* *Advances in Multimedia Modeling
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* *Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
* 3D deep learning approach based on Shape Prior for automatic segmentation of myocardial diseases, A
* 3D hand pose and shape estimation from RGB images for keypoint-based hand gesture recognition
* 3D Modeling Method for Dome Structure Using Digital Geological Map and DEM
* 3D Multi-Object Tracking in Point Clouds Based on Prediction Confidence-Guided Data Association
* 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* 3D Sparse SAR Image Reconstruction Based on Cauchy Penalty and Convex Optimization
* 4D Epanechnikov Mixture Regression in LF Image Compression
* 4D Light Field Disparity Map estimation using Krawtchouk Polynomials
* AAEGAN Optimization by Purposeful Noise Injection for the Generation of Bright-Field Brain Organoid Images
* Abnormal area identification of corn ear based on semi-supervised learning
* Above-Ground Biomass Estimation of Plantation with Different Tree Species Using Airborne LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data
* Absolute Frequency Readout of Cavity against Atomic Reference
* Accuracy of Code GNSS Receivers under Various Conditions
* Accuracy, Efficiency, and Transferability of a Deep Learning Model for Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps across the Canadian Arctic
* ACE: Anchor-Free Corner Evolution for Real-Time Arbitrarily-Oriented Object Detection
* ACSEE: Antagonistic Crowd Simulation Model With Emotional Contagion and Evolutionary Game Theory
* Active Learning Paradigm for Online Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition, An
* AdaBoosted Extra Trees Classifier for Object-Based Multispectral Image Classification of Urban Fringe Area
* AdaDC: Adaptive Deep Clustering for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person Re-Identification
* Adaptive Aggregation with Self-Attention Network for Gastrointestinal Image Classification
* Adaptive Coordinated Formation Control of Heterogeneous Vertical Takeoff and Landing UAVs Subject to Parametric Uncertainties
* adaptive estimation method with exploration and exploitation modes for non-stationary environments, An
* Adaptive Estimation of Vehicle Velocity From Updated Dynamic Model for Control of Anti-Lock Braking System
* Adaptive Polar-Grid Gaussian-Mixture Model for Foreground Segmentation Using Roadside LiDAR
* Adaptive Unsupervised-Shadow-Detection Approach for Remote-Sensing Image Based on Multichannel Features
* Advancement of Flexible Robot Technologies for Endoluminal Surgeries
* Adversarial Representation Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Small-Sized Labeled Set
* Aerosol Distributions and Sahara Dust Transport in Southern Morocco, from Ground-Based and Satellite Observations
* Affective Dynamics: Causality Modeling of Temporally Evolving Perceptual and Affective Responses
* Affective Dynamics: Principal Motion Analysis of Temporal Dominance of Sensations and Emotions Data
* AI-AR for Bridge Inspection by Drone
* Air-Sea Interface Parameters and Heat Flux from Neural Network and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Observations
* Algorithm to Assist the Robust Filter for Tightly Coupled RTK/INS Navigation System, An
* Alpine Grassland Reviving Response to Seasonal Snow Cover on the Tibetan Plateau
* Analysing Process and Probability of Built-Up Expansion Using Machine Learning and Fuzzy Logic in English Bazar, West Bengal
* Analysis of automatically generated embedding guides for cell classification
* Analysis of BDS-3 PPP-B2b Positioning and Time Transfer Service
* Analysis of Cones within the Tianwen-1 Landing Area, The
* Analysis of Debris Flow Triggering Conditions for Different Rainfall Patterns Based on Satellite Rainfall Products in Hengduan Mountain Region, China
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Data Imputation Methods for Traffic Flow Data in Urban Networks
* Analysis of Surface Energy Changes over Different Underlying Surfaces Based on MODIS Land-Use Data and Green Vegetation Fraction over the Tibetan Plateau
* Analysis of the Characteristics and Spatial Pattern of the Catering Industry in the Four Central Cities of the Yangtze River Delta
* Analysis of the Variability and Influencing Factors of Ice Thickness during the Ablation Period in Qinghai Lake Using the GPR Ice Monitoring System
* Analysis of the weighted Van der Waals-Cahn-Hilliard model for image segmentation
* Analysis of Transmission Depth and Photon Number in Monte Carlo Simulation for Underwater Laser Transmission
* Analysis of Two Convective Storms Using Polarimetric X-Band Radar and Satellite Data
* Analyzing Group-Level Emotion with Global Alignment Kernel based Approach
* Analyzing the Variability of Subjective Image Quality Ratings for Different Distortions
* Anchor pruning for object detection
* Annual Cycle in Mid-Latitude Stratospheric and Mesospheric Ozone Associated with Quasi-Stationary Wave Structure by the MLS Data 2011-2020, The
* Ant Colony Pheromone Mechanism-Based Passive Localization Using UAV Swarm
* Antarctic Basal Water Storage Variation Inferred from Multi-Source Satellite Observation and Relevant Models
* Anti-Distractor Active Object Tracking in 3D Environments
* APANet: Auto-Path Aggregation for Future Instance Segmentation Prediction
* Applicability of LandTrendr to Surface Water Dynamics: A Case Study of Minnesota from 1984 to 2019 Using Google Earth Engine, The
* Application of Convolutional Neural Networks on Digital Terrain Models for Analyzing Spatial Relations in Archaeology
* Application of Gaofen-6 Images in the Downscaling of Land Surface Temperatures
* Application of Geophysical Methods in Archaeological Survey of Early Medieval Fortifications
* Application of Improved Instance Segmentation Algorithm Based on VoVNet-v2 in Open-Pit Mines Remote Sensing Pre-Survey
* Application of the Doppler Spectrum of the Backscattering Microwave Signal for Monitoring of Ice Cover: A Theoretical View
* Applying Check-in Data and User Profiles to Identify Optimal Store Locations in a Road Network
* Applying Decision Trees to Examine the Nonlinear Effects of Multiscale Transport Accessibility on Rural Poverty in China
* Applying Machine Learning and Data Fusion to the Missing Person Problem
* Are 3D convolutional networks inherently biased towards appearance?
* Are You Really Looking at Me? A Feature-Extraction Framework for Estimating Interpersonal Eye Gaze From Conventional Video
* Are You There? A Study on Measuring Presence in Immersive Virtual Reality
* ARIN: Adaptive Resampling and Instance Normalization for Robust Blind Inpainting of Dunhuang Cave Paintings
* ARRPNGAN: Text-to-image GAN with attention regularization and region proposal networks
* Arterial Stiffness Probed by Dynamic Ultrasound Elastography Characterizes Waveform of Blood Pressure
* Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with New Target Representation and Dependency Attention
* Assessing Land Subsidence-Inducing Factors in the Shandong Province, China, by Using PS-InSAR Measurements
* Assessing Novel Lidar Modalities for Maximizing Coverage of a Spaceborne System through the Use of Diode Lasers
* Assessing Player Profiles of Achievement, Affiliation, and Power Motivation Using Electroencephalography
* Assessing Street Space Quality Using Street View Imagery and Function-Driven Method: The Case of Xiamen, China
* Assessing the Volume of Defensive Structures for Architectural Energetics Analysis Using 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography
* Assessing User Experience of Text Readability with Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality
* Assessment of Invasive and Weed Species by Hyperspectral Imagery in Agrocenoses Ecosystem
* Assessment of IRNSS-Only Data Processing: Availability, Single-Frequency SPP and Short-Baseline RTK
* Assessment of Maize Drought Risk in Midwestern Jilin Province: A Comparative Analysis of TOPSIS and VIKOR Models
* Assessment of Peat Extraction Range and Vegetation Succession on the Baligowka Degraded Peat Bog (Central Europe) Using the ALS Data and Orthophotomap
* Assessment of Polar Ionospheric Observations by VIPIR/Dynasonde at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica: Part 1: Ionospheric Densities
* Assessment of Saildrone Extreme Wind Measurements in Hurricane Sam Using MW Satellite Sensors
* Assessment of Terra/Aqua MODIS and Deep Convective Cloud Albedo Solar Calibration Accuracies and Stabilities Using Lunar Calibrated MERBE Results
* Assessment of the Consistency and Stability of CrIS Infrared Observations Using COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data over Ocean
* Assessment of the Usefulness of Spectral Bands for the Next Generation of Sentinel-2 Satellites by Reconstruction of Missing Bands
* Assigning a new glioma grade label ground-truth for the BraTS dataset using radiologic criteria
* Assisted Human-Robot Interaction for Industry Application Based Augmented Reality
* Asymmetric CNN for Image Superresolution
* Asymmetric cross-modal hashing with high-level semantic similarity
* Atlanta scaled layouts from non-central panoramas
* Atmospheric Effects and Precursors of Rainfall over the Swiss Plateau
* Attention regularized semi-supervised learning with class-ambiguous data for image classification
* attention-based network for serial number recognition on banknotes, An
* Attention-Unet-Based Near-Real-Time Precipitation Estimation from Fengyun-4A Satellite Imageries
* Attribution of NDVI Dynamics over the Globe from 1982 to 2015
* Augmented Multimodality Fusion for Generalized Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Visual Retrieval
* Auto-weighted sample-level fusion with anchors for incomplete multi-view clustering
* Automated 3D Road Boundary Extraction and Vectorization Using MLS Point Clouds
* Automated Detection Framework for Multiple Highway Bottleneck Activations, An
* Automated Detection of Koalas with Deep Learning Ensembles
* Automated Glacier Snow Line Altitude Calculation Method Using Landsat Series Images in the Google Earth Engine Platform
* Automated Multi-Scale and Multivariate Geological Logging from Drill-Core Hyperspectral Data
* Automated Segmentation of the Clinical Target Volume in the Planning CT for Breast Cancer Using Deep Neural Networks
* Automatic Calibration of a LiDAR-Camera System Based on Instance Segmentation
* Automatic Detection of Coseismic Landslides Using a New Transformer Method
* Automatic Detection of Reflective Thinking in Mathematical Problem Solving Based on Unconstrained Bodily Exploration
* Automatic Extraction of Mountain River Surface and Width Based on Multisource High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Automatic Extraction of Potential Landslides by Integrating an Optical Remote Sensing Image with an InSAR-Derived Deformation Map
* Automatic Point Cloud Registration for Large Outdoor Scenes Using a Priori Semantic Information
* Autonomous Integrity Monitoring for Vehicular Navigation With Cellular Signals of Opportunity and an IMU
* Autonomous Mission Planning Method for Optical Imaging Satellites Based on Real-Time Cloud Cover Information
* AVPL: Augmented visual perception learning for person Re-identification and beyond
* Axial refocusing precision model with light fields
* Backtracking Reconstruction Network for Three-Dimensional Compressed Hyperspectral Imaging
* Band-Averaged Response Sensitivity Study of an Imaging Spectrometer for the CLARREO Pathfinder Mission
* Bayesian Deep Learning Framework for End-To-End Prediction of Emotion From Heartbeat, A
* Bayesian Imaging Using Plug & Play Priors: When Langevin Meets Tweedie
* Beijing Land Subsidence Revealed Using PS-InSAR with Long Time Series TerraSAR-X SAR Data
* Believe the HiPe: Hierarchical perturbation for fast, robust, and model-agnostic saliency mapping
* Bi-discriminator GAN for tabular data synthesis
* bi-level formulation for multiple kernel learning via self-paced training, A
* Bio-Optical Measurements Indicative of Biogeochemical Transformations of Ocean Waters by Coral Reefs
* Body-Related Attentional Bias in Anorexia Nervosa and Body Dissatisfaction in Females: An Eye-Tracking and Virtual Reality New Paradigm
* Boosting Independent Component Analysis
* Boundary-Aware Arbitrary-Shaped Scene Text Detector With Learnable Embedding Network
* BoundaryNet: Extraction and Completion of Road Boundaries With Deep Learning Using Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds and Satellite Imagery
* BP-EVD: Forward Block-Output Propagation for Efficient Video Denoising
* BReG-NeXt: Facial Affect Computing Using Adaptive Residual Networks With Bounded Gradient
* brief survey on adaptive video streaming quality assessment, A
* Byzantine-Resilient Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Descent
* Calibration and Validation of Polarimetric ALOS2-PALSAR2
* Calibration of Co-Located Identical PAR Sensors Using Wireless Sensor Networks and Characterization of the In Situ fPAR Variability in a Tropical Dry Forest
* Camera domain adaptation based on cross-patch transformers for person re-identification
* Camouflaged object detection via Neighbor Connection and Hierarchical Information Transfer
* Can Forel-Ule Index Act as a Proxy of Water Quality in Temperate Waters? Application of Plume Mapping in Liverpool Bay, UK
* Can Mangrove Silviculture Be Carbon Neutral?
* Capturing Small, Fast-Moving Objects: Frame Interpolation via Recurrent Motion Enhancement
* Carbon Sink under Different Carbon Density Levels of Forest and Shrub, a Case in Dongting Lake Basin, China
* Cascading Failure in Multiple Critical Infrastructure Interdependent Networks of Syncretic Railway System
* CE-text: A context-Aware and embedded text detector in natural scene images
* CenterlineNet: Automatic Coronary Artery Centerline Extraction for Computed Tomographic Angiographic Images Using Convolutional Neural Network Architectures
* CERL: A Unified Optimization Framework for Light Enhancement With Realistic Noise
* CFN: A coarse-to-fine network for eye fixation prediction
* ChaLearn Looking at People: IsoGD and ConGD Large-Scale RGB-D Gesture Recognition
* Challenges in Diurnal Humidity Analysis from Cellular Microwave Links (CML) over Germany
* Challenges of Labelling Unknown Seabed Munition Dumpsites from Acoustic and Optical Surveys: A Case Study at Skagerrak
* Change Matters! Measuring the Effect of Changing the Leader in Joint Music Performances, The
* Changes of Spatiotemporal Pattern of Rocky Desertification and Its Dominant Driving Factors in Typical Karst Mountainous Areas under the Background of Global Change, The
* Characteristics of Greening along Altitudinal Gradients on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Time-Series Landsat Images
* Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution at Windward and Leeward Side over Mountain Area, The
* Characteristics of the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Aerosols in Central Asia and Their Influencing Factors
* Characteristics of the Total Suspended Matter Concentration in the Hongze Lake during 1984-2019 Based on Landsat Data
* Characterization of Wildfire Smoke over Complex Terrain Using Satellite Observations, Ground-Based Observations, and Meteorological Models
* Characterizing Spatial Patterns of the Response Rate of Vegetation Green-Up Dates to Land Surface Temperature in Beijing, China (2001-2019)
* Characterizing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Land Deformation in the Santa Ana Basin, Los Angeles, from InSAR Time Series and Independent Component Analysis
* Characterizing the Patterns and Trends of Urban Growth in Saudi Arabia's 13 Capital Cities Using a Landsat Time Series
* ChildGAN: Face aging and rejuvenation to find missing children
* Choosing the Right Horizontal Resolution for Gully Erosion Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case in Highly Complex Terrain
* Civil Aircraft Cockpit Control Device Design Using Mixed Reality Device, A
* CKDF: Cascaded Knowledge Distillation Framework for Robust Incremental Learning
* Class of Nonlinear Kalman Filters Under a Generalized Measurement Model With False Data Injection Attacks, A
* Class-Shared SparsePCA for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Classification for high-dimension low-sample size data
* Classification Method Study of Crops Remote Sensing with Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Google Earth Engine, The
* Classification of Electronic Devices Using a Frequency-Swept Harmonic Radar Approach
* Classification of Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) Using Drone-Enabled Multispectral Imagery Analysis
* Classification of Southern Corn Rust Severity Based on Leaf-Level Hyperspectral Data Collected under Solar Illumination
* Climate Drivers of Pine Shoot Beetle Outbreak Dynamics in Southwest China
* Climatological Aspects of Active Fires in Northeastern China and Their Relationship to Land Cover
* Closed-Loop Construction and Analysis of Cortico-Muscular-Cortical Functional Network After Stroke
* Cloud Classification Method Based on a Convolutional Neural Network for FY-4A Satellites, A
* Cloud Cover Nowcasting with Deep Learning
* Cloud-Based Monitoring and Evaluation of the Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Southeast Asia's Mangroves Using Deep Learning
* Cluster-Guided Asymmetric Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Clustering by centroid drift and boundary shrinkage
* CNN for Hand Washing Movement Classification: What Matters More - the Approach or the Dataset?
