Index for gonz

Gonza'lez Manzano, L. Co Author Listing * Privacy-aware average speed monitoring system for vehicular ad-hoc networks
Includes: Gonza'lez Manzano, L. Gonza´lez-Manzano, L.

Gonza'lez, D.M.A.[D.M. Arenas] Co Author Listing * Smartphone image acquisition forensics using sensor fingerprint
Includes: Gonza'lez, D.M.A.[D.M. Arenas] Gonza´lez, D.M.A.[D.M. Arenas]

Gonzaga da Silveira, L.[Luiz] Co Author Listing * Toward analyzing mutual interference on infrared-enabled depth cameras

Gonzaga, A. Co Author Listing * Dynamic Features for Iris Recognition
* Human Epithelial Type 2 (HEp-2) Cell Classification by Using a Multiresolution Texture Descriptor
* new approach for color image segmentation based on color mixture, A
* Robustness of Rotation Invariant Descriptors for Texture Classification
Includes: Gonzaga, A. Gonzaga, A.[Adilson]

Gonzaga, L.[Luiz] Co Author Listing * Automatic Algorithm For Minimizing Anomalies And Discrepancies In Point Clouds Acquired By Laser Scanning Technique, An
* Critical Analysis of Red Ceramic Blocks Roughness Estimation by 2D and 3D Methods, A
* Digital Outcrop Model Generation from Hybrid UAV and Panoramic Imaging Systems
Includes: Gonzaga, L.[Luiz] Gonzaga, Jr., L.[Luiz]

Gonzaga, M.[Maria] Co Author Listing * Individual Tree Detection and Qualitative Inventory of a Eucalyptus sp. Stand Using UAV Photogrammetry Data

Gonzales de Oliveira, C.[Cleber] Co Author Listing * Assessment of radargrammetric DSMs from TerraSAR-X Stripmap images in a mountainous relief area of the Amazon region

Gonzales Quiquia, M.[Maria] Co Author Listing * Water Stress Index and Stomatal Conductance under Different Irrigation Regimes with Thermal Sensors in Rice Fields on the Northern Coast of Peru
Includes: Gonzales Quiquia, M.[Maria] Gonzales-Quiquia, M.[Maria]

Gonzales, B. Co Author Listing * Full-Spectrum CT Reconstruction Using a Weighted Least Squares Algorithm With an Energy-Axis Penalty

Gonzales, C.[Christophe] Co Author Listing * Combinatorial Resampling Particle Filter: An Effective and Efficient Method for Articulated Object Tracking
* Cost Function with Position Penalty for Motion Estimation in MPEG-2 Video Coding, A
* Eye Movement Classification with Temporal Convolutional Networks
* Fast multiple histogram computation using Kruskal's algorithm
* Issues in reduced-resolution decoding of MPEG video
* Locally Quadratic Model of the Motion Estimation Error Criterion Function and Its Application to Subpixel Interpolations, A
* Min-Space Integral Histogram
* optimized DBN-based mode-focussing particle filter, An
* Simultaneous Partitioned Sampling for Articulated Object Tracking
* survey of datasets for visual tracking, A
* Video Event Detection Based Non-stationary Bayesian Networks
Includes: Gonzales, C.[Christophe] Gonzales, C.[Cesar] Gonzales, C.[Candy] Gonzales, C.
11 for Gonzales, C.

Gonzales, C.A.[Cesar A.] Co Author Listing * Apparatus and method of attenuating distortion introduced by a predictive coding image compressor
* DCT coding for motion video storage using adaptive arithmetic coding
* Flexible scalable digital video coding
* Motion video adaptive quantization in the transform domain
* Transform coding using coefficient prediction techniques
Includes: Gonzales, C.A.[Cesar A.] Gonzales, C.A.

Gonzales, E.[Edgard] Co Author Listing * High-Temporal-Resolution Rock Slope Monitoring Using Terrestrial Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry in an Application with Spatial Resolution Limitations

Gonzales, G.F.[Gustavo F.] Co Author Listing * Developing an Advanced PM2.5 Exposure Model in Lima, Peru

Gonzales, J.D. Co Author Listing * SFM Photogrammetry As a Tool for The Conservation of The Cultural Heritage of Bogotá (Colombia), Within The Framework of The Adopt A Monument Program

Gonzalez Abril, L.[Luis] Co Author Listing * Customising a qualitative colour description for adaptability and usability
* Energy wasting at internet data centers due to fear
* Measures of similarity between qualitative descriptions of shape, colour and size applied to mosaic assembling
* model for the qualitative description of images based on visual and spatial features, A
* Qualitative distances and qualitative image descriptions for representing indoor scenes in robotics
* study on output normalization in multiclass SVMs, A
Includes: Gonzalez Abril, L.[Luis] Gonzalez-Abril, L.[Luis] González-Abril, L.[Luis] Gonzalez-Abril, L.

Gonzalez Aguilera, D. Co Author Listing * 3d Modelling and Accuracy Assessment of Granite Quarry Using Unmmanned Aerial Vehicle
* 4d Reconstruction And Visualization of Cultural Heritage: Analyzing Our Legacy Through Time
* Assessing Pathologies on Villamayor Stone (Salamanca, Spain) by Terrestrial Laser Scanner Intensity Data
* Assessment of Green Infrastructure in Riparian Zones Using Copernicus Programme
* automated approach to vertical road characterisation using mobile LiDAR systems: Longitudinal profiles and cross-sections, An
* Automated Urban Analysis Based on LiDAR-Derived Building Models
* Automatic Analysis and Classification of the Roof Surfaces for the Installation of Solar Panels Using a Multi-Data Source and Multi-Sensor Aerial Platform
* Automatic Co-Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Digital Camera for the Generation of Hybrids Models
* Automatic Evaluation of Photovoltaic Power Stations from High-Density RGB-T 3D Point Clouds
* Automatic Generation of Urban Road 3D Models for Pedestrian Studies from LiDAR Data
* automatic procedure for co-registration of terrestrial laser scanners and digital cameras, An
* Challenges and Possibilities of Archaeological Sites Virtual Tours: The Ulaca Oppidum (Central Spain) as a Case Study
* Characterizing Geological Heterogeneities for Geothermal Purposes through Combined Geophysical Prospecting Methods
* Close-Range Photogrammetry and Infrared Imaging for Non-Invasive Honeybee Hive Population Assessment
* Comparative Study Between WMMS and TLS for The Stability Analysis Of The San Pedro Church Barrel Vault By Means of The Finite Element Method, A
* Comparing Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Wearable Laser Scanning (WLS) for Individual Tree Modeling at Plot Level
* Damage Detection On Historical Buildings Using Unsupervised Classification Techniques
* Design of a Local Nested Grid for the Optimal Combined Use of Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Data
* Development Of An All-purpose Free Photogrammetric Tool
* Diachronic Reconstruction and Visualization of Lost Cultural Heritage Sites
* Energy Analysis of Road Accidents Based on Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Evaluating the Structural Integrity of the Saint Antonio Barrel Vault In the Fortress of Almeida By Combining Laser Scanner and Limit Analysis
* Feature matching evaluation for multimodal correspondence
* Flood Hazard Assessment Supported by Reduced Cost Aerial Precision Photogrammetry
* From Point Cloud to Surface: Modeling Structures in Laser Scanner Point Clouds
* Geoinformatics for the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
* Geometrical Issues on the Structural Analysis of Transmission Electricity Towers Thanks to Laser Scanning Technology and Finite Element Method
* HidroMap: A New Tool for Irrigation Monitoring and Management Using Free Satellite Imagery
* Historical Single Image-Based Modeling: The Case of Gobierna Tower, Zamora (Spain)
* Infrared Cephalic-vein to Assist Blood Extraction Tasks: Automatic Projection And Recognition
* Integration of a Wearable Mobile Mapping Solution and Advance Numerical Simulations for the Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: A Case of Study in San Pedro Church (Palencia, Spain)
* Integration of Geotechnologies in the Evaluation of a Wine Cellar Structure through the Finite Element Method, The
* Large Scale Automatic Analysis and Classification of Roof Surfaces for the Installation of Solar Panels Using a Multi-Sensor Aerial Platform
* Laserscanning or image-based modeling? A comparative through the modelization of San Nicolas Church
* Mobile LiDAR System: New Possibilities for the Documentation and Dissemination of Large Cultural Heritage Sites
* Monitoring Green Infrastructure for Natural Water Retention Using Copernicus Global Land Products
* Multi-Data Source and Multi-Sensor Approach for the 3D Reconstruction and Visualization of a Complex Archaelogical Site: The Case Study of Tolmo de Minateda, A
* Multi-Data Source and Multi-Sensor Approach for the 3D Reconstruction and Web Visualization of a Complex Archaelogical Site: The Case Study of Tolmo De Minateda, A
* Multi-Sensor Radiometric Study to Detect Pathologies in Historical Buildings
* Multispectral Imaging in Cultural Heritage Conservation
* Multispectral Radiometric Analysis of Façades to Detect Pathologies from Active and Passive Remote Sensing
* New Approach to Energy Calculation of Road Accidents against Fixed Small Section Elements Based on Close-Range Photogrammetry, A
* Non-Contact Photogrammetric Methodology to Evaluate the Structural Health of Historical Constructions
* Novel Pole Photogrammetric System for Low-Cost Documentation of Archaeological Sites: The Case Study of Cueva Pintada
* On the Combination of Remote Sensing and Geophysical Methods for the Digitalization of the San Lázaro Middle Paleolithic Rock Shelter (Segovia, Central Iberia, Spain)
* On the use of laser scanner and photogrammetry for the global digitization of the medieval walls of Avila
* Photogrammetric and Computer Vision-Based Approach for Automated 3D Architectural Modeling and Its Typological Analysis, A
* Photogrammetric Solution for Analysis of Out-Of-Plane Movements of a Masonry Structure in a Large-Scale Laboratory Experiment
* Photogrammetric, Geometrical, and Numerical Strategies to Evaluate Initial and Current Conditions in Historical Constructions: A Test Case in the Church of San Lorenzo (Zamora, Spain)
* Photomatch: An Open-source Multi-view and Multi-modal Feature Matching Tool for Photogrammetric Applications
* Road safety evaluation through automatic extraction of road horizontal alignments from Mobile LiDAR System and inductive reasoning based on a decision tree
* Sensor Fusion for 3d Archaeological Documentation and Reconstruction: Case Study of Cueva Pintada in Galdar, Gran Canaria
* Smartwall: a New Web-based Platform for The Valorization of The Medieval Wall of Avila
* Statistical Comparison between Low-Cost Methods for 3D Characterization of Cut-Marks on Bones
* Study on Geospatial Distribution of the Efficiency and Sustainability of Different Energy-Driven Heat Pumps Included in Low Enthalpy Geothermal Systems in Europe
* Successful Applications of Geotechnologies for the Evaluation of Road Infrastructures
* Terrestrial laserscanning and low-cost aerial Photogrammetry in the archaeological modelling of a Jewish tanneries
* Testing the Radiometric Performance of Digital Photogrammetric Images: Vicarious vs. Laboratory Calibration on the Leica ADS40, a Study in Spain
* Validation of Portable Mobile Mapping System for Inspection Tasks in Thermal and Fluid-Mechanical Facilities
Includes: Gonzalez Aguilera, D. González-Aguilera, D. Gonzalez-Aguilera, D. González-Aguilera, D.[Diego] Gonzalez-Aguilera, D.[Diego] González Aguilera, D.[Diego] González Aguilera, D.
59 for Gonzalez Aguilera, D.

Gonzalez Aguirre, D. Co Author Listing * Model-based visual self-localization using geometry and graphs
* On Environmental Model-Based Visual Perception for Humanoids
* Towards stratified model-based environmental visual perception for humanoid robots
Includes: Gonzalez Aguirre, D. Gonzalez-Aguirre, D.

Gonzalez Agulla, E.[Elisardo] Co Author Listing * Multiscenario Multienvironment BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB), The
Includes: Gonzalez Agulla, E.[Elisardo] Gonzalez-Agulla, E.[Elisardo]

Gonzalez Alonso, E.[Elena] Co Author Listing * Methodology to Detect and Update Active Deformation Areas Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Images, A
Includes: Gonzalez Alonso, E.[Elena] González-Alonso, E.[Elena]

Gonzalez alonso, F. Co Author Listing * Global Burned Area Mapping From European Satellites: The Esa Fire_cci Project
Includes: Gonzalez alonso, F. González-alonso, F.

Gonzalez Alvarado, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Modeling Large-scale Joint Distributions and Inference by Randomized Assignment
* Quantum State Assignment Flows
Includes: Gonzalez Alvarado, D.[Daniel] Gonzalez-Alvarado, D.[Daniel]

Gonzalez Alvarez, D.[David] Co Author Listing * Exploring Ephemeral Features with Ground-Penetrating Radar: An Approach to Roman Military Camps
Includes: Gonzalez Alvarez, D.[David] González-Álvarez, D.[David]

Gonzalez Alvarez, I.[Ignacio] Co Author Listing * Using Machine Learning to Map Western Australian Landscapes for Mineral Exploration
Includes: Gonzalez Alvarez, I.[Ignacio] González-Álvarez, I.[Ignacio]

Gonzalez Argueta, L.[Luis] Co Author Listing * Multi-target tracking through opportunistic camera control in a resource constrained multimodal sensor network
Includes: Gonzalez Argueta, L.[Luis] Gonzalez-Argueta, L.[Luis]

Gonzalez Arjona, D.[David] Co Author Listing * Simplified Occupancy Grid Indoor Mapping Optimized for Low-Cost Robots
Includes: Gonzalez Arjona, D.[David] Gonzalez-Arjona, D.[David]

Gonzalez Audicana, M.[Maria] Co Author Listing * Added Value of Stratified Topographic Correction of Multispectral Images, The
* Automatic Detection of Uprooted Orchards Based on Orthophoto Texture Analysis
* Evaluation of R Tools for Downloading MODIS Images and Their Use in Urban Growth Analysis of the City of Tarija (Bolivia)
* Fusion of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images Using Improved IHS and PCA Mergers Based on Wavelet Decomposition
* Low Computational-Cost Method to Fuse IKONOS Images Using the Spectral Response Function of Its Sensors, A
* Monitoring Rainfed Alfalfa Growth in Semiarid Agrosystems Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Synthetic Images for Evaluating Topographic Correction Algorithms
* Validation of a Simplified Model to Generate Multispectral Synthetic Images
Includes: Gonzalez Audicana, M.[Maria] González-Audícana, M.[María] Gonzalez-Audicana, M.
8 for Gonzalez Audicana, M.

Gonzalez Aviles, A.[Angel] Co Author Listing * UAV + BIM: Incorporation of Photogrammetric Techniques in Architectural Projects with Building Information Modeling Versus Classical Work Processes
Includes: Gonzalez Aviles, A.[Angel] González-Avilés, Á.[Ángel]

Gonzalez Ballester, M.A. Co Author Listing * 3-D Subject-Specific Shape and Density Estimation of the Lumbar Spine From a Single Anteroposterior DXA Image Including Assessment of Cortical and Trabecular Bone
* Automatic Extraction of Femur Contours from Calibrated Fluoroscopic Images
* Correspondence Establishment in Statistical Modeling of Shapes with Arbitrary Topology
* Deep Learning Techniques for Automatic MRI Cardiac Multi-Structures Segmentation and Diagnosis: Is the Problem Solved?
* Deep Q-CapsNet Reinforcement Learning Framework for Intrauterine Cavity Segmentation in TTTS Fetal Surgery Planning
* Differentiation of sCJD and vCJD Forms by Automated Analysis of Basal Ganglia Intensity Distribution in Multisequence MRI of the Brain: Definition and Evaluation of New MRI-Based Ratios
* Estimating 3D Ventricular Shape From 2D Echocardiography: Feasibility and Effect of Noise
* Geometric steerable medial maps
* Learning and Combining Image Similarities for Neonatal Brain Population Studies
* Random walks with statistical shape prior for cochlea and inner ear segmentation in micro-CT images
* Statistical Shape Model with Random Walks for Inner Ear Segmentation
Includes: Gonzalez Ballester, M.A. González Ballester, M.A. Gonzalez Ballester, M.A.[Miguel A.] González Ballester, M.Á.[Miguel Ángel] González Ballester, M.A.[Miguel Angel]
11 for Gonzalez Ballester, M.A.

Gonzalez Banos, H. Co Author Listing * Computing depth under ambient illumination using multi-shuttered light

Gonzalez Banos, H.H. Co Author Listing * Counting people in crowds with a real-time network of simple image sensors
* Sparse IBR Using Range Space Rendering
Includes: Gonzalez Banos, H.H. Gonzalez-Banos, H.H.

