Update Dates 2006

2006 * *BMVC
* *CRV
* *Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration
* 2-MAP: Aligned Visualizations for Comparison of High-Dimensional Point Sets
* 2019 Eruption Dynamics and Morphology at Ebeko Volcano Monitored by Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Field Stations, The
* 3-D Full-Wave Inversion of Helicopter Transient Electromagnetic Data in Frequency Domain
* 3-D Short-Range Imaging With Irregular MIMO Arrays Using NUFFT-Based Range Migration Algorithm
* 35 Years of Vegetation and Lake Dynamics in the Pechora Catchment, Russian European Arctic
* 360 Panorama Synthesis from a Sparse Set of Images with Unknown Field of View
* 360-Indoor: Towards Learning Real-World Objects in 360° Indoor Equirectangular Images
* 3D Hand Pose Estimation with Disentangled Cross-Modal Latent Space
* 3D Point Cloud Analysis for Damage Detection on Hyperboloid Cooling Tower Shells
* 3D Registration and Integrated Segmentation Framework for Heterogeneous Unmanned Robotic Systems
* 3D Semi-Supervised Learning with Uncertainty-Aware Multi-View Co-Training
* 3D-GLCM CNN: A 3-Dimensional Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix-Based CNN Model for Polyp Classification via CT Colonography
* 4D Basis and Sampling Scheme for the Tensor Encoded Multi-Dimensional Diffusion MRI Signal, A
* 4D Functional Imaging of the Rat Brain Using a Large Aperture Row-Column Array
* 5G Key Technologies for Smart Railways
* 60 Years of Glacier Elevation and Mass Changes in the Maipo River Basin, Central Andes of Chile
* Abandoned Mine Tailings Affecting Riverbed Sediments in the Cartagena-La Union District, Mediterranean Coastal Area (Spain)
* Ablation-CAM: Visual Explanations for Deep Convolutional Network via Gradient-free Localization
* Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Amazonian Tropical Forests: a Comparison of Aircraft- and GatorEye UAV-borne LiDAR Data in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve in Acre, Brazil
* Accelerating a Geometrical Approximated PCA Algorithm Using AVX2 and CUDA
* Acceleration Compensation for Estimation of Along-Track Velocity of Ground Moving Target from Single-Channel SAR SLC Data
* Accuracies of Soil Moisture Estimations Using a Semi-Empirical Model over Bare Soil Agricultural Croplands from Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Accuracy Booster: Performance Boosting using Feature Map Re-calibration
* Accurate and Efficient Calculation of Three-Dimensional Cost Distance
* Accurate Image Domain Noise Insertion in CT Images
* Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing Images Through an Unsupervised Deep Learning Super-Resolution Method
* Action Graphs: Weakly-supervised Action Localization with Graph Convolution Networks
* Action Segmentation with Mixed Temporal Domain Adaptation
* Active Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Active Learning for Imbalanced Datasets
* Active Speaker Detection and Localization in Videos Using Low-Rank and Kernelized Sparsity
* Activity Detection in Untrimmed Videos Using Chunk-based Classifiers
* Actor Conditioned Attention Maps for Video Action Detection
* Adapting Grad-CAM for Embedding Networks
* Adapting Style and Content for Attended Text Sequence Recognition
* Adaptive Aggregation of Arbitrary Online Trackers with a Regret Bound
* Adaptive Contrast Enhancement of Optical Imagery Based on Level of Detail (LOD)
* Adaptive Detection Using Whitened Data When Some of the Training Samples Undergo Covariance Mismatch
* Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Sliding-Mode Control for High-Speed Trains with Actuator Faults and Uncertainties
* Adaptive Feature Aggregation for Video Object Detection
* Adaptive Irregular Graph Construction-Based Salient Object Detection
* Adaptive iterative attack towards explainable adversarial robustness
* Adaptive Modeling of the Global Ionosphere Vertical Total Electron Content
* Adaptive Neural Connections for Sparsity Learning
* Adaptive Noise-Free Method of Seismic Resolution Enhancement Based on Extrapolated Multiresolution Singular Value Decomposition, An
* Adaptive Partial Reinforcement Learning Neural Network-Based Tracking Control for Wheeled Mobile Robotic Systems
* Adaptive ROI generation for video object segmentation using reinforcement learning
* Additional Microwave Radiation From Experimentally Loaded Granite Covered With Sand Layers: Features and Mechanisms
* ADNet: Adaptively Dense Convolutional Neural Networks
* Advanced framework for microscopic and lane-level macroscopic traffic parameters estimation from UAV video
* Adversarial Defense based on Structure-to-Signal Autoencoders
* Adversarial Discriminative Attention for Robust Anomaly Detection
* Adversarial Domain Adaptation Network For Cross-Domain Fine-Grained Recognition, An
* Adversarial Examples for Edge Detection: They Exist, and They Transfer
* Adversarial Learning of Structure-Aware Fully Convolutional Networks for Landmark Localization
* Adversarial Metric Learning with Naive Similarity Discriminator
* Adversarial Sampling for Active Learning
* Adversarial Transfer Learning for Deep Learning Based Automatic Modulation Classification
* Age Estimation from Faces Using Deep Learning: A Comparative Analysis
* Age-invariant face recognition based on deep features analysis
* Agreement Index for Burned Area Mapping: Integration of Multiple Spectral Indices Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Images
* Airborne Electromagnetic, Magnetic, and Radiometric Surveys at the German North Sea Coast Applied to Groundwater and Soil Investigations
* Airborne Lidar Sampling Pivotal for Accurate Regional AGB Predictions from Multispectral Images in Forest-Savanna Landscapes
* Airborne Validation Experiment of 1.57-µm Double-Pulse IPDA LIDAR for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Measurement
* Alfalfa Yield Prediction Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Ensemble Learning
* Algorithm optimization and hardware implementation for Merge mode in HEVC
* Aligned Dynamic-Preserving Embedding for Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* AlignNet: A Unifying Approach to Audio-Visual Alignment
* all-seeing baggage scanner, The
* Ambient Population and Larceny-Theft: A Spatial Analysis Using Mobile Phone Data
* Ambiguity Function of MIMO Radar Based on Quasi-Orthogonal Ultrawideband-Throb Signals
* Ambiguity-Free Radiometric Calibration for Internet Photo Collections
* Analysis and a Solution of Momentarily Missed Detection for Anchor-based Object Detectors
* Analysis and Classification of Cold Speech Using Variational Mode Decomposition
* Analysis of Gender Inequality In Face Recognition Accuracy
* Analysis of Green Spaces by Utilizing Big Data to Support Smart Cities and Environment: A Case Study About the City Center of Shanghai
* Analysis of Landslide Movements Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Case Study in Hunza-Nagar Valley, Pakistan
* Analysis of microtomographic images in automatic defect localization and detection
* Analysis of Urbanisation Dynamics with the Use of the Fuzzy Set Theory: A Case Study of the City of Olsztyn, An
* Analysis of Variable-Length Codes for Integer Encoding in Hyperspectral Data Compression with the k2-Raster Compact Data Structure
* Analyzing Urban Agriculture's Contribution to a Southern City's Resilience through Land Cover Mapping: The Case of Antananarivo, Capital of Madagascar
* Analyzing Water Dynamics Based on Sentinel-1 Time Series: A Study for Dongting Lake Wetlands in China
* Anatomical Attention Guided Deep Networks for ROI Segmentation of Brain MR Images
* Anchor Box Optimization for Object Detection
* Angular-Based Radiometric Slope Correction for Sentinel-1 on Google Earth Engine
* Animal Detection in Man-made Environments
* Animating Face using Disentangled Audio Representations
* Anomaly detection in surveillance video based on bidirectional prediction
* Answering Questions about Data Visualizations using Efficient Bimodal Fusion
* Appearance and Shape from Water Reflection
* Application of deep learning model based on image definition in real-time digital image fusion
* Application of the GPM-IMERG Products in Flash Flood Warning: A Case Study in Yunnan, China
* Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data and Discrete Fracture Network Models for Improved Rockfall Simulations
* Appraisal of SMAP Operational Soil Moisture Product from a Global Perspective
* Approach for Filter Divergence Suppression in a Sequential Data Assimilation System and Its Application in Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting, An
* Architecture Search of Dynamic Cells for Semantic Video Segmentation
* Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended Video Analysis
* Artificial Intelligence Fights Crime and Terrorism at a New Level
* Asia-Pacific Lightning Location Network (APLLN) and Preliminary Performance Assessment
* AsNet: Asymmetrical Network for Learning Rich Features in Person Re-Identification
* Assessing Cloud Segmentation in the Chromacity Diagram of All-Sky Images
* Assessing Forest/Non-Forest Separability Using Sentinel-1 C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Assessing the Accuracy and Feasibility of Using Close-Range Photogrammetry to Measure Channelized Erosion with a Consumer-Grade Camera
* Assessing the Accuracy of Multiple Classification Algorithms for Crop Classification Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Assessing the Effects of Photovoltaic Powerplants on Surface Temperature Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Assessing the Operation Parameters of a Low-altitude UAV for the Collection of NDVI Values Over a Paddy Rice Field
* Assessing the Repeatability of Automated Seafloor Classification Algorithms, with Application in Marine Protected Area Monitoring
* Assessing Typhoon-Induced Canopy Damage Using Vegetation Indices in the Fushan Experimental Forest, Taiwan
* Assessment and Quantification of the Accuracy of Low-and High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data for Shoreline Monitoring
* Assessment of AMSR2 Ice Extent and Ice Edge in the Arctic Using IMS
* Assessment of Fire Fuel Load Dynamics in Shrubland Ecosystems in the Western United States Using MODIS Products
* Assessment of Global Forest Change Datasets for National Forest Monitoring and Reporting, An
* Assessment of Native Radar Reflectivity and Radar Rainfall Estimates for Discharge Forecasting in Mountain Catchments with a Random Forest Model
* Assessment of New Satellite Missions within the Framework of Numerical Weather Prediction
* Assessment of Remotely Sensed and Modelled Soil Moisture Data Products in the U.S. Southern Great Plains
* Assessment of the Characteristics of Recent Major Wildfires in the USA, Australia and Brazil in 2018-2019 Using Multi-Source Satellite Products
* Assessment of the GOES-16 Clear Sky Mask Product over the Contiguous USA Using CALIPSO Retrievals
* Assessment of Tuff Sea Cliff Stability Integrating Geological Surveys and Remote Sensing. Case History from Ventotene Island (Southern Italy)
* Assimilating SMOS Brightness Temperature for Hydrologic Model Parameters and Soil Moisture Estimation with an Immune Evolutionary Strategy
* Assimilation of Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data in Budhi Gandaki River Basin, Nepal
* Asymmetric Mapping Quantization for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Asymptotic Analysis of the Convergence Time of Autoregressive Kalman Filters
* Attention by Selection: A Deep Selective Attention Approach to Breast Cancer Classification
* Attention Flow: End-to-End Joint Attention Estimation
* Attention-based Fusion for Multi-source Human Image Generation
* Attentive multi-stage convolutional neural network for crowd counting
* Audio-Visual Model Distillation Using Acoustic Images
* Automated detection of Alzheimer's disease using bi-directional empirical model decomposition
* Automated detection of diabetic retinopathy using convolutional neural networks on a small dataset
* Automated detection of myocardial infarction using robust features extracted from 12-lead ECG
* Automated High-Resolution Time Series Mapping of Mangrove Forests Damaged by Hurricane Irma in Southwest Florida
* Automated Highway Driving Decision Considering Driver Characteristics
* automated PCA-based approach towards optimization of the rational function model, An
* Automatic Classification of Woodcuts and Copperplate Engravings
* Automatic Collateral Scoring From 3D CTA Images
* Automatic Estimation of Crop Disease Severity Levels Based on Vegetation Index Normalization
* Automatic Extraction of Road Points from Airborne LiDAR Based on Bidirectional Skewness Balancing
* Automatic Gully Detection: Neural Networks and Computer Vision
* Automatic Pattern Recognition of Tectonic Lineaments in Seafloor Morphology to Contribute in the Structural Analysis of Potentially Hydrocarbon-Rich Areas
* Automatic Processing of Aerial LiDAR Data to Detect Vegetation Continuity in the Surroundings of Roads
* Automatic region of interest segmentation for breast thermogram image classification
* Autonomous Planning and Control for Intelligent Vehicles in Traffic
* Autonomous Underwater Monitoring System for Detecting Life on the Seabed by Means of Computer Vision Cloud Services
* Autonomous Visual Navigation for Mobile Robots: A Systematic Literature Review
* AutoToon: Automatic Geometric Warping for Face Cartoon Generation
* Azimuth Multichannel Reconstruction for Moving Targets in Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR
* B-Spline Level Set Method for Shape Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Band-Independent Encoder-Decoder Network for Pan-Sharpening of Remote Sensing Images
* Bandwidth optimisation and parameter analysis at two adjacent intersections based on set operations
* BDD-Net: A General Protocol for Mapping Buildings Damaged by a Wide Range of Disasters Based on Satellite Imagery
* Behavior-based location recommendation on location-based social networks
* BERT Representations for Video Question Answering
* Best Frame Selection in a Short Video
* Beyond Amplitudes: Multi-Trace Coherence Analysis for Ground-Penetrating Radar Data Imaging
* Bi-Sequential Video Error Concealment Method Using Adaptive Homography-Based Registration
* Binary neural networks: A survey
* Biomarker Localization From Deep Learning Regression Networks
* Biomass Burning in Africa: An Investigation of Fire Radiative Power Missed by MODIS Using the 375 m VIIRS Active Fire Product
* BIRDSAI: A Dataset for Detection and Tracking in Aerial Thermal Infrared Videos
* Blended Convolution and Synthesis for Efficient Discrimination of 3D Shapes
* Blind Source Separation for Myelin Water Fraction Mapping Using Multi-Echo Gradient Echo Imaging
* BMIAE: blockchain-based multi-instance Iris authentication using additive ElGamal homomorphic encryption
* Body Pose Sonification for a View-Independent Auditory Aid to Blind Rock Climbers
* Boosted Kernelized Correlation Filters for Event-based Face Detection
* Boosting Deep Face Recognition via Disentangling Appearance and Geometry
* Boosting Memory with a Persistent Memory Mechanism for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
* Boosting Standard Classification Architectures Through a Ranking Regularizer
* Bootstrap-Optimised Regularised Image Reconstruction for Emission Tomography
* Border-Peeling Clustering
* Bottom-Up Scene Text Detection with Markov Clustering Networks
* Boundary Layer Height as Estimated from Radar Wind Profilers in Four Cities in China: Relative Contributions from Aerosols and Surface Features
* BrainPrint: EEG biometric identification based on analyzing brain connectivity graphs
* BRDF-Reconstruction in Photogrammetry Studio Setups
* Bridged Variational Autoencoders for Joint Modeling of Images and Attributes
* BSUV-Net: A Fully-Convolutional Neural Network for Background Subtraction of Unseen Videos
* Building a Manga Dataset Manga109 With Annotations for Multimedia Applications
* Building outline extraction from ALS point clouds using medial axis transform descriptors
* Bumblebee Re-Identification Dataset
* CAFM: A 3D Morphable Model for Animals
* Calibrated Domain-Invariant Learning for Highly Generalizable Large Scale Re-Identification
* Calibration of an Airborne Interferometric Radar Altimeter over the Qingdao Coast Sea, China
* Camera Calibration for Coastal Monitoring Using Available Snapshot Images
* Can a CNN Automatically Learn the Significance of Minutiae Points for Fingerprint Matching?
* Can cargo drones solve air freight's logjams? A drone startup says its big vertical-takeoff flier would be quick to land, load, and take off again
* Can I teach a robot to replicate a line art
* Can Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Systems Describe the Forage Quality Heterogeneity? Insight from a Timothy Pasture Case Study in Southern Belgium
* Can we automate diagrammatic reasoning?
