution of Vegetation Dynamics in the Yellow River Basin Based on Long-Term Kernel NDVI Data
* Detection Defenses: An Empty Promise against Adversarial Patch Attacks on Optical Flow
* Detection of Military Targets on Ground and Sea by UAVs with Low-Altitude Oblique Perspective
* Deterministic attribute selection for isolation forest
* DeVOS: Flow-Guided Deformable Transformer for Video Object Segmentation
* Diff2Lip: Audio Conditioned Diffusion Models for Lip-Synchronization
* DiffBody: Diffusion-based Pose and Shape Editing of Human Images
* DiffCLIP: Leveraging Stable Diffusion for Language Grounded 3D Classification
* Diffeomorphic Counterfactuals With Generative Models
* Differentiable JPEG: The Devil is in the Details
* Differentially Private Video Activity Recognition
* Diffuse and Restore: A Region-Adaptive Diffusion Model for Identity-Preserving Blind Face Restoration
* Diffused Heads: Diffusion Models Beat GANs on Talking-Face Generation
* Diffusion in the Dark: A Diffusion Model for Low-Light Text Recognition
* Diffusion models meet image counter-forensics
* Diffusion-based generation of Histopathological Whole Slide Images at a Gigapixel scale
* Diffusion-Based Method for Multi-Turn Compositional Image Generation, A
* DigiDogs: Single-View 3D Pose Estimation of Dogs Using Synthetic Training Data
* Digital Video Stabilization Method Based on Periodic Jitters of Airborne Vision of Large Flapping Wing Robots
* Dimension Reduction With Prior Information for Knowledge Discovery
* DIMGNet: A Transformer-Based Network for Pedestrian Reidentification With Multi-Granularity Information Mutual Gain
* Direct Imaging Methods for Reconstructing a Locally Rough Interface from Phaseless Total-Field Data or Phased Far-Field Data
* DISCO: Distributed Inference with Sparse Communications
* Discontinuous Surface Ruptures and Slip Distributions in the Epicentral Region of the 2021 Mw7.4 Maduo Earthquake, China
* Discovering and Mitigating Biases in CLIP-based Image Editing
* Discriminative Regularized Input Manifold for multilayer perceptron
* Discriminator-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Multi-label Image Classification
* Disentangled Pre-training for Image Matting
* Disentangled Representation Learning for Controllable Person Image Generation
* Distinguishing the Intervalley Plain from the Intermountain Flat for Landform Mapping Using the Sightline Algorithm
* distortion model guided adversarial surrogate for recaptured document detection, A
* Distortion-Disentangled Contrastive Learning
* Distribution Unified and Probability Space Aligned Teacher-Student Learning for Imbalanced Visual Recognition
* Diverse Imagenet Models Transfer Better
* DIVOTrack: A Novel Dataset and Baseline Method for Cross-View Multi-Object Tracking in DIVerse Open Scenes
* DNA Family: Boosting Weight-Sharing NAS With Block-Wise Supervisions
* Do VSR Models Generalize Beyond LRS3?
* Do We Still Need Non-Maximum Suppression? Accurate Confidence Estimates and Implicit Duplication Modeling with IoU-Aware Calibration
* DocReal: Robust Document Dewarping of Real-Life Images via Attention-Enhanced Control Point Prediction
* Does Capture Background Influence the Accuracy of the Deep Learning Based Fingerphoto Presentation Attack Detection Techniques?
* Does the Fairness of Your Pre-Training Hold Up? Examining the Influence of Pre-Training Techniques on Skin Tone Bias in Skin Lesion Classification
* Dog identification based on textural features and spatial relation of noseprint
* Domain Adaptive 3D Shape Retrieval from Monocular Images
* Domain Adaptive LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation With 3D Spatial Consistency
* Domain Aligned CLIP for Few-shot Classification
* Domain Generalisation via Risk Distribution Matching
* Domain Generalization by Rejecting Extreme Augmentations
* Domain Generalization with Correlated Style Uncertainty
* Domain-Aware Knowledge Distillation for Continual Model Generalization
* Domain-incremental learning without forgetting based on random vector functional link networks
* Double Discrete Cosine Transform-Oriented Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Double-Domain Adaptation Semantics for Retrieval-Based Long-Term Visual Localization
* DPPMask: Masked Image Modeling with Determinantal Point Processes
* DR-FER: Discriminative and Robust Representation Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
* DR10K: Transfer Learning Using Weak Labels for Grading Diabetic Retinopathy on DR10K Dataset
* DR2: Disentangled Recurrent Representation Learning for Data-efficient Speech Video Synthesis
* DREAM: Visual Decoding from REversing HumAn Visual SysteM
* DriftRec: Adapting Diffusion Models to Blind JPEG Restoration
* Drive as You Speak: Enabling Human-Like Interaction with Large Language Models in Autonomous Vehicles
* Drive Like a Human: Rethinking Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models
* Driving through the Concept Gridlock: Unraveling Explainability Bottlenecks in Automated Driving
* DS-Depth: Dynamic and Static Depth Estimation via a Fusion Cost Volume
* DTrOCR: Decoder-only Transformer for Optical Character Recognition
* Dual Domain Diffusion Guidance for 3D CBCT Metal Artifact Reduction
* Dual encoding DDS-UNet liver tumour segmentation based on multi-scale deep and shallow feature fusion
* Dual Masked Modeling for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Boundary Discovery
* Dual Noise Elimination and Dynamic Label Correlation Guided Partial Multi-Label Learning
* Dual teachers for self-knowledge distillation
* Dual-Branch Autoencoder Network for Underwater Low-Light Polarized Image Enhancement, A
* Dual-Path Dehazing Network with Spatial-Frequency Feature Fusion
* DualCoOp++: Fast and Effective Adaptation to Multi-Label Recognition With Limited Annotations
* Dynamic Gaussian Splatting from Markerless Motion Capture Reconstruct Infants Movements
* Dynamic Multimodal Information Bottleneck for Multimodality Classification
* Dynamic Token-Pass Transformers for Semantic Segmentation
* Dynamical Model of Rotation and Orbital Coupling for Deimos
* Dynamics and Predictions of Urban Expansion in Java, Indonesia: Continuity and Change in Mega-Urbanization
* EAG-RS: A Novel Explainability-Guided ROI-Selection Framework for ASD Diagnosis via Inter-Regional Relation Learning
* Early Identification of River Blockage Disasters Caused by Debris Flows in the Bailong River Basin, China
* EarlyBird: Early-Fusion for Multi-View Tracking in the Bird's Eye View
* EASUM: Enhancing Affective State Understanding through Joint Sentiment and Emotion Modeling for Multimodal Tasks
* Ecosystem Integrity Remote Sensing - Modelling and Service Tool - ESIS/Imalys
* ECSIC: Epipolar Cross Attention for Stereo Image Compression
* Edge Inference with Fully Differentiable Quantized Mixed Precision Neural Networks
* EDMC: Efficient Multi-View Clustering via Cluster and Instance Space Learning
* Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown on Urban Heat Island Dynamics in Prague, Czechia
* Effect of Texture Feature Distribution on Agriculture Field Type Classification with Multitemporal UAV RGB Images
* Effective Deep Neural Network in Edge Computing Enabled Internet of Things for Plant Diseases Monitoring, An
* Effective Restoration of Source Knowledge in Continual Test Time Adaptation
* Effects of Markers in Training Datasets on the Accuracy of 6D Pose Estimation
* Efficient Anchor Graph Factorization for Multi-View Clustering
* Efficient Attribute-Preserving Framework for Face Swapping, An
* Efficient Blood Pressure Estimation and Risk Analysis System of PPG Signals Using IDA and MPPIW-DLNN Algorithms, An
* efficient brain tumor segmentation model based on group normalization and 3D U-Net, An
* Efficient breast cancer diagnosis using multi-level progressive feature aggregation based deep transfer learning system
* Efficient Domain Adaptation via Generative Prior for 3D Infant Pose Estimation
* Efficient Expansion and Gradient Based Task Inference for Replay Free Incremental Learning
* Efficient Explainable Face Verification based on Similarity Score Argument Backpropagation
* Efficient Feature Distillation for Zero-shot Annotation Object Detection
* Efficient feature extraction and hybrid deep learning for early identification of uterine fibroids in ultrasound images
* Efficient high-resolution template matching with vector quantized nearest neighbour fields
* Efficient Hypergraph-Based Routing Algorithm in Time-Sensitive Networks, An
* Efficient Layout-Guided Image Inpainting for Mobile Use
* Efficient MAE towards Large-Scale Vision Transformers
* Efficient Parallel Audio Generation Using Group Masked Language Modeling
* Efficient Semantic Matching with Hypercolumn Correlation
* Efficient Supervised Pretraining of Swin-Transformer for Virtual Staining of Microscopy Images
* Efficient Transferability Assessment for Selection of Pre-trained Detectors
* EfficientAD: Accurate Visual Anomaly Detection at Millisecond-Level Latencies
* Ego2HandsPose: A Dataset for Egocentric Two-hand 3D Global Pose Estimation
* Egocentric Action Recognition by Capturing Hand-Object Contact and Object State
* Electric-bus charging stations multi-objective optimization planning on coupled power and traffic networks
* Elusive Images: Beyond Coarse Analysis for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Embedded Coding of Point Cloud Attributes
* Embedding Task Structure for Action Detection
* Embodied Human Activity Recognition
* Embrace sustainable AI: Dynamic data subset selection for image classification
* EmoStyle: One-Shot Facial Expression Editing Using Continuous Emotion Parameters
* Empirical Investigation into Benchmarking Model Multiplicity for Trustworthy Machine Learning: A Case Study on Image Classification, An
* Empowering Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Large-scale Pre-trained Vision-Language Models
* End-to-end dense video grounding via parallel regression
* End-to-End Human Instance Matting
* Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medical Images, An
* Enforcing Sparsity on Latent Space for Robust and Explainable Representations
* Enhanced Interactive Rendering for Rovers of Lunar Polar Region and Martian Surface
* Enhanced Invariant Feature Joint Learning via Modality-Invariant Neighbor Relations for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification
* enhanced large-scale benthic reflectance retrieval model for the remote sensing of submerged ecosystems in optically shallow waters, An
* Enhanced Leaf Area Index Estimation in Rice by Integrating UAV-Based Multi-Source Data
* Enhanced Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Tracking Using Time Series of GNSS Positioning Errors
* Enhanced Semantic Similarity Learning Framework for Image-Text Matching
* Enhancement of Bengali OCR by Specialized Models and Advanced Techniques for Diverse Document Types
* Enhancement of Small Ship Detection Using Polarimetric Combination from Sentinel-1 Imagery
* Enhancing and Adapting in the Clinic: Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Enhancement
* Enhancing deforestation monitoring in the Brazilian Amazon: A semi-automatic approach leveraging uncertainty estimation
* Enhancing Diverse Intra-identity Representation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Enhancing Maritime Navigational Safety: Ship Trajectory Prediction Using ACoAtt-LSTM and AIS Data
* Enhancing Multi-Source Open-Set Domain Adaptation Through Nearest Neighbor Classification With Self-Supervised Vision Transformer
* Enhancing Multi-view Pedestrian Detection Through Generalized 3D Feature Pulling
* Enhancing Multimodal Compositional Reasoning of Visual Language Models with Generative Negative Mining
* Enhancing Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation via Piece-Wise Pose Estimation and Geometric Constraints
* Enhancing Skeleton-Based Action Recognition in Real-World Scenarios Through Realistic Data Augmentation
* Enhancing Soft Biometric Face Template Privacy with Mutual Information-Based Image Attacks
* Enhancing Surveillance Camera FOV Quality via Semantic Line Detection and Classification with Deep Hough Transform
* Enhancing Visual Grounding in Vision-Language Pre-Training With Position-Guided Text Prompts
* ENIGMA-51: Towards a Fine-Grained Understanding of Human Behavior in Industrial Scenarios
* ENTED: Enhanced Neural Texture Extraction and Distribution for Reference-based Blind Face Restoration
* epislon-ViLM: Efficient Video-Language Model via Masked Video Modeling with Semantic Vector-Quantized Tokenizer
* EPM-Net: Efficient Feature Extraction, Point-Pair Feature Matching for Robust 6-D Pose Estimation
* ERDUnet: An Efficient Residual Double-Coding Unet for Medical Image Segmentation
* EResFD: Rediscovery of the Effectiveness of Standard Convolution for Lightweight Face Detection
* ESC-Net: Alleviating Triple Sparsity on 3D LiDAR Point Clouds for Extreme Sparse Scene Completion
* ESGN: Efficient Stereo Geometry Network for Fast 3D Object Detection
* Estimating Blood Alcohol Level Through Facial Features for Driver Impairment Assessment
* Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plant Water Vapor Plumes Using Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning
* Estimating Fog Parameters from an Image Sequence using Non-linear Optimisation
* Estimating High-Resolution Surface Normals via Low-Resolution Photometric Stereo Images
* Estimation and Evaluation of 15 Minute, 40 Meter Surface Upward Longwave Radiation Downscaled from the Geostationary FY-4B AGRI
* Estimation of Daily Ground Level Air Pollution in Italian Municipalities with Machine Learning Models Using Sentinel-5P and ERA5 Data
* Estimation of Soil-Related Parameters Using Airborne-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Ground Data in the Fenwei Plain, China
* Evaluating Pretrained Models for Deployable Lifelong Learning
* Evaluating Supervision Levels Trade-Offs for Infrared-Based People Counting
* Evaluating the Polarimetric Radio Occultation Technique Using NEXRAD Weather Radars
* Evaluation and Selection of Multi-Spectral Indices to Classify Vegetation Using Multivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis
* Evaluation of GPM IMERG-FR Product for Computing Rainfall Erosivity for Mainland China
* Evaluation of Landsat-9 interoperability with Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 over Europe and local comparison with field surveys
* Evaluation of PlanetScope-detected plant-specific phenology using infrared-enabled PhenoCam observations in semi-arid ecosystems
* Evaluation of Qualitative Colour Palettes for Tactile Maps
* Evaluation of Video Masked Autoencoders' Performance and Uncertainty Estimations for Driver Action and Intention Recognition
* Evaluation of VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands Long-Term Calibration Stability and Inter-Sensor Consistency Using Radiative Transfer Modeling
* EvDNeRF: Reconstructing Event Data with Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields
* Event-Aware Retrospective Learning for Knowledge-Based Image Captioning
* Evidential Uncertainty Quantification: A Variance-Based Perspective
* Evolve: Enhancing Unsupervised Continual Learning with Multiple Experts
* Examining Spatiotemporal Photosynthetic Vegetation Trends in Djibouti Using Fractional Cover Metrics in the Digital Earth Africa Open Data Cube
* Examining the classification performance of pre-trained capsule networks on imbalanced bone marrow cell dataset
* Expanded Signal to Noise Ratio Estimates for Validating Next-Generation Satellite Sensors in Oceanic, Coastal, and Inland Waters
* Expanding Expressiveness of Diffusion Models with Limited Data via Self-Distillation based Fine-Tuning
* Expanding Hyperspherical Space for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Explainable AI in human motion: A comprehensive approach to analysis, modeling, and generation
* Exploit the Best of Both End-to-End and Map-Based Methods for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* Exploiting CLIP for Zero-shot HOI Detection Requires Knowledge Distillation at Multiple Levels
* Exploiting Illumination Knowledge in the Real World for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Exploiting multimodal synthetic data for egocentric human-object interaction detection in an industrial scenario
* Exploiting the Signal-Leak Bias in Diffusion Models
* Exploratory Study on Human-Centric Video Anomaly Detection through Variational Autoencoders and Trajectory Prediction, An
* Exploring Accurate Invariants on Polar Harmonic Fourier Moments in Polar Coordinates for Robust Image Watermarking
