Index for abin

Abin, A.A.[Ahmad Ali] * 2014: Active selection of clustering constraints: a sequential approach
* 2015: Active constrained fuzzy clustering: A multiple kernels learning approach
* 2016: Clustering with side information: Further efforts to improve efficiency

Abin, H. * 2021: Fast Iterative Method for Removing Impulsive Noise From Sparse Signals, A

Abinahed, J. * 2016: Constrained Statistical Modelling of Knee Flexion From Multi-Pose Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* 2016: Pathological liver segmentation using stochastic resonance and cellular automata
* 2016: Simultaneous Multi-Structure Segmentation and 3D Nonrigid Pose Estimation in Image-Guided Robotic Surgery
* 2019: Hemelb Acceleration and Visualization for Cerebral Aneurysms
Includes: Abinahed, J. Abinahed, J.[Julien] AbiNahed, J.

Abinaya, S. * 2023: Alibaba and forty thieves algorithm and novel Prioritized Prewitt Pattern(PPP)-based convolutional neural network (CNN) using hyperspherically compressed weights for facial emotion recognition

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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