Index for sibl

Sibley, G.[Gabe] * 2009: Constant-time Efficient Stereo SLAM System, A
* 2011: RSLAM: A System for Large-Scale Mapping in Constant-Time Using Stereo
* 2013: Spline Fusion: A continuous-time representation for visual-inertial fusion with application to rolling shutter cameras
* 2014: Unsupervised Dense Object Discovery, Detection, Tracking and Reconstruction
* 2014: Unsupervised Spatio-Temporal Segmentation with Sparse Spectral-Clustering
* 2015: Spline-Based Trajectory Representation for Sensor Fusion and Rolling Shutter Cameras, A
* 2016: Light Source Estimation in Synthetic Images
7 for Sibley, G.

Sibley, I. * 2017: Purdue University Team Tackles Global Underwater-Vehicle Competition

Sibley, P.G.[Peter G.] * 2006: Beyond Silhouettes: Surface Reconstruction Using Multi-Flash Photography
* 2008: Shape from Depth Discontinuities

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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