Index for zacu

Zacur, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acero, J.C.: SMOD - Data Augmentation Based on Statistical Models of D...
     with: Ariga, R.: SMOD - Data Augmentation Based on Statistical Models of Def...
     with: Banerjee, A.: Point-Cloud Method for Automated 3D Coronary Tree Recons...
     with: Bossa, M.: Multivariate Tensor-Based Morphometry with a Right-Invarian...
     with: Bossa, M.N.: Algorithms for computing the group exponential of diffeom...
     with: Bossa, M.N.: Left-Invariant Riemannian Geodesics on Spatial Transforma...
     with: Bueno Orovio, A.: SMOD - Data Augmentation Based on Statistical Models...
     with: Caselles, V.: 3D Edge Detection by Selection of Level Surface Patches
     with: Choudhury, R.P.: Point-Cloud Method for Automated 3D Coronary Tree Rec...
     with: de Maria, G.L.: Point-Cloud Method for Automated 3D Coronary Tree Reco...
     with: Frangi, A.F.: 3D Edge Detection by Selection of Level Surface Patches
     with: Galassi, F.: Point-Cloud Method for Automated 3D Coronary Tree Reconst...
     with: Geva, T.: Revealing Differences in Anatomical Remodelling of the Syste...
     with: Grau, V.: Point-Cloud Method for Automated 3D Coronary Tree Reconstruc...
     with: Grau, V.: SMOD - Data Augmentation Based on Statistical Models of Defo...
     with: Grau, V.: Ventricle Surface Reconstruction from Cardiac MR Slices Usin...
     with: Greil, G.: Revealing Differences in Anatomical Remodelling of the Syst...
     with: Lamata, P.: Revealing Differences in Anatomical Remodelling of the Sys...
     with: Lamata, P.: SMOD - Data Augmentation Based on Statistical Models of De...
     with: Meinhardt, E.: 3D Edge Detection by Selection of Level Surface Patches
     with: Olmos, S.: Algorithms for computing the group exponential of diffeomor...
     with: Olmos, S.: Left-Invariant Riemannian Geodesics on Spatial Transformati...
     with: Olmos, S.: Multivariate Tensor-Based Morphometry with a Right-Invarian...
     with: Razavi, R.: Revealing Differences in Anatomical Remodelling of the Sys...
     with: Schneider, J.E.: Ventricle Surface Reconstruction from Cardiac MR Slic...
     with: Susin, A.: Transferring a Labeled Generic Rig to Animate Face Models
     with: Teixeira Orvalho, V.C.: Transferring a Labeled Generic Rig to Animate ...
     with: Wong, J.: Revealing Differences in Anatomical Remodelling of the Syste...
     with: Xu, H.: SMOD - Data Augmentation Based on Statistical Models of Deform...
     with: Xu, H.: Ventricle Surface Reconstruction from Cardiac MR Slices Using ...
30 for Zacur, E.

Index for "z"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:20:22
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