* Can We Use Satellite-Based Soil-Moisture Products at High Resolution to Investigate Land-Use Differences and Land-Atmosphere Interactions? A Case Study in the Savanna
* CANZSL: Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks for Zero-Shot Learning from Natural Language
* cascaded approach for image defogging based on physical and enhancement models, A
* Case Study of Novel Landslide Activity Recognition Using ALOS-1 InSAR within the Ragged Mountain Western Hillslope in Gunnison County, Colorado, USA, A
* Case Study on Microphysical Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective System Using Generalized DSD Parameters Retrieved from Dual-Polarimetric Radar Observations, A
* Casting Geometric Constraints in Semantic Segmentation as Semi-Supervised Learning
* Centralized Large Margin Cosine Loss for Open-Set Deep Palmprint Recognition
* Challenges for In-Flight Calibration of Thermal Infrared Instruments for Earth Observation
* Challenges in UAS-Based TIR Imagery Processing: Image Alignment and Uncertainty Quantification
* Change Detection Based on Artificial Intelligence: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
* Change Detection in UWB SAR Images Based on Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Change Detection Techniques Based on Multispectral Images for Investigating Land Cover Dynamics
* Change of Theme: The Role of Generalization in Thematic Mapping, A
* Changes in Vegetation Phenology and Productivity in Alaska Over the Past Two Decades
* Characteristic Regularisation for Super-Resolving Face Images
* Characteristics and Applications of the Ground-Based X Band Low Elevation Angle Brightness Temperatures under Low Sea State Based on Measured Data
* Characterization of Background Temperature Dynamics of a Multitemporal Satellite Scene through Data Assimilation for Wildfire Detection
* Characterizing Geological Heterogeneities for Geothermal Purposes through Combined Geophysical Prospecting Methods
* Characterizing Urban Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications for Reliable Safety Applications
* Charting the Right Manifold: Manifold Mixup for Few-shot Learning
* ChromaGAN: Adversarial Picture Colorization with Semantic Class Distribution
* City Grade Classification Based on Connectivity Analysis by Luojia I Night-Time Light Images in Henan Province, China
* City-Scale Road Extraction from Satellite Imagery v2: Road Speeds and Travel Times
* Class-aware domain adaptation for improving adversarial robustness
* Class-Discriminative Feature Embedding For Meta-Learning based Few-Shot Classification
* Class-incremental Learning via Deep Model Consolidation
* Classification Endmember Selection with Multi-Temporal Hyperspectral Data
* Classification of Arrhythmia by Using Deep Learning with 2-D ECG Spectral Image Representation
* Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Using Coupled CNNs
* Classifier-agnostic saliency map extraction
* Classifying All Interacting Pairs in a Single Shot
* Clear-Sky Surface Solar Radiation and the Radiative Effect of Aerosol and Water Vapor Based on Simulations and Satellite Observations over Northern China
* Closing the Phenotyping Gap: High Resolution UAV Time Series for Soybean Growth Analysis Provides Objective Data from Field Trials
* Cloud Removal in Satellite Images Using Spatiotemporal Generative Networks
* Cloud Top-Height Retrieval Algorithm Using Simultaneous Observations from the Himawari-8 and FY-2E Satellites, A
* Cloud-Based Evaluation of the National Land Cover Database to Support New Mexico's Food-Energy-Water Systems, A
* CNN-based 3D human pose estimation based on projection of depth and ridge data, A
* CNN-DMRI: A Convolutional Neural Network for Denoising of Magnetic Resonance Images
* Co-Clustering to Reveal Salient Facial Features for Expression Recognition
* CoachGAN
* Coarse-to-Fine Deep Learning Based Land Use Change Detection Method for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Deep Learning of Continuous Pedestrian Orientation Based on Spatial Co-Occurrence Feature
* Coastal Wetland Mapping Using Ensemble Learning Algorithms: A Comparative Study of Bagging, Boosting and Stacking Techniques
* Color Composition Similarity and Its Application in Fine-grained Similarity
* Color edge preserving image colorization with a coupled natural vectorial total variation
* Color HDR video processing architecture for smart camera
* CoMask: Corresponding Mask-Based End-to-End Extrinsic Calibration of the Camera and LiDAR
* Combination of Cross- and Inter-Band Radiometric Calibrations for a Hyperspectral Sensor Using Model-Based Spectral Band Adjustment
* Combinational Class Activation Maps for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Combined Driver-Station Interactive Algorithm for a Maximum Mutual Interest in Charging Market, A
* Combined Effect of Orientation Angle and Material on PolSAR Images of Urban Areas, The
* Combined Study of a Significant Mine Collapse Based on Seismological and Geodetic Data: 29 January 2019, Rudna Mine, Poland
* Combined Use of TSVD and Tikhonov Regularization for Mass Flux Solution in Tibetan Plateau, A
* Combining Compositional Models and Deep Networks For Robust Object Classification under Occlusion
* Comparative Assessment of Machine Learning Methods for Urban Vegetation Mapping Using Multitemporal Sentinel-1 Imagery
* Comparative Study of Water Indices and Image Classification Algorithms for Mapping Inland Surface Water Bodies Using Landsat Imagery, A
* Comparison of Above-Water Seabird and TriOS Radiometers along an Atlantic Meridional Transect
* Comparison of incremental linear dimension reduction methods for streaming data
* Comparison of Multi-Temporal PlanetScope Data with Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data for Estimating Airborne LiDAR Derived Canopy Height in Temperate Forests
* Comparison of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Salinity Gradients Using the Saildrone California/Baja and North Atlantic Gulf Stream Deployments
* Comparison of Smartphone and Drone Lidar Methods for Characterizing Spatial Variation in PAI in a Tropical Forest
* Comparison of the Lunar Models Using the Hyper-Spectral Imager Observations in Lijiang, China
* Comparison of the MODIS and VIIRS Thermal Emissive Band Radiometric Calibration
* Comparison of the Sentinel-1B Synthetic Aperture Radar With Airborne Microwave Sensors in an Extra-Tropical Cyclone
* Comparison of Three Trapezoid Models Using Optical and Thermal Satellite Imagery for Water Table Depth Monitoring in Estonian Bogs, A
* Complete and accurate data correction for seamless mosaicking of airborne hyperspectral images: A case study at a mining site in Inner Mongolia, China
* Complexity Scalable Bitplane Image Coding With Parallel Coefficient Processing
* Component Attention Guided Face Super-Resolution Network: CAGFace
* Composition-Aware Image Aesthetics Assessment
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Using TechDemoSat-1 and CYGNSS Data to Estimate Soil Moisture over Mainland China
* Compressed Channel Estimation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Millimeter Wave Systems
* CompressNet: Generative Compression at Extremely Low Bitrates
* Computational Study of Primitive Emotional Contagion in Dyadic Interactions
* Confusion Matrices Help Prevent Reader Confusion
* Connected component analysis integrated edge based technique for automatic vehicular license plate recognition framework
* Consistent ICA: Determined BSS Meets Spectrogram Consistency
* Constrained Linear Deconvolution of GRACE Anomalies to Correct Spatial Leakage
* Constructing Geospatial Concept Graphs from Tagged Images for Geo-Aware Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Constructing the CityGML ADE for the Multi-Source Data Integration of Urban Flooding
* Construction, Detection, and Interpretation of Crime Patterns over Space and Time
* Content adaptive pre-filtering for video compression
* Context from within: Hierarchical context modeling for semantic segmentation
* Context Sensitivity of EEG-Based Workload Classification Under Different Affective Valence
* Context Sensitivity of Spatio-Temporal Activity Detection using Hierarchical Deep Neural Networks in Extended Videos
* Context-Dependent Effect of Urban Form on Air Pollution: A Panel Data Analysis, The
* contextual conditional random field network for monocular depth estimation, A
* Convergence analysis of the mixed-norm LMS and two versions for sparse system identification
* Convolutional Neural Network with Parallel Multi-Scale Spatial Pooling to Detect Temporal Changes in SAR Images, A
* Convolutional prototype learning for zero-shot recognition
* CookGAN: Meal Image Synthesis from Ingredients
* Cooperative Initialization based Deep Neural Network Training
* Cooperative Multitask Learning for Sparsity-Driven SAR Imagery and Nonsystematic Error Autocalibration
* Coordinated Joint Multimodal Embeddings for Generalized Audio-Visual Zero-shot Classification and Retrieval of Videos
* Correction
* Cost-Effective Method to Reproduce the Morphology of the Nearshore and Intertidal Zone in Microtidal Environments, A
* Coupled Real-Synthetic Domain Adaptation for Real-World Deep Depth Enhancement
* Creating New Near-Surface Air Temperature Datasets to Understand Elevation-Dependent Warming in the Tibetan Plateau
* Crop Row Detection through UAV Surveys to Optimize On-Farm Irrigation Management
* Cross-Calibration of MODIS Reflective Solar Bands With Sentinel 2A/2B MSI Instruments
* Cross-Conditioned Recurrent Networks for Long-Term Synthesis of Inter-Person Human Motion Interactions
* Cross-Domain Face Synthesis using a Controllable GAN
* Cross-level reinforced attention network for person re-identification
* Cross-modal guidance based auto-encoder for multi-video summarization
* Cross-modal Scene Graph Matching for Relationship-aware Image-Text Retrieval
* Cross-resolution learning for Face Recognition
* Cross-Resolution, Spatiotemporal Geostatistical Fusion Model for Combining Satellite Image Time-Series of Different Spatial and Temporal Resolutions, A
* Cross-Time and Orientation-Invariant Overhead Image Geolocalization Using Deep Local Features
* Cross-View Contextual Relation Transferred Network for Unsupervised Vehicle Tracking in Drone Videos
* CrossNet: Latent Cross-Consistency for Unpaired Image Translation
* Crowded Human Detection via an Anchor-pair Network
* Crowdsourcing Street View Imagery: A Comparison of Mapillary and OpenStreetCam
* CT Image-Guided Electrical Impedance Tomography for Medical Imaging
* CT Male Pelvic Organ Segmentation via Hybrid Loss Network With Incomplete Annotation
* Custom Domain Adaptation: A New Method for Cross-Subject, EEG-Based Cognitive Load Recognition
* CVNodes: A Visual Programming Paradigm for Developing Computer Vision Algorithms
* D3D: Distilled 3D Networks for Video Action Recognition
* Data Reconstruction for Remotely Sensed Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Ross Sea Using Ensemble-Based Machine Learning
* Data Reduction Using Statistical and Regression Approaches for Ice Velocity Derived by Landsat-8, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
* Data-augmented matched subspace detector for hyperspectral subpixel target detection
* Data-Driven Cyber Security in Perspective: Intelligent Traffic Analysis
* Data-Driven Metro Train Crowding Prediction Based on Real-Time Load Data
* DATNet: Dense Auxiliary Tasks for Object Detection
* DAVID: Dual-Attentional Video Deblurring
* DC-Gnet for detection of glaucoma in retinal fundus imaging
* DCIL: Deep Contextual Internal Learning for Image Restoration and Image Retargeting
* Decomposition and construction of higher-dimensional neighbourhood operations
* Deep Adaptive Wavelet Network
* Deep Bayesian Network for Visual Question Generation
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Robust Phase Gradient Estimation for Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Using SAR Interferograms
* Deep Image Blending
* Deep Learning and Adaptive Graph-Based Growing Contours for Agricultural Field Extraction
* Deep Learning Based Electric Pylon Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Deep Learning for Land Cover Classification Using Only a Few Bands
* Deep learning frameworks for diabetic retinopathy detection with smartphone-based retinal imaging systems
* Deep Learning on Small Datasets without Pre-Training using Cosine Loss
* Deep Learning Segmentation and Classification for Urban Village Using a Worldview Satellite Image Based on U-Net
* Deep Learning-Based Identification of Collapsed, Non-Collapsed and Blue Tarp-Covered Buildings from Post-Disaster Aerial Images
* Deep Learning-Based Single Image Super-Resolution: An Investigation for Dense Scene Reconstruction with UAS Photogrammetry
* Deep Learning-Based Video Coding: A Review and a Case Study
* Deep multi-person kinship matching and recognition for family photos
* Deep Neural Networks With Region-Based Pooling Structures for Mammographic Image Classification
* Deep Open-Set Domain Adaptation for Cross-Scene Classification based on Adversarial Learning and Pareto Ranking
* Deep Physiological Affect Network for the Recognition of Human Emotions
* Deep Position-Aware Hashing for Semantic Continuous Image Retrieval
* Deep quantization generative networks
* Deep Remote Sensing Methods for Methane Detection in Overhead Hyperspectral Imagery
* Deep Slow Motion Video Reconstruction With Hybrid Imaging System
* Deep Spectral-Spatial Network for Single Image Deblurring
* Deep State-Space Model for Noise Tolerant Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Deep transductive network for generalized zero shot learning
* Deep Volumetric Feature Encoding for Biomedical Images
* DeepErase: Weakly Supervised Ink Artifact Removal in Document Text Images
* DeepFuse: An IMU-Aware Network for Real-Time 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi-View Image
* Deeply Supervised Z-Style Residual Network Devotes to Real-Time Environment Perception for Autonomous Driving
* DeepPTZ: Deep Self-Calibration for PTZ Cameras
* Defective texture classification using optimized neural network structure
* DeFraudNet:End2End Fingerprint Spoof Detection using Patch Level Attention
* Dense convolutional feature histograms for robust visual object tracking
* Dense Extreme Inception Network: Towards a Robust CNN Model for Edge Detection
* Dense Stereo Matching Strategy for Oblique Images That Considers the Plane Directions in Urban Areas
* DeOccNet: Learning to See Through Foreground Occlusions in Light Fields
* Depth Completion via Deep Basis Fitting
* Depth from Defocus on a Transmissive Diffraction Mask-based Sensor
* Depth Prediction for Monocular Direct Visual Odometry
* Deriving Stand Structural Complexity from Airborne Laser Scanning Data: What Does It Tell Us about a Forest?
