7.16.7 B.7. Neural Networks

Chapter Contents (Back)

Rogers, S.K.,
Applications Of Artificial Neural Networks Iii (Orlando, Fl, April 21-24,
1992), Proc. SPIE 1709. BibRef

Ruck, D.W.,
Science Of Artificial Neural Networks (Orlando, Fl, April 21-24,
1993), Proc. SPIE 1710. BibRef

Miceli, W.J.,
Photonic Neural Networks (San Diego, Ca, July 22,
1992), Proc. SPIE 1773A. BibRef

Neuro-Nimes 92, Neural Networks And Their Applications, Nimes, France,
NOVEMBER 2-6, 1992.

Lau, C.,
Neural Networks-Theoretical Foundations And Analysis, Ieee Press, Piscataway,
NJ, 1991. BibRef

Mammone, R.J., Zeevi, Y.Y.,
Neural Networks-Theory And Applications, Academic Press, San Diego,
CA, 1991. BibRef

Gelenbe, E.,
Neural Networks Ii-Advances And Applications, North-Holland,
AMSTERDAM, 1992. BibRef

Mehra, P., Wah, B.W.,
Artificial Neural Networks: Concepts And Theory, Ieee Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos,
CA, 1992. BibRef

Sanchez-Sinencio, E., Lau, C.,
Artificial Neural Networks-Paradigms, Applications, And Hardware Implementations, Ieee Press, Piscataway,
NJ, 1992. BibRef


Vemuri, V.E.,
Artificial Neural Networks: Concepts And Control Applications, Ieee Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos,
CA, 1992. BibRef

Wechsler, H.,
Neural Networks For Perception 2: Computation, Learning, And Architectures, Academic Press,
BOSTON, 1992. BibRef

Churchland, P.S., Sejnowski, T.J.,
The Computational Brain, Mit Press, Cambridge,
MA(92), pp. 1992. BibRef

Chen, C.H.,
Guest Ed., Special Issue-Neural Networks In Pattern Recognition And Their Applications,
IJPRAI(5), No. 4, OCTOBER 1991, pp. 503-661. BibRef

Krikelis, A.,
Guest Ed., Special Issue On Neural Computing On Massively Parallel Processing,
JPDC(14), No. 3, MARCH 1992, pp. 201-360. BibRef

Backer, E.,
Special Issue On Artificial Neural Networks,
PRL 13(5), 307-397. BibRef

Gelenbe, E.,
Guest Ed., Special Issue On Neural Network Software And Systems,
IEEE TRANS. SOFTWARE ENGINEERING(18), No. 7, JULY 1992, pp. 549-653. BibRef

Chapter on Rosenfeld Bibliography for 1992 continues in
B.8. Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition .

Last update:Jun 7, 2018 at 10:14:50