Update Dates 2405

2405 * *Editor's Note: Special Issue on BMVC 2021
* 2023 video similarity dataset and challenge, The
* 3D hand reconstruction via aggregating intra and inter graphs guided by prior knowledge for hand-object interaction scenario
* 3D Lane Detection With Attention in Attention
* 3D motion image recognition model based on 3D CNN-GRU model and attention mechanism, A
* 3D multi-scale CycleGAN framework for generating synthetic PETs from MRIs for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, A
* 3D Point Cloud Shape Generation with Collaborative Learning of Generative Adversarial Network and Auto-Encoder
* 3D/2D Vessel Registration Based on Monte Carlo Tree Search and Manifold Regularization
* 3DSN-Net: A 3-D Scale-Aware convNet With Nonlocal Context Guidance for Kidney and Tumor Segmentation From CT Volumes
* 4-channelled hazy image input generation and deep learning-based single image dehazing, A
* 6G IoV Networks Driven by RF Digital Twin Modeling
* ABAE: Auxiliary Balanced AutoEncoder for class-imbalanced semi-supervised learning
* ABNet: An Aggregated Backbone Network Architecture for Fine Landcover Classification
* Aboveground Biomass Inversion Based on Object-Oriented Classification and Pearson-mRMR-Machine Learning Model
* Accelerating Globally Optimal Consensus Maximization in Geometric Vision
* Accuracy and Safety: Tracking Control of Heavy-Duty Cooperative Transportation Systems Using Constraint-Following Method
* Accuracy Assessment and Comparison of National, European and Global Land Use Land Cover Maps at the National Scale: Case Study: Portugal
* Accuracy- and Simplicity-Oriented Self-Calibration Approach for In-Vehicle GNSS/INS/Vision System With Observability Analysis
* Accurate 3D Measurement of Complex Texture Objects by Height Compensation Using a Dual-Projector Structure
* ACQ: Improving generative data-free quantization via attention correction
* Activating More Information in Arbitrary-Scale Image Super-Resolution
* Acute myelogenous leukaemia detection in blood microscope images using particle swarm optimisation
* Adapting projection-based LiDAR semantic segmentation to natural domains
* Adaptive and Anti-Drift Motion Constraints for Object Tracking in Satellite Videos
* Adaptive Dual Selective Transformer for Temporal Action Localization, An
* Adaptive Global Embedding Learning: A Two-Stage Framework for UAV-View Geo-Localization
* Adaptive Modeling of Uncertainties for Traffic Forecasting
* Adaptive multi-text union for stable text-to-image synthesis learning
* Adaptive Q-Value Adjustment-Based Learning Model for Reliable Vehicle-to-UAV Computation Offloading, An
* Adaptive Resource Scheduling Algorithm for Multi-Target ISAR Imaging in Radar Systems
* Adaptive Simplification Method for Coastlines Using a Skeleton Line Bridge Double Direction Buffering Algorithm, An
* Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Graph-Mixer for Human Motion Prediction
* Adaptive Tracking Method for Moving Target in Fluctuating Reverberation Environment, An
* Adaptively hybrid fractal image coding
* Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Remote Sensing II
* Advanced Methods and Algorithms for Selected Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) Benefits
* Advanced Quality Assessment and Monitoring of ESA Sentinel-1 SAR Products via the CyCLOPS Infrastructure in the Southeastern Mediterranean Region, An
* Advanced Scheme for Radar Clutter Suppression Scheme Based on Blind Source Separation, An
* Advancement of Sea Surface Convective Wind Gust Observation by Different Satellite Sensors and Assessment with In Situ Measurements
* Advancements in point cloud data augmentation for deep learning: A survey
* Advancements in Remote Sensing Imagery Applications for Precision Management in Olive Growing: A Systematic Review
* Advances in Deep Learning Recognition of Landslides Based on Remote Sensing Images
* Advances in Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Technology for Geothermal Resource Detection
* AED Inequity among Social Groups in Guangzhou
* AES-Net: An adapter and enhanced self-attention guided network for multi-stage glaucoma classification using fundus images
* Affine Collaborative Normalization: A shortcut for adaptation in medical image analysis
* AFMUNet: Attention Feature Fusion Network Based on a U-Shaped Structure for Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection
* AI-assisted deepfake detection using adaptive blind image watermarking
* AI-SenseVision: A Low-Cost Artificial-Intelligence-Based Robust and Real-Time Assistance for Visually Impaired People
* AIDER: Aircraft Icing Potential Area DEtection in Real-Time Using 3-Dimensional Radar and Atmospheric Variables
* AIfES: A Next-Generation Edge AI Framework
* AIMED-Net: An Enhancing Infrared Small Target Detection Net in UAVs with Multi-Layer Feature Enhancement for Edge Computing
* Airborne Platform Three-Dimensional Positioning Method Based on Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferogram Matching
* Aircraft Skin Damage Detection and Assessment From UAV Images Using GLCM and Cloud Model
* AiTARs-Net: A novel network for detecting arbitrary-oriented transverse aeolian ridges from Tianwen-1 HiRIC images
* Algal Bed Region Segmentation Based on a ViT Adapter Using Aerial Images for Estimating CO2 Absorption Capacity
* algorithm for detecting dense small objects in aerial photography based on coordinate position attention module, An
* Algorithm for the Weak Target Joint Detection and Ambiguity Resolution Based on Ambiguity Matrix
* Alignment and fusion for adaptive domain nighttime semantic segmentation
* All-Day Vehicle Detection From Surveillance Videos Based on Illumination-Adjustable Generative Adversarial Network
* AM-MulFSNet: A fast semantic segmentation network combining attention mechanism and multi-branch
* AMFNet: Attention-Guided Multi-Scale Fusion Network for Bi-Temporal Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Analysis of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Characteristics on Different Underlying Surfaces of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau in Summer
* Analysis of Height of the Stable Boundary Layer in Summer and Its Influencing Factors in the Taklamakan Desert Hinterland
* Analysis of Meteorological Drivers of Taihu Lake Algal Blooms over the Past Two Decades and Development of a VOCs Emission Inventory for Algal Bloom
* Analysis of Multipath Changes in the Polish Permanent GNSS Stations Network
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Land Desertification in Qilian Mountain National Park Based on Google Earth Engine
* Analysis of the Low-Frequency Debris Flow Disaster Induced by a Local Rainstorm on 12 July 2022, in Pingwu County, China
* Analysis of Time-to-Lane-Change-Initiation Using Realistic Driving Data
* Analytical Coherent Detection in High-Resolution Dual-Polarimetric Sea Clutter with Independent Inverse Gamma Textures
* Analyzing the Influence of Visitor Types on Location Choices and Revisit Intentions in Urban Heritage Destinations
* Anchor Graph-Based Feature Selection for One-Step Multi-View Clustering
* Animatable Implicit Neural Representations for Creating Realistic Avatars From Videos
* Animating Cartographic Meaning: Unveiling the Impact of Pictorial Symbol Motion Speed in Preattentive Processing
* Anisotropic Scale-Invariant Ellipse Detection
* Annual and Seasonal Variations in Aerosol Optical Characteristics in the Huai River Basin, China from 2007 to 2021
* Anti-Collision Algorithm for Self-Organizing Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Using Deep Learning, An
* AODiMP-TIR: Anti-occlusion thermal infrared targets tracker based on SuperDiMP
* APC2Mesh: Bridging the gap from occluded building façades to full 3D models
* Appearance debiased gaze estimation via stochastic subject-wise adversarial learning
* Application of Ensemble Algorithm Based on the Feature-Oriented Mean in Tropical Cyclone-Related Precipitation Forecasting
* Applied-behavioural analysis therapy for autism spectrum disorder students through virtual reality
* APTEN-Planner: Autonomous Parking of Semi-Trailer Train in Extremely Narrow Environments
* Arbitrary 3D stylization of radiance fields
* Arctic Sea Ice Albedo Estimation from Fengyun-3C/Visible and Infra-Red Radiometer
* Arctic Thin Ice Detection Using AMSR2 and FY-3C MWRI Radiometer Data
* Arctic Winds Retrieved from FY-3D Microwave Humidity Sounder-II 183.31 GHz Brightness Temperature Using Atmospheric Motion Vector Method
* ARGOS Instrument for Stratospheric Aerosol Measurements, The
* Artifact Region-Aware Transformer: Global Context Helps CT Metal Artifact Reduction
* ASP: Learn a Universal Neural Solver!
* Assessing Drought Stress of Sugarcane Cultivars Using Unmanned Vehicle System (UAS)-Based Vegetation Indices and Physiological Parameters
* Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Using SolAtmos End-to-End Simulator: Application to the Uvsq-Sat NG Mission
* Assessing Groundwater Sustainability in the Arabian Peninsula and Its Impact on Gravity Fields through Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Measurements
* Assessing Lidar Ratio Impact on CALIPSO Retrievals Utilized for the Estimation of Aerosol SW Radiative Effects across North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe
* Assessing Satellite-Derived OpenET Platform Evapotranspiration of Mature Pecan Orchard in the Mesilla Valley, New Mexico
* Assessing Seasonal and Inter-Annual Changes in the Total Cover of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Assessing the Spatiotemporal Variations in the Hydrological Response of the Qin River Basin in Loess Plateau, China
* Assessment of the Added Value of the GOCE GPS Data on the GRACE Monthly Gravity Field Solutions
* Assessment of the Real-Time and Rapid Precise Point Positioning Performance Using Geodetic and Low-Cost GNSS Receivers
* Assessment of volumetric dense tissue segmentation in tomosynthesis using deep virtual clinical trials
* Asymptotic Performance of GNSS Positioning Approaches under Cross-Correlation Effects
* Asymptotic Spectral Distribution of a Second-Order Progressive Scattering Channel
* Attention-Enhanced Dual-Branch Residual Network with Adaptive L-Softmax Loss for Specific Emitter Identification under Low-Signal-to-Noise Ratio Conditions
* Attention-generative adversarial networks for simulating rain field
* Attention-map augmentation for hypercomplex breast cancer classification
* Attribute discrimination combined with selected sample dropout for unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification
* Audio-visual saliency prediction for movie viewing in immersive environments: Dataset and benchmarks
* Augmented skeleton sequences with hypergraph network for self-supervised group activity recognition
* Authenticating and securing healthcare records: A deep learning-based zero watermarking approach
* Autocorrelation-Based r-Stability Condition With Application in the Design of IIR Filters, An
* Autofocusing for Synthetic Aperture Imaging Based on Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Automated Camera Pose Generation for High-Resolution 3D Reconstruction of Bridges by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Automatic Building Roof Plane Extraction in Urban Environments for 3D City Modelling Using Remote Sensing Data
* Automatic calculation of step size and inertia parameter for convolutional dictionary learning
* Automatic Railway Signaling Generation for Railways Systems Described on Railway Markup Language (railML)
* Automotive Security: Threat Forewarning and ECU Source Mapping Derived From Physical Features of Network Signals
* B-Cos Alignment for Inherently Interpretable CNNs and Vision Transformers
* BadLabel: A Robust Perspective on Evaluating and Enhancing Label-Noise Learning
* Balancing Flood Control and Economic Development in Flood Detention Areas of the Yangtze River Basin
* Bayesian Approach for Forecasting the Probability of Large Earthquakes Using Thermal Anomalies from Satellite Observations, A
* BC-GAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for Synthesizing a Batch of Collocated Clothing
* Benchmarking Under- and Above-Canopy Laser Scanning Solutions for Deriving Stem Curve and Volume in Easy and Difficult Boreal Forest Conditions
* Better Understanding Differences in Attribution Methods via Systematic Evaluations
* Bidirectional correlation-driven inter-frame interaction Transformer for referring video object segmentation
* Bidirectional image denoising with blurred image feature
* Bilateral regularized optimization model for edge-preserving image smoothing
* Bilateral Supervision Network for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* BimodalPS: Causes and Corrections for Bimodal Multi-Path in Phase-Shifting Structured Light Scanners
* Bio-Inspired Visual Perception Transformer for Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* BioDrone: A Bionic Drone-Based Single Object Tracking Benchmark for Robust Vision
* Biomass Burning Aerosol Observations and Transport over Northern and Central Argentina: A Case Study
* BLEI: Research on a Novel Remote Sensing Bare Land Extraction Index
* Blind image quality assessment with semi-supervised learning
* Blind Universal Denoising for Radar Micro-Doppler Spectrograms Using Identical Dual Learning and Reciprocal Adversarial Training
* Blockage Effects of Road Bridge on mmWave Channels for Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
* Blockchain Based Matching Game for Content Sharing in Content-Centric Vehicle-to-Grid Network Scenarios, A
* Boosting Adversarial Training with Hardness-Guided Attack Strategy
* Boosting Factorization Machines via Saliency-Guided Mixup
* Boosting Robust Multi-Focus Image Fusion With Frequency Mask and Hyperdimensional Computing
* Boosting sharpness-aware training with dynamic neighborhood
* Boosting Video Object Segmentation via Robust and Efficient Memory Network
* Boundary-Guided Lightweight Semantic Segmentation With Multi-Scale Semantic Context
* BPJDet: Extended Object Representation for Generic Body-Part Joint Detection
* Brain tumor segmentation in MRI with multi-modality spatial information enhancement and boundary shape correction
* Brain tumour segmentation framework with deep nuanced reasoning and Swin-T
* Break the Bias: Delving Semantic Transform Invariance for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Bridging Domains and Resolutions: Deep Learning-Based Land Cover Mapping without Matched Labels
* Brief Analysis of iColoriT for Interactive Image Colorization, A
* Brief Analysis of the Generic Framework for the Structured Abstraction of Images, A
* Broadband Information Metasurface-Assisted Target Jamming System for Synthetic Aperture Radar, A
* BSDP: Brain-inspired Streaming Dual-level Perturbations for Online Open World Object Detection
* BSSNet: A Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network for Road Scenes Inspired From AutoEncoder
* Bundle adjustment with motion constraints for uncalibrated multi-camera systems at the ground level
* C-Net: A Compression-Based Lightweight Network for Machine-Generated Text Detection
* CAE-GReaT: Convolutional-Auxiliary Efficient Graph Reasoning Transformer for Dense Image Predictions
* Calculation Method for the Hyperspectral Imaging of Targets Utilizing a Ray-Tracing Algorithm, A
* Calculation Model of Radar Terrain Masking Based on Tensor Grid Dilation Operator
* Camera Pose-Based Background Modeling for Video Coding in Moving Cameras
* Can Generative AI Models Extract Deeper Sentiments as Compared to Traditional Deep Learning Algorithms?
