Update Dates 2110

2110 * *Seed picking crossover optimisation algorithm for semantic segmentation from images
* 1D Stochastic Inversion of Airborne Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data with Realistic Prior and Accounting for the Forward Modeling Error
* 2019 Eruptive Activity at Stromboli Volcano: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Reveal Hidden Features of the Unexpected 3 July Paroxysm, The
* 3D Face Anti-Spoofing With Factorized Bilinear Coding
* 3D Hand Pose Estimation Using Synthetic Data and Weakly Labeled RGB Images
* 3D Mapping Database Aided GNSS Based Collaborative Positioning Using Factor Graph Optimization
* 3D Ocean Water Wave Surface Analysis on Airborne LiDAR Bathymetric Point Clouds
* 3D Scene Reconstruction with an Un-calibrated Light Field Camera
* 4Seasons: A Cross-Season Dataset for Multi-Weather SLAM in Autonomous Driving
* ABCNet: Attentive bilateral contextual network for efficient semantic segmentation of Fine-Resolution remotely sensed imagery
* Accelerated Multi-View Stereo for 3D Reconstruction of Transmission Corridor with Fine-Scale Power Line
* Accessibility Assessment of Buildings Based on Multi-Source Spatial Data: Taking Wuhan as a Case Study
* Accessibility of Vaccination Centers in COVID-19 Outbreak Control: A GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach
* Accuracy Assessment of UAV-Photogrammetric-Derived Products Using PPK and GCPs in Challenging Terrains: In Search of Optimized Rockfall Mapping
* Accuracy of Regional Centrality Using Social Network Analysis: Evidence from Commuter Flow in South Korea
* Accurate and Efficient Stereo Matching by Log-Angle and Pyramid-Tree
* Accurate and efficient vehicle detection framework based on SSD algorithm
* Accurate Doppler Parameters Calculation Method of Geosynchronous SAR Considering Real-Time Zero-Doppler Centroid Control, An
* Action Anticipation Using Pairwise Human-Object Interactions and Transformers
* Active Cell Appearance Model Induced Generative Adversarial Networks for Annotation-Efficient Cell Segmentation and Identification on Adaptive Optics Retinal Images
* Active Fault-Tolerant Control for Discrete Vehicle Active Suspension Via Reduced-Order Observer
* Active Image Synthesis for Efficient Labeling
* ActivityExplorer: A semi-supervised approach to discover unknown activity classes in HAR systems
* Adaptive Dimension-Discriminative Low-Rank Tensor Recovery for Computational Hyperspectral Imaging
* Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Deformable Image Registration: A Posteriori Error Estimates for Primal and Mixed Formulations
* Adaptive Multi-Feature Reliability Re-Determinative Correlation Filter for Visual Tracking
* Adaptive Non-Uniform Vertical Stratification Method for Troposphere Water Vapor Tomography, An
* Adoption of improved neural network blade pattern recognition in prevention and control of corona virus disease-19 pandemic
* Advanced Photogrammetric Solution to Measure Apples, An
* Adversarial Perturbation Defense on Deep Neural Networks
* Adversarial Self-Supervised Learning for Robust SAR Target Recognition
* Adversarial steganography based on sparse cover enhancement
* Adversarial Synthesis of Human Pose from Text
* AFF-UNIT: Adaptive feature fusion for unsupervised image-to-image translation
* Agricultural Drought Detection with MODIS Based Vegetation Health Indices in Southeast Germany
* AGRNet: Adaptive Graph Representation Learning and Reasoning for Face Parsing
* Airborne Lidar Survey, Density-Based Clustering, and Ancient Maya Settlement in the Upper Usumacinta River Region of Mexico and Guatemala
* Airborne SAR Autofocus Based on Blurry Imagery Classification
* Algorithm for the Retrieval of High Temporal-Spatial Resolution Shortwave Albedo from Landsat-8 Surface Reflectance and MODIS BRDF, An
* Algorithm Research Using GNSS-TEC Data to Calibrate TEC Calculated by the IRI-2016 Model over China
* Altimeter + INS/Giant LEO Constellation Dual-Satellite Integrated Navigation and Positioning Algorithm Based on Similar Ellipsoid Model and UKF
* Analysis of the BDGIM Performance in BDS Single Point Positioning
* Analysis of the Geological Controls and Kinematics of the Chgega Landslide (Mateur, Tunisia) Exploiting Photogrammetry and InSAR Technologies
* Analysis of the Possibilities of Using HBIM Technology in the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Based on a Review of the Latest Research Carried out in Poland
* analytical proof on suitability of Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence as the aggregation criterion in Region Growing Algorithm, An
* Analyzing the Dependency of ConvNets on Spatial Information
* Anatomic and Molecular MR Image Synthesis Using Confidence Guided CNNs
* Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Segmentation Based on Noisy Pseudo Labels and Adversarial Learning
* AP-Loss for Accurate One-Stage Object Detection
* Applicability of Data Acquisition Characteristics to the Identification of Local Artefacts in Global Digital Elevation Models: Comparison of the Copernicus and TanDEM-X DEMs
* Application of Optical Flow Technique and Photogrammetry for Rockfall Dynamics: A Case Study on a Field Test
* Application of Random Forest Algorithm for Merging Multiple Satellite Precipitation Products across South Korea
* Applying a Hand-Held Laser Scanner to Monitoring Gully Erosion: Workflow and Evaluation
* Approximation Algorithm to Maximize User Capacity for an Auto-Scaling VoD System, An
* AProNet: Detecting objects with precise orientation from aerial images
* Archetypal Analysis and Structured Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Architecture of Mass Customization-Social Internet of Things System: Current Research Profile, The
* Assessing a Prototype Database for Comprehensive Global Aquatic Land Cover Mapping
* Assessing Drought Vegetation Dynamics in Semiarid Grass- and Shrubland Using MESMA
* Assessing Impacts of New Subway Stations on Urban Thefts in the Surrounding Areas
* Assessing the Long-Term Evolution of Abandoned Salinized Farmland via Temporal Remote Sensing Data
* Assessing the Responses of Aviation-Related SO2 and NO2 Emissions to COVID-19 Lockdown Regulations in South Africa
* Assessing Urban Landslide Dynamics through Multi-Temporal InSAR Techniques and Slope Numerical Modeling
* Assessment and Comparison of Six Machine Learning Models in Estimating Evapotranspiration over Croplands Using Remote Sensing and Meteorological Factors
* Assessment of a Gauge-Radar-Satellite Merged Hourly Precipitation Product for Accurately Monitoring the Characteristics of the Super-Strong Meiyu Precipitation over the Yangtze River Basin in 2020
* Assessment of the Temperature Effects in SMAP Satellite Soil Moisture Products in Oklahoma
* Assignment Flow for Order-Constrained OCT Segmentation
* Assignment Flow for Order-Constrained OCT Segmentation
* Atmospheric Anomaly Analysis Related to Ms > 6.0 Earthquakes in China during 2020-2021
* Attention guided feature pyramid network for crowd counting
* Attention-guided chained context aggregation for semantic segmentation
* Attribute saliency network for person re-identification
* Automated hyperparameter selection for the PC algorithm
* Automated Image Denoising Model: Contribution Towards Optimized Internal and External Basis
* Automated LoD-2 model reconstruction from very-high-resolution satellite-derived digital surface model and orthophoto
* Automated Water Segmentation and River Level Detection on Camera Images Using Transfer Learning
* Automatic Data Cleaning System for Large-Scale Location Image Databases Using a Multilevel Extractor and Multiresolution Dissimilarity Calculation
* Automatic Detection of Inland Water Bodies along Altimetry Tracks for Estimating Surface Water Storage Variations in the Congo Basin
* Automatic Features Detection in a Fluvial Environment through Machine Learning Techniques Based on UAVs Multispectral Data
* Automatic generation of dense non-rigid optical flow
* Automatic Generation of Route Control Chart From Validated Signal Interlocking Plan
* Automatic Identification and Monitoring of Plant Diseases Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Review
* Automatic Landform Recognition from the Perspective of Watershed Spatial Structure Based on Digital Elevation Models
* Automatic Reconstruction of Building Façade Model from Photogrammetric Mesh Model
* Automatic voxel-based 3D indoor reconstruction and room partitioning from triangle meshes
* AutoPedestrian: An Automatic Data Augmentation and Loss Function Search Scheme for Pedestrian Detection
* Bathymetric-Based Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Underwater Target Detection
* Bayesian Cut, The
* Bayesian U-Net: Estimating Uncertainty in Semantic Segmentation of Earth Observation Images
* BDS Satellite Clock Prediction Considering Periodic Variations
* BeiDou-Based Passive Radar Vessel Target Detection: Method and Experiment via Long-Time Optimized Integration
* Benchmarking Deep Learning for On-Board Space Applications
* Bias correction for linear discriminant analysis
* Bias Detection and Prediction of Mapping Errors in Camera Calibration
* Bidirectional Mapping-Based Domain Adaptation for Nucleus Detection in Cross-Modality Microscopy Images
* BiSeNet V2: Bilateral Network with Guided Aggregation for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Blind 3D-Printing Watermarking Using Moment Alignment and Surface Norm Distribution
* Blind Image Quality Assessment with Channel Attention Based Deep Residual Network and Extended LargeVis Dimensionality Reduction
* Block Partitioning Structure in the VVC Standard
* Boosting Generalization in Bio-signal Classification by Learning the Phase-Amplitude Coupling
* Boundary augment: A data augment method to defend poison attack
* Boundary-Aware Supervoxel-Level Iteratively Refined Interactive 3D Image Segmentation With Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
* Branch-Pipe: Improving Graph Skeletonization around Branch Points in 3D Point Clouds
* Bridging the Gap of Lane Detection Performance Between Different Datasets: Unified Viewpoint Transformation
* Building Cultural Heritage Resilience through Remote Sensing: An Integrated Approach Using Multi-Temporal Site Monitoring, Datafication, and Web-GL Visualization
* C-GCN: Correlation Based Graph Convolutional Network for Audio-Video Emotion Recognition
* Camera Orientation Estimation Using Motion-Based Vanishing Point Detection for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems
* Camera style transformation with preserved self-similarity and domain-dissimilarity in unsupervised person re-identification
* Camouflaged Target Detection Based on Snapshot Multispectral Imaging
* Can Neural Networks Forecast Open Field Burning of Crop Residue in Regions with Anthropogenic Management and Control? A Case Study in Northeastern China
* Capability of Remote Sensing Images to Distinguish the Urban Surface Materials: A Case Study of Venice City
* Capture the Bot: Using Adversarial Examples to Improve CAPTCHA Robustness to Bot Attacks
* Cascaded Split-and-Aggregate Learning with Feature Recombination for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* Center3D: Center-Based Monocular 3D Object Detection with Joint Depth Understanding
* Change Detection Using a Texture Feature Space Outlier Index from Mono-Temporal Remote Sensing Images and Vector Data
* Change detection with cross enhancement of high- and low-level change-related features
* Changes in Meadow Phenology in Response to Grazing Management at Multiple Scales of Measurement
* Channel Estimation for Underwater Acoustic Communications Based on Orthogonal Chirp Division Multiplexing
