Index for unita

unitab: Unifying Text and Box Outputs for Grounded Vision-Language Modeling

unitail: Detecting, Reading, and Matching in Retail Scene

Asymptotic Properties of Discrete unitary Transforms
Blind unitary Transform Learning for Inverse Problems in Light-Field Imaging
Building Efficient Deep Neural Networks With unitary Group Convolutions
Decoupled Jacobi-Like Algorithm for Non-unitary Joint Diagonalization of Complex-Valued Matrices, A
Design and Performance Analysis of Linear Phase Para-unitary M Band Filter Banks for Image Coding
Design of New unitary Transforms for Perceptual Video Encryption
Fast 3-D Imaging Algorithm Based on unitary Transformation and Real-Valued Sparse Representation for MIMO Array SAR
Generalized unitary Joint Diagonalization Algorithm Based on Approximate Givens Rotations
Image hiding using unitary similarity transformation
Improved unitary Root-MUSIC for DOA Estimation Based on Pseudo-Noise Resampling
Joint Angle and Range Estimation in Monostatic FDA-MIMO Radar via Compressed unitary PARAFAC
Least-Squares Regression with unitary Constraints for Network Behaviour Classification
Mathematical Extension to the General Four-Component Scattering Power Decomposition With unitary Transformation of Coherency Matrix, A
Metric invariants for unitary transformations and their application in character recognition
Patched-tube unitary transform for robust tensor completion
Polarimetric calibration for the distributed Gaofen-3 product by an improved unitary zero helix framework
Programmable unitary spatial mode manipulation
Sinusoidal Family of unitary Transforms, A
Stochastic CRB for Non-unitary Beam-space Transformations and its Application to Optimal Steering Angle Design, A
unitary Algorithm for Nonseparable Linear Canonical Transforms Applied to Iterative Phase Retrieval
unitary Catadioptric Objective Lens System
unitary Regression Classification With Total Minimum Projection Error for Face Recognition
unitary rotations in two-, three-, and D-dimensional Cartesian data arrays
unitary torus model for conical mirror based catadioptric system
unitary Transform-Based Template Protection and Its Application to l2-norm Minimization Problems
unitary Transformation Extension of PolSAR Four-Component Target Decomposition, A
Weighted Gabor Features in unitary Space for Face Recognition
27 for unitary

Index for "u"

Last update:29-May-24 18:01:40
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