* Exploring Adversarial Robustness of Vision Transformers in the Spectral Perspective
* Exploring Forest Fire Dynamics: Fire Danger Mapping in Antalya Region, Türkiye
* Exploring Resolution Fields for Scalable Image Compression With Uncertainty Guidance
* Exploring Rich Semantics for Open-Set Action Recognition
* Exploring the Impact of Rendering Method and Motion Quality on Model Performance when Using Multi-view Synthetic Data for Action Recognition
* Exploring the potential of shared electric vehicles from e-mobility hubs as an alternative for commute and food shopping trips
* Exploring the Spatiotemporal Effects of the Built Environment on the Nonlinear Impacts of Metro Ridership: Evidence from Xi'an, China
* Exploring Uncertainty-Based Self-Prompt for Test-Time Adaptation Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images
* Extensible Max-Min Collaborative Retention for Online Mini-Batch Learning Hash Retrieval
* Extracting Human Levels of Trust in Human-Swarm Interaction Using EEG Signals
* Extracting Typical Samples Based on Image Environmental Factors to Obtain an Accurate and High-Resolution Soil Type Map
* FacadeNet: Conditional Facade Synthesis via Selective Editing
* Face Generation and Editing With StyleGAN: A Survey
* Face Identity-Aware Disentanglement in StyleGAN
* Face Presentation Attack Detection by Excavating Causal Clues and Adapting Embedding Statistics
* Facial Hair Area in Face Recognition Across Demographics: Small Size, Big Effect
* FAKD: Feature Augmented Knowledge Distillation for Semantic Segmentation
* FAM: Improving columnar vision transformer with feature attention mechanism
* FApSH: An effective and robust local feature descriptor for 3D registration and object recognition
* FarSight: A Physics-Driven Whole-Body Biometric System at Large Distance and Altitude
* Fast Alpha-Tree Algorithm for Extreme Dynamic Range Pixel Dissimilarities, A
* Fast and Interpretable Face Identification for Out-Of-Distribution Data Using Vision Transformers
* Fast Bootstrapping Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood for Latent Mixture Models
* Fast CU Partition for VVC Intra-Frame Coding via Texture Complexity
* Fast Diffusion EM: a diffusion model for blind inverse problems with application to deconvolution
* Fast Graph Generation via Spectral Diffusion
* Fast Sun-aligned Outdoor Scene Relighting based on TensoRF
* FastCLIPstyler: Optimisation-free Text-based Image Style Transfer Using Style Representations
* Faster Person Re-Identification: One-Shot-Filter and Coarse-to-Fine Search
* FastSR-NeRF: Improving NeRF Efficiency on Consumer Devices with A Simple Super-Resolution Pipeline
* FATE: Feature-Agnostic Transformer-based Encoder for learning generalized embedding spaces in flow cytometry data
* Fault Signal Perception of Nanofiber Sensor for 3D Human Motion Detection Using Multi-Task Deep Learning
* Favoring One Among Equals - Not a Good Idea: Many-to-one Matching for Robust Transformer based Pedestrian Detection
* Feasibility of Urban-Rural Temperature Difference Method in Surface Urban Heat Island Analysis under Non-Uniform Rural Landcover: A Case Study in 34 Major Urban Agglomerations in China
* Feature Block-Aware Correlation Filters for Real-Time UAV Tracking
* Feature decoupling and interaction network for defending against adversarial examples
* Federated learning for medical image analysis: A survey
* FedFSLAR: A Federated Learning Framework for Few-shot Action Recognition
* FedSH: Towards Privacy-Preserving Text-Based Person Re-Identification
* Feed-Forward Latent Domain Adaptation
* FELGA: Unsupervised Fragment Embedding for Fine-Grained Cross-Modal Association
* Few-Shot Event Classification in Images using Knowledge Graphs for Prompting
* Few-shot generative model for skeleton-based human action synthesis using cross-domain adversarial learning
* Few-shot Shape Recognition by Learning Deep Shape-aware Features
* FG-Net: Facial Action Unit Detection with Generalizable Pyramidal Features
* FGPNet: A weakly supervised fine-grained 3D point clouds classification network
* Filter-Pruning of Lightweight Face Detectors Using a Geometric Median Criterion
* FinderNet: A Data Augmentation Free Canonicalization aided Loop Detection and Closure technique for Point clouds in 6-DOF separation
* Finding Camouflaged Objects Along the Camouflage Mechanisms
* Fine-Grained Alignment for Cross-Modal Recipe Retrieval
* Fine-Grained Representation Alignment for Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation
* Fine-Tuning for Bayer Demosaicking Through Periodic-Consistent Self-Supervised Learning
* Fingerspelling PoseNet: Enhancing Fingerspelling Translation with Pose-Based Transformer Models
* Fingervein Verification using Convolutional Multi-Head Attention Network
* FIRe: Fast Inverse Rendering using Directional and Signed Distance Functions
* FIRE: Food Image to REcipe generation
* FishTrack23: An Ensemble Underwater Dataset for Multi-Object Tracking
* Fixed Pattern Noise Removal for Multi-View Single-Sensor Infrared Camera
* Fixing Overconfidence in Dynamic Neural Networks
* Flexible Alignment Super-Resolution Network for Multi-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Flexible EM-Like Clustering Algorithm for Noisy Data, A
* FLORA: Fine-grained Low-Rank Architecture Search for Vision Transformer
* FlowNAS: Neural Architecture Search for Optical Flow Estimation
* Focus Relationship Perception for Unsupervised Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* FocusTune: Tuning Visual Localization through Focus-Guided Sampling
* Fog-Resilient Bangla Car Plate Recognition Using Dark Channel Prior and YOLO
* Forensic analysis of AI-compression traces in spatial and frequency domain
* Forensic Iris Image Synthesis
* FOSSIL: Free Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation through Synthetic References Retrieval
* FOUND: Foot Optimization with Uncertain Normals for Surface Deformation Using Synthetic Data
* Foundation Model Assisted Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* FPGAN-Control: A Controllable Fingerprint Generator for Training with Synthetic Data
* Fractional Fourier Transforms Meet Riesz Potentials and Image Processing
* Frame-Padded Multiscale Transformer for Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Frame-part-activated deep reinforcement learning for Action Prediction
* Framework Based on LIDs and Storage Pumping Stations for Urban Waterlogging, A
* Framework-agnostic Semantically-aware Global Reasoning for Segmentation
* Framing VRRSability Relationships among Vulnerability, Risk, Resilience, and Sustainability for Improving Geo-Information Evaluations within Geodesign Decision Support
* FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data
* FreMIM: Fourier Transform Meets Masked Image Modeling for Medical Image Segmentation
* Frequency Attention for Knowledge Distillation
* FRoG-MOT: Fast and Robust Generic Multiple-Object Tracking by IoU and Motion-State Associations
* From Chaos to Calibration: A Geometric Mutual Information Approach to Target-Free Camera LiDAR Extrinsic Calibration
* From Composited to Real-World: Transformer-Based Natural Image Matting
* From Denoising Training to Test-Time Adaptation: Enhancing Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation
* From NeRFLiX to NeRFLiX++: A General NeRF-Agnostic Restorer Paradigm
* From Observation to Concept: A Flexible Multi-View Paradigm for Medical Report Generation
* FSTrack: One-Shot Multi-Object Tracking Algorithm Based on Feature Enhancement and Similarity Estimation
* Fully-Automatic Reflection Removal for 360-Degree Images
* Functional Method for Analyzing Open-Space Ratios around Individual Buildings and Its Implementation with GIS
* FuseCap: Leveraging Large Language Models for Enriched Fused Image Captions
* Fused Classification For Differential Face Morphing Detection
* Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Images with Radiance Extreme Area Compensation
* G-CASCADE: Efficient Cascaded Graph Convolutional Decoding for 2D Medical Image Segmentation
* G2-MonoDepth: A General Framework of Generalized Depth Inference From Monocular RGB+X Data
* GAST: Geometry-Aware Structure Transformer
* Gated Multi-Scale Transformer for Temporal Action Localization
* Gaussian Process Regression Hybrid Models for the Top-of-Atmosphere Retrieval of Vegetation Traits Applied to PRISMA and EnMAP Imagery
* Gaze analysis: A survey on its applications
* GazeGNN: A Gaze-Guided Graph Neural Network for Chest X-ray Classification
* GBCA: Graph Convolution Network and BERT combined with Co-Attention for fake news detection
* GC-MVSNet: Multi-View, Multi-Scale, Geometrically-Consistent Multi-View Stereo
* GC-VTON: Predicting Globally Consistent and Occlusion Aware Local Flows with Neighborhood Integrity Preservation for Virtual Try-on
* GEFF: Improving Any Clothes-Changing Person ReID Model Using Gallery Enrichment with Face Features
* General Paradigm with Detail-Preserving Conditional Invertible Network for Image Fusion, A
* Generalization by Adaptation: Diffusion-Based Domain Extension for Domain-Generalized Semantic Segmentation
* Generalized Characteristic Function Loss for Crowd Analysis in the Frequency Domain
* Generalizing to Out-of-Sample Degradations via Model Reprogramming
* Generalizing to Unseen Domains in Diabetic Retinopathy Classification
* Generated Distributions Are All You Need for Membership Inference Attacks Against Generative Models
* Generating Point Cloud Augmentations via Class-Conditioned Diffusion Model
* Generation of Upright Panoramic Image from Non-upright Panoramic Image
* Generative Adversarial Network and Mutual-Point Learning Algorithm for Few-Shot Open-Set Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Generative Multi-Resolution Pyramid and Normal-Conditioning 3D Cloth Draping, A
* generic and flexible regularization framework for NeRFs, A
* GEO-GEO Stereo Observation of Diurnal Cloud Variations over the Eastern Pacific, A
* Geometry Loss Combination for 3D Human Pose Estimation, A
* Geotechnologies in Biophysical Analysis through the Applicability of the UAV and Sentinel-2A/MSI in Irrigated Area of Common Beans: Accuracy and Spatial Dynamics
* GIPCOL: Graph-Injected Soft Prompting for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* GLAD: Global-Local View Alignment and Background Debiasing for Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation with Large Domain Gap
* Glance to Count: Learning to Rank with Anchors for Weakly-supervised Crowd Counting
* Global and local multi-modal feature mutual learning for retinal vessel segmentation
* Global feature-based multimodal semantic segmentation
* Global Occlusion-Aware Transformer for Robust Stereo Matching
* Going Deeper into Recognizing Actions in Dark Environments: A Comprehensive Benchmark Study
* GPT-Based Knowledge Guiding Network for Commonsense Video Captioning
* GPT-COPE: A Graph-Guided Point Transformer for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation
* GPU Acceleration for SAR Satellite Image Ortho-Rectification
* Gradient Coreset for Federated Learning
* Gradient-Guided Knowledge Distillation for Object Detectors
* Gradient-Semantic Compensation for Incremental Semantic Segmentation
* Gradual Source Domain Expansion for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Grafting Vision Transformers
* Gram Matrix Completion for Cooperative Localization in Partially Connected Wireless Sensor Network
* Graph Convolutional Network with elastic topology
* Graph Neural Networks for End-to-End Information Extraction from Handwritten Documents
* Graph(Graph): A Nested Graph-Based Framework for Early Accident Anticipation
* Graph-Based Multi-Scale Approach With Knowledge Distillation for WSI Classification, A
* GraphAlign++: An Accurate Feature Alignment by Graph Matching for Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection
* GraphFill: Deep Image Inpainting using Graphs
* GRIT: GAN Residuals for Paired Image-to-Image Translation
* Group-wise Contrastive Bottleneck for Weakly-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
* Growing Like a Tree: Finding Trunks From Graph Skeleton Trees
* Growing Strawberries Dataset: Tracking Multiple Objects with Biological Development over an Extended Period, The
* GTP-ViT: Efficient Vision Transformers via Graph-based Token Propagation
* Guest Editorial: Electro-mobility for urban traffic and transportation
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on the Promises and Dangers of Large Vision Models
* Guided Cluster Aggregation: A Hierarchical Approach to Generalized Category Discovery
* Guided Distillation for Semi-Supervised Instance Segmentation
* HaGRID: HAnd Gesture Recognition Image Dataset
* HAIC-NET: Semi-supervised OCTA vessel segmentation with self-supervised pretext task and dual consistency training
* HalluciDet: Hallucinating RGB Modality for Person Detection Through Privileged Information
* HALSIE: Hybrid Approach to Learning Segmentation by Simultaneously Exploiting Image and Event Modalities
* HAMMER: Learning Entropy Maps to Create Accurate 3D Models in Multi-View Stereo
* Handformer2T: A Lightweight Regression-based Model for Interacting Hands Pose Estimation from A Single RGB Image
* Hard Sample-aware Consistency for Low-resolution Facial Expression Recognition
* Hard-label based Small Query Black-box Adversarial Attack
* Hardware Aware Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search using Representation Similarity Metric
* Harmonizing Base and Novel Classes: A Class-Contrastive Approach for Generalized Few-Shot Segmentation
* Harnessing the Power of Multi-Lingual Datasets for Pre-training: Towards Enhancing Text Spotting Performance
* HashReID: Dynamic Network with Binary Codes for Efficient Person Re-identification
* Have We Ever Encountered This Before? Retrieving Out-of-Distribution Road Obstacles from Driving Scenes
* HCL: Hierarchical Consistency Learning for Webly Supervised Fine-Grained Recognition
* HD-Fusion: Detailed Text-to-3D Generation Leveraging Multiple Noise Estimation
* HD-Net: A hybrid dynamic spatio-temporal network for traffic flow prediction
* HDMNet: A Hierarchical Matching Network with Double Attention for Large-scale Outdoor LiDAR Point Cloud Registration
* Head-Pose Estimation Based on Lateral Canthus Localizations in 2-D Images
* HELA-VFA: A Hellinger Distance-Attention-based Feature Aggregation Network for Few-Shot Classification
* HEVC Video Steganalysis Based on PU Maps and Multi-Scale Convolutional Residual Network
* HIDRO-VQA: High Dynamic Range Oracle for Video Quality Assessment
* Hierarchical Average Fusion With GM-PHD Filters Against FDI and DoS Attacks
* hierarchical control strategy for reliable lane changes considering optimal path and lane-changing time point, A
* Hierarchical Diffusion Autoencoders and Disentangled Image Manipulation
* Hierarchical Dynamic Masks for Visual Explanation of Neural Networks
* Hierarchical matrix factorization for interpretable collaborative filtering
* Hierarchical Multi-Modal Attention Network for Time-Sync Comment Video Recommendation
* Hierarchical Perceptual Noise Injection for Social Media Fingerprint Privacy Protection
* Hierarchical Text Spotter for Joint Text Spotting and Layout Analysis
* HIFI-Net: A Novel Network for Enhancement to Underwater Optical Images
* High-fidelity Pseudo-labels for Boosting Weakly-Supervised Segmentation
* High-Fidelity Zero-Shot Texture Anomaly Localization Using Feature Correspondence Analysis
* High-Performance Feature Extraction Network for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* High-Performance Robust Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm Based on Polar Harmonic Fourier Moments, A
* High-Precision Time Difference of Arrival Estimation Method Based on Phase Measurement
* High-Resolution Canopy Height Mapping: Integrating NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) with Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Historical Marine Cold Spells in the South China Sea: Characteristics and Trends
* Hitchhiker's Guide to Endangered Species Pose Estimation, The
* HM-SMF: An Efficient Strategy Optimization using a Hybrid Machine Learning Model for Stock Market Prediction
* HMP: Hand Motion Priors for Pose and Shape Estimation from Video
* HOD: New Harmful Object Detection Benchmarks for Robust Surveillance
* Holistic Representation Learning for Multitask Trajectory Anomaly Detection
* Hourly PM2.5 Concentration Prediction Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Geographically Weighted Neural Network
* How Do Deepfakes Move? Motion Magnification for Deepfake Source Detection
* How Does Contrastive Learning Organize Images?