* Chaos Based Frequency Modulation for Joint Monostatic and Bistatic Radar-Communication Systems
* Characteristics of the Annual Maximum and Minimum Water Temperatures in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia from 2000 to 2019
* Characterizing the Role of a Single Coupling Layer in Affine Normalizing Flows
* Chart Mining: A Survey of Methods for Automated Chart Analysis
* City Intelligence Quotient Evaluation System Using Crowdsourced Social Media Data: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta Region, China
* Classification of Boulders in Coastal Environments Using Random Forest Machine Learning on Topo-Bathymetric LiDAR Data
* Classification of EEG Signals on VEP-Based BCI Systems With Broad Learning
* Classifying Major Explosions and Paroxysms at Stromboli Volcano (Italy) from Space
* CLECG: A Novel Contrastive Learning Framework for Electrocardiogram Arrhythmia Classification
* Climate Effects on Vertical Forest Phenology of Fagus sylvatica L., Sensed by Sentinel-2, Time Lapse Camera, and Visual Ground Observations
* Close-Range Sensing and Data Fusion for Built Heritage Inspection and Monitoring: A Review
* Cloud Seeding Evidenced by Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar
* Clustering Indoor Positioning Data Using E-DBSCAN
* CNN-Based Classification of Degraded Images With Awareness of Degradation Levels
* CNN-Combined Graph Residual Network with Multilevel Feature Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Co-teaching based pseudo label refinery for cross-domain object detection
* CoANet: Connectivity Attention Network for Road Extraction From Satellite Imagery
* Coarse-to-Fine Contour Optimization Network for Extracting Building Instances from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Deformable Transformation Framework for Unsupervised Multi-Contrast MR Image Registration with Dual Consistency Constraint, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Resource Efficient Video Recognition, A
* Coastal Retreat Due to Thermodenudation on the Yugorsky Peninsula, Russia during the Last Decade, Update since 2001-2010
* CoLEAP: Cooperative Learning-Based Edge Scheme With Caching and Prefetching for DASH Video Delivery
* Collaborative filtering grounded on knowledge graphs
* Collaborative Image Relevance Learning for Visual Re-Ranking
* Combined Hierarchical Learning Framework for Personalized Automatic Lane-Changing
* Combining multi-spectral and thermal remote sensing to predict forest fire characteristics
* Combining Tracking and Remote Sensing to Identify Critical Year-Round Site, Habitat Use and Migratory Connectivity of a Threatened Waterbird Species
* Common Spatial Pattern Reformulated for Regularizations in Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Comparative Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Distribution between Traditional Taxi Service and Emerging Ride-Hailing
* Comparative Estimation of Maize Leaf Water Content Using Machine Learning Techniques and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Based Proximal and Remotely Sensed Data, A
* Comparative Perceptual Assessment of Visual Signals Using Free Energy Features
* comparative study of shallow learning and deep transfer learning techniques for accurate fingerprints vitality detection, A
* comparison between TLS and UAS LiDAR to represent eucalypt crown fuel characteristics, A
* Comparison of Hydrological Patterns between Glacier-Fed and Non-Glacier-Fed Lakes on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
* Comparison of Total Column and Surface Mixing Ratio of Carbon Monoxide Derived from the TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor with In-Situ Measurements from Extensive Ground-Based Network over South Korea
* Comparison of UAS-Based Structure-from-Motion and LiDAR for Structural Characterization of Short Broadacre Crops
* Comparison of Volumetric Reconstruction Methods of Archaeological Deposits Using Point-Cloud Data from Ahuahu, Aotearoa New Zealand, A
* Complementary Differences in Primary Production and Phenology among Vegetation Types Increase Ecosystem Resilience to Climate Change and Grazing Pressure in an Iconic Mediterranean Ecosystem
* Complete/incomplete multi-view subspace clustering via soft block-diagonal-induced regulariser
* Conditional Invertible Neural Networks for Diverse Image-to-Image Translation
* Constellation Codebooks for Reliable Vehicle Localization
* Constrained Online Cut-Paste for Object Detection
* Construction of a WebGIS Tool Based on a GIS Semiautomated Processing for the Localization of P2G Plants in Sicily (Italy)
* Context and Structure Mining Network for Video Object Detection
* Context-Aware Correlation Filter Learning Toward Peak Strength for Visual Tracking
* Contextual Translation Embedding for Visual Relationship Detection and Scene Graph Generation
* Contour Transformer Network for One-Shot Segmentation of Anatomical Structures
* Contribution of Biophysical Factors to Regional Variations of Evapotranspiration and Seasonal Cooling Effects in Paddy Rice in South Korea
* Controlling P2P-CDN Live Streaming Services at SDN-Enabled Multi-Access Edge Datacenters
* Convex covariate clustering for classification
* Convolutional Neural Network for Pansharpening with Spatial Structure Enhancement Operator
* Corn Grain Yield Prediction and Mapping from Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Multispectral Imagery
* Coseismic Deformation Mechanisms of the 2021 Ms 6.4 Yangbi Earthquake, Yunnan Province, Using InSAR Observations
* Coupled Charging-and-Driving Incentives Design for Electric Vehicles in Urban Networks
* Crisis Map Design Considering Map Cognition
* Cross Validation of GOES-16 and NOAA Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) QPE over the Continental United States
* Cross-Dimension Attention Guided Self-Supervised Remote Sensing Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Crossing the Great Divide: Bridging the Researcher-Practitioner Gap to Maximize the Utility of Remote Sensing for Invasive Species Monitoring and Management
* CryoSat-2 Significant Wave Height in Polar Oceans Derived Using a Semi-Analytical Model of Synthetic Aperture Radar 2011-2019
* Curve and Surface Fitting Techniques in Computer Vision
* Cyclic Information-Interaction Model for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation, A
* Data augmentation with occluded facial features for age and gender estimation
* Data Driven Approach to Match Demand and Supply for Public Transport Planning, A
* Data Fusion for Multi-Source Sensors Using GA-PSO-BP Neural Network
* Data-Driven Based Cruise Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles Under Cyber-Physical System Framework
* Day-Night Monitoring of Volcanic SO2 and Ash Clouds for Aviation Avoidance at Northern Polar Latitudes
* DEANet: Dual Encoder with Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
* Decay Assessment of Stone-Built Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of the Cosenza Cathedral Façade (South Calabria, Italy)
* Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features
* Decomposable Winograd Method for N-D Convolution Acceleration in Video Analysis, A
* Decomposition Makes Better Rain Removal: An Improved Attention-Guided Deraining Network
* Deep Bayesian Sparse Subspace Clustering
* Deep Ensembles for Hyperspectral Image Data Classification and Unmixing
* Deep feature enhancing and selecting network for weakly supervised temporal action localization
* Deep Hashing with Weighted Spatial Importance
* Deep Inference Networks for Reliable Vehicle Lateral Position Estimation in Congested Urban Environments
* deep learning algorithm to detect and classify sun glint from high-resolution aerial imagery over shallow marine environments, A
* Deep learning approaches for workout repetition counting and validation
* Deep Learning Approaches to Earth Observation Change Detection
* Deep Learning Geometry Compression Artifacts Removal for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* deep learning semantic template matching framework for remote sensing image registration, A
* Deep Learning-Based Instance Segmentation Method of Litchi Canopy from UAV-Acquired Images
* Deep Magnification-Flexible Upsampling Over 3D Point Clouds
* Deep Maximum a Posterior Estimator for Video Denoising
* Deep multi-scale and multi-modal fusion for 3D object detection
* Deep Multi-View Subspace Clustering With Unified and Discriminative Learning
* Deep Neural Network–Based Enhancement for Image and Video Streaming Systems: A Survey and Future Directions
* Deep Semantic Parsing of Freehand Sketches With Homogeneous Transformation, Soft-Weighted Loss, and Staged Learning
* Dehazing Cost Volume for Deep Multi-View Stereo in Scattering Media with Airlight and Scattering Coefficient Estimation
* Depth completion towards different sensor configurations via relative depth map estimation and scale recovery
* Detecting and Analyzing the Displacement of a Small-Magnitude Earthquake Cluster in Rong County, China by the GACOS Based InSAR Technology
* Detecting High-Rise Buildings from Sentinel-2 Data Based on Deep Learning Method
* Detecting the Surface Signature of Riverine and Effluent Plumes along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast Using Satellite Data
* Detection of Abnormal Vibration Dampers on Transmission Lines in UAV Remote Sensing Images with PMA-YOLO
* Detection of Flood Damage in Urban Residential Areas Using Object-Oriented UAV Image Analysis Coupled with Tree-Based Classifiers
* Detection of material on a tray in automatic assembly line based on convolutional neural network
* Detection of Motorcycles in Urban Traffic Using Video Analysis: A Review
* Detection of moving objects using adaptive multi-feature histograms
* Determination of Tropospheric Parameters from ERA Surface Data for Space Geodetic Techniques
* Determining Actual Evapotranspiration Based on Machine Learning and Sinusoidal Approaches Applied to Thermal High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem
* Development and Demonstration of a Method for GEO-to-LEO NDVI Transformation
* Dielectric Properties of Lunar Materials at the Chang'e-4 Landing Site
* Differentiable Convolutional Distance Transform Layer for Improved Image Segmentation, A
* Digital Evidence Object Model for Situation Awareness and Decision Making in Digital Forensics Investigation
* Diminishing Uncertainty Within the Training Pool: Active Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* Direct Aerial Visual Geolocalization Using Deep Neural Networks
* Direct Unsupervised Super-Resolution Using Generative Adversarial Network (DUS-GAN) for Real-World Data
* Disaster Image Classification by Fusing Multimodal Social Media Data
* Discontinuity Detection in GNSS Station Coordinate Time Series Using Machine Learning
* Discovering Latent Classes for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Discriminative Alignment of Projected Belief Networks
* Discriminative Triad Matching and Reconstruction for Weakly Referring Expression Grounding
* Disentangling 3D/4D Facial Affect Recognition With Faster Multi-View Transformer
* Distinguishing between natural and recolored images via lateral chromatic aberration
* distributed algorithm for graph semi-supervised learning, A
* Distributed Secure Platoon Control of Connected Vehicles Subject to DoS Attack: Theory and Application
* Disturbance Observer-Based Adaptive Finite-Time Attitude Tracking Control for Rigid Spacecraft
* Diverse Receptive Field Based Adversarial Concurrent Encoder Network for Image Inpainting
* Diversified text-to-image generation via deep mutual information estimation
* DLOW: Domain Flow and Applications
* Does SGD Implicitly Optimize for Smoothness?