* Canopy-Level Spectral Variation and Classification of Diverse Crop Species with Fine Spatial Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy
* Capsule Broad Learning System Network for Robust Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition with Small Samples
* Carrier Phase Dual One-Way Ranging Method Based on a Frequency Hopping Signal
* Carrier-Free Ultra-Wideband Sensor Target Recognition in the Jungle Environment
* CAST: Cross-Modal Retrieval and Visual Conditioning for image captioning
* CDINet: Content Distortion Interaction Network for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* CEDR: Contrastive Embedding Distribution Refinement for 3D point cloud representation
* Chance-Constrained Planning for Dynamically Stable Motion of Reconfigurable Vehicles
* Change Detection Based on Existing Vector Polygons and Up-to-Date Images Using an Attention-Based Multi-Scale ConvTransformer Network
* Changes in Surface and Terrestrial Waters in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Due to Climate Change and Human Activities
* Changes in the 19th Century Cultural Landscape with Regard to City Rights in Western Poland
* Changes in the Water Area of an Inland River Terminal Lake (Taitma Lake) Driven by Climate Change and Human Activities, 2017-2022
* Channel Attention for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment in DCT Domain
* Channel Estimation for Underwater Acoustic Communications in Impulsive Noise Environments: A Sparse, Robust, and Efficient Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers-Based Approach
* Channel Measurement and Modeling for Millimeter-Wave Automotive Radar
* Channel Modeling for Receptors Reversible Reactive Receiver With Continuous Release of Ligands
* Channel Prediction for Underwater Acoustic Communication: A Review and Performance Evaluation of Algorithms
* Characteristics Analysis of Influence of Multiple Parameters of Mixed Sea Waves on Delay-Doppler Map in Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry
* Characterization of Aerosol and CO2 Co-Emissions around Power Plants through Satellite-Based Synergistic Observations
* Characterization of River Width Measurement Capability by Space Borne GNSS-Reflectometry
* Characterizing the California Current System through Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity
* Charging Support Communication System Based on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for Electric Vehicles
* Chlorophyll-a Concentration Inversion Model Based on Backpropagation Neural Network Optimized by an Improved Metaheuristic Algorithm, A
* CI3D: Context Interaction for Dynamic Objects and Static Map Elements in 3D Driving Scenes
* Class Based Thresholding in Early Exit Semantic Segmentation Networks
* Class Incremental Learning With Deep Contrastive Learning and Attention Distillation
* Classification of Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea based on X-ray images analysis by Quasi-conformal Geometry
* Classification of Small Drones Using Low-Uncertainty Micro-Doppler Signature Images and Ultra-Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network
* ClearSCD model: Comprehensively leveraging semantics and change relationships for semantic change detection in high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery, The
* Climate Interprets Saturation Value Variations Better Than Soil and Topography in Estimating Oak Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Landsat 8 OLI Imagery
* Clinically Guided Graph Convolutional Network for Assessment of Parkinsonian Pronation-Supination Movements of Hands, A
* Clustering-inspired channel selection method for weakly supervised object localization
* CM-MaskSD: Cross-Modality Masked Self-Distillation for Referring Image Segmentation
* CNN-BiLSTM: A Novel Deep Learning Model for Near-Real-Time Daily Wildfire Spread Prediction
* Co-Benefits and Tradeoffs Between Safety, Mobility, and Environmental Impacts for Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Co-Occurrence Matters: Learning Action Relation for Temporal Action Localization
* Co-TES: Learning noisy labels with a Co-Teaching Exchange Student method
* Coarse-to-Fine Cross-View Interaction Based Accurate Stereo Image Super-Resolution Network
* Coastal Sediment Grain Size Estimates on Gravel Beaches Using Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
* Coastline Automatic Extraction from Medium-Resolution Satellite Images Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)-Based Approach
* COC-UFGAN: Underwater image enhancement based on color opponent compensation and dual-subnet underwater fusion generative adversarial network
* CoCoNet: Coupled Contrastive Learning Network with Multi-level Feature Ensemble for Multi-modality Image Fusion
* Collaborative Methods of Resolving Road Graphic Conflicts Based on Cartographic Rules and Generalization Operations
* Collaborative Motion Planning Based on the Improved Ant Colony Algorithm for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles
* Collision-Free Cooperative Motion Planning and Decision-Making for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections
* Color Image Denoising Using Reduced Biquaternion U-Network
* Combining LiDAR and Spaceborne Multispectral Data for Mapping Successional Forest Stages in Subtropical Forests
* Combining Multitemporal Optical and Radar Satellite Data for Mapping the Tatra Mountains Non-Forest Plant Communities
* Communication-Efficient Secure Distributed Estimation With Noisy Measurement Against FDI Attack
* Community detection in the stochastic block model by mixed integer programming
* Community Quality Evaluation for Socially Sustainable Regeneration: A Study Using Multi-Sourced Geospatial Data and AI-Based Image Semantic Segmentation
* Community-Based Dandelion Algorithm-Enabled Feature Selection and Broad Learning System for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Comparative Analysis of Earth Observation Methodologies for Irrigation Water Accounting in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon
* Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Orbital Geometry and Signal Frequency on the Ionospheric Scintillations over a Low Latitude Indian Station: First Results from the 25th Solar Cycle, A
* Comparative Evaluation of Semi-Empirical Approaches to Retrieve Satellite-Derived Chlorophyll-a Concentrations from Nearshore and Offshore Waters of a Large Lake (Lake Ontario)
* Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recognition Using Classical and Deep Learning Approaches, A
* Comparing Machine Learning and Time Series Approaches in Predictive Modeling of Urban Fire Incidents: A Case Study of Austin, Texas
* Comparing ML Methods for Downscaling Near-Surface Air Temperature over the Eastern Mediterranean
* Comparison between Satellite Derived Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, NDVI and kNDVI in Detecting Water Stress for Dense Vegetation across Southern China
* Comparison of Different Green Space Measures and Their Impact on Dementia Cases in South Korea: A Spatial Panel Analysis
* Comparison of fine-tuning strategies for transfer learning in medical image classification
* Composite convolution: A flexible operator for deep learning on 3D point clouds
* Compound Jamming Recognition Based on a Dual-Channel Neural Network and Feature Fusion
* Comprehension of City Map Pictograms Designed for Specific Tourists' Needs
* Comprehensive Analysis on GPS Carrier Phase under Various Cutoff Elevation Angles and Its Impact on Station Coordinates' Repeatability
* Comprehensive Assessment and Analysis of the Current Global Aerosol Optical Depth Products
* Comprehensive Assessment of NDVI Products Derived from Fengyun Satellites across China
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Dual-Polarimetric Sentinel-1 SAR Data for Monitoring Key Phenological Stages of Winter Wheat, A
* Comprehensive Examination of the Medvezhiy Glacier's Surges in West Pamir (1968-2023), A
* Comprehensive Review and New Taxonomy on Superpixel Segmentation, A
* Comprehensive Study of the Robustness for LiDAR-Based 3D Object Detectors Against Adversarial Attacks, A
* Compressed Video Action Recognition With Dual-Stream and Dual-Modal Transformer
* computation offloading method with distributed double deep Q-network for connected vehicle platooning with vehicle-to-infrastructure communications, A
* Computational Techniques in PET/CT Image Processing for Breast Cancer: A Systematic Mapping Review
* Computer Vision, ML, and AI in the Study of Fine Art
* Concept of a Satellite Cross-Calibration Radiometer for In-Orbit Calibration of Commercial Optical Satellites
* Concept of Spaceborne Ocean Microwave Dual-Function Integrated Sensor for Wind and Wave Measurement
* Conditional Diffusion Model for Urban Morphology Prediction
* Conditioning diffusion models via attributes and semantic masks for face generation
* Connection of Conic and Cylindrical Map Projections
* Connectivity, Automation and Safety in Transportation of the Future
* Consensus of Linear Discrete-Time Connected Autonomous Vehicle Systems With Time Delays and Multiplicative Noise
* Consistency of Aerosol Optical Properties between MODIS Satellite Retrievals and AERONET over a 14-Year Period in Central-East Europe
* Constrained Iterative Adaptive Algorithm for the Detection and Localization of RFI Sources Based on the SMAP L-Band Microwave Radiometer
* Construction of a Crop Flood Damage Assessment Index to Rapidly Assess the Extent of Postdisaster Impact, The
* Content bias in deep learning image age approximation: A new approach towards better explainability
* Content-Aware Rectified Activation for Zero-Shot Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* Context-Aware Robust Fine-Tuning
* Continual Interactive Behavior Learning With Traffic Divergence Measurement: A Dynamic Gradient Scenario Memory Approach
* Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Representation Learning for Origin-Destination Demand Prediction
* Contrastive domain-adaptive graph selective self-training network for cross-network edge classification
* Contrastive Semi-Supervised Learning for Image Highlight Removal
* Convergence of Expectation-Maximization Algorithm With Mixed-Integer Optimization
* Convex-Concave Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis
* convolutional neural network based on noise residual for seam carving detection, A
* Cooperative and Automated Road Transport - European Perspective
* Cooperative Saliency-Based Pothole Detection and AR Rendering for Increased Situational Awareness
* Coordination Optimization for Train Operation and Energy Infrastructure Control in a Metro System, A
* CoReFace: Sample-guided Contrastive Regularization for Deep Face Recognition
* Correcting an Off-Nadir to a Nadir Land Surface Temperature Using a Multitemporal Thermal Infrared Kernel-Driven Model during Daytime
* Correcting the Location Error of Persistent Scatterers in an Urban Area Based on Adaptive Building Contours Matching: A Case Study of Changsha
* Correlation Filters for UAV Online Tracking Based on Complementary Appearance Model and Reversibility Reasoning
* Coseismic and Early Postseismic Deformation Mechanism Following the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake: Insights from Satellite Radar Interferometry and GPS
* COSST: Multi-Organ Segmentation With Partially Labeled Datasets Using Comprehensive Supervisions and Self-Training
* Coupling Downscaling and Calibrating Methods for Generating High-Quality Precipitation Data with Multisource Satellite Data in the Yellow River Basin
* COV-STFormer for Short-Term Passenger Flow Prediction During COVID-19 in Urban Rail Transit Systems
* Crater Detection and Population Statistics in Tianwen-1 Landing Area Based on Segment Anything Model (SAM)
* Critical Threshold-Based Heat Damage Evolution Monitoring to Tea Plants with Remotely Sensed LST over Mainland China
* Crop Canopy Nitrogen Estimation from Mixed Pixels in Agricultural Lands Using Imaging Spectroscopy
* Cross co-teaching for semi-supervised medical image segmentation
* Cross-modal de-deviation for enhancing few-shot classification
* Cross-modal knowledge learning with scene text for fine-grained image classification
* Cross-Modal Segmentation Network for Winter Wheat Mapping in Complex Terrain Using Remote-Sensing Multi-Temporal Images and DEM Data
* Cross-Mode Knowledge Adaptation for Bike Sharing Demand Prediction Using Domain-Adversarial Graph Neural Networks
* CS2DIPs: Unsupervised HSI Super-Resolution Using Coupled Spatial and Spectral DIPs
* CST Framework: A Robust and Portable Finger Motion Tracking Framework
* CSTrans: Correlation-guided Self-Activation Transformer for Counting Everything
* CTIF-Net: A CNN-Transformer Iterative Fusion Network for Salient Object Detection
* CTM: Cross-time temporal module for fine-grained action recognition
* DaFIR: Distortion-Aware Representation Learning for Fisheye Image Rectification
* DAGNet: Depth-aware Glass-like objects segmentation via cross-modal attention
* Daily High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction Using an I-DINCAE and DNN Model Based on FY-3C Thermal Infrared Data, A
* DAT: A robust Discriminant Analysis-based Test of unimodality for unknown input distributions
* Data Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Rain Rates Estimated by Neural Network in Convective Environments: A Study over Italy
* Data-Driven Assessment of the Impact of Hurricanes Ian and Nicole: Natural and Armored Dunes in the Aftermath of Hurricanes on Florida's Central East Coast
* Data-Driven Distributed Vehicle Platoon Control for Heterogeneous Nonlinear Vehicle Systems
* DCMSTRD: End-to-end Dense Captioning via Multi-Scale Transformer Decoding
* DCRP: Class-Aware Feature Diffusion Constraint and Reliable Pseudo-Labeling for Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning
* DDFNet-A: Attention-Based Dual-Branch Feature Decomposition Fusion Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* De2Net: Under-display camera image restoration with feature deconvolution and kernel decomposition
* Decomposition via elastic-band transform
* Deconstructing Pedestrian Crossing Decisions in Interactions With Continuous Traffic: An Anthropomorphic Model
* Decoupled and boosted learning for skeleton-based dynamic hand gesture recognition
* Decoupling and Integration Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Deep and wide nonnegative matrix factorization with embedded regularization
* deep audio-visual model for efficient dynamic video summarization, A
* Deep Blind Fault Activity: A Fault Model of Strong Mw 5.5 Earthquake Seismogenic Structures in North China
* Deep Boosting Learning: A Brand-New Cooperative Approach for Image-Text Matching
* Deep Convolution Modulation for Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient-Based Algorithm for Computation Offloading in IoV
* Deep Dive into Robot Vision - An Integrative Systematic Literature Review Methodologies and Research Endeavor Practices, A
* Deep Feature Statistics Mapping for Generalized Screen Content Image Quality Assessment
* Deep learning and genetic algorithm-based ensemble model for feature selection and classification of breast ultrasound images
* Deep Learning Classification Scheme for PolSAR Image Based on Polarimetric Features, A
* Deep Learning for Exploring Landslides with Remote Sensing and Geo-Environmental Data: Frameworks, Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities
* Deep Learning for Iris Recognition: A Survey
* Deep Learning Framework for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Without Strict Registration, A
* Deep Learning Localization Method for Acoustic Source via Improved Input Features and Network Structure, A
* Deep learning method for human activity recognition using heaped LSTM and image pattern of activity
* Deep Learning Test Platform for Maritime Applications: Development of the eM/S Salama Unmanned Surface Vessel and Its Remote Operations Center for Sensor Data Collection and Algorithm Development
* Deep learning with adaptive convolutions for classification of retinal diseases via optical coherence tomography
* Deep Learning-Based Automatic River Flow Estimation Using RADARSAT Imagery
* Deep Multimodal Data Fusion
* Deep neural networks for automatic speaker recognition do not learn supra-segmental temporal features
* Deep Omni-Supervised Learning for Rib Fracture Detection From Chest Radiology Images
* Deep Pyramid Network for Low-Light Endoscopic Image Enhancement
* Deep Rank-N Decomposition Network for Image Fusion
* Deep Ranking Distribution Preserving Hashing for Robust Multi-Label Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep Reference Frame Generation Method for VVC Inter Prediction Enhancement
* Deep Variation Prior: Joint Image Denoising and Noise Variance Estimation Without Clean Data
* Deep-Learning-Based Error-Correction Method for Atmospheric Motion Vectors, A
* DeepSFM: Robust Deep Iterative Refinement for Structure From Motion
* Deformation Analysis and Prediction of a High-Speed Railway Suspension Bridge under Multi-Load Coupling
* Degradation-Aware Self-Attention Based Transformer for Blind Image Super-Resolution
* Delineating Source and Sink Zones of Trip Journeys in the Road Network Space
* DeNKD: Decoupled Non-Target Knowledge Distillation for Complementing Transformer-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Dense center-direction regression for object counting and localization with point supervision
* Dense Pixel-to-Pixel Harmonization via Continuous Image Representation
* Dense-sparse representation matters: A point-based method for volumetric medical image segmentation
* Depth-aware guidance with self-estimated depth representations of diffusion models
* Design and implementation in an Altera's cyclone IV EP4CE6E22C8 FPGA board of a fast and robust cipher using combined 1D maps
* Design of a Multimodal Detection System Tested on Tea Impurity Detection
* Detect Any Shadow: Segment Anything for Video Shadow Detection
* Detecting Coseismic Landslides in GEE Using Machine Learning Algorithms on Combined Optical and Radar Imagery
* Detecting Lunar Linear Structures Based on Multimodal Semantic Segmentation: The Case of Sinuous Rilles
* Detecting Moving Wildlife Using the Time Difference between Two Thermal Airborne Images
* Detecting the Background-Similar Objects in Complex Transportation Scenes
* Detection of dental periapical lesions using retinex based image enhancement and lightweight deep learning model
* Detection of Typical Forest Degradation Patterns: Characteristics and Drivers of Forest Degradation in Northeast China
* Determining Riverine Surface Roughness at Fluvial Mesohabitat Level and Its Influence on UAV-Based Thermal Imaging Accuracy
* Deterministic Global 3D Fractal Cloud Model for Synthetic Scene Generation
* Development of a High-Precision Lidar System and Improvement of Key Steps for Railway Obstacle Detection Algorithm
* Development of an Integrated Urban Flood Model and Its Application in a Concave-Down Overpass Area
* Development, Modeling and Assessment of Connected Automated Vehicle Applications
* DFR-Net: Density Feature Refinement Network for Image Dehazing Utilizing Haze Density Difference
* DGFormer: Dynamic graph transformer for 3D human pose estimation
* Diagram Perception Networks for Textbook Question Answering via Joint Optimization
* Diapiric Structures in the Tinto River Estuary (SW Spain) Caused by Artificial Load of an Industrial Stockpile
* Dictionary-Based Multi-View Learning With Privileged Information
* Diffusion-Based Reactive Approach to Road Network Cooperative Persistent Surveillance, A
* Digital Twin-Enabled Efficient Federated Learning for Collision Warning in Intelligent Driving
* Direct Approach for Local Quasi-Geoid Modeling Based on Spherical Radial Basis Functions Using a Noisy Satellite-Only Global Gravity Field Model, A
* Disaggregating National Statistical Data to Assess the Sub-National SDG 6.4.2 Water Stress Indicator by Integrating Satellite Observations and Model Data
* Discovering Links between Geospatial Data Sources in the Web of Data: The Open Geospatial Engine Approach
* Discriminative Feature Learning With Co-Occurrence Attention Network for Vehicle ReID
* Disentangle Then Calibrate With Gradient Guidance: A Unified Framework for Common and Rare Disease Diagnosis
* Disentangled Graph Variational Auto-Encoder for Multimodal Recommendation With Interpretability
* Distill-SODA: Distilling Self-Supervised Vision Transformer for Source-Free Open-Set Domain Adaptation in Computational Pathology