* Deriving VTEC Maps from SMOS Radiometric Data
* Description of the UCAR/CU Soil Moisture Product
* Deserted Medieval Village Reconstruction Using Applied Geosciences
* Design of Constant Modulus Discrete Phase Radar Waveforms Subject to Multi-Spectral Constraints
* Detailed Lacustrine Calving Iceberg Inventory from Very High Resolution Optical Imagery and Object-Based Image Analysis
* Detailed Mapping of Urban Land Use Based on Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Lanzhou
* Detecting Ephemeral Objects in SAR Time-Series Using Frozen Background-Based Change Detection
* Detecting Face2Face Facial Reenactment in Videos
* Detecting Long Time Changes in Benthic Macroalgal Cover Using Landsat Image Archive
* Detecting Long-Term Urban Forest Cover Change and Impacts of Natural Disasters Using High-Resolution Aerial Images and LiDAR Data
* Detecting Morphed Face Attacks Using Residual Noise from Deep Multi-scale Context Aggregation Network
* Detecting Replay Attacks Using Multi-Channel Audio: A Neural Network-Based Method
* Detecting Small Objects Using a Channel-Aware Deconvolutional Network
* Detecting the Starting Frame of Actions in Video
* Detection of Crop Seeding and Harvest through Analysis of Time-Series Sentinel-1 Interferometric SAR Data
* Detection of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 1 and 3 in White and Red Grapevine Cultivars Using Hyperspectral Imaging
* Detection of Terrain Deformations Using InSAR Techniques in Relation to Results on Terrain Subsidence (Ciudad de Zaruma, Ecuador)
* Detection of tomato organs based on convolutional neural network under the overlap and occlusion backgrounds
* Determination of the Regularization Parameter to Combine Heterogeneous Observations in Regional Gravity Field Modeling
* Determining the Genetic Control of Common Bean Early-Growth Rate Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Developed Siamese CNN with 3D Adaptive Spatial-Spectral Pyramid Pooling for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Developing Shopping and Dining Walking Indices Using POIs and Remote Sensing Data
* Developing Vulnerability Index to Quantify Urban Heat Islands Effects Coupled with Air Pollution: A Case Study of Camden, NJ
* Development of GIS for Buildings in the Customary Village of Minangkabau Koto Gadang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
* Deviation based clustering for unsupervised person re-identification
* Devon: Deformable Volume Network for Learning Optical Flow
* DGGAN: Depth-image Guided Generative Adversarial Networks for Disentangling RGB and Depth Images in 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* DIABLO: Dictionary-based attention block for deep metric learning
* Different Approaches to Use Morphometric Attributes in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based on Meso-Scale Spatial Units: A Case Study in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
* Different Drought Legacies of Rain-Fed and Irrigated Croplands in a Typical Russian Agricultural Region
* Differentiable Mask for Pruning Convolutional and Recurrent Networks
* Differentiable Scene Graphs
* Differential 3D Facial Recognition: Adding 3D to Your State-of-the-Art 2D Method
* Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in dental caries detection and classification
* Diffusion Tensor Driven Image Registration: A Deep Learning Approach
* Digital Aerial Photogrammetry (DAP) and Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) as Sources of Information about Tree Height: Comparisons of the Accuracy of Remote Sensing Methods for Tree Height Estimation
* Digital Data Literacy in an Economic World: Geo-Spatial Data Literacy Aspects
* Digital Trade Feature Map: A New Method for Visualization and Analysis of Spatial Patterns in Bilateral Trade
* DIPNet: Dynamic Identity Propagation Network for Video Object Segmentation
* Discriminative common feature subspace learning for age-invariant face recognition
* Discriminative Reconstruction Constrained Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Discriminative Training of Conditional Random Fields with Probably Submodular Constraints
* Disentangling Human Dynamics for Pedestrian Locomotion Forecasting with Noisy Supervision
* Disrupting Image-Translation-Based DeepFake Algorithms with Adversarial Attacks
* Distance Surface for Event-Based Optical Flow
* Distributed Iterative Gating Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Diversity of Algorithm and Spectral Band Inputs Improves Landsat Monitoring of Forest Disturbance
* Do As I Do: Transferring Human Motion and Appearance between Monocular Videos with Spatial and Temporal Constraints
* Does Face Recognition Accuracy Get Better With Age? Deep Face Matchers Say No
* Domain Adaptation in Crowd Counting
* Domain Bridge for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Domain Generalization via Optical Flow: Training a CNN in a Low-Quality Simulation to Detect Obstacles in the Real World
* Domain Generalization via Universal Non-volume Preserving Approach
* Domain-Specific Semantics Guided Approach to Video Captioning
* Driver Drowsiness Estimation by Parallel Linked Time-Domain CNN with Novel Temporal Measures on Eye States
* Driving Factors of Recent Vegetation Changes in Hexi Region, Northwest China Based on a New Classification Framework
* Dual Path Denoising Network for Real Photographic Noise
* Dual-Frequency Airborne SAR for Large Scale Mapping of Tidal Flats
* Dual-Mode Training with Style Control and Quality Enhancement for Road Image Domain Adaptation
* Dual-Task Integrated Network for Fast Pedestrian Detection in Crowded Scenes
* Dynamic Lane Reversal Routing and Scheduling for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Formulation and Distributed Algorithm
* Dynamic Motion Representation for Human Action Recognition
* Dynamic real-time high-capacity ride-sharing model with subsequent information
* Dynamics of Dalk Glacier in East Antarctica Derived from Multisource Satellite Observations Since 2000
* Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence for Improving Safety to Navigation in Canada Low-Impact Shipping Corridors
* EDGE20: A Cross Spectral Evaluation Dataset for Multiple Surveillance Problems
* Editorial for the Special Issue on Selected Papers from the 2019 International Symposium on Remote Sensing
* Editorial for the Special Issue: High-Precision GNSS: Methods, Open Problems and Geoscience Applications
* EDS pooling layer
* EEG/PPG effective connectivity fusion for analyzing deception in interview
* Effect of Image Fusion on Vegetation Index Quality: A Comparative Study from Gaofen-1, Gaofen-2, Gaofen-4, Landsat-8 OLI and MODIS Imagery
* Effect of Organic Matter Content on the Spectral Signature of Iron Oxides across the VIS-NIR Spectral Region in Artificial Mixtures: An Example from a Red Soil from Israel
* Effect of the Latent Structure on Clustering With GANs
* Effect of vehicle composition on saturation flow at signalised intersections in mixed traffic conditions
* Effects and solutions of Cover-Source Mismatch in image steganalysis
* Effects of Different Urbanization Levels on Land Surface Temperature Change: Taking Tokyo and Shanghai for Example
* Effects of Spring-Neap Tidal Cycle on Spatial and Temporal Variability of Satellite Chlorophyll-A in a Macrotidal Embayment, Ariake Sea, Japan
* Effects of Typhoon Paths on Storm Surge and Coastal Inundation in the Pearl River Estuary, China
* Efficient adaptive inference for deep convolutional neural networks using hierarchical early exits
* efficient attribute-space connected filter on graphs to reconstruct paths in point-clouds, An
* Efficient binocular stereo correspondence matching with 1-D Max-Trees
* Efficient component-hypertree construction based on hierarchy of partitions
* Efficient energy management strategy for hybrid electric vehicles/plug-in hybrid electric vehicles: review and recent advances under intelligent transportation system
* Efficient Mobility-Oriented Retrieval Protocol for Computation Offloading in Vehicular Edge Multi-Access Network, An
* Efficient Object Detection in Large Images Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Efficient Processing Approach for Colored Point Cloud-Based High-Throughput Seedling Phenotyping, An
* Efficient Proposals: Scale Estimation for Object Proposals in Pedestrian Detection Tasks
* Efficient Video Semantic Segmentation with Labels Propagation and Refinement
* Elevation and Climate Effects on Vegetation Greenness in an Arid Mountain-Basin System of Central Asia
* Ellipse fitting by spatial averaging of random ensembles
* ELoPE: Fine-Grained Visual Classification with Efficient Localization, Pooling and Embedding
* Emotion Recognition Based on High-Resolution EEG Recordings and Reconstructed Brain Sources
* Emotion Recognition in Simulated Social Interactions
* EMS-Net: A Deep Learning Method for Autodetecting Epileptic Magnetoencephalography Spikes
* Enabling a Single Deep Learning Model for Accurate Gland Instance Segmentation: A Shape-Aware Adversarial Learning Framework
* Enabling Image-Based Streamflow Monitoring at the Edge
* Enabling Manual Intervention for Otherwise Automated Registration of Large Image Series
* End to End Lip Synchronization with a Temporal AutoEncoder
* End-To-End Trainable Video Super-Resolution Based on a New Mechanism for Implicit Motion Estimation and Compensation
* Energy clustering for unsupervised person re-identification
* Energy-Efficient Subway Train Scheduling Design With Time-Dependent Demand Based on an Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach
* Enhanced generative adversarial network for 3D brain MRI super-resolution
* Enhanced SMART-RECON Algorithm for Time-Resolved C-Arm Cone-Beam CT Imaging, An
* Enhancing Methods for Under-Canopy Unmanned Aircraft System Based Photogrammetry in Complex Forests for Tree Diameter Measurement
* Enhancing Sketch-Based Image Retrieval by CNN Semantic Re-Ranking
* Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks for Mode Inference in Smartphone Travel Survey
* EpO-Net: Exploiting Geometric Constraints on Dense Trajectories for Motion Saliency
* equivalence of two definitions of compatible homography matrices, The
* Erasing Scene Text with Weak Supervision
* ERGO: Efficient Recurrent Graph Optimized Emitter Density Estimation in Single Molecule Localization Microscopy
* ERTMS/ETCS Virtual Coupling: Proof of Concept and Numerical Analysis
* Estimating 3D Camera Pose from 2D Pedestrian Trajectories
* Estimating and Interpreting Fine-Scale Gridded Population Using Random Forest Regression and Multisource Data
* Estimating Ground-Level Ozone Concentrations in Eastern China Using Satellite-Based Precursors
* Estimating offshore oil production using DMSP-OLS annual composites
* Estimating Yields of Household Fields in Rural Subsistence Farming Systems to Study Food Security in Burkina Faso
* Estimation of Canopy Gap Fraction from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Using an Angular Grid to Take Advantage of the Full Data Spatial Resolution
* Estimation of Hourly near Surface Air Temperature Across Israel Using an Ensemble Model
* Estimation of Noise in the In Situ Hyperspectral Data Acquired by Chang'E-4 and Its Effects on Spectral Analysis of Regolith
* Estimation of Potato Yield Using Satellite Data at a Municipal Level: A Machine Learning Approach
* Estimation of Surface Albedo from DSCOVR EPIC, The
* Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture during Corn Growth Stage from SAR and Optical Data Using a Combined Scattering Model
* Estimation of the Ionosphere Critical Frequency Without Radio Sounding
* Estimation of Top-Down NOx Emissions from OMI Sensor Over East Asia, An
* Evaluating Elevation Change Thresholds between Structure-from-Motion DEMs Derived from Historical Aerial Photos and 3DEP LiDAR Data
* Evaluating Prediction Models for Mapping Canopy Chlorophyll Content Across Biomes
* Evaluating Temporal Approximation Methods Using Burglary Data
* Evaluating the Influence of Urban Morphology on Urban Wind Environment Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation
* Evaluating the Performance of Sentinel-3A OLCI Land Products for Gross Primary Productivity Estimation Using AmeriFlux Data
* Evaluating the Preconditions of Two Remote Sensing SWE Retrieval Algorithms over the US
* Evaluation of Citizen Science Smartphone Apps for Inland Water Quality Assessment, An
* Evaluation of Cotton Emergence Using UAV-Based Narrow-Band Spectral Imagery with Customized Image Alignment and Stitching Algorithms
* Evaluation of Driving Forces of Land Use and Land Cover Change in New England Area by a Mixed Method
* Evaluation of GPM-Era Satellite Precipitation Products on the Southern Slopes of the Central Himalayas Against Rain Gauge Data
* Evaluation of Grid-Based Rainfall Products and Water Balances over the Mekong River Basin
* Evaluation of Himawari-8/AHI, MERRA-2, and CAMS Aerosol Products over China
* Evaluation of Image Inpainting for Classification and Retrieval
* Evaluation of Precipitable Water Vapor from Five Reanalysis Products with Ground-Based GNSS Observations
* Evaluation of Six High-Spatial Resolution Clear-Sky Surface Upward Longwave Radiation Estimation Methods with MODIS
* Evaluation of Skid-Steering Kinematic Models for Subarctic Environments
* Evaluation of the Consistency of Simultaneously Acquired Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 Imagery on Plastic Covered Greenhouses
* Evaluation of the Diurnal Variation of Upper Tropospheric Humidity in Reanalysis Using Homogenized Observed Radiances from International Geostationary Weather Satellites
* Evaluation of the ERA5 Sea Surface Skin Temperature with Remotely-Sensed Shipborne Marine-Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer Data
* Evaluation of the Ocean Surface Wind Speed Change following the Super Typhoon from Space-Borne GNSS-Reflectometry
* Evaluation of Two Global Land Surface Albedo Datasets Distributed by the Copernicus Climate Change Service and the EUMETSAT LSA-SAF
* Event-based Star Tracking via Multiresolution Progressive Hough Transforms
* Every node counts: Self-ensembling graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised learning
* Evolution of Wide-Area DInSAR: From Regional and National Services to the European Ground Motion Service, The
* Examining the Utility of Visible Near-Infrared and Optical Remote Sensing for the Early Detection of Rapid Ohia Death
* Experimental Evidence of Swell Signatures in Airborne L5/E5a GNSS-Reflectometry
* Explainable Anatomical Shape Analysis Through Deep Hierarchical Generative Models
* Exploiting Earth Observation Data to Impute Groundwater Level Measurements with an Extreme Learning Machine
* Exploratory Method for Smooth/Transient Decomposition, An
* Exploring 3 R's of Long-term Tracking: Re-detection, Recovery and Reliability
* Exploring Hate Speech Detection in Multimodal Publications
* Exploring TanDEM-X Interferometric Products for Crop-Type Mapping
* Exploring Techniques to Improve Activity Recognition using Human Pose Skeletons
* Exploring the Consistency of Data Collected in Archaeological Geophysics: A Case Study from the Iron Age Hillfort of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Extremadura, Spain)
* Exploring the Spatial Characteristics of Typhoon-Induced Vegetation Damages in the Southeast Coastal Area of China from 2000 to 2018
* Exploring the Spatial Determinants of Rural Poverty in the Interprovincial Border Areas of the Loess Plateau in China: A Village-Level Analysis Using Geographically Weighted Regression
* Exploring Urban Spatial Features of COVID-19 Transmission in Wuhan Based on Social Media Data
* Extended Exposure Fusion and its Application to Single Image Contrast Enhancement, An
* Extending the Global Space-Based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) to Tie Satellite Radiances to an Absolute Scale
* Extracting identifying contours for African elephants and humpback whales using a learned appearance model
* Extracting Seasonal Signals in GNSS Coordinate Time Series via Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization
* Eye Contact Correction using Deep Neural Networks
* EyeGAN: Gaze-Preserving, Mask-Mediated Eye Image Synthesis
* Face Fairness Framework for 3D Meshes, A
* Facilitating Inversion of the Error Covariance Models for the Wide-Swath Altimeters
* Factors Influencing Movement of the Manila Dunes and Its Impact on Establishing Non-Native Species
* Fast Automatic Vehicle Detection in UAV Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast correspondence-based point cloud registration by pair-wise inlier checking and transformation decomposition
* Fast deep neural networks for image processing using posits and ARM scalable vector extension
* Fast Deep Stereo with 2D Convolutional Processing of Cost Signatures
* Fast guided filter for power-efficient real-time 1080p streaming video processing
* Fast Hardware-Based IME With an Idle Cycle and Computational Redundancy Reduction
* fast image dehazing method that does not introduce color artifacts, A
* Fast Image Reconstruction with an Event Camera
* Fast intra coding unit partition decision in H.266/FVC based on spatial features
* Fast matching via ergodic markov chain for super-large graphs
* Fast Polynomial Approximation of Heat Kernel Convolution on Manifolds and Its Application to Brain Sulcal and Gyral Graph Pattern Analysis
* Fast Postprocessing for Difficult Discrete Energy Minimization Problems
* Fast Split Bregman Based Deconvolution Algorithm for Airborne Radar Imaging
* Fast Video Multi-Style Transfer
* Feasibility Study Using UAV Aerial Photogrammetry for a Boundary Verification Survey of a Digitalized Cadastral Area in an Urban City of Taiwan
* Femoral head segmentation based on improved fully convolutional neural network for ultrasound images
* Few-Shot Learning of Video Action Recognition Only Based on Video Contents
* Few-Shot Scene Adaptive Crowd Counting Using Meta-Learning
* Field data application of a non-lane-based multi-class traffic flow model
* Field Intercomparison of Radiometer Measurements for Ocean Colour Validation
* Figure Captioning with Relation Maps for Reasoning
* Film Mood and Its Quantitative Determinants in Different Types of Scenes
* Filter Distillation for Network Compression
* FilterNet: Adaptive Information Filtering Network for Accurate and Fast Image Super-Resolution
* Fine-grained Image Classification and Retrieval by Combining Visual and Locally Pooled Textual Features
* Fine-Grained Motion Representation For Template-Free Visual Tracking
* Fine-Grained Person Re-identification
* Fine-Scale Dasymetric Population Mapping with Mobile Phone and Building Use Data Based on Grid Voronoi Method
* Fine-Tuning Self-Organizing Maps for Sentinel-2 Imagery: Separating Clouds from Bright Surfaces
* First Case Study of CCN Concentrations from Spaceborne Lidar Observations, A
* First Experiences with the Landsat-8 Aquatic Reflectance Product: Evaluation of the Regional and Ocean Color Algorithms in a Coastal Environment
* Flexible Inference Machine for Global Alignment of Wall Openings, A
* Flexible Selection Scheme for Minimum-Effort Transfer Learning, A
* Flight Planning for LiDAR-Based UAS Mapping Applications
* FlowNet3D++: Geometric Losses For Deep Scene Flow Estimation
* Fluid Mechanics-Based Data Flow Model to Estimate VANET Capacity, A
* FluxSat: Measuring the Ocean-Atmosphere Turbulent Exchange of Heat and Moisture from Space
