ITS( Vol No. )
* *IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems
* algorithm to estimate mean traffic speed using uncalibrated cameras, An
* Designing human-centered automation: Trade-offs in collision avoidance system design
* Image analysis and rule-based reasoning for a traffic monitoring system
* Simultaneous detection of lane and pavement boundaries using model-based multisensor fusion
* Special issue on vision applications and technology for intelligent vehicles: part I-infrastructure
* Special issue on vision applications and technology for intelligent vehicles: Part II - vehicles
* stable vision system for moving vehicles, A
* Stereo- and neural network-based pedestrian detection
* Traffic monitoring and accident detection at intersections
* vehicle occupant counting system based on near-infrared phenomenology and fuzzy neural classification, A
* Vehicle-Type Identification Through Automated Virtual Loop Assignment and Block-Based Direction-Biased Motion Estimation
* Visual perception of obstacles and vehicles for platooning
* Walking pedestrian recognition
13 for ITS(1)
* Ad Hoc Solution of the Multicommodity-Flow-Over-Time Problem
* Aggregation Approach to Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction, An
* Analysis of Multiresolution-Based Fusion Strategies for a Dual Infrared System
* Anomaly Detection in Radiation Sensor Data With Application to Transportation Security
* Approach to Urban Traffic State Estimation by Fusing Multisource Information, An
* Autonomous Navigation of Vehicles from a Visual Memory Using a Generic Camera Model
* B-Spline Modeling of Road Surfaces With an Application to Free-Space Estimation
* Block-Layout Design Using MAX-MIN Ant System for Saving Energy on Mass Rapid Transit Systems
* Collision Sensing by Stereo Vision and Radar Sensor Fusion
* Comparing Internal Model Control and Sliding-Mode Approaches for Vehicle Yaw Control
* Comprehensive Evaluation Framework and a Comparative Study for Human Detectors, A
* Conflict-Probability-Estimation-Based Overtaking for Intelligent Vehicles
* Continuous Traffic Flow Modeling of Driver Support Systems in Multiclass Traffic With Intervehicle Communication and Drivers in the Loop
* Cost-Effective Ultrasonic Sensor-Based Driver-Assistance System for Congested Traffic Conditions, A
* Critical Motion Detection of Nearby Moving Vehicles in a Vision-Based Driver-Assistance System
* Decentralized Robust Control Approach for Coordinated Maneuvering of Vehicles in Platoons
* Design and Assessment of an Online Passenger Information System for Integrated Multimodal Trip Planning
* Detecting Concealment of Intent in Transportation Screening: A Proof of Concept
* Development of Fuzzy-Based Bus Rear-End Collision Warning Thresholds Using a Driving Simulator
* Error Analysis and Performance Evaluation of a Future-Trajectory-Based Cooperative Collision Warning System
* Estimating the Driving State of Oncoming Vehicles From a Moving Platform Using Stereo Vision
* Evaluation of Bus-Exclusive Lanes
* Experimental Study on Pitch Compensation in Pedestrian-Protection Systems for Collision Avoidance and Mitigation, An
* Fundamental Diagram Estimation Through Passing Rate Measurements in Congestion
* GPS Multipath Mitigation for Urban Area Using Omnidirectional Infrared Camera
* Ground-Texture-Based Localization for Intelligent Vehicles
* Guest Editorial Introducing Perception, Planning, and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles
* Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for the Integrated Vehicle Routing and Three-Dimensional Container-Loading Problem, A
* IMM-Based Lane-Change Prediction in Highways With Low-Cost GPS/INS
* In-Car Positioning and Navigation Technologies: A Survey
* Incremental Learning of Statistical Motion Patterns With Growing Hidden Markov Models
* Interoperable Control Architecture for Cybercars and Dual-Mode Cars
* Introduction to the Special Section on IV'08
* Laser-Scanner-Based Approach Toward Driving Safety and Traffic Data Collection, A
* Learning to Recognize Video-Based Spatiotemporal Events
* Low-Cost Solution for an Integrated Multisensor Lane Departure Warning System, A
* Model-Based Probabilistic Collision Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Multivariate Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Time-Series Analysis
* Neuroadaptive Output Tracking of Fully Autonomous Road Vehicles With an Observer
* New Approach to Urban Pedestrian Detection for Automatic Braking, A
* Node-Based Modeling Approach for the Continuous Dynamic Network Loading Problem, A
* Noninvasive System for Evaluating Driver Vigilance Level Examining Both Physiological and Mechanical Data, A
* Nonlinear Constraint Network Optimization for Efficient Map Learning
* Obstacle Detection and Tracking for the Urban Challenge
* On the Roles of Eye Gaze and Head Dynamics in Predicting Driver's Intent to Change Lanes
* Position Control of a Wheeled Mobile Robot Including Tire Behavior
* PPCA-Based Missing Data Imputation for Traffic Flow Volume: A Systematical Approach
* Predictive Controller for Autonomous Vehicle Path Tracking, A
* Preventing Automotive Pileup Crashes in Mixed-Communication Environments
* Probabilistic Lane Tracking in Difficult Road Scenarios Using Stereovision
* Real-Time Hierarchical Outdoor SLAM Based on Stereovision and GPS Fusion
* Real-Time Highway Traffic Condition Assessment Framework Using Vehicle-Infrastructure Integration (VII) With Artificial Intelligence (AI)
* Real-Time Pedestrian Detection and Tracking at Nighttime for Driver-Assistance Systems
* Results of a Precrash Application Based on Laser Scanner and Short-Range Radars
* Road-Condition Recognition Using 24-GHz Automotive Radar
* Scheduling and Routing of AMOs in an Intelligent Transport System
* Short-Range Ship Navigation System Based on Ladar Imaging and Target Tracking for Improved Safety and Efficiency, A
* Situation Assessment of an Autonomous Emergency Brake for Arbitrary Vehicle-to-Vehicle Collision Scenarios
* Smart Car Control Model for Brake Comfort Based on Car Following, A
* Solution to the Ill-Conditioned GPS Positioning Problem in an Urban Environment, A
* Stereo-Based Pedestrian Detection for Collision-Avoidance Applications
* Study of Driver Behavior Under Potential Threats in Vehicle Traffic, A
* Topological Analysis of Criminal Activity Networks: Enhancing Transportation Security
* Traffic Sign Recognition Using Evolutionary Adaboost Detection and Forest-ECOC Classification
* Using Image-Based Metrics to Model Pedestrian Detection Performance With Night-Vision Systems
* Using Stochastic Petri Nets for Level-Crossing Collision Risk Assessment
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* Argos: An Advanced In-Vehicle Data Recorder on a Massively Sensorized Vehicle for Car Driver Behavior Experimentation
* Channel Awareness Vehicle Detector, A
* Characterization of Expert Drivers' Last-Second Braking and Its Application to a Collision Avoidance System
* Clustering of Vehicle Trajectories
* Connectivity Statistics of Store-and-Forward Intervehicle Communication
* Controller for Urban Intersections Based on Wireless Communications and Fuzzy Logic
* Crash Probability and Error Rates for Head-On Collisions Based on Stochastic Analyses
* Creating Enhanced Maps for Lane-Level Vehicle Navigation
* Critical Scenarios and Their Identification in Parallel Railroad Level Crossing Traffic Control Systems
* CyberC3: A Prototype Cybernetic Transportation System for Urban Applications
* Designing On-Demand Four-Wheel-Drive Vehicles via Active Control of the Central Transfer Case
* Determining the Optimal Configuration of Highway Routes for Real-Time Traffic Information: A Case Study
* Distributed Geometric Fuzzy Multiagent Urban Traffic Signal Control
* Driver Behavior Analysis During ACC Activation and Deactivation in a Real Traffic Environment
* Driver Steering Assistance for Lane-Departure Avoidance Based on Hybrid Automata and Composite Lyapunov Function
* Driving Safety Monitoring Using Semisupervised Learning on Time Series Data
* Dynamic Data Regulation for Fixed Vehicle Detectors
* Efficient Ant Colony System Based on Receding Horizon Control for the Aircraft Arrival Sequencing and Scheduling Problem, An
* Efficient Multisensory Barrier for Obstacle Detection on Railways
* Efficient Optimization Approach to Real-Time Coordinated and Integrated Freeway Traffic Control, An
* Enhancing Realism in Modeling Merge Junctions in Analytical Models for System-Optimal Dynamic Traffic Assignment
* Estimation on Location, Velocity, and Acceleration With High Precision for Collision Avoidance
* Extraction of Moving Objects From Their Background Based on Multiple Adaptive Thresholds and Boundary Evaluation
* Feedback Control of Crowd Evacuation in One Dimension
* Freeway Corridor Performance Measurement Based on Vehicle Reidentification
* General Active-Learning Framework for On-Road Vehicle Recognition and Tracking, A
* General Framework to Detect Unsafe System States From Multisensor Data Stream, A
* Goal Evaluation of Segmentation Algorithms for Traffic Sign Recognition
* Guest Editorial Special Section on ITS and Road Safety
* Head Pose Estimation and Augmented Reality Tracking: An Integrated System and Evaluation for Monitoring Driver Awareness
* Holistic Approach to the Integration of Safety Applications: The INSAFES Subproject Within the European Framework Programme 6 Integrating Project PReVENT, A
* Incremental Unsupervised Three-Dimensional Vehicle Model Learning From Video
* Integrated Road Construction and Resource Planning Approach to the Evacuation of Victims From Single Source to Multiple Destinations, An
* Interval Fuzzy Controller for Vehicle Active Suspension Systems, An
* Intervehicle-Communication-Assisted Localization
* Intervehicular Communication Architecture for Safety and Entertainment, An
* Investigation of Driver Performance With Night Vision and Pedestrian Detection Systems Part I: Empirical Study on Visual Clutter and Glance Behavior
* Investigation of Driver Performance With Night-Vision and Pedestrian-Detection Systems Part 2: Queuing Network Human Performance Modeling
* Lane-Level Integrity Provision for Navigation and Map Matching With GNSS, Dead Reckoning, and Enhanced Maps
* Light-Stripe-Projection-Based Target Position Designation for Intelligent Parking-Assist System
* Maneuver Prediction for Road Vehicles Based on a Neuro-Fuzzy Architecture With a Low-Cost Navigation Unit
* Maneuver-Based Trajectory Planning for Highly Autonomous Vehicles on Real Road With Traffic and Driver Interaction
* Markov Model for Headway/Spacing Distribution of Road Traffic, A
* Matrix Tools for General Observability Analysis in Traffic Networks
* Mitigation of Visibility Loss for Advanced Camera-Based Driver Assistance
* Model-Based Analysis and Classification of Driver Distraction Under Secondary Tasks
* Model-Based Threat Assessment for Avoiding Arbitrary Vehicle Collisions
* Modeling and Algorithms of GPS Data Reduction for the Qinghai-Tibet Railway
* Modeling of Audiofrequency Track Circuits for Validation, Tuning, and Conducted Interference Prediction
* Modeling the Stochastic Drift of a MEMS-Based Gyroscope in Gyro/Odometer/GPS Integrated Navigation
* Near Real-Time Fuel-Optimal En Route Conflict Resolution
* On Exploration of Classifier Ensemble Synergism in Pedestrian Detection
* On the Use of Q^{2} Abstractions to Lower the Computational Cost of Derivation of Conflict Resolution Advisories in Air Traffic Control
* Optimal Arrival Flight Sequencing and Scheduling Using Discrete Airborne Delays
* Optimal Fault-Tolerant Path-Tracking Control for 4WS4WD Electric Vehicles
* Optimal Use of Plate-Scanning Resources for Route Flow Estimation in Traffic Networks
* Optimizing Freeway Traffic Sensor Locations by Clustering Global-Positioning-System-Derived Speed Patterns
* Parallel Control and Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems: Concepts, Architectures, and Applications
* Pattern-Recognition Approach for Driving Skill Characterization, A
* Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in an Urban Environment Using a Multilayer Laser Scanner
* Performance Evaluation of UHF RFID Technologies for Real-Time Passenger Recognition in Intelligent Public Transportation Systems
* Performance of Multiagent Taxi Dispatch on Extended-Runtime Taxi Availability: A Simulation Study
* Predicting Vertical Acceleration of Railway Wagons Using Regression Algorithms
* Predictions of Urban Volumes in Single Time Series
* Privacy-Aware Traffic Monitoring
* Properties of Some Approaches to Test Observability of O-D Flows Based on Link-Volume Counts
* Real-Time Measurement of Link Vehicle Count and Travel Time in a Road Network
* Rear-Lamp Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Low-Exposure Color Video for Night Conditions
* Reliability of Travel Time Forecasting, The
* Review of the Applications of Agent Technology in Traffic and Transportation Systems, A
* Robust Class Similarity Measure for Traffic Sign Recognition
* Sensor Fusion Framework Using Multiple Particle Filters for Video-Based Navigation, A
* Simplified Estimation Scheme for the Number of Vehicles in Signalized Links, A
* Simulation of Bonding Effects and Their Impacts on Pedestrian Dynamics, A
* Situation Assessment for Automatic Lane-Change Maneuvers
* Situation-Adaptive Lane-Keeping Support System: Overview of the SAFELANE Approach, A
* Stochastic Optimization Model and Solution Algorithm for Robust Double-Track Train-Timetabling Problem
* Study on the Model for Horizontal Escape Maneuvers in TCAS
* Supporting Agile Change Management by Scenario-Based Regression Simulation
* Supporting Drivers in Keeping Safe Speed and Safe Distance: The SASPENCE Subproject Within the European Framework Programme 6 Integrating Project PReVENT
* Taxonomy and Analysis of Camera Calibration Methods for Traffic Monitoring Applications, A
* TerraMax Vision at the Urban Challenge 2007
* Towards the Automotive HMI of the Future: Overview of the AIDE-Integrated Project Results
* Traffic Signal Optimization in La Almozara District in Saragossa Under Congestion Conditions, Using Genetic Algorithms, Traffic Microsimulation, and Cluster Computing
* Understanding Transit Scenes: A Survey on Human Behavior-Recognition Algorithms
* Vehicle Logo Recognition Using a SIFT-Based Enhanced Matching Scheme
* Vision-Based Infotainment User Determination by Hand Recognition for Driver Assistance
* Vision-IMU Integration Using a Slow-Frame-Rate Monocular Vision System in an Actual Roadway Setting
* Wheel Slip Control via Second-Order Sliding-Mode Generation
* Wireless Local Danger Warning: Cooperative Foresighted Driving Using Intervehicle Communication
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* Acoustic Hazard Detection for Pedestrians With Obscured Hearing
* Active Pedestrian Safety by Automatic Braking and Evasive Steering
* Adaptive Background Modeling Integrated With Luminosity Sensors and Occlusion Processing for Reliable Vehicle Detection
* Adaptive Performance Optimization for Large-Scale Traffic Control Systems
* Advanced Cooperative Path Prediction Algorithm for Safety Applications in Vehicular Networks, An
* Agent-Based Cooperative Decentralized Airplane-Collision Avoidance
* Algorithm for License Plate Recognition Applied to Intelligent Transportation System, An
* Analysis of Real-World Driver's Frustration
* Analytical Evaluation of the Error in Queue Length Estimation at Traffic Signals From Probe Vehicle Data
* Application of the LP-ELM Model on Transportation System Lifetime Optimization
* Asphalt Concrete Surfaces Macrotexture Determination From Still Images
* Automated On-Ramp Merging System for Congested Traffic Situations
* Automatic Road Environment Classification
* Automatic Traffic Signs and Panels Inspection System Using Computer Vision
* Autonomous Pedestrian Collision Avoidance Using a Fuzzy Steering Controller
* Background Foreground Segmentation for SLAM
* Balancing of Queues or Waiting Times on Metered Dual-Branch On-Ramps
* Benefits of Dense Stereo for Pedestrian Detection, The
* Binary-Partition-Assisted MAC-Layer Broadcast for Emergency Message Dissemination in VANETs
* Cascade Architecture for Lateral Control in Autonomous Vehicles
* Case Study of Evaluating Traffic Signal Control Systems Using Computational Experiments, A
* Collision Avoidance in Air Traffic Management: A Mixed-Integer Linear Optimization Approach
* Comments on Optimal Fault-Tolerant Path-Tracking Control for 4WS4WD Electric Vehicles
* Comparison of Markov Chain Abstraction and Monte Carlo Simulation for the Safety Assessment of Autonomous Cars
* Complementary Modularized Ramp Metering Approach Based on Iterative Learning Control and ALINEA, A
* Computational Market for Distributed Control of Urban Road Traffic Systems, A
* Computationally Inexpensive Tracking Control of High-Speed Trains With Traction/Braking Saturation
* Content-Based Dissemination Protocol for VANETs: Exploiting the Encounter Probability, A
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Cooperative Maneuvering in Close Environments Among Cybercars and Dual-Mode Cars
* Data Modeling and Optimization for Wireless Drive-Through Applications
* Data-Driven Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey
* Decentralized Approach for Anticipatory Vehicle Routing Using Delegate Multiagent Systems, A
* Decision Fusion and Reasoning Module for a Traffic Sign Recognition System, A
* Decoupled Conflict-Resolution Procedures for Decentralized Air Traffic Control
* Design and Evaluation of Context-Aware and Location-Based Service Discovery Protocols for Vehicular Networks
* Design of a Haptic Gas Pedal for Active Car-Following Support
* Design of Infrared Electronic-Toll-Collection Systems With Extended Communication Areas and Performance of Data Transmission
* Detecting Driver Sleepiness Using Optimized Nonlinear Combinations of Sleepiness Indicators
* Detection and Classification of Traffic Anomalies Using Microscopic Traffic Variables
* Detection of Parked Vehicles Using Spatiotemporal Maps
* Development and Application of an Integrated Evaluation Framework for Preventive Safety Applications
* DHP Method for Ramp Metering of Freeway Traffic
* Discovering Traffic Bottlenecks in an Urban Network by Spatiotemporal Data Mining on Location-Based Services
* Driver Inattention Monitoring System for Intelligent Vehicles: A Review
* Driving School System: Learning Basic Driving Skills From a Teacher in a Real Car, The
* Dynamic-Zone-Based Coordinated Ramp-Metering Algorithm With Queue Constraints for Minnesota's Freeways, A
* EasiTia: A Pervasive Traffic Information Acquisition System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks
* Easy Calibration of a Blind-Spot-Free Fisheye Camera System Using a Scene of a Parking Space
* Ecological Vehicle Control on Roads With Up-Down Slopes
* Efficient Computational Architecture for a Collision Early-Warning System for Vehicles, Pedestrians, and Bicyclists, An
* Efficient Data Propagation in Traffic-Monitoring Vehicular Networks
* Efficient Routing on Large Road Networks Using Hierarchical Communities
* Energy-Efficient Cooperative Techniques for Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Communications
* Experimental Evaluation of Autonomous Driving Based on Visual Memory and Image-Based Visual Servoing
* Fast Model Predictive Control for Urban Road Networks via MILP
* Fast Signal Timing Algorithm for Individual Oversaturated Intersections, A
* Game-Engine-Based Platform for Modeling and Computing Artificial Transportation Systems, A
* Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Carsharing in North America
* Growing Artificial Transportation Systems: A Rule-Based Iterative Design Process
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation
* Hidden-Markov-Model-Based Segmentation Confidence Applied to Container Code Character Extraction
* Hybrid Strategy for Real-Time Traffic Signal Control of Urban Road Networks, A
* Identification and Analysis of Queue Spillovers in City Street Networks
* Image Segmentation and Shape Analysis for Road-Sign Detection
* Impact of Ambulance Dispatch Policies on Performance of Emergency Medical Services
* Improving Propagation Modeling in Urban Environments for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Incremental Online Object Learning in a Vehicular Radar-Vision Fusion Framework
* Induced Voltage Calculation in Electric Traction Systems: Simplified Methods, Screening Factors, and Accuracy
* Influence of Aircraft Maneuver Preference Variability on Airspace Usage
* Integration of Driving and Traffic Simulation: Issues and First Solutions
* Intelligent Highway Traffic Surveillance With Self-Diagnosis Abilities
* Intelligent Multifeature Statistical Approach for the Discrimination of Driving Conditions of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, An
* International Large-Scale Vehicle Corpora for Research on Driver Behavior on the Road
* Interpolating Sparse GPS Measurements Via Relaxation Labeling and Belief Propagation for the Redeployment of Ambulances
* Interval Macroscopic Models for Traffic Networks
* Intervehicle Transmission Rate Control for Cooperative Active Safety System
* Introduction to Parallel Control and Management for High-Speed Railway Systems, An
* Iterative Quadratic Optimization for the Bus Holding Control Problem
* Local Feedback-Based Mainstream Traffic Flow Control on Motorways Using Variable Speed Limits
* Mathematical Model for Urban Traffic and Traffic Optimization Using a Developed ICA Technique, A
* Mathematical Modeling of the Human Cognitive System in Two Serial Processing Stages With Its Applications in Adaptive Workload-Management Systems
* Metro Traffic Regulation by Adaptive Optimal Control
* Model of Risk-Sensitive Route-Choice Behavior and the Potential Benefit of Route Guidance, A
* Model With a Heuristic Algorithm for Solving the Long-Term Many-to-Many Car Pooling Problem, A
* Modeling and Tracking the Driving Environment With a Particle-Based Occupancy Grid
* Modeling Evacuation of a Transport System: Application of a Multimodal Mesoscopic Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model
* Multiagent Approach to the Dynamic Enactment of Semantic Transportation Services, A
* Multiband Image Segmentation and Object Recognition for Understanding Road Scenes
* Multiple-Goal Reinforcement Learning Method for Complex Vehicle Overtaking Maneuvers, A
* Multiple-Hypothesis Map-Matching Method Suitable for Weighted and Box-Shaped State Estimation for Localization, A
* New Algorithm for Robust Pedestrian Tracking Based on Manifold Learning and Feature Selection, A
* New Framework for Stereo Sensor Pose Through Road Segmentation and Registration, A
* New Multiobjective Signal Optimization for Oversaturated Networks, A
* New Vehicle Motion Model for Improved Predictions and Situation Assessment, A
* On the Effectiveness of an Opportunistic Traffic Management System for Vehicular Networks
* On the Use of Stochastic Driver Behavior Model in Lane Departure Warning
* Online Driver Distraction Detection Using Long Short-Term Memory
* Online Spatio-Temporal Risk Assessment for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* OPQ: OT-Based Private Querying in VANETs
* Optimization of Taxiway Routing and Runway Scheduling
* Optimization of Transit Priority in the Transportation Network Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Optimization-Based Feedback Control for Pedestrian Evacuation From an Exit Corridor
* Optimizing Minimum and Maximum Green Time Settings for Traffic Actuated Control at Isolated Intersections
* P2P Multiuser Low-Cost Universal Solution for On-Demand GPS Positioning and Tracking in Large Environments
* PACP: An Efficient Pseudonymous Authentication-Based Conditional Privacy Protocol for VANETs
* Parameter and State Estimation in Vehicle Roll Dynamics
* Patrol Routing Expression, Execution, Evaluation, and Engagement
* Petri Net Modeling of the Cooperation Behavior of a Driver and a Copilot in an Advanced Driving Assistance System
* Polynomial-Time Feasibility Condition for Multiclass Aircraft Sequencing on a Single-Runway Airport
* Practical String Stability of Platoon of Adaptive Cruise Control Vehicles
* Predicting Pedestrian Counts in Crowded Scenes With Rich and High-Dimensional Features
* Prediction Intervals to Account for Uncertainties in Travel Time Prediction
* Prediction of Lane Clearance Time of Freeway Incidents Using the M5P Tree Algorithm
* Predictive Threat Assessment via Reachability Analysis and Set Invariance Theory
* Probabilistic Analysis of Link Duration in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, A
* Probabilistic Rail Vehicle Localization With Eddy Current Sensors in Topological Maps
* Problem of Infrared Electronic-Toll-Collection Systems: The Irregularity of LED Radiation Pattern and Emitter Design, A
* Real-Time Freeway Network Traffic Surveillance: Large-Scale Field-Testing Results in Southern Italy
* Real-Time Gaze Estimator Based on Driver's Head Orientation for Forward Collision Warning System
* Real-Time Urban Monitoring Using Cell Phones: A Case Study in Rome
* Recursive Multiscale Correlation-Averaging Algorithm for an Automated Distributed Road-Condition-Monitoring System, A
* Reinforcement Learning With Function Approximation for Traffic Signal Control
* Requiem for Freeway Travel Time Estimation Methods Based on Blind Speed Interpolations Between Point Measurements
* Review of Computer Vision Techniques for the Analysis of Urban Traffic, A
* Road Detection Based on Illuminant Invariance
* Robust Inference of Principal Road Paths for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Scale-Adaptive Spatial Appearance Feature Density Approximation for Object Tracking
* Sensing and Signal Processing for Vehicle Reidentification and Travel Time Estimation
* Simulation of the Effects of Different Urban Environments on GPS Performance Using Digital Elevation Models and Building Databases
* Special Issue on Exploiting Wireless Communication Technologies in Vehicular Transportation Networks
* Stochastic Model-Based Heuristics for Fast Field of View Loss Recovery in Urban Traffic Management Through Networks of Video Cameras
* Theoretical Framework for Traffic Speed Estimation by Fusing Low-Resolution Probe Vehicle Data, A
* Time Synchronization Errors in Loosely Coupled GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation Systems
* Toward Air Traffic Complexity Assessment in New Generation Air Traffic Management Systems
* Trajectory Clustering and an Application to Airspace Monitoring
* Travel Time Prediction Using Floating Car Data Applied to Logistics Planning
* Urban Transit Coordination Using an Artificial Transportation System
* Using Cellular Automata to Form Car Society in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Utilization of Fuel Consumption Data in an Ecodriving Incentive System for Heavy-Duty Vehicle Drivers
* Variational Inference for Infinite Mixtures of Gaussian Processes With Applications to Traffic Flow Prediction
* Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Car Video Based on Motion Model
* Vehicle Re-Identification With Dynamic Time Windows for Vehicle Passage Time Estimation
* Viewpoint-Independent Object Detection Based on Two-Dimensional Contours and Three-Dimensional Sizes
* Virtual Testbed for Assessing Probe Vehicle Data in IntelliDrive Systems
* Virtual-Point-Based Fault-Tolerant Lateral and Longitudinal Control of 4W-Steering Vehicles
146 for ITS(12)
* Accurate Global Localization Using Visual Odometry and Digital Maps on Urban Environments
* Accurate Motion Detection Using a Self-Adaptive Background Matching Framework
* Adaptive Metering Algorithm for Electronic Commercial Vehicle Preclearance Systems
* Adaptive Multicue Background Subtraction for Robust Vehicle Counting and Classification
* Adaptive Vehicle Detector Approach for Complex Environments
* Amplitude-Modulated Laser Radar for Range and Speed Measurement in Car Applications
* Analytical Prediction of Self-Organized Traffic Jams as a Function of Increasing ACC Penetration
* Analytical Study of the IEEE 802.11p MAC Sublayer in Vehicular Networks
* Assessing the Mobility and Environmental Benefits of Reservation-Based Intelligent Intersections Using an Integrated Simulator
* Bus-Stop Control Strategies Based on Fuzzy Rules for the Operation of a Public Transport System
* Cognitive Cars: A New Frontier for ADAS Research
* Collaborative Vision-Integrated Pseudorange Error Removal: Team-Estimated Differential GNSS Corrections with no Stationary Reference Receiver
* Comparison of Broadcasting Schemes for Infrastructure to Vehicular Communications
* Control Strategies for Dispersing Incident-Based Traffic Jams in Two-Way Grid Networks
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Implementation of Team Mekar at the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Cooperative Approach to Traffic Congestion Detection With Complex Event Processing and VANET, A
* Cooperative Competition for Future Mobility
* Cooperative Driving With a Heavy-Duty Truck in Mixed Traffic: Experimental Results
* Design and Experimental Validation of a Cooperative Driving System in the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Detection and Classification of Vehicles From Video Using Multiple Time-Spatial Images
* Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects at Intersections Using a Network of Laser Scanners
* Development and Evaluation of a Cooperative Vehicle Intersection Control Algorithm Under the Connected Vehicles Environment
* Development of a Cooperative Heavy-Duty Vehicle for the GCDC 2011: Team Scoop, The
* Development of a Small-Scale Research Platform for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Development of Vehicle Position Estimation Algorithms Based on the Use of AMR Sensors, The
* Differentiating Alcohol-Induced Driving Behavior Using Steering Wheel Signals
* Driver Behavior Classification at Intersections and Validation on Large Naturalistic Data Set
* Drivers' Adaptation to Adaptive Cruise Control: Examination of Automatic and Manual Braking
* Dynamic All-Red Extension at a Signalized Intersection: A Framework of Probabilistic Modeling and Performance Evaluation
* Dynamic Modeling of Driver Control Strategy of Lane-Change Behavior and Trajectory Planning for Collision Prediction
* Dynamic Privacy-Preserving Key Management Scheme for Location-Based Services in VANETs, A
* Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem: Value of Real-Time Traffic Information
* Eco-Routing Navigation System Based on Multisource Historical and Real-Time Traffic Information
* Efficient Resource Allocation for Attentive Automotive Vision Systems
* Efficient Traffic Information Forwarding Solution for Vehicle Safety Communications on Highways, An
* Energy Management for Fuel-Cell Hybrid Vehicles Based on Specific Fuel Consumption Due to Load Shifting
* Environment-Detection-and-Mapping Algorithm for Autonomous Driving in Rural or Off-Road Environment
* Estimating Relevance for the Emergency Electronic Brake Light Application
* Estimation of Lane Marker Parameters With High Correlation to Steering Signal
* Evaluating the Utility of Driving: Toward Automated Decision Making Under Uncertainty
* Experimental Development of a New Target and Control Driver Steering Model Based on DLC Test Data
* Extended Floating Car Data System: Experimental Results and Application for a Hybrid Route Level of Service
* FIFO Rule Consistent Model for the Continuous Dynamic Network Loading Problem, A
* Fixed Sensor-Based Intersection Collision Warning System in Vulnerable Line-of-Sight and/or Traffic-Violation-Prone Environment, A
* Floating Car Data Augmentation Based on Infrastructure Sensors and Neural Networks
* Flow Equilibrium Under Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Signal Control: An Illustration of Pretimed and Actuated Signal Control Policies
* Formal Language Modeling and Simulations of Incident Management
* FPGA-Based Track Circuit for Railways Using Transmission Encoding
* Gaze Fixation System for the Evaluation of Driver Distractions Induced by IVIS
* Generalized DAMRF Image Modeling for Superresolution of License Plates, A
* Global Versus Local MPC Algorithms in Freeway Traffic Control With Ramp Metering and Variable Speed Limits
* GPU-Based Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Generating Daily Activity Plans, A
* Handoff Performance Improvements in MIMO-Enabled Communication-Based Train Control Systems
* High-Altitude Wind Energy for Sustainable Marine Transportation
* Highly Automated Driving on Freeways in Real Traffic Using a Probabilistic Framework
* IEEE 802.11p-Based Multichannel MAC Scheme With Channel Coordination for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, An
* Inertial Navigation Aiding by Stationary Updates
* Instantaneous Lane-Level Positioning Using DSRC Carrier Frequency Offset, An
* Integer Linear Programming Approach for Radio-Based Localization of Shipping Containers in the Presence of Incomplete Proximity Information, An
* Integrated 802.11p WAVE DSRC and Vehicle Traffic Simulator With Experimentally Validated Urban (LOS and NLOS) Propagation Models, An
* Integrated Traffic and Communication Performance Evaluation of an Intelligent Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) System for Online Travel-Time Prediction
* Integrating Appearance and Edge Features for Sedan Vehicle Detection in the Blind-Spot Area
* Integration of Physical and Cognitive Human Models to Simulate Driving With a Secondary In-Vehicle Task
* Integrity and Continuity for Automated Surface Conflict-Detection Monitoring
* Intelligent Environment-Friendly Vehicles: Concept and Case Studies
* Intelligent Management Functionality for Improving Transportation Efficiency by Means of the Car Pooling Concept
* Intelligent Traction Control Model for Speed Sensor Vehicles in Computer-Based Transit System
* Intelligent V2I-Based Traffic Management System, An
* Interacting Multiple Model Filter-Based Sensor Fusion of GPS With In-Vehicle Sensors for Real-Time Vehicle Positioning
* Interacting Multiple Model Filter-Based Sensor Fusion of GPS With In-Vehicle Sensors for Real-Time Vehicle Positioning
* Interactive Web-Based Public Transport Enquiry System With Real-Time Optimal Route Computation, An
* Intersection Support System for Powered Two-Wheeled Vehicles: Threat Assessment Based on a Receding Horizon Approach
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Emergent Cooperative Technologies in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Machine Learning for Traffic Sign Recognition
* Introduction to the Special Issue on the 2011 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Learning Approach Towards Detection and Tracking of Lane Markings, A
* Learning the Dynamics of Arterial Traffic From Probe Data Using a Dynamic Bayesian Network
* Leveraging Electronic Ticketing to Provide Personalized Navigation in a Public Transport Network
* Local Path Planning for Off-Road Autonomous Driving With Avoidance of Static Obstacles
* Localized Extended Kalman Filter for Scalable Real-Time Traffic State Estimation
* Making Vehicles Transparent Through V2V Video Streaming
* Map-Aided Integrity Monitoring of a Land Vehicle Navigation System
* Maritime Traffic Monitoring Based on Vessel Detection, Tracking, State Estimation, and Trajectory Prediction
* Matching Raw GPS Measurements on a Navigable Map Without Computing a Global Position
* Maximum-Likelihood Acceleration Estimation From Existing Roadway Vehicle Detectors
* Methodological Approach for Estimating Temporal and Spatial Extent of Delays Caused by Freeway Accidents, A
* Microsimulation Model for Motorway Merges With Ramp-Metering Controls
* Modeling Strategic Route Choice and Real-Time Information Impacts in Stochastic and Time-Dependent Networks
* Modified Iterative-Learning-Control-Based Ramp Metering Strategies for Freeway Traffic Control With Iteration-Dependent Factors
* Modular CACC System Integration and Design, A
* Multiple-Target Tracking for Intelligent Headlights Control
* Multiscale Path Optimization for the Reduced Environmental Impact of Air Transportation
* Neural-Network-Based Models for Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using a Hybrid Exponential Smoothing and Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
* New Approach for Co-Operative Bus Priority at Traffic Signals, A
* Nighttime Brake-Light Detection by Nakagami Imaging
* Novel Approach for Modeling Land Vehicle Kinematics to Improve GPS Performance Under Urban Environment Conditions, A
* Novel Geodetic Engineering Method for Accurate and Automated Road/Railway Centerline Geometry Extraction Based on the Bearing Diagram and Fractal Behavior, A
* Novel Lane Detection System With Efficient Ground Truth Generation, A
* Number of Lane Changes Determined by Splashover Effects in Loop Detector Counts
* On the Impact of Virtual Traffic Lights on Carbon Emissions Mitigation
* On-Road Multivehicle Tracking Using Deformable Object Model and Particle Filter With Improved Likelihood Estimation
* Optimal Aviation Security Screening Strategies With Dynamic Passenger Risk Updates
* Optimal Lane Reservation in Transportation Network
* Optimizing Pushback Decisions to Valuate Airport Surface Surveillance Information
* Parallel Computing Framework for Large-Scale Air Traffic Flow Optimization, A
* Parallelized Particle and Gaussian Sum Particle Filters for Large-Scale Freeway Traffic Systems
* Pedestrian Detection in Video Images via Error Correcting Output Code Classification of Manifold Subclasses
* Pedestrian Safety Analysis in Mixed Traffic Conditions Using Video Data
* Performance Degradation Monitoring for Onboard Speed Sensors of Trains
* Phase Diagram Analysis Based on a Temporal-Spatial Queueing Model
* Phase Transition of Message Propagation Speed in Delay-Tolerant Vehicular Networks
* Platooning With IVC-Enabled Autonomous Vehicles: Strategies to Mitigate Communication Delays, Improve Safety and Traffic Flow
* Predictive Traffic Controller for Sustainable Mobility Using Parameterized Control Policies, A
* Probe-Vehicle-Based Evaluation of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control, A
* Processing of Eye/Head-Tracking Data in Large-Scale Naturalistic Driving Data Sets
* Quasi-Linear Optimal Path Controller Applied to Post Impact Vehicle Dynamics
* Queueing Model Based Intelligent Human-Machine Task Allocator, A
* Queuing Network Modeling of Driver Lateral Control With or Without a Cognitive Distraction Task
* Real-Time Computer Vision/DGPS-Aided Inertial Navigation System for Lane-Level Vehicle Navigation
* Real-Time Detection and Recognition of Road Traffic Signs
* Real-Time Driver's Stress Event Detection
* Real-Time Lagrangian Traffic State Estimator for Freeways
* Real-Time Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Spectral Analysis
* Real-Time Traffic-Sign Recognition Using Tree Classifiers
* Real-Time Vehicle Identification Performance Using FPGA Correlator Hardware
* Real-Time Vehicle Navigation Algorithm in Sensor Network Environments, A
* Real-Time Video-Based Traffic Measurement and Visualization System for Energy/Emissions
* Robust Road Detection and Tracking in Challenging Scenarios Based on Markov Random Fields With Unsupervised Learning
* Robust Segmentation of Moving Vehicles Under Complex Outdoor Conditions
* Robust Train Timetabling Problem: Mathematical Model and Branch and Bound Algorithm
* Routing Protocols for GeoNet: A Survey
* Safe Driving Using Mobile Phones
* Safety Benefits of Forward Collision Warning, Brake Assist, and Autonomous Braking Systems in Rear-End Collisions
* Self-Coaching System Based on Recorded Driving Data: Learning From One's Experiences
* Sensitivity Analysis of an Evolutionary-Based Time-Dependent Origin/Destination Estimation Framework
* Short-Term Traffic Speed Forecasting Based on Data Recorded at Irregular Intervals
* Signal Timing Estimation Using Sample Intersection Travel Times
* Simple Free-Flow Traffic Model for Vehicular Intermittently Connected Networks, A
* Simple Vehicle Powertrain Model for Modeling Intelligent Vehicle Applications
* Simulation-Assignment-Based Travel Time Prediction Model for Traffic Corridors
* Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Path-Constrained Motion
* Sliding-Mode-Observer-Based Adaptive Slip Ratio Control for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
* Sparse-Representation-Based Graph Embedding for Traffic Sign Recognition
* Stereo-Camera-Based Urban Environment Perception Using Occupancy Grid and Object Tracking
* Stochastic Demand Dynamic Traffic Models Using Generalized Beta-Gaussian Bayesian Networks
* Stochastic Model for Chain Collisions of Vehicles Equipped With Vehicular Communications, A
* Stochastic Modeling of Traffic Flow Breakdown Phenomenon: Application to Predicting Travel Time Reliability
* Subliminal Persuasion and Its Potential for Driver Behavior Adaptation
* Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 2011 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Three-Dimensional Model-Based Human Detection in Crowded Scenes
* Track-to-Track Fusion With Asynchronous Sensors Using Information Matrix Fusion for Surround Environment Perception
* Tracking and Pairing Vehicle Headlight in Night Scenes
* Traffic Flow Estimation Models Using Cellular Phone Data
* Traffic Management for Automated Highway Systems Using Model-Based Predictive Control
* Travel Information: Time to Drop the Labels?
* Two-Phase Method of Detecting Abnormalities in Aircraft Flight Data and Ranking Their Impact on Individual Flights, A
* Validation of a New Functional Design of Automatic Protection Systems at Level Crossings with Model-Checking Techniques
* Vehicle Identification Via Sparse Representation
* Vehicle Velocity Observer Design Using 6-D IMU and Multiple-Observer Approach
* Vehicular Traffic Density State Estimation Based on Cumulative Road Acoustics
* Viability of Using Automatic Vehicle Identification Data for Real-Time Crash Prediction, The
* Visibility-Based Approach for Occupancy Grid Computation in Disparity Space, A
* Vision-Based Approach for Rail Extraction and its Application in a Camera Pan-Tilt Control System, A
* Vision-Based Traffic Sign Detection and Analysis for Intelligent Driver Assistance Systems: Perspectives and Survey
* Vision-Based Vehicle Detection System With Consideration of the Detecting Location
* We Can Deliver Messages to Far Vehicles
166 for ITS(13)
* Accurate Ego-Vehicle Global Localization at Intersections Through Alignment of Visual Data With Digital Map
* Adaptive Longitudinal Driving Assistance System Based on Driver Characteristics, An
* Adaptive Personalized Travel Information Systems: A Bayesian Method to Learn Users' Personal Preferences in Multimodal Transport Networks
* Aggregating and Sampling Methods for Processing GPS Data Streams for Traffic State Estimation
* Aircraft Ground-Taxiing Model for Congested Airport Using Cellular Automata
* Application-Aware Approach to Compression and Transmission of H.264 Encoded Video for Automated and Centralized Transportation Surveillance
* Approximation-Based Robust Adaptive Automatic Train Control: An Approach for Actuator Saturation
* Augmented Reality Experiment: Drivers' Behavior at an Unsignalized Intersection
* Automated Aircraft Trajectory Prediction Based on Formal Intent-Related Language Processing
* Automated Real-Time Detection of Potentially Suspicious Behavior in Public Transport Areas
* Automated Visual Inspection of Railroad Tracks
* Automatic Calibration Method for Driver's Head Orientation in Natural Driving Environment
* Automatic Quality Control of Transportation Reports Using Statistical Language Processing
* Automatic Road Crack Detection and Characterization
* BAHG: Back-Bone-Assisted Hop Greedy Routing for VANET's City Environments
* BeeJamA: A Distributed, Self-Adaptive Vehicle Routing Guidance Approach
* Braking-Penalized Receding Horizon Control of Heavy-Haul Trains
* Burst Effort Broadcasting Approach of MPEG-4 Video Transmission for Intervehicle Communication, A
* CARAVAN: Congestion Avoidance and Route Allocation Using Virtual Agent Negotiation
* Changes in the Correlation Between Eye and Steering Movements Indicate Driver Distraction
* Classification and Counting of Composite Objects in Traffic Scenes Using Global and Local Image Analysis
* Component-Based License Plate Detection Using Conditional Random Field Model
* Computational Traffic Experiments Based on Artificial Transportation Systems: An Application of ACP Approach
* Congestion-Controlled-Coordinator-Based MAC for Safety-Critical Message Transmission in VANETs
* Context-Aware and Energy-Driven Route Optimization for Fully Electric Vehicles via Crowdsourcing
* Cooperative Collision Avoidance at Intersections: Algorithms and Experiments
* Cooperative Inertial Navigation for GNSS-Challenged Vehicular Environments
* Cooperative Positioning for Vehicular Networks: Facts and Future
* Cooperative Regulation and Trading of Emissions Using Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles
* Cooperative Scheduling Model for Timetable Optimization in Subway Systems, A
* Counting Vehicles from Semantic Regions
* Demonstration of In-Car Doppler Laser Radar at 1.55 mu-m for Range and Speed Measurement
* Deriving the Upper Bound of the Number of Sensors Required to Know All Link Flows in a Traffic Network
* Deriving the Vehicle Speeds from a Mobile Telecommunications Network
* Descriptive Bayesian Approach to Modeling and Calibrating Drivers' En Route Diversion Behavior, A
* Design and Evaluation of a Robust Optical Beam-Interruption-Based Vehicle Classifier System
* Design, Analysis, and Validation of a Haptic-Based Driver Support System for Traction Control
* Development and Field Trial of a Driver Assistance System to Encourage Eco-Driving in Light Commercial Vehicle Fleets
* Diagnostic Approach for Advanced Tracking of Commercial Vehicles With Time Window Constraints, A
* Discrete Fourier Transformation for Seasonal-Factor Pattern Classification and Assignment
* Distributed Classification of Traffic Anomalies Using Microscopic Traffic Variables
* Distributed Modeling in a MapReduce Framework for Data-Driven Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Distributed Particle Filter for Urban Traffic Networks Using a Platoon-Based Model
* Dynamic Journeying in Scheduled Networks
* Dynamic Queuing Network Model for Flow Contingency Management
* Effect of Wind on Operating-Cost-Based Cruise Speed Reduction for Delay Absorption
* Effectiveness of Physiological and Psychological Features to Estimate Helicopter Pilots' Workload: A Bayesian Network Approach
* Efficient Multiple-Loop Sensor Configuration Applicable for Undisciplined Traffic, An
* Efficient Traffic State Estimation for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks
* Emergency Management of Urban Rail Transportation Based on Parallel Systems
* Energy Minimization Approach to Automatic Traffic Camera Calibration, An
* Energy-Efficient Wireless MAC Protocols for Railway Monitoring Applications
* Enhancing Light Blob Detection for Intelligent Headlight Control Using Lane Detection
* Enhancing Parking Simulations Using Peer-Designed Agents
* epsilon-Constraint and Fuzzy Logic-Based Optimization of Hazardous Material Transportation via Lane Reservation
* Estimating Real-Time Traffic Carbon Dioxide Emissions Based on Intelligent Transportation System Technologies
* Estimation of Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrices Using Linear Assignment Matrix Approximations
* Evacuation Planning Based on the Contraflow Technique With Consideration of Evacuation Priorities and Traffic Setup Time
* Extensive Tests of Autonomous Driving Technologies
* Flow-Based Freeway Travel-Time Estimation: A Comparative Evaluation Within Dynamic Path Loading
* Forward-Backward Mean-Shift for Visual Tracking With Local-Background-Weighted Histogram
* Freeway Travel-Time Estimation Based on Temporal-Spatial Queueing Model
* Freeway Travel-Time Information: Design and Real-Time Performance Using Spot-Speed Methods
* Front Sensor and GPS-Based Lateral Control of Automated Vehicles
* Gaze-Based Driver Distraction Warning System and Its Effect on Visual Behavior, A
* Generalizing Laplacian of Gaussian Filters for Vanishing-Point Detection
* Genetic Programming Model for Real-Time Crash Prediction on Freeways, A
* GNSS/Cellular Hybrid Positioning System for Mobile Users in Urban Scenarios
* GPS Localization Accuracy Classification: A Context-Based Approach
* Gradient-Enhancing Conversion for Illumination-Robust Lane Detection
* Head-Up Display-Based P300 Brain-Computer Interface for Destination Selection, A
* Heterogeneous Delay Embedding for Travel Time and Energy Cost Prediction Via Regression Analysis
* Heuristic Algorithms for Constructing Transporter Pools in Container Terminals
* Highly Automated Driving on Highways Based on Legal Safety
* Hybrid Approach for Automatic Incident Detection, A
* Hybridization of Nonlinear and Mixed-Integer Linear Programming for Aircraft Separation With Trajectory Recovery
* iBOAT: Isolation-Based Online Anomalous Trajectory Detection
* Improving Accuracy of the Vehicle Attitude Estimation for Low-Cost INS/GPS Integration Aided by the GPS-Measured Course Angle
* INS-Aided Tight Integration Approach for Relative Positioning Enhancement in VANETs, An
* Integrated Lane and Vehicle Detection, Localization, and Tracking: A Synergistic Approach
* Integrated Model Predictive Traffic and Emission Control Using a Piecewise-Affine Approach
* Integrated Urban Traffic Control for the Reduction of Travel Delays and Emissions
* Integrating Off-Board Cameras and Vehicle On-Board Localization for Pedestrian Safety
* Intelligence-Based Optimization Model of Passenger Flow in a Transportation Station, An
* Intelligent V2I-Based Traffic Management System, An
* Investigation on an Integrated Evacuation Route Planning Method Based on Real-Time Data Acquisition for High-Rise Building Fire
* King's Graph-Based Neighbor-Vehicle Mapping Framework
* Land-Use Classification Using Taxi GPS Traces
* Location-Based Crowdsourcing for Vehicular Communication in Hybrid Networks
* Location-Based Crowdsourcing for Vehicular Communication in Hybrid Networks
* Looking at Vehicles on the Road: A Survey of Vision-Based Vehicle Detection, Tracking, and Behavior Analysis
* MAC Protocol Using Road Traffic Estimation for Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Communications on Highways, A
* MARV-X: Applying Maneuver Assessment for Reliable Verification of Car-to-X Mobility Data
* Mathematical Model for the Prediction of Speeding with its Validation, A
* Minimal-Energy Driving Strategy for High-Speed Electric Train With Hybrid System Model
* Model-Independent Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Output Tracking Control of 4WS4WD Road Vehicles
* Modeling and Analysis of Driving Behavior Based on a Probability-Weighted ARX Model
* Modeling and Analysis of DSA-Based Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Systems
* Modeling and Delay Analysis of a Retransmission-Based Bundle Delivery Scheme for Intermittent Roadside Communication Networks
* Modeling Pedestrian Crossing Paths at Unmarked Roadways
* Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Integrated Network of Adaptive Traffic Signal Controllers (MARLIN-ATSC): Methodology and Large-Scale Application on Downtown Toronto
* Multiclass User Equilibrium Model Considering Overtaking Across Classes, A
* New Approach to Video-Based Traffic Surveillance Using Fuzzy Hybrid Information Inference Mechanism, A
* New Paradigms for the Integration of Yaw Stability and Rollover Prevention Functions in Vehicle Stability Control
* New Smart Parking System Based on Resource Allocation and Reservations
* Newly Developed Safety-Critical Computer System for China Metro, A
* Novel Speed-Bump Design and Optimization for Energy Harvesting From Traffic
* Object-Tracking Algorithm for 3-D Range Data Using Motion and Surface Estimation, An
* Observation of Vehicle Axles Through Pass-by Noise: A Strategy of Microphone Array Design
* On Secure VANET-Based Ad Dissemination With Pragmatic Cost and Effect Control
* Online Change-Point-Based Model for Traffic Parameter Prediction, An
* Online Learning Algorithms for Train Automatic Stop Control Using Precise Location Data of Balises
* Online Self-Learning Algorithm for License Plate Matching, An
* Optimal Feedback Flow Rates for Pedestrian Evacuation in a Network of Corridors
* Optimal Perimeter Control for Two Urban Regions With Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams: A Model Predictive Approach
* Optimal System Design of the Online Electric Vehicle Utilizing Wireless Power Transmission Technology, The
* Optimization Framework for Driver Feedback Systems, An
* Optimization of Fuel Cost and Emissions Using V2V Communications
* Optimizing Train-Stop Positions Along a Platform to Distribute the Passenger Load More Evenly Across Individual Cars
* Parallel Traffic Management System and Its Application to the 2010 Asian Games
* Part-Based Pedestrian Detection and Feature-Based Tracking for Driver Assistance: Real-Time, Robust Algorithms, and Evaluation
* Performance Modeling of Safety Messages Broadcast in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Performance-Based Classification of Occupant Posture to Reduce the Risk of Injury in a Collision
* Person-Based Traffic Responsive Signal Control Optimization
* Physical-Layer Location Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Mobile Public Hotspots in NEMO-Based VANETs, A
* Planning Autonomous Vehicles in the Absence of Speed Lanes Using an Elastic Strip
* Potential Accuracy of Traffic Signs' Positions Extracted From Google Street View
* Predicting Taxi-Passenger Demand Using Streaming Data
* Predictive Prevention of Loss of Vehicle Control for Roadway Departure Avoidance
* Probabilistic Framework for Decision-Making in Collision Avoidance Systems, A
* Probabilistic Integration of Intensity and Depth Information for Part-Based Vehicle Detection
* Probabilistic Long-Term Vehicle Motion Prediction and Tracking in Large Environments
* Pseudoranges Error Correction in Partial GPS Outages for a Nonlinear Tightly Coupled Integrated System
* Random-Walker Monocular Road Detection in Adverse Conditions Using Automated Spatiotemporal Seed Selection
* Real-Time Detection System of Driver Distraction Using Machine Learning
* Real-Time Road-Slope Estimation Based on Integration of Onboard Sensors With GPS Using an IMMPDA Filter
* Reasoning-Based Framework for Driving Safety Monitoring Using Driving Event Recognition
* Reformulation and Solution Algorithms for Absolute and Percentile Robust Shortest Path Problems
* Relative Positioning Enhancement in VANETs: A Tight Integration Approach
* Reliable Classification of Vehicle Types Based on Cascade Classifier Ensembles
* Review of Microscopic Lane-Changing Models and Future Research Opportunities
* Review on the Applications of Petri Nets in Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Urban Traffic, A
* Road Geometry Classification by Adaptive Shape Models
* Security Challenges in Vehicular Cloud Computing
* Shared Steering Control Between a Driver and an Automation: Stability in the Presence of Driver Behavior Uncertainty
* Short-Run Route Diversion: An Empirical Investigation into Variable Message Sign Design and Policy Experiments
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting: An Experimental Comparison of Time-Series Analysis and Supervised Learning
* Short-Term Traffic State Prediction Based on Temporal-Spatial Correlation
* Shortest Path Finding Problem in Stochastic Time-Dependent Road Networks With Stochastic First-In-First-Out Property
* Single-Train Trajectory Optimization
* Spatio-Temporal Traffic Scene Modeling for Object Motion Detection
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Traffic Congestion Caused by Rubbernecking at Freeway Accidents
* Split Covariance Intersection Filter: Theory and Its Application to Vehicle Localization
* Statistical Behavior Modeling for Driver-Adaptive Precrash Systems
* Stochastic Approach for Short-Term Freeway Traffic Prediction During Peak Periods
* Stochastic Lane Shape Estimation Using Local Image Descriptors
* Structural Signatures for Passenger Vehicle Classification in Video
* Study of Destination Selection Model Based on Link Flows, A
* Study on the Method for Cleaning and Repairing the Probe Vehicle Data, A
* Studying the Effects of Driver Distraction and Traffic Density on the Probability of Crash and Near-Crash Events in Naturalistic Driving Environment
* Subway Train Timetable Optimization Approach Based on Energy-Efficient Operation Strategy, A
* Supervised Weighting-Online Learning Algorithm for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction
* Supporting Drivers in Keeping Safe Speed in Adverse Weather Conditions by Mitigating the Risk Level
* Task Assignment Algorithm for Multiple Aerial Vehicles to Attack Targets With Dynamic Values, A
* Topology-Based Model for Railway Train Control Systems, A
* Two-Dimensional Optimal Velocity Model for Unidirectional Pedestrian Flow Based on Pedestrian's Visual Hindrance Field, A
* Unified Approach to Threat Assessment and Control for Automotive Active Safety, A
* Use of Automotive Radars in Video-Based Overtaking Assistance Applications, The
* User-Customizable Urban Traffic Information Collection Method Based on Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* UTN-Model-Based Traffic Flow Prediction for Parallel-Transportation Management Systems
* VAIT: A Visual Analytics System for Metropolitan Transportation
* Validating the Impact on Reducing Fuel Consumption by Using an EcoDriving Assistant Based on Traffic Sign Detection and Optimal Deceleration Patterns
* Vehicle Detection Based on the and-or Graph for Congested Traffic Conditions
* Vehicle Detection by Independent Parts for Urban Driver Assistance
* Vehicle Positioning Using GSM and Cascade-Connected ANN Structures
* Vehicle Simulator for an Efficient Electronic and Electrical Architecture Design, A
* Vehicles Meet Infrastructure: Toward Capacity-Cost Tradeoffs for Vehicular Access Networks
* Vehicular Trajectory Optimization for Cooperative Collision Avoidance at High Speeds
* VIP-WAVE: On the Feasibility of IP Communications in 802.11p Vehicular Networks
* Virtual Prototyping of an Electric Power Steering Simulator
* Vision-Based System for Monitoring the Loss of Attention in Automotive Drivers, A
* Visual Analysis of Eye State and Head Pose for Driver Alertness Monitoring
* Weather Adaptive Traffic Prediction Using Neurowavelet Models
183 for ITS(14)
* Accurate and Interpretable Bayesian MARS for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Actuator-Redundancy-Based Fault Diagnosis for Four-Wheel Independently Actuated Electric Vehicles
* Adaptive Bi-Level Gradient Procedure for the Estimation of Dynamic Traffic Demand, An
* Adaptive Bidirectional Platoon Control Using a Coupled Sliding Mode Control Method
* Adaptive Vehicle Navigation With En Route Stochastic Traffic Information
* ADCROSS: Adaptive Data Collection from Road Surveilling Sensors
* Agent-Based Microscopic Pedestrian Flow Simulation Model for Pedestrian Traffic Problems, An
* Agent-Based Simulation and Optimization of Urban Transit System
* Algebraic Connectivity Maximization for Air Transportation Networks
* Analysis of GNSS Performance Index Using Feature Points of Sky-View Image
* Analysis of the Godunov-Based Hybrid Model for Ramp Metering and Robust Feedback Control Design
* Analytical Hierarchy Process Using Fuzzy Inference Technique for Real-Time Route Guidance System
* Automated Detection of Driver Fatigue Based on Entropy and Complexity Measures
* Automated Test Approach Based on All Paths Covered Optimal Algorithm and Sequence Priority Selected Algorithm
* Automatic Detection of Squats in Railway Infrastructure
* Autonomous Visual Navigation and Laser-Based Moving Obstacle Avoidance
* Axiomatic Design Approach to Passenger Itinerary Enumeration in Reconfigurable Transportation Systems, An
* B-Planner: Planning Bidirectional Night Bus Routes Using Large-Scale Taxi GPS Traces
* Bandwidth Synchronization Under Progression Time Uncertainty
* Bayesian Precalibration of a Large Stochastic Microsimulation Model
* Bayesian Road Estimation Using Onboard Sensors
* Bibliometric Analysis of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Based on Science Mapping, A
* Bulk Queue Model for the Evaluation of Impact of Headway Variations and Passenger Waiting Behavior on Public Transit Performance, A
* Bus Bridging Disruption in Rail Services With Frustrated and Impatient Passengers
* Car Pooling Model and Solution Method With Stochastic Vehicle Travel Times, A
* ChainCluster: Engineering a Cooperative Content Distribution Framework for Highway Vehicular Communications
* Challenges Toward Wireless Communications for High-Speed Railway
* Classification of Driving Direction in Traffic Surveillance Using Magnetometers
* Cloud-Based Velocity Profile Optimization for Everyday Driving: A Dynamic-Programming-Based Solution
* Coding or Not: Optimal Mobile Data Offloading in Opportunistic Vehicular Networks
* Collaborations Patterns and Productivity Analysis for IEEE T-ITS Between 2010 and 2013
* Combining Priors, Appearance, and Context for Road Detection
* Commuter Route Optimized Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Compact Configuration of Aircraft Flows at Intersections
* Comparing Optimal Relocation Operations With Simulated Relocation Policies in One-Way Carsharing Systems
* Comparison of Three Electrochemical Energy Buffers Applied to a Hybrid Bus Powertrain With Simultaneous Optimal Sizing and Energy Management
* Continuous Head Movement Estimator for Driver Assistance: Issues, Algorithms, and On-Road Evaluations
* Controller Synthesis for String Stability of Vehicle Platoons
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Real Traffic Situations
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control: Network-Aware Analysis of String Stability
* Cooperative Bayesian Estimation of Vehicular Traffic in Large-Scale Networks
* Coordinated Control of Wheeled Vehicles in the Presence of a Large Communication Delay Through a Potential Functional Approach
* Cost-Optimal Charging of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Under Time-Varying Electricity Price Signals
* COTraMS: A Collaborative and Opportunistic Traffic Monitoring System
* Data Dissemination in VANETs: A Scheduling Approach
* Deep Architecture for Traffic Flow Prediction: Deep Belief Networks With Multitask Learning
* Delay-Tolerant Stochastic Algorithms for Parking Space Assignment
* Design and Evaluation of Charging Station Scheduling Strategies for Electric Vehicles
* Design and Performance Enhancements in Communication-Based Train Control Systems With Coordinated Multipoint Transmission and Reception
* Detecting Road Traffic Events by Coupling Multiple Timeseries With a Nonparametric Bayesian Method
* Detection of Intoxicated Drivers Using Online System Identification of Steering Behavior
* Developing a Body Sensor Network to Detect Emotions During Driving
* Development and Evaluation of an Intelligent Energy-Management Strategy for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Development of a Control Strategy of Variable Speed Limits to Reduce Rear-End Collision Risks Near Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks
* Direct and Steering Tilt Robust Control of Narrow Vehicles
* Driver Monitoring Based on Low-Cost 3-D Sensors
* Driver Workload Characteristics Analysis Using EEG Data From an Urban Road
* Driver/Vehicle Response Diagnostic System for the Vehicle-Following Case
* Dynamic Classification of Traffic Flow Patterns Simulated by a Switching Multimode Discrete Cell Transmission Model
* Dynamic Control of Airport Departures: Algorithm Development and Field Evaluation
* Dynamic Probabilistic Drivability Maps for Lane Change and Merge Driver Assistance
* Dynamic Vehicle Redistribution and Online Price Incentives in Shared Mobility Systems
* EasiSee: Real-Time Vehicle Classification and Counting via Low-Cost Collaborative Sensing
* Effect of Using an In-Vehicle Smart Driving Aid on Real-World Driver Performance
* Efficient Bilevel Approach for Urban Rail Transit Operation With Stop-Skipping
* Efficient Closed-Loop Multiple-View Registration
* Efficient Evaluation of Collisions and Costs on Grid Maps for Autonomous Vehicle Motion Planning
* Efficient Hardware Implementation of HOG Feature Extraction for Human Detection, An
* Efficient Visibility Enhancement Algorithm for Road Scenes Captured by Intelligent Transportation Systems, An
* Electrified Vehicles and the Smart Grid: The ITS Perspective
* Energy-Efficient Locomotive Operation for Chinese Mainline Railways by Fuzzy Predictive Control
* Energy-Efficient Train Operation in Urban Rail Transit Using Real-Time Traffic Information
* Energy-Sustainable Traffic Signal Timings for a Congested Road Network With Heterogeneous Users
* Envelope Level Crossing Rate and Average Fade Duration of Nonisotropic Vehicle-to-Vehicle Ricean Fading Channels
* Estimating Dynamic Queue Distribution in a Signalized Network Through a Probability Generating Model
* Estimating Speed Using a Side-Looking Single-Radar Vehicle Detector
* Event-Triggered Receding-Horizon Scheme for Planning Rail Operations in Maritime Terminals, An
* Evolving Bayesian Graph for Three-Dimensional Vehicle Model Building From Video
* Exploitation of Vehicle-to-Grid Function for Power Quality Improvement in a Smart Grid, The
* Exploratory Study of Two Efficient Approaches for the Sensitivity Analysis of Computationally Expensive Traffic Simulation Models, An
* Fast and Secure Multihop Broadcast Solutions for Intervehicular Communication
* Fault-Tolerant Adaptive Control of High-Speed Trains Under Traction/Braking Failures: A Virtual Parameter-Based Approach
* Finite-State Markov Modeling for Wireless Channels in Tunnel Communication-Based Train Control Systems
* Formal Intent-Based Trajectory Description Languages
* Framework for Estimating Driver Decisions Near Intersections, A
* Fuel Panics: Insights From Spatial Agent-Based Simulation
* Future Dual-Frequency GPS Navigation System for Intelligent Air Transportation Under Strong Ionospheric Scintillation
* General Behavior Prediction by a Combination of Scenario-Specific Models
* Generation of a Precise Roadway Map for Autonomous Cars
* GNSS Accuracy Improvement Using Rapid Shadow Transitions
* Growing Spatially Embedded Social Networks for Activity-Travel Analysis Based on Artificial Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial Traffic Simulation
* Hand Gesture Recognition in Real Time for Automotive Interfaces: A Multimodal Vision-Based Approach and Evaluations
* Haptic Steering Support for Driving Near the Vehicle's Handling Limits: Test-Track Case
* Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles [Guest editorial]
* Hybrid Communication Protocols and Control Algorithms for NextGen Aircraft Arrivals
* Impact of Gate Assignment on Departure Metering
* Impact of In-Vehicle Displays Location Preferences on Drivers' Performance and Gaze
* Improving Group Transit Schemes to Minimize Negative Effects of Maritime Piracy
* Improving Handover and Drop-off Performance on High-Speed Trains With Multi-RAT
* Improving Traffic Flow Efficiency by In-Car Advice on Lane, Speed, and Headway
* Increasing the Regenerative Braking Energy for Railway Vehicles
* Integrated Vehicle Navigation System Utilizing Lane-Detection and Lateral Position Estimation Systems in Difficult Environments for GPS, An
* Intelligent Carpool Routing for Urban Ridesharing by Mining GPS Trajectories
* Intelligent Train Operation Algorithms for Subway by Expert System and Reinforcement Learning
* Intelligent Trip Modeling for the Prediction of an Origin: Destination Traveling Speed Profile
* Iranian License Plate Recognition System Based on Color Features, An
* ITS for Sustainable Mobility: A Survey on Applications and Impact Assessment Tools
* Learning a Part-Based Pedestrian Detector in a Virtual World
* Limits of Predictability for Large-Scale Urban Vehicular Mobility
* Linear and Weakly Nonlinear Stability Analyses of Cooperative Car-Following Models
* Local Ramp Metering in the Presence of a Distant Downstream Bottleneck: Theoretical Analysis and Simulation Study
* Macroscopic Forecasting Framework for Estimating Socioeconomic and Environmental Performance of Intelligent Transport Highways, A
* Macroscopic Signal Optimization Model for Arterials Under Heavy Mixed Traffic Flows, A
* Magnetometer Calibration for Portable Navigation Devices in Vehicles Using a Fast and Autonomous Technique
* Measuring Networkwide Traffic Delay in Schedule Optimization for Work-Zone Planning in Urban Networks
* Memory-Efficient Architecture of Full HD Around View Monitor Systems, A
* Metamodel for Estimating Error Bounds in Real-Time Traffic Prediction Systems, A
* Mobile Traffic Sensor Routing in Dynamic Transportation Systems
* Modeling and Analysis of an Infrastructure Service Request Queue in Multichannel V2I Communications
* Modeling and Detecting Aggressiveness From Driving Signals
* Modeling and Forecasting the Urban Volume Using Stochastic Differential Equations
* Modeling and Nonlinear Adaptive Control for Autonomous Vehicle Overtaking
* Modeling and Simulating a Narrow Tilting Car Using Robotics Formalism
* Modeling Mandatory Lane Changing Using Bayes Classifier and Decision Trees
* Modeling Shuttle-Lane Roadwork Operated by Temporary Traffic Signals Using Microsimulation
* Modular Design of Urban Traffic-Light Control Systems Based on Synchronized Timed Petri Nets
* Monocular Road Terrain Detection by Combining Visual and Spatial Information
* Monte Carlo Approach to Simulate the Stochastic Demand in a Continuous Dynamic Traffic Network Loading Problem, A
* Multi-ROI Association and Tracking With Belief Functions: Application to Traffic Sign Recognition
* Multilevel Modeling of the Traffic Dynamic
* Multimodel Ensemble for Freeway Traffic State Estimations
* Multiobjective Departure Runway Scheduling Using Dynamic Programming
* Multiple-Human Tracking by Iterative Data Association and Detection Update
* Multivehicle Cooperative Local Mapping: A Methodology Based on Occupancy Grid Map Merging
* Negative Binomial Additive Models for Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting in Urban Areas
* New Efficient Regression Method for Local AADT Estimation via SCAD Variable Selection
* No Free Lunch Theorems Applied to the Calibration of Traffic Simulation Models
* North Atlantic Aircraft Trajectory Optimization
* Novel Algorithm for Crash Detection Under General Road Scenes Using Crash Probabilities and an Interactive Multiple Model Particle Filter, A
* Novel Electric Vehicle for Smart Indoor Mobility, A
* Observability Analysis of Collaborative Opportunistic Navigation With Pseudorange Measurements
* Observer-Based Robust Control of Vehicle Dynamics for Rollover Mitigation in Critical Situations
* Offline Framework for Handling Automatic Passenger Counting Raw Data, An
* On Optimality Criteria for Reverse Charging of Electric Vehicles
* On Topology of Sensor Networks Deployed for Multitarget Tracking
* On-Demand Conflict Resolution Procedures for Air-Traffic Intersections
* Optimal Scheduling for Highway Emergency Repairs Under Large-Scale Supply-Demand Perturbations
* Optimal Velocity-Planning Scheme for Vehicle Energy Efficiency Through Probabilistic Prediction of Traffic-Signal Timing, An
* Optimization of Multitrain Operations in a Subway System
* Overcoming Drowsiness by Inducing Cardiorespiratory Phase Synchronization
* Parallel Public Transportation System and Its Application in Evaluating Evacuation Plans for Large-Scale Activities
* Particle-Based Solution for Modeling and Tracking Dynamic Digital Elevation Maps, A
* Path Inference Filter: Model-Based Low-Latency Map Matching of Probe Vehicle Data, The
* Pedestrian Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Multistory Buildings Using Inertial Sensors
* Performance Improved Methods for Communication-Based Train Control Systems With Random Packet Drops
* Portable Roadside Sensors for Vehicle Counting, Classification, and Speed Measurement
* Practical Roadside Camera Calibration Method Based on Least Squares Optimization, A
* Prediction of Traffic Flow at the Boundary of a Motorway Network
* Probabilistic Aircraft Midair Conflict Resolution Using Stochastic Optimal Control
* Probabilistic and Holistic Prediction of Vehicle States Using Sensor Fusion for Application to Integrated Vehicle Safety Systems
* Process of Information Propagation Along a Traffic Stream Through Intervehicle Communication, The
* Proxy-Based Authentication and Billing Scheme With Incentive-Aware Multihop Forwarding for Vehicular Networks, A
* Rail Component Detection, Optimization, and Assessment for Automatic Rail Track Inspection
* Rapid Multiclass Traffic Sign Detection in High-Resolution Images
* Real-Time Transit Signal Priority Control Model Considering Stochastic Bus Arrival Time, A
* Realization of a Dilemma-Zone Guiding Algorithm at Signalized Intersections
* Rear-View Vehicle Detection and Tracking by Combining Multiple Parts for Complex Urban Surveillance
* Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring of GNSS Signals for Electronic Toll Collection
* Reducing the Error Accumulation in Car-Following Models Calibrated With Vehicle Trajectory Data
* Reliable Vehicle Pose Estimation Using Vision and a Single-Track Model
* Research on a DSRC-Based Rear-End Collision Warning Model
* Reversing the General One-Trailer System: Asymptotic Curvature Stabilization and Path Tracking
* Robust Control for Urban Road Traffic Networks
* Robust Optimization of Dynamic Motorway Traffic via Ramp Metering
* Robust Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Color Global and Local Oriented Edge Magnitude Patterns
* Robust Vehicle Sideslip Angle Estimation Through a Disturbance Rejection Filter That Integrates a Magnetometer With GPS
* Rollover-Preventive Force Synthesis at Active Suspensions in a Vehicle Performing a Severe Maneuver With Wheels Lifted Off
* Sampled-Data Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control of Vehicles With Sensor Failures
* Scanning the Issue and Beyond: Parallel Driving With Software Vehicular Robots for Safety and Smartness
* Self-Adaptive Tolling Strategy for Enhanced High-Occupancy Toll Lane Operations
* Semiautonomous Vehicular Control Using Driver Modeling
* Sensitivity-Analysis-Based Approach for the Calibration of Traffic Simulation Models, A
* Sensor Fusion-Based Vacant Parking Slot Detection and Tracking
* Simulation Analysis on the Existence of Network Traffic Flow Equilibria, A
* Situational Knowledge Representation for Traffic Observed by a Pavement Vibration Sensor Network
* Sizing Finite-Population Vehicle Pools
* Smart Driving of a Vehicle Using Model Predictive Control for Improving Traffic Flow
* Smart Public Transit System Using an Energy Storage System and Its Coordination With a Distribution Grid
* Spatiotemporal Patterns in Large-Scale Traffic Speed Prediction
* Speed and Texture: An Empirical Study on Optical-Flow Accuracy in ADAS Scenarios
* Stochastic Analysis of a Single-Hop Communication Link in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Stochastic Characterization of Information Propagation Process in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
* Stochastic Park-and-Charge Balancing for Fully Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles
* Study of the Track-Train Continuous Information Transmission Process in a High-Speed Railway
* Study on Emergency-Avoidance Braking for the Automatic Platooning of Trucks
* Study on the Display Positions for the Haptic Rotary Device-Based Integrated In-Vehicle Infotainment Interface
* Subjective Traffic Safety Experts' Knowledge for Driving-Risk Definition
* Supervisory Power Management Control Algorithms for Hybrid Electric Vehicles: A Survey
* Support Vector Number Reduction: Survey and Experimental Evaluations
* Survey of Traffic Control With Vehicular Communications, A
* Switching Rollover Controller Coupled With Closed-Loop Adaptive Vehicle Parameter Identification, A
* Symmetrical SURF and Its Applications to Vehicle Detection and Vehicle Make and Model Recognition
* Tactical Driving Behavior With Different Levels of Automation
* Task-Specific Performance Evaluation of UGVs: Case Studies at the IVFC
* Temporal Data Dissemination in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems
* Text Detection and Recognition on Traffic Panels From Street-Level Imagery Using Visual Appearance
* Theme Classification and Analysis of Core Articles Published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems From 2010 to 2013
* Tire Radii Estimation Using a Marginalized Particle Filter
* Toward a Methodology for Assessing Electric Vehicle Exterior Sounds
* Toward Dynamic Scene Understanding by Hierarchical Motion Pattern Mining
* Toward Privacy-Protecting Safety Systems for Naturalistic Driving Videos
* Toward Real-Time Pedestrian Detection Based on a Deformable Template Model
* Traffic Sign Recognition With Hinge Loss Trained Convolutional Neural Networks
* Transit Coordination Using Integer-Ratio Headways
* Transit Timetables Resulting in Even Maximum Load on Individual Vehicles
* Two-Dimensional Sensor System for Automotive Crash Prediction
* Two-Half-Barrier Level Crossings Versus Four-Half-Barrier Level Crossings: A Comparative Risk Analysis Study
* Two-Objective Timetable Optimization Model in Subway Systems, A
* Understanding Bicycle Dynamics and Cyclist Behavior From Naturalistic Field Data (November 2012)
* Using a Head-up Display-Based Steady-State Visually Evoked Potential Brain: Computer Interface to Control a Simulated Vehicle
* Using Delayed Observations for Long-Term Vehicle Tracking in Large Environments
* Utilizing Microscopic Traffic and Weather Data to Analyze Real-Time Crash Patterns in the Context of Active Traffic Management
* Validation Study on a Subjective Driving Workload Prediction Tool, A
* Valuating Surface Surveillance Technology for Collaborative Multiple-Spot Control of Airport Departure Operations
* Vehicle Active Steering Control System Based on Human Mechanical Impedance Properties of the Arms
* Vehicle Color Recognition on Urban Road by Feature Context
* Vehicle Reidentification With Self-Adaptive Time Windows for Real-Time Travel Time Estimation
* Vehicle-to-Vehicle Propagation Models With Large Vehicle Obstructions
* Vision-Only Localization
* Web-Based Traffic Sentiment Analysis: Methods and Applications
* When to Control the Ramps on Freeway Corridors? A Novel Stability-and-MFD-Based Approach
* Will the Pedestrian Cross? A Study on Pedestrian Path Prediction
* Wireless Accelerometer-Based Automatic Vehicle Classification Prototype System, A
* Yaw Estimation Using Cylindrical and Ellipsoidal Face Models
235 for ITS(15)
* Adaptive Estimation of Energy Factors in an Intelligent Convoy of Vehicles
* ALIMC: Activity Landmark-Based Indoor Mapping via Crowdsourcing
* Analysis and Modeling of Pedestrian Crossing Behavior During the Pedestrian Flashing Green Interval
* Analysis of Stochastic k-Coverage and Connectivity in Sensor Networks With Boundary Deployment
* Analysis of Traffic Performance of a Merging Assistant Strategy Using Cooperative Vehicles
* Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Transportation Mode Recognition Using Mobile Phone Sensor Data
* Appraisal and Evaluation of Interurban ITS: A European Survey
* Artificial Co-Drivers as a Universal Enabling Technology for Future Intelligent Vehicles and Transportation Systems
* Assistive Situation Awareness System for Mobile Multimachine Work Environments
* Automated Detection of Urban Road Manhole Covers Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automated Extraction of Urban Road Facilities Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automated Road Information Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Road Lane Markings Using Onboard Vehicular Cameras
* Automatic Parallel Parking in Tiny Spots: Path Planning and Control
* Automatic Rotor Speed Reference Generator for Electric Vehicles Under Slip Constraints
* Autonomous Driving System for Unknown Environments Using a Unified Map, An
* Autonomous Reverse Parking System Based on Robust Path Generation and Improved Sliding Mode Control
* Bandwidth Maximization Using Vehicle Arrival Functions
* Bluetooth Vehicle Trajectory by Fusing Bluetooth and Loops: Motorway Travel Time Statistics
* Brain-Computer Interface-Based Vehicle Destination Selection System Using P300 and SSVEP Signals, A
* Calibration and Validation of Probabilistic Discretionary Lane-Change Models
* Calibration of Nonoverlapping In-Vehicle Cameras With Laser Pointers
* Cellular Network as a Sensor: From Mobile Phone Data to Real-Time Road Traffic Monitoring, The
* Characterization of Wireless Channel Impact on Wireless Sensor Network Performance in Public Transportation Buses
* City Vehicle Routing Problem (City VRP): A Review
* Closed-Loop Speed Advisory Model With Driver's Behavior Adaptability for Eco-Driving, A
* Cognitive Control Approach to Communication-Based Train Control Systems, A
* Comments on Model-Independent Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Output Tracking Control of 4WS4WD Road Vehicles
* Comparison of Mixed-Integer Linear Models for Fuel-Optimal Air Conflict Resolution With Recovery
* Component GARCH Models to Account for Seasonal Patterns and Uncertainties in Travel-Time Prediction
* Constructed Data Pilot-Assisted Channel Estimators for Mobile Environments
* Cooperative Train Control Model for Energy Saving, A
* Coordinated Adaptive Cruise Control System With Lane-Change Assistance
* Counting and Classification of Highway Vehicles by Regression Analysis
* Curvilinear-Coordinate-Based Object and Situation Assessment for Highly Automated Vehicles
* D2D for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Feasibility Study
* Deduction of Passengers' Route Choices From Smart Card Data
* Demand-Driven Train Schedule Synchronization for High-Speed Rail Lines
* Dense Stereo-Based Robust Vertical Road Profile Estimation Using Hough Transform and Dynamic Programming
* Design of a Mobile Charging Service for Electric Vehicles in an Urban Environment
* Design of Robust and Energy-Efficient ATO Speed Profiles of Metropolitan Lines Considering Train Load Variations and Delays
* Design of Traffic Safety Control Systems for Emergency Vehicle Preemption Using Timed Petri Nets
* Designing Huge Repositories of Moving Vehicles Trajectories for Efficient Extraction of Semantic Data
* Detection of Dangerous Cornering in GNSS-Data-Driven Insurance Telematics
* Detection of U.S. Traffic Signs
* Development of a Deceleration-Based Surrogate Safety Measure for Rear-End Collision Risk
* Development of a Driver Lateral Control Model by Integrating Neuromuscular Dynamics Into the Queuing Network-Based Driver Model
* Development of an Optimal Operation Approach in the MPC Framework for Heavy-Haul Trains
* Development of Efficient Nonlinear Benchmark Bicycle Dynamics for Control Applications
* Discovering Regions Where Users Drive Inefficiently on Regular Journeys
* Discrete-State Encoding in Hybrid-State Systems for Intelligent Vehicle Control and Estimation
* Distributed Consensus Strategy for Platooning of Vehicles in the Presence of Time-Varying Heterogeneous Communication Delays
* Distributed Framework for Coordinated Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platooning, A
* Distributed Optimization for Shared State Systems: Applications to Decentralized Freeway Control via Subnetwork Splitting
* Distributed Traffic Signal Control Using the Cell Transmission Model via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* DMAP: Density Map Service in City Environments
* Do We Really Need to Calibrate All the Parameters? Variance-Based Sensitivity Analysis to Simplify Microscopic Traffic Flow Models
* Drive Analysis Using Vehicle Dynamics and Vision-Based Lane Semantics
* Driver Behavior Analysis for Safe Driving: A Survey
* Driver Gaze Tracking and Eyes Off the Road Detection System
* Driving Safety Field Based on Driver-Vehicle-Road Interactions, The
* Dynamic and Self-Adaptive Network Selection Method for Multimode Communications in Heterogeneous Vehicular Telematics, A
* Dynamic Prediction of Vehicle Cluster Distribution in Mixed Traffic: A Statistical Mechanics-Inspired Method
* Dynamic-Time-Warping-Based Measurement Data Alignment Model for Condition-Based Railroad Track Maintenance
* Educational Frameworks for Vehicle Mechatronics
* Efficient Compression of 4D-Trajectory Data in Air Traffic Management
* Efficient Pedestrian Detection via Rectangular Features Based on a Statistical Shape Model
* Efficient Real-Time Train Scheduling for Urban Rail Transit Systems Using Iterative Convex Programming
* Efficient Road Detection and Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Efficient Road Scene Understanding for Intelligent Vehicles Using Compositional Hierarchical Models
* Efficient Sampling-Based Motion Planning for On-Road Autonomous Driving
* Embedded Multisensor System for Safe Point-to-Point Navigation of Impaired Users
* Embedded Vision System for Real-Time Autonomous Localization Using Laser Profilometry, An
* Emergency Railway Transportation Planning Using a Hyper-Heuristic Approach
* Empirical Geometry-Based Random-Cluster Model for High-Speed-Train Channels in UMTS Networks
* Energy-Optimal Speed Control for Electric Vehicles on Signalized Arterials
* Equity-Oriented Aircraft Collision Avoidance Model
* Establishing Style-Oriented Driver Models by Imitating Human Driving Behaviors
* Evaluation of the Effects of a Personal Mobility Vehicle on Multiple Pedestrians Using Personal Space
* Exponential Contrast Restoration in Fog Conditions for Driving Assistance
* Extended-State-Observer-Based Double-Loop Integral Sliding-Mode Control of Electronic Throttle Valve
* ExTraCT: Expediting Offloading Transfers Through Intervehicle Communication Transmissions
* Fast Online Computation of a Model Predictive Controller and Its Application to Fuel Economy-Oriented Adaptive Cruise Control
* Feedback-Based Mainstream Traffic Flow Control for Multiple Bottlenecks on Motorways
* Feedback-Coordinated Ramp Control of Consecutive On-Ramps Using Distributed Modeling and Godunov-Based Satisfiable Allocation
* Finite-Time Stabilization for Vehicle Active Suspension Systems With Hard Constraints
* Frailty Models for the Estimation of Spatiotemporally Maximum Congested Impact Information on Freeway Accidents
* Fuel-Optimal Cruising Strategy for Road Vehicles With Step-Gear Mechanical Transmission
* Fully Automatic Roadside Camera Calibration for Traffic Surveillance
* Fuzzy Logic to Evaluate Driving Maneuvers: An Integrated Approach to Improve Training
* Genetic-Algorithm-Based Approach to Solve Carpool Service Problems in Cloud Computing, A
* GNSS Multipath and Jamming Mitigation Using High-Mask-Angle Antennas and Multiple Constellations
* GPS Error Correction With Pseudorange Evaluation Using Three-Dimensional Maps
* GPS Signal Authentication From Cooperative Peers
* Graceful Degradation of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
* Green Energy and Content-Aware Data Transmissions in Maritime Wireless Communication Networks
* HAZOP Study on the CTCS-3 Onboard System
* Hierarchical Adaptive Path-Tracking Control for Autonomous Vehicles
* Hierarchical and Networked Vehicle Surveillance in ITS: A Survey
* Holistic View of ITS-Enhanced Charging Markets, A
* How the Autonomic Nervous System and Driving Style Change With Incremental Stressing Conditions During Simulated Driving
* Impact of Communication Erasure Channels on the Safety of Highway Vehicle Platoons
* Impact of Driving Styles on Fuel Consumption: A Data-Warehouse-and-Data-Mining-Based Discovery Process, The
* Improved Exact epsilon-Constraint and Cut-and-Solve Combined Method for Biobjective Robust Lane Reservation, An
* Improved Protocols and Stability Analysis for Multivehicle Cooperative Autonomous Systems
* Improving Mass Transit Operations by Using AVL-Based Systems: A Survey
* Improving the Efficacy of Car-Following Models With a New Stochastic Parameter Estimation and Calibration Method
* Inferring the Travel Purposes of Passenger Groups for Better Understanding of Passengers
* Inferring Traffic Signal Phases From Turning Movement Counters Using Hidden Markov Models
* Information Dissemination Delay in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Networks in a Traffic Stream
* Integrated Control Model for Headway Regulation and Energy Saving in Urban Rail Transit, An
* Integrating the Bus Vehicle Class Into the Cell Transmission Model
* Intelligent Hybrid Electric Vehicle ACC With Coordinated Control of Tracking Ability, Fuel Economy, and Ride Comfort
* Intelligent Mobile Video Surveillance System as a Bayesian Coalition Game in Vehicular Sensor Networks: Learning Automata Approach
* Intercultural Analyses of Time-to-Collision in Vehicle-Pedestrian Conflict on an Urban Midblock Crosswalk
* Intra-Vehicle Networks: A Review
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications in ITS
* Introduction to the Special Issue on the 16th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 13)
* Joint Fuzzy Relays and Network-Coding-Based Forwarding for Multihop Broadcasting in VANETs
* Joint Human Detection From Static and Mobile Cameras
* Lane Departure Identification for Advanced Driver Assistance
* Large-Scale SUMO-Based Emulation Platform, A
* Lateral Vehicle State and Environment Estimation Using Temporally Previewed Mapped Lane Features
* Learning Discriminative Pattern for Real-Time Car Brand Recognition
* Learning to Detect Vehicles by Clustering Appearance Patterns
* Learning-Based Driving Events Recognition and Its Application to Digital Roads
* Linear Time and Space Algorithm for Optimal Traffic-Signal Duration at an Intersection, A
* Longitudinal Model Identification and Velocity Control of an Autonomous Car
* Low-Cost Hardware Architecture for Illumination Adjustment in Real-Time Applications, A
* Low-Dimensional Models for Compressed Sensing and Prediction of Large-Scale Traffic Data
* Machine Learning and Mass Estimation Methods for Ground-Based Aircraft Climb Prediction
* Macroscopic Traffic Data-Assimilation Framework Based on the Fourier-Galerkin Method and Minimax Estimation, A
* Managing Electric Vehicles in the Smart Grid Using Artificial Intelligence: A Survey
* Managing Emergency Traffic Evacuation With a Partially Random Destination Allocation Strategy: A Computational-Experiment-Based Optimization Approach
* Measurement-Based Stochastic Model for High-Speed Railway Channels, A
* Measurements and Analysis of Large-Scale Fading Characteristics in Curved Subway Tunnels at 920 MHz, 2400 MHz, and 5705 MHz
* Method to Calibrate Vehicle-Mounted Cameras Under Urban Traffic Scenes, A
* Methodology for Denoising and Generating Bus Infrastructure Data, A
* Methodology for Multiobjective Optimization of the AC Railway Power Supply System
* Microsimulation Analysis of Practical Aspects of Traffic Control With Variable Speed Limits
* Minimizing the Disruption of Traffic Flow of Automated Vehicles During Lane Changes
* Mitigation of Vehicle Distribution in an EV Sharing Scheme for Last Mile Transportation
* Mobile Sensing Approach to Stress Detection and Memory Activation for Public Bus Drivers, A
* Mobile Standards-Based Traffic Light Detection in Assistive Devices for Individuals with Color-Vision Deficiency
* Model to Evaluate the Impact of Headway Variation and Vehicle Size on the Reliability of Public Transit, A
* Model-Based Joint Detection and Tracking Approach for Multi-Vehicle Tracking With Lidar Sensor, A
* Model-Based Methodology for Validation of Traffic Flow Detectors by Minimizing Human Bias in Video Data Processing
* Modeling and Performance Analysis of Medium Access Control Schemes for Drive-Thru Internet Access Provisioning Systems
* Modeling and Solving Real-Time Train Rescheduling Problems in Railway Bottleneck Sections
* Modeling Social Influence on Activity-Travel Behaviors Using Artificial Transportation Systems
* Modeling Traffic Control Agency Decision Behavior for Multimodal Manual Signal Control Under Event Occurrences
* Moment Analysis of Highway-Traffic Clearance Distribution
* Monitoring the Speed, Configurations, and Weight of Vehicles Using an In-Situ Wireless Sensing Network
* Moving Object Classification Using a Combination of Static Appearance Features and Spatial and Temporal Entropy Values of Optical Flows
* Multimodal ADAS System for Unmarked Urban Scenarios Based on Road Context Understanding, A
* Multiobjective Optimization for Train Speed Trajectory in CTCS High-Speed Railway With Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm
* Multiplatooning Leaders Positioning and Cooperative Behavior Algorithms of Communicant Automated Vehicles for High Traffic Capacity
* Multiple Concentric Gating Traffic Control in Large-Scale Urban Networks
* Multiple Train Trajectory Optimization to Minimize Energy Consumption and Delay, A
* Multispectral Stereo Odometry
* Multivehicle Cooperative Driving Using Cooperative Perception: Design and Experimental Validation
* Near-Infrared-Based Nighttime Pedestrian Detection Using Grouped Part Models
* Near-Lossless Compression for Large Traffic Networks
* Network-Matched Trajectory-Based Moving-Object Database: Models and Applications
* Neuro-Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Approach for Active Suspension Control of High-Speed Trains
* New Strategy for Dynamic Weighing in Motion of Railway Vehicles, A
* Nighttime Visibility Analysis and Estimation Method in the Presence of Dense Fog
* Nonparametric Technique Based High-Speed Road Surface Detection
* Nonstationary Wideband MIMO Channel Model for High-Mobility Intelligent Transportation Systems, A
* Note on Model-Independent Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Output Tracking Control of 4WS4WD Road Vehicles, A
* Novel Approach for Active Adhesion Control of High-Speed Trains Under Antiskid Constraints, A
* Novel Approach for Vehicle Detection Using an AND-OR-Graph-Based Multiscale Model, A
* Novel Approach for Vehicle Inertial Parameter Identification Using a Dual Kalman Filter, A
* Novel Centralized TDMA-Based Scheduling Protocol for Vehicular Networks, A
* Novel On-Road Vehicle Detection Method Using pi-HOG, A
* Novel Vehicle Reversing Speed Control Based on Obstacle Detection and Sparse Representation, A
* On Closed-Loop Bicycle Availability Prediction
* On Curve Negotiation: From Driver Support to Automation
* On Stochastic Analysis of Greedy Routing in Vehicular Networks
* On-Street and Off-Street Parking Availability Prediction Using Multivariate Spatiotemporal Models
* Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive Transport Systems
* Online Data-Driven Adaptive Prediction of Train Event Times
* Online Prediction of Driver Distraction Based on Brain Activity Patterns
* Optimal Use of Existing Distribution Feeders to Accommodate Transportation Electrification
* Optimization of Evacuation Traffic Management With Intersection Control Constraints
* Optimization of Metro Train Schedules With a Dwell Time Model Using the Lagrangian Duality Theory
* Optimize the Settings of Variable Speed Limit System to Improve the Performance of Freeway Traffic
* Parallel Monitoring for the Next Generation of Train Control Systems
* Partition-Based Match Making Algorithm for Dynamic Ridesharing, A
* Passenger Segmentation Using Smart Card Data
* Pedestrian-Detection Method Based on Heterogeneous Features and Ensemble of Multi-View Pose Parts, A
* Perception in Disparity: An Efficient Navigation Framework for Autonomous Vehicles With Stereo Cameras
* Performance Evaluation of GNSS for Train Localization
* Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 Nonbeacon-Enabled Mode for Internet of Vehicles
* Positive Train Control With Dynamic Headway Based on an Active Communication System
* Potential Cyberattacks on Automated Vehicles
* Potential of Intelligent Transportation Systems in Mitigating Adverse Weather Impacts on Road Mobility: A Review
* Power Control Game in Multisource Multirelay Cooperative Communication Systems With a Quality-of-Service Constraint
* Powered Two-Wheeler Riding Pattern Recognition Using a Machine-Learning Framework
* Practical Wireless Attack on the Connected Car and Security Protocol for In-Vehicle CAN, A
* Precise Localization of an Autonomous Car Based on Probabilistic Noise Models of Road Surface Marker Features Using Multiple Cameras
* Predictability of Public Transport Usage: A Study of Bus Rides in Lisbon, Portugal
* Predicting Perceived Visual and Cognitive Distractions of Drivers With Multimodal Features
* Prediction of Railcar Remaining Useful Life by Multiple Data Source Fusion
* Predictive and Multirate Sensor-Based Planning Under Uncertainty
* Probabilistic Framework for Joint Pedestrian Head and Body Orientation Estimation, A
* Program for Simultaneous Network Signal Timing Optimization and Traffic Assignment, A
* Prototype Integrated Monitoring System for Pavement and Traffic Based on an Embedded Sensing Network, A
* PROUD: Public Road Urban Driverless-Car Test
* Queue Length Estimation Using Connected Vehicle Technology for Adaptive Signal Control
* Raindrop-Tampered Scene Detection and Traffic Flow Estimation for Nighttime Traffic Surveillance
* Reading the Road: Road Marking Classification and Interpretation
* Real-Time Detection of Traffic From Twitter Stream Analysis
* Real-Time Estimation of Lane-to-Lane Turning Flows at Isolated Signalized Junctions
* Real-Time Monocular SLAM With Low Memory Requirements
* Real-Time Multipedestrian Tracking in Traffic Scenes via an RGB-D-Based Layered Graph Model
* RECIFE-MILP: An Effective MILP-Based Heuristic for the Real-Time Railway Traffic Management Problem
* Recognition of Car Makes and Models From a Single Traffic-Camera Image
* Recognition of Highway Workzones for Reliable Autonomous Driving
* Recognition of Low-Resolution Logos in Vehicle Images Based on Statistical Random Sparse Distribution
* Recognizing Text-Based Traffic Signs
* Recommendations Supporting Situation Awareness in Partially Automated Driver Assistance Systems
* Recursive Path Planning Using Reduced States for Car-Like Vehicles on Grid Maps
* Reducing Interferences in VANETs
* Reducing the Cost of High-Speed Railway Communications: From the Propagation Channel View
* Review of Online Dynamic Models and Algorithms for Railway Traffic Management, A
* Review of Three-Dimensional Imaging Technologies for Pavement Distress Detection and Measurements, A
* Road Congestion Detection System Using Undedicated Mobile Phones, A
* Road Edge Recognition Using the Stripe Hough Transform From Millimeter-Wave Radar Images
* Robust Nighttime Vehicle Detection by Tracking and Grouping Headlights
* Robust Observer Design of Tire Forces in Heavy-Duty Vehicles
* Robust Vehicle Detection and Distance Estimation Under Challenging Lighting Conditions
* Robust Wheel Torque Control for Traction/Braking Force Tracking Under Combined Longitudinal and Lateral Motion
* Routing in Internet of Vehicles: A Review
* Rule-Based Decision Support System in Intelligent Hazmat Transportation System, A
* Runtime Integrity Monitoring Framework for Real-Time Relative Positioning Systems Based on GPS and DSRC, A
* Safe Transitions From Automated to Manual Driving Using Driver Controllability Estimation
* Scanning the Issue and Beyond: Crowdsourcing for Field Transportation Studies and Services
* Scanning the Issue and Beyond: Transportation and Mobility Transformation for Smart Cities
* Secure and Privacy-Preserving Smartphone-Based Traffic Information Systems
* Secure, Intelligent Electric Vehicle Ecosystem for Safe Integration With the Smart Grid, A
* Security and Privacy Review of VANETs, A
* Segmentation and Clustering of Car-Following Behavior: Recognition of Driving Patterns
* Self-Adaptive Parameter Selection Trajectory Prediction Approach via Hidden Markov Models, A
* Semisupervised Pedestrian Counting With Temporal and Spatial Consistencies
* Services-Oriented Computing Using the Compact Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Carpool Services Problem
* Should the Desired Heading in Path Following of Autonomous Vehicles be the Tangent Direction of the Desired Path?