Gonzalez Barbosa, J.J.[Jose Joel] Co Author Listing * Calibration of a panoramic 3D reconstruction system
* Double Layer Background Model to Detect Unusual Events, A
* Vision System for 3D Reconstruction with Telecentric Lens
Includes: Gonzalez Barbosa, J.J.[Jose Joel] González-Barbosa, J.J.[José-Joel] Gonzalez-Barbosa, J.J.[Jose-Joel] Gonzalez-Barbosa, J.J.[José-Joel]

Gonzalez Barbosa, R.[Ricardo] Co Author Listing * Vision System for 3D Reconstruction with Telecentric Lens
Includes: Gonzalez Barbosa, R.[Ricardo] Gonzalez-Barbosa, R.[Ricardo]

Gonzalez Barcenas, V.M. Co Author Listing * Addressing the Big Data Multi-class Imbalance Problem with Oversampling and Deep Learning Neural Networks
Includes: Gonzalez Barcenas, V.M. González-Barcenas, V.M.

Gonzalez Barrachina, P.[Pedro] Co Author Listing * Lifelong Learning for Document Image Binarization: An Experimental Study
Includes: Gonzalez Barrachina, P.[Pedro] González-Barrachina, P.[Pedro]

Gonzalez Bello, J.L. Co Author Listing * HVS-Inspired Attention to Improve Loss Metrics for CNN-Based Perception-Oriented Super-Resolution, A

Gonzalez Benitez, N.[Natalia] Co Author Listing * Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean: Satellite-Based Estimates over Two Decades
Includes: Gonzalez Benitez, N.[Natalia] González-Benítez, N.[Natalia]

Gonzalez Betancourt, A.[Aniel] Co Author Listing * Automated marker identification using the Radon transform for watershed segmentation
Includes: Gonzalez Betancourt, A.[Aniel] González-Betancourt, A.[Aniel]

Gonzalez Botello, M.A.[Miguel A.] Co Author Listing * Novel GP Approach to Synthesize Vegetation Indices for Soil Erosion Assessment, A
Includes: Gonzalez Botello, M.A.[Miguel A.] González-Botello, M.A.[Miguel A.]

Gonzalez Briceno, G. Co Author Listing * Artificial Intelligence-Based Referral System for Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy
Includes: Gonzalez Briceno, G. Gonzalez-Briceno, G.

Gonzalez Briones, A.[Alfonso] Co Author Listing * multi-agent system for the classification of gender and age from images, A
Includes: Gonzalez Briones, A.[Alfonso] González-Briones, A.[Alfonso]

Gonzalez Cabrera, A.E.[Adriana E.] Co Author Listing * Annual Daily Irradiance Analysis of Clusters in Mexico by Machine Learning Algorithms
* Multivariate Analysis for Solar Resource Assessment Using Unsupervised Learning on Images from the GOES-13 Satellite
Includes: Gonzalez Cabrera, A.E.[Adriana E.] González-Cabrera, A.E.[Adriana E.]

Gonzalez Campos, M.E.[Maria Ester] Co Author Listing * Assessing SDI Implementation Scenarios to Facilitate Emergency Mapping Operations in the Dominican Republic
Includes: Gonzalez Campos, M.E.[Maria Ester] Gonzalez-Campos, M.E.[María Ester]

Gonzalez Caravaca, G.[Guillermo] Co Author Listing * Phone-Conditioned Suboptimal Wiener Filtering
Includes: Gonzalez Caravaca, G.[Guillermo] Gonzalez-Caravaca, G.[Guillermo]

Gonzalez Casado, G.[Guillermo] Co Author Listing * Impacts of the Ionospheric Observable and Mathematical Model on the Global Ionosphere Model, The
* Summer Nighttime Anomalies of Ionospheric Electron Content at Midlatitudes: Comparing Years of Low and High Solar Activities Using Observations and Tidal/Planetary Wave Features
* Worldwide Ionospheric Model for Fast Precise Point Positioning, A
Includes: Gonzalez Casado, G.[Guillermo] González-Casado, G.[Guillermo] Gonzalez-Casado, G.

Gonzalez Cascon, R.[Rosario] Co Author Listing * Improving the Performance of 3-D Radiative Transfer Model FLIGHT to Simulate Optical Properties of a Tree-Grass Ecosystem
* Nitrogen and Phosphorus Effect on Sun-Induced Fluorescence and Gross Primary Productivity in Mediterranean Grassland
* Using Near-Infrared-Enabled Digital Repeat Photography to Track Structural and Physiological Phenology in Mediterranean Tree-Grass Ecosystems
Includes: Gonzalez Cascon, R.[Rosario] González-Cascón, R.[Rosario] Gonzalez-Cascon, R.[Rosario]

Gonzalez Casquete, M. Co Author Listing * Logarithmical hopping encoding: A low computational complexity algorithm for image compression
Includes: Gonzalez Casquete, M. González Casquete, M.

Gonzalez Castano, F.J. Co Author Listing * Fast image recovery using dynamic load balancing in parallel architectures, by means of incomplete projections
* SAETA: A Smart Coaching Assistant for Professional Volleyball Training
Includes: Gonzalez Castano, F.J. Gonzalez-Castano, F.J.

Gonzalez Castellano, C.[Cristina] Co Author Listing * Using pre and post-processing methods to improve binding site predictions

Gonzalez Castro, V. Co Author Listing * Adaptive pattern spectrum image description using Euclidean and Geodesic distance without training for texture classification
* Adaptive Texture Description and Estimation of the Class Prior Probabilities for Seminal Quality Control
* Automatic classification of skin lesions using geometrical measurements of adaptive neighborhoods and local binary patterns
* Automatic Rating of Perivascular Spaces in Brain MRI Using Bag of Visual Words
* aZIBO: A New Descriptor Based in Shape Moments and Rotational Invariant Features
* Boar Spermatozoa Classification Using Longitudinal and Transversal Profiles (LTP) Descriptor in Digital Images
* Boosting image classification through semantic attention filtering strategies
* Color Adaptive Neighborhood Mathematical Morphology and its application to pixel-level classification
* Curvelet-Based Texture Description to Classify Intact and Damaged Boar Spermatozoa
* Local Oriented Statistics Information Booster (LOSIB) for Texture Classification
* new perceptual hashing method for verification and identity classification of occluded faces, A
* Pixel Classification Using General Adaptive Neighborhood-Based Features
* survey on methods, datasets and implementations for scene text spotting, A
* Vitality Assessment of Boar Sperm Using N Concentric Squares Resized (NCSR) Texture Descriptor in Digital Images
Includes: Gonzalez Castro, V. Gonzalez-Castro, V. González-Castro, V.[Víctor] Gonzalez-Castro, V.[Victor] González-Castro, V.[Victor]
14 for Gonzalez Castro, V.

Gonzalez Cely, A.X.[Aura Ximena] Co Author Listing * Real-Time Posture Identification System for Wheelchair Users Preventing the Generation of Pressure Ulcers
Includes: Gonzalez Cely, A.X.[Aura Ximena] Gonzalez-Cely, A.X.[Aura Ximena]

Gonzalez Chavez, O.[Othon] Co Author Listing * Are metrics measuring what they should? An evaluation of Image Captioning task metrics
* Video captioning: A comparative review of where we are and which could be the route
Includes: Gonzalez Chavez, O.[Othon] González-Chávez, O.[Othón]

Gonzalez Collazo, S.M.[Silvia Maria] Co Author Listing * Detection of Direct Sun Glare on Drivers from Point Clouds
* Pavement Crack Detection and Clustering via Region-Growing Algorithm from 3D MLS Point Clouds
Includes: Gonzalez Collazo, S.M.[Silvia Maria] González-Collazo, S.M.[Silvia María]

Gonzalez Colom, R.[Ruben] Co Author Listing * Automated Orientation Detection of 3d Head Reconstructions from SMRI Using Multiview Orthographic Projections: An Image Classification-based Approach
Includes: Gonzalez Colom, R.[Ruben] Gonzàlez-Colom, R.[Rubèn]

Gonzalez Conejero, J.[Jorge] Co Author Listing * Encoding of images containing no-data regions within JPEG2000 framework
* Encoding scheme for multi-component images containing no-data regions
* JPEG2000 Coding Techniques Addressed to Images Containing No-Data Regions
Includes: Gonzalez Conejero, J.[Jorge] Gonzalez-Conejero, J.[Jorge] González-Conejero, J.[Jorge]

Gonzalez De Aledo, P. Co Author Listing * Navigating the Landscape for Real-Time Localization and Mapping for Robotics and Virtual and Augmented Reality
Includes: Gonzalez De Aledo, P. Gonzalez-De-Aledo, P.

Gonzalez de Andres, E.[Ester] Co Author Listing * Matching Vegetation Indices and Tree Vigor in Pyrenean Silver Fir Stands
Includes: Gonzalez de Andres, E.[Ester] González-de Andrés, E.[Ester]

Gonzalez de Rivera, G.[Guillermo] Co Author Listing * evaluation of direct attacks using fake fingers generated from ISO templates, An
* Fake fingertip generation from a minutiae template
Includes: Gonzalez de Rivera, G.[Guillermo] Gonzalez-de-Rivera, G.[Guillermo]

Gonzalez de Santos, L.M. Co Author Listing * Automatic Detection of Forest-road Distances to Improve Clearing Operations in Road Management
* Autonomous Point Cloud Acquisition of Unknown Indoor Scenes
* First Approach to UAV-based Contact Inspection: a Smart Payload For Navigation in The Neighbourhood of Structures
* UAV and Satellite Imagery Applied to Alien Species Mapping in NW Spain
Includes: Gonzalez de Santos, L.M. González-de Santos, L.M.

Gonzalez de Suso, J.L.[Jose Luis] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Lagrange multiplier estimation algorithm in HEVC
* FaceQvec: Vector Quality Assessment for Face Biometrics based on ISO Compliance
* Improved Method to Select the Lagrange Multiplier for Rate-Distortion Based Motion Estimation in Video Coding
* Two-level sliding-window VBR control algorithm for video on demand streaming
Includes: Gonzalez de Suso, J.L.[Jose Luis] González-de-Suso, J.L.[José Luis] Gonzalez-de-Suso, J.L.[Jose Luis] Gonzalez-de-Suso, J.L.

Gonzalez deSantos, L.M.[Luis Miguel] Co Author Listing * Automatic Measurement of Water Height in the As Conchas (Spain) Reservoir Using Sentinel 2 and Aerial LiDAR Data
* Path Planning for Indoor Contact Inspection Tasks with Uavs
Includes: Gonzalez deSantos, L.M.[Luis Miguel] González-deSantos, L.M.[Luis Miguel] González-deSantos, L.M.

Gonzalez Diaz, I.[Ivan] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Multipattern Fast Block-Matching Algorithm Based on Motion Classification Techniques
* Automatic Learning of Image Representations Combining Content and Metadata
* Bayesian model for brain tumor classification using clinical-based features, A
* Efficient Scale-Adaptive License Plate Detection System
* Generative Model for Concurrent Image Retrieval and ROI Segmentation, A
* Goal-oriented top-down probabilistic visual attention model for recognition of manipulated objects in egocentric videos
* Improved Motion Classification Techniques for Adaptive Multi-Pattern Fast Block-Matching Algorithm
* Incorporating spatio-temporal mid-level features in a region segmentation algorithm for video sequences
* Mid-level feature set for specific event and anomaly detection in crowded scenes
* Neighborhood Matching for Image Retrieval
* Object recognition with top-down visual attention modeling for behavioral studies
* Perceptual modeling in the problem of active object recognition in visual scenes
* Perceptually-guided deep neural networks for ego-action prediction: Object grasping
* Probabilistic Topic Model for Context-Driven Visual Attention Understanding
* region-centered topic model for object discovery and category-based image segmentation, A
* spatially aware generative model for image classification, topic discovery and segmentation, A
* Training deep retrieval models with noisy datasets: Bag exponential loss
Includes: Gonzalez Diaz, I.[Ivan] Gonzalez-Diaz, I.[Ivan] González-Díaz, I.[Iván] González-Díaz, I. Gonzalez-Diaz, I.
17 for Gonzalez Diaz, I.

Gonzalez Diaz, P.[Patricia] Co Author Listing * Extent, Severity, and Temporal Patterns of Damage to Cuba's Ecosystems following Hurricane Irma: MODIS and Sentinel-2 Hurricane Disturbance Vegetation Anomaly (HDVA)
Includes: Gonzalez Diaz, P.[Patricia] González-Díaz, P.[Patricia]

Gonzalez Diaz, R.[Rocio] Co Author Listing * 4d Counter-example Showing that DWCNess Does Not Imply CWCness in nD, A
* Approximating lower-star persistence via 2D combinatorial map simplification
* Computational Topology in Image Context
* Computing and Reducing Slope Complexes
* Cubical Cohomology Ring of 3D Photographs
* Cup Products on Polyhedral Approximations of 3D Digital Images
* Efficiently Storing Well-Composed Polyhedral Complexes Computed Over 3D Binary Images
* Encoding Specific 3D Polyhedral Complexes Using 3D Binary Images
* entropy-based persistence barcode, An
* Euler Well-composedness
* Extending the Notion of AT-Model for Integer Homology Computation
* Gait-Based Carried Object Detection Using Persistent Homology
* Gait-Based Gender Classification Using Persistent Homology
* Graph-with-Loop Structure for a Topological Representation of 3D Objects, A
* Human Gait Identification Using Persistent Homology
* Incremental-Decremental Algorithm for Computing AT-Models and Persistent Homology
* Integral Operators for Computing Homology Generators at Any Dimension
* Invariant Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators Using Irregular Graph Pyramids
* Irregular Graph Pyramids and Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators
* LBP and Irregular Graph Pyramids
* On the Space Between Critical Points
* On the stability of persistent entropy and new summary functions for topological data analysis
* One More Step Towards Well-Composedness of Cell Complexes over nD Pictures
* Parallel Homology Computation of Meshes
* Persistent Homology Computation Using Combinatorial Map Simplification
* Persistent homology-based gait recognition robust to upper body variations
* Removal Operations in nD Generalized Maps for Efficient Homology Computation
* Spatiotemporal Barcodes for Image Sequence Analysis
* tool for integer homology computation: lambda-AT-model, A
* Topology-based image segmentation using LBP pyramids
* Towards Emotion Recognition: A Persistent Entropy Application
* Well-Composed Cell Complexes
Includes: Gonzalez Diaz, R.[Rocio] Gonzalez-Diaz, R.[Rocio] Gonzalez-Diaz, R.[Rocío] Gonzalez-Díaz, R.[Rocio]
32 for Gonzalez Diaz, R.

Gonzalez Diez, A.[Alberto] Co Author Listing * Application of Fast Fourier Transform Filtering to High Spatial Resolution Digital Terrain Models Derived from LiDAR Sensors for the Objective Mapping of Surface Features and Digital Terrain Model Evaluations, The
Includes: Gonzalez Diez, A.[Alberto] González-Díez, A.[Alberto]

Gonzalez Dominguez, J. Co Author Listing * Von Mises-Fisher Models in the Total Variability Subspace for Language Recognition
Includes: Gonzalez Dominguez, J. Gonzalez-Dominguez, J.

Gonzalez Drigo, R.[Ramon] Co Author Listing * Assessment of Post-Earthquake Damaged Building with Interferometric Real Aperture Radar
* Dynamic Monitoring of a Mid-Rise Building by Real-Aperture Radar Interferometer: Advantages and Limitations
* Lab Non Destructive Test to Analyze the Effect of Corrosion on Ground Penetrating Radar Scans
Includes: Gonzalez Drigo, R.[Ramon] Gonzalez-Drigo, R.[Ramon] González-Drigo, R.[Ramón]

Gonzalez Dugo, M.P.[Maria P.] Co Author Listing * Can We Use Satellite-Based Soil-Moisture Products at High Resolution to Investigate Land-Use Differences and Land-Atmosphere Interactions? A Case Study in the Savanna
* Estimating Evapotranspiration of Mediterranean Oak Savanna at Multiple Temporal and Spatial Resolutions. Implications for Water Resources Management
* Exploring TanDEM-X Interferometric Products for Crop-Type Mapping
* II: Integration of Remote Sensing Medium and Low Spatial Resolution Satellite Images
* Modeling Surface Energy Fluxes over a Dehesa (Oak Savanna) Ecosystem Using a Thermal Based Two-Source Energy Balance Model (TSEB) I
* Monitoring Grass Phenology and Hydrological Dynamics of an Oak-Grass Savanna Ecosystem Using Sentinel-2 and Terrestrial Photography
Includes: Gonzalez Dugo, M.P.[Maria P.] González-Dugo, M.P.[María P.] González-Dugo, M.P.[Maria P.]