* Domain-Oriented Semantic Embedding for Zero-Shot Learning
* Doubly Graduated Method for Inference in Markov Random Field, A
* Driver Profiling Using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Methods
* Driving Performance Forecasting System Based on Brain Dynamic State Analysis Using 4-D Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Drone SAR Image Compression Based on Block Adaptive Compressive Sensing
* Drought Assessment in the São Francisco River Basin Using Satellite-Based and Ground-Based Indices
* Dual-Teacher++: Exploiting Intra-Domain and Inter-Domain Knowledge With Reliable Transfer for Cardiac Segmentation
* Dynamic Assessment of the Impact of Flood Disaster on Economy and Population under Extreme Rainstorm Events
* Dynamic Center Aggregation Loss With Mixed Modality for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Dynamic Digital Signal Processing Algorithm for Vital Signs Extraction in Continuous-Wave Radars
* Dynamic Optimization of Hessian Determinant Image Pyramid for Memory-Efficient and High Performance Keypoint Detection in SURF
* Dynamics of Open Green Areas in Polish and Romanian Cities during 2006-2018: Insights for Spatial Planners
* Dynamics of Vegetation Greenness and Its Response to Climate Change in Xinjiang over the Past Two Decades
* e-TLD: Event-Based Framework for Dynamic Object Tracking
* Early Labeled and Small Loss Selection Semi-Supervised Learning Method for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Early-Season Mapping of Winter Crops Using Sentinel-2 Optical Imagery
* ECF-Based Estimator for the LOS Power in Uplink NOMA System With Unknown Impulsive Noise
* Ecogeomorphological Transformations of Aeolian Form: The Case of a Parabolic Dune, Poland
* Ecological Safety Assessment and Analysis of Regional Spatiotemporal Differences Based on Earth Observation Satellite Data in Support of SDGs: The Case of the Huaihe River Basin
* Editorial Deep Multi-Source Data Analysis
* Editorial for the Special Issue New Advances on Sub-Pixel Processing: Unmixing and Mapping Methods
* Effective compressed sensing MRI reconstruction via hybrid GSGWO algorithm
* Effective fake news detection using graph and summarization techniques
* Effective semi-supervised learning for structured data using Embedding GANs
* Effects of New Level-1B Data on GRACE Temporal Gravity Field Models and Precise Orbit Determination Solutions
* Effects of Variable Eruption Source Parameters on Volcanic Plume Transport: Example of the 23 November 2013 Paroxysm of Etna
* Efficient and High Path Quality Autonomous Exploration and Trajectory Planning of UAV in an Unknown Environment
* Efficient approximate approach for graph edit distance problem
* Efficient Deployment of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Simultaneous Optimization of Charging Station Placement and Charging Pile Assignment
* Efficient detection and robust tracking of spermatozoa in microscopic video
* Efficient Filtering Approach for Removing Outdoor Point Cloud Data of Manhattan-World Buildings, An
* Efficient Image-Warping Framework for Content-Adaptive Superpixels Generation
* Efficient Local Block Sobolev Gradient and Laplacian Approach for Elimination of Atmospheric Turbulence, An
* Efficient measurement of large-scale decadal shoreline change with increased accuracy in tide-dominated coastal environments with Google Earth Engine
* Efficient Method and Architecture for Real-Time Video Defogging
* Efficient Non-Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing Based Image Retrieval
* Efficient Person Search via Expert-Guided Knowledge Distillation
* Efficient Visualization of Large-Scale Oblique Photogrammetry Models in Unreal Engine
* EFM-Net: Feature Extraction and Filtration with Mask Improvement Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Empirical Modelling of Public Lighting Emission Functions
* Empowering Knowledge Distillation via Open Set Recognition for Robust 3D Point Cloud Classification
* Encoding a Categorical Independent Variable for Input to TerrSet's Multi-Layer Perceptron
* End-to-End Learning for Omnidirectional Stereo Matching With Uncertainty Prior
* Endmember Bundle Extraction Method Based on Multiscale Sampling to Address Spectral Variability for Hyperspectral Unmixing, An
* Energy Consumption Modeling in Presence of Uncertainty
* Energy-efficient multi-biometric system for Internet of Things using trust management
* enhanced and interpretable feature representation approach to support shape classification from binary images, An
* Enhanced Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Information Oriented Angle-Based Local Tri-Directional Weber Patterns
* Enhanced three-dimensional U-Net with graph-based refining for segmentation of gastrointestinal stromal tumours
* Enhancing Animal Movement Analyses: Spatiotemporal Matching of Animal Positions with Remotely Sensed Data Using Google Earth Engine and R
* Entropy Metrics of Radar Signatures of Sea Surface Scattering for Distinguishing Targets
* Environmental Sensitivity of Large Stealth Longwave Antenna Systems
* EPIC-KITCHENS Dataset: Collection, Challenges and Baselines, The
* ERINet: Enhanced Rotation-Invariant Network for Point Cloud Classification
* Estimate the Pitch and Heading Mounting Angles of the IMU for Land Vehicular GNSS/INS Integrated System
* Estimating Fractional Vegetation Cover of Row Crops from High Spatial Resolution Image
* Estimating Snowpack Density from Near-Infrared Spectral Reflectance Using a Hybrid Model
* Estimating the Changes in Glaciers and Glacial Lakes in the Xixabangma Massif, Central Himalayas, between 1974 and 2018 from Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Estimating the Social Gap With a Game Theory Model of Lane Changing
* Estimating the Soil Erosion Cover-Management Factor at the European Part of Russia
* Estimating Vertical Distribution of Leaf Water Content within Wheat Canopies after Head Emergence
* Estimation of Apple Tree Leaf Chlorophyll Content Based on Machine Learning Methods
* Estimation of Long-Term River Discharge and Its Changes in Ungauged Watersheds in Pamir Plateau
* Estimation of Plot-Level Burn Severity Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Evaluating Calibration and Spectral Variable Selection Methods for Predicting Three Soil Nutrients Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy
* Evaluating the Ability to Use Contextual Features Derived from Multi-Scale Satellite Imagery to Map Spatial Patterns of Urban Attributes and Population Distributions
* Evaluating the Drought-Monitoring Utility of GPM and TRMM Precipitation Products over Mainland China
* Evaluating the Territorial Impact of Built-Up Area Expansion in the Surroundings of Bucharest (Romania) through a Multilevel Approach Based on Landsat Satellite Imagery
* Evaluation and Intercomparison of Topographic Correction Methods Based on Landsat Images and Simulated Data
* Evaluation and Projection of Wind Speed in the Arid Region of Northwest China Based on CMIP6
* Evaluation of Assimilation in the MASNUM Wave Model Based on Jason-3 and CFOSAT
* Evaluation of Clumping Effects on the Estimation of Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration
* Evaluation of Riparian Tree Cover and Shading in the Chauga River Watershed Using LiDAR and Deep Learning Land Cover Classification
* Evaluation of Satellite Precipitation Estimates over the South West Pacific Region
* Evaluation of the Continuous Monitoring of Land Disturbance Algorithm for Large-Scale Mangrove Classification
* Evaluation of Three Gridded Precipitation Products to Quantify Water Inputs over Complex Mountainous Terrain of Western China
* Evolution of Interactivity, Immersion and Interoperability in HBIM: Digital Model Uses, VR and AR for Built Cultural Heritage, The
* Expansion and Evolution of a Typical Resource-Based Mining City in Transition Using the Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of Datong, China
* Experimental Analysis of Optimal Bandwidth Allocation in Computer Vision Systems
* Exploiting Global Camera Network Constraints for Unsupervised Video Person Re-Identification
* Exploiting texture characteristics and spatial correlations for robustness metric of data hiding with noisy transmission
* Exploration of block-wise dynamic sparseness
* Explore Video Clip Order With Self-Supervised and Curriculum Learning for Video Applications
* Exploring Complementary Models Consisting of Machine Learning Algorithms for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
* Exploring Fuzzy Local Spatial Information Algorithms for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Exploring longitudinal driving behaviour on a freeway deceleration lane using field operational test data
* Exploring Spatial Diversity for Region-Based Active Learning
* Exploring the Connection between Urban 3D Form and Building Energy Performance and the Influencing Mechanism
* Exploring the Influence Mechanism of Attractiveness on Wuhan's Urban Commercial Centers by Modifying the Classic Retail Model
* Exploring the Latent Manifold of City Patterns
* Exploring the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of COVID-19 Infections among Healthcare Workers: A Multi-Scale Perspective
* Extensive Marine Heatwaves at the Sea Surface in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean in Summer 2021
* Extracting 3D Indoor Maps with Any Shape Accurately Using Building Information Modeling Data
* Extracting Canopy Closure by the CHM-Based and SHP-Based Methods with a Hemispherical FOV from UAV-LiDAR Data in a Poplar Plantation
* Extracting Frequent Sequential Patterns of Forest Landscape Dynamics in Fenhe River Basin, Northern China, from Landsat Time Series to Evaluate Landscape Stability
* Extracting Terrain Texture Features for Landform Classification Using Wavelet Decomposition
* Extraction and Visualization of Tourist Attraction Semantics from Travel Blogs
* Extraction of Abandoned Land in Hilly Areas Based on the Spatio-Temporal Fusion of Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
* Extraction of an Explanatory Graph to Interpret a CNN
* Extraction of Offshore Aquaculture Areas from Medium-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Deep Learning
* FairMOT: On the Fairness of Detection and Re-identification in Multiple Object Tracking
* fast and efficient image watermarking scheme based on Deep Neural Network, A
* Fast and High-Quality 3-D Terahertz Super-Resolution Imaging Using Lightweight SR-CNN
* Fast Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithm Based on Greedy Bilateral Smoothing and Extended Multi-Attribute Profile, A
* Faster and More Effective Cross-View Matching Method of UAV and Satellite Images for UAV Geolocalization, A
* Feasibility of the Spatiotemporal Fusion Model in Monitoring Ebinur Lake's Suspended Particulate Matter under the Missing-Data Scenario
* Feasibility Study on Estimation of Sea Ice Drift from KOMPSAT-5 and COSMO-SkyMed SAR Images
* Feature Fusion for Multimodal Emotion Recognition Based on Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Feature-Aware Adaptation and Density Alignment for Crowd Counting in Video Surveillance
* Few-Shot Learning by a Cascaded Framework With Shape-Constrained Pseudo Label Assessment for Whole Heart Segmentation
* Few-shot learning with relation propagation and constraint
* Few-Shot Object Detection on Remote Sensing Images via Shared Attention Module and Balanced Fine-Tuning Strategy
* FFAVOD: Feature fusion architecture for video object detection
* Fine-Grained Fashion Similarity Prediction by Attribute-Specific Embedding Learning
* Fine-Scale Urban Heat Patterns in New York City Measured by ASTER Satellite: The Role of Complex Spatial Structures
* Fingerprint Positioning Method for Dual-Band Wi-Fi Based on Gaussian Process Regression and K-Nearest Neighbor
* Fishyscapes Benchmark: Measuring Blind Spots in Semantic Segmentation, The
* Fixed-Time Active Disturbance Rejection Control and Its Application to Wheeled Mobile Robots
* Flexible Complexity Optimization in Multiview Video Coding
* Flood Mitigation in the Transboundary Chenab River Basin: A Basin-Wise Approach from Flood Forecasting to Management
* Forecasting Crowd Counts With Wi-Fi Systems: Univariate, Non-Seasonal Models
* Forecasting Ionospheric foF2 Based on Deep Learning Method
* Forest Cover and Sustainable Development in the Lumbini Province, Nepal: Past, Present and Future
* Framework for Calculating Peak Discharge and Flood Inundation in Ungauged Urban Watersheds Using Remotely Sensed Precipitation Data: A Case Study in Freetown, Sierra Leone, A
* Framework for Generating High Spatiotemporal Resolution Land Surface Temperature in Heterogeneous Areas, A
* Framework for Self-Enforced Optimal Interaction Between Connected Vehicles, A
* Fs-DSM: Few-Shot Diagram-Sentence Matching via Cross-Modal Attention Graph Model
* FSCNet: Feature-Specific Convolution Neural Network for Real-Time Speech Enhancement
* Functional Area Recognition and Use-Intensity Analysis Based on Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Jinan, China
* Fusing Retrievals of High Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth from Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Observations over Urban Areas
* Fusion of Multi-Temporal PAZ and Sentinel-1 Data for Crop Classification
* Fusion Strategy of 2D and 3D Information Based on Deep Learning: A Review, The
* Futuristic person re-identification over internet of biometrics things (IoBT): Technical potential versus practical reality
