Index for ladr

Ladraa, F.[Farouk] * 2014: Curve normalization for shape retrieval

Ladret, P.[Patricia] * 1999: Active Contour Algorithm: An Attractive Tool for Snow Avalanche Analysis
* 2001: Categorisation and Retrieval of Scene Photographs from JPEG Compressed Database
* 2005: Spatio-temporal Attention Model for Video Content Analysis
* 2007: Video Summarization Based on Camera Motion and a Subjective Evaluation Method
* 2013: influence of the visualization task on the simulator sickness symptoms: A comparative SSQ study on 3DTV and 3D immersive glasses, The
* 2015: Fully automated facial picture evaluation using high level attributes
* 2015: How to predict the global instantaneous feeling induced by a facial picture?
* 2019: Large Field/Close-Up Image Classification: From Simple to Very Complex Features
* 2020: Combining Mixture Models and Spectral Clustering for Data Partitioning
* 2020: Contour Detection of Multiple Moving Objects in Unconstrained Scenes using Optical Strain
* 2020: Study of naturalness in tone-mapped images
Includes: Ladret, P.[Patricia] Ladret, P.
11 for Ladret, P.

Ladron de Guevara Lopez, I. * 2011: Robust Fitting of Circle Arcs
* 2014: Multicriteria Robust Fitting of Elliptical Primitives
Includes: Ladron de Guevara Lopez, I. Ladrón de Guevara-López, I.

Ladron de Guevara Munoz, M.C.[M. Carmen] * 2018: fast robust geometric fitting method for parabolic curves, A
* 2020: Ellipse fitting by spatial averaging of random ensembles
Includes: Ladron de Guevara Munoz, M.C.[M. Carmen] Ladrón-de-Guevara-Muñoz, M.C.[M. Carmen]

Ladron de Guevara, M.[Monica] * 2019: Spectral Diversity Successfully Estimates the a-Diversity of Biocrust-Forming Lichens
Includes: Ladron de Guevara, M.[Monica] Ladrón de Guevara, M.[Mónica]

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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