Gonzalez Dugo, V.[Victoria] Co Author Listing * Airborne Thermal Imagery to Detect the Seasonal Evolution of Crop Water Status in Peach, Nectarine and Saturn Peach Orchards
* Discriminating Xylella fastidiosa from Verticillium dahliae infections in olive trees using thermal- and hyperspectral-based plant traits
* Early Detection and Quantification of Almond Red Leaf Blotch Using High-Resolution Hyperspectral and Thermal Imagery
* Effects of Heterogeneity within Tree Crowns on Airborne-Quantified SIF and the CWSI as Indicators of Water Stress in the Context of Precision Agriculture
* Monitoring water stress and fruit quality in an orange orchard under regulated deficit irrigation using narrow-band structural and physiological remote sensing indices
* Remote sensing of vegetation from UAV platforms using lightweight multispectral and thermal imaging sensors
* Using High-Resolution Hyperspectral and Thermal Airborne Imagery to Assess Physiological Condition in the Context of Wheat Phenotyping
Includes: Gonzalez Dugo, V.[Victoria] Gonzalez-Dugo, V.[Victoria] Gonzalez-Dugo, V. González-Dugo, V.[Victoria] González-Dugo, V.
7 for Gonzalez Dugo, V.

Gonzalez Escobar, R.[Rafael] Co Author Listing * Sustainability Indicators and GIS as Land-Use Planning Instrument Tools for Urban Model Assessment
Includes: Gonzalez Escobar, R.[Rafael] González-Escobar, R.[Rafael]

Gonzalez Esparza, J.A.[J. Americo] Co Author Listing * Solar Flare Effects Observed over Mexico during 30-31 March 2022
Includes: Gonzalez Esparza, J.A.[J. Americo] Gonzalez-Esparza, J.A.[J. Americo]

Gonzalez Estupinan, K.[Krystal] Co Author Listing * Participatory Mapping as a Didactic and Auxiliary Tool for Learning Community Integration, Technology Transference, and Natural Resource Management
Includes: Gonzalez Estupinan, K.[Krystal] González-Estupiñán, K.[Krystal]

Gonzalez Farias, F.[Fernando] Co Author Listing * Examining the Influence of Seasonality, Condition, and Species Composition on Mangrove Leaf Pigment Contents and Laboratory Based Spectroscopy Data
Includes: Gonzalez Farias, F.[Fernando] González-Farías, F.[Fernando]

Gonzalez Fernandez, C.[Cesar] Co Author Listing * Experts perception-based system to detect misinformation in health websites
Includes: Gonzalez Fernandez, C.[Cesar] González-Fernández, C.[César]

Gonzalez Fernandez, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Daytime and Night-Time Aerosol Optical Depth from Solar and Lunar Photometry in Valladolid (Spain)
* Retrieval of Solar Shortwave Irradiance from All-Sky Camera Images
Includes: Gonzalez Fernandez, D.[Daniel] González-Fernández, D.[Daniel]

Gonzalez Fernandez, I. Co Author Listing * Sentinel-2 and WorldView-3 atmospheric correction and signal normalization based on ground-truth spectroradiometric measurements
Includes: Gonzalez Fernandez, I. Gonzalez-Fernandez, I.

Gonzalez Ferreiro, E.[Eduardo] Co Author Listing * 3D Point Clouds in Forest Remote Sensing
* Assessing the Accuracy of GEDI Data for Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass Estimates in Mediterranean Forests
* Comparing Johnson's SB and Weibull Functions to Model the Diameter Distribution of Forest Plantations through ALS Data
* Estimating Stand and Fire-Related Surface and Canopy Fuel Variables in Pine Stands Using Low-Density Airborne and Single-Scan Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Evaluating the Potential of ALS Data to Increase the Efficiency of Aboveground Biomass Estimates in Tropical Peat-Swamp Forests
* Forest Road Detection Using LiDAR Data and Hybrid Classification
* Potential of Sentinel-2A Data to Model Surface and Canopy Fuel Characteristics in Relation to Crown Fire Hazard
Includes: Gonzalez Ferreiro, E.[Eduardo] González-Ferreiro, E.[Eduardo]
7 for Gonzalez Ferreiro, E.

Gonzalez Fraga, J.A.[J. Angel] Co Author Listing * Improving the Discrimination Capability with an Adaptive Synthetic Discriminant Function Filter
* Optimization-based methodology for training set selection to synthesize composite correlation filters for face recognition
Includes: Gonzalez Fraga, J.A.[J. Angel] González-Fraga, J.Á.[J. Ángel] Gonzalez-Fraga, J.A.[Jose A.]

Gonzalez Franco, I. Co Author Listing * Smart Electrical Infrastructure for AC-Fed Railways With Neutral Zones
Includes: Gonzalez Franco, I. Gonzalez-Franco, I.

Gonzalez Franco, M.[Mar] Co Author Listing * Diffuse, Attend, and Segment: Unsupervised Zero-Shot Segmentation using Stable Diffusion
* Framework for remote collaborative interaction in virtual environments based on proximity
* Geometry Fidelity for Spherical Images
Includes: Gonzalez Franco, M.[Mar] Gonzalez-Franco, M.[Mar] Gonzalez-Franco, M.

Gonzalez Galvan, E.J.[Emilio J.] Co Author Listing * Optimization of Industrial, Vision-Based, Intuitively Generated Robot Point-Allocating Tasks Using Genetic Algorithms
Includes: Gonzalez Galvan, E.J.[Emilio J.] Gonzalez-Galvan, E.J.[Emilio J.]

Gonzalez Gambau, V.[Veronica] Co Author Listing * Deriving VTEC Maps from SMOS Radiometric Data
* Editorial for the Special Issue: Ten Years of Remote Sensing at Barcelona Expert Center
* Impact of the Local Oscillator Calibration Rate on the SMOS Measurements and Retrieved Salinities
* Improved MUSIC-Based SMOS RFI Source Detection and Geolocation Algorithm
* Nodal Sampling: A New Image Reconstruction Algorithm for SMOS
* Quantifciation of Aquarius, SMAP, SMOS and Argo-Based Gridded Sea Surface Salinity Product Sampling Errors
* Seven Years of SMOS Sea Surface Salinity at High Latitudes: Variability in Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions
* SMOS Third Mission Reprocessing after 10 Years in Orbit
* Spatial Correlations in SMOS Antenna: The Role of Effective Point Spread Functions
* Triple Collocation Analysis for Two Error-Correlated Datasets: Application to L-Band Brightness Temperatures over Land
* Wide Field of View Microwave Interferometric Radiometer Imaging
Includes: Gonzalez Gambau, V.[Veronica] González-Gambau, V.[Verónica] Gonzalez-Gambau, V. González-Gambau, V. González-Gambau, V.[Veronica] Gonzalez-Gambau, V.[Veronica]
11 for Gonzalez Gambau, V.

Gonzalez Garcia, A. Co Author Listing * Active Learning for Deep Detection Neural Networks
* active search strategy for efficient object class detection, An
* Controlling biases and diversity in diverse image-to-image translation
* Do Semantic Parts Emerge in Convolutional Neural Networks?
* Learning the Model Update for Siamese Trackers
* MineGAN++: Mining Generative Models for Efficient Knowledge Transfer to Limited Data Domains
* MineGAN: Effective Knowledge Transfer From GANs to Target Domains With Few Images
* Multi-Modal Fusion for End-to-End RGB-T Tracking
* Objects as Context for Detecting Their Semantic Parts
* Orderless Recurrent Models for Multi-Label Classification
* Saliency for fine-grained object recognition in domains with scarce training data
* Self-Supervised Cross-Modal Distillation for Thermal Infrared Tracking
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Few-Shot Image-to-Image Translation
* Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* Synthetic Data Generation for End-to-End Thermal Infrared Tracking
* Temporal Coherence for Active Learning in Videos
* Transferring GANs: Generating Images from Limited Data
Includes: Gonzalez Garcia, A. Gonzalez-Garcia, A. Gonzalez-Garcia, A.[Abel] González-García, A.[Abel]
18 for Gonzalez Garcia, A.

Gonzalez Garcia, C.[Carlos] Co Author Listing * SVC-onGoing: Signature verification competition
Includes: Gonzalez Garcia, C.[Carlos] Gonzalez-Garcia, C.[Carlos]

Gonzalez Garcia, D.[Diego] Co Author Listing * Raman Spectroscopy from Laboratory and Proximal to Remote Sensing: A Tool for the Volcanological Sciences
Includes: Gonzalez Garcia, D.[Diego] González-García, D.[Diego]

Gonzalez Garcia, L.[Laura] Co Author Listing * Quality Assessment of Photogrammetric Models for Façade and Building Reconstruction Using DJI Phantom 4 RTK
Includes: Gonzalez Garcia, L.[Laura] González-García, L.[Laura]

Gonzalez Garcia, S.H.[Sandra Haydee] Co Author Listing * Experiencies Using Non-Metric Cameras in Photogrammetry
Includes: Gonzalez Garcia, S.H.[Sandra Haydee] Gonzàlez Garcìa, S.H.[Sandra Haydeè]

Gonzalez Godoy, A.[Adonis] Co Author Listing * Explainable Automatic Detection of Fiber-Cement Roofs in Aerial RGB Images
Includes: Gonzalez Godoy, A.[Adonis] González-Godoy, A.[Adonis]

Gonzalez Gomez, C. Co Author Listing * Generalizing the Statistical Analysis of Objects' Spatial Coupling in Bioimaging
Includes: Gonzalez Gomez, C. Gonzalez-Gomez, C.

Gonzalez Gomez, I. Co Author Listing * noninvasive, multimodality approach based on MRS and MRI techniques for monitoring intracranial brain tumor angiogenesis, A
Includes: Gonzalez Gomez, I. Gonzalez-Gomez, I.

Gonzalez Gomez, K.[Keila] Co Author Listing * Framework for 3D Point Cloud Modelling Aimed at Road Sight Distance Estimations
Includes: Gonzalez Gomez, K.[Keila] González-Gómez, K.[Keila]

Gonzalez Gonzalez, E.[Enrique] Co Author Listing * Influence of LiDAR Point Cloud Density in the Geometric Characterization of Rooftops for Solar Photovoltaic Studies in Cities
* Laser Scanning for Terrain Analysis and Route Design for Electrified Public Transport in Urban Areas
* Solar Potential Analysis of Bus Shelters in Urban Environments: A Study Case in Avila (Spain)
Includes: Gonzalez Gonzalez, E.[Enrique] González-González, E.[Enrique]

Gonzalez Gonzalo, C. Co Author Listing * Iterative Augmentation of Visual Evidence for Weakly-Supervised Lesion Localization in Deep Interpretability Frameworks: Application to Color Fundus Images
Includes: Gonzalez Gonzalo, C. González-Gonzalo, C.

Gonzalez Guerrero, O.[Oscar] Co Author Listing * Radiometric Correction of Simultaneously Acquired Landsat-7/Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Imagery Using Pseudoinvariant Areas (PIA): Contributing to the Landsat Time Series Legacy
Includes: Gonzalez Guerrero, O.[Oscar] González-Guerrero, Ò.[Òscar]

Gonzalez Guevara, V.I.[Victor Ivan] Co Author Listing * Mixed Learning Strategy for Finding Typical Testors in Large Datasets, A
Includes: Gonzalez Guevara, V.I.[Victor Ivan] González-Guevara, V.I.[Víctor Iván]

Gonzalez Gurrola, L.C.[Luis Carlos] Co Author Listing * Bagging-RandomMiner: A one-class classifier for file access-based masquerade detection
* Detecting Mental Disorders in Social Media Through Emotional Patterns: The Case of Anorexia and Depression
Includes: Gonzalez Gurrola, L.C.[Luis Carlos] González Gurrola, L.C.[Luis Carlos] González-Gurrola, L.C.[Luis Carlos]

Gonzalez Gutierrez, C.A.[Carlos A.] Co Author Listing * Morphological contrast index based on the Weber's law
Includes: Gonzalez Gutierrez, C.A.[Carlos A.] Gonzalez-Gutierrez, C.A.[Carlos A.]

Gonzalez H.Leon, A.[Ana] Co Author Listing * Neovascularization Detection on Optic Disc Region Using Deep Learning
Includes: Gonzalez H.Leon, A.[Ana] Gonzalez-H.Leon, A.[Ana]

Gonzalez Haro, C.[Cristina] Co Author Listing * High-Resolution Ocean Currents from Sea Surface Temperature Observations: The Catalan Sea (Western Mediterranean)
* Quantifciation of Aquarius, SMAP, SMOS and Argo-Based Gridded Sea Surface Salinity Product Sampling Errors
* Quantifying Tidal Fluctuations in Remote Sensing Infrared SST Observations
* Triple Collocation Analysis for Two Error-Correlated Datasets: Application to L-Band Brightness Temperatures over Land
Includes: Gonzalez Haro, C.[Cristina] González-Haro, C.[Cristina]

Gonzalez Hernandez, M.[Manfred] Co Author Listing * Face deidentification with controllable privacy protection
Includes: Gonzalez Hernandez, M.[Manfred] Gonzalez-Hernandez, M.[Manfred]

Gonzalez Herraez, M.[Miguel] Co Author Listing * Distributed Temperature Measurement in a Self-Burning Coal Waste Pile through a GIS Open Source Desktop Application
Includes: Gonzalez Herraez, M.[Miguel] Gonzalez-Herraez, M.[Miguel]

Gonzalez Hidalgo, M.[Manuel] Co Author Listing * Analytical Simulation of B-Spline Surfaces Deformation
* Analytical Simulation of Non-planar B-Spline Surfaces Deformation
* Deformation Models: Tracking, Animation and Applications
* Erythrocytes Morphological Classification Through HMM for Sickle Cell Detection
* Geometric Surface Deformation Based on Trajectories: A New Approach
* Graph Based Segmentation Strategy for Baggage Scanner Images, A
* Interactive Constrained Deformations of NURBS Surfaces: N-SCODEF
* Model Regularisation for Skin Lesion Symmetry Classification: Symderm v2.0
* real-time fuzzy morphological algorithm for retinal vessel segmentation, A
* Soft Color Morphology: A Fuzzy Approach for Multivariate Images
* survey on curvilinear object segmentation in multiple applications, A
Includes: Gonzalez Hidalgo, M.[Manuel] González-Hidalgo, M.[Manuel] González Hidalgo, M.[Manuel] González-Hidalgo, M.
11 for Gonzalez Hidalgo, M.

Gonzalez Hirshfeld, I.[Ilan] Co Author Listing * High-Resolution Image Products Acquired from Mid-Sized Uncrewed Aerial Systems for Land-Atmosphere Studies
Includes: Gonzalez Hirshfeld, I.[Ilan] Gonzalez-Hirshfeld, I.[Ilan]

Gonzalez Huici, M.A. Co Author Listing * Dictionary Learning for Adaptive GPR Landmine Classification
* SIUNet: Sparsity Invariant U-Net for Edge-Aware Depth Completion
Includes: Gonzalez Huici, M.A. Gonzalez-Huici, M.A. González-Huici, M.A.[María A.]

Gonzalez Huitron, V. Co Author Listing * 2D to 3D Conversion Based on Disparity Map Estimation
* Parallel framework for dense disparity map estimation using Hamming distance
Includes: Gonzalez Huitron, V. Gonzalez-Huitron, V. Gonzalez-Huitron, V.[Victor]

Gonzalez Ibarzabal, J.[Jon] Co Author Listing * automatic procedure for mapping burned areas globally using Sentinel-2 and VIIRS/MODIS active fires in Google Earth Engine, An
* Sentinel-2 Reference Fire Perimeters for the Assessment of Burned Area Products over Latin America and the Caribbean for the Year 2019
Includes: Gonzalez Ibarzabal, J.[Jon] Gonzalez-Ibarzabal, J.[Jon]

Gonzalez Iglesias, I. Co Author Listing * Fast sequential forensic detection of camera fingerprint
Includes: Gonzalez Iglesias, I. González-Iglesias, I.

Gonzalez Jaime, L.[Luis] Co Author Listing * Parametric Image Restoration Using Consensus: An Application to Nonstationary Noise Filtering
Includes: Gonzalez Jaime, L.[Luis] González-Jaime, L.[Luis]

Gonzalez Jaramillo, V.[Victor] Co Author Listing * AGB Estimation in a Tropical Mountain Forest (TMF) by Means of RGB and Multispectral Images Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* Estimation of Above Ground Biomass in a Tropical Mountain Forest in Southern Ecuador Using Airborne LiDAR Data
Includes: Gonzalez Jaramillo, V.[Victor] González-Jaramillo, V.[Víctor]

Gonzalez Jimenez, A.[Alvaro] Co Author Listing * SANO: Score-based Diffusion Model for Anomaly Localization in Dermatology
Includes: Gonzalez Jimenez, A.[Alvaro] Gonzalez-Jimenez, A.[Alvaro]

Gonzalez Jimenez, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Automatic Pose Correction for Local Feature-Based Face Authentication
* Continuous Regression for Non-rigid Image Alignment
* Discriminative Face Recognition Through Gabor Responses and Sketch Distortion
* Distance Measures for Gabor Jets-Based Face Authentication: A Comparative Evaluation
* Evaluation of point localisation and similarity fusion methods for gabor jet-based face verification
* Face Recognition Across Pose with Automatic Estimation of Pose Parameters through AAM-Based Landmarking
* Face recognition for authentication on mobile devices
* Frontal Face Authentication Through Creaseness-Driven Gabor Jets
* Generalized Gaussian distributions for sequential data classification
* Improved average of synthetic exact filters for precise eye localisation under realistic conditions
* Modeling Gabor Coefficients via Generalized Gaussian Distributions for Face Recognition
* Modeling magnitudes of Gabor coefficients: The beta-Rayleigh distribution
* On Combining Textural and Geometrical Scores for Discriminative Face Authentication
* Pose Correction and Subject-Specific Features for Face Authentication
* Shape Contexts and Gabor Features for Face Description and Authentication
* Single- and cross- database benchmarks for gender classification under unconstrained settings
Includes: Gonzalez Jimenez, D.[Daniel] González-Jiménez, D.[Daniel] Gonzalez-Jimenez, D. Gonzalez-Jimenez, D.[Daniel]
16 for Gonzalez Jimenez, D.