* Coded Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction Using Deep External and Internal Learning
* CoEvo-Net: Coevolution Network for Video Highlight Detection
* Cognitive Beamforming Method via Range-Doppler Map Features for Skywave Radar, A
* Cognitive tasks modelization and description in VR environment for Alzheimer's disease state identification
* Coherent Integration Segment Searching Based GRT-GRFT Hybrid Integration Method for Arbitrary Fluctuating Target, A
* Collaborative Feature Learning for Gait Recognition Under Cloth Changes
* Combination of Hyperspectral and Machine Learning to Invert Soil Electrical Conductivity
* Combination of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data for Tree Species Classification in a Central European Biosphere Reserve
* Combined Assimilation of Doppler Wind Lidar and Tail Doppler Radar Data over a Hurricane Inner Core for Improved Hurricane Prediction with the NCEP Regional HWRF System
* Combined Datasets For Breast Cancer Grading Based On Multi-CNN Architectures
* Combined Therapy Planning, Real-Time Monitoring, and Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment Using a Diagnostic Imaging Array
* Combining Disease Mechanism and Machine Learning to Predict Wheat Fusarium Head Blight
* Combining Passive Acoustics and Environmental Data for Scaling Up Ecosystem Monitoring: A Test on Coral Reef Fishes
* Combining Temporal and Multi-Modal Approaches to Better Measure Accessibility to Banking Services
* Community-Aware Photo Quality Evaluation by Deeply Encoding Human Perception
* Comparative Analysis of the Sensitivity of SAR Data in C and L Bands for the Detection of Irrigation Events
* Comparative Sensitivity of Vegetation Indices Measured via Proximal and Aerial Sensors for Assessing N Status and Predicting Grain Yield in Rice Cropping Systems
* Comparative Study of the Es Layer between the Plateau and Plain Regions in China
* Comparing Coarse-Resolution Land Surface Temperature Products over Western Australia
* Comparing the Effect of Airflow Direction on Simulator Sickness and User Comfort in a High-Fidelity Driving Simulator
* Comparison between Automated and Manual Detection of Lava Fountains from Fixed Monitoring Thermal Cameras at Etna Volcano, Italy
* Comparison between the Mesospheric Winds Observed by Two Collocated Meteor Radars at Low Latitudes
* Comparison of Deep Learning Models for the Classification of Noctilucent Cloud Images
* Comparison of GWO-SVM and Random Forest Classifiers in a LevelSet based approach for Bladder wall segmentation and characterisation using MR images
* Comparison of Machine Learning-Based Snow Depth Estimates and Development of a New Operational Retrieval Algorithm over China
* Comparison of Pond Depth and Ice Thickness Retrieval Algorithms for Summer Arctic Sea Ice
* Comparison of the Effects of Regional and Global Dust Storms on the Composition of the Ionized Species of the Martian Upper Atmosphere Using MAVEN
* complex network approach for fish species recognition based on otolith shape, A
* Complex Texture Features Learned by Applying Randomized Neural Network on Graphs
* Composite Electromagnetic Scattering and High-Resolution SAR Imaging of Multiple Targets above Rough Surface
* Comprehensive Analysis of Environmental Loading Effects on Vertical GPS Time Series in Yunnan, Southwest China, A
* Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coastal Inundation through Satellite-Derived Datasets: A Case Study of Sabang Island, Indonesia, A
* Comprehensive Clear-Sky Database for the Development of Land Surface Temperature Algorithms, A
* Comprehensive Precipitable Water Vapor Retrieval and Application Platform Based on Various Water Vapor Detection Techniques
* Comprehensive Spatio-Temporal Model for Subway Passenger Flow Prediction, A
* Comprehensive Validation and Comparison of Three VIIRS Aerosol Products over the Ocean on a Global Scale
* Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MIRORES)
* Concepts and Trends in Autonomy for Robot-Assisted Surgery
* Conditional Hyper-Network for Blind Super-Resolution With Multiple Degradations
* Conference on graphics, patterns and images
* Confidence Regularized Label Propagation Based Domain Adaptation
* Confidence-Based 6D Object Pose Estimation
* Configurable Fast Block Partitioning for VVC Intra Coding Using Light Gradient Boosting Machine
* Conserving Ecosystem Diversity in the Tropical Andes
* Consistent camera-invariant and noise-tolerant learning for unsupervised person re-identification
* Construction of a Semantic Segmentation Network for the Overhead Catenary System Point Cloud Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion
* Construction of an Ecological Security Pattern in an Urban-Lake Symbiosis Area: A Case Study of Hefei Metropolitan Area
* Context-Aware Matrix Factorization for the Identification of Urban Functional Regions with POI and Taxi OD Data
* Continual Learning Survey: Defying Forgetting in Classification Tasks, A
* Continuous and Discrete Analysis of Local Stability for Car-Following Model With Speed-Based Desired-Headway
* Continuous Land Cover Change Detection in a Critically Endangered Shrubland Ecosystem Using Neural Networks
* Continuous Monitoring of the Surface Water Area in the Yellow River Basin during 1986-2019 Using Available Landsat Imagery and the Google Earth Engine
* Continuous Multi-View Human Action Recognition
* Continuous Support Vector Regression for Nonstationary Streaming Data
* Continuum Robots for Medical Interventions
* Contour deformation network for instance segmentation
* Contrastive author-aware text clustering
* Conventional Cruise and Felled-Tree Validation of Individual Tree Diameter, Height and Volume Derived from Airborne Laser Scanning Data of a Loblolly Pine (P. taeda) Stand in Eastern Texas, A
* Convergence Rate Comparison of Proximal Algorithms for Non-Smooth Convex Optimization With an Application to Texture Segmentation
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Built Infrastructure Detection in the Arctic Using Sub-Meter Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Convolutional Neural Networks With Gated Recurrent Connections
* Cooperative Power Split Optimization for a Group of Intelligent Electric Vehicles Travelling on a Highway With Varying Slopes
* Coordinated Arterial Dilemma Zone Protection Through Dynamic Signal Timing Optimization
* Correcting GEDI Water Level Estimates for Inland Waterbodies Using Machine Learning
* Correction of Secret Images Reconstructed from Noised Shared Images
* Cotton Stand Counting from Unmanned Aerial System Imagery Using MobileNet and CenterNet Deep Learning Models
* Counting Objects by Diffused Index: Geometry-free and training-free approach
* County-Level Assessment of Vulnerability to COVID-19 in Alabama
* Coupled Heterogeneous Tucker Decomposition: A Feature Extraction Method for Multisource Fusion and Domain Adaptation Using Multisource Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Data
* Coupling and Coordination Relationships between Urban Expansion and Ecosystem Service Value in Kashgar City
* CP-ABM approach for modelling COVID-19 infection dynamics and quantifying the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions, The
* Critical Review of Extended Reality Applications in Aviation
* Crop Classification Based on the Physically Constrained General Model-Based Decomposition Using Multi-Temporal RADARSAT-2 Data
* Cropping Patterns of Annual Crops: A Remote Sensing Review
* Cross lingual handwritten character recognition using long short term memory network with aid of elephant herding optimization algorithm
* Cross View Capture for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Cross-lingual transfer learning: A PARAFAC2 approach
* Cross-Modal Feature Representation Learning and Label Graph Mining in a Residual Multi-Attentional CNN-LSTM Network for Multi-Label Aerial Scene Classification
* Cross-modal propagation network for generalized zero-shot learning
* Cross-Modal Transmission Strategy
* Cross-modality attentive feature fusion for object detection in multispectral remote sensing imagery
* Cross-Spectral Iris Recognition by Learning Device-Specific Band
* Cross-View kernel transfer
* Crossing or Not? Context-Based Recognition of Pedestrian Crossing Intention in the Urban Environment
* Cryptanalysis of Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Block Permutation and Co-Modulation
* Cryptographic-Biometric Self-Sovereign Personal Identities
* CVM-Cervix: A hybrid cervical Pap-smear image classification framework using CNN, visual transformer and multilayer perceptron
* Cycle-reconstructive subspace learning with class discriminability for unsupervised domain adaptation
* DADA: Driver Attention Prediction in Driving Accident Scenarios
* Daily High-Resolution Land Surface Freeze/Thaw Detection Using Sentinel-1 and AMSR2 Data
* Damage Properties of the Block-Stone Embankment in the Qinghai-Tibet Highway Using Ground-Penetrating Radar Imagery
* Data augmentation for multi-organ detection in medical images
* Data Augmentation Using Bitplane Information Recombination Model
* Data Augmented Deep Behavioral Cloning for Urban Traffic Control Operations Under a Parallel Learning Framework
* Data Orchestration for Accelerating GPU-Based Light Field Rendering Aiming at a Wide Virtual Space
* Data-Adaptive Loss Function for Incomplete Data and Incremental Learning in Semantic Image Segmentation, A
* Data-Driven Deep Supervision for Medical Image Segmentation
* Dataset of Overshooting Cloud Top from 12-Year CloudSat/CALIOP Joint Observations, A
* DBDnet: A Deep Boosting Strategy for Image Denoising
* Decentralized Motion Planning for Multiagent Collaboration Under Coupled LTL Task Specifications
* Decentralized Optimal Merging Control With Optimization of Energy Consumption for Connected Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Decentralized Stochastic Optimization With Random Attendance
* Deducing Flood Development Process Using Social Media: An Event-Based and Multi-Level Modeling Approach
* Deducing health cues from biometric data
* Deep Affine Motion Compensation Network for Inter Prediction in VVC
* Deep Arbitrary HDRI: Inverse Tone Mapping With Controllable Exposure Changes
* Deep Diffusion MRI Registration (DDMReg): A Deep Learning Method for Diffusion MRI Registration
* Deep Enhanced Weakly-Supervised Hashing With Iterative Tag Refinement
* Deep Feature Compression Using Spatio-Temporal Arrangement Toward Collaborative Intelligent World
* deep grouping fusion neural network for multimedia content understanding, A
* Deep Isometric Maps
* Deep learning and RGB-D based human action, human-human and human-object interaction recognition: A survey
* Deep learning based automatic detection of uninformative images in pulmonary optical endomicroscopy
* Deep Learning for Image/Video Restoration and Super-Resolution
* Deep Learning for SAR Ship Detection: Past, Present and Future
* Deep Learning Method for Grasping Novel Objects Using Dexterous Hands
* Deep Learning Models for Passive Sonar Signal Classification of Military Data
* Deep Learning on Traffic Prediction: Methods, Analysis, and Future Directions
* Deep Learning-Assisted Smart Process Planning, Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks, and Geospatial Big Data Management Algorithms in the Internet of Manufacturing Things
* Deep learning-based detection from the perspective of small or tiny objects: A survey
* Deep learning-based individual tree crown delineation in mangrove forests using very-high-resolution satellite imagery
* Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Techniques for Remote Sensing Images: A Survey
* Deep Multi-Task Multi-Label CNN for Effective Facial Attribute Classification
* Deep Pain: Exploiting Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Facial Expression Classification
* Deep Recognition-based Character Segmentation in Handwritten Syriac Manuscripts
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Deep Unrolled Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Deep-Ensemble-Level-Based Interpretable Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Classifier for Imbalanced Data, A
* Deep-learning based segmentation of challenging myelin sheaths
* Deep-Sea Seabed Sediment Classification Using Finely Processed Multibeam Backscatter Intensity Data in the Southwest Indian Ridge
* Deeper Look at Facial Expression Dataset Bias, A
* dense R-CNN multi-target instance segmentation model and its application in medical image processing, A
* Density Map-based vehicle counting in remote sensing images with limited resolution
* Depression Level Prediction Using Deep Spatiotemporal Features and Multilayer Bi-LTSM
* Depth Image Noise Reduction and Super-Resolution by Pixel-Wise Multi-Frame Fusion
* Depth Map Super-Resolution Based on Dual Normal-Depth Regularization and Graph Laplacian Prior
* Deriving 3-D Surface Deformation Time Series with Strain Model and Kalman Filter from GNSS and InSAR Data
* Design and Demonstration of a Novel Long-Range Photon-Counting 3D Imaging LiDAR with 32X32 Transceivers
* Design and Verification of a Double-Grating Spectrometer System (DGSS) for Simultaneous Observation of Aerosols, Water Vapor and Clouds
* Design Framework for Social Virtual Reality Experiences: Exploring Social and Cultural Dimensions for Meaningful and Impactful VR, A
* Design of an Acceleration Redistribution Cooperative Strategy for Collision Avoidance System Based on Dynamic Weighted Multi-Objective Model Predictive Controller
* Designing Virtual Environments for Smoking Cessation: A Preliminary Investigation
* DesmokeNet: A Two-Stage Smoke Removal Pipeline Based on Self-Attentive Feature Consensus and Multi-Level Contrastive Regularization
* Detail preserving conditional random field as 2-D RNN for gland segmentation in histology images
* Detailed Three-Dimensional Building Facade Reconstruction: A Review on Applications, Data and Technologies
* Detecting Absence of Bone Wall in Jugular Bulb by Image Transformation Surrogate Tasks
* Detecting Aligned Double JPEG Compressed Color Image With Same Quantization Matrix Based on the Stability of Image
* Detecting and Mapping Salt-Affected Soil with Arid Integrated Indices in Feature Space Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Imagery
* Detecting Water Hyacinth Infestation in Kuttanad, India, Using Dual-Pol Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery
* Detection for Rail Surface Defects via Partitioned Edge Feature
* Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Detection of Aquatic Alligator Weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) from Aerial Imagery Using Random Forest Classification
* Detection of asian hornet's nest on drone acquired FLIR and color images using deep learning methods
* Detection of Small Aerial Object Using Random Projection Feature With Region Clustering
* Detection of Stop Sign Violations From Dashcam Data
* Deterministic Optimality for Robust Vehicle Localization Using Visual Measurements
* Developing an Active Canopy Sensor-Based Integrated Precision Rice Management System for Improving Grain Yield and Quality, Nitrogen Use Efficiency, and Lodging Resistance
* Developing an Enhanced Ecological Evaluation Index (EEEI) Based on Remotely Sensed Data and Assessing Spatiotemporal Ecological Quality in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, China
* Developing Relative Spatial Poverty Index Using Integrated Remote Sensing and Geospatial Big Data Approach: A Case Study of East Java, Indonesia
* Development and Evaluation of a Real-Time Hourly One-Kilometre Gridded Multisource Fusion Air Temperature Dataset in China Based on Remote Sensing DEM
* Development and Validation of an Augmented and Mixed Reality Usability Heuristic Checklist, The
* Development of a Conceptual Data Model for 3D Geospatial Road Management Based on LandInfra Standard: A Case Study of Korea
* Development of a Lightweight Inertial Gravimeter for Use on Board an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: Measurement Principle, System Design and Sea Trial Mission
* Development of A Rigorous Model for Bathymetric Mapping from Multispectral Satellite-Images, The
* Development of an Educational AR Tool for Visualization of Spatial Figures and Volume Calculation for Vocational Education
* Development of an Invisible Human Experience System Using Diminished Reality
* Development of Economic Velocity Planning Algorithm for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
* Development of Frequency Multipliers for Terahertz Remote Sensing System, The
* Development of Spatial Model for Food Security Prediction Using Remote Sensing Data in West Java, Indonesia
* Development of Standards for Production of Immersive 360 Motion Graphics, Based on 360 Monoscopic Videos: Layers of Information and Development of Content
* devil in the tail: Cluster consolidation plus cluster adaptive balancing loss for unsupervised person re-identification, The
* DFR-TSD: A Deep Learning Based Framework for Robust Traffic Sign Detection Under Challenging Weather Conditions
* Diagnostic Multidisciplinary Investigations for Cultural Heritage at Etna Volcano: A Case Study from the 1669 Eruption in the Mother Church at the Old Settlement of Misterbianco
* Different Impacts of Climate Variability and Human Activities on NPP in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, The
* Different Vegetation Information Inputs Significantly Affect the Evapotranspiration Simulations of the PT-JPL Model
* Differential Strategy-Based Multi-Level Dense Network for Pansharpening
* Digital Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon with Machine Learning in Dryland of Northeast and North Plain China
* Digital Soil Mapping of Soil Organic Matter with Deep Learning Algorithms
* Dilated residual grooming kernel model for breast cancer detection
* Direction of arrival estimation for indoor environments based on acoustic composition model with a single microphone
* Directly solving normalized cut for multi-view data
* Discrete curve model for non-elastic shape analysis on shape manifold
* Discriminative and regularized echo state network for time series classification
* Discriminative Siamese Complementary Tracker With Flexible Update
* Discriminative Spectral-Spatial-Semantic Feature Network Based on Shuffle and Frequency Attention Mechanisms for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Disentangling Semantic-to-Visual Confusion for Zero-Shot Learning
* Disguise Resilient Face Verification
* Displacement Back Analysis of Reservoir Landslide Based on Multi-Source Monitoring Data: A Case Study of the Cheyiping Landslide in the Lancang River Basin, China
* Displacement Prediction of the Muyubao Landslide Based on a GPS Time-Series Analysis and Temporal Convolutional Network Model
* Dissipative Sampled-Data Control for High-Speed Train Systems With Quantized Measurements
* Distinct Variability between Semidiurnal and Diurnal Internal Tides at the East China Sea Shelf
* Distribution and Characteristics of Damming Landslides Triggered by 1920 M~8 Haiyuan Earthquake, NW China
* Distributional barycenter problem through data-driven flows
* Diurnal Variation in Cloud and Precipitation Characteristics in Summer over the Tibetan Plateau and Sichuan Basin
* Divergent Climate Sensitivities of the Alpine Grasslands to Early Growing Season Precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau
* Diverse-Region Hyperspectral Image Classification via Superpixelwise Graph Convolution Technique
* DMT: Dynamic mutual training for semi-supervised learning
* Do Seabirds Control Wind Drift during Their Migration across the Strait of Gibraltar? A Study Using Remote Tracking by Radar
* DO-Conv: Depthwise Over-Parameterized Convolutional Layer
* DOA Estimation of Coherent Sources Using Coprime Array via Atomic Norm Minimization
* domain-adaptive method with cycle perceptual consistency adversarial networks for vehicle target detection in foggy weather, A
* Dominant Factors in the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Precipitation Change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration
* Dormant Season Vegetation Phenology and Eddy Fluxes in Native Tallgrass Prairies of the U.S. Southern Plains
* Double chain networks for monocular 3D human pose estimation
* Double Parameters Fractal Sorting Matrix and Its Application in Image Encryption