* How Land Use Transitions Contribute to the Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation from 1990 to 2020
* How to Construct Corresponding Anchors for Incomplete Multiview Clustering
* How Ultrasound Became Ultra Small
* HQDec: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Based on a High-Quality Decoder
* Human Gait Recognition by using Two Stream Neural Network along with Spatial and Temporal Features
* Human Motion Aware Text-to-Video Generation with Explicit Camera Control
* Human-Centric Autonomous Systems With LLMs for User Command Reasoning
* Human-Like Trajectory Planning Based on Postural Synergistic Kernelized Movement Primitives for Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation
* Hyb-NeRF: A Multiresolution Hybrid Encoding for Neural Radiance Fields
* Hybrid Graph Network for Complex Activity Detection in Video, A
* Hybrid Mayfly Lévy Flight Distribution Optimization Algorithm-Tuned Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Indoor-Outdoor Image Classification
* Hybrid Neural Coding Approach for Pattern Recognition With Spiking Neural Networks, A
* Hybrid Neural Diffeomorphic Flow for Shape Representation and Generation via Triplane
* Hybrid Sample Synthesis-based Debiasing of Classifier in Limited Data Setting
* Hybrid Transformers With Attention-Guided Spatial Embeddings for Makeup Transfer and Removal
* hybrid U-shaped and transformer network for change detection in high-resolution remote sensing images, A
* Hyperbolic vs Euclidean Embeddings in Few-Shot Learning: Two Sides of the Same Coin
* Hypergraph Isomorphism Computation
* HyperMix: Out-of-Distribution Detection and Classification in Few-Shot Settings
* I-AI: A Controllable & Interpretable AI System for Decoding Radiologists' Intense Focus for Accurate CXR Diagnoses
* iBARLE: imBalance-Aware Room Layout Estimation
* ICF-SRSR: Invertible scale-Conditional Function for Self-Supervised Real-world Single Image Super-Resolution
* IDD-AW: A Benchmark for Safe and Robust Segmentation of Drive Scenes in Unstructured Traffic and Adverse Weather
* Identification of Ecological Sources Using Ecosystem Service Value and Vegetation Productivity Indicators: A Case Study of the Three-River Headwaters Region, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
* Identification of Precursors in InSAR Time Series Using Functional Data Analysis Post-Processing: Demonstration on Mud Volcano Eruptions
* Identification of Sparsely Representable Diffusion Parameters in Elliptic Problems
* Identifying Label Errors in Object Detection Datasets by Loss Inspection
* Identifying Loitering Behavior with Trajectory Analysis
* Identifying Spatial Determinants of Rice Yields in Main Producing Areas of China Using Geospatial Machine Learning
* Identity-Guided Collaborative Learning for Cloth-Changing Person Reidentification
* IKEA Ego 3D Dataset: Understanding furniture assembly actions from ego-view 3D Point Clouds
* Image and AIS Data Fusion Technique for Maritime Computer Vision Applications
* Image and Object Geo-Localization
* Image captioning: Semantic selection unit with stacked residual attention
* Image Dehazing Assessment: A Real-World Dataset and a Haze Density-Aware Criteria
* Image Denoising and the Generative Accumulation of Photons
* Image Detection of Rare Orthopedic Diseases based on Explainable AI
* Image Forgery Detection Based on Noise Inspection: Analysis and Refinement of the Noisesniffer Method
* Image Labels Are All You Need for Coarse Seagrass Segmentation
* Image Segmentation Using Bayesian Inference for Convex Variant Mumford-Shah Variational Model
* Image-based crop row detection utilizing the Hough transform and DBSCAN clustering analysis
* Image-Relevant Entities Knowledge-Aware News Image Captioning
* IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint Coil Sensitivity and Image Estimation in Parallel MRI
* IML-Net: A Framework for Cross-View Geo-Localization with Multi-Domain Remote Sensing Data
* Impact of Adversarial Attacks on Federated Learning: A Survey, The
* Impact of Blur and Resolution on Demographic Disparities in 1-to-Many Facial Identification
* Impact of Traffic Flow Rate on the Accuracy of Short-Term Prediction of Origin-Destination Matrix in Urban Transportation Networks
* Implicit Compositional Generative Network for Length-Variable Co-Speech Gesture Synthesis
* Implicit Neural Image Stitching With Enhanced and Blended Feature Reconstruction
* Implicit neural representation for change detection
* Improved Approaches for 3D Gravity and Gradient Imaging Based on Potential Field Separation: Application to the Magma Chamber in Wudalianchi Volcanic Field, Northeastern China
* Improved NLCS Algorithm Based on Series Reversion and Elliptical Model Using Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne UHF UWB Bistatic SAR for Oceanic Scene Imaging, An
* Improved SAR Ship Classification Method Using Text-to-Image Generation-Based Data Augmentation and Squeeze and Excitation, An
* improved skin lesion detection solution using multi-step preprocessing features and NASNet transfer learning model, An
* Improved Techniques for Quantizing Deep Networks with Adaptive Bit-Widths
* Improved Topological Preservation in 3D Axon Segmentation and Centerline Detection using Geometric Assessment-driven Topological Smoothing (GATS)
* Improved YOLOv7 models based on modulated deformable convolution and swin transformer for object detection in fisheye images
* Improvement Method of Antenna Negative Sidelobes on Cross Beam Correlation Microwave Radiometer
* Improving Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Lowland Tropical Forests across Aspect and Age Stratification: A Case Study in Xishuangbanna
* Improving Adaptive Real-Time Video Communication via Cross-Layer Optimization
* Improving Deepfake Detection Generalization by Invariant Risk Minimization
* Improving ellipse fitting via multi-scale smoothing and key-point searching
* Improving Fairness in Deepfake Detection
* Improving Fairness using Vision-Language Driven Image Augmentation
* Improving Graph Networks through Selection-based Convolution
* Improving Multi-Person Pose Tracking With a Confidence Network
* Improving Normalization with the James-Stein Estimator
* Improving Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning with Self-Supervision
* Improving the Effectiveness of Deep Generative Data
* Improving the Fairness of the Min-Max Game in GANs Training
* Improving the Leaking of Augmentations in Data-Efficient GANs via Adaptive Negative Data Augmentation
* Improving the Post-Training Neural Network Quantization by Prepositive Feature Quantization
* Improving Vision-and-Language Reasoning via Spatial Relations Modeling
* Improvised contrastive loss for improved face recognition in open-set nature
* In Defense of Clip-Based Video Relation Detection
* In Vivo Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Endoscopy for Colorectal Tumor Detection in Deep Tissue
* In-Depth Analysis and Characterization of a Hazelnut Agro-Industrial Context through the Integration of Multi-Source Satellite Data: A Case Study in the Province of Viterbo, Italy
* In-Domain GAN Inversion for Faithful Reconstruction and Editability
* INCODE: Implicit Neural Conditioning with Prior Knowledge Embeddings
* Incorporating Physics Principles for Precise Human Motion Prediction
* Increasing biases can be more efficient than increasing weights
* Individual High-Rise Building Extraction from Single High-Resolution SAR Image Based on Part Model
* Indoor Visual Localization using Point and Line Correspondences in dense colored point cloud
* IndustReal: A Dataset for Procedure Step Recognition Handling Execution Errors in Egocentric Videos in an Industrial-Like Setting
* Inflation with Diffusion: Efficient Temporal Adaptation for Text-to-Video Super-Resolution
* Influences of Climate Variability on Land Use and Land Cover Change in Rural South Africa
* Information-Enhanced Network for Noncontact Heart Rate Estimation From Facial Videos
* Informed Adaptive Sensing
* InfoStyler: Disentanglement Information Bottleneck for Artistic Style Transfer
* InfraParis: A multi-modal and multi-task autonomous driving dataset
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Hybrid Variational Model
* Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Optimally Weighted Multi-Scale Laplacian of Gaussian and Local Statistics Using Particle Swarm Optimization
* Infrared Maritime Small-Target Detection Based on Fusion Gray Gradient Clutter Suppression
* Inland Water Level Monitoring from Satellite Observations: A Scoping Review of Current Advances and Future Opportunities
* InstaFormer++: Multi-Domain Instance-Aware Image-to-Image Translation with Transformer
* Instance-Specific Semantic Augmentation for Long-Tailed Image Classification
* Instruct Me More! Random Prompting for Visual In-Context Learning
* Instrumentation for Sub-Ampere Lightning Current Measurement on a Tall Meteorological Tower in Complex Electromagnetic Environment
* Integrating the PROSAIL and SVR Models to Facilitate the Inversion of Grassland Aboveground Biomass: A Case Study of Zoigª Plateau, China
* Interaction Region Visual Transformer for Egocentric Action Anticipation
* Interactive Network Perturbation between Teacher and Students for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Interactive Segmentation for Diverse Gesture Types Without Context
* Interannual Variations in the Summer Coastal Upwelling in the Northeastern South China Sea
* Interpretable Cognitive Ability Prediction: A Comprehensive Gated Graph Transformer Framework for Analyzing Functional Brain Networks
* Interpretable Object Recognition by Semantic Prototype Analysis
* Interpretable Rotation-Equivariant Quaternion Neural Networks for 3D Point Cloud Processing
* Intrinsic Hand Avatar: Illumination-aware Hand Appearance and Shape Reconstruction from Monocular RGB Video
* Introducing the Azimuth Cutoff as an Independent Measure for Characterizing Sea-State Dynamics in SAR Altimetry
* Introspective GAN: Learning to grow a GAN for incremental generation and classification
* Inversion of Boreal Forest Height Using the CRITIC Weighted Least Squares Three-Stage Temporal Decorrelation Iterative Algorithm
* Investigating the Impact of Xylella Fastidiosa on Olive Trees by the Analysis of MODIS Terra Satellite Evapotranspiration Time Series by Using the Fisher Information Measure and the Shannon Entropy: A Case Study in Southern Italy
* Investigating the Influence of River Geomorphology on Human Presence Using Night Light Data: A Case Study in the Indus Basin
* Investigating the Role of Attribute Context in Vision-Language Models for Object Recognition and Detection
* Investigating Weight-Perturbed Deep Neural Networks with Application in Iris Presentation Attack Detection
* Investigation of UAV Detection in Images with Complex Backgrounds and Rainy Artifacts
* IOSL: Incremental Open Set Learning
* iPCa-Former: A Multi-Task Transformer Framework for Perceiving Incidental Prostate Cancer
* IR-FRestormer: Iterative Refinement with Fourier-Based Restormer for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction
* IRAv3+: Hierarchical Incremental Rotation Averaging via Multiple Connected Dominating Sets
* Iris Presentation Attack: Assessing the Impact of Combining Vanadium Dioxide Films with Artificial Eyes
* ISAR: A Benchmark for Single- and Few-Shot Object Instance Segmentation and Re-Identification
* ISP-IRLNet: Joint optimization of interpretable sampler and implicit regularization learning network for accerlerated MRI
* Iterative Adversarial Attack on Image-Guided Story Ending Generation
* Iterative Multi-granular Image Editing using Diffusion Models
* Iterative Scale-Up ExpansionIoU and Deep Features Association for Multi-Object Tracking in Sports
* Iterative Signal Detection and Channel Estimation with Superimposed Training Sequences for Underwater Acoustic Information Transmission in Time-Varying Environments
* JOADAA: joint online action detection and action anticipation
* Joint 3D Shape and Motion Estimation from Rolling Shutter Light-Field Images
* Joint Correcting and Refinement for Balanced Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Joint Depth Prediction and Semantic Segmentation with Multi-View SAM
* Joint Gravity and Magnetic Inversion Using CNNs' Deep Learning
* joint image super-resolution network for multiple degradations removal via complementary transformer and convolutional neural network, A
* Joint Intra & Inter-Grained Reasoning: A New Look Into Semantic Consistency of Image-Text Retrieval
* Joint Semantic Preserving Sparse Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* k-NNN: Nearest Neighbors of Neighbors for Anomaly Detection
* KABR: In-Situ Dataset for Kenyan Animal Behavior Recognition from Drone Videos
* Kaizen: Practical self-supervised continual learning with continual fine-tuning
* Keyword-Aware Relative Spatio-Temporal Graph Networks for Video Question Answering
* Knockoffs-SPR: Clean Sample Selection in Learning With Noisy Labels
* Knowledge Graph Representation of Multi-Source Urban Storm Surge Hazard Information Based on Spatio-Temporal Coding and the Hazard Events Ontology Model
* Knowledge-Augmented Visual Question Answering With Natural Language Explanation
* Knowledge-Distillation-Based Label Smoothing for Fine-Grained Open-Set Vehicle Recognition
* Knowledge-Guided Intelligent Analysis Method of Geographic Digital Twin Models: A Case Study on the Diagnosis of Geometric Deformation in Tunnel Excavation Profiles, A
* KRRNet: Keypoint Relational Regression Network for Bottom-Up Anchor-Free Object Detection
* Label Augmentation as Inter-class Data Augmentation for Conditional Image Synthesis with Imbalanced Data
* Label Shift Estimation for Class-Imbalance Problem: A Bayesian Approach
* Label-Aware Calibration and Relation-Preserving in Visual Intention Understanding
* Label-Free Synthetic Pretraining of Object Detectors
* Labeling Indoor Scenes with Fusion of Out-of-the-Box Perception Models
* Landslide-Hazard-Avoiding Highway Alignment Selection in Mountainous Regions Based on SAR Images and High-Spatial-Resolution Precipitation Datasets: A Case Study in Southwestern China
* Lane-level short-term travel speed prediction for urban expressways: An attentive spatio-temporal deep learning approach
* Language-Aware Soft Prompting: Text-to-Text Optimization for Few- and Zero-Shot Adaptation of V&L Models
* LARNet: Towards Lightweight, Accurate and Real-Time Salient Object Detection
* Late to the party? On-demand unlabeled personalized federated learning
* Latency Driven Spatially Sparse Optimization for Multi-Branch CNNs for Semantic Segmentation
* Latent Feature-Guided Diffusion Models for Shadow Removal
* Latent-Guided Exemplar-Based Image Re-Colorization
* LatentDR: Improving Model Generalization Through Sample-Aware Latent Degradation and Restoration
* LatentPaint: Image Inpainting in Latent Space with Diffusion Models
* LATFormer: Locality-Aware Point-View Fusion Transformer for 3D shape recognition
* LaughTalk: Expressive 3D Talking Head Generation with Laughter
* LAVSS: Location-Guided Audio-Visual Spatial Audio Separation
* Layer-wise Auto-Weighting for Non-Stationary Test-Time Adaptation
* LCSeg-Net: A low-contrast images semantic segmentation model with structural and frequency spectrum information
* Learn to Unlearn for Deep Neural Networks: Minimizing Unlearning Interference with Gradient Projection
* Learnable Counter-Condition Analysis Framework for Functional Connectivity-Based Neurological Disorder Diagnosis, A
* Learnable Cube-based Video Encryption for Privacy-Preserving Action Recognition
* Learnable Nonlocal Self-Similarity of Deep Features for Image Denoising
* Learning Better Keypoints for Multi-Object 6DoF Pose Estimation
* Learning Bilateral Cost Volume for Rolling Shutter Temporal Super-Resolution
* Learning Class and Domain Augmentations for Single-Source Open-Domain Generalization
* Learning Depth-Density Priors for Fourier-Based Unpaired Image Restoration
* Learning Dynamic Scene-Conditioned 3D Object Detectors
* Learning Generalizable Perceptual Representations for Data-Efficient No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Learning interactions across sentiment and emotion with graph attention network and position encodings
* Learning Intra-class Multimodal Distributions with Orthonormal Matrices
* Learning Label Semantics for Weakly Supervised Group Activity Recognition
