Index for lieu

Lieu, L.H.[Linh H.] * 2009: phi,phi*) Image Decomposition Models and Minimization Algorithms

Lieurance, W.[Wade] * 2021: Changes in Meadow Phenology in Response to Grazing Management at Multiple Scales of Measurement

Lieutaud, S.[Simon] * 2004: CVPIC Compressed Domain Image Retrieval by Colour and Shape
* 2004: CVPIC image retrieval based on block colour co-occurance matrix and pattern histogram
Includes: Lieutaud, S.[Simon] Lieutaud, S.

Lieutier, A.[Andre] * 2004: Weak feature size and persistent homology: Computing homology of solids in Rn from noisy data samples
* 2005: Lambda-medial axis
* 2008: Geodesic as Limit of Geodesics on PL-Surfaces
* 2018: Manifold Learning in Quotient Spaces
* 2021: Physically-aware Generative Network for 3D Shape Modeling
Includes: Lieutier, A.[Andre] Lieutier, A.[André]

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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