* Distillation embedded absorbable pruning for fast object re-identification
* distortion-free authentication method for color images with tampering localization and self-recovery, A
* Distributed Collaborative Control of Multi-Vehicle Autonomous Cooperative Transportation Systems: A Hierarchical Constraint-Following Approach
* Distributed Formation Control Based on Disturbance Observers for High-Speed Trains With Communication Delays
* Distributed Kalman Filter Through Trace Proximity and Covariance Intersection
* Distributed Model Predictive Control for Heterogeneous Platoon With Leading Human-Driven Vehicle Acceleration Prediction
* Distributed MPC for Multi-Vehicle Cooperative Control Considering the Surrounding Vehicle Personality
* Distributed MPC of Vehicle Platoons Considering Longitudinal and Lateral Coupling
* Distributed Prescribed Performance Fault-Tolerant Control of Multi-UAVs With Input Delays via Dynamic Event-Triggered Observers
* Distributed statistical learning algorithm for nonlinear regression with autoregressive errors
* Distributed Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platooning Under Uncertainty
* Diurnal Asymmetry Effects of Photovoltaic Power Plants on Land Surface Temperature in Gobi Deserts
* Diverse branch feature refinement network for efficient multi-scale super-resolution
* Diversify: A General Framework for Time Series Out-of-Distribution Detection and Generalization
* DMCVS: Decomposed motion compensation-based video stabilization
* DMF-GAN: Deep Multimodal Fusion Generative Adversarial Networks for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Dolan Fire of Central Coastal California: Burn Severity Estimates from Remote Sensing and Associations with Environmental Factors, The
* Domain Feature Decomposition for Efficient Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Domain-Aware Graph Network for Bridging Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
* Domain-Aware Prototype Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Domain-aware triplet loss in domain generalization
* Domain-Consistent and Uncertainty-Aware Network for Generalizable Gaze Estimation
* Drawlody: Sketch-Based Melody Creation With Enhanced Usability and Interpretability
* Driving Intention Recognition and Speed Prediction at Complex Urban Intersections Considering Traffic Environment
* Driving Visual Saliency Prediction of Dynamic Night Scenes via a Spatio-Temporal Dual-Encoder Network
* Drone-Acquired Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) Imagery in Landscape Archaeology: An Experimental Approach
* Drones in the Big City: Autonomous Collision Avoidance for Aerial Delivery Services
* Drought Offsets the Controls on Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in Lakes
* Drought Risk Assessment of Winter Wheat at Different Growth Stages in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Based on Nonstationary Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index and Crop Coefficient
* DS-Trans: A 3D Object Detection Method Based on a Deformable Spatiotemporal Transformer for Autonomous Vehicles
* DU-Net: A new double U-shaped network for single image dehazing
* Dual Branch Framework Using Positive and Negative Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Dual branch Transformer-CNN parametric filtering network for underwater image enhancement
* Dual contrastive attention-guided deformable convolutional network for single image super-resolution
* Dual GroupGAN: An unsupervised four-competitor (2V2) approach for video anomaly detection
* Dual Knowledge Distillation on Multiview Pseudo Labels for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Dual-Branch Adaptive Convolutional Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Dual-branch collaborative transformer for effective image deraining
* Dual-Constraint Coarse-to-Fine Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Dual-Domain Diffusion Model for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction, A
* Dual-FSM GI LiDAR Imaging Control Method Based on Two-Dimensional Flexible Turntable Composite Axis Tracking, A
* Dual-Path Feature Aware Network for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* Dual-Path Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Dynamic heterogeneous federated learning with multi-level prototypes
* Dynamic image super-resolution via progressive contrastive self-distillation
* Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance System Based on Rapid Instance Segmentation Network
* Dynamic Pathway for Query-Aware Feature Learning in Language-Driven Action Localization
* DynamicKD: An effective knowledge distillation via dynamic entropy correction-based distillation for gap optimizing
* E2F-Net: Eyes-to-face inpainting via StyleGAN latent space
* EAD-Net: Efficiently Asymmetric Network for Semantic Labeling of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images with Dynamic Routing Mechanism
* Earlier Spring-Summer Phenology and Higher Photosynthetic Peak Altered the Seasonal Patterns of Vegetation Productivity in Alpine Ecosystems
* Early Detection of Rubber Tree Powdery Mildew by Combining Spectral and Physicochemical Parameter Features
* Early event detection for facial expression based on infinite mixture prototypes
* Early Prediction of Regional Red Needle Cast Outbreaks Using Climatic Data Trends and Satellite-Derived Observations
* Early Season Forecasting of Corn Yield at Field Level from Multi-Source Satellite Time Series Data
* Early-Season Crop Classification Based on Local Window Attention Transformer with Time-Series RCM and Sentinel-1
* Earth Rotation Parameters Derived from BDS-3 New Signals B1C/B2a Dual-Frequency Combination Observations
* Edge Computation Offloading With Content Caching in 6G-Enabled IoV
* Edge fusion back projection GAN for large scale face super resolution
* Effect of Incidence Angle on Temperature Measurement of Solar Panel with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Thermal Infrared Camera
* Effect of the One-to-Many Relationship between the Depth and Spectral Profile on Shallow Water Depth Inversion Based on Sentinel-2 Data
* Effects of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles on Multi-GNSS Signals: A Case Study over South China
* Effects of Ice-Microstructure-Based Inherent Optical Properties Parameterization in the CICE Model
* Effects of Land Use/Cover Change on Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in the Yellow River Basin of China from 2000 to 2030
* Effects of Probabilistic Priority on Delay at Permissive Left-Turn Signalized Intersections
* Efficient Baselines for Motion Prediction in Autonomous Driving
* efficient deep learning architecture for effective fire detection in smart surveillance, An
* Efficient Driving with Automated and Connected Vehicles Algorithms, Microsimulations, and Cyber-Physical Experiments
* efficient feature pyramid attention network for person re-identification, An
* Efficient High-Resolution Deep Learning: A Survey
* Efficient LiDAR-Trajectory Affinity Model for Autonomous Vehicle Orchestration
* Efficient Marine Track-to-Track Association Method for Multi-Source Sensors
* Efficient masked face identification biometric systems based on ResNet and DarkNet convolutional neural networks
* Efficient object tracking on edge devices with MobileTrack
* Efficient structure from motion for UAV images via anchor-free parallel merging
* Efficient Target Classification Based on Vehicle Volume Estimation in High-Resolution Radar Systems
* efficient training-from-scratch framework with BN-based structural compressor, An
* Efficient Unsupervised Video Hashing With Contextual Modeling and Structural Controlling
* Efficiently Refining Beampattern in FDA-MIMO Radar via Alternating Manifold Optimization for Maximizing Signal-to-Interference-Noise Ratio
* EgoCap and EgoFormer: First-person image captioning with context fusion
* Electronically Assisted Astronomy > Take Detailed Images of the Heavens on the Cheap
* Elevation Angle-Dependent 3D Trajectory Design for Aerial RIS-Aided Communication
* Elimination of Irregular Boundaries and Seams for UAV Image Stitching with a Diffusion Model
* ELMP-Net: The successive application of a randomized local transform for texture classification
* Emerging Technologies for Remote Sensing of Floating and Submerged Plastic Litter
* Emotion Recognition From Multimodal Physiological Signals via Discriminative Correlation Fusion With a Temporal Alignment Mechanism
* EMOVA: Emotion-driven neural volumetric avatar
* Empirical Analysis of a Super-SBM-Based Framework for Wetland Carbon Stock Safety Assessment
* Enabling Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation for Cooperative Automated Vehicle Applications in Transportation Systems: The Pillar Diagram
* Encoding Enhanced Complex CNN for Accurate and Highly Accelerated MRI
* End-to-End Learnable Multi-Scale Feature Compression for VCM
* End-to-End Learning-Based Image Compression With a Decoupled Framework
* Energy Management Strategy Based on DDPG With Improved Exploration for Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Electric Vehicle, An
* Energy Optimal Dispatching of Ports Multi-Energy Integrated System Considering Optimal Carbon Flow
* Energy-Efficient Data Collection in Molecular Nanonetworks: An Optimization Framework
* Enhanced Detection of Artisanal Small-Scale Mining with Spectral and Textural Segmentation of Landsat Time Series
* Enhanced Temporal Consistency for Global Patch Allocation in Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Enhanced Underwater Single Vector-Acoustic DOA Estimation via Linear Matched Stochastic Resonance Preprocessing
* Enhanced wavelet based spatiotemporal fusion networks using cross-paired remote sensing images
* Enhancing Adversarial Learning-Based Change Detection in Imbalanced Datasets Using Artificial Image Generation and Attention Mechanism
* Enhancing Adversarial Transferability via Information Bottleneck Constraints
* Enhancing Crop Mapping through Automated Sample Generation Based on Segment Anything Model with Medium-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Enhancing fall prediction in the elderly people using LBP features and transfer learning model
* Enhancing GNSS Deformation Monitoring Forecasting with a Combined VMD-CNN-LSTM Deep Learning Model
* Enhancing High-Resolution Image Compression Through Local-Global Joint Attention Mechanism
* Enhancing mass spectrometry data analysis: A novel framework for calibration, outlier detection, and classification
* Enhancing Micro Gesture Recognition for Emotion Understanding via Context-Aware Visual-Text Contrastive Learning
* Enhancing open-set domain adaptation through unknown-filtering multi-classifier adversarial network
* Enhancing performance of vision transformers on small datasets through local inductive bias incorporation
* Enhancing Sea Level Rise Estimation and Uncertainty Assessment from Satellite Altimetry through Spatiotemporal Noise Modeling
* Enhancing Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification via Progressive Sample Selection
* Enhancing Soil Moisture Active-Passive Estimates with Soil Moisture Active-Passive Reflectometer Data Using Graph Signal Processing
* Enhancing temporal action localization in an end-to-end network through estimation error incorporation
* Enhancing Vocal Melody Extraction With Multilevel Contexts
* Envelope Extraction Algorithm for Magnetic Resonance Sounding Signals Based on Adaptive Gaussian Filters
* ERNet: A Rapid Road Crack Detection Method Using Low-Altitude UAV Remote Sensing Images
* Estimating Landfill Landslide Probability Using SAR Satellite Products: A Novel Approach
* Estimating the Intensity of Tropical Cyclones from Spiral Signatures Acquired by Spaceborne SAR
* Estimating Urban Forests Biomass with LiDAR by Using Deep Learning Foundation Models
* Estimation of All-Day Aerosol Optical Depth in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Using Ground Air Quality Data
* Estimation of Co-Seismic Surface Deformation Induced by 24 September 2019 Mirpur, Pakistan Earthquake along an Active Blind Fault Using Sentinel-1 TOPS Interferometry
* Estimation of Land Deformation and Groundwater Storage Dynamics in Shijiazhuang-Baoding-Cangzhou-Hengshui Using Multi-Temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Estimation of Rice Plant Coverage Using Sentinel-2 Based on UAV-Observed Data
* Estimation of Small-Stream Water Surface Elevation Using UAV Photogrammetry and Deep Learning
* Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration along the Lower Brazos River Using Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning
* Estimation of the Living Vegetation Volume (LVV) for Individual Urban Street Trees Based on Vehicle-Mounted LiDAR Data
* Estimation of Top-of-Atmosphere Longwave Cloud Radiative Forcing Using FengYun-4A Geostationary Satellite Data
* Eutrophication and HAB Occurrence Control in Lakes of Different Origins: A Multi-Source Remote Sensing Detection Strategy
* Evaluating a Novel Approach to Detect the Vertical Structure of Insect Damage in Trees Using Multispectral and Three-Dimensional Data from Drone Imagery in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA
* Evaluating the Impact of Human Activities on Vegetation Restoration in Mining Areas Based on the GTWR
* Evaluation and analysis of feature point detection methods based on vSLAM systems
* Evaluation and Improvement of Microphysical Parameterization for a Heavy Rainfall Process during the Meiyu Season, An
* Evaluation of a New Real-Life Traffic Management Using a Limited Number of Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Evaluation of Daily and Hourly Performance of Multi-Source Satellite Precipitation Products in China's Nine Water Resource Regions
* Evaluation of Near Real-Time Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Precipitation Products for Hydrological Modelling and Flood Inundation Mapping of Sparsely Gauged Large Transboundary Basins: A Case Study of the Brahmaputra Basin
* Evaluation of Ocean Color Algorithms to Retrieve Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Mexican Pacific Ocean off the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
* Evaluation of Optimization Algorithms for the Optimal Selection of GNSS Satellite Subsets, An
* Evaluation of Satellite-Based Rainfall Estimates against Rain Gauge Observations across Agro-Climatic Zones of Nigeria, West Africa
* Evaluation of Ten Deep-Learning-Based Out-of-Distribution Detection Methods for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Event-Based Shutter Unrolling and Motion Deblurring in Dynamic Scenes
* Event-Based Stereo Depth Estimation by Temporal-Spatial Context Learning
* Event-Triggered Quantitative Prescribed Performance Neural Adaptive Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* Evolution and Built-Up Age Dependency of Urban Thermal Environment
* Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of City Networks in China: A Case Study of Cross-Regional Automobile Enterprises
* Evolutionary Search via channel attention based parameter inheritance and stochastic uniform sampled training
* Examining the Impacts of Pre-Fire Forest Conditions on Burn Severity Using Multiple Remote Sensing Platforms
* Experimental Evaluation of the Motion-Induced Effects for Turbulent Fluctuations Measurement on Floating Lidar Systems
* Explainable Automatic Detection of Fiber-Cement Roofs in Aerial RGB Images
* Explicit3D: Graph network with spatial inference for single image 3D object detection
* Exploiting Inter-Sample Affinity for Knowability-Aware Universal Domain Adaptation
* Exploration of an Open Vocabulary Model on Semantic Segmentation for Street Scene Imagery
* Exploration of Coincidence Detection of Cascade Photons to Enhance Preclinical Multi-Radionuclide SPECT Imaging
* Exploring modality enhancement and compensation spaces for visible-infrared person re-identification
* Exploring Scale-Aware Features for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes
* Exploring Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Driving Forces of Straw Burning in Hunan Province, China, from 2010 to 2020
* Exploring the Effects of Topography on Leaf Area Index Retrieved from Remote Sensing Data at Various Spatial Scales over Rugged Terrains
* Exploring the Impact of Public Health Emergencies on Urban Vitality Using a Difference-In-Difference Model
* Exploring the InSAR Deformation Series Using Unsupervised Learning in a Built Environment
* Exploring the Pedestrian Route Choice Behaviors by Machine Learning Models
* Exploring the Spatiotemporal Alterations in China's GPP Based on the DTEC Model
* Exploring Travel Mobility in Integrated Usage of Dockless Bike-Sharing and the Metro Based on Multisource Data
* Extended Multi-Component Gated Recurrent Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Extended Reality (XR) Toward Building Immersive Solutions: The Key to Unlocking Industry 4.0
* Face Forgery Detection with Long-Range Noise Features and Multilevel Frequency-Aware Clues
* FaceRefiner: High-Fidelity Facial Texture Refinement With Differentiable Rendering-Based Style Transfer
* Fast Continual Multi-View Clustering With Incomplete Views
* Fast IAA-Based SR-STAP Method for Airborne Radar, A
* Fast main density peak clustering within relevant regions via a robust decision graph
* Fast Ultra High-Definition Video Deblurring via Multi-scale Separable Network
* Fast, Robust, Accurate, Multi-Body Motion Aware SLAM
* FastTrack: A Highly Efficient and Generic GPU-Based Multi-object Tracking Method with Parallel Kalman Filter
* Fault Detection and Interactive Multiple Models Optimization Algorithm Based on Factor Graph Navigation System
* Fault Kinematics of the 2023 Mw 6.0 Jishishan Earthquake, China, Characterized by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations
* Feature decoupling and regeneration towards wifi-based human activity recognition
* Feature disparity learning for weakly supervised object localization
* Feature selection by Universum embedding
* Feature-enhanced representation with transformers for multi-view stereo
* Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Update
* Federated Gaussian Process: Convergence, Automatic Personalization and Multi-Fidelity Modeling
* Federated Learning in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Recent Applications and Open Problems
* FEMSFNet: Feature Enhancement and Multi-Scales Fusion Network for SAR Aircraft Detection
* Few-Shot Generative Model Adaptation via Style-Guided Prompt
* Few-shot object detection based on global context and implicit knowledge decoupled head
* Few-Shot Stereo Matching with High Domain Adaptability Based on Adaptive Recursive Network
* FFLDGA-Net: Image retrieval method based on Feature Fusion Learnable Descriptor Graph Attention Network
* Fine-Grained Audio-Visual Aided Haptic Signal Reconstruction
* Fine-Grained Essential Tensor Learning for Robust Multi-View Spectral Clustering
* Fine-grained image classification based on TinyVit object location and graph convolution network
* Fine-Grained Pavement Performance Prediction Based on Causal-Temporal Graph Convolution Networks
* Fine-Grained Recognition With Learnable Semantic Data Augmentation
* Finite-State Fixed-Corridor Model for UAS Traffic Management, A
* Fire Vulnerability, Resilience, and Recovery Rates of Mediterranean Pine Forests Using a 33-Year Time Series of Satellite Imagery
* First retrieval of daily 160 m aerosol optical depth over urban areas using Gaofen-1/6 synergistic observations: Algorithm development and validation
* Flexible and Robust Tensor Completion Approach for Traffic Data Recovery With Low-Rankness, A
* Flexible and Secure Cross-Domain Signcrypted Data Authorization in Multi-Platoon Vehicular Networks
* Flexible image denoising model with multi-layer conditional feature modulation
* Flexible multi-objective particle swarm optimization clustering with game theory to address human activity discovery fully unsupervised
* flexible non-monotonic discretization method for pre-processing in supervised learning, A
* flow-based multi-scale learning network for single image stochastic super-resolution, A
* Fluctuations in Refracted Star Signals Caused by the Stratospheric Internal Gravity Waves
* FMSA-SC: A Fine-Grained Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Dataset Based on Stock Comment Videos
* Focus on informative graphs! Semi-supervised active learning for graph-level classification
* Focusing Algorithm of Range Profile for Plasma-Sheath-Enveloped Target