* Learning Low-Rank Latent Spaces with Simple Deterministic Autoencoder: Theoretical and Empirical Insights
* Learning on sample-efficient and label-efficient multi-view cardiac data with graph transformer
* Learning Part Segmentation from Synthetic Animals
* Learning Portrait Drawing with Unsupervised Parts
* Learning Quality Labels for Robust Image Classification
* Learning Residual Elastic Warps for Image Stitching under Dirichlet Boundary Condition
* Learning Robust Deep Visual Representations from EEG Brain Recordings
* Learning Robust Multi-scale Representation for Neural Radiance Fields from Unposed Images
* Learning Saliency From Fixations
* Learning Semantics-Guided Representations for Scoring Figure Skating
* Learning Sparsity-Promoting Regularizers Using Bilevel Optimization
* Learning spatial-spectral dual adaptive graph embedding for multispectral and hyperspectral image fusion
* Learning Temporal Distribution and Spatial Correlation Toward Universal Moving Object Segmentation
* Learning the What and How of Annotation in Video Object Segmentation
* Learning to Adapt CLIP for Few-Shot Monocular Depth Estimation
* Learning to Compose SuperWeights for Neural Parameter Allocation Search
* Learning to Detour: Shortcut Mitigating Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Learning to Disentangle the Colors, Textures, and Shapes of Fashion Items: A Unified Framework
* Learning to Follow and Generate Instructions for Language-Capable Navigation
* Learning to generate training datasets for robust semantic segmentation
* Learning to Predict Object-Wise Just Recognizable Distortion for Image and Video Compression
* Learning to Read Analog Gauges from Synthetic Data
* Learning to Recognize Occluded and Small Objects with Partial Inputs
* Learning to Supervise Knowledge Retrieval Over a Tree Structure for Visual Question Answering
* Learning Transferable Representations for Image Anomaly Localization Using Dense Pretraining
* Learning Universal Trajectory Representation via a Siamese Geography-Aware Transformer
* Learning Visual Body-shape-Aware Embeddings for Fashion Compatibility
* Learning Weakly Convex Regularizers for Convergent Image-Reconstruction Algorithms
* Learning-Based Auction for Matching Demand and Supply of Holographic Digital Twin Over Immersive Communications
* Learning-based Spotlight Position Optimization for Non-Line-of-Sight Human Localization and Posture Classification
* LensNeRF: Rethinking Volume Rendering based on Thin-Lens Camera Model
* Let the Beat Follow You - Creating Interactive Drum Sounds From Body Rhythm
* Let's Observe Them Over Time: An Improved Pedestrian Attribute Recognition Approach
* Letting 3D Guide the Way: 3D Guided 2D Few-Shot Image Classification
* Leveraging Bitstream Metadata for Fast, Accurate, Generalized Compressed Video Quality Enhancement
* Leveraging High-Density EMG to Investigate Bipolar Electrode Placement for Gait Prediction Models
* Leveraging Next-Active Objects for Context-Aware Anticipation in Egocentric Videos
* Leveraging Synthetic Data to Learn Video Stabilization Under Adverse Conditions
* Leveraging Task-Specific Pre-Training to Reason across Images and Videos
* Leveraging the Power of Data Augmentation for Transformer-based Tracking
* LibreFace: An Open-Source Toolkit for Deep Facial Expression Analysis
* LIDA-YOLO: An unsupervised low-illumination object detection based on domain adaptation
* LiDAR-Assisted 3D Human Detection for Video Surveillance
* LidarCLIP or: How I Learned to Talk to Point Clouds
* Lightning Optical Automatic Detection Method Based on a Deep Neural Network, A
* Lightweight Adaptive Feature De-Drifting for Compressed Image Classification
* Lightweight and Stable Multi-Feature Databases for Efficient Geometric Localization of Remote Sensing Images
* Lightweight Deep Neural Network Model With Padding-Free Downsampling
* Lightweight Delivery Detection on Doorbell Cameras
* Lightweight Dual Stream Network With Knowledge Distillation for RGB-D Scene Parsing
* Lightweight Generalizable Evaluation and Enhancement Framework for Generative Models and Generated Samples, A
* Lightweight Portrait Matting via Regional Attention and Refinement
* Lightweight Thermal Super-Resolution and Object Detection for Robust Perception in Adverse Weather Conditions
* Limited Data, Unlimited Potential: A Study on ViTs Augmented by Masked Autoencoders
* Link Prediction for Flow-Driven Spatial Networks
* Linker: Learning Long Short-term Associations for Robust Visual Tracking
* Linking convolutional kernel size to generalization bias in face analysis CNNs
* LInKs Lifting Independent Keypoints - Partial Pose Lifting for Occlusion Handling with Improved Accuracy in 2D-3D Human Pose Estimation
* LIP-Loc: LiDAR Image Pretraining for Cross-Modal Localization
* LipAT: Beyond Style Transfer for Controllable Neural Simulation of Lipstick using Cosmetic Attributes
* Little Truth Injection But a Big Reward: Label Aggregation With Graph Neural Networks, A
* LIVENet: A novel network for real-world low-light image denoising and enhancement
* Local Compressed Video Stream Learning for Generic Event Boundary Detection
* Local-Global Temporal Difference Learning for Satellite Video Super-Resolution
* Localization and Manipulation of Immoral Visual Cues for Safe Text-to-Image Generation
* Location-Aware Self-Supervised Transformers for Semantic Segmentation
* LOIS: Looking Out of Instance Semantics for Visual Question Answering
* Long-Term Spatial Pattern Predictors (Historically Low Rainfall, Benthic Topography, and Hurricanes) of Seagrass Cover Change (1984 to 2021) in a Jamaican Marine Protected Area
* Long-Term Volumetric Change Estimation of Red Ash Quarry Sites in the Afro-Alpine Ecosystem of Bale Mountains National Park in Ethiopia
* LongFormer: Longitudinal Transformer for Alzheimer's Disease Classification with Structural MRIs
* Lost Your Style? Navigating with Semantic-Level Approach for Text-to-Outfit Retrieval
* Low-altitude remote sensing-based global 3D path planning for precision navigation of agriculture vehicles - beyond crop row detection
* Low-Cost and Scalable Framework to Build Large-Scale Localization Benchmark for Augmented Reality, A
* Low-Light Image Enhancement With Multi-Scale Attention and Frequency-Domain Optimization
* Low-Rank Tensor Function Representation for Multi-Dimensional Data Recovery
* Low-Resolution Object Recognition With Cross-Resolution Relational Contrastive Distillation
* LP-OVOD: Open-Vocabulary Object Detection by Linear Probing
* LSKANet: Long Strip Kernel Attention Network for Robotic Surgical Scene Segmentation
* Lunar Surface Resource Exploration: Tracing Lithium, 7 Li and Black Ice Using Spectral Libraries and Apollo Mission Samples
* Lung Nodule Segmentation and Uncertain Region Prediction With an Uncertainty-Aware Attention Mechanism
* M33D: Learning 3D priors using Multi-Modal Masked Autoencoders for 2D image and video understanding
* M3ANet: Multi-Modal and Multi-Attention Fusion Network for Ship License Plate Recognition
* Machine Learning Approach to Retrieving Aerosol Optical Depth Using Solar Radiation Measurements, A
* MACP: Efficient Model Adaptation for Cooperative Perception
* MAdVerse: A Hierarchical Dataset of Multi-Lingual Ads from Diverse Sources and Categories
* MAELi: Masked Autoencoder for Large-Scale LiDAR Point Clouds
* MaGAT: Mask-Guided Adversarial Training for Defending Face Editing GAN Models From Proactive Defense
* MagneticPillars: Efficient Point Cloud Registration through Hierarchized Birds-Eye-View Cell Correspondence Refinement
* Majorization-Minimization Algorithm for Neuroimage Registration, A
* Mapping Dissolved Organic Carbon and Organic Iron by Comparing Deep Learning and Linear Regression Techniques Using Sentinel-2 and WorldView-2 Imagery (Byers Peninsula, Maritime Antarctica)
* Mapping Erosion Hotspots: Coherent Change Detection in the Quilpie Region, Queensland, Australia
* Mapping Geothermal Indicator Minerals Using Fusion of Target Detection Algorithms
* Mapping of Forest Structural Parameters in Tianshan Mountain Using Bayesian-Random Forest Model, Synthetic Aperture Radar Sentinel-1A, and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* MarsLS-Net: Martian Landslides Segmentation Network and Benchmark Dataset
* MARVEL: Raster Gray-Level Manga Vectorization via Primitive-Wise Deep Reinforcement Learning
* MaskConver: Revisiting Pure Convolution Model for Panoptic Segmentation
* Masked and Permuted Implicit Context Learning for Scene Text Recognition
* Masked Collaborative Contrast for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Masked Event Modeling: Self-Supervised Pretraining for Event Cameras
* Masking Improves Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for ConvNets, and Saliency Tells You Where
* Maximum Knowledge Orthogonality Reconstruction with Gradients in Federated Learning
* MBMF: Constructing memory banks of multi-scale features for anomaly detection
* MCL: Multimodal Contrastive Learning for Deepfake Detection
* Measurement of Downwelling Radiance Using a Low-Cost Compact Fourier-Transform Infrared System for Monitoring Atmospheric Conditions
* Med-DANet V2: A Flexible Dynamic Architecture for Efficient Medical Volumetric Segmentation
* Medical image segmentation based on dynamic positioning and region-aware attention
* MEGANet: Multi-Scale Edge-Guided Attention Network for Weak Boundary Polyp Segmentation
* Membership Inference Attack Using Self Influence Functions
* MERF: A Practical HDR-Like Image Generator via Mutual-Guided Learning Between Multi-Exposure Registration and Fusion
* Meta Clothing Status Calibration for Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* Meta-Learned Attribute Self-Interaction Network for Continual and Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Meta-Learned Kernel For Blind Super-Resolution Kernel Estimation
* MetaSeg: MetaFormer-based Global Contexts-aware Network for Efficient Semantic Segmentation
* MetaVers: Meta-Learned Versatile Representations for Personalized Federated Learning
* Method for the Identification and Classification of Zones with Vehicular Congestion
* Metric Learning for 3D Point Clouds Using Optimal Transport
* MFINet: Multi-Scale Feature Interaction Network for Change Detection of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* MFT: Long-Term Tracking of Every Pixel
* MGM-AE: Self-Supervised Learning on 3D Shape Using Mesh Graph Masked Autoencoders
* MICS: Midpoint Interpolation to Learn Compact and Separated Representations for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* MIDAS: Mixing Ambiguous Data with Soft Labels for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition
* Mini but Mighty: Finetuning ViTs with Mini Adapters
* Miniaturization Design of High-Integration Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Borne Video Synthetic Aperture Radar Real-Time Imaging Processing Component
* Minimal Solution for Sphere-Based Camera-Projector Pair Calibration, A
* Minimizing Layerwise Activation Norm Improves Generalization in Federated Learning
* Mining and Unifying Heterogeneous Contrastive Relations for Weakly-Supervised Actor-Action Segmentation
* Mining User Activity Patterns from Time-Series Data Obtained from UWB Sensors in Indoor Environments
* Missing Modality Robustness in Semi-Supervised Multi-Modal Semantic Segmentation
* MIST: Medical Image Segmentation Transformer with Convolutional Attention Mixing (CAM) Decoder
* MITFAS: Mutual Information based Temporal Feature Alignment and Sampling for Aerial Video Action Recognition
* Mitigate Domain Shift by Primary-Auxiliary Objectives Association for Generalizing Person ReID
* Mitigating Demographic Bias in Face Recognition via Regularized Score Calibration
* MIVC: Multiple Instance Visual Component for Visual-Language Models
* Mixing Gradients in Neural Networks as a Strategy to Enhance Privacy in Federated Learning
* MixtureGrowth: Growing Neural Networks by Recombining Learned Parameters
* MLP Kernel-Based to Predict the Optimal Conditions of Transglutaminase on Protein Polymerization
* MM-Net: A MixFormer-Based Multi-Scale Network for Anatomical and Functional Image Fusion
* MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a Mobile Device
* Modality-Aware Representation Learning for Zero-shot Sketch-based Image Retrieval
* Model-Based Reinforcement Learning With Isolated Imaginations
* Modeling Shallow Landslide Runout Distance in Eocene Flysch Facies Using Empirical-Statistical Models (Western Black Sea Region of Türkiye)
* Modelling and comparing two modes of sharing parking spots at residential area: Real-time and fixed-time allocation
* Modelling Floodplain Vegetation Response to Climate Change, Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Model Simulated LAI, Applying Different GCM's Future Climate Data and MODIS LAI Data
* Modernized Training of U-Net for Aerial Semantic Segmentation
* Modulations of the South China Sea Ocean Circulation by the Summer Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation Inferred from Satellite Observations
* Monitoring Dynamically Changing Migratory Flocks Using an Algebraic Graph Theory-Based Clustering Algorithm
* Monitoring Grassland Variation in a Typical Area of the Qinghai Lake Basin Using 30 m Annual Maximum NDVI Data
* Monitoring Water Quality Indicators over Matagorda Bay, Texas, Using Landsat-8
* Monkey Swing Counting Algorithm Based on Object Detection, A
* Monocular 3D Object Detection with LiDAR Guided Semi Supervised Active Learning
* MonoProb: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Interpretable Uncertainty
* MoP-CLIP: A Mixture of Prompt-Tuned CLIP Models for Domain Incremental Learning
* MOPA: Modular Object Navigation with PointGoal Agents
* MoRF: Mobile Realistic Fullbody Avatars from a Monocular Video
* Motion Deblur by Learning Residual From Events
* Motion Matters: Neural Motion Transfer for Better Camera Physiological Measurement
* Motion vector-domain video steganalysis exploiting skipped macroblocks
* Motion-guided and occlusion-aware multi-object tracking with hierarchical matching
* MotionAGFormer: Enhancing 3D Human Pose Estimation with a Transformer-GCNFormer Network
* MotionGPT: Human Motion Synthesis with Improved Diversity and Realism via GPT-3 Prompting
* Movie Genre Classification by Language Augmentation and Shot Sampling
* MPT: Mesh Pre-Training with Transformers for Human Pose and Mesh Reconstruction
* MRFormer: Multiscale retractable transformer for medical image progressive denoising via noise level estimation
* MRG-T: Mask-Relation-Guided Transformer for Remote Vision-Based Pedestrian Attribute Recognition in Aerial Imagery
* MRGTraj: A Novel Non-Autoregressive Approach for Human Trajectory Prediction
* MS-EVS: Multispectral event-based vision for deep learning based face detection
* MSCC: Multi-Scale Transformers for Camera Calibration
* MsSVT++: Mixed-Scale Sparse Voxel Transformer With Center Voting for 3D Object Detection
* MT4MTL-KD: A Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation Framework for Triplet Recognition
* MTR++: Multi-Agent Motion Prediction With Symmetric Scene Modeling and Guided Intention Querying
* Multi-axis interactive multidimensional attention network for vehicle re-identification
* Multi-Branch U-Net for Interactive Segmentation
* Multi-Class Segmentation from Aerial Views using Recursive Noise Diffusion
* Multi-Depth Branch Network for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Dimensional Fusion of Spectral and Polarimetric Images Followed by Pseudo-Color Algorithm Integration and Mapping in HSI Space
* Multi-Grained Attention Network With Mutual Exclusion for Composed Query-Based Image Retrieval
* Multi-Head Approach with Shuffled Segments for Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection, A
* Multi-label feature selection via latent representation learning and dynamic graph constraints
* Multi-level Attention Aggregation for Aesthetic Face Relighting
* Multi-Modal Gaze Following in Conversational Scenarios
* Multi-object tracking with adaptive measurement noise and information fusion
* Multi-Scale Forest Above-Ground Biomass Mapping Approach: Employing a Step-by-Step Spatial Downscaling Method with Bias-Corrected Ensemble Machine Learning, A
* Multi-Scale Non-Local Spatio-Temporal Information Fusion Networks for Multi-Step Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Multi-Semantics Aggregation Network Based on the Dynamic-Attention Mechanism for 3D Human Motion Prediction
* Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation
* Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Object Detection with Prototype-based Mean Teacher
* Multi-Style Shape Matching GAN for Text Images
* Multi-task hierarchical convolutional network for visual-semantic cross-modal retrieval
* Multi-view 3D Object Reconstruction and Uncertainty Modelling with Neural Shape Prior
* Multi-view Classification Using Hybrid Fusion and Mutual Distillation
* Multi-view clustering via pseudo-label guide learning and latent graph structure recovery
* Multi-View Maximum Margin Clustering With Privileged Information Learning
* Multifractal characterization and recognition of animal behavior based on deep wavelet transform
* Multimodal Benchmark and Improved Architecture for Zero Shot Learning, A
* Multimodal Channel-Mixing: Channel and Spatial Masked AutoEncoder on Facial Action Unit Detection
* Multimodal Deep Learning for Remote Stress Estimation Using CCT-LSTM
* Multimodal Features Alignment for Vision-Language Object Tracking
* Multimodality-guided Image Style Transfer using Cross-modal GAN Inversion
* Multiple Toddler Tracking in Indoor Videos
* Multiscale Urban Functional Zone Recognition Based on Landmark Semantic Constraints
* Multispectral Band-Aware Generation of Satellite Images across Domains Using Generative Adversarial Networks and Contrastive Learning
* Multispectral Imaging for Differential Face Morphing Attack Detection: A Preliminary Study
* Multitask Vision-Language Prompt Tuning
* MuSHRoom: Multi-Sensor Hybrid Room Dataset for Joint 3D Reconstruction and Novel View Synthesis
* Natural and Adversarial Bokeh Rendering via Circle-of-Confusion Predictive Network
* Natural Light Can Also be Dangerous: Traffic Sign Misinterpretation Under Adversarial Natural Light Attacks
* Nature-Based Solutions vs. Human-Induced Approaches for Alpine Grassland Ecosystem: Climate-Help Overwhelms Human Act to Promote Ecological Restoration in the Three-River-Source Region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* NCIS: Neural Contextual Iterative Smoothing for Purifying Adversarial Perturbations
* Near-Surface Geophysical Characterization of a Marble Deposit to Promote a Sustainable Small-Scale Mining
* Neighbor-Guided Pseudo-Label Generation and Refinement for Single-Frame Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* NeRFEditor: Differentiable Style Decomposition for 3D Scene Editing
* Nested Diffusion Processes for Anytime Image Generation
* Network-Group Target State and Network Topology Estimation Method Based on Signals Containing Delay, Doppler and Address, A
* Neural Echos: Depthwise Convolutional Filters Replicate Biological Receptive Fields
* Neural Height-Map Approach for the Binocular Photometric Stereo Problem, A
* Neural Image Compression Using Masked Sparse Visual Representation
* Neural Knitworks: Patched neural implicit representation networks
* Neural Reflectance Decomposition Under Dynamic Point Light
* Neural Style Protection: Counteracting Unauthorized Neural Style Transfer
* Neural Texture Puppeteer: A Framework for Neural Geometry and Texture Rendering of Articulated Shapes, Enabling Re-Identification at Interactive Speed
* Neural Textured Deformable Meshes for Robust Analysis-by-Synthesis
* Neuromorphic Imaging With Joint Image Deblurring and Event Denoising
* New Data Augmentation Method Based on Mixup and Dempster-Shafer Theory, A
* new flame-based colour space for efficient fire detection, A
* New High-Resolution Rural Built-Up Land Extraction Method Based on Artificial Surface Index with Short-Wave Infrared Downscaling, A
* NITEC: Versatile Hand-Annotated Eye Contact Dataset for Ego-Vision Interaction
* No-Reference Quality Assessment Method for Hyperspectral Sharpened Images via Benford's Law, A
* Noise Analysis for Unbiased Tree Diameter Estimation from Personal Laser Scanning Data
* Noise level estimation using locality preserving natural image statistics
* Noise-Free Audio Signal Processing in Noisy Environment: A Hardware and Algorithm Solution
* NOMAD: A Natural, Occluded, Multi-scale Aerial Dataset, for Emergency Response Scenarios
* Non-Linear PSInSAR Analysis of Deformation Patterns in Islamabad/Rawalpindi Region: Unveiling Tectonics and Earthquake-Driven Changes
* Nonlinear circumference-based robust ellipse detection in low-SNR images
* NORPPA: NOvel Ringed Seal Re-Identification by Pelage Pattern Aggregation
* novel algorithm for ocean chlorophyll-a concentration using MODIS Aqua data, A
* Novel and Extensible Remote Sensing Collaboration Platform: Architecture Design and Prototype Implementation, A
* Novel DFT-Based Algorithm for 2-D Multiple Sinusoidal Frequency Estimation, A
* novel efficient wildlife detecting method with lightweight deployment on UAVs based on YOLOv7, A
* Novel Method to Identify the Spaceborne SAR Operating Mode Based on Sidelobe Reconnaissance and Machine Learning, A
* novel NAM-based image segmentation using hierarchical density-based spatial clustering, A
* Novel Style Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Classifier With Its Fast Training on Style Data, A
* Novel Transformer Network with a CNN-Enhanced Cross-Attention Mechanism for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Numerical Implementation of Generalized V-Line Transforms on 2D Vector Fields and their Inversions
* NuScenes-MQA: Integrated Evaluation of Captions and QA for Autonomous Driving Datasets using Markup Annotations
* NVAutoNet: Fast and Accurate 360° 3D Visual Perception For Self Driving
* Object Aware Contrastive Prior for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Object Identification in Land Parcels Using a Machine Learning Approach
* Object Re-Identification from Point Clouds
* Object-Based Approach to Extract Aquaculture Ponds with 10-Meter Resolution Sentinel-2 Images: A Case Study of Wenchang City in Hainan Province, An
* Object-centric Video Representation for Long-term Action Anticipation
* Occlusion Sensitivity Analysis with Augmentation Subspace Perturbation in Deep Feature Space
* Occlusion-Aware Feature Recover Model for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Ocean Satellite Data Fusion for High-Resolution Surface Current Maps
* Ocean Temperature Profiling Lidar: Analysis of Technology and Potential for Rapid Ocean Observations
* OE-CTST: Outlier-Embedded Cross Temporal Scale Transformer for Weakly-supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Offline-to-Online Knowledge Distillation for Video Instance Segmentation
* OIF-Net: An Optical Flow Registration-Based PET/MR Cross-Modal Interactive Fusion Network for Low-Count Brain PET Image Denoising
* OmniVec: Learning robust representations with cross modal sharing
* On Manipulating Scene Text in the Wild with Diffusion Models
* On the Fly Neural Style Smoothing for Risk-Averse Domain Generalization
* On the Importance of Large Objects in CNN Based Object Detection Algorithms
* On the Quantification of Image Reconstruction Uncertainty without Training Data
* On the Robustness of Average Losses for Partial-Label Learning
* On the Vulnerability of Deepfake Detectors to Attacks Generated by Denoising Diffusion Models
* One Style is All You Need to Generate a Video
* One-Point-One-Line geometry for robust and efficient line segment correspondence, The
* One-Shot Learning Approach to Document Layout Segmentation of Ancient Arabic Manuscripts, A
* Online Class-Incremental Learning For Real-World Food Image Classification
* Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Based on 1-D Convolution and Two-Streams Transformers
* Online Streaming Video Super-Resolution With Convolutional Look-Up Table
* OOD Aware Supervised Contrastive Learning
* Open-NeRF: Towards Open Vocabulary NeRF Decomposition
* Open-Set Object Detection By Aligning Known Class Representations
* Opinion Unaware Image Quality Assessment via Adversarial Convolutional Variational Autoencoder
* Opportunistic offloading scheme for content delivery service using electro-mobility networks
* OptFlow: Fast Optimization-based Scene Flow Estimation without Supervision
* Optical Flow Domain Adaptation via Target Style Transfer
* Optical Imaging Method of Synthetic-Aperture Radar for Moving Targets
* Optimizated CIELAB Colour Model For All-Analog Photoelectronic High Speed Vision-Task Chip (ACCEL) by Creative Computing Approach, The
* Optimized Deep CNN with Deviation Relevance-based LBP for Skin Cancer Detection: Hybrid Metaheuristic Enabled Feature Selection
* Optimizing chest tuberculosis image classification with oversampling and transfer learning
* Optimizing Long-Term Robot Tracking with Multi-Platform Sensor Fusion
* Ordinal Classification with Distance Regularization for Robust Brain Age Prediction
* Ordinal Pattern Tree: A New Representation Method for Brain Network Analysis
* Orthogonal Spatial Binary Coding Method for High-Speed 3D Measurement
* OTAS: Unsupervised Boundary Detection for Object-Centric Temporal Action Segmentation
* OTFS Based Joint Radar and Communication: Signal Analysis Using the Ambiguity Function
* Out-of-Distribution Detection with Logical Reasoning
* OVeNet: Offset Vector Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Overall positive prototype for few-shot open-set recognition
* Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting for Multi-Label Class-Incremental Learning
* Overlooked Video Classification in Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* P-Age: Pexels Dataset for Robust Spatio-Temporal Apparent Age Classification
* P2D: Plug and Play Discriminator for accelerating GAN frameworks
* Painterly Image Harmonization via Adversarial Residual Learning
* PAIR: Perception Aided Image Restoration for Natural Driving Conditions
* Paleographer's Eye ex machina: Using Computer Vision to Assist Humanists in Scribal Hand Identification, The
* Panelformer: Sewing Pattern Reconstruction from 2D Garment Images
* Parallax-Aware Network for Light Field Salient Object Detection
* Parallel and Distributed Graph Neural Networks: An In-Depth Concurrency Analysis
* Parameter-free ensemble clustering with dynamic weighting mechanism
* PartCom: Part Composition Learning for 3D Open-Set Recognition
* Partial Binarization of Neural Networks for Budget-Aware Efficient Learning
* ParticleNeRF: A Particle-Based Encoding for Online Neural Radiance Fields
* PASS: Patch Automatic Skip Scheme for Efficient On-Device Video Perception
* Passive Elastography for Clinical HIFU Lesion Detection
* Patch-based Selection and Refinement for Early Object Detection
* PatchRefineNet: Improving Binary Segmentation by Incorporating Signals from Optimal Patch-wise Binarization
* Path Planning Method for Collaborative Coverage Monitoring in Urban Scenarios, A
* PathLDM: Text conditioned Latent Diffusion Model for Histopathology
* PATROL: Privacy-Oriented Pruning for Collaborative Inference Against Model Inversion Attacks
* PD-CR: Patch-Based Diffusion Using Constrained Refinement for Image Restoration
* PDA-RWSR: Pixel-Wise Degradation Adaptive Real-World Super-Resolution
* PDTE: Pyramidal deep Taylor expansion for optical flow estimation
* Peak Period Demand Forecasting with Proxy Data: GNN-Enhanced Meta-Learning
* PECoP: Parameter Efficient Continual Pretraining for Action Quality Assessment
* Perception-and-Cognition-Inspired Quality Assessment for Sonar Image Super-Resolution
* Perception-Driven Deep Underwater Image Enhancement Without Paired Supervision
* Perceptual Decoupling With Heterogeneous Auxiliary Tasks for Joint Low-Light Image Enhancement and Deblurring
* Perceptual Hashing With Deep and Texture Features
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of Retouched Face Images
* Perceptual Synchronization Scoring of Dubbed Content using Phoneme-Viseme Agreement
* Performance Analysis of Multi-GNSS Real-Time PPP-AR Positioning Considering SSR Delay
* Permutation-Aware Activity Segmentation via Unsupervised Frame-to-Segment Alignment
* Person Fall Detection Using Weakly Supervised Methods
* Personalized Face Inpainting with Diffusion Models by Parallel Visual Attention
* Personalized Graph Generation for Monocular 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* PETIT-GAN: Physically Enhanced Thermal Image-Translating Generative Adversarial Network
* PG-VTON: A Novel Image-Based Virtual Try-On Method via Progressive Inference Paradigm
* PGVT: Pose-Guided Video Transformer for Fine-Grained Action Recognition
* PHG-Net: Persistent Homology Guided Medical Image Classification*
* PhISH-Net: Physics Inspired System for High Resolution Underwater Image Enhancement
* Physical-space Multi-body Mesh Detection Achieved by Local Alignment and Global Dense Learning
* PiCO+: Contrastive Label Disambiguation for Robust Partial Label Learning
* PIDiffu: Pixel-aligned Diffusion Model for High-Fidelity Clothed Human Reconstruction
* Pixel Matching Network for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Segmentation
* Pixel-Grounded Prototypical Part Networks
* Plant-Denoising-Net (PDN): A plant point cloud denoising network based on density gradient field learning
* PlantPlotGAN: A Physics-Informed Generative Adversarial Network for Plant Disease Prediction
* Plasticity-Optimized Complementary Networks for Unsupervised Continual Learning
* PMI Sampler: Patch Similarity Guided Frame Selection For Aerial Action Recognition
* PMTL: A Progressive Multi-Level Training Framework for Retail Taxonomy Classification
* PMVC: Promoting Multi-View Consistency for 3D Scene Reconstruction
* PnP-GA+: Plug-and-Play Domain Adaptation for Gaze Estimation Using Model Variants
* Point Cloud Attacks in Graph Spectral Domain: When 3D Geometry Meets Graph Signal Processing
* Point cloud semantic segmentation based on local feature fusion and multilayer attention network
* Point-2s reinforcement learning biomimetic model for estimating and analyzing human 3D motion posture, A
* Point-DynRF: Point-based Dynamic Radiance Fields from a Monocular Video
* PointCAT: Contrastive Adversarial Training for Robust Point Cloud Recognition
* PointCT: Point Central Transformer Network for Weakly-supervised Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* PointMM: Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation CNN under Multi-Spatial Feature Encoding and Multi-Head Attention Pooling
* POISE: Pose Guided Human Silhouette Extraction under Occlusions
* Polarimetric Fourier Phase Retrieval
* Polarimetric PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo
* Polarized Light Pollution of Fixed-Tilt Photovoltaic Solar Panels Measured by Drone-Polarimetry and Its Visual-Ecological Importance
* PolyMaX: General Dense Prediction with Mask Transformer
* Polynomial Preconditioners for Regularized Linear Inverse Problems
* POP-VQA: Privacy preserving, On-device, Personalized Visual Question Answering
* Pose-Guided Attention Learning for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* PoseDiff: Pose-conditioned Multimodal Diffusion Model for Unbounded Scene Synthesis from Sparse Inputs
* POSER: POsed vs Spontaneous Emotion Recognition using fractal encoding
* Position-Feature Attention Network-Based Approach for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Building Point Clouds from Airborne Array Interferometric SAR
* Posterior-Variance-Based Error Quantification for Inverse Problems in Imaging
* PottsMGNet: A Mathematical Explanation of Encoder-Decoder Based Neural Networks
* PPM-SEM: A Privacy-Preserving Mechanism for Sharing Electronic Patient Records and Medical Images in Telemedicine
* Precipitation Estimation Using FY-4B/AGRI Satellite Data Based on Random Forest
* PreciseDebias: An Automatic Prompt Engineering Approach for Generative AI to Mitigate Image Demographic Biases
* Prediction of Large-Scale Regional Evapotranspiration Based on Multi-Scale Feature Extraction and Multi-Headed Self-Attention
* Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature Using U-Net Based Model
* Preserving Image Properties Through Initializations in Diffusion Models
* PressureVision++: Estimating Fingertip Pressure from Diverse RGB Images
* Principal Uncertainty Quantification With Spatial Correlation for Image Restoration Problems
* PriorNet: Two Deep Prior Cues for Salient Object Detection
* PrISM at Operational Scale: Monitoring Irrigation District Water Use during Droughts
* PRISMA Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data for Mapping Alteration Minerals in Sar-e-Ch¢h-e-Shur Region, Birjand, Iran