* Simulation Study on the Design of a Novel Automated Container Terminal, A
* Slip and Slide Detection and Adaptive Information Sharing Algorithms for High-Speed Train Navigation Systems
* SLPA*: Shape-Aware Lifelong Planning A* for Differential Wheeled Vehicles
* Smart Electrical Infrastructure for AC-Fed Railways With Neutral Zones
* Smooth and Controlled Recovery Planning of Disruptions in Rapid Transit Networks
* Sparse Vehicular Sensor Networks for Traffic Dynamics Reconstruction
* Spatial Coordinated Medium Sharing: Optimal Access Control Management in Drive-Thru Internet
* Spatial Inference of Traffic Transition Using Micro-Macro Traffic Variables
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Bluetooth Data: Application to a Large Urban Network
* State-Driven Priority Scheduling Mechanisms for Driverless Vehicles Approaching Intersections
* Stereovision-Based Multiple Object Tracking in Traffic Scenarios Using Free-Form Obstacle Delimiters and Particle Filters
* Stochastic Emergency Vehicle Redeployment Model for an Effective Response to Traffic Incidents, A
* Study of Truck Platooning Incentives Using a Congestion Game, A
* Survey of Traffic Data Visualization, A
* Survey on Problem Models and Solution Approaches to Rescheduling in Railway Networks, A
* Sustainable Transportation Management System for a Fleet of Electric Vehicles
* Switching-Based Stochastic Model Predictive Control Approach for Modeling Driver Steering Skill
* Taxi-RS: Taxi-Hunting Recommendation System Based on Taxi GPS Data
* Time- and Frequency-Varying K -Factor of Non-Stationary Vehicular Channels for Safety-Relevant Scenarios
* Time-Aware Multivariate Nearest Neighbor Regression Methods for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Toward BIM-Enabled Decision Making for In-Building Response Missions
* Toward Crowdsourcing-Based Road Pavement Monitoring by Mobile Sensing Technologies
* Toward System-Optimal Routing in Traffic Networks: A Reverse Stackelberg Game Approach
* Tracking Heavy Vehicles Based on Weigh-In-Motion and Inductive Loop Signature Technologies
* Tracking With a High-Resolution 2D Spectral Estimation Based Automotive Radar
* Traffic Flow Forecasting for Urban Work Zones
* Traffic Flow Prediction for Road Transportation Networks With Limited Traffic Data
* Traffic Flow Prediction With Big Data: A Deep Learning Approach
* Traffic Signal Optimization for Oversaturated Urban Networks: Queue Growth Equalization
* Traffic Signal Optimization Model for Intersections Experiencing Heavy Scooter-Vehicle Mixed Traffic Flows, A
* Traffic Signal Phase and Timing Estimation From Low-Frequency Transit Bus Data
* Train Localization Algorithm for Train Protection Systems of the Future, A
* TraPlan: An Effective Three-in-One Trajectory-Prediction Model in Transportation Networks
* Travel Time Reliability Versus Safety: A Stochastic Hazard-Based Modeling Approach
* Trend Modeling for Traffic Time Series Analysis: An Integrated Study
* TripPlanner: Personalized Trip Planning Leveraging Heterogeneous Crowdsourced Digital Footprints
* Two-Way Arterial Signal Coordination Method With Queueing Process Considered, A
* Understanding Taxi Service Strategies from Taxi GPS Traces
* Unsupervised Approach for Inferring Driver Behavior From Naturalistic Driving Data, An
* Unsupervised Hierarchical Modeling of Driving Behavior and Prediction of Contextual Changing Points
* Urban Traffic Flow Prediction System Using a Multifactor Pattern Recognition Model
* Use of Intent Information in Conflict Detection and Resolution Models Based on Dynamic Velocity Obstacles, The
* Using Mobile LiDAR Data for Rapidly Updating Road Markings
* Validation Methods for Digital Road Maps in Predictive Control
* Vehicle Color Recognition With Spatial Pyramid Deep Learning
* Vehicle Detection Techniques for Collision Avoidance Systems: A Review
* Vehicle Localization Using In-Vehicle Pitch Data and Dynamical Models
* Vehicle Logo Recognition System Based on Convolutional Neural Networks With a Pretraining Strategy
* Vehicle Scheduling of an Urban Bus Line via an Improved Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm
* Vehicle Type Classification Using a Semisupervised Convolutional Neural Network
* Vehicle Verification Using Features From Curvelet Transform and Generalized Gaussian Distribution Modeling
* Vehicle-Intersection Coordination Scheme for Smooth Flows of Traffic Without Using Traffic Lights, A
* Video-Analysis-Based Railway-Road Safety System for Detecting Hazard Situations at Level Crossings, A
* Video-Based Dynamic Stagger Measurement of Railway Overhead Power Lines Using Rotation-Invariant Feature Matching
* Vision-Based Nighttime Vehicle Detection Using CenSurE and SVM
* Why so many people? Explaining Nonhabitual Transport Overcrowding With Internet Data
* Wireless Sensor Networks for Condition Monitoring in the Railway Industry: A Survey
304 for ITS(16)
* A-Contrario Modeling for Robust Localization Using Raw GNSS Data
* Adaptive Multipath Geographic Routing for Video Transmission in Urban VANETs, An
* Adaptive Sliding-Window Strategy for Vehicle Detection in Highway Environments
* Adaptive Time-Series Probabilistic Framework for 4-D Trajectory Conformance Monitoring, An
* Analysis of Taxi Drivers' Behaviors Within a Battle Between Two Taxi Apps
* Analyzing Highly Cited Papers in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* ART: An Attack-Resistant Trust Management Scheme for Securing Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach for Simulating Pedestrian Movement, An
* Attention Assist: A High-Level Information Fusion Framework for Situation and Threat Assessment in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Audio Surveillance of Roads: A System for Detecting Anomalous Sounds
* Automatic Crack Detection on Two-Dimensional Pavement Images: An Algorithm Based on Minimal Path Selection
* Automatic Road Crack Detection Using Random Structured Forests
* Automotive Three-Dimensional Vision Through a Single-Photon Counting SPAD Camera
* Autonomous Information Collection and Dissemination Model for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks, An
* Autonomous-Vehicle Public Transportation System: Scheduling and Admission Control
* Back-Pressure Traffic Signal Control With Fixed and Adaptive Routing for Urban Vehicular Networks
* Bag of Contextual-Visual Words for Road Scene Object Detection From Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Bayesian Analysis of Behaviors and Interactions for Situation Awareness in Transportation Systems
* Bayesian Traffic Light Parameter Tracking Based on Semi-Hidden Markov Models
* BDD-Based Synthesis of Fail-Safe Supervisory Controllers for Safety-Critical Discrete Event Systems
* Bibliographic Analysis and Collaboration Patterns of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Between 2000 and 2015, A
* Big Data for Social Transportation
* Blind-Zone Detection Method Using a Rear-Mounted Fisheye Camera With Combination of Vehicle Detection Methods, A
* Bluetooth Traffic Monitoring Systems for Travel Time Estimation on Freeways
* Centralized and Localized Data Congestion Control Strategy for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Using a Machine Learning Clustering Algorithm
* Centralized Charging Strategy and Scheduling Algorithm for Electric Vehicles Under a Battery Swapping Scenario
* Charging Electric Vehicles in the Smart City: A Survey of Economy-Driven Approaches
* CLRIC: Collecting Lane-Based Road Information Via Crowdsourcing
* Cognitive Chaotic UWB-MIMO Detect-Avoid Radar for Autonomous UAV Navigation
* Combinatorial Auction-Based Pricing for Multi-Tenant Autonomous Vehicle Public Transportation System
* Combined Model- and Learning-Based Framework for Interaction-Aware Maneuver Prediction, A
* Communication Scheduling and Control of a Platoon of Vehicles in VANETs
* Compact Representation of Dynamic Driving Environments for ADAS by Parametric Free Space and Dynamic Object Maps
* Composite Nonlinear Feedback Control for Path Following of Four-Wheel Independently Actuated Autonomous Ground Vehicles
* Conflict Management Considering a Smooth Transition of Aircraft Into Adjacent Airspace
* Congestion Avoidance Routing Based on Large-Scale Social Signals
* Container Port Performance Measurement and Comparison Leveraging Ship GPS Traces and Maritime Open Data
* Continuous Representation of Ad Hoc Ridesharing Potential, A
* Control System Design of an Automated Bus in Revenue Service
* Cooperative Car-Following Control: Distributed Algorithm and Impact on Moving Jam Features
* Cooperative Control Synthesis and Stability Analysis of Multiple Trains Under Moving Signaling Systems
* Cooperative Intersection Management: A Survey
* Cost Minimization of Charging Stations With Photovoltaics: An Approach With EV Classification
* Cross Array and Rank-1 MUSIC Algorithm for Acoustic Highway Lane Detection
* Crowdsourcing in ITS: The State of the Work and the Networking
* Crowdsourcing Phase and Timing of Pre-Timed Traffic Signals in the Presence of Queues: Algorithms and Back-End System Architecture
* Curvature Map-Based Magnetic Guidance for Automated Vehicles in an Urban Environment
* Data-Driven Imputation Method for Traffic Data in Sectional Units of Road Links
* Data-Driven Online Speed Optimization in Autonomous Sailboats
* Data-Driven Transit Network Design From Mobile Phone Trajectories
* Density Enhancement-Based Long-Range Pedestrian Detection Using 3-D Range Data
* Design and Comparison of Robust Nonlinear Controllers for the Lateral Dynamics of Intelligent Vehicles
* Detecting Drivers' Mirror: Checking Actions and Its Application to Maneuver and Secondary Task Recognition
* Detecting Road Events Using Distributed Data Fusion: Experimental Evaluation for the Icy Roads Case
* Detection of Driver Cognitive Distraction: A Comparison Study of Stop-Controlled Intersection and Speed-Limited Highway
* Determining Utterance Timing of a Driving Agent With Double Articulation Analyzer
* Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Net Model for Traffic-Responsive Signaling Control in Urban Areas, A
* Developing and Validating a Statistical Model for Travel Mode Identification on Smartphones
* Development and Testing of a 3G/LTE Adaptive Data Collection System in Vehicular Networks
* Development of a Kinematic-Based Forward Collision Warning Algorithm Using an Advanced Driving Simulator
* Discounted Trade Reduction Mechanism for Dynamic Ridesharing Pricing, A
* Discriminated Release Strategy for Parking Variable Message Sign Display Problem Using Agent-Based Simulation, A
* Discriminative Weighted Sparse Partial Least Squares for Human Detection
* Distributed Adaptive Integrated-Sliding-Mode Controller Synthesis for String Stability of Vehicle Platoons
* Distributed and Privacy-Aware Speed Advisory System for Optimizing Conventional and Electric Vehicle Networks, A
* Distributed Fault-Tolerant Control of Virtually and Physically Interconnected Systems With Application to High-Speed Trains Under Traction/Braking Failures
* Driver Distraction Detection Using Semi-Supervised Machine Learning
* Driver-Gaze Zone Estimation Using Bayesian Filtering and Gaussian Processes
* Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Dual-Objective Scheduling of Rescue Vehicles to Distinguish Forest Fires via Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization Combined Algorithm
* Dynamic Network Modeling-Based Approach for Traffic Observability Problem, A
* Dynamic Snow Plow Fleet Management Under Uncertain Demand and Service Disruption
* e-Mobility Forecast for the Transnational e-Corridor Planning
* Early Concept Development and Safety Analysis of Future Transportation Systems
* Ecological Adaptive Cruise Controller for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
* Efficient Anonymous Batch Authentication Scheme Based on HMAC for VANETs, An
* Efficient Cellular Load Balancing Through Mobility-Enriched Vehicular Communications
* Efficient Collective Spatial Keyword Query Processing on Road Networks
* Efficient Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Sensor Networks Without Pairings, An
* Efficient Driving on Multilane Roads Under a Connected Vehicle Environment
* Efficient Lane Detection Based on Spatiotemporal Images
* Efficient PMIPv6-Based Handoff Scheme for Urban Vehicular Networks, An
* Efficient Real-Time Train Operation Algorithms With Uncertain Passenger Demands
* Emergency Traffic-Light Control System Design for Intersections Subject to Accidents
* Energy Management System for an Electric Vehicle With a Rental Range Extender: A Least Costly Approach
* Energy-Efficient Communication-Based Train Control Systems With Packet Delay and Loss
* Energy-Efficient Train Tracking Operation Based on Multiple Optimization Models
* Enhanced Network Mobility Management for Vehicular Networks
* Estimation of Driver Head Yaw Angle Using a Generic Geometric Model
* Evaluating Electric Bus Operation for a Real-World BRT Public Transportation Using Simulation Optimization
* Evaluating Location Privacy in Vehicular Communications and Applications
* Event Notification in VANET With Capacitated Roadside Units
* Excess Propagation Loss Modeling of Semiclosed Obstacles for Intelligent Transportation System
* Exploiting Large Image Sets for Road Scene Parsing
* Fast and Robust Vanishing Point Detection for Unstructured Road Following
* Fast Detection of Multiple Objects in Traffic Scenes With a Common Detection Framework
* Fast GPS-DR Sensor Fusion Framework: Removing the Geodetic Coordinate Conversion Process
* Fast Traffic Sign Recognition via High-Contrast Region Extraction and Extended Sparse Representation
* Feature Detection for Vehicle Localization in Urban Environments Using a Multilayer LIDAR
* Finding the Shortest Path in Stochastic Vehicle Routing: A Cardinality Minimization Approach
* Flexible System Architecture for Acquisition and Storage of Naturalistic Driving Data, A
* Forecasting Adverse Weather Situations in the Road Network
* Forward Collision Warning Algorithm With Adaptation to Driver Behaviors, A
* Fusing Loop and GPS Probe Measurements to Estimate Freeway Density
* Gap Acceptance During Lane Changes by Large-Truck Drivers: An Image-Based Analysis
* General Simulation Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platooning, A
* Generating Believable Mixed-Traffic Animation
* Generating Petri Net-Based Behavioral Models From Textual Use Cases and Application in Railway Networks
* Geovisualization of Archived ITS Data-Case Studies
* Graph-Based Approach to Measuring the Efficiency of an Urban Taxi Service System, A
* Ground-Moving-Platform-Based Human Tracking Using Visual SLAM and Constrained Multiple Kernels
* Guest Editorial: Big Data for Driver, Vehicle, and System Control in ITS
* Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platoon Formation for Fuel Efficiency
* Hierarchical Model Predictive Control Approach for Signal Splits Optimization in Large-Scale Urban Road Networks, A
* High Confidence Intervals Applied to Aircraft Altitude Prediction
* High-Order Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for Traffic Flow Prediction
* High-Precision Vehicle Navigation in Urban Environments Using an MEM's IMU and Single-Frequency GPS Receiver
* Highway Traffic State Estimation With Mixed Connected and Conventional Vehicles
* How to Utilize Interflow Network Coding in VANETs: A Backbone-Based Approach
* Hybrid Controller for Vision-Based Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Environments, A
* Hybrid Method for Short-Term Traffic Congestion Forecasting Using Genetic Algorithms and Cross Entropy, A
* Hybrid Optimal Control Approach to Fuel-Efficient Aircraft Conflict Avoidance, A
* Improved Situation Awareness for Autonomous Taxiing Through Self-Learning
* Improvement of Search Strategy With K-Nearest Neighbors Approach for Traffic State Prediction
* Improving Disruption Management With Multimodal Collaborative Decision-Making: A Case Study of the Asiana Crash and Lessons Learned
* IMU-Driven Rider-on-Saddle Detection System for Electric-Power-Assisted Bicycles, An
* Incidental Delivery Based Method for Resolving Multirobot Pairwised Transportation Problems, An
* Inevitable Collision States for Motorcycle-to-Car Collision Scenarios
* Inferring Passenger Travel Demand to Improve Urban Mobility in Developing Countries Using Cell Phone Data: A Case Study of Senegal
* Influence of In-Vehicle Adaptive Stop Display on Driving Behavior and Safety
* Information Maximizing Optimal Sensor Placement Robust Against Variations of Traffic Demand Based on Importance of Nodes
* Information-Theoretic Location Verification System With Directional Antennas for Vehicular Networks
* Integrated Determination of Network Origin-Destination Trip Matrix and Heterogeneous Sensor Selection and Location Strategy
* Integrated Dilemma Zone Protection System Using Connected Vehicle Technology, An
* Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Control for Kuafu-II Autonomous Vehicle
* Integrated Predictive Control of Freeway Networks Using the Extended Link Transmission Model
* Integration of Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Transportation Systems for Bridge Condition Assessment: Current Status and Future Direction
* Intelligent Transportation Systems and Powered Two Wheelers Traffic
* Intention-Aware Routing of Electric Vehicles
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Unmanned Intelligent Vehicles in China
* iParker: A New Smart Car-Parking System Based on Dynamic Resource Allocation and Pricing
* Likelihood-Field-Model-Based Dynamic Vehicle Detection and Tracking for Self-Driving
* Linguistic Dynamic Analysis of Traffic Flow Based on Social Media: A Case Study
* Local Volumetric Hybrid-Map-Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping With Moving Object Tracking
* Localization in the Parking Lot by Parked-Vehicle Assistance
* Long-Range Road Geometry Estimation Using Moving Vehicles and Roadside Observations
* Long-Term Multi-Cue Tracking of Hands in Vehicles
* Longitudinal and Lateral Control for Automated Yielding Maneuvers
* Looking at Pedestrians at Different Scales: A Multiresolution Approach and Evaluations
* Lossless Compression of Public Transit Schedules
* Low-Latency Collaborative HARQ Scheme for Control/User-Plane Decoupled Railway Wireless Networks, A
* Macroscopic Modeling and Control of Reversible Lanes on Freeways
* Managing Spatial Graph Dependencies in Large Volumes of Traffic Data for Travel-Time Prediction
* Mathematical Modeling of the Effects of Speech Warning Characteristics on Human Performance and Its Application in Transportation Cyberphysical Systems
* Matrix and Tensor Based Methods for Missing Data Estimation in Large Traffic Networks
* Merging Strategy for Vehicles by Applying Cooperative Tracking Control
* Microscopic Modeling of a Signalized Traffic Intersection Using Timed Petri Nets
* Mining Road Network Correlation for Traffic Estimation via Compressive Sensing
* Mobility Viewer: An Eulerian Approach for Studying Urban Crowd Flow
* Model Predictive Control for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Platooning Using Slope Information
* Model-Based Diagnosis of Multi-Track Level Crossing Plants
* Modeling and Analysis of the Lane-Changing Execution in Longitudinal Direction
* Modeling Drivers' Dynamic Decision-Making Behavior During the Phase Transition Period: An Analytical Approach Based on Hidden Markov Model Theory
* Modeling of Crowd Evacuation With Assailants via a Fuzzy Logic Approach
* Modeling Vehicle Merging Behavior in Work Zone Merging Areas During the Merging Implementation Period
* Modular Colored Stochastic Petri Net for Modeling and Analysis of Signalized Intersections, A
* Motif-Based Design for Connected Vehicle Systems in Presence of Heterogeneous Connectivity Structures and Time Delays
* Moving Horizon Optimization of Dynamic Trajectory Planning for High-Speed Train Operation
* Multi-Hop Broadcast Protocol for Emergency Message Dissemination in Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, A
* Multi-Objective Transit Route Network Design as Set Covering Problem
* Multimodal Dynamic Freight Load Balancing
* Multimodal Impact Analysis of an Airside Catastrophic Event: A Case Study of the Asiana Crash
* Multimode Energy Management for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Buses Based on Driving Cycles Prediction
* Multiobjective Optimization Models for Locating Vehicle Inspection Stations Subject to Stochastic Demand, Varying Velocity and Regional Constraints
* Multipart Vehicle Detection Using Symmetry-Derived Analysis and Active Learning
* Multiple Model Particle Filter for Traffic Estimation and Incident Detection
* Multiple Sensor Fusion and Classification for Moving Object Detection and Tracking
* Natural Optimization Algorithms for the Cross-Dock Door Assignment Problem
* Network-Coding-Assisted Data Dissemination via Cooperative Vehicle-to-Vehicle/-Infrastructure Communications
* New Hardware-in-the-Loop Traffic Signal Simulation Framework to Bridge Traffic Signal Research and Practice, A
* Next Road Rerouting: A Multiagent System for Mitigating Unexpected Urban Traffic Congestion
* Non-Intrusive Planning the Roadside Infrastructure for Vehicular Networks
* Nonlinear Coordinated Steering and Braking Control of Vision-Based Autonomous Vehicles in Emergency Obstacle Avoidance
* Note on Estimating Dynamic Queue Distribution in a Signalized Network Through a Probability Generating Model, A
* Novel Ant Colony Optimization Methods for Simplifying Solution Construction in Vehicle Routing Problems
* Novel Approach for Improved Vehicular Positioning Using Cooperative Map Matching and Dynamic Base Station DGPS Concept, A
* Novel Dual Speed-Curve Optimization Based Approach for Energy-Saving Operation of High-Speed Trains, A
* Observability and Sensor Placement Problem on Highway Segments: A Traffic Dynamics-Based Approach
* On Centralized and Decentralized Architectures for Traffic Applications
* On Geocasting over Urban Bus-Based Networks by Mining Trajectories
* On the Design of Campus Parking Systems With QoS Guarantees
* On the Problem of Pairing Aircraft for Closely Spaced Parallel Approaches
* On the Serviceability of Mobile Vehicular Cloudlets in a Large-Scale Urban Environment
* On-Road Vehicle Detection and Tracking Using MMW Radar and Monovision Fusion
* Online Regulation of High Speed Train Trajectory Control Based on T-S Fuzzy Bilinear Model
* Online Travel Mode Identification Using Smartphones With Battery Saving Considerations
* Opportunistic WiFi Offloading in Vehicular Environment: A Game-Theory Approach
* Optimal Guaranteed Cost Cruise Control for High-Speed Train Movement
* Optimal Operation Point Detection Based on Force Transmitting Behavior for Wheel Slip Prevention of Electric Vehicles
* Optimizing Departures of Automated Vehicles From Highways While Maintaining Mainline Capacity
* Order-Preserving Condensation of Moving Objects in Surveillance Videos
* Parallel Systems for Traffic Control: A Rethinking
* Parallel Transportation Management and Control System and Its Applications in Building Smart Cities
* Partial Train Speed Trajectory Optimization Using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
* Passenger Compartment Violation Detection in HOV/HOT Lanes
* Passenger Journey Destination Estimation From Automated Fare Collection System Data Using Spatial Validation
* Patch-Based Semantic Labeling of Road Scene Using Colorized Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Pedestrian Density Analysis in Public Scenes With Spatiotemporal Tensor Features
* Pedestrian Segmentation in Infrared Images Based on Circular Shortest Path
* Personalized Driver Assistance for Signalized Intersections Using V2I Communication
* Planning Collision-Free Trajectories for Reversing Multiply-Articulated Vehicles
* Positioning Techniques in Indoor Environments Based on Stochastic Modeling of UWB Round-Trip-Time Measurements
* Power Allocation and Relay Selection for Multisource Multirelay Cooperative Vehicular Networks
* Power-Based Optimal Longitudinal Control for a Connected Eco-Driving System
* Practical Infrared Visual Odometry
* Practical Security Architecture for In-Vehicle CAN-FD, A
* Probabilistic Inference for Occluded and Multiview On-road Vehicle Detection
* Public Vehicles for Future Urban Transportation
* Quality-of-Experience-Oriented Autonomous Intersection Control in Vehicular Networks
* Randomized Bidirectional B-Spline Parameterization Motion Planning
* Real-Time Charging Station Recommendation System for Electric-Vehicle Taxis
* Real-Time Global Localization of Robotic Cars in Lane Level via Lane Marking Detection and Shape Registration
* Real-Time Public-Transport Operational Tactics Using Synchronized Transfers to Eliminate Vehicle Bunching
* Real-Time Rear-End Collision-Warning System Using a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network
* Real-Time Traffic Light Detection With Adaptive Background Suppression Filter
* Real-Time Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Based on a Bag of SURF Features
* Reasoning About Mean Time to Failure in Vehicular Clouds
* RedEye: Preventing Collisions Caused by Red-Light Running Scooters With Smartphones
* Reliable Hybrid Positioning Methodology for Land Vehicles Using Low-Cost Sensors, A
* Repeatability and Similarity of Freeway Traffic Flow and Long-Term Prediction Under Big Data
* Rescheduling Trains Using Petri Nets and Heuristic Search
* Research on Parallel Control Mechanism and Its Implementation in ATP
* Resource Allocation for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Using Directional Transmission
* Review and Perspective for Distance-Based Clustering of Vehicle Trajectories
* Review of Communication, Driver Characteristics, and Controls Aspects of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), A
* Review of Motion Planning Techniques for Automated Vehicles, A
* Road Slope Aided Vehicle Position Estimation System Based on Sensor Fusion of GPS and Automotive Onboard Sensors
* Road Surface Recognition Using Laser Radar for Automatic Platooning
* Road-Geometry-Based Risk Estimation Model for Horizontal Curves
* Robust and Scalable Management of Power Networks in Dual-Source Trolleybus Systems: A Consensus Control Framework
* Robust H_inf Path Following Control for Autonomous Ground Vehicles With Delay and Data Dropout
* Rollover Index Estimation in the Presence of Sensor Faults, Unknown Inputs, and Uncertainties
* Satisficing Game Approach to Collaborative Decision Making Including Airport Management
* Saving Energy and Improving Service Quality: Bicriteria Train Scheduling in Urban Rail Transit Systems
* Scenario-Based Modeling of the On-Board of a Satellite-Based Train Control System With Colored Petri Nets
* SCRP: Stable CDS-Based Routing Protocol for Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Sensor Fusion Algorithm Design in Detecting Vehicles Using Laser Scanner and Stereo Vision
* Sequential FDIA for Autonomous Integrity Monitoring of Navigation Maps on Board Vehicles
* Service-Based Approach to Traffic Sensor Data Integration and Analysis to Support Community-Wide Green Commute in China, A
* Shared Steering Control Using Safe Envelopes for Obstacle Avoidance and Vehicle Stability
* Ship Collision Avoidance and COLREGS Compliance Using Simulation-Based Control Behavior Selection With Predictive Hazard Assessment
* Short-Term Traffic Prediction Based on Dynamic Tensor Completion
* Shortest Path Problem on a Time-Dependent Network With Mixed Uncertainty of Randomness and Fuzziness, The
* Simplified Computer Vision System for Road Surface Inspection and Maintenance, A
* Situation Awareness Framework for Multi-Machine Environments: An Application to Operator Assistive Collision Warning System
* Space Shift Keying Transmission for Intervehicular Communications
* Space Traffic Safety Management and Control
* Spatial-Related Traffic Sign Inspection for Inventory Purposes Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Stability Analysis of Runway Schedules
* Stability and Scalability of Homogeneous Vehicular Platoon: Study on the Influence of Information Flow Topologies
* Stability Challenges and Enhancements for Vehicular Channel Congestion Control Approaches
* Stochastic Capacity Adjustment Considering Secondary Incidents
* Stochastic Delay Analysis for Train Control Services in Next-Generation High-Speed Railway Communications System
* Stochastic Emergency Response Location Model Considering Secondary Incidents on Freeways, A
* Stochastic Geometry Approach to the Modeling of DSRC for Vehicular Safety Communication, A
* Strong Tracking Square Root Central Difference FastSLAM for Unmanned Intelligent Vehicle With Adaptive Partial Systematic Resampling, A
* Study on the Traffic Predictive Cruise Control Strategy With Downstream Traffic Information, A
* Super-Twisting-Like Algorithm and Its Application to Train Operation Control With Optimal Utilization of Adhesion Force, A
* Survey of Vision-Based Traffic Monitoring of Road Intersections, A
* Survey on Energy-Efficient Train Operation for Urban Rail Transit, A
* SVSF-Based Generalized Robust Strategy for Target Tracking in Clutter, An
* System With RF Power Delivery Capabilities for Active Safety Enhancement in Industrial Vehicles Using Interchangeable Implements
* T-DesP: Destination Prediction Based on Big Trajectory Data
* Text Mining the Contributors to Rail Accidents
* Three-Dimensional Traffic Scenes Simulation From Road Image Sequences
* Time-Optimal Maneuver Planning in Automatic Parallel Parking Using a Simultaneous Dynamic Optimization Approach
* Topology Discovery for Linear Wireless Networks With Application to Train Backbone Inauguration
* TORD Problem and Its Solution Based on Big Trajectories Data
* Toward a More Realistic, Cost-Effective, and Greener Ground Movement Through Active Routing: A Multiobjective Shortest Path Approach
* Toward a More Realistic, Cost-Effective, and Greener Ground Movement Through Active Routing: Part I: Optimal Speed Profile Generation
* Toward Probabilistic Data Collection in the NOTICE Architecture
* Towards Real-Time Traffic Sign Detection and Classification
* Tracking All Road Users at Multimodal Urban Traffic Intersections
* Tracking of Extended Objects with High-Resolution Doppler Radar
* Traffic Assignment Using a Density-Based Travel-Time Function for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Travel Time Dynamics for Intelligent Transportation Systems: Theory and Applications
* Traveler Centric Trip Planning: A Behavioral-Driven System
* Two-Cylinder and Multi-Ring GBSSM for Realizing and Modeling of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Wideband MIMO Channels
* Two-Layer Model for Taxi Customer Searching Behaviors Using GPS Trajectory Data, A
* Uncertainty in Bus Arrival Time Predictions: Treating Heteroscedasticity With a Metamodel Approach
* Uniform Rolling-Wear-Based Robust Adaptive Control of High-Speed Trains in the Presence of Actuator Differences
* Unlicensed Taxi Identification Model Based on Big Data Analysis, An
* Unsupervised Tracking With the Doubly Stochastic Dirichlet Process Mixture Model
* Using Analytics in the Implementation of Vertical and Horizontal Curvature in Route Calculation
* V2X-Based Decentralized Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Vicinity of Intersections
* Vehicle Detection in High-Resolution Aerial Images Based on Fast Sparse Representation Classification and Multiorder Feature
* Vehicle License Plate Recognition Based on Extremal Regions and Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Vessel Detection Algorithm Used in a Laser Monitoring System of the Lock Gate Zone
* Vibrotactile Displays: A Survey With a View on Highly Automated Driving
* Vision for Looking at Traffic Lights: Issues, Survey, and Perspectives
* Visual Odometry Drift Reduction Using SYBA Descriptor and Feature Transformation
* Visual Tracking Based on Dynamic Coupled Conditional Random Field Model
* Weakly Supervised Metric Learning for Traffic Sign Recognition in a LIDAR-Equipped Vehicle
* What is the Appropriate Temporal Distance Range for Driving Style Analysis?
* Where Does the Driver Look? Top-Down-Based Saliency Detection in a Traffic Driving Environment
305 for ITS(17)
* Accelerated Evaluation of Automated Vehicles Safety in Lane-Change Scenarios Based on Importance Sampling Techniques
* Accurate Attitude Estimation of a Moving Land Vehicle Using Low-Cost MEMS IMU Sensors
* Accurate Detection and Recognition of Dirty Vehicle Plate Numbers for High-Speed Applications
* Accurate Real-time Map Matching for Challenging Environments
* Active Safety System for Low-Speed Bus Braking Assistance, An
* Adaptive Background Modeling Method for Foreground Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Compensation of Traction System Actuator Failures for High-Speed Trains
* Adaptive Multimedia Data Forwarding for Privacy Preservation in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* Adaptive Signal Control Scheme to Prevent Intersection Traffic Blockage, An
* Adaptively Exploring Population Mobility Patterns in Flow Visualization
* Algorithm for Supervised Driving of Cooperative Semi-Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks for Probabilistic Modeling of Driver Behavior
* Angle Difference Method for Vehicle Navigation in Multilevel Road Networks With a Three-Dimensional Transport GIS Database
* Anomaly Detection for Road Traffic: A Visual Analytics Framework
* Anomaly Detection in Traffic Scenes via Spatial-Aware Motion Reconstruction
* Ant Colony Optimization for Simulated Dynamic Multi-Objective Railway Junction Rescheduling
* Approximate Mean Delay Analysis for a Signalized Intersection With Indisciplined Traffic
* Assessing Route Choice to Mitigate Older Driver Risk
* Automated and Cooperative Vehicle Merging at Highway On-Ramps
* Automated Intersection Mapping From Crowd Trajectory Data
* Autonomous Campus Mobility Services Using Driverless Taxi
* Bilevel Feature Extraction-Based Text Mining for Fault Diagnosis of Railway Systems
* Bluetooth Data in an Urban Context: Retrieving Vehicle Trajectories
* Certainty and Critical Speed for Decision Making in Tests of Pedestrian Automatic Emergency Braking Systems
* Characterizing Passenger Flow for a Transportation Hub Based on Mobile Phone Data
* City-Wide Traffic Flow Estimation From a Limited Number of Low-Quality Cameras
* Clustering Smart Card Data for Urban Mobility Analysis
* Co-Design of Controller and Communication Topology for Vehicular Platooning
* Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast-Fading Multipath Channels With an Application to Train Backbone Networks
* Cognitive Control Method for Cost-Efficient CBTC Systems With Smart Grids, A
* Combined Variable Speed Limit and Lane Change Control for Highway Traffic
* Combined Voxel and Particle Filter-Based Approach for Fast Obstacle Detection and Tracking in Automotive Applications, A
* Consensus-Based Algorithm for Truck Platooning, A
* Constrained Dual Kalman Filter Based on pdf Truncation for Estimation of Vehicle Parameters and Road Bank Angle: Analysis and Experimental Validation, A
* Control Scheme for Automatic Level Crossings Under the ERTMS/ETCS Level 2/3 Operation, A
* Convergence Analysis of Cooperative Braking Control for Interconnected Vehicle Systems
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for String Stable Mixed Traffic: Benchmark and Human-Centered Design
* Cooperative Charging in Residential Areas
* Cooperative Localization of Connected Vehicles: Integrating GNSS With DSRC Using a Robust Cubature Kalman Filter
* Crowd-Cooperative Approach for Intelligent Transportation Systems, A
* crowddeliver: Planning City-Wide Package Delivery Paths Leveraging the Crowd of Taxis
* Curvature-Based Ground Vehicle Control of Trailer Path Following Considering Sideslip and Limited Steering Actuation
* Cyber Threats Facing Autonomous and Connected Vehicles: Future Challenges
* Data-Driven Adaptive Optimal Control of Connected Vehicles
* Data-Driven and Optimal Bus Scheduling Model With Time-Dependent Traffic and Demand, A
* Data-Driven Method for Trip Ends Identification Using Large-Scale Smartphone-Based GPS Tracking Data, A
* Decision Model for Resolving Conflicting Transit Signal Priority Requests
* Deep CNNs With Spatially Weighted Pooling for Fine-Grained Car Recognition
* Deep Multitask Learning for Railway Track Inspection
* Delivering Real-Time Information Services on Public Transit: A Framework
* Design and Optimization of Nonlinear Observers for Road Curvature and State Estimation in Automated Vehicles
* Design and Verification of a Rail-Borne Energy Harvester for Powering Wireless Sensor Networks in the Railway Industry
* Detecting Communities on Topic of Transportation With Sparse Crowd Annotations
* Detector of Electrical Discontinuity of Rails in Double-Track Railway Lines: Electronic System and Measurement Methodology
* Development and Evaluation of an Evolutionary Algorithm-Based OnLine Energy Management System for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Distributed Aggregate Privacy-Preserving Authentication in VANETs
* Distributed Classification of Urban Congestion Using VANET
* Distributed Flight Routing and Scheduling for Air Traffic Flow Management
* Distributed Ramp Metering: A Constrained Discharge Flow Maximization Approach
* Distributed Scheduling and Cooperative Control for Charging of Electric Vehicles at Highway Service Stations
* Drive Mode Optimization and Path Planning for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Dynamic Hierarchical Aggregation for Vehicular Sensing
* Dynamic Rerouting Behavior and Its Impact on Dynamic Traffic Patterns
* EAAP: Efficient Anonymous Authentication With Conditional Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control at Signalized Intersections Considering Queue Effects
* EcoTrec: A Novel VANET-Based Approach to Reducing Vehicle Emissions
* Efficient Framework for Multirequest Route Planning in Urban Environments, An
* Efficient Privacy-Preserving Dual Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Secure V2V Communications in an IoV Paradigm
* Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement for Urban Public Bus Systems
* Empirical Study of DSRC Performance Based on Safety Pilot Model Deployment Data
* Energy Consumption Evaluation Based on a Personalized Driver-Vehicle Model
* Energy-Efficient Train Control by Multi-Train Dynamic Cooperation
* Engineering, Human, and Legal Challenges of Navigation Systems for Personal Mobility
* Enhanced Algorithm of Automated Ground Truth Generation and Validation for Lane Detection System by M^2 BMT
* Enhanced Viola-Jones Vehicle Detection Method From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Imagery, An
* Enhancing Automatic Maritime Surveillance Systems With Visual Information
* Estimation of Passenger Route Choice Pattern Using Smart Card Data for Complex Metro Systems
* Estimation of Performance Metrics at Signalized Intersections Using Loop Detector Data and Probe Travel Times
* Event-Triggered Control for String-Stable Vehicle Platooning
* Evidential Grid-Based Tracking and Mapping
* Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Rapid and Station Arrival-Time Guaranteed Bus Transportation via Lane Reservation
* Fast and Efficient Pedestrian Detection via the Cascade Implementation of an Additive Kernel Support Vector Machine
* Feedback-Based Integrated Motorway Traffic Flow Control With Delay Balancing
* Fine-Grained Vehicle Model Recognition Using A Coarse-to-Fine Convolutional Neural Network Architecture
* Forecasting the Subway Passenger Flow Under Event Occurrences With Social Media
* Formal Methods for Validation and Test Point Prioritization in Railway Signaling Logic
* Framework for Fast and Robust Visual Odometry, A
* Fusion of Perception and V2P Communication Systems for the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users
* Gain-Scheduling Driver Assistance Trajectory-Following Algorithm Considering Different Driver Steering Characteristics, A
* Generalized Method to Extract Visual Time-Sharing Sequences From Naturalistic Driving Data, A
* Generation of Aircraft Intent Based on a Microstrategy Search Tree
* Graph Theoretic Approach to the Robustness of k-Nearest Neighbor Vehicle Platoons
* Graph-Based Vehicle Proposal Location and Detection Algorithm, A
* Graphical Human-Machine Interactive Approach for Integrated Bus Transit Scheduling: Lessons Gained From a Large Bus Company
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Internet of Things and Sensors Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Visual Analysis for ITS
* Handoff Performance Improvements in an Integrated Train-Ground Communication System Based on Wireless Network Virtualization
* Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for Multirate Railway Traction Systems Analysis
* Hierarchical and Networked Vehicle Surveillance in ITS: A Survey
* How to Protect ADS-B: Confidentiality Framework and Efficient Realization Based on Staged Identity-Based Encryption
* Human-Centered Feed-Forward Control of a Vehicle Steering System Based on a Driver's Path-Following Characteristics
* Impact of Driving Behavior on Traffic Delay at a Congested Signalized Intersection
* Improved Fuzzy Neural Network for Traffic Speed Prediction Considering Periodic Characteristic, An
* Improved Rule Installation for Real-Time Query Service in Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Incorporating Ethical Considerations Into Automated Vehicle Control
* Increased Traffic Flow Through Node-Based Bottleneck Prediction and V2X Communication
* Incremental Framework for Video-Based Traffic Sign Detection, Tracking, and Recognition, An
* Infrastructure-Assisted Message Dissemination for Supporting Heterogeneous Driving Patterns
* Instantaneous Feedback Control for a Fuel-Prioritized Vehicle Cruising System on Highways With a Varying Slope
* Integrated Cooperative Adaptive Cruise and Variable Speed Limit Controls for Reducing Rear-End Collision Risks Near Freeway Bottlenecks Based on Micro-Simulations
* Integrating Intuitive Driver Models in Autonomous Planning for Interactive Maneuvers
* Intelligent Charge Rate Optimization of PHEVs Incorporating Driver Satisfaction and Grid Constraints
* Intelligent Localization of a High-Speed Train Using LSSVM and the Online Sparse Optimization Approach
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Applications and Systems for Collaborative Driving
* Intrusion Detection and Ejection Framework Against Lethal Attacks in UAV-Aided Networks: A Bayesian Game-Theoretic Methodology
* Jam-Absorption Driving Strategy for Mitigating Traffic Oscillations, A
* Lane Change Maneuvers for Automated Vehicles
* Lane Determination With GPS Precise Point Positioning
* Latent-Segmentation, Hazard-Based Models of Travel Time
* Lateral Vehicle Trajectory Optimization Using Constrained Linear Time-Varying MPC
* Learning Framework for Robust Obstacle Detection, Recognition, and Tracking
* Learning Roadway Surface Disruption Patterns Using the Bag of Words Representation
* Learning Traffic Patterns at Small Airports From Flight Tracks
* Local Co-Occurrence Selection via Partial Least Squares for Pedestrian Detection
* Long-Term Ship Speed Prediction for Intelligent Traffic Signaling
* Looking at Intersections: A Survey of Intersection Monitoring, Behavior and Safety Analysis of Recent Studies
* Low-Complexity Vision-Based System for Real-Time Traffic Monitoring, A
* Low-Cost Lane-Determination System Using GNSS/IMU Fusion and HMM-Based Multistage Map Matching, A
* Magnetic Field Generated by the Loops Used in Traffic Control Systems
* Maritime Traffic Probabilistic Forecasting Based on Vessels-Waterway Patterns and Motion Behaviors
* Measuring Route Diversity for Urban Rail Transit Networks: A Case Study of the Beijing Metro Network
* Mobility-Aware and Congestion-Relieved Dedicated Path Planning for Group-Based Emergency Guiding Based on Internet of Things Technologies
* Modal Activity-Based Stochastic Model for Estimating Vehicle Trajectories from Sparse Mobile Sensor Data
* Model Predictive Control for Freeway Networks Based on Multi-Class Traffic Flow and Emission Models
* Motion Segmentation Via a Sparsity Constraint
* Moving-Object Detection From Consecutive Stereo Pairs Using Slanted Plane Smoothing
* MPTCP-Based Network Architecture for Intelligent Train Control and Traffic Management Operations, A
* Multi-Agent Advanced Traveler Information System for Optimal Trip Planning in a Co-Modal Framework, A
* Multi-Modal Design of an Intelligent Transportation System
* Multidimensional Compression of ITS Data Using Wavelet-Based Compression Techniques
* Multiple Lane Detection Algorithm Based on Novel Dense Vanishing Point Estimation
* Multisensor Navigation System Based on an Adaptive Fault-Tolerant GOF Algorithm, A
* Neighbor-Aided Localization in Vehicular Networks
* New Analytical Approach to Evaluate the Critical-Event Probability Due to Wireless Communication Errors in Train Control Systems, A
* New Clustering Algorithm for Processing GPS-Based Road Anomaly Reports With a Mahalanobis Distance, A
* Nighttime Vehicle Detection Based on Bio-Inspired Image Enhancement and Weighted Score-Level Feature Fusion
* Nonlinear Conflict Resolution and Flow Management Using Particle Swarm Optimization
* Nonlinear Control for Dual Objective Active Suspension Systems
* Note on Transit Coordination Using Integer-Ratio Headways, A
* Novel Approach for the Test of Active Pedestrian Safety Systems, A
* Novel Distance Estimation Method Leading a Forward Collision Avoidance Assist System for Vehicles on Highways, A
* Novel Network Architecture for C/U-Plane Staggered Handover in 5G Decoupled Heterogeneous Railway Wireless Systems, A
* Novel Speed-Density Relationship Model Based on the Energy Conservation Concept, A
* Novel Steering System for a Space-Saving 4WS4WD Electric Vehicle: Design, Modeling, and Road Tests, A
* Object Matching for Inter-Vehicle Communication Systems: An IMM-Based Track Association Approach With Sequential Multiple Hypothesis Test
* Offline Framework for the Diagnosis of Time Reliability by Automatic Vehicle Location Data, An
* On a Variant of the Mobile Observer Method
* On Detecting Road Regions in a Single UAV Image
* On Developing a Driver Identification Methodology Using In-Vehicle Data Recorders
* On Optimizing Reservation-Based Intersection Controls
* On Perception and Reality in Wireless Air Traffic Communication Security
* On Recommending Opportunistic Rides
* On the Effects of a Routing and Reservation System on the Electric Vehicle Public Charging Network
* On the Impact of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles in Improving Freeway Merging: A Modified Intelligent Driver Model-Based Approach
* On the Interrelation of Security, QoS, and Safety in Cooperative ITS
* On-Road Vehicle Trajectory Collection and Scene-Based Lane Change Analysis: Part I
* On-Road Vehicle Trajectory Collection and Scene-Based Lane Change Analysis: Part II
* Online Map-Matching of Noisy and Sparse Location Data With Hidden Markov and Route Choice Models
* Optimal Control for Congestion Pricing: Theory, Simulation, and Evaluation
* Optimal Control of Connected Vehicle Systems With Communication Delay and Driver Reaction Time
* Optimal Energy Management for HEVs in Eco-Driving Applications Using Bi-Level MPC
* Optimal Estimation Approach for the Calibration of the Car-Following Behavior of Connected Vehicles in a Mixed Traffic Environment, An
* Optimal Load Scheduling of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles via Weight-Aggregation Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
* Optimal Traffic Sensor Location for Origin-Destination Estimation Using a Compressed Sensing Framework
* Optimization and Design of Wireless Systems for the Implementation of Context Aware Scenarios in Railway Passenger Vehicles
* Optimization Approach for Localization Refinement of Candidate Traffic Signs, An
* Orthogonal Design-Based NSGA-III for the Optimal Lockage Co-Scheduling Problem
* Overview of Environment Perception for Intelligent Vehicles
* Parallel Control and Management for High-Speed Maglev Systems
* Parallel Transportation Management and Control System for Bus Rapid Transit Using the ACP Approach, A
* Parallel Transportation Management and Control System for Subways
* Parked Cars are Excellent Roadside Units
* Parking Like a Human: A Direct Trajectory Planning Solution
* Participatory Urban Traffic Monitoring System: The Power of Bus Riders, A
* Path Planning for First Responders in the Presence of Moving Obstacles With Uncertain Boundaries
* Pedestrian Movement Direction Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Pedestrian Tracking Using Online Boosted Random Ferns Learning in Far-Infrared Imagery for Safe Driving at Night
* Performance Evaluation of Radio Map Construction Methods for Wi-Fi Positioning Systems
* Personalized and Situation-Aware Multimodal Route Recommendations: The FAVOUR Algorithm
* Personalized Prediction of Vehicle Energy Consumption Based on Participatory Sensing
* Potential Field Approach-Based Trajectory Control for Autonomous Electric Vehicles With In-Wheel Motors, A
* Potential Field-Based Model Predictive Path-Planning Controller for Autonomous Road Vehicles, A
* Practical Multicriteria Urban Bicycle Routing
* Predicting Upcoming Values of Stress While Driving
* Predictive Energy Management Strategy for Fully Electric Vehicles Based on Preceding Vehicle Movement
* Preview Controller Design for Vehicle Stability With V2V Communication
* Prioritizing Influential Factors for Freeway Incident Clearance Time Prediction Using the Gradient Boosting Decision Trees Method
* Privacy-Preserving Mobile Payment System for Mass Transit, A
* Proactive Drone-Cell Deployment: Overload Relief for a Cellular Network Under Flash Crowd Traffic
* Probabilistic Approach to Improve the Accuracy of Axle-Based Automatic Vehicle Classifiers, A
* Probabilistic Prediction Model for the Safety Assessment of HDVs Under Complex Driving Environments, A
* Probabilistic Prediction of Bus Headway Using Relevance Vector Machine Regression
* Public Traffic Demand Forecast Method Based on Computational Experiments, A
* Railway Traffic Conflict Detection via a State Transition Prediction Approach
* Randomized Approach to Probabilistic Footprint Estimation of a Space Debris Uncontrolled Reentry, A
* Rapid Localization and Extraction of Street Light Poles in Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds: A Supervoxel-Based Approach
* Reactive Obstacle Avoidance for Highly Maneuverable Vehicles Based on a Two-Stage Optical Flow Clustering
* Real-Time and Accurate Segmentation of 3-D Point Clouds Based on Gaussian Process Regression
* Real-Time Bidirectional Traffic Flow Parameter Estimation From Aerial Videos
* Real-Time Energy Management Strategy Based on Velocity Forecasts Using V2V and V2I Communications
* Real-Time Fatigue Driving Recognition Method Incorporating Contextual Features and Two Fusion Levels, A
* Real-Time Feedback Impacts on Eco-Driving Behavior and Influential Variables in Fuel Consumption in a Lisbon Urban Bus Operator
* Real-Time Ionospheric Threat Adaptation Using a Space Weather Prediction for GNSS-Based Aircraft Landing Systems
* Real-Time Passenger Flow Estimation and Prediction Method for Urban Bus Transit Systems, A
* Real-Time Traffic State Estimation With Connected Vehicles
* Reasoning About Job Completion Time in Vehicular Clouds
* Reduction of Air Traffic Complexity Using Trajectory-Based Operations and Validation of Novel Complexity Indicators
* Reinforcement Learning-Based Variable Speed Limit Control Strategy to Reduce Traffic Congestion at Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks
* Relationship Between the Traffic Flow and the Look-Ahead Cruise Control, The
* Reliability-Based Traffic Signal Control for Urban Arterial Roads
* Research on the Cooperative Train Control Strategy to Reduce Energy Consumption
* Rethinking Transit Time Reliability by Integrating Automated Vehicle Location Data, Passenger Patterns, and Web Tools
* Reusability of the Output of Map-Matching Algorithms Across Space and Time Through Machine Learning
* Road Constrained Monocular Visual Localization Using Gaussian-Gaussian Cloud Model
* Road Recognition From Remote Sensing Imagery Using Incremental Learning
* Road Scene Content Analysis for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Driving
* Robust Lane Detection Method Based on Vanishing Point Estimation Using the Relevance of Line Segments, A
* Robust Stereo Data Cost With a Learning Strategy
* Safe Optimization of Highway Traffic With Robust Model Predictive Control-Based Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
* Safety in Vehicle Platooning: A Systematic Literature Review
* Sampling-Based Path Planning for UAV Collision Avoidance
* Scalable Learning Framework for Traversable Region Detection Fusing With Appearance and Geometrical Information
* Segmentation- and Annotation-Free License Plate Recognition With Deep Localization and Failure Identification
* Self-Balancing Decentralized Distributed Platform for Urban Traffic Simulation
* Self-Organizing Frequency Approach to 802.11p Channel Estimation, A
* Sensor Fusion-Based Low-Cost Vehicle Localization System for Complex Urban Environments
* Sequential Decomposition Framework and Method for Calibrating Dynamic Origin-Destination Demand in a Congested Network, A
* Service-Oriented Cooperation Models and Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Driverless Vehicles at Continuous Static Critical Sections
* Service-Oriented Dynamic Connection Management for Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles
* SesToCross: Semantic Expert System to Manage Single-Lane Road Crossing
* Set-Membership Type-1 Fuzzy Logic System Applied to Fault Classification in a Switch Machine
* Simulator Study Comparing Characteristics of Manual and Automated Driving During Lane Changes of Long Combination Vehicles, A
* Simultaneous Optimization of Airspace Congestion and Flight Delay in Air Traffic Network Flow Management
* SIRC: A Secure Incentive Scheme for Reliable Cooperative Downloading in Highway VANETs
* Smartphone-Based Adaptive Driving Maneuver Detection: A Large-Scale Evaluation Study
* Smartphone-Based Vehicle Telematics: A Ten-Year Anniversary
* Space-Aware Modeling of Two-Phase Electric Charging Stations
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Passenger Travel Patterns in Massive Smart Card Data
* ST-CRF Map-Matching Method for Low-Frequency Floating Car Data, A
* Stability and Frequency Response Under Stochastic Communication Delays With Applications to Connected Cruise Control Design
* Statistical Anomaly Detection in Human Dynamics Monitoring Using a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model
* Surrogate Bicycle Design for Millimeter-Wave Automotive Radar Pre-Collision Testing
* Survey of GNSS-Based Research and Developments for the European Railway Signaling, A
* Survey of Smart Parking Solutions, A
* Survey on Approaches of Motion Mode Recognition Using Sensors, A
* Survey on the Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles at Intersections and Merging at Highway On-Ramps, A
* Swarm-Inspired Modeling of a Highway System With Stability Analysis
* Systematic Relation of Estimated Travel Speed and Actual Travel Speed
* Taxonomy of Conflict Detection and Resolution Approaches for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in an Integrated Airspace
* Throughput of Infrastructure-Based Cooperative Vehicular Networks
* Time-of-Day Pricing in Taxi Markets
* Toward Mitigating Phantom Jam Using Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
* Towards Detection of Bus Driver Fatigue Based on Robust Visual Analysis of Eye State
* Tracking and Behavior Reasoning of Moving Vehicles Based on Roadway Geometry Constraints
* Tracking as a Whole: Multi-Target Tracking by Modeling Group Behavior With Sequential Detection
* Traffic Control Magnetic Loops Electric Characteristics Variation Due to the Passage of Vehicles Over Them
* Traffic Sign Detection Using a Cascade Method With Fast Feature Extraction and Saliency Test
* Traffic Sign Occlusion Detection Using Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* Traffic Sign Recognition Using Kernel Extreme Learning Machines With Deep Perceptual Features
* Traffic Sign Recognition via Multi-Modal Tree-Structure Embedded Multi-Task Learning
* Traffic Velocity Estimation From Vehicle Count Sequences
* Transforming a 3-D LiDAR Point Cloud Into a 2-D Dense Depth Map Through a Parameter Self-Adaptive Framework
* Turn Signal Detection During Nighttime by CNN Detector and Perceptual Hashing Tracking
* Unified Framework for Concurrent Pedestrian and Cyclist Detection, A
* Unified Framework for Vehicle Rerouting and Traffic Light Control to Reduce Traffic Congestion, A
* User Association for Load Balancing in Vehicular Networks: An Online Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Vehicle Behavior Learning via Sparse Reconstruction with L_2-L_p Minimization and Trajectory Similarity
* Vehicle Speed Prediction by Two-Level Data Driven Models in Vehicular Networks
* Vehicle-Bicyclist Dynamic Position Extracted From Naturalistic Driving Videos
* Vehicles of the Future: A Survey of Research on Safety Issues
* Video Processing From Electro-Optical Sensors for Object Detection and Tracking in a Maritime Environment: A Survey
* Video-Based System for Vehicle Speed Measurement in Urban Roadways, A
* Vision-Based Positioning for Internet-of-Vehicles
* Visual Analytics of Mobility and Transportation: State of the Art and Further Research Directions
* Visual Monitoring of Driver and Passenger Control Panel Interactions
* Visual Object Tracking With Partition Loss Schemes
* Visualization of Driving Behavior Based on Hidden Feature Extraction by Using Deep Learning
* Visualizing the Relationship Between Human Mobility and Points of Interest
* Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures in Balise-Based Train Control Systems
* Wearable Glove-Type Driver Stress Detection Using a Motion Sensor
* Worldwide Railway Skeleton Network: Extraction Methodology and Preliminary Analysis
291 for ITS(18)
* 3-D Road Boundary Extraction From Mobile Laser Scanning Data via Supervoxels and Graph Cuts
* 3-D Surround View for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* A2CPS: A Vehicle-Centric Safety Conceptual Framework for Autonomous Transport Systems
* Accelerated Evaluation of Automated Vehicles in Car-Following Maneuvers
* Accelerated Evaluation of Automated Vehicles Using Piecewise Mixture Models
* Access Point Deployment Optimization in CBTC Data Communication System
* Adaptive Centralized/Decentralized Control and Identification of 1-D Heterogeneous Vehicular Platoons Based on Constant Time Headway Policy
* Adaptive Forward Collision Warning Framework Design Based on Driver Distraction, An
* Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Energy Management Strategy Based on Reasonable SOC Reference Curve for Online Control of Plug-in Hybrid Electric City Bus
* Adaptive Hierarchical Trajectory Following Control Approach of Autonomous Four-Wheel Independent Drive Electric Vehicles, An
* Adaptive Learning-Based Approach for Nearly Optimal Dynamic Charging of Electric Vehicle Fleets, An
* Adaptive Spacing Policy Guaranteeing String Stability in Multi-Brand Ad Hoc Platoons, An
* ADS-BI: Compressed Indexing of ADS-B Data
* Advances in Crowd Analysis for Urban Applications Through Urban Event Detection
* Airport Ground Movement Problem: Minimization of Delay and Pollution Emission
* Airspace Collision Risk Hot-Spot Identification using Clustering Models
* Allocation of Wireless Power Transfer System From Viewpoint of Optimal Control Problem for Autonomous Driving Electric Vehicles
* Analysis of the Failure Tolerance of Linear Access Networks
* Analytical Method for the Precise and Fast Prediction of Railway Running Times and its Applications
* Analytical Model to Characterize the Spatiotemporal Propagation of Information Under Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications, An
* Angle of Arrival-Based Cooperative Positioning for Smart Vehicles
* AntMapper: An Ant Colony-Based Map Matching Approach for Trajectory-Based Applications
* Application of Evolutionary Computation for Berth Scheduling at Marine Container Terminals: Parameter Tuning Versus Parameter Control
* Application of Predictor Feedback to Compensate Time Delays in Connected Cruise Control
* Application of Real Field Connected Vehicle Data for Aggressive Driving Identification on Horizontal Curves
* Applying a WNN-HMM Based Driver Model in Human Driver Simulation: Method and Test
* Approach for Receiver-Side Awareness Control in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, An
* Automated Analysis of Pedestrian Group Behavior in Urban Settings
* Automated Method for the Study of Human Reliability in Railway Supervision Systems, An
* Automatic Pavement Object Detection Using Superpixel Segmentation Combined With Conditional Random Field
* Autonomous Vehicle Logistic System: Joint Routing and Charging Strategy
* Bargaining-Based Solution to the Team Mobility Planning Game, A
* Bayes Saliency-Based Object Proposal Generator for Nighttime Traffic Images
* Bayesian Particle Tracking of Traffic Flows
* Best Rated Human-Machine Interface Design for Autonomous Vehicles in the 2016 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge, The
* Beyond-Line-of-Sight Identification by Using Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
* Bi-Objective Scheduling of Fire Engines for Fighting Forest Fires: New Optimization Approaches
* Bi-Objective Vehicle Routing for Hazardous Materials Transportation With No Vehicles Travelling in Echelon
* Bibliographic and Coauthorship Analysis of IEEE T-ITS Literature Between 2014 and 2016, A
* Bikeshare Pool Sizing for Bike-and-Ride Multimodal Transit
* Bilevel Model With a Solution Algorithm for Locating Weigh-In-Motion Stations, A
* Biologically Guided Driver Modeling: the Stop Behavior of Human Car Drivers
* Boosting Ride Sharing With Alternative Destinations
* Capability of Current Car-Following Models to Reproduce Vehicle Free-Flow Acceleration Dynamics
* Capturing Car-Following Behaviors by Deep Learning
* Cascaded Part-Based System for Fine-Grained Vehicle Classification, A
* Cascaded Segmentation-Detection Networks for Text-Based Traffic Sign Detection
* Channel Measurement, Simulation, and Analysis for High-Speed Railway Communications in 5G Millimeter-Wave Band
* Citywide Spatial-Temporal Travel Time Estimation Using Big and Sparse Trajectories
* CNN-Based Distributed Adaptive Control for Vehicle-Following Platoon With Input Saturation
* Coding-Assisted Broadcast Scheduling via Memetic Computing in SDN-Based Vehicular Networks
* Collaborative Mapping and Autonomous Parking for Multi-Story Parking Garage
* Collaborative Method for Route Discovery Using Taxi Drivers' Experience and Preferences, A
* Collision Risk Assessment Algorithm via Lane-Based Probabilistic Motion Prediction of Surrounding Vehicles
* Comments on Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Computing the Drivable Area of Autonomous Road Vehicles in Dynamic Road Scenes
* Concept of Stimuli-Induced Equilibrium Point and Its Application in Ramp-Merging Control, The
* Connected Cooperative Ecodriving System Considering Human Driver Error
* Consensus Ensemble System for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Cooperative and Integrated Vehicle and Intersection Control for Energy Efficiency (CIVIC-E2)
* Cooperative Automated Driving for Various Traffic Scenarios: Experimental Validation in the GCDC 2016
* Cooperative Automated Maneuvering at the 2016 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Cooperative Intersection Control Based on Virtual Platooning
* Cooperative Intersection Support System Based on Mirroring Mechanisms Enacted by Bio-Inspired Layered Control Architecture
* Cooperative Positioning Technique With Decentralized Malicious Vehicle Detection
* Cooperative Positioning Technique With Decentralized Malicious Vehicle Detection
* Cooperative Vehicular Networking: A Survey
* Cost-Effectiveness of Sharing Roadside Infrastructure for Internet of Vehicles
* CreditCoin: A Privacy-Preserving Blockchain-Based Incentive Announcement Network for Communications of Smart Vehicles
* Critical Link Analysis for Urban Transportation Systems
* Cross-Domain Traffic Scene Understanding: A Dense Correspondence-Based Transfer Learning Approach
* Crowdsensing-Based Consensus Incident Report for Road Traffic Acquisition
* Data-Driven Approach for Driving Safety Risk Prediction Using Driver Behavior and Roadway Information Data, A
* Data-Driven Resilient Fleet Management for Cloud Asset-enabled Urban Flood Control
* Data-Driven State-Increment Statistical Model and Its Application in Autonomous Driving
* Decision-Making Framework for Automated Driving in Highway Environments
* Deconflicted Air-Traffic Planning With Speed-Dependent Fuel-Consumption Formulation
* Deep Background Modeling Using Fully Convolutional Network
* Dependable Content Distribution in D2D-Based Cooperative Vehicular Networks: A Big Data-Integrated Coalition Game Approach
* Design and Experimental Validation of a Cooperative Driving Control Architecture for the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge 2016
* Destination Prediction by Trajectory Distribution-Based Model
* Detecting On-Street Parking Spaces in Smart Cities: Performance Evaluation of Fixed and Mobile Sensing Systems
* Detection and Recognition of Traffic Planar Objects Using Colorized Laser Scan and Perspective Distortion Rectification
* Determining the Optimal Location of Terror Response Facilities Under the Risk of Disruption
* Development of Platform-Independent System for Cooperative Automated Driving Evaluated in GCDC 2016
* Differential Steering Based Yaw Stabilization Using ISMC for Independently Actuated Electric Vehicles
* DIFS: Distributed Interest Forwarder Selection in Vehicular Named Data Networks
* Discovering Fine-Grained Spatial Pattern From Taxi Trips: Where Point Process Meets Matrix Decomposition and Factorization
* Distance-Driven Consensus Quantification
* Distributed Message Delivery Infrastructure for Connected Vehicle Technology Applications, A
* Distributed Reference Governor Approach to Ecological Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control, A
* Distribution of Road Hazard Warning Messages to Distant Vehicles in Intelligent Transport Systems
* Driving Style Recognition for Intelligent Vehicle Control and Advanced Driver Assistance: A Survey
* Dual PHD Filter for Effective Occupancy Filtering in a Highly Dynamic Environment, A
* Dynamic Clustering and Cooperative Scheduling for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication in Bidirectional Road Scenarios
* Dynamic Eco-Driving's Fuel Saving Potential in Traffic: Multi-Vehicle Simulation Study Comparing Three Representative Methods
* Dynamic Robust Sequencing and Scheduling Under Uncertainty for the Point Merge System in Terminal Airspace
* Eco-Driving Assistance System for a Manual Transmission Bus Based on Machine Learning
* Ecological Driving System for Connected/Automated Vehicles Using a Two-Stage Control Hierarchy
* Economic Model Predictive Control of Large-Scale Urban Road Networks via Perimeter Control and Regional Route Guidance
* EEG-Based Detection of Driver Emergency Braking Intention for Brain-Controlled Vehicles
* Effective and Efficient Detection of Moving Targets From a UAV's Camera
* Effective Uyghur Language Text Detection in Complex Background Images for Traffic Prompt Identification
* Efficient Data Traffic Forwarding for Infrastructure-to-Infrastructure Communications in VANETs
* Efficient Indexing For Past and Current Position of Moving Objects on Road Networks
* Efficient Model-Free Setting for Longitudinal and Lateral Vehicle Control: Validation Through the Interconnected Pro-SiVIC/RTMaps Prototyping Platform, An
* Efficient Transport Simulation With Restricted Batch-Mode Active Learning
* Embedding Structured Contour and Location Prior in Siamesed Fully Convolutional Networks for Road Detection
* Energy-Efficient Timely Transportation of Long-Haul Heavy-Duty Trucks
* Energy-Efficient Train Timetable Optimization in the Subway System with Energy Storage Devices
* ERFNet: Efficient Residual Factorized ConvNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Estimating Inefficiency in Bus Trip Choices From a User Perspective With Schedule, Positioning, and Ticketing Data
* Estimation of Aircraft Operations at Airports Using Mode-C Signal Strength Information
* EV Traction Control Based on Nonlinear Observers Considering Longitudinal and Lateral Tire Forces
* Evaluation of Detection Approaches for Road Anomalies Based on Accelerometer Readings: Addressing Who's Who
* Evaluation of Pseudonym Changes for Vehicular Networks in Large-Scale, Realistic Traffic Scenarios, An
* Event Detection on Roads Using Perceptual Video Summarization
* Experience of DRIVERTIVE-DRIVERless cooperaTIve VEhicle-Team in the 2016 GCDC, The
* Expert Level Control of Ramp Metering Based on Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Expert Level Control of Ramp Metering Based on Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Exploiting AIS Data for Intelligent Maritime Navigation: A Comprehensive Survey From Data to Methodology
* Exploring the Congestion Pattern at Long-Queued Tunnel Sag and Increasing the Efficiency by Control
* Extended Filtered Channel Framework for Pedestrian Detection, An
* Fast and Scalable Big Data Trajectory Clustering for Understanding Urban Mobility
* Fast Automatic Vehicle Annotation for Urban Traffic Surveillance
* Fast Online Tracking With Detection Refinement
* Fast Vehicle Detection Using a Disparity Projection Method
* Feedforward Strategies for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Heterogeneous Vehicle Strings
* Force-Driven Traffic Simulation for a Future Connected Autonomous Vehicle-Enabled Smart Transportation System
* Formal Approach for Modeling and Simulation of Human Car-Following Behavior, A
* Fuel-Efficient En Route Formation of Truck Platoons
* Fully Automated Approach to Extract and Assess Road Cross Sections From Mobile LiDAR Data, A
* Functional Data Analysis Approach to Traffic Volume Forecasting, A
* Game Theoretic Solution for the Territory Sharing Problem in Social Taxi Networks, A
* Game-Theoretic Electric Vehicle Charging Management Resilient to Non-Ideal User Behavior
* Gamified Flexible Transportation Service for On-Demand Public Transport, A
* Generative Model of Urban Activities from Cellular Data, A
* Generic Proposal Evaluator: A Lazy Learning Strategy Toward Blind Proposal Quality Assessment
* GNSS Position Integrity in Urban Environments: A Review of Literature
* GNSS Time Synchronization in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: Benefits and Feasibility
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Dependable Wireless Vehicular Communications for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Robust and Efficient Vision Techniques for Intelligent Vehicles
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on the 2016 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Knowledge Discovery From Mobility Data for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Advances in Smart and Green Transportation for Smart Cities
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Connected Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Heuristic Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Carpool Services Problem Featuring High-Occupancy-Vehicle Itineraries, A
* Hierarchical Sliding Slice Regression for Vehicle Viewing Angle Estimation
* Hierarchical Trajectory Planning of an Autonomous Car Based on the Integration of a Sampling and an Optimization Method
* High-Throughput Infrastructure for Advanced ITS Services: A Case Study on Air Pollution Monitoring
* Human Control of Air Traffic Trajectory Optimizer
* Image-Based Learning to Measure Traffic Density Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Impact of Road Configuration in V2V-Based Cooperative Localization: Mathematical Analysis and Real-World Evaluation, The
* Implicit Cooperative Positioning in Vehicular Networks
* Improving Bivious Relay Selection in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks
* Improving Vehicle Handling Stability Based on Combined AFS and DYC System via Robust Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Control
* In-Road Microwave Sensor for Electronic Vehicle Identification and Tracking: Link Budget Analysis and Antenna Prototype
* Inertial Measurement Units-Based Probe Vehicles: Automatic Calibration, Trajectory Estimation, and Context Detection
* Influence of Measurement and Prediction Uncertainties on Range Estimation for Electric Vehicles
* Infrared Pedestrian Segmentation Through Background Likelihood and Object-Biased Saliency
* Integrated Likelihood Formulation for Characterizing the Proximity of Position Measurements to Road Segments, An
* Intelligent Containers Based on a Low-Power Sensor Network and a Non-Invasive Acquisition System for Management and Tracking of Goods
* Intelligent Vehicle Counting and Classification Sensor for Real-Time Traffic Surveillance
* Interactive Visual Analytics Platform for Smart Intelligent Transportation Systems Management, An
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Applications of Mechatronic and Embedded Systems (MESA) in ITS
* Joint Convolutional Neural Networks and Context Transfer for Street Scenes Labeling, A
* Joint Headlight Pairing and Vehicle Tracking by Weighted Set Packing in Nighttime Traffic Videos
* Joint Multi-Criteria Utility-Based Network Selection Approach for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Networking, A
* Joint Transportation and Charging Scheduling in Public Vehicle Systems: A Game Theoretic Approach
* KAIST Multi-Spectral Day/Night Data Set for Autonomous and Assisted Driving
* Kalman Filter for Quasi-Dynamic o-d Flow Estimation/Updating, A
* Kinect-Based Approach for 3D Pavement Surface Reconstruction and Cracking Recognition, A
* L-Shape Model Switching-Based Precise Motion Tracking of Moving Vehicles Using Laser Scanners
* Leader and Leaderless Multi-Layer Consensus With State Obfuscation: An Application to Distributed Speed Advisory Systems
* Learning Low-Dimensional Representation of Bivariate Histogram Data
* Learning to Boost Bottom-Up Fixation Prediction in Driving Environments via Random Forest
* Learning Traversability From Point Clouds in Challenging Scenarios
* License Plate Recognition Data-Based Traffic Volume Estimation Using Collaborative Tensor Decomposition
* Local Binary Pattern Circuit Generator With Adjustable Parameters for Feature Extraction
* Machine Vision to Alert Roadside Personnel of Night Traffic Threats
* Making Bertha Cooperate: Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 2016 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Maritime Traffic Networks: From Historical Positioning Data to Unsupervised Maritime Traffic Monitoring
* Mass Evidence Accumulation and Traveler Risk Scoring Engine in e-Border Infrastructure
* Measurements and Analysis of Angular Characteristics and Spatial Correlation for High-Speed Railway Channels
* Measuring Regularity of Individual Travel Patterns
* Mechatronic System to Help Visually Impaired Users During Walking and Running
* Medium Guardian for Enhanced Dependability in Safety-Critical Wireless Systems, A
* METANET Validation of the Large-Scale Manchester Ring-Road Network Using Gradient-Based and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Methodology and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Railway On-Board Positioning Systems
* Mining Smart Card Data for Travellers' Mini Activities
* Mobility-Adaptive Beacon Broadcast for Vehicular Cooperative Safety-Critical Applications
* Mobility-Aware Vehicle-to-Grid Control Algorithm in Microgrids
* Modeling the Imperfect Driver: Incorporating Human Factors in a Microscopic Traffic Model
* Modelling the Level of Trust in a Cooperative Automated Vehicle Control System
* Models of Driver Acceleration Behavior Prior to Real-World Intersection Crashes
* Monte Carlo Localization on Gaussian Process Occupancy Maps for Urban Environments
* MPTR: A Maximal-Marginal-Relevance-Based Personalized Trip Recommendation Method
* Multi-Agent Dynamic Routing of a Fleet of Cybercars
* Multi-Area Self-Adaptive Pricing Control in Smart City With EV User Participation
* Multi-Level Contextual RNNs With Attention Model for Scene Labeling
* Multi-Perspective Tracking for Intelligent Vehicle
* Multi-Vehicle Tracking With Road Maps and Car-Following Models
* Negotiated Decentralized Aircraft Conflict Resolution
* Network Partitioning Algorithmic Approach for Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram-Based Hierarchical Traffic Network Management, A
* Network Tomography Approach for Traffic Monitoring in Smart Cities, A
* New Approach to Track Multiple Vehicles With the Combination of Robust Detection and Two Classifiers, A
* New CNN-Based Method for Multi-Directional Car License Plate Detection, A
* New Framework of Vehicle Collision Prediction by Combining SVM and HMM, A
* New Spectrum Management Scheme for Road Safety in Smart Cities, A
* New Take on Protecting Cyclists in Smart Cities, A
* Nondimensionalized Univariate Equation Characterizing Optimal State Feedback Control for Collision Avoidance
* Nonlane-Discipline-Based Car-Following Model for Electric Vehicles in Transportation-Cyber-Physical Systems
* Novel Infrastructure-Based Worm Spreading Countermeasure for Vehicular Networks, A
* Novel Negative Location Collection Method for Finding Aggregated Locations, A
* Novel Resection-Intersection Algorithm With Fast Triangulation Applied to Monocular Visual Odometry, A
* Obstacle Prediction for Automated Guided Vehicles Based on Point Clouds Measured by a Tilted LIDAR Sensor
* On Charging Scheduling Optimization for a Wirelessly Charged Electric Bus System
* On Evaluating Floating Car Data Quality for Knowledge Discovery
* On Learning From Inaccurate and Incomplete Traffic Flow Data
* On the Optimal Speed Profile for Eco-Driving on Curved Roads
* Online Multi-Object Tracking Using Hierarchical Constraints for Complex Scenarios
* Opinion Dynamics-Based Vehicle Velocity Estimation and Diagnosis
* Optimal Charging Schemes for Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid: A Contract Theoretic Approach
* Optimal Control for Reducing Congestion and Improving Safety in Freeway Systems
* Optimal Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Station Placement Based on Game Theoretical Framework
* Optimal Positioning of Ground Base Stations in Free-Space Optical Communications for High-Speed Trains
* Optimal Power Management in DC Microgrids With Applications to Dual-Source Trolleybus Systems
* Optimal Power Management in DC Microgrids With Applications to Dual-Source Trolleybus Systems
* Optimal Routing of Energy-Aware Vehicles in Transportation Networks With Inhomogeneous Charging Nodes
* Optimal Stochastic Eco-Routing Solutions for Electric Vehicles
* Optimal Type-2 Fuzzy System For Arterial Traffic Signal Control
* Optimization for the Following Operation of a High-Speed Train Under the Moving Block System
* Optimizing the Link Directions of Personal Rapid Transit Network
* Panel Data Model-Based Multi-Factor Predictive Model of Highway Electromechanical Equipment Faults, A
* Path Loss Models for Low-Power, Low-Data Rate Sensor Nodes for Smart Car Parking Systems
* Path-Following Control Based on Ground-Watching Navigation
* PCNN: Deep Convolutional Networks for Short-Term Traffic Congestion Prediction
* Pedestrian-Aware Engine Management Strategies for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Performance Analysis and Enhancement of WAVE for V2V Non-Safety Applications
* Performance Analysis of Multi-Source Multi-Destination Cooperative Vehicular Networks With the Hybrid Decode-Amplify-Forward Cooperative Relaying Protocol
* Physics-Based Optimization of Access Point Placement for Train Communication Systems
* Platooning of Connected Vehicles With Undirected Topologies: Robustness Analysis and Distributed H-infinity Controller Synthesis
* Point-to-Set Distance Metric Learning on Deep Representations for Visual Tracking
* Powered Two-Wheelers Critical Events Detection and Recognition Using Data-Driven Approaches
* Practical Method for 4-Dimentional Strategic Air Traffic Management Problem With Convective Weather Uncertainty
* Predicting Long-Term Trajectories of Connected Vehicles via the Prefix-Projection Technique
* Predictor-Based Adaptive Cruise Control Design
* Privacy-Preserved Pseudonym Scheme for Fog Computing Supported Internet of Vehicles
* Probabilistic Framework for Tracking the Formation and Evolution of Multi-Vehicle Groups in Public Traffic in the Presence of Observation Uncertainties, A
* Quasi-Dynamic Estimation of OD Flows From Traffic Counts Without Prior OD Matrix
* Radar Image-Based Positioning for USV Under GPS Denial Environment
* Railway System Energy Management Optimization Demonstrated at Offline and Online Case Studies
* Re-Planning of Flight Routes Avoiding Convective Weather and the Three Areas
* Real-Time Detection and Estimation of Denial of Service Attack in Connected Vehicle Systems
* Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing Algorithm for Urban Vehicular Networks
* Real-Time Object Tracking on a Drone With Multi-Inertial Sensing Data
* Real-Time Obstacles Detection and Status Classification for Collision Warning in a Vehicle Active Safety System
* Real-Time Prediction of Seasonal Heteroscedasticity in Vehicular Traffic Flow Series
* Real-Time Prediction of Taxi Demand Using Recurrent Neural Networks
* Real-Time Scalable Visual Tracking via Quadrangle Kernelized Correlation Filters
* Rear Vehicle Tracking on a Bicycle Using Active Sensor Orientation Control
* Rearview Camera-Based Backover Warning System Exploiting a Combination of Pose-Specific Pedestrian Recognitions
* Recognizing Network Trip Patterns Using a Spatio-Temporal Vehicle Trajectory Clustering Algorithm
* Reconstructing Activity Location Sequences From Incomplete Check-In Data: A Semi-Markov Continuous-Time Bayesian Network Model
* Reliable Cooperative Authentication for Vehicular Networks
* Reputation-Aware, Trajectory-Based Recruitment of Smart Vehicles for Public Sensing
* Resilience of the U.S. National Airspace System Airport Network
* Rigid Point Set Registration Based on Cubature Kalman Filter and Its Application in Intelligent Vehicles
* Road-Segmentation-Based Curb Detection Method for Self-Driving via a 3D-LiDAR Sensor
* Roadside Magnetic Sensor System for Vehicle Detection in Urban Environments
* Robust and Efficient Relative Pose With a Multi-Camera System for Autonomous Driving in Highly Dynamic Environments
* Robust and Long-Term Object Tracking With an Application to Vehicles
* Robust Lane Detection and Tracking for Real-Time Applications
* Robust Longitudinal Control of Multi-Vehicle Systems: A Distributed H-Infinity Method
* Robust Shortest Path Problem With Distributional Uncertainty
* Robust Stochastic Control for High-Speed Trains With Nonlinearity, Parametric Uncertainty, and Multiple Time-Varying Delays
* Safe Nonlinear Trajectory Generation for Parallel Autonomy With a Dynamic Vehicle Model
* Safety Assessment of a UAV CD&R System in High Density Airspace Using Monte Carlo Simulations
* Safety-Assured Model-Driven Design of the Multifunction Vehicle Bus Controller
* SAINT Self-Adaptive Interactive Navigation Tool for Emergency Service Delivery Optimization
* Scalability of Vehicular M2M Communications in a 4G Cellular Network
* Scale-Free Properties of Human Mobility and Applications to Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Scene-Adaptive Off-Road Detection Using a Monocular Camera
* sdnMAC: A Software-Defined Network Inspired MAC Protocol for Cooperative Safety in VANETs
* SECMACE: Scalable and Robust Identity and Credential Management Infrastructure in Vehicular Communication Systems
* Security Credential Management System for V2X Communications, A
* Self-Localization Based on Visual Lane Marking Maps: An Accurate Low-Cost Approach for Autonomous Driving