* FOCUS: Fog Computing in UAS Software-Defined Mesh Networks
* Focusing Visual Relation Detection on Relevant Relations with Prior Potentials
* Forecasting Daily Wildfire Activity Using Poisson Regression
* Foreground Segmentation Using Adaptive 3 Phase Background Model
* Forgotten Nazi Forced Labour Camps: Arbeitslager Riese (Lower Silesia, SE Poland) and the Use of Archival Aerial Photography and Contemporary LiDAR and Ground Truth Data to Identify and Delineate Camp Areas
* Fourier Based Pre-Processing For Seeing Through Water
* Fourier-Argand Representation: An Optimal Basis of Steerable Patterns, The
* Fractional-order total variation for improving image fusion based on saliency map
* From Image to Video Face Inpainting: Spatial-Temporal Nested GAN (STN-GAN) for Usability Recovery
* From Monitoring to Forecasting Land Surface Conditions Using a Land Data Assimilation System: Application over the Contiguous United States
* Frustum VoxNet for 3D object detection from RGB-D or Depth images
* Fungi Recognition: A Practical Use Case
* FuseSeg: LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation Fusing Multi-Modal Data
* Fusing Animal Biometrics with Autonomous Robotics: Drone-based Search and Individual ID of Friesian Cattle (Extended Abstract)
* Fusing Semantics and Motion State Detection for Robust Visual SLAM
* Fusion of Channel State Information and Received Signal Strength for Indoor Localization Using a Single Access Point
* Fusion of Spectral and Structural Datasets Derived from an Airborne Multispectral Sensor for Estimation of Pasture Dry Matter Yield at Paddock Scale with Time, The
* Fuzzy Superpixels Based Semi-Supervised Similarity-Constrained CNN for PolSAR Image Classification
* FX-GAN: Self-Supervised GAN Learning via Feature Exchange
* Gait recognition invariant to carried objects using alpha blending generative adversarial networks
* Game Control Methods Comparison when Avoiding Collisions with Multiple Objects Using Radar Remote Sensing
* Game Theoretic Approach for Distributed and Coordinated Channel Access Control in Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems, A
* GAN-based Tunable Image Compression System, A
* GANPOP: Generative Adversarial Network Prediction of Optical Properties From Single Snapshot Wide-Field Images
* GAR: Graph Assisted Reasoning for Object Detection
* Gas Prices of America: The Machine-Augmented Crowd-Sourcing Era
* Gated CNN: Integrating multi-scale feature layers for object detection
* Gated Fusion Network for Degraded Image Super Resolution
* Gaze Estimation for Assisted Living Environments
* Gaze-based classification of autism spectrum disorder
* GC-NET for classification of glaucoma in the retinal fundus image
* Generalized communication cost efficient multi-way spatial join: revisiting the curse of the last reducer
* Generalized Two-Stage Rank Regression Framework for Depression Score Prediction from Speech
* Generating Elevation Surface from a Single RGB Remotely Sensed Image Using Deep Learning
* Generating Positive Bounding Boxes for Balanced Training of Object Detectors
* Generation of Soil Spectral Dynamic Feedback Using Landsat 8 Data for Digital Soil Mapping, The
* Generative Framework for Zero-Shot Learning with Adversarial Domain Adaptation, A
* Generative Model with Semantic Embedding and Integrated Classifier for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Generative Pseudo-label Refinement for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Geo-Registering Consecutive Construction Site Recordings Using a Pre-Registered Reference Module
* GeoBoost: An Incremental Deep Learning Approach toward Global Mapping of Buildings from VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis Framework for Mapping Vegetation Physiognomic Types at Fine Scales in Neotropical Savannas
* Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis: A Primer and Future Directions
* Geointelligence against Illegal Deforestation and Timber Laundering in the Brazilian Amazon
* Geometric Image Correspondence Verification by Dense Pixel Matching
* Geometric Recognition of Moving Objects in Monocular Rotating Imagery Using Faster R-CNN
* Geometrical Approximated Principal Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Geometry-Guided Adaptation for Road Segmentation
* Geospatial Assessment of Soil Erosion Intensity and Sediment Yield Using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) Model
* Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic Moving Target Indication System: Performance Analysis and Configuration Design
* Geovisualization and Geographical Analysis for Fire Prevention
* Geovisualization of the Excavation Process in the Lesvos Petrified Forest, Greece Using Augmented Reality
* GFNet: Gate Fusion Network With Res2Net for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-D Images
* GIS Data as a Valuable Source of Information for Increasing Resolution of the WRF Model for Warsaw
* Global Airborne Laser Scanning Data Providers Database (GlobALS): A New Tool for Monitoring Ecosystems and Biodiversity
* Global Calibration and Error Estimation of Altimeter, Scatterometer, and Radiometer Wind Speed Using Triple Collocation
* Global Co-occurrence Feature Learning and Active Coordinate System Conversion for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Global Context Reasoning for Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds
* Global Distribution of Column Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth to Surface PM2.5 Relationships
* Global Pixel Transformers for Virtual Staining of Microscopy Images
* GMS: Grid-Based Motion Statistics for Fast, Ultra-robust Feature Correspondence
* Going Beyond the Regression Paradigm with Accurate Dot Prediction for Dense Crowds
* Going Much Wider with Deep Networks for Image Super-Resolution
* GPR and ERT Investigations in Urban Areas: the Case-Study of Matera (Southern Italy)
* GPR Spectra for Monitoring Asphalt Pavements
* GPS/BDS-2/Galileo Precise Point Positioning Ambiguity Resolution Based on the Uncombined Model
* Gradient-Based Auto-Exposure Control Applied to a Self-Driving Car
* GradMix: Multi-source Transfer across Domains and Tasks
* Graph Networks for Multiple Object Tracking
* Graph Neural Networks for Image Understanding Based on Multiple Cues: Group Emotion Recognition and Event Recognition as Use Cases
* Graph-based boosting algorithm to learn labeled and unlabeled data
* Graph-based neural networks for explainable image privacy inference
* Graph-based selective rank fusion for unsupervised image retrieval
* Graph-based topic models for trajectory clustering in crowd videos
* GRID: A Python Package for Field Plot Phenotyping Using Aerial Images
* GRNet: Geometric relation network for 3D object detection from point clouds
* GroupSeeker: An Applicable Framework for Travel Companion Discovery from Vast Trajectory Data
* Growth Height Determination of Tree Walls for Precise Monitoring in Apple Fruit Production Using UAV Photogrammetry
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Vehicular Clouds
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Photography
* HAM-MFN: Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Multiscale Fusion Network With RAP Loss
* Hand-Dorsa Vein Recognition Based on Selective Deep Convolutional Feature
* Hand-Priming in Object Localization for Assistive Egocentric Vision
* Heatmapping of Group People Involved in the Group Activity
* Heterogenous output regression network for direct face alignment
* Heuristic Coarsening for Generating Multiscale Transport Networks
* Hidden Convexity in Robust Waveform and Receive Filter Bank Optimization Under Range Unambiguous Clutter
* Hiding Images within Images
* Hierarchical Clustering Method for Land Cover Change Detection and Identification, A
* Hierarchical Point Matching Method Based on Triangulation Constraint and Propagation
* High Accuracy Face Geometry Capture using a Smartphone Video
* High Accuracy Geochemical Map Generation Method by a Spatial Autocorrelation-Based Mixture Interpolation Using Remote Sensing Data
* high-dynamic range CMOS camera based on dual-gain channels, A
* High-Frequency Refinement for Sharper Video Super-Resolution
* High-Precision Trajectory Data Reconstruction for TTandC Systems Using LS B-Spline Approximation
* High-Resolution Digital-Beamforming Airborne SAR System DBFSAR, The
* High-Resolution Fengyun-4 Satellite Measurements of Dynamical Tropopause Structure and Variability
* Histological Image Classification using Deep Features and Transfer Learning
* HistoNet: Predicting size histograms of object instances
* Historical building point cloud segmentation combining hierarchical watershed transform and curvature analysis
* Historical Underground Structures as 3D Cadastral Objects
* How Hyperspectral Image Unmixing and Denoising Can Boost Each Other
* How Much Deep Learning does Neural Style Transfer Really Need? An Ablation Study
* Human Observer and Automatic Assessment of Movement Related Self-Efficacy in Chronic Pain: From Exercise to Functional Activity
* Human Pose Annotation Using a Motion Capture System for Loose-Fitting Clothes
* HW/SW co-design of a visual SLAM application
* HY-1C Observations of the Impacts of Islands on Suspended Sediment Distribution in Zhoushan Coastal Waters, China
* Hybrid Approach Combining Conceptual Hydrological Models, Support Vector Machines and Remote Sensing Data for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, A
* Hybrid Fusion-Based Background Segmentation in Multispectral Polarimetric Imagery
* Hybrid strategy for traffic light detection by combining classical and self-learning detectors
* Hyper-parameter optimization of deep learning model for prediction of Parkinson's disease
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on a Shuffled Group Convolutional Neural Network with Transfer Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Classification With Convolutional Neural Network and Active Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising Based on Nonlocal Low-Rank and TV Regularization
* Hyperspectral Image NSST-HMF Model and Its Application in HS-Pansharpening, A
* Hyperspectral Image Spectral-Spatial-Range Gabor Filtering
* Hyperspectral Inversion of Phragmites Communis Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Stoichiometry Using Three Models
* I-ME: iterative model evolution for learning from weakly labeled images and videos
* I-MOVE: Independent Moving Objects for Velocity Estimation
* Ice Concentration Retrieval from the Analysis of Microwaves: Evaluation of a New Methodology Optimized for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
* ICface: Interpretable and Controllable Face Reenactment Using GANs
* Identification and Analysis of Microscale Hydrologic Flood Impacts Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
* Identification of contributing factors on travel mode choice among different resident types with bike-sharing as an alternative
* Identification of the Roles of Climate Factors, Engineering Construction, and Agricultural Practices in Vegetation Dynamics in the Lhasa River Basin, Tibetan Plateau
* Identifying Ecosystem Function Shifts in Africa Using Breakpoint Analysis of Long-Term NDVI and RUE Data
* Identifying Recurring Patterns with Deep Neural Networks for Natural Image Denoising
* Idiom-Based Features in Sentiment Analysis: Cutting the Gordian Knot
* Illumination Insensitive Descriptor Combining the CSLBP Features for Street View Images in Augmented Reality: Experimental Studies, An
* Image and Video Compression With Neural Networks: A Review
* Image classification by Distortion-Free Graph Embedding and KNN-Random forest
* Image deblocking via shape-adaptive low-rank prior and sparsity-based detail enhancement
* Image decomposition by bidimensional ensemble patch transform
* Image denoising via K-SVD with primal-dual active set algorithm
* Image Difficulty Curriculum for Generative Adversarial Networks (CuGAN)
* Image fusion for stabilized medical video sequence using multimodal parametric registration
* Image Hashing via Linear Discriminant Learning
* Image identification of Protea species with attributes and subgenus scaling
* image processing approach for rigid gas-permeable lens base-curve identification, An
* Image Registration Framework for Discontinuous Mappings Along Cracks, An
* Image Registration-based Method for EPI Distortion Correction Based on Opposite Phase Encoding (COPE), An
* Image Restoration by Combined Order Regularization With Optimal Spatial Adaptation
* Image Segmentation and Object-Based Image Analysis for Environmental Monitoring: Recent Areas of Interest, Researchers' Views on the Future Priorities
* Image splicing detection using mask-RCNN
* Image stitching with positional relationship constraints of feature points and lines
* Image to Video Domain Adaptation Using Web Supervision
* ImaGINator: Conditional Spatio-Temporal GAN for Video Generation
* IMD2020: A Large-Scale Annotated Dataset Tailored for Detecting Manipulated Images
* Impact of Air Temperature Inversion on the Clear-Sky Surface Downward Longwave Radiation Estimation
* Impact of ImageNet Model Selection on Domain Adaptation
* Impact of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation on LAI Estimation by NDVI in Mixed Grassland, The
* Impact of Ocean Waves on Guanlan's IRA Measurement Error
* Impact of SAR Parameter Errors on the Ionospheric Correction Based on the Range-Doppler Model and the Split-Spectrum Method, The
* Impact of the Control Measures during the COVID-19 Outbreak on Air Pollution in China, The
* Implications of M3C2 Projection Diameter on 3D Semi-Automated Rockfall Extraction from Sequential Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds, The
* Improved covariant local feature detector
* Improved Embeddings with Easy Positive Triplet Mining
* Improved Ground Control Point Configuration for Digital Surface Model Construction in a Coal Waste Dump Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System, An
* Improved Ice Velocity Measurements with Sentinel-1 TOPS Interferometry
* Improved Passive SAR Imaging With DVB-T Transmissions
* Improved Rainfall Forecasting Model Based on GNSS Observations, An
* Improved Winter Wheat Spatial Distribution Extraction Using A Convolutional Neural Network and Partly Connected Conditional Random Field
* improvement of multi-scale covariance descriptor for embedded system, An
* Improving Estimation of Soil Moisture Content Using a Modified Soil Thermal Inertia Model
* Improving Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Prediction with Accelerometer Data
* Improving Object Detection with Inverted Attention
* Improving Style Transfer with Calibrated Metrics
* Improving the Accuracy of Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Complex Buildings Models from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds
* Improving the Altimeter-Derived Surface Currents Using Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Data: A Sensitivity Study to SST Products
* Improving the performance of lightweight CNNs for binary classification using quadratic mutual information regularization
* In-Time 3D Reconstruction and Instance Segmentation from Monocular Sensor Data
* Individual Detection of Citrus and Avocado Trees Using Extended Maxima Transform Summation on Digital Surface Models
* Individual Resting-State Brain Networks Enabled by Massive Multivariate Conditional Mutual Information
* Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performance Evaluation
* Indoor Positioning Using PnP Problem on Mobile Phone Images
* Inferring Super-Resolution Depth from a Moving Light-Source Enhanced RGB-D Sensor: A Variational Approach
* Inflight Performance of the TanSat Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Grating Spectrometer
* Influence of Cut-In Maneuvers for an Autonomous Car on Surrounding Drivers: Experiment and Analysis
* Influence of wireless communication transport latencies and dropped packages on vehicle stability with an offsite steering controller
* Influences of different underground station map designs on map-reading and wayfinding
* Information-Theoretic Approach to Personalized Explainable Machine Learning, An
* Infrared Absolute Radiance Interferometer (ARI) for CLARREO, The
* Insect Mass Estimation Based on Radar Cross Section Parameters and Support Vector Regression Algorithm
* Instance Segmentation by Semi-Supervised Learning and Image Synthesis
* Instance Segmentation for the Quantification of Microplastic Fiber Images
* Instance Segmentation of Benthic Scale Worms at a Hydrothermal Site
* Instance-Level Microtubule Tracking
* Integrated Approach for Detection and Prediction of Greening Situation in a Typical Desert Area in China and Its Human and Climatic Factors Analysis, An
* Integrated Approach for Tram Prioritization in Signalized Corridors, An
* Integrated Threat Assessment Algorithm for Decision-Making of Autonomous Driving Vehicles, An
* Integrating Household Travel Survey and Social Media Data to Improve the Quality of OD Matrix: A Comparative Case Study
* Integrating UAV and TLS Approaches for Environmental Management: A Case Study of a Waste Stockpile Area
* Integration of GF2 Optical, GF3 SAR, and UAV Data for Estimating Aboveground Biomass of China's Largest Artificially Planted Mangroves
* Integration of Multi-Sensor Data to Estimate Plot-Level Stem Volume Using Machine Learning Algorithms-Case Study of Evergreen Conifer Planted Forests in Japan
* Intelligent Image Collection: Building the Optimal Dataset
* Intelligent object recognition in underwater images using evolutionary-based Gaussian mixture model and shape matching
* Intelligent video analysis: A Pedestrian trajectory extraction method for the whole indoor space without blind areas
* Intelligent WSN System for Water Quality Analysis Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study (Tahuando River from Ecuador)
* Intensional Learning to Efficiently Build Up Automatically Annotated Emotion Corpora
* Inter-Comparisons of Daily Sea Surface Temperatures and In-Situ Temperatures in the Coastal Regions
* Interdependent Healthcare Critical Infrastructure Analysis in a Spatiotemporal Environment: A Case Study
* Internet of Things (IoT) Discovery Using Deep Neural Networks
* Intersection Fog-Based Distributed Routing for V2V Communication in Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Intraoperative Correction of Liver Deformation Using Sparse Surface and Vascular Features via Linearized Iterative Boundary Reconstruction
* Intriguing Struggle of CNNs in JPEG Steganalysis and the OneHot Solution, An
* Intrinsic image decomposition as two independent deconvolution problems
* Inverse Rectification for Efficient Procam Pattern Correspondence
* Investigating Lunar Boulders at the Apollo 17 Landing Site Using Photogrammetry and Virtual Reality
* Investigating the Effects of Land Use and Land Cover on the Relationship between Moisture and Reflectance Using Landsat Time Series
* Investigating the Patterns and Dynamics of Urban Green Space in China's 70 Major Cities Using Satellite Remote Sensing
* Investigation of C-Band SAR Polarimetry for Mapping a High-Tidal Coastal Environment in Northern Canada
* Investigation on linearisation of data-driven transport research: Two representative case studies
* IoT-ready solution for automated recognition of water contaminants, An
* Is Pruning Compression?: Investigating Pruning Via Network Layer Similarity
* Is Radar Phase Information Useful for Sea Ice Detection in the Marginal Ice Zone?