* Privacy-Enhancing Person Re-identification Framework: A Dual-Stage Approach
* PrivObfNet: A Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Model for Data Protection
* Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for Scientific Computing
* ProcSim: Proxy-based Confidence for Robust Similarity Learning
* Progressive Graph Reasoning-Based Social Relation Recognition
* Progressive Hypothesis Transformer for 3D Human Mesh Recovery
* Prompt Guided Transformer for Multi-Task Dense Prediction
* PromptAD: Zero-shot Anomaly Detection using Text Prompts
* Prompting classes: Exploring the Power of Prompt Class Learning in Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Prompting large language model with context and pre-answer for knowledge-based VQA
* PromptonomyViT: Multi-Task Prompt Learning Improves Video Transformers using Synthetic Scene Data
* ProS: Facial Omni-Representation Learning via Prototype-based Self-Distillation
* PROSAIL-Net: A transfer learning-based dual stream neural network to estimate leaf chlorophyll and leaf angle of crops from UAV hyperspectral images
* Prototype Division for Self-Supervised Speaker Verification
* Prototype Learning for Explainable Brain Age Prediction
* Prototypical Contrastive Network for Imbalanced Aerial Image Segmentation
* Provably Secure Robust Image Steganography
* ProxEdit: Improving Tuning-Free Real Image Editing with Proximal Guidance
* Proximal Operator of the Piece-Wise Exponential Function, The
* Pruning from Scratch via Shared Pruning Module and Nuclear norm-based Regularization
* Pruning Self-Attentions Into Convolutional Layers in Single Path
* pSTarC: Pseudo Source Guided Target Clustering for Fully Test-Time Adaptation
* PsyMo: A Dataset for Estimating Self-Reported Psychological Traits from Gait
* PTET: A progressive token exchanging transformer for infrared and visible image fusion
* p_0-Laplace Signature for Quasilinear Inverse Problems, The
* Quantifying Seagrass Density Using Sentinel-2 Data and Machine Learning
* Quantifying the impact of urban trees on land surface temperature in global cities
* Quantifying Urban Linguistic Diversity Related to Rainfall and Flood across China with Social Media Data
* Query-centric distance modulator for few-shot classification
* Query-guided Attention in Vision Transformers for Localizing Objects Using a Single Sketch
* Query-Guided Prototype Evolution Network for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Radar-Jamming Decision-Making Based on Improved Q-Learning and FPGA Hardware Implementation
* RADIO: Reference-Agnostic Dubbing Video Synthesis
* Random Forest Classifier for Cloud Clearing of the Operational TROPOMI XCH4 Product
* Random Walks for Temporal Action Segmentation with Timestamp Supervision
* Randomized Adversarial Style Perturbations for Domain Generalization
* randomized algorithm for clustering discrete sequences, A
* Rank2Tell: A Multimodal Driving Dataset for Joint Importance Ranking and Reasoning
* RankDVQA: Deep VQA based on Ranking-inspired Hybrid Training
* Raw Image Based Over-Exposure Correction Using Channel-Guidance Strategy
* Ray Deformation Networks for Novel View Synthesis of Refractive Objects
* RCUMP: Residual Completion Unrolling With Mixed Priors for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* RDIR: Capturing Temporally-Invariant Representations of Multiple Objects in Videos
* Re-Evaluating LiDAR Scene Flow
* Re-VoxelDet: Rethinking Neck and Head Architectures for High-Performance Voxel-based 3D Detection
* Real Time GAZED: Online Shot Selection and Editing of Virtual Cameras from Wide-Angle Monocular Video Recordings
* Real-time 6-DoF Pose Estimation by an Event-based Camera using Active LED Markers
* Real-time defect detection method based on YOLO-GSS at the edge end of a transmission line
* Real-Time Free Viewpoint Video Synthesis System Based on DIBR and a Depth Estimation Network
* Real-Time Multi-Object Detection Using Enhanced Yolov5-7S on Multi-GPU for High-Resolution Video
* Real-Time Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy using Lightweight Transformer
* Real-time small bowel visualization quality assessment in wireless capsule endoscopy images using different lightweight embeddable models
* Real-Time User-guided Adaptive Colorization with Vision Transformer
* Real-Time Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Real-world image deblurring using data synthesis and feature complementary network
* Realistic Depth Image Synthesis for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Realize Generative Yet Complete Latent Representation for Incomplete Multi-View Learning
* REALM: Robust Entropy Adaptive Loss Minimization for Improved Single-Sample Test-Time Adaptation
* RealPixVSR: Pixel-Level Visual Representation Informed Super-Resolution of Real-World Videos
* Reason Generation for Point of Interest Recommendation Via a Hierarchical Attention-Based Transformer Model
* ReCLIP: Refine Contrastive Language Image Pre-Training with Source Free Domain Adaptation
* Recognition for SAR deformation military target from a new MiniSAR dataset using multi-view joint transformer approach
* Recognition of Unseen Bird Species by Learning from Field Guides
* ReConPatch: Contrastive Patch Representation Learning for Industrial Anomaly Detection
* Reconstructing Randomly Masked Spectra Helps DNNs Identify Discriminant Wavenumbers
* Reconstruction of 3D Information of Buildings from Single-View Images Based on Shadow Information
* RecycleNet: Latent Feature Recycling Leads to Iterative Decision Refinement
* Reduced Order Modeling Inversion of Monostatic Data in a Multi-scattering Environment
* Reducing the Side-Effects of Oscillations in Training of Quantized YOLO Networks
* Reference-based Restoration of Digitized Analog Videotapes
* Refine and Redistribute: Multi-Domain Fusion and Dynamic Label Assignment for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Reflection Intensity Guided Single Image Reflection Removal and Transmission Recovery
* Reflection Removal with Varied Field of View Images
* Region Aware Video Object Segmentation With Deep Motion Modeling
* Regional Assessment of Soil Moisture Active Passive Enhanced L3 Soil Moisture Product and Its Application in Agriculture
* Registered and Segmented Deformable Object Reconstruction from a Single View Point Cloud
* Regularized Loss With Hyperparameter Estimation for Weakly Supervised Single Class Segmentation
* Regularly Truncated M-Estimators for Learning With Noisy Labels
* ReIDTracker_Sea: Multi-Object Tracking in Maritime Computer Vision
* Relation fusion propagation network for transductive few-shot learning
* Relationship-Guided Knowledge Transfer for Class-Incremental Facial Expression Recognition
* Reliable Observation Point Selection Method for GB-SAR in Low-Coherence Areas, A
* Remote Sensing-Based Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Assessment
* Removing the Quality Tax in Controllable Face Generation
* Renovated Framework of a Convolution Neural Network with Transformer for Detecting Surface Changes from High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images, A
* Repetitive Action Counting with Motion Feature Learning
* Representing Boundary-Ambiguous Scene Online With Scale-Encoded Cascaded Grids and Radiance Field Deblurring
* Research of obstacle vehicles avoidance for automated heavy vehicle platoon by switching the formation
* Research on Collapse Detection in Old Coal Mine Goafs Based on Space-Sky-Earth Remote Sensing Survey
* Research on oriented surface defect detection in the aircraft skin-coating process based on an attention detector
* Research on Remote-Sensing Identification Method of Typical Disaster-Bearing Body Based on Deep Learning and Spatial Constraint Strategy
* Residual Graph Convolutional Network for Bird's-Eye-View Semantic Segmentation
* Response of Ecosystem Carbon-Water Fluxes to Extreme Drought in West Asia
* Restoring Degraded Old Films with Recursive Recurrent Transformer Networks
* Rethink Cross-Modal Fusion in Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing
* Rethinking Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning With Open-Set Hypothesis in Hyperbolic Geometry
* Rethinking Knowledge Distillation with Raw Features for Semantic Segmentation
* Rethinking Multimodal Content Moderation from an Asymmetric Angle with Mixed-modality
* Rethinking Visibility in Human Pose Estimation: Occluded Pose Reasoning via Transformers
* Retinex-Guided Channel Grouping-Based Patch Swap for Arbitrary Style Transfer
* Retrieval of Ground NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) Data Consistent with Remote-Sensing Observations, The
* Revealing Decadal Glacial Changes and Lake Evolution in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia: A Semi-Automated Landsat Imagery Analysis
* Reverse Knowledge Distillation: Training a Large Model using a Small One for Retinal Image Matching on Limited Data
* Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted 3D Mesh Models With Secret Sharing Over Galois Field
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With Adaptive Huffman Code Based on Dynamic Prediction Axes
* Review of Bayesian Spatiotemporal Models in Spatial Epidemiology, A
* Review of Crowdsourcing Update Methods for High-Definition Maps, A
* Review of GNSS-R Technology for Soil Moisture Inversion
* Revisiting Confidence Estimation: Towards Reliable Failure Prediction
* Revisiting Latent Space of GAN Inversion for Robust Real Image Editing
* Revisiting Learned Image Compression With Statistical Measurement of Latent Representations
* Revisiting Person Re-Identification by Camera Selection
* Revisiting Pixel-Level Contrastive Pre-Training on Scene Images
* Revisiting single-step adversarial training for robustness and generalization
* Revisiting Token Pruning for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* Revolutionize the Oceanic Drone RGB Imagery with Pioneering Sun Glint Detection and Removal Techniques
* RF-Based Drone Detection Enhancement via a Generalized Denoising and Interference-Removal Framework
* RGB-D Mapping and Tracking in a Plenoxel Radiance Field
* RGB-X Object Detection via Scene-Specific Fusion Modules
* RGBT-Dog: A Parametric Model and Pose Prior For Canine Body Analysis Data Creation
* RIGA: Rotation-Invariant and Globally-Aware Descriptors for Point Cloud Registration
* Rigid pairwise 3D point cloud registration: A survey
* RIMeshGNN: A Rotation-Invariant Graph Neural Network for Mesh Classification
* RISTRA: Recursive Image Super-Resolution Transformer With Relativistic Assessment
* RMFER: Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning for Facial Expression Recognition with Reaction Mashup Video
* Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery with Spatial Attention Based on Swin Transformer
* Robust Adaptive Steganography Based on Adaptive STC-ECC
* Robust Category-Level 3D Pose Estimation from Diffusion-Enhanced Synthetic Data
* Robust Coverless Video Steganography Based on the Similarity of Inter-Frames, A
* robust data-model dual-driven fusion with uncertainty estimation for LiDAR-IMU localization system, A
* Robust Diffusion Modeling Framework for Radar Camera 3D Object Detection, A
* Robust Eye Blink Detection Using Dual Embedding Video Vision Transformer
* Robust Feature Learning and Global Variance-Driven Classifier Alignment for Long-Tail Class Incremental Learning
* Robust Fine-Grained Visual Recognition With Neighbor-Attention Label Correction
* Robust image watermarking using ant colony optimization and fast generic radial harmonic Fourier moment calculation
* Robust Learning via Conditional Prevalence Adjustment
* Robust Multi-Agent Communication With Graph Information Bottleneck Optimization
* Robust multi-view learning via M-estimator joint sparse representation
* Robust Object Detection in Challenging Weather Conditions
* Robust Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Fundus Image Segmentation
* Robust Tensor CUR Decompositions: Rapid Low-Tucker-Rank Tensor Recovery with Sparse Corruptions
* Robust TRISO-fueled Pebble Identification by Digit Recognition
* Robust Unsupervised Domain Adaptation through Negative-View Regularization
* Robust visual tracking via modified Harris hawks optimization
* RobustCLEVR: A Benchmark and Framework for Evaluating Robustness in Object-centric Learning
* Rock Glacier Inventory of the Southwestern Pamirs Supported by InSAR Kinematics
* Rotation-Constrained Cross-View Feature Fusion for Multi-View Appearance-based Gaze Estimation
* RPCANet: Deep Unfolding RPCA Based Infrared Small Target Detection
* RS2G: Data-Driven Scene-Graph Extraction and Embedding for Robust Autonomous Perception and Scenario Understanding
* RSMPNet: Relationship Guided Semantic Map Prediction
* RTK UAV-Based Method for Radial Velocity Validation of Weather Radar, An
* RTSformer: A Robust Toroidal Transformer With Spatiotemporal Features for Visual Tracking
* S3AD: Semi-supervised Small Apple Detection in Orchard Environments
* SAAN: Similarity-Aware Attention Flow Network for Change Detection With VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Safer Vision-Based Autonomous Planning System for Quadrotor UAVs with Dynamic Obstacle Trajectory Prediction and Its Application with LLMs, A
* SafeSea: Synthetic Data Generation for Adverse & Low Probability Maritime Conditions
* Salient Object Detection for Images Taken by People With Vision Impairments
* Salient Object Detection With Dual-Branch Stepwise Feature Fusion and Edge Refinement
* SAM Fewshot Finetuning for Anatomical Segmentation in Medical Images
* Sample Weighting with Hierarchical Equalization Loss for Dense Object Detection
* SARFish Dataset and Challenge, The
* Satellite Video Multi-Label Scene Classification With Spatial and Temporal Feature Cooperative Encoding: A Benchmark Dataset and Method
* Satellite video single object tracking: A systematic review and an oriented object tracking benchmark
* Satellite-Based Background Aerosol Optical Depth Determination via Global Statistical Analysis of Multiple Lognormal Distribution
* Satellite-Derived Bathymetry in Support of Maritime Archaeological Research: VENmuS Imagery of Caesarea Maritima, Israel, as a Case Study
* Satellite-Derived Estimate of City-Level Methane Emissions from Calgary, Alberta, Canada
* SBCFormer: Lightweight Network Capable of Full-size ImageNet Classification at 1 FPS on Single Board Computers
* SC-MIL: Supervised Contrastive Multiple Instance Learning for Imbalanced Classification in Pathology
* SC-SSL: Self-Correcting Collaborative and Contrastive Co-Training Model for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Scale-Adaptive Feature Aggregation for Efficient Space-Time Video Super-Resolution
* Scale-Invariant Relaxation in Low-Rank Tensor Recovery with an Application to Tensor Completion, A
* ScanEnts3D: Exploiting Phrase-to-3D-Object Correspondences for Improved Visio-Linguistic Models in 3D Scenes
* Scene context-aware graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognition
* Scene Text Image Super-resolution based on Text-conditional Diffusion Models
* SciOL and MuLMS-Img: Introducing A Large-Scale Multimodal Scientific Dataset and Models for Image-Text Tasks in the Scientific Domain
* SCoRD: Subject-Conditional Relation Detection with Text-Augmented Data
* SCSP: An Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Network Based on Semantic Cooperative Shape Perception
* SCUNet++: Swin-UNet and CNN Bottleneck Hybrid Architecture with Multi-Fusion Dense Skip Connection for Pulmonary Embolism CT Image Segmentation*
* SDNet: An Extremely Efficient Portrait Matting Model via Self-Distillation
* Sea Clutter Suppression Based on Chaotic Prediction Model by Combining the Generator and Long Short-Term Memory Networks
* Sea You Later: Metadata-Guided Long-Term Re-Identification for UAV-Based Multi-Object Tracking
* SeaDSC: A Video-Based Unsupervised Method for Dynamic Scene Change Detection in Unmanned Surface Vehicles
* Seasonal Variation in Vertical Structure for Stratiform Rain at Mªdog Site in Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
* SeaTurtleID2022: A long-span dataset for reliable sea turtle re-identification
* Second-Order Graph ODEs for Multi-Agent Trajectory Forecasting
* Security and Privacy Concerns in Information Usability
* Security Fence Inspection at Airports Using Object Detection
* Seeing Stars: Learned Star Localization for Narrow-Field Astrometry
* Segment anything, from space?
