Teal, M.
Co Author Listing * Nautical Scene Segmentation using Variable Size Image Windows and Feature Space Reclustering
Teal, M.K.
Co Author Listing * Spatial-Temporal Reasoning Based on Object Motion
Teal, P.[Paul]
Co Author Listing * Multi-target Tracking with Poisson Processes Observations
Teal, P.D.
Co Author Listing * Asymptotic Error Bounds on Prediction of Narrowband MIMO Wireless Channels
* Informed Adaptive Sensing
* Statistically Robust Approach to Acoustic Impulse Response Shaping, A
Includes: Teal, P.D. Teal, P.D.[Paul D.]
Tealib, S.K.
Co Author Listing * Orbit Predictions for Space Object Tracked by Ground-Based Optical and SLR Stations