* Issues of Healthcare Planning and GIS: A Review
* It's All About The Scale: Efficient Text Detection Using Adaptive Scaling
* It's Not Just Black and White: Classifying Defendant Mugshots Based on the Multidimensionality of Race and Ethnicity
* Iterative and Adaptive Sampling with Spatial Attention for Black-Box Model Explanations
* Iterative ICA-Based Reconstruction Method to Produce Consistent Time-Variable Total Water Storage Fields Using GRACE and Swarm Satellite Data, An
* IterNet: Retinal Image Segmentation Utilizing Structural Redundancy in Vessel Networks
* JL-GFDN: A Novel Gabor Filter-Based Deep Network Using Joint Spectral-Spatial Local Binary Pattern for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Joint Channel Reliability and Correlation Filters Learning for Visual Tracking
* Joint Effect of Spartina alterniflora Invasion and Reclamation on the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Tidal Flats in Yangtze River Estuary
* Joint image restoration and matching method based on distance-weighted sparse representation prior
* Joint Minimization of the Mean and Information Entropy of the Matching Filter Distribution for a Robust Misfit Function in Full-Waveform Inversion
* Joint Multi-Modal Longitudinal Regression and Classification for Alzheimer's Disease Prediction
* Joint vehicle detection and distance prediction via monocular depth estimation
* Jointly Trained Image and Video Generation using Residual Vectors
* JPEG quantization step estimation with coefficient histogram and spectrum analyses
* KDA3D: Key-Point Densification and Multi-Attention Guidance for 3D Object Detection
* Kornia: an Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch
* L*ReLU: Piece-wise Linear Activation Functions for Deep Fine-grained Visual Categorization
* Land Use Simulation of Guangzhou Based on Nighttime Light Data and Planning Policies
* Land Use/Land Cover Changes Impact on Groundwater Level and Quality in the Northern Part of the United Arab Emirates
* Land-Use Type as a Driver of Large Wildfire Occurrence in the U.S. Great Plains
* Landmarks as Cultural Heritage Assets Affecting the Distribution of Settlements in Rural Areas: An Analysis Based on LIDAR DTM, Digital Photographs, and Historical Maps
* Landsat-Based Indices Reveal Consistent Recovery of Forested Stream Catchments from Acid Deposition
* Landscape Patterns and Building Functions for Urban Land-Use Classification from Remote Sensing Images at the Block Level: A Case Study of Wuchang District, Wuhan, China
* Landslide Detection with Himawari-8 Geostationary Satellite Data: A Case Study of a Torrential Rain Event in Kyushu, Japan
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Machine and Ensemble Learning Based on Remote Sensing Big Data
* Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Considering Regional Soil Erosion Based on Machine-Learning Models
* Lane detection using lane boundary marker network with road geometry constraints
* LEAF-QA: Locate, Encode Attend for Figure Question Answering
* Learn a Global Appearance Semi-Supervisedly for Synthesizing Person Images
* Learning a distance function with a Siamese network to localize anomalies in videos
* Learning Deformable Image Registration with Structure Guidance Constraints for Adaptive Radiotherapy
* Learning Direct Optimization for scene understanding
* Learning Discriminative and Generalizable Representations by Spatial-Channel Partition for Person Re-Identification
* Learning EEG Topographical Representation for Classification Via Convolutional Neural Network
* Learning evolving user's behaviors on location-based social networks
* Learning from Noisy Labels via Discrepant Collaborative Training
* Learning from THEODORE: A Synthetic Omnidirectional Top-View Indoor Dataset for Deep Transfer Learning
* Learning Landmark Guided Embeddings for Animal Re-identification
* Learning Multimodal Representations for Unseen Activities
* Learning Multiple Local Metrics: Global Consideration Helps
* Learning rebalanced human parsing model from imbalanced datasets
* Learning residual refinement network with semantic context representation for real-time saliency object detection
* Learning to Detect Head Movement in Unconstrained Remote Gaze Estimation in the Wild
* Learning to Translate for Cross-Source Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Learning transferable features in meta-learning for few-shot text classification
* Learning visual variation for object recognition
* Learning-based Affine Registration of Histological Images
* Legal and Ethical Challenges in Multimedia Research
* Leveraging Filter Correlations for Deep Model Compression
* Leveraging Localization Accuracy With Off-Centered GPS
* Leveraging Pretrained Image Classifiers for Language-Based Segmentation
* Leveraging Smart Devices for Scene Text Preserved Image Stylization: A Deep Gaming Approach
* Leveraging Temporal Data for Automatic Labelling of Static Vehicles
* Lidar Data Reduction for Unmanned Systems Navigation in Urban Canyon
* LiDAR-Based Estimates of Canopy Base Height for a Dense Uneven-Aged Structured Forest
* Lightweight 3D Human Pose Estimation Network Training Using Teacher-Student Learning
* Lipreading with DenseNet and resBi-LSTM
* Little Fog for a Large Turn, A
* Live Fuel Moisture Content Product from Landsat TM Satellite Time Series for Implementation in Fire Behavior Models, A
* Local and Global Graph Approaches to Image Colorization
* Local Binary Pattern Networks
* Local Contrast Enhancement based on Adaptive Logarithmic Mappings
* Local low-rank matrix recovery for hyperspectral image denoising with L0 gradient constraint
* Local Median Filtering Method for Correcting the Laser Return Intensity Information from Discrete Airborne Laser Scanning Data, The
* Local Population Mapping Using a Random Forest Model Based on Remote and Social Sensing Data: A Case Study in Zhengzhou, China
* Local Traffic Aware Unicast Routing Scheme for Connected Car System
* Localization in Unstructured Environments: Towards Autonomous Robots in Forests with Delaunay Triangulation
* Localizing Grouped Instances for Efficient Detection in Low-Resource Scenarios
* Locating Seismo-Conductivity Anomaly before the 2017 MW 6.5 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake in China Using Far Magnetic Stations
* Logistic Regression Confined by Cardinality-Constrained Sample and Feature Selection
* Long Term Interferometric Temporal Coherence and DInSAR Phase in Northern Peatlands
* Long time-series remote sensing analysis of the periodic cycle evolution of the inlets and ebb-tidal delta of Xincun Lagoon, Hainan Island, China
* Long-Short Graph Memory Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Long-Term Cloud Albedo Data Record Since 1980 from UV Satellite Sensors, A
* Long-Term Trends in Root-Zone Soil Moisture across CONUS Connected to ENSO
* Longitudinal Collision Avoidance and Lateral Stability Adaptive Control System Based on MPC of Autonomous Vehicles
* Looking Ahead: Anticipating Pedestrians Crossing with Future Frames Prediction
* Looking deeper into Time for Activities of Daily Living Recognition
* Lossy Compression of Multispectral Satellite Images with Application to Crop Thematic Mapping: A HEVC Comparative Study
* Low Cost, High Performance Automatic Motorcycle Helmet Violation Detection
* Low Power Depth Estimation of Rigid Objects for Time-of-Flight Imaging
* Low-Complexity CTU Partition Structure Decision and Fast Intra Mode Decision for Versatile Video Coding
* Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Multispectral Imagery for Siltation Monitoring in Reservoirs
* low-latency DMM-1 encoder for 3D-HEVC, A
* Low-Rank Regularized Deep Collaborative Matrix Factorization for Micro-Video Multi-Label Classification
* Machine Learning Classification Ensemble of Multitemporal Sentinel-2 Images: The Case of a Mixed Mediterranean Ecosystem
* Machine Learning for Tree Species Classification using Sentinel-2 Spectral Information, Crown Texture, and Environmental Variables
* Machine Learning Generalisation across Different 3D Architectural Heritage
* Machine Learning-Based and 3D Kinematic Models for Rockfall Hazard Assessment Using LiDAR Data and GIS
* Magnitude Agreement, Occurrence Consistency, and Elevation Dependency of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over the Tibetan Plateau
* Main-Secondary Network for Defect Segmentation of Textured Surface Images
* Making Sense of Spatio-Temporal Preserving Representations for EEG-Based Human Intention Recognition
* Manifold learning for user profiling and identity verification using motion sensors
* Map construction algorithms: a local evaluation through hiking data
* Map Is a Living Structure with the Recurring Notion of Far More Smalls than Larges, A
* Mapping and Monitoring Urban Environment through Sentinel-1 SAR Data: A Case Study in the Veneto Region (Italy)
* Mapping Annual Land Disturbance and Reclamation in a Surface Coal Mining Region Using Google Earth Engine and the LandTrendr Algorithm: A Case Study of the Shengli Coalfield in Inner Mongolia, China
* Mapping Land Cover and Tree Canopy Cover in Zagros Forests of Iran: Application of Sentinel-2, Google Earth, and Field Data
* Mapping Long-Term Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Pen Aquaculture in a Shallow Lake: Less Aquaculture Coming along Better Water Quality
* Mapping Multiple Insect Outbreaks across Large Regions Annually Using Landsat Time Series Data
* Mapping Paddy Fields in Japan by Using a Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series Supplemented by Sentinel-2 Images on Google Earth Engine
* Mapping PM2.5 concentration at a sub-km level resolution: A dual-scale retrieval approach
* Mapping Rice Paddy Based on Machine Learning with Sentinel-2 Multi-Temporal Data: Model Comparison and Transferability
* Mapping Submerged Aquatic Vegetation along the Central Vietnamese Coast Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing
* Mapping the condition of macadamia tree crops using multi-spectral UAV and WorldView-3 imagery
* Mapping the Global Mangrove Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping the Groundwater Potentiality of West Qena Area, Egypt, Using Integrated Remote Sensing and Hydro-Geophysical Techniques
* Mapping, Monitoring, and Prediction of Floods Due to Ice Jam and Snowmelt with Operational Weather Satellites
* Markerless detection of ancient rock carvings in the wild: rock art in Vathy, Astypalaia
* MASC-Net: Multi-scale Anisotropic Sparse Convolutional Network for Sparse Depth Densification
* Masking domain-specific information for cross-domain deception detection
* MaskPlus: Improving Mask Generation for Instance Segmentation
* Matrix and Tensor Completion in Multiway Delay Embedded Space Using Tensor Train, With Application to Signal Reconstruction
* Matrix Cofactorization for Joint Spatial-Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images
* Matrix encoding-based high-capacity and high-fidelity reversible data hiding in HEVC
* Maximum Entropy-Based Interference-Plus-Noise Covariance Matrix Reconstruction for Robust Adaptive Beamforming
* Mean oriented Riesz features for micro expression classification
* Measurement of Cloud Top Height: Comparison of MODIS and Ground-Based Millimeter Radar
* Measuring Accessibility of Healthcare Facilities for Populations with Multiple Transportation Modes Considering Residential Transportation Mode Choice
* Measuring the Utilization of Public Open Spaces by Deep Learning: A Benchmark Study at the Detroit Riverfront
* Medium-Resolution Multispectral Data from Sentinel-2 to Assess the Damage and the Recovery Time of Late Frost on Vineyards
* Meet the Virtual Jeju Dol Harubang The Mixed VR/AR Application for Cultural Immersion in Korea's Main Heritage
* Memory-Efficient Models for Scene Text Recognition via Neural Architecture Search
* Meta-Analysis of Wetland Classification Using Remote Sensing: A Systematic Review of a 40-Year Trend in North America
* Meta-XGBoost for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Extended MSER-Guided Morphological Profiles
* Methodology and Mobile Application for Driver Behavior Analysis and Accident Prevention
* Methodology for Comparing the Surface Urban Heat Island in Selected Urban Agglomerations Around the World from Sentinel-3 SLSTR Data, A
* Methodology for Maximizing Information Transmission of Haptic Devices: A Survey
* Metrics for the Quantification of Seeding Characteristics to Enhance Image Velocimetry Performance in Rivers
* MHSAN: Multi-Head Self-Attention Network for Visual Semantic Embedding
* Micro-Pulse Lidar Cruising Measurements in Northern South China Sea
* microbatchGAN: Stimulating Diversity with Multi-Adversarial Discrimination
* MimickNet, Mimicking Clinical Image Post- Processing Under Black-Box Constraints
* Mind Your Mind: EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces and Their Security in Cyber Space
* Minimax Robust Landmine Detection Using Forward-Looking Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Mining Subsidence Prediction by Combining Support Vector Machine Regression and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Missing Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition Based on Smoothed Nuclear Norm
* Mission Flight Planning of RPAS for Photogrammetric Studies in Complex Scenes
* Mitigating Algorithmic Bias: Evolving an Augmentation Policy that is Non-Biasing
* Mixed 2D/3D Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* MLSL: Multi-Level Self-Supervised Learning for Domain Adaptation with Spatially Independent and Semantically Consistent Labeling
* MoBiNet: A Mobile Binary Network for Image Classification
* Modal features for image texture classification
* Model-Agnostic Metric for Zero-Shot Learning
* Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast X-Ray CT including Models for the Source and the Detector
* Modeling and Analysis of an Echo Laser Pulse Waveform for the Orientation Determination of Space Debris
* Modeling InSAR Phase and SAR Intensity Changes Induced by Soil Moisture
* Modeling of Errors Due to Uncertainties in Ultrasound Sensor Locations in Photoacoustic Tomography
* Modelling Crop Biomass from Synthetic Remote Sensing Time Series: Example for the DEMMIN Test Site, Germany
* Modelling Housing Rents Using Spatial Autoregressive Geographically Weighted Regression: A Case Study in Cracow, Poland
* Modelling merging behaviour joining a cooperative adaptive cruise control platoon
* Modified KNN Method for Mapping the Leaf Area Index in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of China, A
* MODIS-Based Remote Estimation of Absorption Coefficients of an Inland Turbid Lake in China
* Monitoring 2011-2020 Traffic Patterns in Wuhan (China) with COSMO-SkyMed SAR, Amidst the 7th CISM Military World Games and COVID-19 Outbreak
* Monitoring Agricultural Fields Using Sentinel-1 and Temperature Data in Peru: Case Study of Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.)
* Monitoring of Sea-Ice-Atmosphere Interface in the Proximity of Arctic Tidewater Glaciers: The Contribution of Marine Robotics
* Monitoring of Surface Temperature on Parco delle Biancane (Italian Geothermal Area) Using Optical Satellite Data, UAV and Field Campaigns
* Monitoring the Seasonal Hydrology of Alpine Wetlands in Response to Snow Cover Dynamics and Summer Climate: A Novel Approach with Sentinel-2
* Monitoring Vegetation Change in the Presence of High Cloud Cover with Sentinel-2 in a Lowland Tropical Forest Region in Brazil
* Monitoring Water Quality of Valle de Bravo Reservoir, Mexico, Using Entire Lifespan of MERIS Data and Machine Learning Approaches
* Monitoring Water-Related Ecosystems with Earth Observation Data in Support of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Reporting
* Mono Lay out: Amodal scene layout from a single image
* Monocular Visual-IMU Odometry: A Comparative Evaluation of Detector-Descriptor-Based Methods
* Montmorillonite Estimation in Clay-Quartz-Calcite Samples from Laboratory SWIR Imaging Spectroscopy: A Comparative Study of Spectral Preprocessings and Unmixing Methods
* Moon as a Climate-Quality Radiometric Calibration Reference, The
* Morphological Band Registration of Multispectral Cameras for Water Quality Analysis with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Motion control of unmanned underwater vehicles via deep imitation reinforcement learning algorithm
* Motion-Appearance Interactive Encoding for Object Segmentation in Unconstrained Videos
* MotionRec: A Unified Deep Framework for Moving Object Recognition
* Multi Receptive Field Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi scale mirror connection based encoder decoder network for text localization
* Multi-channel Image Registration of Cardiac MR Using Supervised Feature Learning with Convolutional Encoder-decoder Network
* Multi-channel Registration for Diffusion MRI: Longitudinal Analysis for the Neonatal Brain
* Multi-class Novelty Detection Using Mix-up Technique
* Multi-depth dilated network for fashion landmark detection with batch-level online hard keypoint mining
* Multi-dimensional classification via kNN feature augmentation
* Multi-factor Spatial Optimization Approach for Emergency Medical Facilities in Beijing, A
* Multi-Label Visual Feature Learning with Attentional Aggregation
* Multi-Level Representation Learning for Deep Subspace Clustering
* Multi-Modal Association based Grouping for Form Structure Extraction
* Multi-Objective Support Vector Regression Reduces Systematic Error in Moderate Resolution Maps of Tree Species Abundance
* Multi-Parametric Climatological Analysis Reveals the Involvement of Fluids in the Preparation Phase of the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan and 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan Earthquakes
* Multi-Scale Adversarial Cross-Domain Detection with Robust Discriminative Learning
* Multi-Scale and Occlusion Aware Network for Vehicle Detection and Segmentation on UAV Aerial Images
* Multi-Scale Guided Cascade Hourglass Network for Depth Completion, A
* Multi-Space Approach to Zero-Shot Object Detection, A
* Multi-task Generative Adversarial Network for Detecting Small Objects in the Wild
* Multi-Temporal Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing for Vegetable Mapping Using an Attention-Based Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-timescale Trajectory Prediction for Abnormal Human Activity Detection
* Multi-View Subspace Clustering via Simultaneously Learning the Representation Tensor and Affinity Matrix
* Multi-way Encoding for Robustness
* Multifractal Characteristics of Seismogenic Systems and b Values in the Taiwan Seismic Region
* Multilevel 2d-3d Intensity-based Image Registration
* Multimedia Data Privacy Against Machines
* Multimodal Image Outpainting with Regularized Normalized Diversification
* Multimodal MRI Template Creation in the Ring-tailed Lemur and Rhesus Macaque
* Multiparty Visual Co-Occurrences for Estimating Personality Traits in Group Meetings
* Multiplatform-SfM and TLS Data Fusion for Monitoring Agricultural Terraces in Complex Topographic and Landcover Conditions
* Multiple Delay and Sum With Enveloping Beamforming Algorithm for Photoacoustic Imaging
* Multiple Human Tracking Using an Omnidirectional Camera with Local Rectification and World Coordinates Representation
* Multiple Object Forecasting: Predicting Future Object Locations in Diverse Environments
* Multisource Transfer Learning for Cross-Subject EEG Emotion Recognition
* Multistage attention network for image inpainting
* Multitechnique Rain Classification From Ground-Based Measurements Over a Tropical Location
* Multiview Co-segmentation for Wide Baseline Images using Cross-view Supervision
* Multiview Supervision By Registration
* Munich to Dubai: How far is it for Semantic Segmentation?
