Index for avri

Avril, J.F. * 1989: algorithm for finding a common structure shared by a family of strings, An

Avril, N.[Norbert] * 2020: mDixon-Based Synthetic CT Generation for PET Attenuation Correction on Abdomen and Pelvis Jointly Using Transfer Fuzzy Clustering and Active Learning-Based Classification

Avril, S. * 2013: New Method for the In Vivo Identification of Mechanical Properties in Arteries From Cine MRI Images: Theoretical Framework and Validation, A

Avrin, V. * 1997: Generation of a Restored Image from a Video Sequence Recorded under Turbulence Effects
* 1998: Local Motion Estimation and Resolution Enhancement of Video Sequences
Includes: Avrin, V. Avrin, V.[Vadim]

Avrithis, Y.[Yannis] * 2014: Improving Local Features by Dithering-Based Image Sampling
* 2015: Early burst detection for memory-efficient image retrieval
* 2015: Planar shape decomposition made simple
* 2017: Automatic Discovery of Discriminative Parts as a Quadratic Assignment Problem
* 2017: Efficient Diffusion on Region Manifolds: Recovering Small Objects with Compact CNN Representations
* 2017: Unsupervised Part Learning for Visual Recognition
* 2018: Fast Spectral Ranking for Similarity Search
* 2018: Hybrid Diffusion: Spectral-Temporal Graph Filtering for Manifold Ranking
* 2018: Mining on Manifolds: Metric Learning Without Labels
* 2018: Revisiting Oxford and Paris: Large-Scale Image Retrieval Benchmarking
* 2018: Unsupervised Object Discovery for Instance Recognition
* 2019: Dense Classification and Implanting for Few-Shot Learning
* 2019: Graph-based particular object discovery
* 2019: Label Propagation for Deep Semi-Supervised Learning
* 2019: Local Features and Visual Words Emerge in Activations
* 2019: Revisiting the medial axis for planar shape decomposition
* 2020: Graph Convolutional Networks for Learning with Few Clean and Many Noisy Labels
* 2021: Asymmetric metric learning for knowledge transfer
* 2021: Few-Shot Few-Shot Learning and the role of Spatial Attention
* 2021: Iterative label cleaning for transductive and semi-supervised few-shot learning
* 2021: Local Propagation for Few-Shot Learning
* 2021: On the hidden treasure of dialog in video question answering
* 2021: Rethinking deep active learning: Using unlabeled data at model training
* 2021: Training object detectors from few weakly-labeled and many unlabeled images
* 2022: AlignMixup: Improving Representations By Interpolating Aligned Features
* 2022: Tensor feature hallucination for few-shot learning
* 2022: What to Hide from Your Students: Attention-Guided Masked Image Modeling
* 2023: Adaptive Anchor Label Propagation for Transductive Few-Shot Learning
* 2023: Boosting vision transformers for image retrieval
* 2023: Generating Part-Aware Editable 3D Shapes without 3D Supervision
* 2023: Keep It SimPool:Who Said Supervised Transformers Suffer from Attention Deficit?
* 2023: Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Video Question Answering with Multi-Modal Prompts
* 2024: Adaptive manifold for imbalanced transductive few-shot learning
Includes: Avrithis, Y.[Yannis] Avrithis, Y.
33 for Avrithis, Y.

Avrithis, Y.S.[Yannis S.] * 1998: Efficient content representation in MPEG video databases
* 1998: Video content representation using optimal extraction of frames and scenes
* 1999: Stochastic Framework for Optimal Key Frame Extraction from MPEG Video Databases, A
* 2000: Affine-invariant Curve Normalization for Shape-based Retrieval
* 2000: Efficient Face Detection for Multimedia Applications
* 2000: Efficient Summarization of Stereoscopic Video Sequences
* 2001: Affine-invariant curve normalization for object shape representation, classification, and retrieval
* 2001: Facial Image Indexing in Multimedia Databases
* 2004: Adding Semantics to Audiovisual Content: The FAETHON Project
* 2004: Knowledge Assisted Analysis and Categorization for Semantic Video Retrieval
* 2005: Ontology Infrastructure for Multimedia Reasoning, An
* 2006: Knowledge representation and semantic annotation of multimedia content
* 2007: Bottom-up spatiotemporal visual attention model for video analysis
* 2007: Personalized Content Retrieval in Context Using Ontological Knowledge
* 2007: salienShrink: Saliency-Based Wavelet Shrinkage
* 2007: Semantic Image Segmentation and Object Labeling
* 2007: Spatiotemporal saliency for event detection and representation in the 3D wavelet domain: potential in human action recognition
* 2008: Introduction to the special issue on semantic analysis for interactive multimedia services
* 2008: Movie summarization based on audiovisual saliency detection
* 2008: Using region semantics and visual context for scene classification
* 2009: Dense saliency-based spatiotemporal feature points for action recognition
* 2009: Spatiotemporal saliency for video classification
* 2009: Using Visual Context and Region Semantics for High-Level Concept Detection
* 2010: Selected Papers from MultiMedia Modeling Conference 2009
* 2011: medial feature detector: Stable regions from image boundaries, The
* 2011: Scalable triangulation-based logo recognition
* 2011: Speeded-up, relaxed spatial matching
* 2012: Approximate Gaussian Mixtures for Large Scale Vocabularies
* 2012: WaSH: Weighted alpha-Shapes for Local Feature Detection
* 2013: Multimodal Saliency and Fusion for Movie Summarization Based on Aural, Visual, and Textual Attention
* 2013: Quantize and Conquer: A Dimensionality-Recursive Solution to Clustering, Vector Quantization, and Image Retrieval
* 2013: To Aggregate or Not to aggregate: Selective Match Kernels for Image Search
* 2014: Hough Pyramid Matching: Speeded-Up Geometry Re-ranking for Large Scale Image Retrieval
* 2014: Locally Optimized Product Quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* 2014: Towards large-scale geometry indexing by feature selection
* 2015: Web-Scale Image Clustering Revisited
* 2016: a-shapes for local feature detection
* 2016: Image Search with Selective Match Kernels: Aggregation Across Single and Multiple Images
* 2016: Image Search with Selective Match Kernels: Aggregation Across Single and Multiple Images
* 2022: All the attention you need: Global-local, spatial-channel attention for image retrieval
Includes: Avrithis, Y.S.[Yannis S.] Avrithis, Y.S. Avrithis, Y.S.[Yiannis S.]
40 for Avrithis, Y.S.

Avritscher, R. * 2019: Improved Photoacoustic-Based Oxygen Saturation Estimation With SNR-Regularized Local Fluence Correction

Index for "a"

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