Gonzalez Jimenez, J.[Javier] Co Author Listing * Appearance-invariant place recognition by discriminatively training a convolutional neural network
* Certifiable algorithms for the two-view planar triangulation problem
* Certifiable planar relative pose estimation with gravity prior
* Certifiable relative pose estimation
* Certifiably Globally Optimal Solution to the Non-minimal Relative Pose Problem, A
* Convex Global 3D Registration with Lagrangian Duality
* D-LSD: A Distorted Line Segment Detector for Calibrated Images
* Deep Single Image Camera Calibration With Radial Distortion
* Efficient Background Term for 3D Reconstruction and Tracking with Smooth Surface Models, An
* Experimental Analysis of Appearance Maps as Descriptor Manifolds Approximations
* Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Coherence for Video Object Detection in Robotics
* Fast Certifiable Algorithm for the Absolute Pose Estimation of a Camera
* Intrinsic Calibration of Depth Cameras for Mobile Robots Using a Radial Laser Scanner
* Minimal Closed-form Solution for the Perspective Three Orthogonal Angles (P3oA) Problem: Application To Visual Odometry, A
* Sufficient Condition of Optimality for the Relative Pose Problem between Cameras, A
Includes: Gonzalez Jimenez, J.[Javier] Gonzalez-Jimenez, J.[Javier] Gonzalez-Jimenez, J.
15 for Gonzalez Jimenez, J.

Gonzalez Jimenez, L.E.[Luis Enrique] Co Author Listing * Discrete Integral Sliding Mode Control in Visual Object Tracking Using Differential Kinematics
Includes: Gonzalez Jimenez, L.E.[Luis Enrique] González Jiménez, L.E.[Luis Enrique]

Gonzalez Jorge, H.[Higinio] Co Author Listing * Automated Structural Forest Changes Using Lidar Point Clouds and GIS Analyses
* Automatic Detection of Forest-road Distances to Improve Clearing Operations in Road Management
* Automatic Estimation of Excavation Volume from Laser Mobile Mapping Data for Mountain Road Widening
* Automatic Measurement of Water Height in the As Conchas (Spain) Reservoir Using Sentinel 2 and Aerial LiDAR Data
* Automatic Modelling of Rubble Mound Breakwaters from LIDAR Data
* Automatic Processing of Aerial LiDAR Data to Detect Vegetation Continuity in the Surroundings of Roads
* Autonomous Point Cloud Acquisition of Unknown Indoor Scenes
* CityGML extension for traffic-sign objects that guides the automatic processing of data collected using Mobile Mapping technology, A
* Computer Vision System for Visual Grape Grading in Wine Cellars, A
* Deformation Monitoring of Motorway Underpasses Using Laser Scanning Data
* Detection Of Geometric Keypoints And Its Application To Point Cloud Coarse Registration
* Digital Instrumentation Calibration Using Computer Vision
* Evaluation Of Driver Visibility From Mobile Lidar Data And Weather Conditions
* First Approach to UAV-based Contact Inspection: a Smart Payload For Navigation in The Neighbourhood of Structures
* Influence of the Precision of LIDAR Data in Surface Water Runoff Estimation for Road Maintenance
* Land-Based Mobile Laser Scanning Systems: A Review
* Mapping Forest Fire Risk: A Case Study in Galicia (Spain)
* Path Planning for Indoor Contact Inspection Tasks with Uavs
* Remote Sensing Approach to Evaluate Post-fire Vegetation Structure
* UAV and Satellite Imagery Applied to Alien Species Mapping in NW Spain
Includes: Gonzalez Jorge, H.[Higinio] González-Jorge, H.[Higinio] González-Jorge, H. Gonzalez-Jorge, H.[Higinio] González-jorge, H.
20 for Gonzalez Jorge, H.

Gonzalez Jose, R.[Rolando] Co Author Listing * Automatic ear detection and feature extraction using Geometric Morphometrics and convolutional neural networks
* Set of bilateral and radial symmetry shape descriptor based on contour information
Includes: Gonzalez Jose, R.[Rolando] Gonzalez-José, R.[Rolando] González-José, R.[Rolando]

Gonzalez Linares, J.M. Co Author Listing * Bidimensional shape detection using an invariant approach
* Clustering Technique for Video Copy Detection, A
* Deformable Shapes Detection by Stochastic Optimization
* efficient 2D deformable objects detection and location algorithm, An
* Logotype detection to support semantic-based video annotation
* optimized approach to histogram computation on GPU, An
* TV-logo classification and learning system, A
* Video Cataloging Based on Robust Logotype Detection
Includes: Gonzalez Linares, J.M. Gonzalez-Linares, J.M. González-Linares, J.M. González Linares, J.M. González-Linares, J.M.[José María]
8 for Gonzalez Linares, J.M.

Gonzalez Llorente, J.[Jesus] Co Author Listing * Cloud Detection Autonomous System Based on Machine Learning and COTS Components On-Board Small Satellites
Includes: Gonzalez Llorente, J.[Jesus] Gonzalez-Llorente, J.[Jesus]

Gonzalez Lopez, A.[Ana] Co Author Listing * Automatic Robust Segmentation of Retinal Layers in OCT Images with Refinement Stages
Includes: Gonzalez Lopez, A.[Ana] González-López, A.[Ana]

Gonzalez Lopez, J.[Jorge] Co Author Listing * Image interpolator for an image display system
* System and method for scaling a digital image
Includes: Gonzalez Lopez, J.[Jorge] Gonzalez-Lopez, J.[Jorge]

Gonzalez Lorenzo, A.[Aldo] Co Author Listing * Cellular Skeletons: A New Approach to Topological Skeletons with Geometric Features
* Fast, Simple and Separable Computation of Betti Numbers on Three-Dimensional Cubical Complexes
* Opening Holes in Discrete Objects with Digital Homotopy
* Topological Comparisons of Fluvial Reservoir Rock Volumes Using Betti Numbers: Application to CO 2 Storage Uncertainty Analysis
* Two Measures for the Homology Groups of Binary Volumes
Includes: Gonzalez Lorenzo, A.[Aldo] Gonzalez-Lorenzo, A.[Aldo]

Gonzalez Lozano, R.[Raul] Co Author Listing * Innovative Tool for Monitoring Mangrove Forest Dynamics in Cuba Using Remote Sensing and WebGIS Technologies: SIGMEM, An
Includes: Gonzalez Lozano, R.[Raul] González-Lozano, R.[Raúl]

Gonzalez Mancebo, J.M.[Juana Maria] Co Author Listing * Assessing the Usefulness of LiDAR for Monitoring the Structure of a Montane Forest on a Subtropical Oceanic Island
Includes: Gonzalez Mancebo, J.M.[Juana Maria] González-Mancebo, J.M.[Juana María]

Gonzalez Manzano, L.[Lorena] Co Author Listing * KeyEncoder: A secure and usable EEG-based cryptographic key generation mechanism
* SmartCAMPP: Smartphone-based continuous authentication leveraging motion sensors with privacy preservation
Includes: Gonzalez Manzano, L.[Lorena] González-Manzano, L.[Lorena]

Gonzalez Marco, D.[Daniel] Co Author Listing * Assessing Obukhov Length and Friction Velocity from Floating Lidar Observations: A Data Screening and Sensitivity Computation Approach
Includes: Gonzalez Marco, D.[Daniel] González-Marco, D.[Daniel]

Gonzalez Marcos, A.[Ana] Co Author Listing * Biometric Identification through Hand Geometry Measurements
Includes: Gonzalez Marcos, A.[Ana] Gonzalez-Marcos, A.[Ana]

Gonzalez Marrero, Y.[Yeray] Co Author Listing * Monitoring of Coral Reefs Using Artificial Intelligence: A Feasible and Cost-Effective Approach
* Scaling up Ecological Measurements of Coral Reefs Using Semi-Automated Field Image Collection and Analysis
Includes: Gonzalez Marrero, Y.[Yeray] Gonzalez-Marrero, Y.[Yeray] González-Marrero, Y.[Yeray]

Gonzalez Martinez, L.[Luis] Co Author Listing * Spectral Reflectance Modeling by Wavelength Selection: Studying the Scope for Blueberry Physiological Breeding under Contrasting Water Supply and Heat Conditions
Includes: Gonzalez Martinez, L.[Luis] González-Martinez, L.[Luis]

Gonzalez Martinez, R.[Roy] Co Author Listing * Examining the Potential of Sentinel Imagery and Ensemble Algorithms for Estimating Aboveground Biomass in a Tropical Dry Forest
Includes: Gonzalez Martinez, R.[Roy] González-Martinez, R.[Roy]

Gonzalez Matesanz, F.J.[Francisco J.] Co Author Listing * Change Detection with SPOT-5 and FORMOSAT-2 Imageries
* Extraction of Cartographic Features from a High Resolution Satellite Image
Includes: Gonzalez Matesanz, F.J.[Francisco J.] González-Matesanz, F.J.[Francisco J.]

Gonzalez Maurel, O.[Osvaldo] Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing Survey of Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex Rocks and Minerals for Planetary Analog Use
Includes: Gonzalez Maurel, O.[Osvaldo] González-Maurel, O.[Osvaldo]

Gonzalez Mendoza, M.[Miguel] Co Author Listing * Assessing the Performance of Efficient Face Anti-Spoofing Detection Against Physical and Digital Presentation Attacks
* Bop and Beyond: A Second Order Optimizer for Binarized Neural Networks, A
* Deep Prototypical-Parts Ease Morphological Kidney Stone Identification and are Competitively Robust to Photometric Perturbations
* Exploring the Effectiveness of Lightweight Architectures for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Isolated Sign Language Recognition based on Tree Structure Skeleton Images
* Lightweight Low-Resolution Face Recognition for Surveillance Applications
* ShuffleFaceNet: A Lightweight Face Architecture for Efficient and Highly-Accurate Face Recognition
Includes: Gonzalez Mendoza, M.[Miguel] González-Mendoza, M.[Miguel] Gonzalez-Mendoza, M.[Miguel] Gonzalez-Mendoza, M.
7 for Gonzalez Mendoza, M.

Gonzalez Meneses, Y.N.[Yesenia N.] Co Author Listing * Automatic Recognition of Learning-Centered Emotions
Includes: Gonzalez Meneses, Y.N.[Yesenia N.] González-Meneses, Y.N.[Yesenia N.]

Gonzalez Mora, J.[Jose] Co Author Listing * Bilinear Active Appearance Models
* Efficient image alignment using linear appearance models
* Learning a generic 3D face model from 2D image databases using incremental Structure-from-Motion
* Tracking of Linear Appearance Models Using Second Order Minimization
Includes: Gonzalez Mora, J.[Jose] Gonzalez-Mora, J.[Jose]

Gonzalez Mora, J.L.[Jose L.] Co Author Listing * Fast perspective recovery of text in natural scenes
Includes: Gonzalez Mora, J.L.[Jose L.] González-Mora, J.L.[José L.]

Gonzalez Moreira, E.[Eduardo] Co Author Listing * Improving Dysarthria Classification by Pattern Recognition Techniques Based on a Bionic Model
Includes: Gonzalez Moreira, E.[Eduardo] Gonzalez-Moreira, E.[Eduardo]

Gonzalez Moreno, P.[Pablo] Co Author Listing * Deep Learning-Based Approach for Automated Yellow Rust Disease Detection from High-Resolution Hyperspectral UAV Images, A
* Large-Scale Mapping of Complex Forest Typologies Using Multispectral Imagery and Low-Density Airborne LiDAR: A Case Study in Pinsapo Fir Forests
* Live Fuel Moisture Content Mapping in the Mediterranean Basin Using Random Forests and Combining MODIS Spectral and Thermal Data
* Wavelet-Based Rust Spectral Feature Set (WRSFs): A Novel Spectral Feature Set Based on Continuous Wavelet Transformation for Tracking Progressive Host-Pathogen Interaction of Yellow Rust on Wheat
Includes: Gonzalez Moreno, P.[Pablo] González-Moreno, P.[Pablo]

Gonzalez Ortega, A. Co Author Listing * Tectonic and Anthropogenic Deformation at the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Step-Over Revealed by Sentinel-1A InSAR
Includes: Gonzalez Ortega, A. González-Ortega, A.

Gonzalez Ortega, D. Co Author Listing * Multi-scale neural texture classification using the GPU as a stream processing engine
Includes: Gonzalez Ortega, D. González-Ortega, D.

Gonzalez Ortega, J.A.[J. Alejandro] Co Author Listing * 3D Surface Velocity Field Inferred from SAR Interferometry: Cerro Prieto Step-Over, Mexico, Case Study
Includes: Gonzalez Ortega, J.A.[J. Alejandro] González-Ortega, J.A.[J. Alejandro]

Gonzalez Partida, J.T. Co Author Listing * Through-the-Wall Surveillance With Millimeter-Wave LFMCW Radars
Includes: Gonzalez Partida, J.T. Gonzalez-Partida, J.T.

Gonzalez Perez, A.[Alberto] Co Author Listing * Analysis and Impact of Training Set Size in Cross-subject Human Activity Recognition
* Conceptual Architecture and Service-Oriented Implementation of a Regional Geoportal for Rice Monitoring
* Deep and Machine Learning Image Classification of Coastal Wetlands Using Unpiloted Aircraft System Multispectral Images and Lidar Datasets
Includes: Gonzalez Perez, A.[Alberto] González-Pérez, A.[Alberto] Gonzalez-Perez, A.[Ali]

Gonzalez Perez, I.[Ivan] Co Author Listing * Estimating Grassland Biophysical Parameters in the Cantabrian Mountains Using Radiative Transfer Models in Combination with Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis
Includes: Gonzalez Perez, I.[Ivan] González-Pérez, I.[Iván]

Gonzalez Perez, L.[Lorena] Co Author Listing * High-Resolution Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery for Assessing Yield, Biomass, Grain N Concentration, and N Output in Spring Wheat
Includes: Gonzalez Perez, L.[Lorena] González-Perez, L.[Lorena]

Gonzalez Piqueras, J.[Jose] Co Author Listing * Assessment of Land Surface Temperature Estimates from Landsat 8-TIRS in A High-Contrast Semiarid Agroecosystem. Algorithms Intercomparison
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Agricultural Land Use Classification from Sentinel-2 Image Time Series
* Evaluation of Remote Sensing-Based Irrigation Water Accounting at River Basin District Management Scale
* Monitoring 10-m LST from the Combination MODIS/Sentinel-2, Validation in a High Contrast Semi-Arid Agroecosystem
* New Method for the Estimation of Broadband Apparent Albedo Using Hyperspectral Airborne Hemispherical Directional Reflectance Factor Values, A
Includes: Gonzalez Piqueras, J.[Jose] González-Piqueras, J.[José]

Gonzalez Planet, I.[Inmaculada] Co Author Listing * Technological Advances to Rescue Temporary and Ephemeral Wetlands: Reducing Their Vulnerability, Making Them Visible
Includes: Gonzalez Planet, I.[Inmaculada] González-Planet, I.[Inmaculada]

Gonzalez Pola, C.[Cesar] Co Author Listing * Describing Polyps Behavior of a Deep-Sea Gorgonian, Placogorgia sp., Using a Deep-Learning Approach
Includes: Gonzalez Pola, C.[Cesar] González-Pola, C.[César]

Gonzalez Polo, M.[Marina] Co Author Listing * Mapping Soil Organic Carbon Content in Patagonian Forests Based on Climate, Topography and Vegetation Metrics from Satellite Imagery
Includes: Gonzalez Polo, M.[Marina] González-Polo, M.[Marina]

Gonzalez Prelcic, N.[Nuria] Co Author Listing * Novel Approach for Unit-Modulus Least-Squares Optimization Problems, A
Includes: Gonzalez Prelcic, N.[Nuria] Gonzalez-Prelcic, N.[Nuria]

Gonzalez Pumariega, P.[Pelayo] Co Author Listing * Using Remote Sensing Methods to Study Active Geomorphologic Processes on Cantabrian Coastal Cliffs
Includes: Gonzalez Pumariega, P.[Pelayo] González-Pumariega, P.[Pelayo]

Gonzalez Quinones, J.J.[Juan J.] Co Author Listing * Heritage Building Information Modeling (H-BIM) Applied to A Stone Bridge
Includes: Gonzalez Quinones, J.J.[Juan J.] González-Quiñones, J.J.[Juan J.]

