Index for kink

Kinkel, K.[Karen] * 2007: Human linear template with mammographic backgrounds estimated with a genetic algorithm
* 2009: Mass detection on mammograms: Influence of signal shape uncertainty on human and model observers

Kinkeldey, C.[Christoph] * 2009: Development of an advanced uncertainty measure for classified remotely sensed scenes
* 2013: Conception and Implementation of a Case Specific Uncertainty Chain in the processing of Remote Sensing Scenes
* 2014: Concept for Uncertainty-Aware Analysis of Land Cover Change Using Geovisual Analytics, A

Kinkingnehun, S. * 2009: Identification of atrophy patterns in Alzheimer's disease based on SVM feature selection and anatomical parcellation

Kinkyo, T. * 2018: Oil Price Forecasting Using Supervised GANs with Continuous Wavelet Transform Features

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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