* Self-Powered ZigBee Wireless Sensor Nodes for Railway Condition Monitoring
* Shapely Value Perspective on Adapting Transmit Power for Periodic Vehicular Communications
* Sharpness Enhancement and Super-Resolution of Around-View Monitor Images
* Signal Multiobjective Optimization for Urban Traffic Network
* Simplifying the Formal Verification of Safety Requirements in Zone Controllers Through Problem Frames and Constraint-Based Projection
* Simulation and Design of Fast Charging Infrastructure for a University-Based e-Carsharing System
* Simulation Study of Predicting Real-Time Conflict-Prone Traffic Conditions, A
* Simultaneous Traffic Sign Detection and Boundary Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Smarter Cities With Parked Cars as Roadside Units
* Spatial Stochastic Vehicle Traffic Modeling for VANETs
* Spatio-Temporal Profiling of Public Transport Delays Based on Large-Scale Vehicle Positioning Data From GPS in Wroclaw
* Stigmergy-Based Analysis of City Hotspots to Discover Trends and Anomalies in Urban Transportation Usage, A
* STMAC: Spatio-Temporal Coordination-Based MAC Protocol for Driving Safety in Urban Vehicular Networks
* Stochastic Geometry Methods for Modeling Automotive Radar Interference
* Supervised Hash Coding With Deep Neural Network for Environment Perception of Intelligent Vehicles
* Survey of the Connected Vehicle Landscape: Architectures, Enabling Technologies, Applications, and Development Areas, A
* Survey on Petri Net Models for Freight Logistics and Transportation Systems, A
* Synchronous Control of Vehicle Following Behavior and Distance Under the Safe and Efficient Steady-Following State: Two Case Studies of High-Speed Train Following Control
* Synergies of Electric Urban Transport Systems and Distributed Energy Resources in Smart Cities
* Synergizing Appearance and Motion With Low Rank Representation for Vehicle Counting and Traffic Flow Analysis
* System Optimization for Dynamic Wireless Charging Electric Vehicles Operating in a Multiple-Route Environment
* Systematic Model-Based Design and Implementation of Supervisors for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Taxi Demand Forecasting: A HEDGE-Based Tessellation Strategy for Improved Accuracy
* Team Halmstad Approach to Cooperative Driving in the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge 2016
* Temporally Consistent Road Surface Profile Estimation Using Stereo Vision
* Three-Phases Smartphone-Based Warning System to Protect Vulnerable Road Users Under Fuzzy Conditions
* Towards Approximating the Mean Time to Failure in Vehicular Clouds
* Track Fusion and Behavioral Reasoning for Moving Vehicles Based on Curvilinear Coordinates of Roadway Geometries
* Traffic Light Recognition for Complex Scene With Fusion Detections
* Traffic Risk Mining From Heterogeneous Road Statistics
* Traffic Scene Segmentation Based on RGB-D Image and Deep Learning
* Traffic Sign Recognition Using a Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network
* Training Drift Counteraction Optimal Control Policies Using Reinforcement Learning: An Adaptive Cruise Control Example
* Trajectory Length Prediction for Intelligent Traffic Signaling: A Data-Driven Approach
* Travel Mode Detection Using GPS Data and Socioeconomic Attributes Based on a Random Forest Classifier
* TripImputor: Real-Time Imputing Taxi Trip Purpose Leveraging Multi-Sourced Urban Data
* Two Yard Crane Scheduling With Dynamic Processing Time and Interference
* Two-Layered Mechanism of Online Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Conflict Detection and Resolution
* Two-level Traffic Light Control Strategy for Preventing Incident-Based Urban Traffic Congestion, A
* Two-Time-Scale Hybrid Traffic Models for Pedestrian Crowds
* Understanding People Flow in Transportation Hubs
* Unified Framework of Clustering Approach in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, A
* Uplink Resource Allocation for Relay-Aided Device-to-Device Communication
* Urban Mobility Analysis With Mobile Network Data: A Visual Analytics Approach
* Urban Network Travel Time Prediction Based on a Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis Model of Probe Data
* Using an ARIMA-GARCH Modeling Approach to Improve Subway Short-Term Ridership Forecasting Accounting for Dynamic Volatility
* Using Roads for Autonomous Air Vehicle Guidance
* V2X Routing in a VANET Based on the Hidden Markov Model
* Vanishing Point Constrained Lane Detection With a Stereo Camera
* Variable Neighborhood Search for a Colored Traveling Salesman Problem
* Vector-Based Trajectory Storage and Query for Intelligent Transport System
* Vehicle Classification and Speed Estimation Using Combined Passive Infrared/Ultrasonic Sensors
* Vehicle Path Prediction Using Yaw Acceleration for Adaptive Cruise Control
* Vehicle Positioning and Trajectory Tracking by Infrared Signal-Direction Discrimination for Short-Range Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Systems
* Vehicle Tracking at Nighttime by Kernelized Experts With Channel-Wise and Temporal Reliability Estimation
* Vehicle Type Recognition in Surveillance Images From Labeled Web-Nature Data Using Deep Transfer Learning
* Vehicle-Based Bi-Objective Crowdsourcing
* Visual-Manual Distraction Detection Using Driving Performance Indicators With Naturalistic Driving Data
* Wave Equation of Suppressed Traffic Flow Instabilities
* Wheel Defect Detection With Machine Learning
348 for ITS(19)
* Content-based event retrieval using semantic scene interpretation for automated traffic surveillance
* Discrimination of the road condition toward understanding of vehicle driving environments
* Feasibility analysis of steering control as a driver-assistance function in collision situations
* LED location beacon system based on processing of digital images
* Real-time High Density People Counter Using Morphological Tools
* Recognizing vehicles in infrared images using IMAP parallel vision board
* use of computer vision in monitoring weaving sections, The
7 for ITS(2)
* Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Strategies for Optimal Energy Management and Sizing of a Dual Storage System in a Hybrid Electric Bus
* Adaptive Collision Avoidance Using Road Friction Information
* Adaptive Cruise Control With Guaranteed Collision Avoidance
* Adaptive Multi-Kernel SVM With Spatial-Temporal Correlation for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction
* Adaptive Optimization of Multi-Hop Communication Protocol for Linear Wireless Monitoring Networks on High-Speed Railways
* Adaptive Rolling Smoothing With Heterogeneous Data for Traffic State Estimation and Prediction
* Advanced Driving Behavior Analytics for an Improved Safety Assessment and Driver Fingerprinting
* Analysis and Design of Coil-Based Electromagnetic-Induced Thermoacoustic for Rail Internal-Flaw Inspection
* Analysis and Prediction of Regional Mobility Patterns of Bus Travellers Using Smart Card Data and Points of Interest Data
* Analytic System to Evaluate Efficient Driving Programs in Professional Fleets
* Analytical Exploration of Energy Savings for Parked Vehicles to Enhance VANET Connectivity
* Analytical Optimal Solution of Perimeter Traffic Flow Control Based on MFD Dynamics: A Pontryagin's Maximum Principle Approach
* Anomaly Detection in Road Networks Using Sliding-Window Tensor Factorization
* Applications of Trajectory Data From the Perspective of a Road Transportation Agency: Literature Review and Maryland Case Study
* ASGR: An Artificial Spider-Web-Based Geographic Routing in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
* Automatic Detection of Driver Impairment Based on Pupillary Light Reflex
* Automatic Identification System-Based Approach for Assessing the Near-Miss Collision Risk Dynamics of Ships in Ports
* Automatic Inference of Road and Pedestrian Networks From Spatial-Temporal Trajectories
* Automatic Pavement Crack Detection by Multi-Scale Image Fusion
* Automatic Vacant Parking Places Management System Using Multicamera Vehicle Detection
* Automating Shift-Scheduling Calibration by Using Bionic Optimization and Personalized Driver Models
* Availability and Performance Analysis of Train-to-Train Data Communication System
* AVARAC: An Availability-Based Resource Allocation Scheme for Vehicular Cloud
* Aware of Scene Vehicles: Probabilistic Modeling of Car-Following Behaviors in Real-World Traffic
* AWID and AWIS X-By-Wire UGV: Design and Hierarchical Chassis Dynamics Control, An
* Behavior Monitoring Using Learning Techniques and Regular-Expressions-Based Pattern Matching
* Benchmark Data and Method for Real-Time People Counting in Cluttered Scenes Using Depth Sensors
* Benefits of V2V Communication for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
* Bi-Level Model to Resolve Conflicting Transit Priority Requests at Urban Arterials, A
* Bi-Objective Timetable Optimization Model for Urban Rail Transit Based on the Time-Dependent Passenger Volume, A
* Big Data Analytics in Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey
* Big Data in ITS: Concept, Case Studies, Opportunities, and Challenges
* Bimodal Gaussian Inhomogeneous Poisson Algorithm for Bike Number Prediction in a Bike-Sharing System, A
* Binary Borg-Based Heuristic Method for Solving a Multi-Objective Lock and Transshipment Co-Scheduling Problem, A
* BoxCars: Improving Fine-Grained Recognition of Vehicles Using 3-D Bounding Boxes in Traffic Surveillance
* Bridging Gaps Among Human, Assisted, and Automated Driving With DVIs: A Conceptional Experimental Study
* Calibrating a Bayesian Transit Assignment Model Using Smart Card Data
* CBDN: Cloud-Based Drone Navigation for Efficient Battery Charging in Drone Networks
* CDAS: A Cognitive Decision-Making Architecture for Dynamic Airspace Sectorization for Efficient Operations
* CESense: Cost-Effective Urban Environment Sensing in Vehicular Sensor Networks
* Clustering Passenger Trip Data for the Potential Passenger Investigation and Line Design of Customized Commuter Bus
* Collaboration and Optimal Conflict Resolution at an Unsignalized Intersection
* Combined Electricity and Traffic Short-Term Load Forecasting Using Bundled Causality Engine
* Combined Solution for Real-Time Travel Mode Detection and Trip Purpose Prediction, A
* Combining the Matter-Element Model With the Associated Function of Performance Indices for Automatic Train Operation Algorithm
* Comments on Traffic Sign Recognition Using Kernel Extreme Learning Machines With Deep Perceptual Features
* Communication Aspects of a Modified Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Algorithm
* Comparing Future Autonomous Electric Taxis With an Existing Free-Floating Carsharing System
* Composite alpha-mu Based DSRC Channel Model Using Large Data Set of RSSI Measurements
* Comprehensive Data Set for Automatic Single Camera Visual Speed Measurement
* Comprehensive Study of the Effect of Spatial Resolution and Color of Digital Images on Vehicle Classification, A
* Connected Vehicle-Based Lane Selection Assistance Application
* Connected Vehicles Based Traffic Signal Timing Optimization
* Consensus-Based Cooperative Control for Multi-Platoon Under the Connected Vehicles Environment
* Content in Motion: An Edge Computing Based Relay Scheme for Content Dissemination in Urban Vehicular Networks
* Context-Aware E-Bike System to Reduce Pollution Inhalation While Cycling, A
* Contextualized Spatial-Temporal Network for Taxi Origin-Destination Demand Prediction
* Controller Independent Software-in-the-Loop Approach to Evaluate Rule-Based Traffic Signal Retiming Strategy by Utilizing Floating Car Data
* Convolutional Neural Networks for On-Street Parking Space Detection in Urban Networks
* Cooperative Car-Following/Emergency Braking System With Prediction-Based Pedestrian Avoidance Capabilities, A
* Cooperative Game Approach to Optimal Merging Sequence and on-Ramp Merging Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Cooperative Method of Traffic Signal Optimization and Speed Control of Connected Vehicles at Isolated Intersections
* Cooperative Prescribed Performance Tracking Control for Multiple High-Speed Trains in Moving Block Signaling System
* Cooperative Shock Waves Mitigation in Mixed Traffic Flow Environment
* Cooperative Vehicle Speed Fault Diagnosis and Correction
* Coordinated Freight Routing With Individual Incentives for Participation
* Coordinated Transit Signal Priority Model Considering Stochastic Bus Arrival Time
* Coordination of Connected Vehicles on Merging Roads Using Pseudo-Perturbation-Based Broadcast Control
* Crash Mitigation in Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles
* Crowd Counting With Limited Labeling Through Submodular Frame Selection
* Data-Driven Air Traffic Sequencing Model Based on Pairwise Preference Learning, A
* Deadlock Prevention of Self-Driving Vehicles in a Network of Intersections
* Decision Support System for Proactive-Robust Traffic Network Management, A
* Deep and Embedded Learning Approach for Traffic Flow Prediction in Urban Informatics
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Event-Driven Multi-Agent Decision Processes
* Deep Saliency With Channel-Wise Hierarchical Feature Responses for Traffic Sign Detection
* Deep Spatial-Temporal 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Traffic Data Forecasting
* Deep Spatio-Temporal Representation for Detection of Road Accidents Using Stacked Autoencoder
* DeepPool: Distributed Model-Free Algorithm for Ride-Sharing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Depth Embedded Recurrent Predictive Parsing Network for Video Scenes
* Designing Robust Air Transportation Networks via Minimizing Total Effective Resistance
* Detecting Traffic Information From Social Media Texts With Deep Learning Approaches
* Detection and Evaluation of Driver Distraction Using Machine Learning and Fuzzy Logic
* Developing an Optimal Intersection Control System for Automated Connected Vehicles
* Development and Testing of a Real-Time WiFi-Bluetooth System for Pedestrian Network Monitoring, Classification, and Data Extrapolation
* Development and Validation of a Distance Measurement System in Metro Lines
* Development of Dynamic Platoon Dispersion Models for Predictive Traffic Signal Control
* Differential Features for Pedestrian Detection: A Taylor Series Perspective
* Discovering Frequent Movement Paths From Taxi Trajectory Data Using Spatially Embedded Networks and Association Rules
* Discovery of Critical Nodes in Road Networks Through Mining From Vehicle Trajectories
* Distributed Cooperative Cruise Control of Multiple High-Speed Trains Under a State-Dependent Information Transmission Topology
* Distributed Markovian Parking Assist System, A
* Distributed Mean-Field-Type Filters for Traffic Networks
* Distributed Optimization and Coordination Algorithms for Dynamic Traffic Metering in Urban Street Networks
* Distributed Weighted Balanced Control of Traffic Signals for Urban Traffic Congestion
* Distribution System Services Provided by Electric Vehicles: Recent Status, Challenges, and Future Prospects
* DOCTraMS: A Decentralized and Offline Community-Based Traffic Monitoring System
* Driver and Passenger Identification From Smartphone Data
* Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Condition-Adaptive Representation Learning Framework
* Driver Fatigue Detection Systems: A Review
* Driver Pose Estimation Using Recurrent Lightweight Network and Virtual Data Augmented Transfer Learning
* Driver Sleepiness Classification Based on Physiological Data and Driving Performance From Real Road Driving
* Driving Behavior Analysis through CAN Bus Data in an Uncontrolled Environment
* Driving Performance Indicators of Electric Bus Driving Technique: Naturalistic Driving Data Multicriterial Analysis
* Driving Safety Risk Prediction Using Cost-Sensitive With Nonnegativity-Constrained Autoencoders Based on Imbalanced Naturalistic Driving Data
* Driving Style Analysis Using Primitive Driving Patterns With Bayesian Nonparametric Approaches
* Dual-Colony Ant Algorithm for the Receiving and Shipping Door Assignments in Cross-Docks, A
* Dynamic Multimodal Freight Routing Using a Co-Simulation Optimization Approach
* Dynamic Prediction of the Incident Duration Using Adaptive Feature Set
* Dynamic Vehicle Detection With Sparse Point Clouds Based on PE-CPD
* Eco-Approach and Departure (EAD) Application for Actuated Signals in Real-World Traffic
* Ecological Adaptive Cruise Control and Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on Heuristic Dynamic Programming
* Effect of Link-Level Variations of Connected Vehicles (CV) Proportions on the Accuracy and Reliability of Travel Time Estimation
* Effects of Ground Manifold Modeling on the Accuracy of Stixel Calculations
* Effects of Human Understanding of Automation Abilities on Driver Performance and Acceptance of Lane Change Collision Avoidance Systems
* Efficient Data Dissemination for Urban Vehicular Environments
* Efficient Freeway MPC by Parameterization of ALINEA and a Speed-Limited Area
* Efficient Message-Authentication Scheme Based on Edge Computing for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, An
* Efficient Real-Time Control Design for Automatic Train Regulation of Metro Loop Lines
* Efficient Scale-Adaptive License Plate Detection System
* Efficient Traffic Estimation With Multi-Sourced Data by Parallel Coupled Hidden Markov Model
* EKF-Based Visual Inertial Navigation Using Sliding Window Nonlinear Optimization
* Embedded Computer-Vision System for Multi-Object Detection in Traffic Surveillance, An
* Emergency Steering Evasion Assistance Control Based on Driving Behavior Analysis
* Empirical Observations and Formulations of Tri-Class Traffic Flow Properties for Design of Traffic Signals
* Energy Aware Driving: Optimal Electric Vehicle Speed Profiles for Sustainability in Transportation
* Energy-Saving Metro Train Timetable Rescheduling Model Considering ATO Profiles and Dynamic Passenger Flow
* Enhancing Communication-Based Train Control Systems Through Train-to-Train Communications
* Enhancing In-Vehicle Driving Assistance Information Under Connected Vehicle Environment
* Error Measures for Trajectory Estimations With Geo-Tagged Mobility Sample Data
* Estimated Time of Arrival Using Historical Vessel Tracking Data
* Estimating Driver's Lane-Change Intent Considering Driving Style and Contextual Traffic
* Estimating Phase Duration for SPaT Messages
* Estimating Savings in Parking Demand Using Shared Vehicles for Home-Work Commuting
* Estimating Travel Speed of a Road Section Through Sparse Crowdsensing Data
* Estimating Turning Movements at Signalized Intersections Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Estimation of Influence Distance of Bus Stops Using Bus GPS Data and Bus Stop Properties
* Evaluation of HTM and LSTM for Short-Term Arterial Traffic Flow Prediction, An
* Exact Formulation and Comparison Between the User Optimum and System Optimum Solution for Routing Privately Owned Automated Vehicles
* Experimental Characterization of Multi-Polarization Radar Backscatter Response of Vehicles at J-Band
* Extended Linear Quadratic Model Predictive Control Approach for Multi-Destination Urban Traffic Networks, An
* Extracting Significant Mobile Phone Interaction Patterns Based on Community Structures
* Facilitating Emergency Response Vehicles' Movement Through a Road Segment in a Connected Vehicle Environment
* Feed-Forward ALINEA: A Ramp Metering Control Algorithm for Nearby and Distant Bottlenecks
* Ferrite Position Identification System Operating With Wireless Power Transfer for Intelligent Train Position Detection
* Flexible Energy Management Protocol for Cooperative EV-to-EV Charging
* Forecasting Short-Term Passenger Flow: An Empirical Study on Shenzhen Metro
* Free Floating Electric Car Sharing: A Data Driven Approach for System Design
* Fuel-Efficient En Route Speed Planning and Tracking Control of Truck Platoons
* Fuzzy Logic-Based Geographic Routing for Urban Vehicular Networks Using Link Quality and Achievable Throughput Estimations
* Game Theoretic Approach for Privacy Preserving Model in IoT-Based Transportation, A
* Game Theoretic Scheme for Optimal Access Control in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks, A
* General Framework for Unmet Demand Prediction in On-Demand Transport Services, A
* GIS-Based Simulation Methodology for Evaluating Ship Encounters Probability to Improve Maritime Traffic Safety
* Group Cycling Meets Technology: A Cooperative Cycling Cyber-Physical System
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Intelligent Rail Transportation
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Intelligent Transportation Systems Empowered by AI Technologies
* Height-Finding for Automotive THz Radars
* Heterogeneous Traffic Mixing Regular and Connected Vehicles: Modeling and Stabilization
* Hexagon-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Supply-Demand Forecasting of Ride-Sourcing Services
* Hierarchical Control Framework for Coordination of Intersection Signal Timings in All Traffic Regimes, A
* Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic-Based Variable Structure Control for Vehicles Platooning
* Hierarchical Heuristic Approach for Solving Air Traffic Scheduling and Routing Problem With a Novel Air Traffic Model, A
* Hierarchical Model Predictive Control for Coordinated Electric Railway Traction System Energy Management
* Hierarchical Scheme for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition From Frontal Images of Vehicles, A
* Histograms of the Normalized Inverse Depth and Line Scanning for Urban Road Detection
* HOOFR SLAM System: An Embedded Vision SLAM Algorithm and Its Hardware-Software Mapping-Based Intelligent Vehicles Applications
* Human-Centered Risk Assessment of an Automated Vehicle Using Vehicular Wireless Communication
* Human-Vehicle Collaborative Driving Framework for Driver Assistance, A
* Hybrid Cascade Structure for License Plate Detection in Large Visual Surveillance Scenes
* Hybrid Mechanisms for On-Demand Transport
* Hybrid Model for Short-Term Traffic Volume Prediction in Massive Transportation Systems, A
* Hybrid Online Safety Observer for CTCS-3 Train Control System On-Board Equipment
* Identification, Characterization, and Prediction of Traffic Flow Patterns in Multi-Airport Systems
* Identifying Heavy Goods Vehicle Driving Styles in the United Kingdom
* iLogBook: Enabling Text-Searchable Event Query Using Sparse Vehicle-Mounted GPS Data
* Impact of Data Loss for Prediction of Traffic Flow on an Urban Road Using Neural Networks
* Importance-Aware Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles
* Improved Augmented epsilon-Constraint and Branch-and-Cut Method to Solve the TSP With Profits, An
* Improving Localization Accuracy in Connected Vehicle Networks Using Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters: Theory, Simulations, and Experiments
* Improving the Operational Efficiency of Buses With Dynamic Use of Exclusive Bus Lane at Isolated Intersections
* Improving Viability of Electric Taxis by Taxi Service Strategy Optimization: A Big Data Study of New York City
* Incipient Fault Detection for Traction Motors of High-Speed Railways Using an Interval Sliding Mode Observer
* Inferring Pedestrian Motions at Urban Crosswalks
* Influence of Driving Behaviors on the Stability in Car Following
* Information-Driven Autonomous Intersection Control via Incentive Compatible Mechanisms
* Integrated Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach to Location Planning of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, An
* Integrated Optimization Model for Energy Saving in Metro Operations, An
* Integrated Production Inventory Routing Planning for Intelligent Food Logistics Systems
* Integrated Urban Traffic Control for the Reduction of Travel Delays and Emissions
* Intelligence-Based Approach for Prediction of Microscopic Pedestrian Walking Behavior, An
* Intelligent Context-Aware Management Framework for Cold Chain Logistics Distribution, An
* Intelligent Positioning Approach for High Speed Trains Based on Ant Colony Optimization and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Intensity Inhomogeneity Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means for Infrared Pedestrian Segmentation
* Interacting Multiple-Model-Based Algorithm for Driver Behavior Characterization Using Handling Risk, An
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Online Learning for Big-Data Driven Transportation and Mobility
* ITS-Frame: A Framework for Multi-Aspect Analysis in the Field of Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Joint 2-D-3-D Traffic Sign Landmark Data Set for Geo-Localization Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Joint Channel Characteristics in High-Speed Railway Multi-Link Propagation Scenarios: Measurement, Analysis, and Modeling
* Joint Clustering and Power Allocation for the Cross Roads Congestion Scenarios in Cooperative Vehicular Networks
* Joint Ground and Aerial Package Delivery Services: A Stochastic Optimization Approach
* LaIF: A Lane-Level Self-Positioning Scheme for Vehicles in GNSS-Denied Environments
* Lane Detection With a High-Resolution Automotive Radar by Introducing a New Type of Road Marking
* Learning Driver Braking Behavior Using Smartphones, Neural Networks and the Sliding Correlation Coefficient: Road Anomaly Case Study
* Learning Probabilistic Trajectory Models of Aircraft in Terminal Airspace From Position Data
* Learning to Predict Bus Arrival Time From Heterogeneous Measurements via Recurrent Neural Network
* Leveraging Smartphone Sensors to Detect Distracted Driving Activities
* Linear Holding for Airspace Flow Programs: A Case Study on Delay Absorption and Recovery
* Localizability Constraint-Based Path Planning Method for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Location2Vec: A Situation-Aware Representation for Visual Exploration of Urban Locations
* Logistical Planning for Electric Vehicles Under Time-Dependent Stochastic Traffic
* Long-Term Traffic Speed Prediction Based on Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning Network
* Looking at Vehicles in the Night: Detection and Dynamics of Rear Lights
* Low-Complexity Semi-Blind Channel Estimation Algorithms for Vehicular Communications Using the IEEE 802.11p Standard
* Low-Latency Layer-2-Based Multicast Scheme for Localized V2X Communications
* Mathematical Models for Air Traffic Conflict and Collision Probability Estimation
* Maximal Information Coefficient-Based Two-Stage Feature Selection Method for Railway Condition Monitoring
* MBR: A Map-Based Relaying Algorithm For Reliable Data Transmission Through Intersection in VANETs
* Measurement-Based Burst-Error Performance Modeling for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems
* Measurement-Based Markov Modeling for Multi-Link Channels in Railway Communication Systems
* Measuring the Motion of Vulnerable Road Users Relative to Moving HGVs
* Meta-Heuristics for Bi-Objective Urban Traffic Light Scheduling Problems
* Minimizing the Total Liner Shipping Route Service Costs via Application of an Efficient Collaborative Agreement
* Missing Data Estimation for Traffic Volume by Searching an Optimum Closed Cut in Urban Networks
* Missing Value Imputation for Traffic-Related Time Series Data Based on a Multi-View Learning Method
* Mobility Modeling and Data-Driven Closed-Loop Prediction in Bike-Sharing Systems
* Mobility Sharing as a Preference Matching Problem
* Model and Simulation of the Heterogeneous Traffic Flow of the Urban Signalized Intersection With an Island Work Zone
* Model Predictive Control Approach for Virtual Coupling in Railways, A
* Modeling of Driver Behavior on Trajectory-Speed Decision Making in Minor Traffic Roadways With Complex Features
* Modeling Probabilistic Flooding in VANETs for Optimal Rebroadcast Probabilities
* MOHA: A Multi-Mode Hybrid Automaton Model for Learning Car-Following Behaviors
* Monitoring Urban-Freight Transport Based on GPS Trajectories of Heavy-Goods Vehicles
* MSFgNet: A Novel Compact End-to-End Deep Network for Moving Object Detection
* Multi-Dimensional Traffic Congestion Detection Based on Fusion of Visual Features and Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-Objective Agent-Based Control Approach With Application in Intelligent Traffic Signal System, A
* Multi-Output Gaussian Processes for Crowdsourced Traffic Data Imputation
* Multi-Vehicle Tracking Using Microscopic Traffic Models
* Multimodal Route Planning With Public Transport and Carpooling
* Multipath Mitigation for GNSS Positioning in an Urban Environment Using Sparse Estimation
* Multiple Regimes in Operation of the Swiss Railway System and Potential Influences on Power Load
* Negotiation Between Vehicles and Pedestrians for the Right of Way at Intersections
* Neural Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control for High Speed Trains Considering Actuation Notches and Antiskid Constraints
* New Multi-Hop Clustering Algorithm for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Newly Robust Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method for High-Speed Trains, A
* Non-Cooperative Beacon Power Control for VANETs
* Nonlinear Consensus-Based Connected Vehicle Platoon Control Incorporating Car-Following Interactions and Heterogeneous Time Delays
* Novel Car-Following Control Model Combining Machine Learning and Kinematics Models for Automated Vehicles, A
* Novel Low-Latency V2V Resource Allocation Scheme Based on Cellular V2X Communications, A
* Novel Motion Plane-Based Approach to Vehicle Speed Estimation, A
* Novel Strategy for Road Lane Detection and Tracking Based on a Vehicle's Forward Monocular Camera, A
* Object Detection in a Maritime Environment: Performance Evaluation of Background Subtraction Methods
* Objective Quality Evaluation of Dehazed Images
* OFDM Performance Assessment for Traffic Surveillance in Drone Small Cells
* On Access Control in Cabin-Based Transport Systems
* On the Accuracy of Inter-Vehicular Range Measurements Using GNSS Observables in a Cooperative Framework
* On-Line Optimal Controller for a Commuter Train, An
* On-Road Vehicle Tracking Using Part-Based Particle Filter
* One-Way Car-Sharing Profit Maximization by Means of User-Based Vehicle Relocation
* Online Algorithm for Opportunistic Handling of Received Packets in Vehicular Networks
* Online EV Charging Scheduling With On-Arrival Commitment
* Online Incremental Machine Learning Platform for Big Data-Driven Smart Traffic Management
* Online Map Matching With Route Prediction
* Online Ride-Sharing Path-Planning Strategy for Public Vehicle Systems, An
* Online Vehicle Routing With Neural Combinatorial Optimization and Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Optimal Charging Scheduling by Pricing for EV Charging Station With Dual Charging Modes
* Optimal Cloud-Based Routing With In-Route Charging of Mobility-on-Demand Electric Vehicles
* Optimal Control for Speed Harmonization of Automated Vehicles
* Optimal Speed Control of a Heavy-Duty Vehicle in Urban Driving
* Optimal Utility of Vehicles in LTE-V Scenario: An Immune Clone-Based Spectrum Allocation Approach
* Optimal Vehicle Trajectory Planning With Control Constraints and Recursive Implementation for Automated On-Ramp Merging
* Optimization of Crowd Evacuation With Leaders in Urban Rail Transit Stations
* Optimum Management of Urban Traffic Flow Based on a Stochastic Dynamic Model
* Overall Traffic Mode Prediction by VOMM Approach and AR Mining Algorithm With Large-Scale Data
* Parallel Architecture of Convolutional Bi-Directional LSTM Neural Networks for Network-Wide Metro Ridership Prediction
* ParallelEye Dataset: A Large Collection of Virtual Images for Traffic Vision Research, The
* ParkCrowd: Reliable Crowdsensing for Aggregation and Dissemination of Parking Space Information
* Partition-Enabled Multi-Mode Band Approach to Arterial Traffic Signal Optimization, A
* Path Planning and Cooperative Control for Automated Vehicle Platoon Using Hybrid Automata
* Pattern Sensitive Prediction of Traffic Flow Based on Generative Adversarial Framework
* PCANet-Based Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for a Vehicle Model Recognition System
* Pedestrian Path, Pose, and Intention Prediction Through Gaussian Process Dynamical Models and Pedestrian Activity Recognition
* Pedestrian Proposal and Refining Based on the Shared Pixel Differential Feature
* Performance Degradation During Sudden Hazardous Events: A Comparative Analysis of Use of a Phone and a Music Player During Driving
* Practical Access Point Deployment Optimization Strategy in Communication-Based Train Control Systems, A
* Precise Localization and Mapping in Indoor Parking Structures via Parameterized SLAM
* Predict Vehicle Collision by TTC From Motion Using a Single Video Camera
* Predicting the EEG Level of a Driver Based on Driving Information
* Prediction-Based Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections With Speed Forecasting on Preceding Vehicles
* Predictive Cruise Control Using Radial Basis Function Network-Based Vehicle Motion Prediction and Chance Constrained Model Predictive Control
* Predictive Maneuver Planning for an Autonomous Vehicle in Public Highway Traffic
* Predictive Perception Model and Control Strategy for Collision-Free Autonomous Driving, A
* Probabilistic Data Fusion for Short-Term Traffic Prediction With Semiparametric Density Ratio Model
* Probabilistic Occupancy Filter for Parking Slot Marker Detection in an Autonomous Parking System Using AVM
* Public Goods Game Theory-Based Approach to Cooperation in VANETs Under a High Vehicle Density Condition, A
* Queue Estimation in a Connected Vehicle Environment: A Convex Approach
* Rain Removal in Traffic Surveillance: Does it Matter?
* Real-Time Feed-Forward Neural Network-Based Forward Collision Warning System Under Cloud Communication Environment
* Real-Time Integrated Holding and Priority Control Strategy for Transit Systems
* Real-Time Map Refinement Method Using a Multi-Sensor Localization Framework, A
* Real-Time Parametric Modeling and Estimation of Urban Traffic Junctions
* Real-Time Predictive Cruise Control for Eco-Driving Taking into Account Traffic Constraints
* Real-Time Traffic Flow Parameter Estimation From UAV Video Based on Ensemble Classifier and Optical Flow
* Real-Time Traffic Prediction and Probing Strategy for Lagrangian Traffic Data
* Real-Time Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Efficient CNNs in the Wild
* Real-Time Traffic Speed Estimation With Graph Convolutional Generative Autoencoder
* Real-Time Vehicle Detection Using an Effective Region Proposal-Based Depth and 3-Channel Pattern
* Realizing Railway Cognitive Radio: A Reinforcement Base-Station Multi-Agent Model
* Rear-End Collision Risk Evaluation and Control Scheme Using a Bayesian Network Model, A
* Recuperation of Regenerative Braking Energy in Electric Rail Transit Systems
* Reference Model for Driver Attention in Automation: Glance Behavior Changes During Lateral and Longitudinal Assistance, A
* Reinforcement-Learning-Based Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control of Buses in the Lincoln Tunnel Corridor with Time-Varying Topology
* Reliable and Secure Distributed Smart Road Pricing System for Smart Cities
* Reply to Comments on Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Reply to Comments on Traffic Sign Recognition Using Kernel Extreme Learning Machines With Deep Perceptual Features
* Resilience of Transportation Systems: Concepts and Comprehensive Review
* Road Curb Detection and Localization With Monocular Forward-View Vehicle Camera
* RSE-Assisted Lane-Level Positioning Method for a Connected Vehicle Environment
* RsRS: Ridesharing Recommendation System Based on Social Networks to Improve the User's QoE
* Scalable Framework for Trajectory Prediction, A
* Scalable Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Scheduling Railway Lines, A
* Scheduling the Operation of a Connected Vehicular Network Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Segmentation of Vehicles and Roads by a Low-Channel Lidar
* Self-Supervised Optical Flow Estimation by Projective Bootstrap
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Discrete Choice Models
* Set-Membership Position Estimation With GNSS Pseudorange Error Mitigation Using Lane-Boundary Measurements
* Short-Term Prediction of Signal Cycle on an Arterial With Actuated-Uncoordinated Control Using Sparse Time Series Models
* Similitude Theory for Modeling Traffic Flow Dynamics, A
* Simulation of Pedestrian Rotation Dynamics Near Crowded Exits
* Simulation of the Bluetooth Inquiry Process for Application in Transportation Engineering
* SINet: A Scale-Insensitive Convolutional Neural Network for Fast Vehicle Detection
* SmartDrive: Traction Energy Optimization and Applications in Rail Systems
* Smartphone Transportation Mode Recognition Using a Hierarchical Machine Learning Classifier and Pooled Features From Time and Frequency Domains
* Smartphone-Based Drowsiness Detection and Warning System for Automotive Drivers, A
* Solving Traffic Signal Scheduling Problems in Heterogeneous Traffic Network by Using Meta-Heuristics
* Solving Transit Network Design Problem Using Many-Objective Evolutionary Approach
* SPERT: A Speed Limit Strategy for Recurrent Traffic Jams
* Stable and Flexible Multi-Vehicle Navigation Based on Dynamic Inter-Target Distance Matrix
* Standing Passenger Comfort: A New Scale for Evaluating the Real-Time Driving Style of Bus Transit Services
* State Estimation for Communication-Based Train Control Systems With CSMA Protocol
* Statistical Characteristic-Based Road Structure Recognition in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems
* Stochastic Airline Fleet Assignment With Risk Aversion
* Stochastic Programming Approach for Electric Vehicle Charging Network Design, A
* Stop-and-Wait: Discover Aggregation Effect Based on Private Car Trajectory Data
* Study of the Effectiveness of Message Content, Length, and Rate Control for Improving Map Accuracy in Automated Driving Systems, A
* Subsampling OFDM-Based Ultrasonic Data Communication Through Metallic Channels for Monitoring of Cargo Containers
* Survey on 3D Object Detection Methods for Autonomous Driving Applications, A
* Survey on Recent Advances in Vehicular Network Security, Trust, and Privacy, A
* Switched Control Strategy of Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon for Multiple Objectives With State Constraints, A
* Synthesis of Robust Lane Keeping Systems: Impact of Controller and Design Parameters on System Performance
* Taxi Drivers' Cruising Patterns: Insights from Taxi GPS Traces
* Taxi-Based Mobility Demand Formulation and Prediction Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network-Driven Learning Approaches
* Temporal Information Services in Large-Scale Vehicular Networks Through Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization
* Temporal Unknown Incremental Clustering Model for Analysis of Traffic Surveillance Videos
* Temporal-Difference Learning-Based Stochastic Energy Management for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Buses
* Terrain-Based Vehicle Localization Approach Robust to Braking, A
* Timetable Optimization for Regenerative Energy Utilization in Subway Systems
* Toward Approximating Job Completion Time in Vehicular Clouds
* Toward End-to-End Car License Plate Detection and Recognition With Deep Neural Networks
* Tracking Multiple Vehicles Using a Variational Radar Model
* Traffic Data Reconstruction via Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Correlations
* Traffic Light Recognition With High Dynamic Range Imaging and Deep Learning
* Traffic Light Scheduling for Pedestrian-Vehicle Mixed-Flow Networks
* Traffic Sign Detection Using a Multi-Scale Recurrent Attention Network
* Traffic Volume Prediction With Segment-Based Regression Kriging and its Implementation in Assessing the Impact of Heavy Vehicles
* Train Speed Trajectory Optimization With On-Board Energy Storage Device
* Train-Centric Communication-Based New Movement Authority Proposal for ETCS-2, A
* TraLFM: Latent Factor Modeling of Traffic Trajectory Data
* Travel-Time Prediction of Bus Journey With Multiple Bus Trips
* Trip Distribution Modeling Using Mobile Phone Data: Emphasis on Intra-Zonal Trips
* Tunable and Transferable RBF Model for Short-Term Traffic Forecasting
* Two-Stage Request Scheduling for Autonomous Vehicle Logistic System
* Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Aircraft Sequencing and Scheduling
* Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction, A
* Unsupervised Cluster-Based VANET-Oriented Evolving Graph (CVoEG) Model and Associated Reliable Routing Scheme, An
* Urban Traffic Coulomb's Law: A New Approach for Taxi Route Recommendation
* Urban Trajectory Analytics: Day-of-Week Movement Pattern Mining Using Tensor Factorization
* User Study on the Capability of Three Geo-Based Features in Analyzing and Locating Trajectories, A
* Variable Signal Progression Bands for Transit Vehicles Under Dwell Time Uncertainty and Traffic Queues
* Variable Step-Size Discrete Dynamic Programming for Vehicle Speed Trajectory Optimization
* Vehdoop: A Scalable Analytical Processing Framework for Vehicular Sensor Networks
* Vehicle Energy/Emissions Estimation Based on Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction Using Sparse Mobile Sensor Data
* Vehicle Localization at an Intersection Using a Traffic Light Map
* Vehicle Scheduling of Single-Line Bus Service Using Operational Strategies
* Vehicle Speed Prediction Using a Markov Chain With Speed Constraints
* Velocity Prediction of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles for a Traffic Light Distance on the Urban Road
* Volunteers Dilemma Game Inspired Broadcast Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Wireless Charging Facilities Deployment Problem Considering Optimal Traffic Delay and Energy Consumption on Signalized Arterial, A
388 for ITS(20)
* 2014-2017 George N. Saridis Best Transactions Paper Award, The
* 3D CNN-LSTM-Based Image-to-Image Foreground Segmentation, A
* 3D Highway Curve Reconstruction From Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* 3D LiDAR-Based Global Localization Using Siamese Neural Network
* 3D Non-Stationary Wideband Tunnel Channel Models for 5G High-Speed Train Wireless Communications
* AbolDeepIO: A Novel Deep Inertial Odometry Network for Autonomous Vehicles
* Accurate Classification for Automatic Vehicle-Type Recognition Based on Ensemble Classifiers
* Adaptive Control Strategies for Urban Network Traffic via a Decentralized Approach With User-Optimal Routing
* Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Sliding-Mode Control for High-Speed Trains with Actuator Faults and Uncertainties
* Adaptive Group-Based Zero Knowledge Proof-Authentication Protocol in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Solving Generalized Lock Scheduling Problem: Comparative Study With Exact Methods, An
* Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Predictor-Based Control for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control System
* Advanced Lane-Keeping Assistance System With Switchable Assistance Modes, An
* Advances in Position Based Routing Towards ITS Enabled FoG-Oriented VANET: A Survey
* Analysis of Cooperative Bus Priority at Traffic Signals
* Approximation Algorithms for Road Coverage Using Wireless Sensor Networks for Moving Objects Monitoring
* Are Object Detection Assessment Criteria Ready for Maritime Computer Vision?
* Attention-Based Deep Ensemble Net for Large-Scale Online Taxi-Hailing Demand Prediction
* Augmenting Traffic Signal Control Systems for Urban Road Networks With Connected Vehicles
* Augmenting Vehicle Localization by Cooperative Sensing of the Driving Environment: Insight on Data Association in Urban Traffic Scenarios
* Automated Evaluation of Semantic Segmentation Robustness for Autonomous Driving
* Automated Highway Driving Decision Considering Driver Characteristics
* Automatic Background Construction and Object Detection Based on Roadside LiDAR
* Automatic Planning of Multiple Itineraries: A Niching Genetic Evolution Approach
* Automatic Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Using SegU-Net and a Modified Tversky Loss Function With L1-Constraint
* Autonomous Planning and Control for Intelligent Vehicles in Traffic
* Autonomous Vehicles That Interact With Pedestrians: A Survey of Theory and Practice
* Bayesian Network Approach for Condition Monitoring of High-Speed Railway Catenaries, A
* Bayesian Reference Model for Visual Time-Sharing Behaviour in Manual and Automated Naturalistic Driving, A
* Benchmark Revision for HOG-SVM Pedestrian Detector Through Reinvigorated Training and Evaluation Methodologies
* Benefits of Short-Distance Walking and Fast-Route Scheduling in Public Vehicle Service
* Bidding for Preferred Timing: An Auction Design for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Scheduling
* Bioinspired Computational Intelligence and Transportation Systems: A Long Road Ahead
* Block Simplex Signal Recovery: Methods, Trade-Offs, and an Application to Routing
* Boosting Vehicle-to-Cloud Communication by Machine Learning-Enabled Context Prediction
* BRT: Bus-Based Routing Technique in Urban Vehicular Networks
* Bus Arrival Time Prediction: A Spatial Kalman Filter Approach
* Can Virtual Samples Solve Small Sample Size Problem of KISSME in Pedestrian Re-Identification of Smart Transportation?
* Car4Pac: Last Mile Parcel Delivery Through Intelligent Car Trip Sharing
* Characterizing the Connectivity of Railway Networks
* Characterizing Urban Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications for Reliable Safety Applications
* CircleNet: Reciprocating Feature Adaptation for Robust Pedestrian Detection
* Cloud Computing-Based Analyses to Predict Vehicle Driving Shockwave for Active Safe Driving in Intelligent Transportation System
* Coarse-to-Fine Deep Learning of Continuous Pedestrian Orientation Based on Spatial Co-Occurrence Feature
* Collaborative Visual Tracking Architecture for Correlation Filter and Convolutional Neural Network Learning, A
* Combined Alternate-Direction Lane Assignment and Reservation-Based Intersection Control
* Combined Driver-Station Interactive Algorithm for a Maximum Mutual Interest in Charging Market, A
* Communication Latency and Speed-Dependent Minimum Time Headway for Connected Heavy Road Vehicle Collision Avoidance
* Comparison of Car-Following Behavior in Terms of Safety Indicators Between China and Sweden
* Comprehensive Review of Driver Behavior Analysis Utilizing Smartphones, A
* Computationally Efficient Autonomous Overtaking on Highways
* Consistent Population Synthesis With Multi-Social Relationships Based on Tensor Decomposition
* Contextual Recurrent Predictive Model for Long-Term Intent Prediction of Vulnerable Road Users
* Convolutional Neural Network With Adaptive Regularization to Classify Driving Styles on Smartphones
* Cooperative Control of Metro Trains to Minimize Net Energy Consumption
* Cooperative Driving at Unsignalized Intersections Using Tree Search
* Cooperative Eco-Driving at Signalized Intersections in a Partially Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment
* Cooperative Eco-Driving at Signalized Intersections in a Partially Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment
* Cooperative Evaluation of the Cause of Urban Traffic Congestion via Connected Vehicles
* Cooperative Lane Changing Strategies to Improve Traffic Operation and Safety Nearby Freeway Off-Ramps in a Connected and Automated Vehicles Environment
* Cooperative Multi-Vessel Systems in Urban Waterway Networks
* Cooperative Position Prediction: Beyond Vehicle-to-Vehicle Relative Positioning
* Coordinated Charging Scheduling of Electric Vehicles: A Mixed-Variable Differential Evolution Approach
* Corse-to-Fine Road Extraction Based on Local Dirichlet Mixture Models and Multiscale-High-Order Deep Learning
* Cost-Effective Vehicle Type Recognition in Surveillance Images With Deep Active Learning and Web Data
* CQI-Based Interference-Aware Graph Resource-Sharing Scheme for Vehicular Networks
* Curb Detection and Tracking in Low-Resolution 3D Point Clouds Based on Optimization Framework
* Cycle-Based End of Queue Estimation at Signalized Intersections Using Low-Penetration-Rate Vehicle Trajectories
* Data-Driven Metro Train Crowding Prediction Based on Real-Time Load Data
* Data-Driven Model Free Adaptive Perimeter Control for Multi-Region Urban Traffic Networks With Route Choice
* Decentralized Signal Control for Non-Lane-Based Heterogeneous Traffic Under V2I Communication, A
* Deep Irregular Convolutional Residual LSTM for Urban Traffic Passenger Flows Prediction
* Deep Learning Approach to Infer Employment Status of Passengers by Using Smart Card Data, A
* Deep Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey of Emerging Trends
* Deep Learning for Large-Scale Traffic-Sign Detection and Recognition
* Deep Learning Model for Transportation Mode Detection Based on Smartphone Sensing Data, A
* Deep Multi-Scale Convolutional LSTM Network for Travel Demand and Origin-Destination Predictions
* Deeply Supervised Z-Style Residual Network Devotes to Real-Time Environment Perception for Autonomous Driving
* DeepSTD: Mining Spatio-Temporal Disturbances of Multiple Context Factors for Citywide Traffic Flow Prediction
* Defect Detection of Pantograph Slide Based on Deep Learning and Image Processing Technology
* Defining Time-to-Collision Thresholds by the Type of Lead Vehicle in Non-Lane-Based Traffic Environments
* Demand, Supply, and Performance of Street-Hail Taxi
* Denoising Recurrent Neural Networks for Classifying Crash-Related Events
* Design of the Communication Structure of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Controllers
* Design of Variable Traffic Light Control Systems for Preventing Two-Way Grid Network Traffic Jams Using Timed Petri Nets
* Design, Analysis, and Experiments of Preview Path Tracking Control for Autonomous Vehicles
* Developing Robot Driver Etiquette Based on Naturalistic Human Driving Behavior
* Development and Evaluation of an Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Scheme Under a Mixed-Automated Traffic Scenario
* Development of a Microsimulation Model for Motorway Roadworks With Narrow Lanes
* Development of an Asymmetric Car-Following Model and Simulation Validation
* Development of an Efficient Driving Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Signalized Intersections: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Development of UAV-Based Target Tracking and Recognition Systems
* Discrete-Continuous Hybrid Approach to Periodic Routing of Waste Collection Vehicles With Recycling Operations, A
* Discrete-Event Systems Modeling and the Model Predictive Allocation Algorithm for Integrated Berth and Quay Crane Allocation
* Disparity Estimation Using Stereo Images With Different Focal Lengths
* Distributed Approximate Dynamic Control for Traffic Management of Busy Railway Networks
* Distributed Cyber Attacks Detection and Recovery Mechanism for Vehicle Platooning
* Distributed Multiagent Coordinated Learning for Autonomous Driving in Highways Based on Dynamic Coordination Graphs
* Distribution System Planning Considering Stochastic EV Penetration and V2G Behavior
* Disturbance-Observer-Based Tracking Controller for Neural Network Driving Policy Transfer
* DLT-Net: Joint Detection of Drivable Areas, Lane Lines, and Traffic Objects
* Driveability Study on Automated Longitudinal Vehicle Control, A
* Driver Danger-Level Monitoring System Using Multi-Sourced Big Driving Data
* Driver Fatigue Detection Through Chaotic Entropy Analysis of Cortical Sources Obtained From Scalp EEG Signals
* Driver Inattention Detection in the Context of Next-Generation Autonomous Vehicles Design: A Survey
* Driver Monitoring Using Sparse Representation With Part-Based Temporal Face Descriptors
* Driving-Behavior-Based SoC Prediction Method for Light Urban Vehicles Powered by Supercapacitors, A
* Dual-Cameras-Based Driver Gaze Mapping System With an Application on Non-Driving Activities Monitoring, A
* Dynamic Adaptive Algorithm for Merging Into Platoons in Connected Automated Environments, A
* Dynamic Lane Reversal Routing and Scheduling for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Formulation and Distributed Algorithm
* Dynamic Predictive Traffic Signal Control Framework in a Cross-Sectional Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Environment, A
* Dynamic System Optimum Analysis of Multi-Region Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Systems With State-Dependent Time-Varying Delays
* Early Classification Approach for Multivariate Time Series of On-Vehicle Sensors in Transportation, An
* Ecological Adaptive Cruise Control With Optimal Lane Selection in Connected Vehicle Environments
* Economic Adaptive Cruise Control for a Power Split Hybrid Electric Vehicle
* Efficient Algorithm for Detection of Vacant Spaces in Delimited and Non-Delimited Parking Lots, An
* Efficient Ant Colony System Approach for New Energy Vehicle Dispatch Problem, An
* Efficient Collection of Connected Vehicles Data With Precision Guarantees
* Efficient Mobility-Oriented Retrieval Protocol for Computation Offloading in Vehicular Edge Multi-Access Network, An
* Efficient Texture Descriptor for the Detection of License Plates From Vehicle Images in Difficult Conditions, An
* Enabling Efficient Offline Mobile Access to Online Social Media on Urban Underground Metro Systems
* Energy-Efficient Timely Truck Transportation for Geographically-Dispersed Tasks
* Energy-Efficient Train Operation Approach by Integrating the Metro Timetabling and Eco-Driving, An
* Energy-Efficient Train Scheduling and Rolling Stock Circulation Planning in a Metro Line: A Linear Programming Approach
* Energy-Optimal Speed Trajectories Between Stops
* Enhanced Object Detection With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Advanced Driving Assistance
* Enhancing Adequacy of Isolated Systems With Electric Vehicle-Based Emergency Strategy
* Enhancing Bus Holding Control Using Cooperative ITS
* Enhancing Data-Driven Algorithms for Human Pose Estimation and Action Recognition Through Simulation
* Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks for Mode Inference in Smartphone Travel Survey
* Ensemble Learning-Based Vehicle Steering Detector Using Smartphones, An
* EnTrans: Leveraging Kinetic Energy Harvesting Signal for Transportation Mode Detection
* Error Correction CP-BZD Storage Codes for Content Delivery in Drive-Thru Internet
* ERTMS/ETCS Virtual Coupling: Proof of Concept and Numerical Analysis
* Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Freeway Traffic: A Spatiotemporal Cell-Based Model
* Estimating Travel Time Distributions by Bayesian Network Inference
* Estimation of Link Travel Time Distribution With Limited Traffic Detectors
* Evaluation of Congestion-Enabled Forwarding With Mixed Data Traffic in Vehicular Communications
* Evidential-Based Approach for Trajectory Planning With Tentacles, for Autonomous Vehicles
* Experimental Evaluation of the Stimuli-Induced Equilibrium Point Concept for Automatic Ramp Merging Systems
* Exploiting Redundancy for Reliability Analysis of Sensor Perception in Automated Driving Vehicles
* Exploring Individual Travel Patterns Across Private Car Trajectory Data
* Exploring the Potential of Twitter to Understand Traffic Events and Their Locations in Greater Mumbai, India
* Extended Look-Ahead Tracking Controller With Orientation-Error Observer for Vehicle Platooning
* Extended Observer for Urban Traffic Control Based on Limited Measurements From Connected Vehicles
* Failure Mapping and Genealogical Research on Metro Operational Incidents, A
* Fast Pedestrian Detection With Attention-Enhanced Multi-Scale RPN and Soft-Cascaded Decision Trees
* Fast, Efficient Broadcast Schemes Based on the Prediction of Dynamics in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Feature Pyramid and Hierarchical Boosting Network for Pavement Crack Detection
* Feedforward Compensation-Based Finite-Time Traffic Flow Controller for Intelligent Connected Vehicle Subject to Sudden Velocity Changes of Leading Vehicle
* Filter Model Based on Hidden Generalized Mixture Transition Distribution Model for Intrusion Detection System in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks, A
* Flight Routing and Scheduling Under Departure and En Route Speed Uncertainty
* Fluid Mechanics-Based Data Flow Model to Estimate VANET Capacity, A
* FOCUS: Fog Computing in UAS Software-Defined Mesh Networks
* Fog-Based Multi-Class Dispatching and Charging for Autonomous Electric Mobility On-Demand
* Forecasting Markers of Habitual Driving Behaviors Associated With Crash Risk
* Foreground Segmentation Using Adaptive 3 Phase Background Model
* Four-Wheel Electric Braking System Configuration With New Braking Torque Distribution Strategy for Improving Energy Recovery Efficiency
* Fuel-Optimal Multi-Impulse Orbit Transfer Using a Hybrid Optimization Method
* Fundamental Limits of Missing Traffic Data Estimation in Urban Networks
* Fusion Framework Based on Sparse Gaussian-Wigner Prediction for Vehicle Localization Using GDOP of GPS Satellites, A
* Fuzzy Static Output Feedback Control for Path Following of Autonomous Vehicles With Transient Performance Improvements
* Game Theoretic Approach for Distributed and Coordinated Channel Access Control in Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems, A
* Game-Theoretic Analysis of Reallocation Mechanisms for Airport Landing Slots, A
* Gaussian Mixture Models for Parking Demand Data
* Generic Future Mobility Sensing System for Travel Data Collection, Management, Fusion, and Visualization, A
* Generic Tracking and Probabilistic Prediction Framework and Its Application in Autonomous Driving
* Geometry-Based Multi-Link Channel Modeling for High-Speed Train Communication Networks
* Global and Local Pareto Optimality in Coevolution for Solving Carpool Service Problem With Time Windows
* Global Topology Constraint Network for Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition
* Graded Warning for Rear-End Collision: An Artificial Intelligence-Aided Algorithm
* Gramian-Based Optimization for the Analysis and Control of Traffic Networks
* Graph-Search and Differential Equations for Time-Optimal Vessel Route Planning in Dynamic Ocean Waves
* Grid-Based Object Tracking With Nonlinear Dynamic State and Shape Estimation
* Ground Vehicle Navigation in GNSS-Challenged Environments Using Signals of Opportunity and a Closed-Loop Map-Matching Approach
* Ground-Plane-Based Absolute Scale Estimation for Monocular Visual Odometry
* Group Cost-Sensitive BoostLR With Vector Form Decorrelated Filters for Pedestrian Detection
* Guest Editorial Introduction of the Special Issue on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Vehicular Clouds
* Guest Editorial Special Issue: The 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2018)
* Harnessing Vehicular Broadcast Communications: DSRC-Actuated Traffic Control
* Headway Control in Bus Transit Corridors Served by Multiple Lines
* Heuristic Coarsening for Generating Multiscale Transport Networks
* Hierarchical-Distributed Optimized Coordination of Intersection Traffic
* High-Precision Depth Estimation Using Uncalibrated LiDAR and Stereo Fusion
* High-Speed Rail Suspension System Health Monitoring Using Multi-Location Vibration Data
* How Do Drivers Allocate Their Potential Attention? Driving Fixation Prediction via Convolutional Neural Networks
* How Road and Mobile Networks Correlate: Estimating Urban Traffic Using Handovers
* How Smartphone Accelerometers Reveal Aggressive Driving Behavior?: The Key is the Representation
* Human Model-Based Active Driving System in Vehicular Dynamic Simulation
* Human-Like Trajectory Planning on Curved Road: Learning From Human Drivers
* Hybridizing Basic Variable Neighborhood Search With Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving Sustainable Ship Routing and Bunker Management Problem
* Identifying Atypical Travel Patterns for Improved Medium-Term Mobility Prediction
* Identifying the Structure of Cities by Clustering Using a New Similarity Measure Based on Smart Card Data
* Improved Adaptive Path Following Control System for Autonomous Vehicle in Different Velocities
* Improved Bayesian Combination Model for Short-Term Traffic Prediction With Deep Learning, An
* Improved OpenCL-Based Implementation of Social Field Pedestrian Model
* Improving the Performance of High-Density Platooning Using Vehicle Sensor-Based Doppler-Compensation Algorithms
* Improving the RISS/GNSS Land-Vehicles Integrated Navigation System Using Magnetic Azimuth Updates
* Improving the User Acceptability of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Based on Different Driving Styles: A Case Study of Lane Change Warning Systems
* Influence of Cut-In Maneuvers for an Autonomous Car on Surrounding Drivers: Experiment and Analysis
* Innovative Multi-Sensor Fusion Algorithm to Enhance Positioning Accuracy of an Instrumented Bicycle, An
* Integrated Approach for Tram Prioritization in Signalized Corridors, An
* Integrated Decomposition and Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach for On-Demand Ride Pooling, An
* Integrated Positioning for Connected Vehicles
* Integrated Threat Assessment Algorithm for Decision-Making of Autonomous Driving Vehicles, An
* Integrating Household Travel Survey and Social Media Data to Improve the Quality of OD Matrix: A Comparative Case Study
* Intelligent Hazard-Risk Prediction Model for Train Control Systems
* Intention Recognition of Pedestrians and Cyclists by 2D Pose Estimation
* Intentions of Vulnerable Road Users: Detection and Forecasting by Means of Machine Learning
* Interactive Trajectory Prediction of Surrounding Road Users for Autonomous Driving Using Structural-LSTM Network
* Intermodal Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand
* Internet Provisioning in VANETs: Performance Modeling of Drive-Thru Scenarios
* Intersection Fog-Based Distributed Routing for V2V Communication in Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Irregular Travel Groups Detection Based on Cascade Clustering in Urban Subway
* Is it Safe to Drive? An Overview of Factors, Metrics, and Datasets for Driveability Assessment in Autonomous Driving
* Is Travel Demand Actually Deep? An Application in Event Areas Using Semantic Information
* Joint Fleet Sizing and Charging System Planning for Autonomous Electric Vehicles
* Joint Vehicular and Static Users Multiplexing Transmission With Hierarchical Modulation for Throughput Maximization in Vehicular Networks
* Kalman Prediction-Based Neighbor Discovery and Its Effect on Routing Protocol in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Label-Based Trajectory Clustering in Complex Road Networks
* Lane Keeping Control of Autonomous Vehicles With Prescribed Performance Considering the Rollover Prevention and Input Saturation
* Lane Width Estimation in Work Zones Using LiDAR-Based Mobile Mapping Systems
* Learning a Layout Transfer Network for Context Aware Object Detection
* Learning Probabilistic Awareness Models for Detecting Abnormalities in Vehicle Motions
* Leveraging Localization Accuracy With Off-Centered GPS
* Line-CNN: End-to-End Traffic Line Detection with Line Proposal Unit
* Linear MPC-Based Urban Traffic Control Using the Link Transmission Model
* Linear Seam Elimination of Tunnel Crack Images Based on Statistical Specific Pixels Ratio and Adaptive Fragmented Segmentation
* LMI-Based Synthesis of String-Stable Controller for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
* Local Traffic Aware Unicast Routing Scheme for Connected Car System
* Longitudinal Collision Avoidance and Lateral Stability Adaptive Control System Based on MPC of Autonomous Vehicles
* Machine Learning for Severity Classification of Accidents Involving Powered Two Wheelers
* Manifold Siamese Network: A Novel Visual Tracking ConvNet for Autonomous Vehicles
* Measures of Structure and Operation of Automated Transit Networks
* Mechanical Energy Harvesting Taxonomy for Industrial Environments: Application to the Railway Industry
* Mechanisms for Cooperative Freight Routing: Incentivizing Individual Participation
* Methodology and Mobile Application for Driver Behavior Analysis and Accident Prevention
* Micro-Simulation Study of the Generalized Proportional Allocation Traffic Signal Control, A
* Minimization of Fuel Consumption for Vehicle Trajectories
* Mixed Path Size Logit-Based Taxi Customer-Search Model Considering Spatio-Temporal Factors in Route Choice, A
* Model for Range Estimation and Energy-Efficient Routing of Electric Vehicles in Real-World Conditions, A
* Model Predictive-Based Shared Control for Brain-Controlled Driving
* Modeling Arterial Traffic Dynamics With Actuated Signal Control Using a Simplified Shockwave Model
* Modeling Curbside Parking as a Network of Finite Capacity Queues
* Modelling Taxi Drivers' Behaviour for the Next Destination Prediction
* Monitoring Large Railways Infrastructures Using Hybrid Optical Fibers Sensor Systems
* Monocular Visual-IMU Odometry: A Comparative Evaluation of Detector-Descriptor-Based Methods
* Motion Primitives Representation, Extraction and Connection for Automated Vehicle Motion Planning Applications
* Motorway Tidal Flow Lane Control
* Moving Object Detection Through Image Bit-Planes Representation Without Thresholding
* Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Large-Scale Traffic Signal Control
* Multi-Objective Emergency Rescue Facilities Location Model for Catastrophic Interlocking Chemical Accidents in Chemical Parks, A
* Multi-Objective Optimization for the Vehicle Routing Problem With Outsourcing and Profit Balancing
* Multi-Scale and Multi-Scope Convolutional Neural Networks for Destination Prediction of Trajectories
* Multi-Target State Estimation Using Interactive Kalman Filter for Multi-Vehicle Tracking
* Multi-Vehicle Automated Driving as a Generalized Mixed-Integer Potential Game
* Multiobjective Optimization Approach for COLREGs-Compliant Path Planning of Autonomous Surface Vehicles Verified on Networked Bridge Simulators, A
* Multipoint Relaying Versus Chain-Branch-Leaf Clustering Performance in Optimized Link State Routing-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Naturalistic Driver Intention and Path Prediction Using Recurrent Neural Networks
* Network Capacity Maximization Using Route Choice and Signal Control With Multiple OD Pairs
* Network-Wide Link Travel Time Inference Using Trip-Based Data From Automatic Vehicle Identification Detectors
* New Microscopic Traffic Model Using a Spring-Mass-Damper-Clutch System, A
* Non-Dominated Immune-Endocrine Short Feedback Algorithm for Multi-Robot Maritime Patrolling
* Nonlinear Hybrid Impedance Control for Steering Control of Rack-Mounted Electric Power Steering in Autonomous Vehicles
* Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks
* Novel Approach for Big Data Classification and Transportation in Rail Networks, A
* Novel Convolutional Neural Network-Based Roadside Unit for Accurate Pedestrian Localisation
* Novel Dynamic Programming Approach to the Train Marshalling Problem, A
* Novel Hybrid MAC Protocol for Basic Safety Message Broadcasting in Vehicular Networks, A
* Novel Nonlinear Approach for Real-Time Fatigue EEG Data: An Infinitely Warped Model of Weighted Permutation Entropy
* Novel Supervised Clustering Algorithm for Transportation System Applications, A
* Offline and Online Electric Vehicle Charging Scheduling With V2V Energy Transfer
* On Link Stability Metric and Fuzzy Quantification for Service Selection in Mobile Vehicular Cloud
* On Reliable Neural Network Sensorimotor Control in Autonomous Vehicles
* On the Use of Glint-Doppler-Azimuth Correlation for Speed Estimation of Nearby Tangential Targets
* On-Demand Greenwave for Emergency Vehicles in a Time-Varying Road Network With Uncertainties
* Online Multi-Object Tracking Using Joint Domain Information in Traffic Scenarios
* Online Multiple Maneuvering Vehicle Tracking System Based on Multi-Model Smooth Variable Structure Filter
* Operating Electric Vehicle Fleet for Ride-Hailing Services With Reinforcement Learning
* Operational Perspectives Into the Resilience of the U.S. Air Transportation Network Against Intelligent Attacks
* Optimal Access Management for Cooperative Intersection Control
* Optimal Hierarchical Clustering Approach to Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds, An
* Optimal Petri-Net Controller for Avoiding Collisions in a Class of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems
* Optimal Rate-Adaptive Data Dissemination in Vehicular Platoons
* Optimal Recourse Strategy for Battery Swapping Stations Considering Electric Vehicle Uncertainty
* Optimized Clustering Scheme-Based Robust Vanishing Point Detection
* Optimizing Mixed Pedestrian-Vehicle Evacuation via Adaptive Network Reconfiguration
* Optimizing Relocation Cost in Free-Floating Car-Sharing Systems
* Optimizing Signalized Intersections Performance Under Conventional and Automated Vehicles Traffic
* Outlier and Integrity Detection of Rail Profile Based on Profile Registration, The
* Outliers-Robust CFAR Detector of Gaussian Clutter Based on the Truncated-Maximum-Likelihood- Estimator in SAR Imagery
* Panic Propagation Dynamics of High-Density Crowd Based on Information Entropy and Aw-Rascle Model
* Parallel Transportation Systems: Toward IoT-Enabled Smart Urban Traffic Control and Management
* PASS: Panoramic Annular Semantic Segmentation
* PC-SPSA: Employing Dimensionality Reduction to Limit SPSA Search Noise in DTA Model Calibration
* Peak-Hour Vehicle Routing for First-Mile Transportation: Problem Formulation and Algorithms
* Pedestrian Detection System Accelerated by Kernelized Proposals, A
* Pedestrian Detection Using Pixel Difference Matrix Projection
* PedPIV: Pedestrian Velocity Extraction From Particle Image Velocimetry
* Performance Analysis of Cooperative V2V and V2I Communications Under Correlated Fading
* Performance Metrics and Validation Methods for Vehicle Position Estimators
* Persistent Stereo Visual Localization on Cross-Modal Invariant Map
* Physical Features and Deep Learning-based Appearance Features for Vehicle Classification from Rear View Videos
* Pixel-Level Cracking Detection on 3D Asphalt Pavement Images Through Deep-Learning- Based CrackNet-V
* Placement Optimization of Multiple Lidar Sensors for Autonomous Vehicles
* Platoon Control of Connected Multi-Vehicle Systems Under V2X Communications: Design and Experiments
* Platooning Control for Heterogeneous Sailboats Based on Constant Time Headway
* Pothole Detection Using Computer Vision and Learning
* Power Allocation With Energy Efficiency Optimization in Cellular D2D-Based V2X Communication Network
* Practical Effectiveness of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems at Different Roadway Facilities: System Limitation, Adoption, and Usage, The
* Preceding Vehicle Identification for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Platoon Forming
* Prediction of Taxi Destinations Using a Novel Data Embedding Method and Ensemble Learning
* Prediction Performance of Lane Changing Behaviors: A Study of Combining Environmental and Eye-Tracking Data in a Driving Simulator
* PRIVANET: An Efficient Pseudonym Changing and Management Framework for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* Proactive Power Management Scheme for Hybrid Electric Storage System in EVs: An MPC Method
* Probability Occupancy Grid Based Approach for Real-Time LiDAR Ground Segmentation, A
* Profitable Taxi Travel Route Recommendation Based on Big Taxi Trajectory Data
* Progressive Latent Models for Self-Learning Scene-Specific Pedestrian Detectors
* pyModeS: Decoding Mode-S Surveillance Data for Open Air Transportation Research
* Quantum Annealing Applied to De-Conflicting Optimal Trajectories for Air Traffic Management
* Query-Based Video Synopsis for Intelligent Traffic Monitoring Applications
* Ranking Station Importance With Human Mobility Patterns Using Subway Network Datasets
* Rapid and Robust Background Modeling Technique for Low-Cost Road Traffic Surveillance Systems
* Rapid Estimation of Road Friction for Anti-Skid Autonomous Driving
* RBFNN-Based Fractional-Order Control of High-Speed Train With Uncertain Model and Actuator Failures
* Re-Plannable Automated Parking System With a Standalone Around View Monitor for Narrow Parking Lots
* Real Time Simulation Optimization Framework for Vessel Collision Avoidance and the Case of Singapore Strait, A
* Real-Time ATC Safety Monitoring Framework Using a Deep Learning Approach, A
* Real-Time Downward View Generation of a Vehicle Using Around View Monitor System
* Real-Time Semantic Segmentation-Based Stereo Reconstruction
* Real-Time Sensor Anomaly Detection and Identification in Automated Vehicles
* Real-Time Speed Trajectory Planning for Minimum Fuel Consumption of a Ground Vehicle
* Real-Time Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Using Unsupervised Feature Learning
* Rear-End Collision Avoidance-Based on Multi-Channel Detection
* Rearview Camera-Based Stixel Generation for Backing Crash Prevention
* Rebalancing Bike Sharing Systems for Minimizing Depot Inventory and Traveling Costs
* Reliable Emergency Message Dissemination Scheme for Urban Vehicular Networks
* Reliable Smart Road Signs
* Research on Analysis Method of Characteristics Generation of Urban Rail Transit
* Residual Pyramid Learning for Single-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Response Time and Time Headway of an Adaptive Cruise Control. An Empirical Characterization and Potential Impacts on Road Capacity
* Restricted Deformable Convolution-Based Road Scene Semantic Segmentation Using Surround View Cameras
* Review of Fault Detection and Diagnosis for the Traction System in High-Speed Trains, A
* Review of Motion Planning for Highway Autonomous Driving, A
* Review of Sensing and Communication, Human Factors, and Controller Aspects for Information-Aware Connected and Automated Vehicles, A
* Road Damage Detection Based on Unsupervised Disparity Map Segmentation
* Road Data Enrichment Framework Based on Heterogeneous Data Fusion for ITS
* Robust Active Safety Enhancement Strategy With Learning Mechanism in Vehicular Networks, A
* Robust Connectivity With Multiple Directional Antennas for Vehicular Communications
* Robust Design of Connected Cruise Control Among Human-Driven Vehicles
* Robust Network Design Problem Based on the Spatiotemporal Attributes of Activities, A
* Robust Network-Wide Bus Scheduling With Transfer Synchronizations
* Robust Obstacle Detection and Recognition for Driver Assistance Systems
* Robust Parking Detection Algorithm Against Electric Railway Magnetic Field Interference, A
* Robust Revocable Anonymous Authentication for Vehicle to Grid Communications
* Route Control Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles Exiting to Off-Ramps
* Route-Based Dynamics Modeling and Tracking With Application to Air Traffic Surveillance
* Rule-Based Cooperative Merging Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles, A
* Safe and Sound: Driver Safety-Aware Vehicle Re-Routing Based on Spatiotemporal Information
* Safe Route Determination for First Responders in the Presence of Moving Obstacles
* Sampled Trajectory Data-Driven Method of Cycle-Based Volume Estimation for Signalized Intersections by Hybridizing Shockwave Theory and Probability Distribution
* Sampled-Data Control for Connected Vehicles With Markovian Switching Topologies and Communication Delay
* Semantic Segmentation of 3D LiDAR Data in Dynamic Scene Using Semi-Supervised Learning
* Semi-Automated Generation of Road Transition Lines Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* sEnDec: An Improved Image to Image CNN for Foreground Localization
* Short-Term Prediction of Passenger Demand in Multi-Zone Level: Temporal Convolutional Neural Network With Multi-Task Learning
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting: A Component-Wise Gradient Boosting Approach With Hierarchical Reconciliation
* Simultaneous End-to-End Vehicle and License Plate Detection With Multi-Branch Attention Neural Network
* Small-Scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Deep Neural Network
* Smart Parking: Using a Crowd of Taxis to Sense On-Street Parking Space Availability
* Smartphone Placement Within Vehicles
* Space Distribution Method for Autonomous Vehicles at a Signalized Multi-Lane Intersection
* Spatial-Temporal Deep Tensor Neural Networks for Large-Scale Urban Network Speed Prediction
* Spatio-Temporal Ensemble Method for Car-Hailing Demand Prediction
* Spectrum Management for Multi-Access Edge Computing in Autonomous Vehicular Networks
* Stability and Formation Error of Homogeneous Vehicular Platoons With Communication Time Delays
* State-of-the-Art Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics
* Stochastic Data-Based Traffic Model Applied to Vehicles Energy Consumption Estimation, A
* Structural Analysis of Attributes for Vehicle Re-Identification and Retrieval
* Subway Passenger Flow Prediction for Special Events Using Smart Card Data
* Surrounding Vehicle Detection Using an FPGA Panoramic Camera and Deep CNNs
* Survey of Algorithms for Distributed Charging Control of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid, A
* Survey of Intrusion Detection for In-Vehicle Networks, A
* Survey of Vehicular Cloud Research: Trends, Applications and Challenges, A
* Systematic Design of Input- and Output-Split Hybrid Electric Vehicles With a Speed Reduction/Multiplication Gear Using Simplified-Lever Model
* Systematic Literature Review About the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Autonomous Vehicle Safety, A
* T-GCN: A Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction
* Tackling Uncertainty for the Development of Efficient Decision Support System in Air Traffic Management
* Temporal Signatures of Passive Wi-Fi Data for Estimating Bus Passenger Waiting Time at a Single Bus Stop
* Temporally Consistent Depth Prediction With Flow-Guided Memory Units
* Time Optimal Routing of Electric Vehicles Under Consideration of Available Charging Infrastructure and a Detailed Consumption Model
* Topological Approach to Secure Message Dissemination in Vehicular Networks, A
* Toward Driver Face Recognition in the Intelligent Traffic Monitoring Systems
* Toward the Ghosting Phenomenon in a Stereo-Based Map With a Collaborative RGB-D Repair
* Towards Next-Generation Vehicles Featuring the Vehicle Intelligence
* Traffic Flow Imputation Using Parallel Data and Generative Adversarial Networks
* Traffic Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network: A Deep Learning Framework for Network-Scale Traffic Learning and Forecasting
* Traffic Pattern Mining and Forecasting Technologies in Maritime Traffic Service Networks: A Comprehensive Survey
* Traffic Scene Classification on a Representation Budget
* Traffic Sign Detection Under Challenging Conditions: A Deeper Look into Performance Variations and Spectral Characteristics
* Traffic Signs Detection and Classification for European Urban Environments
* Train-Centric CBTC Meets Age of Information in Train-to-Train Communications
* Training Cascade Compact CNN With Region-IoU for Accurate Pedestrian Detection
* TrajCompressor: An Online Map-matching-based Trajectory Compression Framework Leveraging Vehicle Heading Direction and Change
* Trajectory Forecasting With Neural Networks: An Empirical Evaluation and A New Hybrid Model
* Trajectory Planning for Autonomous High-Speed Overtaking in Structured Environments Using Robust MPC
* Transfer Learning for Driver Model Adaptation in Lane-Changing Scenarios Using Manifold Alignment
* Travelers' Compliance With Social Routing Advice: Impacts on Road Network Performance and Equity
* Understanding Citywide Resident Mobility Using Big Data of Electronic Registration Identification of Vehicles
* Unified Lateral Preview Driver Model for Road Vehicles, A
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Location Routing Problem With Charging Stations for Belt Conveyor Inspection System in the Mining Industry
* Unsupervised Stereo Matching Using Confidential Correspondence Consistency
* Urban Structure Accessibility Modeling and Visualization for Joint Spatiotemporal Constraints
* Using Approximate Dynamic Programming to Maximize Regenerative Energy Utilization for Metro
* Utilization Management and Pricing of Parking Facilities Under Uncertain Demand and User Decisions
* V2V for Vehicular Safety Applications
* Variable Speed Release (VSR): Speed Control to Increase Bottleneck Capacity
* Vehicle Identification by Means of Radio-Frequency-Identification Cards and Magnetic Loops
* Vehicle Re-Identification Using Quadruple Directional Deep Learning Features
* Vehicle Turning Behavior Modeling at Conflicting Areas of Mixed-Flow Intersections Based on Deep Learning
* Vehicular Clouds Leveraging Mobile Urban Computing Through Resource Discovery
* Vehicular Named Data Networking Framework
* Vigilance Estimation Using a Wearable EOG Device in Real Driving Environment
* Viscosity Solution for Hamilton Jacobi Travel Time Dynamics, The
* Visual Analysis of Place Connectedness by Public Transport
* Weigh-In-Motion System in Flexible Pavements Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Part A: Concept
* Zonotoptic Fault Estimation for Discrete-Time LPV Systems With Bounded Parametric Uncertainty
428 for ITS(21)
* 3D LiDAR Map Compression for Efficient Localization on Resource Constrained Vehicles
* 3D Mapping Database Aided GNSS Based Collaborative Positioning Using Factor Graph Optimization
* 4-D Flight Trajectory Prediction With Constrained LSTM Network
* 6G-Enabled Network in Box for Internet of Connected Vehicles
* Achieving Privacy-Preserving and Verifiable Data Sharing in Vehicular Fog With Blockchain
* Adaptive Computation Offloading With Edge for 5G-Envisioned Internet of Connected Vehicles
* Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Pseudo-PID Sliding-Mode Control for High-Speed Train With Integral Quadratic Constraints and Actuator Saturation
* Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for Subway Trains Using Multiple-Point-Mass Dynamic Model Under Speed Constraint
* Adaptive Traffic Engineering Based on Active Network Measurement Towards Software Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Adjacent Channel Interference Aware Joint Scheduling and Power Control for V2V Broadcast Communication
* ADMM-Based Coordination of Electric Vehicles in Constrained Distribution Networks Considering Fast Charging and Degradation
* Adversarial Confidence Estimation Networks for Robust Stereo Matching
* Adversarial Training-Based Hard Example Mining for Pedestrian Detection in Fish-Eye Images
* Aerial Vehicle Protection Level Reduction by Fusing GNSS and Terrestrial Signals of Opportunity
* Agent-Based Framework for Self-Organization of Collective and Autonomous Shuttle Fleets
* AI Empowered Communication Systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* AI-Enabled Fingerprinting and Crowdsource-Based Vehicle Localization for Resilient and Safe Transportation Systems
* Airborne LiDAR Assisted Obstacle Recognition and Intrusion Detection Towards Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Architecture, Modeling and Evaluation
* ALMS: Asymmetric Lightweight Centralized Group Key Management Protocol for VANETs
* ALMS: Asymmetric Lightweight Centralized Group Key Management Protocol for VANETs
* Alternative Design for the Intersections With Limited Traffic Lanes and Queuing Space, An
* Analysis of the Locomotive Wheel Slip Controller Operation During Low Velocity
* Anomaly Detection for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Autonomous Vehicles Using Statistical Learning and Kinematic Model
* Anomaly Detection in Automated Vehicles Using Multistage Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network
* Anomaly Monitoring Framework in Lane Detection With a Generative Adversarial Network
* Ant-Inspired Recurrent Deep Learning Model for Improving the Service Flow of Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Application-Driven Framework for Intelligent Transportation Systems Using 5G Network Slicing, An
* Approach for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Combination Model Fusion
* Are Commercially Implemented Adaptive Cruise Control Systems String Stable?