* SegViT v2: Exploring Efficient and Continual Semantic Segmentation with Plain Vision Transformers
* Seismic Data Reconstruction Using a Phase-Shift-Plus-Interpolation-Based Apex-Shifted Hyperbolic Radon Transform
* Self-Adaptive Colour Calibration of Deep Underwater Images Using FNN and SfM-MVS-Generated Depth Maps
* Self-Annotated 3D Geometric Learning for Smeared Points Removal
* Self-Attention CycleGAN for Cross-Domain Semi-Supervised Contactless Palmprint Recognition, A
* Self-Completed Bipartite Graph Learning for Fast Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Self-Paced Weight Consolidation for Continual Learning
* Self-Sampling Meta SAM: Enhancing Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation with Meta-Learning
* Self-Supervised Cross-Modal Distillation for Thermal Infrared Tracking
* Self-Supervised Denoising Transformer with Gaussian Process
* Self-Supervised Edge Detection Reconstruction for Topology-Informed 3D Axon Segmentation and Centerline Detection
* Self-supervised Human-Object Interaction of Complex Scenes with Context-aware Mixing: Towards In-store Consumer Behavior Analysis
* Self-Supervised Learning for Place Representation Generalization across Appearance Changes
* Self-Supervised Learning for Visual Relationship Detection through Masked Bounding Box Reconstruction
* Self-supervised Learning of Semantic Correspondence Using Web Videos
* Self-Supervised Learning with Masked Autoencoders for Teeth Segmentation from Intra-oral 3D Scans
* Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Semantic Segmentation in an Indoor Scene
* Self-Supervised Relation Alignment for Scene Graph Generation
* Self-Supervised Representation Learning with Cross-Context Learning between Global and Hypercolumn Features
* Self-Training Boosted Multi-Factor Matching Network for Composed Image Retrieval
* SEMA: Semantic Attention for Capturing Long-Range Dependencies in Egocentric Lifelogs
* Semantic Fusion Augmentation and Semantic Boundary Detection: A Novel Approach to Multi-Target Video Moment Retrieval
* Semantic Generative Augmentations for Few-Shot Counting
* Semantic Labels-Aware Transformer Model for Searching over a Large Collection of Lecture-Slides
* Semantic Perception and CNN-Transformer Hybrid Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification, A
* Semantic Transfer from Head to Tail: Enlarging Tail Margin for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* Semantic-Aware Contrastive Learning With Proposal Suppression for Video Semantic Role Grounding
* Semantic-aware Video Representation for Few-shot Action Recognition
* Semantics Disentangling for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Semantics-enhanced discriminative descriptor learning for LiDAR-based place recognition
* Semi-Infinitely Constrained Markov Decision Processes and Provably Efficient Reinforcement Learning
* Semi-Supervised Cross-Spectral Face Recognition with Small Datasets
* Semi-Supervised Deep Domain Adaptation for Deepfake Detection
* Semi-supervised domain adaptation via subspace exploration
* Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Object Detection via Adaptive Pseudo Labeling
* Semi-Supervised Learning for FGVC With Out-of-Category Data
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Multi-Label Cardiovascular Diseases Prediction: A Multi-Dataset Study
* Semi-Supervised Learning of Perceptual Video Quality by Generating Consistent Pairwise Pseudo-Ranks
* Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation Using Cross-Style Consistency With Shape-Aware and Local Context Constraints
* Semi-Supervised Scene Change Detection by Distillation from Feature-metric Alignment
* Semi-Supervised Semantic Depth Estimation using Symbiotic Transformer and NearFarMix Augmentation
* Semi-Supervised Skin Lesion Segmentation via Iterative Mask Optimization
* Semi-Supervised SPO Tree Classifier Based on the DPC Framework
* SemST: Semantically Consistent Multi-Scale Image Translation via Structure-Texture Alignment
* Sentinel-1-Based Soil Freeze-Thaw Detection in Agro-Forested Areas: A Case Study in Southern Qu©bec, Canada
* Sentinel-2 Reference Fire Perimeters for the Assessment of Burned Area Products over Latin America and the Caribbean for the Year 2019
* Separable Self and Mixed Attention Transformers for Efficient Object Tracking
* Separation of Rapidly-Varying and Slowly-Varying Processes and Development of Diffraction Decomposition Order Method in Radiative Transfer
* Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Online Signal Detection and Format Recognition, A
* SequenceMatch Revisiting the design of weak-strong augmentations for Semi-supervised learning
* Sequential Learning-based Approach for Monocular Human Performance Capture, A
* Sequential Transformer for End-to-End Video Text Detection
* SFDA-CD: A Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for VHR Image Change Detection
* SGRec3D: Self-Supervised 3D Scene Graph Learning via Object-Level Scene Reconstruction
* SGT++: Improved Scene Graph-Guided Transformer for Surgical Report Generation
* Shadow Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Spectral Radiance Separability Enhancement
* ShadowSense: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation and Feature Fusion for Shadow-Agnostic Tree Crown Detection from RGB-Thermal Drone Imagery
* Shape from Shading for Robotic Manipulation
* Shape-biased CNNs are Not Always Superior in Out-of-Distribution Robustness
* Shape-Guided Diffusion with Inside-Outside Attention
* ShARc: Shape and Appearance Recognition for Person Identification In-the-wild
* Shared Manifold Regularized Joint Feature Selection for Joint Classification and Regression in Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Sharp-NeRF: Grid-based Fast Deblurring Neural Radiance Fields using Sharpness Prior
* Sheared Epipolar Focus Spectrum for Dense Light Field Reconstruction
* Ship Detection with Deep Learning in Optical Remote-Sensing Images: A Survey of Challenges and Advances
* Show Your Face: Restoring Complete Facial Images from Partial Observations for VR Meeting
* siamese-based verification system for open-set architecture attribution of synthetic images, A
* SICKLE: A Multi-Sensor Satellite Imagery Dataset Annotated with Multiple Key Cropping Parameters
* SigmML: Metric meta-learning for Writer Independent Offline Signature Verification in the Space of SPD Matrices
* Sign Language Production with Latent Motion Transformer
* Signal Photon Extraction and Classification for ICESat-2 Photon-Counting Lidar in Coastal Areas
* SimA: Simple Softmax-free Attention for Vision Transformers
* Similarity Measurement and Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Voxel Model Based on Symbolic Operator
* Simple Post-Training Robustness using Test Time Augmentations and Random Forest
* Simple Token-Level Confidence Improves Caption Correctness
* Simplifying vein detection for intravenous procedures: A comparative assessment through near-infrared imaging system
* SimpliMix: A Simplified Manifold Mixup for Few-shot Point Cloud Classification
* Simulating Urban Expansion from the Perspective of Spatial Anisotropy and Expansion Neighborhood
* Single Domain Generalization via Normalised Cross-correlation Based Convolutions
* Single Frame Semantic Segmentation Using Multi-Modal Spherical Images
* Single-Image Deblurring, Trajectory and Shape Recovery of Fast Moving Objects with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* Skeleton Ground Truth Extraction: Methodology, Annotation Tool and Benchmarks
* Sketch-based Video Object Localization
* SketchTrans: Disentangled Prototype Learning With Transformer for Sketch-Photo Recognition
* Slice and Conquer: A Planar-to-3D Framework for Efficient Interactive Segmentation of Volumetric Images
* SliNet: Slicing-Aided Learning for Small Object Detection
* SLoSH: Set Locality Sensitive Hashing via Sliced-Wasserstein Embeddings
* SLVP: Self-Supervised Language-Video Pre-Training for Referring Video Object Segmentation
* Small Objects Matters in Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Smart Urban Cadastral Map Enrichment: A Machine Learning Method
* SMPLer: Taming Transformers for Monocular 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation
* Snippet-to-Prototype Contrastive Consensus Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* SNP-S3: Shared Network Pre-Training and Significant Semantic Strengthening for Various Video-Text Tasks
* So you think you can track?
* SOAP: Cross-sensor Domain Adaptation for 3D Object Detection Using Stationary Object Aggregation Pseudo-labelling
* Soft Curriculum for Learning Conditional GANs with Noisy-Labeled and Uncurated Unlabeled Data
* Soft Weight Pruning for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning With Unlabeled Target Data
* Software-Defined Networking-Driven Reliable Transmission Architecture for Enhancing Real-Time Video Streaming Quality, A
* Solving the Plane-Sphere Ambiguity in Top-Down Structure-from-Motion
* Sound3DVDet: 3D Sound Source Detection using Multiview Microphone Array and RGB Images
* Source-Free Domain Adaptation for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation with Vision Transformers
* Source-Guided Similarity Preservation for Online Person Re-Identification
* Source-Guided Target Feature Reconstruction for Cross-Domain Classification and Detection
* Space Domain Awareness Observations Using the Buckland Park VHF Radar
* Space-Scale Hybrid Continuous-Discrete Sliding Frank-Wolfe Method
* SPACE: Senti-Prompt As Classifying Embedding for sentiment analysis
* Sparse Convolutional Networks for Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Point Clouds
* Sparse SAR Imaging Algorithm in Marine Environments Based on Memory-Augmented Deep Unfolding Network
* Spatial and Temporal Changes in Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards in Mexico
* Spatial Correlation between the Changes in Supply and Demand for Water-Related Ecosystem Services
* Spatial Parameter Identification for MIMO Systems in the Presence of Non-Gaussian Interference
* Spatial Patterns and the Evolution of Logistics Service Node Facilities in Large Cities: A Case from Wuhan
* Spatial Process Analysis of the Evolution of Farmland Landscape in China
* Spatial Regression Model for Predicting Prices of Short-Term Rentals in Athens, Greece, A
* Spatial-temporal hypergraph based on dual-stage attention network for multi-view data lightweight action recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Activity Detection via Joint Optimization of Spatial and Temporal Localization
* Spatio-Temporal Changes and Driving Forces Analysis of Urban Open Spaces in Shanghai between 1980 and 2020: An Integrated Geospatial Approach
* Spatio-Temporal Enhanced Graph-Transformer AutoEncoder embedded pose for anomaly detection, A
* Spatio-temporal Filter Analysis Improves 3D-CNN For Action Classification
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Surface Temperature in Response to Land Use and Land Cover Changes: A Remote Sensing Approach
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollutants over the Epidemic Course: A National Study in China
* Spatiotemporal Variation and Causes of Typical Extreme Precipitation Events in Shandong Province over the Last 50 Years
* Spatiotemporal Variations and Sustainability Characteristics of Groundwater Storage in North China from 2002 to 2022 Revealed by GRACE/GRACE Follow-On and Multiple Hydrologic Data
* Species Abundance Modelling of Arctic-Boreal Zone Ducks Informed by Satellite Remote Sensing
* Specific Emitter Identification Based on Multi-Scale Multi-Dimensional Approximate Entropy
* Spectral clustering with linear embedding: A discrete clustering method for large-scale data
* Spectral Reconstruction from Thermal Infrared Multispectral Image Using Convolutional Neural Network and Transformer Joint Network
* Spectral Signatures of Macroalgae on Hawaiian Reefs
* Spectral-Spatial Context-Boosted Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Spectral-Spatial-Sensorial Attention Network with Controllable Factors for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* SpectralCLIP: Preventing Artifacts in Text-Guided Style Transfer from a Spectral Perspective
* Spectroformer: Multi-Domain Query Cascaded Transformer Network For Underwater Image Enhancement
* Spectrum Attention Mechanism for a Complex Neural Network
* Spectrum-Driven Mixed-Frequency Network for Hyperspectral Salient Object Detection
* Specular Object Reconstruction Behind Frosted Glass by Differentiable Rendering
* SphereCraft: A Dataset for Spherical Keypoint Detection, Matching and Camera Pose Estimation
* Spiking Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* Spiking Neural Networks for Active Time-Resolved SPAD Imaging
* SPMHand: Segmentation-Guided Progressive Multi-Path 3D Hand Pose and Shape Estimation
* SPTR: Structure-Preserving Transformer for Unsupervised Indoor Depth Completion
* SSEBop Evapotranspiration Estimates Using Synthetically Derived Landsat Data from the Continuous Change Detection and Classification Algorithm
* SSP: Semi-signed prioritized neural fitting for surface reconstruction from unoriented point clouds
* SSPNet: Predicting Visual Saliency Shifts
* SSRR: Structural Semantic Representation Reconstruction for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* SSVOD: Semi-Supervised Video Object Detection with Sparse Annotations
* Stabilizing Multispectral Pedestrian Detection With Evidential Hybrid Fusion
* Statistical Characteristics of Spread F in the Northeastern Edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during 2017-2022
* STDBNet: Shared Trunk and Dual-Branch Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Stealthy Physical Masked Face Recognition Attack via Adversarial Style Optimization
* Steering Prototypes with Prompt-tuning for Rehearsal-free Continual Learning
* Stein's Approach Based MVDR Filter Modification
* STEP - Towards Structured Scene-Text Spotting
* Stereo Conversion with Disparity-Aware Warping, Compositing and Inpainting
* Stereo Matching in Time: 100+ FPS Video Stereo Matching for Extended Reality
* Stitched Wide Field of View Light Field Image Quality Assessment: Benchmark Database and Objective Metric
* Stochastic Binary Network for Universal Domain Adaptation
* Stochastic Latent Talking Face Generation Toward Emotional Expressions and Head Poses
* StreamMapNet: Streaming Mapping Network for Vectorized Online HD Map Construction
* Structure-aware neural radiance fields without posed camera
* Structured Pruning for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: A Survey
* Study of 3D Finger Vein Biometrics on Imaging Device Design and Multi-View Verification
* Study on Spatio-Temporal Indexing Model of Geohazard Monitoring Data Based on Data Stream Clustering Algorithm
* StyleAvatar: Stylizing Animatable Head Avatars
* StyleGAN-Fusion: Diffusion Guided Domain Adaptation of Image Generators
* StyleGenes: Discrete and Efficient Latent Distributions for GANs
* StyLIP: Multi-Scale Style-Conditioned Prompt Learning for CLIP-based Domain Generalization
* Sub-Hourly Variations of Wind Shear in the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere as Observed by the China Meteor Radar Chain
* Successor Feature-Based Transfer Reinforcement Learning for Video Rate Adaptation With Heterogeneous QoE Preferences
* Super Efficient Neural Network for Compression Artifacts Reduction and Super Resolution
* Superblock Design and Evaluation by a Microscopic Door-to-Door Simulation Approach
* SupeRVol: Super-Resolution Shape and Reflectance Estimation in Inverse Volume Rendering
* Support Vector Regression-Based Reduced- Reference Perceptual Quality Model for Compressed Point Clouds
* Supporting Asset Management with GIS and Business Intelligence Technologies: The Case Study of the University of Turin
* SurgNet: Self-Supervised Pretraining With Semantic Consistency for Vessel and Instrument Segmentation in Surgical Images
* Survey of Robustness and Safety of 2D and 3D Deep Learning Models against Adversarial Attacks, A
* Survey of Seafloor Characterization and Mapping Techniques, A
* Survey of spectral clustering based on graph theory
* Survey on Fashion Image Retrieval, A
* Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving, A
* Survey on Weakly Supervised 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation, A
* Sustainable and Resilient Land Use Planning: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach
* SWENet: A Physics-Informed Deep Neural Network (PINN) for Shear Wave Elastography
* SWGNet: Step-Wise Reference Frame Generation Network for Multiview Video Coding
* Swin on Axes: Extending Swin Transformers to Quadtree Image Representations
* SwinFace: A Multi-Task Transformer for Face Recognition, Expression Recognition, Age Estimation and Attribute Estimation
* SWOT Level 2 Lake Single-Pass Product: The L2_HR_LakeSP Data Preliminary Analysis for Water Level Monitoring
* Symmetry-aware Neural Architecture for Embodied Visual Navigation
* Synchrosqueezed Method and Its Theory-Analysis-Based Novel Short-Time Fractional Fourier Transform for Chirp Signals, The
* Synergetic Assessment of Quality and Aesthetic: Approach and Comprehensive Benchmark Dataset
* Synergizing Contrastive Learning and Optimal Transport for 3D Point Cloud Domain Adaptation
* SynergyNet: Bridging the Gap between Discrete and Continuous Representations for Precise Medical Image Segmentation
* Synthesizing Anyone, Anywhere, in Any Pose
* Synthesizing Coherent Story with Auto-Regressive Latent Diffusion Models
* Synthetic Speech Detection Based on the Temporal Consistency of Speaker Features
* SyntheWorld: A Large-Scale Synthetic Dataset for Land Cover Mapping and Building Change Detection
* SynthProv: Interpretable Framework for Profiling Identity Leakage
* SYRER: Synergistic Relational Reasoning for RGB-D Cross-Modal Re-Identification