* Forecasting corn NDVI through AI-based approaches using sentinel 2 image time series
* Forest Community Spatial Modeling Using Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Data
* Forest Habitat Mapping in Natura2000 Regions in Cyprus Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Topographical Features
* Formative Period Tracing and Driving Factors Analysis of the Lashagou Landslide Group in Jishishan County, China
* Four Years of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Retrievals Using COSMIC-2 Satellite Data
* Frequency Domain Feature-Guided Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Frequency-Aware Multi-Modal Fine-Tuning for Few-Shot Open-Set Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* From Electroencephalogram Data to Brain Networks: Graph-Learning-Based Brain Disease Diagnosis
* From Multi-Source Virtual to Real: Effective Virtual Data Search for Vehicle Re-Identification
* From Point Cloud to BIM: A New Method Based on Efficient Point Cloud Simplification by Geometric Feature Analysis and Building Parametric Objects in Rhinoceros/Grasshopper Software
* Frozen is better than learning: A new design of prototype-based classifier for semantic segmentation
* FSKT-GE: Feature maps similarity knowledge transfer for low-resolution gaze estimation
* Full-Process Adaptive Encoding and Decoding Framework for Remote Sensing Images Based on Compression Sensing
* Funding Opportunities in Infrastructure Systems, Smart Communities, and Disasters for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption
* Fusing angular features for skeleton-based action recognition using multi-stream graph convolution network
* FusionDiff: A unified image fusion network based on diffusion probabilistic models
* GaitGMT: Global feature mapping transformer for gait recognition
* GaitSCM: Causal representation learning for gait recognition
* GAN-Based Ensemble Model for Predicting the Demand of Shared Bikes in 5G Networks, A
* Gaussian Function Model of Mesoscale Eddy Temperature Anomalies and Research of Spatial Distribution Characteristics, A
* GCNet: Probing self-similarity learning for Generalized Counting Network
* general framework for implementing distances for categorical variables, A
* Generalization Memorization Machine with Zero Empirical Risk for Classification
* Generalized and robust model for GAN-generated image detection
* Generalized Video Anomaly Event Detection: Systematic Taxonomy and Comparison of Deep Models
* Generalized Zadoff-Chu Sequences With Low PMEPR Property
* Generating More Pertinent Captions by Leveraging Semantics and Style on Multi-Source Datasets
* Generative data augmentation by conditional inpainting for multi-class object detection in infrared images
* GeoKnowledgeFusion: A Platform for Multimodal Data Compilation from Geoscience Literature
* Geometric Correspondence-Based Multimodal Learning for Ophthalmic Image Analysis
* Geometric Warping Error Aware Spatial-Temporal Enhancement for DIBR Oriented View Synthesis
* Geometrical Variation Analysis of Landslides in Different Geological Settings Using Satellite Images: Case Studies in Japan and Sri Lanka
* Geometry-Compensated Sensitivity Study of Polarimetric Bistatic Scattering for Rough Surface Observation, A
* Geomorphological Evolution in the Tidal Flat of a Macro-Tidal Muddy Estuary, Hangzhou Bay, China, over the Past 30 Years
* Geomorphological Response of Alluvial Streams to Flood Events during Base-Level Lowering: Insights from Drone-Based Photogrammetric Surveys in Dead Sea Tributaries
* Georeferencing Strategies in Very Shallow Waters: A Novel GCPs Survey Approach for UCH Photogrammetric Documentation
* Gesture-mmWAVE: Compact and Accurate Millimeter-Wave Radar-Based Dynamic Gesture Recognition for Embedded Devices
* GGMNet: Pavement-Crack Detection Based on Global Context Awareness and Multi-Scale Fusion
* GIS and Machine Learning Models Target Dynamic Settlement Patterns and Their Driving Mechanisms from the Neolithic to Bronze Age in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
* Glacier Changes from 1990 to 2022 in the Aksu River Basin, Western Tien Shan
* GLIMS: Attention-guided lightweight multi-scale hybrid network for volumetric semantic segmentation
* Global Inversion of Lunar Surface Oxides by Adding Chang'e-5 Samples
* Global Localization in Large-Scale Point Clouds via Roll-Pitch-Yaw Invariant Place Recognition and Low-Overlap Global Registration
* Global mapping of fractional tree cover for forest cover change analysis
* Global Wavenumber Spectra of Sea Surface Salinity in the Mesoscale Range Using Satellite Observations
* GlobalMind: Global multi-head interactive self-attention network for hyperspectral change detection
* GLPanoDepth: Global-to-Local Panoramic Depth Estimation
* GLUENet: An Efficient Network for Remote Sensing Image Dehazing with Gated Linear Units and Efficient Channel Attention
* GNSS and Sentinel-1 InSAR Integrated Long-Term Subsidence Monitoring in Quetta and Mastung Districts, Balochistan, Pakistan
* GNSS Reflectometry-Based Ocean Altimetry: State of the Art and Future Trends
* GoLDFormer: A global-local deformable window transformer for efficient image restoration
* Google Earth Engine Platform to Integrate Multi-Satellite and Citizen Science Data for the Monitoring of River Ice Dynamics, A
* GPU Implementation of a Fast Multichannel Wiener Filter Algorithm for Active Noise Control
* Granular3D: Delving into multi-granularity 3D scene graph prediction
* Graph contrastive learning with consistency regularization
* Graph correlated discriminant embedding for multi-source domain adaptation
* Graph embedding orthogonal decomposition: A synchronous feature selection technique based on collaborative particle swarm optimization
* Graph Regularized and Feature Aware Matrix Factorization for Robust Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Graph Transformer GANs With Graph Masked Modeling for Architectural Layout Generation
* Graph-Represented Distribution Similarity Index for Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Greenness and Actual Evapotranspiration in the Unrestored Riparian Corridor of the Colorado River Delta in Response to In-Channel Water Deliveries in 2021 and 2022
* Ground subsidence in Tucson, Arizona, monitored by time-series analysis using multi-sensor InSAR datasets from 1993 to 2011
* Guest Editorial Special Section on Recent Standardization Efforts for Learning-Based Visual Data Coding
* Guest Editorial: Intelligent Autonomous Transportation System With 6G-Series: Part V
* guided-based approach for deepfake detection: RGB-depth integration via features fusion, A
* HAB-Net: Hierarchical asymmetric convolution and boundary enhancement network for brain tumor segmentation
* Hand Segmentation With Dense Dilated U-Net and Structurally Incoherent Nonnegative Matrix Factorization-Based Gesture Recognition
* Hard-Soft Pseudo Labels Guided Semi-Supervised Learning for Point Cloud Classification
* HCTO: Optimality-aware LiDAR inertial odometry with hybrid continuous time optimization for compact wearable mapping system
* Head pose estimation with uncertainty and an application to dyadic interaction detection
* Heterogeneous heatmap distillation framework based on unbiased alignment for lightweight human pose estimation
* HGR Correlation Pooling Fusion Framework for Recognition and Classification in Multimodal Remote Sensing Data
* Hidden Eruption: The 21 May 2023 Paroxysm of the Etna Volcano (Italy), A
* Hierarchical Attention Network for Open-Set Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Hierarchical Camera-Aware Contrast Extension for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Hierarchical Data-Driven Predictive Control of Image-Based Visual Servoing Systems With Unknown Dynamics, A
* Hierarchical Equalization Loss for Long-Tailed Instance Segmentation
* Hierarchical Heuristic Architecture for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Coverage Search with Optical Camera in Curve-Shape Area, A
* Hierarchical Image Feature Compression for Machines via Feature Sparsity Learning
* Hierarchical Optimization Scheduling Algorithm for Logistics Transport Vehicles Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
* Hierarchical Semantic-Guided Contextual Structure-Aware Network for Spectral Satellite Image Dehazing
* Hierarchical Velocity Optimization for Connected Automated Vehicles With Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything Communication at Continuous Signalized Intersections
* Hierarchy-Aware Geocoding Model Based on Cross-Attention within the Seq2Seq Framework, A
* High Precision Robust Real-Time Lightweight Approach for Railway Pantograph Slider Wear Estimation
* High Precision Traffic Flow Reconstruction via Hybrid Method
* High Resolution Ranging with Small Sample Number under Low SNR Utilizing RIP-OMCS Strategy and AHRC l1 Minimization for Laser Radar
* High Spatiotemporal Estimation of Reservoir Evaporation Water Loss by Integrating Remote-Sensing Data and the Generalized Complementary Relationship
* High-Frequency Space Diffusion Model for Accelerated MRI
* High-Quality and Diverse Few-Shot Image Generation via Masked Discrimination
* High-Sensitivity Benchtop X-Ray Fluorescence Emission Tomography (XFET) System With a Full-Ring of X-Ray Imaging-Spectrometers and a Compound-Eye Collimation Aperture, A
* High-Speed Spatial-Temporal Saliency Model: A Novel Detection Method for Infrared Small Moving Targets Based on a Vectorized Guided Filter
* HINT: High-Quality INpainting Transformer With Mask-Aware Encoding and Enhanced Attention
* How Does the 2D/3D Urban Morphology Affect the Urban Heat Island across Urban Functional Zones? A Case Study of Beijing, China
* How Representative Are European AERONET-OC Sites of European Marine Waters?
* How to Cache Important Contents for Multi-Modal Service in Dynamic Networks: A DRL-Based Caching Scheme
* How To Evaluate the Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles Around Pedestrians?
* HSAA-CD: A Hierarchical Semantic Aggregation Mechanism and Attention Module for Non-Agricultural Change Detection in Cultivated Land
* Human Vital Signs Estimation Using Resonance Sparse Spectrum Decomposition
* Human-Centered Evaluation of EMG-Based Upper-Limb Prosthetic Control Modes
* Hybrid federated learning with brain-region attention network for multi-center Alzheimer's disease detection
* Hybrid Index for Monitoring Burned Vegetation by Combining Image Texture Features with Vegetation Indices, A
* Hybrid Machine Learning and Geostatistical Methods for Gap Filling and Predicting Solar-Induced Fluorescence Values
* Hybrid Routing Pattern in Human Brain Structural Network Revealed By Evolutionary Computation, A
* Hybrid Visualization Model for Knowledge Mapping: Scientometrics, SAOM, and SAO, A
* Hybrid ViT-CNN Network for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Hydrological Factor and Land Use/Land Cover Change Explain the Vegetation Browning in the Dosso Reserve, Niger
* Hyper-feature aggregation and relaxed distillation for class incremental learning
* Hyperfidelis: A Software Toolkit to Empower Precision Agriculture with GeoAI
* Hyperspectral Image Mixed Noise Removal via Double Factor Total Variation Nonlocal Low-Rank Tensor Regularization
* Hyperspectral Imaging Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Determination of Grape Berry Total Soluble Solids and Titratable Acidity
* H_inf Load Frequency Control of Power System Integrated With EVs Under DoS Attacks: Non-Fragile Output Sliding Mode Control Approach
* I2C: Invertible Continuous Codec for High-Fidelity Variable-Rate Image Compression
* IAIFNet: An Illumination-Aware Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network
* IBVC: Interpolation-driven B-frame video compression
* Identification of Dominant Species and Their Distributions on an Uninhabited Island Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Machine Learning Models
* Identification of Rare Wildlife in the Field Environment Based on the Improved YOLOv5 Model
* If Some Critical Regions Achieve Carbon Neutrality, How Will the Global Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Change?
* IGReg: Image-Geometry-Assisted Point Cloud Registration via Selective Correlation Fusion
* Illusion of Visual Security: Reconstructing Perceptually Encrypted Images, The
* IM-IAD: Industrial Image Anomaly Detection Benchmark in Manufacturing
* Image clustering using generated text centroids
* Image Hiding and Restoration via Deep Moiré Networks
* Image recognition based on lightweight convolutional neural network: Recent advances
* Image Reconstruction for Accelerated MR Scan With Faster Fourier Convolutional Neural Networks
* Image splicing detection using low-dimensional feature vector of texture features and Haralick features based on Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix
* Image-Aided LiDAR Extraction, Classification, and Characterization of Lane Markings from Mobile Mapping Data
* Impact Analysis and Compensation Methods of Frequency Synchronization Errors in Distributed Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Impact of Aerosols on the Macrophysical and Microphysical Characteristics of Ice-Phase and Mixed-Phase Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau
* Impact of Aviation Electrification on Airports: Flight Scheduling and Charging
* Impact of Channel Selection with Different Bandwidths on Retrieval at 50-60 GHz
* Impact of Illumination on Finger Vascular Pattern Recognition, The
* Impact of Occlusion Masks on Gender Classification from Iris Texture
* Impact of Pseudo-Stochastic Pulse and Phase Center Variation on Precision Orbit Determination of Haiyang-2A from Experimental HY2 Receiver GPS Data
* Impact of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Global Marine Network Based on Massive Vessel Trajectories
* Impact of Urbanization on Cloud Characteristics over Sofia, Bulgaria
* Impact of Wildfires on Land Surface Cold Season Climate in the Northern High-Latitudes: A Study on Changes in Vegetation, Snow Dynamics, Albedo, and Radiative Forcing
* Impacts of Fengyun-4A and Ground-Based Observation Data Assimilation on the Forecast of Kaifeng's Heavy Rainfall (2022) and Mechanism Analysis of the Event
* Impacts of the Sudden Stratospheric Warming on Equatorial Plasma Bubbles: Suppression of EPBs and Quasi-6-Day Oscillations
* Implementation of MIMO Radar-Based Point Cloud Images for Environmental Recognition of Unmanned Vehicles and Its Application
* implementation of searchable video player, An
* Implications of Safety Definition for Automated Driving
* Implicit Regularization of Dropout
* Implicit-Explicit Motion Learning for Video Camouflaged Object Detection
* Improved A* Navigation Path-Planning Algorithm Based on Hexagonal Grid
* Improved Algorithm for Efficient Computation of Slepian Functions Over Arbitrary Regions on the Sphere
* improved energy-efficient driving strategy for routes with various gradients and speed limits, An
* Improved Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) Cloud and Shadow Detection with the Learning Attention Network Algorithm (LANA)
* Improved Utilization for Smart Parking Systems Based on Paging Technique
* Improved Wetland Mapping of a Highly Fragmented Agricultural Landscape Using Land Surface Phenological Features
* Improved YOLOv7 model for underwater sonar image object detection
* Improvement of Aerosol Coarse-Mode Detection through Additional Use of Infrared Wavelengths in the Inversion of Arctic Lidar Data
* Improvement of ship target detection algorithm for YOLOv7-tiny
* Improving image segmentation with contextual and structural similarity
* Improving Knowledge Distillation via Head and Tail Categories
* Improving Speech Translation by Understanding the Speech From Latent Code
* Improving the Estimation of Structural Parameters of a Mixed Conifer-Broadleaf Forest Using Structural, Textural, and Spectral Metrics Derived from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Red Green Blue (RGB) Imagery
* Improving Traffic Efficiency With Lane Guidance Based on Desired Speeds
* In-Vehicle Network Intrusion Detection System Using CAN Frame-Aware Features
* In-Vivo Electrical Properties Estimation of Biological Tissues by Means of a Multi-Step Microwave Tomography Approach
* Incomplete Gamma Kernels: Generalizing Locally Optimal Projection Operators
* Incorporating Season and Solar Specificity Into Renderings Made by a NeRF Architecture Using Satellite Images
* Increasing SAR Imaging Precision for Burden Surface Profile Jointly Using Low-Rank and Sparsity Priors
* Incremental convolutional transformer for baggage threat detection
* Incremental Learning-Based Lane Detection for Automated Rubber-Tired Gantries in a Container Terminal
* Influence of Assimilation of NEXRAD-Derived 2D Inner-Core Structure Data from Single Radar on Numerical Simulations of Hurricane Charley (2004) near Its Landfall
* Influence of Cyclic Pneumatic Brake on the Longitudinal Dynamics of Heavy-Haul Combined Trains
* Influence of Inter-System Biases on Combined Single-Frequency BDS-2 and BDS-3 Pseudorange Positioning of Different Types of Receivers
* Influence of Supraglacial Lakes on Accuracy of Inversion of Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Melt Data in Different Passive Microwave Bands
* Information filtering and interpolating for semi-supervised graph domain adaptation
* Infrared multi-target detection and tracking in dense urban traffic scenes
* Initial Study of Adaptive Threshold Cycle Slip Detection on BDS/GPS Kinematic Precise Point Positioning during Geomagnetic Storms
* Innovative Decision Fusion for Accurate Crop/Vegetation Classification with Multiple Classifiers and Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* InSAR Digital Elevation Model Void-Filling Method Based on Incorporating Elevation Outlier Detection
* InSAR-DEM Block Adjustment Model for Upcoming BIOMASS Mission: Considering Atmospheric Effects
* Insights into Deformation and Mechanism of a Reactivated Landslide Occurrence from Multi-Source Data: A Case Study in Li County, China
* Instabilities in Convnets for Raw Audio
* Instance-Dictionary Learning for Open-World Object Detection in Autonomous Driving Scenarios
* Instantaneous Frequency Extraction for Nonstationary Signals via a Squeezing Operator with a Fixed-Point Iteration Method
* Integral Concurrent Learning Control Lyapunov Functions and High Order Control Barrier Functions and Application to Adaptive Cruise Control
* Integrated Duranton and Overman Index and Local Duranton and Overman Index Framework for Industrial Spatial Agglomeration Pattern Analysis, An
* Integrated Scheduling of Yard and Rail Container Handling Equipment and Internal Trucks in a Multimodal Port
* Integrating Artificial Intelligence and UAV-Acquired Multispectral Imagery for the Mapping of Invasive Plant Species in Complex Natural Environments
* Integrating category-related key regions with a dual-stream network for remote sensing scene classification
* Integrating Climate and Satellite Data for Multi-Temporal Pre-Harvest Prediction of Head Rice Yield in Australia
* Integrating Dynamic Event-Triggered and Sensor-Tolerant Control: Application to USV-UAVs Cooperative Formation System for Maritime Parallel Search
* Integrating Optical and SAR Time Series Images for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Crop Mapping
* Integrating physical model and image simulations to correct topographic effects on surface reflectance
* Integrating Spatial and Non-Spatial Dimensions to Evaluate Access to Rural Primary Healthcare Service: A Case Study of Songzi, China
* Integration of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data for Ground Truth Sample Migration for Multi-Temporal Land Cover Mapping
* Integration of ultrasound and mammogram for multimodal classification of breast cancer using hybrid residual neural network and machine learning
* Intelligent Identification of Moving Trajectory of Autonomous Vehicle Based on Friction Nano-Generator
* Intelligent Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Mining Transportation With Electric Locomotive via Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything and Vehicular Edge Computing, An
* Intelligent Pedestrian Tracking Algorithm Based on Sparse Models in Urban Road Scene, An
* Intelligent Quantitative Safety Monitoring Approach for ATP Using LSSVM and Probabilistic Model Checking Considering Imperfect Fault Coverage
* Intelligent Traffic Data Transmission and Sharing Based on Optimal Gradient Adaptive Optimization Algorithm