* N-Phase Local Expansion Ratio for Characterizing Out-of-Phase Lung Ventilation
* National Scale Spatial Variation in Artificial Light at Night
* National-Scale Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Austria Using Fuzzy Best-Worst Multi-Criteria Decision-Making
* Navigation Engine Design for Automated Driving Using INS/GNSS/3D LiDAR-SLAM and Integrity Assessment
* Near Real-Time Freeze Detection over Agricultural Plots Using Sentinel-1 Data
* Negative Binomial Matrix Factorization
* Network Pruning Network Approach to Deep Model Compression, A
* Network-Wide Link Travel Time Inference Using Trip-Based Data From Automatic Vehicle Identification Detectors
* Neural Network-Based Rain Effect Correction Method for HY-2A Scatterometer Backscatter Measurements, A
* Neural Opacity Point Cloud
* Neural Puppet: Generative Layered Cartoon Characters
* Neural Sensors: Learning Pixel Exposures for HDR Imaging and Video Compressive Sensing With Programmable Sensors
* Neural Sign Language Synthesis: Words Are Our Glosses
* NeurReg: Neural Registration and Its Application to Image Segmentation
* New Algorithm for Daily Sea Ice Lead Identification in the Arctic and Antarctic Winter from Thermal-Infrared Satellite Imagery, A
* new approach for multiclass motor imagery recognition using pattern image features generated from common spatial patterns, A
* new approach for optimal time-series segmentation, A
* New Approach to Construct Virtual Array With Increased Degrees of Freedom for Moving Sparse Arrays, A
* New Cross-Fusion Method to Automatically Determine the Optimal Input Image Pairs for NDVI Spatiotemporal Data Fusion, A
* New End-to-End Multi-Dimensional CNN Framework for Land Cover/Land Use Change Detection in Multi-Source Remote Sensing Datasets, A
* New Identification Method for Surface Cracks from UAV Images Based on Machine Learning in Coal Mining Areas, A
* New label propagation algorithm with pairwise constraints
* New Method for Reconstructing Absolute Water Vapor Maps From Persistent Scatterer InSAR, A
* New Quantitative Approach to Tree Attributes Estimation Based on LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* New Suppression Technology for Low-Frequency Noise in Desert Region: The Improved Robust Principal Component Analysis Based on Prediction of Neural Network
* NIR-II/NIR-I Fluorescence Molecular Tomography of Heterogeneous Mice Based on Gaussian Weighted Neighborhood Fused Lasso Method
* No-reference quality metric for contrast-distorted image based on gradient domain and HSV space
* Non-contact Method for Extracting Heart and Respiration Rates, A
* Non-Destructive Early Detection and Quantitative Severity Stage Classification of Tomato Chlorosis Virus (ToCV) Infection in Young Tomato Plants Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy
* Non-rigid infrared and visible image registration by enhanced affine transformation
* Non-Rigid Structure from Motion: Prior-Free Factorization Method Revisited
* Noncontact Measurement of River Surface Velocity and Discharge Estimation With a Low-Cost Doppler Radar Sensor
* Nonlinear Alignment of Whole Tractograms with the Linear Assignment Problem
* Nonparallel support vector machine with large margin distribution for pattern classification
* Nonparametric Structure Regularization Machine for 2D Hand Pose Estimation
* Novel Active Contours Model for Environmental Change Detection from Multitemporal Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, A
* Novel Air Temperature Measurement Using Midwave Hyperspectral Fourier Transform Infrared Imaging in the Carbon Dioxide Absorption Band
* novel approach combined transfer learning and deep learning to predict TMB from histology image, A
* Novel Dynamical Filter Based on Multi-Epochs Least-Squares to Integrate the Carrier Phase and Pseudorange Observation for GNSS Measurement, A
* Novel Ensemble Approaches of Machine Learning Techniques in Modeling the Gully Erosion Susceptibility
* Novel Framework Based on Polarimetric Change Vectors for Unsupervised Multiclass Change Detection in Dual-Pol Intensity SAR Images, A
* Novel Inspection System For Variable Data Printing Using Deep Learning, A
* novel method for estimating the number of speakers based on generalized eigenvalue-vector decomposition and adaptive wavelet transform by using K-means clustering, A
* novel mixing matrix estimation algorithm in instantaneous underdetermined blind source separation, A
* Novel Nonlinear Approach for Real-Time Fatigue EEG Data: An Infinitely Warped Model of Weighted Permutation Entropy
* novel online action detection framework from untrimmed video streams, A
* novel PCA-based approach for building on-board sensor classifiers for water contaminant detection, A
* novel Pooling Block for improving lightweight deep neural networks, A
* Novel Privacy Approach of Digital Aerial Images Based on Mersenne Twister Method with DNA Genetic Encoding and Chaos, A
* Novel Rayleigh Dynamical Model for Remote Sensing Data Interpretation, A
* Novel Remote Sensing Index of Electron Transport Rate Predicts Primary Production and Crop Health in L. sativa and Z. mays
* Novel Second-Order Statistics of the Chirp Cyclostationary Signals
* Novel Self-Supervised Re-labeling Approach for Training with Noisy Labels, A
* novel skyline context descriptor for rapid localization of terrestrial laser scans to airborne laser scanning point clouds, A
* Novel Vegetation Indices for Cotton Boll Opening Status Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Data
* NRMVS: Non-Rigid Multi-View Stereo
* Object Detection and Image Segmentation with Deep Learning on Earth Observation Data: A Review-Part I: Evolution and Recent Trends
* Object-Based Analysis Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for Site-Specific Landslide Assessment
* Object-Based Bidirectional Method for Integrated Building Extraction and Change Detection between Multimodal Point Clouds, An
* Offset Calibration for Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation via Gaze Decomposition
* OLCI A/B Tandem Phase Analysis, Part 1: Level 1 Homogenisation and Harmonisation
* On Hallucinating Context and Background Pixels from a Face Mask using Multi-scale GANs
* On Modelling Label Uncertainty in Deep Neural Networks: Automatic Estimation of Intra-Observer Variability in 2D Echocardiography Quality Assessment
* On Scene Flow Computation of GAS Structures with Optical GAS Imaging Cameras
* On the importance of similarity characteristics of curve clustering and its applications
* On the influence of sub-pixel position correction for PS localization accuracy and time series quality
* On the performance of temporal Granger causality measurements on time series: a comparative study
* On the Recursive Joint Position and Attitude Determination in Multi-Antenna GNSS Platforms
* On the Use of the OptD Method for Building Diagnostics
* On the Zeros of Ramanujan Filters
* One-and-Half Stage Pedestrian Detector, A
* One-Bit Time-Resolved Imaging
* One-step spectral clustering based on self-paced learning
* One-to-one Mapping for Unpaired Image-to-image Translation
* Online Lens Motion Smoothing for Video Autofocus
* Online Nearest Neighbor Search Using Hamming Weight Trees
* Open Earth Observations for Sustainable Urban Development
* Opposite-Side Ambiguities in Radar Sounding Interferometry
* Optical Biopsy of Melanoma and Basal Cell Carcinoma Progression by Noncontact Photoacoustic and Optical Coherence Tomography: In Vivo Multi-Parametric Characterizing Tumor Microenvironment
* Optical flow-based structure-from-motion for the reconstruction of epithelial surfaces
* Optimal Transport in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces: Theory and Applications
* Optimal Walker Constellation Design of LEO-Based Global Navigation and Augmentation System
* Optimized Combination of Multiple Graphs With Application to the Integration of Brain Imaging and (epi)Genomics Data
* Optimizing Through Learned Errors for Accurate Sports Field Registration
* Orthogonal neighborhood preserving discriminant analysis with patch embedding for face recognition
* Over-Complete-Dictionary-Based Improved Spread Spectrum Watermarking Security
* Overlap Sampler for Region-Based Object Detection
* Overlooked Elephant of Object Detection: Open Set, The
* Palmprint recognition using state-of-the-art local texture descriptors: a comparative study
* Parallel binocular stereo-vision-based GPU accelerated pedestrian detection and distance computation
* Parallel computation of Watershed Transform in weighted graphs on shared memory machines
* Parameter Estimation of Acoustic Wave Equations Using Hidden Physics Models
* Parameter Extraction Based on Deep Neural Network for SAR Target Simulation
* Parametric PCA for unsupervised metric learning
* Parametric Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Recovery for Multiple Linear Structures: An Image Domain Approach
* Partially Zero-shot Domain Adaptation from Incomplete Target Data with Missing Classes
* Past and Present Practices of Topographic Base Map Database Update in Nepal
* Path Length Correction for Improving Leaf Area Index Measurements Over Sloping Terrains: A Deep Analysis Through Computer Simulation
* Pattern recognition techniques for provenance classification of archaeological ceramics using ultrasounds
* Peeling off image layers on topographic architectures
* Perceptual intra-frame coding for HEVC still picture profile based on invisible signal suppression
* perceptual rate control algorithm based on luminance adaptation for HEVC encoders, A
* Performance Analysis of INS/GNSS/V-SLAM Integration Scheme Using Smartphone Sensors for Land Vehicle Navigation Applications in GNSS-Challenging Environments, The
* Performance and Applicability of Water Column Correction Models in Optically Complex Coastal Waters
* Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a smart city application on FPGAs
* Performance Evaluation of the Multiple Quantile Regression Model for Estimating Spatial Soil Moisture after Filtering Soil Moisture Outliers
* Performance Modeling Framework for IoT-over-Satellite Using Shared Radio Spectrum
* Performance of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in Calculating the Flood Peak Discharge of Ephemeral Rivers Combined with the Incipient Motion of Moving Stones in Arid Ungauged Regions
* Performance optimization of rotation-tolerant Viola-Jones-based blackbird detection
* Periodic Relations between Terrestrial Vegetation and Climate Factors across the Globe
* Periphery-Fovea Multi-Resolution Driving Model Guided by Human Attention
* Permeable Breakwaters Performance Modeling: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Techniques
* Person identification using EEG channel selection with hybrid flower pollination algorithm
* Personalized Multitask Learning for Predicting Tomorrow's Mood, Stress, and Health
* Personalizing Fast-Forward Videos Based on Visual and Textual Features from Social Network
* Perturbation analysis of gradient-based adversarial attacks
* Phase Retrieval With Learning Unfolded Expectation Consistent Signal Recovery Algorithm
* PhlatCam: Designed Phase-Mask Based Thin Lensless Camera
* Phoneme classification in reconstructed phase space with convolutional neural networks
* Photo-realistic dehazing via contextual generative adversarial networks
* PlotQA: Reasoning over Scientific Plots
* Plug-and-Play Rescaling Based Crowd Counting in Static Images
* Plugin Networks for Inference under Partial Evidence
* PointGrow: Autoregressively Learned Point Cloud Generation with Self-Attention
* PointPoseNet: Point Pose Network for Robust 6D Object Pose Estimation
* PolSAR Image Feature Extraction via Co-Regularized Graph Embedding
* Population Spatialization in Beijing City Based on Machine Learning and Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Portable and Easily-Deployable Air-Launched GPR Scanner
* Pose Guided Gated Fusion for Person Re-identification
* Position-Domain Non-Gaussian Error Overbounding for ARAIM
* Positional Accuracy Assessment of Lidar Point Cloud from NAIP/3DEP Pilot Project
* Post-Earthquake Night-Time Light Piecewise (PNLP) Pattern Based on NPP/VIIRS Night-Time Light Data: A Case Study of the 2015 Nepal Earthquake
* Post-Mortem Iris Recognition Resistant to Biological Eye Decay Processes
* Potential for the Detection of Irrigation Events on Maize Plots Using Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture Products
* Potentials and Limits of Vegetation Indices With BRDF Signatures for Soil-Noise Resistance and Estimation of Leaf Area Index
* Practical Recommendations for Hyperspectral and Thermal Proximal Disease Sensing in Potato and Leek Fields
* Pre-trained CNNs as Visual Feature Extractors: A Broad Evaluation
* Precipitation Dominates Long-Term Water Storage Changes in Nam Co Lake (Tibetan Plateau) Accompanied by Intensified Cryosphere Melts Revealed by a Basin-Wide Hydrological Modelling
* Predicting COVID-19 in China Using Hybrid AI Model
* Predicting Near-Future Built-Settlement Expansion Using Relative Changes in Small Area Populations
* Predicting Soybean Yield at the Regional Scale Using Remote Sensing and Climatic Data
* Predicting the Physical Dynamics of Unseen 3D Objects
* Prediction of Socio-Economic Indicators for Urban Planning Using VHR Satellite Imagery and Spatial Analysis
* Prediction of Yield Productivity Zones from Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2A/B and Their Evaluation Using Farm Machinery Measurements
* Preference-Based Image Generation
* Print Defect Mapping with Semantic Segmentation
* PRNU-based detection of facial retouching
* Probabilistic Object Detection: Definition and Evaluation
* Probabilistic SVM classifier ensemble selection based on GMDH-type neural network
* Probabilistic Topic Model for Context-Driven Visual Attention Understanding
* Producing Urban Aerobiological Risk Map for Cupressaceae Family in the SW Iberian Peninsula from LiDAR Technology
* Product image recognition with guidance learning and noisy supervision
* Progress in the Reconstruction of Terrain Relief Before Extraction of Rock Materials: The Case of Liban Quarry, Poland
* Progressive Domain Adaptation for Object Detection
* Projection based weight normalization: Efficient method for optimization on oblique manifold in DNNs
* Proposal-free Temporal Moment Localization of a Natural-Language Query in Video using Guided Attention
* Propose-and-Attend Single Shot Detector
* Pseudo distribution on unseen classes for generalized zero shot learning
* PSNet: A Style Transfer Network for Point Cloud Stylization on Geometry and Color
* PVF-NET: Point Voxel Fusion 3D Object Detection Framework for Point Cloud
* QR-code Reconstruction from Event Data via Optimization in Code Subspace
* Quad-Polarimetric Multi-Scale Analysis of Icebergs in ALOS-2 SAR Data: A Comparison between Icebergs in West and East Greenland
* Quadratic Autoencoder (Q-AE) for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* Quadtree Generating Networks: Efficient Hierarchical Scene Parsing with Sparse Convolutions
* Quality Verification of Volunteered Geographic Information Using OSM Notes Data in a Global Context
* Quality-Based Combination of Multi-Source Precipitation Data
* Quality-Retaining Power-Saving Framework for Video Applications on Mobile OLED Displays, A
* Quantifying Seagrass Distribution in Coastal Water with Deep Learning Models
* Quantifying the Impact of Light Pollution on Sea Turtle Nesting Using Ground-Based Imagery
* Quantifying Uncertainty and Bridging the Scaling Gap in the Retrieval of Leaf Area Index by Coupling Sentinel-2 and UAV Observations
* Quantitative Airborne Inventories in Dense Tropical Forest Using Imaging Spectroscopy
* QUICKSAL: A small and sparse visual saliency model for efficient inference in resource constrained hardware
* R2FA-Det: Delving into High-Quality Rotatable Boxes for Ship Detection in SAR Images
* Radar Aeroecology
* Radar and Sonar Imaging and Processing
* Radon Inversion via Deep Learning
* Rain removal system for dynamic scene in diminished reality
* Random Forest Spatial Interpolation
* Ranking-Preserving Cross-Source Learning for Image Retargeting Quality Assessment
* Rapid and Efficient Determination of Relative Water Contents of Crop Leaves Using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy in Vegetative Growth Stage
* Rapid Change Detection of Flood Affected Area after Collapse of the Laos Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Dam Using Sentinel-1 GRD Data
* Rapid Estimation of Road Friction for Anti-Skid Autonomous Driving
* Re-Identification of Zebrafish using Metric Learning
* Real time human action recognition using triggered frame extraction and a typical CNN heuristic
* Real-Time Activity Detection of Human Movement in Videos via Smartphone Based on Synthetic Training Data
* Real-time attacks on robust watermarking tools in the wild by CNN
* Real-time Detection of Activities in Untrimmed Videos
* Real-time drogue detection and template tracking strategy for autonomous aerial refueling
* Real-Time Estimation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Clock Based on Ground Tracking Stations
* Real-time image carrier generation based on generative adversarial network and fast object detection
* Real-time impulse noise removal
* Real-time Motion Planning for Robotic Teleoperation Using Dynamic-goal Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Real-Time Multi-person Motion Capture from Multi-view Video and IMUs
* Real-Time Multi-Person Pose Tracking using Data Assimilation
* Real-Time Retrieval of Precipitable Water Vapor From Galileo Observations by Using the MGEX Network
* Real-time shadow detection using multi-channel binarization and noise removal
* Real-Time Speed Trajectory Planning for Minimum Fuel Consumption of a Ground Vehicle
* Real-time ultrasound image reconstruction as an inverse problem on a GPU
* Real-time vehicle distance estimation using single view geometry
* Real-time Visual Object Tracking with Natural Language Description
* Realization of CUDA-based real-time multi-camera visual SLAM in embedded systems
* Recent Shrinkage and Fragmentation of Bluegrass Landscape in Kentucky
* Recognizing and Tracking High-Level, Human-Meaningful Navigation Features of Occupancy Grid Maps
* Reconstructing Road Network Graphs from both Aerial Lidar and Images
* Reconstruction of lines and planes of urban buildings with angle regularization
* Recurrent bag-of-features for visual information analysis
* Recursive Feature Elimination and Random Forest Classification of Natura 2000 Grasslands in Lowland River Valleys of Poland Based on Airborne Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Fusion