* F³A-GAN: Facial Flow for Face Animation With Generative Adversarial Networks
* Galileo E5 AltBOC Signals: Application for Single-Frequency Total Electron Content Estimations
* Gap-Filling of NDVI Satellite Data Using Tucker Decomposition: Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Patterns
* Gaussian Image Binarization
* Gaussian process latent variable model factorization for context-aware recommender systems
* Generalized Intersection Algorithms with Fixed Points for Image Decomposition Learning
* Generalized Zero-Shot Chest X-Ray Diagnosis Through Trait-Guided Multi-View Semantic Embedding With Self-Training
* Generating 1 km Spatially Seamless and Temporally Continuous Air Temperature Based on Deep Learning over Yangtze River Basin, China
* Generating Synthetic Labeled Data From Existing Anatomical Models: An Example With Echocardiography Segmentation
* Generative domain adaptation for chest X-ray image analysis
* Generic GPU-Accelerated Framework for the Dial-A-Ride Problem, A
* Geo-L: Topological Link Discovery for Geospatial Linked Data Made Easy
* Geometry and statistics-preserving manifold embedding for nonlinear dimensionality reduction
* Geospatial Semantics Analysis of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Based on Microblog Short Texts
* GIS Mapping Evaluation of Stroke Service Areas in Bangkok Using Emergency Medical Services
* GIS-Based Bivariate Logistic Regression Model for the Site-Suitability Analysis of Parcel-Pickup Lockers: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China, A
* Glacier Velocity Changes in the Himalayas in Relation to Ice Mass Balance
* Global Land High-Resolution Cloud Climatology Based on an Improved MOD09 Cloud Mask
* Global Runoff Signatures Changes and Their Response to Atmospheric Environment, GRACE Water Storage, and Dams
* Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Water Cloud Model toward Soil Moisture Retrieval over Vegetated Agricultural Fields
* Global Surface HCHO Distribution Derived from Satellite Observations with Neural Networks Technique
* Global Wave Height Slowdown Trend during a Recent Global Warming Slowdown
* Globally and Locally Semantic Colorization via Exemplar-Based Broad-GAN
* GNSS Signal Availability Analysis in SSV for Geostationary Satellites Utilizing multi-GNSS with First Side Lobe Signal over the Korean Region
* Grain for Green Program Intensifies Trade-Offs between Ecosystem Services in Midwestern Shanxi, China, The
* Graph Attention Layer Evolves Semantic Segmentation for Road Pothole Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms
* Graph Fourier Transform Based Audio Zero-Watermarking
* Graph-based reasoning attention pooling with curriculum design for content-based image retrieval
* Graph-Theoretic Post-Processing of Segmentation With Application to Dense Biofilms
* Grids Versus Graphs: Partitioning Space for Improved Taxi Demand-Supply Forecasts
* GRNet: Graph-based remodeling network for multi-view semi-supervised classification
* Ground Plane Context Aggregation Network for Day-and-Night on Vehicular Pedestrian Detection
* Guest Editorial Annotation-Efficient Deep Learning: The Holy Grail of Medical Imaging
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the VVC Standard
* Guest editorial: Graph learning for computer vision
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (DAGM GCPR 2019)
* Guided Zoom: Zooming into Network Evidence to Refine Fine-Grained Model Decisions
* Gully Erosion Susceptibility Mapping in Highly Complex Terrain Using Machine Learning Models
* HA-MPPNet: Height Aware-Multi Path Parallel Network for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* HA-Net: A Lake Water Body Extraction Network Based on Hybrid-Scale Attention and Transfer Learning
* Haar Wavelet Based Block Autoregressive Flows for Trajectories
* Handling new target classes in semantic segmentation with domain adaptation
* Hard Pixel Mining for Depth Privileged Semantic Segmentation
* HCISNet: Higher-capacity invisible image steganographic network
* HDR Image Compression by Multi-Scale down Sampling of Intensity Levels
* Health Indicator Estimation by Video-Based Gait Analysis
* Heterogeneous Few-Shot Model Rectification With Semantic Mapping
* Hierarchical Conditional Relation Networks for Multimodal Video Question Answering
* Hierarchical Group-Level Emotion Recognition
* Hierarchical guided network for low-light image enhancement
* Hierarchical line segment matching for wide-baseline images via exploiting viewpoint robust local structure and geometric constraints
* Hierarchical Reasoning Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* High Influencing Pattern Discovery over Time Series Data
* High-Accuracy Attitude Determination Using Single-Difference Observables Based on Multi-Antenna GNSS Receiver with a Common Clock
* High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard, The
* High-Resolution Cooperate Density-Integrated Inversion Method of Airborne Gravity and Its Gradient Data
* HiIndex: An Efficient Spatial Index for Rapid Visualization of Large-Scale Geographic Vector Data
* HPRNet: Hierarchical point regression for whole-body human pose estimation
* HSS-based robust and lightweight multiple group authentication for ITS towards 5G, An
* Hybrid attention mechanism for few-shot relational learning of knowledge graphs
* Hybrid phenology matching model for robust crop phenological retrieval
* Hydrometeor and Latent Heat Nudging for Radar Reflectivity Assimilation: Response to the Model States and Uncertainties
* Hyperparameter Free MEE-FP Based Localization
* Hyperspectral and Full-Waveform LiDAR Improve Mapping of Tropical Dry Forest's Successional Stages
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Framelet Transformation Based Three-Modal Tensor Nuclear Norm
* Hyperspectral Image Mixed Noise Removal Using Subspace Representation and Deep CNN Image Prior
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Based on Spatial Correlation-Regularized Unmixing Convolutional Neural Network
* Hyperspectral Super-Resolution Via Joint Regularization of Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition
* IDANet: An Information Distillation and Aggregation Network for Speech Enhancement
* Identification and Analysis of Gas-Related Volcanic Features within Chang'e-5 Landing Region, The
* Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-Infrared (Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Methods
* Identification of Infiltration Features and Hydraulic Properties of Soils Based on Crop Water Stress Derived from Remotely Sensed Data
* Identification of Shrinking Cities on the Main Island of Taiwan Based on Census Data and Population Registers: A Spatial Analysis
* Identifying Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Land Surface Albedo Using GF-1 WFV Data
* Identifying the Spectral Signatures of Invasive and Native Plant Species in Two Protected Areas of Pakistan through Field Spectroscopy
* IFSS-Net: Interactive Few-Shot Siamese Network for Faster Muscle Segmentation and Propagation in Volumetric Ultrasound
* Image Based Coding of Spatial Probability Distribution on Human Dynamics Data
* Image Captioning for Video Surveillance System using Neural Networks
* Image deep clustering based on local-topology embedding
* Image editing with varying intensities of processing
* Image Emotion Recognition Using Visual and Semantic Features Reflecting Emotional and Similar Objects
* Image Forgeries Detection through Mosaic Analysis: the Intermediate Values Algorithm
* Image Inpainting with Learnable Feature Imputation
* Imbalanced image classification with complement cross entropy
* IMGTR: Image-triangle based multi-view 3D reconstruction for urban scenes
* Immunized Token-Based Approach for Autonomous Deployment of Multiple Mobile Robots in Burnt Area
* Impact of facial tattoos and paintings on face recognition systems
* Impact of Tropospheric Mismodelling in GNSS Precise Point Positioning: A Simulation Study Utilizing Ray-Traced Tropospheric Delays from a High-Resolution NWM
* Impacts of Spatial Configuration of Land Surface Features on Land Surface Temperature across Urban Agglomerations, China
* Improved 1-km-Resolution Hourly Estimates of Aerosol Optical Depth Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Improved Adaptive Subsurface Phytoplankton Layer Detection Method for Ocean Lidar Data, An
* Improved Calibration of Wind Estimates from Advanced Scatterometer MetOp-B in Korean Seas Using Deep Neural Network
* Improved Eutrophication Assessment Algorithm of Estuaries and Coastal Waters in Liaodong Bay, An
* Improved Single-Frequency Kinematic Orbit Determination Strategy of Small LEO Satellite with the Sun-Pointing Attitude Mode
* Improving Estimates of Natural Resources Using Model-Based Estimators: Impacts of Sample Design, Estimation Technique, and Strengths of Association
* Improving Estimates of Soil Salt Content by Using Two-Date Image Spectral Changes in Yinbei, China
* Improving Smart Charging Prioritization by Predicting Electric Vehicle Departure Time
* Improving Student Learning Satisfaction by Using an Innovative DASH-Based Multiple Sensorial Media Delivery Solution
* Improving the Performance of Transportation Networks: A Semi-Centralized Pricing Approach
* In-orbit geometric calibration approach and positioning accuracy analysis for the Gaofen-7 laser footprint camera
* Incorporating Multi-Scale, Spectrally Detected Nitrogen Concentrations into Assessing Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Winter Wheat Breeding Populations
* Increased Ecosystem Carbon Storage between 2001 and 2019 in the Northeastern Margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Incremental multi-view correlated feature learning based on non-negative matrix factorisation
* Indoor scene understanding based on manhattan and non-manhattan projection of spatial right-angles
* Influence of Melt Ponds on the SSMIS-Based Summer Sea Ice Concentrations in the Arctic
* Influence of Relief Degree of Land Surface on Street Network Complexity in China
* Influence of Sky View Factor on Daytime and Nighttime Urban Land Surface Temperature in Different Spatial-Temporal Scales: A Case Study of Beijing, The
* Influence of Varying Solar Zenith Angles on Land Surface Phenology Derived from Vegetation Indices: A Case Study in the Harvard Forest
* Infrared dim target detection via mode-k1k2 extension tensor tubal rank under complex ocean environment
* Infrared Pedestrian Tracking With Graph Memory Features
* Inheritance Attention Matrix-Based Universal Adversarial Perturbations on Vision Transformers
* Inline Double Layer Depth Estimation with Transparent Materials
* Instance-Based Zero-Shot learning for semi-Automatic MeSH indexing
* InsulatorGAN: A Transmission Line Insulator Detection Model Using Multi-Granularity Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets for UAV Inspection
* Integrated Counterfactual Sample Generation and Filtering Approach for SAR Automatic Target Recognition with a Small Sample Set, An
* Integrated Preprocessing of Multitemporal Very-High-Resolution Satellite Images via Conjugate Points-Based Pseudo-Invariant Feature Extraction
* Integrating Evacuation and Storm Surge Modeling Considering Potential Hurricane Tracks: The Case of Hurricane Irma in Southeast Florida
* Integrating Multiple Receptive Fields Through Grouped Active Convolution
* Integration Development of Urban Agglomeration in Central Liaoning, China, by Trajectory Gravity Model
* Integration of GPS/BDS Real-Time Kinematic Positioning and Visual-Inertial Odometry Based on Smartphones, The
* Integration of gradient guidance and edge enhancement into super-resolution for small object detection in aerial images
* Intelligent computing on time-series data analysis and prediction of COVID-19 pandemics
* Intensity-Aware Single-Image Deraining With Semantic and Color Regularization
* Interactive Few-Shot Learning: Limited Supervision, Better Medical Image Segmentation
* Internal and external spatial-temporal constraints for person reidentification
* Internal Stability and String Stability of Connected Vehicle Systems With Time Delays
* Interoperability Study of Data Preprocessing for Deep Learning and High-Resolution Aerial Photographs for Forest and Vegetation Type Identification
* Interpretability-Driven Sample Selection Using Self Supervised Learning for Disease Classification and Segmentation
* Intra Prediction and Mode Coding in VVC
* Intrinsic Grassmann Averages for Online Linear, Robust and Nonlinear Subspace Learning
* Inversion for Inhomogeneous Surface Duct without a Base Layer Based on Ocean-Scattered Low-Elevation BDS Signals
* Investigating Customization Strategies and Convergence Behaviors of Task-Specific ADMM
* Investigating the Flexibility of the MBSE Approach to the Biomass Mission
* Investigating the Urban Spatial Growth by Using Space Syntax and GIS: A Case Study of Famagusta City
* Investigation of Antarctic Precipitable Water Vapor Variability and Trend from 18 Year (2001 to 2018) Data of Four Reanalyses Based on Radiosonde and GNSS Observations
* Investigation on Global Distribution of the Atmospheric Trapping Layer by Using Radio Occultation Dataset
* Ionization in the Earth's Atmosphere Due to Isotropic Energetic Electron Precipitation: Ion Production and Primary Electron Spectra
* Ir-UNet: Irregular Segmentation U-Shape Network for Wheat Yellow Rust Detection by UAV Multispectral Imagery
* Is Heuristic Sampling Necessary in Training Deep Object Detectors?