* Intermittency of Gravity Wave Potential Energy Generated by Mountains Revealed from COSMIC-2 Observations
* Interpretable answer retrieval based on heterogeneous network embedding
* Interpretable medical deep framework by logits-constraint attention guiding graph-based multi-scale fusion for Alzheimer's disease analysis
* Interpretable vision transformer based on prototype parts for COVID-19 detection
* Inverse Feasibility in Over-the-Air Federated Learning
* Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Space Targets Using Wideband Pseudo-Noise Signals with Low Peak-to-Average Power Ratio
* Investigating Dual-Source Satellite Image Data and ALS Data for Estimating Aboveground Biomass
* Investigating the Response of Vegetation to Flash Droughts by Using Cross-Spectral Analysis and an Evapotranspiration-Based Drought Index
* Irregular text block recognition via decoupling visual, linguistic, and positional information
* IRVR: A General Image Restoration Framework for Visual Recognition
* ISTR: Mask-Embedding-Based Instance Segmentation Transformer
* Iterative Adaptive Based Multi-Polarimetric SAR Tomography of the Forested Areas
* ITS Efficiency Analysis for Multi-Target Tracking in a Clutter Environment
* Jamming Waveform Generation Method Based on Generative Adversarial Network Model
* Joint facial action unit recognition and self-supervised optical flow estimation
* Joint Implementation Method for Clutter Suppression and Coherent Maneuvering Target Detection Based on Sub-Aperture Processing with Airborne Bistatic Radar
* Joint magnetic resonance imaging artifacts and noise reduction on discrete shape space of images
* Joint Optimization of Multistage Pricing and Seat Allocation for High-Speed Railways Integrating Pre-Sale Period Division
* Joint Optimization of Sensor Deployment and Spectrum Data Completion for Radio Map Construction
* Joint Pixel and Frequency Feature Learning and Fusion via Channel-Wise Transformer for High-Efficiency Learned In-Loop Filter in VVC
* Joint Radar Jamming and Communication System Design Based on Universal Filtered Multicarrier Chirp Waveform
* Joint target and background temporal propagation for aerial tracking
* JPSSL: SAR Terrain Classification Based on Jigsaw Puzzles and FC-CRF
* Keep DRÆMing: Discriminative 3D anomaly detection through anomaly simulation
* Key Point Estimate Network for Rail-Track Detection
* keypoints-motion-based landmark transfer method for face reenactment, A
* Kinematic and Dynamic Structure of the 18 May 2020 Squall Line over South Korea
* KLANN: Linearising Long-Term Dynamics in Nonlinear Audio Effects Using Koopman Networks
* KNN Local Linear Regression for Demarcating River Cross-Sections with Point Cloud Data from UAV Photogrammetry URiver-X
* knowledge distillation based deep learning framework for cropped images detection in spatial domain, A
* Krein twin support vector machines for imbalanced data classification
* Label enhancement via manifold approximation and projection with graph convolutional network
* Land Subsidence Susceptibility Mapping in Ca Mau Province, Vietnam, Using Boosting Models
* Landsat 8 and 9 Underfly International Surface Reflectance Validation Collaboration
* Landsat 9 Transfer to Orbit of Pre-Launch Absolute Calibration of Operational Land Imager (OLI)
* Landslide Deposit Erosion and Reworking Documented by Geomatic Surveys at Mount Meager, BC, Canada
* Landslide Hazard Assessment for Wanzhou Considering the Correlation of Rainfall and Surface Deformation
* Landslide Mapping in Calitri (Southern Italy) Using New Multi-Temporal InSAR Algorithms Based on Permanent and Distributed Scatterers
* LEAPSE: Learning Environment Affordances for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* Learn to enhance the low-light image via a multi-exposure generation and fusion method
* Learnable Spatial-Spectral Transform-Based Tensor Nuclear Norm for Multi-Dimensional Visual Data Recovery
* Learnable Tensor Graph Fusion Framework for Natural Image Segmentation
* Learned Two-Step Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm for Deep Compressive Sensing
* Learning Contrast-Enhanced Shape-Biased Representations for Infrared Small Target Detection
* Learning Deep Embedding with Acoustic and Phoneme Features for Speaker Recognition in FM Broadcasting
* Learning Dynamic Prototypes for Visual Pattern Debiasing
* Learning for Adaptive Multi-Copy Relaying in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network
* Learning from feature and label spaces' bias for uncertainty-adaptive facial emotion recognition
* Learning From Human Educational Wisdom: A Student-Centered Knowledge Distillation Method
* Learning Global-Local Correspondence With Semantic Bottleneck for Logical Anomaly Detection
* Learning single and multi-scene camera pose regression with transformer encoders
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Sharpness Map for Video Deblurring
* Learning to Recover Spectral Reflectance From RGB Images
* Learning With Imbalanced Noisy Data by Preventing Bias in Sample Selection
* Learning-Based Image Compression With Parameter-Adaptive Rate-Constrained Loss
* LEO-Enhanced GNSS/INS Tightly Coupled Integration Based on Factor Graph Optimization in the Urban Environment
* Lessons Learned in Developing CAV Standards and Independent Stakeholder Validation
* Leveraging Multi-Stream Information Fusion for Trajectory Prediction in Low-Illumination Scenarios: A Multi-Channel Graph Convolutional Approach
* Leveraging Non-Causal Knowledge via Cross-Network Knowledge Distillation for Real-Time Speech Enhancement
* Leveraging Transfer Learning and U-Nets Method for Improved Gap Filling in Himawari Sea Surface Temperature Data Adjacent to Taiwan
* Light Field Image Restoration via Latent Diffusion and Multi-View Attention
* Light Field Super-Resolution Using Decoupled Selective Matching
* Light Gradient Boosting Machine-Based Low-Slow-Small Target Detection Algorithm for Airborne Radar
* Lightweight all-focused light field rendering
* Lightweight and High-Precision Network for Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection
* Lightweight Context Model Equipped aiWave in Response to the AVS Call for Evidence on Volumetric Medical Image Coding
* Lightweight convolutional neural networks with context broadcast transformer for real-time semantic segmentation
* Lightweight Deep Neural Network with Data Redundancy Removal and Regression for DOA Estimation in Sensor Array
* Lightweight Patch-Wise Casformer for dynamic scene deblurring
* Lightweight Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network for SAR Images
* lightweight waxberry fruit detection model based on YOLOv5, A
* LIIS: Low-light image instance segmentation
* Lit me up: A reference free adaptive low light image enhancement for in-the-wild conditions
* LIT-Former: Linking In-Plane and Through-Plane Transformers for Simultaneous CT Image Denoising and Deblurring
* LLM-Based Inventory Construction Framework of Urban Ground Collapse Events with Spatiotemporal Locations, An
* Local 2-D Path Planning of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles in Continuous Action Space Based on the Twin-Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
* Local Curvature Optimization for Self-Supervised Image Restoration
* Locality-constraint Representation with Minkowski distance metric for an effective Face Hallucination
* Localization-aware logit mimicking for object detection in adverse weather conditions
* Locating and Grading of Lidar-Observed Aircraft Wake Vortex Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Long-Duration Glacier Change Analysis for the Urumqi River Valley, a Representative Region of Central Asia, A
* Long-Tailed Effect Study in Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation Based on Graph Kernel Principles
* Long-Time Coherent Integration for the Spatial-Based Bistatic Radar Based on Dual-Scale Decomposition and Conditioned CPF
* Loose to compact feature alignment for domain adaptive object detection
* Low-Cost Data, High-Quality Models: A Semi-Automated Approach to LOD3 Creation
* Low-quality image object detection based on reinforcement learning adaptive enhancement
* LSSVC: A Learned Spatially Scalable Video Coding Scheme
* LVI-Fusion: A Robust Lidar-Visual-Inertial SLAM Scheme
* M-SKSNet: Multi-Scale Spatial Kernel Selection for Image Segmentation of Damaged Road Markings
* Machine Learning in Urban Rail Transit Systems: A Survey
* Machine Learning-Based Fine Classification of Agricultural Crops in the Cross-Border Basin of the Heilongjiang River between China and Russia
* Machine-Learning-Assisted Classification Algorithm for the Detection of Archaeological Proxies (Cropmarks) Based on Reflectance Signatures, A
* Magnetic Particle Imaging Approach for Minimally Invasive Imaging and Sensing With Implantable Bioelectronic Circuits, A
* Maize stem-leaf segmentation framework based on deformable point clouds
* Making satellite-derived empirical bathymetry independent of high-quality in-situ depth data: An assessment of four possible model calibration data
* Manifold-based multi-graph embedding for semi-supervised classification
* Map Reading and Analysis with GPT-4V(ision)
* Mapmaking Process Reading from Local Distortions in Historical Maps: A Geographically Weighted Bidimensional Regression Analysis of a Japanese Castle Map
* Mapping Annual Tidal Flat Loss and Gain in the Micro-Tidal Area Integrating Dual Full-Time Series Spectral Indices
* Mapping Foliar C, N, and P Concentrations in An Ecological Restoration Area with Mixed Plant Communities Based on LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data
* Mapping Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems Using Fused Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope Time Series and Deep Learning
* Mapping Quaking Aspen Using Seasonal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Composite Imagery across the Southern Rockies, USA
* Mapping Street Patterns with Network Science and Supervised Machine Learning
* Mapping the CityGML Energy ADE to CityGML 3.0 Using a Model-Driven Approach
* Mapping the Continuous Cover of Invasive Noxious Weed Species Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and a Novel Convolutional Neural Regression Network
* Marine Infrastructure Detection with Satellite Data: A Review
* Maritime Moving Target Reconstruction via MBLCFD in Staggered SAR System
* Mars Local Terrain Matching Method Based on 3D Point Clouds, A
* MARS: Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Spatial: Spectral and Temporal Feature Selection in EEG-Based BCI
* Masked face recognition using domain adaptation
* Match Normalization: Learning-Based Point Cloud Registration for 6D Object Pose Estimation in the Real World
* Mathematical Model for the Analysis of Jet Engine Fuel Consumption During Aircraft Climb and Descent, A
* Maximally Concentrated Sequences After Half-Sample Shifts
* Maximum Likelihood Deconvolution of Beamforming Images with Signal-Dependent Speckle Fluctuations
* MBSI-Net: Multimodal Balanced Self-Learning Interaction Network for Image Classification
* MC-Blur: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Image Deblurring
* MC3Net: Multimodality Cross-Guided Compensation Coordination Network for RGB-T Crowd Counting
* MCDAN: A Multi-Scale Context-Enhanced Dynamic Attention Network for Diffusion Prediction
* MDANet: A High-Resolution City Change Detection Network Based on Difference and Attention Mechanisms under Multi-Scale Feature Fusion
* MEA-EFFormer: Multiscale Efficient Attention with Enhanced Feature Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Measuring the Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity of Helplessness Sentiment and Its Built Environment Determinants during the COVID-19 Quarantines: A Case Study in Shanghai
* mEBAL2 database and benchmark: Image-based multispectral eyeblink detection
* Meeting the Challenges of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through Holistic Systems Thinking and Applied Geospatial Ethics
* Memory-Adaptive Vision-and-Language Navigation
* Memory-Event-Triggered Tracking Control for Intelligent Vehicle Transportation Systems: A Leader-Following Approach
* Message Passing Based Gaussian Mixture Model for DOA Estimation in Complex Noise Scenarios
* Meta Noise Adaption Framework for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis With Feature Noise
* Meta-learners for few-shot weakly-supervised medical image segmentation
* Meta-Transfer Metric Learning for Time Series Classification in 6G-Supported Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Metadata-Enhanced Deep Learning Method for Sea Surface Height and Mesoscale Eddy Prediction, A
* Methane Retrieval from Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder on FY3D
* Methodology for Designing One-Way Station-Based Carsharing Services in a GIS Environment: A Case Study in Palermo, A
* Methods and datasets on semantic segmentation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle remote sensing images: A review
* MFACNet: A Multi-Frame Feature Aggregating and Inter-Feature Correlation Framework for Multi-Object Tracking in Satellite Videos
* MFIFusion: An infrared and visible image enhanced fusion network based on multi-level feature injection
* MHRN: A Multimodal Hierarchical Reasoning Network for Topic Detection
* Micro-Doppler Signature Analysis for Space Domain Awareness Using VHF Radar
* Micro-Motion Parameters Estimation Method for Multi-Rotor Targets without a Prior, A
* Mimic before Reconstruct: Enhancing Masked Autoencoders with Feature Mimicking
* Miniaturizing Hyperspectral Lidar System Employing Integrated Optical Filters
* Mining the User's Personality With an Attention-Based Label Prompt Method
* Mirrored X-Net: Joint classification and contrastive learning for weakly supervised GA segmentation in SD-OCT
* Misinformation detection in social networks using emotion analysis and user behavior analysis
* Mitigating Search Interference With Task-Aware Nested Search
* MixFormer: End-to-End Tracking With Iterative Mixed Attention
* Mixup Mask Adaptation: Bridging the gap between input saliency and representations via attention mechanism in feature mixup
* MLCapsNet+: A multi-capsule network for the identification of the HIV ISs along important sequence positions
* Mobile Laser Scanning Data Collected under a Forest Canopy with GNSS/INS-Positioned Systems: Possibilities of Processability Improvements
* Mobile Near-infrared Sensing: A Systematic Review on Devices, Data, Modeling, and Applications
* Modal Evaluation Network via Knowledge Distillation for No-Service Rail Surface Defect Detection
* Modality-Specific Information Disentanglement From Multi-Parametric MRI for Breast Tumor Segmentation and Computer-Aided Diagnosis
* Model Predictive Formation Tracking-Containment Control for Multi-UAVs With Obstacle Avoidance
* Model-agnostic progressive saliency map generation for object detector
* Model-Based Explainable Deep Learning for Light-Field Microscopy Imaging
* Model-Heterogeneous Semi-Supervised Federated Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* Modeling and Locating the Wind Erosion at the Dry Bottom of the Aral Sea Based on an InSAR Temporal Decorrelation Decomposition Model
* Modeling Climate Characteristics of Qinghai Lake Ice in 1979-2017 by a Quasi-Steady Model
* Modeling Delay Propagation in Airport Networks via Causal Biased Random Walk
* Modeling Driver Decision Behavior of the Cut-In Process
* Modified Frequency Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Algorithm for High-Speed High-Squint Synthetic Aperture Radar with Curved Trajectory, A
* Moment preserving tomographic image reconstruction model
* Monitoring and Adapting the Physical State of a Camera for Autonomous Vehicles
* Monitoring of Low Chl-a Concentration in Hulun Lake Based on Fusion of Remote Sensing Satellite and Ground Observation Data
* Monitoring of Plant Ecological Units Cover Dynamics in a Semiarid Landscape from Past to Future Using Multi-Layer Perceptron and Markov Chain Model
* Monitoring the Invasion of S. alterniflora on the Yangtze River Delta, China, Using Time Series Landsat Images during 1990-2022
* Monitoring Total Phosphorus Concentration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Using Sentinel-2 Satellites
* Monitoring Volcanic Plumes and Clouds Using Remote Sensing: A Systematic Review
* Monocular 3D Object Detection Utilizing Auxiliary Learning With Deformable Convolution
* Monsoon-Based Linear Regression Analysis for Filling Data Gaps in Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Satellite Observations
* more reliable local-global-guided network for correspondence pruning, A
* Morphed Face Detection With Wavelet-Based Co-Occurrence Matrices
* Motion-Oriented Hybrid Spiking Neural Networks for Event-Based Motion Deblurring
* MotionDiffuse: Text-Driven Human Motion Generation With Diffusion Model
* MP2PMatch: A Mask-guided Part-to-Part Matching network based on transformer for occluded person re-identification
* MPAI-EEV: Standardization Efforts of Artificial Intelligence Based End-to-End Video Coding
* MPLA-Net: Multiple Pseudo Label Aggregation Network for Weakly Supervised Video Salient Object Detection
* MRFA-Net: Multi-Scale Receptive Feature Aggregation Network for Cloud and Shadow Detection
* MS-RAFT+: High Resolution Multi-Scale RAFT
* MSFA: Multi-Stage Feature Aggregation Network for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* MSPAN: Multi-scale pyramid attention network for efficient skin cancer lesion segmentation
* MTS2Graph: Interpretable multivariate time series classification with temporal evolving graphs
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach for Safe and Efficient Behavior Planning of Connected Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Multi-Antenna and Geometry-Based Differential GNSS Positioning for Vehicles
* Multi-Branch GAN-Based Abnormal Events Detection via Context Learning in Surveillance Videos
* Multi-camera multi-object tracking on the move via single-stage global association approach
* Multi-Criteria Framework for Routing on Access Land: A Case Study on Dartmoor National Park
* Multi-exposure embeddings for graph learning: Towards high dynamic range image saliency prediction
* Multi-Facet Weighted Asymmetric Multi-Modal Hashing Based on Latent Semantic Distribution
* Multi-Feature Fusion Method for Urban Functional Regions Identification: A Case Study of Xi'an, China, A
* Multi-Frequency Based CSI Compression for Vehicle Localization in Intelligent Transportation System
* Multi-Frequency Field Perception and Sparse Progressive Network for low-light image enhancement
* Multi-Granularity Contrastive Cross-Modal Collaborative Generation for End-to-End Long-Term Video Question Answering
* Multi-guided-based image matting via boundary detection
* Multi-Hyperspectral Image Collaborative Mapping Model Based on Adaptive Learning for Fine Classification, A
* Multi-Instrument Observation of the Ionospheric Irregularities and Disturbances during the 23-24 March 2023 Geomagnetic Storm
* Multi-Label Action Anticipation for Real-World Videos With Scene Understanding
* Multi-layer encoder-decoder time-domain single channel speech separation
* Multi-Layer Security Assurance of the 5G Automotive System Based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making
* Multi-Level Dynamic Graph Convolutional Networks for Weakly Supervised Crowd Counting
* Multi-level feature enhancement network for object detection in sonar images
* Multi-Level Objective Alignment Transformer for Fine-Grained Oral Panoramic X-Ray Report Generation
* Multi-Level Robust Positioning Method for Three-Dimensional Ground Penetrating Radar (3D GPR) Road Underground Imaging in Dense Urban Areas, A
* Multi-Level Signal Fusion for Enhanced Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing
* Multi-Modal Tensor Ring Decomposition for Communication-Efficient and Trustworthy Federated Learning for ITS in COVID-19 Scenario, A
* Multi-Objective Transportation System Optimization Using Agent-Based Simulation: A Study of Cordon- and Mileage-Based Congestion Pricing
* Multi-Organ Registration With Continual Learning
* Multi-Receiver Data Authorization With Data Search for Data Sharing in Cloud-Assisted IoV
* Multi-Relational Deep Hashing for Cross-Modal Search
* Multi-Satellite SBAS for Retrieving Long-Term Ground Displacement Time Series, A
* Multi-Satellite Space Environment Risk Prediction and Real-Time Warning System for Satellite Safety Management, A
