Index for sved

Svedberg, D.[Daniel] * 1996: Interpretation of Polyhedral Images
* 1999: Calibration, pose and novel views from single images of constrained scenes
* 2000: Calibration, pose and novel views from single images of constrained scenes

Svedlow, M. * 1976: Image Registration Error Variance as a Measure of Overlay Quality
* 1978: Image Registration: Simlarity Measure and Processing Method Comparisons

Svedova, H.[Hana] * 2019: Navigation in Indoor Environments: Does the Type of Visual Learning Stimulus Matter?
* 2022: Geography Education in a Collaborative Virtual Environment: A Qualitative Study on Geography Teachers
Includes: Svedova, H.[Hana] Švedová, H.[Hana]

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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