* Joint Bilateral Filter for Signal Recovery from Phase Preserved Curvelet Coefficients for Image Denoising
* Joint Multisource Saliency and Exemplar Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Video Object Segmentation
* Joint Tracking and Identification Based on Constrained Joint Decision and Estimation
* Joint Versus Independent Multiview Hashing for Cross-View Retrieval
* Just Recognizable Distortion for Machine Vision Oriented Image and Video Coding
* KappaMask: AI-Based Cloudmask Processor for Sentinel-2
* Kernelized Multiview Subspace Analysis By Self-Weighted Learning
* Kinematic ZTD Estimation from Train-Borne Single-Frequency GNSS: Validation and Assimilation
* Label projection online hashing for balanced similarity
* Label-Free Segmentation of COVID-19 Lesions in Lung CT
* Land Cover Classification with Multispectral LiDAR Based on Multi-Scale Spatial and Spectral Feature Selection
* Landscape Structure of Woody Cover Patches for Endangered Ocelots in Southern Texas
* Leaf Surface Reflectance Does Not Affect Biophysical Traits Modelling from VIS-NIR Spectra in Plants with Sparsely Distributed Trichomes
* Learning complementary Siamese networks for real-time high-performance visual tracking
* Learning Dense Correspondences for Non-Rigid Point Clouds With Two-Stage Regression
* Learning event guided network for salient object detection
* Learning From Multiple Datasets With Heterogeneous and Partial Labels for Universal Lesion Detection in CT
* Learning Future-Aware Correlation Filters for Efficient UAV Tracking
* Learning Hierarchical Attention for Weakly-Supervised Chest X-Ray Abnormality Localization and Diagnosis
* Learning Inductive Attention Guidance for Partially Supervised Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Prediction
* Learning Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection Without 3D Bounding Box Labels
* Learning Spatial-Temporal Representations Over Walking Tracklet for Long-Term Person Re-Identification in the Wild
* Learning the Relation Between Interested Objects and Aesthetic Region for Image Cropping
* Learning to Hash With Dimension Analysis Based Quantizer for Image Retrieval
* Learning to Identify Physical Parameters from Video Using Differentiable Physics
* Learning to Match Anchor-Target Video Pairs With Dual Attentional Holographic Networks
* Learning to teach and learn for semi-supervised few-shot image classification
* Learning Video Actions in Two Stream Recurrent Neural Network
* Leveraging Regular Fundus Images for Training UWF Fundus Diagnosis Models via Adversarial Learning and Pseudo-Labeling
* LightQNet: Lightweight Deep Face Quality Assessment for Risk-Controlled Face Recognition
* Lightweight Adaptive Weighted Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Lithospheric Equilibrium, Environmental Changes, and Potential Induced-Earthquake Risk around the Newly Impounded Baihetan Reservoir, China
* Local climate zone classification using a multi-scale, multi-level attention network
* Local Climate Zones, Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature Interactions: Case Study of Hradec Králové, the Czech Republic
* Location-Centric Social Media Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities for Smart Cities
* Long-Distance 3D Reconstructions Using Photogrammetry with Curiosity's ChemCam Remote Micro-Imager in Gale Crater (Mars)
* Long-Tailed Recognition Using Class-Balanced Experts
* Long-Term Anticipation of Activities with Cycle Consistency
* Long-Term Projection of Water Cycle Changes over China Using RegCM
* Long-Term Traffic Prediction Based on LSTM Encoder-Decoder Architecture
* Lookahead adversarial learning for near real-time semantic segmentation
* Looking for Abnormalities in Mammograms With Self- and Weakly Supervised Reconstruction
* Looking Outside the Box: The Role of Context in Random Forest Based Semantic Segmentation of PolSAR Images
* Lossless Coding of HDR Color Images in a Floating Point Format Using Block-Adaptive Inter-Color Prediction
* Low Rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition Model for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction, A
* Low-Cost Anti-Copying 2D Barcode by Exploiting Channel Noise Characteristics
* Low-rank nonnegative sparse representation and local preservation-based matrix regression for supervised image feature selection
* LR-RoadNet: A long-range context-aware neural network for road extraction via high-resolution remote sensing images
* LR-TSDet: Towards Tiny Ship Detection in Low-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Machine learning in precision medicine to preserve privacy via encryption
* Machine Learning Reveals a Significant Shift in Water Regime Types Due to Projected Climate Change
* Machine Learning to Estimate Surface Roughness from Satellite Images
* Macroscopic View: Crowd Evacuation Dynamics at T-Shaped Street Junctions Using a Modified Aw-Rascle Traffic Flow Model
* Maize Yield Prediction at an Early Developmental Stage Using Multispectral Images and Genotype Data for Preliminary Hybrid Selection
* Managing Time-Sensitive IoT Applications via Dynamic Application Task Distribution and Adaptation
* Manual for Monitoring Wild Boars (Sus scrofa) Using Thermal Infrared Cameras Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), A
* Mapping and Monitoring of Land Cover/Land Use (LCLU) Changes in the Crozon Peninsula (Brittany, France) from 2007 to 2018 by Machine Learning Algorithms (Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Convolutional Neural Networ
* Mapping Crop Rotation by Using Deeply Synergistic Optical and SAR Time Series
* Mapping Forest Burn Extent from Hyperspatial Imagery Using Machine Learning
* Mapping Seasonal High-Resolution PM2.5 Concentrations with Spatiotemporal Bagged-Tree Model across China
* Margin-based discriminant embedding guided sparse matrix regression for image supervised feature selection
* Maximum Density Divergence for Domain Adaptation
* ME-Net: A Multi-Scale Erosion Network for Crisp Building Edge Detection from Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Measuring Maximum Urban Capacity of Taxi-Based Logistics
* Measuring Presence in Virtual Environments: A Survey
* Memory-Augmented Capsule Network for Adaptable Lung Nodule Classification
* MetaVD: A Meta Video Dataset for enhancing human action recognition datasets
* method for user-customized compensation of metamorphopsia through video see-through enabled head mounted display, A
* Method of Ground-Based Cloud Motion Predict: CCLSTM + SR-Net, A
* Method of Optimizing Terrain Rendering Using Digital Terrain Analysis, A
* Methodology to Attain Public Transit Origin-Destination Mobility Patterns Using Multi-Layered Mesoscopic Analysis, A
* Metop First Generation AVHRR FRAC SST Reanalysis Version 1
* Micro-Topography Mapping through Terrestrial LiDAR in Densely Vegetated Coastal Environments
* Ming and Qing Dynasty Official-Style Architecture Roof Types Classification Based on the 3D Point Cloud
* Minimal Solvers for Rectifying From Radially-Distorted Conjugate Translations
* Mining Interpretable AOG Representations From Convolutional Networks via Active Question Answering
* MISS GAN: A Multi-IlluStrator style generative adversarial network for image to illustration translation
* Missing Burns in the High Northern Latitudes: The Case for Regionally Focused Burned Area Products
* Model Specialization for the Use of ESRGAN on Satellite and Airborne Imagery
* Modelling the Spectral Index to Detect a Baltic-Type Crude Oil Emulsion Dispersed in the Southern Baltic Sea
* Monitoring Changes to Arctic Vegetation and Glaciers at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Based on Time Series Remote Sensing
* Monitoring Coastline Changes of the Malay Islands Based on Google Earth Engine and Dense Time-Series Remote Sensing Images
* Monitoring Cropping Intensity Dynamics across the North China Plain from 1982 to 2018 Using GLASS LAI Products
* Monitoring Cyanobacteria Bloom in Dianchi Lake Based on Ground-Based Multispectral Remote-Sensing Imaging: Preliminary Results
* Monitoring Meteorological Drought in Southern China Using Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring of Spatiotemporal Change of Green Spaces in Relation to the Land Surface Temperature: A Case Study of Belgrade, Serbia
* Monitoring the Dissipation of the Floating Green Macroalgae Blooms in the Yellow Sea (2007-2020) on the Basis of Satellite Remote Sensing
* Monitoring the Severity of Pantana phyllostachysae Chao on Bamboo Using Leaf Hyperspectral Data
* Monitoring the Work Cycles of Earthmoving Excavators in Earthmoving Projects Using UAV Remote Sensing
* Monocular 3D Facial Expression Features for Continuous Affect Recognition
* MOON: Multi-hash codes joint learning for cross-media retrieval
* Motion Vector Coding and Block Merging in the Versatile Video Coding Standard
* Mountain Landscape Dynamics after Large Wind and Bark Beetle Disasters and Subsequent Logging: Case Studies from the Carpathians
* Moving target inverse synthetic aperture radar image resolution enhancement based on two-dimensional block sparse signal reconstruction
* MPI: Multi-receptive and parallel integration for salient object detection
* MSAR-Net: Multi-scale attention based light-weight image super-resolution
* MTRC-Tolerated Multi-Target Imaging Based on 3D Hough Transform and Non-Equal Sampling Sparse Solution
* Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online 3D Human Poses Estimation
* Multi-Branch Networks for Video Super-Resolution With Dynamic Reconstruction Strategy
* Multi-ColorGAN: Few-shot vehicle recoloring via memory-augmented networks
* Multi-Criteria Evaluation of the Urban Ecological Environment in Shanghai Based on Remote Sensing, A
* Multi-Dimensional Automatic Detection of Scanning Radar Images of Marine Targets Based on Radar PPInet
* Multi-Drone-Based Single Object Tracking With Agent Sharing Network
* Multi-exposure image fusion based on feature evaluation with adaptive factor
* Multi-Feature Enhanced Building Change Detection Based on Semantic Information Guidance
* Multi-granularity for knowledge distillation
* Multi-Kernel Online Reinforcement Learning for Path Tracking Control of Intelligent Vehicles
* Multi-level refinement enriched feature pyramid network for object detection
* Multi-Modal Interaction Graph Convolutional Network for Temporal Language Localization in Videos
* Multi-scale attention network for image super-resolution
* Multi-Sensor, Active Fire-Supervised, One-Class Burned Area Mapping in the Brazilian Savanna
* Multi-stage Fusion for One-Click Segmentation
* Multi-style learning for adaptation of perception intelligence in home service robots
* Multi-Task Learning Framework for Motion Estimation and Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Multi-Task Multi-Domain Learning for Digital Staining and Classification of Leukocytes
* Multi-Tier Attention Network using Term-weighted Question Features for Visual Question Answering
* Multi-type decision fusion network for visual Q&A
* Multi-View Feature Selection for PolSAR Image Classification via L_2,1 Sparsity Regularization and Manifold Regularization
* Multi-View Learning a Decomposable Affinity Matrix via Tensor Self-Representation on Grassmann Manifold
* Multi-view self-supervised learning for 3D facial texture reconstruction from single image
* Multiclassification Method of Landslide Risk Assessment in Consideration of Disaster Levels: A Case Study of Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province
* Multilabel Image Classification via Feature/Label Co-Projection
* Multilabel Image Classification with Deep Transfer Learning for Decision Support on Wildfire Response
* Multilevel Image Thresholding Method Using the Darwinian Cuckoo Search Algorithm, A
* Multimodal Semantic Forecasting Based on Conditional Generation of Future Features
* Multiple attention encoded cascade R-CNN for scene text detection
* Multiscale parallel deep CNN (mpdCNN) architecture for the real low-resolution face recognition for surveillance
* Multispectral background subtraction with deep learning
* Multitask Identity-Aware Image Steganography via Minimax Optimization
* MUMC: Minimizing uncertainty of mixture of cues
* Mutual calibration training: Training deep neural networks with noisy labels using dual-models
* MVANet: Multi-Task Guided Multi-View Attention Network for Chinese Food Recognition
* MVFFNet: Multi-view feature fusion network for imbalanced ship classification
* MW-GAN: Multi-Warping GAN for Caricature Generation With Multi-Style Geometric Exaggeration
* Nanjing's Intracity Tourism Flow Network Using Cellular Signaling Data: A Comparative Analysis of Residents and Non-Local Tourists
* National-scale greenhouse mapping for high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery using a dense object dual-task deep learning framework: A case study of China
* negotiation-based right-of-way assignment strategy to ensure traffic safety and efficiency in lane changes, A
* Neural Architecture Performance Prediction Using Graph Neural Networks
* Neural-Network-Based Adaptive Singularity-Free Fixed-Time Attitude Tracking Control for Spacecrafts
* New Analysis of Caldera Unrest through the Integration of Geophysical Data and FEM Modeling: The Long Valley Caldera Case Study, A
* New Approach for Character Recognition of Multi-Style Vehicle License Plates, A
* New Approach of 3D Lightning Location Based on Pearson Correlation Combined with Empirical Mode Decomposition, A
* New Approach to Robust Estimation of Parametric Structures, A
* New Content-Based Image Retrieval System Using Deep Visual Features, A
* New Empirical Estimation Scheme for Daily Net Radiation at the Ocean Surface, A
* New Evidence to Support Zephyria Tholus as a Composite Volcano on Mars
* New Integrated Approach for Landslide Data Balancing and Spatial Prediction Based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), A
* New Multihypothesis-Based Compressed Video Sensing Reconstruction System, A
* new similarity-based classifier with Dombi aggregative operators, A
* Next Generation Gravity Mission Elements of the Mass Change and Geoscience International Constellation: From Orbit Selection to Instrument and Mission Design
* night low-illumination image enhancement model based on small probability area filtering and lossless mapping enhancement, A
* No-reference image quality assessment based on multiscale feature representation
* Noise-Powered Disentangled Representation for Unsupervised Speckle Reduction of Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Norm-Aware Embedding for Efficient Person Search and Tracking
* Norm-Preservation: Why Residual Networks Can Become Extremely Deep?