* Draco-Based Selective Crypto-Compression Method of 3D objects
* Drag and Attitude Control for the Next Generation Gravity Mission
* Driver Identification Through Formal Methods
* Driver State Monitoring: Manipulating Reliability Expectations in Simulated Automated Driving Scenarios
* Drone-Sensed and Sap Flux-Derived Leaf Phenology in a Cool Temperate Deciduous Forest: A Tree-Level Comparison of 17 Species
* Drought Events over the Amazon River Basin from 2003 to 2020 Detected by GRACE/GRACE-FO and Swarm Satellites, The
* Drying-Wetting Changes of Surface Soil Moisture and the Influencing Factors in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
* Dual Aligned Siamese Dense Regression Tracker
* Dual Mixture Model Based CNN for Image Denoising
* Dual relation network for temporal action localization
* Dual-frame spatio-temporal feature modulation for video enhancement
* Dual-Frequency Quantum Phase Estimation Mitigates the Spectral Leakage of Quantum Algorithms
* Dual-Frequency Radar Retrievals of Snowfall Using Random Forest
* Dual-Generator Translation Network Fusing Texture and Structure Features for SAR and Optical Image Matching, A
* Dual-Polarization Radar-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation of Mountain Terrain Using Multi-Disdrometer Data
* Dual-Tuned Lattice Balun for Multi-Nuclear MRI and MRS
* Dynamic Antenna Selection for Colocated MIMO Radar
* Dynamic feature fusion with spatial-temporal context for robust object tracking
* Dynamic Micro-Expression Recognition Using Knowledge Distillation
* Dynamic Origin-Destination Prediction in Urban Rail Systems: A Multi-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning Approach
* Dynamic Particle Filter Framework for Robust Object Tracking
* Dynamic Range Compression Self-Adaption Method for SAR Image Based on Deep Learning
* Dynamic Simulation of Land Use/Cover Change and Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Carbon Storage under Climate Change Scenarios in Guangdong Province, China
* Dynamics of Blink and Non-Blink Cyclicity for Affective Assessment: A Case Study for Stress Identification
* Dynamics of the Evaporation of Intercepted Precipitation during the Last Two Decades over China
* E2E-VSDL: End-to-end video surveillance-based deep learning model to detect and prevent criminal activities
* Early Detection of Bacterial Wilt in Tomato with Portable Hyperspectral Spectrometer
* Early Screening of Autism in Toddlers via Response-To-Instructions Protocol
* Earth Gravity In-Orbit Sensing: MPC Formation Control Based on a Novel Constellation Model
* Earth-Observation-Based Services for National Reporting of the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators: Three Showcases in Bulgaria
* Ease of Use and Preferences Across Virtual Reality Displays
* ECDNet: A bilateral lightweight cloud detection network for remote sensing images
* Ecological Engineering Projects Shifted the Dominance of Human Activity and Climate Variability on Vegetation Dynamics
* Editorial for Special Issue: New Insights into Ecosystem Monitoring Using Geospatial Techniques
* Editorial for the special issue on implicit biometric authentication and monitoring through Internet of Biometric Things (I-BIO)
* Editorial for the Special Issue: Human-Environment Interactions Research Using Remote Sensing
* Editorial on Special Issue Geo-Information Technology and Its Applications
* Editorial paper for pattern recognition letters VSI on multi-view representation learning and multi-modal information representation
* Editorial: Geospatial Understanding of Sustainable Urban Analytics Using Remote Sensing
* EEG-ConvTransformer for single-trial EEG-based visual stimulus classification
* EEPNet: An efficient and effective convolutional neural network for palmprint recognition
* Effect of Assimilating SMAP Soil Moisture on CO2 and CH4 Fluxes through Direct Insertion in a Land Surface Model
* Effect of Personality Traits and Stressor Inducers on Users' Cognitive Load During Interactions with VR Environments
* Effect of the Uncertainty Level of Vehicle-Position Information on the Stability and Safety of the Car-Following Process
* Effects of Aerosols on Gross Primary Production from Ecosystems to the Globe
* Effects of Driving Factors on Forest Aboveground Biomass (AGB) in China's Loess Plateau by Using Spatial Regression Models
* Effects of Meteorology Changes on Inter-Annual Variations of Aerosol Optical Depth and Surface PM2.5 in China: Implications for PM2.5 Remote Sensing
* Efficient and Accurate Multi-Scale Topological Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Efficient Axial-Attention Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification, An
* Efficient Calculation of Distance Transform on Discrete Global Grid Systems
* Efficient Deep Face Alignment with Explicit Statistical Shape Models in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Efficient Detection of Earthquake-Triggered Landslides Based on U-Net++: An Example of the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi (Japan) Mw = 6.6 Earthquake
* Efficient Image Categorization Method With Insufficient Training Samples, An
* Efficient Implementation of Regional Mutual Information for the Registration of Road Images
* Efficient On-Ramp Merging Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Multi-Lane Traffic, An
* Efficient Scalable UHD/360-Video Coding by Exploiting Common Information With Cuboid-Based Partitioning
* Efficient Shallow Network for River Ice Segmentation
* Efficient Superpixel Generation for Polarimetric SAR Images with Cross-Iteration and Hexagonal Initialization
* EFRNet: Efficient Feature Reconstructing Network for Real-Time Scene Parsing
* Elastic and Inelastic Ground Deformation in Shanghai Lingang Area Revealed by Sentinel-1, Leveling, and Groundwater Level Data
* Electrical Railway Dynamical Versus Static Models for Infrastructure Planning and Operation
* Elevation Resolution Enhancement Method Using Non-Ideal Linear Motion Error of Airborne Array TomoSAR
* EmergEventMine: End-to-End Chinese Emergency Event Extraction Using a Deep Adversarial Network
* EmoLabel: Semi-Automatic Methodology for Emotion Annotation of Social Media Text
* Emotion Prediction with Weighted Appraisal Models: Towards Validating a Psychological Theory of Affect
* Empirical Study on the Effects of Temporal Trends in Spatial Patterns on Animated Choropleth Maps, An
* Encoder-Decoder Structure with Multiscale Receptive Field Block for Unsupervised Depth Estimation from Monocular Video
* Encoding Geospatial Vector Data for Deep Learning: LULC as a Use Case
* end-to-end identity association network based on geometry refinement for multi-object tracking, An
* End-to-End Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging using Video Transformers
* Energy-Efficient Model Predictive Train Traction Control With Incorporated Traction System Efficiency
* Enforced block diagonal subspace clustering with closed form solution
* ENGAGE-DEM: A Model of Engagement of People With Dementia
* Engaging Part-Whole Hierarchies and Contrast Cues for Salient Object Detection
* Enhanced Attention Tracking With Multi-Branch Network for Egocentric Activity Recognition
* Enhanced iris presentation attack detection via contraction-expansion CNN
* Enhanced mangrove vegetation index based on hyperspectral images for mapping mangrove
* Enhanced Turbulent Mixing in the Upper Ocean Induced by Super Typhoon Goni (2015)
* Enhancing Emotional Experience by Building Emotional Virtual Characters in VR Exhibitions
* Enhancing Neural Machine Translation With Dual-Side Multimodal Awareness
* Ensemble Model-Based Estimation of Nitrogen Dioxide in a Southeastern Coastal Region of China, An
* Entropy encoder for low-power low-resources high-quality CFA image compression
* Entropy guided attention network for weakly-supervised action localization
* Error-Diffusion Based Speech Feature Quantization for Small-Footprint Keyword Spotting
* Establishing the Capabilities of the Murchison Widefield Array as a Passive Radar for the Surveillance of Space
* Estimating Cognitive Load and Cybersickness of Pilots in VR Simulations via Unobtrusive Physiological Sensors
* Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameters Using Drone Remote Sensing with Deep Neural Networks
* Estimating Leaf Chlorophyll Content of Moso Bamboo Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Visible Images
* Estimating Productivity Measures in Guayule Using UAS Imagery and Sentinel-2 Satellite Data
* Estimating the Carbon Emissions of Remotely Sensed Energy-Intensive Industries Using VIIRS Thermal Anomaly-Derived Industrial Heat Sources and Auxiliary Data
* Estimating the Probability That a Vehicle Reaches a Near-Term Goal State Using Multiple Lane Changes
* Estimation and Spatio-Temporal Change Analysis of NPP in Subtropical Forests: A Case Study of Shaoguan, Guangdong, China
* Estimation of Canopy Structure of Field Crops Using Sentinel-2 Bands with Vegetation Indices and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Estimation of Corn Latent Heat Flux from High Resolution Thermal Imagery
* Estimation of Daily Average Shortwave Solar Radiation under Clear-Sky Conditions by the Spatial Downscaling and Temporal Extrapolation of Satellite Products in Mountainous Areas
* Estimation of Downwelling Surface Longwave Radiation with the Combination of Parameterization and Artificial Neural Network from Remotely Sensed Data for Cloudy Sky Conditions
* Estimation of Pb Content Using Reflectance Spectroscopy in Farmland Soil near Metal Mines, Central China
* Estimation of Regional Ground-Level PM2.5 Concentrations Directly from Satellite Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Using A Hybrid Learning Model
* Estimation of the Block Adjustment Error in UAV Photogrammetric Flights in Flat Areas
* Estimation of Urban Housing Vacancy Based on Daytime Housing Exterior Images: A Case Study of Guangzhou in China
* ET: Edge-Enhanced Transformer for Image Splicing Detection
* Evaluating Impacts of Bus Route Map Design and Dynamic Real-Time Information Presentation on Bus Route Map Search Efficiency and Cognitive Load
* Evaluating Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Population Density Using Cellular Data
* Evaluating the Effectiveness of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models Combined Time-Series Satellite Data for Multiple Crop Types Classification over a Large-Scale Region
* Evaluating the Vulnerability of Siberian Crane Habitats and the Influences of Water Level Intervals in Poyang Lake Wetland, China
* Evaluation and Hydrological Application of Four Gridded Precipitation Datasets over a Large Southeastern Tibetan Plateau Basin
* Evaluation and Prediction of Landslide Susceptibility in Yichang Section of Yangtze River Basin Based on Integrated Deep Learning Algorithm
* Evaluation of Food Security Based on Remote Sensing Data: Taking Egypt as an Example
* Evaluation of Forest Features Determining GNSS Positioning Accuracy of a Novel Low-Cost, Mobile RTK System Using LiDAR and TreeNet
* Evaluation of FY-4A Temperature Profile Products and Application to Winter Precipitation Type Diagnosis in Southern China
* Evaluation of Multi-Scale Multiple Instance Learning to Improve Thyroid Cancer Classification
* Evaluation of Performance of Three Satellite-Derived Precipitation Products in Capturing Extreme Precipitation Events over Beijing, China
* Evaluation of Sea Ice Radiative Forcing according to Surface Albedo and Skin Temperature over the Arctic from 1982-2015
* Evaluation of the Moso Bamboo Age Determination Based on Laser Echo Intensity
* Evaluation of Tidal Effect in Long-Strip DInSAR Measurements Based on GPS Network and Tidal Models
* Evaluation of Two Decades of Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals from MODIS over Australia, An
* Evaluation of Urban Flood Resilience Enhancement Strategies: A Case Study in Jingdezhen City under 20-Year Return Period Precipitation Scenario
* Evapotranspiration Retrieval Using S-SEBI Model with Landsat-8 Split-Window Land Surface Temperature Products over Two European Agricultural Crops
* Evapotranspiration Seasonality over Tropical Ecosystems in Mato Grosso, Brazil
* Event-Stream Representation for Human Gaits Identification Using Deep Neural Networks
* Event-Triggered Dynamic Positioning for Mass-Switched Unmanned Marine Vehicles in Network Environments
* Evoking Physiological Synchrony and Empathy Using Social VR With Biofeedback
* Evolution Analysis of Ecological Networks Based on Spatial Distribution Data of Land Use Types Monitored by Remote Sensing in Wuhan Urban Agglomeration, China, from 2000 to 2020
* Examining Impact of Speed Recommendation Algorithm Operating in Autonomous Road Signs on Minimum Distance between Vehicles
* Example-based color transfer with Gaussian mixture modeling
* Experience Gained When Using the Yuneec E10T Thermal Camera in Environmental Research
* Experience-Driven Power Allocation Using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Millimeter-Wave High-Speed Railway Systems
* Experimental Analysis of Atmospheric Ducts and Navigation Radar Over-the-Horizon Detection
* Explainability for Medical Image Captioning
* Explicit Connection Between Independent Vector Analysis and Tensor Decomposition in Blind Source Separation, An
* Explicit Cross-Modal Representation Learning for Visual Commonsense Reasoning
* Exploring Pairwise Relationships Adaptively From Linguistic Context in Image Captioning
* Exploring Spatial Nonstationarity in Determinants of Intercity Commuting Flows: A Case Study of Suzhou-Shanghai, China
* Exploring the Evolution of the Accessibility of Educational Facilities and Its Influencing Factors in Mountainous Areas: A Case Study of the Rocky Desertification Area in Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guizhou
* Exploring the Impact of Built Environment Attributes on Social Followings Using Social Media Data and Deep Learning
* Exploring the Potential of Optical Polarization Remote Sensing for Oil Spill Detection: A Case Study of Deepwater Horizon
* Exploring the Potential of UAV LiDAR Data for Trunk Point Extraction and Direct DBH Measurement
* Exploring Zero-Shot Emotion Recognition in Speech Using Semantic-Embedding Prototypes
* Exposedness-Based Noise-Suppressing Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Extended Reality Simulator for Advanced Trauma Life Support Training, An
* Extended Watershed-Based AHP Model for Flood Hazard Estimation: Constraining Runoff Converging Indicators via MFD-Derived Sub-Watershed by Maximum Zonal Statistical Method, An
* External Attention Assisted Multi-Phase Splenic Vascular Injury Segmentation With Limited Data
* Extracting the Urban Landscape Features of the Historic District from Street View Images Based on Deep Learning: A Case Study in the Beijing Core Area
* Extraction of Broad-Leaved Tree Crown Based on UAV Visible Images and OBIA-RF Model: A Case Study for Chinese Olive Trees
* Extraction of Multiple Diseases in Apple Leaf Using Machine Learning
* Extraction of Photovoltaic Plants Using Machine Learning Methods: A Case Study of the Pilot Energy City of Golmud, China
* Extrapolation Assessment for Forest Structural Parameters in Planted Forests of Southern China by UAV-LiDAR Samples and Multispectral Satellite Imagery
* Eye-Safe Aerosol and Cloud Lidar Based on Free-Space Intracavity Upconversion Detection
* FaceEngage: Robust Estimation of Gameplay Engagement from User-Contributed (YouTube) Videos
* Facial expression recognition system based on variational mode decomposition and whale optimized KELM
* Facial Expression Recognition With Deeply-Supervised Attention Network
* Facial Recognition of Dairy Cattle Based on Improved Convolutional Neural Network
* Fall Detection using Body Geometry in Video Sequences
* Fast and Robust Iterative Closest Point
* Fast computation of mutual information in the frequency domain with applications to global multimodal image alignment
* Fast CP-compression layer: Tensor CP-decomposition to compress layers in deep learning
* Fast Multiview Clustering With Spectral Embedding
* Fast Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Method (STF3DCNN) Using a Spatial-Temporal-Spectral Dataset, A
* Fast Tree Skeleton Extraction Using Voxel Thinning Based on Tree Point Cloud
* Faster R-CNN Learning-Based Semantic Filter for Geometry Estimation and Its Application in vSLAM Systems
* Fastest L_1,inf Prox in the West, The
* FastOPM: A practical method for partial match of time series
* FCP-Net: A Feature-Compression-Pyramid Network Guided by Game-Theoretic Interactions for Medical Image Segmentation
* Feasibility of Leaf Reflectance-Based Taxonomic Inventories and Diversity Assessments of Species-Rich Grasslands: A Cross-Seasonal Evaluation Using Waveband Selection, The
* FeatLoc: Absolute pose regressor for indoor 2D sparse features with simplistic view synthesizing
* Feature fusion for object detection at one map
* Feature Matching for Remote-Sensing Image Registration via Neighborhood Topological and Affine Consistency
* Features of Winter Stratosphere Small-Scale Disturbance during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
* Features Understanding in 3D CNNs for Actions Recognition in Video
* Federating recommendations using differentially private prototypes
* Few shot learning-based fast adaptation for human activity recognition
* Few-Shot Building Footprint Shape Classification with Relation Network
* Few-Shot Learning for Radar Signal Recognition Based on Tensor Imprint and Re-Parameterization Multi-Channel Multi-Branch Model
* Few-Shot Multi-Class Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using Attention Feature Map and Multi-Relation Detector
* Few-shot Website Fingerprinting attack with Meta-Bias Learning
* Field Investigation on Gully Erosion and Implications for Changes in Sediment Delivery Processes in Some Tributaries of the Upper Yellow River in China, A
* Fine-Grained Classification via Categorical Memory Networks
* Fine-Grained Image Quality Caption With Hierarchical Semantics Degradation
* Fine-Grained Multilevel Fusion for Anti-Occlusion Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Fine-Grained Urban Air Quality Mapping from Sparse Mobile Air Pollution Measurements and Dense Traffic Density
* Fire Monitoring Algorithm and Its Application on the Geo-Kompsat-2A Geostationary Meteorological Satellite
* Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Values for Biogeographical Region and Individual Geostationary HHMMSS Threshold (BRIGHT) Hotspots Derived from the Advanced Himawari Imager (AH
* First Approach to Determine If It Is Possible to Delineate In-Season N Fertilization Maps for Wheat Using NDVI Derived from Sentinel-2, A
* First Observations of Mars Atmosphere and Ionosphere with Tianwen-1 Radio-Occultation Technique on 5 August 2021
* Fitting Nonlinear Signal Models Using the Increasing-Data Criterion
* Flash Flood Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Digital-Era Governance Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and GIS Spatial Analyses Case Study: Small River Basins
* Flexible Approach for Automatic License Plate Recognition in Unconstrained Scenarios, A
* Flick Typing: A New VR Text Input System Based on Space Gestures
* Flight delay forecasting and analysis of direct and indirect factors
* Fluorescence Line Height Extraction Algorithm for the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager
* FocusNet: Classifying better by focusing on confusing classes
* Forest Fire Monitoring and Positioning Improvement at Subpixel Level: Application to Himawari-8 Fire Products
* Forest Habitat Fragmentation in Mountain Protected Areas Using Historical Corona KH-9 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery
* Formulation of a Structural Equation Relating Remotely Sensed Electron Transport Rate Index to Photosynthesis Activity
* Fovea localization by blood vessel vector in abnormal fundus images
* FPNFuse: A lightweight feature pyramid network for infrared and visible image fusion
* Frame-based reflectance estimation from multispectral images for weed identification in varying illumination conditions
* Framework for Assessing the Dynamic Coastlines Induced by Urbanization Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Fujian, China, A
* free-form surface flattening algorithm that minimizes geometric deformation energy, A
* From Regional to Global Brain: A Novel Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Neural Network Model for EEG Emotion Recognition
