Index for stea

Stea, G.[Giovanni] * 2021: SAPIENT: Enabling Real-Time Monitoring and Control in the Future Communication Infrastructure of Air Traffic Management

Stead, D.[Doug] * 2019: Application of Remote Sensing to the Investigation of Rock Slopes: Experience Gained and Lessons Learned
* 2019: Multi-Disciplinary Approach to the Study of Large Rock Avalanches Combining Remote Sensing, GIS and Field Surveys: The Case of the Scanno Landslide, Italy, A
* 2019: New Fast and Low-Cost Photogrammetry Method for the Engineering Characterization of Rock Slopes, A
* 2020: Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data and Discrete Fracture Network Models for Improved Rockfall Simulations
* 2021: Robust SAR Speckle Tracking Workflow for Measuring and Interpreting the 3D Surface Displacement of Landslides, A
* 2023: Remote Sensing and Geovisualization of Rock Slopes and Landslides
* 2024: Characterization of the Fels Landslide (Alaska) Using Combined Terrestrial, Aerial, and Satellite Remote Sensing Data
7 for Stead, D.

Stead, M. * 2010: On the Recording Reference Contribution to EEG Correlation, Phase Synchorony, and Coherence

Stead, O.[Oliver] * 2009: Contemporary technologies for 3D digitization of Maori and Pacific Island artifacts

Steadman, D. * 2019: Machine-Assisted Annotation of Forensic Imagery
* 2020: Collaborative Learning Of Semi-Supervised Clustering And Classification For Labeling Uncurated Data
* 2021: SChISM: Semantic Clustering via Image Sequence Merging for Images of Human-Decomposition
Includes: Steadman, D. Steadman, D.[Dawnie]

Steadman, D.W.[Dawnie Wolfe] * 2023: Stage of Decay Estimation Exploiting Exogenous and Endogenous Image Attributes to Minimize Manual Labeling Efforts and Maximize Classification Performance

Stear, J.[James] * 2020: Ka-Band Doppler Scatterometry over a Loop Current Eddy

Stearns, C.[Charles] * 2022: Fast Convergent Ordered-Subsets Algorithm With Subiteration-Dependent Preconditioners for PET Image Reconstruction, A
* 2022: SpOT: Spatiotemporal Modeling for 3D Object Tracking
Includes: Stearns, C.[Charles] Stearns, C.[Colton]

Stearns, C.W. * 2007: Optimization of Noise Equivalent Count Rate Performance for a Partially Collimated PET Scanner by Varying the Number of Septa
* 2010: Application and Evaluation of a Measured Spatially Variant System Model for PET Image Reconstruction
* 2018: Fast Quasi-Newton Algorithms for Penalized Reconstruction in Emission Tomography and Further Improvements via Preconditioning
* 2020: Benefits of Using a Spatially-Variant Penalty Strength With Anatomical Priors in PET Reconstruction
* 2023: Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorithms for Relative Difference Penalized 3D PET Image Reconstruction, An
Includes: Stearns, C.W. Stearns, C.W.[Charles W.]

Stearns, L.[Lee] * 2008: Developing a Real-Time Identify-and-Locate System for the Blind
* 2014: Design and Preliminary Evaluation of a Finger-Mounted Camera and Feedback System to Enable Reading of Printed Text for the Blind, The
* 2016: Localization of skin features on the hand and wrist from small image patches
Includes: Stearns, L.[Lee] Stearns, L.

Stearns, L.A.[Leigh A.] * 2021: Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry of Antarctic Historical Aerial Photographs in Conjunction with Ground Control Derived from Satellite Data

Stearns, S.D.[Samuel D.] * 1988: Signal Processing Algorithms
* 1993: Signal Processing Algorithms in Fortran and C
* 1996: Differentiation applied to lossless compression of medical images
* 1996: Signal Processing Algorithms in MATLAB
* 2002: Effects of multiple-pass filtering in lossless predictive compression of waveform data
Includes: Stearns, S.D.[Samuel D.] Stearns, S.D.

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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