Index for anju

Anjulan, A.[Arasanathan] * 2006: Novel Framework for Robust Annotation and Retrieval in Video Sequences, A
* 2006: Video Scene Retrieval Based on Local Region Features
* 2007: Novel Video Mining System, A
* 2007: Object based video retrieval with local region tracking
* 2007: Video Object Mining with Local Region Tracking
* 2008: Crowd behaviours analysis in dynamic visual scenes of complex environment
* 2009: Relating Pace to Activity Changes in Mono- and Multi-camera Surveillance Videos
* 2009: Unified Framework for Object Retrieval and Mining, A
8 for Anjulan, A.

Anjum, A.[Ashiq] * 2022: Cloud based scalable object recognition from video streams using orientation fusion and convolutional neural networks
* 2022: Survey of Interoperability Challenges in the Internet of Vehicles
Includes: Anjum, A.[Ashiq] Anjum, A.[Afia]

Anjum, F.[Fatima] * 2018: Statistical evaluation of corner detectors: does the statistical test have an effect?

Anjum, M.A.[Muhammad Almas] * 2020: Integrated design of deep features fusion for localization and classification of skin cancer
* 2023: Detection of anomaly in surveillance videos using quantum convolutional neural networks

Anjum, M.N.[Muhammad Naveed] * 2019: Assessment of IMERG-V06 Precipitation Product over Different Hydro-Climatic Regimes in the Tianshan Mountains, North-Western China
* 2020: Assessment of IMERG-V06, TRMM-3B42V7, SM2RAIN-ASCAT, and PERSIANN-CDR Precipitation Products over the Hindu Kush Mountains of Pakistan, South Asia
* 2020: Glacial Lake Inventory Derived from Landsat 8 OLI in 2016-2018 in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
* 2021: Determining the Events in a Glacial Disaster Chain at Badswat Glacier in the Karakoram Range Using Remote Sensing
* 2022: Multiscale Ground Validation of Satellite and Reanalysis Precipitation Products over Diverse Climatic and Topographic Conditions

Anjum, N.[Nadeem] * 2007: Robust Homography-Based Trajectory Transformation for Multi-Camera Scene Analysis
* 2007: Single camera calibration for trajectory-based behavior analysis
* 2007: Unsupervised Fuzzy Clustering for Trajectory Analysis
* 2008: Global trajectory reconstruction from distributed visual sensors
* 2008: Multifeature Object Trajectory Clustering for Video Analysis
* 2009: Trajectory Association and Fusion across Partially Overlapping Cameras
* 2012: Automated Localization of a Camera Network
Includes: Anjum, N.[Nadeem] Anjum, N.
7 for Anjum, N.

Anjum, S. * 2020: CTMC: Cell Tracking with Mitosis Detection Dataset Challenge
* 2022: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional neural network with transfer learning approach
* 2022: Grounding Answers for Visual Questions Asked by Visually Impaired People
* 2023: VQA Therapy: Exploring Answer Differences by Visually Grounding Answers
Includes: Anjum, S. Anjum, S.[Sadia] Anjum, S.[Samreen]

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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