* ARTS: Automotive Repository of Traffic Signs for the United States
* Assessing Trust Level of a Driverless Car Using Deep Learning
* Assessment Method for Traffic State Vulnerability Based on a Cloud Model for Urban Road Network Traffic Systems, An
* Assignment and Pricing of Shared Rides in Ride-Sourcing Using Combinatorial Double Auctions
* Assuring Intelligent Systems: Contingency Management for UAS
* Attention-Based Deep Learning Framework for Trip Destination Prediction of Sharing Bike, An
* Audio-Based Machine Learning Model for Traffic Congestion Detection
* Automated Hyperparameter Search-Based Deep Learning Model for Highway Traffic Prediction, An
* Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) Method of Risk Prediction for Decision-Making of Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Automatic Extraction of Roadside Traffic Facilities From Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Based on Deep Belief Network
* Automatic Feature Engineering for Bus Passenger Flow Prediction Based on Modular Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Generation of Route Control Chart From Validated Signal Interlocking Plan
* Autonomous Driving Learning Preference of Collision Avoidance Maneuvers
* Autonomous Free Flight Operations in Urban Air Mobility With Computational Guidance and Collision Avoidance
* Autonomous Shuttle-as-a-Service (ASaaS): Challenges, Opportunities, and Social Implications
* Autonomous Vehicle Source Enumeration Exploiting Non-Cooperative UAV in Software Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Autonomous Vehicle Trajectory Following: A Flatness Model Predictive Control Approach With Hardware-in-the-Loop Verification
* Autonomous Vehicle: Security by Design
* Back-Pressure-Based Model With Fixed Phase Sequences for Traffic Signal Optimization Under Oversaturated Networks, A
* Bayesian Active Learning for Choice Models With Deep Gaussian Processes
* BCPPA: A Blockchain-Based Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Behavior Prediction for Unmanned Driving Based on Dual Fusions of Feature and Decision
* Bi-Directional Dense Traffic Counting Based on Spatio-Temporal Counting Feature and Counting-LSTM Network
* Bi-Objective Optimization for Battery Electric Bus Deployment Considering Cost and Environmental Equity
* Bidding Strategies in Energy and Reserve Markets for an Aggregator of Multiple EV Fast Charging Stations With Battery Storage
* Big Data Analysis Technology for Electric Vehicle Networks in Smart Cities
* Bionics and its Application in Energy Management Strategy of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Formation, The
* Bit2CV: A Novel Bitcoin Anti-Fraud Deposit Scheme for Connected Vehicles
* Block Chain and Big Data-Enabled Intelligent Vehicular Communication
* Blockchain and Deep Reinforcement Learning Empowered Spatial Crowdsourcing in Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Blockchain and Learning-Based Secure and Intelligent Task Offloading for Vehicular Fog Computing
* Blockchain-Based Adaptive Trust Management in Internet of Vehicles Using Smart Contract
* Blockchain-Based Cyber-Physical Security for Electrical Vehicle Aided Smart Grid Ecosystem
* Blockchain-Based Lightweight and Secured V2V Communication in the Internet of Vehicles
* Blockchain-Based Secure Computation Offloading in Vehicular Networks
* Blockchain-Based Secure Mist Computing Network Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Blockchain-Based Trust Management Model for Location Privacy Preserving in VANET
* Blockchain-Enabled Trustworthy Group Communications in UAV Networks
* BlockEV: Efficient and Secure Charging Station Selection for Electric Vehicles
* Bridging the Gap of Lane Detection Performance Between Different Datasets: Unified Viewpoint Transformation
* Built-in Depth-Semantic Coupled Encoding for Scene Parsing, Vehicle Detection, and Road Segmentation
* Bus Holding of Electric Buses With Scheduled Charging Times
* Camera Orientation Estimation Using Motion-Based Vanishing Point Detection for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems
* CAN-Bus Attack Detection With Deep Learning
* Capsule-Based Networks for Road Marking Extraction and Classification from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Cascaded Deep Convolutional Network for Vehicle Logo Recognition From Frontal and Rear Images of Vehicles, A
* CEM: A Convolutional Embedding Model for Predicting Next Locations
* Channel State Information-Based Cryptographic Key Generation for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Clustering-Learning-Based Long-Term Predictive Localization in 5G-Envisioned Internet of Connected Vehicles
* Coalitional Model Predictive Control on Freeways Traffic Networks
* Collaborative Intrusion Detection for VANETs: A Deep Learning-Based Distributed SDN Approach
* Combination-Chord Measurement of Rail Corrugation Using Triple-Line Structured-Light Vision: Rectification and Optimization
* Combined Hierarchical Learning Framework for Personalized Automatic Lane-Changing
* Combining Machine Learning and Dynamic Time Wrapping for Vehicle Driving Event Detection Using Smartphones
* Combining Residual and LSTM Recurrent Networks for Transportation Mode Detection Using Multimodal Sensors Integrated in Smartphones
* Commercial Vehicle Activity Prediction With Imbalanced Class Distribution Using a Hybrid Sampling and Gradient Boosting Approach
* Compiler-Based Efficient CNN Model Construction for 5G Edge Devices
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Inter-Turn Short Circuit Faults in PMSM Used for Electric Vehicles
* Computational Approach to Quantify the Benefits of Ridesharing for Policy Makers and Travellers, A
* Connected Automated Vehicle Platoon Control With Input Saturation and Variable Time Headway Strategy
* Context Model for Pedestrian Intention Prediction Using Factored Latent-Dynamic Conditional Random Fields
* Continuous Car Driving Intent Detection Using Structural Pattern Recognition
* Continuous Road Network-Based Skyline Query for Moving Objects
* Control Protocol Design and Analysis for Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management
* Control Theoretic Approach to Simultaneously Estimate Average Value of Time and Determine Dynamic Price for High-Occupancy Toll Lanes, A
* Control-Theoretic Approach for Scalable and Robust Traffic Density Estimation Using Convex Optimization, A
* Controllability Analysis and Optimal Control of Mixed Traffic Flow With Human-Driven and Autonomous Vehicles
* Convolution Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network for Driver Emotion Recognition, A
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control With Robustness Against Communication Delay: An Approach in the Space Domain
* Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems: Choreography-Based Urban Traffic Coordination
* Coordinated Planning of Extreme Fast Charging Stations and Power Distribution Networks Considering On-Site Storage
* Cost-Profit Trade-Off for Optimally Locating Automotive Service Firms Under Uncertainty
* Coupled Charging-and-Driving Incentives Design for Electric Vehicles in Urban Networks
* CrackGAN: Pavement Crack Detection Using Partially Accurate Ground Truths Based on Generative Adversarial Learning
* Cross-Dataset Transfer Driver Expression Recognition via Global Discriminative and Local Structure Knowledge Exploitation in Shared Projection Subspace
* Cross-Layer Defense Methods for Jamming-Resistant CBTC Systems
* Cross-Layer Defense Scheme for Edge Intelligence-Enabled CBTC Systems Against MitM Attacks, A
* Crowd Density Estimation Using Fusion of Multi-Layer Features
* CRT-BIoV: A Cognitive Radio Technique for Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* Cycle-Based Queue Length Estimation for Signalized Intersections Using Sparse Vehicle Trajectory Data
* Daily Traffic Flow Forecasting Through a Contextual Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network Modeling Inter- and Intra-Day Traffic Patterns
* Data Driven Approach to Match Demand and Supply for Public Transport Planning, A
* Data Driven Service Orchestration for Vehicular Networks
* Data Freshness and Energy-Efficient UAV Navigation Optimization: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Data Fusion for Multi-Source Sensors Using GA-PSO-BP Neural Network
* Data Security Through Zero-Knowledge Proof and Statistical Fingerprinting in Vehicle-to-Healthcare Everything (V2HX) Communications
* Data-Driven Based Cruise Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles Under Cyber-Physical System Framework
* Data-Driven Timetable Optimization of Urban Bus Line Based on Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, A
* Decentralized Emergency Service Vehicle Pre-Emption System Using RF Communication and GNSS-Based Geo-Fencing
* Decentralized Location Privacy-Preserving Spatial Crowdsourcing for Internet of Vehicles, A
* Deep Learning Architecture for Short-Term Passenger Flow Forecasting in Urban Rail Transit
* Deep Learning Based Autonomous Vehicle Super Resolution DOA Estimation for Safety Driving
* Deep Learning Based Caching for Self-Driving Cars in Multi-Access Edge Computing
* Deep Learning Based Semi-Supervised Control for Vertical Security of Maglev Vehicle With Guaranteed Bounded Airgap
* Deep Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving: Current Challenges and Future Directions
* Deep Learning-Based Blockchain Mechanism for Secure Internet of Drones Environment, A
* Deep Learning-Based Mobile Crowdsensing Scheme by Predicting Vehicle Mobility, A
* Deep Learning-Based Traffic Safety Solution for a Mixture of Autonomous and Manual Vehicles in a 5G-Enabled Intelligent Transportation System
* Deep Multi-Modal Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving: Datasets, Methods, and Challenges
* Deep Neural Network Based Vehicle and Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy Management Strategy for Supercapacitor Energy Storage Systems in Urban Rail Transit
* Delaunay-Triangulation-Based Variable Neighborhood Search to Solve Large-Scale General Colored Traveling Salesman Problems
* Detecting Anomalies in Intelligent Vehicle Charging and Station Power Supply Systems With Multi-Head Attention Models
* Detecting Driver Behavior Using Stacked Long Short Term Memory Network With Attention Layer
* Detecting Text in Scene and Traffic Guide Panels With Attention Anchor Mechanism
* Detection of Motorcycles in Urban Traffic Using Video Analysis: A Review
* Development and Testing of a Novel Game Theoretic De-Centralized Traffic Signal Controller
* Development of Sustainable Nanogrid Road Lighting Systems
* Diagnosing Spatiotemporal Traffic Anomalies With Low-Rank Tensor Autoregression
* Direction-Constrained Space-Time Prism-Based Approach for Quantifying Possible Multi-Ship Collision Risks, A
* Distributed Adaptive Event-Triggered Control and Stability Analysis for Vehicular Platoon
* Distributed Connectivity Maintenance in Swarm of Drones During Post-Disaster Transportation Applications
* Distributed Event-Triggered Model Predictive Control for Urban Traffic Lights
* Distributed Learning for Vehicle Routing Decision in Software Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Distributed Model-Free Ride-Sharing Approach for Joint Matching, Pricing, and Dispatching Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* Diversified Personalized Recommendation Optimization Based on Mobile Data
* Diversified Technologies in Internet of Vehicles Under Intelligent Edge Computing
* Driver Behavior Monitoring and Warning With Dangerous Driving Detection Based on the Internet of Vehicles
* Driver Intervention Detection via Real-Time Transfer Function Estimation
* Driver Profiling Using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Methods
* Driver's Intention Identification With the Involvement of Emotional Factors in Two-Lane Roads
* Driving Behavior Evaluation for Future Mobility: Application of Online Transition Probability Estimation
* DRLE: Decentralized Reinforcement Learning at the Edge for Traffic Light Control in the IoV
* Drone-Aided Blockchain-Based Smart Vehicular Network, A
* Dual-Branch CNNs for Vehicle Detection and Tracking on LiDAR Data
* Dynamic Model Averaging for the Discovery of Time-Varying Weather-Cycling Patterns, A
* Dynamic Pricing for Electric Vehicle Extreme Fast Charging
* Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Representation Learning for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Dynamic Wireless Information and Power Transfer Scheme for Nano-Empowered Vehicular Networks
* Eco-Approach With Traffic Prediction and Experimental Validation for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
* Eco-Driving System for Connected Automated Vehicles: Multi-Objective Trajectory Optimization
* Eco-Platooning for Cooperative Automated Vehicles Under Mixed Traffic Flow
* Edge Caching and Computation Management for Real-Time Internet of Vehicles: An Online and Distributed Approach
* Edge Intelligence Empowered Urban Traffic Monitoring: A Network Tomography Perspective
* Edge Learning for Surveillance Video Uploading Sharing in Public Transport Systems
* Edge Traffic Flow Detection Scheme Based on Deep Learning in an Intelligent Transportation System, An
* Editorial Mechatronics as an Enabler for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* EEG-Based Driver Drowsiness Estimation Using an Online Multi-View and Transfer TSK Fuzzy System
* Effective Charging Planning Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Electric Vehicles
* Efficiency and Fairness in Unmanned Air Traffic Flow Management
* Efficient and Scalable Simulation Model for Autonomous Vehicles With Economical Hardware, An
* Efficient and Secure Routing Protocol Based on Artificial Intelligence Algorithms With UAV-Assisted for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Efficient Data Dissemination for Urban Vehicular Environments
* Efficient Deployment of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Simultaneous Optimization of Charging Station Placement and Charging Pile Assignment
* Efficient Energy and Delay Tradeoff for Vessel Communications in SDN Based Maritime Wireless Networks
* Efficient Flow Processing in 5G-Envisioned SDN-Based Internet of Vehicles Using GPUs
* Efficient Industrial System for Vehicle Tyre (Tire) Detection and Text Recognition Using Deep Learning, An
* Efficient Ladder-Style DenseNets for Semantic Segmentation of Large Images
* Efficient Method and Architecture for Real-Time Video Defogging
* Efficient Mining Cluster Selection for Blockchain-Based Cellular V2X Communications
* Efficient Power-Splitting and Resource Allocation for Cellular V2X Communications
* EKF-Neural Network Observer Based Type-2 Fuzzy Control of Autonomous Vehicles
* Embedding Traffic Network Characteristics Using Tensor for Improved Traffic Prediction
* Emotion-Based Crowd Simulation Model Based on Physical Strength Consumption for Emergency Scenarios
* Enabling Extreme Fast Charging Technology for Electric Vehicles
* Enabling Intelligent IoCV Services at the Edge for 5G Networks and Beyond
* Enabling the Wireless Charging via Bus Network: Route Scheduling for Electric Vehicles
* End-to-End Autonomous Driving Risk Analysis: A Behavioural Anomaly Detection Approach
* End-to-End Recommendation System for Urban Traffic Controls and Management Under a Parallel Learning Framework, An
* Energy Aware Offloading Scheme for Interdependent Applications in Software-Defined IoV With Fog Computing Architecture, An
* Energy Consumption Modeling in Presence of Uncertainty
* Energy Efficiency and Hover Time Optimization in UAV-Based HetNets
* Energy Planning for Autonomous Driving of an Over-Actuated Road Vehicle
* Energy-Constrained Delivery of Goods With Drones Under Varying Wind Conditions
* Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Networking for Electric Vehicles Networks in Smart Future Cities
* Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Radio-Frequency-Powered Cognitive Radio Network for Connected Vehicles
* EnFlow: An Energy-Efficient Fast Flow Forwarding Scheme for Software-Defined Networks
* Enhanced Multi-Hop Intersection-Based Geographical Routing Protocol for the Internet of Connected Vehicles Network, An
* Enhancing the Performance of Flow Classification in SDN-Based Intelligent Vehicular Networks
* Enhancing Transferability of Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Variable Speed Limit Control Using Transfer Learning
* Ensemble Classification Model With Unsupervised Representation Learning for Driving Stress Recognition Using Physiological Signals, An
* Estimate the Pitch and Heading Mounting Angles of the IMU for Land Vehicular GNSS/INS Integrated System
* Estimating the Social Gap With a Game Theory Model of Lane Changing
* Estimating Traffic Flow in Large Road Networks Based on Multi-Source Traffic Data
* Estimation of Urban Traffic State With Probe Vehicles
* Evaluating Special Event Transit Demand: A Robust Principal Component Analysis Approach
* Evaluating the Effects of Switching Period of Communication Topologies and Delays on Electric Connected Vehicles Stream With Car-Following Theory
* Evaluating the Limits of a LiDAR for an Autonomous Driving Localization
* Evaluation Method for Emergency Procedures in Automatic Metro Based on Complexity, An
* Evolutionary Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection Model for Securing Vehicles, An
* Exploratory Investigation of Disengagements and Crashes in Autonomous Vehicles Under Mixed Traffic: An Endogenous Switching Regime Framework
* Extended Target Tracking With Multipath Detections, Terrain-Constrained Motion Model and Clutter
* Fair Self-Adaptive Clustering for Hybrid Cellular-Vehicular Networks
* Fast Depth Prediction and Obstacle Avoidance on a Monocular Drone Using Probabilistic Convolutional Neural Network
* Fast Monocular Visual Place Recognition for Non-Uniform Vehicle Speed and Varying Lighting Environment
* Fast Road Detection by CNN-Based Camera-Lidar Fusion and Spherical Coordinate Transformation
* Fault Detection Filter and Controller Co-Design for Unmanned Surface Vehicles Under DoS Attacks
* Fault-Tolerance Mechanisms for Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Feedback Control for Metro Lines With a Junction
* Fine-Grained Detection of Driver Distraction Based on Neural Architecture Search
* Fine-Grained Service-Level Passenger Flow Prediction for Bus Transit Systems Based on Multitask Deep Learning
* Fine-Grained Traffic Flow Prediction of Various Vehicle Types via Fusion of Multisource Data and Deep Learning Approaches
* FlexPool: A Distributed Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Joint Passengers and Goods Transportation
* Flying Warehouse Delivery System: A Quantitative Approach for the Optimal Operation Policy of Airborne Fulfillment Center, The
* Forecasting Crowd Counts With Wi-Fi Systems: Univariate, Non-Seasonal Models
* Forecasting Flight Delays Using Clustered Models Based on Airport Networks
* Forecasting the Onset of Traffic Congestions on Circular Roads
* Forecasting Transportation Network Speed Using Deep Capsule Networks With Nested LSTM Models
* Formal Design of Multi-Function Vehicle Bus Controller
* Framework for Self-Enforced Interaction Between Connected Vehicles: Intersection Negotiation, A
* Framework for Self-Enforced Optimal Interaction Between Connected Vehicles, A
* Freeway Traffic Control in Presence of Capacity Drop
* Freeway Travel Time Information From Input- Output Vehicle Counts: A Drift Correction Method Based on AVI Data
* Full Bayesian Before-After Analysis of Safety Effects of Variable Speed Limit System
* Fuzzy Inference Enabled Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Light Control for Intelligent Transportation System
* Gamification Platform to Analyze and Influence Citizens' Daily Transportation Choices, A
* GAN-Based Day-to-Night Image Style Transfer for Nighttime Vehicle Detection
* Generalized Quadrature Spatial Modulation and its Application to Vehicular Networks With NOMA
* Generative Adversarial Network Enabled Deep Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Transmission Scheduling in Internet of Vehicles, A
* Generic GPU-Accelerated Framework for the Dial-A-Ride Problem, A
* Geofence Definition and Deconfliction for UAS Traffic Management
* GNSS NLOS Exclusion Based on Dynamic Object Detection Using LiDAR Point Cloud
* Graphical Game Approach to Electrical Vehicle Charging Scheduling: Correlated Equilibrium and Latency Minimization, A
* Green Computing in Software Defined Social Internet of Vehicles
* Grids Versus Graphs: Partitioning Space for Improved Taxi Demand-Supply Forecasts
* Ground Plane Context Aggregation Network for Day-and-Night on Vehicular Pedestrian Detection
* Guest Editorial Diversification in Urban Transportation Systems and Beyond: Integrating People and Goods for the Future of Mobility
* Guest Editorial Introduction of the Special Issue on Edge Intelligence for Internet of Vehicles
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep Learning Models for Safe and Secure Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management
* Guest Editorial Optimization of Electric Vehicle Networks and Heterogeneous Networking in Future Smart Cities
* Guest Editorial Software Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Big Data and AI for Computational Transportation in the Cyber-Physical-Social Space
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Intent-Based Networking for 5G-Envisioned Internet of Connected Vehicles
* GWO Model for Optimal Localization of IoT-Enabled Sensor Nodes in Smart Parking Systems
* Haze Removal of Railway Monitoring Images Using Multi-Scale Residual Network
* HDMA: Hybrid D2D Message Authentication Scheme for 5G-Enabled VANETs
* Heart Rate Variability for Classification of Alert Versus Sleep Deprived Drivers in Real Road Driving Conditions
* Hierarchical Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning Algorithm for Knowledge Sharing in Internet of Vehicles, A
* Hierarchical Game for Networked Electric Vehicle Public Charging Under Time-Based Billing Model
* Hierarchical Model-Based Optimization Control Approach for Cooperative Merging by Connected Automated Vehicles, A
* Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal State Machine for Vehicle Instrument Cluster Manufacturing
* High-Accuracy Parameters Identification of Non-Linear Electrical Model for High-Energy Lithium-Ion Capacitor
* High-Integrity and Low-Cost Navigation System for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* High-Resolution Vehicle Trajectory Extraction and Denoising From Aerial Videos
* High-Speed Rail Suspension System Health Monitoring Using Multi-Location Vibration Data
* Highly Efficient Vehicle Taillight Detection Approach Based on Deep Learning, A
* Highway Exiting Planner for Automated Vehicles Using Reinforcement Learning
* How to Evaluate Proving Grounds for Self-Driving? A Quantitative Approach
* Human Behavior Model-Based Predictive Control of Longitudinal Brain-Controlled Driving
* Human-Like Decision Making for Autonomous Driving: A Noncooperative Game Theoretic Approach
* Human-Vehicle Game Stability Control Strategy Considering Drivers' Steering Characteristics, A
* Hybrid Controller for DOS-Resilient String-Stable Vehicle Platoons, A
* Hybrid Deep Learning Model With Attention-Based Conv-LSTM Networks for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction, A
* Hybrid Inductive-Power-Transfer Battery Chargers for Electric Vehicle Onboard Charging With Configurable Charging Profile
* Hybrid of Deep Reinforcement Learning and Local Search for the Vehicle Routing Problems, A
* Hybrid Submicroscopic-Microscopic Traffic Flow Simulation Framework, A
* Hybrid Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving in On-Road Dynamic Scenarios
* ICN-Based Enhanced Cooperative Caching for Multimedia Streaming in Resource Constrained Vehicular Environment
* Improved iSAM Based on Flexible Re-Linearization Threshold and Error Learning Model for AUV in Large Scale Areas
* Improved Magnetic Guidance Approach for Automated Guided Vehicles by Error Analysis and Prior Knowledge
* Improved S-AF and S-DF Relaying Schemes Using Machine Learning Based Power Allocation Over Cascaded Rayleigh Fading Channels
* Improving Productivity of Low-Altitude Airspace: Speed vs Direction Control
* Improving Smart Charging Prioritization by Predicting Electric Vehicle Departure Time
* Improving the On-Vehicle Experience of Passengers Through SC-M*: A Scalable Multi-Passenger Multi-Criteria Mobility Planner
* Improving the Performance of Transportation Networks: A Semi-Centralized Pricing Approach
* In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems: Using Bayesian Networks to Model Cognitive Selection of Music Genres
* In-Vehicle Object-Level 3D Reconstruction of Traffic Scenes
* Increasing GPS Localization Accuracy With Reinforcement Learning
* Indirect Shared Control for Cooperative Driving Between Driver and Automation in Steer-by-Wire Vehicles
* Information-Centric Content Management Framework for Software Defined Internet of Vehicles Towards Application Specific Services
* Initial Assessment of the Potential Weather Barriers of Urban Air Mobility, An
* Innovative Adaptive Cruise Control Method With Packet Dropout, An
* Innovative Finite Frequency H8, An
* Integrated Observer for Real-Time Estimation of Vehicle Center of Gravity Height, An
* Integrated Optimization for Commuting Customized Bus Stop Planning, Routing Design, and Timetable Development With Passenger Spatial-Temporal Accessibility
* Integrated Outbound Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem at a Multi-Door Cross-Dock Terminal
* Integrated Resource Assignment and Scheduling Optimization With Limited Critical Equipment Constraints at an Automated Container Terminal
* Integrity for Multi-Sensor Cooperative Positioning
* Intelligent Charging Management of Electric Vehicles Considering Dynamic User Behavior and Renewable Energy: A Stochastic Game Approach
* Intelligent Edge Computing in Internet of Vehicles: A Joint Computation Offloading and Caching Solution
* Intelligent Group Prediction Algorithm of GPS Trajectory Based on Vehicle Communication
* Intelligent Prediction of Train Delay Changes and Propagation Using RVFLNs With Improved Transfer Learning and Ensemble Learning
* Intelligent Task Offloading for Heterogeneous V2X Communications
* Intelligent Terminal Based Privacy-Preserving Multi-Modal Implicit Authentication Protocol for Internet of Connected Vehicles, An
* Intelligent Video Analysis Method for Abnormal Event Detection in Intelligent Transportation Systems, An
* Intent-Based Network for Data Dissemination in Software-Defined Vehicular Edge Computing
* Interactive Visual Exploration of Human Mobility Correlation Based on Smart Card Data
* Internal Stability and String Stability of Connected Vehicle Systems With Time Delays
* Internet of Vehicles: Key Technologies, Network Model, Solutions and Challenges With Future Aspects
* Iterative Local-Search Heuristic for Weighted Vehicle Routing Problem
* Iterative Two-Phase Optimization Method Based on Divide and Conquer Framework for Integrated Scheduling of Multiple UAVs, An
* Joint 3D Reconstruction and Object Tracking for Traffic Video Analysis Under IoV Environment
* Joint Auction-Coalition Formation Framework for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning in UAV-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* Joint Computing and Caching in 5G-Envisioned Internet of Vehicles: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Control System
* Joint Optimal Scheduling for a Mixed Bus Fleet Under Micro Driving Conditions
* Joint Optimization of Running Route and Scheduling for the Mixed Demand Responsive Feeder Transit With Time-Dependent Travel Times
* Joint Tracking and Identification Based on Constrained Joint Decision and Estimation
* KISS+ for Rapid and Accurate Pedestrian Re-Identification
* Knowledge-Assisted Visualization of Multi-Level Origin-Destination Flows Using Ontologies
* Knowledge-Based Temporal Planning Approach for Urban Traffic Control, A
* LACCVoV: Linear Adaptive Congestion Control With Optimization of Data Dissemination Model in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
* Large-Scale Many-Objective Deployment Optimization of Edge Servers
* Last-Mile School Shuttle Planning With Crowdsensed Student Trajectories
* Learning a Deep Cascaded Neural Network for Multiple Motion Commands Prediction in Autonomous Driving
* Learning From Naturalistic Driving Data for Human-Like Autonomous Highway Driving
* Learning Self-Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles: Exploring Multisensory Incremental Models
* Learning-Based Intent-Aware Task Offloading for Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Edge Computing
* Line Structured-Light Vision Sensor Calibration Based on Multi-Tooth Free-Moving Target and Its Application in Railway Fields
* Linear Parameter Varying Observer for Lane Estimation Using Cylinder Domain in Vehicles
* Link Optimization in Software Defined IoV Driven Autonomous Transportation System
* Location Planning of PEV Fast Charging Station: An Integrated Approach Under Traffic and Power Grid Requirements
* Location-Allocation Model for the Design of Guidance Signage Systems for Pedestrian Wayfinding in Public Spaces
* LocJury: An IBN-Based Location Privacy Preserving Scheme for IoCV
* Logic-Based Traffic Flow Control for Ramp Metering and Variable Speed Limits: Part 1: Controller
* Long-Term Traffic Prediction Based on LSTM Encoder-Decoder Architecture
* Low Rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition Model for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction, A
* Low-Latency Infrastructure-Based Cellular V2V Communications for Multi-Operator Environments With Regional Split
* Lyapunov-Based Crowd Stability Analysis for Asymmetric Pedestrian Merging Layout at T-Shaped Street Junction
* Machine Learning-Based Workload Orchestrator for Vehicular Edge Computing
* Machine-Learning-Based Scenario Identification Using Channel Characteristics in Intelligent Vehicular Communications
* Macroscopic View: Crowd Evacuation Dynamics at T-Shaped Street Junctions Using a Modified Aw-Rascle Traffic Flow Model
* Mapping and Semantic Modeling of Underground Parking Lots Using a Backpack LiDAR System
* Measuring Maximum Urban Capacity of Taxi-Based Logistics
* MEC Intelligence Driven Electro-Mobility Management for Battery Switch Service
* Memorable Maps: A Framework for Re-Defining Places in Visual Place Recognition
* Memory-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Obstacle Avoidance in UAV With Limited Environment Knowledge
* Merging and Diverging Impact on Mixed Traffic of Regular and Autonomous Vehicles
* Method and Applications of Lidar Modeling for Virtual Testing of Intelligent Vehicles
* Methodology to Attain Public Transit Origin-Destination Mobility Patterns Using Multi-Layered Mesoscopic Analysis, A
* Metro Passenger Flow Prediction via Dynamic Hypergraph Convolution Networks
* Millimeter Wave MISO-OFDM Transmissions in an Intra-Wagon Environment
* Mobile Telematics Pattern Recognition Framework for Driving Behavior Extraction, A
* Mobility Aware Blockchain Enabled Offloading and Scheduling in Vehicular Fog Cloud Computing
* Mobility Based Trust Evaluation for Heterogeneous Electric Vehicles Network in Smart Cities
* Mobility-Aware Proactive Edge Caching for Connected Vehicles Using Federated Learning
* Model Latent Views with Multi-Center Metric Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Modeling Real-Time Cycle-Level Crash Risk at Signalized Intersections Based on High-Resolution Event-Based Data
* Modeling Time-Varying Variability and Reliability of Freeway Travel Time Using Functional Principal Component Analysis
* Modeling, Relocation, and Real-Time Inventory Control of One-Way Electric Cars Sharing Systems in a Stochastic Petri Nets Framework
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Information Exchange Network
* Motion Analysis and Performance Improved Method for 3D LiDAR Sensor Data Compression
* Moving Object Detection and Tracking Based on Interaction of Static Obstacle Map and Geometric Model-Free Approachfor Urban Autonomous Driving
* Moving Object Detection by 3D Flow Field Analysis
* Multi-Application Strategy Based on Railway Static Power Conditioner With Energy Storage System
* Multi-Aspect Aware Session-Based Recommendation for Intelligent Transportation Services
* Multi-Modal Combined Route Choice Modeling in the MaaS Age Considering Generalized Path Overlapping Problem
* Multi-Model Adaptive Control for CACC Applications
* Multi-Objective Ant Colony System Algorithm for Airline Crew Rostering Problem With Fairness and Satisfaction, A
* Multi-Objective Robust Optimization Model for Customized Bus Routes, A
* Multi-Objective Timetabling Optimization for a Two-Way Metro Line Under Dynamic Passenger Demand
* Multi-Scale Point-Wise Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Object Segmentation From LiDAR Point Clouds in Large-Scale Environments
* Multi-Stream Siamese and Faster Region-Based Neural Network for Real-Time Object Tracking
* Multi-Task Travel Route Planning With a Flexible Deep Learning Framework
* Multi-Trailer Drop-and-Pull Container Drayage Problem
* Multi-Vehicle Control Framework With Application to Automated Valet Parking, A
* Multi-View Vehicle Detection Based on Fusion Part Model With Active Learning
* Multimodal Features for Detection of Driver Stress and Fatigue: Review
* Multiobjective Mission Route Planning Problem: A Neural Network-Based Forecasting Model for Mission Planning
* Multiple Lane Detection via Combining Complementary Structural Constraints
* Mutual Interference Suppression Using Wavelet Denoising in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems
* N2C: Neural Network Controller Design Using Behavioral Cloning
* NDNet: Narrow While Deep Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Network-Level Coordinated Speed Optimization and Traffic Light Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles
* New Safety Distance Calculation for Rear-End Collision Avoidance, A
* Nonlinear Kalman Filter-Based Robust Channel Estimation for High Mobility OFDM Systems
* Novel Approach to Estimating Missing Pairs of On/Off Ramp Flows, A
* Novel Cost Optimization Strategy for SDN-Enabled UAV-Assisted Vehicular Computation Offloading, A
* Novel Deep Learning-Enabled LSTM Autoencoder Architecture for Discovering Anomalous Events From Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Novel Deep Q-Learning-Based Air-Assisted Vehicular Caching Scheme for Safe Autonomous Driving, A
* Novel Electric Bus Energy Consumption Model Based on Probabilistic Synthetic Speed Profile Integrated With HVAC
* Novel Emergent Intelligence Technique for Public Transport Vehicle Allocation Problem in a Dynamic Transportation System, A
* Novel Hierarchical Flocking Control Framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles, A
* Novel Methodology to Assimilate Sub-Path Flows in Bi-Level OD Matrix Estimation Process, A
* Novel Model for Designing a Demand- Responsive Connector (DRC) Transit System With Consideration of Users' Preferred Time Windows, A
* Novel Multi-Level Integrated Navigation System for Challenging GNSS Environments, A
* Novel Processing Methodology for Traffic-Speed Road Surveys Using Point Lasers, A
* Novel Texture-Less Object Oriented Visual SLAM System, A
* Novel UAV-Enabled Data Collection Scheme for Intelligent Transportation System Through UAV Speed Control, A
* Novel VANET-Assisted Traffic Control for Supporting Vehicular Cloud Computing, A
* Novel Vehicle Bounding Box Tracking Using a Low-End 3D Laser Scanner
* Oblivious Transfer for Privacy-Preserving in VANET's Feature Matching
* On the Development of an Acoustic-Driven Method to Improve Driver's Comfort Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* On the Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Privacy-Aware Secure ACO-AODV Routing in Intent-Based Internet of Vehicles for Smart Cities
* On the Required Movement Recognition Accuracy in Cooperative VRU Collision Avoidance Systems
* On the Role of Battery Capacity Fading Mechanism in the Lifecycle Cost of Electric Bus Fleet
* On the Security of Networked Control Systems in Smart Vehicle and Its Adaptive Cruise Control
* One Step Further Towards Real-Time Driving Maneuver Recognition Using Phone Sensors
* Online Assessment of Driving Riskiness via Smartphone-Based Inertial Measurements
* Online Learning Collaborative Method for Traffic Forecasting and Routing Optimization, An
* Online Performance Prediction of Perception DNNs by Multi-Task Learning With Depth Estimation
* Open-Ended Versus Closed-Ended Responses: A Comparison Study Using Topic Modeling and Factor Analysis
* Optimal Design for Demand Responsive Connector Service Considering Elastic Demand
* Optimal Distribution of Traffic in Manhattan Road Networks for Minimizing Routing-Time
* Optimal Distribution of Workloads in Cloud-Fog Architecture in Intelligent Vehicular Networks
* Optimal Eco-Driving of a Heavy-Duty Vehicle Behind a Leading Heavy-Duty Vehicle
* Optimal Location Privacy Preserving and Service Quality Guaranteed Task Allocation in Vehicle-Based Crowdsensing Networks
* Optimal Routing Design of Feeder Transit With Stop Selection Using Aggregated Cell Phone Data and Open Source GIS Tool
* Optimal Storage Allocation for Delay Sensitivity Data in Electric Vehicle Network
* Optimization of Classified Municipal Waste Collection Based on the Internet of Connected Vehicles
* Optimization of Variable-Current Charging Strategy Based on SOC Segmentation for Li-ion Battery
* Optimization of Variable-Current Charging Strategy Based on SOC Segmentation for Li-ion Battery
* Optimized Graph Convolution Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Prediction
* Optimized Landing of Drones in the Context of Congested Air Traffic and Limited Vertiports
* Optimizing Extensibility of CAN FD for Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems
* Overcoming Occlusion in the Automotive Environment: A Review
* Packet Reception Probabilities in Vehicular Communications Close to Intersections
* Pareto-Optimal Transit Route Planning With Multi-Objective Monte-Carlo Tree Search
* Part-Aware Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Network for Pedestrian Detection, A
* Particle Filter-Based Approach for Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction Using Sparse Probe Data, A
* Path Following Optimization for an Underactuated USV Using Smoothly-Convergent Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part I: Low-Level Models, From Sensing to Tracking
* Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part I: Low-Level Models, From Sensing to Tracking
* Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part II: High-Level Models of Human Behavior
* Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part II: High-Level Models of Human Behavior
* Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Based on Deep Convolutional LSTM Network
* Pedestrian-Safety-Aware Traffic Light Control Strategy for Urban Traffic Congestion Alleviation
* Performance Limits of Visible Light-Based Positioning for Internet-of-Vehicles: Time-Domain Localization Cooperation Gain
* Performance Measurement and Analysis Method for Software-Defined Networking of IoV, A
* Perimeter Control of Urban Traffic Networks Based on Model-Free Adaptive Control
* Personal Rapid Transport System Compatible With Current Railways and Metros Infrastructure
* Personalised Controller Strategies for Next Generation Intelligent Adaptive Electric Bicycles
* Platoon Definitions and Analysis of Correlation Between Number of Platoons and Jamming in Traffic System
* Platooning of Car-Like Vehicles in Urban Environments: An Observer-Based Approach Considering Actuator Dynamics and Time Delays
* Pre-Estimating Self-Localization Error of NDT-Based Map-Matching From Map Only
* Predicting Bus Passenger Flow and Prioritizing Influential Factors Using Multi-Source Data: Scaled Stacking Gradient Boosting Decision Trees
* Predicting Citywide Road Traffic Flow Using Deep Spatiotemporal Neural Networks
* Predicting Citywide Road Traffic Flow Using Deep Spatiotemporal Neural Networks
* Predicting Short-Term Traffic Speed Using a Deep Neural Network to Accommodate Citywide Spatio-Temporal Correlations
* Predicting State Uncertainty Bounds Using Non-Linear Stochastic Reachability Analysis for Urban GNSS-Based UAS Navigation
* Preserving Privacy in the Internet of Connected Vehicles
* Preview Path Tracking Control With Delay Compensation for Autonomous Vehicles
* Pricing Environmental Externality in Traffic Networks Mixed With Fuel Vehicles and Electric Vehicles
* Privacy-Aware Autonomous Valet Parking: Towards Experience Driven Approach
* Privacy-Preserving Certificate Linkage/Revocation in VANETs Without Linkage Authorities
* Privacy-Preserving Continuous Data Collection for Predictive Maintenance in Vehicular Fog-Cloud
* Proactive Real-Time Control Strategy Based on Data-Driven Transit Demand Prediction, A
* Probabilistic Data Structures-Based Anomaly Detection Scheme for Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles, A
* Probabilistic Threshold k-ANN Query Method Based on Uncertain Voronoi Diagram in Internet of Vehicles
* Protecting Privacy of Location-Based Services in Road Networks
* Pseudo-Image and Sparse Points: Vehicle Detection With 2D LiDAR Revisited by Deep Learning-Based Methods
* Public Transit Planning and Operation in the Era of Automation, Electrification, and Personalization
* QoE-Based Task Offloading With Deep Reinforcement Learning in Edge-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* Quantifying the Efficiency of Ride Sharing
* Quantitative Analysis of Performance Decrease and Fast-Charging Limitation for Lithium-Ion Batteries at Low Temperature Based on the Electrochemical Model
* Quantitative Driver Acceptance Modeling for Merging Car at Highway Junction and Its Application to the Design of Merging Behavior Control
* Quiet Route Planning for Pedestrians in Traffic Noise Polluted Environments
* RadChat: Spectrum Sharing for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation
* Radio Resource Management for V2V Multihop Communication Considering Adjacent Channel Interference
* Railway Traffic Object Detection Using Differential Feature Fusion Convolution Neural Network
* Rainy Night Scene Understanding With Near Scene Semantic Adaptation
* Rapid Detection of Blind Roads and Crosswalks by Using a Lightweight Semantic Segmentation Network
* Rate-Compatible Codes via Recursive BMST for Content-Sharing in Intelligent Vehicular Network
* Real-Time Embedded Vision System for the Watchfulness Analysis of Train Drivers
* Real-Time High-Performance Semantic Image Segmentation of Urban Street Scenes
* Real-Time Sensor Anomaly Detection and Recovery in Connected Automated Vehicle Sensors
* Realization and Evaluation of an Instructor-Like Assistance System for Collision Avoidance
* Realizing Constant Current and Constant Voltage Outputs and Input Zero Phase Angle of Wireless Power Transfer Systems With Minimum Component Counts
* Recommendation for Ridesharing Groups Through Destination Prediction on Trajectory Data
* ReFOCUS+: Multi-Layers Real-Time Intelligent Route Guidance System With Congestion Detection and Avoidance
* Reinforcement Learning Based Advertising Strategy Using Crowdsensing Vehicular Data
* ReinforcementDriving: Exploring Trajectories and Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles
* Reliability-Aware Joint Optimization for Cooperative Vehicular Communication and Computing
* Reliable Path Planning for Drone Delivery Using a Stochastic Time-Dependent Public Transportation Network
* Research Advances and Challenges of Autonomous and Connected Ground Vehicles
* Research on Secure Transmission Performance of Electric Vehicles Under Nakagami-m Channel
* Residual-Network-Leveraged Vehicle-Thrown-Waste Identification in Real-Time Traffic Surveillance Videos
* Resilience of Massive MIMO PNC to Jamming Attacks in Vehicular Networks, The
* Resilient UAV Traffic Congestion Control Using Fluid Queuing Models
* Resource Allocation in 5G IoV Architecture Based on SDN and Fog-Cloud Computing
* Resource Efficient Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Communication Systems for Electric Vehicle Enabled Microgrids
* Review of Big Data Applications in Urban Transit Systems, A
* ReViewNet: A Fast and Resource Optimized Network for Enabling Safe Autonomous Driving in Hazy Weather Conditions
* Ripple-GAN: Lane Line Detection With Ripple Lane Line Detection Network and Wasserstein GAN
* Risk Assessment and Development Cost Optimization in Software Defined Vehicles
* Risk Assessment of an Electrical Power System Considering the Influence of Traffic Congestion on a Hypothetical Scenario of Electrified Transportation System in New York State
* Robust Attentional Framework for License Plate Recognition in the Wild, A
* Robust Control of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Absence of Information About Preceding Vehicle Acceleration
* Robust Distributed Cruise Control of Multiple High-Speed Trains Based on Disturbance Observer
* Robust Set-Invariance Based Fuzzy Output Tracking Control for Vehicle Autonomous Driving Under Uncertain Lateral Forces and Steering Constraints
* Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Communications
* Route-Based Transit Signal Priority Using Connected Vehicle Technology to Promote Bus Schedule Adherence
* RSU-Assisted Adaptive Scheduling for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Data Sharing in Bidirectional Road Scenarios
* Safe-Passé: Dynamic Handoff Scheme for Provisioning Safety-as-a-Service in 5G-Enabled Intelligent Transportation System
* SALMNet: A Structure-Aware Lane Marking Detection Network
* SAPIENT: Enabling Real-Time Monitoring and Control in the Future Communication Infrastructure of Air Traffic Management
* SDABS: A Flexible and Efficient Multi-Authority Hybrid Attribute-Based Signature Scheme in Edge Environment
* Secure Service Offloading for Internet of Vehicles in SDN-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing
* Security Enhancement for Real-Time Parallel In-Vehicle Applications by CAN FD Message Authentication
* Self-Learning Optimal Cruise Control Based on Individual Car-Following Style
* Semantic Scene Labeling via Deep Nested Level Set
* Sensor Location Strategy and Scaling Rate Inference for Origin-Destination Demand Estimation
* Short-Term Prediction of Urban Rail Transit Passenger Flow in External Passenger Transport Hub Based on LSTM-LGB-DRS
* Short-Term Strong Wind Risk Prediction for High-Speed Railway
* Short-Term Traffic Forecasting by Mining the Non-Stationarity of Spatiotemporal Patterns
* Simplified Battery Pack Modeling Considering Inconsistency and Evolution of Current Distribution
* Sliding Mode Network Perimeter Control
* Smart Black Box: A Value-Driven High-Bandwidth Automotive Event Data Recorder, The
* Smart Cloud Service Management Algorithm for Vehicular Clouds, A
* Smart, Efficient, and Reliable Parking Surveillance System With Edge Artificial Intelligence on IoT Devices, A
* Social-Aware Incentive Mechanism for Vehicular Crowdsensing by Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Software Defined Internet of Vehicles for Automation and Orchestration
* Solving Multi-Agent Routing Problems Using Deep Attention Mechanisms
* Solving the Security Problem of Intelligent Transportation System With Deep Learning
* SP-CIDS: Secure and Private Collaborative IDS for VANETs
* Sparse Bayesian Learning Assisted Approaches for Road Network Traffic State Estimation
* Spatial Heterogeneity-Based Segmentation Model for Analyzing Road Deterioration Network Data in Multi-Scale Infrastructure Systems, A
* Spatial Origin-Destination Flow Imputation Using Graph Convolutional Networks
* Spatial V2X Traffic Density Channel Characterization for Urban Environments
* Spatial-Temporal Attention Approach for Traffic Prediction, A
* SPEA-Based Multimetric Routing Protocol for Intelligent Transportation Systems, A
* Special Issue on 3D Sensing in Intelligent Transportation
* Spectral Efficiency Enhanced Cooperative Device-to-Device Systems With NOMA
* SPEED: A Deep Learning Assisted Privacy-Preserved Framework for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* State of Power Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles via Wavelet-Markov Load Analysis
* Statistical Properties and Airspace Capacity for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks Subject to Sense-and-Avoid Safety Protocols
* SteeringLoss: A Cost-Sensitive Loss Function for the End-to-End Steering Estimation
* STNN: A Spatio-Temporal Neural Network for Traffic Predictions
* Stochastic Modeling and Integration of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Reconfigurable Microgrids With Deep Learning-Based Forecasting
* Street View Text Recognition With Deep Learning for Urban Scene Understanding in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* String Stability of a Vehicular Platoon With the Use of Macroscopic Information
* Study of Parameters Identification Method of Li-Ion Battery Model for EV Power Profile Based on Transient Characteristics Data
* Suburban Demand Responsive Transit Service With Rental Vehicles
* Survey of Deep Learning Applications to Autonomous Vehicle Control, A
* Survey on Electric Buses: Energy Storage, Power Management, and Charging Scheduling, A
* Sybil Attack Identification for Crowdsourced Navigation: A Self-Supervised Deep Learning Approach
* Synchronized Truck and Drone Routing in Package Delivery Logistics
* Target Vehicle Motion Prediction-Based Motion Planning Framework for Autonomous Driving in Uncontrolled Intersections
* Task-Container Matching Game for Computation Offloading in Vehicular Edge Computing and Networks
* Taxonomy of Optimization Factors for Platooning, A
* Teaching Vehicles to Anticipate: A Systematic Study on Probabilistic Behavior Prediction Using Large Data Sets
* Temperature Estimation Using Lumped-Parameter Thermal Network With Piecewise Stator-Housing Modules for Fault-Tolerant Brake Systems in Highly Automated Driving Vehicles
* Temporal Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Tensor-Based Approach for Background-Foreground Separation in Maritime Sequences
* Testbed Scenario Design Exploiting Traffic Big Data for Autonomous Ship Trials Under Multiple Conflicts With Collision/Grounding Risks and Spatio-Temporal Dependencies
* Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles, Part I: Methodology
* Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles, Part II: Case Studies
* Theoretical Foundation of Intelligence Testing and Its Application for Intelligent Vehicles, A
* Threat Analysis for Automotive CAN Networks: A GAN Model-Based Intrusion Detection Technique
* Three-Dimensional Cooperative Positioning in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
* Three-Dimensional Object Co-Localization from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Thresholds Based Image Extraction Schemes in Big Data Environment in Intelligent Traffic Management
* Time-Dependent Urban Customized Bus Routing With Path Flexibility
* Timetable Optimization for Metro Lines Connecting to Intercity Railway Stations to Minimize Passenger Waiting Time
* Topological Graph Convolutional Network-Based Urban Traffic Flow and Density Prediction
* Toward Efficient City-Scale Patrol Planning Using Decomposition and Grafting
* Toward Offloading Internet of Vehicles Applications in 5G Networks
* Toward Safe and Smart Mobility: Energy-Aware Deep Learning for Driving Behavior Analysis and Prediction of Connected Vehicles
* Towards 5G-Enabled Self Adaptive Green and Reliable Communication in Intelligent Transportation System
* Towards Better Detection and Analysis of Massive Spatiotemporal Co-Occurrence Patterns
* Towards Federated Learning in UAV-Enabled Internet of Vehicles: A Multi-Dimensional Contract-Matching Approach
* Towards Rear-End Collision Avoidance: Adaptive Beaconing for Connected Vehicles
* Traffic Demand Analysis Method for Urban Air Mobility, A
* Traffic Demand Prediction Based on Dynamic Transition Convolutional Neural Network
* Traffic Flow on a Ring With a Single Autonomous Vehicle: An Interconnected Stability Perspective
* Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Deep Learning in Internet of Vehicles
* Traffic Jam Probability Estimation Based on Blockchain and Deep Neural Networks
* Traffic Surveillance System for Obtaining Comprehensive Information of the Passing Vehicles Based on Instance Segmentation, A
* TrafficGAN: Network-Scale Deep Traffic Prediction With Generative Adversarial Nets
* Transit Signal Priority Controlling Method Considering Non-Transit Traffic Benefits and Coordinated Phase States for Multi-Rings Timing Plan at Isolated Intersections
* Travel Mode Identification With GPS Trajectories Using Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning
* Travel Time Prediction for Congested Freeways With a Dynamic Linear Model
* Truck and Trailer Classification With Deep Learning Based Geometric Features
* Trust-Aware Service Offloading for Video Surveillance in Edge Computing Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* Trustworthiness for Transportation Ecosystems: The Blockchain Vehicle Information System
* Trustworthy Edge Storage Orchestration in Intelligent Transportation Systems Using Reinforcement Learning
* TV White Spaces Handover Scheme for Enabling Unattended Track Geometry Monitoring From In-Service Trains
* Two-Phase Anomaly Detection Model for Secure Intelligent Transportation Ride-Hailing Trajectories, A
* Two-Slope Path Loss Model for Curved-Tunnel Environment With Concept of Break Point
* Two-Stage Scalable Air Traffic Flow Management Model Under Uncertainty
* Two-Stage Stochastic Choice Modeling Approach for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Network Design in Urban Communities
* UAV Enabled Content Distribution for Internet of Connected Vehicles in 5G Heterogeneous Networks
* UAV-Assisted Content Delivery in Intelligent Transportation Systems-Joint Trajectory Planning and Cache Management
* Unavailable Transit Feed Specification: Making It Available with Recurrent Neural Networks
* Uncertain-Driven Analytics of Sequence Data in IoCV Environments
* Understanding Preferences of Delhi Metro Users Using Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis
* Universal Control Scheme of Human-Like Steering in Multiple Driving Scenarios, A
* Urban Air Mobility: History, Ecosystem, Market Potential, and Challenges
* Urban Traffic Control in Software Defined Internet of Things via a Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Urban Traffic Route Guidance Method With High Adaptive Learning Ability Under Diverse Traffic Scenarios
* User-Oriented Virtual Mobile Network Resource Management for Vehicle Communications
* Using Channel-Wise Attention for Deep CNN Based Real-Time Semantic Segmentation With Class-Aware Edge Information
* Using Crash Databases to Predict Effectiveness of New Autonomous Vehicle Maneuvers for Lane-Departure Injury Reduction
* Using Reinforcement Learning With Partial Vehicle Detection for Intelligent Traffic Signal Control
* Utilization of Smartphone Data for Driving Cycle Synthesis Based on Electric Two-Wheelers in Shanghai
* V2VR: Reliable Hybrid-Network-Oriented V2V Data Transmission and Routing Considering RSUs and Connectivity Probability
* Varying-Parameter Adaptive Multi-Layer Neural Dynamic Method for Designing Controllers and Application to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, A
* Vehicle Assisted Computing Offloading for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Smart City
* Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Adverse Weather Using a Deep Learning Framework
* Vehicle Position Correction: A Vehicular Blockchain Networks-Based GPS Error Sharing Framework
* Vehicle Re-Identification Using Distance-Based Global and Partial Multi-Regional Feature Learning
* Vehicle Re-Identification With Image Processing and Car-Following Model Using Multiple Surveillance Cameras From Urban Arterials
* Vehicle Simulation Model and Automated Driving Features Validation for Low-Speed High Automation Applications, A
* Vehicle Trajectory Clustering Based on Dynamic Representation Learning of Internet of Vehicles
* Vehicular Localization Based on CSI-Fingerprint and Vector Match
* Vessel Schedule Recovery in Liner Shipping: Modeling Alternative Recovery Options
* ViFi-MobiScanner: Observe Human Mobility via Vehicular Internet Service
* Virtual Fluid-Flow-Model-Based Lane-Keeping Integrated With Collision Avoidance Control System Design for Autonomous Vehicles
* Virtual Parameter Learning-Based Adaptive Control for Protective Automatic Train Operation
* Virtual Traffic Signals: Safe, Rapid, Efficient and Autonomous Driving Without Traffic Control
* Virtual-Real Interaction Approach to Object Instance Segmentation in Traffic Scenes, A
* Vision-Based Pipeline for Vehicle Counting, Speed Estimation, and Classification, A
* Visual Analysis of Land Use Characteristics Around Urban Rail Transit Stations
* Visual Map-Based Localization for Intelligent Vehicles From Multi-View Site Matching
* Visualization Analysis of Intelligent Vehicles Research Field Based on Mapping Knowledge Domain
* Volunteer Assisted Collaborative Offloading and Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing
* What Happens for a ToF LiDAR in Fog?
* When Visual Disparity Generation Meets Semantic Segmentation: A Mutual Encouragement Approach
* WPT-Enabled UAV-Assisted Condition Monitoring Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, A
628 for ITS(22)
* 3-D Multi-Object Path Planning Method for Electric Vehicle Considering the Energy Consumption and Distance, A
* 3-D Non-Stationary Model for Beyond 5G and 6G Vehicle-to-Vehicle mmWave Massive MIMO Channels, A
* 3D Gradient Reconstruction-Based Path Planning Method for Autonomous Vehicle With Enhanced Roll Stability
* 3D LiDAR Aided GNSS NLOS Mitigation in Urban Canyons
* 3D Multi-Object Tracking in Point Clouds Based on Prediction Confidence-Guided Data Association
* 3D Object Recognition Method From LiDAR Point Cloud Based on USAE-BLS, A
* 3D Search Based Hybrid Optimal Trajectory Planning for Autonomous LHD in Turning Maneuvers
* 3D Vehicle Detection Using Multi-Level Fusion from Point Clouds and Images
* 3DCTN: 3D Convolution-Transformer Network for Point Cloud Classification
* 3M-RL: Multi-Resolution, Multi-Agent, Mean-Field Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous UAV Routing
* 5G V2V Communication With Antenna Selection Based on Context Awareness: Signaling and Performance Study
* A3C-Based Intelligent Event-Triggering Control of Networked Nonlinear Unmanned Marine Vehicles Subject to Hybrid Attacks
* AARGNN: An Attentive Attributed Recurrent Graph Neural Network for Traffic Flow Prediction Considering Multiple Dynamic Factors
* Accelerated Map Matching for GPS Trajectories
* Accelerating at the Edge: A Storage-Elastic Blockchain for Latency-Sensitive Vehicular Edge Computing
* Accurate Object Association and Pose Updating for Semantic SLAM
* Accurate Parking Control for Urban Rail Trains via Robust Adaptive Backstepping Approach
* Accurate, Reproducible and Robust Model to Predict the Rutting of Asphalt Pavement: Neural Networks Coupled With Particle Swarm Optimization, An
* Achieving Real-Time Path Planning in Unknown Environments Through Deep Neural Networks
* Acoustic Cues Increase Situational Awareness in Accident Situations: A VR Car-Driving Study
* Acoustic Modality Based Hybrid Deep 1D CNN-BiLSTM Algorithm for Moving Vehicle Classification
* Acting as a Decision Maker: Traffic-Condition-Aware Ensemble Learning for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Action Recognition Framework in Traffic Scene for Autonomous Driving System
* Action-State Joint Learning-Based Vehicle Taillight Recognition in Diverse Actual Traffic Scenes
* Active Collision Avoidance Strategy Considering Motion Uncertainty of the pedestrian
* AdaPool: A Diurnal-Adaptive Fleet Management Framework Using Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning and Change Point Detection
* AdaptIDS: Adaptive Intrusion Detection for Mission-Critical Aerospace Vehicles
* Adaptive Ant Colony System Based on Variable Range Receding Horizon Control for Berth Allocation Problem, An
* Adaptive Authority Allocation Approach for Shared Steering Control System
* Adaptive Beamforming-Based Gigabit Message Dissemination for Highway VANETs
* Adaptive Clustering-Based Algorithm for Automatic Path Planning of Heterogeneous UAVs, An
* Adaptive Deep Learning for High-Speed Railway Catenary Swivel Clevis Defects Detection
* Adaptive Design of Experiments for Safety Evaluation of Automated Vehicles
* Adaptive Estimation of Vehicle Velocity From Updated Dynamic Model for Control of Anti-Lock Braking System
* Adaptive Event-Triggered Platoon Control Under Unreliable Communication Links
* Adaptive Fusion CNN Features for RGBT Object Tracking
* Adaptive Hybrid Robust Filter for Multi-Sensor Relative Navigation System
* Adaptive Invariant EKF for Map-Aided Localization Using 3D Point Cloud, An
* Adaptive Line-of-Sight Tracking Control for a Tractor-Trailer Vehicle System With Multiple Constraints
* Adaptive Metro Service Schedule and Train Composition With a Proximal Policy Optimization Approach Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive Model Predictive Control-Based Path Following Control for Four-Wheel Independent Drive Automated Vehicles
* Adaptive Parameter Identification of a Fuel Cell System for Health-Conscious Energy Management Applications
* Adaptive Resilient Control for Interconnected Vehicular Platoon With Fault and Saturation
* Adaptive Resource Allocation for Diverse Safety Message Transmissions in Vehicular Networks
* Adaptive Robust Control for Pointing Tracking of Marching Turret-Barrel Systems: Coupling, Nonlinearity and Uncertainty
* Adaptive Short-Temporal Induced Aware Fusion Network for Predicting Attention Regions Like a Driver
* Adaptive Spatiotemporal Dependence Learning for Multi-Mode Transportation Demand Prediction
* Adaptive Staying Point Recognition Algorithm Based on Spatiotemporal Characteristics Using Cellular Signaling Data, An
* Adaptive Steering Torque Coupling Framework Considering Conflict Resolution for Human-Machine Shared Driving
* Adaptive Target Tracking With Interacting Heterogeneous Motion Models
* Adaptive Traffic Signal Control With Deep Reinforcement Learning and High Dimensional Sensory Inputs: Case Study and Comprehensive Sensitivity Analyses
* Adaptive User Experience in the Car: Levels of Adaptivity and Adaptive HMI Design
* ADS-B-Based Spatiotemporal Alignment Network for Airport Video Object Segmentation
* Adversarial Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicles in Lane-Change Scenarios
* Adversarial Reconstruction Based on Tighter Oriented Localization for Catenary Insulator Defect Detection in High-Speed Railways
* Adversarial Sample Attack and Defense Method for Encrypted Traffic Data
* Adversarial Training Lattice LSTM for Named Entity Recognition of Rail Fault Texts
* Advertisement Revenue and Exposure Optimization for Digital Screens in Subway Networks Using Smart Card Data
* AEC3D: An Efficient and Compact Single Stage 3D Multiobject Detector for Autonomous Driving
* AFFIRM: Provably Forward Privacy for Searchable Encryption in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System
* AGBM: An Adaptive Gradient Balanced Mechanism for the End-to-End Steering Estimation
* Age Efficient Optimization in UAV-Aided VEC Network: A Game Theory Viewpoint
* Age of Information Aware UAV Deployment for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Age of Processing-Based Data Offloading for Autonomous Vehicles in MultiRATs Open RAN
* Agile Altering of Road Marking Patterns for Lane Detection Testing
* AGVS: A New Change Detection Dataset for Airport Ground Video Surveillance
* AI Based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Intelligent Transportation System
* AIBM: Accurate and Instant Background Modeling for Moving Object Detection
* AICP: Augmented Informative Cooperative Perception
* Alertness Estimation Using Connection Parameters of the Brain Network
* Algebraic Evaluation Framework for a Class of Car-Following Models, An
* Alleviating Data Sparsity Problems in Estimated Time of Arrival via Auxiliary Metric Learning
* Alleviation of Perceptual Blindness During Driving in Urban Areas Guided by Saccades Recommendation, The
* Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Constrained Iterative LQR in Autonomous Driving
* Analysis and Intelligent Prediction for Displacement of Stratum and Tunnel Lining by Shield Tunnel Excavation in Complex Geological Conditions: A Case Study
* Analysis and Optimization of Urban Public Transport Lines Based on Multiobjective Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization
* Analysis of Classifier Training on Synthetic Data for Cross-Domain Datasets
* Analysis of Driver Gaze Behaviour at Roundabouts, An
* Analysis of MP4 Videos in 5G Using SDN
* Analysis of the Impact of Variable Speed Limits on Environmental Sustainability and Traffic Performance in Urban Networks
* Analysis of the Information Entropy on Traffic Flows
* Analysis of Vehicle Location Prediction Errors for Safety Applications in Cooperative-Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Analytical Calculation and Experimental Verification of Superconducting Electrodynamic Suspension System Using Null-Flux Ground Coils
* Analytical Model of Page Dissemination for Efficient Big Data Transmission of C-ITS, An
* Anchor-Free Lightweight Deep Convolutional Network for Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images, An
* Anda: An Innovative Micro-Location Mobile Ticketing Solution Based on NFC and BLE Technologies
* Anonymous Batch Authentication and Key Exchange Protocols for 6G Enabled VANETs, An
* Anticipative and Predictive Control of Automated Vehicles in Communication-Constrained Connected Mixed Traffic
* Appearance-Based Loop Closure Detection via Locality-Driven Accurate Motion Field Learning
* Application of a Genetic Algorithm With a Fuzzy Objective Function for Optimized Siting of Electric Vehicle Charging Devices in Urban Road Networks
* Application of Data Mining Techniques for the Investigation of Factors Affecting Transportation Enterprises
* Applications of Passive GPS Data to Characterize the Movement of Freight Trucks: A Case Study in the Calgary Region of Canada
* Are We Hungry for 3D LiDAR Data for Semantic Segmentation? A Survey of Datasets and Methods
* ARPLR: An All-Round and Highly Privacy-Preserving Location-Based Routing Scheme for VANETs
* Artificial Intelligence in Railway Transport: Taxonomy, Regulations, and Applications
* Artificial Intelligence-Based Energy Efficient Communication System for Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Driven VANETs
* Artificial-Neural-Network-Based Model for Real-Time Dispatching of Electric Autonomous Taxis, An
* ASAYAR: A Dataset for Arabic-Latin Scene Text Localization in Highway Traffic Panels
* Aspect-Driven User Preference and News Representation Learning for News Recommendation
* Asphalt Pavement Crack Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Infrared Thermography
* Assessing Driving Styles in Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers After Take-Over Conditions in Highly Automated Vehicles
* Assessing Hyperloop Transport Capacity Under Moving-Block and Virtual Coupling Operations
* ATAC-Based Car-Following Model for Level 3 Autonomous Driving Considering Driver's Acceptance
* ATPS: An AI Based Trust-Aware and Privacy-Preserving System for Vehicle Managements in Sustainable VANETs
* Attack Modeling Methodology and Taxonomy for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Attention for Vision-Based Assistive and Automated Driving: A Review of Algorithms and Datasets
* Attention Mechanism With Spatial-Temporal Joint Model for Traffic Flow Speed Prediction
* Attention-Based Digraph Convolution Network Enabled Framework for Congestion Recognition in Three-Dimensional Road Networks, An
* Attention-Based Lane Change and Crash Risk Prediction Model in Highways
* AttGGCN Model: A Novel Multi-Sensor Fault Diagnosis Method for High-Speed Train Bogie
* Augmented Reality Head-Up Display: A Visual Support During Malfunctions in Partially Automated Driving?
* Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme With User Anonymity and Untraceability for 5G-Enabled Softwarized Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
* Automated 3D Road Boundary Extraction and Vectorization Using MLS Point Clouds
* Automated Annotation of Lane Markings Using LIDAR and Odometry
* Automated Detection Framework for Multiple Highway Bottleneck Activations, An
* Automated Ground Vehicle Path-Following: A Robust Energy-to-Peak Control Approach
* Automated Learning Framework With Limited and Cross-Domain Data for Traffic Equipment Detection from Surveillance Videos, An
* Automated Software Defect Detection and Identification in Vehicular Embedded Systems
* Automated Vehicle Path Following: A Non-Quadratic-Lyapunov-Function-Based Model Reference Adaptive Control Approach With C8-Smooth Projection Modification
* Automatic Classification of Pavement Distress Using 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar and Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Clustering for Unsupervised Risk Diagnosis of Vehicle Driving for Smart Road
* Automatic Detection and Counting System for Pavement Cracks Based on PCGAN and YOLO-MF
* Automatic Extrinsic Calibration Method for LiDAR and Camera Sensor Setups
* Automatic Inspection and Evaluation System for Pavement Distress
* Automatic Inverse Analysis of Asphalt Pavement Field Aging Based on System Identification
* Automatic Itinerary Planning Using Triple-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Automatic Lane-Changing Trajectory Planning: From Self-Optimum to Local-Optimum
* Automatic Rail Surface Multi-Flaw Identification Based on a Deep Learning Powered Framework, The
* Automatic Tunnel Crack Inspection Using an Efficient Mobile Imaging Module and a Lightweight CNN
* Automatic Vehicle Avoidance Control Model for Dangerous Lane-Changing Behavior, An
* Automation Aftereffects: The Influence of Automation Duration, Test Track and Timings
* Automotive LiDAR Technology: A Survey
* Automotive Radar-Based Vehicle Tracking Using Data-Region Association
* Autonomous Driving on Curvy Roads Without Reliance on Frenet Frame: A Cartesian-Based Trajectory Planning Method
* Autonomous Driving: A Survey of Technological Gaps Using Google Scholar and Web of Science Trend Analysis
* Autonomous Integrity Monitoring for Vehicular Navigation With Cellular Signals of Opportunity and an IMU
* Autonomous Intersection Crossing With Vehicle Location Uncertainty
* Autonomous Intersection Management for Connected and Automated Vehicles: A Lane-Based Method
* Autonomous Outdoor Scanning via Online Topological and Geometric Path Optimization
* Autonomous Path Planning Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on a Tangent Intersection and Target Guidance Strategy, An
* Autonomous Shape-Variable Crawler: One-Dimensional Displacement Coordination for Constant Upper Frame Posture
* Autonomous UAV-Assisted Distance-Aware Crowd Sensing Platform Using Deep ShuffleNet Transfer Learning, An
* Autonomous Vehicle Cut-In Algorithm for Lane-Merging Scenarios via Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning Nested Within Finite-State Machine
* Autonomous Vehicle Intelligent System: Joint Ride-Sharing and Parcel Delivery Strategy
* AUV-Assisted Subsea Exploration Method in 6G Enabled Deep Ocean Based on a Cooperative Pac-Men Mechanism
* Awareness on Present and Future Trajectory of Vehicle Using Multiple Hypotheses in the Mixed Traffic of Intersection
* Backpressure-Based Distributed Dynamic Route Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles
* BANet: Boundary-Assistant Encoder-Decoder Network for Semantic Segmentation
* BARLD: Barometer-Assisted Road-Layer Detection
* BARNet: Boundary Aware Refinement Network for Crack Detection
* Bayesian Automatic Relevance Determination for Utility Function Specification in Discrete Choice Models
* Bayesian Deep Learning for Aircraft Hard Landing Safety Assessment
* Bayesian Game Based Approach for Associating the Nodes to the Gateway in LoRa Network, A
* Bayesian Kernelized Matrix Factorization for Spatiotemporal Traffic Data Imputation and Kriging
* Bayesian Learning of Occupancy Grids
* Bayesian Path Inference Using Sparse GPS Samples With Spatio-Temporal Constraints
* Bayesian Route Choice Inference to Address Missed Bluetooth Detections
* Behavior2vector: Embedding Users' Personalized Travel Behavior to Vector
* BERT-Based Deep Spatial-Temporal Network for Taxi Demand Prediction
* BETA: Beacon-Based Traffic-Aware Routing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Better, Faster Small Hazard Detection: Instance-Aware Techniques, Metrics and Benchmarking
* Beyond Crack: Fine-Grained Pavement Defect Segmentation Using Three-Stream Neural Networks
* bi-Hierarchical Game-Theoretic Approach for Network-Wide Traffic Signal Control Using Trip-Based Data, A
* Bi-Objective Colored Traveling Salesman Problems
* Bi-Objective Optimization for Integrated Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Assignment With Preventive Maintenance Activities, A
* Bibliometric Analysis of IEEE T-ITS Literature Between 2010 and 2019, A
* Bibliometric Overview of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2000-2021), A
* Bid Generation Problem in Truckload Transportation Service Procurement Considering Multiple Periods and Uncertainty: Model and Benders Decomposition Approach, A
* Bidirectional Posture-Appearance Interaction Network for Driver Behavior Recognition
* Bidirectional Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication System Based on VLC: Outdoor Tests and Performance Analysis
* Big Data Driven Vessel Trajectory and Navigating State Prediction With Adaptive Learning, Motion Modeling and Particle Filtering Techniques
* Bilevel Optimization for Bunching Mitigation and Eco-Driving of Electric Bus Lines
* BLF-Based Neuroadaptive Fault-Tolerant Control for Nonlinear Vehicular Platoon With Time-Varying Fault Directions and Distance Restrictions
* Blockchain in Big Data Security for Intelligent Transportation With 6G
* Blockchain in Digital Twins-Based Vehicle Management in VANETs
* Blockchain-Based Emergency Message Transmission Protocol for Cooperative VANET, A
* Blockchain-Based Multi-Access Edge Computing for Future Vehicular Networks: A Deep Compressed Neural Network Approach
* Blockchain-Based Privacy-Preserving and Sustainable Data Query Service Over 5G-VANETs
* Blockchain-Based Secure Communication of Intelligent Transportation Digital Twins System
* Blockchain-Enabled Conditional Decentralized Vehicular Crowdsensing System
* Blockchain-Guided Dynamic Best-Relay Selection for Trustworthy Vehicular Communication
* Blockchain-Integrated Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Securing Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
* BM-DDPG: An Integrated Dispatching Framework for Ride-Hailing Systems
* Boarding Time Estimation Using the Passenger Density Distribution on the Bus
* Boosted Genetic Algorithm Using Machine Learning for Traffic Control Optimization
* BoundaryNet: Extraction and Completion of Road Boundaries With Deep Learning Using Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds and Satellite Imagery
* Bounds of Improvements Toward Real-Time Forecast of Multi-Scenario Train Delays, The
* BR-GAN: A Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Model Combined With Behavior Recognition
* BRB-Based Effective Fault Diagnosis Model for High-Speed Trains Running Gear Systems, A
* Buoy Light Pattern Classification for Autonomous Ship Navigation Using Recurrent Neural Networks
* Bus Headways Analysis for Anomaly Detection
* BVP: Balanced Vehicular Pairing for Fair Resource Distribution in Downlink NOMA
* C2FDA: Coarse-to-Fine Domain Adaptation for Traffic Object Detection
* CACrowdGAN: Cascaded Attentional Generative Adversarial Network for Crowd Counting
* Calibrating and Comparing Autonomous Braking Systems in Motorized-to-Non-Motorized-Vehicle Conflict Scenarios
* Camera-LIDAR Integration: Probabilistic Sensor Fusion for Semantic Mapping
* Can AI Abuse Personal Information in an EV Fast-Charging Market?