Gonzalez Reyes, L.E. Co Author Listing * Stable Detection of Movement Intent From Peripheral Nerves: Chronic Study in Dogs
Includes: Gonzalez Reyes, L.E. Gonzalez-Reyes, L.E.

Gonzalez Rivero, M.[Manuel] Co Author Listing * How Much Shallow Coral Habitat Is There on the Great Barrier Reef?
* Monitoring of Coral Reefs Using Artificial Intelligence: A Feasible and Cost-Effective Approach
* Quantifying Multiscale Habitat Structural Complexity: A Cost-Effective Framework for Underwater 3D Modelling
* Scaling up Ecological Measurements of Coral Reefs Using Semi-Automated Field Image Collection and Analysis
Includes: Gonzalez Rivero, M.[Manuel] Gonzalez-Rivero, M.[Manuel] González-Rivero, M.[Manuel]

Gonzalez Rodrigo, B.[Beatriz] Co Author Listing * MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive Monitoring of an Earth-Fill Dam: The Case of the Beninar Dam (Almeria, Spain)
Includes: Gonzalez Rodrigo, B.[Beatriz] González-Rodrigo, B.[Beatriz]

Gonzalez Rodriguez, A.[Antonio] Co Author Listing * Automatic Vision Based Calibration System for Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
Includes: Gonzalez Rodriguez, A.[Antonio] Gonzalez-Rodríguez, A.[Antonio]

Gonzalez Rodriguez, E.[Eduardo] Co Author Listing * Variability of Net Primary Productivity and Associated Biophysical Drivers in Bahía de La Paz (Mexico)
Includes: Gonzalez Rodriguez, E.[Eduardo] González-Rodríguez, E.[Eduardo]

Gonzalez Rodriguez, J.[Joaquin] Co Author Listing * Adapted user-dependent multimodal biometric authentication exploiting general information
* Analysis of the Utility of Classical and Novel Speech Quality Measures for Speaker Verification
* Bayesian adaptation for user-dependent multimodal biometric authentication
* Between-Source Modelling for Likelihood Ratio Computation in Forensic Biometric Recognition
* Biosec baseline corpus: A multimodal biometric database
* Comparative Evaluation of Fusion Strategies for Multimodal Biometric Verification, A
* comparative evaluation of global representation-based schemes for face verification, A
* Complete Signal Modeling and Score Normalization for Function-Based Dynamic Signature Verification
* Discriminative multimodal biometric authentication based on quality measures
* Facing Position Variability in Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Verification through Multiple References and Score Normalization Techniques
* HMM-based on-line signature verification: Feature extraction and signature modeling
* Image quality and position variability assessment in minutiae-based fingerprint verification
* Minutiae Extraction Scheme for Fingerprint Recognition Systems
* Minutiae-based enhanced fingerprint verification assessment relaying on image quality factors
* Multimodal biometric authentication using quality signals in mobile communications
* Multiscenario Multienvironment BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB), The
* Quality-Based Conditional Processing in Multi-Biometrics: Application to Sensor Interoperability
* Support Vector Machine Regression for Robust Speaker Verification in Mismatching and Forensic Conditions
* Target Dependent Score Normalization Techniques and Their Application to Signature Verification
* U-NORM Likelihood Normalization in PIN-Based Speaker Verification Systems
* Von Mises-Fisher Models in the Total Variability Subspace for Language Recognition
Includes: Gonzalez Rodriguez, J.[Joaquin] Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J.[Joaquin] Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J. Gonzalez Rodriguez, J.
21 for Gonzalez Rodriguez, J.

Gonzalez Rodriguez, L.[Lisdelys] Co Author Listing * Assessment of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient of Photosynthetically Active Radiation in a Chilean Lake
* Assessment of the IMERG Early-Run Precipitation Estimates over South American Country of Chile
* Retrieving Water Turbidity in Araucanian Lakes (South-Central Chile) Based on Multispectral Landsat Imagery
Includes: Gonzalez Rodriguez, L.[Lisdelys] González-Rodríguez, L.[Lisdelys]

Gonzalez Romero, J.[Javier] Co Author Listing * Fire Vulnerability, Resilience, and Recovery Rates of Mediterranean Pine Forests Using a 33-Year Time Series of Satellite Imagery
Includes: Gonzalez Romero, J.[Javier] González-Romero, J.[Javier]

Gonzalez Rubio, J.[Jesus] Co Author Listing * Cost-sensitive active learning for computer-assisted translation
* Improving the Minimum Description Length Inference of Phrase-Based Translation Models
* Minimum Error-Rate Training in Statistical Machine Translation Using Structural SVMs
* On the Use of Median String for Multi-source Translation
* Partial Least Squares for Word Confidence Estimation in Machine Translation
Includes: Gonzalez Rubio, J.[Jesus] González-Rubio, J.[Jesús] Gonzalez-Rubio, J.[Jesus]

Gonzalez Rufino, E. Co Author Listing * Exhaustive comparison of colour texture features and classification methods to discriminate cells categories in histological images of fish ovary
* Influence of normalization and color space to color texture classification
* Multi-platform Graphical Software for Determining Reproductive Parameters in Fishes Using Histological Image Analysis, A
* Statistical and Wavelet Based Texture Features for Fish Oocytes Classification
Includes: Gonzalez Rufino, E. González-Rufino, E. González-Rufino, E.[Encarnación]

Gonzalez Ruiz, J.L.[J. Leonardo] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Repair Costs of Scholar Buildings Affected by Earthquakes Using Data Mining. Case Study: Earthquakes of 2017 in Mexico
Includes: Gonzalez Ruiz, J.L.[J. Leonardo] González-Ruiz, J.L.[J. Leonardo]

Gonzalez Ruiz, V.[Vicente] Co Author Listing * Interactive Browsing of Remote JPEF 2000 Image Sequences
* Interactive Streaming of Sequences of High Resolution JPEG2000 Images
Includes: Gonzalez Ruiz, V.[Vicente] Gonzalez-Ruiz, V.[Vicente]

Gonzalez Sabbagh, S.[Salma] Co Author Listing * DGD-cGAN: A dual generator for image dewatering and restoration
* Scene-cGAN: A GAN for underwater restoration and scene depth estimation
Includes: Gonzalez Sabbagh, S.[Salma] Gonzalez-Sabbagh, S.[Salma] González-Sabbagh, S.[Salma]

Gonzalez Sabbagh, S.P.[Salma P.] Co Author Listing * Survey on Underwater Computer Vision, A
Includes: Gonzalez Sabbagh, S.P.[Salma P.] Gonzalez-Sabbagh, S.P.[Salma P.]

Gonzalez Santos, C.[Christian] Co Author Listing * Automatic Classification of Zingiberales from RGB Images
* Classification of Cattleya Trianae and Its Varieties by Using Colorimetry
Includes: Gonzalez Santos, C.[Christian] González-Santos, C.[Christian]

Gonzalez Sanz, A.[Alberto] Co Author Listing * Achieving robustness in classification using optimal transport with hinge regularization
* Diffeomorphic Registration Using Sinkhorn Divergences
Includes: Gonzalez Sanz, A.[Alberto] González-Sanz, A.[Alberto] Gonzalez-Sanz, A.[Alberto]

Gonzalez Serrano, F.J.[Francisco Javier] Co Author Listing * Optimum Bayesian thresholds for rebalanced classification problems using class-switching ensembles
* Training Support Vector Machines with privacy-protected data
Includes: Gonzalez Serrano, F.J.[Francisco Javier] González-Serrano, F.J.[Francisco-Javier]

Gonzalez Silvera, A.[Adriana] Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Semi-Analytical Algorithms to Retrieve Particulate and Dissolved Absorption Coefficients in Gulf of California Optically Complex Waters
* Interannual Climate Variability in the West Antarctic Peninsula under Austral Summer Conditions
Includes: Gonzalez Silvera, A.[Adriana] González-Silvera, A.[Adriana]

Gonzalez Smith, M.E. Co Author Listing * Parallel Algorithms for Data Compression
Includes: Gonzalez Smith, M.E. Gonzalez-Smith, M.E.

Gonzalez Soler, L.J.[Lazaro Janier] Co Author Listing * Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Method Based on a Bag-of-Words Approach
* On the generalisation capabilities of Fisher vector-based face presentation attack detection
* TattTRN: Template Reconstruction Network for Tattoo Retrieval
* TetraLoss: Improving the Robustness of Face Recognition Against Morphing Attacks
Includes: Gonzalez Soler, L.J.[Lazaro Janier] González-Soler, L.J.[Lázaro Janier] González-Soler, L.J.[Lázaro J.] Gonzalez-Soler, L.J.[Lazaro Janier] Gonzalez-Soler, L.J.

Gonzalez Sosa, E.[Ester] Co Author Listing * Body Shape-Based Biometric Person Recognition from mmW Images
* Comparison of Body Shape Descriptors for Biometric Recognition Using MMW Images
* Feature exploration for biometric recognition using millimetre wave body images
* Image-based gender estimation from body and face across distances
* Person Recognition at a Distance: Improving Face Recognition Through Body Static Information
Includes: Gonzalez Sosa, E.[Ester] Gonzalez-Sosa, E.[Ester] Gonzalez-Sosa, E.

Gonzalez Tablas, A.I. Co Author Listing * Towards an automatic enforcement for speeding: Enhanced model and intelligent transportation systems realisation
Includes: Gonzalez Tablas, A.I. Gonzalez-Tablas, A.I.

Gonzalez Talice, J.[Jaime] Co Author Listing * Spectral Reflectance Modeling by Wavelength Selection: Studying the Scope for Blueberry Physiological Breeding under Contrasting Water Supply and Heat Conditions
Includes: Gonzalez Talice, J.[Jaime] Gonzalez-Talice, J.[Jaime]

Gonzalez Tendero, A. Co Author Listing * Assessment of Myofiber Orientation in High Resolution Phase-Contrast CT Images
Includes: Gonzalez Tendero, A. Gonzalez-Tendero, A.

Gonzalez Torralba, J.[Jon] Co Author Listing * Estimating Wheat Grain Yield Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Exploring Topographic Features and Rainfall Effects on Wheat Performance in Navarre, Spain
Includes: Gonzalez Torralba, J.[Jon] González-Torralba, J.[Jon]

Gonzalez Trejo, E. Co Author Listing * Electroencephalographic Phase-Amplitude Coupling in Simulated Driving With Varying Modality-Specific Attentional Demand
Includes: Gonzalez Trejo, E. Gonzalez-Trejo, E.

Gonzalez Trotter, D.E. Co Author Listing * Modeling the axial extension of a transmission line source within iterative reconstruction via multiple transmission sources

Gonzalez Valdes, B. Co Author Listing * Real-Time Modeling of Forward-Looking Synthetic Aperture Ground Penetrating Radar Scattering From Rough Terrain
Includes: Gonzalez Valdes, B. Gonzalez-Valdes, B.

Gonzalez Vallinas, M. Co Author Listing * Tumor Cell Load and Heterogeneity Estimation From Diffusion-Weighted MRI Calibrated With Histological Data: an Example From Lung Cancer
Includes: Gonzalez Vallinas, M. González-Vallinas, M.

Gonzalez Vanegas, W. Co Author Listing * Non-parametric Source Reconstruction via Kernel Temporal Enhancement for EEG Data
* Sparse Hilbert Embedding-Based Statistical Inference of Stochastic Ecological Systems
Includes: Gonzalez Vanegas, W. Gonzalez-Vanegas, W. González-Vanegas, W.[Wilson]

Gonzalez Vega, A.[Arturo] Co Author Listing * Measuring soil water potential using IR thermal imaging
Includes: Gonzalez Vega, A.[Arturo] González-Vega, A.[Arturo]

Gonzalez Velasco, H.M.[Horacio M.] Co Author Listing * Application of Repeated GA to Deformable Template Matching in Cattle Images
* Image Analysis Applied to Morphological Assessment in Bovine Livestock
* Method for Interactive Shape Detection in Cattle Images Using Genetic Algorithms, A
* Neural-networks-based edges selector for boundary extraction problems
Includes: Gonzalez Velasco, H.M.[Horacio M.] González Velasco, H.M.[Horacio M.] González-Velasco, H.M.[Horacio M.]

Gonzalez Vidal, F. Co Author Listing * Logarithmical hopping encoding: A low computational complexity algorithm for image compression
Includes: Gonzalez Vidal, F. González Vidal, F.

Gonzalez Villa, J.[Javier] Co Author Listing * Decision-Support System for Safety and Security Assessment and Management in Smart Cities
Includes: Gonzalez Villa, J.[Javier] González-Villa, J.[Javier]

Gonzalez Villanueva, R.[Rita] Co Author Listing * Editorial on Geomatic Applications to Coastal Research: Challenges and New Developments
Includes: Gonzalez Villanueva, R.[Rita] González-Villanueva, R.[Rita]

Gonzalez Yanes, A.[Alberto] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Existing Production Frameworks for Statistical and Geographic Information: Synergies, Gaps and Integration, An
Includes: Gonzalez Yanes, A.[Alberto] González-Yanes, A.[Alberto]

Gonzalez Zamora, A.[Angel] Co Author Listing * Assessment of Root Zone Soil Moisture Estimations from SMAP, SMOS and MODIS Observations
* Assessment of the SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Product
* Combined Approach With Smos And Modis To Monitor Agricultural Drought, A
* Influence of Soil Moisture vs. Climatic Factors in Pinus Halepensis Growth Variability in Spain: A Study with Remote Sensing and Modeled Data
* New Microwave-based Missions Applications For Rainfed Crops Characterization
* New Soil Moisture Agricultural Drought Index (SMADI) Integrating MODIS and SMOS Products: A Case of Study over the Iberian Peninsula, A
* On the Synergy of Airborne GNSS-R and Landsat 8 for Soil Moisture Estimation
* Recent Cereal Phenological Variations under Mediterranean Conditions
* Temporal and Spatial Comparison of Agricultural Drought Indices from Moderate Resolution Satellite Soil Moisture Data over Northwest Spain
Includes: Gonzalez Zamora, A.[Angel] González-Zamora, Á.[Ángel] González-Zamora, Á. González-Zamora, A.
9 for Gonzalez Zamora, A.

Gonzalez Zapata, J.[Jorge] Co Author Listing * Guided Deep Metric Learning
Includes: Gonzalez Zapata, J.[Jorge] Gonzalez-Zapata, J.[Jorge]

Gonzalez Zuniga, D. Co Author Listing * Hacking HTML5 canvas to create a stereo 3D renderer
Includes: Gonzalez Zuniga, D. Gonzalez-Zuniga, D.

Gonzalez, A.[Alejandro] Co Author Listing * 3D-Guided Multiscale Sliding Window for Pedestrian Detection
* Automated Canopy Delineation and Size Metrics Extraction for Strawberry Dry Weight Modeling Using Raster Analysis of High-Resolution Imagery
* Automated Orientation Detection of 3d Head Reconstructions from SMRI Using Multiview Orthographic Projections: An Image Classification-based Approach
* Automatic Traffic Signs and Panels Inspection System Using Computer Vision
* character recognition method in natural scene images, A
* Fully Automatic Methodology for Human Action Recognition Incorporating Dynamic Information
* Ku-Band SAR-Drone System and Methodology for Repeat-Pass Interferometry
* Low-Cost and Robust Landsat-Based Approach to Study Forest Degradation and Carbon Emissions from Selective Logging in the Venezuelan Amazon, A
* Monitoring Changes in the Enhanced Vegetation Index to Inform the Management of Forests
* Multi-resolution compressive sensing reconstruction
* multiple object tracking approach that combines colour and depth information using a confidence measure, A
* On-Board Object Detection: Multicue, Multimodal, and Multiview Random Forest of Local Experts
* Robust phase unwrapping by convex optimization
* RT-SLAM: A Generic and Real-Time Visual SLAM Implementation
* Selection of relevant features in a fuzzy genetic learning algorithm
* Spatiotemporal Stacked Sequential Learning for Pedestrian Detection
* Surface Reconstruction of Maltese Cisterns Using ROV Sonar Data for Archeological Study
* Text Detection and Recognition on Traffic Panels From Street-Level Imagery Using Visual Appearance
* Text location in complex images
* text reading algorithm for natural images, A
* Three new instance selection methods based on local sets: A comparative study with several approaches from a bi-objective perspective
Includes: Gonzalez, A.[Alejandro] González, A.[Alejandro] Gonzalez, A.[Ali] Gonzalez, Á. Gonzalez, A.[Alvaro] González, A.[Ana] González, Á.[Álex] González, A.[Alvaro] Gonzalez, A.[Andrew] González, A. Gonzalez, A.[Antonio] Gonzalez, A.[Adriana] Gonzalez, A.[Aurélien] Gonzalez, A. González, Á.[Álvaro] González, A.[Antonio]
21 for Gonzalez, A.

