Korobkin, M.
Co Author Listing * Feature Vector Construction Method for Iris Recognition
Korogod, N.[Natalya]
Co Author Listing * Globally Optimal Closed-Surface Segmentation for Connectomics
Korol, A.
Co Author Listing * method of N-grams in large-scale clustering of DNA texts, The
Korol, N.[Nikolas]
Co Author Listing * Mapping Land Management Regimes in Western Ukraine Using Optical and SAR Data
Korolev, I.
Co Author Listing * DeepMark: One-Shot Clothing Detection
Korolev, S.[Sergey]
Co Author Listing * 2D Wavelet-Based Compression of 3D Animation Sequences with Fixed Connectivity
* Classification of Video Observation Data for Volcanic Activity Monitoring Using Computer Vision and Modern Neural NetWorks (on Klyuchevskoy Volcano Example)
* Numerical Modeling of the Ash Cloud Movement from the Catastrophic Eruption of the Sheveluch Volcano in November 1964
Korolev, Y.[Yury]
Co Author Listing * Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Deterministic Error Bounds
* Image Reconstruction with Imperfect Forward Models and Applications in Deblurring
* Total Variation Based Regularizer Promoting Piecewise-Lipschitz Reconstructions, A
Koroleva, N.V.[Natalia V.]
Co Author Listing * Natural Afforestation on Abandoned Agricultural Lands during Post-Soviet Period: A Comparative Landsat Data Analysis of Bordering Regions in Russia and Belarus
Koroleva, P.V.[Polina V.]
Co Author Listing * Informativeness of the Long-Term Average Spectral Characteristics of the Bare Soil Surface for the Detection of Soil Cover Degradation with the Neural Network Filtering of Remote Sensing Data
* Recognition of the Bare Soil Using Deep Machine Learning Methods to Create Maps of Arable Soil Degradation Based on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
* Use of Deep Machine Learning for the Automated Selection of Remote Sensing Data for the Determination of Areas of Arable Land Degradation Processes Distribution, The
Korolov, V.[Volodymyr]
Co Author Listing * Methodology for Determining the Nearest Destinations for the Evacuation of People and Equipment from a Disaster Area to a Safe Area
Korolova, O.[Olha]
Co Author Listing * Methodology for Determining the Nearest Destinations for the Evacuation of People and Equipment from a Disaster Area to a Safe Area
Korom, A.[Alexius]
Co Author Listing * Assessing the Influence of UAV Altitude on Extracted Biophysical Parameters of Young Oil Palm
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Derived Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Crown Projection Area (CP
Includes: Korom, A.[Alexius] Korom, A.
Koromilas, P.[Panagiotis]
Co Author Listing * Film Shot Type Classification Based on Camera Movement Styles
Korona, J.[Jerome]
Co Author Listing * SPIRIT. SPOT 5 stereoscopic survey of Polar Ice: Reference Images and Topographies during the fourth International Polar Year (2007-2009)
Includes: Korona, J.[Jerome] Korona, J.[Jérôme]
Korona, M.
Co Author Listing * FPGA implementation of IPsec protocol suite for multigigabit networks
Koronacki, J.[Jacek]
Co Author Listing * Positron emission tomography by Markov chain Monte Carlo with auxiliary variables
Korondi, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * Opto-Mechanical Oriented Edge Filtering
Includes: Korondi, P.[Peter] Korondi, P.[Péter]
Koroniotis, N.[Nickolaos]
Co Author Listing * SAir-IIoT Cyber Testbed as a Service: A Novel Cybertwins Architecture in IIoT-Based Smart Airports, The
Koroso Arriaga, I.
Co Author Listing * Space throughout time: Application of 3D virtual reconstruction and light projection techniques in the analysis and reconstruction of cultural heritage
Korosov, A.[Anton]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Detection of Small Icebergs in Fast Ice Using Satellite Wide-Swath SAR Images
* Classification of Sea Ice Types in Sentinel-1 SAR Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Feasibility Study on Estimation of Sea Ice Drift from KOMPSAT-5 and COSMO-SkyMed SAR Images
* Knowledge Gaps and Impact of Future Satellite Missions to Facilitate Monitoring of Changes in the Arctic Ocean
Korosov, A.A.[Anton Andreevich]
Co Author Listing * Combination of Feature Tracking and Pattern Matching with Optimal Parametrization for Sea Ice Drift Retrieval from SAR Data, A
* Efficient Thermal Noise Removal for Sentinel-1 TOPSAR Cross-Polarization Channel
Includes: Korosov, A.A.[Anton Andreevich] Korosov, A.A.
Korosparti, J.[Janos]
Co Author Listing * Application of Hybrid Prediction Methods in Spatial Assessment of Inland Excess Water Hazard
Includes: Korosparti, J.[Janos] Körösparti, J.[János] (Maybe also Koeroesparti, J.)
Korost, D.V.
Co Author Listing * Automated Digital Odontometry: Measurement Data Analyses In Cases Of Complicated Dental Morphology
* Orientation Vs. Orientation: Image Processing for Studies of Dental Morphology
Korosteleva, M.[Maria]
Co Author Listing * Garmentcodedata: A Dataset of 3d Made-to-measure Garments with Sewing Patterns
Korotaev, G.
Co Author Listing * Estimation of a Motion Field on Satellite Images from a Simplified Ocean Circulation Model
Koroteev, D.[Dmitry]
Co Author Listing * Microseismic Monitoring and Analysis Using Cutting-Edge Technology: A Key Enabler for Reservoir Characterization
Koroteev, M.
Co Author Listing * Volumetric Approach to Point Cloud Compression Part II: Geometry Compression, A
* Volumetric Approach to Point Cloud Compression: Part I: Attribute Compression, A
Korotenko, K.[Konstantin]
Co Author Listing * Mesoscale Eddies in the Black Sea and Their Impact on River Plumes: Numerical Modeling and Satellite Observations
* Mesoscale Eddy Chain Structures in the Black Sea and Their Interaction with River Plumes: Numerical Modeling and Satellite Observations
Korotin, A.[Alexander]
Co Author Listing * Mixability of integral losses: A key to efficient online aggregation of functional and probabilistic forecasts
Korotkov, K.
Co Author Listing * New Total Body Scanning System for Automatic Change Detection in Multiple Pigmented Skin Lesions, A
Korotynskiy, V.[Viktor]
Co Author Listing * Four-view Geometry with Unknown Radial Distortion
Koroutchev, K.[Kostadin]
Co Author Listing * Detecting the Most Unusual Part of a Digital Image
* Detecting the most unusual part of two- and three-dimensional digital images
* Detection of Unusual Objects and Temporal Patterns in EEG Video Recordings
* Factorization of Natural 4X4 Patch Distributions
Korovin, D.
Co Author Listing * Probabilistic Reconstruction of Orthodox Churches From Precision Point Clouds Using Bayesian Networks And Cellular Automata
Korovin, I.[Iakov]
Co Author Listing * Effective Approach for Neural Network Training Based on Comprehensive Learning, An
Korovka, V.
Co Author Listing * GIS-based Infectious Disease Data Management on A City Scale, Case Study of St. Petersburg, Russia
* Issues of Geographic Information Systems and Thematic Mapping Application to Analysis of Epidemiological Situation in Large Cities
* Web-based Representation and Management of Infectious Disease Data on A City Scale, Case Study of St. Petersburg, Russia
Korozs, D.[Dorina]
Co Author Listing * Handling dataset dependence with model ensembles for skin lesion classification from dermoscopic and clinical images
Includes: Korozs, D.[Dorina] Korózs, D.[Dorina]