* Capacitated Air/Rail Hub Location Problem With Uncertainty: A Model, Efficient Solution Algorithm, and Case Study
* Capitalizing on RGB-FIR Hybrid Imaging for Road Detection
* Caption Generation From Road Images for Traffic Scene Modeling
* Car-Following Model for Connected and Automated Vehicles With Heterogeneous Time Delays Under Fixed and Switching Communication Topologies, A
* CARE-Share: A Cooperative and Adaptive Strategy for Distributed Taxi Ride Sharing
* Cascading Failure in Multiple Critical Infrastructure Interdependent Networks of Syncretic Railway System
* CatETA: A Categorical Approximate Approach for Estimating Time of Arrival
* Causal Temporal-Spatial Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction With Goal Point Estimation and Contextual Interaction
* CBi-GNN: Cross-Scale Bilateral Graph Neural Network for 3D Object Detection
* CCapFPN: A Context-Augmented Capsule Feature Pyramid Network for Pavement Crack Detection
* CCIBA*: An Improved BA* Based Collaborative Coverage Path Planning Method for Multiple Unmanned Surface Mapping Vehicles
* Cell Edge User Capacity-Coverage Reliability Tradeoff for 5G-R Systems With Overlapped Linear Coverage
* CenterNet3D: An Anchor Free Object Detector for Point Cloud
* CFAR-Based Interference Mitigation for FMCW Automotive Radar Systems
* CFC-GAN: Forecasting Road Surface Crack Using Forecasted Crack Generative Adversarial Network
* Change Point Models for Real-Time Cyber Attack Detection in Connected Vehicle Environment
* Characterization of Mobility Patterns With a Hierarchical Clustering of Origin-Destination GPS Taxi Data
* Characterizing Ride Quality With a Composite Roughness Index
* Charging-Expense Minimization Through Assignment Rescheduling of Movable Charging Stations in Electric Vehicle Networks
* ChaseMe: A Heuristic Scheme for Electric Vehicles Mobility Management on Charging Stations in a Smart City Scenario
* CL3D: Camera-LiDAR 3D Object Detection With Point Feature Enhancement and Point-Guided Fusion
* Click Fraud Detection of Online Advertising: LSH Based Tensor Recovery Mechanism
* Cloud-Assisted Collaborative Road Information Discovery With Gaussian Process: Application to Road Profile Estimation
* Clustered Vehicular Federated Learning: Process and Optimization
* Clustering-Based Coverage Path Planning Method for Autonomous Heterogeneous UAVs, A
* Clustering-Based Optimization Method for the Driving Cycle Construction: A Case Study in Fuzhou and Putian, China, A
* CMAN: Leaning Global Structure Correlation for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* CoDriver ETA: Combine Driver Information in Estimated Time of Arrival by Driving Style Learning Auxiliary Task
* Cognitive Computational Model of Driver Warning Response Performance in Connected Vehicle Systems, A
* Collaborative Truck-Drone Routing for Contactless Parcel Delivery During the Epidemic
* Collision Avoidance Predictive Motion Planning Based on Integrated Perception and V2V Communication
* Combined Control of Freeway Traffic Involving Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Controlled and Human Driven Vehicles Using Feedback Control Through SUMO
* Combined Eco-Routing and Power-Train Control of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Transportation Networks
* Combined Longitudinal and Lateral Control for Heterogeneous Nodes in Mixed Vehicle Platoon Under V2I Communication
* Combining Decision Making and Trajectory Planning for Lane Changing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Combining Individual Travel Preferences Into Destination Prediction: A Multi-Module Deep Learning Network
* Comments on A Secure and Lightweight Drones-Access Protocol for Smart City Surveillance
* Communication Quality Prediction for Internet of Vehicle (IoV) Networks: An Elman Approach
* Communication-Constrained Routing and Traffic Control: A Framework for Infrastructure-Assisted Autonomous Vehicles
* Compact Vehicle Driver Fatigue Recognition Technology Based on EEG Signal
* Comparative Analysis of a Vehicular Safety Application in NS-3 and Veins
* Comparative Analysis of LiDAR SLAM-Based Indoor Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Comparative Analysis of Vehicle-Based and Driver-Based Features for Driver Drowsiness Monitoring by Support Vector Machines
* Comparative Safety Assessment of Automated Driving Strategies at Highway Merges in Mixed Traffic
* Comparing Roundabouts and Signalized Intersections Through Multiple- Model Simulation
* Comparing the Observable Response Times of ACC and CACC Systems
* Comparison and Evaluation of Algorithms for LiDAR-Based Contour Estimation in Integrated Vehicle Safety
* Comparison of Cooperative Driving Strategies for CAVs at Signal-Free Intersections
* Compensating for Local Ambiguity With Encoder-Decoder in Urban Scene Segmentation
* Compensation-Based Cooperative MFAILC for Multiple Subway Trains Under Asynchronous Data Dropouts
* Complementing Location-Based Social Network Data With Mobility Data: A Pattern-Based Approach
* Complete DC Trolleybus Grid Model With Bilateral Connections, Feeder Cables, and Bus Auxiliaries, A
* Composite Adaptive Anti-Disturbance Fault Tolerant Control of High-Speed Trains With Multiple Disturbances
* Composite Travel Generative Adversarial Networks for Tabular and Sequential Population Synthesis
* Comprehensive Game-Theoretic Model for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Competition, A
* Comprehensive Resilient Control Strategy for CBTC Systems Through Train-to-Train Communications Under Malicious Attacks, A
* Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning-Based 3D Point Cloud Completion Processing and Analysis
* Comprehensive Safety Evaluation of Highly Automated Vehicles at the Roundabout Scenario
* Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in MEC-Enabled Integrated Aerial-Terrestrial Vehicular Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Computation Offloading and Service Caching for Intelligent Transportation Systems With Digital Twin
* Computation Resource Configuration With Adaptive QoS Requirements for Vehicular Edge Computing: A Fluid-Model Based Approach
* Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Eco-Driving Over Long Look-Ahead Horizons
* Computationally Efficient Dynamic Traffic Optimization of Railway Systems
* Computing on Wheels: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach
* Concurrent Optimization of Subway Vertical Alignments and Station Elevations With Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Condition-Based Maintenance for Traction Power Supply Equipment Based on Partially Observable Markov Decision Process
* Conditional DQN-Based Motion Planning With Fuzzy Logic for Autonomous Driving
* Confidence-and-Refinement Adaptation Model for Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation
* Confidence-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Self-Driving Cars
* Conflict-Free Cooperation Method for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections: Graph-Based Modeling and Optimality Analysis
* Congested Urban Networks Tend to Be Insensitive to Signal Settings: Implications for Learning-Based Control
* Congestion-Aware Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Mitigation of Self-Organized Traffic Jams
* Consortium Blockchain-Based Computation Offloading Using Mobile Edge Platoon Cloud in Internet of Vehicles
* Constrained Model Free Adaptive Predictive Perimeter Control and Route Guidance for Multi-Region Urban Traffic Systems
* Constrained Spatial Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for Trajectory Tracking of High Speed Train
* Constructing Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems for Travel Time Prediction With Deep Learning Approaches
* Context-Aware 3D Object Detection From a Single Image in Autonomous Driving
* Context-Aware Dynamic Feature Extraction for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
* Context-Aware Taxi Dispatching at City-Scale Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Continual BatchNorm Adaptation (CBNA) for Semantic Segmentation
* Continuous and Discrete Analysis of Local Stability for Car-Following Model With Speed-Based Desired-Headway
* Continuous Emulation and Multiscale Visualization of Traffic Flow Using Stationary Roadside Sensor Data
* Continuous Finger Gesture Spotting and Recognition Based on Similarities Between Start and End Frames
* ConTrack Distress Dataset: A Continuous Observation for Pavement Deterioration Spatio-Temporal Analysis
* Control Algorithm of an Idle Stop and Go System With Traffic Conditions for Hybrid Electric Vehicles, A
* Controllable Path Planning and Traffic Scheduling for Emergency Services in the Internet of Vehicles
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control With Unconnected Vehicle in the Loop
* Cooperative Caching Scheme for VCCN With Mobility Prediction and Consistent Hashing, A
* Cooperative Critical Turning Point-Based Decision-Making and Planning for CAVH Intersection Management System
* Cooperative Decision Making of Connected Automated Vehicles at Multi-Lane Merging Zone: A Coalitional Game Approach
* Cooperative Exchange-Based Platooning Using Predicted Fuel-Optimal Operation of Heavy-Duty Vehicles
* Cooperative Formation of Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Flow: Beyond Platooning
* Cooperative Game-Based Driver Assistance Control for Vehicles Suffering Actuator Faults
* Cooperative Localization With Constraint Satisfaction Problem in 5G Vehicular Networks
* Cooperative Merging Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles Based on Game Theory With Transferable Utility, A
* Cooperative Optimal Control of the Following Operation of High-Speed Trains
* Cooperative Package Assignment for Heterogeneous Express Stations
* Cooperative Perception for 3D Object Detection in Driving Scenarios Using Infrastructure Sensors
* Cooperative Perception for Estimating and Predicting Microscopic Traffic States to Manage Connected and Automated Traffic
* Cooperative Power Split Optimization for a Group of Intelligent Electric Vehicles Travelling on a Highway With Varying Slopes
* Cooperative Ramp Merging Design and Field Implementation: A Digital Twin Approach Based on Vehicle-to-Cloud Communication
* Cooperative Space Distribution Method for Autonomous Vehicles at A Lane-Drop Bottleneck on Multi-Lane Freeways, A
* Cooperative Spacing Sampled Control of Vehicle Platoon Considering Undirected Topology and Analog Fading Networks
* Cooperative Time and Energy-Optimal Lane Change Maneuvers for Connected Automated Vehicles
* Coordinated Arterial Dilemma Zone Protection Through Dynamic Signal Timing Optimization
* Coordinated Charge and Discharge Scheduling of Electric Vehicles for Load Curve Shaping
* Coordinated Cognitive Risk Control for Bridging Vehicular Radar and Communication Systems
* Coordinated Control Model for Oversaturated Arterial Intersections
* Coordinated Time-Varying Low Gain Feedback Control of High-Speed Trains Under a Delayed Communication Network
* Coordinating Vehicle Platoons for Highway Bottleneck Decongestion and Throughput Improvement
* Coordination Control Strategy for Human-Machine Cooperative Steering of Intelligent Vehicles: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Correlated Chained Gaussian Processes for Modelling Citizens Mobility Using a Zero-Inflated Poisson Likelihood
* Cost-Effectiveness Oriented Intelligent Maintenance Scheduling Optimization for Traction Power Supply System of High-Speed Railway
* Coverage Analysis and Chance-Constrained Optimization for HSR Communications With Carrier Aggregation
* Coverage Analysis of mmWave and THz-Enabled Aerial and Terrestrial Heterogeneous Networks
* Covert Wireless Communication With Noise Uncertainty in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks
* Crack Detection Algorithm for Concrete Pavement Based on Attention Mechanism and Multi-Features Fusion, A
* CrackW-Net: A Novel Pavement Crack Image Segmentation Convolutional Neural Network
* Crash Risk Estimation Due to Lane Changing: A Data-Driven Approach Using Naturalistic Data
* Crash Risks Evaluation of Urban Expressways: A Case Study in Shanghai
* Creating Semantic HD Maps From Aerial Imagery and Aggregated Vehicle Telemetry for Autonomous Vehicles
* Cross-Area Travel Time Uncertainty Estimation From Trajectory Data: A Federated Learning Approach
* Cross-Modal 360° Depth Completion and Reconstruction for Large-Scale Indoor Environment
* Cross-Regional Transmission Control for Satellite Network-Assisted Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Crossing or Not? Context-Based Recognition of Pedestrian Crossing Intention in the Urban Environment
* Crowd Counting via Segmentation Guided Attention Networks and Curriculum Loss
* Crowdsourcing-Based Road Surface Evaluation and Indexing
* CSG: Classifier-Aware Defense Strategy Based on Compressive Sensing and Generative Networks for Visual Recognition in Autonomous Vehicle Systems
* CTD: Cascaded Temporal Difference Learning for the Mean-Standard Deviation Shortest Path Problem
* CTTE: Customized Travel Time Estimation via Mobile Crowdsensing
* CUFuse: Camera and Ultrasound Data Fusion for Rail Defect Detection
* Cumulative Flow Diagram Estimation and Prediction Based on Sampled Vehicle Trajectories at Signalized Intersections
* CurveCluster+: Curve Clustering for Hard Landing Pattern Recognition and Risk Evaluation Based on Flight Data
* Curved Alleyway Understanding Based on Monocular Vision in Street Scenes
* Cyber Traffic Light: Safe Cooperation for Autonomous Vehicles at Dynamic Intersections
* Cycle-SNSPGAN: Towards Real-World Image Dehazing via Cycle Spectral Normalized Soft Likelihood Estimation Patch GAN
* D-LSTM: Short-Term Road Traffic Speed Prediction Model Based on GPS Positioning Data
* DADA: Driver Attention Prediction in Driving Accident Scenarios
* Data Analysis for Dynamics of Cooperative Bridge-Vehicle System Considering Pavement Roughness and Separation
* Data Analysis in Pavement Engineering: An Overview
* Data Augmentation and Intelligent Recognition in Pavement Texture Using a Deep Learning
* Data Augmented Deep Behavioral Cloning for Urban Traffic Control Operations Under a Parallel Learning Framework
* Data Driven Performance Analysis Approach for Enhancing the QoS of Public Charging Stations, A
* Data Fusion Powered Bi-Directional Long Short Term Memory Model for Predicting Multi-Lane Short Term Traffic Flow, A
* Data Rate Reduction for Video Streams in Teleoperated Driving
* Data-Driven Approach for Electric Bus Energy Consumption Estimation, A
* Data-Driven Event-Triggered Cooperative Control for Multiple Subway Trains With Switching Topologies
* Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis for Traction Systems in High-Speed Trains: A Survey, Challenges, and Perspectives
* Data-Driven Flexible Vehicle Scheduling and Route Optimization
* Data-Driven Modeling for Transferable Sea State Estimation Between Marine Systems
* Data-Driven Modeling of Aircraft Midair Separation Violation
* Data-Driven Models Support a Vision for Over-the-Air Vehicle Emission Inspections
* Data-Driven Optimization for Dynamic Shortest Path Problem Considering Traffic Safety
* Data-Driven Tire Capacity Estimation With Experimental Verification
* DCGCR: Dynamic Clustering Green Communication Routing for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* DDoS Mitigation Based on Space-Time Flow Regularities in IoV: A Feature Adaption Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Decentralized and Coordinated Routing Algorithm for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Decentralized Equilibrium Seeking of Joint Routing and Destination Planning of Electric Vehicles: A Constrained Aggregative Game Approach
* Decentralized Multi-Agent Path Finding for UAV Traffic Management
* Decentralized Optimal Merging Control With Optimization of Energy Consumption for Connected Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Decentralized Quality of Service Based System for Energy Trading Among Electric Vehicles
* Decentralized Ride-Sharing and Vehicle-Pooling Based on Fair Cost-Sharing Mechanisms
* Decentralized Trust Management System for Intelligent Transportation Environments, A
* Decision Making for Connected Automated Vehicles at Urban Intersections Considering Social and Individual Benefits
* Decision Support Models for Predicting and Explaining Airport Passenger Connectivity From Data
* Decision-Making Method of Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Environments Considering Traffic Laws
* Decomposition-Based Heuristic Method for Inventory Routing Problem, A
* Deep CNN, Body Pose, and Body-Object Interaction Features for Drivers' Activity Monitoring
* Deep Correlation Filter Tracking With Shepherded Instance-Aware Proposals
* Deep Crash Detection From Vehicular Sensor Data With Multimodal Self-Supervision
* Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for High-Speed Train Trajectory Optimization
* Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient to Minimize the Age of Information in Cellular V2X Communications
* Deep Direct Visual Odometry
* Deep Graph Gaussian Processes for Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting From Spatiotemporal Data
* Deep Illumination-Aware Dehazing With Low-Light and Detail Enhancement
* Deep Learning Approach for Flight Delay Prediction Through Time-Evolving Graphs, A
* Deep Learning Approach for LiDAR Resolution-Agnostic Object Detection, A
* Deep Learning Approach to Detect Real-Time Vehicle Maneuvers Based on Smartphone Sensors, A
* Deep Learning Channel Estimation Based on Edge Intelligence for NR-V2I
* Deep Learning for Image and Point Cloud Fusion in Autonomous Driving: A Review
* Deep Learning for Road Traffic Forecasting: Does it Make a Difference?
* Deep Learning for Security in Digital Twins of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Deep Learning for Visual Tracking: A Comprehensive Survey
* Deep Learning Framework for Robust and Real-Time Taillight Detection Under Various Road Conditions, A
* Deep Learning in Lane Marking Detection: A Survey
* Deep Learning Method for Pavement Crack Identification Based on Limited Field Images, A
* Deep Learning on Traffic Prediction: Methods, Analysis, and Future Directions
* Deep Learning-Based Incorporation of Planar Constraints for Robust Stereo Depth Estimation in Autonomous Vehicle Applications
* Deep Learning-Based Vehicle Behavior Prediction for Autonomous Driving Applications: A Review
* Deep Multi-Branch Aggregation Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation in Street Scenes
* Deep Neural Network Heuristic Hierarchization for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Fleet Management
* Deep Progressive Fusion Stereo Network
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Airport Departure Metering Under Spatial-Temporal Airside Interactions, A
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Traffic Signal Control With Temporal Traffic Pattern Mining, A
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Computation and Communication Resource Allocation in Multiaccess MEC Assisted Railway IoT Networks
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows
* Deep Reinforcement Learning With Graph Representation for Vehicle Repositioning
* Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Resource Management Game in Vehicular Edge Computing, A
* Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Light Scheduling Framework for SDN-Enabled Smart Transportation System
* Deep RL-Based Algorithm for Coordinated Charging of Electric Vehicles, A
* Deep Trident Decomposition Network for Single License Plate Image Glare Removal
* Deep Unsupervised Learning Approach for Airspace Complexity Evaluation, A
* DeepSuite: A Test Suite Optimizer for Autonomous Vehicles
* DeepTrack: Lightweight Deep Learning for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction in Highways
* DeFLoc: Deep Learning Assisted Indoor Vehicle Localization Atop FM Fingerprint Map
* DEFNet: Dual-Branch Enhanced Feature Fusion Network for RGB-T Crowd Counting
* Delay-Aware Content Delivery With Deep Reinforcement Learning in Internet of Vehicles
* Delegating Authentication to Edge: A Decentralized Authentication Architecture for Vehicular Networks
* Dense Traffic Detection at Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings
* Deployment of Charging Stations for Drone Delivery Assisted by Public Transportation Vehicles
* Deployment Optimization for Shared e-Mobility Systems With Multi-Agent Deep Neural Search
* Depth-Guided Progressive Network for Object Detection
* Design and Analysis of Longitudinal Controller for the Platoon With Time-Varying Delay
* Design and Analysis of Secure Distributed Estimator for Vehicular Platooning in Adversarial Environment
* Design and Performance Analysis of Intra-Vehicle VLC System With Random Receiver Orientation
* Design of an Acceleration Redistribution Cooperative Strategy for Collision Avoidance System Based on Dynamic Weighted Multi-Objective Model Predictive Controller
* Design of Platooning Controllers That Achieve Collision Avoidance by External Positivity
* Design of V2X-Based Vehicular Contents Centric Networks for Autonomous Driving
* Destination Prediction Based on Virtual POI Docks in Dockless Bike-Sharing System
* Detecting 32 Pedestrian Attributes for Autonomous Vehicles
* Detecting Changes in the Spatiotemporal Pattern of Bike Sharing: A Change-Point Topic Model
* Detecting Driver Cognition Alertness State From Visual Activities in Normal and Emergency Scenarios
* Detecting Driver Sleepiness Using Consumer Wearable Devices in Manual and Partial Automated Real-Road Driving
* Detecting Taxi Trajectory Anomaly Based on Spatio-Temporal Relations
* Detecting the Demand Changes of Bike Sharing: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach
* Detecting Undeclared-Leader-Follower Structure in Pedestrian Evacuation Using Transfer Entropy
* Detection and Isolation of Sensor Attacks for Autonomous Vehicles: Framework, Algorithms, and Validation
* Detection and Isolation of Wheelset Intermittent Over-Creeps for Electric Multiple Units Based on a Weighted Moving Average Technique
* Detection for Rail Surface Defects via Partitioned Edge Feature
* Detection Method for Pavement Cracks Combining Object Detection and Attention Mechanism, A
* Detection of Collision-Prone Vehicle Behavior at Intersections Using Siamese Interaction LSTM
* Detection of False Data Injection Attack in Connected and Automated Vehicles via Cloud-Based Sandboxing
* Detection of Localization Failures Using Markov Random Fields With Fully Connected Latent Variables for Safe LiDAR-Based Automated Driving
* Detection of Road Surface Anomaly Using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing
* Detection of Stop Sign Violations From Dashcam Data
* Detection of Train Driver Fatigue and Distraction Based on Forehead EEG: A Time-Series Ensemble Learning Method
* Deterministic Optimality for Robust Vehicle Localization Using Visual Measurements
* DeTTO: Dependency-Aware Trustworthy Task Offloading in Vehicular IoT
* Development of a Reliable Method for General Aviation Flight Phase Identification
* Development of a Robust Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control With Dynamic Topology
* Development of a Safety Prediction Method for Arterial Roads Based on Big-Data Technology and Stacked AutoEncoder-Gated Recurrent Unit
* Development of Collision Avoidance System in Slippery Road Conditions
* Development of Economic Velocity Planning Algorithm for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
* Development of Planning-Level Guidelines for Deploying Transit Signal Priority
* Deviation Point Curriculum Learning for Trajectory Outlier Detection in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems
* Devil is in the Details: An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Transport Mode Detection, The
* DevNet: Deviation Aware Network for Lane Detection
* DFR-TSD: A Deep Learning Based Framework for Robust Traffic Sign Detection Under Challenging Weather Conditions
* Differential Impact of Autonomous Vehicle Malfunctions on Human Trust
* Differentially Private Tripartite Intelligent Matching Against Inference Attacks in Ride-Sharing Services
* Digital Twin Consensus for Blockchain-Enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems in Smart Cities
* Digital Twin System of Bridges Group Based on Machine Vision Fusion Monitoring of Bridge Traffic Load
* Digital Twin-Driven Vehicular Task Offloading and IRS Configuration in the Internet of Vehicles
* Digital Twins in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Rapid Medical Resource Delivery in Epidemics
* Digital Twins-Based Automated Pilot for Energy-Efficiency Assessment of Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure
* Digital Video Manipulation Detection Technique Based on Compression Algorithms
* Direct Imaging of Stabilized Optical Flow and Possible Anomalies From Moving Vehicle
* Discovering Implicit Working Pace of Online Ride-Hailing Drivers: An Exploratory Study
* Discretization-Free Particle-Based Taxi Dispatch Methods With Network Flow Decomposition
* Disengagement Cause-and-Effect Relationships Extraction Using an NLP Pipeline
* Dislocation Detection of Shield Tunnel Based on Dense Cross-Sectional Point Clouds
* Disparity-Based Multiscale Fusion Network for Transportation Detection
* Displacement-Aware Service Endowment Scheme for Improving Intelligent Transportation Systems Data Exchange
* Displaying the Driving State of Automated Vehicles to Other Road Users: An International, Virtual Reality-Based Study as a First Step for the Harmonized Regulations of Novel Signaling Devices
* Dissipative Sampled-Data Control for High-Speed Train Systems With Quantized Measurements
* Distracted Driver Detection Based on a CNN With Decreasing Filter Size
* Distributed Adaptive Consensus Protocol for Connected Vehicle Platoon With Heterogeneous Time-Varying Delays and Switching Topologies
* Distributed Car-Following Control for Intelligent Connected Vehicle Using Improved Super-Twisting Compensator Subject to Sudden Velocity Changes of Leading Vehicle
* Distributed Consensus Control of Vehicular Platooning Under Delay, Packet Dropout and Noise: Relative State and Relative Input-Output Control Strategies
* Distributed Control for an Urban Traffic Network
* Distributed Cooperative Surrounding Control for Mobile Robots With Uncertainties and Aperiodic Sampling
* Distributed Dynamic Route Guidance and Signal Control for Mobile Edge Computing-Enhanced Connected Vehicle Environment
* Distributed Finite-Time Fault-Tolerant Control for Heterogeneous Vehicular Platoon With Saturation
* Distributed Gradient Approach for System Optimal Dynamic Traffic Assignment, A
* Distributed H8 Controller Design and Robustness Analysis for Vehicle Platooning Under Random Packet Drop
* Distributed Integrated Sliding Mode Control for Vehicle Platoons Based on Disturbance Observer and Multi Power Reaching Law
* Distributed Kuramoto Self-Synchronization of Vehicle Speed Trajectories in Traffic Networks
* Distributed Maneuver Planning With Connected and Automated Vehicles for Boosting Traffic Efficiency
* Distributed Model Predictive Control for Vehicle Platoon With Mixed Disturbances and Model Uncertainties
* Distributed Model-Free Algorithm for Multi-Hop Ride-Sharing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* Distributed Motion Planning for Safe Autonomous Vehicle Overtaking via Artificial Potential Field
* Distributed MPC for Large Freeway Networks Using Alternating Optimization
* Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning With Graph Decomposition Approach for Large-Scale Adaptive Traffic Signal Control, A
* Distributed Offloading for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Under Heterogeneous Networks
* Distributed Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Human-Leading Heavy-Duty Truck Platoon
* Distributed Stochastic Model Predictive Control With Taguchi's Robustness for Vehicle Platooning
* Distributed Trajectory Optimization and Sliding Mode Control of Heterogenous Vehicular Platoons
* Distribution Path Optimization for Intelligent Logistics Vehicles of Urban Rail Transportation Using VRP Optimization Model
* Diverse Ensemble Deep Learning Method for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Spatiotemporal Correlations, A
* DMA-Net: DeepLab With Multi-Scale Attention for Pavement Crack Segmentation
* DMRVisNet: Deep Multihead Regression Network for Pixel-Wise Visibility Estimation Under Foggy Weather
* DNN-Based Approach to Mitigate Multipath Errors of Differential GNSS Reference Stations
* DNN-Based Channel Model for Network Planning in Train Control Systems, A
* DQ-GAT: Towards Safe and Efficient Autonomous Driving With Deep Q-Learning and Graph Attention Networks
* Drivable Dirt Road Region Identification Using Image and Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Fusion
* Driver Distraction Detection Based on the True Driver's Focus of Attention
* Driver Distraction Detection Using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Network Based on Multiscale Entropy of EEG
* Driver Distraction Detection Using Octave-Like Convolutional Neural Network
* Driver Glance Behavior Modeling Based on Semi-Supervised Clustering and Piecewise Aggregate Representation
* Driver Identification and Verification From Smartphone Accelerometers Using Deep Neural Networks
* Driver Identification Through Formal Methods
* Driver Identification Through Heterogeneity Modeling in Car-Following Sequences
* Driver Mental Fatigue Detection Based on Head Posture Using New Modified reLU-BiLSTM Deep Neural Network
* Driver State Monitoring: Manipulating Reliability Expectations in Simulated Automated Driving Scenarios
* Driver's Individual Risk Perception-Based Trajectory Planning: A Human-Like Method
* Drivers Learn City-Scale Intra-Daily Dynamic Equilibrium
* Driving Authority Allocation Strategy Based on Driving Authority Real-Time Allocation Domain
* Driving Behavior Analysis Guidelines for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Driving Behavior Identification and Real-World Fuel Consumption Estimation With Crowdsensing Data
* Driving Behavior Modeling Using Naturalistic Human Driving Data With Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Driving Event Recognition of Battery Electric Taxi Based on Big Data Analysis
* Driving Risk Assessment Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization With Driving Behavior Records
* Driving Stress Estimation in Physiological Signals Based on Hierarchical Clustering and Multi-View Intact Space Learning
* Drone Scheduling Problem: A Systematic State-of-the-Art Review, The
* DroneTalk: An Internet-of-Things-Based Drone System for Last-Mile Drone Delivery
* DSRC-Enabled Train Safety Communication System at Unmanned Crossings
* Du-Bus: A Realtime Bus Waiting Time Estimation System Based On Multi-Source Data
* Dual Distributed Optimal Energy Management Method for Distribution Grids With Electric Vehicles, A
* Dual Domain Multi-Task Model for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Dual Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolution Network for Traffic Prediction
* Dual-Population Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Multi-Objective Location Problem Under Uncertainty of Facilities, A
* DUEL: Dempster Uncertainty-Based Enhanced- Trust Level Scheme for VANET
* Dynamic and Scalable User-Centric Route Planning Algorithm Based on Polychromatic Sets Theory, A
* Dynamic Colored Traveling Salesman Problem With Varying Edge Weights, A
* Dynamic Conditional Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving
* Dynamic Crowd Accident-Risk Assessment Based on Internal Energy and Information Entropy for Large-Scale Crowd Flow Considering COVID-19 Epidemic
* Dynamic Deep Reinforcement Learning-Bayesian Framework for Anomaly Detection, A
* Dynamic Differential Pricing of High-Speed Railway Based on Improved GBDT Train Classification and Bootstrap Time Node Determination
* Dynamic Discrimination Pricing and Freelance Drivers to Rebalance Mixed-Fleet Carsharing Systems
* Dynamic Driving Risk Potential Field Model Under the Connected and Automated Vehicles Environment and Its Application in Car-Following Modeling
* Dynamic Graph Convolution Network for Traffic Forecasting Based on Latent Network of Laplace Matrix Estimation
* Dynamic Hybrid Choice Model to Quantify Stress in a Simulated Driving Environment, A
* Dynamic Lane-Changing Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Based on Discrete Global Trajectory
* Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Electric Scooter Interactions With a Pedestrian Crowd Using a Social Force Model
* Dynamic Multi-Bus Dispatching Strategy With Boarding and Holding Control for Passenger Delay Alleviation and Schedule Reliability: A Combined Dispatching-Operation System
* Dynamic Multiline Vehicle Dispatching Strategy in Transit Operations
* Dynamic Multitarget Detection Algorithm of Voxel Point Cloud Fusion Based on PointRCNN
* Dynamic Optimal Battery Swapping Mechanism for Electric Vehicles Using an LSTM-Based Rolling Horizon Approach, A
* Dynamic Order Dispatching With Multiobjective Reward Learning
* Dynamic Origin-Destination Prediction in Urban Rail Systems: A Multi-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning Approach
* Dynamic Pricing for Differentiated PEV Charging Services Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Dynamic Pricing for Intelligent Transportation System in the 6G Unlicensed Band
* Dynamic Pricing Mechanism Design for Electric Mobility-on-Demand Systems
* Dynamic Pyramid Tilling Method for Traffic Data Stream Based on Flink, A
* Dynamic Responses of Ballastless High-Speed Railway Due to Train Passage With Excitation of Uneven Trackbed Settlement
* Dynamic Ridesplitting Method With Potential Pick-Up Probability Based on GPS Trajectories, A
* Dynamic Robustness Analysis of a Two-Layer Rail Transit Network Model
* Dynamic Rolling Horizon Scheduling of Waterborne AGVs for Inter Terminal Transportation: Mathematical Modeling and Heuristic Solution
* Dynamic Scheduling, Operation Control and Their Integration in High-Speed Railways: A Review of Recent Research
* Dynamic Sensitivity Model for Unidirectional Pedestrian Flow With Overtaking Behaviour and Its Application on Social Distancing's Impact During COVID-19, A
* Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Early Anticipation of Traffic Accidents, A
* Dynamic V2I/V2V Cooperative Scheme for Connectivity and Throughput Enhancement
* Dynamic Virtual Resource Allocation Mechanism for Survivable Services in Emerging NFV-Enabled Vehicular Networks
* Dynamics and Processes in Operations Control Centers in Urban Public Transport: Potentials for Improvement
* Eco-Driving Control Architecture for Platoons of Uncertain Heterogeneous Nonlinear Connected Autonomous Electric Vehicles
* Eco-Driving Strategy for Partially Connected Automated Vehicles at a Signalized Intersection, An
* Eco-Driving: A Scientometric and Bibliometric Analysis
* Eco-Mobility-on-Demand Fleet Control With Ride-Sharing
* Edge YOLO: Real-Time Intelligent Object Detection System Based on Edge-Cloud Cooperation in Autonomous Vehicles
* Edge-Cooperative Privacy-Preserving Object Detection Over Random Point Cloud Shares for Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Editorial Introduction to Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving
* Editorial Special Issue on AI Innovations in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Effect of Routing Constraints on Learning Efficiency of Destination Recommender Systems in Mobility-on-Demand Services
* Effect of the Uncertainty Level of Vehicle-Position Information on the Stability and Safety of the Car-Following Process
* Effective Intrusion Detection and Prevention for the Commercial Vehicle SAE J1939 CAN Bus
* Effectiveness of a Driver Assistance System With Deceleration Control and Brake Hold Functions in Stop Sign Intersection Scenarios
* Effectiveness of Alert Sounds for Electric Vehicles Based on Pedestrians' Perception, The
* Effects of Dynamic Visual Stimuli on the Development of Carsickness in Real Driving
* Effects of Exterior Lighting System of Parked Vehicles on the Behaviors of Cyclists
* Effects of Multisensory Distractor Interference on Attentional Driving
* Effects of Non-Driving Related Tasks During Self-Driving Mode
* Effects of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Reliability on Performance of Signalized Intersection Traffic Control, The
* Efficient Algorithm for Maximum Trajectory Coverage Query With Approximation Guarantee, An
* Efficient and Accurate Tightly-Coupled Visual-Lidar SLAM
* Efficient and Adaptable Patch-Based Crack Detection
* Efficient and Anonymous Authentication With Succinct Multi-Subscription Credential in SAGVN
* Efficient and Explainable Ensemble Learning Model for Asphalt Pavement Condition Prediction Based on LTPP Dataset, An
* Efficient and Secure Identity-Based Signature System for Underwater Green Transport System, An
* Efficient CityCam-to-Edge Cooperative Learning for Vehicle Counting in ITS
* Efficient COLREG-Compliant Collision Avoidance in Multi-Ship Encounter Situations
* Efficient Data Acquisition System for Large Numbers of Various Vehicle Terminals, An
* Efficient Design Space Exploration of Multi-Mode, Two-Planetary-Gear, Power-Split Hybrid Electric Powertrains via Virtual Levers
* Efficient Generative Adversarial Networks for Imbalanced Traffic Collision Datasets
* Efficient Lane-Level Map Building via Vehicle-Based Crowdsourcing
* Efficient Long-Term Dependencies Learning for Passenger Flow Prediction With Selective Feedback Mechanism
* Efficient Missing Counts Imputation of a Bike-Sharing System by Generative Adversarial Network
* Efficient On-Ramp Merging Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Multi-Lane Traffic, An
* Efficient Online City-Scale Patrolling by Exploiting Offline Model-Based Coordination Policy
* Efficient Power Allocation Algorithm for Green Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Vehicular Network, An
* Efficient Real-Time Vehicle Monitoring Method, An
* Efficient Resource Allocation for Multi-Beam Satellite-Terrestrial Vehicular Networks: A Multi-Agent Actor-Critic Method With Attention Mechanism
* Efficient Semantic Segmentation via Self-Attention and Self-Distillation
* Efficient Train Timetable Scheduling Approach With Regenerative-Energy Supplementation Strategy Responding to Potential Power Interruptions, An
* EILPR: Toward End-to-End Irregular License Plate Recognition Based on Automatic Perspective Alignment
* Electric Vehicle Location Routing Problem With Vehicle Motion Dynamics-Based Energy Consumption and Recovery
* Electric Vehicle Routing Problem With Intermediate Nodes for Shuttle Fleets, An
* Electric Vehicle Trip Chain Information-Based Hierarchical Stochastic Energy Management With Multiple Uncertainties
* Electrical Railway Dynamical Versus Static Models for Infrastructure Planning and Operation
* Elliptical Encircling of Quadrotors for a Dynamic Target Subject to Aperiodic Signals Updating
* Emergency Hierarchical Guidance Control Strategy for Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Emission Monitoring Dispatching of Drones Under Vessel Speed Fluctuation
* Empirical Review of Deep Learning Frameworks for Change Detection: Model Design, Experimental Frameworks, Challenges and Research Needs, An
* End-to-End Curriculum Learning Approach for Autonomous Driving Scenarios, An
* End-to-End Multi-Task Learning Model for Drivable Road Detection via Edge Refinement and Geometric Deformation, An
* End-to-End Real-Time Obstacle Detection Network for Safe Self-Driving via Multi-Task Learning
* End-to-End Self-Driving Approach Independent of Irrelevant Roadside Objects With Auto-Encoder
* End-to-End Trainable One-Stage Parking Slot Detection Integrating Global and Local Information
* Energetic Impacts Evaluation of Eco-Driving on Mixed Traffic With Driver Behavioral Diversity
* Energy and Time Optimal Autopilot for Electric Vehicles Performing Ackerman Cornering
* Energy Efficient Platooning of Connected Electrified Vehicles Enabled by a Mixed Hybrid Electric Powertrain Architecture
* Energy Management Strategy and Optimal Sizing for Hybrid Energy Storage Systems Using an Evolutionary Algorithm
* Energy-Aware Blockchain and Federated Learning-Supported Vehicular Networks
* Energy-Efficient Model Predictive Train Traction Control With Incorporated Traction System Efficiency
* Energy-Efficient NOMA Multicasting System for Beyond 5G Cellular V2X Communications With Imperfect CSI
* Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for 6G Backscatter-Enabled NOMA IoV Networks
* Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Multi-UAV-Assisted Two-Stage Edge Computing for Beyond 5G Networks
* Energy-Efficient Strategy for Improving Coverage and Rate Using Hybrid Vehicular Networks
* Enhanced Cell Transmission Model for Multi-Class Signal Control, An
* Enhanced Few-Shot Learning for Intrusion Detection in Railway Video Surveillance
* Enhanced Information Sharing Roadside Unit Allocation Scheme for Vehicular Networks, An
* Enhanced Multi-Stage Deep Learning Framework for Detecting Malicious Activities From Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Enhanced Multi-Task Learning Architecture for Detecting Pedestrian at Far Distance
* Enhanced Network-Consistent Travel Speed Generation Scheme on Time-Dependent Shortest Path and Routing Problems, An
* Enhanced Predictive Cruise Control System Design With Data-Driven Traffic Prediction, An
* Enhancing the Understanding of Train Delays With Delay Evolution Pattern Discovery: A Clustering and Bayesian Network Approach
* Ensemble Learning-Online Semi-Supervised Approach for Vehicle Behavior Recognition, An
* Environment-Friendly School Bus Routing Problem With Heterogeneous Fleet: A Large-Scale Real Case
* EPRNet: Efficient Pyramid Representation Network for Real-Time Street Scene Segmentation
* Ergonomic Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles: An Investigation on the Effect of Transition Curves on Motion Sickness
* Estimating the Potential for Shared Autonomous Scooters
* Estimating the Probability That a Vehicle Reaches a Near-Term Goal State Using Multiple Lane Changes
* Estimation of Road Traffic State at a Multilanes Controlled Junction
* ESTNet: Embedded Spatial-Temporal Network for Modeling Traffic Flow Dynamics
* Evaluating Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Population Density Using Cellular Data
* Evaluating the Effectiveness of Integrated Connected Automated Vehicle Applications Applied to Freeway Managed Lanes
* Evaluating the Understandability of Light Patterns and Pictograms for Autonomous Vehicle-to-Pedestrian Communication Functions
* Event-Triggered Adaptive Fuzzy Setpoint Regulation of Surface Vessels With Unmeasured Velocities Under Thruster Saturation Constraints
* Event-Triggered Adaptive Neural Fault-Tolerant Control of Underactuated MSVs With Input Saturation
* Event-Triggered Cooperative Formation Control for Autonomous Surface Vehicles Under the Maritime Search Operation
* Event-Triggered H8 Load Frequency Control for Multi-Area Nonlinear Power Systems Based on Non-Fragile Proportional Integral Control Strategy
* Event-Triggered Non-Switching Networked Sliding Mode Control for Active Suspension System With Random Actuation Network Delay
* Event-Triggered Predictive Control for Automatic Train Regulation and Passenger Flow in Metro Rail Systems
* Event-Triggered Tracking Formation of Networked Nonlinear Intelligent Transportation Systems Surrounded by Random Disturbances
* Evolutionary Game Approach to Safety-Aware Speed Recommendation in Fog/Cloud-Based Intelligent Transportation Systems, An
* Exact and Heuristics Algorithms for Screen Line Problem in Large Size Networks: Shortest Path-Based Column Generation Approach
* Experience-Driven Power Allocation Using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Millimeter-Wave High-Speed Railway Systems
* Experimental Study on the Potential of Vehicle's Attitude Response to Railway Track Irregularity in Precise Train Localization
* Explanations in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Exploring Behavioral Patterns of Lane Change Maneuvers for Human-Like Autonomous Driving
* Exploring Event-Driven Dynamic Context for Accident Scene Segmentation
* Exploring Factors Affecting Transport Infrastructure Performance: Data-Driven Versus Knowledge-Driven Approaches
* Exploring Human Mobility for Multi-Pattern Passenger Prediction: A Graph Learning Framework
* Exploring Patterns of Train Delay Evolution and Timetable Robustness
* Exploring Potential Applications of Quantum Computing in Transportation Modelling
* Exploring Public Transport Transfer Opportunities for Pareto Search of Multicriteria Journeys
* Exploring Spatial Significance via Hybrid Pyramidal Graph Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Exploring the Impact of the Takeover Time for Conditionally Automated Driving Vehicles on Traffic Flow in Highway Merging Area
* Exploring Travel Pattern Variability of Public Transport Users Through Smart Card Data: Role of Gender and Age
* Extended Horizon ECMS Control of PHEVs With 2D Electricity Price Adaptation Policy
* Extended Social Force Model via Pedestrian Heterogeneity Affecting the Self-Driven Force, An
* External Attention Based TransUNet and Label Expansion Strategy for Crack Detection
* Fail-Safe Multi-Modal Localization Framework Using Heterogeneous Map-Matching Sources
* False Data Injection Attack in a Platoon of CACC: Real-Time Detection and Isolation With a PDE Approach
* FarNet: An Attention-Aggregation Network for Long-Range Rail Track Point Cloud Segmentation
* FASSD-Net: Fast and Accurate Real-Time Semantic Segmentation for Embedded Systems
* Fast and Precise: Parallel Processing of Vehicle Traffic Videos Using Big Data Analytics
* Fast and Precise: Parallel Processing of Vehicle Traffic Videos Using Big Data Analytics
* Fast Markov Decision Process-Based Algorithm for Collision Avoidance in Urban Air Mobility, A
* Fast Point Cloud Ground Segmentation Approach Based on Coarse-To-Fine Markov Random Field, A
* Fast Semantic-Aware Motion State Detection for Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environment
* Fast-HBNet: Hybrid Branch Network for Fast Lane Detection
* Faster R-CNN Learning-Based Semantic Filter for Geometry Estimation and Its Application in vSLAM Systems
* FastRoadSeg: Fast Monocular Road Segmentation Network
* FastVOD-Net: A Real-Time and High-Accuracy Video Object Detector
* Fault Modeling Based Runtime Diagnostic Mechanism for Vehicular Distributed Control Systems, A
* Fault Prediction of Railway Turnout Systems Based on Improved Sparse Auto Encoder and Gated Recurrent Unit Network
* Fault Tolerance Analysis of Car-Following Models for Autonomous Vehicles
* Fault-Tolerant Control for Path-Following of Independently Actuated Autonomous Vehicles Using Tube-Based Model Predictive Control
* Fault-Tolerant Control of Variable Speed Limits for Freeway Work Zone With Recurrent Sensor Faults
* Feature Calibration Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Feature Engineering and Deep Learning for Stereo Matching Under Adverse Driving Conditions
* Feature-Based Approach to Large-Scale Freeway Congestion Detection Using Full Cellular Activity Data, A
* Feature-Based Direct Tracking and Mapping for Real-Time Noise-Robust Outdoor 3D Reconstruction Using Quadcopters
* FedCPF: An Efficient-Communication Federated Learning Approach for Vehicular Edge Computing in 6G Communication Networks
* Federated Intrusion Detection in Blockchain-Based Smart Transportation Systems
* FedServ: Federated Task Service in Fog-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* Feedback-Based Ramp Metering and Lane-Changing Control With Connected and Automated Vehicles
* FEEL: Federated End-to-End Learning With Non-IID Data for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning via Compact and Separable Features for Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition
* FFEDN: Feature Fusion Encoder Decoder Network for Crack Detection
* Field Assessment of Intersection Performance Enhanced by Traffic Signal Optimization and Vehicle Trajectory Planning
* Finding and Indexing Vehicle Maneuvers From Dashboard Camera Video
* Fine Traffic Congestion Detection With Hierarchical Description
* Fine-Grained Access Control and Security Approach for Intelligent Vehicular Transport in 6G Communication System, A
* Fine-Grained Trajectory-Based Travel Time Estimation for Multi-City Scenarios Based on Deep Meta-Learning
* Fine-Grained Vessel Traffic Flow Prediction With a Spatio-Temporal Multigraph Convolutional Network
* Finite-Time Control of High-Speed Train With Guaranteed Steady-State and Transient Performance
* Finite-Time Stabilization of a Collection of Connected Vehicles Subject to Communication Interruptions
* Fitting Empirical Fundamental Diagrams of Road Traffic: A Comprehensive Review and Comparison of Models Using an Extensive Data Set
* Fitting Spatial-Temporal Data via a Physics Regularized Multi-Output Grid Gaussian Process: Case Studies of a Bike-Sharing System
* Fixed-Dimensional and Permutation Invariant State Representation of Autonomous Driving
* Fixed-Time Control for a Quadrotor With a Cable-Suspended Load
* Fixed-Time Prescribed Performance Adaptive Fixed-Time Sliding Mode Control for Vehicular Platoons With Actuator Saturation
* Fixed-Time Slip Control With Extended-State Observer Using Only Wheel Speed for Anti-Lock Braking Systems of Electric Vehicles
* Flexible and Explainable Vehicle Motion Prediction and Inference Framework Combining Semi-Supervised AOG and ST-LSTM, A
* Flexible Approach for Automatic License Plate Recognition in Unconstrained Scenarios, A
* Flexible Delivery Routing for Elastic Logistics: A Model and an Algorithm
* Fluid Mechanics-Based Model to Estimate VINET Capacity in an Urban Scene, A
* FM*-Based Comprehensive Path Planning System for Robotic Floating Garbage Cleaning, An
* Foreign Body Detection in Rail Transit Based on a Multi-Mode Feature-Enhanced Convolutional Neural Network
* Formally Robust and Safe Trajectory Planning and Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles
* Four Discriminator Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Network for Improving Railway Defective Fastener Inspection
* Fractional-Order Control of High Speed Train With Actuator Complete Failure
* Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Multi-Modal Travel Demand: Case Study on Brisbane Network, A
* Frequency Feature Pyramid Network With Global-Local Consistency Loss for Crowd-and-Vehicle Counting in Congested Scenes
* Frequency Selection for Platoon Communications in Secondary Spectrum Using Radio Environment Maps
* FRNet: Factorized and Regular Blocks Network for Semantic Segmentation in Road Scene
* From Human Driving to Automated Driving: What Do We Know About Drivers?
* From Less to More: Progressive Generalized Zero-Shot Detection With Curriculum Learning
* FS-MOEA: A Novel Feature Selection Algorithm for IDSs in Vehicular Networks
* FSRDD: An Efficient Few-Shot Detector for Rare City Road Damage Detection
* FTPG: A Fine-Grained Traffic Prediction Method With Graph Attention Network Using Big Trace Data
* Fuel Economy-Oriented Vehicle Platoon Control Using Economic Model Predictive Control
* Full-Duplex Multiple Access Mechanism for Connected Vehicles Operating at Different Autonomous Levels in NR eV2X VANETs
* Fullest COLREGs Evaluation Using Fuzzy Logic for Collaborative Decision-Making Analysis of Autonomous Ships in Complex Situations
* Fully Automatic Feature-Based Real-Time Traffic Surveillance System Using Data Association in the Probabilistic Framework, A
* Fully Convolutional Encoder-Decoder With an Attention Mechanism for Practical Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Fully Decomposed Singular Value and Fixed Dictionary Extreme Learning Machine for Bogie Fault Diagnosis
* Fully Decoupled Residual ConvNet for Real-Time Railway Scene Parsing of UAV Aerial Images
* Fully Distributed Model Predictive Control of Connected Automated Vehicles in Intersections: Theory and Vehicle Experiments
* Fused Method of Machine Learning and Dynamic Time Warping for Road Anomalies Detection, A
* FusionLane: Multi-Sensor Fusion for Lane Marking Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks
* Fuzzy Adaptive Protective Control for High-Speed Trains: An Outstretched Error Feedback Approach
* Fuzzy Logic Strategy for Priority Control of Electric Vehicle Charging
* G-VIDO: A Vehicle Dynamics and Intermittent GNSS-Aided Visual-Inertial State Estimator for Autonomous Driving
* GaDQN-IDS: A Novel Self-Adaptive IDS for VANETs Based on Bayesian Game Theory and Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Gain With No Pain: Exploring Intelligent Traffic Signal Control for Emergency Vehicles, A
* Game Approach for Charging Station Placement Based on User Preferences and Crowdedness, A
* Game Theoretic Approach for Multipriority Data Transmission in 5G Vehicular Networks
* Game Theoretic Merging Behavior Control for Autonomous Vehicle at Highway On-Ramp
* Game-Theoretic Approach for Dynamic Service Scheduling at Charging Facilities, A
* Game-Theoretic Modeling of Multi-Vehicle Interactions at Uncontrolled Intersections
* Game-Theoretic Modeling of Traffic in Unsignalized Intersection Network for Autonomous Vehicle Control Verification and Validation
* GAN-Based Short-Term Link Traffic Prediction Approach for Urban Road Networks Under a Parallel Learning Framework, A
* Gated Generative Adversarial Imputation Approach for Signalized Road Networks, A
* Gated-Residual Block for Semantic Segmentation Using RGB-D Data
* Gaussian Process Regression for Transportation System Estimation and Prediction Problems: The Deformation and a Hat Kernel
* Gaussian Process-Based Personalized Adaptive Cruise Control
* Gaussian Type-2 Fuzzy Programming Approach for Multicrowd Congestion-Relieved Evacuation Planning, A
* GCN-Based Pavement Crack Detection Using Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* General Autonomous Driving Planner Adaptive to Scenario Characteristics, A
* General Framework for Decentralized Safe Optimal Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Multi-Lane Signal-Free Intersections, A
* Generalized and Heterogeneous Nonlinear Dynamic Multiagent Systems Using Online RNN-Based Finite-Time Formation Tracking Control and Application to Transportation Systems
* Generalized Auto-Sequencing Bus Headway Control Formulation
* Generalized Framework for Connectivity Analysis in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications, A
* Generating and Restoring Private Face Images for Internet of Vehicles Based on Semantic Features and Adversarial Examples
* Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning Approach for Realistic Aircraft Taxi-Speed Modeling, A
* Generative Adversarial Networks With AdaBoost Ensemble Learning for Anomaly Detection in High-Speed Train Automatic Doors
* Generic Approaches to Estimating Freeway Traffic State and Percentage of Connected Vehicles With Fixed and Mobile Sensing
* Geographical Information Enhanced Recognition of Traffic Modes and Behavior Patterns
* Geometric Algorithm for Finding Time-Sensitive Data Gathering Path in Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks
* Geometric Constraint and Image Inpainting-Based Railway Track Fastener Sample Generation for Improving Defect Inspection
* GeoTrackNet: A Maritime Anomaly Detector Using Probabilistic Neural Network Representation of AIS Tracks and A Contrario Detection
* Global Context Assisted Structure-Aware Vehicle Retrieval
* Global-Local Temporal Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Global-PBNet: A Novel Point Cloud Registration for Autonomous Driving
* GLTC: A Metro Passenger Identification Method Across AFC Data and Sparse WiFi Data
* GNSS Jamming Detection and Exclusion for Trustworthy Virtual Balise Capture in Satellite-Based Train Control
* GOLIATH: A Decentralized Framework for Data Collection in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* GP3: Gaussian Process Path Planning for Reliable Shortest Path in Transportation Networks
* Graph Construction for Traffic Prediction: A Data-Driven Approach
* Graph Convolutional Stacked Bidirectional Unidirectional-LSTM Neural Network for Metro Ridership Prediction, A
* Graph Laplacian Diffusion Localization of Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Graph Neural Network for Robust Public Transit Demand Prediction
* Graph Similarity-Based Maximum Stable Subgraph Extraction of Information Topology From a Vehicular Network
* Graph Spectral Regularized Tensor Completion for Traffic Data Imputation
* Graph-Based Intrusion Detection System for Controller Area Networks
* Graph-Based Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Network for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction in Autonomous Driving
* Graph-Based Temporal Attention Framework for Multi-Sensor Traffic Flow Forecasting, A
* Graph-Enabled Intelligent Vehicular Network Data Processing
* GraphSAGE-Based Traffic Speed Forecasting for Segment Network With Sparse Data
* GREEN: A Global Optimization Scheme for Transportation Efficiency by Mining Taxi Mobility
* Group'n Route: An Edge Learning-Based Clustering and Efficient Routing Scheme Leveraging Social Strength for the Internet of Vehicles
* Group-Based Multicast Service Authentication and Data Transmission Scheme for 5G-V2X, A
* Guest Editorial Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning for Intelligent and Sustainable Traffic and Vehicle Management (VANETs)
* Guest Editorial Intelligent Autonomous Transportation System With 6G: II
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Applications and Developments of Novel Technologies in Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Systems
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Communication and Computing Technologies
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Context Prediction of Autonomous Vehicles
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Data Science for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Intelligent Autonomous Transportation System With 6G
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Intelligent Transportation Systems in Epidemic Areas
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Modeling Dynamic Transportation Networks in the Age of Connectivity, Autonomy and Data
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Gyroless Attitude Estimation for Ground Vehicle Under Severe Dynamic Conditions, A
* H-TD2: Hybrid Temporal Difference Learning for Adaptive Urban Taxi Dispatch
* HammerDrive: A Task-Aware Driving Visual Attention Model
* Handling and Stability Integrated Control of AFS and DYC for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles Based on Risk Assessment and Prediction
* Handover Count Based MAP Estimation of Velocity With Prior Distribution Approximated via NGSIM Data-Set
* HapWheel: Bringing In-Car Controls to Driver's Fingertips by Embedding Ubiquitous Haptic Displays into a Steering Wheel
* Harmonious Lane Changing via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Hazardous Scenario Enhanced Generation for Automated Vehicle Testing Based on Optimization Searching Method
* HazDesNet: An End-to-End Network for Haze Density Prediction
* HDRS: A Hybrid Reputation System With Dynamic Update Interval for Detecting Malicious Vehicles in VANETs
* Heads-Up Green in Connected Traffic Signals
* Heat Exchange Capacity Prediction of Borehole Heat Exchanger (BHE) From Infrastructure Based on Machine Learning (ML) Methods
* Helping Automated Vehicles With Left-Turn Maneuvers: A Game Theory-Based Decision Framework for Conflicting Maneuvers at Intersections
* Heterogeneous Attentions for Solving Pickup and Delivery Problem via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Heterogeneous Knowledge Learning of Predictive Academic Intelligence in Transportation
* Heterogeneous Visible Light and Radio Communication for Improving Safety Message Dissemination at Road Intersection
* HF-Based Sensorless Control of a FTPMM in Ship Shaftless Rim-Driven Thruster System
* Hidden Markov Model Based Control Augmentation Design for a Class of Human-in-the-Loop Systems
* Hidden Mixture Vehicle Discharge State Inference at Signalized Intersection Using Vehicle Travel Time and Discharge Headway Data
* Hierarchical Control of Heavy-Duty Trucks Through Signalized Intersections With Non-Deterministic Signal Timing
* Hierarchical Energy-Efficient Control for CAVs at Multiple Signalized Intersections Considering Queue Effects
* Hierarchical Framework for Interactive Behaviour Prediction of Heterogeneous Traffic Participants Based on Graph Neural Network, A
* Hierarchical Graph Augmented Deep Collaborative Dictionary Learning for Classification
* Hierarchical Model Predictive Control Approaches for Strategic Platoon Engagement of Heavy-Duty Trucks
* Hierarchical Motion Planning for Autonomous Driving in Large-Scale Complex Scenarios
* Hierarchical Optimal Maneuver Planning and Trajectory Control at On-Ramps With Multiple Mainstream Lanes
* Hierarchical Optimization of Charging Infrastructure Design and Facility Utilization
* Hierarchical Program-Triggered Reinforcement Learning Agents for Automated Driving
* Hierarchical Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network
* High Time-Resolution Queue Profile Estimation at Signalized Intersections Based on Extended Kalman Filtering
* High-Frequency Trajectory Map Matching Algorithm Based on Road Network Topology
* High-Resolution Spectral Estimation for Continuous Wave Jamming Mitigation of GNSS Signals in Autonomous Vehicles
* High-Speed Train Platoon Dynamic Interval Optimization Based on Resilience Adjustment Strategy
* High-Speed Train Positioning Using Deep Kalman Filter With 5G NR Signals
* Hindrance-Aware Platoon Formation for Connected Vehicles in Mixed Traffic
* Histogram-Based Intrusion Detection and Filtering Framework for Secure and Safe In-Vehicle Networks
* Hitch Angle Estimation of a Towing Vehicle With Arbitrary Configuration
* HMDRL: Hierarchical Mixed Deep Reinforcement Learning to Balance Vehicle Supply and Demand
* How Fast You Will Drive? Predicting Speed of Customized Paths By Deep Neural Network
* How Many Facilities are Needed? Evaluating Configurations of Subway Security Check Systems via a Hybrid Queueing Model
* How Many Vehicles Do We Need? Fleet Sizing for Shared Autonomous Vehicles With Ridesharing
* How Random Incidents Affect Travel-Time Distributions
* How Rough Is the Path? Terrain Traversability Estimation for Local and Global Path Planning
* How to Build a Graph-Based Deep Learning Architecture in Traffic Domain: A Survey
* HSETA: A Heterogeneous and Sparse Data Learning Hybrid Framework for Estimating Time of Arrival
* Human as a Service: Towards Resilient Parking Search System With Sensorless Sensing
* Human Trajectory Forecasting in Crowds: A Deep Learning Perspective
* Human-Centered Design for an In-Vehicle Truck Driver Fatigue and Distraction Warning System
* Human-Lead-Platooning Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
* Human-Like Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Based on Spatiotemporal Geometric Transformation
* Human-Machine Cooperative Trajectory Planning and Tracking for Safe Automated Driving
* Human-Machine Interaction in Intelligent and Connected Vehicles: A Review of Status Quo, Issues, and Opportunities
* Human-Machine Shared Steering Control for Vehicle Lane Keeping Systems via a Fuzzy Observer-Based Event-Triggered Method
* Hybrid Approach to Trust Node Assessment and Management for VANETs Cooperative Data Communication: Historical Interaction Perspective, A
* Hybrid Autonomous Driving Guidance Strategy Combining Deep Reinforcement Learning and Expert System
* Hybrid Combining of Directional Antennas for Periodic Broadcast V2V Communication
* Hybrid Cooperative Method With Lévy Flights for Electric Vehicle Charge Scheduling, A
* Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithm for the License Plate Detection and Recognition in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications, A
* Hybrid Deep Learning Based Framework for Component Defect Detection of Moving Trains, A
* Hybrid Fingerprinting and Ray Extension Localization in NLOS Regions
* Hybrid Group Anomaly Detection for Sequence Data: Application to Trajectory Data Analytics
* Hybrid Multi-Objective Optimization Approach With Pareto Local Search for Collaborative Truck-Drone Routing Problems Considering Flexible Time Windows
* Hybrid N-Inception-LSTM-Based Aircraft Coordinate Prediction Method for Secure Air Traffic
* Hybrid Nonlinear and Machine Learning Methods for Analyzing Factors Influencing the Performance of Large-Scale Transport Infrastructure
* Hybrid Optimization Model for Multi-Hop Protocol of Linear Railway Disaster Wireless Monitoring Networks
* Hybrid Reinforcement Learning-Based Eco-Driving Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Signalized Intersections
* Hybrid RESNET and Regional Convolution Neural Network Framework for Accident Estimation in Smart Roads
* Hybrid Rule-Based and Data-Driven Approach to Driver Modeling Through Particle Filtering, A
* Hybrid Similar Neighborhood Robust Factorization Machine Model for Can Bus Intrusion Detection in the In-Vehicle Network, The
* Hybrid State Estimation: A Contribution Towards Reliability Enhancement of Artificial Neural Network Estimators
* Hybrid SVSF Algorithm for Automotive Radar Tracking, A
* ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the Driver's Fixation Region
* Identification of Low Impedance Points Along Railway Tracks From a Railroad Inspection Vehicle
* Identifying Abnormal Riding Behavior in Urban Rail Transit: A Survey on In-Out in the Same Subway Station
* Identity-Unrelated Information Decoupling Model for Vehicle Re-Identification
* IG-RL: Inductive Graph Reinforcement Learning for Massive-Scale Traffic Signal Control
* Illumination-Resilient Lane Detection by Threshold Self-Adjustment Using Newton-Based Extremum Seeking
* Image-Based Crowd Stability Analysis Using Improved Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network
* Imitation Learning-Enhanced Iterated Matching Algorithm for On-Demand Food Delivery, An
* Immediate Vehicle Movement Estimation and 3D Reconstruction for Mono Cameras by Utilizing Epipolar Geometry and Direction Prior
* Impact of Automation at Different Cognitive Stages on High-Speed Train Driving Performance
* Impact of Connected Automated Buses in a Mixed Fleet Scenario With Connected Automated Cars
* Impact of Network Topology on the Resilience of Vehicle Platoons
* Impact of Stochastic Generation/Load Variations on Distributed Optimal Energy Management in DC Microgrids for Transportation Electrification
* Impacts of Connected Automated Vehicles on Freeway Traffic Patterns at Different Penetration Levels
* Impacts of COVID-19 on Ship Behaviours in Port Area: An AIS Data-Based Pattern Recognition Approach
* Impacts of Information Flow Topology on Traffic Dynamics of CAV-MV Heterogeneous Flow
* Implementation and Evaluation of Load Balancing Mechanism With Multiple Edge Server Cooperation for Dynamic Map System
* Implementation Resource Allocation for Collision-Avoidance Assistance Systems Considering Driver Capabilities
* Improved Model Predictive Control Path Tracking Strategy Based an Online Updating Algorithm With Cosine Similarity and a Horizon Factor
* Improved Point-Voxel Region Convolutional Neural Network: 3D Object Detectors for Autonomous Driving
* Improved Traffic Flow Efficiency During Yellow Interval at Signalized Intersections Using a Smart Countdown System
* Improved Vehicle LiDAR Calibration With Trajectory-Based Hand-Eye Method
* Improvement of Maneuverability Within a Multiagent Fuzzy Transportation System With the Use of Parallel Biobjective Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm
* Improvement of Road Driving Safety Guided by Visual Inattentional Blindness, The
* Improving Automated Driving Through POMDP Planning with Human Internal States
* Improving Driver Performance and Experience in Assisted and Automated Driving With Visual Cues in the Steering Wheel
* Improving Physical Layer Security in Vehicles and Pedestrians Networks With Ambient Backscatter Communication
* Improving Robustness of License Plates Automatic Recognition in Natural Scenes
* Improving Synchronization in High-Speed Railway and Air Intermodality: Integrated Train Timetable Rescheduling and Passenger Flow Forecasting
* Improving the Security of LTE-R for High-Speed Railway: From the Access Authentication View
* Improving the Utilization of Regenerative Energy and Shaving Power Peaks by Railway Timetable Adjustment
* In-Situ Modulus Determination Using Dispersion Curves Developed From the Deflection-Time History Data
* In-Vehicle Warning Information Provision Strategy for V2V-Based Proactive Traffic Safety Management, An
* Incentive Based Road Traffic Control Mechanism for Covid-19 Pandemic Alike Emergency Preparedness and Response, An
* Incorporating Dynamicity of Transportation Network With Multi-Weight Traffic Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting
* Incorporating Kinematic Wave Theory Into a Deep Learning Method for High-Resolution Traffic Speed Estimation
* Incorporating Phase Rotation Into a Person-Based Signal Timing Optimization Algorithm
* Indirect Shared Control Through Non-Zero Sum Differential Game for Cooperative Automated Driving
* Individual Differentiated Multidimensional Hawkes Model: Uncovering Urban Spatial Interaction Using Mobile-Phone Data
* Individual Mobility Prediction in Mass Transit Systems Using Smart Card Data: An Interpretable Activity-Based Hidden Markov Approach
* Inertial Sensing Meets Machine Learning: Opportunity or Challenge?