* Multi-scale features and attention guided for brain tumor segmentation
* Multi-Scale Fusion Siamese Network Based on Three-Branch Attention Mechanism for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* Multi-Scale Fusion Strategy for Side Scan Sonar Image Correction to Improve Low Contrast and Noise Interference, A
* Multi-Scenario Simulation of Land System Change in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Based on a Cellular Automata-Markov Model
* Multi-Sensor Environmental Perception and Adaptive Cruise Control of Intelligent Vehicles Using Kalman Filter
* Multi-Source and Multi-Target Domain Adaptation Based on Dynamic Generator with Attention
* Multi-Stage Image-Language Cross-Generative Fusion Network for Video-Based Referring Expression Comprehension
* Multi-Stage Network With Geometric Semantic Attention for Two-View Correspondence Learning
* Multi-target label backdoor attacks on graph neural networks
* Multi-Target-Aware Dynamic Resource Scheduling for Cloud-Fog-Edge Multi-Tier Computing Network
* Multi-Task Learning for Motion Analysis and Segmentation in 3D Echocardiography
* Multi-Task Learning-Enabled Automatic Vessel Draft Reading for Intelligent Maritime Surveillance
* Multi-Task Visual Perception for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation in Intelligent Driving
* Multi-Template Meta-Information Regularized Network for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Using Structural MRI
* Multi-view cognition with path search for one-shot part labeling
* multi-view references image super-resolution framework for generating the large-FOV and high-resolution image, A
* Multi-View Time-Series Hypergraph Neural Network for Action Recognition
* Multi-Year Cropland Mapping Based on Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study for the Khabarovsk Territory, Russia
* multidimensional fusion image stereo matching algorithm, A
* Multimodal Foundation Models: From Specialists to General-Purpose Assistants
* Multimodal prediction of student performance: A fusion of signed graph neural networks and large language models
* Multimodal Transport Demand Forecasting via Federated Learning
* Multiple Emergency Vehicle Priority in a Connected Vehicle Environment: A Cooperative Method
* Multiple Extended Target Joint Tracking and Classification Based on GPs and LMB Filter
* Multiple-environment Self-adaptive Network for aerial-view geo-localization
* Multiresolution causality of Bitcoin on GCC stock markets: Utilizing EMD-Granger analytical methodology
* Multiscale Attention Segment Network-Based Semantic Segmentation Model for Landslide Remote Sensing Images, A
* Multiscale Filtering Method for Airborne LiDAR Data Using Modified 3D Alpha Shape, A
* Mutual Balancing in State-Object Components for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* Mutual Filter Teaching for Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning
* Mutual Voting for Ranking 3D Correspondences
* Mutually Textual and Visual Refinement Network for Image-Text Matching, A
* MVT: Multi-Vision Transformer for Event-Based Small Target Detection
* NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Human-Level Quality
* Navigating Uncertainty: Semantic-Powered Image Enhancement and Fusion
* Near Real-Time Monitoring of Large Gradient Nonlinear Subsidence in Mining Areas: A Hybrid SBAS-InSAR Method Integrating Robust Sequential Adjustment and Deep Learning
* Near-Real Prediction of Earthquake-Triggered Landslides on the Southeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
* Negative-Sensitive Framework With Semantic Enhancement for Composed Image Retrieval
* Network-Wide Traffic Flow Dynamics Prediction Leveraging Macroscopic Traffic Flow Model and Deep Neural Networks
* Neural Network-Based Hierarchical Fault-Tolerant Affine Formation Control for Heterogeneous Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems
* new approach to detect cardiovascular diseases using ECG scalograms and ML-based CNN algorithm, A
* New Extended Target Detection Method Based on the Maximum Eigenvalue of the Hermitian Matrix, A
* New Insights on Relieving Task-Recency Bias for Online Class Incremental Learning
* New Large-Scale Monitoring Index of Desertification Based on Kernel Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Feature Space Model, A
* new multi-picture architecture for learned video deinterlacing and demosaicing with parallel deformable convolution and self-attention blocks, A
* New Sparse Collaborative Low-Rank Prior Knowledge Representation for Thick Cloud Removal in Remote Sensing Images, A
* New Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Testing Linear Separability Between Two Sets, A
* NHD-YOLO: Improved YOLOv8 using optimized neck and head for product surface defect detection with data augmentation
* NIDALoc: Neurobiologically Inspired Deep LiDAR Localization
* No-Reference Hyperspectral Image Quality Assessment via Ranking Feature Learning
* No-reference image quality assessment via a dual-branch residual network
* No-U-Turn Sampler as a Proposal Distribution in a Sequential Monte Carlo Sampler Without Accept/Reject, The
* Noise Morphing for Audio Time Stretching
* Noise-Generating and Imaging Mechanism Inspired Implicit Regularization Learning Network for Low Dose CT Reconstrution
* Noise-Tolerant Learning for Audio-Visual Action Recognition
* NOMA-Assisted Secure Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing Networks With Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Non-invasive coronary artery disease identification through the iris and bio-demographic health profile features using stacking learning
* Non-iterative reversible information hiding in the secret sharing domain
* Non-Subsampled Contourlet Transform and Ground-Truth Score Generation Based Quality Assessment for DIBR-Synthesized Views
* Noncontact Palm Vein ROI Extraction Based on Improved Lightweight HRnet in Complex Backgrounds
* Noncontact Respiratory Anomaly Detection Using Infrared Light-Wave Sensing
* Nonconvex Robust High-Order Tensor Completion Using Randomized Low-Rank Approximation
* Nonlinear Antiswing Control of Shipboard Boom Cranes Using MPC-Based Auto-Tuning Mechanism With Full State Constraints
* Nonlocal Similarity Learning-Based Tensor Completion Model With Its Application in Intelligent Transportation System, A
* Novel Address-Matching Framework Based on Region Proposal, A
* novel automatic annotation method for whole slide pathological images combined clustering and edge detection technique, A
* novel camera calibration method based on known rotations and translations, A
* Novel Flood Risk Analysis Framework Based on Earth Observation Data to Retrieve Historical Inundations and Future Scenarios, A
* Novel Framework for Scene Graph Generation via Prior Knowledge, A
* Novel Method for Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection Based on the Maximum and Minimum Values of Sentinel-2 Time Series Images, A
* Novel Multi-Scale Feature Map Fusion for Oil Spill Detection of SAR Remote Sensing, A
* Novel reaching law based predictive sliding mode control for lateral motion control of in-wheel motor drive electric vehicle with delay estimation
* Novel Real-Time Coordinated Ridesharing Route Choice Mechanism, A
* novel refined maintenance strategy for full life cycle of high-speed automatic train protection system, A
* Novel Semantic Content-Based Retrieval System for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* OASNet: Object Affordance State Recognition Network With Joint Visual Features and Relational Semantic Embeddings
* Object-Based Semi-Supervised Spatial Attention Residual UNet for Urban High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Observation Analysis and Numerical Simulation of the Urban Barrier Effect on Thunderstorm Organization
* Occlusion-Aware Plane-Constraints for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Occlusion-Aware Transformer With Second-Order Attention for Person Re-Identification
* Occupancy map-based low complexity motion prediction for video-based point cloud compression
* Occurrence Characteristics of Nighttime Merged EIA Based on NASA GOLD Observations from 2018 to 2023
* Ocean Variability in the Costa Rica Thermal Dome Region from 2012 to 2021
* OHD: An Online Category-Aware Framework for Learning With Noisy Labels Under Long-Tailed Distribution
* Oil Palm Bunch Ripeness Classification and Plantation Verification Platform: Leveraging Deep Learning and Geospatial Analysis and Visualization
* Omni-supervised shadow detection with vision foundation model
* On Efficient Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Clutter Suppression
* On the Convergence of Block Majorization-Minimization Algorithms on the Grassmann Manifold
* On the Initial Phase of the Ongoing Unrest at Campi Flegrei and Its Relation with Subsidence at Vesuvio (Italy)
* On the Potential of Algorithm Fusion for Demographic Bias Mitigation in Face Recognition
* On the prediction of power outage length based on linear multifractional Lévy stable motion
* On the reachability and genesis of water ice on the Moon
* Onboard Data Prioritization Using Multi-Class Image Segmentation for Nanosatellites
* One-Bit Aggregation for Over-the-Air Federated Learning Against Byzantine Attacks
* Online Matrix Factorization-Based Traffic Flow Prediction Empowered by Edge Computing for the CAVs
* Online Self-Seeking Optimal Traction Control for Dual-Mode Coupling Drive Electric Vehicles on Bisectional Slopes
* Online Video Sparse Noise Removing via Nonlocal Robust PCA
* Open-Set Jamming Pattern Recognition via Generated Unknown Jamming Data
* OpenInst: A simple query-based method for open-world instance segmentation
* Operational Forecasting of Global Ionospheric TEC Maps 1-, 2-, and 3-Day in Advance by ConvLSTM Model
* Opportunities for advancing the energy efficiency of connected and autonomous vehicles through ARPA-E's NEXTCAR Program
* Opportunities for Collaboration Arising from AASHTO's CAV Policy Principles
* Optical Properties and Possible Origins of Atmospheric Aerosols over LHAASO in the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
* Optimal and Multi-View Strategic Hybrid Deep Learning for Old Landslide Detection in the Loess Plateau, Northwest China
* Optimal Control of Connected Autonomous Vehicles in a Mixed Traffic Corridor
* Optimal Dispatching for AC/DC Hybrid Distribution Systems With Electric Vehicles: Application of Cloud-Edge-Device Cooperation
* Optimal fusion of features from decomposed ultrasound RF data with adaptive weighted ensemble classifier to improve breast lesion classification
* Optimal Parametric Estimation of Biased Sinusoidal Signals Using DREM
* Optimal Sizing and Siting of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Distribution Networks With Robust Optimizing Model
* Optimization of AEB Decision System Based on Unsafe Control Behavior Analysis and Improved ABAS Algorithm
* Optimization of Shared Electric Scooter Deployment Stations Based on Distance Tolerance
* Optimized Prediction Horizon Energy Management Method for Hybrid Energy Storage Systems of Electric Vehicles, An
* optimized two-phase demand-responsive transit scheduling model considering dynamic demand, An
* Optimized Variational Processing Method Based on Satellite-Station Data on Snow Cover Days on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, An
* Optimizing Empty Container Repositioning and Fleet Deployment via Configurable Semi-POMDPs
* Optimizing Optical Coastal Remote-Sensing Products: Recommendations for Regional Algorithm Calibration
* Orthogonal subspace exploration for matrix completion
* OSPC: Online Sequential Photometric Calibration
* Other tokens matter: Exploring global and local features of Vision Transformers for Object Re-Identification
* Overcoming the Challenges of Long-Tail Distribution in Nighttime Vehicle Detection
* Overestimated Fog-Top Entrainment in WRF Simulation Leading to Unrealistic Dissipation of Sea Fog: A Case Study
* Overtaking-Enabled Eco-Approach Control at Signalized Intersections for Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Overview and Analysis of Ground Subsidence along China's Urban Subway Network Based on Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
* Overview of High-Power and Wideband Radar Technology Development at MIT Lincoln Laboratory
* Ozone Profile Retrieval Algorithm Based on GEOS-Chem Model in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere
* Paired relation feature network for spatial relation recognition
* Pairwise difference relational distillation for object re-identification
* PAL-SLAM2: Visual and visual-inertial monocular SLAM for panoramic annular lens
* PARDet: Dynamic point set alignment for rotated object detection
* Passive Acoustic Mapping for Convex Arrays With the Helical Wave Spectrum Method
* PathNet: Path-Selective Point Cloud Denoising
* Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Based on Social Interactions Learning With Random Weights
* Performance Enhancement of Tightly Coupled GNSS/IMU Integration Based on Factor Graph With Robust TDCP Loop Closure
* Performance Evaluation and Application Field Analysis of Precise Point Positioning Based on Different Real-Time Augmentation Information
* person re-identification method for sports event scenes incorporating textual information mining, A
* Perspective-Embedded Scale-Selection Network for Crowd Counting in Public Transportation, A
* Physical Bounds on the Time-Domain Response of a Linear Time-Invariant System
* Pixel Distribution Remapping and Multi-Prior Retinex Variational Model for Underwater Image Enhancement, A
* Placement Strategy for Idle Mobile Charging Stations in IoEV: From the View of Charging Demand Force, A
* Planar Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes from Sparse Views and Relative Camera Poses
* PlaneAC: Line-guided planar 3D reconstruction based on self-attention and convolution hybrid model
* PLANES4LOD2: Reconstruction of LoD-2 building models using a depth attention-based fully convolutional neural network
* Platoon Control in Traffic Networks: New Challenges And Opportunities
* PLoPS: Localization-aware person search with prototypical normalization
* Point Spatio-Temporal Pyramid Network for Point Cloud Video Understanding
* Point-to-Pixel Prompting for Point Cloud Analysis With Pre-Trained Image Models
* PointGL: A Simple Global-Local Framework for Efficient Point Cloud Analysis
* Polarimetric Inverse Rendering for Transparent Shapes Reconstruction
* Polarized Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Matrix Derived from Two-Scale Roughness Theory and Its Applications in Active Remote Sensing
* Potential Landslide Identification in Baihetan Reservoir Area Based on C-/L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Data and Applicability Analysis
* Potential Modulation of Aerosol on Precipitation Efficiency in Southwest China
* Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image Segmentation in Forest Plantation Assessment
* Practical Limitations of Using the Tilt Compensation Function of the GNSS/IMU Receiver
* Precision Irrigation Soil Moisture Mapper: A Thermal Inertia Approach to Estimating Volumetric Soil Water Content Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Multispectral Imagery
* Predicting Neighborhood-Level Residential Carbon Emissions from Street View Images Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning
* Predicting Pedestrian Crossing Behavior at Unsignalized Mid-Block Crosswalks Using Maximum Entropy Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Prediction of Parking Space Availability Using Improved MAT-LSTM Network
* Prediction of the optimal hybrid train trajectory by using artificial neural network models
* Prediction-Aware and Reinforcement Learning-Based Altruistic Cooperative Driving
* Preflight Spectral Calibration of the Ozone Monitoring Suite-Nadir on FengYun 3F Satellite
* Preliminary Derived DInSAR Coseismic Displacements of the 2022 Mw 5.7 Stolac Earthquake
* Price's Theorem for Quaternion Variables
* Prior Guided Wavelet-Spatial Dual Attention Transformer Framework for Heavy Rain Image Restoration, A
* Privacy-Preserving Data-Enabled Predictive Leading Cruise Control in Mixed Traffic
* Privacy-Preserving Distributed Transfer Learning and Its Application in Intelligent Transportation
* Privacy-preserving face recognition method based on extensible feature extraction
* Progressive feature fusion for SNR-aware low-light image enhancement
* Progressive Multi-Resolution Loss for Crowd Counting
* Progressive Placeholder Learning Network for Multimodal Zero-Shot Learning, A
* Progressive Stereo Image Dehazing Network via Cross-View Region Interaction
* Properties of Cirrus Cloud Observed over Koror, Palau (7.3°N, 134.5°E), in Tropical Western Pacific Region
* Prospecting Prediction for the Yulong Metallogenic Belt in Tibet Based on Remote Sensing Alteration Information and Structural Interpretation
* Pseudo-Bag Mixup Augmentation for Multiple Instance Learning-Based Whole Slide Image Classification
* Pseudo-Satellite Fingerprint Localization Method Based on Discriminative Deep Belief Networks, A
* Quad-Net: Quad-Domain Network for CT Metal Artifact Reduction
* Quality Harmonization for Virtual Composition in Online Video Communications
* Quality-aware blind image motion deblurring
* Quality-Aware Selective Fusion Network for V-D-T Salient Object Detection
* Quantitative and Qualitative Experimental Framework for the Evaluation of Urban Soundscapes: Application to the City of Sidi Bou Saïd, A
* Quantitative Assessment and Impact Analysis of Land Surface Deformation in Wuxi Based on PS-InSAR and GARCH Model
* Quantitative Research on the Morphological Characteristics of Lunar Impact Craters of Different Stratigraphic Ages since the Imbrian Period
* Quantum Cryptographic Protocol for Secure Vehicular Communication, A
* Quantum Path Integral Approach for Vehicle Routing Optimization With Limited Qubit
* Query-Oriented Micro-Video Summarization
* QueryTrack: Joint-Modality Query Fusion Network for RGBT Tracking
* Question and Answering Service of Typhoon Disasters Based on the T5 Large Language Model, A
* Question-Aware Global-Local Video Understanding Network for Audio-Visual Question Answering
* r-FACE: Reference guided face component editing
* R-LRBPNet: A Lightweight SAR Image Oriented Ship Detection and Classification Method
* Radar Signal Classification with Multi-Frequency Multi-Scale Deformable Convolutional Networks and Attention Mechanisms
* Radar-Based Precipitation Nowcasting Based on Improved U-Net Model
* Radiometric Calibration of the Near-Infrared Bands of GF-5-02/DPC for Water Vapor Retrieval
* RaFPN: Relation-Aware Feature Pyramid Network for Dense Image Prediction
* Rainfall Differences and Possible Causes of Similar-Track Tropical Cyclones Affected and Unaffected by Binary Tropical Cyclones (BTCs) in China
* Range-Doppler-Time Tensor Processing for Deep-Space Satellite Characterization Using Narrowband Radar
* Range-Spread Target Detection Networks Using HRRPs
* ranking-based problem transformation method for weakly supervised multi-label learning, A
* Raster Scale Farmland Productivity Assessment with Multi-Source Data Fusion: A Case of Typical Black Soil Region in Northeast China
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Post-Training Quantization for Learned Image Compression
* Rate-Rendering Distortion Optimized Preprocessing for Texture Map Compression of 3D Reconstructed Scenes
* Re-decoupling the classification branch in object detectors for few-class scenes
* Real-time 3-D image analysis via Jacobi moments
* Real-Time Detection of Voids in Asphalt Pavement Based on Swin-Transformer-Improved YOLOv5
* Real-Time Estimation of BDS-3 Satellite Clock Offset with Ambiguity Resolution Using B1C/B2a Signals
* Real-Time Forecast Model Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Attention Mechanism for Passenger Car Sales in 5G Environment, A
* Real-Time LEO Satellite Clocks Based on Near-Real-Time Clock Determination with Ultra-Short-Term Prediction
* Real-Time Method for Railway Track Detection and 3D Fitting Based on Camera and LiDAR Fusion Sensing, A
* Real-Time Optimized Clustering and Caching for 6G Satellite-UAV-Terrestrial Networks
* Real-Time Train Scheduling With Uncertain Passenger Flows: A Scenario-Based Distributed Model Predictive Control Approach
* Rebalancing network with knowledge stability for class incremental learning
* Recent Advances in Dielectric Properties-Based Soil Water Content Measurements
* Reciprocal Teacher-Student Learning via Forward and Feedback Knowledge Distillation
