6.20.3 G.3. Texture: Models, synthesis

Chapter Contents (Back)

Chellappa, R., Jain, A.,
Markov Random Fields-Theory And Application, Academic Press,
BOSTON, 1993. BibRef

Jaggard, D.L.,
Guest Ed., Special Section On Fractals In Electrical Engineering,
P-IEEE(81), No. 10, OCTOBER 1993, pp. 1423-1533. BibRef

Elfadel, I.M., Yuille, A.L.,
Mean-Field Phase Transitions And Correlation Functions For Gibbs Random Fields,
JMIV(3), 1993, pp. 167-186. BibRef

Mhidra, H., Brochard, J., Leard, M.,
Ar Models And Bidimensional Discrete Moments Applied To Texture Modelling And Recognition,
PR(26), 1993, pp. 721-726. BibRef

Milun, D., Sher, D.,
Improving Sampled Probability Distributions For Markov Random Fields,
PRL(14), 1993, pp. 781-788. BibRef

Gimelfarb, G.L., Zalesny, A.V.,
Probabilistic Models Of Digital Region Maps Based On Markov Ranodm Fields With Short-And Long-Range Interaction,
PRL(14), 1993, pp. 789-797. BibRef

Lakshmanan, S., Derin, H.,
Valid Parameter Space For 2-D Gaussian Markov Random Fields,
IEEE TRANS. INFORMATION THEORY(39), 1993, pp. 703-709. BibRef

Lu, H., Flynn, P.J.,
Ground-State Texture Patterns For The Second-Order Ising Model,
CVPR(93), pp. 636-637. BibRef

Ford, R.M., Strickland, R.N.,
Nonlinear Phase Portrait Models For Oriented Textures,
CVPR(93), pp. 644-645. BibRef

Maillot, J., Yahin, H., Verroust, A.,
Interactive Texture Mapping,
SIGGRAPH(93), pp. 27-34. BibRef

Cabral, B., Leedom, L.(C.,
Imaging Vector Fields Using Line Integral Convolution,
SIGGRAPH(93), pp. 263-270. BibRef

Sakas, G.,
Modeling And Animating Turbulent Gaseous Phenomena Using Spectral Synthesis,
VC(9), 1993, pp. 200-212. BibRef

Arakawa, K., Krotkov, E.,
Fractal Surface Reconstruction For Modeling Natural Terrain,
CVPR(93), pp. 314-320. BibRef

Nishita, T., Sirai, T., Tadamura, K., Nakamae, E.,
Display Of The Earth Taking Into Account Atmospheric Scattering,
SIGGRAPH(93), pp. 175-182. BibRef

Prusinkiewicz, P., Hammel, M.S., Mjolsness, E.,
Animation Of Plant Development,
SIGGRAPH(93), pp. 351-360. BibRef

Li, X., Moshell, J.M.,
Modeling Soil: Realtime Dynamic Models For Soil Slippage And Manipulation,
SIGGRAPH(93), pp. 361-368. BibRef

Stam, J., Fiume, E.,
Turbulent Wind Fields For Gaseous Phenomena,
SIGGRAPH(93), pp. 369-376. BibRef

Chapter on Rosenfeld Bibliography for 1993 continues in
G.4. Texture: Analysis, etc. .

Last update:Jun 7, 2018 at 10:14:50