Index for skru

Skruch, P. * 2015: FPGA based system for real-time structure from motion computation
* 2016: FPGA-based Hardware-in-the-Loop environment using video injection concept for camera-based systems in automotive applications
* 2021: SafeSO: Interpretable and Explainable Deep Learning Approach for Seat Occupancy Classification in Vehicle Interior
* 2022: Automatic Calibration of a LiDAR-Camera System Based on Instance Segmentation
Includes: Skruch, P. Skruch, P.[Pawel]

Skrunes, S. * 2014: Characterization of Marine Surface Slicks by Radarsat-2 Multipolarization Features
* 2015: Comparing Near-Coincident C- and X-Band SAR Acquisitions of Marine Oil Spills
* 2017: Analysis of Evolving Oil Spills in Full-Polarimetric and Hybrid-Polarity SAR
* 2019: Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing of Operational Platform Produced Water Releases
* 2020: Mineral Oil Slicks Identification Using Dual Co-polarized Radarsat-2 and TerraSAR-X SAR Imagery
Includes: Skrunes, S. Skrunes, S.[Stine]

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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