* From Simulated to Visual Data: A Robust Low-Rank Tensor Completion Approach Using L_p-Regression for Outlier Resistance
* FTPG: A Fine-Grained Traffic Prediction Method With Graph Attention Network Using Big Trace Data
* Full-Scale Highway Bridge Deformation Tracking via Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
* Fully Automated Multimodal MRI-Based Multi-Task Learning for Glioma Segmentation and IDH Genotyping, A
* Fully automatic CNN-based segmentation of retinal bifurcations in 2D adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy images
* Fully convolutional Deep Stacked Denoising Sparse Auto encoder network for partial face reconstruction
* Function-Based Troposphere Tomography Technique for Optimal Downscaling of Precipitation
* Fusing of Electroencephalogram and Eye Movement With Group Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis for Anxiety Detection
* Fusion of UAV Hyperspectral Imaging and LiDAR for the Early Detection of EAB Stress in Ash and a New EAB Detection Index: NDVI(776,678)
* GaitSet: Cross-View Gait Recognition Through Utilizing Gait As a Deep Set
* Galileo Time Transfer with Five-Frequency Uncombined PPP: A Posteriori Weighting, Inter-Frequency Bias, Precise Products and Multi-Frequency Contribution
* GapLoss: A Loss Function for Semantic Segmentation of Roads in Remote Sensing Images
* GasHis-Transformer: A multi-scale visual transformer approach for gastric histopathological image detection
* General nonconvex total variation and low-rank regularizations: Model, algorithm and applications
* Generalized Additive Model Reveals Nonlinear Trade-Offs/Synergies between Relationships of Ecosystem Services for Mountainous Areas of Southwest China
* Generalized Framework for Connectivity Analysis in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications, A
* Generalized multi-output Gaussian process censored regression
* Generalized Multi-View Collaborative Subspace Clustering
* Generating Hand Posture and Motion Dataset for Hand Pose Estimation in Egocentric View
* Generation and Optimization of Spectral Cluster Maps to Enable Data Fusion of CaSSIS and CRISM Datasets
* Geo-Enabled Sustainable Municipal Energy Planning for Comprehensive Accessibility: A Case in the New Federal Context of Nepal
* Geocoding of ground-based SAR data for infrastructure objects using the Maximum A Posteriori estimation and ray-tracing
* Geographic Approach: Identifying Relatively Stable Tibetan Dialect and Subdialect Area Boundaries
* Geographic Complexity: Concepts, Theories, and Practices
* Geographical Determinants of Regional Retail Sales: Evidence from 12,500 Retail Shops in Qiannan County, China
* Geographically Weighted Random Forest Approach to Predict Corn Yield in the US Corn Belt, A
* Geometry-Constrained Scale Estimation for Monocular Visual Odometry
* Georeferencing Urban Nighttime Lights Imagery Using Street Network Maps
* GeoSDVA: A Semi-Supervised Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder Model for Transportation Mode Identification
* GeoTrackNet: A Maritime Anomaly Detector Using Probabilistic Neural Network Representation of AIS Tracks and A Contrario Detection
* GF-Detection: Fusion with GAN of Infrared and Visible Images for Vehicle Detection at Nighttime
* GIS and Machine Learning for Analysing Influencing Factors of Bushfires Using 40-Year Spatio-Temporal Bushfire Data
* GIS-Based Spatiotemporal Impact Assessment of Droughts in the Hyper-Saline Urmia Lake Basin on the Hydro-Geochemical Quality of Nearby Aquifers, A
* GIScience and Historical Visual Sources: A Promising Look at Past Scenarios and Sceneries
* Glacier Mass Balance Pattern and Its Variation Mechanism in the West Kunlun Mountains in Tibetan Plateau
* Global Evapotranspiration Datasets Assessment Using Water Balance in South America
* Globally-Optimal Contrast Maximisation for Event Cameras
* GPR Application on Geothermal Studies: The Case Study of the Thermal Baths of San Xusto (Pontevedra, Spain)
* GPU-Accelerated Computation of EM Scattering of a Time-Evolving Oceanic Surface Model II: EM Scattering of Actual Oceanic Surface
* Gradual adaption with memory mechanism for image-based 3D model retrieval
* Graph Jigsaw Learning for Cartoon Face Recognition
* Graph Neural Networks With Convolutional ARMA Filters
* Graph regularization multidimensional projection
* Graph-Represented Broad Learning System for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Alpine-Canyon Region
* Green Area Index and Soil Moisture Retrieval in Maize Fields Using Multi-Polarized C- and L-Band SAR Data and the Water Cloud Model
* Gridless DOA Estimation Method Based on Convolutional Neural Network With Toeplitz Prior, A
* Ground and Satellite-Based Methods of Measuring Deformation at a UK Landslide Observatory: Comparison and Integration
* Ground glass opacity detection and segmentation using CT images: An image statistics framework
* HAM: Hybrid attention module in deep convolutional neural networks for image classification
* HammerDrive: A Task-Aware Driving Visual Attention Model
* Hand Gesture Recognition for User Interaction in Augmented Reality (AR) Experience
* Hand-Based Person Identification using Global and Part-Aware Deep Feature Representation Learning
* Handcrafted localized phase features for human action recognition
* Haptic Feedback and Force-Based Teleoperation in Surgical Robotics
* Harmonic convolutional networks based on discrete cosine transform
* Harmonizing Definitions and Methods to Estimate Deforestation at the Lacandona Tropical Region in Southern Mexico
* Heatwaves Significantly Slow the Vegetation Growth Rate on the Tibetan Plateau
* HFA-Net: High frequency attention siamese network for building change detection in VHR remote sensing images
* Hierarchical Hand Gesture Recognition Framework for Sports Referee Training-Based EMG and Accelerometer Sensors, A
* Hierarchical Human Semantic Parsing With Comprehensive Part-Relation Modeling
* Hierarchical User Intent Graph Network for Multimedia Recommendation
* High Resolution Representation-Based Siamese Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* High Spatiotemporal Rugged Land Surface Temperature Downscaling over Saihanba Forest Park, China
* High Wind Geophysical Model Function Modeling for the HY-2A Scatterometer Using Neural Network
* High-Precision Depth Domain Migration Method in Imaging of 3D Seismic Data in Coalfield
* High-Precision Joint Magnetization Vector Inversion Method of Airborne Magnetic and Gradient Data with Structure and Data Double Constraints
* High-resolution rectified gradient-based visual explanations for weakly supervised segmentation
* Highly Efficient Audio Coding With Blind Spectral Recovery Based on Machine Learning
* Hinf Consensus of Homogeneous Vehicular Platooning Systems With Packet Dropout and Communication Delay
* Hippocampus-heuristic character recognition network for zero-shot learning in Chinese character recognition
* Holistic Affect Recognition Using PaNDA: Paralinguistic Non-Metric Dimensional Analysis
* Horizontal-to-Vertical Video Conversion
* How Has the Recent Climate Change Affected the Spatiotemporal Variation of Reference Evapotranspiration in a Climate Transitional Zone of Eastern China?
* HTC+ for SAR Ship Instance Segmentation
* Human Factors Considerations for Head-Worn Displays in Civil Aviation
* Human-Centered Design for an In-Vehicle Truck Driver Fatigue and Distraction Warning System
* Hybrid Biogeography-Based Optimization and Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection in Mammographic Breast Density Classification
* Hybrid mapping algorithm based on 1-DCM and Lorenz
* Hybrid Methodology Using Sentinel-1/Sentinel-2 for Soil Moisture Estimation
* Hybrid Model-Based Emotion Contextual Recognition for Cognitive Assistance Services
* Hybrid Polarimetric Target Decomposition Algorithm with Adaptive Volume Scattering Model, A
* Hybrid Transformer-CNN for Real Image Denoising
* Hybrid Tucker-VQ Tensor Sketch decomposition model for coding and streaming real world light fields using stack of differently focused images, A
* Hydrological Characteristics Change of Hala Lake and Its Response to Climate Change, 1987-2018
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Based on Wasserstein Distance and Spatial Filtering
* Hyperspectral Band Selection via Optimal Combination Strategy
* Hyperspectral Data Compression Using Fully Convolutional Autoencoder
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Class-Incremental Learning with Knowledge Distillation
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Non-Parallel Support Vector Machine
* Hyperspectral Image Classification with a Multiscale Fusion-Evolution Graph Convolutional Network Based on a Feature-Spatial Attention Mechanism
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Group Sparsity Regularized Hybrid Spatio-Spectral Total Variation
* Hyperspectral Reflectance Proxies to Diagnose In-Field Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat with Machine Learning
* Hyperspectral UAV Images at Different Altitudes for Monitoring the Leaf Nitrogen Content in Cotton Crops
* I2-Transformer: Intra- and Inter-Relation Embedding Transformer for TV Show Captioning
* ICA-Evolution Based Data Augmentation with Ensemble Deep Neural Networks Using Time and Frequency Kernels for Emotion Recognition from EEG-Data
* Identification and Evaluation of the Polycentric Urban Structure: An Empirical Analysis Based on Multi-Source Big Data Fusion
* Identification of Expert Tower Controller Visual Scanning Patterns in Support of the Development of Automated Training Tools
* Identification of Impact Craters from GRAIL-Acquired Gravity Data by U-Net Architecture, The
* Identifying Algal Bloom Hotspots in Marginal Productive Seas: A Review and Geospatial Analysis
* Identifying High Stranding Risk Areas of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise via Remote Sensing and Hydrodynamic Modeling
* Identifying Multiple Scales of Spatial Heterogeneity in Housing Prices Based on Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Approaches
* Identifying Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of PM2.5 Concentrations and the Key Influencing Factors in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River
* Identifying the key frames: An attention-aware sampling method for action recognition
* IDH-Based Radiogenomic Characterization of Glioma Using Local Ternary Pattern Descriptor Integrated with Radiographic Features and Random Forest Classifier
* Image glossiness from curvelet features using SVM-based classification
* Image Quality Assessment Using Contrastive Learning
* Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning: A Survey
* Image-based Classification of Honeybees
* Image-Based Crowd Stability Analysis Using Improved Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network
* Image-Guided Interventional Robotics: Lost in Translation?
* Imaging Anisotropic Conductivities from Current Densities
* Imaging Capabilities of the 1H-X-Nucleus Metamaterial-Inspired Multinuclear RF-Coil
* Impact of Built Environment Factors on Elderly People's Mobility Characteristics by Metro System Considering Spatial Heterogeneity, The
* Impact of Central Heating on the Urban Thermal Environment Based on Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, The
* Impact of Deep Learning and Smartphone Technologies in Dermatology: Automated Diagnosis
* Impact of Digital Elevation Model Preprocessing and Detection Methods on Karst Depression Mapping in Densely Forested Dinaric Mountains, The
* impact of domain randomization on cross-device monocular deep 6DoF detection, The
* Impact of Lock-In Time Constant on Remote Monitoring of Trace Gas in the Atmospheric Column Using Laser Heterodyne Radiometer (LHR)
* Impact of Pooling Methods on Image Quality Metrics
* Impact of Quality Of Images On Users Behavior On Social Media
* Impact of the Dates of Input Image Pairs on Spatio-Temporal Fusion for Time Series with Different Temporal Variation Patterns
* Impacts of Climate Change on a Coastal Wetland from Model Simulation Combining Satellite and Gauge Observations: A Case Study of Jiangsu, China
* Improved Ant Colony Algorithm for Urban Bus Network Optimization Based on Existing Bus Routes, An
* Improved centerline tracking for new descriptors of atherosclerotic aortas
* Improved inter-view correlations for low complexity MV-HEVC
* Improved L2Net for Repetitive Texture Image Registration with Intensity Difference Heterogeneous SAR Images, An
* Improved Multi-Baseline Phase Unwrapping Method for GB-InSAR, An
* Improved Object-Based Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass by Integrating LiDAR Data from GEDI and ICESat-2 with Multi-Sensor Images in a Heterogeneous Mountainous Region
* improved sliding mode control (SMC) approach for enhancement of communication delay in vehicle platoon system, An
* Improved Spatially Variant MOCO Approach Based on an MDA for High-Resolution UAV SAR Imaging with Large Measurement Errors, An
* Improvement of Road Driving Safety Guided by Visual Inattentional Blindness, The
* Improvement of VHR Satellite Image Geometry with High Resolution Elevation Models
* Improvements in GPR-SAR imaging focusing and detection capabilities of UAV-mounted GPR systems
* Improving Approaches to Mapping Seagrass within the Great Barrier Reef: From Field to Spaceborne Earth Observation
* Improving Cost Learning for JPEG Steganography by Exploiting JPEG Domain Knowledge
* Improving estimation of urban land cover fractions with rigorous spatial endmember modeling
* Improving LST Downscaling Quality on Regional and Field-Scale by Parameterizing the DisTrad Method
* Improving Medical Images Classification With Label Noise Using Dual-Uncertainty Estimation
* Improving Neural Network Robustness Through Neighborhood Preserving Layers
* Improving Spatial Disaggregation of Crop Yield by Incorporating Machine Learning with Multisource Data: A Case Study of Chinese Maize Yield
* Improving Stereo Matching Generalization via Fourier-Based Amplitude Transform
* Improving the Facial Expression Recognition and Its Interpretability via Generating Expression Pattern-map
* Improving WRF-Fire Wildfire Simulation Accuracy Using SAR and Time Series of Satellite-Based Vegetation Indices
* In-Motion Alignment Method of SINS Based on Improved Kalman Filter under Geographic Latitude Uncertainty
* Incorporating a Hyperspectral Direct-Diffuse Pyranometer in an Above-Water Reflectance Algorithm
* Incremental multi-target domain adaptation for object detection with efficient domain transfer
* Individual Maize Location and Height Estimation in Field from UAV-Borne LiDAR and RGB Images
* Individual Tree Segmentation and Tree Height Estimation Using Leaf-Off and Leaf-On UAV-LiDAR Data in Dense Deciduous Forests
* Infant-ID: Fingerprints for Global Good
* Influence of Land Use and Topographic Factors on Soil Organic Carbon Stocks and Their Spatial and Vertical Distribution
* Influence of Open-Pit Coal Mining on Ground Surface Deformation of Permafrost in the Muli Region in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
* Influence of Spatial Resolution on Satellite-Based PM2.5 Estimation: Implications for Health Assessment
* Influence of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio upon Radio Occultation Retrievals, The
* Information hiding in the sharing domain
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion with Deep Neural Network in Enhanced Flight Vision System
* Initial Cross-Calibration of Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 Using the Simultaneous Underfly Event
* Innovative Adaptive Cruise Control Method Based on Mixed H_2/H_inf Out-of-Sequence Measurement Observer, An
* Insect Migration Flux Estimation Based on Statistical Hypothesis for Entomological Radar
* Inshore Ship Detection in Large-Scale SAR Images Based on Saliency Enhancement and Bhattacharyya-like Distance
* Instance exploitation for learning temporary concepts from sparsely labeled drifting data streams
* Instance segmentation in fisheye images
* Instance-Based Feature Pyramid for Visual Object Tracking
* Integrated Algorithm for Extracting Terrain Feature-Point Clusters Based on DEM Data, An
* Integrated Change Detection Method Based on Spectral Unmixing and the CNN for Hyperspectral Imagery, An
* Integrated Environment for Monitoring and Documenting Quality in Map Composition Utilizing Cadastral Data, An
* Integrated Graph Model for Spatial-Temporal Urban Crime Prediction Based on Attention Mechanism, An
* Integrated Path Planning for Unmanned Differential Steering Vehicles in Off-Road Environment With 3D Terrains and Obstacles
* Integrating Deep Learning and Hydrodynamic Modeling to Improve the Great Lakes Forecast
* Integrating Hybrid Pyramid Feature Fusion and Coordinate Attention for Effective Small Sample Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Integrating the Textural and Spectral Information of UAV Hyperspectral Images for the Improved Estimation of Rice Aboveground Biomass
* Integration of Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality with Building Information Modeling: A Systematic Review
* Integration of Geostatistical and Sentinal-2AMultispectral Satellite Image Analysis for Predicting Soil Fertility Condition in Drylands
* Integration of VIIRS Observations with GEDI-Lidar Measurements to Monitor Forest Structure Dynamics from 2013 to 2020 across the Conterminous United States
* Intelligent Geodemographic Clustering Based on Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Inter-Algorithm Multiobjective Cooperation for Phylogenetic Reconstruction on Amino Acid Data
* Interactive Regression and Classification for Dense Object Detector
* Intercomparison of Resampling Algorithms for Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS)
* Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Neolithic Circular Ditch Enclosure of Velm (Lower Austria)
* Interpretable End-to-End Urban Autonomous Driving With Latent Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Interprovincial Joint Prevention and Control of Open Straw Burning in Northeast China: Implications for Atmospheric Environment Management
* Intersection-Based V2X Routing via Reinforcement Learning in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Intertwining History and Places: The Design of TongSEE Location-Based Augmented Reality Application for History Learning
* Introducing Two Fixed Platforms in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea Supporting Long-Term Satellite Ocean Color Validation: Preliminary Data and Results
* Inverse Interpolation and Its Application in Robust Image Steganography
* Inverse Synthetic Aperture LiDAR Imaging of Rough Targets under Small Rotation Angles
* Inversion of Coniferous Forest Stock Volume Based on Backscatter and InSAR Coherence Factors of Sentinel-1 Hyper-Temporal Images and Spectral Variables of Landsat 8 OLI
* Inversion of Ocean Subsurface Temperature and Salinity Fields Based on Spatio-Temporal Correlation
* Investigating CoordConv for Fully and Weakly Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Investigating Factors Related to Criminal Trips of Residential Burglars Using Spatial Interaction Modeling
* Investigating Relationships between Runoff-Erosion Processes and Land Use and Land Cover Using Remote Sensing Multiple Gridded Datasets
* Investigating the Magnetotelluric Responses in Electrical Anisotropic Media
* Investigating the Performance of Red and Far-Red SIF for Monitoring GPP of Alpine Meadow Ecosystems
* Investigating the Relationship between Air Pollutants and Meteorological Parameters Using Satellite Data over Bangladesh
* Investigation of Atmospheric Dynamic and Thermodynamic Structures of Typhoon Sinlaku (2020) from High-Resolution Dropsonde and Two-Way Rawinsonde Measurements
* Investigation of Speech Landmark Patterns for Depression Detection
* Investigation of the Shielding and Attenuation Effects of a Dynamical High-Density Chaff Cloud on the Signal Based on Voxel Splitting
* Investigation on Super- and Sub-Terminal Drops in Two Different Rain Categories and Climate Regimes, An
* Investigations on Temporal Sampling and Patternless Frame Recovery for Asynchronous Display-Camera Communication
* Ionospheric TEC Forecasting Model Based on a CNN-LSTM-Attention Mechanism Neural Network, An
* Is Off-the-Shelf VR Software Ready for Medical Teaching?
