Index for saai

Saaidi, A.[Abderrahim] * 2014: Camera self-calibration with varying intrinsic parameters by an unknown three-dimensional scene
* 2015: Securing the architecture of the JPEG compression by an dynamic encryption
* 2016: flexible technique based on fundamental matrix for camera self-calibration with variable intrinsic parameters from two views, A
* 2016: Stereo Planar Self-Calibration Method of a Camera with Variable Intrinsic Parameters, A
* 2018: 3D reconstruction system based on incremental structure from motion using a camera with varying parameters
* 2018: Grayscale image encryption using shift bits operations
* 2020: Pedagogical Efficiency at the Ludic Level of a Serious Game
Includes: Saaidi, A.[Abderrahim] Saaidi, A. Saaidi, A.[Abderahim]
7 for Saaidi, A.

Saaidia, M. * 2007: Face localization by neural networks trained with Zernike moments and Eigenfaces feature vectors. A comparison
* 2008: Online Quality measurement of face localization obtained by neural networks trained with Zernike moments feature vectors

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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