* t-EER: Parameter-Free Tandem Evaluation of Countermeasures and Biometric Comparators
* Tackling Data Bias in MUSIC-AVQA: Crafting a Balanced Dataset for Unbiased Question-Answering
* Taking a Closer Look at Factor Disentanglement: Dual-Path Variational Autoencoder Learning for Domain Generalization
* Taking a Closer Look At Visual Relation: Unbiased Video Scene Graph Generation With Decoupled Label Learning
* Talk-to-Edit: Fine-Grained 2D and 3D Facial Editing via Dialog
* Taming Normalizing Flows
* TAMPAR: Visual Tampering Detection for Parcel Logistics in Postal Supply Chains
* Task-Oriented Human-Object Interactions Generation with Implicit Neural Representations
* TCP: Triplet Contrastive-relationship Preserving for Class-Incremental Learning
* TEGLO: High Fidelity Canonical Texture Mapping from Single-View Images
* Temporal 3D Shape Modeling for Video-based Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* Temporal Context Enhanced Referring Video Object Segmentation
* Temporal Feature Fusion for 3D Detection in Monocular Video
* Temporal pattern mining for knowledge discovery in the early prediction of septic shock
* Temporal segmentation in multi agent path finding with applications to explainability
* Temporally-Consistent Video Semantic Segmentation with Bidirectional Occlusion-guided Feature Propagation
* Tensorized Scaled Simplex Representation for Multi-View Clustering
* Text-Guided Face Recognition using Multi-Granularity Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning
* Text-to-image Editing by Image Information Removal
* Text-to-Image Models for Counterfactual Explanations: A Black-Box Approach
* Text-to-Image Person Re-Identification Based on Multimodal Graph Convolutional Network
* TextAug: Test Time Text Augmentation for Multimodal Person Re-Identification
* Textron: Weakly Supervised Multilingual Text Detection through Data Programming
* Textual Alchemy: CoFormer for Scene Text Understanding
* Texture Enhancement Method for Oceanic Internal Wave Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Based on Non-Local Mean Filtering and Texture Layer Enhancement, A
* Theoretical View of Linear Backpropagation and its Convergence, A
* THInImg: Cross-modal Steganography for Presenting Talking Heads in Images
* Think before You Simulate: Symbolic Reasoning to Orchestrate Neural Computation for Counterfactual Question Answering
* thorough experimental comparison of multilabel methods for classification performance, A
* Three Dimensional Microwave Data Inversion in Feature Space for Stroke Imaging
* Three-Dimensional Human Pose Estimation from Micro-Doppler Signature Based on SISO UWB Radar
* TIAM - A Metric for Evaluating Alignment in Text-to-Image Generation
* Time to Shine: Fine-Tuning Object Detection Models with Synthetic Adverse Weather Images
* Time-Series Cross-Radiometric Calibration and Validation of GF-6/WFV Using Multi-Site
* Time-Variant Satellite Vegetation Classification Enabled by Hybrid Metaheuristic-Based Adaptive Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping
* TinyWT: A Large-Scale Wind Turbine Dataset of Satellite Images for Tiny Object Detection
* Token Fusion: Bridging the Gap between Token Pruning and Token Merging
* Top-Down Beats Bottom-Up in 3D Instance Segmentation
* TOPIQ: A Top-Down Approach from Semantics to Distortions for Image Quality Assessment
* Torque based Structured Pruning for Deep Neural Network
* Toward Accurate Human Parsing Through Edge Guided Diffusion
* Toward Planet-Wide Traffic Camera Calibration
* Toward Robust and Unconstrained Full Range of Rotation Head Pose Estimation
* Toward Unified Token Learning for Vision-Language Tracking
* Toward Video Anomaly Retrieval From Video Anomaly Detection: New Benchmarks and Model
* Towards a Dynamic Vision Sensor-based Insect Camera Trap
* Towards a Unified Network for Robust Monocular Depth Estimation: Network Architecture, Training Strategy and Dataset
* Towards Accurate Disease Segmentation in Plant Images: A Comprehensive Dataset Creation and Network Evaluation
* Towards Adaptive Multi-Scale Intermediate Domain via Progressive Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Towards Addressing the Misalignment of Object Proposal Evaluation for Vision-Language Tasks via Semantic Grounding
* Towards Better Structured Pruning Saliency by Reorganizing Convolution
* Towards Diverse and Consistent Typography Generation
* Towards high-fidelity facial UV map generation in real-world
* Towards More Realistic Membership Inference Attacks on Large Diffusion Models
* Towards On-Device Learning on the Edge: Ways to Select Neurons to Update Under a Budget Constraint
* Towards Realistic Generative 3D Face Models
* Towards Visual Saliency Explanations of Face Verification
* TPE-ADE: Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption Based on Adaptive Deviation Embedding for JPEG Images
* TPSeNCE: Towards Artifact-Free Realistic Rain Generation for Deraining and Object Detection in Rain
* TR-RAGCN-AFF-RESS: A Method for Radar Emitter Signal Sorting
* Tracing Magma Migration at Mt. Etna Volcano during 2006-2020, Coupling Remote Sensing of Crater Gas Emissions and Ground Measurement of Soil Gases
* Tracking Skiers from the Top to the Bottom
* Tracking Tiny Insects in Cluttered Natural Environments using Refinable Recurrent Neural Networks
* Training Ensembles with Inliers and Outliers for Semi-supervised Active Learning
* Training Neural Networks on Remote Edge Devices for Unseen Class Classification
* Training-Based Model Refinement and Representation Disagreement for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* Training-free Content Injection using h-space in Diffusion Models
* Training-Free Layout Control with Cross-Attention Guidance
* Training-free Object Counting with Prompts
* TranPhys: Spatiotemporal Masked Transformer Steered Remote Photoplethysmography Estimation
* Trans-Boundary Dust Transport of Dust Storms in Northern China: A Study Utilizing Ground-Based Lidar Network and CALIPSO Satellite
* TransFed: A way to epitomize Focal Modulation using Transformer-based Federated Learning
* TransRadar: Adaptive-Directional Transformer for Real-Time Multi-View Radar Semantic Segmentation
* TriCoLo: Trimodal Contrastive Loss for Text to Shape Retrieval
* TriPlaneNet: An Encoder for EG3D Inversion
* Triplet Attention Transformer for Spatiotemporal Predictive Learning
* Trunk Pruning: Highly Compatible Channel Pruning for Convolutional Neural Networks Without Fine-Tuning
* TSA2: Temporal Segment Adaptation and Aggregation for Video Harmonization
* TSP-Transformer: Task-Specific Prompts Boosted Transformer for Holistic Scene Understanding
* Tunable Hybrid Proposal Networks for the Open World
* TUT: Template-Augmented U-Net Transformer for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* two-stage robust optimal traffic signal control with reversible lane for isolated intersections, A
* Two-Stream Hybrid Convolution-Transformer Network Architecture for Clothing-Change Person Re-Identification, A
* U3DS3: Unsupervised 3D Semantic Scene Segmentation
* UGNet: Uncertainty aware geometry enhanced networks for stereo matching
* UGPNet: Universal Generative Prior for Image Restoration
* Ultra Fast Deep Lane Detection With Hybrid Anchor Driven Ordinal Classification
* Unbiased Visual Question Answering by Leveraging Instrumental Variable
* Uncertainty Estimation in Instance Segmentation with Star-convex Shapes
* Uncertainty-driven active developmental learning
* Uncertainty-Guided Different Levels of Pseudolabels for Semisupervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Uncertainty-weighted Loss Functions for Improved Adversarial Attacks on Semantic Segmentation
* Underground Diagnosis Based on GPR and Learning in the Model Space
* Understanding and Mitigating Dimensional Collapse in Federated Learning
* Understanding Dark Scenes by Contrasting Multi-Modal Observations
* Understanding Hyperbolic Metric Learning through Hard Negative Sampling
* Underwater Image Enhancement via Weighted Wavelet Visual Perception Fusion
* Unified 3D and 4D Panoptic Segmentation via Dynamic Shifting Networks
* Unified Concept Editing in Diffusion Models
* Unified Framework for Cropland Field Boundary Detection and Segmentation, A
* UniMF: A Unified Multimodal Framework for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Missing Modalities and Unaligned Multimodal Sequences
* United We Stand, Divided We Fall: UnityGraph for Unsupervised Procedure Learning from Videos
* UnitModule: A lightweight joint image enhancement module for underwater object detection
* Universal Mismatched Steganalysis Equipped With Progressive Intermediate Domains
* Universal Object Detection with Large Vision Model
* Universal Semi-supervised Model Adaptation via Collaborative Consistency Training
* Universal Test-time Adaptation through Weight Ensembling, Diversity Weighting, and Prior Correction
* Unleashing Knowledge Potential of Source Hypothesis for Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* UNSPAT: Uncertainty-Guided SpatioTemporal Transformer for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation on Videos
* Unsupervised 3D Pose Estimation with Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion Modeling
* Unsupervised 3D Skeleton-Based Action Recognition using Cross-Attention with Conditioned Generation Capabilities
* Unsupervised and semi-supervised co-salient object detection via segmentation frequency statistics
* Unsupervised Co-Generation of Foreground-Background Segmentation from Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Unsupervised Deep Hashing with Dynamic Pseudo-Multi-Labels for Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised Deraining: Where Asymmetric Contrastive Learning Meets Self-Similarity
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation with Pseudo Label Self-Refinement
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of MRI Skull-stripping Trained on Adult Data to Newborns
* Unsupervised Event-Based Video Reconstruction
* Unsupervised Exemplar-Based Image-to-Image Translation and Cascaded Vision Transformers for Tagged and Untagged Cardiac Cine MRI Registration
* Unsupervised Graphic Layout Grouping with Transformers
* Unsupervised Light Field Depth Estimation via Multi-View Feature Matching With Occlusion Prediction
* Unsupervised Model-based Learning for Simultaneous Video Deflickering and Deblotching
* Unsupervised Object-Centric Learning From Multiple Unspecified Viewpoints
* Unsupervised Out-of-Distribution Object Detection via PCA-Driven Dynamic Prototype Enhancement
* Unsupervised Person Re-Identification in Aerial Imagery
* Unveiling the Truth: Exploring Human Gaze Patterns in Fake Images
* UOW-Vessel: A Benchmark Dataset of High-Resolution Optical Satellite Images for Vessel Detection and Segmentation
* UPAR Challenge 2024: Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Attribute-Based Person Retrieval - Dataset, Design, and Results
* Updated Estimate of Geocenter Variation from Analysis of SLR Data, An
* Urban Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using GEDI Laser Data and Optical Remote Sensing Images
* USD: Uncertainty-Based One-Phase Learning to Enhance Pseudo-Label Reliability for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* USDN: A Unified Sample-wise Dynamic Network with Mixed-Precision and Early-Exit
* Using Deep Learning and Advanced Image Processing for the Automated Estimation of Tornado-Induced Treefall
* Using Early Readouts to Mediate Featural Bias in Distillation
* Validating Digital Earth Australia NBART for the Landsat 9 Underfly of Landsat 8
* Variable-Length Speaker Conditioning in Flow-Based Text-to-Speech
* Variational Adversarial Defense: A Bayes Perspective for Adversarial Training
* Variational Model for Nonuniform Low-Light Image Enhancement, A
* VCISR: Blind Single Image Super-Resolution with Video Compression Synthetic Data
* VD-GR: Boosting Visual Dialog with Cascaded Spatial-Temporal Multi-Modal GRaphs
* VEATIC: Video-based Emotion and Affect Tracking in Context Dataset
* Vegetation Classification and Evaluation of Yancheng Coastal Wetlands Based on Random Forest Algorithm from Sentinel-2 Images
* Video Compression Artifacts Removal With Spatial-Temporal Attention-Guided Enhancement
* Video Instance Matting
* Video-Based Fall Detection Using Human Pose and Constrained Generative Adversarial Network
* Video-kMaX: A Simple Unified Approach for Online and Near-Online Video Panoptic Segmentation
* VideoFACT: Detecting Video Forgeries Using Attention, Scene Context, and Forensic Traces
* VideoXum: Cross-Modal Visual and Textural Summarization of Videos
* Vikriti-ID: A Novel Approach For Real Looking Fingerprint Data-set Generation
* Vision through Obstacles: 3D Geometric Reconstruction and Evaluation of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs)
* Vision Transformer for Multispectral Satellite Imagery: Advancing Landcover Classification*
* Vision Transformer With Quadrangle Attention
* Vision-Based Traffic Accident Detection and Anticipation: A Survey
* Visual Active Search Framework for Geospatial Exploration, A
* Visual Correspondence Learning and Spatially Attentive Synthesis via Transformer for Exemplar-Based Anime Line Art Colorization
* Visual Narratives: Large-scale Hierarchical Classification of Art-historical Images
* Visual-Textual Cross-Modal Interaction Network for Radiology Report Generation
* Visually Guided Audio Source Separation with Meta Consistency Learning
* VLAAD: Vision and Language Assistant for Autonomous Driving
* VMemNet: A Deep Collaborative Spatial-Temporal Network With Attention Representation for Video Memorability Prediction
* VMFormer: End-to-End Video Matting with Transformer
* VOLTER: Visual Collaboration and Dual-Stream Fusion for Scene Text Recognition
* Volumetric Disentanglement for 3D Scene Manipulation
* Voxel-Based Multi-Scale Transformer Network for Event Stream Processing
* VRT: A Video Restoration Transformer
* VSS-Net: Visual Semantic Self-Mining Network for Video Summarization
* VST-PCA: A Land Use Change Simulation Model Based on Spatiotemporal Feature Extraction and Pre-Allocation Strategy
* VTD-FCENet: A Real-Time HD Video Text Detection with Scale-Aware Fourier Contour Embedding
* VVC Intra Rate Control With Small Bit Fluctuations Using a Lagrange Multiplier Adjustment, A
* Wakening Past Concepts without Past Data: Class-Incremental Learning from Online Placebos
* WalkFormer: Point Cloud Completion via Guided Walks
* Warming Trend and Cloud Responses over the Indochina Peninsula during Monsoon Transition
* Watch Where You Head: A View-biased Domain Gap in Gait Recognition and Unsupervised Adaptation
* WATCH: Wide-Area Terrestrial Change Hypercube
* WaveMixSR: Resource-efficient Neural Network for Image Super-resolution
* Weakly Supervised Object Detection for Remote Sensing Images via Progressive Image-Level and Instance-Level Feature Refinement
* Weakly Supervised Tracklet Association Learning With Video Labels for Person Re-Identification
* Weakly-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Object Discovery
* Weakly-supervised deepfake localization in diffusion-generated images
* Weakly-Supervised Representation Learning for Video Alignment and Analysis
* Weighted Differential Gradient Method for Filling Pits in Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Canopy Height Model
* Weighted Graph Embedding Feature with Bi-Directional Long Short-Term Memory Classifier for Multi-Document Text Summarization
* Wetland Classification, Attribute Accuracy, and Scale
* What Decreases Editing Capability? Domain-Specific Hybrid Refinement for Improved GAN Inversion
* What Local Environments Drive Opportunities for Social Events? A New Approach Based on Bayesian Modeling in Dallas, Texas, USA
* What's in the Flow? Exploiting Temporal Motion Cues for Unsupervised Generic Event Boundary Detection
* What's Outside the Intersection? Fine-grained Error Analysis for Semantic Segmentation Beyond IoU
* Wheat Yield Robust Prediction in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain by Coupling Multi-Source Data with Ensemble Model under Different Irrigation and Extreme Weather Events
* When 3D Bounding-Box Meets SAM: Point Cloud Instance Segmentation with Weak-and-Noisy Supervision
* Who Wore It Best? And Who Paid Less? Effects of Privacy-Preserving Techniques Across Demographics
* WildlifeDatasets: An open-source toolkit for animal re-identification
* Windowed Radon Transform for Robust Speed-of-Sound Imaging With Pulse-Echo Ultrasound
* Wino Vidi Vici: Conquering Numerical Instability of 8-bit Winograd Convolution for Accurate Inference Acceleration on Edge
* WPS: A whole phenology-based spectral feature selection method for mapping winter crop from time-series images
* X-Ray Dark-Field Signal Reduction Due to Hardening of the Visibility Spectrum
* X2-VLM: All-in-One Pre-Trained Model for Vision-Language Tasks
* YOLOv5s maritime distress target detection method based on swin transformer
* You Can Run but not Hide: Improving Gait Recognition with Intrinsic Occlusion Type Awareness
* You only label once: A self-adaptive clustering-based method for source-free active domain adaptation
* You-Only-Look-Once Multiple-Strategy Printed Circuit Board Defect Detection Model
* ZEETAD: Adapting Pretrained Vision-Language Model for Zero-Shot End-to-End Temporal Action Detection
* Zero-shot Building Attribute Extraction from Large-Scale Vision and Language Models
* Zero-Shot Edge Detection with SCESAME: Spectral Clustering-based Ensemble for Segment Anything Model Estimation
* Zero-Shot Video Moment Retrieval from Frozen Vision-Language Models
* ZIGNeRF: Zero-shot 3D Scene Representation with Invertible Generative Neural Radiance Fields
* ZRG: A Dataset for Multimodal 3D Residential Rooftop Understanding
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