* Inferring Cognitive State of Pilot's Brain Under Different Maneuvers During Flight
* Inferring Flight Performance Under Different Maneuvers With Pilot's Multi-Physiological Parameters
* Information Fusion Approach to Intelligent Traffic Signal Control Using the Joint Methods of Multiagent Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Intelligence of Things, An
* Information Fusion Strategies for Collaborative Inertial Radio SLAM
* Infrastructure Allocation for Improving Sensing Accuracy and Connectivity Probability Based on Combination Strategy in Vehicular Networks
* Infrastructure Material Magnetization Impact Assessment of Wireless Power Transfer Pavement Based on Resonant Inductive Coupling
* Innovative Adaptive Cruise Control Method Based on Mixed H_2/H_inf Out-of-Sequence Measurement Observer, An
* Innovative HMI and Control Concept for Efficient Thermal Management of Electric Vehicles
* Instance-Aware Semantic Segmentation of Road Furniture in Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Instance-Level Knowledge Transfer for Data-Driven Driver Model Adaptation With Homogeneous Domains
* Integrated Aircraft and Passenger Recovery With Enhancements in Modeling, Solution Algorithm, and Intermodalism
* Integrated Data Envelopment Analysis and Non-Cooperative Game Approach for Public Transportation Incentive Subsidy Allocation, An
* Integrated Inbound Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Under a Fixed Outbound Schedule at a Multi-Door Cross-Dock Terminal
* Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Hierarchical Control of Cooperative Merging of Connected and Automated Vehicles at On-Ramps
* Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Vehicle Stability Control for Extreme Conditions With Safety Dynamic Requirements Analysis
* Integrated Model for Autonomous Speed and Lane Change Decision-Making Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning, An
* Integrated Path Planning for Unmanned Differential Steering Vehicles in Off-Road Environment With 3D Terrains and Obstacles
* Integrated Schedule and Trajectory Optimization for Connected Automated Vehicles in a Conflict Zone
* Integrated Traffic Control for Freeway Recurrent Bottleneck Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Integration of GNSS Precise Point Positioning and Reduced Inertial Sensor System for Lane-Level Car Navigation
* Integrity Monitoring of GNSS/INS Based Positioning Systems for Autonomous Vehicles: State-of-the-Art and Open Challenges
* Intelligent 3D Objects Classification for Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Based on Lidar and Deep Learning Approaches
* Intelligent and Reliable Millimeter Wave Communications for RIS-Aided Vehicular Networks
* Intelligent and Secure Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)-Based Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Intelligent Bus Operation Optimization by Integrating Cases and Data Driven Based on Business Chain and Enhanced Quantum Genetic Algorithm
* Intelligent Caching Strategy Considering Time-Space Characteristics in Vehicular Named Data Networks, An
* Intelligent Compaction: An Improved Quality Monitoring and Control of Asphalt Pavement Construction Technology
* Intelligent Content Caching Strategy in Autonomous Driving Toward 6G
* Intelligent Control Scheme for Optimum Efficiency and Reduced Emission Operation of Marine Transportation System, An
* Intelligent Driver Drowsiness Detection for Traffic Safety Based on Multi CNN Deep Model and Facial Subsampling
* Intelligent Energy Management Strategy Based on an Improved Reinforcement Learning Algorithm With Exploration Factor for a Plug-in PHEV
* Intelligent Feature Selection Using GA and Neural Network Optimization for Real-Time Driving Pattern Recognition
* Intelligent Gear Decision Method for Automatic Vehicles Based on Data Mining Under Uphill Conditions
* Intelligent Motion Tracking Control of Vehicle Suspension Systems With Constraints via Neural Performance Analysis
* Intelligent Nanoscopic Cyclist Crash Modelling for Variable Environmental Conditions
* Intelligent Simulation Method of Bridge Traffic Flow Load Combining Machine Vision and Weigh-in-Motion Monitoring
* Intelligent Traffic Accident Prediction Model for Internet of Vehicles With Deep Learning Approach
* Intelligent Virtual Resource Allocation of QoS-Guaranteed Slices in B5G-Enabled VANETs for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Intention-Aware Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Based on Spatial-Temporal Dynamic Attention Network for Internet of Vehicles
* Interactive Planning for Autonomous Driving in Intersection Scenarios Without Traffic Signs
* Interactive Trajectory Prediction Using a Driving Risk Map-Integrated Deep Learning Method for Surrounding Vehicles on Highways
* Interdependence in Vehicle-Pedestrian Encounters and its Implications for Vehicle Automation
* Interpretable End-to-End Urban Autonomous Driving With Latent Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Interpreting Adversarial Examples and Robustness for Deep Learning-Based Auto-Driving Systems
* Intersection and Stop Bar Position Extraction From Vehicle Positioning Data
* Intersection Management Protocol for Mixed Autonomous and Human-Operated Vehicles
* Intersection-Based V2X Routing via Reinforcement Learning in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Intra-City Traffic Data Visualization: A Systematic Literature Review
* Introducing the Effects of Road Geometry Into Microscopic Traffic Models for Automated Vehicles
* Introspective Failure Prediction for Autonomous Driving Using Late Fusion of State and Camera Information
* Intrusion Detection Method Based on Machine Learning and State Observer for Train-Ground Communication Systems, An
* Investigating Optimal Carpool Scheme by a Semi-Centralized Ride-Matching Approach
* Investigating the Cognitive Response of Brake Lights in Initiating Braking Action Using EEG
* Investigating the Prospect of Leveraging Blockchain and Machine Learning to Secure Vehicular Networks: A Survey
* Investigation of Three Potential Stress Inducement Tasks During On-Road Driving
* IoV-Based Mathematic Model for Platoon Give Way to Emergency Vehicles Promptly
* Is it Really Easy to Detect Sybil Attacks in C-ITS Environments: A Position Paper
* Is My Driver Observation Model Overconfident? Input-Guided Calibration Networks for Reliable and Interpretable Confidence Estimates
* Iterative Learning Control for Precise Aircraft Trajectory Tracking in Continuous Climb and Descent Operations
* Iterative Learning Tracking Control of High-Speed Trains With Nonlinearly Parameterized Uncertainties and Multiple Time-Varying Delays
* Iteratively Optimized Patch Label Inference Network for Automatic Pavement Distress Detection, An
* Jerk-Limited Time-Optimal Speed Planning for Arbitrary Paths
* Joint Channel Allocation and Data Delivery for UAV-Assisted Cooperative Transportation Communications in Post-Disaster Networks
* Joint Communication and Computation Resource Scheduling of a UAV-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing System for Platooning Vehicles
* Joint Communication and Trajectory Optimization for Multi-UAV Enabled Mobile Internet of Vehicles
* Joint Deployment Optimization and Flight Trajectory Planning for UAV Assisted IoT Data Collection: A Bilevel Optimization Approach
* Joint Optimal Power Flow Routing and Vehicle-to-Grid Scheduling: Theory and Algorithms
* Joint Optimal Quantization and Aggregation of Federated Learning Scheme in VANETs
* Joint Optimization and Online Algorithms of Fuel-Aware Multi-Objective Routing for Autonomous Vehicles
* Joint Optimization for Pedestrian, Information and Energy Flows in Emergency Response Systems With Energy Harvesting and Energy Sharing
* Joint Rebalancing and Vehicle-to-Grid Coordination for Autonomous Vehicle Public Transportation System
* Joint Route Guidance and Demand Management for Real-Time Control of Multi-Regional Traffic Networks
* Joint Routing and Charging Problem of Multiple Electric Vehicles: A Fast Optimization Algorithm
* JP-DAP: An Intelligent Data Analytics Platform for Metro Rail Transport Systems
* K-Means Clustering Approach to UAS Classification via Graphical Signal Representation of Radio Frequency Signals for Air Traffic Early Warning
* Key Points Estimation and Point Instance Segmentation Approach for Lane Detection
* Koopman Operator Applications in Signalized Traffic Systems
* KST-GCN: A Knowledge-Driven Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting
* L-Platooning: A Protocol for Managing a Long Platoon With DSRC
* Label Guided Discrete Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Labels are Not Perfect: Inferring Spatial Uncertainty in Object Detection
* Landmark and IMU Data Fusion: Systematic Convergence Geometric Nonlinear Observer for SLAM and Velocity Bias
* Lane Change Prediction With an Echo State Network and Recurrent Neural Network in the Urban Area
* Lane Detection Model Based on Spatio-Temporal Network With Double Convolutional Gated Recurrent Units
* Lane-Based Large-Scale UAS Traffic Management
* Lane-Level Traffic Speed Forecasting: A Novel Mixed Deep Learning Model
* Large-Scale Frontal Vehicle Image Dataset for Fine-Grained Vehicle Categorization, A
* Large-Scale Maintenance and Rehabilitation Optimization for Multi-Lane Highway Asphalt Pavement: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Large-Scale Urban Multiple-Modal Transport Evacuation Model for Mass Gathering Events Considering Pedestrian and Public Transit System
* Large-Size Data Distribution in IoV Based on 5G/6G Compatible Heterogeneous Network
* LDNet: End-to-End Lane Marking Detection Approach Using a Dynamic Vision Sensor
* Leading Cruise Control in Mixed Traffic Flow: System Modeling, Controllability, and String Stability
* Learning a Dynamic Feature Fusion Tracker for Object Tracking
* Learning Accurate, Speedy, Lightweight CNNs via Instance-Specific Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation for Distracted Driver Posture Identification
* Learning All Dynamics: Traffic Forecasting via Locality-Aware Spatio-Temporal Joint Transformer
* Learning and Operation Planning Method for Uber Energy Storage System: Order Dispatch, A
* Learning Discriminative Feature Representation for Estimating Smoke Density of Smoky Vehicle Rear
* Learning Dynamic and Hierarchical Traffic Spatiotemporal Features With Transformer
* Learning From the Fleet: Map Attributes for Energetic Representation of Driving Profiles
* Learning Interaction-Aware Guidance for Trajectory Optimization in Dense Traffic Scenarios
* Learning Multiaspect Traffic Couplings by Multirelational Graph Attention Networks for Traffic Prediction
* Learning Multimodal Representations for Drowsiness Detection
* Learning Smooth Motion Planning for Intelligent Aerial Transportation Vehicles by Stable Auxiliary Gradient
* Learning TBox With a Cascaded Anchor-Free Network for Vehicle Detection
* Learning to Drive Like Human Beings: A Method Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Learning to Predict Lidar Intensities
* Learning Traffic Network Embeddings for Predicting Congestion Propagation
* Learning-Based Multi-Robot Formation Control With Obstacle Avoidance
* Learning-Based Resource Allocation for Backscatter-Aided Vehicular Networks
* Length Prediction of Moving Vehicles Using a Commercial FMCW Radar
* Leveraging Big Data and Coordinated Charging for Effective Taxi Fleet Electrification: The 100% EV Conversion of Shenzhen, China
* Leveraging Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Pre-Trained on Autonomous Driving Data for Vehicle Detection from Roadside LiDAR Data
* Leveraging Graph and Deep Learning Uncertainties to Detect Anomalous Maritime Trajectories
* Leveraging Human Driving Preferences to Predict Vehicle Speed
* LG-Tree: An Efficient Labeled Index for Shortest Distance Search on Massive Road Networks
* LHPHGCNN: Lightweight Hierarchical Parallel Heterogeneous Group Convolutional Neural Networks for Point Cloud Scene Prediction
* License Plate Detection via Information Maximization
* LiDAR Depth Completion Using Color-Embedded Information via Knowledge Distillation
* LiDAR SLAM Based Multivehicle Cooperative Localization Using Iterated Split CIF
* Light Transport Induced Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation in Thermal Infrared Urban Scenes
* Light-Field Imaging Reconstruction Using Deep Learning Enabling Intelligent Autonomous Transportation System
* Lightweight LiDAR-Camera Sensing Method of Obstacles Detection and Classification for Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit, A
* Lightweight Tensor Deep Computation Model With Its Application in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Linear Parameter Varying Models-Based Gain-Scheduling Control for Lane Keeping System With Parameter Reduction
* Linkable Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Location-Based Services
* Listening for Sirens: Locating and Classifying Acoustic Alarms in City Scenes
* Load Balance Guaranteed Vehicle-to-Vehicle Computation Offloading for Min-Max Fairness in VANETs
* Locality Filtering for Efficient Ride Sharing Platforms
* Localization Integrity for Intelligent Vehicles Through Fault Detection and Position Error Characterization
* Locating Parking Hubs in Free-Floating Ride Share Systems via Data-Driven Optimization
* Location-Based Schemes for Mitigating Cyber Threats on Connected and Automated Vehicles: A Survey and Design Framework
* Long-Range Multi-Object Tracking at Traffic Intersections on Low-Power Devices
* Long-Tailed Traffic Sign Detection Using Attentive Fusion and Hierarchical Group Softmax
* Long-Term Map Maintenance Pipeline for Autonomous Vehicles
* Long-Term Urban Traffic Speed Prediction With Deep Learning on Graphs
* Longitudinal Platoon Control of Connected Vehicles: Analysis and Verification
* Loop-Closure Detection Using Local Relative Orientation Matching
* Low-Cost Attitude Estimation Using GPS/IMU Fusion Aided by Land Vehicle Model Constraints and Gravity-Based Angles
* Low-Cost Real-Time PPP GNSS Aided INS for CAV Applications
* Low-Rank Autoregressive Tensor Completion for Spatiotemporal Traffic Data Imputation
* LPV-Based Autonomous Vehicle Lateral Controllers: A Comparative Analysis
* LSTM-Based Intrusion Detection System for VANETs: A Time Series Classification Approach to False Message Detection
* MagMonitor: Vehicle Speed Estimation and Vehicle Classification Through A Magnetic Sensor
* Map Matching and Lane Detection Based on Markovian Behavior, GIS, and IMU Data
* Map Matching for Sparse Automatic Vehicle Identification Data
* Mapping Grade-Separated Junctions in Detail Using Crowdsourced Trajectory Data
* Maritime Anomaly Detection in a Real-World Scenario: Ever Given Grounding in the Suez Canal
* Maritime Environment Perception Based on Deep Learning
* MASS: Multi-Attentional Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Data for Dense Top-View Understanding
* Matching Framework for Employees to Support Carpooling in the Context of Large Companies, A
* Matheuristic for the Integrated Disruption Management of Traffic, Passengers and Stations in Urban Railway Lines, A
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Probe Vehicle Penetration Rates and Queue Length Distributions From Probe Vehicle Data
* MDLF: A Multi-View-Based Deep Learning Framework for Individual Trip Destination Prediction in Public Transportation Systems
* Measurement-Based Wideband Space-Time Channel Models for 77GHz Automotive Radar in Underground Parking Lots
* Memory-Based Ant Colony System Approach for Multi-Source Data Associated Dynamic Electric Vehicle Dispatch Optimization
* MePark: Using Meters as Sensors for Citywide On-Street Parking Availability Prediction
* Met-MLTS: Leveraging Smartphones for End-to-End Spotting of Multilingual Oriented Scene Texts and Traffic Signs in Adverse Meteorological Conditions
* META: A City-Wide Taxi Repositioning Framework Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
* Method for Correcting the Closest Point of Approach Index During Vessel Encounters Based on Dimension Data From AIS, A
* Method of Hierarchical Feature Fusion and Connected Attention Architecture for Pavement Crack Detection, A
* Method of Potentially Promising Network for Crack Detection With Enhanced Convolution and Dynamic Feature Fusion, A
* MFIALane: Multiscale Feature Information Aggregator Network for Lane Detection
* MFNet: Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation in Road Scenes
* Micro-Safe: Microservices- and Deep Learning-Based Safety-as-a-Service Architecture for 6G-Enabled Intelligent Transportation System
* Microscopic Model of Vehicle CO2 Emissions Based on Deep Learning: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Taxicabs in Wuhan, China, A
* Millimeter-Wave Radar in-the-Loop Testing for Intelligent Vehicles
* MIMO Radar Design for Extended Target Detection in a Spectrally Crowded Environment
* Minimax Framework for Two-Agent Scheduling With Inertial Constraints, A
* Minimax Scheduling Framework for Inertially-Constrained Multi-Agent Systems, A
* Minimizing Cost-Plus-Dissatisfaction in Online EV Charging Under Real-Time Pricing
* Mining Actionable Patterns of Road Mobility From Heterogeneous Traffic Data Using Biclustering
* Mining Factors Affecting Taxi Detour Behavior from GPS Traces at Directional Road Segment Level
* Missing Data Repairs for Traffic Flow With Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Imputation Net
* Mixed Freight Dynamic Routing Using a Co-Simulation Optimization Approach
* Mixed Stage Partial Network and Background Data Augmentation for Surveillance Object Detection
* Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming for Energy-Efficient Container Handling: Formulation and Customized Genetic Algorithm
* Mixed-Integer Program (MIP) for One-Way Multiple-Type Shared Electric Vehicles Allocation With Uncertain Demand, A
* MLRNN: Taxi Demand Prediction Based on Multi-Level Deep Learning and Regional Heterogeneity Analysis
* MM-UrbanFAC: Urban Functional Area Classification Model Based on Multimodal Machine Learning
* Mobile Charging Station Placements in Internet of Electric Vehicles: A Federated Learning Approach
* Mobile Storage for Demand Charge Reduction
* MobileXNet: An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Mobility Model for Contact-Aware Data Offloading Through Train-to-Train Communications in Rail Networks
* Model of Extraction of Rail's Vertical Corrugation Based on Flexible Virtual Ruler, A
* Model Predictive Control for Connected Vehicle Platoon Under Switching Communication Topology
* Model-Reference Reinforcement Learning for Collision-Free Tracking Control of Autonomous Surface Vehicles
* Modeling Adversarial Behavior Against Mobility Data Privacy
* Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Relay Cooperative Communications in C-V2X Networks
* Modeling and Control Using Stochastic Distribution Control Theory for Intersection Traffic Flow
* Modeling and Second-Order Sliding Mode Control for Lateral Vibration of High-Speed Train With MR Dampers
* Modeling and Simulation of Crowd Evacuation With Signs at Subway Platform: A Case Study of Beijing Subway Stations
* Modeling Autonomous Vehicles Deployment in a Multilane AV Zone With Mixed Traffic
* Modeling Censored Mobility Demand Through Censored Quantile Regression Neural Networks
* Modeling Crowd Evacuation via Behavioral Heterogeneity-Based Social Force Model
* Modeling Driver Responses to Automation Failures With Active Inference
* Modeling Driver's Visual Fixation Behavior Using White-Box Representations
* Modeling Drivers' Strategy When Overtaking Cyclists in the Presence of Oncoming Traffic
* Modeling Driving Behavior of Human Drivers for Trajectory Planning
* Modeling Evacuation Risk Using a Stochastic Process Formulation of Mesoscopic Dynamic Network Loading
* Modeling Heterogeneous Traffic Mixing Regular, Connected, and Connected-Autonomous Vehicles Under Connected Environment
* Modeling Isotropic Traffic Flow Under Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication: A Kinetic Approach
* Modeling of Driver Cut-in Behavior Towards a Platoon
* Modeling Perception in Autonomous Vehicles via 3D Convolutional Representations on LiDAR
* Modeling Small-Granularity Expressway Traffic Volumes With Quantum Walks
* Modeling Stochastic Behavior of Road Networks With Disruptions Using Percolation Theory
* Modeling System Dynamics of Mixed Traffic With Partial Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Modelling Ethical Algorithms in Autonomous Vehicles Using Crash Data
* Modelling of the Vertical Dynamics of an Electric Kick Scooter
* MODS: A USV-Oriented Object Detection and Obstacle Segmentation Benchmark
* Modular and Transferable Reinforcement Learning Framework for the Fleet Rebalancing Problem, A
* MoNet: Motion-Based Point Cloud Prediction Network
* Monitoring Scheduling of Drones for Emission Control Areas: An Ant Colony-Based Approach
* Monocular Depth Estimation Through Virtual-World Supervision and Real-World SfM Self-Supervision
* Monocular Visual Traffic Surveillance: A Review
* Monocular Visual-Inertial-Wheel Odometry Using Low-Grade IMU in Urban Areas
* Motion Planning for Connected Automated Vehicles at Occluded Intersections With Infrastructure Sensors
* Motion Sickness Prediction in Self-Driving Cars Using the 6DOF-SVC Model
* Motorcycle State Estimation and Tire Cornering Stiffness Identification Applied to Road Safety: Using Observer-Based Identifiers
* Moving Objects Tracking Based on Geometric Model-Free Approach With Particle Filter Using Automotive LiDAR
* MPC Combined Decision Making and Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicle Collision Avoidance, A
* MPC-CSAS: Multi-Party Computation for Real-Time Privacy-Preserving Speed Advisory Systems
* MRSDI-CNN: Multi-Model Rail Surface Defect Inspection System Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* MS-Net: Multi-Source Spatio-Temporal Network for Traffic Flow Prediction
* MSCFNet: A Lightweight Network With Multi-Scale Context Fusion for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* MSCPT: Toward Cross-Place Transportation Mode Recognition Based on Multi-Sensor Neural Network Model
* MsKAT: Multi-Scale Knowledge-Aware Transformer for Vehicle Re-Identification
* MT-e&R: NMEA Protocol-Assisted High-Accuracy Navigation Algorithm Based on GNSS Error Estimation Using Multitask Learning
* Multi-Agent Driving Simulation Approach for Evaluating the Safety Benefits of Connected Vehicles, A
* Multi-Agent Fuzzy-Based Transit Signal Priority Control for Traffic Network Considering Conflicting Priority Requests
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Method With Route Recorders for Vehicle Routing in Supply Chain Management, A
* Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction With Heterogeneous Edge-Enhanced Graph Attention Network
* Multi-Agent Transfer Reinforcement Learning With Multi-View Encoder for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control
* Multi-Attention DenseNet: A Scattering Medium Imaging Optimization Framework for Visual Data Pre-Processing of Autonomous Driving Systems
* Multi-Bus Dispatching Strategy Based on Boarding Control, A
* Multi-Class Lane-Changing Advisory System for Freeway Merging Sections Using Cooperative ITS, A
* Multi-Commodity Traffic Signal Control and Routing With Connected Vehicles
* Multi-Fogs-Based Traceable Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Vehicular Identity in Internet of Vehicles
* Multi-Granularity Mutual Learning Network for Object Re-Identification
* Multi-Graph Convolutional-Recurrent Neural Network (MGC-RNN) for Short-Term Forecasting of Transit Passenger Flow
* Multi-Helper NOMA for Cooperative Mobile Edge Computing
* Multi-Lane Detection and Tracking Using Temporal-Spatial Model and Particle Filtering
* Multi-Level Query Interaction for Temporal Language Grounding
* Multi-Modal Traffic Signal Control in Shared Space Street
* Multi-Model-Based Local Path Planning Methodology for Autonomous Driving: An Integrated Framework
* Multi-Neighborhood Simulated Annealing-Based Iterated Local Search for Colored Traveling Salesman Problems
* Multi-Objective Asymmetric Sliding Mode Control of Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Multi-Objective Cooperative Control for a Ship-Towing System in Congested Water Traffic Environments
* Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing an ELM-Based Driver Distraction Detection System
* Multi-Objective Linear Optimization Problem for Strategic Planning of Shared Autonomous Vehicle Operation and Infrastructure Design
* Multi-Objective Multi-Index Transportation Model for Crude Oil Using Fuzzy NSGA-II
* Multi-Objective Optimization for Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing Networks
* Multi-Objective Two-Echelon City Dispatching Problem With Mobile Satellites and Crowd-Shipping
* Multi-PPTP: Multiple Probabilistic Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in the Complex Junction Scene
* Multi-Radio Access Software-Defined Vehicular Network
* Multi-Robot Source Location of Scalar Fields by a Novel Swarm Search Mechanism With Collision/Obstacle Avoidance
* Multi-Scale Attributes Attention Model for Transport Mode Identification, A
* Multi-Scale Fusion With Matching Attention Model: A Novel Decoding Network Cooperated With NAS for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Semantic Path Representation Learning for Travel Time Estimation
* Multi-Stage Optimisation Approach to Design Relocation Strategies in One-Way Car-Sharing Systems With Stackable Cars, A
* Multi-Stage, Multi-Feature Machine Learning Approach to Detect Driver Sleepiness in Naturalistic Road Driving Conditions, A
* Multi-Stream Feature Fusion Approach for Traffic Prediction, A
* Multi-Task Matrix Factorized Graph Neural Network for Co-Prediction of Zone-Based and OD-Based Ride-Hailing Demand, A
* Multi-Task Y-Shaped Graph Neural Network for Point Cloud Learning in Autonomous Driving
* Multi-Trip Multi-Trailer Drop-and-Pull Container Drayage Problem
* Multi-Vehicle Collaborative Learning for Trajectory Prediction With Spatio-Temporal Tensor Fusion
* Multiaccess Edge Integrated Networking for Internet of Vehicles: A Blockchain-Based Deep Compressed Cooperative Learning Approach
* Multidomain Suppression of Ambient Light in Visible Light Communication Transceivers
* Multifeature-Assisted Road and Vehicle Detection Method Based on Monocular Depth Estimation and Refined U-V Disparity Mapping, A
* Multimodal Driver Monitoring Database: A Naturalistic Corpus to Study Driver Attention, The
* Multimodal End-to-End Autonomous Driving
* Multimodal Fusion Fatigue Driving Detection Method Based on Heart Rate and PERCLOS, A
* Multiobjective Platooning of Connected and Automated Vehicles Using Distributed Economic Model Predictive Control
* Multipopulation Multiobjective Ant Colony System Considering Travel and Prevention Costs for Vehicle Routing in COVID-19-Like Epidemics, A
* Multiregional Coverage Path Planning for Multiple Energy Constrained UAVs
* Multisize Patched Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Short- and Long-Term Crowd Flow Prediction
* Multisource Adaption for Driver Attention Prediction in Arbitrary Driving Scenes
* Multitask Hypergraph Convolutional Networks: A Heterogeneous Traffic Prediction Framework
* Multitask Neural Tensor Factorization for Road Traffic Speed-Volume Correlation Pattern Learning and Joint Imputation
* Multitype Highway Mobility Analytics for Efficient Learning Model Design: A Case of Station Traffic Prediction
* MVCM Car-Following Model for Connected Vehicles and Simulation-Based Traffic Analysis in Mixed Traffic Flow
* Navigating Diverse Salient Features for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Navigating Robots in Dynamic Environment with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Navigation of a UAV Network for Optimal Surveillance of a Group of Ground Targets Moving Along a Road
* Navigation with Time Limits in Transportation Networks: A Fourth Moment Approach
* Near Real-Time Freeway Accident Detection
* Near-Field Perception for Low-Speed Vehicle Automation Using Surround-View Fisheye Cameras
* Near-Infrared Imaging Photoplethysmography During Driving
* Neighborhood Cooperative Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control in Epidemic Regions
* NetTraj: A Network-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Model With Directional Representation and Spatiotemporal Attention Mechanisms
* Network Rebalance and Operational Efficiency of Sharing Transportation System: Multi-Objective Optimization and Model Predictive Control Approaches
* Network-Flow-Based Efficient Vehicle Dispatch for City-Scale Ride-Hailing Systems
* Network-Wide Link Travel Time and Station Waiting Time Estimation Using Automatic Fare Collection Data: A Computational Graph Approach
* Network-Wide Traffic State Estimation and Rolling Horizon-Based Signal Control Optimization in a Connected Vehicle Environment
* NeuroIV: Neuromorphic Vision Meets Intelligent Vehicle Towards Safe Driving With a New Database and Baseline Evaluations
* New Approach Based on Predictive Maintenance Using the Fuzzy Classifier in Pantograph-Catenary Systems, A
* New Aspects of Integrity Levels in Automotive Industry-Cybersecurity of Automated Vehicles
* New City Air Terminal Service Mode: Urban Mobile Station for Luggage Check-in Service and Evolutionary Approach, A
* New Lane Keeping Method Based on Human-Simulated Intelligent Control, A
* New Method for Automated Monitoring of Road Pavement Aging Conditions Based on Recurrent Neural Network, A
* New Method for Validating and Generating Vehicle Trajectories From Stationary Video Cameras, A
* New Method of Vehicle Positioning Using Bumps and Road Surface Defects, A
* New Microscopic Approach to Traffic Flow Classification Using a Convolutional Neural Network Object Detector and a Multi-Tracker Algorithm, A
* New Modeling Approach for Predicting Vehicle-Based Safety Threats, A
* New Prepositioning Technique of a Motion Simulator Platform Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Recurrent Neural Network, A
* New Quadratic Spacing Policy and Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Platooning With Actuator Saturation, A
* New Unsupervised Deep Learning Algorithm for Fine-Grained Detection of Driver Distraction, A
* Night Time Vehicle Detection and Tracking by Fusing Vehicle Parts From Multiple Cameras
* Nighttime Pedestrian and Vehicle Detection Based on a Fast Saliency and Multifeature Fusion Algorithm for Infrared Images
* Nighttime Road Scene Parsing by Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* NLS Based Hierarchical Anti-Disturbance Controller for Vehicle Platoons With Time-Varying Parameter Uncertainties
* NOMA-Enabled Framework for Relay Deployment and Network Optimization in Double-Layer Airborne Access VANETs, A
* NOMA-Enabled Optimization Framework for Next-Generation Small-Cell IoV Networks Under Imperfect SIC Decoding
* Nonconvex, Fully Distributed Optimization Based CAV Platooning Control Under Nonlinear Vehicle Dynamics
* Nonlinear Analysis of Stability and Safety of Optimal Velocity Model Vehicle Groups on Ring Roads
* Nonlinear Robust Composite Levitation Control for High-Speed EMS Trains With Input Saturation and Track Irregularities
* Nonparametric Background Model-Based LiDAR SLAM in Highly Dynamic Urban Environments
* Nonparametric Hierarchical Hidden Semi-Markov Model for Brain Fatigue Behavior Detection of Pilots During Flight
* Nonuniform Sampling Control for Multibody High-Speed Train Systems With Quantization Mechanisms via Stochastic Faded Channels
* Normal Assisted Pixel-Visibility Learning With Cost Aggregation for Multiview Stereo
* Novel Approach for Model-Based Pedestrian Tracking Using Automotive Radar, A
* Novel Asymmetric Car Following Model for Driver-Assist Enabled Vehicle Dynamics, A
* Novel Cascade Path Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Truck-Trailer Parking, A
* Novel Coding Architecture for Multi-Line LiDAR Point Clouds Based on Clustering and Convolutional LSTM Network, A
* Novel Combined Decision and Control Scheme for Autonomous Vehicle in Structured Road Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control, A
* Novel Contract Theory-Based Incentive Mechanism for Cooperative Task-Offloading in Electrical Vehicular Networks, A
* Novel Control Framework of Brain-Controlled Vehicle Based on Fuzzy Logic and Model Predictive Control, A
* Novel Data-Driven Approach for Solving the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Location-Routing Problem, A
* Novel Decision-Making Strategy for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Highway On-Ramp Merging
* Novel Direct Trajectory Planning Approach Based on Generative Adversarial Networks and Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree, A
* Novel Finite-Time-Gain-Adjustment Controller Design Method for UAVs Tracking Time-Varying Targets, A
* Novel Formulations and Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Optimal Lane Reservation With Task Merging
* Novel Framework for Road Side Unit Location Optimization for Origin-Destination Demand Estimation, A
* Novel Gate Resource Allocation Method Using Improved PSO-Based QEA, A
* Novel Heterogeneous Network for Modeling Driver Attention With Multi-Level Visual Content, A
* Novel Integrated Framework of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Road Traffic for Energy-Efficient Delay-Sensitive Delivery
* Novel Machine Learning-Based Scheme for Spectrum Sharing in Virtualized 5G Networks, A
* Novel MIMO-OFDM Based MAC Protocol for VANETs, A
* Novel Multifaceted Trust Management Framework for Vehicular Networks, A
* Novel Multimodal Vehicle Path Prediction Method Based on Temporal Convolutional Networks, A
* Novel Optical Scattering-Based V2V Communications With Experimental Analysis
* Novel Prediction-Based Temporal Graph Routing Algorithm for Software-Defined Vehicular Networks, A
* Novel Robust Inertial and Ultra-Short Baseline Integrated Navigation Strategy Under the Influence of Motion Effect, A
* Novel Simultaneous Planning and Control Scheme of Automated Lane Change on Slippery Roads, A
* Novel Smart Lightweight Visual Attention Model for Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition, A
* Novel Smooth Variable Structure Filter for Target Tracking Under Model Uncertainty, A
* Novel Spatio-Temporal Synchronization Method of Roadside Asynchronous MMW Radar-Camera for Sensor Fusion, A
* Novel Strategy for Global Lane Detection Based on Key-Point Regression and Multi-Scale Feature Fusion, A
* Novel System for Nighttime Vehicle Detection Based on Foveal Classifiers With Real-Time Performance, A
* Novel Vehicle Destination Prediction Model With Expandable Features Using Attention Mechanism and Variational Autoencoder, A
* Novel Vision-Based Framework for Identifying Dynamic Vehicle Loads on Long-Span Bridges: A Case Study of Jiangyin Bridge, China, A
* Novel Vote Scheme for Decision-Making Feedback Based on Blockchain in Internet of Vehicles
* Novel Workload-Aware Approach to Mobile User Reallocation in Crowded Mobile Edge Computing Environment
* Novel YOLOv3 Model With Structure and Hyperparameter Optimization for Detection of Pavement Concealed Cracks in GPR Images
* NovelADS: A Novel Anomaly Detection System for Intra-Vehicular Networks
* NSGA-II Algorithm for Task Scheduling in UAV-Enabled MEC System, A
* NSSNet: Scale-Aware Object Counting With Non-Scale Suppression
* OAF-Net: An Occlusion-Aware Anchor-Free Network for Pedestrian Detection in a Crowd
* OBD-Data-Assisted Cost-Based Map-Matching Algorithm for Low-Sampled Telematics Data in Urban Environments
* Object Interaction-Based Localization and Description of Road Accident Events Using Deep Learning
* Observer-Based Double Closed-Loop Control for Mixed Vehicle Groups: A Macro and Micro Perspective
* Occluded Pedestrian Detection via Distribution-Based Mutual-Supervised Feature Learning
* Occupancy Grid Generation With Dynamic Obstacle Segmentation in Stereo Images
* Omnisupervised Omnidirectional Semantic Segmentation
* On Determinism of Game Engines Used for Simulation-Based Autonomous Vehicle Verification
* On Model Selection for Scalable Time Series Forecasting in Transport Networks
* On Reliable Awareness System for Autonomous River Vessels
* On Social Interactions of Merging Behaviors at Highway On-Ramps in Congested Traffic
* On the Cybersecurity of Traffic Signal Control System With Connected Vehicles
* On the Generalizability of Motion Models for Road Users in Heterogeneous Shared Traffic Spaces
* On the Prediction Policy for Timely Status Updates in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Transportation Systems
* On Time Headway Selection in Platoons Under the MPF Topology in the Presence of Communication Delays
* On Trajectory Homotopy to Explore and Penetrate Dynamically of Multi-UAV
* On-Line Train Speed Profile Generation of High-Speed Railway With Energy-Saving: A Model Predictive Control Method
* On-Ramp Merging Strategies of Connected and Automated Vehicles Considering Communication Delay
* On-Road Object Collision Point Estimation by Radar Sensor Data Fusion
* On-Street Parking Occupancy Inference Based on Payment Transactions
* One Stage Monocular 3D Object Detection Utilizing Discrete Depth and Orientation Representation
* Online Distributed Routing Problem of Electric Vehicles
* Online Estimation and Prediction of Large-Scale Network Traffic From Sparse Probe Vehicle Data
* Online EV Charge Scheduling Based on Time-of-Use Pricing and Peak Load Minimization: Properties and Efficient Algorithms
* Online Learning for Chance-Constrained Observer of Leading Heavy-Duty Vehicle Power Capability
* Online Learning System for Wireless Charging Alignment Using Surround-View Fisheye Cameras, An
* Online Model Predictive Motion Cueing With Real-Time Driver Prediction
* Online Multiobject Tracking Network for Autonomous Driving in Areas Facing Epidemic, An
* Online Reinforcement Learning Approach for User-Optimal Parking Searching Strategy Exploiting Unique Problem Property and Network Topology, An
* Online Route Choice Modeling for Mobility-as-a-Service Networks With Non-Separable, Congestible Link Capacity Effects
* Online Safety Assessment of Automated Vehicles Using Silent Testing
* Online Scheduling and Route Planning for Shared Buses in Urban Traffic Networks
* Online Station Assignment for Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping
* OpenPifPaf: Composite Fields for Semantic Keypoint Detection and Spatio-Temporal Association
* OpenStreetMap-Based Autonomous Navigation With LiDAR Naive-Valley-Path Obstacle Avoidance
* Operational Characteristics of Mixed-Autonomy Traffic Flow on the Freeway With On- and Off-Ramps and Weaving Sections: An RL-Based Approach
* Optical Camera Communication in Vehicular Applications: A Review
* Optimal Allocation of EV Charging Stations in a Radial Distribution Network Using Probabilistic Load Modeling
* Optimal Assignments in Mobility-on-Demand Systems Using Event-Driven Receding Horizon Control
* Optimal Battery Charging Algorithm in Electric Vehicle-Assisted Battery Swapping Environments, An
* Optimal Control of Autonomous Vehicles for Traffic Smoothing
* Optimal Cooperative Driving at Signal-Free Intersections With Polynomial-Time Complexity
* Optimal Driving Strategies for Two Successive Trains on Level Track With Safe Separation
* Optimal Dynamic Lane Reversal and Traffic Control Strategy for Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Optimal Dynamic Supply of Parking Permits Under Uncertainties: A Stochastic Control Approach
* Optimal Eco-Routing for Hybrid Vehicles With Powertrain Model Embedded
* Optimal Joint Power and Rate Adaptation for Awareness and Congestion Control in Vehicular Networks
* Optimal Life Cycle Reprofiling Strategy of Train Wheels Based on Markov Decision Process of Wheel Degradation, An
* Optimal Operation Strategies for the Bus-Mode Operation of Intercity High-Speed Rail Service: A Novel Ticketing/Exchanging Mechanism
* Optimal Parameter Inflation to Enhance the Availability of Single-Frequency GBAS for Intelligent Air Transportation
* Optimal Pricing for Offloaded Hard- and Soft-Deadline Tasks in Edge Computing
* Optimal Trajectory Planning and Robust Tracking Using Vehicle Model Inversion
* Optimal Trajectory Planning of Connected and Automated Vehicles at On-Ramp Merging Area
* Optimal Trajectory Planning of Connected and Automated Vehicles at On-Ramp Merging Area
* Optimization Based Adaptive Cruise Control and Energy Management Strategy for Connected and Automated FCHEV
* Optimization of Charging Strategies for Battery Electric Vehicles Under Uncertainty
* Optimization of Two-Phase Sampling Designs With Application to Naturalistic Driving Studies
* Optimization of Waiting Time for Electric Vehicles Using a Fuzzy Inference System
* Optimization-Based Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Parking With Irregularly Placed Obstacles: A Lightweight Iterative Framework
* Optimized Calculation of the Economic Speed Profile for Slope Driving: Based on Iterative Dynamic Programming
* Optimized Large-Scale Road Sensing Through Crowdsourced Vehicles
* Optimized Speed Trajectories for Cyclists, Based on Personal Preferences and Traffic Light Information: A Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach
* Optimizing City-Scale Traffic Through Modeling Observations of Vehicle Movements
* Optimizing Energy Savings for a Fleet of Commercial Autonomous Trucks
* Optimizing Information Freshness for MEC-Enabled Cooperative Autonomous Driving
* Optimizing Living Material Delivery During the COVID-19 Outbreak
* Optimizing Locations and Qualities of Multiple Facilities With Competition via Intelligent Search
* Optimizing Signal Timing Control for Large Urban Traffic Networks Using an Adaptive Linear Quadratic Regulator Control Strategy
* Option-Based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Painting With Multiple Large-Sized Robots
* Origin-Destination Demands-Based Multipath-Band Approach to Time-Varying Arterial Coordination, An
* Overarching Sustainable Energy Management of PV Integrated EV Parking Lots in Reconfigurable Microgrids Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Overriding Autonomous Driving Systems Using Adaptive Adversarial Billboards
* Overview on Approaches for Coordination of Platoons, An
* P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework for Internet of Vehicles
* Pairwise Proximity Learning-Based Ant Colony Algorithm for Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems, A
* Parallel Complement Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes
* Parallel Simulation of Crowd Multi-Cell Occupancy and Velocity Variety
* Parameter Adaptation and Situation Awareness of LTE-R Handover for High-Speed Railway Communication
* ParaUDA: Invariant Feature Learning With Auxiliary Synthetic Samples for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Part-Guided Attention Learning for Vehicle Instance Retrieval
* Partial-Fréchet-Distance-Based Framework for Bus Route Identification, A
* Passenger Evacuation Path Planning in Subway Station Under Multiple Fires Based on Multiobjective Robust Optimization
* PassGoodPool: Joint Passengers and Goods Fleet Management With Reinforcement Learning Aided Pricing, Matching, and Route Planning
* Path Planning of Arbitrary Shaped Mobile Robots With Safety Consideration
* Path Tracking Control for Underactuated Vehicles With Matched-Mismatched Uncertainties: An Uncertainty Decomposition Based Constraint-Following Approach
* Path-Tracking Considering Yaw Stability With Passivity-Based Control for Autonomous Vehicles
* Pavement Marking Incorporated With Binary Code for Accurate Localization of Autonomous Vehicles
* Pay for Intersection Priority: A Free Market Mechanism for Connected Vehicles
* Pband: A General Signal Progression Model With Phase Optimization Along Urban Arterial
* PcGAN: A Noise Robust Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for One Shot Learning
* Pedestrian Behavior Prediction for Automated Driving: Requirements, Metrics, and Relevant Features
* Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction at Red-Light Using Pose Estimation
* Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Cars: Inference Fusion of Deep Neural Networks
* Pedestrian Detection Using MB-CSP Model and Boosted Identity Aware Non-Maximum Suppression
* Pedestrian Graph+: A Fast Pedestrian Crossing Prediction Model Based on Graph Convolutional Networks
* Pedestrian Motion Trajectory Prediction in Intelligent Driving from Far Shot First-Person Perspective Video
* Pedestrian-Aware Statistical Risk Assessment
* Perceiving Humans: From Monocular 3D Localization to Social Distancing
* Perceptual Enhancement for Autonomous Vehicles: Restoring Visually Degraded Images for Context Prediction via Adversarial Training
* Performance Analysis Using Full Duplex Discovery Mechanism in 5G-V2X Communication Networks
* Performance and Efficiency Analysis of a Linear Learning-Based Prediction Model Used for Unintended Lane-Departure Detection
* Performance Evaluation for Secure Communications in Mobile Internet of Vehicles With Joint Reactive Jamming and Eavesdropping Attacks
* Performance Evaluation of RIS-Assisted UAV-Enabled Vehicular Communication System With Multiple Non-Identical Interferers
* Performance Evaluation of Station-Based Autonomous On-Demand Car-Sharing Systems
* Performance Modeling a Near-Infrared ToF LiDAR Under Fog: A Data-Driven Approach
* Performance of a Link in a Field of Vehicular Interferers With Hardcore Headway Distance
* Performance of Decentralized Cooperative Perception in V2V Connected Traffic
* Perimeter Control and Route Guidance of Multi-Region MFD Systems With Boundary Queues Using Colored Petri Nets
* Perimeter Control With State-Dependent Delays: Optimal Control Model and Computational Method
* Personalized Location Privacy With Road Network-Indistinguishability
* Personalized Situation Adaptive Human-Vehicles-Interaction (HVI) Prediction in COVID-19 Context
* PETS: P2P Energy Trading Scheduling Scheme for Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid Systems
* Photogrammetric System for Tunnel Underbreak and Overbreak Detection, A
* Photorealism in Driving Simulations: Blending Generative Adversarial Image Synthesis With Rendering
* Physical-Virtual Collaboration Modeling for Intra- and Inter-Station Metro Ridership Prediction
* Physics Informed Deep Reinforcement Learning for Aircraft Conflict Resolution
* Physics-Informed Deep Learning Paradigm for Traffic State and Fundamental Diagram Estimation, A
* Physiological Measures of Risk Perception in Highly Automated Driving
* Place-Timed Petri Net-Based Method to Avoid Deadlock and Conflict in Railway Networks, A
* Planning of Regional Urban Bus Charging Facility: A Case Study of Fengxian, Shanghai
* Platoon Tracking Control With Road-Friction Based Spacing Policy for Nonlinear Vehicles
* Platoon Trajectories Generation: A Unidirectional Interconnected LSTM-Based Car-Following Model
* Platoon Trajectory Completion in a Mixed Traffic Environment Under Sparse Observation
* Platoon-Based Hierarchical Merging Control for On-Ramp Vehicles Under Connected Environment, A
* PLVA: Privacy-Preserving and Lightweight V2I Authentication Protocol
* PNNUAD: Perception Neural Networks Uncertainty Aware Decision-Making for Autonomous Vehicle
* Point Cloud Registration Based on Direct Deep Features With Applications in Intelligent Vehicles
* PolarLITIS Dataset: Road Scenes Under Fog, The
* Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning for Training Autonomous Driving Agents in Urban Areas With Affordance Learning
* Popularity Incentive Caching for Vehicular Named Data Networking
* Post-Disaster Distribution System Restoration With Logistics Support and Geographical Characteristics
* Posture Calibration Based Cross-View and Hard-Sensitive Metric Learning for UAV-Based Vehicle Re-Identification
* Pothole 3D Reconstruction With a Novel Imaging System and Structure From Motion Techniques
* Power Allocation and Performance Analysis in Overlay Cognitive Cooperative V2V Communication System With Outdated CSI
* PPVF: Privacy-Preserving Protocol for Vehicle Feedback in Cloud-Assisted VANET
* Practical Control for Multicopters to Avoid Non-Cooperative Moving Obstacles
* Pre-Predictive Congestion-Based Data Allocation for Sixth Generation Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems
* PRECOM: A Parallel Recommendation Engine for Control, Operations, and Management on Congested Urban Traffic Networks
* Predicting Appearance of Vehicles From Blind Spots Based on Pedestrian Behaviors at Crossroads
* Predicting Driver Takeover Time in Conditionally Automated Driving
* Predicting Driver's Transition Time to a Secondary Task Given an in-Vehicle Alert
* Predicting Risky Driving in a Connected Vehicle Environment
* Predicting the Public Adoption of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
* Prediction of Evolution Behaviors of Transportation Hubs Based on Spatiotemporal Neural Network
* Prediction of Ocean Wave Height Suitable for Ship Autopilot
* Prediction of On-Street Parking Level of Service Based on Random Undersampling Decision Trees
* Prediction-Based Preview Control of Motion Platform With Time Delay
* Predictive Command Governor-Based Adaptive Cruise Controller With Collision Avoidance for Non-Connected Vehicle Following, A
* Preserving Location-Privacy in Vehicular Networks via Reinforcement Learning
* Price-Based Iterative Double Auction for Charger Sharing Markets, A
* Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Vehicles
* Privacy Conserves Pseudonym Acquisition Scheme in Vehicular Communication Systems, A
* Privacy-Preserved Federated Learning for Autonomous Driving
* Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Estimation for Networked Vehicles With Application to Collaborative Road Profile Estimation
* Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning Model for Decentralized VANETs Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Blockchain
* Privacy-Preserving-Based Secure Framework Using Blockchain-Enabled Deep-Learning in Cooperative Intelligent Transport System, A
* PrivacySignal: Privacy-Preserving Traffic Signal Control for Intelligent Transportation System
* Proactive Rebalancing and Speed-Up Techniques for On-Demand High Capacity Ridesourcing Services
* Probabilistic Approach for Cooperative Computation Offloading in MEC-Assisted Vehicular Networks, A
* Probabilistic Metamodels for an Efficient Characterization of Complex Driving Scenarios
* Probabilistic Metamodels for an Efficient Characterization of Complex Driving Scenarios
* Probabilistic Pedestrian Models for Estimating Unobserved Road Populations
* Probabilistic Risk Metric for Highway Driving Leveraging Multi-Modal Trajectory Predictions
* Problem of Electric Vehicle Charging: State-of-the-Art and an Innovative Solution, The
* Prototyping and Evaluation of Infrastructure-Assisted Transition of Control for Cooperative Automated Vehicles
* PSE-Match: A Viewpoint-Free Place Recognition Method With Parallel Semantic Embedding
* Pseudo-Labeling and Meta Reweighting Learning for Image Aesthetic Quality Assessment
* Pseudo-LiDAR Point Cloud Interpolation Based on 3D Motion Representation and Spatial Supervision
* Pseudolite Constellation Optimization for Seamless Train Positioning in GNSS-Challenged Railway Stations
* PSO-Based Adaptive Hierarchical Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Knowledge Representation System (PSO-AHIT2FKRS) for Travel Route Guidance
* Public Curb Parking Demand Estimation With POI Distribution
* PV-EncoNet: Fast Object Detection Based on Colored Point Cloud
* Q-Learning-Based Supervisory Control Adaptability Investigation for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* QoS-Balancing Algorithm for Optimal Relay Selection in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
* Qualitative and Quantitative Safety Evaluation of Train Control Systems (CTCS) With Stochastic Colored Petri Nets
* Quality of Service Measure for Bike Sharing Systems
* Quantified Edge Server Placement With Quantum Encoding in Internet of Vehicles
* Quantify the Road Link Performance and Capacity Using Deep Learning Models
* Quantifying the Uncertainty in Long-Term Traffic Prediction Based on PI-ConvLSTM Network
* Quantized Output Feedback Control of AFS for Electric Vehicles With Transmission Delay and Data Dropouts
* Radar Scheme With Raised Reflector for NLOS Vehicle Detection
* Radar-Based Multisensor Fusion for Uninterrupted Reliable Positioning in GNSS-Denied Environments
* Railway Automatic Switch Stationary Contacts Wear Detection Under Few-Shot Occasions
* RaLL: End-to-End Radar Localization on Lidar Map Using Differentiable Measurement Model
* Random-Positioned License Plate Recognition Using Hybrid Broad Learning System and Convolutional Networks
* Rapid Extraction of Urban Road Guardrails from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Rapid Ship Detection Method on Movable Platform Based on Discriminative Multi-Size Gradient Features and Multi-Branch Support Vector Machine
* RBFNN-Based Adaptive Event-Triggered Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon Consensus
* RDC-SLAM: A Real-Time Distributed Cooperative SLAM System Based on 3D LiDAR
* Reading During Fully Automated Driving: A Study of the Effect of Peripheral Visual and Haptic Information on Situation Awareness and Mental Workload
* Real Environment-Aware Multisource Data-Associated Cold Chain Logistics Scheduling: A Multiple Population-Based Multiobjective Ant Colony System Approach
* Real-Time Adaptation of Driving Time and Rest Periods in Automated Long-Haul Trucking: Development of a System Based on Biomathematical Modelling, Fatigue and Relaxation Monitoring
* Real-Time Bike Trip Planning Policy With Self-Organizing Bike Redistribution, A
* Real-Time Decision Support Approach for Managing Disruptions in Line-Haul Freight Transport Networks, A
* Real-Time Fault Diagnosis of Pulse Rectifier in Traction System Based on Structural Model
* Real-Time Holding Control for Transfer Synchronization via Robust Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
* Real-Time Illegal Parking Detection Algorithm in Urban Environments
* Real-Time Intelligent Automatic Transportation Safety Based on Big Data Management
* Real-Time Mission-Motion Planner for Multi-UUVs Cooperative Work Using Tri-Level Programing
* Real-Time Monocular Joint Perception Network for Autonomous Driving
* Real-Time Optical Flow for Vehicular Perception With Low- and High-Resolution Event Cameras
* Real-Time Performance-Focused Localization Techniques for Autonomous Vehicle: A Review
* Real-Time Prediction System of Train Carriage Load Based on Multi-Stream Fuzzy Learning
* Real-Time Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Without GPU
* Real-Time Stability Performance Monitoring and Evaluation of Maglev Trains' Levitation System: A Data-Driven Approach
* Real-Time Tracking Algorithm for Aerial Vehicles Using Improved Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning
* Rebalancing and Charging Scheduling With Price Incentives for Car Sharing Systems
* Rebalancing of One-Way Car-Sharing Systems Considering Elastic Demand and Waiting Time
* ReCF: Exploiting Response Reasoning for Correlation Filters in Real-Time UAV Tracking
* Rechargeable Battery Cabinet Deployment for Public Bike System
* Recognition of Trip-Based Aggressive Driving: A System Integrated With Gaussian Mixture Model Structured of Factor-Analysis, and Hierarchical Clustering
* Recognizing and Analyzing Private Car Commuters Using Big Data of Electronic Registration Identification of Vehicles
* Recognizing Very Small Face Images Using Convolution Neural Networks
* Reconstruction of Vehicle-Induced Vibration on Concrete Pavement Using Distributed Fiber Optic
* Recurrent Models for Lane Change Prediction and Situation Assessment
* Recurrent Neural Network Based Collaborative Filtering for QoS Prediction in IoV
* Reducing CACC Platoon Disturbances Caused by State Jitters by Combining Two Stages Driving State Recognition With Multiple Platoons' Strategies and Risk Prediction
* Reducing Operation Cost of LPWAN Roadside Sensors Using Cross Technology Communication
* Regional Coordinated Bus Priority Signal Control Considering Pedestrian and Vehicle Delays at Urban Intersections
* Reinforcement Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization Supporting Real-Time Rescue Assignments for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* Reinforcement Learning Approach for Enacting Cautious Behaviours in Autonomous Driving System: Safe Speed Choice in the Interaction With Distracted Pedestrians, A
* Reinforcement Learning Approach for Rebalancing Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems, A
* Reinforcement-Tracking: An Effective Trajectory Tracking and Navigation Method for Autonomous Urban Driving
* Relational Fusion Networks: Graph Convolutional Networks for Road Networks
* Relay Cooperative Transmission Algorithms for IoV Under Aggregated Interference
* Reliable and Efficient Content Sharing for 5G-Enabled Vehicular Networks
* Renewable Energy Re-Distribution via Multiscale IoT for 6G-Oriented Green Highway Management
* Research on Rutting Deformation Monitoring Method Based on Intelligent Aggregate
* Resilience Assessment of an Urban Rail Transit Network Under Short-Term Operational Disturbances
* Resilient Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Autonomous Vehicles Using Machine Learning
* Resilient Interactive Sensor-Independent-Update Fusion Navigation Method
* Resilient Platoon Control of Vehicular Cyber Physical Systems Under DoS Attacks and Multiple Disturbances
* Resilient Urban Public Transportation Infrastructure: A Comparison of Five Flow-Weighted Metro Networks in Terms of the Resilience Cycle Framework
* Resource Allocation of Video Streaming Over Vehicular Networks: A Survey, Some Research Issues and Challenges
* Resource Management for Intelligent Vehicular Edge Computing Networks
* Resource Planning Under Hypercube Queuing Equilibrium With Server Disruptions and Cooperative Dispatches
* Response-Type Road Anomaly Detection and Evaluation Method for Steady Driving of Automated Vehicles, A
* Responses to Take-Over Request in Autonomous Vehicles: Effects of Environmental Conditions and Cues
* Rethinking and Designing a High-Performing Automatic License Plate Recognition Approach
* Review and Comparative Study on Probabilistic Object Detection in Autonomous Driving, A
* Review of Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoon Merging and Splitting Operations, A
* Review of Data Analytics for Condition Monitoring of Railway Track Geometry
* Review of Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Methods: Comparing Deep Learning and Knowledge-Based Approaches
* Review of Vision-Based Traffic Semantic Understanding in ITSs, A
* Review on Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving the Traffic Signal Control Problem, A
* Review on Vehicle-Trailer State and Parameter Estimation, A
* ReViewNet: A Fast and Resource Optimized Network for Enabling Safe Autonomous Driving in Hazy Weather Conditions
* Revisiting Problem in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Survey on Visual Loop Closure Detection, The
* RF-DCM: Multi-Granularity Deep Convolutional Model Based on Feature Recalibration and Fusion for Driver Fatigue Detection
* RFAP: A Revocable Fine-Grained Access Control Mechanism for Autonomous Vehicle Platoon
* RFID Technology Study for Traffic Signage Inventory Management Application
* Rhythm of Transit Stations - Uncovering the Activity-Travel Dynamics of Transit-Oriented Development in the U.S.
* Ridesourcing Behavior Analysis and Prediction: A Network Perspective
* Risk Assessment Methodologies for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* Risk Field Model of Driving and Its Application in Modeling Car-Following Behavior
* Risk Representation, Perception, and Propensity in an Integrated Human Lane-Change Decision Model
* Risk-Averse Equilibria for Vehicle Navigation in Stochastic Congestion Games
* Risk-Based Formulation of the Transit Priority Network Design
* Road Garbage Segmentation With Deep Supervision and High Fusion Network for Cleaning Vehicles
* Road Intersection Optimization Considering Spatial-Temporal Interactions Among Turning Movement Spillovers
* Road Marking Damage Detection Based on Deep Learning for Infrastructure Evaluation in Emerging Autonomous Driving
* Road Surface Recognition at mm-Wavelengths Using a Polarimetric Radar
* Road-Curvature-Range-Dependent Path Following Controller Design for Autonomous Ground Vehicles Subject to Stochastic Delays
* Road-Model-Based Road Boundary Extraction for High Definition Map via LIDAR
* RoadCapsFPN: Capsule Feature Pyramid Network for Road Extraction From VHR Optical Remote Sensing Imagery
* Roadside Decision-Making Methodology Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning to Simultaneously Improve the Safety and Efficiency of Merging Zone, A
* Robust Adaptive Learning-Based Path Tracking Control of Autonomous Vehicles Under Uncertain Driving Environments
* Robust Analog Beamforming for Periodic Broadcast V2V Communication
* Robust and Responsive Learning of Spatiotemporal Urban Traffic Flow Relationships
* Robust and Scalable V2V Safety Communication Based on the SAE J2945/1 Standard
* Robust Control for Dynamic Train Regulation in Fully Automatic Operation System Under Uncertain Wireless Transmissions
* Robust Control of Arrivals Into a Queuing Network
* Robust Coordinated Control of Nonlinear Heterogeneous Platoon Interacted by Uncertain Topology
* Robust Data-Driven Framework for Driver Behavior Profiling Using Supervised Machine Learning
* Robust Energy Management of High-Speed Railway Co-Phase Traction Substation With Uncertain PV Generation and Traction Load
* Robust Environment-Aware Driver Profiling Framework Using Ensemble Supervised Learning, A
* Robust Gain-Scheduling Path Following Control of Autonomous Vehicles Considering Stochastic Network-Induced Delay
* Robust In-Motion Optimization-Based Alignment for SINS/GPS Integration, A
* Robust Lane Extraction From MLS Point Clouds Towards HD Maps Especially in Curve Road
* Robust Least Squares Twin Support Vector Regression With Adaptive FOA and PSO for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction
* Robust Localization in Map Changing Environments Based on Hierarchical Approach of Sliding Window Optimization and Filtering
* Robust Min-Max Model Predictive Vehicle Platooning With Causal Disturbance Feedback
* Robust Multispectral Visual-Inertial Navigation With Visual Odometry Failure Recovery
* Robust Non-Fragile Fault Tolerant Control for Ensuring the Safety of the Intended Functionality of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
* Robust Nonlinear Control Using Barrier Lyapunov Function Under Lateral Offset Error Constraint for Lateral Control of Autonomous Vehicles
* Robust Real-Time Delay Predictions in a Network of High-Frequency Urban Buses
* Robust Registration of Rail Profile and Complete Detection of Outliers in Complex Field Environment
* Robust Synchronization for Under-Actuated Vessels Based on Disturbance Observer
* Robust Target Recognition and Tracking of Self-Driving Cars With Radar and Camera Information Fusion Under Severe Weather Conditions
* Robust Traffic Control Model Considering Uncertainties in Turning Ratios, A
* Robust Traffic Control Using a First Order Macroscopic Traffic Flow Model
* Robust Traffic Speed Inference With Ensemble Learning
* Robust Two-Stage Planning Model for the Charging Station Placement Problem Considering Road Traffic Uncertainty, A
* Robust Vehicle Positioning Based on Multi-Epoch and Multi-Antenna TOAs in Harsh Environments
* Role of Trip Lengths Calibration in Model-Based Perimeter Control Strategies, The
* ROPHS: Determine Real-Time Status of a Multi-Carriage Logistics Train at Airport
* Roundabout Crossing With Interval Occupancy and Virtual Instances of Road Users
* Route Choice Behavior Modeling for Emergency Evacuation and Efficiency Analysis Based on Type-II Fuzzy Theory
* Route Planning and Tracking Control of an Intelligent Automatic Unmanned Transportation System Based on Dynamic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
* Routing and Rebalancing Intermodal Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems in Mixed Traffic
* Routing Optimization by Considering Multiple Uses of Vehicles and Demand Uncertainty: A Real-World Case Study
* Routing With Traffic Awareness and Link Preference in Internet of Vehicles
* SA-YOLOv3: An Efficient and Accurate Object Detector Using Self-Attention Mechanism for Autonomous Driving
* Safe and Efficient Cooperative Platooning
* Safe and Efficient Lane Change Maneuver for Obstacle Avoidance Inspired From Human Driving Pattern
* Safe and Energy-Efficient Car-Following Control Strategy for Intelligent Electric Vehicles Considering Regenerative Braking
* Safe Navigation and Evasive Maneuvers Based on Probabilistic Multi-Controller Architecture
* Safe Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
* Safe Route Mapping of Roadways Using Multiple Sourced Data
* SafeDrive: A New Model for Driving Risk Analysis Based on Crash Avoidance
* Safety Assured Online Guidance With Airborne Separation for Urban Air Mobility Operations in Uncertain Environments
* Safety Implications of Variability in Autonomous Driving Assist Alerting
* Safety Performance Boundary Identification of Highly Automated Vehicles: A Surrogate Model-Based Gradient Descent Searching Approach
* Safety-Aware Real-Time Air Traffic Flow Management Model Under Demand and Capacity Uncertainties, A
* Safety-Guaranteed and Development Cost- Minimized Scheduling of DAG Functionality in an Automotive System
* Saliency Heat-Map as Visual Attention for Autonomous Driving Using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
* SAM-Net: LiDAR Depth Inpainting for 3D Static Map Generation
* SATMAC: Self-Adaptive TDMA-Based MAC Protocol for VANETs
* SAVE: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Location-Based Service Bundle Authentication in Self-Organizing Vehicular Social Networks
* Scanner of Heterogeneous Traffic Flow in Smart Cities by an Updating Model of Connected and Automated Vehicles, The
* Scanning the Issue
* SceGene: Bio-Inspired Traffic Scenario Generation for Autonomous Driving Testing
* Scenario Parameter Generation Method and Scenario Representativeness Metric for Scenario-Based Assessment of Automated Vehicles
* Scenario Understanding and Motion Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles: Review and Comparison
* Scenario-Based Test Automation for Highly Automated Vehicles: A Review and Paving the Way for Systematic Safety Assurance
* Scenario-Transferable Semantic Graph Reasoning for Interaction-Aware Probabilistic Prediction
* Scene Independency Matters: An Empirical Study of Scene Dependent and Scene Independent Evaluation for CNN-Based Change Detection
* Scene-Aware Error Modeling of LiDAR/Visual Odometry for Fusion-Based Vehicle Localization
* Scene-Graph Augmented Data-Driven Risk Assessment of Autonomous Vehicle Decisions
* Schedule-Based Model for Passenger-Oriented Train Planning With Operating Cost and Capacity Constraints, A
* Scheduling a Fleet of Drones for Monitoring Missions With Spatial, Temporal, and Energy Constraints
* Scheduling and Power Control for Connectivity Enhancement in Multi-Hop I2V/V2V Networks
* Scheduling Online EV Charging Demand Response via V2V Auctions and Local Generation
* Secure and Efficient Blockchain-Based Knowledge Sharing for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
* Secure and Efficient Data Sharing Among Vehicles Based on Consortium Blockchain
* Secure and Intelligent Framework for Vehicle Health Monitoring Exploiting Big-Data Analytics, A
* Secure and Lightweight Drones-Access Protocol for Smart City Surveillance, A
* Secure and Temporary Access Delegation With Equality Test for Cloud-Assisted IoV
* Secure Authentication and Key Management Protocol for Deployment of Internet of Vehicles (IoV) Concerning Intelligent Transport Systems
* Secure Content Delivery for Connected and Autonomous Trucks: A Coalition Formation Game Approach
* Secure Dynamic Mix Zone Pseudonym Changing Scheme Based on Traffic Context Prediction, A
* Secure Privacy-Preserving V2V Communication in 5G-V2X Supporting Network Slicing
* Secure Transmission in Cellular V2X Communications Using Deep Q-Learning
* Security Vulnerabilities and Protection Algorithms for Backpressure-Based Traffic Signal Control at an Isolated Intersection
* Security-Aware Information Dissemination With Fine-Grained Access Control in Cooperative Multi-RSU of VANETs
* Segmentation-Based Multitask Learning Approach for Isolating Switch State Recognition in High-Speed Railway Traction Substation, A
* Selection of the Speed Command Distance for Improved Performance of a Rule-Based VSL and Lane Change Control
* Self-Learned Intelligence for Integrated Decision and Control of Automated Vehicles at Signalized Intersections
* Self-Supervised 3D Reconstruction and Ego-Motion Estimation Via On-Board Monocular Video
* Self-Supervised Depth Completion From Direct Visual-LiDAR Odometry in Autonomous Driving
* Semantic Cameras for 360-Degree Environment Perception in Automated Urban Driving
* Semantic Guided Long Range Stereo Depth Estimation for Safer Autonomous Vehicle Applications
* Semantic Segmentation for Free Space and Lane Based on Grid-Based Interest Point Detection
* Semantic-Aligned Attention With Refining Feature Embedding for Few-Shot Image Classification
* Semi-Decentralized Network Slicing for Reliable V2V Service Provisioning: A Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Semi-Definite Relaxation-Based ADMM for Cooperative Planning and Control of Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Semi-Supervised Federated Learning for Travel Mode Identification From GPS Trajectories
* Sensitivity of Electrodermal Activity Features for Driver Arousal Measurement in Cognitive Load: The Application in Automated Driving Systems
* Sensor Fusion for Aircraft Detection at Airport Ramps Using Conditional Random Fields
* Sensor Fusion-Based GNSS Spoofing Attack Detection Framework for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Sensors and AI Techniques for Situational Awareness in Autonomous Ships: A Review
* Sentinel: An Onboard Lane Change Advisory System for Intelligent Vehicles to Reduce Traffic Delay During Freeway Incidents
* Sequential Attention-Based Distinct Part Modeling for Balanced Pedestrian Detection
* Sequential Pattern Mining Based Approach to Adaptively Detect Anomalous Paths in Floating Vehicle Trajectories, A
* Sequential Semantic Segmentation of Road Profiles for Path and Speed Planning
* Service-Oriented Dynamic Resource Slicing and Optimization for Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks
* Service-Oriented Real-Time Energy-Optimal Regenerative Braking Strategy for Connected and Autonomous Electrified Vehicles
* SFNet-N: An Improved SFNet Algorithm for Semantic Segmentation of Low-Light Autonomous Driving Road Scenes
* Shared Representation for Photorealistic Driving Simulators, A
* Ship Collision Avoidance Utilizing the Cross-Entropy Method for Collision Risk Assessment
* Ship Path Optimization That Accounts for Geographical Traffic Characteristics to Increase Maritime Port Safety
* Short-Term Demand Forecasting for on-Demand Mobility Service
* Short-Term Estimation and Prediction of Pedestrian Density in Urban Hot Spots Based on Mobile Phone Data
* Short-Term Forecast of Bicycle Usage in Bike Sharing Systems: A Spatial-Temporal Memory Network
* Short-Term Forecasting of Urban Traffic Using Spatio-Temporal Markov Field
* Short-Term Lateral Behavior Reasoning for Target Vehicles Considering Driver Preview Characteristic
* Short-Term Prediction of Level of Service in Highways Based on Bluetooth Identification
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Method With M-B-LSTM Hybrid Network
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Ensemble Approach Based on Deep Belief Networks
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Based on the Efficient Hinging Hyperplanes Neural Network
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction for Urban Road Sections Based on Time Series Analysis and LSTM_BILSTM Method
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on an Improved Gate Recurrent Unit Neural Network, A
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction: An Integrated Method of Econometrics and Hybrid Deep Learning
* Short-Term Travel Speed Prediction for Urban Expressways: Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network Models
* Siamese Temporal Convolutional Networks for Driver Identification Using Driver Steering Behavior Analysis
* Side-Channel Security Analysis of Connected Vehicle Communications Using Hidden Markov Models
* Simulation Comparisons of Vehicle-Based and Movement-Based Traffic Control for Autonomous Vehicles at Isolated Intersections
* Simulation Study on Effects of Platooning Gaps on Drivers of Conventional Vehicles in Highway Merging Situations, A
* Simulation-Based Model for Continuous Network Design Problem Using Bayesian Optimization, A
* Simulation-Optimization Approach for the Management of the On-Demand Parcel Delivery in Sharing Economy, A
* Simultaneous Allocation and Scheduling of Quay Cranes, Yard Cranes, and Trucks in Dynamical Integrated Container Terminal Operations
* Simultaneous Feasible Local Planning and Path-Following Control for Autonomous Driving
* Simultaneous Multi-Round Auction Design for Scheduling Multiple Charges of Battery Electric Vehicles on Highways, A
* Simultaneous Pose Estimation and Velocity Estimation of an Ego Vehicle and Moving Obstacles Using LiDAR Information Only
* Single Pedal Control of Battery Electric Vehicle by Pedal Torque Demand With Dynamic Zero Position
* SIoVChain: Time-Lock Contract Based Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in SIoV
* Situation Assessment-Augmented Interactive Kalman Filter for Multi-Vehicle Tracking
* Situation-Aware Drivable Space Estimation for Automated Driving
* Skills to Drive: Successor Features for Autonomous Highway Pilot
* Sliding Mode Impedance Control for Dual Hand Master Single Slave Teleoperation Systems
* SLPR: A Deep Learning Based Chinese Ship License Plate Recognition Framework
* Smart Autodriver Algorithm for Real-Time Autonomous Vehicle Trajectory Control
* Smart Card-Based Identity Management Protocols for V2V and V2I Communications in CCAM: A Systematic Literature Review
* Smart Traffic Monitoring System Using Computer Vision and Edge Computing
* Smart Urban Mobility: When Mobility Systems Meet Smart Data
* SMART: Vision-Based Method of Cooperative Surveillance and Tracking by Multiple UAVs in the Urban Environment
* Smartphone-Based Person Travel Survey System: Data Collection, Trip Extraction, and Travel Mode Detection, The
* Smoothing Method for Ramp Metering, A
* Social Coordination and Altruism in Autonomous Driving
* Socio-Technical Approach for Resilient Connected Transportation Systems in Smart Cities, A
* Software Escalation Prediction Based on Deep Learning in the Cognitive Internet of Vehicles
* Software-Defined Vehicular Networks With Trust Management: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Softwarized Resource Management and Allocation With Autonomous Awareness for 6G-Enabled Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Solar Wireless Sensor Nodes for Condition Monitoring of Freight Trains
* Sound-Based Fault Diagnosis Method for Railway Point Machines Based on Two-Stage Feature Selection Strategy and Ensemble Classifier, A
* Space-Air-Ground Integrated Multi-Domain Network Resource Orchestration Based on Virtual Network Architecture: A DRL Method
* Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network Development and Applications in High-Speed Railways: A Survey
* Space-Air-Sea-Ground Integrated Monitoring Network-Based Maritime Transportation Emergency Forecasting
* Spark Cloud-Based Parallel Computing for Traffic Network Flow Predictive Control Using Non-Analytical Predictive Model
* Sparse and Robust Multivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis for Passenger Flow Pattern Discovery in Metro Systems
* Sparse Road Network Model for Autonomous Navigation Using Clothoids
* SPAS: Smart Pothole-Avoidance Strategy for Autonomous Vehicles
* Spatial Contiguity-Constrained Hierarchical Clustering for Traffic Prediction in Bike Sharing Systems
* Spatial Positioning Token (SPToken) for Smart Mobility
* Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Model for Urban Crowd Density Prediction Based on Mobile-Phone Signaling Data
* Spatial-Temporal Deep Intention Destination Networks for Online Travel Planning
* Spatio-Contextual Deep Network-Based Multimodal Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Driving
* Spatio-Temporal Constraint-Based Low Rank Matrix Completion Approaches for Road Traffic Networks
* Spatio-Temporal Feature Encoding for Traffic Accident Detection in VANET Environment
* Spatio-Temporal Graph Dual-Attention Network for Multi-Agent Prediction and Tracking
* Spatio-Temporal Image Representation and Deep-Learning-Based Decision Framework for Automated Vehicles
* Spatio-Temporal Knowledge Transfer for Urban Crowd Flow Prediction via Deep Attentive Adaptation Networks
* Spatio-Temporal Point Processes With Attention for Traffic Congestion Event Modeling
* Spatio-Temporal Track Association Algorithm Based on Marine Vessel Automatic Identification System Data, A
* Spatiotemporal Attention-Based Graph Convolution Network for Segment-Level Traffic Prediction
* Spatiotemporal Bidirectional Attention-Based Ride-Hailing Demand Prediction Model: A Case Study in Beijing During COVID-19, A
* Spatiotemporal Dynamic Forecasting and Analysis of Regional Traffic Flow in Urban Road Networks Using Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network
* Spatiotemporal Learning of Multivehicle Interaction Patterns in Lane-Change Scenarios
* Spatiotemporal Tensor Completion for Improved Urban Traffic Imputation
* Spectrum Situation Awareness Based on Time-Series Depth Networks for LTE-R Communication System
* Speech Emotion Recognition Enhanced Traffic Efficiency Solution for Autonomous Vehicles in a 5G-Enabled Space-Air-Ground Integrated Intelligent Transportation System
* Speed Advice for Connected Vehicles at an Isolated Signalized Intersection in a Mixed Traffic Flow Considering Stochasticity of Human Driven Vehicles
* Speed and Direction Aware Skyline Query for Moving Objects
* Spherical Formulation of Geometric Motion Segmentation Constraints in Fisheye Cameras
* SPIDER: A Social Computing Inspired Predictive Routing Scheme for Softwarized Vehicular Networks
* Split-Delivery Capacitated Arc-Routing Problem With Time Windows
* Spread Spectrum Coded Radar for R2R Interference Mitigation in Autonomous Vehicles
* SSA3D: Semantic Segmentation Assisted One-Stage Three-Dimensional Vehicle Object Detection
* ST CrossingPose: A Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction
* ST-InNet: Deep Spatio-Temporal Inception Networks for Traffic Flow Prediction in Smart Cities
* Stability Analysis With LMI Based Distributed H8 Controller for Vehicle Platooning Under Random Multiple Packet Drops
* Stability and Resilience of Transportation Systems: Is a Traffic Jam About to Occur?
* Stability of a Large-Scale Connected Vehicle Network in Ring Configuration and With Multiple Delays
* Stable Lightweight and Adaptive Feature Enhanced Convolution Neural Network for Efficient Railway Transit Object Detection, A
* Stable Matching Game for V2V Energy Sharing: A User Satisfaction Framework, A
* STAP: A Spatio-Temporal Correlative Estimating Model for Improving Quality of Traffic Data
* State Estimation and Motion Prediction of Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users for Cooperative Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* State Estimation With Heading Constraints for On-Road Vehicle Tracking
* STATER: Slit-Based Trajectory Reconstruction for Dense Urban Network With Overlapping Bluetooth Scanning Zones
* Statistical Approach Toward Channel Modeling With Application to Large-Scale Censored Data, A
* Stepwise Domain Adaptation (SDA) for Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles Using an Adaptive CenterNet
* STGM: Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Based on Generative Model for Spatial-Temporal Features
* Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Public Electric Vehicle Fleet Charging Station Operations
* Stochastic Optimal Sizing of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Parking Lots in Reconfigurable Power Distribution Systems
* Stochastic String Stability of Vehicle Platoons via Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control With Lossy Communication
* Stochastic Task Scheduling in UAV-Based Intelligent On-Demand Meal Delivery System
* Storage Space Allocation and Twin Automated Stacking Cranes Scheduling in Automated Container Terminals
* STPC-Net: Learn Massive Geo-Sensory Data as Spatio-Temporal Point Clouds
* Strategic Hub-Based Platoon Coordination Under Uncertain Travel Times
* Strategic Information Perturbation for an Online In-Vehicle Coordinated Routing Mechanism for Connected Vehicles Under Mixed-Strategy Congestion Game
* String Stability of Connected Vehicle Platoons Under Lossy V2V Communication
* String Stability Under Actuator Saturation on Straight Level Roads: Sufficient Conditions and Optimal Trajectory Generation
* String Stable and Collision-Safe Model Predictive Platoon Control
* Structural Transformer Improves Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off in Interactive Trajectory Prediction of Multiple Surrounding Vehicles
* Study of Human Comfort in Autonomous Vehicles Using Wearable Sensors
* Subcycle Waveform Modeling of Traffic Intersections Using Recurrent Attention Networks
* Success Probability Analysis of Cooperative C-V2X Communications
* Successive Linearization in Feasible Set Algorithm for Vehicle Motion Planning in Unstructured and Low-Speed Scenarios, A
* SurfaceView: Seamless and Tile-Based Orthomosaics Using Millions of Street-Level Images From Vehicle-Mounted Cameras
* Surrounding Vehicles' Lane Change Maneuver Prediction and Detection for Intelligent Vehicles: A Comprehensive Review
* Survey of ADAS Perceptions With Development in China, A
* Survey of Attacks on Controller Area Networks and Corresponding Countermeasures, A
* Survey of Automated Fare Collection Solutions in Public Transportation
* Survey of Battery Swapping Stations for Electric Vehicles: Operation Modes and Decision Scenarios, A
* Survey of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Motion Planning of Autonomous Vehicles
* Survey of Deep RL and IL for Autonomous Driving Policy Learning, A
* Survey of Driving Safety With Sensing, Vehicular Communications, and Artificial Intelligence-Based Collision Avoidance, A
* Survey of Interoperability Challenges in the Internet of Vehicles
* Survey of Parking Solutions for Smart Cities, A
* Survey on Automatic Inspections of Overhead Contact Lines by Computer Vision, A
* Survey on Cooperative Perception in an Automotive Context
* Survey on Cyber-Security of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), A
* Survey on Driver Behavior Analysis From In-Vehicle Cameras, A
* Survey on Fish-Eye Cameras and Their Applications in Intelligent Vehicles
* Survey on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving, A
* Survey on Image and Point-Cloud Fusion-Based Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles
* Survey on Imitation Learning Techniques for End-to-End Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Survey on Post-Quantum Public-Key Signature Schemes for Secure Vehicular Communications, A
* Survey on Resource Allocation in Vehicular Networks, A
* Survey on the Advancement of Travel Time Estimation Using Mobile Phone Network Data, A
* SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimation on Surround View Fisheye Cameras
* SWNet: A Deep Learning Based Approach for Splashed Water Detection on Road
* Synchronized Optimization for Service Scheduling, Train Parking and Routing at High-Speed Rail Maintenance Depot
* Synergies Between Transportation Systems, Energy Hub and the Grid in Smart Cities
* System of Systems Model for Planning Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Intercity Transportation Networks Under Emission Consideration
* System Optimal Speed Advisory Framework for a Network of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Systematic Solution of Human Driving Behavior Modeling and Simulation for Automated Vehicle Studies, A
* Systematic Survey of Driving Fatigue Monitoring, A
* Taxi Demand Prediction Using Parallel Multi-Task Learning Model
* Taxi-Passenger's Destination Prediction via GPS Embedding and Attention-Based BiLSTM Model
* Taxonomy and Survey of Edge Cloud Computing for Intelligent Transportation Systems and Connected Vehicles, A
* TBE-Net: A Three-Branch Embedding Network With Part-Aware Ability and Feature Complementary Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification
* TCSA-Net: A Temporal-Context-Based Self-Attention Network for Next Location Prediction
* Technologies for Risk Mitigation and Support of Impaired Drivers
* Temporal Head Pose Estimation From Point Cloud in Naturalistic Driving Conditions
* Temporal Shift and Spatial Attention-Based Two-Stream Network for Traffic Risk Assessment
* Tensor-Based Truthful Incentive Mechanism for Blockchain-Enabled Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Crowdsensing, A
* Test Coverage Index for ADAS/ADS Assessment Based on Various Real-World Information Points
* Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles: An Adaptive Framework
* Text-to-Traffic Generative Adversarial Network for Traffic Situation Generation
* Thermal Infrared Image Colorization for Nighttime Driving Scenes With Top-Down Guided Attention
* Three Byte-Based Mutual Authentication Scheme for Autonomous Internet of Vehicles
* Three Principles to Determine the Right-of-Way for AVs: Safe Interaction With Humans
* Three-Level Game-Theoretic Decision-Making Framework for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Throughput Maximization for RIS-UAV Relaying Communications
* Throughput Optimization in Heterogeneous Swarms of Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Advanced Aerial Mobility
* TIF: Trajectory and Information Flow Coupling Mechanism for Behavior Analysis in Autonomous Driving
* Tightly Coupled Integration Approach for Cooperative Positioning Enhancement in DSRC Vehicular Networks, A
* Time-Delay Estimation by Enhanced Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Method for Thin Asphalt Pavement With Similar Permittivity
* Time-Optimal Coordination for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Adjacent Intersections
* Time-Varying Weight MPC-Based Motion Cueing Algorithm for Motion Simulation Platform, A
* Timetable Recovery After Disturbances in Metro Operations: An Exact and Efficient Solution
* Tire Force Estimation in Intelligent Tires Using Machine Learning
* Tire-Road Peak Adhesion Coefficient Estimation Method Based on Fusion of Vehicle Dynamics and Machine Vision
* TM3Loc: Tightly-Coupled Monocular Map Matching for High Precision Vehicle Localization
* TMR Sensor-Based Detection of EVs in Semi-Dynamic Traffic for Optimal Charging
* Toward a Dynamic Reversible Lane Management Strategy by Empowering Learning-Based Predictive Assignment Scheme
* Toward Asphalt Pavement Health Monitoring With Built-In Sensors: A Novel Application to Real-Time Modulus Evaluation
* Toward Attack-Resistant Route Mutation for VANETs: An Online and Adaptive Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Toward Multiple-Phase MDP Model for Charging Station Recommendation
* Toward Physical Layer Security and Efficiency for SAGIN: A WFRFT-Based Parallel Complex-Valued Spectrum Spreading Approach
* Toward Road Safety Recommender Systems: Formal Concepts and Technical Basics
* Towards a Context-Dependent Multi-Buffer Driver Distraction Detection Algorithm
* Towards Compact Autonomous Driving Perception With Balanced Learning and Multi-Sensor Fusion
* Towards Enhanced Recovery and System Stability: Analytical Solutions for Dynamic Incident Effects in Road Networks
* Towards Faster Vehicle Routing by Transferring Knowledge From Customer Representation
* Towards Hit-Interruption Tradeoff in Vehicular Edge Caching: Algorithm and Analysis
* Towards Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation for Robotics: A Survey
* Tracking Control Based on Model Predictive Control Using Laguerre Functions With Pole Optimization
* Tracking Dependent Extended Targets Using Multi-Output Spatiotemporal Gaussian Processes
* Traffic Accident Detection via Self-Supervised Consistency Learning in Driving Scenarios
* Traffic Anomaly Detection and Video Summarization Using Spatio-Temporal Rough Fuzzy Granulation With Z-Numbers
* Traffic Control in a Mixed Autonomy Scenario at Urban Intersections: An Optimal Control Approach
* Traffic Data Recovery From Corrupted and Incomplete Observations via Spatial-Temporal TRPCA
* Traffic Dynamics at Intersections Subject to Random Misperception
* Traffic Estimation and Prediction via Online Variational Bayesian Subspace Filtering
* Traffic Flow Modeling With Gradual Physics Regularized Learning
* Traffic Inflow and Outflow Forecasting by Modeling Intra- and Inter-Relationship Between Flows
* Traffic Information Mining From Social Media Based on the MC-LSTM-Conv Model
* Traffic Node Importance Evaluation Based on Clustering in Represented Transportation Networks
* Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition in Multiimages Using a Fusion Model With YOLO and VGG Network
* Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Semantic Scene Understanding and Structural Traffic Sign Location
* Traffic Sign Recognition With Lightweight Two-Stage Model in Complex Scenes
* Traffic Signal Control Using End-to-End Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Traffic Signal Control With Reinforcement Learning Based on Region-Aware Cooperative Strategy
* Traffic Signal Self-Organizing Control With Road Capacity Constraints
* Traffic Signal Timing and Trajectory Optimization in a Mixed Autonomy Traffic Stream
* Traffic Speed Estimation Based on Multi-Source GPS Data and Mixture Model
* Traffic State Data Imputation: An Efficient Generating Method Based on the Graph Aggregator
* Traffic Volume Estimate Based on Low Penetration Connected Vehicle Data at Signalized Intersections: A Bayesian Deduction Approach
* Traffic-GGNN: Predicting Traffic Flow via Attentional Spatial-Temporal Gated Graph Neural Networks
* Traffic-Informed Multi-Camera Sensing (TIMS) System Based on Vehicle Re-Identification
* Traffic-Responsive Control Technique for Fully-Actuated Coordinated Signals
* Train Positioning Method Based-On Vision and Millimeter-Wave Radar Data Fusion, A
* Train Protection Logic Based on Topological Manifolds for Virtual Coupling, A
* Train Time Delay Prediction for High-Speed Train Dispatching Based on Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network
* Training Data Subset Search With Ensemble Active Learning
* Trajectory Data Acquisition via Private Car Positioning Based on Tightly-coupled GPS/OBD Integration in Urban Environments
* Trajectory Evaluation Platform for Urban Air Mobility (UAM), A
* Trajectory Forecasting Based on Prior-Aware Directed Graph Convolutional Neural Network
* Trajectory Jerking Suppression for Mixed Traffic Flow at a Signalized Intersection: A Trajectory Prediction Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Method
* Trajectory Optimization for High-Speed Trains via a Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach
* Trajectory Optimization-Based Intersection Coordination Framework for Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Trajectory Planning Based on Spatio-Temporal Map With Collision Avoidance Guaranteed by Safety Strip
* Trajectory Planning for an Autonomous Vehicle in Spatially Constrained Environments
* Trajectory Planning of Autonomous Trucks for Collision Avoidance With Rollover Prevention
* Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving Using Spatial-Temporal Graph Attention Transformer
* Trajectory Prediction-Based Local Spatio-Temporal Navigation Map for Autonomous Driving in Dynamic Highway Environments
* Trajectory Released Scheme for the Internet of Vehicles Based on Differential Privacy, A
* Trajectory Tracking and Integrated Chassis Control for Obstacle Avoidance With Minimum Jerk
* TrajGen: Generating Realistic and Diverse Trajectories With Reactive and Feasible Agent Behaviors for Autonomous Driving
* TRAMS: A Secure Vehicular Crowdsensing Scheme Based on Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Signature
* Trans4Trans: Efficient Transformer for Transparent Object and Semantic Scene Segmentation in Real-World Navigation Assistance
* Transfer Beyond the Field of View: Dense Panoramic Semantic Segmentation via Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Transfer Learning Based Long Short-Term Memory Car-Following Model for Adaptive Cruise Control
* Transformer-Based Reinforcement Learning for Pickup and Delivery Problems With Late Penalties
* Transit Signal Priority Enabling Connected and Automated Buses to Cut Through Traffic
* Transmission Control Over Satellite Network for Marine Environmental Monitoring System
* Transportation and Location Planning During Epidemics/Pandemics: Emerging Problems and Solution Approaches
* TRAP: Traffic-Based Adaptive Ramp Packing for Blind Cancellation in Autonomous Vehicles
* Trip Pricing Scheme for Electric Vehicle Sharing Network With Demand Prediction
* Trip Purposes Mining From Mobile Signaling Data
* Truck Parking Pattern Aggregation and Availability Prediction by Deep Learning
* Trust-Based and Individualizable Adaptive Cruise Control Using Control Barrier Function Approach With Prescribed Performance
* Tunnel Facility Based Vehicle Localization in Highway Tunnel Using 3D LIDAR
* Two-Echelon Dispatching Problem With Mobile Satellites in City Logistics
* Two-Layer Potential-Field-Driven Model Predictive Shared Control Towards Driver-Automation Cooperation, A
* Two-Level Energy Control Strategy Based on ADP and A-ECMS for Series Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Two-Phase Scheduling for Efficient Vehicle Sharing
* Two-Stage Merging Network for Describing Traffic Scenes in Intelligent Vehicle Driving System
* Two-Stage Real-Time Optimized EV Battery Cooling Control Based on Hierarchical and Iterative Dynamic Programming and MPC, A
* Two-Stage Stochastic Program for Dynamic Coordinated Traffic Control Under Demand Uncertainty
* Two-Step Model for Predicting Travel Demand in Expanding Subways, A
* Two-Wheeler Vehicle Traffic Violations Detection and Automated Ticketing for Indian Road Scenario
* UAV Assisted Traffic Offloading in Air Ground Integrated Networks With Mixed User Traffic
* UAV Trajectory Planning With Probabilistic Geo-Fence via Iterative Chance-Constrained Optimization
* UAV-Assisted Physical Layer Security in Multi-Beam Satellite-Enabled Vehicle Communications
* UAV-LiDAR-Based Measuring Framework for Height and Stagger of High-Speed Railway Contact Wire
* UGRoadUpd: An Unchanged-Guided Historical Road Database Updating Framework Based on Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images
* UHF-RFID-Based Real-Time Vehicle Localization in GPS-Less Environments
* UJ-FLAC: Unsupervised Joint Feature Learning and Clustering for Dynamic Driving Cycles Construction
* Understanding and Modeling Urban Mobility Dynamics via Disentangled Representation Learning
* Understanding Drivers' Stress and Interactions With Vehicle Systems Through Naturalistic Data Analysis
* Understanding Drivers' Visual and Comprehension Loads in Traffic Violation Hotspots Leveraging Crowd-Based Driving Simulation
* Understanding Urban Area Attractiveness Based on Private Car Trajectory Data Using a Deep Learning Approach
* Understanding V2V Driving Scenarios Through Traffic Primitives
* Unequal Dimension Track-to-Track Fusion Approaches Using Covariance Intersection
* Unified Framework Integrating Decision Making and Trajectory Planning Based on Spatio-Temporal Voxels for Highway Autonomous Driving, A
* Unified Multi-Task Learning Architecture for Fast and Accurate Pedestrian Detection, A
* Universal Framework of Spatiotemporal Bias Block for Long-Term Traffic Forecasting, A
* Unmanned Aircraft System Airspace Structure and Safety Measures Based on Spatial Digital Twins
* Unmanned Era: A Service Response Framework in Smart City
* Unmanned Ground Vehicle Platooning Under Cyber Attacks: A Human-Robot Interaction Framework
* Unobtrusive Measurement of Physiological Features Under Simulated and Real Driving Conditions
* Unraveling Latent Transfer Patterns Between Metro and Bus From Large-Scale Smart Card Data
* Unsafe Maneuver Classification From Dashcam Video and GPS/IMU Sensors Using Spatio-Temporal Attention Selector
* Unsupervised Decomposition and Correction Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Street Scenes Reflected by Convex Mirrors
* Unsupervised Learning Approach for Road Anomaly Segmentation Using RGB-D Sensor for Advanced Driver Assistance System, An
* Unsupervised Learning of Depth Estimation and Camera Pose With Multi-Scale GANs
* Unsupervised Learning of Depth, Optical Flow and Pose With Occlusion From 3D Geometry
* Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow With Non-Occlusion From Geometry
* Unsupervised Monocular Visual Odometry Based on Confidence Evaluation
* Unsupervised Multi-Shot Person Re-Identification Method via Mutual Normalized Sparse Representation and Stepwise Learning, An
* Unsupervised Occlusion-Aware Stereo Matching With Directed Disparity Smoothing
* Unsupervised Sparse, Nonnegative, Low Rank Dictionary Learning for Detection of Driver Cell Phone Usage
* Urban Intersection Management Strategies for Autonomous/Connected/Conventional Vehicle Fleet Mixtures
* Urban Multiple Route Planning Model Using Dynamic Programming in Reinforcement Learning
* Urban Road Network Partitioning Based on Bi-Modal Traffic Flows With Multiobjective Optimization
* Urban Traffic Pattern Analysis and Applications Based on Spatio-Temporal Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Use of Social Interaction and Intention to Improve Motion Prediction Within Automated Vehicle Framework: A Review
* User Behavior Analysis Based on Stacked Autoencoder and Clustering in Complex Power Grid Environment
* User Community Identification Through Fine-Grained Mobility Records for Smart City Applications
* Using a Deep Learning Algorithm to Improve the Results Obtained in the Recognition of Vessels Size and Trajectory Patterns in Shallow Areas Based on Magnetic Field Measurements Using Fluxgate Sensors
* Using a Moving Antenna to Improve GNSS/INS Integration Performance Under Low-Dynamic Scenarios
* Using an Interpretable Machine Learning Framework to Understand the Relationship of Mobility and Reliability Indices on Truck Drivers' Route Choices
* Using Eye-Tracking Data to Predict Situation Awareness in Real Time During Takeover Transitions in Conditionally Automated Driving
* Using Glance Behaviour to Inform the Design of Adaptive HMI for Partially Automated Vehicles
* Using Graph-Theoretic Machine Learning to Predict Human Driver Behavior
* Using Reinforcement Learning to Control Traffic Signals in a Real-World Scenario: An Approach Based on Linear Function Approximation
* Using Vision Transformers for Spatial-Context-Aware Rain and Road Surface Condition Detection on Freeways
* Utility-Based Matching of Vehicles and Hybrid Requests on Rider Demand Responsive Systems
* Utilizing Attention-Based Multi-Encoder-Decoder Neural Networks for Freeway Traffic Speed Prediction
* V2V-Based Cooperative Control of Uncertain, Disturbed and Constrained Nonlinear CAVs Platoon
* Valid Inequality and Variable Fixation for Unrestricted Block Relocation Problems
* Value Proposition of Cooperative Bus-Holding Transit Signal Priority Strategy in Connected and Automated Vehicles Environment, A
* Variable Speed Limit and Ramp Metering Control of Highway Networks Using Lax-Hopf Method: A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach
* Variable Speed Limit Control Based on Variable Cell Transmission Model in the Connecting Traffic Environment, A
* Variable Time Headway Policy Based Platoon Control for Heterogeneous Connected Vehicles With External Disturbances
* VARID: Viewpoint-Aware Re-IDentification of Vehicle Based on Triplet Loss
* Vehicle and Pedestrian Detection Algorithm Based on Lightweight YOLOv3-Promote and Semi-Precision Acceleration
* Vehicle Energy Dataset (VED), A Large-Scale Dataset for Vehicle Energy Consumption Research
* Vehicle Re-identification for Lane-level Travel Time Estimations on Congested Urban Road Networks Using Video Images
* Vehicle Rebalancing With Charging Scheduling in One-Way Car-Sharing Systems
* Vehicle Redistribution in Ride-Sourcing Markets Using Convex Minimum Cost Flows
* Vehicle Selection and Resource Optimization for Federated Learning in Vehicular Edge Computing
* Vehicle Speed Measurement Using Stereo Camera Pair
* Vehicle Trajectory Interpolation Based on Ensemble Transfer Regression
* Vehicle Trajectory Prediction and Cut-In Collision Warning Model in a Connected Vehicle Environment
* Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction at Signalized Intersections Under Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment
* Vehicle-Consensus Information Exchange Scheme for Traffic Management in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, A
* Vehicle-Road Environment Perception Under Low-Visibility Condition Based on Polarization Features via Deep Learning
* Vehicles Detection for Smart Roads Applications on Board of Smart Cameras: A Comparative Analysis
* Vehicular Trajectory Classification and Traffic Anomaly Detection in Videos Using a Hybrid CNN-VAE Architecture
* Velocity-Based Path Following Control for Autonomous Vehicles to Avoid Exceeding Road Friction Limits Using Sliding Mode Method
* VeNet: Hybrid Stacked Autoencoder Learning for Cooperative Edge Intelligence in IoV
* Vessel Trajectory Prediction in Maritime Transportation: Current Approaches and Beyond
* VFDP: Visual Analysis of Flight Delay and Propagation on a Geographical Map
* Viewpoint-Aware Progressive Clustering for Unsupervised Vehicle Re-Identification
* Viewpoint-Invariant Loop Closure Detection Using Step-Wise Learning With Controlling Embeddings of Landmarks
* Virtual Coupling of Railway Vehicles: Gap Reference for Merge and Separation, Robust Control, and Position Measurement
* Vision Based Detection of Driver Cell Phone Usage and Food Consumption
* Vision-Based Anti-UAV Detection and Tracking
* Vision-Based Semantic Segmentation in Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving: Recent Achievements, Challenges, and Outlooks
* VLD-45: A Big Dataset for Vehicle Logo Recognition and Detection
* Voice Communication-Augmented Simulation Framework for Aircraft Trajectory Simulation, A
* VOMA: A Privacy-Preserving Matching Mechanism Design for Community Ride-Sharing
* VP-CAST: Velocity and Position-Based Broadcast Suppression for VANETs
* Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network to Address the Imbalanced Data Problem in Real-Time Crash Risk Prediction
* Wasserstein Loss With Alternative Reinforcement Learning for Severity-Aware Semantic Segmentation
* Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection in Videos Considering the Openness of Events
* Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network With Iterative dCRF
* Weakly-Supervised Surface Crack Segmentation by Generating Pseudo-Labels Using Localization With a Classifier and Thresholding
* Weighted Score Fusion Based LSTM Model for High-Speed Railway Propagation Scenario Identification
* What Do We Know When? Modeling Predictability of Transit Operations
* What is the Root Cause of Congestion in Urban Traffic Networks: Road Infrastructure or Signal Control?