* Island of Play: Reflections on How to Design Multiuser VR to Promote Social Interaction, The
* Issues and Challenges of Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis: A Comprehensive Survey
* iterative convolution-thresholding method (ICTM) for image segmentation, The
* Iterative Extraction of the Boundary of Coherence Region and Iterative Look-Up Table for Forest Height Estimation Using Polarimetric Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data, The
* Iterative Feature Matching for Self-Supervised Indoor Depth Estimation
* Joint Antenna Placement and Power Allocation for Target Detection in a Distributed MIMO Radar Network
* Joint Denoising Learning Model for Weight Update Space-Time Diversity Method, A
* Joint prediction of monocular depth and structure using planar and parallax geometry
* Joint Representation Learning and Keypoint Detection for Cross-View Geo-Localization
* Jointly Learning the Attributes and Composition of Shots for Boundary Detection in Videos
* JointPruning: Pruning Networks Along Multiple Dimensions for Efficient Point Cloud Processing
* Just Noticeable Difference for Deep Machine Vision
* KdO-Net: Towards Improving the Efficiency of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Applied in the 3D Pairwise Point Feature Matching
* Key Areas of Ecological Restoration in Inner Mongolia Based on Ecosystem Vulnerability and Ecosystem Service
* L-Platooning: A Protocol for Managing a Long Platoon With DSRC
* L-Shape-Based Iterative Prediction and Residual Median Edge Detection (LIP-RMED) Algorithm for VVC Intra-Frame Lossless Compression
* L-Unet: A Landslide Extraction Model Using Multi-Scale Feature Fusion and Attention Mechanism
* Laboratory Observations of Preferential Flow Paths in Snow Using Upward-Looking Polarimetric Radar and Hyperspectral Imaging
* Land Cover Change Detection and Subsistence Farming Dynamics in the Fringes of Mount Elgon National Park, Uganda from 1978-2020
* Land Subsidence Monitoring and Dynamic Prediction of Reclaimed Islands with Multi-Temporal InSAR Techniques in Xiamen and Zhangzhou Cities, China
* Land Surface Snow Phenology Based on an Improved Downscaling Method in the Southern Gansu Plateau, China
* Land Use Classification Model Based on Conditional Random Fields and Attention Mechanism Convolutional Networks, A
* Land Use Dynamic Changes in an Arid Inland River Basin Based on Multi-Scenario Simulation
* Landscape Ecological Risk and Ecological Security Pattern Construction in World Natural Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Bayinbuluke, Xinjiang, China
* Landslide Deformation Extraction from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data with Weighted Least Squares Regularization Iteration Solution
* Landslide Detection Based on ResU-Net with Transformer and CBAM Embedded: Two Examples with Geologically Different Environments
* Landslide Inventory in the Downstream of the Niulanjiang River with ALOS PALSAR and Sentinel-1 Datasets
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Considering Spatial Agglomeration and Dispersion Characteristics: A Case Study of Bijie City in Guizhou Province, China
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based on the Germinal Center Optimization Algorithm and Support Vector Classification
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning: A Danish Case Study
* lane changing time point and path tracking framework for autonomous ground vehicle, A
* Language Reinforced Superposition Multimodal Fusion for Sentiment Analysis
* LC-BiDet: Laterally Connected Binary Detector with Efficient Image Processing
* Learn to Zoom in Single Image Super-Resolution
* Learnable Weighting of Intra-Attribute Distances for Categorical Data Clustering with Nominal and Ordinal Attributes
* Learned Block-Based Hybrid Image Compression
* Learning a deep dual-level network for robust DeepFake detection
* Learning Adaptive Target-and-Surrounding Soft Mask for Correlation Filter Based Visual Tracking
* Learning attention-guided pyramidal features for few-shot fine-grained recognition
* Learning Effect of Lay People in Gesture-Based Locomotion in Virtual Reality
* Learning Scale-Consistent Attention Part Network for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Learning scene-specific object detectors based on a generative-discriminative model with minimal supervision
* Learning Social Relationship From Videos via Pre-Trained Multimodal Transformer
* Learning Temporal-Correlated and Channel- Decorrelated Siamese Networks for Visual Tracking
* Learning the Compositional Domains for Generalized Zero-shot Learning
* Learning to Detect Salient Object With Multi-Source Weak Supervision
* Learning-based compression of visual objects for smart surveillance
* Leveraging Machine Learning and Geo-Tagged Citizen Science Data to Disentangle the Factors of Avian Mortality Events at the Species Level
* Leveraging the Dynamics of Non-Verbal Behaviors For Social Attitude Modeling
* LGGD+: Image Retargeting Quality Assessment by Measuring Local and Global Geometric Distortions
* LiDAR Odometry by Deep Learning-Based Feature Points with Two-Step Pose Estimation
* Lidar point-to-point correspondences for rigorous registration of kinematic scanning in dynamic networks
* LiDAR-based single-shot global localization solution using a cross-section shape context descriptor, A
* Lidar-Derived Aerosol Properties from Ny-Olesund, Svalbard during the MOSAiC Spring 2020
* Lifelong learning of interpretable image representations
* Light-Weight Deformable Registration Using Adversarial Learning With Distilling Knowledge
* Limiting the Collection of Ground Truth Data for Land Use and Land Cover Maps with Machine Learning Algorithms
* Literature Review of Deep Learning Models for Liver Vessels Reconstruction
* Local and Global Feature Disentangled Network: Toward Classification of Benign-Malignant Thyroid Nodules From Ultrasound Image, A
* LocalDrop: A Hybrid Regularization for Deep Neural Networks
* LocalFace: Learning significant local features for deep face recognition
* Locality-Aware Crowd Counting
* Localization and Correction of Corrupted Pixel Blocks in Noisy Encrypted Images
* Localized Downscaling of Urban Land Surface Temperature: A Case Study in Beijing, China
* LocoGAN: Locally convolutional GAN
* Long- and Short-Term Preference Modeling Based on Multi-Level Attention for Next POI Recommendation
* Long-Term and Bimonthly Estimation of Lake Water Extent Using Google Earth Engine and Landsat Data
* Long-Term Landsat-Based Monthly Burned Area Dataset for the Brazilian Biomes Using Deep Learning
* Long-Term Spatiotemporal Patterns and Evolution of Regional Heat Islands in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration
* Low-Grade Road Extraction Method Using SDG-DenseNet Based on the Fusion of Optical and SAR Images at Decision Level, A
* Lower Order Description and Reconstruction of Sparse Scanning Lidar Measurements of Wind Turbine Inflow Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
* LSRML: A latent space regularization based meta-learning framework for MR image segmentation
* Lunar Terrestrial Analog Experiment on the Spectral Interpretations of Rocks Observed by the Yutu-2 Rover
* Luojia-1 Nightlight Image Registration Based on Sparse Lights
* Machine Learning Algorithms for Modeling and Mapping of Groundwater Pollution Risk: A Study to Reach Water Security and Sustainable Development (Sdg) Goals in a Mediterranean Aquifer System
* Machine Learning Approach to Extract Rock Mass Discontinuity Orientation and Spacing, from Laser Scanner Point Clouds, A
* Machine Learning Classification of Fused Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Image Data towards Mapping Fruit Plantations in Highly Heterogenous Landscapes
* Machine Learning in the Analysis of Multispectral Reads in Maize Canopies Responding to Increased Temperatures and Water Deficit
* Machine-Learning for Mapping and Monitoring Shallow Coral Reef Habitats
* Machine-Learning-Based Change Detection of Newly Constructed Areas from GF-2 Imagery in Nanjing, China
* Magnetically Actuated Medical Robots: An in vivo Perspective
* Maize Yield Estimation in Intercropped Smallholder Fields Using Satellite Data in Southern Malawi
* Managing Inhomogeneity in the Control Point Network during Staking Out Cadastral Boundaries in Austria
* Mapping and Spatial Variation of Seagrasses in Xincun, Hainan Province, China, Based on Satellite Images
* Mapping Areas Invaded by Pinus sp. from Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) Applied on RPAS (Drone) Color Images
* Mapping Climate Zones of Iran Using Hybrid Interpolation Methods
* Mapping Cork Oak Mortality Using Multitemporal High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Mapping Fire Susceptibility in the Brazilian Amazon Forests Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing and Time-Varying Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* Mapping for Awareness of Indigenous Stories
* Mapping Grade-Separated Junctions in Detail Using Crowdsourced Trajectory Data
* Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks Based on Aerial Photography in a Fragmented Desertification Landscape
* Mapping Onshore CH4 Seeps in Western Siberian Floodplains Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Mapping Spatiotemporal Changes in Forest Type and Aboveground Biomass from Landsat Long-Term Time-Series Analysis: A Case Study from Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve, Anhui Province of Eastern China
* Marine Litter Detection by Sentinel-2: A Case Study in North Adriatic (Summer 2020)
* Martian Analogues Library (MAL) Applicable for Tianwen-1 MarSCoDe-LIBS Data Interpretation, A
* Mask-Guided Transformer Network with Topic Token for Remote Sensing Image Captioning, A
* Maximization and restoration: Action segmentation through dilation passing and temporal reconstruction
* MBNet: Multi-Branch Network for Extraction of Rural Homesteads Based on Aerial Images
* Me, Myself, and the (Virtual) World: A Review of Learning Research in 4E Cognition and Immersive Virtual Reality
* Meandering Characteristics of the Yimin River in Hulun Buir Grassland, Inner Mongolia, China
* Measurement Matrix Design for Sample-Efficient Binary Compressed Sensing
* Measuring Floating Thick Seep Oil from the Coal Oil Point Marine Hydrocarbon Seep Field by Quantitative Thermal Oil Slick Remote Sensing
* Measuring PM2.5 Concentrations from a Single Smartphone Photograph
* Measuring Temporal Distance Focus From Tweets and Investigating its Association With Psycho-Demographic Attributes
* Measuring Vegetation Heights and Their Seasonal Changes in the Western Namibian Savanna Using Spaceborne Lidars
* MEmoR: A Multimodal Emotion Recognition using affective biomarkers for smart prediction of emotional health for people analytics in smart industries
* Memory-Guided Image De-Raining Using Time-Lapse Data
* Method for Classifying Complex Features in Urban Areas Using Video Satellite Remote Sensing Data, A
* Method for Designated Target Anti-Interference Tracking Combining YOLOv5 and SiamRPN for UAV Tracking and Landing Control, A
* Method for Electrical Property Tomography Based on a Three-Dimensional Integral Representation of the Electric Field, A
* Method of Soil Moisture Content Estimation at Various Soil Organic Matter Conditions Based on Soil Reflectance, A
* Method to Create a Metaverse Using Smartphone Data
* Methods for segmenting cracks in 3d images of concrete: A comparison based on semi-synthetic images
* Micro-Doppler Parameters Extraction of Precession Cone-Shaped Targets Based on Rotating Antenna
* Mid- and Long-Term Arctic Sea Ice Concentration Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning Technology, A
* MIMO FMCW Radar with Doppler-Insensitive Polyphase Codes
* MIMO: A Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Multi-Scale Sea Surface Temperature Prediction
* Mineral Exploration Potential Estimation Using 3D Inversion: A Comparison of Three Different Norms
* Mixtures of Variational Autoencoders
* Modality and Event Adversarial Networks for Multi-Modal Fake News Detection
* Model May Fit You: User-Generalized Cross-Modal Retrieval, The
* Model scheduling and sample selection for ensemble adversarial example attacks
* Modeling Artificial Light Exposure after Vegetation Trimming at a Marine Turtle Nesting Beach
* Modeling Feature Representations for Affective Speech Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Modeling Health Seeking Behavior Based on Location-Based Service Data: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Modeling Potential Impacts on Regional Climate Due to Land Surface Changes across Mongolia Plateau
* Modeling, Recognizing, and Explaining Apparent Personality From Videos
* MOJ-DB: A new database of Arabic historical handwriting and a novel approach for subwords extraction
* Momentum feature comparison network based on generative adversarial network for single image super-resolution
* Monitoring 2019 Drought and Assessing Its Effects on Vegetation Using Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Vegetation Indexes in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River, China
* Monitoring and Predicting the Subsidence of Dalian Jinzhou Bay International Airport, China by Integrating InSAR Observation and Terzaghi Consolidation Theory
* Monitoring Desertification Using Machine-Learning Techniques with Multiple Indicators Derived from MODIS Images in Mu Us Sandy Land, China
* Monitoring Ecological Conditions by Remote Sensing and Social Media Data: Sanya City (China) as Case Study
* Monitoring of Coastal Aquaculture Sites in the Philippines through Automated Time Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* Monitoring Raptor Movements with Satellite Telemetry and Avian Radar Systems: An Evaluation for Synchronicity
* Monitoring Sand Spit Variability Using Sentinel-2 and Google Earth Engine in a Mediterranean Estuary
* Monitoring the Ice Thickness in High-Order Rivers on the Tibetan Plateau with Dual-Polarized C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Monitoring the Impact of Large Transport Infrastructure on Land Use and Environment Using Deep Learning and Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring the Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora in Jiangsu Coastal Wetland Using MRCNN and Long-Time Series Landsat Data
* Monocular and Binocular Interactions Oriented Deformable Convolutional Networks for Blind Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Omnidirectional Images
* Monoplanar CT Reconstruction with GANs
* Morphological Feature-Oriented Algorithm for Extracting Impervious Surface Areas Obscured by Vegetation in Collaboration with OSM Road Networks in Urban Areas, A
* Motion Feature Aggregation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Motion-Driven Visual Tempo Learning for Video-Based Action Recognition
* Moving Multitarget Detection Using a Multisite Radar System with Widely Separated Stations
* MPC-CSAS: Multi-Party Computation for Real-Time Privacy-Preserving Speed Advisory Systems
* MPCCL: Multiview predictive coding with contrastive learning for person re-identification
* MSAC-Net: 3D Multi-Scale Attention Convolutional Network for Multi-Spectral Imagery Pansharpening
* Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and Quantified through a Multi-Platform Satellite Observing System
* Multi-agent Crowd Simulation in an Active Shooter Environment
* Multi-Bus Dispatching Strategy Based on Boarding Control, A
* Multi-Criteria Assessment for City-Wide Rooftop Solar PV Deployment: A Case Study of Bandung, Indonesia
* multi-embedding neural model for incident video retrieval, A
* Multi-feature fusion tracking algorithm based on peak-context learning
* Multi-Hand Gesture Recognition Using Automotive FMCW Radar Sensor
* Multi-human Fall Detection and Localization in Videos
* Multi-Layer Hybrid Network With Its Application in Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring, A
* Multi-Level Alignment Network for Cross-Domain Ship Detection
* Multi-level graph learning network for hyperspectral image classification
* Multi-manifold discriminant local spline embedding
* Multi-Modal Context Propagation for Person Re-Identification With Wireless Positioning
* Multi-Objective Quantum Genetic Algorithm for MIMO Radar Waveform Design, A
* Multi-person Collaborative Augmented Reality Assembly Process Evaluation System Based on HoloLens
* Multi-Prior Twin Least-Square Network for Anomaly Detection of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multi-scale GAN with residual image learning for removing heterogeneous blur
* Multi-Scale Grid Network for Image Deblurring With High-Frequency Guidance
* Multi-Scale Pathological Fluid Segmentation in OCT With a Novel Curvature Loss in Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-Scale Residential Areas Matching Method Considering Spatial Neighborhood Features, A
* Multi-Scenario Simulation of Production-Living-Ecological Space in the Poyang Lake Area Based on Remote Sensing and RF-Markov-FLUS Model
* Multi-Station and Multi-Instrument Observations of F-Region Irregularities in the Taiwan-Philippines Sector
* Multi-step implicit Adams predictor-corrector network for fire detection
* Multi-stream feature refinement network for human object interaction detection
* Multi-Task Learning for Dense Prediction Tasks: A Survey
* Multi-Task Matrix Factorized Graph Neural Network for Co-Prediction of Zone-Based and OD-Based Ride-Hailing Demand, A
* Multi-Task Semi-Supervised Adversarial Autoencoding for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Multi-Temporal Landsat-8 Images for Retrieval and Broad Scale Mapping of Soil Copper Concentration Using Empirical Models
* Multi-Temporal LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data Fusion for Classification of Semi-Arid Woody Cover Species
* Multi-Temporal Satellite Image Composites in Google Earth Engine for Improved Landslide Visibility: A Case Study of a Glacial Landscape
* Multi-user Multi-platform xR Collaboration: System and Evaluation
* Multilayer structures and resilience evaluation for multimode regional rail transit system
* Multilevel wavelet-based hierarchical networks for image compressed sensing
* Multimodal Augmented Reality and Subtle Quidance for Industrial Assembly: A Survey and Ideation Method
* Multimodal channel-wise attention transformer inspired by multisensory integration mechanisms of the brain
* Multimodal Learning for Temporally Coherent Talking Face Generation With Articulator Synergy
* Multimodal Non-Intrusive Stress Monitoring From the Pleasure-Arousal Emotional Dimensions, A
* Multiscale Diagnosis of Mangrove Status in Data-Poor Context Using Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images: A Case Study in Pichavaram Mangrove Forest, Tamil Nadu, India
* Multisensor approach to land use and land cover mapping in Brazilian Amazon
* Multisubject Task-Related fMRI Data Processing via a Two-Stage Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Multiview Spectral Clustering With Bipartite Graph
* Mutual Information Maximization Based Similarity Operation for 3D Point Cloud Completion Network
* MVCM Car-Following Model for Connected Vehicles and Simulation-Based Traffic Analysis in Mixed Traffic Flow
* Nation-wide mapping and classification of ground deformation phenomena through the spatial clustering of P-SBAS InSAR measurements: Italy case study