Gonzalez, A.B.R.[A.B. Rodriguez] Co Author Listing * Bluetooth Traffic Monitoring Systems for Travel Time Estimation on Freeways
* Short-Term Prediction of Level of Service in Highways Based on Bluetooth Identification
* Time-Based Utilization Rate of the Fleet: Measuring Deep Inefficiencies in E-Scooter Services in Atlanta and Rome
Includes: Gonzalez, A.B.R.[A.B. Rodriguez] González, A.B.R.[Ana Belén Rodríguez]

Gonzalez, A.C.[Alain C.] Co Author Listing * Wavelet transforms and neural networks applied to image retrieval

Gonzalez, A.I. Co Author Listing * Comparison of Experimental Results with an Evolution Strategy and Competitive Neural Networks for Near Real-Time Color Quantization of Image Sequences, A
* Competitive Stochastic Neural Networks for Vector Quantization of Images
* Pruning Algorithm for Stable Voronoi Skeletons, A
Includes: Gonzalez, A.I. Gonzalez, A.I.[Ana I.]

Gonzalez, A.J. Co Author Listing * Discovering Contexts from Observed Human Performance

Gonzalez, A.L.[Angel L.] Co Author Listing * Radar Recognition through Statistical Classification of Cellular Emission in the Moment Space
Includes: Gonzalez, A.L.[Angel L.] González, A.L.[Angel L.]

Gonzalez, B. Co Author Listing * Motion and region overlapping estimation for segmentation-based video coding

Gonzalez, C. Co Author Listing * ACC+Stop&Go Maneuvers With Throttle and Brake Fuzzy Control
* Coherence evaluation of TanDEM-X interferometric data
* Continual atlas-based segmentation of prostate MRI
* Continual Hippocampus Segmentation with Transformers
* Controller for Urban Intersections Based on Wireless Communications and Fuzzy Logic
* Deep Learning for Mapping Tropical Forests with TanDEM-X Bistatic InSAR Data
* Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- and Third-Person Perspectives
* Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
* Extremely Pipelined FPGA Implementation of a Lossy Hyperspectral Image Compression Algorithm, An
* Fast tissue segmentation based on a 4D feature map: Preliminary results
* First Measurements of Gas Flux with a Low-Cost Smartphone Sensor-Based UV Camera on the Volcanoes of Northern Chile
* FPGA Accelerator for Real-Time Lossy Compression of Hyperspectral Images, An
* FPGA Implementation of the N-FINDR Algorithm for Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* FPGA implementation of the principal component analysis algorithm for dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral images
* Fully Automatic Algorithm for Editing the TanDEM-X Global DEM, A
* Generation and performance assessment of the global TanDEM-X digital elevation model
* Global Water Body Layer from TanDEM-X Interferometric SAR Data, The
* High-Resolution Forest Mapping from TanDEM-X Interferometric Data Exploiting Nonlocal Filtering
* Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Vector Quantization, PCA and JPEG2000
* Image Based Visual Servoing: A New Method for the Estimation of the Image Jacobian in Dynamic Environments
* Lane-Change Fuzzy Control in Autonomous Vehicles for the Overtaking Maneuver
* New Method for the Estimation of the Image Jacobian for the Control of an Uncalibrated Joint System, A
* novel FPGA-based architecture for the estimation of the virtual dimensionality in remotely sensed hyperspectral images, A
* Panoptic Narrative Grounding
* Parallel Implementation of the CCSDS 1.2.3 Standard for Hyperspectral Lossless Compression
* PiGLET: Pixel-Level Grounding of Language Expressions With Transformers
* Power-steering control architecture for automatic driving
* Promise of Reconfigurable Computing for Hyperspectral Imaging Onboard Systems: A Review and Trends, The
* Simplification method for textured polygonal meshes based on structural appearance
* STRIDE: Street View-based Environmental Feature Detection and Pedestrian Collision Prediction
* Tissue segmentation in MRI as an informative indicator of disease activity in the brain
* Weakly Supervised Temporal Convolutional Networks for Fine-Grained Surgical Activity Recognition
Includes: Gonzalez, C. Gonzalez, C.[Carolina] González, C.[Camila] González, C.[Carolina] González, C.[Cristina] González, C. Gonzalez, C.[Carlos] González, C.[Cristóbal] González, C.[Carlos] Gonzalez, C.[Cristians]
32 for Gonzalez, C.

Gonzalez, C.G.[C. Garcia] Co Author Listing * Water Content Continuous Monitoring of Grapevine Xylem Tissue Using a Portable Low-Power Cost-Effective FMCW Radar
Includes: Gonzalez, C.G.[C. Garcia] González, C.G.[C. García]

Gonzalez, C.M.T.[Carlos M. Travieso] Co Author Listing * Improving Spider Recognition Based on Biometric Web Analysis

Gonzalez, D.[Diego] Co Author Listing * Code obfuscation using very long identifiers for FFT motion estimation models in embedded processors
* Convergence of Level-Wise Convolution Differential Estimators
* Fast Level-Wise Convolution
* Local convergence of Cauchy-type methods under hypotheses on the first derivative
* MORPH-DSLAM: Model Order Reduction for Physics-Based Deformable SLAM
* Physics Perception in Sloshing Scenes With Guaranteed Thermodynamic Consistency
* Plant Counting of Cotton from UAS Imagery Using Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Framework
* Real-time simulation techniques for augmented learning in science and engineering
* Review of Motion Planning Techniques for Automated Vehicles, A
* Topological Homogeneity for Electron Microscopy Images
Includes: Gonzalez, D.[Diego] González, D.[Diego] Gonzalez, D.[Damien] González, D. Gonzalez, D.[David] González, D.[David] Gonzalez, D.[Daniel]
10 for Gonzalez, D.

Gonzalez, D.C.[Diana Cristina] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Multifractal Nature of Speech Signals
Includes: Gonzalez, D.C.[Diana Cristina] González, D.C.[Diana Cristina]

Gonzalez, D.L.[David Lago] Co Author Listing * Detection of Geothermal Potential Zones Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Pilot Study on Remote Sensing and Citizen Science for Archaeological Prospection, A
Includes: Gonzalez, D.L.[David Lago] González, D.L.[David Lago] González, D.L.[Daniel Lombraña]

Gonzalez, D.R.[Dayana Ribas] Co Author Listing * Beam-search Formant Tracking Algorithm Based on Trajectory Functions for Continuous Speech
Includes: Gonzalez, D.R.[Dayana Ribas] González, D.R.[Dayana Ribas]

Gonzalez, D.S.[David Sierra] Co Author Listing * GridTrack: Detection and Tracking of Multiple Objects in Dynamic Occupancy Grids

Gonzalez, D.V.[David Varas] Co Author Listing * Multi-Scale Transformer-Based Feature Combination for Image Retrieval

Gonzalez, E.[Elizabeth] Co Author Listing * 2D shape representation and similarity measurement for 3D recognition problems: An experimental analysis
* Active object recognition based on Fourier descriptors clustering
* Analysis and Quantification of the Distribution of Marabou (Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight and Arn.) in Valle de los Ingenios, Cuba: A Remote Sensing Approach
* Counting local n-ary patterns
* CSS-AFFN: A Dataset Representation Model for Active Recognition Systems
* Detection of Direct Sun Glare on Drivers from Point Clouds
* Dominant Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification: Labelled or Unlabelled?
* Ellipse Motion Estimation Using Parametric Snakes
* Evaluation of robustness against rotation of LBP, CCR and ILBP features in granite texture classification
* Evaluation of Time and Frequency Domain-Based Methods for the Estimation of Harmonics-to-Noise-Ratios in Voice Signals
* Fast and accurate circle tracking using active contour models
* General Framework for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Through Co-occurrence of Patterns
* In Vivo Demonstration of Photoacoustic Image Guidance and Robotic Visual Servoing for Cardiac Catheter-Based Interventions
* Level Set Regularization Using Geometric Flows
* Multi feature-rich synthetic colour to improve human visual perception of point clouds
* Novel Approach to Automatic Traffic Sign Inventory Based on Mobile Mapping System Data and Deep Learning
* On Comparing Colour Spaces From a Performance Perspective: Application to Automated Classification of Polished Natural Stones
* Rotation-invariant colour texture classification through multilayer CCR
* Texture Classification Through Combination of Sequential Colour Texture Classifiers
Includes: Gonzalez, E.[Elizabeth] González, E.[Elizabeth] Gonzalez, E.[Encarnación] González, E.[Elena] González, E.[Esther] González, E.[Eduardo] Gonzalez, E. González, E. Gonzalez, E.[Elena]
19 for Gonzalez, E.

Gonzalez, E.C.[Edgar Chavez] Co Author Listing * Effective Proximity Retrieval by Ordering Permutations

Gonzalez, E.J.[Edgar J.] Co Author Listing * importance of spatial scale and vegetation complexity in woody species diversity and its relationship with remotely sensed variables, The
* Using Google Earth Surface Metrics to Predict Plant Species Richness in a Complex Landscape
Includes: Gonzalez, E.J.[Edgar J.] González, E.J.[Edgar J.]

Gonzalez, E.M.[Esther M.] Co Author Listing * Monitoring Rainfed Alfalfa Growth in Semiarid Agrosystems Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
Includes: Gonzalez, E.M.[Esther M.] González, E.M.[Esther M.]

Gonzalez, E.R.[Esther Rodriguez] Co Author Listing * Lost Landscape: A Combination of LiDAR and APSFR Data to Locate and Contextualize Archaeological Sites in River Environments
Includes: Gonzalez, E.R.[Esther Rodriguez] González, E.R.[Esther Rodríguez]

Gonzalez, F.[Felipe] Co Author Listing * African Lovegrass Segmentation with Artificial Intelligence Using UAS-Based Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery
* Automatic Extraction of the Retina AV Index
* Autonomous Detection of Mouse-Ear Hawkweed Using Drones, Multispectral Imagery and Supervised Machine Learning
* Detection of White Leaf Disease in Sugarcane Crops Using UAV-Derived RGB Imagery with Existing Deep Learning Models
* Drone-Based Autonomous Motion Planning System for Outdoor Environments under Object Detection Uncertainty
* Framework for Autonomous UAV Navigation and Target Detection in Global-Navigation-Satellite-System-Denied and Visually Degraded Environments
* Green Fingerprint of Antarctica: Drones, Hyperspectral Imaging, and Machine Learning for Moss and Lichen Classification, A
* Integrating Artificial Intelligence and UAV-Acquired Multispectral Imagery for the Mapping of Invasive Plant Species in Complex Natural Environments
* Multi-UAV Mapping and Target Finding in Large, Complex, Partially Observable Environments
* NanoMap: A GPU-Accelerated OpenVDB-Based Mapping and Simulation Package for Robotic Agents
* Predicting Canopy Chlorophyll Content in Sugarcane Crops Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Spectral Vegetation Indices Derived from UAV Multispectral Imagery
* Review of UAV Path-Planning Algorithms and Obstacle Avoidance Methods for Remote Sensing Applications, A
* UAV Framework for Autonomous Onboard Navigation and People/Object Detection in Cluttered Indoor Environments
Includes: Gonzalez, F.[Felipe] González, F.
13 for Gonzalez, F.

Gonzalez, F.A.[Fabio A.] Co Author Listing * Annotating and Retrieving Videos of Human Actions Using Matrix Factorization
* Automatic Clump Splitting for Cell Quantification in Microscopical Images
* Bag of Features for Automatic Classification of Alzheimer's Disease in Magnetic Resonance Images
* Classification of Low-Level Atmospheric Structures Based on a Pyramid Representation and a Machine Learning Method
* Design of a Medical Image Database with Content-Based Retrieval Capabilities
* Extracting Salient Brain Patterns for Imaging-Based Classification of Neurodegenerative Diseases
* Flexible Framework for the Evaluation of Unsupervised Image Annotation, A
* Grid Computing Approach to Subtraction Radiography, A
* Infected Cell Identification in Thin Blood Images Based on Color Pixel Classification: Comparison and Analysis
* Large Scale Image Indexing Using Online Non-negative Semantic Embedding
* Multi-class Kernel Alignment Method for Image Collection Summarization, A
* Multimodal fusion for image retrieval using matrix factorization
* NMF-based multimodal image indexing for querying by visual example
* On the Robustness of Kernel-based Clustering
* Online Kernel Matrix Factorization
* Online Matrix Factorization for Multimodal Image Retrieval
* Online Matrix Factorization for Space Embedding Multilabel Annotation
* Scalable multi-label annotation via semi-supervised kernel semantic embedding
* Semi-supervised Dimensionality Reduction via Multimodal Matrix Factorization
* Semi-supervised Online Kernel Semantic Embedding for Multi-label Annotation
* Transductive non-linear semantic embedding for multi-class classification
* Two-Step Neural Network Approach to Passage Retrieval for Open Domain Question Answering, A
* Visual Pattern Analysis in Histopathology Images Using Bag of Features
Includes: Gonzalez, F.A.[Fabio A.] González, F.A.[Fabio A.] Gonzalez, F.A.
23 for Gonzalez, F.A.

Gonzalez, F.G.G.[Francisco Gabriel Garcia] Co Author Listing * City of Tomorrow from the Data of Today, The
Includes: Gonzalez, F.G.G.[Francisco Gabriel Garcia] González, F.G.G.[Francisco Gabriel García]

Gonzalez, F.R.[Fernando Rodriguez] Co Author Listing * Covariance-Based Approach to Merging InSAR and GNSS Displacement Rate Measurements, A
* Geocoding Error Correction for InSAR Point Clouds
* Mitigation of Tropospheric Delay in SAR and InSAR Using NWP Data: Its Validation and Application Examples
* TanDEM-X calibrated Raw DEM generation
Includes: Gonzalez, F.R.[Fernando Rodriguez] González, F.R.[Fernando Rodríguez]

Gonzalez, G. Co Author Listing * Agreement Study Using Gesture Description Analysis
* Approach Based in LSA for Evaluation of Ontological Relations on Domain Corpora, An
* Automated Delineation of Dendritic Networks in Noisy Image Stacks
* Biomarker Localization From Deep Learning Regression Networks
* Characterization of hematologic malignancies based on discrete orthogonal moments
* Conceptual Modeling and Querying in Multimedia Databases
* Delineating trees in noisy 2D images and 3D image-stacks
* Dynamical Motion Vocabularies for Kinematic Tracking and Activity Recognition
* Gesture Agreement Assessment Using Description Vectors
* Hurricane Maria in the U.S. Caribbean: Disturbance Forces, Variation of Effects, and Implications for Future Storms
* Integrative Functional Analysis Improves Information Retrieval in Breast Cancer
* Learning rotational features for filament detection
* On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
* Topological Analysis of Amplicon Structure in Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) Data: An Application to ERBB2/HER2/NEU Amplified Tumors
* Use of Lexico-Syntactic Patterns for the Evaluation of Taxonomic Relations
Includes: Gonzalez, G. González, G.[Gabriel] González, G.[Germán] González, G. Gonzalez, G.[German] González, G.[Grizelle] Gonzalez, G.[Georgina]
15 for Gonzalez, G.

Gonzalez, G.D. Co Author Listing * Linear Versus Nonlinear Neural Modeling for 2-D Pattern Recognition

Gonzalez, G.R.[Gustavo Ramirez] Co Author Listing * Metaheuristic FIR filter with game theory based compression technique- A reliable medical image compression technique for online applications

Gonzalez, H. Co Author Listing * Analysis of Cache Memory Strategies for Some Image Processing Applications
* experimental evaluation of feature detectors and descriptors for visual SLAM, An
* hybrid method based on estimation of distribution algorithms to train convolutional neural networks for text categorization, A
* Improving Nearest Neighbor Based Multi-target Prediction Through Metric Learning
* On the Estimation of the Probability Distribution of a Non-Stationary Source for Lossless Data Compression
Includes: Gonzalez, H. Gonzalez, H.[Hernán] González, H.[Hector] Gonzalez, H.[Hector]

Gonzalez, H.J.[Hernan J.] Co Author Listing * Generation of Single Image Stereograms Based on Stochastic Textures
* novel content-adaptive image compression system, A
Includes: Gonzalez, H.J.[Hernan J.] Gonzalez, H.J.[Hector J.]

Gonzalez, H.L. Co Author Listing * Multichannel restoration of single channel images using a wavelet-based subband decomposition

Gonzalez, H.R.[Hector R.] Co Author Listing * Multi-conformation Aproach of ENM-NMA Dynamic-based Descriptors for HIV Drug Resistance Prediction
Includes: Gonzalez, H.R.[Hector R.] Gonzalez, H.R.[Héctor R.]

