Jui, C.Y.[Chia Yung]
Co Author Listing * Privacy-Preserving Approach for Multi-Source Domain Adaptive Object Detection, A
Includes: Jui, C.Y.[Chia Yung] Jui, C.Y.[Chia-Yung]
Jui, P.C.[Ping Chang]
Co Author Listing * Error Resilient Motion Estimation for Video Coding
* Joint Source-Channel Video Coding Based on the Optimization of End-to-End Distortions
Includes: Jui, P.C.[Ping Chang] Jui, P.C.[Ping-Chang]
Jui, S.
Co Author Listing * Generative Feature Replay For Class-Incremental Learning
* Semantic Drift Compensation for Class-Incremental Learning
Jui, S.J.J.[S. Janifer Jabin]
Co Author Listing * Kernel Ridge Regression Hybrid Method for Wheat Yield Prediction with Satellite-Derived Predictors
* Spatiotemporal Hybrid Random Forest Model for Tea Yield Prediction Using Satellite-Derived Variables
Includes: Jui, S.J.J.[S. Janifer Jabin] Jui, S.J.J.[S Janifer Jabin]
Jui, S.L.
Co Author Listing * Brain MRI Tumor Segmentation with 3D Intracranial Structure Deformation Features
* Casting a BAIT for offline and online source-free domain adaptation
* Deep Demosaicing for Edge Implementation
* Generalized Source-free Domain Adaptation
* Incremental Meta-Learning via Episodic Replay Distillation for Few-Shot Image Recognition
* MineGAN++: Mining Generative Models for Efficient Knowledge Transfer to Limited Data Domains
* ReNAS: Relativistic Evaluation of Neural Architecture Search
* Trust Your Good Friends: Source-Free Domain Adaptation by Reciprocal Neighborhood Clustering
Includes: Jui, S.L. Jui, S.L.[Shang-Ling]
8 for Jui, S.L.