* NATS-Bench: Benchmarking NAS Algorithms for Architecture Topology and Size
* Natural 3D Object Manipulation for Interactive Laparoscopic Augmented Reality Registration
* Nature versus Humans in Coastal Environmental Change: Assessing the Impacts of Hurricanes Zeta and Ida in the Context of Beach Nourishment Projects in the Mississippi River Delta
* Nature vs. Nurture: Feature vs. Structure for Graph Neural Networks
* Navigation of Three Cooperative Object-Transportation Robots Using a Multistage Evolutionary Fuzzy Control Approach
* Near-Earth Remote Sensing Images Used to Determine the Phenological Characteristics of the Canopy of Populus tomentosa B301 under Three Methods of Irrigation
* Near-Lossless Coding of Plenoptic Camera Sensor Images for Archiving Light Field Array of Views
* Need for Universal Design of eXtended Reality (XR) Technology in Primary and Secondary Education, The
* Negational symmetry of quantum neural networks for binary pattern classification
* Neighbor2Neighbor: A Self-Supervised Framework for Deep Image Denoising
* Network-Flow-Based Efficient Vehicle Dispatch for City-Scale Ride-Hailing Systems
* Network-Wide Traffic State Estimation and Rolling Horizon-Based Signal Control Optimization in a Connected Vehicle Environment
* Neural component search for single image super-resolution
* Neural Network-Based Spectral Approach for the Assignment of Individual Trees to Genetically Differentiated Subpopulations, A
* New Analysis Method for Magnetic Disturbances Possibly Related to Earthquakes Observed by Satellites, A
* New Approach for Adaptive GPR Diffraction Focusing, A
* New Coupling Method for PM2.5 Concentration Estimation by the Satellite-Based Semiempirical Model and Numerical Model, A
* New Deep Learning Framework for HF Signal Detection in Wideband Spectrogram, A
* New Deep Learning Neural Network Model for the Identification of InSAR Anomalous Deformation Areas, A
* New Deep Wavefront Based Model for Text Localization in 3D Video, A
* new distance between multivariate clusters of varying locations, elliptical shapes, and directions, A
* new fast estimating floor region based on image segmentation for smart rovers, A
* New Graph-Based Fractality Index to Characterize Complexity of Urban Form, A
* New Insights into Ice Avalanche-Induced Debris Flows in Southeastern Tibet Using SAR Technology
* New Probability Distribution for SAR Image Modeling, A
* New Urban Space Analysis Method Based on Space Syntax and Geographic Information System Using Multisource Data, A
* Newly Developed Algorithm for Cloud Shadow Detection: TIP Method, A
* NGA-Inspired Nanorobots-Assisted Detection of Multifocal Cancer
* NHNet: A non-local hierarchical network for image denoising
* No Reference Quality Assessment for Screen Content Images Using Stacked Autoencoders in Pictorial and Textual Regions
* Noise Analysis and Combination of Hydrology Loading-Induced Displacements
* Non-Local Robust Quaternion Matrix Completion for Large-Scale Color Image and Video Inpainting
* Non-Uniform Synthetic Aperture Radiometer Image Reconstruction Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Nonparametric Hierarchical Hidden Semi-Markov Model for Brain Fatigue Behavior Detection of Pilots During Flight
* Norm-Aware Margin Assignment for Person Re-Identification
* Novel and Fast Approach for Reconstructing CASSI-Raman Spectra using Generative Adversarial Networks, A
* Novel Criterion for Preventing Overflow Oscillations in Fixed-Point Digital Filters With State Saturation
* novel forget-update module for few-shot domain generalization, A
* Novel hyperbolic clustering-based band hierarchy (HCBH) for effective unsupervised band selection of hyperspectral images
* Novel Intelligent Method Based on the Gaussian Heatmap Sampling Technique and Convolutional Neural Network for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, A
* Novel Machine Learning Algorithm for Cloud Detection Using AERI Measurement Data, A
* Novel Method for Long Time Series Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Downscaling over Central Tibet Plateau, A
* Novel Smooth Variable Structure Filter for Target Tracking Under Model Uncertainty, A
* Novel System for Nighttime Vehicle Detection Based on Foveal Classifiers With Real-Time Performance, A
* Numerical Weather Predictions and Re-Analysis as Input for Lidar Inversions: Assessment of the Impact on Optical Products
* Nystrom-Based Low-Complexity Algorithm with Improved Effective Array Aperture for Coherent DOA Estimation in Monostatic MIMO Radar, A
* Object Tracking and Geo-Localization from Street Images
* Objective Quantification of Circular Vection in Immersive Environments
* Observation on the Droplet Ranging from 2 to 16 mu-m in Cloud Droplet Size Distribution Based on Digital Holography
* Observing the Microwave Radiation of the Sun during a Solar Eclipse with a Ground-Based Multichannel Microwave Radiometer
* Occlusion-aware spatial attention transformer for occluded object recognition
* Ocean Wave Inversion Based on Hybrid Along- and Cross-Track Interferometry
* Ocean-Atmosphere Variability in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean during Active Marine Heatwave Years
* Oil-Contaminated Soil Modeling and Remediation Monitoring in Arid Areas Using Remote Sensing
* On the choice of number of superstates in the aggregation of Markov chains
* On the Exploitation of Remote Sensing Technologies for the Monitoring of Coastal and River Delta Regions
* On the Influence of Shot Scale on Film Mood and Narrative Engagement in Film Viewers
* On the Reconstruction of Missing Sea Surface Temperature Data from Himawari-8 in Adjacent Waters of Taiwan Using DINEOF Conducted with 25-h Data
* On the relevance of edge-conditioned convolution for GNN-based semantic image segmentation using spatial relationships
* On Transfer Learning for Building Damage Assessment from Satellite Imagery in Emergency Contexts
* On-Board Crowd Counting and Density Estimation Using Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Looking beyond Beating the Benchmark
* On-Orbit Calibration for Spaceborne Line Array Camera and LiDAR
* On-Orbit Geometric Distortion Correction on Star Images through 2D Legendre Neural Network
* One DAG to Rule Them All
* One-net: Convolutional color constancy simplified
* One-Shot Object Detection in Heterogeneous Artwork Datasets
* Online Extrinsic Calibration on LiDAR-Camera System with LiDAR Intensity Attention and Structural Consistency Loss
* Online multiple object tracking using joint detection and embedding network
* Online product sentiment analysis using random evolutionary whale optimization algorithm and deep belief network
* Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine-Based Active Interference Activity Prediction for Cognitive Radar
* Open Data Approach for Estimating Vegetation Gross Primary Production at Fine Spatial Resolution, An
* Open-set iris recognition based on deep learning
* Operational Processing of Big Satellite Data for Monitoring Glacier Dynamics: Case Study of Muldrow Glacier
* optical water classification and quality control model (OC_QC model) for spectral diffuse attenuation coefficient, An
* Optimal Bayesian Estimator for Absorption Coefficient in Diffuse Optical Tomography, An
* Optimal Transport Based Global Similarity Index for Remote Sensing Products Comparison, An
* Optimization Framework for Spatiotemporal Analysis Units Based on Floating Car Data
* Optimization of UAV-Based Imaging and Image Processing Orthomosaic and Point Cloud Approaches for Estimating Biomass in a Forage Crop
* Optimized Approach for Intra-Class Fruit Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network, An
* optimized recommendation framework exploiting textual review based opinion mining for generating pleasantly surprising, novel yet relevant recommendations, An
* Optimizing Locations and Qualities of Multiple Facilities With Competition via Intelligent Search
* Orbit Determination for All-Electric GEO Satellites Based on Space-Borne GNSS Measurements
* Organizational Geosocial Network: A Graph Machine Learning Approach Integrating Geographic and Public Policy Information for Studying the Development of Social Organizations in China
* original MRI-based method to quantify the Diffuse Low-Grade Glioma brain infiltration, An
* Orthogonal channel attention-based multi-task learning for multi-view facial expression recognition
* Orthogonal Modality Disentanglement and Representation Alignment Network for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Outburst of a Lake and Its Impacts on Redistribution of Surface Water Bodies in High-Altitude Permafrost Region, The
* Outdoor Inverse Rendering From a Single Image Using Multiview Self-Supervision
* Ozone Profiles, Precursors, and Vertical Distribution in Urban Lhasa, Tibetan Plateau
* p-Learner: A Lifelong Roadside Learning Framework for Infrastructure Augmented Autonomous Driving
* Pair-Wise Similarity Knowledge Distillation for RSI Scene Classification
* Pairwise Proximity Learning-Based Ant Colony Algorithm for Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems, A
* Pan-Sharpening Method with Beta-Divergence Non-Negative Matrix Factorization in Non-Subsampled Shear Transform Domain, A
* Pansharpening scheme using spatial detail injection-based convolutional neural networks
* PARAFAC Estimators for Coherent Targets in EMVS-MIMO Radar with Arbitrary Geometry
* Parallel Discrete Convolutions on Adaptive Particle Representations of Images
* Parameter Estimation for Sea Clutter Pareto Distribution Model Based on Variable Interval
* Part-Object Relational Visual Saliency
* Partial Domain Adaptation on Semantic Segmentation
* Partial Multi-Label Learning With Noisy Label Identification
* Pathwalker: A New Individual-Based Movement Model for Conservation Science and Connectivity Modelling
* Pay attention to what you read: Non-recurrent handwritten text-Line recognition
* Pay for Intersection Priority: A Free Market Mechanism for Connected Vehicles
* Paying attention for adjacent areas: Learning discriminative features for large-scale 3D scene segmentation
* PDE-Based Method for Shape Registration, A
* Pedestrian Motion Trajectory Prediction in Intelligent Driving from Far Shot First-Person Perspective Video
* Perception-Aware Planning for Active SLAM in Dynamic Environments
* Performance Analysis of Ku/Ka Dual-Band SAR Altimeter from an Airborne Experiment over South China Sea
* Performance and Uncertainty of Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Empirical Approaches in an Energetic Coastal Environment
* Performance Study of Landslide Detection Using Multi-Temporal SAR Images
* Person Re-ID through unsupervised hypergraph rank selection and fusion
* PFD-SLAM: A New RGB-D SLAM for Dynamic Indoor Environments Based on Non-Prior Semantic Segmentation
* Phenology-Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) Method for Crop Information Extraction in Areas Sensitive to Non-Point Source Pollution and Its Influence on Pollution Intensity
* Photographic Composition Guide for Photo Acquisition on Augmented Reality Glasses
* Physical-Optical Properties of Marine Aerosols over the South China Sea: Shipboard Measurements and MERRA-2 Reanalysis
* Physics-Based TOF Imaging Simulation for Space Targets Based on Improved Path Tracing
* PlanetScope, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-1 Data Integration for Object-Based Land Cover Classification in Google Earth Engine
* Planning for Sustainable Cities in Africa: Experiences, Challenges and Prospects of Monitoring Geospatial Indicators
* PNRNet: Physically-Inspired Neural Rendering for Any-to-Any Relighting
* Point Cloud Video Super-Resolution via Partial Point Coupling and Graph Smoothness
* Point RCNN: An Angle-Free Framework for Rotated Object Detection
* PolSAR Ship Detection Based on a SIFT-like PolSAR Keypoint Detector
* Pose error analysis method based on a single circular feature
* Positioning of Quadruped Robot Based on Tightly Coupled LiDAR Vision Inertial Odometer
* Post-Failure Spatiotemporal Deformation of Certain Translational Landslides May Follow the Pre-Failure Pattern, The
* Potential Applications of CE-2 Microwave Radiometer Data in Understanding Basaltic Volcanism in Heavily Ejecta-Contaminated Mare Frigoris
* Potential of Optical UAS Data for Predicting Surface Soil Moisture in a Peatland across Time and Sites, The
* Potential of the Geometric Layer in Urban Digital Twins
* Potential of Ultra-High-Resolution UAV Images with Centimeter GNSS Positioning for Plant Scale Crop Monitoring
* Practice Makes Perfect or Does It? Practice Effect in Flying HUD Localizer-Guided Low Visibility Takeoffs
* Pre-Seismic Temporal Integrated Anomalies from Multiparametric Remote Sensing Data
* Precipitation-Use Efficiency and Its Conversion with Climate Types in Mainland China
* Precise Crop Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Multi-Branch Feature Fusion and Dilation-Based MLP
* Predicate Correlation Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Predicting Brain Degeneration with a Multimodal Siamese Neural Network
* Predicting Poverty Using Geospatial Data in Thailand
* Prediction of GPS Satellite Clock Offset Based on an Improved Particle Swarm Algorithm Optimized BP Neural Network
* Prediction of the Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Contents in Grape Leaves at Different Growth Stages Based on UAV Multispectral Remote Sensing
* Preliminary Findings: Application of Maintenance Instructions Displayed in Augmented Reality
* Preliminary Study on Ionospheric Scintillation Anomalies Detected Using GNSS-R Data from NASA CYGNSS Mission as Possible Earthquake Precursors, A
* Preservation of Villages in Central Italy: Geomatic Techniques' Integration and GIS Strategies for the Post-Earthquake Assessment
* Price-Based Iterative Double Auction for Charger Sharing Markets, A
* Prior-Induced Information Alignment for Image Matting
* Proactive Eavesdropping via Jamming in UAV-Enabled Relaying Systems With Statistical CSI
* Probabilistic Evaluation of Slope Reliability Considering Groundwater Level Uncertainty Based on Dynamic Agent Model Using Uniform Design
* Processing Radargrams to Obtain Resistivity Sections
* Progress in Compact HF Radar Measurement of Bimodal Ocean Wave Parameters
* Progressive privileged knowledge distillation for online action detection
* Pronounced Changes in Thermal Signals Associated with the Madoi (China) M 7.3 Earthquake from Passive Microwave and Infrared Satellite Data
* Prototyping Crop Traits Retrieval Models for CHIME: Dimensionality Reduction Strategies Applied to PRISMA Data
* Pseudo loss active learning for deep visual tracking
* Pseudo-Spectral Time-Domain Method for Subsurface Imaging with the Lunar Regolith Penetrating Radar
* Psi-NET: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Animal Segmentation
* Psychologically Inspired Fuzzy Cognitive Deep Learning Framework to Predict Crowd Behavior, A
* PU-Dense: Sparse Tensor-Based Point Cloud Geometry Upsampling
* Pyramid Tokens-to-Token Vision Transformer for Thyroid Pathology Image Classification
* Quality Assurance for Spatial Research Data
* Quantifying the Artificial Reduction of Glacial Ice Melt in a Mountain Glacier (Urumqi Glacier No. 1, Tien Shan, China)
* Quantifying the performance and optimizing the placement of roadside sensors for cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems
* Quantifying the Physical Impact of Bottom Trawling Based on High-Resolution Bathymetric Data
* Quantifying the Trends and Variations in the Frost-Free Period and the Number of Frost Days across China under Climate Change Using ERA5-Land Reanalysis Dataset
* Quantifying Urban Expansion from the Perspective of Geographic Data: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
* Quantifying Water Consumption through the Satellite Estimation of Land Use/Land Cover and Groundwater Storage Changes in a Hyper-Arid Region of Egypt
* Quantitative Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Spatial Distribution of Benggang Landforms Based on a Geographical Detector
* Quantitative Estimation of Mechanical Anisotropy Using Acoustic Radiation Force (ARF)-Induced Peak Displacements (PD): In Silico and Experimental Demonstration
* Quantitative Evaluation of Grassland SOS Estimation Accuracy Based on Different MODIS-Landsat Spatio-Temporal Fusion Datasets
* Quantitative Monitoring of Leaf Area Index in Rice Based on Hyperspectral Feature Bands and Ridge Regression Algorithm
* Query-efficient decision-based attack via sampling distribution reshaping
* QuikSCAT Climatological Data Record: Land Contamination Flagging and Correction
* RANet: A Reliability-Guided Aggregation Network for Hyperspectral and RGB Fusion Tracking
* Ray-Space Epipolar Geometry for Light Field Cameras
* Real-Time Bimanual Interaction Across Virtual Workspaces
* Real-Time Digital Self Interference Cancellation Method for In-Band Full-Duplex Underwater Acoustic Communication Based on Improved VSS-LMS Algorithm, A
* Real-Time Ground-Level Building Damage Detection Based on Lightweight and Accurate YOLOv5 Using Terrestrial Images
* Real-Time Integration of Segmentation Techniques for Reduction of False Positive Rates in Fire Plume Detection Systems during Forest Fires
* Real-time semantic segmentation with local spatial pixel adjustment
* Real-Time Semi-Supervised Deep Tone Mapping Network, A
* Real-Time Synchronous 3-D Detection of Air Pollution and Wind Using a Solo Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar
* Realistic frontal face reconstruction using coupled complementarity of far-near-sighted face images
* Recent Changes in Glaciers in the Northern Tien Shan, Central Asia
* Recognition of Advertisement Emotions With Application to Computational Advertising
* Recognition of Hand Gesture Image Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Recognizing Building Group Patterns in Topographic Maps by Integrating Building Functional and Geometric Information
* Reconciling Image Captioning and User's Comments for Urban Tourism
* Recovering Realistic Details for Magnification-Arbitrary Image Super-Resolution
* Recurrent flow networks: A recurrent latent variable model for density estimation of urban mobility
* Reference-Based Multi-Level Features Fusion Deblurring Network for Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Referring Segmentation in Images and Videos With Cross-Modal Self-Attention Network
* Region-Aware Image Captioning via Interaction Learning
* Regional Bare-Earth Digital Terrain Model for Costa Rica Based on NASADEM Corrected for Vegetation Bias
* Regional Ionospheric Corrections for High Accuracy GNSS Positioning
* Registration Method for Dual-Frequency, High-Spatial-Resolution SAR Images, A
* Registration of Multisensor Images through a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network and a Correlation-Type Similarity Measure
* Regularized Matrix Factorization for Multilabel Learning With Missing Labels
* Regularizing Deep Networks With Semantic Data Augmentation
* Regularizing Visual Semantic Embedding With Contrastive Learning for Image-Text Matching
* Reinforced Tracker Based on Hierarchical Convolutional Features
* Relation-Based Associative Joint Location for Human Pose Estimation in Videos
* Relationship Between Criteria Based on Correntropy and Second Order Statistics for Equalization of Communication Channels
* Relative Radiometric Correction of Pushbroom Satellites Using the Yaw Maneuver
