Myslenkov, S.[Stanislav]
Co Author Listing * Satellite-Based Evaluation of Submarine Permafrost Erosion at Shallow Offshore Areas in the Laptev Sea
* Wind-Driven Coastal Upwelling near Large River Deltas in the Laptev and East-Siberian Seas
Mysling, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Segmentation of Vertebrae from Radiographs: A Sample-Driven Active Shape Model Approach
* Bayesian Framework for Automated Cardiovascular Risk Scoring on Standard Lumbar Radiographs, A
* unifying framework for automatic and semi-automatic segmentation of vertebrae from radiographs using sample-driven active shape models, A
Includes: Mysling, P.[Peter] Mysling, P.
Myslinski, S.[Szymon]
Co Author Listing * On the use of graph parsing for recognition of isolated hand postures of Polish Sign Language
Mysliwetz, B.
Co Author Listing * Parallelrechner-basierte Bildfolgen-Interpretation zur autonomen Fahrzeugsteuerung
* Vision System with Active Gaze Control for real-time Interpretation of Well Structured Dynamic Scenes, A
Mysliwetz, B.D.
Co Author Listing * Distributed Scene Analysis for Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance
* Integrated Spatio-Temporal Approach to Automatic Visual Guidance of Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Recursive 3-D Road and Relative Ego-State Recognition