Index for ledd

Ledda, A.[Alessandro] * 2006: Greyscale Image Interpolation Using Mathematical Morphology
* 2006: Image Interpolation Scheme for Repetitive Structures, An
* 2006: Image Interpolation using Mathematical Morphology
* 2006: Morphological Image Interpolation to Magnify Images with Sharp Edges
* 2006: Non-Local Image Interpolation
* 2010: Real-time multi-colourspace hand segmentation
* 2012: Canonical Correlation Analysis based motion model for probabilistic visual tracking, A
* 2012: Real-time hand tracking by invariant hough forest detection
* 2013: Real-time, long-term hand tracking with unsupervised initialization
* 2014: Correspondence Preserving Elastic Surface Registration with Shape Model Prior
Includes: Ledda, A.[Alessandro] Ledda, A.
10 for Ledda, A.

Ledda, E.[Emanuele] * 2021: How Realistic Should Synthetic Images Be for Training Crowd Counting Models?
* 2022: On the Evaluation of Video-Based Crowd Counting Models
* 2023: Adversarial Attacks Against Uncertainty Quantification
* 2023: Blues: Before-relu-estimates Bayesian Inference for Crowd Counting

Ledda, P.[Patrick] * 2016: Mixing tone mapping operators on the GPU by differential zone mapping based on psychophysical experiments

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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