* What Size of Aisle Is Necessary? a System Dynamics Model for Mitigating Bottleneck Congestion in Entrance Halls of Metro Stations
* Where Should Traffic Sensors Be Placed on Highways?
* Who Will Travel With Me? Personalized Ranking Using Attributed Network Embedding for Pooling
* Why They Escape: Mining Prioritized Fuzzy Decision Rule in Crowd Evacuation
* WiperNet: A Lightweight Multi-Weather Restoration Network for Enhanced Surveillance
* Wireless Channel Analysis Between 25 and 40 GHz in an Intra-Wagon Environment for 5G Using a Ray-Tracing Tool
* XGBoost-Based Lane Change Prediction on Time Series Data Using Feature Engineering for Autopilot Vehicles, A
1974 for ITS(23)
* 100-Driver: A Large-Scale, Diverse Dataset for Distracted Driver Classification
* 2F-TP: Learning Flexible Spatiotemporal Dependency for Flexible Traffic Prediction
* 3D Vehicle Object Tracking Algorithm Based on Bounding Box Similarity Measurement
* 3FL-Net: An Efficient Approach for Improving Performance of Lightweight Detectors in Rainy Weather Conditions
* 3SNet: Semi-Anchor-Free 3D Object Detector With Slice Attention and Symmetric Features Propagation
* 6G Based Intelligent Charging Management for Autonomous Electric Vehicles
* 6G Connected Vehicle Framework to Support Intelligent Road Maintenance Using Deep Learning Data Fusion
* A-VRPD: Automating Drone-Based Last-Mile Delivery Using Self-Driving Cars
* AAKE-BIVT: Anonymous Authenticated Key Exchange Scheme for Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Vehicles in Smart Transportation
* Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Dynamic Pedestrian Centroid Model: Case Study on U-Turn and Fall-Down
* Accelerating Stereo Image Simulation for Automotive Applications Using Neural Stereo Super Resolution
* Accelerating Two-Phase Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Electric Location-Routing Problems
* Accurately Predicting Quality of Services in IoT via Using Self-Attention Representation and Deep Factorization Machines
* Achieving a Decentralized and Secure Cab Sharing System Using Blockchain Technology
* Acoustic SLAM With Moving Sound Event Based on Auxiliary Microphone Arrays
* Active and Contrastive Learning Framework for Fine-Grained Off-Road Semantic Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Airspace Model for Quadcopters in Urban Air Mobility, An
* Adaptive and Simultaneous Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Agents via Transferable Hierarchical Transformer Network
* Adaptive Approach for Battery State of Charge and State of Power Co-Estimation With a Fractional-Order Multi-Model System Considering Temperatures, An
* Adaptive Area-Based Traffic Congestion Control and Management Scheme Based on Fog Computing
* Adaptive Collision-Free Trajectory Tracking Control for String Stable Bidirectional Platoons
* Adaptive Cooperative Load Transportation by a Team of Quadrotors With Multiple Constraint Requirements
* Adaptive Dynamic Path Planning Method for Autonomous Vehicle Under Various Road Friction and Speeds
* Adaptive Fault Diagnosis Model for Railway Single and Double Action Turnout, An
* Adaptive Feature Fusion Networks for Origin-Destination Passenger Flow Prediction in Metro Systems
* Adaptive Finite-Time Trajectory Tracking Event-Triggered Control Scheme for Underactuated Surface Vessels Subject to Input Saturation
* Adaptive Hybrid Attention Based Convolutional Neural Net for Intelligent Transportation Object Recognition, An
* Adaptive Iterative Learning Kalman Consensus Filtering for High-Speed Train Identification and Estimation
* Adaptive Multi-Fidelity Sampling Framework for Safety Analysis of Connected and Automated Vehicles, An
* Adaptive Multisensor Fault Diagnosis Method for High-Speed Train Bogie, An
* Adaptive Network Security System for IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation, An
* Adaptive Road Configurations for Improved Autonomous Vehicle-Pedestrian Interactions Using Reinforcement Learning
* Adaptive Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control for Autonomous Vehicle With Unknown Actuator Parameters and Saturated Tire Force Based on the Center of Percussion
* Adaptive Spatiotemporal InceptionNet for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Adaptive Switching Event-Triggered Control for Active Suspension Systems With Acceleration Performance Constraint
* Adaptive Traffic Light Control With Deep Reinforcement Learning: An Evaluation of Traffic Flow and Energy Consumption
* ADS-Lead: Lifelong Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving Systems
* Adversarial Robustness in Graph-Based Neural Architecture Search for Edge AI Transportation Systems
* Aggregated Representation of Electric Vehicles Population on Charging Points for Demand Response Scheduling
* Aggregated Zero-Knowledge Proof and Blockchain-Empowered Authentication for Autonomous Truck Platooning
* Agreement-Induced Data Verification Model for Securing Vehicular Communication in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* AGV-Based Vehicle Transportation in Automated Container Terminals: A Survey
* AI-Empowered Speed Extraction via Port-Like Videos for Vehicular Trajectory Analysis
* AI-Empowered Trajectory Anomaly Detection and Classification in 6G-V2X
* AI-Empowered Trajectory Anomaly Detection for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Hierarchical Federated Learning Approach
* AI-Enabled Cryptographic Key Management Model for Secure Communications in the Internet of Vehicles
* Air-Ground Coordinated Sensing, Relay and Offloading for Emergency Disposal in ITS System, An
* Airport Capacity Prediction With Multisource Features: A Temporal Deep Learning Approach
* AISChain: Blockchain-Based AIS Data Platform With Dynamic Bloom Filter Tree
* AMM: An Adaptive Online Map Matching Algorithm
* AMMF: Attention-Based Multi-Phase Multi-Task Fusion for Small Contour Object 3D Detection
* Analysis of Recent Deep-Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Methods for In-Vehicle Network
* AnchorPoint: Query Design for Transformer-Based 3D Object Detection and Tracking
* Anomaly Detection Against GPS Spoofing Attacks on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Using Learning From Demonstration
* Antenna Combiner for Periodic Broadcast V2V Communication Under Relaxed Worst-Case Propagation
* Anti-Disturbance Adaptive Control Approach for Automated Vehicles in Mixed Connected Traffic Environment, An
* AoI Optimization in the UAV-Aided Traffic Monitoring Network Under Attack: A Stackelberg Game Viewpoint
* AoI-Aware Power Control and Subcarrier Assignment in D2D-Aided Underlaying Cellular Networks for High-Speed Railways
* Appearance-Motion Network for Vision-Based Crash Detection: Improving the Accuracy in Congested Traffic, An
* Application of Graph Learning With Multivariate Relational Representation Matrix in Vehicular Social Networks
* Application of Inverse Optimal Formation Control for Euler-Lagrange Systems
* Approximate Inference of Traffic Flow State at Signalized Intersections Using a Bayesian Learning Framework
* Are Reactions to Ego Vehicles Predictable Without Data?: A Semi-Supervised Approach
* Are Turn-by-Turn Navigation Systems of Regular Vehicles Ready for Edge-Assisted Autonomous Vehicles?
* Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Logistic Traffic Management System Using Empirical Intelligent XGBoost Technique in Vehicular Edge Networks
* Asphalt Pavement Compaction and Vehicle Speed Monitoring Using Intelligent Aggregate
* Asphalt Pavement Health Prediction Based on Improved Transformer Network
* Assessing a Connected Environment's Safety Impact During Mandatory Lane-Changing: A Block Maxima Approach
* Assessing Connected Vehicle's Response to Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory From Field Operational Test and Scaling Up
* Assessing the Effects of New Light Rail Transit on Regional Traffic Congestion and Transit Ridership: A Synthetic Control Approach
* Assignment and Take-Off Approaches for Large-Scale Autonomous UAV Swarms
* Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collaborative Task Computing and On-Demand Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing
* Asynchronous Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based URLLC-Aware Computation Offloading in Space-Assisted Vehicular Networks
* Asynchronous Trajectory Matching-Based Multimodal Maritime Data Fusion for Vessel Traffic Surveillance in Inland Waterways
* Attribute-Based Secure Data Aggregation for Isolated IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Audio Related Quality of Experience Evaluation in Urban Transportation Environments With Brain Inspired Graph Learning
* Automated Dilated Spatio-Temporal Synchronous Graph Modeling for Traffic Prediction
* Automated Vehicle Identification Based on Car-Following Data With Machine Learning
* Automatic Vehicle Pollution Detection Using Feedback Based Iterative Deep Learning
* Automotive Radar Optimization Design in a Spectrally Crowded V2I Communication Environment
* AutoMSNet: Multi-Source Spatio-Temporal Network via Automatic Neural Architecture Search for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Autonomous Bus Operation Alternatives in Urban Areas Using Fuzzy Dombi-Bonferroni Operator Based Decision Making Model
* Autonomous Driving Based on Approximate Safe Action
* Autonomous Vehicle Group Cooperation Model in an Urban Scene, An
* Autonomous Vehicle's Impact on Traffic: Empirical Evidence From Waymo Open Dataset and Implications From Modelling
* Autonomous Vehicles Security: Challenges and Solutions Using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
* Bargaining Game-Based Human-Machine Shared Driving Control Authority Allocation Strategy, A
* Battery Modeling Technique Based on Fusion of Hybrid and Adaptive Algorithms for Real-Time Applications in Pure EVs, A
* Bayesian Traffic State Estimation Using Extended Floating Car Data
* Belief-Based Task Offloading Algorithm in Vehicular Edge Computing, A
* Benchmark Analysis for Robustness of Multi-Scale Urban Road Networks Under Global Disruptions
* Benchmarking Probabilistic Deep Learning Methods for License Plate Recognition
* Beyond RMSE: Do Machine-Learned Models of Road User Interaction Produce Human-Like Behavior?
* Bi-Level Implicit Semantic Data Augmentation for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Bi-Level l1 Optimization-Based Interference Reduction for Millimeter Wave Radars
* Bi-Objective Lane Reservation Problem Considering Dynamic Traffic Flow, A
* Bi-Objective Pollution Routing Optimisation Problem With Decentralised Cooperation and Split Delivery, A
* Bidirectional Data-Driven Trajectory Prediction for Intelligent Maritime Traffic
* Bilateral Adaptation of Longitudinal Control of Automated Vehicles and Human Drivers
* Biologically Inspired Machine Learning-Based Trajectory Analysis in Intelligent Dispatching Energy Storage System
* BIP-Tree: Tree Variant With Behavioral Intention Perception for Heterogeneous Trajectory Prediction
* Bl-IEA: A Bit-Level Image Encryption Algorithm for Cognitive Services in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Blockchain Empowered Secure Video Sharing With Access Control for Vehicular Edge Computing
* Blockchain-Based Authentication Scheme and Secure Architecture for IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems, A
* Blockchain-Based Privacy-Preserving Authentication Model Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Blockchain-Based Privacy-Preserving Positioning Data Sharing for IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Blockchain-Based Route Selection With Allocation of Radio and Computing Resources for Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Boosting Monocular 3D Object Detection With Object-Centric Auxiliary Depth Supervision
* BPR: Blockchain-Enabled Efficient and Secure Parking Reservation Framework With Block Size Dynamic Adjustment Method
* Brain-Inspired Modeling and Decision-Making for Human-Like Autonomous Driving in Mixed Traffic Environment
* Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Large-Scale Multidepot Electric Bus Scheduling, A
* BSL: Sustainable Collaborative Inference in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Building Covert Timing Channel of the IoT-Enabled MTS Based on Multi-Stage Verification
* C-FAR: A Compositional Framework for Anomaly Resolution in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* C-HealthIER: A Cooperative Health Intelligent Emergency Response System for C-ITS
* CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Multi-Object Tracking With Camera-LiDAR Fusion
* CAMRL: A Joint Method of Channel Attention and Multidimensional Regression Loss for 3D Object Detection in Automated Vehicles
* CAMV: A Crash Alarm Model for Vehicles Based on Internet of Vehicles Data
* Can Connected Autonomous Vehicles Improve Mixed Traffic Safety Without Compromising Efficiency in Realistic Scenarios?
* CarDD: A New Dataset for Vision-Based Car Damage Detection
* Cascade Graph Neural Networks for Few-Shot Learning on Point Clouds
* CAT-CapsNet: A Convolutional and Attention Based Capsule Network to Detect the Driver's Distraction
* Category-Level Adversaries for Outdoor LiDAR Point Clouds Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation
* CAVSim: A Microscopic Traffic Simulator for Evaluation of Connected and Automated Vehicles
* CbwLoss: Constrained Bidirectional Weighted Loss for Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Pose
* Cellular QoE Prediction for Video Service Based on Causal Structure Learning
* Center TextSpotter: A Novel Text Spotter for Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles
* CenterPoint-SE: A Single-Stage Anchor-Free 3-D Object Detection Algorithm With Spatial Awareness Enhancement
* Centrality Approach to Select Offloading Data Aggregation Points in Vehicular Sensor Networks, A
* CF-YOLO: Cross Fusion YOLO for Object Detection in Adverse Weather with a High-Quality Real Snow Dataset
* Chance-Constrained Flight Level Assignment Problem
* Channel Measurement and Ray-Tracing Simulation for 77 GHz Automotive Radar
* Chaotic Map-Based Authentication Scheme Using Physical Unclonable Function for Internet of Autonomous Vehicle
* Characterizing Heterogeneous Traffic Flow at a Slope Bottleneck via Cellular Automaton Model
* Characterizing the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams
* Characterizing the Uncertainty of Link Progression Speed Using Low-Frequency Probe Vehicle Data
* Charge Curve and Battery Management System Aware Optimal Charging Scheduling Framework for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations With Heterogeneous Customer Mix, A
* Charging Network Design and Service Pricing for Electric Vehicles With User-Equilibrium Decisions
* CITS-MEW: Multi-Party Entangled Watermark in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System
* Classification of Manifold Learning Based Flight Fingerprints of UAVs in Air Traffic
* ClusterST: Clustering Spatial-Temporal Network for Traffic Forecasting
* CMX: Cross-Modal Fusion for RGB-X Semantic Segmentation With Transformers
* COBATS: A Novel Consortium Blockchain-Based Trust Model for Data Sharing in Vehicular Networks
* Cognitive AmBC-NOMA IoV-MTS Networks With IQI: Reliability and Security Analysis
* Collaborative 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Vehicles via Learnable Communications
* Collaborative Generation of Local Conflict Free Trajectories With Weather Hazards Avoidance
* Collaborative Vehicle Rerouting System With Dynamic Vehicle Selection
* Communication and Control in Collaborative UAVs: Recent Advances and Future Trends
* Communication Resources Management Based on Spectrum Sensing for Vehicle Platooning
* Communication Security Analysis of Intelligent Transportation System Using 5G Internet of Things From the Perspective of Big Data
* Communication-Aware Motion Planning of AUV in Obstacle-Dense Environment: A Binocular Vision-Based Deep Learning Method
* Compaction Prediction for Asphalt Mixtures Using Wireless Sensor and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Comparative Analysis of Deadlock Avoidance and Prevention Algorithms for Resource Provisioning in Intelligent Autonomous Transport Systems Over 6G Infrastructure, A
* Comparing the Effects of Visual Distraction in a High-Fidelity Driving Simulator and on a Real Highway
* Composite Control Law for Nonlinear Systems With Mismatched Disturbances for a Ball-Ramp Dual-Clutch Transmission
* Comprehensive Implementation of Road Surface Classification for Vehicle Driving Assistance: Dataset, Models, and Deployment, A
* Comprehensive Survey on Authentication and Attack Detection Schemes That Threaten It in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, A
* Comprehensive Survey on Privacy-Preserving Spatial Data Query in Transportation Systems
* Computation Offloading for Energy and Delay Trade-Offs With Traffic Flow Prediction in Edge Computing-Enabled IoV
* Computationally-Affordable Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm to Identify the Level of Distress Severity in Pavement Functional Performance
* Computing Arterial Travel Time Distributions From Loop Detector and Probe Datasets
* Conditional Predictive Behavior Planning With Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Human-Like Autonomous Driving
* Connected Cruise and Traffic Control for Pairs of Connected Automated Vehicles
* Connectivity Aware Path Planning for a Fleet of UAVs in an Urban Environment, A
* Connectivity Improvement of Hybrid Millimeter Wave and Microwave Vehicular Networks
* Consensus-Based Distributed Cooperative Perception for Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Consortium Blockchain-Based Security and Efficient Resource Trading in V2V-Assisted Intelligent Transport Systems
* Constant-Spacing Connected Platoons With Robustness to Communication Delays
* Construction of Regional Intelligent Transportation System in Smart City Road Network via 5G Network
* Constructions of Binary Signature Sets With Optimal Odd Total Squared Correlation and Their Application to Device Activity Detection
* Context-Aware Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey
* Context-Aware Navigation Protocol for Safe Driving in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems
* Control of Connected Vehicles in Road Network via Traffic Flow Information Feedback
* Controllable Model Compression for Roadside Camera Depth Estimation
* Convex Optimal Control Framework for Autonomous Vehicle Intersection Crossing, A
* Cooperation-Aware Lane Change Method for Automated Vehicles, A
* Cooperative Conflict Detection and Resolution and Safety Assessment for 6G Enabled Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Cooperative Incident Management in Mixed Traffic of CAVs and Human-Driven Vehicles
* Cooperative Lane-Change Motion Planning for Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoons in Multi-Lane Scenarios
* Cooperative Localization With the Fusion of GNSS and Relative Range Information in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* Cooperative Location-Sensing Network Based on Vehicular Communication Security Against Attacks
* Cooperative Merging Strategy in Mixed Traffic Based on Optimal Final-State Phase Diagram With Flexible Highway Merging Points
* Cooperative On-Ramp Merging Control Model for Mixed Traffic on Multi-Lane Freeways
* Cooperative Optimization of Bus Service and Charging Schedules for a Fast-Charging Battery Electric Bus Network
* Cooperative Platoon Formation of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Toward Efficient Merging Coordination at Unsignalized Intersections
* Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure System for Road Hazards Detection With Edge Intelligence, A
* Coordinated Control Strategy of Railway Multisource Traction System With Energy Storage and Renewable Energy
* Coordinated Longitudinal and Lateral Stability Improvement for Electric Vehicles Based on a Real-Time NMPC Strategy
* Coordinated Motion Planning for Heterogeneous Autonomous Vehicles Based on Driving Behavior Primitives
* Coordinated Planning of Fixed and Mobile Charging Facilities for Electric Vehicles on Highways
* Coordinating CAV Swarms at Intersections With a Deep Learning Model
* Coordinating Multiple Cooperative Vehicle Trajectories on Shared Road Networks
* Coordination and Optimization Control Framework for Vessels Platooning in Inland Waterborne Transportation System
* Coordination of Mixed Platoons and Eco-Driving Strategy for a Signal-Free Intersection
* CoTV: Cooperative Control for Traffic Light Signals and Connected Autonomous Vehicles Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Coupling Control of Traffic Signal and Entry Lane at Isolated Intersections Under the Mixed-Autonomy Traffic Environment
* Coverage Path Planning With Budget Constraints for Multiple Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* CrackFormer Network for Pavement Crack Segmentation
* Critical Scenario Search Method for Intelligent Vehicle Testing Based on the Social Cognitive Optimization Algorithm, A
* Cross Spectral Disparity Estimation From VIS and NIR Paired Images Using Disentangled Representation and Reversible Neural Networks
* Cross-Layer Defense Method for Blockchain Empowered CBTC Systems Against Data Tampering Attacks, A
* Cross-Modal Generation and Pair Correlation Alignment Hashing
* Cross-Scale and Illumination Invariance-Based Model for Robust Object Detection in Traffic Surveillance Scenarios, A
* CrossFuser: Multi-Modal Feature Fusion for End-to-End Autonomous Driving Under Unseen Weather Conditions
* Crowd Emotion Prediction for Human-Vehicle Interaction Through Modified Transfer Learning and Fuzzy Logic Ranking
* Crowd Management Through Optimal Layout of Fences: An Ant Colony Approach Based on Crowd Simulation
* CSIR: Cascaded Sliding CVAEs With Iterative Socially-Aware Rethinking for Trajectory Prediction
* Curbing Pandemic Through Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Priority Aware Mobility Scheduling
* cuRL: A Generic Framework for Bi-Criteria Optimum Path-Finding Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Customized Data Fusion Tensor Approach for Interval-Wise Missing Network Volume Imputation, A
* Cyber Mobility Mirror: A Deep Learning-Based Real-World Object Perception Platform Using Roadside LiDAR
* DA-RDD: Toward Domain Adaptive Road Damage Detection Across Different Countries
* DAPC: Answering Why-Not Questions on Top-k Direction-Aware ASK Queries in Polar Coordinates
* Data Freshness Optimization Under CAA in the UAV-Aided MECN: A Potential Game Perspective
* Data-Driven Distance Metrics for Kriging-Short-Term Urban Traffic State Prediction
* Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Electric Vehicle Balancing for Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems Under Demand and Supply Uncertainties
* Data-Driven Fault-Tolerant Platooning Control Under Aperiodic DoS Attacks
* Data-Driven Indoor Positioning Correction for Infrastructure-Enabled Autonomous Driving Systems: A Lifelong Framework
* Data-Driven Iterative Multi-Attribute Clustering Algorithm and Its Application in Port Congestion Estimation, A
* Data-Driven Methodology for the Investigation of Riding Dynamics: A Motorcycle Case Study
* Data-Driven Modeling of Urban Traffic Travel Times for Short- and Long-Term Forecasting
* Data-Driven Robust Predictive Control for Mixed Vehicle Platoons Using Noisy Measurement
* Data-Driven Spatial Adaptive Terminal Iterative Learning Predictive Control for Automatic Stop Control of Subway Train With Actuator Saturation
* Data-Driven Spatio-Temporal Speed Prediction Framework for Energy Management of Connected Vehicles, A
* Data-Mechanism Adaptive Switched Predictive Control for Heterogeneous Platoons With Wireless Communication Interruption
* DataFITS: A Heterogeneous Data Fusion Framework for Traffic and Incident Prediction
* DCA: Delayed Charging Attack on the Electric Shared Mobility System
* DDAD: Detachable Crowd Density Estimation Assisted Pedestrian Detection
* DECENT: Decentralized and Efficient Key Management to Secure Communication in Dense and Dynamic Environments
* Decentralized iLQR for Cooperative Trajectory Planning of Connected Autonomous Vehicles via Dual Consensus ADMM
* Decentralized Parallel SGD Based on Weight-Balancing for Intelligent IoV
* Decentralized Time and Energy-Optimal Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles in a Roundabout With Safety and Comfort Guarantees
* Decentralized, Privacy-Preserving Routing of Cellular-Connected Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Joint Goods Delivery and Sensing
* Decision-Making Driven by Driver Intelligence and Environment Reasoning for High-Level Autonomous Vehicles: A Survey
* Deep Active Learning Intrusion Detection and Load Balancing in Software-Defined Vehicular Networks
* Deep Confidence Propagation Stereo Network
* Deep Deconvolution for Traffic Analysis With Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data
* Deep Domain Adaptation for Pavement Crack Detection
* Deep Dual-Resolution Networks for Real-Time and Accurate Semantic Segmentation of Traffic Scenes
* Deep Koopman Traffic Modeling for Freeway Ramp Metering
* Deep Learning Approach for Long-Term Traffic Flow Prediction With Multifactor Fusion Using Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Network, A
* Deep Learning Enabled IRS for 6G Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Comprehensive Study
* Deep Learning for Metro Short-Term Origin-Destination Passenger Flow Forecasting Considering Section Capacity Utilization Ratio
* Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection for Connected Autonomous Vehicles Using Spatiotemporal Information
* Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Highway On-Ramp Merging in Mixed Traffic
* Deep Multichannel Network Model for Driving Behavior Risk Classification, A
* Deep Reinforcement Learning and NOMA-Based Multi-Objective RIS-Assisted IS-UAV-TNs: Trajectory Optimization and Beamforming Design
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for V2X Managed Intersections of Connected Vehicles
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Assisted Beam Tracking and Data Transmission for 5G V2X Networks
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Real-Time Solution Policy for the Traveling Salesman Problem, A
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Two-Way Transit Signal Priority Algorithm for Optimizing Headway Adherence and Speed
* Deep RNN Based Prediction of Driver's Intended Movements at Intersection Using Cooperative Awareness Messages
* Deep Unfolding Scheme for Grant-Free Massive-Access Vehicular Networks
* DeepCAN: Hybrid Method for Road Type Classification Using Vehicle Sensor Data for Smart Autonomous Mobility
* DeepCar 5.0: Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Under Challenging Conditions
* DeepCog: A Trustworthy Deep Learning-Based Human Cognitive Privacy Framework in Industrial Policing
* DeepFM-Based Non-Parametric Model Enabled Big Data Platform for Predicting Passenger Car Sales in Sustainable Way, A
* DeepGAL: Intelligent Vehicle Control for Traffic Congestion Alleviation at Intersections
* DeepTrip: A Deep Learning Model for the Individual Next Trip Prediction With Arbitrary Prediction Times
* Demand Truncation and Migration Poisson Model for Real Demand Inference in Free-Floating Bike-Sharing System, A
* Density-Based Affinity Propagation Tensor Clustering for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Train Bogie Bearing
* Dependence-Aware Edge Intelligent Function Offloading for 6G-Based IoV
* Deployment of Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Considering Loading Capacity of Electric Trucks
* Design of Provably Secure Authentication Protocol for Edge-Centric Maritime Transportation System
* Design of Safety Petri Net Controllers for Deadlock Prevention at a Class of Road Intersections
* Detachable and Expansible Multisensor Data Fusion Model for Perception in Level 3 Autonomous Driving System, A
* Detecting Compromised IoT Devices Through XGBoost
* Detecting State of Charge False Reporting Attacks via Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Detection of Road Accidents Using Synthetically Generated Multi-Perspective Accident Videos
* Determination of Critical Edges in Air Route Network Using Modified Weighted Sum Method and Grey Relational Analysis
* Developing a Dynamic Speed Control System for Mixed Traffic Flow to Reduce Collision Risks Near Freeway Bottlenecks
* Developing a More Reliable Framework for Extracting Traffic Data From a UAV Video
* Development and Evaluation of a Unified Integrated Platoon Control System Architecture
* Development of Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoons With Combined Spacing Policy
* Differential Fault Attack on Security Vehicle System Applied SIMON Block Cipher, A
* Differential Game-Based Optimal Control of Autonomous Vehicle Convoy
* Differential Security Barriers for Virtual Emotion Detection in Maritime Transportation Stations With Cooperative Mobile Robots and UAVs
* Digital-Twin Prediction of Metamorphic Object Transportation by Multi-Robots With THz Communication Framework
* DisBezant: Secure and Robust Federated Learning Against Byzantine Attack in IoT-Enabled MTS
* Distance-Based Elliptical Circumnavigation Control for Non-Holonomic Robots With Event-Triggered Unknown System Dynamics Estimators
* Distributed Adaptive Platoon Secure Control on Unmanned Vehicles System for Lane Change Under Compound Attacks
* Distributed and Collective Intelligence for Computation Offloading in Aerial Edge Networks
* Distributed Eco-Driving Control of a Platoon of Electric Vehicles Through Riccati Recursion
* Distributed Event-Triggered Iterative Learning Control for Multiple High-Speed Trains With Switching Topologies: A Data-Driven Approach
* Distributed Graph-Based Optimization of Multicast Data Dissemination for Internet of Vehicles
* Distributed Intelligent Traffic Data Processing and Analysis Based on Improved Longhorn Whisker Algorithm
* Distributed Maritime Transport Communication System With Reliability and Safety Based on Blockchain and Edge Computing
* Distributed Model Predictive Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon With Inter-Vehicular Spacing Constraints
* Distributed MPC-Based String Stable Platoon Control of Networked Vehicle Systems
* Distributed Self-Organizing Control of CAVs Between Multiple Adjacent-Ramps
* Distributed Signal Control of Arterial Corridors Using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Distributed Stochastic Algorithm Based on Enhanced Genetic Algorithm for Path Planning of Multi-UAV Cooperative Area Search
* Distributed Stochastic MPC Traffic Signal Control for Urban Networks
* Distributionally Robust Optimization for Reliability-Based Lane Reservation and Route Design Under Uncertainty, A
* Diversity Analysis of Safety Metrics Comparing Vehicle Performance in the Lead-Vehicle Interaction Regime, A
* DLTIF: Deep Learning-Driven Cyber Threat Intelligence Modeling and Identification Framework in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* DNS Rebinding Threat Modeling and Security Analysis for Local Area Network of Maritime Transportation Systems
* Do Automated Vehicles Reduce the Risk of Crashes-Dream or Reality?
* Double Graph Attention Actor-Critic Framework for Urban Bus-Pooling System
* Driver Head Pose Detection From Naturalistic Driving Data
* Driver Identification Using Deep Generative Model With Limited Data
* Driver State Modeling Through Latent Variable State Space Framework in the Wild
* Driving Style Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Hyperdimensional Computing and Semi-Supervised Twin Projection Vector Machine
* Driving-Behavior-Aware Optimal Energy Management Strategy for Multi-Source Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on Adaptive Soft Deep-Reinforcement Learning
* DSORL: Data Source Optimization With Reinforcement Learning Scheme for Vehicular Named Data Networks
* DSP-Based Traffic Target Detection for Intelligent Transportation
* DSRC Versus LTE-V2X: Empirical Performance Analysis of Direct Vehicular Communication Technologies
* Dual Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network for Short-Term Bike Sharing Usage Demand Prediction, A
* Dual Transformer Based Prediction for Lane Change Intentions and Trajectories in Mixed Traffic Environment
* Dual-Flow Attentive Network With Feature Crossing for Chained Trip Purpose Inference, A
* Dual-Recursive-Least-Squares Algorithm for Automotive Radar Interference Suppression, A
* DVHN: A Deep Hashing Framework for Large-Scale Vehicle Re-Identification
* DYC Design for Autonomous Distributed Drive Electric Vehicle Considering Tire Nonlinear Mechanical Characteristics in the PWA Form
* Dynamic CAV-Dedicated Lane Allocation Method With the Joint Optimization of Signal Timing Parameters and Smooth Trajectory in a Mixed Traffic Environment, A
* Dynamic Edge Computation Offloading for Internet of Vehicles With Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Dynamic Event-Triggered Adaptive Neural Output Feedback Control for MSVs Using Composite Learning
* Dynamic Fusion Network for RGBT Tracking
* Dynamic Model-Based Safety Margins for High-Density Matrix Headlight Systems
* Dynamic Programming Model for Joint Optimization of Electric Drayage Truck Operations and Charging Stations Planning at Ports, A
* Dynamically Conservative Self-Driving Planner for Long-Tail Cases
* DyPARK: A Dynamic Pricing and Allocation Scheme for Smart On-Street Parking System
* E-Navigation: A Distributed Decision Support System With Extended Reality for Bridge and Ashore Seafarers
* Early Warning Obstacle Avoidance-Enabled Path Planning for Multi-AUV-Based Maritime Transportation Systems
* Eco-CSAS: A Safe and Eco-Friendly Speed Advisory System for Autonomous Vehicle Platoon Using Consortium Blockchain
* Eco-Driving Evaluation Method for Battery Electric Bus Drivers Using Low-Frequency Big Data, An
* Ecological Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Heterogenous Vehicle Platoons Subject to Time Delays and Input Saturations
* ECSNet: An Accelerated Real-Time Image Segmentation CNN Architecture for Pavement Crack Detection
* Edge Intelligence Empowered Vehicle Detection and Image Segmentation for Autonomous Vehicles
* Edge Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey
* Edge-Centric Secure Service Provisioning in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Edge-Computing-Empowered Vehicle Tracking and Speed Estimation Against Strong Image Vibrations Using Surveillance Monocular Camera
* Edge-Computing-Facilitated Nighttime Vehicle Detection Investigations With CLAHE-Enhanced Images
* Editorial Special Issue on Application of Advanced Intelligent Methods in Vehicle to Smart Grid Communications: Security, Reliability, and Resiliency
* Effect of Vehicle Automation Styles on Drivers' Emotional State, The
* Efficiency Optimization of Wireless Power Transfer System for Electric Vehicle Based on Improved Marine Predators Algorithm
* Efficient and Accurate Object Detection With Simultaneous Classification and Tracking Under Limited Computing Power
* Efficient and Physically Secure Privacy-Preserving Key-Agreement Protocol for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network, An
* Efficient and Private Scheduling of Wireless Electric Vehicles Charging Using Reinforcement Learning
* Efficient and Unified Recognition Method for Multiple License Plates in Unconstrained Scenarios, An
* Efficient Anonymous Batch Authentication Scheme With Conditional Privacy in the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) Applications
* Efficient Fire Segmentation for Internet-of-Things-Assisted Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Efficient Group Handover Authentication for Secure 5G-Based Communications in Platoons
* Efficient Hybrid Webshell Detection Method for Webserver of Marine Transportation Systems, An
* Efficient LSTM Neural Network-Based Framework for Vessel Location Forecasting, An
* Efficient Offline/Online Heterogeneous-Aggregated Signcryption Protocol for Edge Computing-Based Internet of Vehicles
* Efficient Optimization of Battery-Drone-Based Transportation Systems for Monitoring Solar Power Plant, An
* Efficient Package Delivery Task Assignment for Truck and High Capacity Drone
* Efficient Reliability-Based Path Planning of Off-Road Autonomous Ground Vehicles Through the Coupling of Surrogate Modeling and RRT*
* Efficient Resource Allocation for Multimedia Streaming in Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Efficient Resource Management of Micro-Services in VANETs
* Efficient Unmanned Aerial Systems Navigation With Collision Avoidance in Dense Urban Environments
* Efficient Vehicle-Assisted Aggregate Authentication Scheme for Infrastructure-Less Vehicular Networks, An
* Efficient Visual Tracking Based on Fuzzy Inference for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Elastic Strategy-Based Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Solving Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows
* Electric Vehicle Routing Problem With Variable Vehicle Speed and Soft Time Windows for Perishable Product Delivery
* Embedded Control Gate Fusion and Attention Residual Learning for RGB-Thermal Urban Scene Parsing
* Embedding-Driven Multi-Hop Spatio-Temporal Attention Network for Traffic Prediction, An
* Emergent Visual Sensors for Autonomous Vehicles
* Emission Analysis of Electric Motorcycles and Assessment of Emission Reduction With Fleet Electrification
* Empowering Domain Experts With Formal Methods for Consistency Verification of Safety Requirements
* Empowering Next-Generation IoT WLANs Through Blockchain and 802.11ax Technologies
* Enabling Real-Time Remote Monitoring of Ships by Lossless Protocol Transformations
* Enabling Safe ITS: EEG-Based Microsleep Detection in VANETs
* Energetic Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles in Real-World Traffic Conditions From Nine Open-Source Datasets
* Energy Efficiency Optimization for Backscatter Enhanced NOMA Cooperative V2X Communications Under Imperfect CSI
* Energy Efficiency Optimization in LoRa Networks: A Deep Learning Approach
* Energy Management Method of a Hybrid Energy Storage System Combined With the Transportation-Electricity Coupling Characteristics of Ports
* Energy-Based Assessment and Driving Behavior of ACC Systems and Humans Inside Platoons
* Energy-Efficient Backscatter Aided Uplink NOMA Roadside Sensor Communications Under Channel Estimation Errors
* Energy-Efficient Connected Cruise Control With Lean Penetration of Connected Vehicles
* Energy-Efficient Coverage and Capacity Enhancement With Intelligent UAV-BSs Deployment in 6G Edge Networks
* Enhanced Backtracking Search Algorithm for the Flight Planning of a Multi-Drones-Assisted Commercial Parcel Delivery System, An
* Enhanced Federated Learning for Edge Data Security in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Enhanced NSGA-II for Solving Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Assignment Problem With Stochastic Arrival Times, An
* Enhancing Cooperation of Vehicle Merging Control in Heavy Traffic Using Communication-Based Soft Actor-Critic Algorithm
* Enhancing the Efficiency of Electric Vehicles Charging Stations Based on Novel Fuzzy Integer Linear Programming
* Enriching Large-Scale Trips With Fine-Grained Travel Purposes: A Semi-Supervised Deep Graph Embedding Framework
* Ensemble Deep Learning for Sustainable Multimodal UAV Classification
* Ensemble Quantile Networks: Uncertainty-Aware Reinforcement Learning With Applications in Autonomous Driving
* Environmental Energy Harvesting-Driven Wireless Parking Detection Method: Analysis and Implementation, An
* ERCA*: A New Approach for the Resource Constrained Shortest Path Problem
* ErrIDS: An Enhanced Cumulative Timing Error-Based Automotive Intrusion Detection System
* ESO-Based Model-Free Adaptive Iterative Learning Energy-Efficient Control for Subway Train With Disturbances and Over-Speed Protection
* Estimating Probability Distributions of Travel Times by Fitting a Markovian Velocity Model
* Estimation of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Solely From Probe Vehicle Trajectories With an Unknown Penetration Rate
* EU ENSEMBLE Project: Reference Design and Implementation of the Platooning Support Function
* EU ENSEMBLE Project: Specification of an Interoperable Solution for a Support Function for Platooning
* Evaluation Mechanism for Decentralized Collaborative Pattern Learning in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
* Evaluation of the Connected Vehicle Environment Effectiveness at Tunnel Entrance
* Event-Triggered Asymptotic Tracking Control of Underactuated Ships With Prescribed Performance
* Event-Triggered Integral Formation Controller for Networked Nonholonomic Mobile Robots: Theory and Experiment
* Event-Triggered Prespecified Performance Control for Steer-by-Wire Systems With Input Nonlinearity
* Event-Triggered Robust Path Tracking Control Considering Roll Stability Under Network-Induced Delays for Autonomous Vehicles
* Evolutionary Game of Perception-Based Stochastic User-Equilibrium in a Parallel Network, An
* Experimental Study and Modeling of the Lower-Level Controller of Automated Vehicle
* Explainable Deep Learning Framework for Resilient Intrusion Detection in IoT-Enabled Transportation Networks, An
* Exploring the Impact of Spatiotemporal Granularity on the Demand Prediction of Dynamic Ride-Hailing
* Facility Location-Allocation Problem for Emergency Medical Service With Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Fair and Scalable Electric Vehicle Charging Under Electrical Grid Constraints
* Falsification Detection System for IoV Using Randomized Search Optimization Ensemble Algorithm
* Fast One-to-Many Multicriteria Shortest Path Search
* Fast Spatiotemporal Learning Framework for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* FatigueView: A Multi-Camera Video Dataset for Vision-Based Drowsiness Detection
* Fault-Tolerant Control for Unmanned Marine Vehicles via Quantized Integral Sliding Mode Output Feedback Technique
* Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Positioning Based on Hybrid Robust Gaussian Belief Propagation
* Feasibility Analysis of Data Transmission in Partially Damaged IoT Networks of Vehicles
* Feature Cloning and Feature Fusion Based Transportation Mode Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Feature Fusion-Based Inconsistency Evaluation for Battery Pack: Improved Gaussian Mixture Model
* FedCrack: Federated Transfer Learning With Unsupervised Representation for Crack Detection
* Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Spectrum Access Algorithm With Warranty Contract in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Federated Learning Approach With Imperfect Labels in LoRa-Based Transportation Systems, A
* Federated Learning-Based Edge Caching Approach for Mobile Edge Computing-Enabled Intelligent Connected Vehicles, A
* Federated Multidomain Learning With Graph Ensemble Autoencoder GMM for Emotion Recognition
* Federated Platform Enabling a Systematic Collaboration Among Devices, Data and Functions for Smart Mobility, A
* Federated Representation Learning With Data Heterogeneity for Human Mobility Prediction
* FedSTN: Graph Representation Driven Federated Learning for Edge Computing Enabled Urban Traffic Flow Prediction
* Few-Sample Traffic Prediction With Graph Networks Using Locale as Relational Inductive Biases
* Filtering Malicious Messages by Trust-Aware Cognitive Routing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Finding Paths With Least Expected Time in Stochastic Time-Varying Networks Considering Uncertainty of Prediction Information
* Fine-Grained Data Sharing With Enhanced Privacy Protection and Dynamic Users Group Service for the IoV
* Fine-Grained Road Quality Monitoring Using Deep Learning
* Finite-Sampling, Operational Domain Specific, and Provably Unbiased Connected and Automated Vehicle Safety Metric, A
* FLAMNet: A Flexible Line Anchor Mechanism Network for Lane Detection
* Fleet Rebalancing for Expanding Shared e-Mobility Systems: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Flexible Data Integrity Checking With Original Data Recovery in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Flexible Voyage Scheduling and Coordinated Energy Management Strategy of All-Electric Ships and Seaport Microgrid
* Flight Delay Prediction With Priority Information of Weather and Non-Weather Features
* FlightBERT: Binary Encoding Representation for Flight Trajectory Prediction
* Flow Feedback Traffic Prediction Based on Visual Quantified Features, A
* Focal Distillation From High-Resolution Data to Low-Resolution Data for 3D Object Detection
* Formal Approach to Design and Security Verification of Operating Systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems Based on Object Model, A
* FPT: Fine-Grained Detection of Driver Distraction Based on the Feature Pyramid Vision Transformer
* Framework for Network-Constrained Tracking of Cyclists and Pedestrians
* Framework of Travel Mode Identification Fusing Deep Learning and Map-Matching Algorithm, A
* Frequent Itemset-Driven Search for Finding Minimal Node Separators and its Application to Air Transportation Network Analysis
* FRNet: DCNN for Real-Time Distracted Driving Detection Toward Embedded Deployment
* FS-Net: LiDAR-Camera Fusion with Matched Scale for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Fuel Rate Prediction for Heavy-Duty Trucks
* Fuel-Efficient Switching Control for Platooning Systems With Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Functional Approach for Analyzing Time-Dependent Driver Response Behavior to Real-World Connected Vehicle Warnings, A
* Functional Testing Scenario Library Generation Framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Fusion of Gaze and Scene Information for Driving Behaviour Recognition: A Graph-Neural-Network- Based Framework
* Fuzzy Adaptive Control for Vehicular Platoons With Constraints and Unknown Dead-Zone Input
* GAL: Graph-Induced Adaptive Learning for Weakly Supervised 3D Object Detection
* Game-Based Battery Swapping Station Recommendation Approach for Electric Vehicles, A
* Game-Theoretic Approach on Conflict Resolution of Autonomous Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections, A
* Gaussian-Process-Based Data-Driven Traffic Flow Model and Its Application in Road Capacity Analysis, A
* GE-DDRL: Graph Embedding and Deep Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Reliable Shortest Path: A Universal and Scale Free Solution
* Generic Approach to Eco-Driving of Connected Automated Vehicles in Mixed Urban Traffic and Heterogeneous Power Conditions, A
* Geometry-Aware Network for Unsupervised Learning of Monocular Camera's Ego-Motion
* GLARE: A Dataset for Traffic Sign Detection in Sun Glare
* Global Pose Initialization Based on Gridded Gaussian Distribution With Wasserstein Distance
* Globally Optimal Robust Radar Calibration in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* GMAT-DU: Traffic Anomaly Prediction With Fine Spatiotemporal Granularity in Sparse Data
* Graph Attention Network With Spatial-Temporal Clustering for Traffic Flow Forecasting in Intelligent Transportation System
* Graph Neural Networks for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey
* Graph Optimized Data Offloading for Crowd-AI Hybrid Urban Tracking in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Graph Relational Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Robot Navigation in Large-Scale Crowded Environments
* Graph-Based Methodology for the Sensorless Estimation of Road Traffic Profiles, A
* Graph-Based Progressive Fusion Network for Multi-Modality Vehicle Re-Identification
* GraphSAGE-Based Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction
* GridDehazeNet+: An Enhanced Multi-Scale Network with Intra-Task Knowledge Transfer for Single Image Dehazing
* GroupPlate: Toward Multi-Category License Plate Recognition
* GTSM: Graph-Transient Security Model for Intelligent Transportation System Information Exchange
* Guest Editorial Intelligent Autonomous Transportation System With 6G Series: Part III
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on AI-Empowered Trajectory Analytics in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Cognitive Networking for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deployment of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Environment and the Implications on Traffic Safety and Efficiency
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Graph-Based Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Intelligent Supply Chain in Modern Challenges
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Internet of Things in Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure
* Guest Editorial Security, Reliability, and Safety in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Intelligent Autonomous Transportation Systems With 6G: Part IV
* Harris Hawks Optimization-Based Clustering Algorithm for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* HCSC: A Hierarchical Certificate Service Chain Based on Reputation for VANETs
* Heterogeneous Blockchain and AI-Driven Hierarchical Trust Evaluation for 5G-Enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Heterogeneous Fleets for Green Vehicle Routing Problem With Traffic Restrictions
* Heterogeneous Trajectory Forecasting via Risk and Scene Graph Learning
* HFENet: Hybrid Feature Enhancement Network for Detecting Texts in Scenes and Traffic Panels
* Hierarchical Clustering Based on Dendrogram in Sustainable Transportation Systems
* Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning for Self-Powered Monitoring and Communication Integrated System in High-Speed Railway Networks
* Hierarchical Framework for Passenger Inflow Control in Metro System With Reinforcement Learning, A
* Hierarchical Motion Planning and Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles Using Global Heuristic Based Potential Field and Reinforcement Learning Based Predictive Control
* Hierarchical Optimization of Speed Planning and Energy Management for Connected Hybrid Electric Vehicles Under Multi-Lane and Signal Lights Aware Scenarios
* Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Based on Attention Mechanism for UAV Autonomous Navigation, A
* Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks and Transformer Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Hierarchical Vehicle Behavior Prediction Framework With Traffic Signals and Interactive Agents, A
* High Dimensional Origin Destination Calibration Using Metamodel Assisted Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation
* High-Efficiency Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Traceability
* High-Precision Motion Detection and Tracking Based on Point Cloud Registration and Radius Search
* High-Precision Vehicle Navigation System Based on Tightly Coupled PPP-RTK/INS/Odometer Integration, A
* Highway Traffic Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Improved GAN in Complex Weather Conditions, A
* Hopf Bifurcation Analysis of Mixed Traffic and Its Implications for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
* How Does Traffic Environment Quantitatively Affect the Autonomous Driving Prediction?
* How Far Two UAVs Should be Subject to Communication Uncertainties
* How the Wind Can Be Leveraged for Saving Energy in a Truck-Drone Delivery System
* How to Induce Drowsiness When Testing Driver Drowsiness and Attention Warning (DDAW) Systems
* HRST-LR: A Hessian Regularization Spatio-Temporal Low Rank Algorithm for Traffic Data Imputation
* HSV-3S and 2D-GDA for High-Saturation Low-Light Image Enhancement in Night Traffic Monitoring
* Human Driving Centered Gain Scheduling Control of Mixed Platoons
* Human Inspired Autonomous Intersection Handling Using Game Theory
* Human-Centered Comprehensive Measure of Take-Over Performance Based on Multiple Objective Metrics, A
* Human-Factors-in-Driving-Loop: Driver Identification and Verification via a Deep Learning Approach using Psychological Behavioral Data
* Human-Like Control for Automated Vehicles and Avoiding Vehicle Face-Off in Unprotected Left Turn Scenarios
* Human-Like Shared Driving Strategy in Lane-Changing Scenario Using Cooperative LPV/MPC, A
* Human-Like Trajectory Planning Method on a Curve Based on the Driver Preview Mechanism, A
* Hybrid Driving Decision-Making System Integrating Markov Logic Networks and Connectionist AI, A
* Hybrid Recruitment Scheme Based on Deep Learning in Vehicular Crowdsensing
* Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network Modeling for Traffic Delay Prediction at Signalized Intersections Along an Urban Arterial
* Hybrid Trip Destination Prediction Model of Vehicles Based on Autoencoder and High-Order Interaction Features, The
* ICN Based Efficient Content Caching Scheme for Vehicular Networks
* ICRA: An Intelligent Clustering Routing Approach for UAV Ad Hoc Networks
* Identify, Estimate and Bound the Uncertainty of Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving
* Identity-Based Authentication Mechanism for Secure Information Sharing in the Maritime Transport System
* Identity-Based Data Integrity Auditing Scheme for Cloud-Based Maritime Transportation Systems, An
* IG-Net: An Interaction Graph Network Model for Metro Passenger Flow Forecasting
* IIDS: Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Sustainable Development in Autonomous Vehicles
* Imbalanced Malware Family Classification Using Multimodal Fusion and Weight Self-Learning
* IMMUNER: Integrated Multimodal Mobility Under Network Disruptions
* Impact of a Single Discretionary Lane Change on Surrounding Traffic: An Analytic Investigation, The
* Impact of V2V Warning Information on Traffic Stream Performance Using Microscopic Simulation Based on Real-World Connected Vehicle Driving Behavior
* Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Road Safety and Efficiency: A Systematic Literature Review
* Improved Model Predictive Control-Based Trajectory Planning Method for Automated Driving Vehicles Under Uncertainty Environments, An
* Improved Power Management Under Uncertain Driving Conditions for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles via Intelligent Controller
* Improved Real-Time Monocular SLAM Using Semantic Segmentation on Selective Frames
* Improving Autonomous Vehicle Visual Perception by Fusing Human Gaze and Machine Vision
* Improving Faster-RCNN With Multi-Attention ResNet for Small Target Detection in Intelligent Autonomous Transport With 6G, An
* Improving Resources in Internet of Vehicles Transportation Systems Using Markov Transition and TDMA Protocol
* Improving Vibration Performance of Electric Vehicles Based on In-Wheel Motor-Active Suspension System via Robust Finite Frequency Control
* In-Vehicle CAN Bus Tampering Attacks Detection for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Using an Improved Isolation Forest Method
* Incentive Mechanism of Incorporating Supervision Game for Federated Learning in Autonomous Driving, An
* Incorporating Optimization in Strategic Conflict Resolution for UAS Traffic Management
* Infrastructure-Enabled GPS Spoofing Detection and Correction
* Instance Segmentation Model Evaluation and Rapid Deployment for Autonomous Driving Using Domain Differences
* Integral Sliding Mode Control-Based Robust Bidirectional Platoon Control of Vehicles With the Unknown Acceleration and Mismatched Disturbance
* Integrated APC-GAN and AttuNet Framework for Automated Pavement Crack Pixel-Level Segmentation: A New Solution to Small Training Datasets
* Integrated Approach for the Near Real-Time Parking Occupancy Prediction, An
* Integrated Localization and Planning for Cruise Control of UGV Platoons in Infrastructure-Free Environments
* Integrating Model Predictive Control With Federated Reinforcement Learning for Decentralized Energy Management of Fuel Cell Vehicles
* Intelligent and Fair IoV Charging Service Based on Blockchain With Cross-Area Consensus
* Intelligent Anomaly Detection of Trajectories for IoT Empowered Maritime Transportation Systems
* Intelligent Beam Steering for Wireless Communication Using Programmable Metasurfaces
* Intelligent Deep Fusion Network for Anomaly Identification in Maritime Transportation Systems
* Intelligent Drones Trajectory Generation for Mapping Weed Infested Regions Over 6G Networks
* Intelligent Fabric Enabled 6G Semantic Communication System for In-Cabin Scenarios
* Intelligent Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Road Crack Detection
* Intelligent Learning Algorithm and Intelligent Transportation-Based Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles: A Review
* Intelligent Real-Time Power Management of Multi-Source HEVs Based on Driving State Recognition and Offline Optimization
* Intelligent Traffic Data Transmission and Sharing Based on Optimal Gradient Adaptive Optimization Algorithm
* Intention Prediction-Based Control for Vehicle Platoon to Handle Driver Cut-In
* Interacting Multiple Model Smooth Variable Structure Filter for Trajectory Prediction, The
* Interaction-Aware Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter
* Interaction-Aware Trajectory Prediction and Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Forced Merge Scenarios
* Interactive Decision-Making With Switchable Game Modes for Automated Vehicles at Intersections
* Interactive Multi-Scale Fusion of 2D and 3D Features for Multi-Object Vehicle Tracking
* Internet of Things Positioning Technology Based Intelligent Delivery System
* Intersection-Based QoS Routing for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks With Reinforcement Learning, An
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Real-Time Traffic State Estimation
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Sustainable Solutions for the Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Intrusion Detection and Network Information Security Based on Deep Learning Algorithm in Urban Rail Transit Management System
* Intrusion Detection for Maritime Transportation Systems With Batch Federated Aggregation
* IoT-Enabled Operation of Multi Energy Hubs Considering Electric Vehicles and Demand Response
* IoT-Enabled Stochastic Operation Management Framework for Smart Grids, An
* Irregular-Mapped Protograph LDPC-Coded Modulation: A Bandwidth-Efficient Solution for 6G-Enabled Mobile Networks
* Is Not the Truth the Truth?: Analyzing the Impact of User Validations for Bus In/Out Detection in Smartphone-Based Surveys
* Iterative Range and Road Parameters Estimation Using Monocular Camera on Highways
* ITS Based on Deep Graph Convolutional Fraud Detection Network Blockchain-Enabled Fog-Cloud
* IVF-Net: An Infrared and Visible Data Fusion Deep Network for Traffic Object Enhancement in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Jam Propagation Analysis With Mesoscopic Traffic Simulation
* JHPFA-Net: Joint Head Pose and Facial Action Network for Driver Yawning Detection Across Arbitrary Poses in Videos
* Joint Air-Ground Distributed Federated Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Joint Design for Electric Fleet Operator and Charging Service Provider: Understanding the Non-Cooperative Nature
* Joint Design of Channel Estimation and Flocking Control for Multi-AUV-Based Maritime Transportation Systems
* Joint Image and Feature Levels Disentanglement for Generalizable Vehicle Re-identification
* Joint Image-to-Image Translation for Traffic Monitoring Driver Face Image Enhancement
* Joint JPEG Compression and Encryption Scheme Based on Order-8-16 Block Transform
* Joint Optimization of Depth and Ego-Motion for Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
* Joint Resource Scheduling for UAV-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing System in Internet of Vehicles
* Joint Routing and Charging Problem of Electric Vehicles With Incentive-Aware Customers Considering Spatio-Temporal Charging Prices
* Joint Secure Offloading and Resource Allocation for Vehicular Edge Computing Network: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Joint Security and Resources Allocation Scheme Design in Edge Intelligence Enabled CBTCs: A Two-Level Game Theoretic Approach
* Joint Semantic-Instance Segmentation Method for Intelligent Transportation System
* Joint Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for Fog-Based Intelligent Transportation Systems: A UAV-Enabled Multi-Hop Collaboration Paradigm
* Joint Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for Vehicular Edge Computing Based on V2I and V2V Modes
* Joint Trajectory Planning and Signal Control Framework for a Network of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Knowledge Expansion and Consolidation for Continual Traffic Prediction With Expanding Graphs
* Lagrangian Relaxation Heuristic for a Bi-Objective Multimodal Transportation Planning Problem, A
* Lane Information Extraction for High Definition Maps Using Crowdsourced Data
* Large-Scale Multi-Fleet Platoon Coordination: A Dynamic Programming Approach
* Latency-Energy Tradeoff in Connected Autonomous Vehicles: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Scheme
* Latent Hazard Notification for Highly Automated Driving: Expected Safety Benefits and Driver Behavioral Adaptation
* Lattice-Based Threshold Signcryption for Blockchain Oracle Data Transmission
* LBlockchainE: A Lightweight Blockchain for Edge IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Learning Based Intelligent Train Regulation Method With Dynamic Prediction for the Metro Passenger Flow, A
* Learning Dynamic Graph for Overtaking Strategy in Autonomous Driving
* Learning Latent Dynamics for Autonomous Shape Control of Deformable Object
* Learning Method for Real-Time Repositioning in E-Hailing Services, A
* Learning Safe and Human-Like High-Level Decisions for Unsignalized Intersections From Naturalistic Human Driving Trajectories
* Learning Ship Activity Patterns in Maritime Data Streams: Enhancing CEP Rule Learning by Temporal and Spatial Relations and Domain-Specific Functions
* Learning the Distribution-Based Temporal Knowledge with Low Rank Response Reasoning for UAV Visual Tracking
* Learning the Policy for Mixed Electric Platoon Control of Automated and Human-Driven Vehicles at Signalized Intersection: A Random Search Approach
* Learning to Solve Multiple-TSP With Time Window and Rejections via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Learning Type-2 Fuzzy Logic for Factor Graph Based-Robust Pose Estimation With Multi-Sensor Fusion
* Learning With Confidence the Likelihood of Flight Diversion Due to Adverse Weather at Destination
* Learning-Aided Inertial Odometry With Nonlinear State Estimator on Manifold
* Learning-Based Discretionary Lane-Change Decision-Making Model With Driving Style Awareness, A
* LFT-Net: Local Feature Transformer Network for Point Clouds Analysis
* Lidar Point Cloud Compression, Processing and Learning for Autonomous Driving
* Lifecycle Cost Optimization for Electric Bus Systems With Different Charging Methods: Collaborative Optimization of Infrastructure Procurement and Fleet Scheduling
* Lifelong Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Framework Based on Generative Replay
* Light Deep Models for Cognitive Computing in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Lightweight and Detector-Free 3D Single Object Tracker on Point Clouds, A
* Lightweight and Effective Convolutional Neural Networks for Vehicle Viewpoint Estimation From Monocular Images
* Lightweight Authentication Scheme for 6G-IoT Enabled Maritime Transport System, A
* Lightweight Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network with Efficient Transformer and CNN
* Lightweight Trustworthy Message Exchange in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks
* Literature Review on Train Motion Model Calibration, A
* Local Linear Generalized Autoencoder-Based Incipient Fault Detection for Electrical Drive Systems of High-Speed Trains
* Location Recommendation Based on Mobility Graph With Individual and Group Influences
* Logistics in the Sky: A Two-Phase Optimization Approach for the Drone Package Pickup and Delivery System
* Long-Short Term Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Trajectory Prediction
* Longitudinal Velocity CF-MPC Model for Connected and Automated Vehicle Platooning, A
* Longitudinal Velocity Regulation of UGVs: A Composite Control Approach for Acceleration and Deceleration
* Loop Closure Detection With Bidirectional Manifold Representation Consensus
* Loop-Wise Route Representation and Its Optimization Formulation for Symmetric Traveling Salesman Problems
* Loss Function Design for Data-Driven Predictors to Enhance the Energy Efficiency of Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Low-Carbon Charging Facilities Planning for Electric Vehicles Based on a Novel Travel Route Choice Model
* Low-Rank Hankel Tensor Completion for Traffic Speed Estimation
* Low-Visibility Vehicle-Road Environment Perception Based on the Multi-Modal Visual Features Fusion of Polarization and Infrared
* LSTM-Based Distributed Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Data-Driven 5G-Enabled Maritime UAV Communications
* LTP-Net: Life-Travel Pattern Based Human Mobility Signature Identification
* M3AN: Multitask Multirange Multisubgraph Attention Network for Condition-Aware Traffic Prediction
* Machine Learning Approach for Energy-Efficient Intelligent Transportation Scheduling Problem in a Real-World Dynamic Circumstances, A
* Machine Learning Based Channel Estimation for 5G NR-V2V Communications: Sparse Bayesian Learning and Gaussian Progress Regression
* Magnetic Tracking With Real-Time Geomagnetic Vector Separation for Robotic Dockable Charging
* MAGVA: An Open-Set Fault Diagnosis Model Based on Multi-Hop Attentive Graph Variational Autoencoder for Autonomous Vehicles
* Management of Positioning Functions in Cellular Networks for Time-Sensitive Transportation Applications
* Manifold-Contrastive Broad Learning System for Wheelset Bearing Fault Diagnosis
* Many-Objective Optimization Based Intrusion Detection for in-Vehicle Network Security
* MART: Mask-Aware Reasoning Transformer for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Mask-Aware Pseudo Label Denoising for Unsupervised Vehicle Re-Identification
* Mastering Arterial Traffic Signal Control With Multi-Agent Attention-Based Soft Actor-Critic Model
* Match Maximization of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Energy Charging With Double-Sided Auction
* Matching Supply and Demand in Online Parking Reservation Platforms
* Mathematical Modeling of Stuxnet-Style Autonomous Vehicle Malware, A
* Maximal Weighted Coverage Deployment of UAV-Enabled Rechargeable Visual Sensor Networks
* Maximizing the Connectivity of Network Slicing Enabled Internet of Vehicle With Differentiated Services
* Maximum Throughput Dispatch for Shared Autonomous Vehicles Including Vehicle Rebalancing
* MCLA Task Offloading Framework for 5G-NR-V2X-Based Heterogeneous VECNs
* MCTS-Based Solution Approach to Solve Large-Scale Airline Crew Pairing Problems, An
* Mesoscopic Human-Inspired Adaptive Cruise Control for Eco-Driving, A
* MetaProbformer for Charging Load Probabilistic Forecasting of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
* MetaTraj: Meta-Learning for Cross-Scene Cross-Object Trajectory Prediction
* Method of Identifying Personalized Car-Following Characteristics for Adaptive Cruise Control System, A
* Metropolitan Segment Traffic Speeds From Massive Floating Car Data in 10 Cities
* MFANet: Multifaceted Feature Aggregation Network for Oil Stains Detection of High-Speed Trains
* MG-TAR: Multi-View Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Accident Risk Prediction
* Microservice-Oriented Service Placement for Mobile Edge Computing in Sustainable Internet of Vehicles
* Minimum Time Headway in Platooning Systems Under the MPF Topology for Different Wireless Communication Scenario
* Mining the Critical Factors of Hazardous Material Road Transportation Accidents From Chinese Investigation Reports
* Missing Road Condition Imputation Using a Multi-View Heterogeneous Graph Network From GPS Trajectory
* Mixed Graph Neural Network-Based Fake News Detection for Sustainable Vehicular Social Networks
* Mobility and Deadline-Aware Task Scheduling Mechanism for Vehicular Edge Computing
* Mobility and Energy Management in Electric Vehicle Based Mobility-on-Demand Systems: Models and Solutions
* Mobility Tableau: Human Mobility Similarity Measurement for City Dynamics
* Mobility-Aware Multi-Hop Task Offloading for Autonomous Driving in Vehicular Edge Computing and Networks
* Mode Shape Identification and Damage Detection of Bridge by Movable Sensory System
* Model Predictive Eco-Driving Control for Heavy-Duty Trucks Using Branch and Bound Optimization
* Model Predictive Path Planning of AGVs: Mixed Logical Dynamical Formulation and Distributed Coordination
* Model-Based Method for Enabling Source Mapping and Intrusion Detection on Proprietary Can Bus, A
* Model-Free Dynamic Operations Management for EV Battery Swapping Stations: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Modeling an ITS Management Solution for Mixed Highway Traffic With Eclipse MOSAIC
* Modeling and Analysis of Edge Caching for 6G mmWave Vehicular Networks
* Modeling and Efficient Passenger-Oriented Control for Urban Rail Transit Networks
* Modeling Automated Driving in Microscopic Traffic Simulations for Traffic Performance Evaluations: Aspects to Consider and State of the Practice
* Modeling Categorized Truck Arrivals at Ports: Big Data for Traffic Prediction
* Modeling Crossing Behaviors of E-Bikes at Intersection With Deep Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning Using Drone-Based Video Data
* Modeling Dynamic Traffic Flow as Visibility Graphs: A Network-Scale Prediction Framework for Lane-Level Traffic Flow Based on LPR Data
* Modeling Human Driving Behavior Through Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
* Modeling Lateral Control Behaviors of Distracted Drivers for Haptic-Shared Steering System
* Modeling Pedestrian Tactical and Operational Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty: A Two-Layer Model Framework
* Modeling Spatial-Temporal Constraints and Spatial-Transfer Patterns for Couriers' Package Pick-up Route Prediction
* Modeling the Effects of Autonomous Vehicles on Human Driver Car-Following Behaviors Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Modeling the Fundamental Diagram of Mixed Traffic Flow With Dedicated Lanes for Connected Automated Vehicles
* Modeling the Mutual Anticipation in Human Crowds With Attention Distractions
* Modeling the Pedestrian Flow Before Bottleneck Through Learning-Based Method
* Modeling Vehicle Paths at Intersections: A Unified Approach Based on Entrance and Exit Lanes
* Modular Autonomous Electric Vehicle Scheduling for Customized On-Demand Bus Services
* Monocular Pseudo-LiDAR Point Cloud Extrapolation Based on Iterative Hybrid Rendering
* Monocular Road Scene Bird's Eye View Prediction via Big Kernel-Size Encoder and Spatial-Channel Transform Module
* Motion Estimation and Compensation in Automotive MIMO SAR
* Motion Sickness Mitigating Algorithms and Control Strategy for Autonomous Vehicles
* Motion Sickness Prediction Based on Dry EEG in Real Driving Environment
* MPC-PF: Socially and Spatially Aware Object Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving Systems Using Potential Fields
* MSN: Mapless Short-Range Navigation Based on Time Critical Deep Reinforcement Learning
* MSN: Multi-Style Network for Trajectory Prediction
* MSND: Modified Standard Normal Deviate Incident Detection Algorithm for Connected Autonomous and Human-Driven Vehicles in Mixed Traffic
* MTrajPlanner: A Multiple-Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* Multi-Agent DRL-Based Lane Change With Right-of-Way Collaboration Awareness
* Multi-Agent Mix Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning for Large-Scale Fleet Management
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent V2G Integration in Future Transportation Systems
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning With Policy Clipping and Average Evaluation for UAV-Assisted Communication Markov Game
* Multi-Granularity Collaborative Decision With Cognitive Networking in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Multi-IRS and Multi-UAV-Assisted MEC System for 5G/6G Networks: Efficient Joint Trajectory Optimization and Passive Beamforming Framework
* Multi-Lane Coordinated Control Strategy of Connected and Automated Vehicles for On-Ramp Merging Area Based on Cooperative Game
* Multi-Modal Feature Pyramid Transformer for RGB-Infrared Object Detection
* Multi-Object Tracking Algorithm With Center-Based Feature Extraction and Occlusion Handling, A
* Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm With Adaptive Resource Allocation for Truck-Drone Collaborative Delivery and Pick-Up Services
* Multi-Objective Optimization of Evacuation Route for Heterogeneous Passengers in the Metro Station Considering Node Efficiency
* Multi-Period Charging Service Pricing Game for Public Charging Network Operators Considering the Dynamics of Coupled Traffic-Power Systems, A
* Multi-Relay Cognitive Network With Anti-Fragile Relay Communication for Intelligent Transportation System Under Aggregated Interference
* Multi-Robot Plume Source Localization by Distributed Quantum-Inspired Guidance With Formation Behavior
* Multi-Sensor and Analytical Constraints Tightly Augmented BDS-3 RTK for Vehicle-Borne Positioning
* Multi-Sensor Graph Transfer Network for Health Assessment of High-Speed Rail Suspension Systems
* Multi-UAV Navigation for Optimized Video Surveillance of Ground Vehicles on Uneven Terrains
* Multibranch Reconstruction Error (MbRE) Intrusion Detection Architecture for Intelligent Edge-Based Policing in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* Multidimensional Deformable Object Manipulation Based on DN-Transporter Networks
* Multifeature Fusion-Based Object Detection for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Multimodal Coupled Graph Attention Network for Joint Traffic Event Detection and Sentiment Classification, A
* Multimodal Vehicular Trajectory Prediction With Inverse Reinforcement Learning and Risk Aversion at Urban Unsignalized Intersections
* Multiobjective Optimization for Vehicle Routing Optimization Problem in Low-Carbon Intelligent Transportation
* Multiple Pedestrian Tracking With Graph Attention Map on Urban Road Scene
* Multisensor Anomaly Detection and Interpretable Analysis for Linear Induction Motors
* Multistage Decision Optimization Approach for Train Timetable Rescheduling Under Uncertain Disruptions in a High-Speed Railway Network, A
* MVHGN: Multi-View Adaptive Hierarchical Spatial Graph Convolution Network Based Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Traffic-Agents
* Nature-Inspired Distributed Robust Control Design for Ground-Aerial Vehicle Cooperation, A
* Neighborhood Rough Residual Network-Based Outlier Detection Method in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* Network Car Hailing Pricing Model Optimization in Edge Computing-Based Intelligent Transportation System
* Network Flow Approach to Battery Electric Bus Scheduling, A
* Network Traffic Model for the Control of Autonomous Vehicles Acting as Moving Bottlenecks, A
* Network-Level Traffic Signal Cooperation: A Higher-Order Conflict Graph Approach
* Network-Wide Traffic Signal Control Using Bilinear System Modeling and Adaptive Optimization
* Neural Adaptive Quantitative Prescribed Performance Sectionalized Event-Triggered Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* Neural Airport Ground Handling
* Neural Network Based on Spatial Decoupling and Patterns Diverging for Urban Rail Transit Ridership Prediction, A
* Neural Network-Based Subway Regenerative Energy Optimization With Variable Headway Constraints
* NIRPed: A Novel Benchmark for Nighttime Pedestrian and Its Distance Joint Detection
* NLE-DM: Natural-Language Explanations for Decision Making of Autonomous Driving Based on Semantic Scene Understanding
* Non-Stationarity Characterization and Geometry-Cluster-Based Stochastic Model for High-Speed Train Radio Channels
* Non-Visual Sensing of Metallic Pavement Markers From a Moving Vehicle
* Nonlinear Regression-Based GNSS Multipath Dynamic Map Construction and Its Application in Deep Urban Areas
* Normal-Knowledge-Based Pavement Defect Segmentation Using Relevance-Aware and Cross-Reasoning Mechanisms
* Novel Class-Imbalanced Ship Motion Data-Based Cross-Scale Model for Sea State Estimation, A
* Novel Closed-Loop Frequency Control Approach for Wireless Power Transfer Systems in On-Road Electric Vehicles, A
* Novel Demand-Responsive Customized Bus Based on Improved Ant Colony Optimization and Clustering Algorithms, A
* Novel Distributed Situation Awareness Consensus Approach for UAV Swarm Systems, A
* Novel Edge Caching Approach Based on Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Internet of Vehicles
* Novel Flexibility Indices of Controllable Loads in Relation to EV and Rooftop PV
* Novel Framework to Generate Synthetic Video for Foreground Detection in Highway Surveillance Scenarios, A
* Novel Graph-Based Machine Learning Technique to Secure Smart Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Novel Image-Based Homomorphic Approach for Preserving the Privacy of Autonomous Vehicles Connected to the Cloud, A
* Novel MAC-Based Authentication Scheme (NoMAS) for Internet of Vehicles (IoV), A
* Novel Parameter Adaptive Dual Channel MSPCNN Based Single Image Dehazing for Intelligent Transportation Systems, A
* Novel Real-Time Algorithm for Optimizing Train Speed Profiles Under Complex Constraints, A
* Novel Scalable Framework to Reconstruct Vehicular Trajectories From Unreliable GPS Datasets, A
* Novel Ship Speed and Heading Estimation Approach Using Radar Sequential Images, A
* Novel Spatial-Temporal Multi-Scale Alignment Graph Neural Network Security Model for Vehicles Prediction, A
* Novel STFSA-CNN-GRU Hybrid Model for Short-Term Traffic Speed Prediction, A
* Novel Stochastic Blockchain-Based Energy Management in Smart Cities Using V2S and V2G, A
* Novel Used Vehicles Price Prediction Model Based on Denoising Autoencoder With Convolution Operation, A
* Numerical Strategies for Mixed-Integer Optimization of Power-Split and Gear Selection in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* Object Detection in Traffic Videos: A Survey
* Object SLAM With Robust Quadric Initialization and Mapping for Dynamic Outdoors
* OCV-SOC-Temperature Relationship Construction and State of Charge Estimation for a Series- Parallel Lithium-Ion Battery Pack
* Off-Policy Learning-Based Following Control of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles Under Distributed Attacks
* Omnidirectional Depth Estimation With Hierarchical Deep Network for Multi-Fisheye Navigation Systems
* On Attack-Resilient Service Placement and Availability in Edge-Enabled IoV Networks
* On Minimizing the Age of Information in NOMA-Based Vehicular Networks Using Markov Decision Process
* On Structural and Safety Properties of Head-to-Tail String Stability in Mixed Platoons
* On the Evaluation of a Drone-Based Delivery System on a Mixed Euclidean-Manhattan Grid
* On the Feasibility of Split Learning, Transfer Learning and Federated Learning for Preserving Security in ITS Systems
* On Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks With Full-Duplex Radios: An End-to-End Delay Perspective
* One-Way Search Algorithm for Route Planning With Multiple Requests
* Online Adaptive Generation of Critical Boundary Scenarios for Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicles
* Online Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Order Recommendation Framework for Rider-Centered Food Delivery System, An
* Online Learning Framework for Sensor Fault Diagnosis Analysis in Autonomous Cars, An
* Online Public Transit Ridership Monitoring Through Passive WiFi Sensing
* Online Set-Point Estimation for Feedback-Based Traffic Control Applications
* Operation Management of Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping and Charging Systems: A Bilevel Optimization Approach
* Optimal Collaborative Motion Planning of Dual Boom Cranes for Transporting Payloads to Desired Positions and Attitudes
* Optimal Control Strategies for Metro Trains to Use the Regenerative Braking Energy: A Speed Profile Adjustment Approach
* Optimal Design of Tractive Layout for Minimizing the Insufficient Displacement of Railway Turnout
* Optimal EV Fast Charging Station Deployment Based on a Reinforcement Learning Framework
* Optimal Nonlinear Model Predictive Control- Based Motion Cueing Algorithm Using Cascade Optimization and Human Interaction, An
* Optimal Path Tracking Control Based on Online Modeling for Autonomous Vehicle With Completely Unknown Parameters
* Optimal Power and Energy Management Control for Hybrid Fuel Cell-Fed Shipboard DC Microgrid
* Optimal Routing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Joint Goods Delivery and in-Situ Sensing
* Optimal Traffic Signal Control of Isolated Oversaturated Intersections Using Predicted Demand
* Optimal Trajectory Planning for Mitigated Motion Sickness: Simulator Study Assessment
* Optimal UAV Trajectory Design for Moving Users in Integrated Sensing and Communications Networks
* Optimization Framework for Crowd-Sourced Delivery Services With the Consideration of Shippers' Acceptance Uncertainties
* Optimization Model of Regional Green Wave Coordination Control for the Coordinated Path Set
* Optimization of Electric Bus Scheduling for Mixed Passenger and Freight Flow in an Urban-Rural Transit System
* Optimization of Privacy Budget Allocation In Differential Privacy-Based Public Transit Trajectory Data Publishing for Smart Mobility Applications
* Optimization of Vehicle Trajectories Considering Uncertainty in Actuated Traffic Signal Timings
* Optimized Approach of Dynamic Target Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network Using Bio Inspired Algorithms for Maritime Rescue, An
* Optimized Security Algorithms for Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicular Transportation Systems
* Optimizing Resource and Service Allocations for IoT-Assisted Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Optimizing Two-Truck Platooning With Deadlines
* OQFL: An Optimized Quantum-Based Federated Learning Framework for Defending Against Adversarial Attacks in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Overlay Cognitive ABCom-NOMA-Based ITS: An In-Depth Secrecy Analysis
* P2Ride: Practical and Privacy-Preserving Ride-Matching Scheme for Ridesharing
* P3SNet: Parallel Pyramid Pooling Stereo Network
* PAA: A Blockchain-Based Parking Assistance Alliance With User Preference
* PAC: Partial Area Clustering for Re-Adjusting the Layout of Traffic Stations in City's Public Transport
* PaCS: A Parallel Computation Framework for Field-Based Crowd Simulation
* PAF-Net: A Progressive and Adaptive Fusion Network for Pavement Crack Segmentation
* PAG-TSN: Ridership Demand Forecasting Model for Shared Travel Services of Smart Transportation
* PanoFlow: Learning 360° Optical Flow for Surrounding Temporal Understanding
* Panoramic Panoptic Segmentation: Insights Into Surrounding Parsing for Mobile Agents via Unsupervised Contrastive Learning
* Parallel Transportation in TransVerse: From Foundation Models to DeCAST
* Parking Planning Under Limited Parking Corridor Space
* Parking Prediction in Smart Cities: A Survey
* Partial-NOMA Based Physical Layer Security: Forwarding Design and Secrecy Analysis
* Participant Selection for Federated Learning With Heterogeneous Data in Intelligent Transport System
* Path Following With Prescribed Performance for Under-Actuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Subjects to Unknown Actuator Dead-Zone
* Path Increment Map Matching Method for High-Frequency Trajectory, A
* Path Planning for Energy Management of Smart Maritime Electric Vehicles: A Blockchain-Based Solution
* Pavement Crack Detection Based on 3D Edge Representation and Data Communication With Digital Twins
* Pavement Image Enhancement in Pixel-Wise Based on Multi-Level Semantic Information
* pdRide: Privacy-Preserving Distributed Online Ride-Hailing Matching Scheme
* Pedestrian Behavior Prediction Using Deep Learning Methods for Urban Scenarios: A Review
* Pedestrian Detection Using Multi-Scale Structure-Enhanced Super-Resolution
* Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in Pedestrian-Vehicle Mixed Environments: A Systematic Review
* Per-Lane Variable Speed Limit and Lane Change Control for Congestion Management at Bottlenecks
* Performance Analysis of Opportunistic ARAIM for Navigation With GNSS Signals Fused With Terrestrial Signals of Opportunity
* Performance Enhancement of C-V2X Mode 4 Utilizing Multiple Candidate Single-Subframe Resources
* Performance Guaranteed Finite-Time Non-Affine Control of Waverider Vehicles Without Function-Approximation
* Personal Mobility in Metaverse With Autonomous Vehicles Using Q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Sets Based OPA-RAFSI Model
* Personalized Car-Following Control Based on a Hybrid of Reinforcement Learning and Supervised Learning
* Personalized Freight Route Recommendations With System Optimality Considerations: A Utility Learning Approach
* Personalized Location Privacy Protection for Location-Based Services in Vehicular Networks
* PerspectiveNet: An Object Detection Method With Adaptive Perspective Box Network Based on Density-Aware
* PFNet: Large-Scale Traffic Forecasting With Progressive Spatio-Temporal Fusion
* PIT: Progressive Interaction Transformer for Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction
* Play&Go Corporate: An End-to-End Solution for Facilitating Urban Cyclability
* Point-Voxel and Bird-Eye-View Representation Aggregation Network for Single Stage 3D Object Detection
* Point2Lane: Polyline-Based Reconstruction With Principal Points for Lane Detection
* Poisson-Based Distribution Learning Framework for Short-Term Prediction of Food Delivery Demand Ranges, A
* Policy Iteration Based Approximate Dynamic Programming Toward Autonomous Driving in Constrained Dynamic Environment
* Polynomial-Time Carsharing Optimization: Linear Formulation and Large-Scale Simulations
