Index for khaw

Khaw, H.Y.[Hui Ying] * 2017: Image noise types recognition using convolutional neural network with principal components analysis
* 2018: Hyper-parameters optimisation of deep CNN architecture for vehicle logo recognition
* 2019: High-density impulse noise detection and removal using deep convolutional neural network with particle swarm optimisation
* 2019: PCANet-Based Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for a Vehicle Model Recognition System
* 2019: Vehicle logo recognition using whitening transformation and deep learning
Includes: Khaw, H.Y.[Hui Ying] Khaw, H.Y.

Khawaja, H.A.[Hassan A.] * 2016: Ice Detection of Pure and Saline Ice Using Infrared Signature
* 2017: Solution of Pure Scattering Radiation Transport Equation (RTE) Using Finite Difference Method (FDM)

Khawaja, K.W. * 1995: multiscale stochastic image model for automated inspection, A

Khawaja, M.A.[Muhammad Arsalan] * 2023: interactive method for adaptive acquisition in Reflectance Transformation Imaging for cultural heritage, An

Khawaja, S.G.[Sajid Gul] * 2019: Automated glaucoma detection using retinal layers segmentation and optic cup-to-disc ratio in optical coherence tomography images
* 2019: Multiprocessor architecture for real-time applications using mean shift clustering

Khawaja, Y.M.[Yahya M.] * 2007: hybrid approach towards vision based self-localization of autonomous mobile robots, A
* 2008: Real Time Object Tracking in a Video Sequence Using a Fixed Point DSP
* 2008: Stereo Vision Based Self-localization of Autonomous Mobile Robots
* 2010: Registering aerial photographs of farmland with satellite imagery

Khawand, J.[Joe] * 2023: Continual Learning with Deep Streaming Regularized Discriminant Analysis

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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