* Relative Research on Psychological Character and Plot Design Preference for Audiences of VR Movies
* Relative Roles of Climate Variation and Human Activities in Vegetation Dynamics in Coastal China from 2000 to 2019, The
* Relative Strengths Recognition of Nine Mainstream Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products at the Global Scale
* Reliable JPEG Quantization Table Estimator, A
* Remote Sensing Analysis of Ecological Maintenance in Subtropical Coastal Mountain Area, China
* Remote Sensing and Field Survey Data Integration to Investigate on the Evolution of the Coastal Area: The Case Study of Bagnara Calabra (Southern Italy)
* Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Unsupervised Multi-Attention Slow Feature Analysis
* Remote Sensing of Complex Permittivity and Penetration Depth of Soils Using P-Band SAR Polarimetry
* Remote Sensing of Global Sea Surface pH Based on Massive Underway Data and Machine Learning
* Remote Sensing of Instantaneous Drought Stress at Canopy Level Using Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Canopy Reflectance
* Remote Sensing of Riparian Ecosystems
* Remote Sensing of Surface and Subsurface Soil Organic Carbon in Tidal Wetlands: A Review and Ideas for Future Research
* Remote Sensing of Surface Water Dynamics in the Context of Global Change: A Review
* Remote Sensing Phenology of the Brazilian Caatinga and Its Environmental Drivers
* Remotely and Directly Obtained Results of Glaciological Studies on King George Island: A Review, The
* Representation learning using deep random vector functional link networks for clustering
* Representation learning with deep sparse auto-encoder for multi-task learning
* Rescaling-Assisted Super-Resolution for Medium-Low Resolution Remote Sensing Ship Detection
* Research on Automatic Identification Method of Terraces on the Loess Plateau Based on Deep Transfer Learning
* Research on Detection Technology of Spoofing under the Mixed Narrowband and Spoofing Interference
* Research on Inversion and Correction Method of Urban Light Environment Based on Cooperative Observation
* Research on Lightweight Disaster Classification Based on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Research on Service Value and Adaptability Zoning of Grassland Ecosystem in Ethiopia
* Research on the Impact of BDS-2/3 Receiver ISB on LEO Satellite POD
* Research on Three-Dimensional Electronic Navigation Chart Hybrid Spatial Index Structure Based on Quadtree and R-Tree
* Residual objectness for imbalance reduction
* Response of a Mesoscale Dipole Eddy to the Passage of a Tropical Cyclone: A Case Study Using Satellite Observations and Numerical Modeling
* Restoration of speckle noise corrupted SAR images using regularization by denoising
* Retraction: Deep learning for real-time semantic segmentation: Application in ultrasound imaging
* Retrieval of the Leaf Area Index from MODIS Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Data Using a Neural Network Supported by Simulation Data
* Retrieving Mediterranean Sea Surface Salinity Distribution and Interannual Trends from Multi-Sensor Satellite and In Situ Data
* Revealing Active Mars with HiRISE Digital Terrain Models
* Reversible image data hiding based on scalable difference expansion
* Review of Multi-Sensor Fusion SLAM Systems Based on 3D LIDAR, A
* Review of Remote Sensing Applications in Grassland Monitoring
* Review on the Possibilities and Challenges of Today's Soil and Soil Surface Assessment Techniques in the Context of Process-Based Soil Erosion Models, A
* Revising Cadastral Data on Land Boundaries Using Deep Learning in Image-Based Mapping
* Revisiting Convolutional Sparse Coding for Image Denoising: From a Multi-Scale Perspective
* Revisiting Radial Distortion Rectification in Polar-Coordinates: A New and Efficient Learning Perspective
* RFCNet: Enhancing urban segmentation using regularization, fusion, and completion
* Rice Seedling Detection in UAV Images Using Transfer Learning and Machine Learning
* RID: Roof Information Dataset for Computer Vision-Based Photovoltaic Potential Assessment
* Risk Assessment of Debris Flow in a Mountain-Basin Area, Western China
* Road geometry perception without accurate positioning and lane information
* Robot-Assisted Medical Imaging: A Review
* Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery: Surgical Robotics in the Data Age
* Robotic Assistance for Intraocular Microsurgery: Challenges and Perspectives
* Robust and discriminating face recognition system based on a neural network and correlation techniques
* Robust Coordinated Control of Nonlinear Heterogeneous Platoon Interacted by Uncertain Topology
* Robust Coverless Steganography Scheme Using Camouflage Image, A
* Robust distance metric optimization driven GEPSVM classifier for pattern classification
* Robust Energy Management of High-Speed Railway Co-Phase Traction Substation With Uncertain PV Generation and Traction Load
* Robust Extraction of Soil Characteristics Using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS
* Robust GAN-Generated Face Detection Method Based on Dual-Color Spaces and an Improved Xception, A
* robust handwritten recognition system for learning on different data restriction scenarios, A
* Robust Image Wafer Inspection
* Robust Medical Image Classification From Noisy Labeled Data With Global and Local Representation Guided Co-Training
* Robust point clouds registration with point-to-point lp distance constraints in large-scale metrology
* Robust Space-Time Joint Sparse Processing Method with Airborne Active Array for Severely Inhomogeneous Clutter Suppression
* Robust Synchronization for Under-Actuated Vessels Based on Disturbance Observer
* Robust Tensor Completion: Equivalent Surrogates, Error Bounds, and Algorithms
* Role of Trip Lengths Calibration in Model-Based Perimeter Control Strategies, The
* Route planning for electric vehicles
* RR-Net: Relation Reasoning for End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection
* RTNet: Relation Transformer Network for Diabetic Retinopathy Multi-Lesion Segmentation
* Runoff Estimation in the Upper Reaches of the Heihe River Using an LSTM Model with Remote Sensing Data
* saliency guided remote sensing image dehazing network model, A
* Saliency Heat-Map as Visual Attention for Autonomous Driving Using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
* Salient object detection with image-level binary supervision
* Salp swarm algorithm based on golden section and adaptive and its application in target tracking
* Sample complexity of rank regression using pairwise comparisons
* SANet: Statistic Attention Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* SARCASTIC v2.0: High-Performance SAR Simulation for Next-Generation ATR Systems
* Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Content over Cultivated Areas: An Overview
* Satellite On-Board Change Detection via Auto-Associative Neural Networks
* Satellite Video Tracking by Multi-Feature Correlation Filters with Motion Estimation
* Satellite-Based Tool for Mapping Evaporation in Inland Water Bodies: Formulation, Application, and Operational Aspects, A
* Satellite-Observed Substantial Decrease in Multiyear Ice Area Export through the Fram Strait over the Last Decade, A
* Scale Normalized Image Pyramids With AutoFocus for Object Detection
* Scale Space Radon Transform for Non Overlapping Thick Ellipses Detection
* Scale-Specific Prediction of Topsoil Organic Carbon Contents Using Terrain Attributes and SCMaP Soil Reflectance Composites
* Scaling Up Generalized Kernel Methods
* Scan-Specific Generative Neural Network for MRI Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* SceneSketcher-v2: Fine-Grained Scene-Level Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Using Adaptive GCNs
* Scheduled Restart Momentum for Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Descent
* Scientometric Analysis for Spatial Autocorrelation-Related Research from 1991 to 2021
* Script Identification for Printed and Handwritten Indian Documents: An Empirical Study of Different Feature Classifier Combinations
* Sculpting in Augmented Reality
* SE(n)++: An Efficient Solution to Multiple Pose Estimation Problems
* Sea Surface Temperature Variability and Marine Heatwaves in the Black Sea
* Searching Dense Point Correspondences via Permutation Matrix Learning
* Seasonality of Surface Urban Heat Islands across Climates, The
* second-order attention network for glacial lake segmentation from remotely sensed imagery, A
* SecureDL: A privacy preserving deep learning model for image recognition over cloud
* Security and privacy enhanced smartphone-based gait authentication with random representation learning and digital lockers
* See-Through Vision With Unsupervised Scene Occlusion Reconstruction
* Seeded Classification of Satellite Image Time Series with Lower-Bounded Dynamic Time Warping
* SegTHOR: Segmentation of Thoracic Organs at Risk in CT images
* Self-Adaptive Optimization Individual Tree Modeling Method for Terrestrial LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* Self-Attention based fine-grained cross-media hybrid network
* Self-Label Refining for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* SELF-LLP: Self-supervised learning from label proportions with self-ensemble
* Self-Supervised Nonlinear Transform-Based Tensor Nuclear Norm for Multi-Dimensional Image Recovery
* Self-Supervised Pre-Training with Bridge Neural Network for SAR-Optical Matching
* Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Videos by Segmenting via Sampling Rate Order Prediction
* Self-supervised rigid transformation equivariance for accurate 3D point cloud registration
* Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning by Uncovering Spatio-Temporal Statistics
* Self-weighted learning framework for adaptive locality discriminant analysis
* Semantic feature-constrained multitask siamese network for building change detection in high-spatial-resolution remote sensing imagery
* Semantic image segmentation based on spatial relationships and inexact graph matching
* Semantic Regularized Class-Conditional GANs for Semi-Supervised Fine-Grained Image Synthesis
* Semantic Segmentation of Multispectral Images via Linear Compression of Bands: An Experiment Using RIT-18
* Semantic Segmentation Post-processing with Colorized Pairwise Potentials and Deep Edges
* Semantic-refined spatial pyramid network for crowd counting
* Semantically accurate super-resolution Generative Adversarial Networks
* Semi-Supervised Cloud Detection in Satellite Images by Considering the Domain Shift Problem
* Semi-Supervised Text Detection With Accurate Pseudo-Labels
* SemiSANet: A Semi-Supervised High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Model Using Siamese Networks with Graph Attention
* Sensing the Nighttime Economy-Housing Imbalance from a Mobile Phone Data Perspective: A Case Study in Shanghai
* Sensitivity Testing of Microwave Temperature Sounder-II Onboard the Fengyun-3 Satellite to Sea Surface Barometric Pressure Based on Deep Neural Network
* Sentinel-1 SAR Backscatter Response to Agricultural Drought in The Netherlands
* Sentinel-1 to NDVI for Agricultural Fields Using Hyperlocal Dynamic Machine Learning Approach
* Separating Stimulus-Induced and Background Components of Dynamic Functional Connectivity in Naturalistic fMRI
* September 2017 Solar Flares Effect on the Middle Atmosphere
* Sequential Gesture Learning for Continuous Labanotation Generation Based on the Fusion of Graph Neural Networks
* Shadow Removal from UAV Images Based on Color and Texture Equalization Compensation of Local Homogeneous Regions
* Shadow-Consistent Semi-Supervised Learning for Prostate Ultrasound Segmentation
* Shallow Crustal Structure of S-Wave Velocities in the Coastal Area of South China Constrained by Receiver Function Amplitudes
* Shape-Matching GAN++: Scale Controllable Dynamic Artistic Text Style Transfer
* Shifts in Salt Marsh Vegetation Landcover after Debris Flow Deposition
* Ship Path Optimization That Accounts for Geographical Traffic Characteristics to Increase Maritime Port Safety
* Shipborne GNSS-Determined Sea Surface Heights Using Geoid Model and Realistic Dynamic Topography
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction for Urban Road Sections Based on Time Series Analysis and LSTM_BILSTM Method
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction: An Integrated Method of Econometrics and Hybrid Deep Learning
* SiameseFuse: A computationally efficient and a not-so-deep network to fuse visible and infrared images
* SIFNet: Free-form image inpainting using color split-inpaint-fuse approach
* Simple and Strong Baseline for Universal Targeted Attacks on Siamese Visual Tracking, A
* Simple low-light image enhancement based on Weber-Fechner law in logarithmic space
* Simultaneous Face Completion and Frontalization via Mask Guided Two-Stage GAN
* Single Image Haze Removal Based on a Simple Additive Model With Haze Smoothness Prior
* Single-Image Camera Calibration for Furniture Layout Using Natural-Marker-Based Augmented Reality
* Single-Image Super Resolution of Remote Sensing Images with Real-World Degradation Modeling
* Single-Modal Video Analysis of Personality Traits using Low-Level Visual Features
* Sinkhorn Adversarial Attack and Defense
* SlideSim: 3D Landslide Displacement Monitoring through a Physics-Based Simulation Approach to Self-Supervised Learning
* Smart Procedure for Assessing the Health Status of Terrestrial Habitats in Protected Areas: The Case of the Natura 2000 Ecological Network in Basilicata (Southern Italy), A
* Smartphone-Based Unconstrained Step Detection Fusing a Variable Sliding Window and an Adaptive Threshold
* Snow Depth Measurements by GNSS-IR at an Automatic Weather Station, NUK-K
* Social-Emotional Competence for the Greater Good: Exploring the Use of Serious Game, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence to Elicit Prosocial Behaviors and Strengthen Cognitive Abilities of Youth, Adolescents and Educators: A Systematic Review
* Socio-Technical Approach for Resilient Connected Transportation Systems in Smart Cities, A
* Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventions: Advances and Outlook
* Soil Moisture Influence on the FTIR Spectrum of Salt-Affected Soils
* Soil Salinity Variations and Associated Implications for Agriculture and Land Resources Development Using Remote Sensing Datasets in Central Asia
* Solving Inverse Problems by Joint Posterior Maximization with Autoencoding Prior
* Sorting cells from fluorescent markers organization in confocal microscopy: 3D versus 2D images
* Source Apportionment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban-Agricultural-Aquacultural Soils near the Bohai Bay Coast, Using Land-Use Classification and Google Satellite Tracing
* Space-Time Adaptive Processing Clutter-Suppression Algorithm Based on Beam Reshaping for High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar
* Space: Time Surveillance of COVID-19 Seasonal Clusters: A Case of Sweden
* Sparse Approximation of the Precision Matrices for the Wide-Swath Altimeters
* Sparse coding and normalization for deep Fisher score representation
* Sparse DDK: A Data-Driven Decorrelation Filter for GRACE Level-2 Products
* sparse graph wavelet convolution neural network for video-based person re-identification, A
* Sparse-Model-Driven Network for Efficient and High-Accuracy InSAR Phase Filtering, A
* Spatial and Geometry Feature-Based Quality Assessment Model for the Light Field Images, A
* Spatial and Temporal Drought Characteristics in the Huanghuaihai Plain and Its Influence on Cropland Water Use Efficiency
* Spatial and Temporal Variability of Key Bio-Temperature Indicators and Their Effects on Vegetation Dynamics in the Great Lakes Region of Central Asia
* Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) System for Agriculture Land Suitability Maps Visualization
* Spatial Concept Query Based on Lattice-Tree
* Spatial Contiguity-Constrained Hierarchical Clustering for Traffic Prediction in Bike Sharing Systems
* Spatial Diversity in Radar Detection via Active Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
* Spatial Grid-Based Position Calculation Method for Satellite-Ground Communication Links
* Spatial Maturity Regression for the Classification of Hematopoietic Cells
* Spatial Pattern of the Walkability Index, Walk Score and Walk Score Modification for Elderly
* Spatial Scale Effect and Correction of Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Remote Sensing
* Spatial Sustainable Development Assessment Using Fusing Multisource Data from the Perspective of Production-Living-Ecological Space Division: A Case of Greater Bay Area, China
* Spatial Variability and Clustering of Quality of Life at Local Level: A Geographical Analysis in Athens, Greece
* Spatial-Temporal Graphs for Cross-Modal Text2Video Retrieval
* Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of the Evapotranspiration in the Lower Mekong River Basin during 2008-2017
* Spatio-Temporal Evolution Law of Surface Subsidence Basin with Insufficient Exploitation of Deep Coal Resources in Aeolian Sand Area of Western China
* Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants Using Earth Observation Sentinel 5P TROPOMI Data: Impact of Stubble Burning a Case Study
* Spatiotemporal Change Detection of Coastal Wetlands Using Multi-Band SAR Coherence and Synergetic Classification
* Spatiotemporal Change of Glacier Runoff Is Comparably Attributed to Climatic Factors and Physical Properties in Northwestern China, The
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of NDVI, Soil Moisture and ENSO in Tropical South America
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Terrestrial Vegetation and Its Driver Analysis over Southwest China from 1982 to 2015
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Urban Thermal Environment Effect and Its Influencing Factors: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* Spatiotemporal Evolution Pattern and Driving Mechanisms of Landslides in the Wenchuan Earthquake-Affected Region: A Case Study in the Bailong River Basin, China
* Spatiotemporal Filtering for Continuous GPS Coordinate Time Series in Mainland China by Using Independent Component Analysis
* Spatiotemporal Representation Learning for Blind Video Quality Assessment
* Spatiotemporal traffic data imputation via tensorial weighted Schatten-p norm minimization
* Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Qilian Mountains (Northwestern China) during 2000-2020 and Associated Circulation Mechanisms
* Spatiotemporal Variations of Forest Vegetation Phenology and Its Response to Climate Change in Northeast China
* Spectral Estimation of In Vivo Wheat Chlorophyll a/b Ratio under Contrasting Water Availabilities
* Spectral Reflectance Indices as a High Throughput Selection Tool in a Sesame Breeding Scheme
* Spectral Representation of Behaviour Primitives for Depression Analysis
* Spectral Unmixing Based Approach for Measuring Gas Flaring from VIIRS NTL Remote Sensing Data: Case of the Flare FIT-M8-101A-1U, Algeria
* Spectral-Temporal Receptive Field-Based Descriptors and Hierarchical Cascade Deep Belief Network for Guitar Playing Technique Classification
* Spectroscopic and Petrographic Investigations of Lunar Mg-Suite Meteorite Northwest Africa 8687
* SPGNet: Serial and Parallel Group Network
* Spontaneous Speech Emotion Recognition Using Multiscale Deep Convolutional LSTM
* SRDRL: A Blind Super-Resolution Framework With Degradation Reconstruction Loss
