Index for leha

Lehahn, Y.[Yoav] * 2022: Long-Term Loss of Coral Reef in the Gulf of Aqaba Estimated from Historical Aerial Images
* 2024: Satellite-Derived Bathymetry in Support of Maritime Archaeological Research: VENmuS Imagery of Caesarea Maritima, Israel, as a Case Study

Lehaire, F.[Francois] * 2015: Canopy Gap Mapping from Airborne Laser Scanning: An Assessment of the Positional and Geometrical Accuracy
Includes: Lehaire, F.[Francois] Lehaire, F.[François]

Lehaire, J.[Jerome] * 2014: Computer-aided diagnostic system for prostate cancer detection and characterization combining learned dictionaries and supervised classification

Lehal, G.S. * 2000: Gurmukhi Script Recognition System, A
* 2001: shape based post processor for Gurmukhi OCR, A
* 2001: Technique for Segmentation of Gurmukhi Text, A
* 2006: Iterative Algorithm for Segmentation of Isolated Handwritten Words in Gurmukhi Script, An
* 2009: Form Field Frame Boundary Removal for Form Processing System in Gurmukhi Script
* 2009: On Segmentation of Touching Characters and Overlapping Lines in Degraded Printed Gurmukhi Script
* 2009: Shape Encoded Post Processing of Gurmukhi OCR
* 2013: Ligature Segmentation for Urdu OCR
* 2013: Script Identification of Pre-segmented Multi-font Characters and Digits
* 2017: survey on camera-captured scene text detection and extraction: towards Gurmukhi script, A
Includes: Lehal, G.S. Lehal, G.S.[Gurpreet Singh]
10 for Lehal, G.S.

Lehal, R. * 2001: shape based post processor for Gurmukhi OCR, A

Lehane, B.[Bart] * 2005: Dialogue Sequence Detection in Movies
* 2007: Associating characters with events in films
* 2007: Indexing of Fictional Video Content for Event Detection and Summarisation

Lehar, A.F. * 1983: Manipulation and Presentation of Multidimensional Image Data Using the Peano Scan

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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