Gonzalez, I.[Izamar] Co Author Listing * Implementing Cloud Computing for the Digital Mapping of Agricultural Soil Properties from High Resolution UAV Multispectral Imagery
* Leveraging the Bayesian Filtering Paradigm for Vision-Based Facial Affective State Estimation
Includes: Gonzalez, I.[Izamar] Gonzalez, I.

Gonzalez, J.[Jordi] Co Author Listing * 3D Dynamic Model of Human Actions for Probabilistic Image Tracking, A
* 3D Human Motion Sequences Synchronization Using Dense Matching Algorithm
* 3D human pose estimation using 2D body part detectors
* Accurate Moving Cast Shadow Suppression Based on Local Color Constancy Detection
* ACE: Adapting to Changing Environments for Semantic Segmentation
* Action Spaces for Efficient Bayesian Tracking of Human Motion
* Action-specific motion prior for efficient Bayesian 3D human body tracking
* Age and gender recognition in the wild with deep attention
* Analysis of Human Walking Based on aSpaces
* Applying Image Analysis and Probabilistic Techniques for Counting Olive Trees in High-Resolution Satellite Images
* aSpaces: Action Spaces for Recognition and Synthesis of Human Actions
* Attend and Rectify: A Gated Attention Mechanism for Fine-Grained Recovery
* Augmenting video surveillance footage with virtual agents for incremental event evaluation
* Automatic face and facial features initialization for robust and accurate tracking
* Automatic Key Pose Selection for 3D Human Action Recognition
* Automatic Learning of Background Semantics in Generic Surveilled Scenes
* Automatic Learning of Conceptual Knowledge in Image Sequences for Human Behavior Interpretation
* Autonomous Virtual Agents for Performance Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms
* Background subtraction technique based on chromaticity and intensity patterns
* Background Updating with the Use of Intrinsic Curves
* Beyond one-hot encoding: Lower dimensional target embedding
* Catastrophic Interference in Disguised Face Recognition
* ChaLearn Looking at People 2015 challenges: Action spotting and cultural event recognition
* ChaLearn Looking at People 2015: Apparent Age and Cultural Event Recognition Datasets and Results
* ChaLearn Looking at People Challenge 2014: Dataset and Results
* Chromatic shadow detection and tracking for moving foreground segmentation
* coarse-to-fine approach for fast deformable object detection, A
* collection of outdoor robotic datasets with centimeter-accuracy ground truth, A
* Color Constancy Using 3D Scene Geometry Derived From a Single Image
* Combined Head, Lips, Eyebrows, and Eyelids Tracking Using Adaptive Appearance Models
* Combining Functional Data Projections for Time Series Classification
* Combining where and what in change detection for unsupervised foreground learning in surveillance
* Compact and adaptive spatial pyramids for scene recognition
* Comparison Framework for Walking Performances using aSpaces, A
* Confidence assessment on eyelid and eyebrow expression recognition
* Context-Aware Streaming Perception in Dynamic Environments
* Control Architecture for Human-Robot Integration: Application to a Robotic Wheelchair
* Deep Pain: Exploiting Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Facial Expression Classification
* Design Issues and Architecture of HACIENDA, an Experimental Image Processing System
* Detection and removal of chromatic moving shadows in surveillance scenarios
* Deterministic and Stochastic Methods for Gaze Tracking in Real-Time
* Development of Geospatial and Temporal Characteristics for Hispaniola's Lake Azuei and Enriquillo Using Landsat Imagery
* Discriminative compact pyramids for object and scene recognition
* Dual-Memory Model for Incremental Learning: The Handwriting Recognition Use Case
* Edge classification using photo-geometric features
* Efficient Closed-Form Solution to Probabilistic 6D Visual Odometry for a Stereo Camera, An
* Efficient discriminative multiresolution cascade for real-time human detection applications
* Efficient Pattern Recognition Using the Frequency Response of a Spiking Neuron
* End-to-end global to local convolutional neural network learning for hand pose recovery in depth data
* Extracting and Matching Perceptual Groups for Hierarchical Stereo Vision
* Factorized appearances for object detection
* Functional Learning of Kernels for Information Fusion Purposes
* Fusing Edge Cues to Handle Colour Problems in Image Segmentation
* General Logarithmic Image Processing Convolution
* Generative Multi-Resolution Pyramid and Normal-Conditioning 3D Cloth Draping, A
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Multimodal Human Pose Recovery and Behavior Analysis
* Harmony potentials for joint classification and segmentation
* Harmony Potentials: Fusing Global and Local Scale for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Hierarchical Eyelid and Face Tracking
* Hierarchical On-line Appearance-Based Tracking for 3D head pose, eyebrows, lips, eyelids and irises
* High-Speed Human Detection Using a Multiresolution Cascade of Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Image Based Architectural True-Orthophotographs
* Improving Background Subtraction Based on a Casuistry of Colour-Motion Segmentation Problems
* Improving Piecewise Linear Registration of High-Resolution Satellite Images Through Mesh Optimization
* Improving Piecewise-Linear Registration Through Mesh Optimization
* Interpretation of complex situations in a semantic-based surveillance framework
* iTrack: Image-based Probabilistic Tracking of People
* Joint Diagonalization of Kernels for Information Fusion
* Large scale continuous visual event recognition using max-margin Hough transformation framework
* Life-Long Optimization of the Symbolic Model of Indoor Environments for a Mobile Robot
* Local Linear Approximation for Kernel Methods: The Railway Kernel
* Looking at People Special Issue
* MCYT baseline corpus: a bimodal biometric database
* Mesh Topological Optimization for Improving Piecewise-Linear Image Registration
* Modeling vs. learning approaches for monocular 3D human pose estimation
* Multi-part body segmentation based on depth maps for soft biometry analysis
* Multihierarchical Graph Search
* New Distance for Data Sets in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Context, A
* New Image Dataset on Human Interactions, A
* New Method for Robust and Efficient Occupancy Grid-Map Matching, A
* Occlusion Aware Hand Pose Recovery from Sequences of Depth Images
* On Guiding Visual Attention with Language Specification
* On Importance of Interactions and Context in Human Action Recognition
* On partial least squares in head pose estimation: How to simultaneously deal with misalignment
* On Reasoning over Tracking Events
* On the effect of temporal information on monocular 3d human pose estimation
* On the Generalization of the Mahalanobis Distance
* On tracking inside groups
* OverNet: Lightweight Multi-Scale Super-Resolution with Overscaling Network
* Pay Attention to the Activations: A Modular Attention Mechanism for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Probabilistic Image-Based Tracking: Improving Particle Filtering
* Probabilistic Observation Model for Stereo Vision Systems: Application to Particle Filter-Based Mapping and Localization, A
* Reactive Object Tracking with a Single PTZ Camera
* Real-time gaze tracking with appearance-based models
* Recovering Motion Parameters from a 2D Range Image Sequence
* Recursive Coarse-to-Fine Localization for Fast Object Detection
* Reliable Visual Question Answering: Abstain Rather Than Answer Incorrectly
* Representing Functional Data Using Support Vector Machines
* Reproducing kernel Hilbert space based estimation of systems of ordinary differential equations
* Resilience of Massive MIMO PNC to Jamming Attacks in Vehicular Networks, The
* Robust and Efficient Multipose Face Detection Using Skin Color Segmentation
* Robust Multiple-People Tracking Using Colour-Based Particle Filters
* Robust Particle Filtering for Object Tracking
* Segmentation of RGB-D indoor scenes by stacking random forests and conditional random fields
* selective spatio-temporal interest point detector for human action recognition in complex scenes, A
* Selective spatio-temporal interest points
* Semantic Understanding of Human Behaviors in Image Sequences: From video-surveillance to video-hermeneutics
* Shift: A Zero FLOP, Zero Parameter Alternative to Spatial Convolutions
* Simple solution for visual servoing of camera-in-hand robots in the 3d Cartesian space
* Single image super-resolution based on directional variance attention network
* SMOS ESA RFI Monitoring and Information Tool: Lessons Learned
* Special issue on background modeling for foreground detection in real-world dynamic scenes
* Spherical Blurred Shape Model for 3-D Object and Pose Recognition: Quantitative Analysis and HCI Applications in Smart Environments
* Top-down model fitting for hand pose recovery in sequences of depth images
* Toward Real-Time Pedestrian Detection Based on a Deformable Template Model
* Towards Real-Time Human Action Recognition
* Trinocular stereo matching with composite disparity space image
* Unconstrained Multiple-People Tracking
* Understanding dynamic scenes based on human sequence evaluation
* View-Invariant Human Action Detection Using Component-Wise HMM of Body Parts
* View-invariant human-body detection with extension to human action recognition using component-wise HMM of body parts
* Visual Transformers: Where Do Transformers Really Belong in Vision Models?
Includes: Gonzalez, J.[Jordi] Gonzàlez, J.[Jordi] González, J.[Jordi] Gonzalez, J. González, J. Gonzalez, J.[Javier] González, J.[Javier] Gonzalez, J.[Joseph] Gonzalez, J.[Jorge] Gonzalez, J.[Jordan] Gonzàlez, J. Gonzalez, J.[Jonathan] González, J.[Judit]
122 for Gonzalez, J.

Gonzalez, J.A.[Jose A.] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of the PAR/GHI Ratio and PAR Modeling Based on Two Satellite Estimates
* Assessing Rapid Variability in Atmospheric Apparent Optical Depth with an Array Spectrometer System
* Bias and Variance Multi-objective Optimization for Support Vector Machines Model Selection
* Color uniformity descriptor: An efficient contextual color representation for image indexing and retrieval
* Deep Learning Loss Function Based on the Perceptual Evaluation of the Speech Quality, A
* Evolutionary Multi-Objective Approach for Prototype Generation and Feature Selection
* Image Segmentation Using Automatic Seeded Region Growing and Instance-Based Learning
* Infant Cry Classification Using Genetic Selection of a Fuzzy Model
* Occlusion Handling in Video-Based Augmented Reality Using the Kinect Sensor for Indoor Registration
* One-Pulse FEC Coding for Robust CELP-Coded Speech Transmission Over Erasure Channels
* segmented and annotated IAPR TC-12 benchmark, The
* Shape Inspection System for Variable-Luminance Steel Plates with Real-Time Adaptation Capabilities to Luminance Variations
Includes: Gonzalez, J.A.[Jose A.] González, J.A.[José A.] González, J.A.[Josep-Abel] Gonzalez, J.A.[Jesus A.] Gonzalez, J.A. González, J.A.[Jesús A.] González, J.A.[Juan A.]
12 for Gonzalez, J.A.

Gonzalez, J.A.G. Co Author Listing * Experimental Study of a Novel Neuro Fuzzy System for Online Handwritten Unipen Digit Recognition

Gonzalez, J.C.[Juan Carlos] Co Author Listing * MORFO3D Foot Database, The
* Unsupervised segmentation algorithm of HRTEM images
Includes: Gonzalez, J.C.[Juan Carlos] González, J.C.[Juan Carlos] Gonzalez, J.C.

Gonzalez, J.E.[Joseph E.] Co Author Listing * Accel: A Corrective Fusion Network for Efficient Semantic Segmentation on Video
* CARFF: Conditional Auto-encoded Radiance Field for 3d Scene Forecasting
* Data-Efficient Language-Supervised Zero-Shot Learning with Self-Distillation
* Describing Differences in Image Sets with Natural Language
* Fast Semantic Segmentation on Video Using Block Motion-Based Feature Interpolation
* FBNetV2: Differentiable Neural Architecture Search for Spatial and Channel Dimensions
* FBNetV3: Joint Architecture-Recipe Search using Predictor Pretraining
* Multitask Vision-Language Prompt Tuning
* Robust Object Detection via Instance-Level Temporal Cycle Confusion
* See, Say, and Segment: Teaching LMMs to Overcome False Premises
* Self-Correcting LLM-Controlled Diffusion Models
* Simple Token-Level Confidence Improves Caption Correctness
* SkipNet: Learning Dynamic Routing in Convolutional Networks
* Spatiotemporal Variability of Heat Storage in Major U.S. Cities: A Satellite-Based Analysis
* TAFE-Net: Task-Aware Feature Embeddings for Low Shot Learning
Includes: Gonzalez, J.E.[Joseph E.] Gonzalez, J.E. Gonzalez, J.E.[Jorge E.]
15 for Gonzalez, J.E.

Gonzalez, J.G.[Julian Gil] Co Author Listing * Automatic Peripheral Nerve Segmentation in Presence of Multiple Annotators
* Peripheral Nerves Segmentation in Ultrasound Images Using Non-linear Wavelets and Gaussian Processes
* Spatial Resolution Enhancement in Ultrasound Images from Multiple Annotators Knowledge
Includes: Gonzalez, J.G.[Julian Gil] González, J.G.[Julián Gil]

Gonzalez, J.H.[Jaime Hueso] Co Author Listing * Bistatic system and baseline calibration in TanDEM-X to ensure the global digital elevation model quality
* TerraSAR-X Instrument Calibration Results and Extension for TanDEM-X
Includes: Gonzalez, J.H.[Jaime Hueso] González, J.H.[Jaime Hueso] Gonzalez, J.H.

Gonzalez, J.J.F.[Juan Jose Fuldain] Co Author Listing * NDVI Identification and Survey of a Roman Road in the Northern Spanish Province of Álava
Includes: Gonzalez, J.J.F.[Juan Jose Fuldain] González, J.J.F.[Juan José Fuldain]

Gonzalez, J.L.[Jose L.] Co Author Listing * On-line machine vision system for detect split defects in sheet-metal forming processes

Gonzalez, J.M. Co Author Listing * Recognition of 3D Object from One Image Based on Projective and Permutative Invariants
Includes: Gonzalez, J.M. González, J.M.

Gonzalez, J.P. Co Author Listing * High Speed Navigation of Unrehearsed Terrain: Red Team Technology for Grand Challenge 2004
* Mobile Robot Iconic Position Estimator Using a Radial Laser Scanner, A
* Planning with Uncertainty in Position Using High-Resolution Maps
* Preplanning for high performance autonomous traverse of desert terrain exploiting a priori knowledge to optimize speeds and to detail paths

Gonzalez, J.P.C.[Juan Pablo Cuesta] Co Author Listing * Pre-Flight SAOCOM-1A SAR Performance Assessment by Outdoor Campaign

Gonzalez, J.R.[Joaquin Reyes] Co Author Listing * Monitoring Surface Displacement of a Deep-Seated Landslide by a Low-Cost and near Real-Time GNSS System
Includes: Gonzalez, J.R.[Joaquin Reyes] González, J.R.[Joaquín Reyes]

Gonzalez, L. Co Author Listing * Angular Distribution Models, Anisotropic Correction Factors, and Mixed Clear-Scene Types: A Sensitivity Study
* Augmented film narrative by use of non-photorealistic rendering
* Dual unification of bi-class support vector machine formulations
* Global 15-Meter Mosaic Derived from Simulated True-Color ASTER Imagery
* North Africa and Saudi Arabia Day/Night Sandstorm Survey (NASCube)
* Simulating Multi-Directional Narrowband Reflectance of the Earth's Surface Using ADAM (A Surface Reflectance Database for ESA's Earth Observation Missions)
* sub km resolution global database of surface reflectance and emissivity based on 10-years of MODIS data, A
* Unified dual for bi-class SVM approaches
* Wall: The Earth in True Natural Color from Real-Time Geostationary Satellite Imagery, The
Includes: Gonzalez, L. González, L. Gonzalez, L.[Louis]
9 for Gonzalez, L.

Gonzalez, L.A.[Luciano A.] Co Author Listing * Intravaginal Devices and GNSS Collars with Satellite Communication to Detect Calving Events in Extensive Beef Production in Northern Australia
* Perspectives on the Special Issue for Applications of Remote Sensing for Livestock and Grazingland Management
* Relationship between Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indices and Live Weight Changes of Beef Cattle in Extensive Grazing Conditions, The
Includes: Gonzalez, L.A.[Luciano A.] González, L.A.[Luciano A.]

Gonzalez, L.A.G.[Luis A. Gomez] Co Author Listing * Assessing the Usefulness of LiDAR for Monitoring the Structure of a Montane Forest on a Subtropical Oceanic Island
Includes: Gonzalez, L.A.G.[Luis A. Gomez] González, L.A.G.[Luis A. Gómez]

Gonzalez, L.C. Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Detection Approaches for Road Anomalies Based on Accelerometer Readings: Addressing Who's Who
* From neighbors to strengths-the k-strongest strengths (kSS) classification algorithm
* How Smartphone Accelerometers Reveal Aggressive Driving Behavior?: The Key is the Representation
* Learning Roadway Surface Disruption Patterns Using the Bag of Words Representation
Includes: Gonzalez, L.C. González, L.C. González, L.C.[Luis C.]