* Recognizing facial expressions based on pyramid multi-head grid and spatial attention network
* Reconstruction of Hourly FY-4A AGRI Land Surface Temperature under Cloud-Covered Conditions Using a Hybrid Method Combining Spatial and Temporal Information
* Recovering Real Demand for Free-Floating Bike-Sharing System Considering Demand Truncation, Migration, and Spatial Correlation
* ReCuSum: A polyvalent method to monitor tropical forest disturbances
* Reduction of Subsidence and Large-Scale Rebound in the Beijing Plain after Anthropogenic Water Transfer and Ecological Recharge of Groundwater: Evidence from Long Time-Series Satellites InSAR
* Reference Image-Assisted Auxiliary Feature Fusion in Image Inpainting
* Refined Analysis of Vegetation Phenology Changes and Driving Forces in High Latitude Altitude Regions of the Northern Hemisphere: Insights from High Temporal Resolution MODIS Products
* Refinement Method for Single-Stage Object Detection Based on Progressive Decoupled Task Alignment, A
* Refining ICESAT-2 ATL13 Altimetry Data for Improving Water Surface Elevation Accuracy on Rivers
* Refining Uncertain Features With Self-Distillation for Face Recognition and Person Re-Identification
* RefQSR: Reference-Based Quantization for Image Super-Resolution Networks
* Regional Real-Time between-Satellite Single-Differenced Ionospheric Model Establishing by Multi-GNSS Single-Frequency Observations: Performance Evaluation and PPP Augmentation
* Reinforcement Learning Based Markov Edge Decoupled Fusion Network for Fusion Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR
* Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for Autonomous Driving in General Urban Scenarios, A
* Relationship Learning From Multisource Images via Spatial-Spectral Perception Network
* Remote Detection of Geothermal Alteration Using Airborne Light Detection and Ranging Return Intensity
* Remote Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon: Role of Topography in the Intra-Field Distribution
* Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Accurate Fire Severity Mapping in Northern Algeria
* Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Cryosphere in High Mountain Asia: A Multidisciplinary Review
* Remote Sensing Image Dehazing via a Local Context-Enriched Transformer
* Remote Sensing Images Secure Distribution Scheme Based on Deep Information Hiding
* Remote Sensing of Forests in Bavaria: A Review
* Remote, Rugged Field Scenarios for Archaeology and the Field Sciences: Object Avoidance and 3D Flight Planning with sUAS Photogrammetry
* Research on assessment of air traffic control operation quality based on track data
* Research on Automatic Wavelength Calibration of Passive DOAS Observations Based on Sequence Matching Method
* Research on Azimuth DBF Method of HRWS SPC MAB SAR Imaging Mode with Non-Ideal Antenna Mode
* Research on Digital Twin Vehicle Stability Monitoring System Based on Side Slip Angle
* Research on the Spatial Network Structure of Tourist Flows in Hangzhou Based on BERT-BiLSTM-CRF
* Research on Three-Dimensional Cloud Structure Retrieval and Fusion Technology for the MODIS Instrument
* Residual Feature-Reutilization Inception Network
* ResNet-101 deep learning framework induced transfer learning strategy for moving object detection, A
* Respective Effects of Vapor Pressure Deficit and Soil Moisture on Ecosystem Productivity in Southwest China, The
* RETA: 4D Radar-Based End-to-End Joint Tracking and Activity Estimation for Low-Observable Pedestrian Safety in Cluttered Traffic Scenarios
* RETRACTED: Chen et al. An Infrared Small Target Detection Method Based on a Weighted Human Visual Comparison Mechanism for Safety Monitoring
* Retrieval of At-Surface Upwelling Radiance and Albedo by Parameterizing Cloud Scattering and Transmittance over Rugged Terrain
* Retrieval of Total Suspended Matter Concentration Based on the Iterative Analysis of Multiple Equations: A Case Study of a Lake Taihu Image from the First Sustainable Development Goals Science Satellite's Multispectral Imager for Inshore
* Revealing Subtle Active Tectonic Deformation: Integrating Lidar, Photogrammetry, Field Mapping, and Geophysical Surveys to Assess the Late Quaternary Activity of the Sava Fault (Southern Alps, Slovenia)
* Revealing the Hidden Consequences of Increased Soil Moisture Storage in Greening Drylands
* Reverse Attention-Based Multi-Feature Interaction Network for Finger Vein Image Quality Evaluation
* Revisiting Open World Object Detection
* RFL-CDNet: Towards accurate change detection via richer feature learning
* RGB Road Scene Material Segmentation
* RGBD-SLAM Based on Object Detection With Two-Stream YOLOv4-MobileNetv3 in Autonomous Driving
* Risk analysis of autonomous vehicle test scenarios using a novel analytic hierarchy process method
* Road Accessibility during Natural Hazards Based on Volunteered Geographic Information Data and Network Analysis
* Road Extraction and Distress Assessment by Spaceborne, Airborne, and Terrestrial Platforms
* Robformer: A robust decomposition transformer for long-term time series forecasting
* Robotic Grasp Detection With 6-D Pose Estimation Based on Graph Convolution and Refinement
* Robust Arbitrary-Time Path-Tracking Control Using Reduced Order Kinematic Model for Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* Robust Calibration of Vehicle Solid-State Lidar-Camera Perception System Using Line-Weighted Correspondences in Natural Environments
* Robust Cognitive Capability in Autonomous Driving Using Sensor Fusion Techniques: A Survey
* Robust deep fuzzy K-means clustering for image data
* Robust ensemble person reidentification via orthogonal fusion with occlusion handling
* Robust Hybrid Visual Servoing of Omnidirectional Mobile Manipulator With Kinematic Uncertainties Using a Single Camera
* Robust multiple subspaces transfer for heterogeneous domain adaptation
* Robust pedestrian detection via constructing versatile pedestrian knowledge bank
* Robust remote sensing retrieval of key eutrophication indicators in coastal waters based on explainable machine learning
* Robust Saliency-Aware Distillation for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Robust Tracking via Fully Exploring Background Prior Knowledge
* Robust Unpaired Image Dehazing via Density and Depth Decomposition
* Robust Watermarking Against Camera Shooting for PowerPoint Presentation
* Rock Layer Classification and Identification in Ground-Penetrating Radar via Machine Learning
* Rotated points for object detection in remote sensing images
* Roundabouts: Traffic Simulations of Connected and Automated Vehicles: A State of the Art
* RPAU: Fooling the Eyes of UAVs via Physical Adversarial Patches
* rPPG-MAE: Self-Supervised Pretraining With Masked Autoencoders for Remote Physiological Measurements
* RS-LLaVA: A Large Vision-Language Model for Joint Captioning and Question Answering in Remote Sensing Imagery
* RSFVC: Robust Biometric-Based Secure Framework for Vehicular Cloud Networking
* RTS-LCSS: A New Method for Real-Time Monitoring of Pantograph Structure
* Runge-Kutta Guided Feature Augmentation for Few-Sample Learning
* S2CANet: A self-supervised infrared and visible image fusion based on co-attention network
* SADGFeat: Learning local features with layer spatial attention and domain generalization
* Safe Reinforcement Learning-Based Motion Planning for Functional Mobile Robots Suffering Uncontrollable Mobile Robots
* SAFENESS: A Semi-Supervised Transfer Learning Approach for Sea State Estimation Using Ship Motion Data
* Safety analysis of autonomous vehicles based on target detection error
* Safety and Human Factors Considerations in Connected and Automated Vehicles: Research Findings and Future Needs
* SAKD: Sparse attention knowledge distillation
* Saliency Guided Deep Neural Network for Color Transfer With Light Optimization
* SaliencyCut: Augmenting plausible anomalies for anomaly detection
* Salinity Fronts in the South Atlantic
* SAM-Induced Pseudo Fully Supervised Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Sanitizable Access Control With Policy-Protection for Vehicular Social Networks, A
* SAR2Height framework for urban height map reconstruction from single SAR intensity images, The
* Satellite Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Mineral Maps of Australia Unmixed of Their Green and Dry Vegetation Components: Implications for Mapping (Paleo) Sediment Erosion-Transport-Deposition Processes
* Satellite-Based Estimation of Near-Surface NO2 Concentration in Cloudy and Rainy Areas
* Satellite-Derived Variability of Sea Surface Salinity and Geostrophic Currents off Western Patagonia
* satellite-field phenological bridging framework for characterizing community-level spring forest phenology using multi-scale satellite imagery, A
* Say No to Redundant Information: Unsupervised Redundant Feature Elimination for Active Learning
* Scalable Discrete and Asymmetric Unequal Length Hashing Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Scale Distribution of Retail Formats in the Central Districts of Chinese Cities: A Study Analysis of Ten Cities
* Scene recovery: Combining visual enhancement and resolution improvement
* SceneFake: An initial dataset and benchmarks for scene fake audio detection
* ScopeViT: Scale-Aware Vision Transformer
* Scribble-based complementary graph reasoning network for weakly supervised salient object detection
* SCRP-Radar: Space-Aware Coordinate Representation for Human Pose Estimation Based on SISO UWB Radar
* SDPDet: Learning Scale-Separated Dynamic Proposals for End-to-End Drone-View Detection
* Sea Surface Height Wavenumber Spectrum from Airborne Interferometric Radar Altimeter
* Seamline Optimization Based on Triangulated Irregular Network of Tiepoints for Fast UAV Image Mosaicking
* Search Engine for Open Geospatial Consortium Web Services Improving Discoverability through Natural Language Processing-Based Processing and Ranking
* Seasonal Monitoring Method for TN and TP Based on Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images
* Secrecy Analysis of ABCom-Based Intelligent Transportation Systems With Jamming
* Secure Source Identification Scheme for Revocable Instruction Sharing in Vehicle Platoon
* Secured and Cooperative Publish/Subscribe Scheme in Autonomous Vehicular Networks
* See SIFT in a Rain
* SegIns: A simple extension to instance discrimination task for better localization learning
* Segmented Sliding Window Reference Signal Reconstruction Method Based on Fuzzy C-Means, A
* Seizure detection via deterministic learning feature extraction
* Selective Feature Fusion and Irregular-Aware Network for Pavement Crack Detection
* Selective HuBERT: Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Target Speaker in Clean and Mixture Speech
* Selective Migration-Based Improved GPR Modeling Method for Batch Process, A
* Selective Random Walk for Transfer Learning in Heterogeneous Label Spaces
* Self-attention empowered graph convolutional network for structure learning and node embedding
* Self-attention residual network-based spatial super-resolution synthesis for time-varying volumetric data
* Self-Knowledge Distillation-Based Staged Extraction and Multiview Collection Network for RGB-D Mirror Segmentation
* Self-Mining the Confident Prototypes for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Image Segmentation
* Self-reconstruction network for fine-grained few-shot classification
* Self-supervised learning of rotation-invariant 3D point set features using transformer and its self-distillation
* Self-Supervised Lightweight Depth Estimation in Endoscopy Combining CNN and Transformer
* Self-Supervised Node Representation Learning via Node-to-Neighbourhood Alignment
* Semantic change detection using a hierarchical semantic graph interaction network from high-resolution remote sensing images
* Semantic Loopback Detection Method Based on Instance Segmentation and Visual SLAM in Autonomous Driving
* Semantic segmentation of large-scale point clouds by integrating attention mechanisms and transformer models
* Semantic segmentation using cross-stage feature reweighting and efficient self-attention
* Semantic Spatial Structure-Based Loop Detection Algorithm for Visual Environmental Sensing, A
* Semantic-Oriented Feature Coupling Transformer for Vehicle Re-Identification in Intelligent Transportation System
* Semantic-Spatial Aware Data Conflation Approach for Place Knowledge Graphs, A
* Semantics and Geography Aware Hierarchical Learning for Sequential Crime Prediction
* Semi-supervised pathological image segmentation via cross distillation of multiple attentions and Seg-CAM consistency
* Semi-Supervised Thyroid Nodule Detection in Ultrasound Videos
* Semi-supervised vanishing point detection with contrastive learning
* Sensitivity of Polar Mesospheric Clouds to Mesospheric Temperature and Water Vapor, The
* Sensitivity of Sentinel-1 Backscatter to Management-Related Disturbances in Temperate Forests
* Sensor-Based Simulation Method for Spatiotemporal Event Detection, A
* Separation of Multicomponent Micro-Doppler Signal with Missing Samples
* Separation-Based Localization Method Between Rotating and Static Sources, A
* Sequence-to-sequence transfer transformer network for automatic flight plan generation
* Sequential Clustering Method With Improved Iteration and Its Application to Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Theoretical Design and Experiment Implementation, A
* Shadow-Aware Point-Based Neural Radiance Fields for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Novel View Synthesis
* Ship Detection in Maritime Scenes under Adverse Weather Conditions
* Ship Emission Reduction via Energy-Saving Formation
* SHIP: A State-Aware Hybrid Incentive Program for Urban Crowd Sensing With for-Hire Vehicles
* Short Analysis of BigColor for Image Colorization, A
* Short-Term Foredune Dynamics in Response to Invasive Vegetation Control Actions
* SIAM: A parameter-free, Spatial Intersection Attention Module
* Siamese network to assess scanner-related contrast variability in MRI
* Signal Matching Method of In-Orbit Calibration of Altimeter in Tracking Mode Based on Transponder, A
* simple and efficient filter feature selection method via document-term matrix unitization, A
* Simple Artificial Neural Model to Predict Dambovita River Temperature Affected by Urban Heat Islands in Bucharest City, A
* simple transformer-based baseline for crowd tracking with Sequential Feature Aggregation and Hybrid Group Training, A
* Single Stage Adaptive Multi-Attention Network for Image Restoration
* Single-Image Super-Resolution Method for Rotating Synthetic Aperture System Using Masking Mechanism
* Size-invariant two-in-one image secret sharing scheme based on gray mixing model
* Skeleton extraction of hard-pen regular script based on stroke characterization and ambiguous zone detection
* SlowFastFormer for 3D human pose estimation
* SMEMO: Social Memory for Trajectory Forecasting
* Snow Disaster Risk Assessment Based on Long-Term Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Region in Xizang
* Snow Water Equivalent Retrieval Framework Coupling 1D Hydrology and Passive Microwave Radiative Transfer Models, A
* Social Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles Interacting With Vulnerable Road Users
* Social Network Analysis: A Survey on Process, Tools, and Application
* Soft independence guided filter pruning
* Soil Moisture and Vegetation-Based Susceptibility Mapping Approach to Wildfire Events in Greece, A
* Soil Salinity Inversion in Yellow River Delta by Regularized Extreme Learning Machine Based on ICOA
* Solar Wind Charge-Exchange X-ray Emissions from the O5+ Ions in the Earth's Magnetosheath
* Sorting Convolution Operation for Achieving Rotational Invariance
* SOTVerse: A User-Defined Task Space of Single Object Tracking
* Space-Air-Ground-Sea Integrated Network with Federated Learning
* Spaceborne Radars for Mapping Surface and Subsurface Salt Pan Configuration: A Case Study of the Pozuelos Salt Flat in Northern Argentina
* Sparse and robust support vector machine with capped squared loss for large-scale pattern classification
* Sparse Reconstruction-Based Joint Signal Processing for MIMO-OFDM-IM Integrated Radar and Communication Systems
* Sparse SAR Imaging Method for Low-Oversampled Staggered Mode via Compound Regularization, A
* Sparse-to-Dense: High Efficiency Rate Control for End-to-End Scale-Adaptive Video Coding
* Sparseness and Correntropy-Based Block Diagonal Representation for Robust Subspace Clustering
* Spatial Analysis of Exposure of Roads to Flooding and Its Implications for Mobility in Urban/Peri-Urban Accra
* Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents in Major Californian Cities Using a Geographic Information System
* Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Precipitation in the Bahr el Ghazal River Basin, Africa
* Spatial and Temporal Variation Patterns of NO 5.3 µm Infrared Radiation during Two Consecutive Auroral Disturbances
* Spatial Distribution and Differentiation Analysis of Coastal Aquaculture in China Based on Remote Sensing Monitoring
* Spatial Downscaling of ESA CCI Soil Moisture Data Based on Deep Learning with an Attention Mechanism
* Spatial Relationship of Inter-City Population Movement and Socio-Economic Determinants: A Case Study in China Using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression
* Spatial Representation of a Self-Driving Vehicle for the Virtual Entity of a Digital Twin, The
* Spatial Resolution as a Factor for Efficient UAV-Based Weed Mapping: A Soybean Field Case Study
* Spatio-Temporal Changes of Arable Land and Their Impacts on Grain Output in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 1980 to 2020
* Spatio-Temporal Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of INGO Activities in Myanmar
* Spatio-Temporal Robust Tracker with Spatial-Channel Transformer and Jitter Suppression, A
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Characteristics and Their Impact on Vegetation and Crop Production in Rwanda
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Water Body in the Chongming Island Region over the Past Decade Based on the ISUNet Model
* Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Freeze-Thaw Erosion in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Factors Influencing Regional Ecological Land in a Multidimensional Perspective: A Case Study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Influencing Factors of Urban Industry in Modern China (1840-1949): A Case Study of Nanjing
* Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics of 2022 Pakistan Severe Flood Event Based on Multi-Source Satellite Gravity Observations
* Spatiotemporal Evolution Features of the 2022 Compound Hot and Drought Event over the Yangtze River Basin
* Spatiotemporal feature learning for no-reference gaming content video quality assessment
* spatiotemporal motion prediction network based on multi-level feature disentanglement, A
* Spatiotemporal Variation in Water Deficit- and Heatwave-Driven Flash Droughts in Songnen Plain and Its Ecological Impact
* Special Issue on IEEE Workshop on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, October 27-28, 2022
* Speckle Noise Reduction via Linewidth Broadening for Planetary Laser Reflectance Spectrometers
* Spectral Clustering and Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Dynamic Resource Allocation in SM-MIMO Vehicular System
* Spectral Superresolution Using Transformer with Convolutional Spectral Self-Attention
* Spectral-Wise Implicit Neural Representation for Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction
* Spectroscopy of Magnesium Sulfate Double Salts and Their Implications for Mars Exploration
* Speed-Up DDPM for Real-Time Underwater Image Enhancement
* Sr-LDA:Sparse and Reduced-Rank Linear Discriminant Analysis for High Dimensional Matrix
* SSA-UNet: Whole brain segmentation by U-Net with squeeze-and-excitation block and self-attention block from the 2.5D slice image
* SSAformer: Spatial-Spectral Aggregation Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* SSFE-M: A Self-Supervised Feature Extraction Model for Enhanced Camera Calibration
* StableSwap: Stable Face Swapping in a Shared and Controllable Latent Space
* Starting from the structure: A review of small object detection based on deep learning
* Static graph convolution with learned temporal and channel-wise graph topology generation for skeleton-based action recognition
* Statistical Analysis of Multi-Year South China Sea Eddies and Exploration of Eddy Classification