* Reducing Footskate in Human Motion Reconstruction with Ground Contact Constraints
* Reducing Geographic Performance Differentials for Face Recognition
* Reduction of intra-coding time for HEVC based on temporary direction map
* Reference Grid-assisted Network for 3D Point Signature Learning from Point Clouds
* Refined Regional Model for Estimating Pressure, Temperature, and Water Vapor Pressure for Geodetic Applications in China, A
* Refined UNet: UNet-Based Refinement Network for Cloud and Shadow Precise Segmentation
* Refining GPS/GLONASS Satellite Clock Offset Estimation in the Presence of Pseudo-Range Inter-Channel Biases
* Refining Urban Built-Up Area via Multi-Source Data Fusion for the Analysis of Dongting Lake Eco-Economic Zone Spatiotemporal Expansion
* Region Pooling with Adaptive Feature Fusion for End-to-End Person Recognition
* Regional Recognition and Classification of Active Loess Landslides Using Two-Dimensional Deformation Derived from Sentinel-1 Interferometric Radar Data
* Regional Tropical Aboveground Biomass Mapping with L-Band Repeat-Pass Interferometric Radar, Sparse Lidar, and Multiscale Superpixels
* Regularization of Building Roof Boundaries from Airborne LiDAR Data Using an Iterative CD-Spline
* Regularize, Expand and Compress: NonExpansive Continual Learning
* Reinforced Cross-Media Correlation Learning by Context-Aware Bidirectional Translation
* Reinforced Redetection of Landmark in Pre- and Post-operative Brain Scan Using Anatomical Guidance for Image Alignment
* Reinterpreting CTC training as iterative fitting
* Relation Network for Multilabel Aerial Image Classification
* Relative Radiometric Calibration Using Tie Points and Optimal Path Selection for UAV Images
* Relativistic Discriminator: A One-Class Classifier for Generalized Iris Presentation Attack Detection
* Reliability and Uncertainties of the Analysis of an Unstable Rock Slope Performed on RPAS Digital Outcrop Models: The Case of the Gallivaggio Landslide (Western Alps, Italy)
* Remote Crop Mapping at Scale: Using Satellite Imagery and UAV-Acquired Data as Ground Truth
* Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deterioration of Building Walls by Time-Of-Flight and Phase-Shift Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Remote Sensing and Multi-Criteria Evaluation for Malaria Risk Mapping to Support Indoor Residual Spraying Prioritization in the Central Highlands of Madagascar
* Remote Sensing Materials for a Preliminary Archaeological Evaluation of the Giove Countryside (Terni, Italy)
* Remote Sensing of Grassland Production and Management: A Review
* Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Artificial Floating Plastic Targets with Sentinel-2 and Unmanned Aerial Systems (Plastic Litter Project 2019)
* Remote Sensing Support for the Gain-Loss Approach for Greenhouse Gas Inventories
* Remotely Sensed Urban Surface Ecological Index (RSUSEI): An Analytical Framework for Assessing the Surface Ecological Status in Urban Environments
* Remotely Sensing the Source and Transport of Marine Plastic Debris in Bay Islands of Honduras (Caribbean Sea)
* remotIO: A Sentinel-1 Multi-Temporal InSAR Infrastructure Monitoring Service with Automatic Updates and Data Mining Capabilities
* Repeat Oblique Photography Shows Terrain and Fire-Exposure Controls on Century-Scale Canopy Cover Change in the Alpine Treeline Ecotone
* Representation Learning on Unit Ball with 3D Roto-translational Equivariance
* Representing Objects in Video as Space-Time Volumes by Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processes
* Research on image feature extraction and retrieval algorithms based on convolutional neural network
* Reservoir Induced Deformation Analysis for Several Filling and Operational Scenarios at the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Impoundment
* Residual Dense Network Based on Channel-Spatial Attention for the Scene Classification of a High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* Residual Group Channel and Space Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Resisting Large Data Variations via Introspective Transformation Network
* ReStGAN: A step towards visually guided shopper experience via text-to-image synthesis
* RETRACTED: Analysis of security operation and maintenance system using privacy utility in media environment
* RETRACTED: Camera network analysis for visual surveillance in electric industrial context
* RETRACTED: Deeply fusing multimodal features in hypergraph
* RETRACTED: Efficient object analysis by leveraging deeply-trained object proposals prediction model
* RETRACTED: Image quality tendency modeling by fusing multiple visual cues
* RETRACTED: Moving object surveillance using object proposals and background prior prediction
* Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Thickness in the Arctic Snow-Covered Regions Using Passive Remote Sensing: Impact of Aerosol Typing and Surface Reflection Model
* Retrieval of Marine Surface Slick Dielectric Properties From Radarsat-2 Data via a Polarimetric Two-Scale Model
* Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters from Hyperspectral Images Using Hybrid Bayesian Probabilistic Neural Network
* Reverse Variational Autoencoder for Visual Attribute Manipulation and Anomaly Detection
* Reversed Surface-Mass-Balance Gradients on Himalayan Debris-Covered Glaciers Inferred from Remote Sensing
* Review of Remote Sensing Methods to Map Coffee Production Systems
* Review of Terrestrial Carbon Assessment Methods Using Geo-Spatial Technologies with Emphasis on Arid Lands, A
* Review of the Sustainability Concept and the State of SDG Monitoring Using Remote Sensing, A
* Review: Deep Learning on 3D Point Clouds
* Revisiting spectral clustering for near-convex decomposition of 2D shape
* RGB-IR Person Re-identification by Cross-Modality Similarity Preservation
* Rheology of the Zagros Lithosphere from PostSeismic Deformation of the 2017 Mw7.3 Kermanshah, Iraq, Earthquake
* Risk Assessment of the Overseas Imported COVID-19 of Ocean-Going Ships Based on AIS and Infection Data
* Risk Prediction of Coastal Hazards Induced by Typhoon: A Case Study in the Coastal Region of Shenzhen, China
* RL-AKF: An Adaptive Kalman Filter Navigation Algorithm Based on Reinforcement Learning for Ground Vehicles
* Robust Analytical Design of Optimal Equiripple Lowpass FIR Filters
* Robust and Versatile Pipeline for Automatic Photogrammetric-Based Registration of Multimodal Cultural Heritage Documentation, A
* Robust CP Tensor Factorization With Skew Noise
* Robust estimation of local affine maps and its applications to image matching
* Robust Explanations for Visual Question Answering
* Robust Face Detection via Learning Small Faces on Hard Images
* Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Aggregation on Geometrically Manipulated Faces
* Robust Feature Tracking in DVS Event Stream using Bézier Mapping
* Robust Infrared Small Target Detection via Jointly Sparse Constraint of l1/2-Metric and Dual-Graph Regularization
* Robust one-stage object detection with location-aware classifiers
* Robust PCA Using Generalized Nonconvex Regularization
* Robust pruning for efficient CNNs
* Robust Self-Supervised Learning of Deterministic Errors in Single-Plane (Monoplanar) and Dual-Plane (Biplanar) X-Ray Fluoroscopy
* Robust Template-Based Non-Rigid Motion Tracking Using Local Coordinate Regularization
* Robust twin support vector regression based on rescaled Hinge loss
* Robust Visual-Inertial Integrated Navigation System Aided by Online Sensor Model Adaption for Autonomous Ground Vehicles in Urban Areas
* Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution of Sentinel-3 Altimetry Observations, The
* Rooftop Photovoltaic Energy Production Management in India Using Earth-Observation Data and Modeling Techniques
* ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration Infrastructure
* ROSS: Robust Learning of One-Shot 3D Shape Segmentation
* Rotation-invariant Mixed Graphical Model Network for 2D Hand Pose Estimation
* RPM-Net: Robust Pixel-Level Matching Networks for Self-Supervised Video Object Segmentation
* RTK GNSS-Assisted Terrestrial SfM Photogrammetry without GCP: Application to Coastal Morphodynamics Monitoring
* Rubik Gaussian-based patterns for dynamic texture classification
* s-SBIR: Style Augmented Sketch based Image Retrieval
* Sampled Trajectory Data-Driven Method of Cycle-Based Volume Estimation for Signalized Intersections by Hybridizing Shockwave Theory and Probability Distribution
* Sampling Uncertainties of Long-Term REMOTE-Sensing Suspended Sediments Monitoring over China's Seas: Impacts of Cloud Coverage and Sediment Variations
* Satellite Imagery-Based Damage Assessment on Nineveh and Nebi Yunus Archaeological Site in Iraq
* Satellite Monitoring of Mass Changes and Ground Subsidence in Sudan's Oil Fields Using GRACE and Sentinel-1 Data
* Satellite Remote Sensing for the Analysis of the Micia and Germisara Archaeological Sites
* Satellite-Based Monitoring and Modeling of Ground Movements Caused by Water Rebound
* Satellite-Observed Soil Moisture as an Indicator of Wildfire Risk
* ScaIL: Classifier Weights Scaling for Class Incremental Learning
* Scalable Detection of Offensive and Non-compliant Content / Logo in Product Images
* Scalable Person Re-Identification by Harmonious Attention
* Scale balance for prototype-based binary quantization
* Scale Match for Tiny Person Detection
* Scale-aware Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Image Dehazing
* Scatter Correction for Spectral CT Using a Primary Modulator Mask
* Scene-Adaptive Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Using a Multiscale Attention Network
* Scoring disease-microRNA associations by integrating disease hierarchy into graph convolutional networks
* Secchi Disk Depth Estimation from China's New Generation of GF-5 Hyperspectral Observations Using a Semi-Analytical Scheme
* Secure ear biometrics using circular kernel principal component analysis, Chebyshev transform hashing and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem error-correcting codes
* Securing the internet of vehicles through lightweight block ciphers
* See the Sound, Hear the Pixels
* Segmentation mask guided end-to-end person search
* Self-attention driven adversarial similarity learning network
* Self-Attention Network for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition
* Self-Contained Stylization via Steganography for Reverse and Serial Style Transfer
* Self-Growing Spatial Graph Networks for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Self-Guided Novel View Synthesis via Elastic Displacement Network
* Self-Orthogonality Module: A Network Architecture Plug-in for Learning Orthogonal Filters
* Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Temporal Prediction
* Semantic Consistency and Identity Mapping Multi-Component Generative Adversarial Network for Person Re-Identification
* Semantic Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Data in Dynamic Scene Using Semi-Supervised Learning
* Semantically consistent text to fashion image synthesis with an enhanced attentional generative adversarial network
* Semi-Supervised Deep Metric Learning Networks for Classification of Polarimetric SAR Data
* Semianalytical Algorithm for Mapping Proportion of Cyanobacterial Biomass in Eutrophic Inland Lakes Based on OLCI Data, A
* Semisupervised Spectral Learning With Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Sensitivity of Modeled CO2 Air-Sea Flux in a Coastal Environment to Surface Temperature Gradients, Surfactants, and Satellite Data Assimilation
* Sentinel-1-Imagery-Based High-Resolution Water Cover Detection on Wetlands, Aided by Google Earth Engine
* Sentinel-2 Data in an Evaluation of the Impact of the Disturbances on Forest Vegetation
* Shape and Reflectance Reconstruction Using Concentric Multi-Spectral Light Field
* Shape Constrained Network for Eye Segmentation in the Wild
* Ship Recognition from Chaff Clouds with Sophisticated Polarimetric Decomposition
* short, strange life of the first friendly robot: Japan's Gakutensoku was a giant pneumatic automaton that toured through Asia - until it mysteriously disappeared, The
* Shortening the Cover for Fast JPEG Steganography
* SI-traceable Spectral Irradiance Radiometric Characterization and Absolute Calibration of the TSIS-1 Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM)
* Siamese Dense Network for Reflection Removal with Flash and No-Flash Image Pairs
* Siamese Network Based Pelage Pattern Matching for Ringed Seal Re-identification
* SieveNet: A Unified Framework for Robust Image-Based Virtual Try-On
* Signal Processing Options for High Resolution SAR Tomography of Natural Scenarios
* Silhouette Guided Point Cloud Reconstruction beyond Occlusion
* Similarity Learning Networks for Animal Individual Re-Identification: Beyond the Capabilities of a Human Observer
* Similarity Metrics Enforcement in Seasonal Agriculture Areas Classification
* simple and effective method for removing residual reflected skylight in above-water remote sensing reflectance measurements, A
* Simple Method for Converting 1-km Resolution Daily Clear-Sky LST into Real LST, A
* Simplified unsupervised image translation for semantic segmentation adaptation
* Simulating Multi-Directional Narrowband Reflectance of the Earth's Surface Using ADAM (A Surface Reflectance Database for ESA's Earth Observation Missions)
* Simultaneous Demosaicing and Chromatic Aberration Correction through Spectral Reconstruction
* Simultaneous Detection and Removal of Dynamic Objects in Multi-view Images
* Simultaneous Seismic Sources Separation Based on Matrioshka Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, Application in Oil and Gas Exploration
* SINet: Extreme Lightweight Portrait Segmentation Networks with Spatial Squeeze Modules and Information Blocking Decoder
* Singing Robots: How Embodiment Affects Emotional Responses to Non-Linguistic Utterances
* Single image reflection removal based on structure-texture layering
* Single Satellite Optical Imagery Dehazing using SAR Image Prior Based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Single-Cell Photoacoustic Microrheology
* Single-Stage End-to-End Temporal Activity Detection in Untrimmed Videos
* Site Selection Improvement of Retailers Based on Spatial Competition Strategy and a Double-Channel Convolutional Neural Network
* SketchTransfer: A Challenging New Task for Exploring Detail-Invariance and the Abstractions Learned by Deep Networks
* Small Lava Caves as Possible Exploratory Targets on Mars: Analogies Drawn from UAV Imaging of an Icelandic Lava Field
* Small Object Detection in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images Using Feature Fusion and Scaling-Based Single Shot Detector With Spatial Context Analysis
* Small Scale Landslide Detection Using Sentinel-1 Interferometric SAR Coherence
* Small-Scale Ionospheric Irregularities of Auroral Origin at Mid-latitudes during the 22 June 2015 Magnetic Storm and Their Effect on GPS Positioning
* Smart Hypothesis Generation for Efficient and Robust Room Layout Estimation
* SmartOverlays: A Visual Saliency Driven Label Placement for Intelligent Human-Computer Interfaces
* Smoke vehicle detection based on multi-feature fusion and hidden Markov model
* SmoothFool: An Efficient Framework for Computing Smooth Adversarial Perturbations
* SMOS Third Mission Reprocessing after 10 Years in Orbit
* SMPLR: Deep learning based SMPL reverse for 3D human pose and shape recovery
* Soil Organic Carbon Mapping from Remote Sensing: The Effect of Crop Residues
* Source Model for Sabancaya Volcano Constrained by DInSAR and GNSS Surface Deformation Observation
* Sparse Array Design for Adaptive Beamforming via Semidefinite Relaxation
* Spatial Analysis of Housing Prices and Market Activity with the Geographically Weighted Regression
* Spatial and Spectral Joint Super-Resolution Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Spatial Dimension of Unemployment: Space-Time Analysis Using Real-Time Accessibility in Czechia
* Spatial ETL for 3D Building Modelling Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data in Semi-Urban Areas
* Spatial Patterns of Structural Complexity in Differently Managed and Unmanaged Beech-Dominated Forests in Central Europe
* Spatial-Adaptive Siamese Residual Network for Multi-/Hyperspectral Classification
* Spatial-Content Image Search in Complex Scenes
* Spatial-Temporal Attention-Based Method and a New Dataset for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection, A
* Spatial-Temporal Wetland Landcover Changes of Poyang Lake Derived from Landsat and HJ-1A/B Data in the Dry Season from 1973-2019
* Spatially regularized active diffusion learning for high-dimensional images
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Active Fires over China during 2003-2016, A
* Spatio-Temporal Pyramid Graph Convolutions for Human Action Recognition and Postural Assessment
* Spatio-Temporal Ranked-Attention Networks for Video Captioning
* Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction for 3D Motion Recovery
* Spatiotemporal Characterization of Land Cover Impacts on Urban Warming: A Spatial Autocorrelation Approach
* Spatiotemporal Derivation of Intermittent Ponding in a Maize-Soybean Landscape from Planet Labs CubeSat Images
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of COVID-19 Impact on Human Activities and Environment in Mainland China Using Nighttime Light and Air Quality Data
* Spatiotemporal Variations of Precipitation over Iran Using the High-Resolution and Nearly Four Decades Satellite-Based PERSIANN-CDR Dataset
* Special Issue Global Grid Systems
* Spectral bounding: Strictly satisfying the 1-Lipschitz property for generative adversarial networks
* Spectral rotation for deep one-step clustering
* Spectral Unmixing for Thermal Infrared Multi-Spectral Airborne Imagery over Urban Environments: Day and Night Synergy
* Speech Synthesis for the Generation of Artificial Personality
* SpotNet: Self-Attention Multi-Task Network for Object Detection
* Stable Intrinsic Auto-Calibration from Fundamental Matrices of Devices with Uncorrelated Camera Parameters
* Stacked Adversarial Network for Zero-Shot Sketch based Image Retrieval
* Stacked Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Action Segmentation
* Stacked squeeze-and-excitation recurrent residual network for visual-semantic matching
* Star-convex Polyhedra for 3D Object Detection and Segmentation in Microscopy
* Steganographic universal adversarial perturbations
* Stochastic Dynamics for Video Infilling
* Street Scene: A new dataset and evaluation protocol for video anomaly detection
* Stress Detection in New Zealand Kauri Canopies with WorldView-2 Satellite and LiDAR Data