* Normalizing Flows: An Introduction and Review of Current Methods
* Novel Approach for Forest Fragmentation Susceptibility Mapping and Assessment: A Case Study from the Indian Himalayan Region, A
* Novel Bayesian Super-Resolution Method for Radar Forward-Looking Imaging Based on Markov Random Field Model, A
* novel cotton mapping index combining Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery, A
* novel deep learning framework for double JPEG compression detection of small size blocks, A
* Novel Method Based on Deep Learning, GIS and Geomatics Software for Building a 3D City Model from VHR Satellite Stereo Imagery, A
* Novel Method for Estimating Spatial Distribution of Forest Above-Ground Biomass Based on Multispectral Fusion Data and Ensemble Learning Algorithm, A
* Novel Method to Discriminate Active from Residual Whitecaps Using Particle Image Velocimetry, A
* Novel Ultra-Wideband Double Difference Indoor Positioning Method with Additional Baseline Constraint, A
* Nullspace Property for Optimality of Minimum Frame Angle Under Invertible Linear Operators
* Numerical Study of Global ELF Electromagnetic Wave Propagation with Respect to Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
* Object Activity Scene Description, Construction, and Recognition
* Observation of Ionospheric Gravity Waves Introduced by Thunderstorms in Low Latitudes China by GNSS
* Observer Dependent Lossy Image Compression
* Obstacle detection and tracking algorithm based on multi-LiDARs fusion in urban environment
* Occlusion-invariant face recognition using simultaneous segmentation
* Occlusion-robust online multi-object visual tracking using a GM-PHD filter with CNN-based re-identification
* On the Compensation Between Magnitude and Phase in Speech Separation
* On the Electron Temperature in the Topside Ionosphere as Seen by Swarm Satellites, Incoherent Scatter Radars, and the International Reference Ionosphere Model
* On the Lifted Multicut Polytope for Trees
* On the Size and Redundancy of the Fourth-Order Difference Co-Array
* On the Use of Tri-Stereo Pleiades Images for the Morphometric Measurement of Dolines in the Basaltic Plateau of Azrou (Middle Atlas, Morocco)
* On-Demand Satellite Payload Execution Strategy for Natural Disasters Monitoring Using LoRa: Observation Requirements and Optimum Medium Access Layer Mechanisms
* One Step Further Towards Real-Time Driving Maneuver Recognition Using Phone Sensors
* One-Shot Texture Retrieval Using Global Grouping Metric
* Online Learning Collaborative Method for Traffic Forecasting and Routing Optimization, An
* Operational Inflight Radiometric Uniform Calibration of a Directional Polarimetric Camera, The
* Operational Radiometric Correction Technique for Shadow Reduction in Multispectral UAV Imagery, An
* Optical and Microphysical Properties of Aged Biomass Burning Aerosols and Mixtures, Based on 9-Year Multiwavelength Raman Lidar Observations in Athens, Greece
* Optimal road grade design based on stochastic speed trajectories for minimising transportation energy consumption
* Optimal roundabout control under fully connected and automated vehicle environment
* Optimal Sparse Sampling for Detection of a Known Signal in Nonwhite Gaussian Noise
* optimal variable exponent model for Magnetic Resonance Images denoising, An
* Optimal Vehicle Pose Estimation Network Based on Time Series and Spatial Tightness with 3D LiDARs
* Optimal Wireless Streaming of Multi-Quality 360 VR Video By Exploiting Natural, Relative Smoothness-Enabled, and Transcoding-Enabled Multicast Opportunities
* Optimized Deep Neural Network for Overhead Contact System Recognition from LiDAR Point Clouds, An
* Optimizing Matching Area for Underwater Gravity-Aided Inertial Navigation Based on the Convolution Slop Parameter-Support Vector Machine Combined Method
* Optimizing Top Dressing Nitrogen Fertilization Using VENµS and Sentinel-2 L1 Data
* Orthogonal tucker decomposition using factor priors for 2D+3D facial expression recognition
* Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Applications, Coding Tools, and Performance
* Overview of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard and its Applications
* Paddy Rice Mapping in Thailand Using Time-Series Sentinel-1 Data and Deep Learning Model
* parallel multi-block alternating direction method of multipliers for tensor completion, A
* Parameter Estimation Based on a Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter Applied to El Niño-Southern Oscillation Ensemble Prediction
* Parametric Shape Estimation of Human Body Under Wide Clothing
* Particle System-Based Multi-Hierarchy Dynamic Visualization of Ocean Current Data
* Path Following Optimization for an Underactuated USV Using Smoothly-Convergent Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Path-length analysis for grid-based path planning
* PeaceGAN: A GAN-Based Multi-Task Learning Method for SAR Target Image Generation with a Pose Estimator and an Auxiliary Classifier
* Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part I: Low-Level Models, From Sensing to Tracking
* Per-Pixel Water Detection on Surfaces with Unknown Reflectance
* Performance Evaluation of Parallel Structure from Motion (SfM) Processing with Public Cloud Computing and an On-Premise Cluster System for UAS Images in Agriculture
* Perimeter Control of Urban Traffic Networks Based on Model-Free Adaptive Control
* Personal identification based on acoustic characteristics of outer ear using cepstral analysis, Bayesian classifier, and artificial neural networks
* PET-Guided Attention Network for Segmentation of Lung Tumors from PET/CT Images
* Phase-Based GLRT Detection of Moving Targets with Pixel Tracking in Low-Resolution SAR Image Sequences
* Photometric Observations of Aerosol Optical Properties and Emission Flux Rates of Stromboli Volcano Plume during the PEACETIME Campaign
* Phytoplankton Bloom Changes under Extreme Geophysical Conditions in the Northern Bering Sea and the Southern Chukchi Sea
* Phytoplankton Genera Structure Revealed from the Multispectral Vertical Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient
* Pick-Object-Attack: Type-specific adversarial attack for object detection
* Plane Segmentation Based on the Optimal-Vector-Field in LiDAR Point Clouds
* Pluralistic Free-Form Image Completion
* PMMN: Pre-Trained Multi-Modal Network for Scene Text Recognition
* PNU Spoofing: a menace for biometrics authentication systems?
* PolSAR Ship Detection with Optimal Polarimetric Rotation Domain Features and SVM
* Population Disaggregation on the Building Level Based on Outdated Census Data
* Pose estimation and 3D reconstruction of vehicles from stereo-images using a subcategory-aware shape prior
* Potential of Multispectral Imagery and 3D Point Clouds from Unoccupied Aerial Systems (UAS) for Monitoring Forest Structure and the Impacts of Wildfire in Mediterranean-Climate Forests, The
* Precise Point Positioning with Almost Fully Deployed BDS-3, BDS-2, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and QZSS Using Precise Products from Different Analysis Centers
* Predicting soluble solids content in Fuji apples of different ripening stages based on multiple information fusion
* Predicting Task-Driven Attention via Integrating Bottom-Up Stimulus and Top-Down Guidance
* Predicting the future from first person (egocentric) vision: A survey
* Predicting the Perceptual Quality of Point Cloud: A 3D-to-2D Projection-Based Exploration
* Predicting the Place Visited of Floating Car: A Three-Layer Framework Using Spatiotemporal Probability
* Predicting Visual Political Bias Using Webly Supervised Data and an Auxiliary Task
* Prediction of Target Detection Probability Based on Air-to-Air Long-Range Scenarios in Anomalous Atmospheric Environments
* Prediction Potential of Remote Sensing-Related Variables in the Topsoil Organic Carbon Density of Liaohekou Coastal Wetlands, Northeast China
* Prior-guided multiscale network for single-image dehazing
* Privacy-Preserving In-Home Fall Detection Using Visual Shielding Sensing and Private Information-Embedding
* Progressive Feature Enhancement for Person Re-Identification
* Progressive Self-Guided Loss for Salient Object Detection
* Proof of Concept Study of an Electrochemical Sensor for Inland Water Monitoring with a Network Approach
* Proposal-Free Volumetric Instance Segmentation from Latent Single-Instance Masks
* Protecting Privacy of Location-Based Services in Road Networks
* Proximal Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy: An Effective Tool to Discern Rain from Irrigation
* PS-InSAR-Based Validated Landslide Susceptibility Mapping along Karakorum Highway, Pakistan
* Pseudo-monochromatic Imaging in Industrial X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Pseudo-Siamese residual atrous pyramid network for multi-focus image fusion
* PSGU: Parametric self-circulation gating unit for deep neural networks
* Quantification of Loess Landforms from Three-Dimensional Landscape Pattern Perspective by Using DEMs
* Quantification of Mismatch Error in Randomly Switching Linear State-Space Models
* Quantization and Entropy Coding in the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard
* Random Slope method for generation of cancelable biometric features
* Rank Correlation Based Detection of Known Signals in Middleton's Class-A Noise
* Rapid Detection of Blind Roads and Crosswalks by Using a Lightweight Semantic Segmentation Network
* Rapid Mapping and Annual Dynamic Evaluation of Quality of Urban Green Spaces on Google Earth Engine
* Real-Time Automated Classification of Sky Conditions Using Deep Learning and Edge Computing
* Real-Time Computer Vision-Based Bangla Vehicle License Plate Recognition using Contour Analysis and Prediction Algorithm
* Real-time CVSA decals recognition system using deep convolutional neural network architectures
* Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Sparse DOA Estimation Method With Non-ULA
* Reconstructing Ocean Heat Content for Revisiting Global Ocean Warming from Remote Sensing Perspectives
* RefineFace: Refinement Neural Network for High Performance Face Detection
* Regionalization of Rainfall Regimes Using Hybrid RF-Bs Couple with Multivariate Approaches
* Regionalized Linear Models for River Depth Retrieval Using 3-Band Multispectral Imagery and Green LIDAR Data
* Regression and Evaluation on a Forward Interpolated Version of the Great Circle Arcs-Based Distortion Metric of Map Projections
* Regularization by Denoising via Fixed-Point Projection (RED-PRO)
* Relational Reasoning for Group Activity Recognition via Self-Attention Augmented Conditional Random Field
* Relationship between Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indices and Live Weight Changes of Beef Cattle in Extensive Grazing Conditions, The
* Reliability Evaluation of the Joint Observation of Cloud Top Height by FY-4A and HIMAWARI-8
* Reminiscent Net: Conditional GAN-based Old Image De-Creasing
* Remote Sensing and Machine Learning-Based Approach to Forecast the Onset of Harmful Algal Bloom, A
* Remote Sensing Applications in Sugarcane Cultivation: A Review
* Remote Sensing Image Target Detection: Improvement of the YOLOv3 Model with Auxiliary Networks
* Remote Sensing of Urban Poverty and Gentrification
* Remote Sensing of Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America
* Remote Sensing-Based Urban Sprawl Modeling Using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Markov Chain in Baghdad, Iraq
* Remote-Sensing-Based Streamflow Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Models
* Research Perception Towards Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection: Challenges and Future Directions
* Residual attention-based tracking-by-detection network with attention-driven data augmentation
* Resolution Learning in Deep Convolutional Networks Using Scale-Space Theory
* Response and Feedback of Ocean Mesoscale Eddies to Four Sequential Typhoons in 2016 Based on Multiple Satellite Observations and Argo Floats, The
* Response of Mangrove Carbon Fluxes to Drought Stress Detected by Photochemical Reflectance Index