Gonzalez, L.X.[Luis Xavier] Co Author Listing * Solar Flare Effects Observed over Mexico during 30-31 March 2022

Gonzalez, M. Co Author Listing * Affine Invariant Texture Segmentation and Shape from Texture by Variational Methods
* Embedded Intelligence for Safety and Security Machine Vision Applications
* Field Spectroscopy Metadata System Based on ISO and OGC Standards
* Geodesic squared exponential kernel for non-rigid shape registration
* Hardware architecture for hierarchical segmentation in foveal images
* Human Body Analysis with Biomechanics Criteria
* Joint denoising and decompression: A patch-based Bayesian approach
* Multifoveal imager for stereo applications
* Robust body parts tracking using particle filter and dynamic template
* Sign Segmentation Using Dynamics and Hand Configuration for Semi-automatic Annotation of Sign Language Corpora
* Solving Inverse Problems by Joint Posterior Maximization with Autoencoding Prior
* Towards Resilient Critical Infrastructures: Understanding the Impact of Coastal Flooding on the Fuel Transportation Network in the San Francisco Bay
* VLSI implementation of a foveal polygon segmentation algorithm
Includes: Gonzalez, M. Gonzalez, M.[Maite] Gonzalez, M.[Magdalena] Gonzalez, M.[Matilde] González, M. Gonzalez, M.[Mario] Gonzalez, M.[Marta]
13 for Gonzalez, M.

Gonzalez, M.A.[Miguel A.] Co Author Listing * Diapiric Structures in the Tinto River Estuary (SW Spain) Caused by Artificial Load of an Industrial Stockpile
Includes: Gonzalez, M.A.[Miguel A.] González, M.A.[Miguel A.]

Gonzalez, M.A.S.U.[Miguel Angel Sanchez Uran] Co Author Listing * Compact and Portable Exoskeleton for Shoulder and Elbow Assistance for Workers and Prospective Use in Space, A
Includes: Gonzalez, M.A.S.U.[Miguel Angel Sanchez Uran] González, M.Á.S.U.[Miguel Ángel Sanchez-Urán]

Gonzalez, M.C.[Miguel Cano] Co Author Listing * Combining SfM Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Assess Event-Scale Sediment Budgets along a Gravel-Bed Ephemeral Stream
* Inferential Rules for Identifying Answers in TOEFL Texts
* Safe Driving Using Mobile Phones
Includes: Gonzalez, M.C.[Miguel Cano] González, M.C.[Meliza Contreras] Gonzalez, M.C.

Gonzalez, M.C.L.[M. C. Lopez] Co Author Listing * Baroque Banded Vaults: Surveying and Modeling. the Case Study of A Noble Palace In Turin
* Recognizing the Design Patterns of Complex Vaults: Drawing, Survey and Modeling. Experiments on Palazzo Mazzonis' Atrium in Turin
Includes: Gonzalez, M.C.L.[M. C. Lopez] González, M.C.L.[M. C. López]

Gonzalez, M.G. Co Author Listing * Improved Video Mosaic Construction by Accumulated Alignment Error Distribution

Gonzalez, M.P.A.[Maria Paz Abad] Co Author Listing * Conservation Process of Porta Tiburtina, Rome: A Tool to Map, Protect, and Requalify the Gate

Gonzalez, N.[Nera] Co Author Listing * Optimization in 3D Scene Acquisition with Two Mobile Robots
Includes: Gonzalez, N.[Nera] González, N.[Nera]

Gonzalez, N.F.[Nicolas Franco] Co Author Listing * SMAT: Smart Multiple Affinity Metrics for Multiple Object Tracking

Gonzalez, O. Co Author Listing * Quadratically Convergent Method for Interference Alignment in MIMO Interference Channels, A

Gonzalez, P. Co Author Listing * 4DGVF segmentation of vector-valued images
* 4DGVF-based filtering of vector-valued images
* Effect of Training Dataset Size on Discriminative and Diffusion-Based Speech Enhancement Systems, The
* empirical evaluation of different haptic feedback for shape and texture recognition, An
* Involving multiple fingers in exploring a haptic surface: an evaluation study
* New Approach for Wet Blue Leather Defect Segmentation, A
* Objective Comparison of Contour Detection in Noisy Images
* On the study of nearest neighbor algorithms for prevalence estimation in binary problems
* Towards INSAR Everywhere, All The Time, With Sentinel-1
* Usability evaluation of virtual reality interaction techniques for positioning and manoeuvring in reduced, manipulation-oriented environments
* Variational Segmentation of Vector-Valued Images With Gradient Vector Flow
Includes: Gonzalez, P. Gonzalez, P.[Philippe] González, P.[Pascual] Gonzalez, P.[Pascual] Gonzalez, P.[Paulo] González, P.[Pablo] Gonzalez, P.[Pablo]
11 for Gonzalez, P.

Gonzalez, P.J.[Pablo J.] Co Author Listing * A-DInSAR Monitoring of Landslide and Subsidence Activity: A Case of Urban Damage in Arcos de la Frontera, Spain
* Displacements Monitoring over Czechia by IT4S1 System for Automatised Interferometric Measurements Using Sentinel-1 Data
* Improved Phase Filter for Differential SAR Interferometry Based on an Iterative Method, An
* Joint Terrestrial and Aerial Measurements to Study Ground Deformation: Application to the Sciara Del Fuoco at the Stromboli Volcano (Sicily)
* LiCSAR: An Automatic InSAR Tool for Measuring and Monitoring Tectonic and Volcanic Activity
* Satellite Radar and Camera Time Series Reveal Transition from Aligned to Distributed Crater Arrangement during the 2021 Eruption of Cumbre Vieja, La Palma (Spain)
* SenDiT: The Sentinel-2 Displacement Toolbox with Application to Glacier Surface Velocities
Includes: Gonzalez, P.J.[Pablo J.] González, P.J.[Pablo J.] Gonzalez, P.J.
7 for Gonzalez, P.J.

Gonzalez, P.M. Co Author Listing * Mathematical Morphology in the HSI Colour Space
Includes: Gonzalez, P.M. González, P.M.

Gonzalez, P.T.T.[Pablo Tomas Toledano] Co Author Listing * Transfer Learning for On-Orbit Ship Segmentation
Includes: Gonzalez, P.T.T.[Pablo Tomas Toledano] González, P.T.T.[Pablo Tomás Toledano]

Gonzalez, R.[Ramiro] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Daytime and Night-Time Aerosol Optical Depth from Solar and Lunar Photometry in Valladolid (Spain)
* Approach to Automatic Target Recognition in Radar Images Using SVM, An
* Change Detection and Land Use: Land Cover Database Updating Using Image Segmentation, GIS Analysis and Visual Interpretation
* Characterization of Stratospheric Smoke Particles over the Antarctica by Remote Sensing Instruments
* Consistent, Real-Time Image Segmentation for Object Tracking, A
* Convergence analysis of active contours in image segmentation
* Fast image registration using cepstral analysis of inverted gradient distance maps
* Fourier based registration of differentially scaled images
* Fuzzy non-rigid motion estimation robust to rotation
* Hybrid salient motion detection using temporal differencing and Kalman filter tracking with non-stationary camera
* Photometric Catalogue for Space and Ground Night-Time Remote-Sensing Calibration: RGB Synthetic Photometry from Gaia DR3 Spectrophotometry
* Plane-Tree Low-Bitrate Mesh Compression
* Registration of sheared images using phase correlation
* Retrieval of Solar Shortwave Irradiance from All-Sky Camera Images
* Robust Image Registration via Cepstral Analysis
* Robust Ring Detection in Phase Correlation Surfaces
* Simple solution for visual servoing of camera-in-hand robots in the 3d Cartesian space
* Vagus nerve modulation using focused pulsed ultrasound: Potential applications and preliminary observations in a rat
* Visual Recognition to Access and Analyze People Density and Flow Patterns in Indoor Environments
Includes: Gonzalez, R.[Ramiro] González, R.[Ramiro] González, R.[Ricardo] González, R. Gonzalez, R.[Ruben] Gonzalez, R. González, R.[Rafael]
19 for Gonzalez, R.

Gonzalez, R.A.[Roger Almengor] Co Author Listing * Mapping Crop Types of Germany by Combining Temporal Statistical Metrics of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series with LPIS Data
Includes: Gonzalez, R.A.[Roger Almengor] González, R.A.[Roger Almengor]

Gonzalez, R.A.C.[Ricardo A. Cavazos] Co Author Listing * Mapping Urban Green Spaces at the Metropolitan Level Using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning Techniques for Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Gonzalez, R.A.C.[Ricardo A. Cavazos] González, R.A.C.[Ricardo A. Cavazos]

Gonzalez, R.B.[Rocio Ballesteros] Co Author Listing * Quantifying the Effect of Aerial Imagery Resolution in Automated Hydromorphological River Characterisation

Gonzalez, R.C.[Rafael C.] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Gonzalez, R.C.[Rafael C.]: rcg AT utk edu
* Apparatus for reading a license plate
* Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Manipulation Using Multisensor Feedback
* Camera Geometries for Image Matching in 3-D Machine Vision
* Color Edge Detection and Surface Reconstruction Through Regularization
* Computer Vision Techniques for Industrial Applications and Robot Control
* Data Fusion in Robotics and Machine Intelligence
* Developing Robotic Systems with Multiple Sensors
* Developing Sensor-Driven Robots for Hazardous Environments
* Digital Image Processing
* Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB(R)
* Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB(R), 2nd Edition
* Digital Image Processing, Second Edition
* Digital Image Processing, Third Edition
* Experimental evaluation of hypercube-based range analysis tools
* Harmonic Shape Decomposition
* Image Enhancement And Restoration
* Iterative Thresholding Algorithm for Image Segmentation, An
* Measure of Scene Content, A
* Object Recognition and Pose Determination in Multi Sensor Robotic Systems
* Real-Time Digital Image Enhancement
* Real-Time Digitizer for Stereo Image Processing, A
* Recognition of Handwritten Characters by Topological Feature Extraction and Multilevel Categorization
* Sampling Considerations for Multilevel Crossing Analysis
* Segmentation of Range Images Via Data Fusion and Morphological Watersheds
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition: An Introduction
* Syntactic Recognition of Imperfectly Specified Patterns
* Temporal Edge-Based Image Segmentor, A
* Use of Multisensor Data for Robotic Applications, The
* Vision Based Measurement System to Quantify Straightness Defect in Steel Sheets
Includes: Gonzalez, R.C.[Rafael C.] Gonzalez, R.C. González, R.C.[Rafael C.]
31 for Gonzalez, R.C.

Gonzalez, R.I.R. Co Author Listing * A2CPS: A Vehicle-Centric Safety Conceptual Framework for Autonomous Transport Systems
Includes: Gonzalez, R.I.R. González, R.I.R.

Gonzalez, R.Q.[Rebeca Quintero] Co Author Listing * Prediction of Groundwater Level Variations in a Changing Climate: A Danish Case Study

Gonzalez, S.[Sergio] Co Author Listing * Class Switching according to Nearest Enemy Distance for learning from highly imbalanced data-sets
* Classification of Microorganisms Using Image Processing Techniques
* Decoupling between Precipitation Processes and Mountain Wave Induced Circulations Observed with a Vertically Pointing K-Band Doppler Radar
* Detection of Phases in Sugar Crystallization Using Wavelets
* New Methodology to Characterise the Radar Bright Band Using Doppler Spectral Moments from Vertically Pointing Radar Observations, A
* Precipitation Type Classification of Micro Rain Radar Data Using an Improved Doppler Spectral Processing Methodology
* Validation of GPM DPR Rainfall and Drop Size Distributions Using Disdrometer Observations in the Western Mediterranean
* Vertically Resolved Precipitation Intensity Retrieved through a Synergy between the Ground-Based NASA MPLNET Lidar Network Measurements, Surface Disdrometer Datasets and an Analytical Model Solution
Includes: Gonzalez, S.[Sergio] Gónzalez, S.[Sergio] Gonzalez, S. Gonzalez, S.[Sergi]
8 for Gonzalez, S.

Gonzalez, S.F.[Sonia F.] Co Author Listing * Mining the Criminal Data of Rio de Janeiro: Analyzing the Impact of the Pacifying Police Units Deployment

Gonzalez, S.L.H.[Sergio Luis Herrera] Co Author Listing * Augmented Reality Game for Energy Awareness, An

Gonzalez, T.M.[Tania Marisol] Co Author Listing * Methodology for Evaluating the Quality of Ecosystem Maps: A Case Study in the Andes
Includes: Gonzalez, T.M.[Tania Marisol] González, T.M.[Tania Marisol]

Gonzalez, V.[Victor] Co Author Listing * Classification and Quantification Based on Image Analysis for Sperm Samples with Uncertain Damaged/Intact Cell Proportions
* Fast polygonal approximation of digitized curves
* Multi-Resolution Spectral Graph Matching
* Review of the CALIMAS Team Contributions to European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Mission Calibration and Validation
* Super Resolution Imaging via Sparse Interpolation in Wavelet Domain with Implementation in DSP and GPU
Includes: Gonzalez, V.[Victor] González, V.[Víctor] González, V. Gonzalez, V.

Gonzalez, V.A. Co Author Listing * Real-Time Public-Transport Operational Tactics Using Synchronized Transfers to Eliminate Vehicle Bunching

Gonzalez, V.M.[Victor M.] Co Author Listing * Semi-Supervised Approach to Named Entity Recognition in Spanish Applied to a Real-World Conversational System
* Summary of Progress in FLIR/LADAR Fusion for Target Identification at Rockwell
Includes: Gonzalez, V.M.[Victor M.] González, V.M.[Víctor M.]

Gonzalez, V.R.[V.Ricardo] Co Author Listing * Efficient fusion of multidimensional descriptors for image retrieval

Gonzalez, Y. Co Author Listing * Intelligent Parameter Tuning in Optimization-Based Iterative CT Reconstruction via Deep Reinforcement Learning

GonzalezJorge, H. Co Author Listing * Automatic Thickness And Volume Estimation Of Sprayed Concrete On Anchored Retaining Walls From Terrestrial Lidar Data
Includes: GonzalezJorge, H. GonzálezJorge, H.

Gonzalo Garijo, A.[Angela] Co Author Listing * Producing Urban Aerobiological Risk Map for Cupressaceae Family in the SW Iberian Peninsula from LiDAR Technology
Includes: Gonzalo Garijo, A.[Angela] Gonzalo-Garijo, Á.[Ángela]

Gonzalo Martin, C. Co Author Listing * Assessment of Hyperspectral Sharpening Methods for the Monitoring of Natural Areas Using Multiplatform Remote Sensing Imagery
* Ex Post Analysis of Water Supply Demand in an Agricultural Basin by Multi-Source Data Integration
* GEOBIA Methodology for Fragmented Agricultural Landscapes, A
* Hyperspectral Classification Through Unmixing Abundance Maps Addressing Spectral Variability
* Outlining of Agricultural Plots Based on Spatiotemporal Consensus Segmentation, The
* Patagonian Andes Landslides Inventory: The Deep Learning's Way to Their Automatic Detection
* Scale-Aware Pansharpening Algorithm for Agricultural Fragmented Landscapes
* TS2uRF: A New Method for Sharpening Thermal Infrared Satellite Imagery
* Use of Machine Learning to Improve the Robustness of Spatial Estimation of Evapotranspiration
Includes: Gonzalo Martin, C. Gonzalo-Martín, C. Gonzalo-Martín, C.[Consuelo] Gonzalo-Martin, C.[Consuelo]
9 for Gonzalo Martin, C.

Gonzalo, A.P.[Alfredo Peinado] Co Author Listing * Review of Data Analytics for Condition Monitoring of Railway Track Geometry

Gonzalo, J.[Jesus] Co Author Listing * Estimating Landfill Landslide Probability Using SAR Satellite Products: A Novel Approach
Includes: Gonzalo, J.[Jesus] Gonzalo, J.[Jesús]

Gonzalo, R.[Ramon] Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing for Plant Water Content Monitoring: A Review
* Water Content Continuous Monitoring of Grapevine Xylem Tissue Using a Portable Low-Power Cost-Effective FMCW Radar
Includes: Gonzalo, R.[Ramon] Gonzalo, R.[Ramón] Gonzalo, R.

Gonzalo, R.I.[R. Izquierdo] Co Author Listing * Experience of DRIVERTIVE-DRIVERless cooperaTIve VEhicle-Team in the 2016 GCDC, The

Gonzalves Vieira, M. Co Author Listing * Classification of E-Commerce-Related Images Using Hierarchical Classification with Deep Neural Networks

Gonzalves, L.M.G. Co Author Listing * Accuracy Analysis of Augmented Reality Markers for Visual Mapping and Localization

Gonzato, J.C. Co Author Listing * Toponym Recognition in Scanned Color Topographic Maps

Gonzo, L. Co Author Listing * 3D Virtual reconstruction and visualization of complex architectures: The 3D-ARCH project
* Experiences and considerations in image-based modelling of complex architectures
* Optimized position sensors for flying-spot active triangulation systems
* System and method of light spot position and color detection
Includes: Gonzo, L. Gonzo, L.[Lorenzo]

Index for "g"

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