Index for syko

Sykora, D.[Daniel] * 2005: Colorization of black-and-white cartoons
* 2005: Video Codec for Classical Cartoon Animations with Hardware Accelerated Playback
* 2012: Cache-efficient graph cuts on structured grids
* 2018: Building anatomically realistic jaw kinematics model from data
* 2022: ChunkyGAN: Real Image Inversion via Segments
* 2023: Controllable Light Diffusion for Portraits
Includes: Sykora, D.[Daniel] Sıkora, D.[Daniel]

Sykora, Q.[Quinlan] * 2023: Implicit Occupancy Flow Fields for Perception and Prediction in Self-Driving

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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