* State of the Art and Future Opportunities in MRI-Guided Robot-Assisted Surgery and Interventions
* State of the Vietnamese Coast: Assessing Three Decades (1986 to 2021) of Coastline Dynamics Using the Landsat Archive
* State-Specific and Supraordinal Components of Facial Response to Pain
* STCA: Utilizing a spatio-temporal cross-attention network for enhancing video person re-identification
* Steerable Near-Quadrature Filter Pairs in Three Dimensions
* Stereo Refinement Dehazing Network
* Stochastic batch size for adaptive regularization in deep network optimization
* Strain Field Features and Three-Dimensional Crustal Deformations Constrained by Dense GRACE and GPS Measurements in NE Tibet
* Strategies for the Storage of Large LiDAR Datasets: A Performance Comparison
* Street-view imagery guided street furniture inventory from mobile laser scanning point clouds
* Structural Stability Evaluation of Existing Buildings by Reverse Engineering with 3D Laser Scanner
* Study of the influence of Age: Use of Sample Entropy and CEEMDAN on Navigation Data Acquired from a Bike Simulator
* Study on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and Machine Learning Based Approach to Detect COVID-19 Through X-Ray Images, A
* Study on the Impact of Training Data in CNN-Based Super-Resolution for Low Bitrate End-to-End Video Coding, A
* STURE: Spatial-Temporal Mutual Representation Learning for robust data association in online multi-object tracking
* StyleFuse: An unsupervised network based on style loss function for infrared and visible image fusion
* Subjective and Objective Quality of Experience of Free Viewpoint Videos
* Subjective Evaluation of Visual Quality and Simulator Sickness of Short 360° Videos: ITU-T Rec. P.919
* Subpixel Snow Mapping Using Daily AVHRR/2 Data over Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Sum-Product Networks: A Survey
* Super-Resolution of Sentinel-2 Images Using a Spectral Attention Mechanism
* Superpixel Guided Deformable Convolution Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Superpixel-by-Superpixel Clustering Framework for Hyperspectral Change Detection, A
* Surface Water Dynamics from Space: A Round Robin Intercomparison of Using Optical and SAR High-Resolution Satellite Observations for Regional Surface Water Detection
* Surgical Robotics and Computer-Integrated Interventional Medicine, Scanning the Issue
* Susceptibility Mapping of Typical Geological Hazards in Helong City Affected by Volcanic Activity of Changbai Mountain, Northeastern China
* Sustainable Urban Land-Use Optimization Using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision-Making (GIS-MCDM) Approach
* Swin Transformer-Based Encoding Booster Integrated in U-Shaped Network for Building Extraction, A
* Swin-Transformer-Enabled YOLOv5 with Attention Mechanism for Small Object Detection on Satellite Images
* Symmetric adversarial poisoning against deep learning
* Symmetric Binary Tree Based Co-occurrence Texture Pattern Mining for Fine-grained Plant Leaf Image Retrieval
* Synchronization, Decoupling, and Regime Shift of Urban Thermal Conditions in Xi'an, an Ancient City in China under Rapid Expansion
* SyntEO: Synthetic dataset generation for earth observation and deep learning: Demonstrated for offshore wind farm detection
* System Optimal Speed Advisory Framework for a Network of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Tabletop 3D Digital Map Interaction with Virtual Reality Handheld Controllers
* Taming the curse of dimensionality for perturbed token identification
* Task adaptive siamese neural networks for open-set recognition of encrypted network traffic with bidirectional dropout
* Task-specific dependency-based word embedding methods
* TBAL: Two-stage batch-mode active learning for image classification
* TCSPANet: Two-Staged Contrastive Learning and Sub-Patch Attention Based Network for PolSAR Image Classification
* TE-SAGAN: An Improved Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Super-Resolution Images
* Tea Cultivation Suitability Evaluation and Driving Force Analysis Based on AHP and Geodetector Results: A Case Study of Yingde in Guangdong, China
* Temperature Mediates the Dynamic of MODIS NPP in Alpine Grassland on the Tibetan Plateau, 2001-2019
* Temporal Group Fusion Network for Deep Video Inpainting
* Ten Years of VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Product Validation
* Terrain feature-aware deep learning network for digital elevation model superresolution
* Testing the Robust Yield Estimation Method for Winter Wheat, Corn, Rapeseed, and Sunflower with Different Vegetation Indices and Meteorological Data
* Text Compression-Aided Transformer Encoding
* Texture analysis using two-dimensional permutation entropy and amplitude-aware permutation entropy
* Theoretical Calculations of Directional Scattering Intensities of Small Nonspherical Ice Crystals: Implications for Forward Scattering Probes
* Three Decades of Gross Primary Production (GPP) in China: Variations, Trends, Attributions, and Prediction Inferred from Multiple Datasets and Time Series Modeling
* Three-dimensional affinity learning based multi-branch ensemble network for breast tumor segmentation in MRI
* Three-Dimensional Distribution of Biomass Burning Aerosols from Australian Wildfires Observed by TROPOMI Satellite Observations
* Three-Dimensional Visualization and Optimization Method of Landslide Disaster Scenes Guided by Knowledge, A
* Thunderstorm Activity over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Indicated by the Combined Data of the FY-2E Geostationary Satellite and WWLLN
* Tight Integration of GNSS and Static Level for High Accuracy Dilapidated House Deformation Monitoring
* Time-Dependent Joint Segmentation and Registration Model: Application to Longitudinal Registration of Hepatic DCE-MRI Sequences, A
* Time-varying Group Lasso Granger Causality Graph for High Dimensional Dynamic system
* ToF and Stereo Data Fusion Using Dynamic Search Range Stereo Matching
* Topology-Aware Differential Privacy for Decentralized Image Classification
* Total Generate: Cycle in Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks for Generating Human Faces, Hands, Bodies, and Natural Scenes
* Toward Road Safety Recommender Systems: Formal Concepts and Technical Basics
* Toward Top-Down Just Noticeable Difference Estimation of Natural Images
* Towards a Core Set of Landscape Metrics of Urban Land Use in Wuhan, China
* Towards a Social VR-based Exergame for Elderly Users: An Exploratory Study of Acceptance, Experiences and Design Principles
* Towards Analysis-Friendly Face Representation With Scalable Feature and Texture Compression
* Towards Automated Detection and Localization of Red Deer Cervus elaphus Using Passive Acoustic Sensors during the Rut
* Towards Fast and Accurate Intimate Contact Recognition through Video Analysis
* Towards Hit-Interruption Tradeoff in Vehicular Edge Caching: Algorithm and Analysis
* Towards Improvement of UX Using Gamification for Public Artistic and Historical Artifacts in AR
* Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
* Tracking the Early Movements of Northeast China Cold Vortices Using FY-3D MWTS-2 Observations of Brightness Temperature
* Trade-Off Algorithm for Solving p-Center Problems with a Graph Convolutional Network, A
* Tradeoffs between UAS Spatial Resolution and Accuracy for Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Applied to Wetland Vegetation Species Mapping
* Traffic-Responsive Control Technique for Fully-Actuated Coordinated Signals
* transductive learning method to leverage graph structure for few-shot learning, A
* Transferable Interactiveness Knowledge for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Triple Collocation Analysis of Satellite Precipitation Estimates over Australia
* Triplet-Metric-Guided Multi-Scale Attention for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification with a Convolutional Neural Network
* Tsinghua Scientific Satellite Precise Orbit Determination Using Onboard GNSS Observations with Antenna Center Modeling
* Turbulence Detection in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Using Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar and Microwave Radiometer
* Two Exposure Fusion Using Prior-Aware Generative Adversarial Network
* Two Practical Methods to Retrieve Aerosol Optical Properties from Coherent Doppler Lidar
* Two-Level LSTM for Sentiment Analysis With Lexicon Embedding and Polar Flipping
* Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Networks for Diagnosing the Severity of Alternaria Leaf Blotch Disease of the Apple Tree
* Two-Stage Fuzzy Fusion Based-Convolution Neural Network for Dynamic Emotion Recognition
* Two-stage generative adversarial networks for binarization of color document images
* Two-stage single image dehazing network using swin-transformer
* Two-Step Alignment of Mixed Reality Devices to Existing Building Data
* Two-Stepwise Hierarchical Adaptive Threshold Method for Automatic Rapeseed Mapping over Jiangsu Using Harmonized Landsat/Sentinel-2
* Two-Way Split-Step Wavelet Scheme for Tropospheric Long-Range Propagation in Various Environments, A
* Typing in Mid Air: Assessing One- and Two-Handed Text Input Methods of the Microsoft HoloLens 2
* UAV Remote Sensing for Detecting within-Field Spatial Variation of Winter Wheat Growth and Links to Soil Properties and Historical Management Practices. A Case Study on Belgian Loamy Soil
* UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and for Yield Prediction of Miscanthus by Machine Learning Techniques
* UAV Trajectory Planning With Probabilistic Geo-Fence via Iterative Chance-Constrained Optimization
* UAV-Based Characterization of Tree-Attributes and Multispectral Indices in an Uneven-Aged Mixed Conifer-Broadleaf Forest
* UAV-Based Multitemporal Remote Sensing Surveys of Volcano Unstable Flanks: A Case Study from Stromboli
* UAVSwarm Dataset: An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarm Dataset for Multiple Object Tracking
* Ultra-Low Sidelobe Waveforms Design for LPI Radar Based on Joint Complementary Phase-Coding and Optimized Discrete Frequency-Coding
* Unambiguous ISAR Imaging Method for Complex Maneuvering Group Targets
* Unbiased Symmetric Matrix Estimator for Topology Inference Under Partial Observability, An
* Uncertainty-aware consistency regularization for cross-domain semantic segmentation
* Uncertainty-aware twin support vector machines
* Unconstrained Facial Action Unit Detection via Latent Feature Domain
* Underwater Image Enhancement via Minimal Color Loss and Locally Adaptive Contrast Enhancement
* Underwater image super-resolution and enhancement via progressive frequency-interleaved network
* Unequal Dimension Track-to-Track Fusion Approaches Using Covariance Intersection
* Unexpected Regional Zonal Structures in Low Latitude Ionosphere Call for a High Longitudinal Resolution of the Global Ionospheric Maps
* UNFusion: A Unified Multi-Scale Densely Connected Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* Unified Chinese License Plate detection and recognition with high efficiency
* Unified Framework for High Fidelity Face Swap and Expression Reenactment, A
* Unmanned Era: A Service Response Framework in Smart City
* Unsupervised discriminative feature learning via finding a clustering-friendly embedding space
* Unsupervised Disentanglement of Pose, Appearance and Background from Images and Videos
* Unsupervised ensemble learning for genome sequencing
* Unsupervised Learning in Reservoir Computing for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition
* Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation Using Attention and Multi-Warp Reconstruction
* Unsupervised Monocular Visual Odometry Based on Confidence Evaluation
* Unsupervised moving object segmentation using background subtraction and optimal adversarial noise sample search
* Unsupervised Neural Rendering for Image Hazing
* Unsupervised Real-World Image Super-Resolution via Dual Synthetic-to-Realistic and Realistic-to-Synthetic Translations
* Unsupervised segmentation of stents corrupted by artifacts in medical X-ray images
* Unsupervised video anomaly detection via normalizing flows with implicit latent features
* Urban Air Quality Assessment by Fusing Spatial and Temporal Data from Multiple Study Sources Using Refined Estimation Methods
* Urban Land Use and Land Cover Change Analysis Using Random Forest Classification of Landsat Time Series
* Urban Seismic Observatory of Catania (Italy): A Real-Time Seismic Monitoring at Urban Scale, The
* Urban Sprawl in Poland (2016-2021): Drivers, Wildcards, and Spatial Externalities
* Use of the Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Satellites for Water Quality Monitoring: An Early Warning Tool in the Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon
* User Movement for Safety Training in a Virtual Chemistry Lab
* Using Airborne Lidar, Multispectral Imagery, and Field Inventory Data to Estimate Basal Area, Volume, and Aboveground Biomass in Heterogeneous Mixed Species Forests: A Case Study in Southern Alabama
* Using AR Headset Camera to Track Museum Visitor Attention: Initial Development Phase
* Using fractal interpolation over complex network modeling of deep texture representation
* Using Machine-Learning for the Damage Detection of Harbour Structures
* Using Multi-modal Machine Learning for User Behavior Prediction in Simulated Smart Home for Extended Reality
* Using Multi-Platform Satellite Observations to Study the Atmospheric Evolution of Brown Carbon in Siberian Biomass Burning Plumes
* Using Open Vector-Based Spatial Data to Create Semantic Datasets for Building Segmentation for Raster Data
* Using Range Split-Spectrum Interferometry to Reduce Phase Unwrapping Errors for InSAR-Derived DEM in Large Gradient Region
* Using Remote Sensing to Estimate Understorey Biomass in Semi-Arid Woodlands of South-Eastern Australia
* Using Satellite NDVI Time-Series to Monitor Grazing Effects on Vegetation Productivity and Phenology in Heterogeneous Mediterranean Forests
* Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) with GPS Ionospheric TEC Estimations to Potentially Predict Earthquake Events
* Using UAV Survey, High-Density LiDAR Data and Automated Relief Analysis for Habitation Practices Characterization during the Late Bronze Age in NE Romania
* Validating Precise Orbit Determination from Satellite-Borne GPS Data of Haiyang-2D
* Variability in the Spatiotemporal Distribution Patterns of Greater Amberjack in Response to Environmental Factors in the Taiwan Strait Using Remote Sensing Data
* Variability of Marine Particle Size Distributions and the Correlations with Inherent Optical Properties in the Coastal Waters of the Northern South China Sea
* Variation of Aerosol Optical Depth Measured by Sun Photometer at a Rural Site near Beijing during the 2017-2019 Period
* Variational cycle-consistent imputation adversarial networks for general missing patterns
* Variational Framework for Underwater Image Dehazing and Deblurring, A
* VDM-DA: Virtual Domain Modeling for Source Data-Free Domain Adaptation
* Versatile, full-spectrum, and swift network sampling for model generation
* Vertical Structure of Dust Aerosols Observed by a Ground-Based Raman Lidar with Polarization Capabilities in the Center of the Taklimakan Desert
* VFMVAC: View-filtering-based multi-view aggregating convolution for 3D shape recognition and retrieval
* Vibrotactile Reaction Time Task to Measure Cognitive Performance in Virtual and Real Environments, A
* Video captioning using Semantically Contextual Generative Adversarial Network
* Video frame interpolation via down-up scale generative adversarial networks
* Video Quality Model of Compression, Resolution and Frame Rate Adaptation Based on Space-Time Regularities
* Video Seals Recognition using Transfer Learning of Convolutional Neural Network
* Video-Based Point Cloud Compression Artifact Removal
* Virtual Access to STEM Careers: Two Preliminary Investigations
* Virtual Equipment System: First Evaluation of Egocentric Virtual Equipment for Sensory Settings
* Virtual Equipment System: Toward Bag of Holding and Other Extradimensional Storage in Extended Reality
* Virtual Reality Assembly of Physical Parts: The Impact of Interaction Interface Techniques on Usability and Performance
* Virtual Reality is Better Than Desktop for Training a Spatial Knowledge Task, but Not for Everyone
* Virtual special issue on advances in digital security: Biometrics and forensics
* Visual Cluster Grounding for Image Captioning
* Visual-to-EEG cross-modal knowledge distillation for continuous emotion recognition
* Visualization of Macroscopic Structure of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Based on X-ray Computed Tomography Using Immersive Environments
* Voice-Assisted Image Labeling for Endoscopic Ultrasound Classification Using Neural Networks
* Volcanic Eruption of Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, Spain: A First Insight to the Particulate Matter Injected in the Troposphere
* VPRNet: Virtual Points Registration Network for Partial-to-Partial Point Cloud Registration
* VPU: A Video-Based Point Cloud Upsampling Framework
* Vulnerability Analysis of Geographical Railway Network under Geological Hazard in China
* Warming Effect of Urbanization in the Urban Agglomeration Area Accelerates Vegetation Growth on the Urban-Rural Gradient, The
* Water Deficit May Cause Vegetation Browning in Central Asia
* Water Multi-Parameter Sampling Design Method Based on Adaptive Sample Points Fusion in Weighted Space
* WaterSmart-GIS: A Web Application of a Data Assimilation Model to Support Irrigation Research and Decision Making
* Weak supervision using cell tracking annotation and image registration improves cell segmentation
* Weakly Alignment-Free RGBT Salient Object Detection With Deep Correlation Network
* Weakly supervised learning of multi-object 3D scene decompositions using deep shape priors
* Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection via Transformer-Enabled Temporal Relation Learning
* What and How: Generalized Lifelong Spectral Clustering via Dual Memory
* Where Are They Going? Clustering Event Camera Data to Detect and Track Moving Objects
* Wide and Deep Fourier Neural Network for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Wildland Fires in the Czech Republic: Review of Data Spanning 20 Years
* Wind and Turbulence Statistics in the Urban Boundary Layer over a Mountain-Valley System in Granada, Spain
* Wireless Area Positioning in RIS-Assisted mmWave Systems: Joint Passive and Active Beamforming Design
* Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm Satellite Data with M5.5+ Earthquakes: New Hints about the Preseismic Phenomena from Space
* X-Invariant Contrastive Augmentation and Representation Learning for Semi-Supervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* XCO2 and XCH4 Reconstruction Using GOSAT Satellite Data Based on EOF-Algorithm
* Z-Transform-Based FDTD Implementations of Biaxial Anisotropy for Radar Target Scattering Problems
* Zero-Shot Deep Domain Adaptation With Common Representation Learning
* Zonation of Mountain Frozen Ground under Aspect Adjustment Revealed by Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey: A Case Study of a Small Catchment in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River, Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, The
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