* Retrieval of Water Quality from UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Imagery: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms
* Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images Under Multi-Distortion Metric
* review of 3D human pose estimation algorithms for markerless motion capture, A
* Review of Crop Water Stress Assessment Using Remote Sensing, A
* Review of Irrigation Information Retrievals from Space and Their Utility for Users, A
* Revision of WDM7 Microphysics Scheme and Evaluation for Precipitating Convection over the Korean Peninsula
* Revisiting Lightning Activity and Parameterization Using Geostationary Satellite Observations
* Riemannian SOS-Polynomial Normalizing Flows
* Road extraction from high resolution remote sensing image via a deep residual and pyramid pooling network
* Road Traffic Monitoring from UAV Images Using Deep Learning Networks
* Robust 3-D Object Recognition via View-Specific Constraint
* Robust Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for Floating Doppler Wind-LiDAR Motion Correction, A
* Robust and Efficient Homography Estimation Using Directional Feature Matching of Court Points for Soccer Field Registration
* Robust hierarchical structure from motion for large-scale unstructured image sets
* Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using GPS SNR Data: A Dual-Band Data Fusion Approach
* Robust Method for Dehazing of Single Image with Sky Region Detection and Segmentation, A
* Robust Multichannel EEG Signal Reconstruction Method
* Robust registration of aerial images and LiDAR data using spatial constraints and Gabor structural features
* Robust Texture-Aware Computer-Generated Image Forensic: Benchmark and Algorithm
* Rolling Guidance Filter as a Clustering Algorithm
* Rolling-Unrolling LSTMs for Action Anticipation from First-Person Video
* S-NPP VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands 10-Year On-Orbit Calibration and Performance
* Salient region growing based on Gaussian pyramid
* SAR-Based Flood Monitoring for Flatland with Frequently Fluctuating Water Surfaces: Proposal for the Normalized Backscatter Amplitude Difference Index (NoBADI)
* Satellite Image Time Series Clustering via Time Adaptive Optimal Transport
* Satellite Retrieval of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity under Clear and Cloudy Skies in China Using Observations from AMSR-E and MODIS
* SC-SM CAM: An Efficient Visual Interpretation of CNN for SAR Images Target Recognition
* Scale aware remote sensing image enhancement using rolling guidance
* Scale-Adaptive Adversarial Patch Attack for Remote Sensing Image Aircraft Detection
* SCANet: A Spatial and Channel Attention based Network for Partial-to-Partial Point Cloud Registration
* Scene Adaptive Online Surveillance Video Synopsis via Dynamic Tube Rearrangement Using Octree
* Scheduling-measure dependent modelling of delay propagation on a single railway line: A matrix transformation approach
* SDNet: A Versatile Squeeze-and-Decomposition Network for Real-Time Image Fusion
* Sea Level Seasonal, Interannual and Decadal Variability in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
* Seasonal Surface Fluctuation of a Slow-Moving Landslide Detected by Multitemporal Interferometry (MTI) on the Huafan University Campus, Northern Taiwan
* Self-Attention Context Network: Addressing the Threat of Adversarial Attacks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Self-Attentive Spatial Adaptive Normalization for Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation
* Self-Learning Optimal Cruise Control Based on Individual Car-Following Style
* Self-Organizing Maps for Clustering Hyperspectral Images On-Board a CubeSat
* Self-Path: Self-Supervision for Classification of Pathology Images With Limited Annotations
* Self-Supervised Attention Mechanism for Pediatric Bone Age Assessment With Efficient Weak Annotation
* Self-Supervised Deep TripleNet for Video Object Segmentation
* Self-supervised Disentanglement of Modality-Specific and Shared Factors Improves Multimodal Generative Models
* Self-Supervised Multiscale Adversarial Regression Network for Stereo Disparity Estimation
* Self-Supervised Visual Feature Learning With Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
* Semantic Bottlenecks: Quantifying and Improving Inspectability of Deep Representations
* Semantic Bottlenecks: Quantifying and Improving Inspectability of Deep Representations
* Semantically Adversarial Learnable Filters
* Semi-supervised partial multi-label classification with low-rank and manifold constraints
* Semi-Supervised Pixel-Level Scene Text Segmentation by Mutually Guided Network
* Sensor-based image manipulation localization with Discriminative Random fields and Graph Cut
* Sentinel-1 and RADARSAT Constellation Mission InSAR Assessment of Slope Movements in the Southern Interior of British Columbia, Canada
* Sentinel-2 Cloud Removal Considering Ground Changes by Fusing Multitemporal SAR and Optical Images
* Sequential alignment attention model for scene text recognition
* Serial GANs: A Feature-Preserving Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Image Transformation Model
* Serial Image Copy-Move Forgery Localization Scheme With Source/Target Distinguishment, A
* Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees for Point Cloud Attribute Compression
* Shallow Water Bathymetry Retrieval Using a Band-Optimization Iterative Approach: Application to New Caledonia Coral Reef Lagoons Using Sentinel-2 Data
* Short-Term Traffic Forecasting by Mining the Non-Stationarity of Spatiotemporal Patterns
* Short-Term Variability in Alaska Ice-Marginal Lake Area: Implications for Long-Term Studies
* Siamese Visual Tracking with Dual-Pipeline Correlated Fusion Network
* Sign language recognition based on global-local attention
* Similarity Based Block Sparse Subset Selection for Video Summarization
* Simple and Efficient Method for Correction of Basin-Scale Evapotranspiration on the Tibetan Plateau, A
* Simple loop closing for continuous 6DOF LIDAR&IMU graph SLAM with planar features for indoor environments
* Simplified Object-Based Deep Neural Network for Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Simulation of Atmospheric Visibility Impairment
* Simultaneous identification, modeling and registration refinement of poles using laser scanning point clouds
* Simultaneous investigation of surface and canopy urban heat islands over global cities
* Single Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Modified Dark Channel Prior
* Single Image Deraining: From Model-Based to Data-Driven and Beyond
* Single-Image Dehazing via Dark Channel Prior and Adaptive Threshold
* Singularity-Exponent-Domain Image Feature Transform
* SMOS Brightness Temperature Monitoring Quality Control Review and Enhancements
* Societal Implications of Forest and Water Body Area Evolution in Czechia and Selected Regions
* Soil Moisture Retrieval over a Vegetation-Covered Area Using ALOS-2 L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Polarimetric SAR Data and Experimental Observations in an Arid Environment
* Soil Salinization Level Monitoring and Classifying by Mixed Chaotic Systems
* Solar Contamination on HIRAS Cold Calibration View and the Corrected Radiance Assessment
* SOLVER: Scene-Object Interrelated Visual Emotion Reasoning Network
* Source Model and Simulated Strong Ground Motion of the 2021 Yangbi, China Shallow Earthquake Constrained by InSAR Observations
* Sparkle: User-Aware Viewport Prediction in 360-Degree Video Streaming
* Sparse Coding Driven Deep Decision Tree Ensembles for Nucleus Segmentation in Digital Pathology Images
* Spatial Analysis of Urban Residential Sensitivity to Heatwave Events: Case Studies in Five Megacities in China
* Spatial and Temporal Characteristic Analysis of Imbalance Usage in the Hangzhou Public Bicycle System
* Spatial and Temporal Variation Characteristics of Heatwaves in Recent Decades over China
* Spatial Assessment of Community Resilience from 2012 Hurricane Sandy Using Nighttime Light
* Spatial Distribution and Mechanism of Urban Occupation Mixture in Guangzhou: An Optimized GeoDetector-Based Index to Compare Individual and Interactive Effects
* Spatio-Temporal Changes of Land Surface Temperature and the Influencing Factors in the Tarim Basin, Northwest China
* Spatio-Temporal Mixed Pixel Analysis of Savanna Ecosystems: A Review
* Spatio-Temporal Schedule-Based Neural Network for Urban Taxi Waiting Time Prediction, A
* Spatio-Temporal Simulation of Mangrove Forests under Different Scenarios: A Case Study of Mangrove Protected Areas, Hainan Island, China
* Spatio-Temporal Variation Analysis of the Biological Boundary Temperature Index Based on Accumulated Temperature: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Basin
* Spatio-Temporal Variations of Precipitable Water Vapor and Horizontal Tropospheric Gradients from GPS during Typhoon Lekima
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Cover and the Effects on Ecosystem Service Values in Rupandehi, Nepal from 2005 to 2020
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Trend Prediction of Tourism Economic Vulnerability in China's Major Tourist Cities
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of Pasture Quality Based on NDVI Time-Series in Mediterranean Montado Ecosystem
* Spatiotemporal Trident Networks: Detection and Localization of Object Removal Tampering in Video Passive Forensics
* Spatiotemporal Variations and Uncertainty in Crop Residue Burning Emissions over North China Plain: Implication for Atmospheric CO2 Simulation
* Special Section on Picture Coding and Image Media Processing
* Spectral Shape Recovery and Analysis Via Data-driven Connections
* SportsCap: Monocular 3D Human Motion Capture and Fine-Grained Understanding in Challenging Sports Videos
* SS-MLP: A Novel Spectral-Spatial MLP Architecture for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* SSDAN: Multi-Source Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* SSSGAN: Satellite Style and Structure Generative Adversarial Networks
* Stacking Ensemble Deep Learning Model for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images, A
* Stance Analysis of Twitter Users: The Case of the Vaccination Topic in Italy
* Status and Trends of Wetland Studies in Canada Using Remote Sensing Technology with a Focus on Wetland Classification: A Bibliographic Analysis
* Stochastic Variance Reduced Primal Dual Fixed Point Method for Linearly Constrained Separable Optimization, A
* Strategic Analysis for Governance Development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure Portal in Korea
* String Prediction for 4:2:0 Format Screen Content Coding and Its Implementation in AVS3
* Structured Variational Bayesian Inference for Gaussian State-Space Models With Regime Switching
* Study on Brightness Reversal of Internal Waves in the Celebes Sea Using Himawari-8 Images, A
* Study on Convergence of Plug-and-Play ISTA With Adaptive-Kernel Denoisers
* Study on stability and scalability of vehicular platoon with a bidirectional ring interconnection
* Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Spatial Behavior of Urban Tourists Based on Commentary Big Data: A Case Study of Nanjing, China
* Study on the Pretreatment of Soil Hyperspectral and Na+ Ion Data under Different Degrees of Human Activity Stress by Fractional-Order Derivatives
* Subblock-Based Motion Derivation and Inter Prediction Refinement in the Versatile Video Coding Standard
* Subcutaneous sweat pore estimation from optical coherence tomography
* Subsoil Recognition for Road Investment Supported by the Integration of Geodetic and GPR Data in the Form of a Point Cloud
* Subspace reconstruction based correlation filter for object tracking
* Suitability of Earth Engine Evaporation Flux (EEFlux) Estimation of Evapotranspiration in Rainfed Crops
* Superpixel-Based Regional-Scale Grassland Community Classification Using Genetic Programming with Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 Multispectral Images
* Supervised Domain Adaptation: A Graph Embedding Perspective and a Rectified Experimental Protocol