* Pose Estimation of Point Sets Using Residual MLP in Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure
* Position-Based Emergency Message Dissemination Schemes in the Internet of Vehicles: A Review
* Potential Game Based Task Offloading in the High-Speed Railway With Reinforcement Learning
* Potential Game-Based Decision-Making for Autonomous Driving
* Potential Routes Extraction for Urban Customized Bus Based on Vehicle Trajectory Clustering
* Power Flow Optimization and Control Strategy for Energy Router in Dual Mode Traction Power Supply System
* Powered Two-Wheelers Right-Hand Curve Negotiation Study Using Segmentation and Data Mining Approaches
* PPO-Based PDACB Traffic Control Scheme for Massive IoV Communications
* PPO2: Location Privacy-Oriented Task Offloading to Edge Computing Using Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Autonomous Transport Systems
* Practical Distributed Control for Cooperative Multicopters in Structured Free Flight Concepts
* Pre-Disaster Resilient Road Network Investment Strategy With Uncertainty Quantification
* Predicting Hourly Boarding Demand of Bus Passengers Using Imbalanced Records From Smart-Cards: A Deep Learning Approach
* Predicting Urban Region Heat via Learning Arrive-Stay-Leave Behaviors of Private Cars
* Prediction Based Trajectory Planning for Safe Interactions Between Autonomous Vehicles and Moving Pedestrians in Shared Spaces
* Prediction Failure Risk-Aware Decision-Making for Autonomous Vehicles on Signalized Intersections
* Predictive Display With Perspective Projection of Surroundings in Vehicle Teleoperation to Account Time-Delays
* Predictive-Reactive Optimization Framework With Feedback-Based Knowledge Distillation for On-Demand Food Delivery, A
* Preliminary Exploration for Long-Distance Non-Standardized Delivery
* Prescribed-Time Performance Recovery Fault Tolerant Control of Platoon With Nominal Constraints Guarantee
* Privacy and Accuracy for Cloud-Fog-Edge Collaborative Driver-Vehicle-Road Relation Graphs
* Privacy-Aware Multiagent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Task Offloading in VANET
* Privacy-Preserving Cross-Area Traffic Forecasting in ITS: A Transferable Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network Approach
* Privacy-Preserving Solution for Intelligent Transportation Systems: Private Driver DNA, A
* Probabilistic Approach for Road-Users Detection
* Probabilistic Framework for Estimating the Risk of Pedestrian-Vehicle Conflicts at Intersections, A
* Provably Secure and Anonymous V2I and V2V Authentication Protocol for VANETs
* Provably Secure Mobile User Authentication Scheme for Big Data Collection in IoT-Enabled Maritime Intelligent Transportation System, A
* PSCS-Net: Perception Optimized Image Reconstruction Network for Autonomous Driving Systems
* Pseudo Label Rectification With Joint Camera Shift Adaptation and Outlier Progressive Recycling for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Pseudo-Anchors: Robust Semantic Features for Lidar Mapping in Highly Dynamic Scenarios
* Pseudo-Inverse-Based Hard Thresholding Algorithm for Sparse Signal Recovery, A
* PSO-Based Sparse Source Location in Large-Scale Environments With a UAV Swarm
* PV-TSC: Learning to Control Traffic Signals for Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic in 6G Era
* QoS-Aware User Association and Transmission Scheduling for Millimeter-Wave Train-Ground Communications
* Quality Index Metric and Method for Online Self-Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles Sensory Perception, A
* QueryCom: Secure Message Communication and Data Searching Protocols for Smart Transportation
* Railway Alignment Optimization Based on Multiobjective Bi-Level Programming Considering Ecological Impact
* Railway Cyber-Security in the Era of Interconnected Systems: A Survey
* RDMNet: Reliable Dense Matching Based Point Cloud Registration for Autonomous Driving
* Re-Parameterized Real-Time Stereo Matching Network Based on Mixed Cost Volumes Toward Autonomous Driving
* Real-Time Adaptive Energy Optimization Method for Urban Rail Flexible Traction Power Supply System, A
* Real-Time Charging Scheduling of Automated Guided Vehicles in Cyber-Physical Smart Factories Using Feature-Based Reinforcement Learning
* Real-Time Cooperative Vehicle Coordination at Unsignalized Road Intersections
* Real-Time Forecasting of Dockless Scooter-Sharing Demand: A Spatio-Temporal Multi-Graph Transformer Approach
* Real-Time IoT-Based Connected Vehicle Infrastructure for Intelligent Transportation Safety
* Real-Time Point Cloud Object Detection via Voxel-Point Geometry Abstraction
* Real-Time Safety Assessment for Dynamic Systems With Limited Memory and Annotations
* Real-Time Stereo 3D Car Detection With Shape-Aware Non-Uniform Sampling
* Real-Time Traffic Density Estimation: Putting on-Coming Traffic to Work
* Real-Time Trust Prediction in Conditionally Automated Driving Using Physiological Measures
* Real-World Reinforcement Learning Framework for Safe and Human-Like Tactical Decision-Making, A
* Reasoning About Expected Job Completion Time in Dynamic Vehicular Clouds
* Reassignment Algorithm of the Ride-Sourcing Market Based on Reinforcement Learning
* Reciprocal Consistency Prediction Network for Multi-Step Human Trajectory Prediction
* Recommending-and-Grabbing: A Crowdsourcing-Based Order Allocation Pattern for On-Demand Food Delivery
* REER-H: A Reliable Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Maritime Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Regenerative Braking Control Strategy for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles Based on Slope and Mass Co-Estimation
* Reliability of Deep Neural Networks for an End-to-End Imitation Learning-Based Lane Keeping
* Reliable and Scalable Routing Under Hybrid SDVN Architecture: A Graph Learning Based Method
* Reliable Autonomous Driving Environment Model With Unified State-Extended Boundary
* Reliable Object Recognition Using Deep Transfer Learning for Marine Transportation Systems With Underwater Surveillance
* Reliable Uplink Synchronization Maintenance for Satellite-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks: A High-Order Statistics-Based Timing Advance Update Approach
* Research on Minimum Non-Collision Distance and Protection Strategy for Normal Train to Avoid Rear-End Accidents With Braking-Fault Train
* Research on Pavement Traffic Load State Perception Based on the Piezoelectric Effect
* Research on Road Environmental Sense Method of Intelligent Vehicle Based on Tracking Check
* Research on Security Defense of Coupled Transportation and Cyber-Physical Power System Based on the Static Bayesian Game
* Reservation-Based Cooperative Ecodriving Model for Mixed Autonomous and Manual Vehicles at Intersections
* Resilience-Oriented Train Rescheduling Optimization in Railway Networks: A Mixed Integer Programming Approach
* Resilient Countermeasures Against Cyber-Attacks on Self-Driving Car Architecture
* Resilient Distributed Event-Triggered Platooning Control of Connected Vehicles Under Denial-of-Service Attacks
* Resource Allocation Control of UAV-Assisted IoT Communication Device
* Revealing Senior Mobility Patterns and Activities in Urban Transit Systems
* Review of Alignment Optimization Research for Roads, Railways and Rail Transit Lines, A
* Review of Graph-Based Hazardous Event Detection Methods for Autonomous Driving Systems
* RFS-Based Multiple Extended Target Tracking With Resolved Multipath Detections in Clutter
* RGB Color Image Steganography Scheme by Binary Lower Triangular Matrix, An
* Ride the Tide of Traffic Conditions: Opportunistic Driving Improves Energy Efficiency of Timely Truck Transportation
* Risk Assessment for Connected Vehicles Under Stealthy Attacks on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks
* Risk-Aware Decision-Making and Planning Using Prediction-Guided Strategy Tree for the Uncontrolled Intersections
* RLID-V: Reinforcement Learning-Based Information Dissemination Policy Generation in VANETs
* Roadside Infrastructure Support for Urban Automated Driving
* Robust Accurate Lane Detection and Tracking for Automated Rubber-Tired Gantries in a Container Terminal
* Robust Adaptive Fuzzy-Free Fault-Tolerant Path Planning Control for a Semi-Submersible Platform Dynamic Positioning System With Actuator Constraints
* Robust and Hierarchical Spatial Relation Analysis for Traffic Forecasting
* Robust and Sample-Efficient Estimation of Vehicle Lateral Velocity Using Neural Networks With Explainable Structure Informed by Kinematic Principles
* Robust Backtracking CKF Based on Krein Space Theory for In-Motion Alignment Process, A
* Robust Beamforming Design for RIS-Aided Integrated Sensing and Communication System
* Robust Cruise Control for the Heavy Haul Train Subject to Disturbance and Actuator Saturation
* Robust Decision Making for Autonomous Vehicles at Highway On-Ramps: A Constrained Adversarial Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Robust Driver Emotion Recognition Method Based on High-Purity Feature Separation, A
* Robust Dynamic Bus Control: a Distributional Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Robust Dynamic Game-Based Control Framework for Integrated Torque Vectoring and Active Front-Wheel Steering System, A
* Robust Fault-Tolerant Estimation of Sideslip and Roll Angles for Distributed Drive Electric Buses With Stochastic Passenger Mass
* Robust Lane Detection Through Self Pre-Training With Masked Sequential Autoencoders and Fine-Tuning With Customized PolyLoss
* Robust Multi-Model Estimation for Reliable Relative Navigation Based on Observability and Abnormity Analysis
* Robust Perception Under Adverse Conditions for Autonomous Driving Based on Data Augmentation
* Robust Service and Charging Plan for Dynamic Electric Demand-Responsive Transit Systems
* Robust Sparse Direct Localization of Smart Vehicle With Partly Calibrated Time Modulated Arrays
* Robust String Stability and Safety of CTH Predictor-Feedback CACC
* Robust Switched Velocity-Dependent Path-Following Control for Autonomous Ground Vehicles
* Robust Triangular Sigmoid Pattern-Based Obstacle Detection Algorithm in Resource-Limited Devices, A
* Robust Visual-Inertial Odometry Based on a Kalman Filter and Factor Graph
* Robustly Integrated Design of Plug-in Fuel Cell Electric Buses Considering the Noise Disturbance
* Robustness Analysis of Discrete State-Based Reinforcement Learning Models in Traffic Signal Control
* Robustness Analysis of Platoon Control for Mixed Types of Vehicles
* Rolling-Adaptive Peak Clipping Control Strategy Coordinating RBE Recycling and PV Consumption, A
* Rolling-Horizon Strategy for Dynamic Rebalancing of Free-Floating Bike-Sharing Systems, A
* Route Choice-Based Socio-Technical Macroscopic Traffic Model
* Route Planning Based on Parallel Optimization in the Air-Ground Integrated Network
* RPP-Net: Rigid Constrained Point Cloud Prediction Network
* RS-Aug: Improve 3D Object Detection on LiDAR With Realistic Simulator Based Data Augmentation
* RSG-Net: A Recurrent Similarity Network With Ghost Convolution for Wheelset Laser Stripe Image Inpainting
* RSSI Map-Based Trajectory Design for UGV Against Malicious Radio Source: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* RX-ADS: Interpretable Anomaly Detection Using Adversarial ML for Electric Vehicle CAN Data
* Safe Optimal Vessel Planning on Natural Inland Waterways
* Safe Reinforcement Learning for Single Train Trajectory Optimization via Shield SARSA
* Safe-State Enhancement Method for Autonomous Driving via Direct Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
* Safest Nearby Neighbor Queries in Road Networks
* Safety Monitoring of Transportation Infrastructure Foundation: Intelligent Recognition of Subgrade Distresses Based on B-Scan GPR Images
* Safety Tunnel-Based Model Predictive Path-Planning Controller With Potential Functions for Emergency Navigation
* Safety-Compliant Generative Adversarial Networks for Human Trajectory Forecasting
* Safety-Critical and Flexible Cooperative On-Ramp Merging Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic
* SAir-IIoT Cyber Testbed as a Service: A Novel Cybertwins Architecture in IIoT-Based Smart Airports, The
* Saliency-Induced Moving Object Detection for Robust RGB-D Vision Navigation Under Complex Dynamic Environments
* Sampling-Based Path Planning in Highly Dynamic and Crowded Pedestrian Flow
* SAT3D: Slot Attention Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Scale Region Recognition Network for Object Counting in Intelligent Transportation System
* Scale-Aware Monocular Visual Odometry and Extrinsic Calibration Using Vehicle Kinematics
* Scene-Adaptive Real-Time Fast Dehazing and Detection in Driving Environment
* SCHE2MA: Scalable, Energy-Aware, Multidomain Orchestration for Beyond-5G URLLC Services
* Scheduling Eight-Phase Urban Traffic Light Problems via Ensemble Meta-Heuristics and Q-Learning Based Local Search
* Scheduling EV Charging Having Demand With Different Reliability Constraints
* Scheme for Cooperative-Escort Multi-Submersible Intelligent Transportation System Based on SDN-Enabled Underwater IoV, A
* SDSS: Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Edge Enabled IoV Networks
* SDTAN: Scalable Deep Time-Aware Attention Network for Interpretable Hard Landing Prediction
* SeAC: SDN-Enabled Adaptive Clustering Technique for Social-Aware Internet of Vehicles
* Seamless Accurate Positioning in Deep Urban Area Based on Mode Switching Between DGNSS and Multipath Mitigation Positioning
* Secure and Efficient Authenticated Key Management Scheme for UAV-Assisted Infrastructure-Less IoVs
* Secure Blockchain Enabled V2V Communication System Using Smart Contracts, A
* Secure Data Sharing With Flexible Cross-Domain Authorization in Autonomous Vehicle Systems
* Secure Intelligent System for Internet of Vehicles: Case Study on Traffic Forecasting, A
* Secure Traffic Monitoring With Spatio-Temporal Metadata Protection Using Oblivious RAM
* Secure Transmission Scheme Based on Joint Radar and Communication in Mobile Vehicular Networks
* Secure Vehicular Communications With Varying QoS and Environments: A Unified Cross-Layer Policy-Adaptation Approach
* Securing IoT Based Maritime Transportation System Through Entropy-Based Dual-Stack Machine Learning Framework
* Security and Privacy in a Blockchain-Powered Access Control System for Low Emission Zones
* Security in IoT-Enabled Digital Twins of Maritime Transportation Systems
* Security-Enhanced Certificateless Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, A
* Seeking Based on Dynamic Prices: Higher Earnings and Better Strategies in Ride-on-Demand Services
* Segmentalized mRMR Features and Cost-Sensitive ELM With Fixed Inputs for Fault Diagnosis of High-Speed Railway Turnouts
* Segmentation is Tracking: Spatial-Temporal Map Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction and Validation
* Selective Federated Reinforcement Learning Strategy for Autonomous Driving, A
* Selective Multi-Grade Charging Scheduling and Rebalancing for One-Way Car-Sharing Systems
* Self-Attentive Local Aggregation Learning With Prototype Guided Regularization for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation of High-Speed Railways
* Self-Configurable Stabilized Real-Time Detection Learning for Autonomous Driving Applications
* Self-Learned Autonomous Driving at Unsignalized Intersections: A Hierarchical Reinforced Learning Approach for Feasible Decision-Making
* Self-Supervised Deep Visual Odometry Based on Geometric Attention Model
* Self-Supervised Depth Estimation Leveraging Global Perception and Geometric Smoothness
* Self-Supervised Point Cloud Registration With Deep Versatile Descriptors for Intelligent Driving
* Self-Supervised Spatiotemporal Graph Neural Networks With Self-Distillation for Traffic Prediction
* SELMA: SEmantic Large-Scale Multimodal Acquisitions in Variable Weather, Daytime and Viewpoints
* Semantic Segmentation in Thermal Videos: A New Benchmark and Multi-Granularity Contrastive Learning-Based Framework
* Semantic Traffic Law Adaptive Decision-Making for Self-Driving Vehicles
* Semi-Supervised Learning Approach for Pixel-Level Pavement Anomaly Detection, A
* Sensing Accident-Prone Features in Urban Scenes for Proactive Driving and Accident Prevention
* Sequence and Network Embedding Method for Bus Arrival Time Prediction Using GPS Trajectory Data Only, A
* Sequence-to-Sequence Recurrent Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Estimation and Prediction Using Connected Probe Vehicle Data
* Serialized Recommendation Prediction for Steering Point Behavior of Intelligent Transportation Vehicles Based on Deep Learning
* Shallow Detail and Semantic Segmentation Combined Bilateral Network Model for Lane Detection
* Shape-Aware Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Ship Collision Avoidance Navigation Signal Recognition via Vision Sensing and Machine Forecasting
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Graph Convolutional Networks and Federated Learning
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction of the Smart City Using 5G Internet of Vehicles Based on Edge Computing
* Skip Connection YOLO Architecture for Noise Barrier Defect Detection Using UAV-Based Images in High-Speed Railway
* Smart Cloud and IoVT-Based Kernel Adaptive Filtering Framework for Parking Prediction, A
* Smart IoT Enabled End-to-End 3D Object Detection System for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Smart Mobility in the Cloud: Enabling Real-Time Situational Awareness and Cyber-Physical Control Through a Digital Twin for Traffic
* Smart Road Stud-Empowered Vehicle Magnetic Field Distribution and Vehicle Detection
* Smart Traffic Navigation System for Fault-Tolerant Edge Computing of Internet of Vehicle in Intelligent Transportation Gateway
* Smart Underwater Pollution Detection Based on Graph-Based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Towards AUV-Based Network ITS
* Social Attributes-Based Content Delivery for Sparse Vehicular Content-Centric Network
* Social Psychology Inspired Distributed Ledger Technique for Anomaly Detection in Connected Vehicles
* Soft-Safe: Software Defined Safety-as-a-Service for Intelligent Transportation System
* Solving Vehicle Routing Problem Using Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
* SOSMaskFuse: An Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Architecture Based on Salient Object Segmentation Mask
* Sparse U-PDP: A Unified Multi-Task Framework for Panoptic Driving Perception
* Spatial-Index Modulation Based Orthogonal Time Frequency Space System in Vehicular Networks
* Spatial-Temporal Attention Graph Convolution Network on Edge Cloud for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Spatial-Temporal Aware Inductive Graph Neural Network for C-ITS Data Recovery
* Spatial-Temporal Position-Aware Graph Convolution Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Spatial-Temporal Risk Field for Intelligent Connected Vehicle in Dynamic Traffic and Application in Trajectory Planning
* Spatial-Temporal Tensor Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Speed Prediction
* Spatially-Regularized Features for Vehicle Re-Identification: An Explanation of Where Deep Models Should Focus
* Spatio-Temporal AutoEncoder for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Spatio-Temporal Characterization of Stochastic Dynamic Transportation Networks
* Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks via View Fusion for Trajectory Data Analytics
* Spatio-Temporal Lattice Planning Using Optimal Motion Primitives
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Static and Dynamic Traffic Elements From Road Scenes
* Spatiotemporal Interaction Pattern Recognition and Risk Evolution Analysis During Lane Changes
* Speed Harmonization for Partially Connected and Automated Traffic
* SPSRec: An Efficient Signal Phase Recommendation for Signalized Intersections With GAN and Decision-Tree Model
* SRL-TR2: A Safe Reinforcement Learning Based TRajectory TRacker Framework
* ST-Bikes: Predicting Travel-Behaviors of Sharing-Bikes Exploiting Urban Big Data
* Stable Matching for Crowdsourcing Last-Mile Delivery
* Stable Obstacle Avoidance Strategy for Crawler-Type Intelligent Transportation Vehicle in Non-Structural Environment Based on Attention-Learning
* State Prediction and Anti-Interference-Based Flight Path-Following for UAVs
* Static Adjustment Method of Secondary Suspension Load for Six-Axle Locomotives via Modified Mayfly Optimization Algorithm, The
* STCLoc: Deep LiDAR Localization With Spatio-Temporal Constraints
* Stereo RGB and Deeper LIDAR-Based Network for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Stochastic Linear Quadratic Optimal Control of Speed and Position of Multiple Trains on a Single-Track Line
* Stochastic Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Model in Green Environment With Customer Satisfaction
* Stochastic Velocity Prediction for Connected Vehicles Considering V2V Communication Interruption
* STPNet: Quantifying the Uncertainty of Electric Vehicle Charging Demand via Long-Term Spatiotemporal Traffic Flow Prediction Intervals
* Strategy for Traffic Safety of Vehicular Platoons Under Connection Loss and Time-Delay, A
* Structural Charging and Replenishment Policies for Battery Swapping Charging System Operation Under Uncertainty
* Study of Coverage Probability-Based Energy-Efficiency Analysis for UAV-Aided THz-Enabled 6G Networks, A
* Study on Electromagnetic Relationship and Dynamic Characteristics of Superconducting Electrodynamic Maglev Train on Curved Track
* Studying Traffic Safety During the Transition Period Between Manual Driving and Autonomous Driving: A Simulation-Based Approach
* Superposition Assessment Framework of Multi-Source Traffic Risks for Mega-Events Using Risk Field Model and Time-Series Generative Adversarial Networks, A
* Superposition Assessment Method of Road Crash Risk and Congestion Risk: An Empirical Analysis, A
* Surface Accelerations Reference: A Large-Scale, Interactive Catalog of Passenger Vehicle Accelerations, The
* Surround-View Fisheye Camera Perception for Automated Driving: Overview, Survey and Challenges
* Survey of Air, Sea, and Road Vehicles Research for Motion Control Security
* Survey of Deep Learning for Autonomous Surface Vehicles in Marine Environments
* Survey of Lateral Stability Criterion and Control Application for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Survey on Cyber Security Threats in IoT-Enabled Maritime Industry, A
* Survey on Privacy-Preserving Electronic Toll Collection Schemes for Intelligent Transportation Systems, A
* Survey on Safety-Critical Driving Scenario Generation: A Methodological Perspective, A
* Sustainability Assessment of Regional Transportation: An Innovative Fuzzy Group Decision-Making Model
* Sustainable and Round-Optimized Group Authenticated Key Exchange in Vehicle Communication
* Sustainable and Transferable Traffic Sign Recognition for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Sustainable Micromobility Management in Smart Cities
* Sustainable Multi-Agent Routing Algorithm for Vehicle Platoons in Urban Networks, A
* SVDnet: Singular Value Control and Distance Alignment Network for 3D Object Detection
* Swarm Learning-Based Dynamic Optimal Management for Traffic Congestion in 6G-Driven Intelligent Transportation System
* Switched Modular Multi-Coil Array Transmitter Pad With Coil Rectenna Sensors to Improve Lateral Misalignment Tolerance in Wireless Power Charging of Drone Systems, A
* Synergizing Low Rank Representation and Deep Learning for Automatic Pavement Crack Detection
* Synthesis of Output-Feedback Controllers for Mixed Traffic Systems in Presence of Disturbances and Uncertainties
* Synthesizing Realistic Trajectory Data With Differential Privacy
* Systematic Survey: Security Threats to UAV-Aided IoT Applications, Taxonomy, Current Challenges and Requirements With Future Research Directions, A
* T-PORP: A Trusted Parallel Route Planning Model on Dynamic Road Networks
* Tabu-Based Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Multi-Depot Petrol Station Replenishment With Open Inter-Depot Routes
* Tangent-Based Path Planning for UAV in a 3-D Low Altitude Urban Environment
* Target Tracking Control of UAV Through Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Task Scheduling of Real-Time Traffic Information Processing Based on Digital Twins
* Taxi-Cruising Recommendation via Real-Time Information and Historical Trajectory Data
* Temporal Correlation Characteristics of Air-to-Ground Wireless Channel With UAV Wobble
* Temporal Data Scheduling in Internet of Vehicles Using an Improved Decomposition-Based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm
* Temporal Information Fusion Network for Driving Behavior Prediction
* Temporal-Spatial Quantum Graph Convolutional Neural Network Based on Schrödinger Approach for Traffic Congestion Prediction
* Tensor Extended Kalman Filter and its Application to Traffic Prediction
* TGAE: Temporal Graph Autoencoder for Travel Forecasting
* THAN: Multimodal Transportation Recommendation With Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks
* Theoretical Validation of the Moving Observer Method, A
* Threshold-Adaptive Unsupervised Focal Loss for Domain Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation
* Time Series Multi-Step Forecasting Based on Memory Network for the Prognostics and Health Management in Freight Train Braking System
* Time-Constrained Ensemble Sensing With Heterogeneous IoT Devices in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Time-Oriented Joint Clustering and UAV Trajectory Planning in UAV-Assisted WSNs: Leveraging Parallel Transmission and Variable Velocity Scheme
* TL-Detector: Lightweight Based Real-Time Traffic Light Detection Model for Intelligent Vehicles
* Toward Accurate Crowd Counting in Large Surveillance Areas Based on Passive WiFi Sensing
* Toward Extremely Lightweight Distracted Driver Recognition With Distillation-Based Neural Architecture Search and Knowledge Transfer
* Toward Intelligent Sensing: Optimizing Lidar Beam Distribution for Autonomous Driving
* Toward Optimal MEC-Based Collision Avoidance System for Cooperative Inland Vessels: A Federated Deep Learning Approach
* Toward Robust Hierarchical Federated Learning in Internet of Vehicles
* Toward Safer Vehicular Transit: Implementing Deep Learning on Single Channel EEG Systems for Microsleep Detection
* Toward Smart Traffic Management with 3D Placement Optimization in UAV-Assisted NOMA IIoT Networks
* Toward Sustainable Transportation: Robust Lane-Change Monitoring With a Single Back View Cabin Camera
* Towards Reliable Design and Operation of Electric Road Systems for Heavy-Duty Vehicles Under Realistic Traffic Scenarios
* Tracking Occupant Activities in Autonomous Vehicles Using Capacitive Sensing
* Traction Control Allocation Employing Vehicle Motion Feedback Controller for Four-Wheel-Independent-Drive Vehicle
* Traffic Count Estimation at Basis Links Without Path Flow and Historic Data
* Traffic Equilibrium Considering Heterogeneity Across Electric Vehicles
* Traffic Flow Video Image Recognition and Analysis Based on Multi-Target Tracking Algorithm and Deep Learning
* Traffic Modeling Based on Data-Driven Method for Simulation Test of Autonomous Driving
* Traffic Police 3D Gesture Recognition Based on Spatial-Temporal Fully Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network
* Traffic Prediction With Missing Data: A Multi-Task Learning Approach
* Traffic Prediction With Transfer Learning: A Mutual Information-Based Approach
* Traffic Signal Optimization Based on Fuzzy Control and Differential Evolution Algorithm
* Traffic Speed Prediction Based on Time Classification in Combination With Spatial Graph Convolutional Network
* Train Scheduling for Energy Optimization: Tehran Metro System as a Case Study, A
* Train-Network-HESS Integrated Optimization for Long-Distance AC Urban Rail Transit to Minimize the Comprehensive Cost
* TrainSim: A Railway Simulation Framework for LiDAR and Camera Dataset Generation
* Trajectory and Velocity Planning Method of Emergency Rescue Vehicle Based on Segmented Three-Dimensional Quartic Bezier Curve
* Trajectory Optimization for Drone Logistics Delivery via Attention-Based Pointer Network
* Trajectory Planning of Semi-Trailer Truck Vehicle Based on Algebraic General Trajectory Formula
* Trajectory Prediction Neural Network and Model Interpretation Based on Temporal Pattern Attention
* Trajectory Tracking of Autonomous Vehicle Based on Model Predictive Control With PID Feedback
* TrajMatch: Toward Automatic Spatio-Temporal Calibration for Roadside LiDARs Through Trajectory Matching
* Transfer Learning with Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction
* Transferable Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Classifier With Multi-Views for EEG-Based Driving Fatigue Recognition in Intelligent Transportation
* Transformer Sub-Patch Matching for High-Performance Visual Object Tracking
* Transformer-Based Domain-Specific Representation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Vehicle Re-Identification
* Transit Arrival Time Prediction Using Interaction Networks
* Transmit and Reflect Beamforming for Max-Min SINR in IRS-Aided MIMO Vehicular Networks
* Transportation 5.0: The DAO to Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Transportation Internet: A Sustainable Solution for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Transportation Object Counting With Graph-Based Adaptive Auxiliary Learning
* TransRVNet: LiDAR Semantic Segmentation With Transformer
* Travel Mode Choice Prediction Using Imbalanced Machine Learning
* Travel Time Distribution Estimation by Learning Representations Over Temporal Attributed Graphs
* Treating Noise and Anomalies in Vehicle Trajectories From an Experiment With a Swarm of Drones
* TriPField: A 3D Potential Field Model and Its Applications to Local Path Planning of Autonomous Vehicles
* TRUCON: Blockchain-Based Trusted Data Sharing With Congestion Control in Internet of Vehicles
* Trust in Vehicles: Toward Context-Aware Trust and Attack Resistance for the Internet of Vehicles
* Trust Model for Edge-Driven Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Using Fuzzy Logic, A
* Trustworthy Announcement Dissemination Scheme With Blockchain-Assisted Vehicular Cloud
* Twisted Gaussian Risk Model Considering Target Vehicle Longitudinal-Lateral Motion States for Host Vehicle Trajectory Planning, A
* Two-Level Scheduling Algorithms for Deep Neural Network Inference in Vehicular Networks
* Two-Stage Intrusion Detection System in Intelligent Transportation Systems Using Rule Extraction Methods From Deep Neural Networks
* Two-Stage Optimal Trajectory Planning Based on Resilience Adjustment Model for Virtually Coupled Trains
* Two-Stage Optimization Method for Schedule and Trajectory of CAVs at an Isolated Autonomous Intersection, A
* UAS-Borne Radar for Autonomous Navigation and Surveillance Applications
* UAV-Assisted RSUs for V2X Connectivity Using Voronoi Diagrams in 6G+ Infrastructures
* UAV-Enabled Intelligent Connected Transportation System With 6G Communications for Internet of Vehicles, An
* Ultra-Fast Automatic License Plate Recognition Approach for Unconstrained Scenarios, An
* Uncertainties in Onboard Algorithms for Autonomous Vehicles: Challenges, Mitigation, and Perspectives
* Uncertainty Quantification of Human Electromagnetic Exposure From Electric Vehicle Wireless Power Transfer System
* Uncertainty-Aware Decision-Making for Autonomous Driving at Uncontrolled Intersections
* Understanding the Challenges When 3D Semantic Segmentation Faces Class Imbalanced and OOD Data
* Underwater Equipotential Line Tracking Based on Self-Attention Embedded Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Toward AUV-Based ITS
* Unlinkable Signcryption Scheme for Multi-Receiver in VANETs
* Unprotected Left-Turn Behavior Model Capturing Path Variations at Intersections
* Unsupervised Cross-Spectrum Depth Estimation by Visible-Light and Thermal Cameras
* Unsupervised Maritime Vessel Re-Identification With Multi-Level Contrastive Learning
* Upper Bounds of Cellular Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Latency for Platoon-Based Autonomous Driving, The
* Urban Traffic Congestion Level Prediction Using a Fusion-Based Graph Convolutional Network
* URS: A Light-Weight Segmentation Model for Train Wheelset Monitoring
* USCFormer: Unified Transformer With Semantically Contrastive Learning for Image Dehazing
* User Cognition Antecedents of Smart Assistant Systems in Cars
* Using Deep Reinforcement Learning to Automate Network Configurations for Internet of Vehicles
* Using fNIRS to Verify Trust in Highly Automated Driving
* Using Tabu Search to Avoid Concave Obstacles for Source Location
* V2V Energy Trading in Residential Microgrids Considering Multiple Constraints via Bayesian Game
* Variant-Depth Neural Networks for Deblurring Traffic Images in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Vehicle Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Review of Algorithms and Datasets
* Vehicle Platooning for Merge Coordination in a Connected Driving Environment: A Hybrid ACC-DMPC Approach
* Vehicle Trajectory Data Mining for Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Traffic Information Extraction
* Vehicle Trajectory Prediction in Connected Environments via Heterogeneous Context-Aware Graph Convolutional Networks
* Vehicle-Borne Multi-Sensor Temporal-Spatial Pose Globalization via Cross-Domain Data Association
* Vehicle/Employee Rebalancing and Charging Scheduling in One-Way Car Sharing Systems
* Vehicular Abandoned Object Detection Based on VANET and Edge AI in Road Scenes
* Vehicular Behavior-Aware Beamforming Design for Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems
* Vehicular Communication Network Enabled CAV Data Offloading: A Review
* Vehicular Task Offloading and Job Scheduling Method Based on Cloud-Edge Computing
* VeSoNet: Traffic-Aware Content Caching for Vehicular Social Networks Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Vessel Monitoring in Emission Control Areas: A Preliminary Exploration of Rental-Based Operations
* Vibration-Theoretic Approach to Vulnerability Analysis of Nonlinear Vehicle Platoons
* Video Super-Resolution Based on Inter-Frame Information Utilization for Intelligent Transportation
* VIDO: A Robust and Consistent Monocular Visual-Inertial-Depth Odometry
* Virtual Method for Optimizing Deployment of Roadside Monitoring Lidars at As-Built Intersections, A
* Vision Image Monitoring on Transportation Infrastructures: A Lightweight Transfer Learning Approach
* Vision Transformer Approach for Traffic Congestion Prediction in Urban Areas, A
* Vision-Based Method for Real-Time Traffic Flow Estimation on Edge Devices, A
* Visual Exposes You: Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Meets Visual Intention
* VOLTCom: A Novel Online Trajectory Compression Method Based on Vector Processing
* VoxelScape: Large Scale Simulated 3D Point Cloud Dataset of Urban Traffic Environments
* VT-HMM-Based Framework for Countdown Timer Traffic Light State Estimation, A
* Vulnerability Assessment of Coupled Transportation and Multi-Energy Networks Considering Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles
* Vulnerability-Aware Task Scheduling for Edge Intelligence Empowered Trajectory Analysis in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Vulnerable Road User Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving Using a Data-Driven Integrated Approach
* Waterfilling Algorithm: An Efficient Approach for Vehicle Velocity Planning With Varying Velocity Limits, The
* Weakly Supervised Patch Label Inference Networks for Efficient Pavement Distress Detection and Recognition in the Wild
* Weakly-Supervised Crack Detection
* What Do Traffic Simulations Have to Provide for Virtual Road Safety Assessment? Human Error Modeling in Traffic Simulations
* Wheel-INS2: Multiple MEMS IMU-Based Dead Reckoning System With Different Configurations for Wheeled Robots
* When Will We Arrive? A Novel Multi-Task Spatio-Temporal Attention Network Based on Individual Preference for Estimating Travel Time
* White Phase Intersection Control Through Distributed Coordination: A Mobile Controller Paradigm in a Mixed Traffic Stream
* World State Attack to Blockchain Based IoV and Efficient Protection With Hybrid RSUs Architecture
1209 for ITS(24)
* 3D Geometry Modeling and Safety Compliance Assessment of In-Service Roads Using Massive LiDAR Point Clouds
* 3D-SeqMOS: A Novel Sequential 3D Moving Object Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
* 4D High-Resolution Imagery of Point Clouds for Automotive mmWave Radar
* 4D Trajectory Planning Based on Fast Marching Square for UAV Teams
* 6G IoV Networks Driven by RF Digital Twin Modeling
* Accelerated Risk Assessment for Highly Automated Vehicles: Surrogate-Based Monte Carlo Method
* Accuracy and Safety: Tracking Control of Heavy-Duty Cooperative Transportation Systems Using Constraint-Following Method
* Accuracy- and Simplicity-Oriented Self-Calibration Approach for In-Vehicle GNSS/INS/Vision System With Observability Analysis
* Accurate Map Matching Method for Mobile Phone Signaling Data Under Spatio-Temporal Uncertainty
* Active Scene Flow Estimation for Autonomous Driving via Real-Time Scene Prediction and Optimal Decision
* Adaptive Leading Cruise Control in Mixed Traffic Considering Human Behavioral Diversity
* Adaptive Modeling of Uncertainties for Traffic Forecasting
* Adaptive Q-Value Adjustment-Based Learning Model for Reliable Vehicle-to-UAV Computation Offloading, An
* Adaptive Safety Evaluation for Connected and Automated Vehicles With Sparse Control Variates
* Adaptive Segmentation Enhanced Asynchronous Federated Learning for Sustainable Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Advanced Methods and Algorithms for Selected Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) Benefits
* Adversarial Attack and Defense on Deep Learning for Air Transportation Communication Jamming
* Aerial-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks: A UAV-Vehicle Collaboration Perspective
* AERIAL: A Meta Review and Discussion of Challenges Toward Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations in Logistics, Mobility, and Monitoring
* Agent-Based Simulation Approach for Urban Road Pricing Considering the Integration of Autonomous Vehicles With Public Transport, An
* Aircraft Skin Damage Detection and Assessment From UAV Images Using GLCM and Cloud Model
* All-Day Vehicle Detection From Surveillance Videos Based on Illumination-Adjustable Generative Adversarial Network
* Amalgamating Vehicular Networks With Vehicular Clouds, AI, and Big Data for Next-Generation ITS Services
* Analysis of Time-to-Lane-Change-Initiation Using Realistic Driving Data
* Angle Tracking and Fault-Tolerant Control of Steer-by-Wire System With Dual Three-Phase Motor for Autonomous Vehicle
* Anomaly Detection for In-Vehicle Network Using Self-Supervised Learning With Vehicle-Cloud Collaboration Update
* Anti-Collision Algorithm for Self-Organizing Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Using Deep Learning, An
* Approach to Solve the Heterogeneous Fixed Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Window Based on Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Meta-Heuristic, An
* APTEN-Planner: Autonomous Parking of Semi-Trailer Train in Extremely Narrow Environments
* Array PPP-RTK: A High Precision Pose Estimation Method for Outdoor Scenarios
* Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Robustness of Optoelectronics for Automated Driving: A Review
* AttentionTrack: Multiple Object Tracking in Traffic Scenarios Using Features Attention
* Audiovisual Affect Recognition for Autonomous Vehicles: Applications and Future Agendas
* Authentication and Key Management Framework for Secure and Intelligent Transportation of Internet of Space Things, An
* Automatic Accident Detection, Segmentation and Duration Prediction Using Machine Learning
* Automatic Background Filtering for Cooperative Perception Using Roadside LiDAR
* Automatic Design of Optimal Actuated Traffic Signal Plans With Active Transit Priority
* Automatic Railway Signaling Generation for Railways Systems Described on Railway Markup Language (railML)
* Automotive Security: Threat Forewarning and ECU Source Mapping Derived From Physical Features of Network Signals
* Autonomous Bus Docking for Optimal Ride Comfort of Standing Passengers
* Autonomous Driving Decision Algorithm for Complex Multi-Vehicle Interactions: An Efficient Approach Based on Global Sorting and Local Gaming
* Battery Charging and Swapping System Involved in Demand Response for Joint Power and Transportation Networks
* Bayesian Calibration of the Intelligent Driver Model
* Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model for Probabilistic Modeling of Car-Following Behaviors, A
* Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Railway Train Delay Prediction
* Behavioral Intention Prediction in Driving Scenes: A Survey
* Beyond Prediction: On-Street Parking Recommendation Using Heterogeneous Graph-Based List-Wise Ranking
* Bin Packing Approach to Minimize Charging Cost for Electric Bus Fleets, A
* Blockage Effects of Road Bridge on mmWave Channels for Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
* Blockchain Based Matching Game for Content Sharing in Content-Centric Vehicle-to-Grid Network Scenarios, A
* Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning for Enhanced Collaborative Intrusion Detection in Vehicular Edge Computing
* Blockchain-Enabled Sustainable Safety Management Framework for Connected Vehicles, A
* CapsLoc3D: Point Cloud Retrieval for Large-Scale Place Recognition Based on 3D Capsule Networks
* Causal Models to Support Scenario-Based Testing of ADAS
* CAV-Enabled Active Resolving of Temporary Mainline Congestion Caused by Gap Creation for On-Ramp Merging Vehicles
* CBTC Security and Reliability Enhancements by a Key-Based Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Technique
* CEAMP: A Cross-Domain Entity Authentication and Message Protection Framework for Intra-Vehicle Network
* Centralized Deep Reinforcement Learning Method for Dynamic Multi-Vehicle Pickup and Delivery Problem With Crowdshippers
* Chance-Constrained Planning for Dynamically Stable Motion of Reconfigurable Vehicles
* Channel Measurement and Modeling for Millimeter-Wave Automotive Radar
* Channel Parameter Estimation of mmWave MIMO System in Urban Traffic Scene: A Training Channel-Based Method
* Closed-Loop Brain Machine Interface System for In-Vehicle Function Controls Using Head-Up Display and Deep Learning Algorithm
* Clothoid-Based Reference Path Reconstruction for HD Map Generation
* CNN-Based Camera Pose Estimation and Localization of Scan Images for Aircraft Visual Inspection
* Co-Benefits and Tradeoffs Between Safety, Mobility, and Environmental Impacts for Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Collaborative Intelligent Delivery With One Truck and Multiple Heterogeneous Drones in COVID-19 Pandemic Environment
* Collaborative Motion Planning Based on the Improved Ant Colony Algorithm for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles
* Collision Avoidance Motion Planning for Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoon Merging and Splitting With a Hybrid Automaton Architecture
* Comments on High-Speed Train Positioning Using Deep Kalman Filter With 5G NR Signals
* Communication-Aware Drone Delivery Problem
* Community-Based Dandelion Algorithm-Enabled Feature Selection and Broad Learning System for Traffic Flow Prediction
* ComPoint: Can Complex-Valued Representation Benefit Point Cloud Place Recognition?
* Comprehensive Review of Drones Collision Avoidance Schemes: Challenges and Open Issues
* Compressing Vehicle Trajectory Data Using Hybrid Coding With Kinematic Motion Prediction
* Confidence-Enhanced Mutual Knowledge for Uncertain Segmentation
* Connected Vehicle Data-Driven Fixed-Time Traffic Signal Control Considering Cyclic Time-Dependent Vehicle Arrivals Based on Cumulative Flow Diagram
* Connectivity, Automation and Safety in Transportation of the Future
* Consensus of Linear Discrete-Time Connected Autonomous Vehicle Systems With Time Delays and Multiplicative Noise
* Consistent Valid Physically-Realizable Adversarial Attack Against Crowd-Flow Prediction Models
* Context-Aware Driver Attention Estimation Using Multi-Hierarchy Saliency Fusion With Gaze Tracking
* Continual Interactive Behavior Learning With Traffic Divergence Measurement: A Dynamic Gradient Scenario Memory Approach
* Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Representation Learning for Origin-Destination Demand Prediction
* Contract Theory Based Incentive Mechanism for Clustered Vehicular Federated Learning
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Presence of Communication and Radar Stochastic Data Loss
* Cooperative and Automated Road Transport - European Perspective
* Cooperative Path Following Control in Autonomous Vehicles Graphical Games: A Data-Based Off-Policy Learning Approach
* Cooperative Saliency-Based Pothole Detection and AR Rendering for Increased Situational Awareness
* Cooperative Sensing and Heterogeneous Information Fusion in VCPS: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Coordinated Control of Urban Expressway Integrating Adjacent Signalized Intersections Using Adversarial Network Based Reinforcement Learning Method
* Coordination Optimization for Train Operation and Energy Infrastructure Control in a Metro System, A
* Correction Redistribution Mechanism Based on Forward-Reverse Solutions and Real-Time Path Dynamic Adaptive Re-Planning for Multi-AUVs Collaborative Search
* Cost-Optimal Charging Strategies for Electric Bus Fleets Considering Battery Degradation and Nonlinear Charging
* Cost-Sensitive Graph Convolutional Network With Self-Paced Learning for Hit-and-Run Analysis
* Coupling Effect and Chain Evolution of Urban Rail Transit Emergencies
* Coupling Makes Better: An Intertwined Neural Network for Taxi and Ridesourcing Demand Co-Prediction
* COV-STFormer for Short-Term Passenger Flow Prediction During COVID-19 in Urban Rail Transit Systems
* CrackCLF: Automatic Pavement Crack Detection Based on Closed-Loop Feedback
* Cross-Mode Knowledge Adaptation for Bike Sharing Demand Prediction Using Domain-Adversarial Graph Neural Networks
* Cross-Scale Hierarchical Transformer With Correspondence-Augmented Attention for Inferring Bird's-Eye-View Semantic Segmentation, A
* Current Effect-Eliminated Optimal Target Assignment and Motion Planning for a Multi-UUV System
* CVAR: Distributed and Extensible Cross-Region Vehicle Authentication With Reputation for VANETs
* Cyber-Physical Intrusion Detection System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* d-CACC for Vehicle Platoons Lacking Acceleration Signal
* DAIR-V2XReid: A New Real-World Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative Re-ID Dataset and Cross-Shot Feature Aggregation Network Perception Method
* Data-Driven Distributed Vehicle Platoon Control for Heterogeneous Nonlinear Vehicle Systems
* Data-Driven Framework for Improving Public EV Charging Infrastructure: Modeling and Forecasting, A
* Data-Enabled Tire-Road Friction Estimation Based on Explainable Dynamics Mechanism Under Straight Stationary Driving Maneuvers
* DCOR: Dynamic Channel-Wise Outlier Removal to De-Noise LiDAR Data Corrupted by Snow
* Decentralized Pricing Mechanism for Traffic and Charging Station Management of EVs in Smart Cities
* Decoding Urban Mobility: Application of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to Activity Pattern Recognition, Prediction, and Temporal Transferability Examination
* Deconstructing Pedestrian Crossing Decisions in Interactions With Continuous Traffic: An Anthropomorphic Model
* Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient-Based Algorithm for Computation Offloading in IoV
* Deep Hybrid Attention Framework for Road Crash Emergency Response Management
* Deep Learning Based Vehicle-Mounted Environmental Context Awareness via GNSS Signal
* Deep Learning for Integrated Origin-Destination Estimation and Traffic Sensor Location Problems
* Deep Learning Framework to Explore Influences of Data Noises on Lane-Changing Intention Prediction, A
* Deep Long Short-Term Memory Network Embedded Model Predictive Control Strategies for Car-Following Control of Connected Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic, A
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Enabled Multi-UAV Scheduling for Disaster Data Collection With Time-Varying Value
* Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Task Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing With Flexible RSU-RSU Cooperation
* Deep Spatiotemporal Trajectory Representation Learning Framework for Clustering, A
* Defense and Tolerance Technique Against Attacks and Faults on Leader-Following Multi-USVs
* Delay-Aware Robust Control for Safe Autonomous Driving and Racing
* Deploying Roadside Unit Efficiently in VANETs: A Multi-Objective Delay-Based Optimization Strategy Using Lagrangian Relaxation
* Deployment Optimization of Roadside Unit With Failure Probability Based on Stochastic Mixed Traffic Equilibrium
* Depth-Assisted Semi-Supervised RGB-D Rail Surface Defect Inspection
* Depth-Buffer-Based Lidar Model With Surface Normal Estimation, A
* Design of Blockchain and ECC-Based Robust and Efficient Batch Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* Design, Field Evaluation, and Traffic Analysis of a Competitive Autonomous Driving Model in a Congested Environment
* Detecting Critical Mismatched Driver Visual Attention During Lane Change: An Embedding Kernel Algorithm
* Detecting Intentional AIS Shutdown in Open Sea Maritime Surveillance Using Self-Supervised Deep Learning
* Detecting the Background-Similar Objects in Complex Transportation Scenes
* Developing A Novel Dynamic Bus Lane Control Strategy With Eco-Driving Under Partially Connected Vehicle Environment
* Development, Modeling and Assessment of Connected Automated Vehicle Applications
* Diffusion-Based Reactive Approach to Road Network Cooperative Persistent Surveillance, A
* Digital Twin for Transportation Big Data: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Network Traffic Prediction Approach
* Digital Twin-Enabled Efficient Federated Learning for Collision Warning in Intelligent Driving
* Digital Twins in Transportation Infrastructure: An Investigation of the Key Enabling Technologies, Applications, and Challenges
* DipG-Seg: Fast and Accurate Double Image-Based Pixel-Wise Ground Segmentation
* Distance- and Velocity-Based Simultaneous Obstacle Avoidance and Target Tracking for Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots
* Distributed Abstract MAC Layer for Cooperative Learning on Internet of Vehicles, A
* Distributed Collaborative Control of Multi-Vehicle Autonomous Cooperative Transportation Systems: A Hierarchical Constraint-Following Approach
* Distributed Composite Learning Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control for Multiple Marine Vehicles With Event-Triggered Communication
* Distributed Data-Driven Event-Triggered Fault-Tolerant Control for a Connected Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon With Sensor Faults
* Distributed Formation Control Based on Disturbance Observers for High-Speed Trains With Communication Delays
* Distributed Model Predictive Control for Heterogeneous Platoon With Leading Human-Driven Vehicle Acceleration Prediction
* Distributed MPC for Multi-Vehicle Cooperative Control Considering the Surrounding Vehicle Personality
* Distributed MPC of Vehicle Platoons Considering Longitudinal and Lateral Coupling
* Distributed MPC-Based Hierarchical Cooperative Control for Mixed Vehicle Groups With T-CPS in the Vicinity of Traffic Signal Light
* Distributed Predefined-Time Optimization Control for Networked Marine Surface Vehicles Subject to Set Constraints
* Distributed Robust Model Predictive Control for Virtual Coupling Under Structural and External Uncertainty
* Distributed Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platooning Under Uncertainty
* Distributional Soft Actor-Critic-Based Multi-AUV Cooperative Pursuit for Maritime Security Protection
* Distributionally Robust Optimization Based Model Predictive Control for Stochastic Mixed Traffic Flow
* Disturbance Propagation Model of Pedestrian Fall Behavior in a Pedestrian Crowd and Elimination Mechanism Analysis
* DMF-Net: A Dual-Encoding Multi-Scale Fusion Network for Pavement Crack Detection
* Double Domain Guided Real-Time Low-Light Image Enhancement for Ultra-High-Definition Transportation Surveillance
* DP-A*: For Path Planing of UGV and Contactless Delivery
* DPCIAN: A Novel Dual-Channel Pedestrian Crossing Intention Anticipation Network
* Driver Fatigue Detection Using Measures of Heart Rate Variability and Electrodermal Activity
* Driver Lane-Changing Intention Recognition Based on Stacking Ensemble Learning in the Connected Environment: A Driving Simulator Study
* Driver-Vehicle Model for ADS Scenario-Based Testing, A
* Driving Intention Recognition and Speed Prediction at Complex Urban Intersections Considering Traffic Environment
* Driving Maneuver Detection at Intersections for Connected Vehicles: A Micro-Cluster-Based Online Adaptable Approach
* Driving Visual Saliency Prediction of Dynamic Night Scenes via a Spatio-Temporal Dual-Encoder Network
* Drones in the Big City: Autonomous Collision Avoidance for Aerial Delivery Services
* DS-UKF-Based Positioning Method for Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Urban Intersection Scenarios
* Dynamic Bird's Eye View Reconstruction of Driving Accidents
* Dynamic Distance-Based Pricing Scheme for High-Occupancy-Toll Lanes Along a Freeway Corridor
* Dynamic Event-Triggered ADP Optimized Tracking Control of Marine Surface Vessels With Asymmetric Time-Varying Full-State Constraint
* Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance System Based on Rapid Instance Segmentation Network
* Dynamic Safety Estimation of Airport Pick-Up Area Based on Video Trajectory Data
* E2CoPre: Energy Efficient and Cooperative Collision Avoidance for UAV Swarms With Trajectory Prediction
* Edge Computation Offloading With Content Caching in 6G-Enabled IoV
* EEG-Based Driver Mental Fatigue Recognition in COVID-19 Scenario Using a Semi-Supervised Multi-View Embedding Learning Model
* Effective Dynamic Constrained Two-Archive Evolutionary Algorithm for Cooperative Search-Track Mission Planning by UAV Swarms in Air Intelligent Transportation, An
* Effects of Probabilistic Priority on Delay at Permissive Left-Turn Signalized Intersections
* Efficient Baselines for Motion Prediction in Autonomous Driving
* Efficient Driving with Automated and Connected Vehicles Algorithms, Microsimulations, and Cyber-Physical Experiments
* Efficient Dual-Stream Fusion Network for Real-Time Railway Scene Understanding
* Efficient Joint Deployment of Multi-UAVs for Target Tracking in Traffic Big Data
* Efficient LiDAR-Trajectory Affinity Model for Autonomous Vehicle Orchestration
* Efficient Self-Evolution Method of Autonomous Driving for Any Given Algorithm, An
* Efficient Semi-Automated Scheme for Infrastructure LiDAR Annotation, An
* Efficient Spatial-Temporal Trajectory Planner for Autonomous Vehicles in Unstructured Environments, An
* Efficient Threshold Acceptance-Based Multi-Layer Search Algorithm for Capacitated Electric Vehicle Routing Problem, An
* Efficient Vehicle-Infrastructure Collaborative Perception Based on Vehicle Re-Identification and Mini-ICP Algorithm
* Efficiently Identifying Unknown COTS RFID Tags for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* EGFNet: Edge-Aware Guidance Fusion Network for RGB-Thermal Urban Scene Parsing
* Ego Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Based on Time-Feature Encoding and Physics-Intention Decoding
* Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Day-Ahead Power Forecast Based on Deep Learning and the Attention Mechanism
* Elevation Angle-Dependent 3D Trajectory Design for Aerial RIS-Aided Communication
* Embodied Footprints: A Safety-Guaranteed Collision-Avoidance Model for Numerical Optimization-Based Trajectory Planning
* Enabling Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation for Cooperative Automated Vehicle Applications in Transportation Systems: The Pillar Diagram
* End-to-End Contrastive License Plate Detector, An
* End-to-End Traffic Flow Rate Estimation From MPEG4 part-2 Compressed Video Streams
* Energy Management in Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Preheating the Battery Packs in Low-Temperature Driving Scenarios
* Energy Management Strategies for Fuel Cell Vehicles: A Comprehensive Review of the Latest Progress in Modeling, Strategies, and Future Prospects
* Energy Management Strategy Based on DDPG With Improved Exploration for Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Electric Vehicle, An
* Energy Management Strategy of a Green Port Serving Emission-Free Ferries Considering EV Parking Lot Availability
* Energy Optimal Dispatching of Ports Multi-Energy Integrated System Considering Optimal Carbon Flow
* Energy-Efficient Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Electric Vehicle Platooning
* Energy-Efficient Cooperative Task Offloading in NOMA-Enabled Vehicular Fog Computing
* Energy-Efficient Timetable Optimization Empowered by Time-Energy Pareto Solution Under Actual Line Conditions
* Enhancing Car-Following Performance in Traffic Oscillations Using Expert Demonstration Reinforcement Learning
* Enhancing Perception for Intelligent Vehicles via Electromagnetic Leakage
* Enhancing V2X QoS: A Dual Approach of Packet Duplication and Dynamic RAN Slicing in B5G
* Epurate-Net: Efficient Progressive Uncertainty Refinement Analysis for Traffic Environment Urban Road Detection
* Estimation of Moving Direction and Size of Vehicle in High-Resolution Automotive Radar System
* Evaluation Framework for Electric Vehicle Security Risk Assessment
* Evaluation of a New Real-Life Traffic Management Using a Limited Number of Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Evaluation of Automated Driving System Safety Metrics With Logged Vehicle Trajectory Data
* Evolutionary Decision-Making and Planning for Autonomous Driving: A Hybrid Augmented Intelligence Framework
* Experiment and Simulation Study on Developing Algorithms for CAVs to Navigate Through Roadworks, An
* Experimental Study of Static and Dynamic Loading Effects on Guided Wave-Based Intelligent Monitoring of Welded Rail Joints
* Exploiting Label Uncertainty for Enhanced 3D Object Detection From Point Clouds
* Exploring Bus Stop Mobility Pattern: A Multi-Pattern Deep Learning Prediction Framework
* Exploring Scale-Aware Features for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes
* Explosive Cyber Security Threats During COVID-19 Pandemic and a Novel Tree-Based Broad Learning System to Overcome
* Extended Multi-Component Gated Recurrent Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Fast Detection of Railway Fastener Using a New Lightweight Network Op-YOLOv4-Tiny
* Fast, Robust, Accurate, Multi-Body Motion Aware SLAM
* Feasibility Evaluation of Oversize Load Transportation Using Conditional Rewarded Deep Q-Networks
* Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Update
* Federated Learning Enabled Credit Priority Task Processing for Transportation Big Data
* Federated Learning in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Recent Applications and Open Problems
* FHSI and QRCPE-Based Low-Light Enhancement With Application to Night Traffic Monitoring Images
* Filtering Limited Automatic Vehicle Identification Data for Real-Time Path Travel Time Estimation Without Ground Truth
* Fine-Grained Pavement Performance Prediction Based on Causal-Temporal Graph Convolution Networks
* Fine-Grained Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Framework Based on Magnetic Fingerprint
* Finite-State Fixed-Corridor Model for UAS Traffic Management, A
* Finite-Time Distributed Adaptive Coordinated Control for Multiple Traction Units of High-Speed Trains
* Flexible and Robust Tensor Completion Approach for Traffic Data Recovery With Low-Rankness, A
* Flexible and Secure Cross-Domain Signcrypted Data Authorization in Multi-Platoon Vehicular Networks
* Flexible Cooperative MARL Method for Efficient Passage of an Emergency CAV in Mixed Traffic, A
* Flexible Paths: A Path Planning Approach to Dynamic Navigation
* Flight Arrival Time Prediction Method Based on Cluster Clustering-Based Modular With Deep Neural Network, A
* FlipNet: An Attention-Enhanced Hierarchical Feature Flip Fusion Network for Lane Detection
* Flow-Based Centralized Route Guidance System for Traffic Congestion Mitigation, A
* Fooling Decision-Based Black-Box Automotive Vision Perception Systems in Physical World
* Formula-E Multi-Car Race Strategy Development: A Novel Approach Using Reinforcement Learning
* Framework for Combining Lateral and Longitudinal Acceleration to Assess Driving Styles Using Unsupervised Approach, A
* From Fossil Fuel to Electricity: Studying the Impact of EVs on the Daily Mobility Life of Users
* From Multi-Source Virtual to Real: Effective Virtual Data Search for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Fully Auditable Data Propagation Scheme With Dynamic Vehicle Management for EC-ITS, A
* Funding Opportunities in Infrastructure Systems, Smart Communities, and Disasters for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption
* Fusion-Based Event-Triggered H_inf State Estimation of Networked Autonomous Surface Vehicles With Measurement Outliers and Cyber-Attacks
* GAN-Based Ensemble Model for Predicting the Demand of Shared Bikes in 5G Networks, A
* General Hierarchical Control System to Model ACC Systems: An Empirical Study, A
* Generalizable Journey Mode Detection Using Unsupervised Representation Learning
* GMHANN: A Novel Traffic Flow Prediction Method for Transportation Management Based on Spatial-Temporal Graph Modeling
* GoA4 Control Architecture for the Autonomous Driving of High-Speed Trains Over ETCS: Design and Experimental Validation, A
* Goal-Guided Transformer-Enabled Reinforcement Learning for Efficient Autonomous Navigation
* Goal-LBP: Goal-Based Local Behavior Guided Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving
* Goal-Oriented Pedestrian Motion Prediction
* Graph Convolutional Network Based Multi-Objective Meta-Deep Q-Learning for Eco-Routing
* Graph Matching-Based Spatiotemporal Calibration of Roadside Sensors in Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems
* Graph-Based Model Compression for HSR Bogies Fault Diagnosis at IoT Edge via Adversarial Knowledge Distillation
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Advanced Signal Processing and AI Technologies for Transportation Big Data and Their Applications in COVID-19 Scenario and Beyond
* Guest Editorial: Intelligent Autonomous Transportation System With 6G-Series: Part V
* Heter-Train: A Distributed Training Framework Based on Semi-Asynchronous Parallel Mechanism for Heterogeneous Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Heterogeneous Machine Learning Ensembles for Predicting Train Delays
* Heterogeneous Modular Traffic Prediction Based on Multilayer Graph Convolutional Network
* Heuristics Based Optimization for Multidepot Drone Location and Routing Problem to Detect Post-Earthquake Damages
* Hierarchical Approach for Integrating Merging Sequencing and Trajectory Optimization for Connected and Automated Vehicles, A
* Hierarchical Distributed Coordination Framework for Flexible and Resilient Vehicle Platooning, A
* Hierarchical Energy Management Strategy for Plug-in HEVs Based on Historical Data and Real-Time Speed Scheduling
* Hierarchical LiDAR Simulation Framework Incorporating Physical Attenuation Response in Autonomous Driving Scenarios, A
* Hierarchical MPC Approach for Arriving-Phase Operation of Virtually Coupled Train Set, A
* Hierarchical Optimization Scheduling Algorithm for Logistics Transport Vehicles Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
* Hierarchical Perception-Improving for Decentralized Multi-Robot Motion Planning in Complex Scenarios
* Hierarchical Velocity Optimization for Connected Automated Vehicles With Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything Communication at Continuous Signalized Intersections
* High Precision Robust Real-Time Lightweight Approach for Railway Pantograph Slider Wear Estimation
* High Precision Traffic Flow Reconstruction via Hybrid Method
* High-Dimensional Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization With Block Coordinate Updates: Case Studies in Intelligent Transportation System
* High-Speed Train Positioning Using Deep Kalman Filter With 5G NR Signals
* How Does Eco-Routing Affect Total System Emissions? City Network Predictions From User Equilibrium Models
* How To Evaluate the Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles Around Pedestrians?
* Hub-Based Platoon Formation: Optimal Release Policies and Approximate Solutions
* Human-Like Visual Perception System for Autonomous Vehicles Using a Neuron-Triggered Hybrid Unsupervised Deep Learning Method, A
* Human-Machine Shared Control for Path Following Considering Driver Fatigue Characteristics
* HWLane: HW-Transformer for Lane Detection
* Hybrid Long Short-Term Memory and Kalman Filter Model for Train Trajectory Prediction, A
* Hybrid Model-Data Vehicle Sensor and Actuator Fault Detection and Diagnosis System, A
* Hybrid Visualization Model for Knowledge Mapping: Scientometrics, SAOM, and SAO, A
* Hyperbolic Uncertainty Aware Semantic Segmentation
* H_inf Load Frequency Control of Power System Integrated With EVs Under DoS Attacks: Non-Fragile Output Sliding Mode Control Approach
* I2T: From Intention Decoupling to Vehicular Trajectory Prediction Based on Prioriformer Networks
* Identifying Critical Links in Urban Transportation Networks Based on Spatio-Temporal Dependency Learning
* Identifying Ships From Radar Blips Like Humans Using a Customized Neural Network
* Illumination-Aware Hallucination-Based Domain Adaptation for Thermal Pedestrian Detection
* Imagery Overlap Block Compressive Sensing With Convex Optimization
* Imagination-Augmented Reinforcement Learning Framework for Variable Speed Limit Control
* Impact of Aviation Electrification on Airports: Flight Scheduling and Charging
* Impacts of Platooning of Connected Automated Vehicles on Highways
* Implications of Safety Definition for Automated Driving
* Improved Utilization for Smart Parking Systems Based on Paging Technique
* Improving Efficiency and Generalisability of Motion Predictions With Deep Multi-Agent Learning and Multi-Head Attention
* Improving Freeway Merging Efficiency via Flow-Level Coordination of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
* Improving Traffic Efficiency With Lane Guidance Based on Desired Speeds
* IMTCN: An Interpretable Flight Safety Analysis and Prediction Model Based on Multi-Scale Temporal Convolutional Networks
* In-Situ Dynamic Modulus Prediction for Asphalt Pavement Combining Machine Learning Algorithm and Sensing Technology
* In-Vehicle Network Intrusion Detection System Using CAN Frame-Aware Features
* Influence of AVC and HEVC Compression on Detection of Vehicles Through Faster R-CNN
* Influence of Cyclic Pneumatic Brake on the Longitudinal Dynamics of Heavy-Haul Combined Trains
* Influences of Level 2 Automated Driving on Driver Behaviors: A Comparison With Manual Driving
* Information Signaling With Concurrent Monetary Incentives in Bayesian Congestion Games
* Instance-Aware Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion
* Integral Concurrent Learning Control Lyapunov Functions and High Order Control Barrier Functions and Application to Adaptive Cruise Control
* Integrated Approach to Optimal Merging Sequence Generation and Trajectory Planning of Connected Automated Vehicles for Freeway On-Ramp Merging Sections, An
* Integrated of Decision Making and Motion Planning Framework for Enhanced Oscillation-Free Capability, An
* Integrated Path Planning-Control Design for Autonomous Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Neural-Activation Approach
* Integrated Scheduling of Yard and Rail Container Handling Equipment and Internal Trucks in a Multimodal Port
* Integrated Vision-Based Perception and Control for Lane Keeping of Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Integrating Dynamic Event-Triggered and Sensor-Tolerant Control: Application to USV-UAVs Cooperative Formation System for Maritime Parallel Search
* Integration of Radar Sequential Images and AIS for Ship Speed and Heading Estimation Under Uncertainty
* Intelligent Highway Adaptive Lane Learning System in Multiple ROIs of Surveillance Camera Video
* Intelligent Identification of Moving Trajectory of Autonomous Vehicle Based on Friction Nano-Generator
* Intelligent Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Mining Transportation With Electric Locomotive via Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything and Vehicular Edge Computing, An
* Intelligent Pedestrian Tracking Algorithm Based on Sparse Models in Urban Road Scene, An
* Intelligent Quantitative Safety Monitoring Approach for ATP Using LSSVM and Probabilistic Model Checking Considering Imperfect Fault Coverage
* Intelligent Traffic Data Transmission and Sharing Based on Optimal Gradient Adaptive Optimization Algorithm
* Intelligent Transportation Systems Using Roadside Infrastructure: A Literature Survey
* Interactive Behavior Modeling for Vulnerable Road Users With Risk-Taking Styles in Urban Scenarios: A Heterogeneous Graph Learning Approach
* Interactively Motion-Assisted Network for Multiple Object Tracking in Complex Traffic Scenes, An
* Interference Mitigation for Automotive FMCW Radar Based on Contrastive Learning With Dilated Convolution
* Interference Mitigation for Automotive FMCW Radar With Tensor Decomposition
* Interference Suppression for Automotive Millimeter-Wave Radars With Fused Lasso
* Interpretable Nonlinear Decoupling and Calibration Approach to Wheel Force Transducers, An
* Intersec2vec-TSC: Intersection Representation Learning for Large-Scale Traffic Signal Control
* Intersection Is Also Needed: A Novel LiDAR-Based Road Intersection Dataset and Detection Method
* Introducing Hybrid Vehicle Dynamics in Microscopic Traffic Simulation
* Introspection of DNN-Based Perception Functions in Automated Driving Systems: State-of-the-Art and Open Research Challenges
* Iterative Learning-Based Cooperative Motion Planning and Decision-Making for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Coordination at On-Ramps
* Joint Collaborative Big Spectrum Data Sensing and Reinforcement Learning Based Dynamic Spectrum Access for Cognitive Internet of Vehicles
* Joint Optimization of Communication and Storage Latencies for Vehicular Edge Computing
* Joint Optimization of Crack Segmentation With an Adaptive Dynamic Threshold Module
* Joint Optimization of Longitudinal and Lateral Locations of Autonomous-Vehicle-Dedicated Lanes on Expressways
* Joint Optimization of Multistage Pricing and Seat Allocation for High-Speed Railways Integrating Pre-Sale Period Division
* Joint Partial Offloading and Resource Allocation for Vehicular Federated Learning Tasks
* Key Point Estimate Network for Rail-Track Detection
* Large-Scale Traffic Signal Control Using Constrained Network Partition and Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Large-Scale WSNs Resource Scheduling Algorithm in Smart Transportation Monitoring Based on Differential Ion Coevolution and Multi-Objective Decomposition
* Latency Compensation and Prediction for Wireless Train to Ground Communication Network Based on Hybrid LSTM Model
* Lateral Wind Estimation and Backstepping Compensation for Safer Self-Driving Racecars
* Learned Unmanned Vehicle Scheduling for Large-Scale Urban Logistics
* Learning for Adaptive Multi-Copy Relaying in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network
* Learning Relation in Crowd Using Gated Graph Convolutional Networks for DRL-Based Robot Navigation
* Learning Semantic Behavior for Human Mobility Trajectory Recovery
* Learning to Coordinate Traffic Signals With Adaptive Network Partition
* Lessons Learned in Developing CAV Standards and Independent Stakeholder Validation
* Leveraging Dynamic Right-of-Way Allocation and Tolling Policy for CAV Dedicated Lane Management to Promote CAV and Improve Mobility
* Leveraging Human Mobility Data for Efficient Parameter Estimation in Epidemic Models of COVID-19
* Leveraging Multi-Stream Information Fusion for Trajectory Prediction in Low-Illumination Scenarios: A Multi-Channel Graph Convolutional Approach
* Lightweight Context-Aware Network Using Partial-Channel Transformation for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Lightweight Group Authentication Protocol for Blockchain-Based Vehicular Edge Computing Networks, A
* Lightweight Optimal Trajectory Planning for Smart Summon in Highly Complex and Irregular Parking Lot Scenarios, A
* Localization for Intelligent Vehicles in Underground Car Parks Based on Semantic Information
* Location-Aware and Healing Attestation Scheme for Air-Supported Internet of Vehicles, A
* Low-Rank Bayesian Temporal Matrix Factorization for the Transfer Time Prediction Between Metro and Bus Systems, A
* LT-SEI: Long-Tailed Specific Emitter Identification Based on Decoupled Representation Learning in Low-Resource Scenarios
* MA-VIED: A Multisensor Automotive Visual Inertial Event Dataset
* Machine Learning in Urban Rail Transit Systems: A Survey
* Machine Learning to Solve Vehicle Routing Problems: A Survey
* MADRL-Based URLLC-Aware Task Offloading for Air-Ground Vehicular Cooperative Computing Network
* Maneuver Coordination for CAVs: ITS-G5 Channel and Service Performance Evaluation
* Map-Adaptive Multimodal Trajectory Prediction via Intention-Aware Unimodal Trajectory Predictors
* Mathematical Model for the Analysis of Jet Engine Fuel Consumption During Aircraft Climb and Descent, A
* Matrix Translation Model for Evacuation Path Optimization, A
* MC3Net: Multimodality Cross-Guided Compensation Coordination Network for RGB-T Crowd Counting
* Measuring Sociality in Driving Interaction
* Mechanism to Localize, Detect, and Prevent Jamming in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), A
* Memory-Event-Triggered Tracking Control for Intelligent Vehicle Transportation Systems: A Leader-Following Approach
* MENet: Multi-Modal Mapping Enhancement Network for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Meta-Transfer Metric Learning for Time Series Classification in 6G-Supported Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Metaverse for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS): A Comprehensive Review of Technologies, Applications, Implications, Challenges and Future Directions
* Method and Analysis of Improving the Transport Capacity of Mixed Running Line Based on Incremental Adaptive Dynamic Coding of Track Circuit, A
* MetroBUX: A Topology-Based Visual Analytics for Bus Operational Uncertainty EXploration
* MIFI: MultI-Camera Feature Integration for Robust 3D Distracted Driver Activity Recognition
* Millisecond-Scale Real-Time Scheduling of Buses: A Controller-Based Approach
* Minimum Distance and Minimum Time Optimal Path Planning With Bioinspired Machine Learning Algorithms for Faulty Unmanned Air Vehicles
* Mixed Vehicle Group Merging Control in the Vicinity of Traffic Signals: A Cyber-Physical Perspective
* MNAT-Net: Multi-Scale Neighborhood Aggregation Transformer Network for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation
* Model of Ship Navigation Risk Field for Risk Assessment of Icebreaker Convoy Operations, The
* Model-Free Learning of Corridor Clearance: A Near-Term Deployment Perspective
* Model-Free Visual Servo Swarming of Manned-Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Visibility Maintenance and Collision Avoidance
* Model-Tuned Predictive Backstepping Control Approach for Angle Following of Steer-by-Wire, A
* Modeling and Simulation of Driving Risk Pulse Field and Its Application in Car Following Model
* Modeling Delay Propagation in Airport Networks via Causal Biased Random Walk
* Modeling Driver Decision Behavior of the Cut-In Process
* Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems: A Discrete-Time Linear Dynamical System and a Model Predictive Control Approach
* Modified Quadratic Spacing Policy and Extended State Observer-Based Adaptive Platoon Tracking Scheme for Heterogeneous Vehicles
* Monitoring and Adapting the Physical State of a Camera for Autonomous Vehicles
* Monitoring-Based Traffic Participant Detection in Urban Mixed Traffic: A Novel Dataset and A Tailored Detector
* Monocular 3D Object Detection Utilizing Auxiliary Learning With Deformable Convolution
* MT-STNet: A Novel Multi-Task Spatiotemporal Network for Highway Traffic Flow Prediction
* Multi-AAV Cooperative Path Planning Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control With Localization Constraints
* Multi-Agent Constrained Policy Optimization for Conflict-Free Management of Connected Autonomous Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections
* Multi-Agent Context Learning Strategy for Interference-Aware Beam Allocation in mmWave Vehicular Communications
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach for Safe and Efficient Behavior Planning of Connected Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Slicing Resource Allocation in Vehicular Networks
* Multi-Antenna and Geometry-Based Differential GNSS Positioning for Vehicles
* Multi-Branch Enhanced Discriminative Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Multi-Context Aware Human Mobility Prediction Model Based on Motif-Preserving Travel Preference Learning, A
* Multi-Domain Semantic Model and Real-Time Planning Approach to Safe and Efficient Airport Taxiway Operations
* Multi-Frequency Based CSI Compression for Vehicle Localization in Intelligent Transportation System
* Multi-Lane Unsignalized Intersection Cooperation Strategy Considering Platoons Formation in a Mixed Connected Automated Vehicles and Connected Human-Driven Vehicles Environment
* Multi-Layer Model Based on Transformer and Deep Learning for Traffic Flow Prediction, A
* Multi-Layer NMPC for Battery Thermal Management Optimization Strategy of Connected Electric Vehicle Integrated With Waste Heat Recovery
* Multi-Layer Security Assurance of the 5G Automotive System Based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making
* Multi-Level Dynamic Graph Convolutional Networks for Weakly Supervised Crowd Counting
* Multi-Modal Tensor Ring Decomposition for Communication-Efficient and Trustworthy Federated Learning for ITS in COVID-19 Scenario, A
* Multi-Objective Ant Colony System-Based Approach to Transit Route Network Adjustment, A
* Multi-Objective Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling With Sharing Service via a Problem-Specific Knowledge-Based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
* Multi-Objective Multi-Picking-Robot Task Allocation: Mathematical Model and Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
* Multi-Objective Path Tracking Control for Car-Like Vehicles With Differentially Bounded n-Smooth Output
* Multi-Objective Resource Pre-Allocation Scheme Using SDN for Intelligent Transportation System, A
* Multi-Objective Transportation System Optimization Using Agent-Based Simulation: A Study of Cordon- and Mileage-Based Congestion Pricing
* Multi-Receiver Data Authorization With Data Search for Data Sharing in Cloud-Assisted IoV
* Multi-Robot Environmental Coverage With a Two-Stage Coordination Strategy via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Multi-Sensor Environmental Perception and Adaptive Cruise Control of Intelligent Vehicles Using Kalman Filter
* Multi-Sensor Fusion Technology for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Review
* Multi-Step Regression Network With Attention Fusion for Airport Delay Prediction
* Multi-Target-Aware Dynamic Resource Scheduling for Cloud-Fog-Edge Multi-Tier Computing Network
* Multi-Task Deep Learning Methods for Determining Railway Major Technical Standards
* Multi-Task Learning Network With a Collision-Aware Graph Transformer for Traffic-Agents Trajectory Prediction, A
* Multi-Task Learning-Enabled Automatic Vessel Draft Reading for Intelligent Maritime Surveillance
* Multi-Timescale Actor-Critic Learning for Computing Resource Management With Semi-Markov Renewal Process Mobility
* Multi-Tree Compact Hierarchical Tensor Recurrent Neural Networks for Intelligent Transportation System Edge Devices
* Multi-View Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction
* Multilevel Electronic Control Unit Re-Encryption Scheme for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Multimodal Brain-Computer Interface for In-Vehicle Driver Cognitive Load Measurement: Dataset and Baselines
* Multimodal Transport Demand Forecasting via Federated Learning
* Multiphysics-Constrained Fast Charging of Lithium-Ion Battery With Active Set Predictive Control
* Multiple Emergency Vehicle Priority in a Connected Vehicle Environment: A Cooperative Method
* Multiple Emergency Vehicle Priority in a Connected Vehicle Environment: A Cooperative Method
* Multiple-Allocation Hub-and-Spoke Network Design With Maximizing Airline Profit Utility in Air Transportation Network
* Multitask Learning Method for Rail Corrugation Detection Using In-Vehicle Responses and Noise Data, A
* Multivariate Normal Distribution Data Generative Model in Small-Sample-Based Fault Diagnosis: Taking Traction Circuit Breaker as an Example, A
* Network-Based Modeling and Sampling Guaranteed Cost Control for Unmanned Surface Vehicle Systems Under Stochastic Cyber-Attacks
* Network-Wide Traffic Flow Dynamics Prediction Leveraging Macroscopic Traffic Flow Model and Deep Neural Networks
* Neural Network Aided Factor Graph Optimization for Collaborative Pedestrian Navigation
* Neural Network-Based Game Theory for Scalable Offloading in Vehicular Edge Computing: A Transfer Learning Approach
* Neural Network-Based Hierarchical Fault-Tolerant Affine Formation Control for Heterogeneous Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems
* Neural Network-Based Motion Cueing Algorithm Using the Classical Washout Filter for Comprehensive Driving Scenarios, A
* Next Generation Vehicles, Safety, and Cybersecurity: The CMX Framework
* NIDALoc: Neurobiologically Inspired Deep LiDAR Localization
* NOMA-Assisted Secure Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing Networks With Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Non-Cooperative and Cooperative Driving Strategies at Unsignalized Intersections: A Robust Differential Game Approach
* Nonlinear Antiswing Control of Shipboard Boom Cranes Using MPC-Based Auto-Tuning Mechanism With Full State Constraints
* Nonlocal Similarity Learning-Based Tensor Completion Model With Its Application in Intelligent Transportation System, A
* Novel Confined Attention Mechanism Driven Bi-GRU Model for Traffic Flow Prediction, A
* Novel Framework Combining MPC and Deep Reinforcement Learning With Application to Freeway Traffic Control, A
* Novel Real-Time Coordinated Ridesharing Route Choice Mechanism, A
* Observer-Informed Deep Learning for Traffic State Estimation With Boundary Sensing
* Occlusion-Aware Plane-Constraints for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* OCHJRNChain: A Blockchain-Based Security Data Sharing Framework for Online Car-Hailing Journey
* On Carsharing Platforms With Electric Vehicles as Energy Service Providers
* On the Joint Optimization of Energy Harvesting and Sensing of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters: Case Study of a Cable-Stayed Bridge
* On Trustworthy Decision-Making Process of Human Drivers From the View of Perceptual Uncertainty Reduction
* On-Demand Multiplexing of eMBB/URLLC Traffic in a Multi-UAV Relay Network
* Online Learning Models for Vehicle Usage Prediction During COVID-19
* Online Matrix Factorization-Based Traffic Flow Prediction Empowered by Edge Computing for the CAVs
* Online Scheduling Framework for Multiple TBD Flows in Intelligent Transportation Systems, An
* Online Self-Seeking Optimal Traction Control for Dual-Mode Coupling Drive Electric Vehicles on Bisectional Slopes
* Opportunities for advancing the energy efficiency of connected and autonomous vehicles through ARPA-E's NEXTCAR Program
* Opportunities for Collaboration Arising from AASHTO's CAV Policy Principles
* Optimal Control of Connected Autonomous Vehicles in a Mixed Traffic Corridor
* Optimal Dispatcher Number for One-Way Carsharing Services Considering Break Requirement
* Optimal Dispatching for AC/DC Hybrid Distribution Systems With Electric Vehicles: Application of Cloud-Edge-Device Cooperation
* Optimal Sizing and Siting of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Distribution Networks With Robust Optimizing Model
* Optimal Zonal Design for Flexible Bus Service Under Spatial and Temporal Demand Uncertainty
* Optimization of AEB Decision System Based on Unsafe Control Behavior Analysis and Improved ABAS Algorithm
* Optimization of Scheduling and Timetabling for Multiple Electric Bus Lines Considering Nonlinear Energy Consumption Model
* Optimized Prediction Horizon Energy Management Method for Hybrid Energy Storage Systems of Electric Vehicles, An
* Optimized Wireless Sensing and Deep Learning for Enhanced Human-Vehicle Recognition
* Optimizing Empty Container Repositioning and Fleet Deployment via Configurable Semi-POMDPs
* Optimizing Integrated Eco-Driving Control and Holding Strategy for Real-Time Bus Bunching Mitigation
* Optimizing Traffic Flow With Reinforcement Learning: A Study on Traffic Light Management
* Optimizing Train Timetable Under Oversaturated Demand Conditions: A Variable-Splitting Lagrangian Approach for Big-M Constraints
* OSRE: Object-to-Spot Rotation Estimation for Bike Parking Assessment
* Overtaking-Enabled Eco-Approach Control at Signalized Intersections for Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Overview of Battery Based Electric Vehicle Technologies With Emphasis on Energy Sources, Their Configuration Topologies and Management Strategies, An
* Pareto Improver: Learning Improvement Heuristics for Multi-Objective Route Planning
* Parking Guidance and Geofencing for Last-Mile Delivery Operations