Index for siam

Siam, M. * 2013: Enhanced Target Tracking in UAV Imagery with P-N Learning and Structural Constraints
* 2015: Comparative Evaluation of 3D Pose Estimation of Industrial Objects in RGB Pointclouds
* 2017: 4-DoF Tracking for Robot Fine Manipulation Tasks
* 2017: Convolutional gated recurrent networks for video segmentation
* 2017: Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks for Video Segmentation
* 2017: Unifying Registration Based Tracking: A Case Study with Structural Similarity
* 2018: Comparative Study of Real-Time Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving, A
* 2018: RTSeg: Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Comparative Study
* 2019: AMP: Adaptive Masked Proxies for Few-Shot Segmentation
* 2021: Video Class Agnostic Segmentation Benchmark for Autonomous Driving
* 2022: Deeper Dive Into What Deep Spatiotemporal Networks Encode: Quantifying Static vs. Dynamic Information, A
* 2023: MED-VT: Multiscale Encoder-Decoder Video Transformer with Application to Object Segmentation
Includes: Siam, M. Siam, M.[Mennatullah]
12 for Siam, M.

Siam, M.R.K.[Mohammad Rayeedul Kalam] * 2017: Pixel-based heterogeneous traffic measurement considering shadow and illumination variation
* 2020: Characterisation of the impacts of autonomous driving on highway capacity in a mixed traffic environment: an agent-based approach

Siambi, M.[Moses] * 2019: Monitoring Changes in the Cultivation of Pigeonpea and Groundnut in Malawi Using Time Series Satellite Imagery for Sustainable Food Systems

Siami, M. * 2021: Mobile Telematics Pattern Recognition Framework for Driving Behavior Extraction, A

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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