* Strong Interrelation between the Short-Term Variability in the Ionosphere, Upper Mesosphere, and Winter Polar Stratosphere
* Structural sparse representation with class-specific dictionary for ECG biometric recognition
* Structure alignment of attributes and visual features for cross-dataset person re-identification
* Structure-aware human pose estimation with graph convolutional networks
* Structured Compression of Deep Neural Networks with Debiased Elastic Group LASSO
* Study of naturalness in tone-mapped images
* Study on Spectral Response and Estimation of Grassland Plants Dust Retention Based on Hyperspectral Data
* Style Transfer for Light Field Photography
* Subpixel-Pixel-Superpixel-Based Multiview Active Learning for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* Suitability of Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Mapping Tree Crop Structural Metrics for Improved Orchard Management
* Suitability of the MODIS-NDVI Time-Series for a Posteriori Evaluation of the Citrus Tristeza Virus Epidemic
* Summary of the 2019 Activity Detection in Extended Videos Prize Challenge
* Super-Resolution of Thermal Images Using an Automatic Total Variation Based Method
* Super-Resolution-Based Snake Model: An Unsupervised Method for Large-Scale Building Extraction Using Airborne LiDAR Data and Optical Image
* Super-resolved Chromatic Mapping of Snapshot Mosaic Image Sensors via a Texture Sensitive Residual Network
* Superpixel-Level Weighted Label Propagation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Superspeed Bolus Visualization for Vascular Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Supervised and Unsupervised Learning of Parameterized Color Enhancement
* Supervised deep hashing with a joint deep network
* Supervised dimensionality reduction of proportional data using mixture estimation
* Supervised High-Level Feature Learning With Label Consistencies for Object Recognition
* Supporting Disaster Resilience Spatial Thinking with Serious GeoGames: Project Lily Pad
* Supporting Urban Weed Biosecurity Programs with Remote Sensing
* Surface Mass Variations from GPS and GRACE/GFO: A Case Study in Southwest China
* Surface Temperature of the Planet Earth from Satellite Data over the Period 2003-2019
* Survey of Vehicular Cloud Research: Trends, Applications and Challenges, A
* survey on deep learning methods for scene flow estimation, A
* Sustainable Spatial and Temporal Development of Land Prices: A Case Study of Czech Cities
* SVIRO: Synthetic Vehicle Interior Rear Seat Occupancy Dataset and Benchmark
* SweepCam: Depth-Aware Lensless Imaging Using Programmable Masks
* SymGAN: Orientation Estimation without Annotation for Symmetric Objects
* Syn2Real: Forgery Classification via Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Synergistic 2D/3D Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Synthesizing human-like sketches from natural images using a conditional convolutional decoder
* Synthesizing Supervision for Learning Deep Saliency Network without Human Annotation
* Synthetic Examples Improve Generalization for Rare Classes
* Synthinel-1 dataset: a collection of high resolution synthetic overhead imagery for building segmentation, The
* System-of-Systems Approach to the Strategic Feasibility of Modular Vehicle Fleets, A
* TailorGAN: Making User-Defined Fashion Designs
* Target State and Markovian Jump Ionospheric Height Bias Estimation for OTHR Tracking Systems
* Technique for Concurrent Internal Calibration during Data Acquisition for SAR Systems
* Temperature and Emissivity Separation Draping Algorithm Applied to Hyperspectral Infrared Data
* Temperature and Humidity Profile Retrieval from FY4-GIIRS Hyperspectral Data Using Artificial Neural Networks
* template-based approach for the specification of 3D topological constraints, A
* Template-Based Automatic Search of Compact Semantic Segmentation Architectures
* Temporal Aggregation with Clip-level Attention for Video-based Person Re-identification
* Temporal Calibration of an Evaporation-Based Spatial Disaggregation Method of SMOS Soil Moisture Data
* Temporal Constraints and Block Weighting Judgement Based High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay Mismatch Removal System
* Temporal Contrastive Pretraining for Video Action Recognition
* Temporal Localization of Non-Static Digital Videos Using the Electrical Network Frequency
* Temporal Similarity Analysis of Remote Photoplethysmography for Fast 3D Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection
* Temporally Forward Nonlinear Scale Space for High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay A-KAZE Matching System
* Terrain Analysis in Google Earth Engine: A Method Adapted for High-Performance Global-Scale Analysis
* Testing Proximal Optical Sensors on Quinoa Growth and Development
* Text-based Person Search via Attribute-aided Matching
* Thematic Classification Accuracy Assessment with Inherently Uncertain Boundaries: An Argument for Center-Weighted Accuracy Assessment Metrics
* Thematic Similarity Network Approach for Analysis of Places Using Volunteered Geographic Information, A
* Thermal Remote Sensing from UAVs: A Review on Methods in Coastal Cliffs Prone to Landslides
* Tile-Based Framework with a Spatial-Aware Feature for Easy Access and Efficient Analysis of Marine Remote Sensing Data, A
* Time, Spatial, and Descriptive Features of Pedestrian Tracks on Set of Visualizations
* Time-sync comments denoising via graph convolutional and contextual encoding
* TimeConvNets: A Deep Time Windowed Convolution Neural Network Design for Real-time Video Facial Expression Recognition
* TKD: Temporal Knowledge Distillation for Active Perception
* To Blend or Not to Blend? A Framework for Nationwide Landsat-MODIS Data Selection for Crop Yield Prediction
* Top-k spatial distance joins
* Topology Reconstruction of BIM Wall Objects from Point Cloud Data
* Topology-Learnable Graph Convolution for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Toward Explainable Fashion Recommendation
* Toward Interactive Self-Annotation For Video Object Bounding Box: Recurrent Self-Learning And Hierarchical Annotation Based Framework
* Toward volume preserving spheroid degenerated-octree grid
* Towards a Unified Framework for Visual Compatibility Prediction
* Towards automated computer vision: analysis of the AutoCV challenges 2019
* Towards Automated Spine Mobility Quantification: A Locally Rigid CT to X-Ray Registration Framework
* Towards End-to-end Learning of Visual Inertial Odometry with an EKF
* Towards Good Practice for CNN-Based Monocular Depth Estimation
* Towards interpretable and robust hand detection via pixel-wise prediction
* Towards Learning Affine-Invariant Representations via Data-Efficient CNNs
* Towards Photographic Image Manipulation with Balanced Growing of Generative Autoencoders
* Towards Preserving the Ephemeral: Texture-Based Background Modelling for Capturing Back-of-the-Napkin Notes
* Towards Richer 3D Reference Maps in Urban Scenes
* Towards Robust Pattern Recognition: A Review
* Towards Segmentation and Spatial Alignment of the Human Embryonic Brain Using Deep Learning for Atlas-based Registration
* Towards Tree Green Crown Volume: A Methodological Approach Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Training algorithm for perceptron with multi-pulse type activation function
* Training with Noise Adversarial Network: A Generalization Method for Object Detection on Sonar Image
* Trajectory Planning for Autonomous High-Speed Overtaking in Structured Environments Using Robust MPC
* Transductive Zero-Shot Learning for 3D Point Cloud Classification
* Transforming Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Multispectral Sensor into a Practical Decision Support System for Precision Nitrogen Management in Corn
* Tree bark re-identification using a deep-learning feature descriptor
* Tree Species (Genera) Identification with GF-1 Time-Series in A Forested Landscape, Northeast China
* Trends in IoT based solutions for health care: Moving AI to the edge
* Triple-Complementary Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Triple-SGM: Stereo Processing using Semi-Global Matching with Cost Fusion
* Tropospheric Tomography Method with a Novel Height Factor Model Including Two Parts: Isotropic and Anisotropic Height Factors, A
* TUM-MLS-2016: An Annotated Mobile LiDAR Dataset of the TUM City Campus for Semantic Point Cloud Interpretation in Urban Areas
* TV Forward-Looking Super-Resolution Imaging Method Based on TSVD Strategy for Scanning Radar, A
* Two New Ways of Documenting Miniature Incisions Using a Combination of Image-Based Modelling and Reflectance Transformation Imaging
* Two-Grid Preconditioned Solver for Bundle Adjustment
* Two-Path Network with Feedback Connections for Pan-Sharpening in Remote Sensing
* two-stage method to improve the quality of quantized images, A
* Two-stream collaborative network for multi-label chest X-ray Image classification with lung segmentation
* Two-stream FCNs to balance content and style for style transfer
* Two-Year Radiometric Evaluation of Sentinel-3A OLCI via Intersensor Comparison With SNPP VIIRS, The
* TwoStreamVAN: Improving Motion Modeling in Video Generation
* U-Net-Id, an Instance Segmentation Model for Building Extraction from Satellite Images: Case Study in the Joanópolis City, Brazil
* U. S. cities pilot connected-vehicle tech: Enabling conventional vehicles to communicate could save lives right now
* U2-Net: Going deeper with nested U-structure for salient object detection
* UAV Applications for Determination of Land Deformations Caused by Underground Mining
* UAVid: A semantic segmentation dataset for UAV imagery
* Ubiquitous GIS-Based Forest Fire Susceptibility Mapping Using Artificial Intelligence Methods
* ULSAM: Ultra-Lightweight Subspace Attention Module for Compact Convolutional Neural Networks
* Ultrafast Endoscopic Ultrasonography With Circular Array
* Uncertainties in CERES Top-of-Atmosphere Fluxes Caused by Changes in Accompanying Imager
* Uncertainty Analysis for RadCalNet Instrumented Test Sites Using the Baotou Sites BTCN and BSCN as Examples
* Uncertainty in Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning using Variational Inference
* Uncertainty in Parameterizing Floodplain Forest Friction for Natural Flood Management, Using Remote Sensing
* Uncertainty in Satellite-Derived Surface Irradiances and Challenges in Producing Surface Radiation Budget Climate Data Record
* Uncertainty-aware Short-term Motion Prediction of Traffic Actors for Autonomous Driving
* Uncorrelated Geo-Text Inhibition Method Based on Voronoi K-Order and Spatial Correlations in Web Maps
* Understanding the distraction and behavioural adaptations of drivers when experiencing failures of digital side mirrors
* Underwater image enhancement with global-local networks and compressed-histogram equalization
* Underwater Use of a Hyperspectral Camera to Estimate Optically Active Substances in the Water Column of Freshwater Lakes
* UNet++: Redesigning Skip Connections to Exploit Multiscale Features in Image Segmentation
* Unfolding Events in Space and Time: Geospatial Insights into COVID-19 Diffusion in Washington State during the Initial Stage of the Outbreak
* Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)-Based Methods for Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) Retrieval with Non-Imaging Spectrometers: State of the Art
* UnOVOST: Unsupervised Offline Video Object Segmentation and Tracking
* Unpiloted Aerial System (UAS)-Supported Biogeomorphic Analysis of Restored Sierra Nevada Montane Meadows
* Unseen Land Cover Classification from High-Resolution Orthophotos Using Integration of Zero-Shot Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Unsupervised Adaptation for Synthetic-to-Real Handwritten Word Recognition
* Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Action Recognition from Drones
* Unsupervised Cross-Dataset Adaptation via Probabilistic Amodal 3D Human Pose Completion
* Unsupervised depth prediction from monocular sequences: Improving performances through instance segmentation
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person re-ID via k-Reciprocal Clustering and Large-Scale Heterogeneous Environment Synthesis
* Unsupervised feature selection with adaptive multiple graph learning
* Unsupervised generation of polygonal approximations based on the convex hull
* Unsupervised Image Style Embeddings for Retrieval and Recognition Tasks
* Unsupervised Learning Approach to Discontinuity-preserving Image Registration, An
* Unsupervised Learning of Camera Pose with Compositional Re-estimation
* Unsupervised Satellite Image Time Series Clustering Using Object-Based Approaches and 3D Convolutional Autoencoder
* Unsupervised semantic and instance segmentation of forest point clouds
* Unsupervised Tracklet Person Re-Identification
* Urban Geological 3D Modeling Based on Papery Borehole Log
* Urban road traffic condition forecasting based on sparse ride-hailing service data
* US EPA EnviroAtlas Meter-Scale Urban Land Cover (MULC): 1-m Pixel Land Cover Class Definitions and Guidance
* Use of Common Knowledge in Fuzzy Logic Approach for Vineyard Site Selection, The
* Use of Fluorescence Sensing to Detect Nitrogen and Potassium Variability in Maize
* Use of Geographic Databases for Analyzing Changes in Land Cover A Case Study of the Region of Warmia and Mazury in Poland, The
* Using ALS Data to Improve Co-Registration of Photogrammetry-Based Point Cloud Data in Urban Areas
* Using CNN with Bayesian optimization to identify cerebral micro-bleeds
* Using Deep Learning to Count Albatrosses from Space: Assessing Results in Light of Ground Truth Uncertainty
* Using ICESat-2 to Estimate and Map Forest Aboveground Biomass: A First Example
* Using Multi-Temporal MODIS NDVI Data to Monitor Tea Status and Forecast Yield: A Case Study at Tanuyen, Laichau, Vietnam
* Using RGISTools to Estimate Water Levels in Reservoirs and Lakes
* Using Spectral Indices to Estimate Water Content and GPP in Sphagnum Moss and Other Peatland Vegetation
* Utilising bidirectional inequality constraints in optimal robust control for heterogeneous vehicular platoons
* Utilising Low Complexity CNNs to Lift Non-Local Redundancies in Video Coding
* Utility Driven Post Disaster Emergency Resource Allocation System Using DTN, A
* V2V for Vehicular Safety Applications
* Validation of a Primary Production Algorithm of Vertically Generalized Production Model Derived from Multi-Satellite Data around the Waters of Taiwan
* Variational Image Deraining
* Vegetation Phenology Influenced by Rapid Urbanization of The Yangtze Delta Region
* Vehicular Clouds Leveraging Mobile Urban Computing Through Resource Discovery
* Verification of Fractional Vegetation Coverage and NDVI of Desert Vegetation via UAVRS Technology
* Very Power Efficient Neural Time-of-Flight
* Video anomaly detection and localization using motion-field shape description and homogeneity testing
* Video Object Segmentation-based Visual Servo Control and Object Depth Estimation on a Mobile Robot
* Video Person Re-Identification using Learned Clip Similarity Aggregation
* Video Summarization With Attention-Based Encoder-Decoder Networks
* Viewport-Adaptive Scalable Multi-User Virtual Reality Mobile-Edge Streaming
* Village-Level Homestead and Building Floor Area Estimates Based on UAV Imagery and U-Net Algorithm
* ViP: Virtual Pooling for Accelerating CNN-based Image Classification and Object Detection
* Virtual Geostationary Ocean Color Sensor to Analyze the Coastal Optical Variability, A
* Vision-based vehicle behaviour analysis: a structured learning approach via convolutional neural networks
* Visual Object Tracking by Hierarchical Attention Siamese Network
* Visual Question Answering on 360° Images
* Visual Social Relationship Recognition
* VLab Framework: An Orchestrator Component to Support Data to Knowledge Transition, The
* Volcanic Anomalies Monitoring System (VOLCANOMS), a Low-Cost Volcanic Monitoring System Based on Landsat Images
* Volume Variations of Small Inland Water Bodies from a Combination of Satellite Altimetry and Optical Imagery
* VRT-Net: Real-Time Scene Parsing via Variable Resolution Transform
* W-Band FMCW MIMO Radar System for High-Resolution Multimode Imaging With Time- and Frequency-Division Multiplexing
* Watch to Listen Clearly: Visual Speech Enhancement Driven Multi-modality Speech Recognition
* Water Balance Standardization Approach for Reconstructing Runoff Using GPS at the Basin Upstream
* Water Quality Properties Derived from VIIRS Measurements in the Great Lakes
* WaterNet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Chlorophyll-a Concentration Retrieval
* Wavelet-Based Quality-Constrained ECG Data Compression System Without Decoding Process
* weakly supervised CNN model for spatial localization of human activities in unconstraint environment, A
* Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Brain Disease Prognosis Using MRI and Incomplete Clinical Scores
* Weakly Supervised Gaussian Networks for Action Detection
* Weakly Supervised Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Human Action Localization
* Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization Using Deep Metric Learning
* Weakly-Supervised Multi-Person Action Recognition in 360° Videos
* Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation by Iterative Affinity Learning
* Weighted Accuracy Measure for Land Cover Mapping: Comment on Johnson et al. Local Climate Zone (LCZ) Map Accuracy Assessments Should Account for Land Cover Physical Characteristics that Affect the Local Thermal Environment. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2420, A
* Weighted Ensemble Object Detection with Optimized Coefficients for Remote Sensing Images
* Weighted sigmoid gate unit for an activation function of deep neural network
* Wetland Surface Water Detection from Multipath SAR Images Using Gaussian Process-Based Temporal Interpolation
* Wheat Lodging Detection from UAS Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms
* Where Does Nighttime Light Come From? Insights from Source Detection and Error Attribution
* Wide Hidden Expansion Layer for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Winter Wheat Yield Prediction at County Level and Uncertainty Analysis in Main Wheat-Producing Regions of China with Deep Learning Approaches
* Word-level Deep Sign Language Recognition from Video: A New Large-scale Dataset and Methods Comparison
* Zero shot learning based on class visual prototypes and semantic consistency
* Zero-sum game theory model for segmenting skin regions
1594 for 2006

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.