Index for zali

Zalidis, G.[George] * 2019: Remote Sensing Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Estimation: A Review
* 2020: Employing a Multi-Input Deep Convolutional Neural Network to Derive Soil Clay Content from a Synergy of Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Imagery Data
* 2020: Improved Estimations of Nitrate and Sediment Concentrations Based on SWAT Simulations and Annual Updated Land Cover Products from a Deep Learning Classification Algorithm
* 2021: Earth Observation Data-Driven Cropland Soil Monitoring: A Review
* 2023: Evaluation of Airborne HySpex and Spaceborne PRISMA Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data for Soil Organic Matter and Carbonates Estimation
* 2023: On-Site Soil Monitoring Using Photonics-Based Sensors and Historical Soil Spectral Libraries

Zalidis, G.C. * 2008: Decision Fusion of GA Self-Organizing Neuro-Fuzzy Multilayered Classifiers for Land Cover Classification Using Textural and Spectral Features
* 2011: Boosted Genetic Fuzzy Classifier for land cover classification of remote sensing imagery, A
* 2023: Soil Data Cube and Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Generating National-Scale Topsoil Thematic Maps: A Case Study in Lithuanian Croplands
Includes: Zalidis, G.C. Zalidis, G.C.[George C.]

Zalik, B. * 2002: Overview of Visibility Problem Algorithms in 1.5D, An
* 2005: almost distribution-independent incremental Delaunay triangulation algorithm, An
* 2005: efficient chain code with Huffman coding, An
* 2007: Compressed vertex chain codes
* 2008: practical approach to the 2D incremental nearest-point problem suitable for different point distributions, A
* 2010: efficient raster font compression for embedded systems, An
* 2011: Lossless Compression of Segmented CT Medical Images According to the Hounsfield Scale
* 2011: Validity index for clusters of different sizes and densities
* 2012: Directional difference chain codes with quasi-lossless compression and run-length encoding
* 2012: Parameter-free ground filtering of LiDAR data for automatic DTM generation
* 2014: Chain code lossless compression using move-to-front transform and adaptive run-length encoding
* 2014: Ground and building extraction from LiDAR data based on differential morphological profiles and locally fitted surfaces
* 2015: efficient approach to 3D single tree-crown delineation in LiDAR data, An
* 2015: universal chain code compression method, A
* 2016: Context-dependent detection of non-linearly distributed points for vegetation classification in airborne LiDAR
* 2016: Unsigned Manhattan chain code
* 2021: Lossless chain code compression with an improved Binary Adaptive Sequential Coding of zero-runs
* 2021: Parameter-Free Half-Spaces Based 3D Building Reconstruction Using Ground and Segmented Building Points from Airborne LiDAR Data with 2D Outlines
Includes: Zalik, B. Žalik, B.[Borut] Zalik, B.[Borut]
18 for Zalik, B.

Zalik, K.R.[Krista Rizman] * 2008: efficient k-means clustering algorithm, An
* 2010: Cluster validity index for estimation of fuzzy clusters of different sizes and densities
* 2011: Validity index for clusters of different sizes and densities
* 2021: Lossless chain code compression with an improved Binary Adaptive Sequential Coding of zero-runs
Includes: Zalik, K.R.[Krista Rizman] Žalik, K.R.[Krista Rizman]

Zalis, M.E. * 2004: Digital Subtraction Bowel Cleansing for CT Colonography Using Morphological and Linear Filtration Methods
* 2011: Mosaic Decomposition: An Electronic Cleansing Method for Inhomogeneously Tagged Regions in Noncathartic CT Colonography

Zalite, K.[Karlis] * 2016: Interferometric SAR Coherence Models for Characterization of Hemiboreal Forests Using TanDEM-X Data
* 2016: Relating Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence to Mowing Events on Grasslands
* 2020: Separability of Mowing and Ploughing Events on Short Temporal Baseline Sentinel-1 Coherence Time Series

Zaliva, V. * 2012: 3D finger posture detection and gesture recognition on touch surfaces
* 2019: Where's the Rock: Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Improve Land Cover Classification
Includes: Zaliva, V. Zaliva, V.[Vadim]

Zalizovski, A.[Andriy] * 2021: Space Weather Services for Civil Aviation: Challenges and Solutions

Index for "z"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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