* STFE: A Comprehensive Video-Based Person Re-Identification Network Based on Spatio-Temporal Feature Enhancement
* Stochastic Non-Autoregressive Transformer-Based Multi-Modal Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction for Intelligent Vehicles
* Stochastic Optimal Intervention for Robot-Assisted Crowd Evacuation
* Structure-aware feature stylization for domain generalization
* Student Loss: Towards the Probability Assumption in Inaccurate Supervision
* Study on Anomalies of the Geomagnetic Topology Network Associated with the 2022 Ms6.8 Luding Earthquake, The
* Study on Early Identification of Rainfall-Induced Accumulation Landslide Hazards in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
* Study on the Expansion Potential of Artificial Oases in Xinjiang by Coupling Geomorphic Features and Hierarchical Clustering
* Study on the Impact of Urban Morphologies on Urban Canopy Heat Islands Based on Relocated Meteorological Stations
* Studying the Internal Wave Generation Mechanism in the Northern South China Sea Using Numerical Simulation, Synthetic Aperture Radar, and In Situ Measurements
* StyleTalk++: A Unified Framework for Controlling the Speaking Styles of Talking Heads
* Sun/Shade Separation in Optical and Thermal UAV Images for Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Practices
* Super-Resolution for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Images via Cross-Scale Diffusion Model Using Reference Images
* Super-resolution reconstruction based on generative adversarial networks with dual branch half instance normalization
* Super-Resolution Reconstruction Model for Remote Sensing Image Based on Generative Adversarial Networks, A
* Surface Displacement Evaluation of Canto Do Amaro Onshore Oil Field, Brazil, Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Sentinel-1 Data
* Surface Solar Radiation Resource Evaluation of Xizang Region Based on Station Observation and High-Resolution Satellite Dataset
* Survey of Cutting-edge Multimodal Sentiment Analysis, A
* Survey of Dataset Refinement for Problems in Computer Vision Datasets, A
* survey of feature matching methods, A
* Survey of Wearable Lower Extremity Neurorehabilitation Exoskeleton: Sensing, Gait Dynamics, and Human-Robot Collaboration, A
* survey on computational intelligence approaches for intelligent marine terminal operations, A
* survey on handwritten mathematical expression recognition: The rise of encoder-decoder and GNN models, A
* Survey on Haptic Feedback through Sensory Illusions in Interactive Systems
* Survey on Reversible Data Hiding for Uncompressed Images, A
* Survey on Robotic Prosthetics: Neuroprosthetics, Soft Actuators, and Control Strategies, A
* SurvivalLVQ: Interpretable supervised clustering and prediction in survival analysis via Learning Vector Quantization
* SVM-Based Optimal-Controller Selection and Path Selection Protocol for Heterogeneous Communications in SDVNs, An
* SWIFT: Simulated Wildfire Images for Fast Training Dataset
* SwinSOD: Salient object detection using swin-transformer
* Synergistic Formal-Statistical Model for Recognizing Complex Human Activities, A
* Synergy between Short-Range Lidar and In Situ Instruments for Determining the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Lidar Ratio
* Synthetic unknown class learning for learning unknowns
* Systematic Review of the Application of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager to the Water Quality Monitoring of Inland and Coastal Waters, A
* T-Skeleton: Accurate scene text detection via instance-aware skeleton embedding
* Ta-Adapter: Enhancing few-shot CLIP with task-aware encoders
* TA2V: Text-Audio Guided Video Generation
* Tamper-Resistant Broadcasting Scheme for Secure Communication in Internet of Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Tangent Space-Free Lorentz Spatial Temporal Graph Convolution Networks
* Target Tracking Guidance for Unmanned Surface Vehicles in the Presence of Obstacles, A
* Target Tracking Systems on a Sphere With Topographic Information
* Technique for SAR Significant Wave Height Retrieval Using Azimuthal Cut-Off Wavelength Based on Machine Learning, A
* TemPanSharpening: A multi-temporal Pansharpening solution based on deep learning and edge extraction
* Temperature Effects in AMSR2 Soil Moisture Products and Development of a Removal Method Using Data at Ascending and Descending Overpasses
* Temporal Variations in Land Surface Temperature within an Urban Ecosystem: A Comprehensive Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Kharkiv, Ukraine
* Temporal Wavelet Transform-Based Low-Complexity Perceptual Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video
* Tensor robust PCA with nonconvex and nonlocal regularization
* Tensor-Based Secure Truthful Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowdsourcing in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Tensor-Train-Based Incremental High Order Dominant Z-Eigen Decomposition for Multi-Modal Intelligent Transportation Prediction
* Tensorized Multi-View Low-Rank Approximation Based Robust Hand-Print Recognition
* Terrace Extraction Method Based on Remote Sensing and a Novel Deep Learning Framework
* Test Statistic Estimation-Based Approach for Establishing Self-Interpretable CNN-Based Binary Classifiers, A
* Test-time adaptation for 6D pose tracking
* Text-Based Person Search via Cross-Modal Alignment Learning
* TFCD-Net: Target and False Alarm Collaborative Detection Network for Infrared Imagery
* TFGNet: Traffic Salient Object Detection Using a Feature Deep Interaction and Guidance Fusion
* TFUT: Task fusion upward transformer model for multi-task learning on dense prediction
* Think Holistically, Act Down-to-Earth: A Semantic Navigation Strategy With Continuous Environmental Representation and Multi-Step Forward Planning
* three in one bottom-up framework for simultaneous semantic segmentation, instance segmentation and classification of multi-organ nuclei in digital cancer histology, A
* three-dimensional human motion pose recognition algorithm based on graph convolutional networks, A
* Three-Dimensional Signal Source Localization with Angle-Only Measurements in Passive Sensor Networks
* Three-Stage Framework for Video-Based Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification, A
* Through-Wall Imaging Using Low-Cost Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave Radar Sensors
* TIM-Net: A multi-label classification network for TCM tongue images fusing global-local features
* Time Efficient Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Based on A Novel Radial Basis Function 2D Interpolation
* Time of Arrival Estimation for Backscatter UWB
* Time Series Analysis of Multisensor Data for Precision Viticulture: Assessing Microscale Variations in Plant Development with Respect to Irrigation and Topography
* Time to retire F1-binary score for action unit detection
* Time-attentive fusion network: An efficient model for online detection of action start
* Time-Frequency Analysis Method of Seismic Data Based on Sparse Constraints for Road Detection
* Time-Frequency Signal Integrity Monitoring Algorithm Based on Temperature Compensation Frequency Bias Combination Model
* Time-Shifted Transformers for Driver Identification Using Vehicle Data
* TIR-YOLO-ADAS: A thermal infrared object detection framework for advanced driver assistance systems
* TMFO-AGGRU: A Graph Convolutional Gated Recurrent Network for Metro Passenger Flow Forecasting
* TMNIO: Triplet merged network with involution operators for improved few-shot image classification
* Topological optimization of continuous action iterated dilemma based on finite-time strategy using DQN
* Total Least Squares Estimation in Hedonic House Price Models
* Toward a More Robust Estimation of Forest Biomass Carbon Stock and Carbon Sink in Mountainous Region: A Case Study in Tibet, China
* Toward Ensuring Safety for Autonomous Driving Perception: Standardization Progress, Research Advances, and Perspectives
* Toward Generalizable Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* Toward Grouping in Large Scenes With Occlusion-Aware Spatio-Temporal Transformers
* Toward High-Quality HDR Deghosting With Conditional Diffusion Models
* Towards a National CAV Certification Center
* Towards Automated Infographic Authoring From Natural Language Statement With Multiple Proportional Facts
* Towards better small object detection in UAV scenes: Aggregating more object-oriented information
* Towards effective person search with deep learning: A survey from systematic perspective
* Towards Frame Rate Agnostic Multi-object Tracking
* Towards Generated Image Provenance Analysis via Conceptual-Similar-Guided-SLIP Retrieval
* Towards Hybrid-Optimization Video Coding
* Towards Quality Management Procedures in 3D Cadastre
* Towards robust and sparse linear discriminant analysis for image classification
* Towards robust image matching in low-luminance environments: Self-supervised keypoint detection and descriptor-free cross-fusion matching
* Towards Video Anomaly Detection in the Real World: A Binarization Embedded Weakly-Supervised Network
* TPE-DF: Thumbnail Preserving Encryption via Dual-2DCS Fusion
* TPGraph: A Spatial-Temporal Graph Learning Framework for Accurate Traffic Prediction on Arterial Roads
* Tracking Water Quality and Macrophyte Changes in Lake Trasimeno (Italy) from Spaceborne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Traction Substation State Estimator for Integrating Smart Loads in Transportation Grids Without the Need for Additional Sensors, A
* Traffic Anomaly Detection: Exploiting Temporal Positioning of Flow-Density Samples
* Traffic Conflict Forecasting and Avoidance System Under Automated Driving System Disengagement: A Non-Intrusive Prototype Design
* Traffic Estimation of Various Connected Vehicle Penetration Rates: Temporal Convolutional Network Approach
* Traffic Scenario Understanding and Video Captioning via Guidance Attention Captioning Network
* Training Superpixel Network Only Once
* Trajectory Deviation Estimation Method for UAV-Borne Through-Wall Radar
* Transductive semantic decoupling double variational inference for few-shot classification
* Transductive zero-shot learning with generative model-driven structure alignment
* Transfer-Aware Graph U-Net with Cross-Level Interactions for PolSAR Image Semantic Segmentation
* Transferability of Machine Learning Models for Crop Classification in Remote Sensing Imagery Using a New Test Methodology: A Study on Phenological, Temporal, and Spatial Influences
* Transferable Generative Framework for Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning, A
* Transformer-Based Multimodal Emotional Perception for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* TransGANomaly: Transformer based Generative Adversarial Network for Video Anomaly Detection
* TransMix: Crafting highly transferable adversarial examples to evade face recognition models
* Transparent Embedding Space for Interpretable Image Recognition
* TreeCN: Time Series Prediction With the Tree Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction
* TridentCap: Image-Fact-Style Trident Semantic Framework for Stylized Image Captioning
* TriRNet: Real-Time Rail Recognition Network for UAV-Based Railway Inspection
* Trust in Range Estimation System in Battery Electric Vehicles-A Mixed Approach
* Tutorial on Matching-based Causal Analysis of Human Behaviors Using Smartphone Sensor Data
* Tutorial on Single-Shot 3D Surface Imaging Techniques, A
* Twin Satellites HY-1C/D Reveal the Local Details of Astronomical Tide Flooding into the Qiantang River, China
* Two-Decadal Glacier Changes in the Astak, a Tributary Catchment of the Upper Indus River in Northern Pakistan
* Two-Dimensional Target Localization Approach via a Closed-Form Solution Using Range Difference Measurements Based on Pentagram Array
* Two-Stage Watermark Removal Framework for Spread Spectrum Watermarking
* UAV Complex-Scene Single-Target Tracking Based on Improved Re-Detection Staple Algorithm
* UAV-Assisted Wireless-Powered Two-Way Communications
* UAV-Based Single-Lens Stereoscopic Photography Method for Phenotyping the Architecture Traits of Orchard Trees, A
* UAV-Ground Visual Tracking: A Unified Dataset and Collaborative Learning Approach
* UCTNet: Uncertainty-guided CNN-Transformer hybrid networks for medical image segmentation
* Ukraine is Riddled with Land Mines: Drones and AI Can Help
* Ultrasound as a Neurorobotic Interface: A Review
* Ultrasound Shear Elastography With Expanded Bandwidth (USEWEB): A Novel Method for 2D Shear Phase Velocity Imaging of Soft Tissues
* Un-Gaze: A Unified Transformer for Joint Gaze-Location and Gaze-Object Detection
* Uncertainty Modeling for Gaze Estimation
* Uncertainty-Aware Deep Video Compression With Ensembles
* Uncertainty-aware hierarchical labeling for face forgery detection
* Uncovering the authorship: Linking media content to social user profiles
* Understanding the Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Influencing Factors of the Rice-Crayfish Field in Jianghan Plain, China
* Understanding the vulnerability of skeleton-based Human Activity Recognition via black-box attack
* Underwater Image Enhancement Method Based on Balanced Adaption Compensation, An
* Underwater Image Quality Assessment: Benchmark Database and Objective Method
* Underwater image quality optimization: Researches, challenges, and future trends
* Unified multi-level neighbor clustering for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Unified Robust Path Planning and Optimal Trajectory Generation for Efficient 3D Area Coverage of Quadrotor UAVs
* Unified Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Routing for Efficient Video Object Segmentation
* Unimodular Waveform Design for Dual-Function Radar-Communication Systems Under Per-User MUI Energy Constraint
* UniTR: A Unified TRansformer-Based Framework for Co-Object and Multi-Modal Saliency Detection
* Universal Event-Based Plug-In Module for Visual Object Tracking in Degraded Conditions, A
* Universal Representations: A Unified Look at Multiple Task and Domain Learning
* Unraveling the Influence of Equatorial Waves on Post-Monsoon Sea Surface Salinity Anomalies in the Bay of Bengal
* Unsupervised Change Detection in HR Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Local Histogram Similarity and Progressive Otsu
* Unsupervised Deep Hashing With Fine-Grained Similarity-Preserving Contrastive Learning for Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Object Detectors: A Survey
* Unsupervised Fusion of Misaligned PAT and MRI Images via Mutually Reinforcing Cross-Modality Image Generation and Registration
* unsupervised multi-focus image fusion method via dual-channel convolutional network and discriminator, An
* Unsupervised Point Cloud Co-Part Segmentation via Co-Attended Superpoint Generation and Aggregation
* Unsupervised remote sensing image thin cloud removal method based on contrastive learning
* Unsupervised shape-aware SOM down-sampling for plant point clouds
* Unsupervised single image dehazing: A contour approach
* Unveiling tampering traces: Enhancing image reconstruction errors for visualization
* Unveiling the Non-Linear Influence of Eye-Level Streetscape Factors on Walking Preference: Evidence from Tokyo
* Upgraded Low-Frequency 3D Lightning Mapping System in North China and Observations on Lightning Initiation Processes
* Urban Building Height Extraction from Gaofen-7 Stereo Satellite Images Enhanced by Contour Matching
* Urban Growth and Its Ecological Effects in China
* Urban Land Surface Temperature Downscaling in Chicago: Addressing Ethnic Inequality and Gentrification
* Using Mixture of Experts to accelerate dataset distillation
* UVMO: Deep unsupervised visual reconstruction-based multimodal-assisted odometry
* Variability Assessment of Global Extreme Coastal Sea Levels Using Altimetry Data
* Variability of Extreme Climate Events and Prediction of Land Cover Change and Future Climate Change Effects on the Streamflow in Southeast Queensland, Australia
* Variable-Gain Fixed-Time Convergent and Robust ZNN Model for Image Fusion: Design, Analysis, and Verification, A
* Variance-Covariance method to estimating the errors of 3-D ground displacement time-series using small baseline InSAR algorithms and multi-platform SAR data, A
* Variational Bayesian Inference-Based En-Decoder Framework for Traffic Flow Prediction, A
* Vehicle Platoon Control Based on Third-Order Heterogeneous Model and Predictive Spacing Strategy
* Vehicle Trajectory-Based Traffic Volume Prediction on Urban Roads With Fast-Communication License Plate Recognition Data
* Vehicle-Based Machine Vision Approaches in Intelligent Connected System
* Vertical Features of Volatile Organic Compounds and Their Potential Photochemical Reactivities in Boundary Layer Revealed by In-Situ Observations and Satellite Retrieval
* Vertical Profiles of PM2.5 and O3 Measured Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Their Relationships with Synoptic- and Local-Scale Air Movements
* Vertical-Lateral Coupled Dynamic Model for Integrated Propulsion, Levitation and Guidance Superconducting EDS Train
* Very High-Resolution Urban Green Space from the Fusion of Microsatellite, SAR, and MSI Images, A
* Video anomaly detection based on a multi-layer reconstruction autoencoder with a variance attention strategy
* Video anomaly detection guided by clustering learning
* Video Demoiréing With Deep Temporal Color Embedding and Video-Image Invertible Consistency
* Video Question Answering with Semantic Disentanglement and Reasoning
* Video stabilization based on low-rank constraint and trajectory optimization
* Video-based face outline recognition
* VIS-SLAM: A Real-Time Dynamic SLAM Algorithm Based on the Fusion of Visual, Inertial, and Semantic Information
* Visual and Textual Prior Guided Mask Assemble for Few-Shot Segmentation and Beyond
* Visual tracking in camera-switching outdoor sport videos: Benchmark and baselines for skiing
* VLF Signal Noise Reduction during Intense Seismic Activity: First Study of Wave Excitations and Attenuations in the VLF Signal Amplitude
* Volume Structure Retrieval Using Drone-Based SAR Interferometry with Wide Fractional Bandwidth
* Wasserstein Embedding Learning for Deep Clustering: A Generative Approach
* Watch You Under Low-Resolution and Low-Illumination: Face Enhancement via Bi-Factor Degradation Decoupling
* Wave Height Prediction in Maritime Transportation Using Decomposition Based Learning
* WaveDM: Wavelet-Based Diffusion Models for Image Restoration
* WaveletFormerNet: A Transformer-based wavelet network for real-world non-homogeneous and dense fog removal
* WDFA-YOLOX: A Wavelet-Driven and Feature-Enhanced Attention YOLOX Network for Ship Detection in SAR Images
* Weakly privileged learning with knowledge extraction
* Weakly supervised instance segmentation via peak mining and filtering
* Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection via Self-Guided Temporal Discriminative Transformer
* Weakly-Supervised Incremental Learning for Semantic Segmentation with Class Hierarchy
* Whole Reconstruction-Free System Design for Direct Positron Emission Imaging From Image Generation to Attenuation Correction
* Wi-Fi-Based Personnel Identity Recognition: Addressing Dataset Imbalance With C-DDPMs
* Wide-Angle Hyperspectral Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Model for the Libyan Desert, A
* Wide-Angle Repeat Pass Bistatic SAR Interferometry: A Geometrical Introduction
* Wide-Area Subsidence Monitoring and Analysis Using Time-Series InSAR Technology: A Case Study of the Turpan Basin
* Wiener Filtering in Joint Time-Vertex Fractional Fourier Domains
* Wildlife Real-Time Detection in Complex Forest Scenes Based on YOLOv5s Deep Learning Network
* Wind Profile Reconstruction Based on Convolutional Neural Network for Incoherent Doppler Wind LiDAR
* Winter Durum Wheat Disease Severity Detection with Field Spectroscopy in Phenotyping Experiment at Leaf and Canopy Level
* WRD-Net: Water Reflection Detection using a parallel attention transformer
* YOLO2U-Net: Detection-guided 3D instance segmentation for microscopy
* Zero-Shot NAS Method for SAR Ship Detection Under Polynomial Search Complexity, A
* Zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval via adaptive relation-aware metric learning
* Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Remote-Sensing Image Retrieval Based on Multi-Level and Attention-Guided Tokenization
1598 for 2405

Index for "2"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.