* Surface Water Storage in Rivers and Wetlands Derived from Satellite Observations: A Review of Current Advances and Future Opportunities for Hydrological Sciences
* SurfaceNet+: An End-to-end 3D Neural Network for Very Sparse Multi-View Stereopsis
* survey of face recognition techniques under occlusion, A
* Survey on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Fighting Against COVID-19, A
* Survey on Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition, A
* Survey on Deepfake Video Detection, A
* Survey on Generative Adversarial Networks: Variants, Applications, and Training, A
* Targeting Posture Control With Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance of Constrained Uncertain Wheeled Mobile Robots Including Unknown Skidding and Slipping
* Task-Container Matching Game for Computation Offloading in Vehicular Edge Computing and Networks
* Task-Feature Collaborative Learning with Application to Personalized Attribute Prediction
* Taxonomy of Optimization Factors for Platooning, A
* Technical Review of Planet Smallsat Data: Practical Considerations for Processing and Using PlanetScope Imagery, A
* Temporal Pattern Analysis of Cropland Phenology in Shandong Province of China Based on Two Long-Sequence Remote Sensing Data
* Temporally Generalizable Land Cover Classification: A Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network Unveils Major Coastal Change through Time
* Texture Is Important in Improving the Accuracy of Mapping Photovoltaic Power Plants: A Case Study of Ningxia Autonomous Region, China
* Theoretical Foundation of Intelligence Testing and Its Application for Intelligent Vehicles, A
* Thermal Imagery Feature Extraction Techniques and the Effects on Machine Learning Models for Smart HVAC Efficiency in Building Energy
* Three Degree Binary Graph and Shortest Edge Clustering for re-ranking in multi-feature image retrieval
* Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Model for Early Detection of Pine Wilt Disease Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Images
* Three-Dimensional Surface Deformation Characteristics Based on Time Series InSAR and GPS Technologies in Beijing, China
* Time Series Analysis of Land Cover Change in Dry Mountains: Insights from the Tajik Pamirs
* Time-Varying Vibration Compensation Based on Segmented Interference for Triangular FMCW LiDAR Signals
* To Drive or to Be Driven? The Impact of Autopilot, Navigation System, and Printed Maps on Driver's Cognitive Workload and Spatial Knowledge
* Top-Down Pyramid Fusion Network for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation
* Topologically Consistent Reconstruction for Complex Indoor Structures from Point Clouds
* Topology Conflict Detection Considering Incremental Updating of Multi-Scale Road Networks
* Total Operating Characteristic from Stratified Random Sampling with an Application to Flood Mapping, The
* Toward Accurate Pixelwise Object Tracking via Attention Retrieval
* Toward Fine-Grained Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Towards a Complete 3D Morphable Model of the Human Head
* Towards a novel approach for Sentinel-3 synergistic OLCI/SLSTR cloud and cloud shadow detection based on stereo cloud-top height estimation
* Towards Augmented Reality Driven Human-City Interaction: Current Research on Mobile Headsets and Future Challenges
* Towards better semantic consistency of 2D medical image segmentation
* Towards Bounding-Box Free Panoptic Segmentation
* Towards Fair Knowledge Transfer for Imbalanced Domain Adaptation
* Towards Managing Visual Pollution: A 3D Isovist and Voxel Approach to Advertisement Billboard Visual Impact Assessment
* Towards Robust Calculation of Interannual CO2 Growth Signal from TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network)
* Tracking a Low-Angle Isolated Target via an Elevation-Angle Estimation Algorithm Based on Extended Kalman Filter with an Array Antenna
* Tracking Beyond Detection: Learning a Global Response Map for End-to-End Multi-Object Tracking
* Training Sample Migration Method for Wetland Mapping and Monitoring Using Sentinel Data in Google Earth Engine, A
* Transferable Visual Words: Exploiting the Semantics of Anatomical Patterns for Self-Supervised Learning
* Transform Coding in the VVC Standard
* Transformer models for enhancing AttnGAN based text to image generation
* Tree Recognition on the Plantation Using UAV Images with Ultrahigh Spatial Resolution in a Complex Environment
* TriangleConv: A Deep Point Convolutional Network for Recognizing Building Shapes in Map Space
* Triple-Input-Unsupervised neural Networks for deformable image registration
* Triplet Attention Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* TRS: Transformers for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* TVG-Streaming: Learning User Behaviors for QoE-Optimized 360-Degree Video Streaming
* Two-Round Weight Voting Strategy-Based Ensemble Learning Method for Sea Ice Classification of Sentinel-1 Imagery, A
* Two-Stream Deep Fusion Network Based on VAE and CNN for Synthetic Aperture Radar Target Recognition
* UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Imaging Remote Sensing System Based on Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter for Water Quality Monitoring
* Uncertainty Learning for Noise Resistant Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Understanding Plum Rain's Effects on Urban Public Bicycle Unavailability Considering Both Place Semantics and Riding Distance
* Underwater Communication Using UAVs to Realize High-Speed AUV Deployment
* Unified Framework for Generalized Low-Shot Medical Image Segmentation With Scarce Data, A
* Unimodal-Bio-GAN: Keyless biometric salting scheme based on generative adversarial network
* Universal Fuzzy Logic Optical Water Type Scheme for the Global Oceans, A
* Universal-to-Specific Framework for Complex Action Recognition
* Unpaired Person Image Generation With Semantic Parsing Transformation
* Unseen Face Presentation Attack Detection Using Sparse Multiple Kernel Fisher Null-Space
* Unsupervised Abstract Reasoning for Raven's Problem Matrices
* Unsupervised Building Damage Identification Using Post-Event Optical Imagery and Variational Autoencoder
* Unsupervised Deep Learning based Variational Autoencoder Model for COVID-19 Diagnosis and Classification
* unsupervised domain adaptation approach for change detection and its application to deforestation mapping in tropical biomes, An
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation From Axial to Short-Axis Multi-Slice Cardiac MR Images by Incorporating Pretrained Task Networks
* unsupervised generative adversarial network for single image deraining, An
* Unsupervised Part Discovery by Unsupervised Disentanglement
* Unsupervised person re-identification by Intra-Inter Camera Affinity Domain Adaptation
* Updates to and Performance of the cBathy Algorithm for Estimating Nearshore Bathymetry from Remote Sensing Imagery
* Upscaling Evapotranspiration from a Single-Site to Satellite Pixel Scale
* Urban Water Quality Assessment Based on Remote Sensing Reflectance Optical Classification
* URNet: A U-Shaped Residual Network for Lightweight Image Super-Resolution
* Use of Oblique RGB Imagery and Apparent Surface Area of Plants for Early Estimation of Above-Ground Corn Biomass
* Using Artificial Neural Networks for the Estimation of Subsurface Tidal Currents from High-Frequency Radar Surface Current Measurements
* Using BDS MEO and IGSO Satellite SNR Observations to Measure Soil Moisture Fluctuations Based on the Satellite Repeat Period
* Using curved angular intra-frame prediction to improve video coding efficiency
* Using Remote Sensing Techniques to Improve Hydrological Predictions in a Rapidly Changing World
* Using Remotely Sensed Sea Surface Salinity and Colored Detrital Matter to Characterize Freshened Surface Layers in the Kara and Laptev Seas during the Ice-Free Season
* Validation of Near-Real-Time NOAA-20 CrIS Outgoing Longwave Radiation with Multi-Satellite Datasets on Broad Timescales
* Vector co-occurrence morphological edge detection for colour image
* Vegetation Coverage Prediction for the Qinling Mountains Using the CA-Markov Model
* Vegetation Effects on Soil Moisture Retrieval from Water Cloud Model Using PALSAR-2 for Oil Palm Trees
* Vegetation Greenness Variations and Response to Climate Change in the Arid and Semi-Arid Transition Zone of the Mongo-Lian Plateau during 1982-2015
* Vegetation Growth Analysis of UNESCO World Heritage Hyrcanian Forests Using Multi-Sensor Optical Remote Sensing Data
* Vegetation Productivity Losses Linked to Mediterranean Hot and Dry Events
* Velocity Estimation of Ocean Surface Currents in along-Track InSAR System Based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Vessel Schedule Recovery in Liner Shipping: Modeling Alternative Recovery Options
* Vessel Target Detection in Spaceborne-Airborne Collaborative SAR Images via Proposal and Polarization Fusion
* Video object segmentation via random walks on two-frame graphs comprising superpixels
* Viewport Perception Based Blind Stereoscopic Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment
* Virtual Fluid-Flow-Model-Based Lane-Keeping Integrated With Collision Avoidance Control System Design for Autonomous Vehicles
* Virtual Space Built on a Canvas Painting for an Augmented Experience to Catch the Artist's Message, A
* Visible and thermal images fusion architecture for few-shot semantic segmentation
* Visual Analysis of Land Use Characteristics Around Urban Rail Transit Stations
* Visual Analytics Web Platform for Detecting High Wind Energy Potential in Urban Environments by Employing OGC Standards, A
* Visual Attention Model Based on Eye Tracking in 3D Scene Maps, A
* Visual Digital Forest Model Based on a Remote Sensing Data and Forest Inventory Data
* Visual Question Answering With Dense Inter- and Intra-Modality Interactions
* Visual question answering: Which investigated applications?
* Visual SLAM Robust against Dynamic Objects Based on Hybrid Semantic-Geometry Information, A
* Visual Trajectory Tracking of Wheeled Mobile Robots With Uncalibrated Camera Extrinsic Parameters
* VVC Complexity and Software Implementation Analysis
* VVC In-Loop Filters
* Wavefront Marching Methods: A Unified Algorithm to Solve Eikonal and Static Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
* Weakly Supervised Cell Segmentation by Point Annotation
* Weakly supervised instance segmentation using multi-prior fusion
* Weakly-Supervised Vessel Detection in Ultra-Widefield Fundus Photography via Iterative Multi-Modal Registration and Learning
* Web GIS-Based Integration of 3D Digital Models with Linked Open Data for Cultural Heritage Exploration, A
* Weibull-distribution-based hybrid total variation method for speckle reduction in ultrasound images, A
* Weighted Mean Temperature Model with Nonlinear Elevation Correction Using China as an Example, A
* Weighted multi-view common subspace learning method
* What and how well you exercised? An efficient analysis framework for fitness actions
* What Would Happen If the M 7.3 (1721) and M 7.4 (1780) Historical Earthquakes of Tabriz City (NW Ira
* Which Gridded Population Data Product Is Better? Evidences from Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA)
* Wide Color Gamut Image Content Characterization: Method, Evaluation, and Applications
* Wildfish++: A Comprehensive Fish Benchmark for Multimedia Research
* Within-Field Rice Yield Estimation Based on Sentinel-2 Satellite Data
* Within-Field Yield Prediction in Cereal Crops Using LiDAR-Derived Topographic Attributes with Geographically Weighted Regression Models
* Wood-Leaf Classification of Tree Point Cloud Based on Intensity and Geometric Information
* Workflow to Extract the Geometry and Type of Vegetated Landscape Elements from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* YOLOFig detection model development using deep learning
* You look so different! Haven't I seen you a long time ago?
1035 for 2110

Index for "2"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.