Index for louc

Louca, A.[Amy] * 2023: Deep Atmospheric Composition of Jupiter from Thermochemical Calculations Based on Galileo and Juno Data, The

Louca, C.[Constantinos] * 2014: Distribution of Cultural Content through Exploitation of Cryptographic Algorithms and Hardware Identification

Louchet, C.[Cecile] * 2011: Total Variation as a Local Filter
* 2013: Posterior Expectation of the Total Variation Model: Properties and Experiments
* 2015: Total Variation Restoration of Images Corrupted by Poisson Noise with Iterated Conditional Expectations
Includes: Louchet, C.[Cecile] Louchet, C.[Cécile] Louchet, C.

Louchet, J.[Jean] * 1994: evolutionary algorithm for physical motion analysis, An
* 2000: Stereo Analysis Using Individual Evolution Strategy
* 2002: Dynamic flies: a new pattern recognition tool applied to stereo sequence processing
* 2007: Methods for Fine Registration of Cadastre Graphs to Images
* 2008: Using colour, texture, and hierarchial segmentation for high-resolution remote sensing
* 2009: Flies Open a Door to SLAM

Loucks, B.E.[Bryan E.] * 1998: Optical system for single camera stereo video

Loucks, E.P. * 1995: Perspective Theory for Motion and Shape Estimation in Machine Vision, A

Index for "l"

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